Lu 2023
Lu 2023
Lu 2023
org/OrgLett Letter
of a sulfanyl radical for alkene difunctionalization has never 1, entries 3−6). No product was observed when the reaction
been reported. The β-sulfur fragmentation process allows for was conducted under 460 nm light irradiation (Table 1, entry
the introduction of a new π-bond, especially when the reaction 7). The yield was further improved to 82% when the reaction
is conducted without a good hydrogen atom donor. The temperature was increased to 40 °C (Table 1, entry 8).
transformation is very fast when unstable carbon-centered Reducing the amount of RAE 2 to 1.5 equiv gave a slightly
radicals are involved. The newly formed carbon�carbon decreased yield (67%, Table 1, entry 9). Control experiments
double bond can be easily converted into other functional indicated that a nitrogen atmosphere and light were crucial for
groups.3a We hypothesize that if a suitable radical precursor
the reaction, and no reaction was observed without light
could be identified and smoothly converted into an unstable β-
sulfanyl radical I, further fragmentation of I would generate an irradiation (Table 1, entries 10 and 11, respectively).
alkene II and a thiyl radical (Scheme 1b). Then, the With the optimal conditions established, a variety of 3-aryl-
regioselective addition of the thiyl radical onto II will take substituted oxindoles were investigated first (Schem 2). Both
place at the terminal position (R1 = H) of the less hindered electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups on the aryl
C�C bond to give a stable benzyl radical III,13 which can be
rapidly trapped by another suitable radical to give a Scheme 2. Scope of Oxindolesa
difunctionalization product (Scheme 1b).14 Herein, we report
a facile photoinduced difunctionalization of in situ generated
alkenes by a radical−radical coupling reaction. A variety of
alkenes together with thiyl radicals are efficiently produced via
C−S bond cleavage of a β-sulfanyl radical under redox-neutral
conditions. The reaction proceeds under mild conditions with
an absence of metals, photocatalysts, and other additives and
shows a high functional group tolerance and broad substrate
compatibility. A variety of sulfur-containing 3,3′-disubstituted
oxindole derivatives with diversifie functional groups are
synthesized in one step.
We first tested our hypothesis by employing 3-phenyl-
indolin-2-one 1 and β-sulfanyl redox-active ester (RAE) 2 as
model substrates. To our delight, the desired difunctionaliza-
tion product 3 was observed in a 64% yield in THF under
purple light-emitting diode (LED) irradiation at room
temperature (Table 1, entry 1). The halide TBAI could
accelerate the reaction, but a lower yield was obtained with
some unknown byproducts (54% yield, Table 1, entry 2). The
solvents and irradiation wavelengths were also investigated.
The best outcome was obtained with the desired product 3 in a
76% yield in 2-Me-THF under 415 nm light irradiation (Table
Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 750−755
Organic Letters Letter
substituents at the 3-position of the oxindoles were compatible Scheme 3. Scope of RAEsa
with the reaction, affording the corresponding products in
good to excellent yields (4−11). o-Methyl-substituted oxindole
(10) gave the product in a high yield with a longer reaction
time due to its steric hindrance. Oxindoles with different
substituted groups on the phenyl ring, such as fluoro, methyl,
methoxy, chloro, bromo, and trifluoromethyl, were all well
tolerated, giving the corresponding products in good to
excellent yields (12−21). Among them the 7-substituted
oxindoles generally gave better results (19−21). The different
substituent groups on the nitrogen of the oxindoles had a great
effect on the reaction. The Boc-substituted oxindole (22) gave
an excellent yield, while no reaction was observed for the
methyl-substituted oxindole (23), with starting material
remaining. When 3-alkyl-substituted oxindoles (24−28) were
introduced to the system, moderate yields were obtained (45−
55%) due to their lower reactivities. 3-Phenyl benzofuranone
(29) and oxazolinone (30) were also compatible with this
system, giving the corresponding products with 96% and 67%
yields, respectively.
