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Solid angles in perspective: Ω, have a small but essential role in physics. For example, how

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Solid angles in perspective

Paul Quincey

National Physical Laboratory, Hampton Road, Teddington, TW11 0LW, United Kingdom
E-mail: paulgquincey@gmail.com

Published in Physics Education 55 (2020) 055003 (7pp)


The specialised uses of solid angles mean that they are quite unfamiliar quantities. This article, apart
from making solid angles a little more familiar, brings out several topics of general interest, such as
how units are interrelated and how equations depend on the choice of units. Although the steradian is
commonly used as the unit for solid angle, another unit, the square degree, is used in astronomy, and
a unit introduced here, the solid degree (with 360 solid degrees in a hemisphere) could be used with
benefits that are similar to those of the degree when it is used as the unit for plane angle. The article,
which is suitable for students at A-level and introductory undergraduate level, also shows how solid
angles can provide a gentle introduction to crystal structure, spherical trigonometry and non-
Euclidean geometry.


Solid angles, usually given the symbol Ω, have a small but essential role in physics. For example, how
can you characterise the intensity of a bicycle light? Its optical power, the total energy of the photons
emitted per second, is clearly important, but this does not take account of the spread of the beam,
which will determine the intensity in a particular direction. What is needed is a measure of the
“angular area” of the light beam. The spread in one direction is measured as a plane angle; the
spread over an area, which is what we are interested in here, is measured as a solid angle.

The power of the light is called radiant flux, measured in watts (in SI units). The SI unit for solid angle
is the steradian (sr), and the radiant intensity is measured in watts per steradian. When the sensitivity
of a typical human eye is taken into account, the power is called luminous flux, expressed in lumens,
and the luminous intensity is given in lumens per steradian, otherwise called candelas. The increasing
dazzle-power of modern bicycle lights is likely to lead to regulation limiting their luminous intensity to
200 candelas. The field of view of a human eye is around 4 sr, so the steradian is a convenient size in
this context.

(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) a plane angle θ at the centre of a circle of radius r, with the arclength s that it projects on the
circumference, and (b) a solid angle Ω at the centre of a sphere of radius r, with the area A that it projects on the
surface of the sphere.

Solid angles are also needed when astronomers want to quantify the area of a patch of sky. They
often use square degrees (deg2). A single square degree is easily visualised as a small square patch
of sky, where the view through a telescope would move from one corner of the square to an adjacent
corner by rotating the telescope one degree. The sun and moon both appear as circular areas of sky,
with solid angles, as seen from the Earth, of about 0.2 deg2. This would be about 60 microsteradians,
so in this case the square degree is a more convenient size than the steradian.

Complete equations

As discussed in Quincey and Burrows (2019), equations that are valid for any coherent set of units
are called “complete” or unit-invariant equations. This type of equation must be used if deductions are
to be made about the dimensions of the quantities in the equation. If an equation is valid only for a
specific unit, or only one set of coherent units, it is not complete. It is instead “unit-specific”, and it
cannot be used to deduce dimensional relationships.

As an example, the familiar equation linking a plane angle θ to an arclength s (as shown in Figure 1a)
is θ = s/r, but this is not complete, because it is only correct when the unit used for the angle is the
radian. The less familiar complete equation is:

θ = θN s/r (1)

where θN, called the Cotes angle, is a constant, an angle measuring 1 rad or 180/π degrees, or the
same quantity in whatever angle unit is being used1.

The definition of solid angle Ω

Solid angles of equal size can be very different shapes, in the same way that equal areas can be very
different shapes. It is important to note that the solid angle is located in the vicinity of where the
radiating lines meet, and it has a well-defined value whether or not a sphere is somehow drawn
around it. In the same way, the angle between two stars as seen from Earth is well-defined, even
though their distances from Earth may be unknown, making the circle in Figure 1a entirely notional.

