Wing Ownship Ouncil: Mr. Mr. Steinmann-Absent Mr. Summiel Ms. Wollert - Absent President Apai
Wing Ownship Ouncil: Mr. Mr. Steinmann-Absent Mr. Summiel Ms. Wollert - Absent President Apai
Wing Ownship Ouncil: Mr. Mr. Steinmann-Absent Mr. Summiel Ms. Wollert - Absent President Apai
President Apai called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm and read the Open Public
Meetings Statement:
The notice requirements provided for in the Open Public Meetings Act have
been satisfied. Notice of this meeting was properly given as per N.J.S.A. 10:4-18
and was transmitted to the Times of Trenton and the Trentonian on January 4th,
2006 for publication on January 6th, 2006. Documentation and notice have been
filed with the Clerk of the Township of Ewing and posted in the Ewing Township
Municipal Complex as is required by law.
Council decided that the resolution would be first on agenda session for
next meeting and that further resolutions will be sent to Council on
recurring basis.
2. President Apai discussed the meeting schedule for August and suggested
several alternatives. Council decided that a single meeting with
agenda session would be sufficient, and that it should be scheduled for
timely introduction of the budget.
The Township would realize significant additional revenues for both municipal and
school services. The attorney will obtain additional information tomorrow.
1. Authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to pay Township bills in the
amount of $1,021,495.90.
7. Authorization to REFUND the total amount of $284.80 for the 2nd half 2006
to Vincent Sparella UX, 1558 North Olden Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08638 for
property owner Vincent Sparella UX for Block: 118.01, Lot: 10, also known
as 1434 Parkside Avenue due to lower assessment.
8. Authorization to REFUND the total amount of $197.18 for the 2nd half of
2006 to property owner Richard Ricketts & Latoya Darien, 187 Browning
Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08638 for Block: 167, Lot 159.01, also known as 187
Browning Avenue due to lower assessment.
9. Authorization to REFUND the total amount of $476.92 for the 2nd half of
2006 to property owner Joseph J. Schoen, 618 Bear Tavern Road, Ewing, NJ
08628 for Block: 373, Lot 11, also known as 50 W. Upper Ferry Road due to
lower assessment.
10. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $12,268.80 for 2006 full year
taxes to property owner General Quarters Restaurant due to County Board
Judgment for Block: 373, Lot 5.03 Qual: S03, also known as 1100 Terminal
Circle Drive.
11. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $9,372.00 for 2006 full year
taxes to property owner Suburban Sq. Assoc. % Penmark Management due
to County Board Judgment for Block: 365, Lot 11, also known as 25-49
Scotch Road.
12. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $3,582.66 and REFUND the
total amount of $280.18 for 2006 full year tax bill to property owner Richard
A. & David Depaola, Jr./Nemec, 9 Upper Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08628, due
to County Board Appeal for Block: 373, Lot 24, also known 622 Bear Tavern
13. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $1,139.52 for May 1, 2006
quarter due to tax exempt status to property owner Calvary Christian
Fellowship Ministries for Block: 311, Lot 6 also known as 623 Parkway
14. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $1,488.49 for May 1, 2006 tax
quarter due to 100% disabled veteran status to property owner Marion A.
Terry for Block: 290.01, Lot 75, also known as 541 Maple Avenue.
15. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $1,792.41 for May 1, 2006,
August 1, 2006 and November 1, 2006 taxes to property owner Donna
Maddalena Ferrogine due to 100% disabled veteran status for Block: 59, Lot
45, also known as 216 Brookside Avenue.
16. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $2,430.76 and REFUND the
total amount of $446.97 to property owner Robert L Davis and Sample-
Davis, 16 Marquis Road, Ewing, NJ 08638 due to 100% disabled veteran
status (cancel $2,430.76 for 2006 and refund $446.97 overpayment) for
Block: 524, Lot 3 also known as 16 Marquis Road.
17. Authorization to INCREASE taxes the total amount of $9,372.00 for full year
2006 taxes for property owner Suburban Sq. Assoc % Penmark
Management as per County Board Appeal Judgment for Block: 365, Lot 13
also known as 1300 Parkway Avenue.
18. Authorization to CANCEL the total amount of $2,423.29 and REFUND the
total amount of $713.81 for April 3, 2006 and December 31, 2006 taxes due to
100% disabled veteran status to property owner Donald Johnson UX, 6
Dorset Drive, Ewing, NJ 08618 for Block: 246, Lot 14, also known as 6 Dorset
19. Authorization for St. Hedwicks Roman Catholic Church to hold a raffle.
Mr. Summiel had questions. After discussion the ordinance was approved for
There being no further business Mr. Summiel moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Mr. Murphy. The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.
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