This transformation also displayed a remarkable scope with
respect to β-sulfanyl RAEs (the alkene precursors). As shown
in Scheme 3, both electron-donating groups (Me, OMe, SMe,
and CH3CONH; 31−34, 40, and 41) and electron-with-
drawing groups (OCF3, F, Cl, CF3, CN; 35−39, respectively)
were well tolerated and generated the corresponding products
in good to excellent yields (73−96%). The multifluoro-
substituted RAE (42) was also identified as a suitable partner
for this reaction (90% yield). Various RAEs with heterocycles
and condensed rings were next investigated. 1-Naphthyl- and
2-naphthyl-substituted RAEs were well tolerated, giving rise to
the corresponding products in excellent yields (43 and 44).
The RAEs with five-membered heterocycles, such as furan
(45), thiofuran (46 and 47), pyrrole (48), isoxazole (49),
pyrazole (50), and thiazole (51), could also conveniently
convert to the corresponding products in medium to high
yields. Quinoline- (52), pyridine- (53), and indole-substituted a
Reaction conditions are as follows: oxindole 1 (0.1 mmol), RAE (0.2
(54) RAEs gave the corresponding products in acceptable mmol, 2.0 equiv), 2-Me-THF (1.0 mL), N2, and irradiation with 10 W
yields (48−77%). To our delight, the 1,2-disubstituted olefin LEDs (415 nm) at 40 °C for 48 h. Unless otherwise stated, the dr
precursor (55) was also tolerated, generating the tetrasub- value of the products was 1:1. bThe reaction time was 60 h. cThe
stituted product in a 77% yield. A series of thiyl radical reaction time was 72 h. dThe reaction time was 96 h. eThe reaction
precursors were identified as suitable coupling partners for this was performed with 395 nm irradiation, and the reaction time was 96
methodology. As shown in Scheme 3, both primary and h. fThe reaction time was 24 h.
secondary alkyl thiyl radicals were well tolerated, affording the
corresponding products in high yields (80−92%, 56−60). The and 2 had no absorption around 400 nm (lines a, b, and d;
thiyl radicals with diverse functional groups were well tolerated Figure 1a). A significant red-shift of the UV−vis absorption
in the reaction (61, 62, and 64). The thiyl radical with an N- spectra was observed for the mixture of the base, 1, and 2
Boc amine group (63) was incompatible with the system, and (lines c, e, and f; Figure 1a). Moreover, we found that the
no product was observed. The benzyl thiyl radical (65) gave a reaction mixture turned a marked yellow color when the
moderate yield under standard conditions. Though the stable colorless solution was under light irradiation for a while. The
aryl thiyl radical (66) was compatible, only a 29% yield was color of the solution changed from light yellow to yellowish
obtained. The low yield might attribute to the existence of brown when the base TBAPhth was added to the reaction
competitive reactions, such as the direct coupling of an mixture (Figure 1a). These results indicated that the enolate of
oxindole radical with an aryl thiyl radical. Notably, this facile oxindole 1 would form an EDA complex with 2, which had
method was also illustrated by the gram-scale synthesis of strong absorption in the visible region. This phenomenon was
product 3 with a 77% yield (Figure 1b; for more details, see the consistent with our previous work.14 Because no additional
SI). base was added in the reaction, we considered that the reaction
Since there were only two substrates in the system without was started by the slow decomposition of RAE, which could
any additional additives or catalysts, we speculated that this release a catalytic amount of base Phth−. The decomposition
photocatalytic process was triggered by the formation of an experiments of RAE 2 under 415 and 425 nm LED irradiation
EDA complex. The UV−vis spectroscopic measurements were were investigated. While only 13% RAE 2 was recovered under
first performed to evaluate this hypothesis (Figure 1a). The 415 nm irradiation, almost no RAE 2 was decomposed under
results showed that oxindole 1, RAE 2, and the mixture of 1 425 nm irradiation (for more detail, see the SI, Figure S5).
Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 750−755
Organic Letters Letter
suggesting that the reaction underwent a radical process. In The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
addition, we found that TEMPO could direct the oxidation of
oxindole 1 to generate dimerization product 72 without light. General procedures, analytical data, and NMR spectra
The dimerization product 72 could regenerate the oxindole (PDF)
radical at 40 °C. These results indicated that the oxindole
radical was a long-lived intermediate in the reaction (for more
detail, see the SI, Figure S7).13 All these observations provided
direct evidence that the reaction underwent a radical pathway,
Corresponding Author
and the generation of alkenes from C−S bond cleavage of β- Ke Zheng − Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and
sulfanyl radicals was a key step in this transformation. Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry,
Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 750−755
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