The size of a solid angle is, however, most simply defined in terms of the area of spherical surface
that a solid angle would project onto a sphere centred on its apex, as shown in Figure 1b. This
definition is usually presented as Ω = A/r2. The area and radius can be in any coherent units, but the
value for Ω given by this equation is always in steradians. If we call the solid angle of a full sphere
Ωsph, this equation gives the value of Ωsph to be 4π, which is only correct when the unit is the
steradian, so the equation is not complete.

If square degrees are used, the definition of Ω becomes Ω = 1802/π2 A/r2, another non-complete
equation. The value of Ωsph in square degrees is 3602/π ≈ 41,253.

Of course the equation in steradians is particularly simple, but the complete equation relating area to
solid angle needs to include the Cotes angle explicitly, analogously to the equation for arclength (1):

Ω = θN2A/r2 (2)

We can call θN2, which is equal to one steradian, the Cotes solid angle. The dimensional relationship
is that solid angles have the dimensions of (angle) 2. When using the simplified equations that require
the use of radians and steradians, in effect we treat the radian as a natural unit and set θN equal to 1
(Quincey, 2016). The act of implicitly setting θN equal to 1 has been called “the Radian Convention”
(Quincey and Burrows, 2019).

The constant θN has appeared in other published work as various different symbols: 1/□ (Brownstein, 1997), 1/η
(Quincey, 2016), or simply rad (various). Although θN = 1 rad, it is much clearer to give the constant and the unit
different symbols. The N signifies that the radian is the natural unit of angle.
Figure 2: A conical solid angle Ω at the centre of a sphere of radius r, with the area A that it projects on the
surface of the sphere. The solid angle is completely determined by the cone’s apex angle, the angle subtended at
the centre of the sphere by the diameter of its circular cross-section.


We tend to think that the area A within a circle of radius r is always given by A = πr2, whatever its size,
but this is only true when the surface enclosed by the circle is flat. For a curved surface like the
surface of a sphere, the equation will only hold when the circle is small compared to the radius of
curvature. Similarly, the solid angle Ω of a cone with an apex angle of 2θ is only equal to πθ2 in the
limit of small angles.

For a sphere of radius r, the area of its surface marked out by the conical solid angle can be
calculated using basic calculus to be2 2πr2 (1 – Cos θ). From Equation 2, then, the solid angle of a
cone is given by the complete equation:

Ω = 2πθN2 (1 – Cos θ) (3)

We can see that in the limit of small θ, we have3 Ω = πθ2. An angular radius θ of 1° gives a solid angle
Ω = 0.99997 πθ2, showing that solid angles follow the rules for flat surfaces very closely at that scale.
In contrast, with an angular radius θ of 1 rad, Ω = 0.9194 πθ2.

Square pyramids

The solid angles found in the natural world, such as in crystal structures, are generally bounded by
planes and so are not cones. The mathematics becomes more complicated, but it also provides a
gentle introduction to spherical trigonometry. The simplest case is a square pyramid.

How do you calculate the area of the “square” patch that the square pyramid of Figure 3 would project
onto the surface of a surrounding sphere? Fortunately, the answer follows directly from a theorem in
spherical trigonometry called the Spherical Excess theorem.

Trigonometric functions like sin θ and cos θ need more care when angle units other than radians are allowed.
The functions are commonly used in two distinct ways: sin x, where x is dimensionless, and the familiar
expansion sin x = x - ⅙x3 +… applies, and sin θ, where θ is an angle (in any angle unit), and the expansion is sin
θ = θ/θN - ⅙(θ/θN)3 +…. Brownstein (1997) suggested using capital letters to distinguish the two: sin x and Sin θ,
so that Sin θ = sin (θ/θN). This paper follows that convention.
3 Following the Brownstein convention, in the limit of a small angle θ, Cos θ = 1 - ½(θ/θ )2.
If β is the angle between the faces of the pyramid (see Figure 3), the Spherical Excess theorem, as
normally written, states that the solid angle Ω at the apex of the pyramid is given by Ω = 4β – 2π. This
is an extraordinarily simple result4. It appears to mix solid angles (Ω), plane angles (β) and numbers
(π), as if they are all dimensionless, but again the equation is unit-specific. Ω must be in steradians,
and β in radians, for it to be valid, so we must avoid the temptation to infer dimensions from the
equation in this form.

