Treatment Guarantee Form (PP)
Treatment Guarantee Form (PP)
Treatment Guarantee Form (PP)
Failure to complete this form fully will delay your insurance company’s ability to guarantee your treatment as they may
have to revert to you or the medical provider for further information. The patient’s policy must be in force at the time of
treatment. Please be advised that guarantee of payment is subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance policy
and also subject to the assessment of all relevant documentation received, or yet to be received, by your insurance
company in respect of this medical condition.
Please be aware that it may be necessary to request further information before completing the Treatment Guarantee
process. Thank you.
Policy Number:
First name: Middle initials:
Last name:
Date of birth: (DDMMYYYY)
Contact person please specify who should be contacted regarding this Treatment Guarantee request
Relationship to patient (e.g. self, spouse/partner, parent):
Telephone (incl. country and area codes):
Mobile telephone (incl. country and network codes):
Medical Condition
On what date would the first onset of symptoms have been apparent to the patient?
Date of first attendance for this condition: (DDMMYYYY)
Previous related treatment history:
Estimate Costs
Hospital/facility name:
Address (incl. country):
Email (mandatory):
Telephone (incl. country and area codes):
Fax (incl. country and area codes):
Attending/admitting physician
Telephone (incl. country and area codes):
I confirm that all the details given in this form are, to the best of my
Official stamp of medical provider
knowledge, true, accurate and complete.
Doctor’s signature: