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Mercenaries of Charted Space Tablet

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Loren Wiseman, John Harshman, Frank Chadwick, Darryl Hany,
Winston Hamilton, Tony Svajlenka, Scott Renner, Doug Poe, ZHODANI CONSULATE 27
David MacDonald, Wayne Roth, Paul R. Banner. VARGR EXTENTS 38
Matthew Sprange

Cassie Gregory, Morné Schaap

Interior Illustrations
Nikita Vasylchuk, Cassie Gregory, Douglas Deri,
Corey Rivera, Mark Graham, Ankit Yadav

Cover Art
Douglas Deri

Geir Lanesskog, Travis Robins

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This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom and of the United States. This product is a work
of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.

Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises and is used under licence.

Printed in China.

The fundamentals of the mercenary trade are the same they can hire on the cheap but it is a truism of the
everywhere – mercenaries provide combat capability mercenary trade that a lack of professionalism is
in return for something they want, which is usually a two-way street. Clients are more likely to betray
money. The two basic kinds of mercenary are also mercenaries they do not hold in high regard and a
common to most regions; serious professionals who shambolic unit will not be respected. Throughout
may or may not be very skilled, but are most definitely Charted Space mercenaries have learned it is in their
soldiers, and people with guns who are willing to fight interest to maintain at least a basic veneer of military
but not remotely military. The latter can be effective professionalism even if the client does not deserve it.
in small-scale operations but lack the organisation and There are of course units who excel at looking good
discipline to operate in larger groups. Local attitudes to whilst not being effective in combat. Such fakers pick
the mercenary trade tend to dictate the proportions of their assignments carefully and will eventually be
each type available for hire in a region. exposed in a particularly brutal manner.

Attitudes to the mercenary trade also define – and to

some extent are defined by – its characteristics in an DIFFERENT KINDS OF
area. If the prevailing attitude is that mercenaries are
unreliable scum fit only to be used as cannon-fodder, MERCENARY
this tends to become something of a self-fulfilling A mercenary is someone who fights for an organisation
prophecy, since honourable and reliable units will move other than their home government; nothing more
on or meet misfortune when maltreated by clients. The or less than that. Misuse of the term can create an
general rule is that it is easy to move toward a situation impression that a mercenary is someone who cares only
where mercenaries are freewheeling gun-bunnies, about money and who will betray their employers if a
ultimately disposable and rarely reliable, and much better offer comes along. It is true that units of this
harder to establish a culture in which mercenaries are type do exist but the majority of mercenaries know it is
considered professionals and expected to act like it. not good for business to be considered unreliable – and
indeed it can be highly dangerous.
There is variation within this general rule, however, and
in some areas there are mercenaries who are viewed Those who hold mercenaries in contempt sometimes
very differently by the general populace. Image also have their reasons but are often guided by the
plays a part. A force with uniformity of equipment prevailing culture of the region. In this case, they
and a military demeanour will tend to be viewed as will tend to use the term ‘mercenary’ for those they
‘real soldiers’ and respected as much as government despise, whilst failing to notice the professional
soldiers – which may or may not be much respect soldiers and armed security personnel who do not fit
at all. Mercenaries are rarely expected to look like their biased opinion. Among these are the security
parade-ground soldiers but a professional manner and professionals who guard and defend starports. In most
appearance counts for a lot. A bunch of dishevelled cases these are security rather than military personnel
yahoos are unlikely to make a good impression no but they are professionals who stand ready to fight in
matter how big their guns are, unless they are known the service of their employer.
for excellent results.
Similarly, a great many armed security companies
In short, professionalism sells – at least to reputable exist in Charted Space. These tend to be paramilitary
clients. A client may not know all that much about in nature rather than fielding combat forces but often
military matters, and may well not care, but are more need to operate in a war zone and are capable of taking
likely to hire and trust mercenaries who look like they on a band of insurgents or local militia. The majority
know what they are doing. Low-end or untrustworthy of those who hold mercenaries in contempt think of
clients may be satisfied with whatever band of gunmen these armed security forces as something other than

mercenaries, especially if they have a reputation for ‘outsourced’ mercenaries, despite the fact that they may
reliability and professionalism. Some will define those be recruited from the same sources and personnel may
fighting a war as mercenaries and those guarding aid move between the two.
workers seeking to alleviate the suffering caused as
something different but in truth the only difference is The lines between different kinds of mercenaries may
in the behaviour of the personnel. be blurry in places, and at times there may be no
distinction, but it is sometimes important to define what
Household troops of notable figures in societies that kind of mercenary is being discussed. Not only attitudes
permit them are also, by definition mercenaries, although vary; the laws governing the use of hired combat
they may be subject to bonds of loyalty that go beyond personnel can differ greatly according to which word is
their unit’s contract. In this regard, household troops are used to describe them.
akin to the military personnel of a government although
they may be recruited from outside their operator’s Mercenary is a general term for anyone who serves in
immediate holdings. This slight blurring of the line also a military or paramilitary capacity outside the armed
occurs when a government recruits non-citizens into forces of their home or adopted government.
its armed forces. This may be in return for eventual
citizenship, in which case the situation is little different Military Contractor is the common term for an
from recruiting from their own people or might be on a organisation such as a mercenary company that serves
purely professional basis. Some governments raise a large different clients over time, generally as a purely
segment of their armed forces from freelance professional business transaction rather than loyalty to a cause,
soldiers rather than local citizens, which technically is state or other entity. Some contractors have bonds
a use of mercenaries. Laws in some regions forbid such of loyalty, which may limit who and where they will
recruiting, although there are usually ways to circumvent serve, but most are entirely freelance. It is these
restrictions by various legal fictions. organisations that are being referenced when most
people use the term ‘mercenary’.
The security forces of large corporations are also staffed
by mercenaries, although few would describe them as Corporate Security forces are hired from available
such. Most security organisations are paramilitary but personnel, who are by definition mercenaries but
some corporations are capable of fighting a trade war generally regarded as something a little different by the
with another company or even taking on a government. casual observer. Corporate security forces may be military
In larger conflicts the corporation’s own forces will or paramilitary in nature or might resemble a starmerc
generally be augmented by additional mercenary units unit. The regard in which they are held generally depends
and in the minds of at least some observers there will on the reputation of their parent corporation rather than
be a difference between ‘in-house’ security forces and the prevailing attitude towards mercenaries.

Household Troops are often hired from the wider Finding Mercenaries
mercenary market but once a unit is joined there are A prospective client has two options if they want
– real or presumed – bonds of loyalty that transcend mercenaries to fight for them – hire an existing force or
soldiering for pay. Household forces are generally raise one from scratch. The latter is difficult, to say the
considered ‘not mercenaries’ by casual observers but least, for most clients but it is possible to find someone
sometimes function in exactly the same way. Most with the right skills and have them put together a force
household troops are heavily armed security personnel to carry out whatever mission the client has in mind. A
rather than combat soldiers but some powerful few mercenary units started out this way but most such
individuals maintain private armies capable of endeavours are short-term.
fighting a war.
The commonest scenario for the scratch force is when a
It is not uncommon for personnel to move between handful of mercenaries are hired as individuals to deal
units and from one type of mercenary work to another. with a small-scale problem. Often, little or no attempt is
Those who join corporate or household formations made to forge the individuals into a military unit; they
generally remain with one employer for the rest of operate as a warband or much like a group of Travellers.
their service. The exception is personnel who start Informal groupings of this sort can be successful, and
out in these units then move into the freelance some will give themselves a name to operate under, but
sector once they have gained enough experience to they are not mercenary units as such. Individuals may
command a mercenary’s salary. come and go, and relationships within the force are
usually a matter of shared ideology or friendship. Simple
The attitude of local populations towards mercenaries desire to make money, or enjoyment of violence, may
can require careful handling. Laws or public opinion also motivate some members of a warband.
might preclude the use of military contractors but
a force of household troops sent by a friendly noble Even when given a unit identifier, warbands of this
or a detachment of another world’s government sort are generally viewed with derision by organised
forces, might be entirely acceptable. In these cases, mercenaries. This is not merely professional
mercenaries are often hired (or arrange to be hired) snobbishness; a mercenary has to be able to rely on
by someone who can legitimately send troops to the their comrades in action and in interactions with others.
combat zone. A quick change of uniforms might be all Trigger-happy yahoos are generally reliable only as
that is required to transform a forbidden or despised long as they are winning and selfish individuals only
unit into respectable allies. there for the money cannot be trusted. Nothing erodes
a unit’s morale and effectiveness more readily than
This change of status has much to do with internal mistrust. The discipline of a formally organised
accountability; a corporation or noble stands to mercenary unit minimises problems like stealing from
lose out if their troops misbehave, whereas a other unit members or unauthorised looting, all of which
mercenary unit might not suffer so much. Often this improves internal trust and avoids a lot of potential
is a question of perception, as a mercenary unit’s problems with the local population.
reputation is its main selling point, but it can be
an important factor. It may be necessary to make One result of this is that in most areas there are
arrangements to ‘become’ part of a corporation’s essentially two mercenary marketplaces; one for
security arm in order to function legally. Some formally organised units and another for individuals
organisations are willing to make money on the side and small groups operating on an ad-hoc basis.
this way, whilst some licensing agencies operate in a Movement from an organised unit into the small-band
way that suggests they are a corporate body deploying end of the marketplace is usually a sign a mercenary
its own troops rather than facilitating the hire was kicked out of their unit or otherwise considered
of mercenaries. unfit for service and in general, organised units would
rather take on malleable recruits than individuals used
to doing as they please.
The crossover between these two worlds is where a
PROCEDURES client needs a force but has to raise one rather than
Even in areas with no contact with one another, hiring an existing unit. Often there will be no choice
certain procedures tend to emerge over time. The but to recruit individuals and small bands, and try to
mercenary marketplace punishes inefficiency and get them to work together. Beyond a certain point such
tends to drive working practices towards the same forces are inefficient but can be useful against loosely
general way of doing things.

organised or badly equipped enemies. The client or their client is at fault but may be forced to repay part or all of
appointed commander will face a constant struggle to the fee if it seems they have set the client up with bad
keep their force effective, which could be the basis of an mercenaries. Some brokers never repay fees and take
interesting campaign. their chances with angry clients.

Wherever possible, a client will try to hire an existing The broker’s fee is normally paid by the client and
force. The use of a recruiter or broker is generally thus not the concern of the mercenaries. However,
desirable as most clients have little idea whether a some brokerages sweeten the deal (for the client) by
unit is reliable or even suitable for the task. Clients making the mercenaries pay part or all of this fee.
sometimes will approach a totally unsuitable unit If they in turn can persuade the client to pay so be
with an unworkable mission idea. They may also have it but if not they will have to take the money out of
ridiculous expectations, like wanting an armoured their own funds. In order to get the client to pay the
company to take on a platoon-level job for platoon-level broker’s fee, the mercenary unit’s negotiators can
pay, whining that the job is small and easy so the client make a Routine (6+) Persuade or Diplomat check
does not want to pay for the whole armoured force. with the unit’s REP providing an additional DM. The
Some units will detach an element and take the job; client can be persuaded to pay 20% of the licensing
others will chase the prospective client away. agency’s fee per point of Effect.

Clients and mercenaries alike tend to prefer working In some cases there will be no agency or brokerage
through a licencing agency and brokers. The fees fees. For example, a force might swear allegiance for
involved add to everyone’s costs and some brokers a set period to a notable figure and receive salaries
are despised for their habit of overcharging but the as household troops plus gifts and largesse from their
alternative is a complex free-for-all where time and overlord. There may be no contract in such a case;
money are routinely wasted, and sometimes lives as instead the mercenaries agree to abide by their lord’s
well. Thus brokerages and licensing agencies tend to rules and obey orders. The sums involved depend
exist in all areas where mercenaries are used, unless greatly upon the generosity of the client. Standard fees
there are local customs or traditions that result in a and salaries can be used as a guideline but situations
different business practice. of this sort are unique and must be evaluated by the
Referee as they arise.
Agency and Broker Fees
Licensing agencies typically charge a fee to accredit Regional Variations
a mercenary unit or assess them for accreditation. Charted Space is subdivided into areas controlled by
Some charge at intervals to remain licensed or may the major powers but there is greater variation in the
rely on income from acting as a broker for the unit mercenary trade than this. Within the Third Imperium
once it is accredited. Brokers are the intermediaries alone there are significant differences in the attitude
who pair units with clients. They assist in negotiations towards mercenary forces and the types available; a
and are generally fair in their dealings. A broker will trend repeated elsewhere. In some cases differences can
lose out, either directly or otherwise, if a deal goes be put down to the activities of neighbouring states; in
wrong so it is in their interests to ensure the contract others there are ancient cultural factors in play.
is acceptable to both parties with no hidden extras.
Crooked brokers do exist, and some will allow client or Charted Space is neatly divided into sectors according
mercenary to persuade them to be biased, but for the to the starmaps but in reality the mercenary marketplace
most part a broker can be trusted because fair dealing is not so easily codified. Many areas straddle the border
is in their best interests. between two or more major powers, or contain multiple
small polities. The characteristics of the local mercenary
Brokers make their money by charging a fee to set up marketplace are driven by a combination of the laws and
a contract between client and mercenary. For short- customs of the polity and other influences exerted by
duration or specific-mission contracts this is typically conditions in the region. For example, in the Spinward
10–15% of the nominal fee, whilst for long-duration Frontier region the presence of potentially hostile powers
tickets this is usually around 5% of the mission fee influences the mercenary marketplace both within
for the first six months, after which the broker receives and without Imperial territory, whilst the laws of the
no further payment. These fees are usually paid on Imperium are far more important within its borders than
signature of contract, and may or may not be returnable outside – but may still exert influence many parsecs
if the unit breaches its contract or is dismissed. A broker from the nearest Imperial world.
will normally refuse to return any part of a fee if the

C H A P T E R - O N E

The use of mercenary forces is well established in the The use of military contractors is permitted – and also
Third Imperium, not least due to influences from the household troops and corporate forces – to resolve disputes
Vilani Imperium. During the era of the Ziru Sirka, or Grand under most circumstances, reasoning that a short and
Empire of Stars, military force was not seen as the sole decisive conflict will usually be less damaging than a
preserve of the state. Indeed, it was considered one of the long-running dispute. Licensing requirements are strict and
three interlinked tools of all organisations – economics, there are laws governing how a conflict must be carried
politics and force. This habit of mixing economic, political out, with the result that most conflicts within Imperial
and military power exists elsewhere, of course, but the Ziru space are relatively civilised.
Sirka took it further than other human societies.
The Imperium considers accountability to be critical when
The great bureaux and corporations were part of the state, applying political, military or economic pressure. As a
in a manner not seen elsewhere, and were expected to rule, the more an individual or organisation has to lose the
handle their affairs as they thought best. Approaches more it is permitted to do. For this reason well-organised,
varied; where one bureau might have favoured economic properly regulated and highly professional mercenary
persuasion with the threat of force as a backup, another formations are favoured. This is mostly for practical reasons
might choose to take direct action to remove a threat or – a band of heavily armed thugs-for-hire can slip away
overcome a problem. Outsiders have been puzzled by when their actions are called into question but the military
the deployment of military forces without the explicit arm of a major corporation cannot. This attitude is passed
authorisation of the Empire as a whole but in the Vilani down to those who use mercenaries – they know they will
Imperium those who wielded the tools of power were an answer for the actions of their hired troops and prefer units
integral part of the state and could be considered to act on with a good reputation for reliability.
its behalf whenever they acted on their own.
The situation is looser in the backwaters, where clients
When the Ziru Sirka fell, its traditions and practices have to make do with whatever forces they can get. The
remained in force. They survived the Second Imperium result is a distinctly two-tier mercenary marketplace
and the Long Night, and when the Third Imperium was with reputable and professional units claiming the good
founded it was by a businessman rather than a political jobs and bands of gunmen picking up the rest. Not
or military leader. Military force was an essential tool coincidentally, conflict in the backwaters tends to be
in building first the Sylean Federation, then the Third more brutal since units are less accountable and their
Imperium it became, but was never fully separated from clients more desperate. There is a constant market for
business and commerce. To this day, megacorporations anyone capable of handling a weapon in these regions
remain the driving force of the Imperium and wield more but experience gained this way can actually count against
military power than most small interstellar states. personnel if they try to get a billet with a more highly
regarded formation.
The Imperium is comfortable with the use of mercenaries
and considers them a useful asset. With thousands of
star systems to administer it is not desirable to detach
elements of the Imperial armed forces every time an
insurgency breaks out or a humanitarian aid mission
All conflicts within the territory of the Third Imperium
needs a security element. Apart from the costs and are governed by the Rules of War. These are officially
disruption involved, the presence of Imperial troops unwritten to prevent loophole-lawyering but widely
can be controversial. A mercenary provoked into an understood and generally obeyed. For a conflict to
intemperate response does not harm the reputation of be considered legitimate it must meet the definition
the Imperium, whereas a mistake by a member of the of a ‘clean and just war’. This means there must
Imperial armed forces will be remembered and resented be a good and clearly stated reason for the conflict
for a long time to come. and care must be taken to avoid collateral suffering