Figure 3: Square pyramids and equilateral triangular pyramids.

The complete equation for the solid angle at the apex of a square pyramid is:

Ω = 4θNβ – 2πθN2 (4)

where any coherent units for angle and solid angle can be used. As before, the familiar equation is
obtained by setting θN equal to 1, but this is done purely to simplify the equation, and it removes the
information about dimensions.

The angle between faces (β) is not very convenient, but we can use trigonometry and vectors to relate
this to other angles, such as the angle at the vertex of each face, here called φ (see Figure 3).

It can be shown that Cos β = - Tan2 ½φ, and if we use this to replace β with φ in (4), we have

Cos β = Cos (¼ Ω/θN + ½ πθN) = - Sin ¼ Ω/θN

and so Sin ¼Ω/θN = Tan2 ½φ. (5)

When the Radian Convention, to set θN equal to 1, is adopted, this becomes the slightly simpler
equation sin ¼Ω = tan2 ½φ, which raises the awkward question of what the sine of a solid angle
represents, apart from the abstract mathematical function. We can see from the complete equation
that before the equation is simplified, the sine function is actually being applied to a quantity with the
dimensions of plane angle.

In the limit of small angles, equation (5) becomes Ω = φ2, analogous to the area of a square. The
value of the face vertex angle φ can vary from 0, for a very thin pyramid, to 90° or π/2 rad for a flat
one. Equation (5) tells us that Ω is 0 and 2π sr for these angles respectively, as we would expect.

Curiously, perhaps the most familiar square pyramid in the world, at Cheops in Egypt, has an apex
solid angle very close to π/2 sr.

4 This is also known as Girard’s theorem, after Albert Girard who published it in 1626. The basic theorem, for
triangles, can be seen to be true by drawing three great circles on a convenient sphere such as a table tennis
Equilateral triangular pyramids

The other shape we will consider here is a pyramid whose base is an equilateral triangle (see Figure
3). Applying the Spherical Excess theorem again, the complete equation for the solid angle of the
apex of the pyramid is:

Ω = 3θNβ – πθN2 (6)

Again the relationship between β and φ can be deduced from trigonometry and vectors, in this case
being 2Cos β = 1 – Tan2 ½φ.

So we have the slightly more complicated relationship between Ω and φ of:

2Cos ⅓(Ω/θN + πθN) = 1 – Tan2 ½φ (7)

This time, the value of the face vertex angle φ can vary from 0, for a very thin pyramid, to 120° or π/3
rad for a flat one. Equation (7) tells us that Ω is 0 and 2π sr for these angles respectively, again as we
would expect. In the limit of small angles, Equation (7) becomes Ω = √3 φ2/4, analogous to the area of
an equilateral triangle.

Introducing the solid degree

The great benefits of degrees, rather than radians, as units for angle are that simple fractions of a full
rotation give us simple whole numbers of degrees: 30°, 45°, 120° and so on, and, moreover, when an
angle isn’t a simple fraction of a rotation, like 46.4°, it is very easy to compare this with the numbers
that are simple fractions. It is not readily apparent if an angle of 0.535 rad is more or less than π/6
rad, for example. The familiarity of degrees also means that relations such as Sin 30° = 0.5 and Tan
45° = 1 are well known.

You might think that the square degree unit for solid angle would also have these benefits, but it does
not. The solid angle of a cube corner (or the apex of great pyramid of Cheops), π/2 sr, is roughly 5157

Of course, in physics we can choose to use any units we like, for convenience, providing we
understand what we are doing. The important questions are whether the units are coherent with the
other units we are using, and whether the equations we are using are complete (correct for any
coherent set of units), or unit-specific (where more care is required).

