C Ipe Practicals List
C Ipe Practicals List
C Ipe Practicals List
14 Program to print Patterns.
15 Program to print Patterns.
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16 Program to print Pattern.
17 Write a C function to swap two integers’ value accepted from user. (with using Call by Reference)
18 Write a program to sort given numbers in ascending order using 1-D array.
19 Write a program which declares a structure named “Faculty” with Fac_id, name (Nested structure
F_name, M_name,L_name), address, salary and date of joining. Print all faculties details in the order of
highest salary.
20 Write C Program to Remove all Characters in a String Except Alphabets.
21 Write two function which takes 2 numbers as parameters and one function returns the GCD of the 2
numbers and another function returns LCM of two numbers. Call the function in main ().
22 Write two different functions for string, one is to join one string to another string without using string
handling function and one is to copy one string to another string without using inbuilt functions.
23 Write a Program to Check whether String is Palindrome or not without using inbuilt functions.
24 Write a Program to count vowels, consonants, digits and white space in a given string.
25 Write a program to read two matrices from the user and store the multiplication of two matrices in the
resultant matrix. i.e. C=A * B.
26 Write a function to Read an integer number and find out the sum of all digits until it comes to a single
27 Write a Program for Searching a product from array of Structure. Structure contain member like product
code, Product Name, Quantity, Price. Find the Product name, quantity & Price according to the Code
that is given by user.
28 Write a program in C to sort an array using Pointer and functions both. At least one Argument to the
function should be a pointer.
29 Write a program to Swap three numbers in Cyclic Order Using Call by Reference.
Enter a, b and c respectively: 1 2 3
Value before swapping:
Value after swapping:
30 Write a program to make one structure student in which members are roll no, name (nested structure
first name, middle name, last name), DOB (nested structure d, m, y). Write a code for delete record of
student with given first name.