and economic disruption. Some weapons – notably MERCENARY LIFE IN THE
weapons of mass destruction – are forbidden and
enemy personnel must be treated in a humane THIRD IMPERIUM
manner once they are no longer a threat. The preference for accountable mercenary forces is such
that life can be hard for those without a solid reputation.
The Rules of War make provision for a variety of conflicts Any formation with a negative REP modifier doubles this
to be legal, including trade wars and disputes between when operating above platoon-level. Thus a platoon-sized
noble houses. Wars of conquest are a grey area. It is band of trigger-happy yahoos does not suffer ill-effects
permissible to capture and keep territory or assets from its bad reputation but a company-sized unit will find
in a conflict but acquisition alone is not sufficient it difficult to obtain equipment or to negotiate favourable
grounds for war. Nor is it permitted for a belligerent to contract terms.
permanently retain territory on an enemy’s homeworld or
within their recognised sovereign territory. It is, however, In addition, many clients will simply refuse to deal with
permissible to grab an installation as a bargaining chip a unit of any size that has a negative REP. This is for
and drag out negotiations until the enemy finally agrees the Referee to decide, based on the importance of the
to acceptable terms. client’s public reputation. Others will insist on only hiring
units that have a REP equal to or higher than their SOC,
Some belligerents are skilled at negotiating the finer although a covert hire by way of a third party might be
points of legal conflict. For example, it would not be legal acceptable. Mercenaries can expect to be judged not only
for a corporation to declare a trade war solely because it on their military capabilities but on how prestigious hiring
wanted to take possession of an ore processing plant in a them makes the client seem. It is even possible for high-
particular asteroid belt. It could, however, find pretext to status units to be hired for a trivial job just because the
be in conflict with the operators of the plant and capture client does not want to be seen to hire a lesser unit.
it in order to deprive the enemy of an economic asset – or
to claim the conquest was meant to improve security as This all adds another dimension to the mercenary
the enemy was likely to use the installation as a forward marketplace in the Third Imperium and high-end units
base. Actually taking the installation might be a quick are well aware of this. Many include members of noble
and simple operation, followed by long negotiations houses among their liaison staff and train others in how
interspersed with attempts to take it back by force. to behave at court. The politics of social status are as
important as the political situation that gave rise to a
If the client presented their conflict in the right light, it need for mercenaries. Small units, and particularly low-
would be legal and the use of mercenaries acceptable. status ones, do not have to worry so much about these
This in turn means the mercenaries would be protected factors. For them the mercenary marketplace is much the
by Imperial law. On the other hand, a simple conquest same as in any backwater area; the clients they serve will
without valid pretext would be considered illegal and the be mindful of a unit’s reputation but will not decline to
mercenaries would be liable for prosecution as raiders hire a force merely out of snobbishness.
or pirates. This could be carried out as a deniable
operation, with the mercenaries quietly slipping away
afterward, but their actions could not be defended as CLIENTS
legal. Any injuries or damage caused would therefore be The most likely clients for reputable mercenaries are
a criminal matter rather than a legitimate act of war. corporations, noble houses or world governments.
Disputes can be settled by violence, rather than extended
The Rules of War are a specialist area for many court proceedings, and indeed the outcome of a conflict
lawyers and over the years the courts have heard a may be influential in obtaining a legal decision leading
great many convoluted explanations of how a conflict to permanent resolution. Violence is not used lightly
actually was lawful and necessary if viewed in the but provides a solution to many problems that might
right light. This can have implications for mercenaries otherwise take considerable time. Pragmatism and a long
involved, as a successful appeal by the other side history of such measures have resulted in an attitude that
can delegitimise their actions and leave them open to mercenary operations in support of business or minor
criminal charges. Not coincidentally, better organised dispute are nothing out of the ordinary.
units tend to be careful about the legitimacy of their
operations and stay away from conflicts that might Mercenaries might find themselves up against fellow
land them in legal trouble. It is the ‘band of gunmen’ professionals, or may have to take on household troops
unit that ends up taking these contracts, perpetuating of a noble house, paramilitary corporate security forces
the two-tier system of reputable and less-than- or regulars serving a planetary government. The latter are
reputable formations. the most likely to be of low quality; businesses and noble
houses tend to have small forces but maintain them at a

high standard. A contract that pits mercenaries against Since the end of the Border Wars in 380, this region
a rabble of insurgents might be a welcome change in has been governed by the Peace of Ftahalr. Although the
the Imperial interior, as the majority of contracts are letter of this treaty has been ignored at times its spirit
connected with business or politics rather than ideology. remains in force. Neither the Hierate’s leading clans
nor the Imperium feel that a war in the region might be
There are exceptions, of course. Rebellions do happen desirable. Both sides have repeatedly stepped in to keep
and insurgencies may simmer for decades before their own people from causing the treaty to collapse and
finally crossing the threshold for Imperial intervention. today mercenaries can find work removing humans from
Insurgents and rebels rarely have deep pockets and Aslan-claimed worlds and Aslan from systems declared
typically hire small or low-end mercenary units. off-limits by the treaty. There are those who would
Mercenaries serving such clients are still protected by the prefer open conflict, of course, making peacekeeping
Rules of War and legitimate combatant status but they operations in the Aslan Frontier particularly tricky.
are working for the underdog and may find themselves
opposed by forces licensed through a high-end The Aslan Frontier also sees a considerable amount of
intermediary such as the megacorporation Instellarms. Solomani Confederation influence creating a complex
three-way power balance, which becomes ever more
complicated the closer an observer looks. Direct
REGIONAL intervention by Solomani forces would be an act of
war against the Imperium, so deniability is the order
VARIATIONS of the day. Mercenaries may or may not care whose
The Third Imperium covers a great deal of territory, agenda they are furthering but do need to be mindful of
with many local variations in culture and approach to backlash from an unexpected direction.
mercenary operations. In the Imperial interior, regulation
is strong and an escalation of conflict beyond acceptable
limits will bring swift retaliation. This may take the form The Delphi Frontier
of direct intervention by the Imperial Army or Marines, The Delphi Frontier coincides with the long axis of
or pressure at the diplomatic, economic and legal levels. the Delphi Rift and is normally considered to extend
Rogue mercenary units will be rapidly shut down and from Imperial territory partway into the Hinterworlds,
there is always the possibility that measures might be Glimmerdrift Reaches and Gateway sectors. The Third
instigated by a clever opponent against an honourable Imperium is the primary influence in this region, even
but less well connected force. beyond its borders, but this is an open and sometimes
lawless place.
Most of the Third Imperium can be characterised as
‘Imperial Interior’ as far as mercenary operations are Mercenary operations may involve Imperial or non-
concerned. The laws of the Imperium, as well as its Imperial personnel, possibly in the same unit. Cross-
culture and politics, impose restrictions on mercenary border operations are common, especially since
operations but also create many opportunities for ‘good Imperial corporations are willing to use mercenaries
wars’ – a term mercenaries use to refer to conflicts fought to remove obstacles to expansion. The border zone is
in a relatively civilised manner. as troubled as any other but does not face any major
powers. As a result mercenary operations tend to be
small to medium scale and rarely involve high-level
The Aslan Frontier politics. A world government or small power might
The Aslan Frontier is a relatively small region centred be behind a conflict but mercenaries are not likely to
on the Reaver’s Deep and Dark Nebula, where the Third come up against unexpectedly powerful resistance.
Imperium meets the Aslan Hierate. The customs of both
powers influence the conduct of mercenary operations Mercenaries may find themselves fighting endless
and the forces available there. Some units are obviously small wars among non-aligned worlds or furthering
tailored to fighting against the forces of one power or the the agenda of a would-be regional power. Operations
other, whilst others are more conventionally equipped. within the Imperial border may have a different
flavour to those outside it, mainly due to the lack of
This region is politically very active. There is always consequences outside the border. A unit that commits
the possibility that the Hierate or Imperium is carrying atrocities or performs extremely poorly may be able
out some scheme through deniable parties but more to move a few parsecs over and resume operations
commonly disputes are localised. It has been known for with little chance of repercussions. Word will still get
two organisations, both determined to keep the Aslan out, around but the chances of retribution are small.
to come to blows over how this is best done.

The Julian Frontier The Spinward Frontier
The Julian Protectorate is a loose grouping of local The Spinward Frontier centres on the Spinward Marches
polities and confederations lying to trailing of and surrounding region of space. Its main influence is
the Vargr Extents. With multiple states and many the Third Imperium but the Zhodani Consulate is also
independent worlds it is a prime source of mercenary present along with the Darrian Confederation and Sword
contracts. The Julian Frontier is a border region Worlds Confederation. The presence of Vargr states to
between the Third Imperium and Julian Protectorate, coreward also exerts some influence.
which lies to coreward and trailing of the Antares
sector. The population are mostly a mix of humans The most important power, in terms of mercenary
and Vargr, with a significantly different culture to operations, within the Spinward Frontier is the
that of the Extents. The Protectorate is an alliance Third Imperium. It controls most of the Spinward
of interstellar states that has shown itself capable Marches and part of the Trojan Reach, with influences
of unified action when necessary. More commonly extending far beyond. The region is also influenced by
the member states look to their own affairs and are the Zhodani Consulate and some polities within the
frequently at odds with one another. Vargr Extents. The Aslan Hierate is active to spinward
of the Trojan Reach.
Relations between the Imperium and the various
Julian states are generally distant but cordial, with The area lying within Imperial territory is subject to
considerable cross-border trade. Disputes do occur, the usual considerations regarding mercenaries in the
some of them violent, but there has been no major war Imperium, complicated by the fact this is a border region.
between the Imperium and the Protectorate since 191. Holdings in the Trojan Reach do not face much in the
Smaller clashes have occurred, occasionally between way of external threats but the Spinward Marches has
the Imperium and one of the Julian states, and more been a battleground on several occasions. Mercenaries
commonly between Julian states. might be used in the inevitable internal disputes between
planetary governments, disaffected groups among the
The coreward-trailing end of Antares and the non- population, corporate bodies or rival nobles. They may
Imperial systems immediately surrounding it are also be hired to operate against (or on behalf of) the
considered to form the Julian Frontier. Mercenaries Zhodani Consulate, Sword Worlds Confederation, Darrian
may find themselves operating in Antares, Mendan, Confederation or various Vargr groups.
Amdukan and the Empty Quarter for a variety of
clients. Some favour Imperial-registered mercenaries Of these, the Sword Worlds are the most likely target or
as they are unlikely to be connected to any of the local client for mercenaries. Sword Worlder internal politics
factions – and conversely some Imperial nobles will are turbulent at the best of times, with occasional
hire troops in the Frontier for the same reason. outbreaks of violence. The Confederation has a history of

enmity towards the Imperium, which could be escalated the residents there cannot afford their services or may
by intemperate mercenary operations, but at the same spend their entire career acting as a fire brigade where
time there is a need to contain and oppose the – real or insurgencies break out. Another common contract for
perceived – schemes of both parties. A similar situation small units is escorting investigators trying to determine
exists along the borders with the Vargr and, to a lesser whether a local conflict has been instigated or is being
extent, the Zhodani. supported by a foreign power. Thus mercenaries may
find themselves working on poor worlds and taking
To spinward, through Foreven and the Trojan Reach, paycheques from the regional administration. This
Imperial influences become less important and constant supply of work is considered worth the hassle of
the region begins to show the characteristics of a additional security by most units.
typical non-aligned area – with one major exception.
The rimward side of the region is subject to regular The Windhorn Frontier
incursions by Aslan ihatei, who attempt to seize or The Windhorn Frontier runs from Deneb to Lishun,
occupy any land they can. Ihatei bands are well armed; straddling the border between the Third Imperium and
sufficiently so that most backwater settlements stand Vargr Extents. Some mercenary units are very firmly
little chance against them. The use of mercenaries to on one side or the other of ‘the line’ but trans-border
drive off ihatei or train local militias is commonplace. operations are common – as are units experienced at
carrying them out. The border is ‘harder’ in the inward
The Solomani Frontier direction; units crossing out of the Imperium to operate
The Solomani Frontier is the trans-border region in the Extents are rarely scrutinised to any great degree
mostly contained in the Magyar to Alpha Crucis sector but those coming in are usually investigated. This is
strip and a little to coreward and trailing. There is no particularly true of units raised in the Extents; the
neutral buffer zone in this region; the border is clearly Imperium requires a second registry with a suitable
defined and it is immediately apparent to anyone licensing agency in its territory.
crossing that they are in a different interstellar state.
Mercenaries operating in the border zone are likely to The Windhorn Frontier is more turbulent than most
encounter additional scrutiny from both major powers, other Imperial frontiers, partly due to the nature of Vargr
as interference in one another’s affairs has been near- society and partly as a result of the multiple powers and
constant. Indeed, the long history of tensions between independent worlds just across the border. Disputes,
the Imperium and the Solomani Confederation gives rise piracy and small wars are commonplace, having a
to some unique restrictions and opportunities. tendency to spill out or spark other conflicts. Some of this
trouble crosses the border into the Imperium, prompting
Mercenaries licensed on one side of the border are not campaigns to pacify or suppress the worst effects.
permitted to operate on the other without obtaining
a new license, which will involve investigation into The use of Imperial forces is problematic, as military
the unit’s former activities. Those that do cross and operations in the territory of a foreign state without
re-cross have to go through a lengthy process of permission constitutes an act of war. The Imperium
clearing their heavy equipment every time. Neither the could win any such war but does not want to – defeating
Solomani Confederation nor the Imperium is much a small state in the Extents means having to administer
concerned about small arms and light support weapons and police it, in addition to potentially creating a
but any unit wanting to bring tanks and artillery backlash against ‘Imperial warmongering’. Where a state
with them will be watched carefully. The amount of or world government is willing to accept Imperial help
hardware taken back across the border is of particular with security in its territory the situation is relatively
interest, since both powers have at times used an simple but few are willing to do so. This may be due to
apparently legitimate mercenary operation to get heavy a complex situation in which the government does not
weapons into the hands of dissidents and insurgents feel it is in its interests to suppress the trouble or more
across the border. commonly the government feels it will lose face if it
turns to an outside agency for help.
Most units prefer to work in one state or the other,
although operating close to the border still attracts Mercenaries provide a way around this problem.
considerable attention. Cadre and counterinsurgency Sometimes Imperial authorities will use a mercenary force
contracts are common and often subsidised by regional – deniably hired through a third party – to clean up an
authorities. Both the Imperium and the Confederation are area or even topple a government to install one inclined to
keen to stamp on insurrection along the border and quite be more cooperative. Open operations are also common,
willing to throw money at the problem. Mercenaries may particularly where starmercs are sent to hunt pirates or
be engaged to train local forces in remote areas even if protect commerce. World governments and corporate

bodies on both sides of the border are equally keen to It is generally accepted – and probably true – that
protect their interests and eliminate threats, and of course Instellarms has these policies in place to discourage
mercenaries are always in demand to fight in the disputes riff-raff from buying its weapons, presumably intended
that characterise the region. to avoid the negative connotations of an ill-disciplined
unit committing an atrocity with the firm’s hardware.
Outside Imperial territory, attitudes to mercenaries vary Retail outlets thus have a blanket ‘no bulk sales’ policy
but for the most part expectations are low. Mercenaries but will refer interested buyers to the Instellarms
are not well regarded and betrayals on the part of clients Accredited Purchaser Scheme. To join this scheme
are far too common. Some units, notably Imperial- the buyer must present suitable credentials as the
registered ones, stand out above the mass of low-end representative of a properly accredited mercenary
gunmen-for-hire and command much better treatment. unit with REP 9+ or a government, shipping line or
Reputation is particularly important in this region, as similar organisation, and must present their case to the
many clients who try to play fast and loose with contract office of the local Instellarms regional manager. There
terms are deterred by the likelihood that a unit may turn is a non-refundable Cr10000 fee each time this is
its highly skilled attention on them. Swindling a band of attempted. Assuming the correct documentation exists
warriors is one thing but only a fool would incur the wrath (or has been well faked, which might be an adventure
of an armoured company with a reputation for flattening in and of itself), presenting it requires an Average (8+)
everything in its path. Advocate check. If successful, the buyer is permitted
to purchase weaponry and hardware at non-retail
rates and in large quantities. A failed attempt can be
DEALERS AND repeated after three months.

AGENCIES Units accepted onto the Accredited Purchaser Scheme

It is not uncommon for a corporation to act as both are permitted to buy on ‘military terms’, although
equipment dealer and licensing agency. Some also Instellarms’ prices are higher than most other
serve as brokers that match mercenaries to prospective manufacturers. Before discount, a unit can expect
clients. More commonly, these functions are carried to pay 25% over the odds, although this is reduced
out by separate bodies, with multi-function agencies by 5% for every point of positive REP modifier. Bulk
either being extremely localised or enormous in scope. discounts are available but with a higher starting price
Mid-sized firms lack the resources to be all things to all Instellarms is the supplier of choice only for well-off
sophonts over a wide area. units or those concerned about their image – or who
know potential clients will judge them by the cost of
Instellarms Weapons their equipment rather than its effectiveness.
Manufacturer and Licensing Agency This exclusiveness is not entirely universal. It is very
As a megacorporation, Instellarms has a presence
difficult to use Influence to persuade Instellarms
throughout Imperial space and beyond its borders. It is
to deal with a less reputable unit – each two full
widely known for the quality of its equipment and its high
points of Influence used, or two full points of
pricing policies. Instellarms has many retail outlets and
positive Influence modifier, counts as one. However,
will sell to anyone with the proper credentials at standard
Instellarms will sell small-quantity packages to
individual-item prices. The firm does not negotiate
‘suitable’ customers outside the Accredited Purchaser
discounts on multiple items through its retail outlets and
Scheme. Units with REP 10+ can have a quiet word
may refuse to sell at all if the buyer is pushy or obviously
with their local Instellarms representative and may
outfitting a combat force. A retailer would happily sell
be able to do a deal. They will need to persuade the
four rifles and a light machinegun to a properly accredited
representative as usual, using Reputation or Influence
starship security team if they demonstrated a suitable
and upon a successful Difficult (10+) Persuade check
need – such as operating in backwater ports with weak
the unit will be permitted to deal at military rates for
planetside security. A request for 20 rifles looks more like
relatively small quantities of equipment.
a combat force and would probably be declined.

