DV Afe
DV Afe
DV Afe
A Miniratna Company
(Govt. of India Undertaking)
Recruitment Department
Reg. Office: Darbhanga House, Ranchi,
Phone: 0651-2360606, 2360123, 2360608
Fax: 0651-2360257, 2360479
Website: www.centralcoalfields.in
CIN No.: U10200JH1956GOI000581
E-mail: gmrectt.ccl@coalindia.in
मुख्य निर्दे श / Important Instructions
The provisional wait list of Computer Based Test held on 05.05.2023 for the post of Assistant Foreman (Electrical),
whose merit panel is prepared by EdCIL(India) Limited is appended below. It is hereby informed that the following
candidates are required to appear for Preliminary Document Verification to be held as per the schedule mentioned
below. The final selection of the candidates will be subject to the successful verification/submission of requisite
certificates/documents and thereafter their being found fit in the Initial Medical Examination conducted by the
Company’s Medical Board. If at any stage of the selection process, it is found that the candidates do not possess
requisite certificates, documents etc or have violated or do not fulfill any provision/criteria in the CCL Employment
Notice no. 63 dated 28.03.2023 or this schedule, then their candidature shall be cancelled with immediate effect.
Venue for Document Verification : Vichar Manch, CCL Darbhanga House, Ranchi 834001
Date of
Application Name of the
SN Roll No. Category document
Sequence No. Candidate
The candidates are requested to attend the preliminary document verification with the following
certificates/documents in ORIGINAL and TWO sets of self-attested colored photocopies of the same. If the
candidates fail to produce any of the following documents at the time of their scheduled document verification, then
their candidature is liable for cancellation:
1. A downloaded copy of Online Application form along with its enclosures as submitted while applying.
2. Matriculation Certificate and Marksheet, Intermediate certificate and marksheet, Diploma/Degree in Electrical
Engineering (Certificates and Marksheets)(All years / semesters), other statutory certificates like Electrical
supervisorship certificate valid for mines, caste certificate as submitted while making application for the post of
Assistant Foreman(Electrical).
3. Latest/valid Caste Certificate in the prescribed format issued by the competent authority as was mentioned in the
Employment Notice in Annexure B, C1 and C2. Please note that OBC-NCL candidates have to bring valid caste
certificates issued on and after 01/04/2022 which should be valid for the FY 2022-23. (Only such candidates will
be considered for selection who submit Caste Certificates valid for jobs under the Central Government of India.)
*The OBC certificate in respect of Creamy Layer status is valid only for the financial year in which the certificate is
4. Original No-Objection Certificate in case of permanent employees working in Government, Semi government or
Public Sector Undertaking or Coal India or any subsidiary of Coal India or Autonomous Bodies. (Annexure D in
A Miniratna Company
(Govt. of India Undertaking)
Recruitment Department
Reg. Office: Darbhanga House, Ranchi,
Phone: 0651-2360606, 2360123, 2360608
Fax: 0651-2360257, 2360479
Website: www.centralcoalfields.in
CIN No.: U10200JH1956GOI000581
E-mail: gmrectt.ccl@coalindia.in
Employment Notice). If in case, the candidate is a permanent employee of CIL or any subsidiary of CIL, they should
8. Downloaded copies of blank formats of Annexure I & II as given below which the candidates have to fill and submit
to the Management during their document verification.
9.If any of the certificates produced by the candidates are issued in any regional languages i.e. in languages besides
Hindi/English, then an exact translation of the same in Hindi/English may be produced in an Affidavit sworn in the
presence of and attested by Executive Magistrate/Judicial Magistrate.
10. Application fee payment receipt/acknowledgement on submitting the Online Application, if applicable
The candidates may please note that their candidature is provisional and is being considered for preliminary
document verification subject to the instructions mentioned as below, which may be read and understood clearly:
1. In the event, you fail to report for pre-recruitment formalities on the scheduled date and time/ do not produce
the requisite certificates & documents in original / or upon scrutiny/verification you are found ineligible , you will
not be considered further for selection to the post of Assistant Foreman(Electrical) and your candidature will be
cancelled. Before appearing for their document verification, candidates are advised to ensure that they are in
possession of all requisite certificates/minimum essential qualification as required in the CCL Employment Notice
no. 63 dated 28.03.2023. Candidates in complete possession of all requisite certificates/minimum essential
qualification as required in the CCL Employment Notice no. 63 dated 28.03.2023 should only appear for Document
2. Please note that no change in the date/time or venue for pre-recruitment formalities/Document verification
process will be entertained.
3. Management reserves the right to cancel or postpone/reschedule the process of preliminary document
4. Please note that your name appearing in the above list does not constitute an offer of
appointment/employment to you.