We could divide the solid angle of a sphere, Ωsph, into 360 new units, by analogy with degrees, but it is
more useful to divide Ωsph into 720 equal units, which we will call solid degrees, abbreviated as sd.
These have the simple property that 2π sr = 360 sd, the same relationship as 2π rad = 360°. The
solid angle of a cube corner (or the apex of the great pyramid) is 90 sd. A solid angle of 1 sd is
roughly the size of the apex of a square pyramid with a face angle φ of 7.6° - about half the solid
angle at the top of the Shard building in London.

We met trigonometric functions involving solid angles above. One useful feature of solid degrees is
that Sin Ω/θN, where Ω is a solid angle in solid degrees, equals Sin Ω, where Ω is a plane angle in
degrees5, the same convenient relationship as with steradians and radians. Relations such as Sin
30/θN = 0.5, where the 30 represents 30 sd, therefore appear familiar. Also, the equations for the solid
angles of square and triangular pyramids, (4) and (6), when made unit-specific by having β in degrees
and Ω in solid degrees, are simply Ω = 4β – 360 and Ω = 3β – 180 respectively.

You may be wondering how the degree unit for plane angle can give rise to two different units for solid
angle. The answer is that while the square degree and the degree are coherent units, the solid degree
and the degree are not. In fact the unit for plane angle that is coherent with the solid degree has a
value of √(180/π)° ≈ 7.57°. This could be called a root solid degree (rsd), The solid degree, then, is a

For a solid angle Ω, Sin Ω/θN = sin Ω/θN2 where θN2 is 180/π solid degrees, as set out in Table 1.
For a plane angle Ω, Sin Ω = sin Ω/θN where θN is 180/π degrees, as set out in Table 1
convenient unit for solid angle, and makes a good case study for demonstrating how units and
equations are interrelated, but it is a bad candidate for a coherent unit system.

The basic facts about the three solid angle units featured above are given in Table 1.

Solid angle unit Spherical solid Cotes solid Unit in terms of the other units Coherent unit for plane
angle, Ωsph angle, θN2 angle
= Ωsph/4π
Steradian (sr) 4π sr 1 sr 1 sr = 1802/π2 deg2 ≈ 3283 deg2 Radian (rad)
≈ 12.57 sr 1 sr = 180/π sd ≈ 57.3 sd = 180/π deg ≈ 57.3°

Square degree 3602/π deg2 1802/π2 deg2 1 deg2 = π/180 sd ≈ 0.0175 sd Degree (deg or °)
(deg2) ≈ 41,253 deg2 ≈ 3,283 deg2 1 deg2 = π2/1802 sr ≈ 3.05x10-4 sr

Solid degree 720 sd 180/π sd 1 sd = 180/π deg2 ≈ 57.3 deg2 Root solid degree (rsd)
(sd) ≈ 57.3 sd 1 sd = π/180 sr ≈ 0.0175 sr = √(180/π) deg ≈ 7.57°

Table 1: a selection of solid angle units and their coherent plane angle units

Some naturally occurring plane and solid angles

Like the radian, the steradian has mathematical rather than physical significance. We do not expect to
find angles in the natural world measuring exactly 1 radian. What we often find are simple fractions of
360° or 2π rad – but not always. Similarly, solid angles in the natural world are usually simple
fractions of 720 sd or 4π sr.

Any collection of plane angles that add to 360° can be assembled to form the centre of a disc, but a
collection of solid angles that add to 720 sd forms a three-dimensional puzzle, and will not necessarily
fit together to form the centre of a sphere. The solid angles around any atom within a crystal structure
must necessarily add to 720 sd, making them interesting practical examples. Incidentally, the
availability of 3D printing makes the task of illustrating how solid angles fit together much easier than
in the past.