Instellarms Dealer Profile

Dealer Max. TL Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Support and Specialist
Instellarms 15 Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality

Instellarms also acts as a licensing agency for mercenary Spinward Security Corporation
units. As with its equipment, the firm is very choosy about
who is accredited, and how they behave, but registry with
Licensing Agency and Broker
The Spinward Security Corporation (SSC) was originally
Instellarms opens the door to high-end clients who might
founded in the Deneb sector over a century ago and
be willing to pay 50% or more above the going rate for an
gradually expanded its area of operations all the way out
operation, just because using such high-end mercenaries
to the Trojan Reach. A venture into Corridor was initially
makes the client seem more important.
very successful but the company has lost some of its
market share in recent years. SSC remains a major player
The accreditation process for mercenary units is not
at the lower end of the mercenary market throughout the
complex but tough to complete. Details of all personnel
spinward extents of the Imperium.
and equipment, along with proof of training and service,
must be submitted to the accreditation board along
SSC is not choosy about the units it licenses but does have
with the notorious ‘million Credit bond’. This is a
minimum standards. Any unit with REP 3 or less when
misnomer; the bond starts at MCr1 for a company-sized
applying for a license or at the end of a contract will be
or smaller unit and increases by 25% for every additional
investigated. The unit’s commanders will be called upon
company-equivalent the unit has. The bond is partially
to account for their unit’s notoriety, which will require
or completely forfeit if the unit breaches Instellarms’
a Difficult (10+) Persuade check with the unit’s REP
conditions, even if misconduct in the field is not proven.
DM as an additional modifier. Failure does not result in
MCr1 is not a huge sum for a high-end mercenary unit,
suspension of license unless the Effect is 6-, in which
and generally viewed as worth the investment in terms of
case the unit is suspended for 2D weeks and required to
access to equipment and clients. It is useful in keeping
complete a re-registry process. Perhaps not surprisingly,
borderline outfits away and serves as a marketing tool –
this process is almost impossible to fail but costs the unit
‘all our accredited mercenary forces are guaranteed by
Cr25000 per platoon-sized element it contains.
their million-Credit bond!’.
Failure that does not result in suspension requires
A unit that succeeds in becoming accredited with
‘corrective actions’, which cost Cr1000x1D per point of
Instellarms will automatically have access to military-
negative Effect and take 1D days per point of negative
scale equipment purchases. In addition, the client
Effect to carry out. These actions are required before
notification service will provide a steady stream of
any further contracts can be undertaken – not quite
employment offers from reputable and accountable
the same thing as a suspension but close. However, the
clients who are willing to pay top Credit for Instellarms’
whole process is about making money for SSC rather
excellent mercenaries. A unit registered with Instellarms
than ensuring a high standard of service to the client, so
receives DM+4 when negotiating fees with a client and
units will be returned to normal service sooner or later
DM+2 if facing a legal challenge or investigation from
even if corrective actions result in a shambles that does
outside Instellarms. If the megacorporation itself decides
not improve anything.
to investigate the unit this DM does not apply. Refusal to
fully cooperate with an Instellarms investigation or audit
SSC operates on a quantity rather than quality basis
is grounds for immediate and irreversible revocation of
and charges a relatively low licensing fee of Cr10000
accredited status and loss of bond.
per platoon-sized element of the overall force. As noted,
units with a low REP will be investigated before they are
Instellarms is an Imperial megacorporation run
granted a license but those with enough ready cash can get
by members of the great nobility. It obviously has
through the process even if they are inept. Once licensed,
an interest in preserving the Imperium but this
mercenary units receive a reasonable level of brokerage
does not rule out internal powerplays against other
service, with the company taking a 10% fee from the client
megacorporations or political figures. Instellarms has
to match mercenaries with jobs.
been accused of stirring up small wars or keeping
them going in the interest of additional sales but this
The typical unit licensed with SSC is fairly low-end.
is unlikely to be true. The corporation simply does not
Most are infantry formations, perhaps with a few pieces
need to create work for itself when there is so much
of support equipment or an armoured vehicle or two,
ongoing conflict. Smaller corporations, operating in a
and virtually all are company strength or less. SSC
more limited area, will be affected to a greater extent
tends to specialise in small jobs as a result and in this
if peace breaks out and might have incentive to cause
environment the shortcomings of most of its licensed
trouble but Instellarms is above such things unless its
units are less apparent. The company has to some extent
over-arching political agenda is furthered.
trapped itself in this market niche, since its business

model is based on units requiring corrective actions providing a considerable income to the company. It is
on a frequent basis. A unit that could invest money this that causes most observers to see Gagmi Khuzigalar
in proper training might improve its performance and as an advanced training and proving facility rather than
marketability but SSC does little to actually facilitate a straight mercenary unit.
the improvements it charges a fee to demand. However,
there is no shortage of small mercenary units needing a A Gagmi Khuzigalar field company represents the
license and lacking the reputation or funds to approach industry standard for medium-sized military formations
one of the more supportive agencies. in the Imperium. Organisation is standardised, with
TL9 weaponry used throughout. All units are solid
SSC is not atypical of the lower end of the mercenary and well trained but rarely exceptional. In short, they
marketplace, where more money is made off mercenaries are tailored to balance affordability with capability.
than by them. The firm has little incentive to help Typical deployments range from cadre and training to
mercenary units become more reputable, as they are counterinsurgency and warfighting, with an emphasis on
likely to find another, less exploitative, licensing agency. longer operations. Field companies can be encountered
There are limits to the firm’s rapacity, since the mercenary throughout Imperial space, although most commonly
marketplace is full of dangerous people, but agencies like along the coreward frontiers and in Vland itself.
SSC are one of the obstacles a unit faces as it tries to build
a reputation that will bring in the big-paying jobs. Field companies are built around motorised infantry
sections, each of seven personnel plus a lightly-
armoured wheeled APC with two crew. The APC provides
UNITS fire support with a turreted light autocannon whilst the
Within Imperial space, mercenary units typically recruit infantry fight dismounted. A section leader commands
personnel from those leaving Imperial service or who three rifle-armed infantry soldiers plus a gunner
have struggled to adapt to civilian life. Planetary armies equipped with a light support weapon variant of the
are another source of trained recruits. This makes rifle. These are supported by a designated marksman
mercenary units who provide basic training rare in the and a grenadier armed with a rifle/grenade launcher
Imperium, although there are some notable exceptions. combination. High explosive anti-armour grenades give
the unit some capability against light armoured vehicles.
Gagmi Khuzigalar
Support is provided by the command platoon, which
Mercenary Unit, Non-Standard has two wheeled APC mortar carriers and two command
Gagmi Khuzigalar is an organisation that falls vehicles – one for the unit’s commanding officer and
somewhere between a training and recruiting agency, one for the executive officer, who holds the rank of
and a mercenary force in its own right. It was first captain. Three militarised air/rafts mounting light
embodied in the Vland sector but has since expanded support weapons provide a measure of reconnaissance
to other worlds with a large population of ex-military and rapid fire support capability.
personnel. The company maintains recruiting
stations at several major Imperial Army bases, taking
advantage of the practice of releasing personnel from Characteristic Value DM
service in blocks.
Force Name Gagmi Khuzigalar Field Company —
In some cases particularly promising soldiers are Unit Size Company —
approached before their service ends and offered a place
Unit Type Infantry —
in a Gagmi Khuzigalar unit, while more are made aware
of the opportunities but otherwise left alone. A typical Unit TL 9 +1
recruit leaves Imperial service and tries to make a go of Mobility Type Motorised +4
it in civilian life for 6–12 months before turning up at a
Gagmi Khuzigalar ‘reorientation centre’. Combat 8 —
Bombardment 2 -2
Not all of those presenting themselves for service are
suitable. Gagmi Khuzigalar has the resources to evaluate Aerospace 1 -2
personnel not only for their skills and general soldiering Support 3 -1
but also suitability for the mercenary life. Those who
complete the selection process are either recommended CEI or DEI 9 +1
to other mercenary forces (for a fee of course) or join Morale 11 +1
one of Gagmi Khuzigalar’s field companies. Many
Reputation 10 +1
personnel serve for a time then move on to other units,

Gagmi Khuzigalar’s field companies have a good Gagmi Khuzigalar is an example of a large organisation
reputation, especially in drawn-out counterinsurgency – by mercenary unit standards – which can field
operations. Personnel tend to be experienced and multiple companies. Units of this sort are a common
well-trained to start with, fitting easily into a well- route into the mercenary trade for ex-military
defined organisational role. Whilst capabilities are not personnel. Sometimes members of opposing units
especially high, a field company is more than a match find they started out in the same training cadre,
for the insurgents it will typically face. which might lead to a reduction in hostility… or not,
depending on how well they got along.

Albey’s Platoon
Infantry, Platoon
Albey’s Platoon was raised by a former Imperial Army difficult, seriously harming the unit’s reputation in the
major. The unit has had several commanding officers marketplace. A year ago, the force was bought out at a
over its three decades of continuous embodiment, with bargain-basement price by a ‘graduate’ of one of Gagmi
the original personnel all comfortably retired. It is not Khuzigalar’s field companies.
uncommon for a successful mercenary unit to be sold
as a going concern, although this generally requires the Since then the platoon has begun to rebuild its
consent of unit members. reputation for efficiency but this came at a price. Forced
to take unpleasant jobs for shady clients, Albey’s Platoon
As is common with long-lived units, Albey’s Platoon has is now known as a haven for killers unwanted by other
had mixed fortunes over the years. Originally a high- units. Internal troubles are common and although the
quality formation, the platoon suffered heavy casualties current captain stays on top of discipline it seems only a
as a result of over-ambitious commanders making matter of time before she is deposed in a fatal manner.
poor decisions and was recruited back up to strength At that point Albey’s Platoon will probably cross the line
with whatever personnel were available. This made from being a vicious but disciplined fighting force and
the task of regaining previous performance levels very become a band of outright cut-throats.

Organisation is more or less standard for a platoon-sized There is really no such thing as a standard mission
infantry force. The three combat sections are equipped for Escort, Inc. but a typical deployment will be to
with TL8 small arms whilst the headquarters section, protect a person or object on the move. This might be
which also enforces discipline on the rest of the unit, is a politician, whistle-blowing journalist, star witness or
armed with TL12 weapons. paranoid celebrity. All personnel are well-groomed and
able to operate in polite society. The close protection
Albey’s Platoon is renowned for its aggression and what team provides immediate protection for the client,
might be termed spite. It attracts personnel who would operating well together after years of familiarity. On
not be accepted by other units and does not ask questions the move, on foot, the team tries to be unobtrusive
about their past. Occasionally someone is hauled off by but at the same time leapfrogs a team member ahead
agents of an interstellar law enforcement agency but there to the next intersection or places an operator in the
is always a replacement eager to take their salary and dish way of potential threats. The close protection leader
out violence without too much oversight. The command stays with the client as a last line of defence.
team will come down hard on anyone disobeying orders but
otherwise give the rifle sections free rein to indulge their On some occasions the close protection team
bloodlust. The unit has the Brutal trait. is augmented by personnel from the mobility or
overwatch detachments. Otherwise, the unit uses
Albey’s Platoon is in many ways a typical small unit two identical, lightly armoured wheeled SUVs, which
with a long history. No force stays at the top forever and do not stand out among the ground traffic on most
previously reputable units can nosedive after a bad defeat. worlds. Each has a crew of two – a trained combat
Albey’s Platoon has gone down the road of recruiting for driver and a commander/gunner. The overwatch
killing power rather than military competence and on some team consists of a sniper and spotter, who is also
tickets may create more problems than it solves. the unit’s second in command whilst the command
team coordinates the operation and fills in for any
Characteristic Value DM additional required personnel.
Force Name Albey’s Platoon —
Armament varies depending on circumstances.
Unit Size Platoon — Concealable handguns are usually deployed, with
Unit Type Infantry — small submachineguns if the situation permits. Each
car has a pair of automatic weapons for the crew. One
Unit TL 8 — is a short-barrelled rifle-calibre carbine with a high
Mobility Type Infantry -3 rate of fire; the other is a longer weapon loaded with
armour-piercing ammunition. All personnel are trained
Combat 10 +1 to shoot from a moving vehicle and put pursuers out
Bombardment 2 -2 of action or off the road as efficiently as possible.
Smoke grenades and flashbangs are normally carried
Aerospace 2 -2
Support 2 -2
Characteristic Value DM
CEI or DEI 9 +1
Force Name Escort, Inc. —
Morale 11 +1
Unit Size Reinforced Section —
Reputation 4 -1
Unit Type Infantry —

Security, Section Unit TL 10 +1

Escort, Inc. Mobility Type Motorised +4

Escort, Inc. exists to get people or objects through Combat 9 +1
a hostile urban environment. It is a small unit,
Bombardment 0 —
little more than a reinforced section in numbers,
with a range of capabilities suited to security rather Aerospace 0 —
than combat. Personnel come and go over time,
Support 3 -1
sometimes creating skill gaps that have to be filled
with additional operators. Most unit members can CEI or DEI 11 +2
demonstrate a high level of weapons handling skill, Morale 13 +2
situational awareness and additional skills such as
medic, explosives detection and tactical analysis. Reputation 12 +2

in the vehicles and occasionally available to foot Frontier Security Services
personnel if they have somewhere to carry them
without attracting attention. Starmerc, Flotilla
Frontier Security Services, or FSS, is a flotilla-sized
Escort, Inc. has a solid reputation for not only starmerc unit operating along the fringes of Imperial
keeping clients alive but also protecting their public space. The force has an ‘official strength’ of 2,200
image. Most operations are discreet and low-key, yet displacement tons of vessels but may actually possess
sufficiently tight that trouble is headed off or hostiles more than this at times. The unit is famous for its tactic
never get an opportunity to act. When action is of shadowing an apparently innocent merchant vessel in
required it is well-coordinated and efficient, with an the hope of drawing in a pirate or commerce raider.
emphasis on protecting the client rather than winning
the fight. This tight mission focus has served the unit The flagship of the FSS flotilla is a mercenary cruiser
well over the years and those who cannot fit with the named FSS Actual. This vessel may use alternate
force’s ethos are quickly dismissed. Escort, Inc. would transponder designations at times to deceive potential
rather be short some personnel than rely on anyone targets, a gambit that is legal for properly licensed
whose intemperance may derail a smooth operation. mercenaries in the course of a mission but likely to
The unit has the Sharp-Eyed and Skirmishers traits. result in problems if undertaken in other circumstances.
FSS Actual is supported by three 400-ton patrol
Escort, Inc is a highly specialist unit with a long corvettes designated FSS 1–3 and a 200-ton Far Trader,
string of successes to its credit. This has come at which acts as a supply vessel.
a price, however. Every client saved from attack is
another individual’s plan thwarted and not all of those The force routinely operates other vessels for a short
protected by the unit are good people. Escort, Inc time then sells them on. These vessels may be rescued
has numerous enemies despite its own position being from the scrap yard, chartered from independent
entirely non-judgemental and apolitical. operators or captured from pirates. They may be used

as troop transports or supply vessels but are far more unlikely to ruffle the feathers of local officers. An ability
commonly deployed as decoys or intelligence-gathering to get along with outsiders, or at least avoid antagonising
vessels. Depending on circumstances, FSS may carry them, is essential for all personnel. Anyone who cannot
out simple escort or guardship operations or might send meet this standard, no matter their prowess in combat,
one of its temporary vessels into a suspect port to gather is quickly discharged from the unit.
information before a swoop. Its combat ships sometimes
operate together but can cover more ground separately. The brigade’s teeth are three TL12 augmented lift
infantry battalions. ‘Augmented’ in this case does not
The unit is well-funded and typically obtains recruits refer to the formation being overstrength – in fact most
from former Imperial Navy personnel by personal sub-units are below their paper strength on a permanent
recommendation. Relations between officers of the basis – but to the inclusion of light armoured vehicles in
flotilla and senior naval personnel in the region are the lift infantry companies. These are organised as three
generally good, although some captains resent the lift infantry platoons and one headquarters platoon, with
mercenaries for various reasons. The unit as a whole has organic aerospace defence and fire support capability
the Reputable trait. to permit any company to operate independently. Each
platoon consists of three grav APCs with a crew of two
and a six-soldier infantry section aboard, plus a light
Characteristic Value DM grav tank equipped with a plasma gun.
Force Name Frontier Security Services —
These three battalions are supported by the
Unit Size Flotilla —
headquarters formation, which contains a command
Unit Type Starmerc — platoon, workshop platoon, logistics detachment,
Unit TL 12 +2 aerospace defence platoon and a reconnaissance
detachment. Elements of the HQ formation are
Mobility Type Starship — routinely detached to support other parts of the
CEI or DEI 9 +1 force. The reconnaissance element comprises a grav
APC carrying a section of six combat pioneers, who
Morale 10 +1 dismount to undertake reconnaissance of enemy
Reputation 11 +1 fortifications and potential hazards, as well as
three light grav speeders whose two-person crews
Support 3 -1
act as sensor pickets as well as carrying out direct
CEI or DEI 11 +2 reconnaissance. The speeders are armed and can
provide fire support but are very lightly protected.
Morale 13 +2
Reputation 12 +2 Each battalion is capable of all-arms action, with infantry
and light armour in the lift infantry companies and a
small artillery contingent at the battalion level. This
Shandu’s Brigade consists of a platoon equipped with grav APCs mounting
multi-barrel mortars and light anti-aerospace weapons,
Combined-Arms, Brigade primarily used to defeat counterfire or attempts to take
Shandu’s Brigade is named for its first commanding
out the support element with an airstrike.
officer, Colonel Aexula Shandu. Now retired, Shandu
sold the unit’s identity to her successor for almost as
Shandu’s Brigade is one of the most effective mercenary
much as the hardware and personnel. This expensive
formations in the region, by virtue of both equipment
purchase paid off, allowing the brigade to retain its
and training levels. It is capable of taking on elements
marketplace recognition and continue commanding
of a major planetary army and can smash through mid-
large fees.
tech forces many times its size. In addition to acting
as a rapid-response force or spearhead, the brigade is
The brigade specialises in combined-arms warfighting
capable of detaching several of its staff officers and a
operations, although it sometimes undertakes strike
headquarters vehicle to assist local allies, and routinely
missions. Most contracts are for several months, as the
provides liaison officers skilled at nudging allies in the
cost of moving an entire brigade is enormous. Once
right direction. With an impressive record of success
in theatre, the force has an excellent reputation for
against heavy odds the unit commands a very high fee,
fighting prowess and an impressive ability to improve
with negotiation starting at around 50% above normal
the performance of local allies. This is done by way of
for a force this size.
smooth liaison and mentoring, carried out in a manner