A Miniratna Company
(Govt. of India Undertaking)
Recruitment Department
Reg. Office: Darbhanga House, Ranchi,
Phone: 0651-2360606, 2360123, 2360608
Fax: 0651-2360257, 2360479
Website: www.centralcoalfields.in
CIN No.: U10200JH1956GOI000581
E-mail: gmrectt.ccl@coalindia.in
5. SC/ST candidates being called for Document Verification will be reimbursed to & fro railway/bus fare by the
shortest route on production of photocopy of Ticket/Proof of journey as per Company’s Rule and
Government guidelines. SC/ST candidates are supposed to bring: -
i. Front page of their bank passbook copy (containing photo of candidate concerned along with all
bank details)
ii. A cancelled cheque (Original)
iii. PAN Card
iv. Aadhar Card
v. A copy of Call letter
vi. Tickets as applicable
vii. E-Mandate Form (filled in prescribed format as given below with issuing bank’s authorization, seal
and signature)
6. The final selection of the candidates will be subject to the candidate being found medically fit and successful
preliminary scrutiny/verification/submission of requisite certificates/documents.
7. If at any stage of selection/ employment, it is found candidates do not fulfill the minimum eligibility for the said
post or the certificates, documents, testimonials and other credentials submitted by them are false, then
necessary disciplinary action shall be taken against them which may even lead to their termination and
8. Candidature is also liable to be rejected if there is any difference/variation found in candidate’s name/ his
father’s name, surname or date of birth in his educational/statutory/ professional/technical/caste certificates.
9. For any further queries, you may send an e-mail to gmrectt.ccl@coalindia.in. Please note that all communications
should contain your Application Sequence Number/ Roll number and post for which you have applied for.
10. Impersonation, any form of canvassing or bringing extraneous pressure during recruitment processes will lead
to disqualification and will render the candidate ineligible for selection. Candidates are advised to check their
fulfillment of eligibility as per every term and condition in the CCL Employment Notice no.63 dated 28.03.2023
before reporting for their scheduled Document Verification. If shortcomings are found in the further recruitment
process, their candidature is liable for cancellation.
11. Please make necessary arrangements for your travel/stay well in advance so as to reach the venue for Document
Verification on time. No accommodation will be provided by Management.
A Miniratna Company
(Govt. of India Undertaking)
Recruitment Department
Reg. Office: Darbhanga House, Ranchi,
Phone: 0651-2360606, 2360123, 2360608
Fax: 0651-2360257, 2360479
Website: www.centralcoalfields.in
CIN No.: U10200JH1956GOI000581
E-mail: gmrectt.ccl@coalindia.in
Annexure I/अनुलग्नक I
Sub: Declaration
विषय: घोषणा पत्र
If my above declaration is found to be untrue at any point of time, the Management of CCL reserves the right to take
appropriate action against me including cancellation of offer of appointment.
यदि मेरे उपरोक्त वििरण में ककसी भी समय असत्यता पायी जाती है तो सीसीएल प्रबंर्ि मेरे खखलाफ उचित कायधिाही तथा
नियुक्क्त का प्रस्ताि रद्दि करिे का अचर्कार रखता है ।
Place: Signature
स्थाि: हस्ताक्षर
Roll No.:
क्रमांक संख्या:
Post applied for:
आिेदित पि का िाम:
A Miniratna Company
(Govt. of India Undertaking)
Recruitment Department
Reg. Office: Darbhanga House, Ranchi,
Phone: 0651-2360606, 2360123, 2360608
Fax: 0651-2360257, 2360479
Website: www.centralcoalfields.in
CIN No.: U10200JH1956GOI000581
E-mail: gmrectt.ccl@coalindia.in
Annexure II/अनुलग्नक II
3. कक मैं वििादहत हूँ और मेरे पनत के पास िसरी पत्िी िहीं है अथिा इससे अचर्क जीवित पत्िी िहीं है ।
दििांक: हस्ताक्षर
Date: Signature
अिुलग्िक/ Annexure B
Caste/Scheduled Tribe* in the State/Union Territory* issued by the ……[Name of the authority] vide their No.
…………………….. dated …………………………….
% 3. Shri/Shrimati/Kumari*............................................... and/or* his/her* family ordinarily resides in
village/town*............................. of..............................District/Division* of the State/Union Territory*
Place: .....................................
Date: ......................................
(With Seal of Office)
State/Union Territory*
ु ग्िक /Annexure C1
District Magistrate
*- The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of Resolution of the Government of India, in
which the caste of the candidate is mentioned as OBC.
**-As amended from time to time.
Note:- The term “Ordinarily”used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the
People Act, 1950.
अिुलग्िक/Annexure C2
अिुलग्िक/ANNEXURE D
This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari (designation) (PIS) is currently working in ..... department of
.......(name of organization with its address)..... He/she has applied and is provaisionally selected for the post of ........
against the Employment Notification issued by CCL under Special Recruitment Drive vide no. 63 dated 28.03.2023
and our organization has no objection if Shri/ Smt/Kumari .......... appears in the recrutiment process of the same.