Figure 4: the solid angles at the corners (thick lines) and centres (thin lines) of a cube, octahedron and

The most basic naturally-occurring angles and solid angles can be found within the cube, octahedron
and tetrahedron, as illustrated in Figure 4. The solid angles of their corners, and at their centres
(shown in Figure 4), in steradians and solid degrees, together with the associated plane angles (as
shown in Figure 3), in radians and degrees, are given in Table 2.
Square or Solid angle Face vertex Angle between
Triangular Ω (sr) Ω (sd) angle φ (rad) φ (deg) faces β (rad) β (deg)
Cube corner T 1.571 = π/2 90 1.571 = π/2 90 1.571 = π/2 90

Cube centre S 2.094 = 2π/3 120 1.231 70.53 2.094 = 2π/3 120

Octahedron corner S 1.359 77.88 1.047 = π/3 60 1.911 109.47

Octahedron centre T 1.571 = π/2 90 1.571 = π/2 90 1.571 = π/2 90

Tetrahedron corner T 0.5513 31.59 1.047 = π/3 60 1.231 70.53

Tetrahedron centre T 3.142 = π 180 1.911 109.47 2.094 = 2π/3 120

Table 2: some naturally-occurring angles and solid angles in cubes, octahedrons and tetrahedrons. The ones that
are not simple fractions of a circle or sphere are in bold.

Along with the simple fractions of 2π rad (360°) and 4π sr (720 sd), these simple shapes provide some
other naturally-occurring plane and solid angles, highlighted in bold in Table 2. These are6:

1.231 rad = 70.53 deg = arcCos 1/3

1.911 rad = 109.47 deg = arcCos -1/3

0.5513 sr = 31.59 sd = (3θN arcCos 1/3) – πθN2 = θN arcCos 23/27

1.359 sr = 77.88 sd = 4θN arcSin 1/3

It is a curious geometrical fact that 8 tetrahedron corners (0.5513 sr each) and 6 octahedron corners
(1.359 sr each) make a total solid angle of exactly 4π sr that will fit together to form the centre of a
sphere. The crystal structure formed like this is found in diamond, alum and fluorite, and is sometimes
called a tetrahedral octahedral honeycomb, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: the crystal structure formed by 6 octahedrons and 8 tetrahedrons

As we have seen, in the Brownstein convention y = cos x turns the number x into the number y, while b = Cos a
turns an angle a into a number b. In the same way, arccos y turns a number y back into the number x, or rather a
set of possible numbers including x, while arcCos b turns the number b into an angle a, or rather a set of possible
angles including a, whose units need to be specified. ArcSin and arcCos can therefore give results in rad, deg, or
any other angle unit, as a free choice, with the unit-appropriate value of θN, such as those in Table 1.
Discussion and summary

Solid angles are directly encountered quite rarely, and they have rather specialised uses, such as
quantifying the intensity of a light source. However, the mathematical treatment of spherical surfaces
is relevant to many areas of physics. The appearance of 4π in the equation for Coulomb’s law (for the
force between two charges), to avoid 4π appearing in the equation for Gauss’s Law (for the electric
field around a charge), is a good example. Familiarity with the concepts and equations for solid angles
can only be helpful for understanding these topics.

The excursion into different units for plane and solid angle could be seen as a good reason for picking
one set and sticking to it. In mathematics, it is conventional not just to always use radians and
steradians, but also to “build in” this convention to the equations that are used, leading to simplified
unit-specific equations, like Ω = A/r2. If other units are used, it is tempting to say that “the equations
don’t work”, and therefore that using other units is wrong. The point is rather that “the familiar
equations don’t work”. We should always be aware if the equations we are using are unit-specific, and
remember that unit-invariant (or complete) versions of them can always be made by inserting one or
more suitable constants. Only complete equations give the true dimensional relationships between

Familiarity with equations, which may be simplified, is not necessarily the same thing as familiarity
with the relations between physical quantities. It is all very well to say “if you always use radians and
steradians, you don’t have to think about them,” but we should all think about what we are doing from
time to time.


I would like to thank Kathryn Burrows, Andrew Lewis and Tom Quincey for very helpful comments on
the manuscript. Tom Quincey also prepared some of the diagrams.


K R Brownstein, Angles – Let’s treat them squarely, American Journal of Physics 65(7) 605-614

P Quincey, Natural units in physics, and the curious case of the radian, Phys. Educ. 51 065012

P Quincey and K Burrows, The role of unit systems in expressing and testing the laws of nature,
Metrologia 56(6) 065001 (2019)

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