Brigade-sized mercenary units are highly uncommon in arose out of bitter competition for mining rights in the
the mercenary marketplace and their activities tend to Fergie system and has expanded into a general state of
make the news whenever they are deployed. Getting a hostility between the two corporations.
billet with a force of this kind is a career goal for many
mercenaries, not least because it is very much like being Although never formally discussed, there are some rules
back in the regular army. adhered to by both parties. This is not uncommon in
trade wars and is more about self-interest than a desire
to behave in a humane manner. Escalation beyond a
Characteristic Value DM certain point will trigger the intervention of the Imperial
Force Name Shandu’s Brigade — authorities or possibly a larger and more aggressive
corporation, and the creation of an economic vacuum will
Unit Size Brigade — bring in smaller corporations to fill the gap. Thus it is in
Unit Type Combined-Arms — the interests of both participants to choose their battles
wisely and accept losses rather than fighting to the last
Unit TL 12 +1 over an installation or supply contract. The conflict has
Mobility Type Grav +8 been fought as much in courtrooms and negotiations with
third parties as with weapons but it has been hard-fought
Combat 12 +2
all the same.
Bombardment 4 -1
Aerospace 9 +1 Zagshiir Industries
Zagshiir is a heavy industrial concern, with foundries
Support 6 -1
and production facilities on several worlds. It does not
CEI or DEI 12 +3 operate mining vessels but instead buys ore and ingots
Morale 14 +2 from independent or subcontracted producers. The firm’s
assets are concentrated in a few major installations, all
Reputation 14 +2 of which have been heavily secured since the dispute
began. Zagshiir Industries has thus far preferred to
defend its holdings, rather than make military strikes, but
CONFLICTS is very active in the legal and economic sectors. Despite
significant resources put into this non-military campaign,
At any given time there are countless conflicts ongoing
there have been few successes. A couple of minor
in the Imperium and far more situations that have the
members of the Ilelish Free Trade Group have been put
potential to become conflicts. Mercenaries might find
out of the fight but the tactic has proven expensive and
themselves fighting a war or trying to prevent one, whilst
has not produced significant results.
those who have to police the aftermath of a conflict
often end up wishing for something as clear-cut as an
all-out war before long. The Ilelish Free Trade Group
IFT is the apparent underdog in this conflict. It is a loose
alliance of small producers, shippers and manufacturers
THE ILELISH who banded together to prevent domination of the local
TRADE WAR market. IFT actually has greater net worth than Zagshiir
but is decentralised and cooperation can be rather loose.
The Ilelish sector is very much ‘Imperial interior’ in
character despite being in some ways a border province. Up to now, Zagshiir has targeted the major players in
It is bounded to rimward by an arm of the Great Rift, IFT for legal or economic operations, attempting to force
separating the sector from the rather more troubled them out of the conflict or out of business altogether
Reaver’s Deep. The Great Rift also occupies most of Verge, by entangling them in legal challenges. IFT’s strategy
to spinward, with the result that Ilelish faces few external is similarly based on economics, attempting to make
threats. The region is heavily influenced by Vilani culture, operations too expensive by pinprick raids that require a
with a strong presence from the megacorporations as well heavy investment in security. The drain on resources will
as multiple regional corporations. hopefully make the conflict unviable and force Zagshiir to
negotiate a settlement.
Conflict between corporate bodies is permitted within
the Imperium, so long as it does not seriously disrupt Escalation
the regional economy. For this reason the feud between Neither strategy is working very well but whilst both
Zagshiir Industries and the Ilelish Free Trade Group (IFT) sides were sure they could outlast the opposition there
has been permitted to smoulder for nearly a decade was no need to escalate. Ironically, a legal success by
without attracting Imperial intervention. The conflict Zagshiir, which forced one of the main IFT members to

stand down, sowed the seeds of escalation. IFT began to industrial sites. Capture of leaders is also an option.
fear they would be ground down if they did not change Intelligence or cyber-warfare units will be added to
strategy. Given a choice between salvaging what little Zagshiir forces if they can be obtained.
they could and relocating or making a bid for victory,
they chose the latter. Summary
The Ilelish Trade War offers opportunities for
IFT began with an unusually well-coordinated attack medium-sized forces carrying out strike and security
on a Zagshiir manufacturing plant. This was conducted operations, as well as smaller units to undertake
by mercenaries rather than forces contributed by commando and starmerc operations. Restraint is
IFT members and caught the defenders of the plant necessary, as any excess violence will allow the
unprepared. A virtually bloodless victory gave IFT a opposition to make a legal challenge that might take a
bargaining chip, at last, but Zagshiir has decided not to mercenary unit out of the fight, and of course serious
negotiate. Instead, the firm is hiring mercenaries and collateral damage will trigger intervention by Imperial
apparently intends to take back its manufacturing plant forces. This is very much the sort of limited war that
and/or strike at assets of IFT members. This degree of mercenary forces like. It can be dangerous but the
escalation is within acceptable limits so IFT cannot rely risks are predictable and manageable.
on Imperial intervention. Its members are scrambling to
raise troops and hire mercenaries.
Zagshiir has a large security element of its own
but this is a light infantry force optimised towards CIVIL WAR
protecting installations and would not be effective Zedesu is a small, dry world with a thin atmosphere
in offensive operations. IFT can field more troops and a population of just over 90 billion. It is located
by pooling its own security elements but they would in Antares, close to the border between the Imperium
be even more inept as a military force. Clearly both and the Julian Protectorate. The world is part of
sides need the help of professionals, creating many a small cluster accessible by jump-2 ships and
opportunities for mercenaries. important to the Imperium as a market rather than a
producer, although it does have a Class C starport and
IFT intends to win the trade war by capturing more a modest TL10 industrial base.
Zagshiir assets. Imperial laws prohibit immediate selloff
of seized assets – they are ‘held’ rather than ‘owned’ It is a dictatorship, which for many years has been
until end-of-conflict negotiations determine ownership. stable and relatively untroubled. Dissent has always
The security forces at these installations are now on existed but has been kept at acceptable levels by a
high alert and have been augmented, in some cases; combination of security measures and the cultivation
there will not be another easy victory. IFT is therefore of a good standard of living. Unfortunately, this has
looking to hire forces capable of overwhelming a security resulted in high spending levels, which have proven
detachment and seize an installation or to launch raids unsustainable in the long term and the emphasis
against the Zagshiir supply and logistics chain. It will lately has been on arrests and removal of ‘privileges’
also need to keep control of any gains and defend its for suspect areas. This has created increasing anger
own assets, so defensive assets are required. Infantry among a population wearied of collective punishments
and light armoured forces are most desirable but IFT will and the emergence of an armed insurgent movement.
take what it can get.
The insurgents were initially inept and suffered
Zagshiir Industries has taken a different approach. heavy defeats leading to the capture of their entire
Its opponents are dispersed and individually weak, upper leadership. Rather than collapse entirely the
so the strategy is to eliminate them from the conflict insurgency fragmented into small regional cells,
one at a time. Zagshiir needs additional security at its which proved difficult to eradicate, prompting harsh
facilities and a strike force to retake the captured one. crackdowns on populations suspected of supporting
This might be a starmerc outfit or a unit optimised the insurgency. This backfired, to the point where
for commando/strike operations. The plant must several regions are now in open rebellion and
not be harmed as it contains expensive equipment. elements of the military have declared for the rebels.
For offensive operations Zagshiir needs small units
capable of commando and strike operations to hit The situation has been declared by the Imperial
the headquarters of IFT members or capture their ambassador to be an ‘internal dispute arising from
assets, which include small merchant ships as well as questionable policies on the part of the planetary

government’ – a phrase used often enough that its The rebel’s most reliable forces consist of militia and
underlying meaning is lost on no-one. The regional insurgents equipped with whatever small arms can be
administration has taken the view that the central scavenged or appropriated from government arsenals.
government has caused a problem for itself and Those regular army units that have gone over to the
the Imperium as a whole might be better off with a rebels are well equipped with the same TL10 arms as
different regime in charge on Zedesu. Intervention their opponents but suffer from an extremely disjointed
will take place if matters escalate too far but the command structure. This results from the fact that
dictator cannot expect help in dealing with a problem several commanders have decided they should be the
of his own creation. next dictator and are more committed to furthering
their own agenda than fighting for the insurgency.
The Zedesu Dictatorship
Zedesu possessed significant armed forces at the The Civil War
beginning of the conflict, although the lion’s share of Few areas are wholly under the control of one faction
the budget was spent on in-system defences since the or the other but for the most part the main cities are
world lies close to the Imperial border. The majority of controlled by loyalist forces and those more distant
the world’s ground forces were equipped to resist an from the capital are either in rebel hands or trying to
external threat in the form of raids coming across the remain neutral. The space forces have remained more
border and relied heavily on a handful of grav-mobile or less loyal but are resisting calls to assist in the
brigades. These were backed up by local defence ground fighting. Instead the system defence squadron
formations equipped with wheeled ground vehicles. is making a big show of protecting its bases and the
Few heavy armoured vehicles of any kind existed. starport, and preventing arms from reaching the rebels.

This force was never intended for counterinsurgency Propaganda and persuasion is playing a large part in the
work and whilst its equipment proved adequate conflict, with a major campaign promoting loyalty to the
training was anything but. Pitted against equally central government yielding better results than military
ham-fisted insurgents at the beginning of the conflict, operations. The dictator is reluctant to use mercenaries,
the government forces did well but once the conflict as this might be seen as a sign of weakness, but is
became more widespread their unsuitability for such interested in hiring a reliable force to act as a ‘palace
operations became readily apparent. Refusal among guard’ and protect against a coup attempt in the
some units to take part in harsh crackdowns further capital. Other forces might be hired if they seem useful,
reduced effectiveness. As a result, the government especially those skilled in counterinsurgency warfare.
forces of today are disorganised and demoralised but
numerous and well-equipped. The rebels have managed to hire a few mercenary units
so far, mostly low-budget or small infantry forces. This
More than anything else the government forces are has caused controversy among the regular army officers
hamstrung by mistrust. Personnel and whole units may backing the rebellion but representatives have been
go over to the rebels at any time and even staunch smuggled to other worlds to seek further assistance.
loyalists can come under suspicion. Officers are afraid The main problem with this is that the rebels have
to admit failure or weakness and may commit forces few funds and are having to offer more than usual to
to actions they are not in a position to win or else be compensate for the additional risk. They are seeking
removed from command for possible disloyalty. warfighters or strikers for the most part, or cadre units
to assist in the creation of an effective combat force.
The Rebels
The rebels are not much more organised than the Summary
government forces. In some cases cities or entire The Zedesu Civil War represents a risky but
military units have joined the rebellion but this does potentially lucrative environment for those willing
not translate to 100% loyalty to the cause. It is not to assist the rebels, who will mostly be inexpensive
unknown for units to keep switching sides or to be warfighting units or small strike formations. Starmercs
vague about their allegiance in order to gain some and gunrunners can also make a good profit here,
advantage, and there are opportunists who seek to whilst effective security and counterinsurgency
take advantage of the situation. Indeed, the situation formations will find a ready client in the dictator.
can be summed up by the old adage that ‘the enemy The war is limited by the possibility of Imperial
of my enemy is the enemy of my enemy – and no intervention but those involved are not highly skilled,
more or less than that’. which can lead to bloody mistakes.

C H A P T E R - T W O

The Zhodani Consulate does not favour the use of that skips this for whatever reason will lose its status
mercenaries in the usual sense and can be considered as Ojach Shezh. Their client will still answer for their
a closed market to forces licensed outside its borders. actions until this is formalised.
That does not mean such forces do not operate in the
Consulate but they will always be considered illegal Obviously, the use of mercenaries is a weighty matter in
and are not protected by laws concerning legitimate the Consulate but transferrable servants allow a client to
combatant status. Few mercenary units will take a obtain capabilities that would not otherwise be available
contract that requires operating in Consulate space for without the expense of setting up a unit on a permanent
this reason and most of those are covert or antagonistic basis. Gaining Ojach Shezh status requires a petition
towards the Consulate itself. to senior regional nobles, which must be supported
by a notable individual acting as sponsor. Sometimes
The only exception to this is when a mercenary force this is the unit’s first client, who helps the group
is used by an interstellar state or corporation that become established in return for solving a problem or
is willing to answer for its conduct. For example, a accomplishing a task.
transborder shipping company might deploy a force of
mercenaries to secure its facilities on the Zhodani side One of the most common uses for Ojach Shezh is
of the border. As far as the Consulate is concerned transborder operations or dealing with non-Zhodani. For
these are the forces of the shipping company itself and outsiders this is the only viable route into mercenary
any misconduct will result in consequences for the work on behalf of the Consulate or its members.
company. Long experience has shown that the Zhodani Taking on non-Zhodani as Ojach Shezh is a risk for the
are absolutely not interested in protests about rogue client, and even more so for the sponsor, but it does
elements within an apparently reliable mercenary unit. permit the deployment of personnel with knowledge
Not coincidentally, attempts to use mercenaries to of likely foes. For example, a Zhodani noble might
damage the Consulate’s interests then disown them are seek out a reputable outsider mercenary unit and offer
never successful. The mercenaries themselves will be Ojach Shezh status in return for dealing with a threat
treated as criminals and the client blamed no matter the noble’s household troops have no experience of.
what excuses are made. The learning curve can be steep for those without
experience of non-Zhodani and mistakes could derail
The Consulate and its members will not hire outsider an operation or cost lives.
mercenaries and operating there carries significant
risks for mercenaries hired by clients with interests
in Consulate space. Mercenaries of a sort do exist
within the Consulate but they are known as Ojach
Shezh – ‘transferable servants’ and viewed differently
Internal conflict is less common in the Zhodani
to mercenaries elsewhere. As with outsiders, a client Consulate than most other large interstellar states but it
answers for the actions of their ‘transferable servants’ is by no means unknown. Outsiders often assume that
whilst they are in service. In effect, Ojach Shezh are everyone is kept happy and aligned with the overall aims
considered to be part of the client’s organisation until of the Consulate by the Tavrchedl or ‘thought police’.
they finish their tasks and are discharged with In fact the situation is far more complex than this and
due formality. factional disputes sometimes escalate into violence. One
factor outsiders are typically correct about is the fervour
Ojach Shezh are usually, but not always, military in of Zhodani for their chosen cause. This means that when
nature. Diplomatic and scientific groups also operate conflict flares up it is vicious.
under the same title and provide their services in
much the same way. Hiring is a formal and lengthy Most commonly, conflict erupts when a segment of
process, with ritualised oaths of mutual respect and society on a world rejects the status quo and attempts
commitment. Ending service is similar, with a complex to force its beliefs on others. This is never done half-
release and end-of-commitment ceremony. A unit

heartedly – Zhodani society tends to be placid or but once dominance is established it is generally
tumultuous, with little in between – but the beliefs accepted. Internal wars of this sort might be thought
in question can vary considerably. Often, the root of of as extremely violent arguments in which one faction
a conflict is the Consulate’s position towards a given attempts to force another to accept its views. Fighting
group of outsiders – a Vargr state or the Imperium for its own sake, or out of hatred, is rare.
usually – with mild disagreement about how foreign
affairs should be conducted eventually escalating into The result of this is that wars in the Consulate have
warfare. Other conflicts have been brought about by clear aims and are not prolonged beyond what is
fervent supporters of territorial expansion or the Core necessary to achieve them. The few outsiders who know
Expeditions clashing with those who feel resources are much about these conflicts tend to be astounded that
better spent elsewhere. the supposedly docile population can clash savagely
over some apparently minor ideological difference, then
Usually these conflicts are led by the noble class; forgive their former enemies and live alongside them.
revolts against rulers are highly uncommon. The usual
pattern is an escalation of discord until nobles among Conflicts along the borders tend to be of a different
the conflicting factions feel that warfare is justified. nature as they involve outsiders. Wars over resources
The Consulate does not discuss these internal struggles and territory occur, as anywhere else, and the Consulate
with outsiders but generally lets them take their has demonstrated a willingness to strike first if conflict
course providing they remain within acceptable limits. threatens. Experience has taught the border population
It is usual for a conflict to be brought to an end if it that outsiders bear grudges to a much greater extent
escalates too far but skirmishes between minor forces than Zhodani and it is possible for a bitter war to
and the occasional decisive battle typically remain below erupt when there is no obvious territorial, resource or
the intervention threshold. ideological issue. The Zhodani know that outsiders
might attack them for no better reason than to take
Internal conflict tends to be self-limited by the revenge over a conflict that happened decades ago.
participants, who remain loyal to the Consulate as Where possible, such situations are carefully observed
a whole and its people – even if they are currently and defused, or kept at a low level, but occasionally the
shooting at one another. Wars are in general very ‘clean’ nobles of the Consulate will decide they need to cripple
and followed by reconciliation even if the actual fighting a potential enemy just in case. Outsider mercenaries
was intense. Casualties are often high, as neither might be used by either or both sides in such a conflict;
side is willing to relinquish their ideological position, this is one of the few opportunities for non-Zhodani.

