It is a channel through which a man expresses himself. The energies for behavior comefrom the vital emotions,observable activity in a human or animal.the aggregate of response s to internal and externalstimuli.a stereotyped, speciesspecific activity, as a courtshipdance or startle reflex.Often, behaviors. a behavior pattern the action or reaction of any material under givencircumstances: the behavio r of tin under heat The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli. the manner of conducting oneself anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment the way in which someone behaves; also : an instance of such behavior the way in which something functions or operatesgenes influence behavior We all know that our personalities affect our behaviour. This is what forces a shy person not to speak much when he meets new people and this is why A confident person finds no problem in expressing himself. As you see, your personality can affect your behaviour but do you know that your behaviour could affect your personality? Personality dimensionHigh levelLow levelNeuroticismsensitive, nervoussecure, confidentExtraversionoutgoing, energeticshy, withdrawnOpenness to experienceinventive, curiouscautious, conservativeAgreeablenessfriendly, compassionatecompetitive, outspokenConscientiousnessefficient, organizedeasy-going, careless several factors influence the shaping of our personality. Major among these are Heredity, Culture, Family Background, Our Experiences through Life, And The People we interact with. Impact behaviors and actions Personality does not just influence how we move and respond in our environment; it also causes us to act in certain ways.Multiple expressions - Personality is displayed in more than just behavior. It can also be seen in out thoughts, feelings, close relationships and other social interactions. The term includes the need of information, inner processes and environmental factors affecting the individuals way of responding to the information need. Observational learning (also known as vicarious learning, social learning, or modeling) is a type of learning that occurs as a function of observing, retaining and replicating novel behavior executed by others. It is argued that reinforcement has the effect of influencing which responses one will partake in, more than it influences the actual acquisition of the new response. although observational learning can take place at any stage in life, it is thought to be of greater importance during childhood, particularly asauthority becomes important. The best role models are those a year or two older for observational learning. Because of this, social learning theory has influenced debates on the effect of television violence and parental role models.
Respect has to be given in order to be received. Parents and carers, pupils and teachers all need to operate in a culture of mutual regard The quality of learning, teaching and behaviour in schools are inseparable issues, and the responsibility of all staff It is clear to us that training in improving behaviour must be an integral and substantial component of all initial teacher training. Good quality in-service training in improving behaviour is also essential. This includes training on the context of the individual school and its community. We underline the need for behaviour training to be provided for all school staff, particularly those in the early years of their career, or those who have recently transferred to the school. It should be an integralpart of every schools professional development programme. In addition, more specialist training should be available for those who lead on behaviour improvement. As regards how training should be delivered, our experience asprofessional practitioners is that peer support and coaching can be especially effective. Training needs vary between individuals. In some cases they can only be fully met by onthe-job coaching. The schools professional development programme should therefore include targeted coaching to meet individual needs as well asgroup trainingLearning about global issues creates agency around climate change, reducing by half the proportion of people who feel that it is pointless to take personal action on this issue.Learning about international development greatly increases the proportion of the public who support the principle of overseas aid. Ensuring that all schools offer global learning is vital if we are to nurture a socially responsible, outward-looking populace. Learning about global issues counteracts discomfort about racial and religious difference.Regularly reading, listening to or watching media on global issues encourages an outward-looking attitude, and is a very important way for people to learn more about these issues.There is a very high level of public support for the idea that all members of society should have the opportunity to learn about global issues. LEARNING - Is the act of acquisition of knowledge and the processing of that knowledge into memory. 1. An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for something. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, Unlike personality, attitudes are expected to change as a function of experience. Tesser (1993) has argued that hereditary variables may affect attitudes - but believes that they may do so
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indirectlySituation [Role] - The current situation the person is in. e.g being in a prison vs being at an office, a pool party or walking past a house on fire. Special mention should be given to 'normal' social situations and crisis situations. Environment [Resources] - Beyond just the situation, this is what resources someone has access to, e.g if you can already hear the fire fighters sirens, if it is dark and the guards aren't looking, or if there are nice windows with trees to look out at when stressed. History [Knowledge and experience] - How/Have you been trained to deal with the situation? Have you been in a similar situation, what did you do and did it work? Perspective [Time, Beliefs] - What is your Time Perspective (past positive/negative, present headonistic, deterministic, future oriented, afterlife). What is your religious and moral beliefs. Do you align yourself to an emo, punk, hippy, military or some other stereotype? This is very similar to the cultural expectations, but regarding the specific sub-group to the general culture. Culture [Expectations] - What the general expectations are for a person in that situation and environment. If your sub-group hasn't specified what it's stance is, then what is generally considered morally justified? Stopping CPR on the random homeless guy on the street after 4mins might be seen as fine, whilst stopping CPR after 20mins on a child who's drowned in a pool might cause outrage. Emotions [Mood] - Was the person happy or sad at the time? Hormones [Emotional propensity] - If you are a teenage male you are likely to have a surge in testosterone which will amplify the likelyhood of aggression (assuming the situation is one that involves violence or aggression). This can be thought of as shortening the 'fuse' so to speak. Pregnant women can be particularly susceptible to stress and may become even more irritable due to lack of food than normal... Drugs can also have a similar although usually more profound but short lived effect. Pre-natal [How birth affected you] - Humans are far more susceptible to conditioning during birth than most people realise. When your mother was pregnant with you, if she was heavily stressed then it can have negative consequences. If she was obese then you are more likely to be obese A child after birth also needs the right amount of care and attention. They need to be held and touched and talked to. Genetics [Physical propensity] - There is barely a 0.5% difference in genetic material between humans and we are only 4-6% genetically different from apes. Our DNA is 90% similar to cats. Given such similarity it is generally said that genetics can cause a propensity for a particular behaviour or physical attribute, but it is the environment which which has the most impact