requisite REP undergo a similar process, akin to
MERCENARY LIFE IN endless exercises and wargames, which increase their
THE CONSULATE skills and allow them to develop a sufficiently solid
The life of a mercenary, or Ojach Shezh, in the reputation. The unit is not paid during this time as it
Consulate is different to that of mercenaries elsewhere. is not fit for service as Ojach Shezh, so must provide
Outsider mercenaries, on the occasions they are hired adequate funding by its own means. This serves as an
at all, are the subject of puzzlement from most Zhodani. effective barrier against timewasters.
They typically either serve a non-Zhodani client who
treats them just like mercenaries elsewhere or they Units and individuals who lose Ojach Shezh status
are held at arm’s length by their client by way of are reduced to the level of outsider mercenaries, even
intermediaries. This creates a general impression that if they are Zhodani. They may be able to get work
the Zhodani despise mercenaries. In fact, the problem for less choosy clients, filling a niche between Ojach
is not mercenary status but the problem of being certain Shezh and common mercenaries, but if not they will
the mercenaries will not do something the client has end up doing the same work as outsiders and under
to answer for. Zhodani are often just as uneasy dealing the same conditions. Disgraced Ojach Shezh are,
with non-military contractors or service providers. This if anything, considered less hireable than outsider
situation can be alleviated by good liaison protocols and mercenaries, and occasionally turn up outside the
a willingness of both parties to learn a little about one fringes of Consulate space. Their high standards of
another. Mercenaries who can adjust to their standing equipment and professionalism make them desirable
within the Consulate will gradually be accorded a status to clients but not all former Ojach Shezh make the
not unlike that of Ojach Shezh. adjustment to the rather different conditions outside
the Consulate. Those that do typically maintain their
Ojach Shezh are not viewed with the same uncertainty above-average capabilities for a while then go into
or unease as outsider mercenaries. Whether they are decline but a few notable mercenary units started out
of Zhodani origin or have demonstrated their adoption this way and managed to bring recruits up to their
of Zhodani customs, Ojach Shezh are considered to standard rather than falling to meet them. It is almost
be as worthy as the household troops of any noble. unheard-of for these units to regain their former
They serve a useful purpose with integrity and honour, status, so most tales of their exploits end tragically
and are expected to behave just like household troops in some far-off war or in far more mundane fashion
until released from service. If a noble’s bodyguard is as personnel leave the unit and return to mainstream
willing to fight to the last, their hired Ojach Shezh Zhodani society in whatever capacity they can find.
would be expected to do so as well. Disgrace and loss
of status is inevitable for a unit that falls short of
these high expectations.
Common mercenaries are highly unlikely to find
employment with the nobility of the Consulate, nor
Since most Ojach Shezh enter the service of a noble
with its major institutions and business entities,
each time they change client, their living standards
unless there is a special requirement for outsiders.
are relatively luxurious compared to those of ordinary
This might be for purposes of deception or
mercenaries. Training facilities and equipment are
concealment of intentions but is often a matter of
also of above-average standard. The opposite side of
expedience. A Zhodani group seeking mercenaries
this coin is the difficulty of obtaining or maintaining
to operate against outsiders may choose to use other
Ojach Shezh status and the quality of service expected.
outsiders. This is the only way a typical mercenary
Ojach Shezh are one of the ‘public faces’ of their client
unit can end up working for a Zhodani client – at least
and expected to be smartly turned out at all times.
openly – without going through the long and expensive
Weaknesses of character such as drinking and gambling
process of proving Ojach Shezh status.
are unacceptable, as is any form of dishonesty.
Those that do meet the standard are likely to have a
Status as Ojach Shezh is only available to units with
wholly different client experience. They will rarely, if
REP 9+ and requires a series of demonstrations of
ever, deal directly with senior officials but will liaise
competence and reliability as well as psionic testing.
through junior nobility. They will almost certainly
This may be little more than the same honesty-
have to function at a high social level, being present
probing a common citizen might expect when
at important functions requiring tact and diplomacy.
attempting to enter a sensitive occupation but there
They will encounter a little of the internal politics of
are rumours of ‘psionic simulations’, which can be
Zhodani society, not least since opponents of their
damagingly realistic. Units that do not yet have the

client may see Ojach Shezh as a vulnerability that can familiar with the tactics and attitudes of likely
be used to discredit the client. If the transferrable opponents, making this one of the few parts of the
servants are not up to standard and can be induced Consulate where outsiders may find work.
to commit some gaffe their current client will still pay
the price. This can have serious consequences for the Mercenaries are often hired to play the part of opposing
mercenaries as well, perhaps resulting in exile and forces in the training of Zhodani troops. Barring the
loss of Ojach Shezh status. occasional accident this is a safe deployment, with the
prospect of getting free training time into the bargain.
Depending on the circumstances the mercenaries
REGIONAL might be expected to follow a tight script or may be
VARIATIONS encouraged to do their best to defeat the Consulate
force they are up against. A victory bonus is typically
Most of the Zhodani Consulate is considered to
be ‘Consulate Interior’ in character. Mercenary offered as an incentive in this case.
operations are somewhat different in Zhodani territory
than elsewhere, few outsider units are permitted When acting in a more conventional manner
to undertake them and the prevalence of psionic the mercenaries will be expected to use their
investigators makes covert operations difficult at best. knowledge of the enemy to predict actions and
As a result there are virtually no opportunities for exploit opportunities that Zhodani forces might not
mercenary work in the interior, other than as escorts even be aware of. Deniability is rarely an issue but
for dignitaries visiting member worlds or security for the Zhodani prefer to keep out of conflicts among
objects being transported through Consular space. outsiders with a strange way of life. Mercenaries
familiar with the local culture – or at least less baffled
by it than Zhodani – are more likely to be successful
The Consular Fringe in carrying out peacekeeping or counterinsurgency
The outer border of the Consulate, to spinward and operations. As a result, this region has no shortage of
to coreward, is collectively known as the Consular work for units that can meet high Zhodani standards.
Fringe. Mercenary operations are sometimes carried
out here using non-Zhodani units. This is intended to
reduce friction with small polities along the border DEALERS AND
by ensuring Zhodani troops are only deployed on
‘positive’ operations. Units hired by the Zhodani AGENCIES
are expected to conform to their high standards of The process of obtaining arms and licensing
conduct despite their behaviour possibly not having mercenaries is quite different in the Consulate.
consequences for relations between the Consulate and Licensing, or its equivalent, is for the most part
nearby world governments. undertaken by a body appointed by local Consulate
authorities and arms are not sold in military quantities
The Consulate maintains bodies of mercenaries on to unlicensed groups. Along the frontiers there are
long-term contract close to likely trouble spots and official bodies dedicated to overseeing the activities of
provides funds to some friendly local worlds to hire outsiders operating in a military capacity, which also
forces as necessary. Dotted throughout a zone up have control over arms sales.
to 30 parsecs wide are many such ‘stability hubs’,
which allows the Consulate to project a stabilising Zhdiazh Tliafl
influence among the non-aligned worlds without
getting involved in their politics. Many observers fail Ojach Shezh Assessment and
to realise the mercenaries hunting pirates in their Licensing Agency
system, or conducting peacekeeping operations after The first step in achieving Ojach Shezh status is
a long war has finally ended, are ultimately paid for by to make representations to the regional Zhdiazh
the Consulate. Tliafl. This is a ceremonial title with a long and
honourable history that goes far beyond the mercenary
The Extents-Facing Region marketplace. The name Zhdiazh Tliafl can be roughly
The Extents-Facing Region is the trailing side of translated into Galanglic as ‘deliberation body of
three sectors of the Zhodani Consulate that see assessed worthiness’; in other words the Zhdiazh Tliafl
considerable contact with Vargr states and worlds was created to rule on the worthiness of individuals
across the border. Mercenary operations in this area to hold a given post and also debate the suitability of
are different in character to those of the Consular policies to be implemented by local or Consulate-wide
Interior and often against or involving Vargr personnel. bodies. In the latter capacity it is purely an advisory
The Consulate finds it useful to employ mercenaries body but one that is deeply respected.

With regard to the mercenary marketplace the and permanent rejection. Any other level of failure
primary function of the Zhdiazh Tliafl is to assess the requires the unit to carry out a ‘mission of remorse’,
worthiness of candidates for Ojach Shezh status. Just after which another assessment period can begin.
getting an application before the regional panel is a The unit must pay all its own costs during this period
long and difficult process requiring the candidates and consumes supplies and materiel as if on combat
to prove their worth to one of various gatekeepers. deployment the entire time.
These are typically trusted minor nobles who filter out
obviously unsuitable prospects. Occasionally those A mission of remorse is always a difficult or dangerous
rejected at this stage are redirected into a covert task and often something the regional or central
operations training programme intended to create government needs doing. Along the frontiers it is not
deniable assets for use outside the Consulate or uncommon to find failed but still hopeful Ojach Shezh
along its borders. Most are politely informed they do units carrying out distinctly ‘grey’ missions. If their
not reach the standard for an application, let alone activities are uncovered the authorities will admit to
acceptance, and advised whether it is worth making them but point out that this is a substandard force being
any further attempt. given a chance to redeem itself and failing. The official
Consulate position is that whatever the victims may
Getting past the gatekeepers requires a Difficult (10+) have to say, this is not as serious a diplomatic incident
Persuade check with the unit’s REP modifier as DM. A as if approved forces were caught carrying out the
unit that fails can usually reapply through the same, or a mission. It is almost as if the Consulate is saying ‘yes,
different gatekeeper, but not until a period of D3 months we sent mercenaries to act against you but they were
has passed, plus one month for every point of negative incompetents so it’s not that bad really’. This position is
Effect. Effect -6 or worse indicates this unit has been baffling and infuriating to Imperial diplomats but seems
noted as completely unsuitable and may not reapply. In to make perfect sense to the Zhodani.
addition its personnel may be investigated and, if found
lacking, may be barred from any future service. Neklchte Aedi
There are no costs at this stage and the unit does not Outsider Oversight Committee
need to stage a physical demonstration of its prowess. The regional Neklchte Aedi, or ‘controllers of military
There is a fair amount of documentation required but circumstances’, are charged with ensuring those
this will be needed at other stages of the application outsiders permitted to bear arms in the Consulate
so time spent preparing is not wasted. If the initial are aware of their duties and responsibilities, and
application is accepted the unit is referred to the that they fulfil them. The Neklchte Aedi are licensing
Zhdiazh Tliafl as a potential Ojach Shezh formation agencies of a sort but oversee the operations of
and enters a period of formal assessment. It may find mercenaries far more closely. The process begins
there are other combat units being assessed at the with what amounts to an orientation class lasting
same time and also non-military Ojach Shezh who one to three days, ensuring the mercenaries have no
may be administrators, scientists, diplomats or legal excuse for not understanding what it is to operate in
experts. It is absolutely forbidden to try to recruit the Consulate. Personnel and units with a history of
any of these personnel or assist another group in any successful operations within the Consulate usually
way. Once the assessment process has begun the unit receive a version shortened to a few hours but
succeeds or fails entirely on its own merit. orientation is a weary ritual at the beginning of almost
every contract.
The assessment phase lasts 1D months, during
which time the unit must demonstrate not only its The Neklchte Aedi will outright reject mercenaries who
competence as a combat force but also its ability do not satisfy the representatives of their sincerity and
to operate with discretion and meet appropriate reliability. Outsiders are prone to make gaffes even
social standards. This is done as an Average (8+) if they are trying to conform to Zhodani norms, so an
check with CEI providing a DM and a negative DM Average (8+) ECEI check with REP as an additional DM
for those from outside Zhodani society. For those is required to demonstrate the right attitudes. Some
familiar with but not immersed in Zhodani culture mercenaries will say all the right words but not convince
this is DM -2. Complete outsiders will suffer DM-4 at their assessors. This is occasionally due to psionic
least and possibly as much as DM-8 for those from snooping but more commonly simple observation will
incompatible cultures. suffice. A mercenary unit that fails the check will be
rejected for service and cannot reapply for 2D weeks.
If the check is passed, the unit is designated Ojach Units not accepted are not permitted to operate as a
Shezh and may begin searching for clients. A failed military force. Heavy equipment and weapons must be
check with Effect -6 or worse results in complete placed in storage whilst undertaking agreed training.

Neklchte Aedi Dealer Profile
Dealer Max. TL Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Support and Specialist
Neklchte Aedi 14 Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality

Acceptance does not mean the unit has been given industry is the Obrar Zhiavr, which combines the role of
a job but they are now allowed to negotiate contracts a standards agency and industry regulator with that of a
and accept those suitable. There is no licensing fee government procurement department.
and the Neklchte Aedi does not act as a brokerage.
Instead, it is responsible for deciding whether or not a All legal arms sales within the Consulate follow the same
unit is suitable for Consulate service – and can revoke procedure. Designs are approved by the local Obrar
this status at any time, for any reason. It is common Zhiavr, at which point permission to manufacture is
for a liaison and training officer to be assigned to a granted. Any other firm can obtain the design schematics
mercenary unit operating in the Consulate or on its and produce the same weapon but must pay a small fee
behalf. These officers bring with them a small staff but – which would be considered a license fee elsewhere – to
are not combatants. If they are with a unit under fire the Obrar Zhiavr, which in turn passes most of it on to
they will act in self-defence but only as a last resort. the original designer. The result is that there is relatively
Liaison officers have been known to serenely observe little variation in weapons design and rigorous inspections
a firefight going on – literally – around them, with only ensure that any version of a licensed design – no matter
the occasional shot from their bodyguards at someone who actually produces it – are up to standard.
foolish enough to involve the observers.
As a result of this system Zhodani weaponry tends to be
Once a unit has been given permission to serve by of high quality and is sought-after by brokers outside the
the Neklchte Aedi it may obtain weapons through Consulate. Of course, the Obrar Zhiavr also controls who
the Consulate’s merchants. There are no restrictions, arms can be sold to and will only work with reputable
other than extremely destructive weapons and dealers. It does not sell directly to outsiders, so those who
classified systems, on what can be bought by a unit want Zhodani weaponry will have to develop a relationship
that has been accepted for service. The unit’s liaison with someone who already has dealings with the Obrar
officer will arrange contact with an arms supplier Zhiavr. One such is the independent Dellar Military
for no fee, after which negotiations take place as Brokerage or DMS.
normal. Under this system, the Neklchte Aedi can be
considered an arms dealer with access to anything DMS has offices on a few worlds close to the Consulate
manufactured in the Consulate. However, some border and the right connections to buy military hardware
systems will take longer to obtain than others. Small from producers inside the Consulate. The firm is officially
arms and light artillery can be obtained quickly choosy about its clients, requiring REP 6+, but has been
almost anywhere but very powerful weapons or known to fall for a combination of Influence and money.
unusual requests may take several months to obtain. A mercenary unit wanting to register as an approved
purchaser must spend one point of Influence permanently
Obrar Zhiavr to make the attempt and succeed in an Average (8+)
Advocate check using REP as a DM. The process involves
Arms Procurement Oversight Committee a lot of (real or at least convincing) documentation and
The Zhodani Consulate has numerous arms takes 2D weeks to complete. It will also eat up Cr10000
manufacturers, as any other interstellar state. However, per week in ‘miscellaneous fees’ which are mostly spent
there are differences in how the arms market operates on entertaining and impressing the DMS representatives.
and is regulated. The primary oversight body for the Once registered a mercenary unit can buy DMS-supplied
equipment at standard costs.

DMS Dealer Profile

Max. TL Support and
Dealer Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Specialist
Dellar Military Brokerages 14 Quality Standard Standard Standard Quality

Outsiders rarely encounter ‘internal’ Zhodani mercenary Force Iachez is well-respected in the regional mercenary
forces, such as Ojach Shezh, and may not recognise marketplace. Its personnel behave strangely compared to
them when they do. A unit with Ojach Shezh status typical mercenaries but can be relied upon to get the job
is likely to be indistinguishable from the rest of the done efficiently. However, they are mistrusted by many
forces fielded by its client, at least to an outsider. Other who fear the reputation of Zhodani psionics. The unit’s use
mercenary types are more obvious. of warbots is disturbing to those unaccustomed to them
but allegations of mechanised bloodbaths are completely
unfounded. So long as the warbots are controlled by
Force Iachez experienced operators they are no more likely to cause
Reinforced Platoon, Mixed-Capability collateral damage than any other weapon system.
Force Iachez began as a unit with Ojach Shezh status but
failed in a critical mission and was sent to the frontiers to There are no employment prospects with this unit for
carry out an extended mission of remorse. Few details are non-Zhodani and it is most likely to be encountered in
available but it seems the force has remained in the field service to Zhodani-aligned governments. It will not act
for an unusually long time; it is not clear if this indicates against the Consulate no matter how much money is
the mission was failed. offered; clients have tried to persuade the unit to do so,
since its personnel are essentially outcasts, but to no
The unit is led by Officer-of-Fifty Iachez, often mistakenly avail. It is not clear if the force completed its mission of
referred to as Captain Iachez. Nominal strength is around remorse but remained outside the Consulate or whether
60 effectives of all types, not all of whom are people. A the mission was failed. Some have suggested it is
significant percentage of the unit’s fighting capability is ongoing or that the unit is awaiting some circumstance
provided by warbots, which are illegal in the Imperium that will finally allow completion.
but an integral part of Consular armed forces. Warbots
are organised in squads of three, with a warbot handler
and a Leader-of-Five who commands the squad and Characteristic Value DM
protects the handler at need.
Force Name Force Iachez —
The force is organised as ‘five-tens’, of which three Unit Size Reinforced Platoon —
are organised as a Five (squad) with warbots and a
Unit Type Infantry with Warbots —
Five of infantry personnel. The other two Tens are
composed entirely of infantry. Additional personnel, Unit TL 14 +2
some with special capabilities, are attached to the unit Mobility Type Foot -4
headquarters. At present the headquarters includes two
commandos capable of teleporting and a clairvoyant Combat 13 +3
who acts as a remote scout. Headquarters personnel are Bombardment 1 -2
armoured infantry equipped with combat armour and
heavy personal weapons, whilst the rest of the unit wears Aerospace 5 -1
non-sealed suit battlefield armour. Support 8 —

Force Iachez started out as an overstrength unit, nearly CEI or DEI 10 +1

100 in number and with very good combat capabilities. Morale 11 +1
Over time these have been degraded and personnel
Reputation 10 +1
have not been replaced. Captain Iachez refuses to allow
non-Zhodani in the unit and cannot obtain replacement
warbots. The current set are gradually being
cannibalised to keep the others running and a further
reduction in warbot strength is likely in the near future.
Nevertheless the unit is potent in small-unit combat and
can surprise enemies with the unexpected appearance
of teleporting commandos.

The Zhodani Consulate is not without internal conflict in advanced farming machinery. The world could
but the majority of incidents involving mercenary forces become a breadbasket for the region and a significant
are external. Operations may take place within the economic asset.
Consulate but will be against threats originating outside.
It is rare indeed for mercenaries to be employed against The Association of Saktag
Consulate citizens, although this could happen in the Saktag is rich by the standards of its homeworld but
event of serious unrest or on newly acquired planets. its economy is fragile. The small TL12 manufacturing
base at Eiao was created by spending a large proportion
Zone of Concern Shtatfle of income from the port. This investment paid off but
The three worlds of Eiao, Gvoguek and Vaekfue are disruption to trade going through Eiao could send Saktag
collectively designated Zone of Concern Shtatfle. It is into a downward spiral. For this reason the dictatorship
common to assign ‘zone of concern’ status to areas has spent considerable sums on an in-system navy to
outside the Consulate, which are experiencing events protect its asset – to the point where the defence budget
that could affect Consulate citizens. In this case, the for Eiao is larger than that of Saktag itself. None of the
zone is experiencing an internal conflict that has created military vessels deployed in Eiao are jump-capable, so
opportunities for raiders. There is a real possibility that cannot intervene in Gvoguek.
one or more of the worlds in the zone could experience
a violent regime change and become a haven for pirates. The garrison at Eiao’s starport is equipped with TL12
This would be an inconvenience, as the zone provides a weaponry manufactured locally, whilst only a handful
jump-2 route into Consulate space. At present there is of units stationed on Gvoguek have these advanced
little or no threat to shipping in nearby Zhodani systems, weapons. Most of the dictator’s forces are equipped
allowing naval assets to be deployed elsewhere. to TL9 standards and are primarily an aerospace
defence and security force. Maritime craft are mainly
The world of Eiao is a rockball with about 600,000 patrol and security vessels rather than true warships,
inhabitants, most of whom are Vargr. It has a good although a programme has been implemented to build
port capable of building small merchant ships and more capable vessels.
for many years has been a trade route between the
Consulate and the Vargr worlds to trailing. The system The Independents
is a possession of the largest state on Gvoguek and Some of the states on Gvoguek are openly opposed to
until recently was well secured. Saktag, creating a state of cold war on the homeworld.
Others are neutral but wary, as they fear they will be
Gvoguek is a rich and pleasant world with around targeted for annexation sooner or later. The forces of
900,000,000 people, most of whom dwell in seabed these independent cities and small states are equipped
cities dotted around the world’s shallow seas. Gvoguek with TL9 weaponry but set up for internal security
is heavily balkanised. Its largest and most powerful rather than warfighting. Individually the independents
state is the Association of Saktag. Despite its name, will be unable to resist an open attempt at conquest
which arose from the state’s beginnings as an alliance and they are not inclined to cooperate to any great
of independent cities, Saktag is a dictatorship degree. Those who wish to oppose or impede the
containing around 10% of the world’s population. It expansion of Saktag have chosen an indirect means.
owns Eiao and has become wealthy from interstellar
trade passing through the port. Indeed, Saktag has Several independent states have sponsored raiders,
become so rich compared to its neighbours that the encouraging them to attack Saktag’s shipping. Exactly
dictator believes she can annex them one-by-one. which states have done so is a matter for speculation,
Initially, a mix of what amounts to bribery coupled increasing tensions all over the homeworld.
with economic influence, and the implied threat of Meanwhile others have attempted to sabotage the
force, was sufficient to bring a few independent cities starport at Eiao or installations on Gvoguek. Like
into the Association but now the dictatorship is faced Saktag, the independents are attempting to build or
with increasing resistance. obtain combat-capable maritime vessels.
Vaekfue is a sort-of-unified world of around
7,000,000 inhabitants. The population are dispersed Multiple Conflicts
in low-tech agricultural settlements and at present Zone of Concern Shtatfle is highly complex. On Eiao
this underdeveloped world is of little importance. there is a security problem with the starport, whose
However, it is likely that the winner in the power garrison has been stripped to bulk out forces on the
struggles on Gvoguek will annex Vaekfue and bring homeworld. The situation at the port is a security


emergency rather than a straight fight but visitors are Summary
becoming less frequent and the economic situation The situation in Zone of Concern Shtatfle offers many
looks perilous. The system’s defensive squadron is opportunities for non-Zhodani mercenaries, especially
capable of dealing with piracy around the mainworld those experienced in dealing with Vargr politics.
and port but the rest of the system is largely ignored. Security forces could assist in protecting the starport
This is of little consequence since only the port at Eiao, gradually reducing the saboteur threat.
matters to Saktag’s economy. Starmercs will find plenty of opportunities to hunt
pirates and may be able to eliminate bases they have
Piracy is a problem in other systems of the zone and set up. Conventional forces may be deployed to deter
vessels have to pass through to enter. Saktag has
aggression against the most threatened independents
attempted to counter the rise in attacks by removing
weaponry from some of its patrol craft, to be fitted or might find themselves reinventing maritime warfare.
to jump-capable vessels, but there are few of these
and they are not very effective. Meanwhile, a state The Consulate wants stability in the zone but without
of cold war – actually multiple cold wars – exists on being seen to take sides. Mercenaries are an ideal
the homeworld and occasionally erupts into short- choice for this, although they have the potential to
lived and amateurish but intense conflict. This is make things much worse if they do not behave with
mostly skirmishing between grav craft or improvised restraint. There is no guarantee the situation will not
maritime warships, with the occasional raid on an develop into a major war, in which case the Consulate
installation or small city. would prefer that somebody won quickly. The Zhodani
do not have a preference as to whom this would be,
The situation is of great concern to Zhodani
so long as the victor returns the region to stability.
authorities for several reasons. Already the rise in
piracy has affected regional trade and instability Thus mercenaries might find themselves in the odd
along borders is never a good thing. There is a real position of being hostile to Saktag whilst there is a
risk that open warfare might break out on Gvoguek, chance to avert war but then supporting the dictator
which is likely to draw in pirates and other ne’er-do- as she annexes the other states of her homeworld.
wells seeking opportunities. On the other hand, the The situation in Zone of Concern Shtatfle is certainly
Consulate does not want to commit troops or naval complex even without external intervention and it is
assets to an external conflict, especially one that is so possible that some of the nearby Vargr powers might
complex and difficult to understand. take advantage to expand their own influence.

C H A P T E R - T H R E E

The interstellar states and independent worlds of the cause. Actions that would be viewed as pragmatic
Vargr Extents are well-known as a source of frequent and sensible might cause severe harm to a unit’s
if not regular mercenary contracts. The turbulent reputation in the Extents.
nature of local politics and a rather loose attitude to
the use of violence for gain make this an attractive If a client is apparently undeserving of loyalty,
environment for those who think they have what it mercenaries may well be expected to jump ship. It
takes. However, there are a few surprises awaiting may even be remarkable if they do not. Demonstrating
those unfamiliar with Vargr society. unswerving loyalty and professionalism to an odious
client may be a good way to build a reputation
One of the commonest misconceptions is that elsewhere but in the Vargr Extents it can be harmful
‘Vargr admire pirates’. This is not entirely correct. to the unit’s reputation as it makes them look weak
What Vargr tend to admire is a go-getter attitude, and ready to follow inferior commanders. The sort
a willingness to pit strength and guile against that of leader a force is willing to follow is an indicator
of others and the ability to succeed where others of its worth, so those who take service with weak or
cannot. Successful corsairs display these traits, uncharismatic clients in exchange for a large payment
and do indeed attract admiration, but that does not may actually devalue themselves.
mean the general citizenry will venerate any band of
violent thugs who take what they want at the expense At the end of service, mercenaries may face
of others. Indeed, part of the mystique of the pirate investigation in almost any culture. The details are
is the against-the-odds daring required to pull off different in Vargr society. Rather than establishing
a successful raid. An overpowered force that kerb- the mercenaries performed duties required to fulfil
stomps weak opposition is unworthy of regard even if their contract, the question may be whether the
they win every battle. mercenaries performed at a level acceptable for
personnel in service to that particular client and
The nature of leadership and charisma also confuses whether what they did reflected the charisma and
many outsiders. There is a common misconception status of the client. It is often possible to have
that Vargr will switch loyalty as soon as their current charges of breaching a contract dismissed by showing
commander suffers any sort of setback and that it the client was not worthy of loyal service. This
is somehow acceptable to flit from one allegiance is a dangerous route to take, in part because the
to another. This can lead to behaviour that ends client will defend their good name and actions, and
in disaster for mercenaries, as disloyalty is as mercenaries who betrayed someone who came out of
unacceptable in the Extents as anywhere else. All that the inquiry looking like a hero will suffer a serious
differs is what actions would be considered disloyal. hit to their reputation. In addition, in order to ‘prove’
they were justified in abandoning the contract the
As a general rule, there is a balance to be struck mercenaries will have to publicly denounce their
between how much the present client or leader former client – who will certainly hold a grudge.
deserves loyalty and how much more the prospective
subject does. Money alone is never sufficient reason
to change allegiance and likelihood of victory is
rarely sufficient either. Indeed, a mercenary unit that ORGANISATIONS AND
accepted an offer to abandon their obviously doomed
client could wreck their reputation if the general OPERATIONS
populace felt the client deserved better. This can lead Mercenary forces in the Vargr Extents are extremely
to a romantic expectation that worthy mercenaries varied. Formally organised units do exist, even some
should follow their gallant and charismatic client into high-level formations above battalion size. However,
destruction rather than abandon an obviously lost the majority are either starmerc crews or small forces

organised more as a personal warband than a military will suffice when carrying out small-scale operations
force. Starmercs are usually one-ship outfits but that require daring and firepower rather than careful
flotillas and fleets do exist. These are almost always planning and organisation.
composed of small vessels banding together, rather
than being constructed for optimum effectiveness, Often, quite large forces are created by hiring several of
and usually organised as an alliance of captains owing these units and declaring them to be a higher formation.
allegiance to an overall commander. It can be difficult Typically the most charismatic of the unit leaders will
to distinguish these bands of interstellar mercenaries be appointed overall command, although there may
from corsairs and in many cases members or a whole be infighting before that particular matter is settled.
group may switch between piracy and mercenary work Alternatively the client may provide a leadership team,
depending on circumstances. who will have their work cut out at first getting the whole
sack full of cats to cooperate. These ad-hoc forces are
Outside those organised as formal military units, one reason why mercenaries are held in low regard in
Vargr mercenary bands are generally organised as many areas. They are inefficient and undisciplined but
layers of charismatic leaders and their immediate often ferocious in combat.
followers. The result is that these units generally lack
heavy equipment or vehicles when they first form but More formal or at least long-lived formations can grow
gradually acquire it the longer they stay together. out of this temporary setup. In this case the leaders of
Making the transition from a band-of-warbands to a sub-units must accept their overall leader on a long-
capable military force is the hallmark of a successful term basis and be willing to undertake reorganisation.
and extremely charismatic commander, who can Uneven distribution of personnel and equipment must
persuade subordinates to accept a smaller percentage be tackled to create a semblance of organisation.
of the unit’s fees in return for the support of heavy This need not parallel a formal section/platoon/
weaponry bought with the funds. This weaponry company setup but the overall commander needs to
belongs to the unit as a whole rather than any have a clear idea of what each sub-unit is capable
particular sub-unit, which means the commander of. When there are just a few this is easy enough but
has sole discretion over who uses or benefits from it. as a formation grows in size it becomes increasingly
This situation continues until a charismatic member difficult to keep track.
decides to leave and wants to take ‘their’ share of
heavy equipment with them. This can lead to a vicious Once a unit grows beyond reinforced company level,
internal struggle or an amicable separation depending an even greater level of organisation is required.
on the personalities involved. Sub-leaders must be persuaded to relinquish part of
the unit’s earnings to purchase equipment they may
The organisation of the typical Vargr mercenary not immediately benefit from and some will have to
force is an artefact of its life cycle. Almost every take over less glamourous specialist roles. Often a
force begins as a charismatic leader and a band of higher-level structure emerges, which is quite formal
followers, equipped with small arms and perhaps and controls the unit’s major assets such as artillery
possessing a vehicle or two. Organisation tends to be or armoured vehicles, with most infantry sub-units
quite flat, with a commander and one or two trusted continuing to operate on a warband basis. This can
lieutenants. Everyone else is theoretically equal in work, although command and control becomes more
rank, with leadership being a matter of personal difficult as the unit grows larger.
charisma. Pay is likewise based on perceived level
within the unit, although commonly every member Outside observers compare this sort of organisation to
gets a flat salary with bonuses based on performance a piece of string that has become frayed at one end.
and the esteem of their peers. The upper echelons of the unit are akin to a recently
cut end, capable of undertaking fine and detailed
This organisation is fine for small groups of up work. This end of the string can be pushed through
to around 20 members, although it can create a small hole and will drag the remainder with it but
inequalities in size as sub-units form around the attempting to do the same with the other end of the
more charismatic unit members. It is not uncommon string will lead to complete failure and a certain
for a sub-unit leader to poach key personnel such as amount of mess. Which end of the string dictates
support gunners or specialists from less charismatic the course of events depends largely on the skill and
leaders, sometimes leading to more than half the charisma of the unit’s top leaders and the level of
unit’s personnel and all the best equipment being confidence sub-leaders have in them.
in one sub-unit. This is not militarily efficient but

most charismatic, and the most adept at presenting
MERCENARY LIFE IN the situation in a favourable light or dumping blame
THE EXTENTS on a competent but less well regarded individual.
Commanders of this sort can survive only so long
The life of a mercenary in the Vargr Extents can be
before some disaster befalls, so there is a regular
more exciting than elsewhere due to a number of turnover of large units collapsing to be replaced by
factors. The relatively informal nature of command up-and-coming formations. Those few who combine
and control means that a unit can suddenly acquire a charisma and competence become legends in the
new leader or fragment due to a leadership challenge. field; others have periods of ascendence followed by
A commander who took on a battalion-sized ticket eclipse and disgrace.
with adequate forces may have to decide whether to
allow a charismatic subordinate to take over the unit
or lose a third of it when they break away. The period CLIENTS
immediately after a force takes on a major assignment Clients also vary considerably in the Extents, since
is notorious for leadership challenges and bids for the use of armed force is generally considered a
greater authority by subordinates. Wise commanders ‘charismatic’ way of resolving a dispute. It is not so
gauge the mood of their force before committing to much the violence that is admired as the daring, since
anything major. using mercenaries invites a reply in kind and raises the
stakes for everyone involved. Small units are generally
The letter of a contract means less in the Extents hired for local disputes, sometimes bouncing around
than elsewhere. Members of a mercenary unit can between clients on a single world for months or years
often escape from their force without censure if they at a time as one matter comes to a close and someone
demonstrate (truthfully or otherwise) that it was not else makes an offer of employment.
worthy of their service. This creates mortal enemies
among former commanders and comrades, which Jobs of this sort are ideal for the ‘band of gunmen’
makes recruiting breakaway personnel hazardous type mercenary unit and characterised by unreliability
for their new companions. This in turn leads to on both sides. This is not always intentional but
more rivalry and even enmity between units and, clients often hire mercenary units without much
when combined with the inevitable posturing and idea of how they want to proceed, give vague orders
putting-down of rivals that forms an essential part and are then surprised when the mercenaries do not
of marketing a unit, can lead to large operations produce exactly the outcome the client would have
becoming chaotic. wanted had they given the matter more thought.

On the plus side, a mercenary will rarely be short of One reason for this is the tendency of would-
work. There will always be a unit seeking to replace be charismatic Vargr to posture and make bold
personnel poached by another or an ambitious declarations, which they then have to back up
commander needing to recruit a force to match their with action. Hiring a mercenary force is a dramatic
ego. Overall, this keeps the quality of mercenary units gesture, which the client may not expect to go further
down and reputations rather poor by the standards of but when the prospective opponent refuses to cave
outsiders – although since this is commonplace within in the client must act or back down. Mercenaries
the Extents, Vargr clients rarely expect better. frequently find themselves in unintended conflicts
this way and sometimes trigger them either from
A mercenary must be constantly mindful of their indiscipline or because it suits their ends. A conflict
reputation, whether they command a brigade or carry is an opportunity to show what the unit can do, so
a rifle. This translates to boastfulness and routine would-be charismatic mercenary commanders will
overstating of capabilities. Clients within the Extents commonly take advantage of clients who are similar
know this and adjust their expectations accordingly. in temperament in order to get into action and win a
More honest personnel, who state their capabilities as wholly unnecessary fight for the prestige they think
they are, can find it hard to get a suitable rank or pay they will earn.
grade as humility tends to lead to an expectation of
incompetence. Likewise, blame must be deflected and Larger contracts tend to be more organised and often
failures presented as not the mercenary’s fault. longer in term. Any client hiring in company strength
or greater will almost certainly have clear aims in
Inquiries do happen but typically the word of the mind, although even then there is a tendency for
most charismatic participant is assumed to be the ‘mission creep’. Pushing just a bit further or carrying
truth. This perpetuates the situation where the most out a minor side mission might allow the client to
successful mercenary leaders are the loudest and take advantage of an unexpected opportunity. Vargr

mercenary commanders are used to this and tend to Thus, with some exceptions, conditions in the Extents
be flexible but aware of when they are going beyond vary over time rather than by region. A war zone
what they are being paid for. Clients will try to sell might have become a fledgeling state by the time a
mercenaries the idea that the extras are actually mercenary unit arrives or the opposite might happen.
within the original brief or that they will benefit from Up-to-date and accurate information is essential but
carrying out the client’s revised orders. also surprisingly hard to come by. There are plenty
of mercenary outfits with enough firepower in the
This can lead to acrimonious clashes between Extents but the ones that do best also have a good
client and commander, although as usual charisma intelligence component.
and perceived status play an important part.
Very charismatic clients will often lean on their The Spinward Territories
mercenaries to carry out a few extras and this can The spinward end of the Vargr Extents has borders
be hard to refuse since the client has the capability with both the Third Imperium and Zhodani Consulate.
to damage the unit’s reputation. Where the converse This region is a hotbed of mercenary and related
is true, a commander might try to get away with activity, some of which is sponsored by the major
redefining the mission parameters such that the client states or primary Vargr polities. This part of the
has to pay the full fee but gets less than agreed. The Extents is more ‘active’ than anywhere else due to
upshot of this is a self-selection process whereby cross-border agendas, which may contribute to the
mercenaries tend to work for clients of roughly the impression that the Extents as a whole is an extremely
same level of charisma and reputation. At the top turbulent place.
end the best units get the good jobs at a fair price,
working for reliable clients with few unexpected Both Imperium and Consulate sponsor mercenary
complications. At the other end of the scale the operations in this region. Usually this is small-
mercenary marketplace is another example of the scale and more about the ambitions or fears of a
‘frayed string’ model, with clients and mercenaries corporation, minor noble house or world government
alike struggling in a minefield of inflated claims, than grand politics. Some operations are intended
exaggerated abilities and misrepresented contracts. to counter potential threats and may or may not be
conducted openly. A raid against a pirate band that
REGIONAL has caused trouble along the border will typically
be conducted openly, inasmuch as there will be no
VARIATIONS attempt to conceal who has instigated it. On the
The Vargr Extents is a complex and varied region. other hand there are some who believe it is in their
Some areas are almost entirely lawless at times interests for the border zone to be unstable and weak.
but the trend is generally towards stability, with This results in many small problems rather than a
occasional upheavals or low-level disruption from much larger one.
minor disputes and piracy. Pirate bands and
adventure-seekers tend to gravitate to the latest Some mercenary operations in the Spinward Territories
conflict zone, seeking to make a reputation and a are conducted through multiple layers of deception,
fortune before matters settle down. Some of these such that mercenaries and their targets can only guess
bands are actually forces for stability, in that they will who is the end client. Mercenaries might be sent
take control over a territory and eliminate opposition, against insignificant targets in the hope of triggering
but for the most part a seriously disrupted area will local disputes and may encounter a complex situation.
get worse before it gets better. For example they may be faced with opposition armed
with weapons sold by a corporation hoping to profit
The impression gained by many outside the Extents from the conflict but which is also paying mercenaries
is of constant chaos but this is not the case. New to contain the fighting.
reports speak of troubles in far-off places with
difficult-to-pronounce names and many assume the The Coreward Sprawl
whole of the Extents is constantly aflame. In fact, The Coreward Sprawl is the region of Vargr-dominated
most of the time the Extents is little more turbulent space coreward of the Windhorn astrographical
than any other region of small states and independent feature. Like most Vargr-inhabited regions it can be
worlds – the trouble spots are reported but not the turbulent, with mercenary operations commonplace.
large areas where life goes on as normal. These tend to be more driven by ‘internal’ Vargr

politics than the machinations of the Imperium or An ACE sales team may be given a regional office,
Consulate. In this region there is little influence from typically at a busy starport, but the most successful
the distant great powers. sales personnel are rewarded with their own mobile
showroom in the form of an armed yacht. Whilst
The majority of mercenaries operating in the Sprawl are modest in performance these vessels have a luxurious
Vargr. A completely non-Vargr unit would stand out but interior where prospective clients can be entertained
might have an advantage in that potential clients would and dazzled with glitzy marketing vids. All yachts
consider it less likely to be entangled in local politics. carry a fearsome array of demonstration pieces and
There are many Vargr units free from such connections crews are well trained to repel any attempt to acquire
but often those originating from the Sprawl have an merchandise without paying for it.
agenda of their own even if they are not an extension
of the local powers. In most cases that agenda is ACE representatives are frequently accused of
simple ambition – being a mercenary commander is a stirring up trouble for their own gain and generally
stepping-stone to carving out a petty-kingdom. the allegations are true. Sometimes this is indirect,
such as when a dealer persuades someone to buy
It is very common for mercenary groups, especially a large amount of hardware they cannot properly
starmercs, to change in character over time. One maintain. As this equipment ages and deteriorates
way to get rid of a pirate band is to offer them there is an incentive to get some value out of it
employment as a small navy and most are willing to by entering into a conflict that might otherwise be
go where the money is. This can create a situation avoided. In this manner, ‘ACE fire sales’ result in
where a group of worlds has joined together to buy out violence 10 years later. On other occasions the dealer
the local pirates, who then protect them against other is directly responsible for starting a war, done by
pirates until they are lured back to their old ways by using mercenaries to provoke one side or the other,
the prospect of greater profit. Pirate-hunters might or escalating tensions then selling to one party so the
arrive in a region to find their intended quarry is now other has to buy sufficient arms to counter the threat.
‘official’, which might make acting against them If this goes on long enough outright war is likely.
extremely hazardous.
Despite their unsavoury reputation, ACE dealers are
often hailed as celebrities. Their bold and brazen
DEALERS AND dealings, combined with a lavish lifestyle and
apparent ability to shape the policies of planetary
AGENCIES governments, fits with the archetype of the daring
Obtaining arms and equipment is generally easier
go-getter that Vargr admire. Some dealers are so
in the Extents than elsewhere. This is mainly due to
the number of independent worlds and small states, influential they can and do interfere directly in
whose attempts at regulation are local and leave huge politics and may be able to hold governments to
gaps in which traders and buyers can operate. On ransom with the threat of giving their enemies a great
the downside, there is a lack of standardisation and deal on the weapons they need to win a ‘hypothetical
quality assurance, with the result that what looks like future conflict’.
a good deal can turn out to be a waste of money.
ACE deals mainly in small arms and personal
The Arms Company of the Extents weapons, plus a few vehicles and heavier weapons.
Quality is rarely high but prices are acceptable and
Arms Dealer few questions are asked. The profile that follows
The Arms Company of the Extents, which trades refers to any ACE dealer, particularly those deployed
under the acronym ACE, is one of the larger suppliers at starports. Rockstar mobile dealers may be able to
in the region. It has a number of manufacturing obtain higher-tech gear or Quality equipment in one or
centres and also buys from smaller firms, selling their more areas. They are also likely to have large amounts
weaponry on at a markup. ACE has a reputation for of basic but cheap weaponry available or offer strange
buccaneering, indiscriminate business practices. Its one-off deals on items obtained on their travels.
sales representatives seek out potential clients and
offer them cut-price deals for weaponry they do not
really need.

ACE Representative Dealer Profile
Max. TL Support and
Dealer Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Specialist
Arms Company of the Extents 9 Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic

Mercenary Accreditor and Recruiter
Vazghoz is both a person – actually multiple people Achieving a good match is art as much as science.
– and a brand of sorts in the mercenary marketplace. Obvious factors like the nature of the mission and the
Presumably at some time in the past there was level of opposition must be accounted for as well as the
a person named Vazghoz who had a recruiting or character of the client and the forces on offer. Some
accrediting business but since that time the term Vazghoz’ pay informants within mercenary units to keep
has become a generic term for private recruiters/ them appraised of the internal situation and many have
accreditors, many of whom claim either to be the a network of spies who may be able to furnish accurate
original Vazghoz or the legitimate inheritor of the information on targets as well as clients. When not
title. This naturally leads to disputes when there are working in the mercenary field these spies typically
too many ‘Original Vazghoz’ businesses in the area. funnel more general information to their handlers,
enabling a Vazghoz to function as an information broker.
At the head of each business is an individual who This knowledge is often used to predict situations, giving
may go by their own name and describe themselves a well-informed Vazghoz an apparently magical ability to
as ‘a Vazghoz’ or someone who uses the identity as a have a list of units ready the moment a client says they
professional name – and who may or may not claim are in the market.
it as their own. The service provided is broadly the
same in most cases and tends to be more personal Each Vazghoz has their own terms and requirements
in character than outside the Extents. A Vazghoz will to be associated. Typically a relationship is built
of course have detailed records of the personnel and rather than a formal application being made with
units available; their successes and failures, unit units operating on the understanding they will pay a
histories and related facts such as other units hired percentage (typically 1–3%) of their fee to the Vazghoz
by the same client. However, this is only part of the for any job put their way. Clients are usually charged a
picture. A Vazghoz will also have a reasonably up- flat fee, which will be as much as the Vazghoz thinks
to-date personal impression of the forces available they can get away with, for finding suitable mercenaries.
and can match client to unit in terms of more than This is typically 5–15% of the prospective mission fee,
statistics and capabilities. including bonuses, all up-front. Negotiation is always
possible, especially for powerful clients, but the lower
A good Vazghoz can measure the temperament of a end of the Vargr mercenary marketplace is such that it
unit and its commander, which may make some units is generally considered worth paying. The services of a
unsuitable for certain jobs or clients. The Vazghoz will Vazghoz are not a guarantee the mercenaries will be a
also be a shrewd judge – or think they are a shrewd good fit and reliable but the risks are greatly reduced.
judge – of what the client really wants. Essentially,
clients pay a Vazghoz to make a recommendation based A Vazghoz will also act as a mercenary recruiter,
on their personal impression of the situation, cutting directing personnel to units that need them. Again,
through layers of exaggeration and half-truths. this is as much about fitting the character of the unit
as having the correct skills. A Vazghoz will typically
Not all Vazghoz’ are skilled at this, of course. Some charge 50–100% more than the standard recruiter rates
are prone to the same characteristics as clients and (see page 13 of Running a Mercenary Force) but will
commanders, over-inflating their abilities to demand a generally provide personnel who are reliable and will
higher fee. They do not last long in such a dangerous fit in well. A unit that recruits in a more conventional
marketplace and have been known to meet a bad end. A manner will pay the standard recruiter fee and can only
long-established Vazghoz is something of a guarantee of hope the personnel they take on will be suitable or they
a good match; this is one reason why so many claim to may prefer to do their own recruiting.
be the original.

but sometimes escorting Ghizlae’s command tank. This
UNITS is a horrific Frankensteinian creation cobbled together
Forces-for-hire are common in the Extents but not from scavenged bits and pieces. It has numerous faults
all fit the standard model. Indeed, some do not work and weak points but the plasma gun works. That alone
for money in the usual sense. These units will attach can be sufficient to lead the unit to victory – and has
themselves to a cause or charismatic leader without deterred or ended a number of leadership challenges.
going through the usual hiring process and whilst they
expect to be paid enough to support their personnel they The Foremost Fighters is a loose term applied to
serve for their own reasons. Typically this is association whichever of the sub-units is most favoured by the Grand
with a powerful or charismatic leader, which can boost Captain. It is an expectation as much as a label. Currently
the reputation of those who have served. Alternatively this section is an inefficient mix of grav and ground
some such forces want to fight against a hated enemy or vehicles, with most equipped for direct fire support of
gain experience before setting out on their own and are the infantry that ride on them. The trucks are overloaded
willing to pass up a big paycheque to get what they want with bits of armour plate and one has been converted
– at least for the time being. to carry a light howitzer. This high-trajectory weapon is
virtually useless in direct combat and should really be
Ghizlae’s Followers the centrepiece of a dedicated artillery section but the
Foremost Fighters have claimed it and will not let go.
Combined-Arms, Platoon
Ghizlae’s Followers is a typical small unit of the sort
The other four sub-units are variations on the theme
often encountered in the Extents. It is nominally a
of motorised infantry. One section consists of a
platoon-sized force but in practice personnel numbers
handful of infantry who ride on an unarmed and
vary considerably. Expansion typically occurs just
very beat-up truck, whilst two others have defined
after the unit wins a notable victory or engages in
themselves as scouts or close-assault specialists to
a particularly destructive session of roistering upon
justify their existence as a discrete sub-unit. Grand
receiving payment for a task. Casualties and retirements
Captain Ghizlae would be well advised to move some
reduce numbers on a gradual basis and occasionally a
personnel from the Foremost Fighters to balance out
dispute results in a sub-unit breaking away to become
these sections but the egos of her sub-commanders
independent or follow a ‘better’ leader.
will not countenance losing troops or being made
subordinate to another.
Internal organisation is uneven. Typically the most
charismatic sub-unit leader gradually poaches personnel
The Motorised Support Section is built around a
from other sub-units until they have sufficient to form
truck and two pickups that have been converted
their own unit or challenge for command of the overall
to Technicals – light fire support platforms, which
force. This process begins anew after each challenge
can also carry a couple of infantry fighters. These
or breakaway. Similarly, sub-unit designations change
characterise the force as a whole, which is best
over time as the capabilities of the force change. The
considered a motorised infantry formation with an
least charismatic sub-unit leaders are inevitably left with
overabundance of direct fire support weapons and a
a handful of loyal followers and must invent a role for
grav-mobile command element. Most weapons are TL8,
them based on equipment they have managed to retain,
with a scattering of more advanced systems.
whilst the most powerful sub-unit can end up with
sufficient hardware to take on multiple contradictory
Whilst inefficient in terms of organisation and
roles. This is inefficient, and the force commander
specialisation, Ghizlae’s Followers is an effective
knows it, but there is a balance to be struck between
force in its normal operating environment. Tactics are
effective distribution of equipment and alienation of
generally basic, based on fluid movement and high
sub-commanders who feel they deserve the best of
firepower, and the force is at its best in a chaotic
everything the unit has.
situation. Impetuosity is the unit’s greatest weakness,
along with a lack of mutual support between sub-
Ghizlae styles herself ‘Grand Captain’, a self-assumed
leaders who see their peers as rivals and may ignore
rank unlikely to be recognised outside the unit. However,
requests for assistance in case they look like they are
as the commander of a roughly platoon-sized unit she
deferring. Nevertheless, Ghizlae’s Followers have a
is not being unreasonable about the ‘captain’ part at
reputation for getting the job done – providing the job
least. Her headquarters unit, impressively titled Grand
is straightforward and does not require subtlety.
Captain’s Guard, comprises the most loyal personnel. It
is grav-mobile, with a handful of infantry riding air/rafts
Ghizlae’s Followers is a typical Vargr mercenary force
when on the move. These are used as light fire support
that could be encountered anywhere within or along the
platforms in action, usually operating independently
fringes of the Extents. Its leaders ultimately hope to move

Characteristic Value DM
The situation was positive for over 20 years, but the port
Force Name Ghizlae’s Followers —
at Taa never became profitable enough to pay back its
Unit Size Reinforced Platoon — costs. Maintenance was deferred and eventually parts of
the installation fell into disrepair. The port was then sold
Unit Type Motorised Infantry —
by its operating consortium, passing through the hands
Unit TL 8 — of two other business groups before being purchased at a
Mobility Type Motorised +4 bargain price by what is now the Taa Starport Company.
This was a legitimate corporation but funded by Ahkstuu.
Combat 9 +1
Bombardment 2 -2 Most of the goods crossing into Imperial space were
legitimate but the ability of transborder shippers
Aerospace 1 -2 to get contraband past Imperial customs allowed a
Support 1 -2 considerable amount of under-the-table dealing to
take place. The Imperium was slow to react, not least
CEI or DEI 7 — because some powerful figures in the region found it to
Morale 9 +1 their advantage to have a semi-legal smuggling link into
the Extents. Once the authorities began to take more
Reputation 8 —
notice of the smugglers the transborder shippers’ profits
fell and many got out of the game. Those left were
on to bigger and better things, which usually means diminished and either found a lower niche to operate in
becoming a petty warlord somewhere or securing a place or looked for opportunities elsewhere.
in the entourage of a powerful and charismatic leader.
Today, Taa’s highport is in poor repair and a known
haven for transborder smugglers. The downport was
CONFLICTS never large and was built on land that was never fully
Most of the conflicts going on in the Extents are small paid for. The people of Taa have never held any stake in
and local in scale, or of low intensity. Major wars are the orbital port and benefited little from its presence.
uncommon as few states have the resources to conduct Now they are insisting that they receive a share of the
one. As a result conflict is characterised by raiding, profits in recompense for missing payments. They do not
insurgency and harassment of shipping rather than realise how poor the highport now is.
invasions and conquest.
THE PRETORIA Taa has a population of around three million and
no significant armed forces. However, a militia has
PROBLEM been formed and equipped with cheap locally-made
The Pretoria subsector is mostly Imperial territory, weapons. This militia ‘observes’ the downport and
with three systems lying just outside the border. As conducts occasional demonstrations of strength in the
is common in such areas the systems outside are of area, hoping to intimidate the Taa Starport Company.
great significance to Imperial authorities but there are The militia leaders have openly stated they will annex
significant problems in operating there. In the case of the port by force if their demands are not met but are
the world of Taa, there is also interest from the nearby reluctant to take measures that cannot be undone.
Vargr state of Ahkstuu.

Taa itself is a dry world with a thin atmosphere and

Taa Starport Company
The Taa Starport Company is pretty much broke.
a population of around three million. It is not an
Support from Ahkstuu was cut off years ago and the
economically significant world but is the site of a
port does not bring in enough revenue to keep up
Class A starport. This was built several decades ago
with maintenance, let alone fend off attacks on the
to take advantage of an expected upswing in cross-
downport. The legitimate merchants using the port
border traffic. The predicted boom did not happen,
want no part of the dispute and smugglers are unwilling
although for a time the port was prosperous as shipping
to contribute to anyone else’s financial wellbeing. The
companies tried to expand into the region. Taa’s highport
company cannot afford to give away part of what little
became a turnaround point for many ships, with the
income it has but does not wish to withdraw from the
transborder run handled by specialist merchant lines,
downport, which supplies much of the food required by
adept at negotiating the customs and legal difficulties
the orbital population.
encountered when entering Imperial space.

Deneb / Tuglikki
Taa Downport is protected by a paramilitary security Summary
force equipped with TL9 small arms and little heavy The situation on Taa provides opportunities for low-
equipment. The force is demoralised, in part due to cost mercenary forces to tip the balance of the
pay arrears, and wholly unsuited to operations outside conflict. The small scale of operations is such that
the port and its small associated startown. The town’s even a handful of skilled fighters could be sufficient
population of around 10,000 are mostly loyal to the to defeat the opposition. However, neither faction
company and some would fight if necessary but no wants to escalate the situation. Both hope the matter
attempt has been made to organise them. can be de-escalated over time and lack the confidence
to take bold action. Their opposing requirements
Skirmishing on Taa mean this is unlikely and the conflict will either
The situation is gradually escalating towards conflict. sputter on indefinitely or accidentally expand into a
The militia has begun interfering with food convoys small but nasty war.
coming in from those well-watered areas willing
to sell to the port company and the security force The situation in orbit also presents opportunities. A
has tried to protect them. The result is, predictably security unit with sufficient backbone could root out
enough, a series of incompetent skirmishes and the smugglers – or force them to pay a bigger cut to
sniper/countersniper incidents. Both factions are the port company. It is also possible the port could
trying to control the land around the downport and change hands again. This would require a sudden
its supporting roads but lack the personnel or skill strike by a mercenary force sneaked onto the station
to make a decent job of it. The conflict so far is or otherwise brought aboard without revealing its
characterised by armed mobs blundering around the purpose. The Imperial authorities would not become
countryside with little idea of what to do if they run involved in a coup unless Imperial trade was harmed.
into one another. Indeed, if the port’s new owners took steps to curb
cross-border smuggling the Imperials would be
pleased at having their problem solved for them.

C H A P T E R - F O U R

The Two Thousand Worlds of the K’kree is a very To some extent this applies to conflicts between K’kree
different environment to the rest of Charted Space. groups as well; guards will be on the lookout for a
Mercenaries from outside of K’Kree society are warband of K’kree, not a lone primate crawling slowly
almost unheard-of there, although they might be through the undergrowth or remaining alone in a hide
encountered along the fringes. K’kree mercenary for long enough that a K’kree would go mad. Indeed,
groups occasionally make forays into the non-aligned K’kree are prone to a ‘conclusive assumption’ that a
space between the Imperium and the Two Thousand small space cannot hold an enemy if no-one has entered
Worlds. There is little activity along the Hive or left for a lengthy period. In addition to their need for
Federation/Two Thousand Worlds border and what company K’kree are immensely claustrophobic. These
goes on deep in K’kree territory remains something of assumptions have been exploited by non-K’kree often
a mystery to outsiders. enough that training is provided to warriors who may
face non-K’kree infiltration. Its effectiveness varies
The K’kree are militant herbivores who would not considerably, however, making the use of outsiders a
tolerate meat-eaters serving them in a military useful gambit in some situations.
capacity. Indeed, the concept would inspire horror
and terror – doing so would put the meat-eaters in a Kri Grak!r make most K’kree nervous and must have
position where they could slaughter their clients as proven their loyalty over a lengthy period before
soon as they got hungry. Rational arguments about permitted to bear arms in the presence of any
the unwillingness of other species to eat sentient K’kree. This is reflected by the unit’s Reputation.
people make no impression here; the K’kree aversion A unit with REP 5 or less will not be permitted to
goes soul-deep and cannot be overcome by logic. bear arms in the presence of any friendly K’kree and
must ceremonially surrender weapons upon returning
Thus the only non-K’kree mercenaries that will be to base. The arming of such a unit is a matter of
encountered – other than those operating covertly great formality and dire oaths taken under the guns
against the Steppelords of the Two Thousand Worlds of K’kree guards. A unit with REP 6+ is not required
– are either naturally herbivores or follow a strict to surrender weapons but is not permitted to bear
no-meat diet. The K’kree can smell if someone has them in the presence of a K’kree, whose SOC is
consumed meat of any kind in the past few weeks and higher than the unit’s REP, except under desperate
would react violently towards any covert meat-eater conditions. Even then it has been known for Kri
they detected. This is a factor that must be borne in Grak!r who valiantly defended their clanlord to be
mind by mercenaries whose clients intend to operate executed for being armed in his presence. Such is
in the Two Thousands Worlds or close to it. the nature of Kri Grak!r service that many would
accept this as just and necessary.
Non-K’kree mercenaries are collectively known as Kri
Grak!r, which translates in Galanglic as ‘protectors- This requirement applies only to the client served by
not-of-the-herds’. They are uncommon but sometimes the Kri Grak!r or to great and important figures such
considered useful, particularly when operating in the as a Steppelord. Kri Grak!r are of course permitted to
territory of alien species. K’kree are large and must bear arms against an enemy of their clanlord-client
travel in groups to avoid a level of loneliness, which but would be expected to fling down their guns mid-
can lead to insanity. This is not conducive to covertly battle and abase themselves if a suitably high-status
observing an enemy installation or carrying out K’kree unconnected with the conflict were to appear.
sabotage, so non-K’kree may be useful. For example, if two clanlords were fighting and their

Steppelord’s representative entered the battle area to
mediate, all Kri Grak!r would be expected to down their
arms immediately. In the case of a meeting between two THOUSAND WORLDS
clanlords, the decision not to down arms would be seen The Steppelords and their subordinates all owe
as a calculated and very serious insult as it implies more allegiance to the Grand Steppelord of the Two
than potential enmity – in this case the client of the Kri Thousand Worlds but this does not guarantee
Grak!r is effectively stating his non-K’kree mercenaries a harmonious society. Conflict occurs between
are of higher status than his rival. Steppelords – who govern entire planets – and between
the lesser nobles who lead clans, herds and families. In
K’kree do sometimes serve as mercenaries of a sort. general, conflicts are ignored by those not affected by
A clanlord might loan out some of his clan’s forces them and tolerated if they cause only minor disruption.
to another, usually in return for a favour or gift rather Those pursuing an armed dispute are wise to ensure
than a grubby cash-for-soldiers deal such as those it remains within acceptable limits or to secure the
made by other races. If on a short-term basis this is approval of a senior noble who can overrule any
merely an arrangement between clanlords but some attempt to close down the conflict.
clans generate considerable income by bolstering the
forces of their allies. As noted above, this is not seen Disputes are typically about territory or precedence, which
the same as mercenary service and is more feudal in can often amount to the same thing. The majority of
nature. Effectively the clanlord places a force at his ally’s clanlords or Steppelords are not overly concerned if their
disposal, on an ostensibly voluntary basis, and receives subordinates fight over their favour, or if assets change
gifts in return. There is an unspoken going rate for such hands after a conflict, so long as their herd remains
service, which is not all that different from the mercenary strong and effective. If fighting between subordinate
trade elsewhere but any suggestion it is the same thing nobles becomes too destructive – or if a favoured
would be considered deeply offensive. underling is losing – the overlords will order a stop. They
may even intervene directly, although this is rare as a
An impoverished noble might also choose to pledge noble who disobeys a command to cease hostilities will
service to a more important leader on a temporary basis. be disgraced and probably outcast.
This is a curious mix of honourable service and disgrace,
as it is an admission the noble cannot support his family Conflicts are usually limited, either explicitly or because
and entourage as an independent. The warriors of the the factions involved follow the traditions of their
serving noble, and the noble himself as their leader, people. This does not mean fighting is not savage but
become subordinate to the client in far more than military it will be confined to a particular area or involve only
matters. The family (or an entire clan in some cases) a certain number of personnel. Escalation can occur
are designated Ukirr Gilti, or ‘honourable hostages’, for in any conflict; sometimes clans are drawn into what
the duration of their service. Their new master has an started as a family dispute and even whole worlds may
obligation to protect them as his own but may also use be pitted against one another. This is rare however, since
their forces as he wishes. This can result in a period the nature of K’kree society tends to cause escalation
of service, until the noble can get back on his feet or to start at the top rather than the bottom. That is to say,
the absorption of the whole group after its leaders and if clanlords or Steppelords want a conflict to expand,
warriors are cynically expended. it might well. On the other hand, if it is not in their
interests that a lower-level conflict become larger, they
Ukirr Gilti are not paid as mercenaries but treated as will take measures to prevent it.
second-class (although honourable) clan members and
receive a fair share of everything their client-clan earns.
Warriors are not normally considered cannon-fodder any MERCENARY LIFE IN
more than the client’s own troops, unless there is a plan THE TWO THOUSAND
to get rid of them and absorb their families. This tends to
happen as the result of a powerplay, where a noble forces WORLDS
another into servitude in order to legally destroy him. There really is no such thing as a mercenary lifestyle
More commonly the Ukirr Gilti will eventually be able to in the Two Thousand Worlds, or rather all subjects
go their own way and will end their service. At that point of the Steppelords have a near-identical lifestyle. A
it is more common than not for the newly released family noble in temporary service lives as a K’kree noble; his
to request membership of their former client’s clan and family and followers live exactly as they would if they
be accepted as full-status members. This is the risk run were normal clan members. For an overlord to treat
when accepting Ukirr Gilti status – it can lead to renewed the Ukirr Gilti with anything less than the respect due
independence, honourable membership of a respected to them would be a great disgrace, so whilst an Ukirr
noble’s clan or complete disaster.

Gilti noble (and thus his household) may be inferior to distance the K’kree from whatever action must be
in status to full clan members they are still honoured, taken, also in part to conserve valuable K’kree warriors
respected and treated as custom requires. In turn, for more important or fitting tasks.
they honour their overlord’s clan as if it were their
own – which it is, until they are released from service. Kigruuhka will not deal directly with any non-K’kree
but has a chain of intermediaries consisting of K’kree
at the upper levels and various races performing
CLIENTS any work that requires contact with outsiders. Meat-
Other than K’kree nobles of whatever rank, the only eaters are not usually tolerated, although little effort
possible clients within the Two Thousand Worlds would is made to ensure mercenaries meet the required
be one of the subject races that have accepted K’kree dietary standard if they are operating outside the Two
overlordship or had it forced upon them. Even then, Thousand Worlds – which is almost always the case.
the activities of these races are closely monitored Typically a mercenary force is told it is a condition of
and often heavily restricted. The use of meat-eating their contract that they do not eat meat and are then
mercenaries would result in reprisals against a subject left to enforce this rule – or not – as they will.
race, so the same restrictions apply as to mercenaries
serving the K’kree themselves. The only exception Those recruited for covert operations against non-
would be an open rebellion, which is likely to end with K’kree are not subject to this rule as an attack by
the extermination of everyone involved. It is thus safe vegetarian mercenaries would point straight back to
to say that there are no clients for mercenaries who do the K’kree. Indeed, many of the operations overseen
not observe a strict no-meat diet and few for those who by Kigruuhka are against opponents or potential
do. Outsiders might be used in a clan war and if so opponents of the Two Thousand Worlds. In many cases
they will not be as well regarded as K’kree forces. This operations are undertaken openly but non-K’kree
translates to being used as cannon-fodder, making the mercenaries are also used to destabilise nearby worlds
Two Thousand Worlds a hazardous place to operate. and open the way for annexation either on some pretext
such as ‘restoring order’ or simple conquest. In such
situations the mercenaries may not know who the end
REGIONAL client is but they will have been approved by Clanlord
VARIATIONS Kigruuhka whether they realise it or not.
There is little regional variation within the Two
Thousand Worlds. The K’kree have deep-rooted Clanlord Kigruuhka does not have high standards
traditions and follow them wherever they may be. The regarding the mercenaries he uses. He has a use for
only significant variation is near the borders of K’kree scum ,and even incompetents, and treats forces in a
space, where outsiders might be considered useful for manner suited to his perception of them. Those he
operations against other non-K’kree. despises are given unpleasant or excessively dangerous
tasks or deliberately sent to fail a mission if that suits the
Steppelords’ current agenda. More professional units are
DEALERS AND well looked after, although they may never realise they are
working for the K’kree.
There are significant differences between the Two For those openly recruited, a post-mission inspection
Thousand Worlds and all other societies and the realm of is the norm. This is never conducted by Kigruuhka
mercenary armament is no different. Licensing agencies in person but there will be K’kree present who are
as such do not exist, although there are officials who carry particularly good at detecting the merest whiff of a
out a similar function. Some merchants specialise in carnivore. Units that have failed to enforce the no-meat
arms manufacture or sales and will generally sell to any stipulation may – if they are lucky – find that a minor
approved client. In practice this means that if the sale is clause in their contract permits Kigruuhka to withhold
approved (or not vetoed) by a clanlord or Steppelord it will part or all of their payment. More blatant meat-eaters
be as simple to buy weapons as any other goods. might simply be gunned down at a word of command
from the inspection leader. This is rare but has
Clanlord Kigruuhka happened often enough that there are at least rumours
on the mercenary grapevine.
K’Kree Official
Clanlord Kigruuhka is charged with coordinating the The actual missions assigned by Clanlord Kigruuhka are
activities of mercenary forces along a section of the much the same as anywhere else, with the exception
Two Thousand Worlds’ border. His superiors feel it is of an underlying pro-K’kree agenda possible ulterior
expedient to use outsiders to do their dirty work; in part motives. Mercenaries may also attract the attention of

local intelligence services, who have learned to predict for its ferocity in the field, especially against G’naak
the next moves of the Steppelords by observing where (meat-eaters or more literally, ‘vermin’) and may be
they send their expendable outsider mercenaries and associated with the dissident Lords of Thunder faction.
what they order them to do. The Lords of Thunder are considered extreme even by
K’kree standards and often send their forces to fight
Clan Trira G’naak in someone else’s war, just for the sake of
exterminating vermin.
K’Kree Arms Merchants
Clan Trira is one of the few K’kree clans operating Campaigning-Force Kaxarrkak fits the description of
close enough to the border to buy and sell weapons these units. Its commander does not seem to care what
on both sides. K’kree-made weapons are generally contracts he takes on so long as the enemy is G’naak
unsuitable for non-K’kree, although adapted versions and there is a prospect of gratuitous bloodshed. The
are sometimes produced for Kri Grak!r units. These are force is unsuited to security or similar roles where
still rather awkward to use and require long practice to a degree of discretion is necessary but has proven
handle as effectively as a weapon built for the user’s effective in the assault or general warfighting role.
own species. Most commonly Clan Trira will provide
weapons more suited to the users but some clanlords Organisation is along standard K’kree lines, built
insist that their Kri Grak!r be equipped as similarly to around Fighting-Bands of 4–10 individuals grouped
K’kree warriors as possible. into Warring-Bands each led by a minor noble. These
Warring-Leaders typically command 3–8 Fighting-Bands
The clan is known primarily for small arms and support plus supporting robots and form the basic tactical units
equipment, since vehicles and artillery are normally of the force. Multiple Warring-Bands form a Battle-
dealt with by specialists. They will sell to outsiders Force equivalent to a reinforced company, commanded
providing the usual requirements are met, which means by a Battling-Captain, who in turn answers to the
the people the clan deals with must not be meat- Campaigning-Captain in overall charge.
eaters and must show proper deference to the clan’s
representatives. It is highly likely that the clan uses its Most K’Kree troops are infantry, in the sense that
arms sales as a political tool along the border, selling they operate on their own four hooves in the manner
to those it favours or offering deals that come with of cavalry, with robotic platforms providing support
strings attached. and heavy weapons capability. The human contingent
travels in lightly armoured wheeled vehicles but usually
Clan Trira requires all clients to provide regular briefings dismounts to fight on foot. The Battling-Captains of
on what they have been doing and against whom. This each sub-unit have large armoured platforms crewed by
is an open secret and correctly assumed to be part of multiple K’Kree as their battle transports, acting as a
a wider intelligence-gathering operation. In fact, the mobile weapons platform, and the Campaigning-Captain
clan’s trade scouts are employed primarily to monitor has a more impressive one.
the military marketplace along the borders. Most
representatives operating outside the Two Thousand The force is formally divided into five components,
Worlds are non-K’kree and few openly announce their corresponding to the traditional Head, Body, Loins
allegiance. Bland fronts are common, with many and Hands of a K’kree battle array. Warring-Bands are
representatives posing as independent brokers. sometimes swapped between these sub-units on a
temporary basis but for the most part each is optimised
Campaigning-Force Kaxarrkak for its primary role in action.
K’Kree Mercenary Unit The Head is the command formation and vanguard of
Campaigning-Force Kaxarrkak is, in conventional
the force. It contains the best warriors and most potent
terms, a reinforced battalion-sized formation operating
direct-fire weapons. The overall force second-in-command
along the borders of the Two Thousand Worlds. It is
leads the Head from the front, with the Campaigning-
unusual in that it contains both K’kree warriors and a
Captain normally located at the rear of the Head
human Kri Grak!r contingent. The force is renowned
formation to direct the following and flanking units.

Clan Trira Dealer Profile

Dealer Max. TL Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Support and Specialist
Clan Trira 10 Quality None None None Basic

The Body contains most of the unit’s direct-combat on whether they are K’kree or not. Outsiders, even non-
forces. It is led by a Battling-Captain who fights aboard meat-eaters, are largely ignored. Cooperation tends to
an armoured grav platform along with his immediate be minimal, ensuring the force is best used as a blunt
bodyguards and companions. The remainder of the force instrument with more adaptable formations exploiting
is mostly K’kree infantry with robotic support platforms the chaos. The unit has the Skirmishers trait.
mixed in among them.
Campaigning-Force Kaxarrkak is likely to be encountered
The rearmost of the main force segments is termed the as opposition, rather than an ally, and has minimal
Loins. Its primary direct-combat contingent is made up opportunities for non-K’kree. It is typical of K’kree
of K’kree and robotic support platforms commanded by ground combat units encountered throughout their
a Battling-Captain. This force would form the rearguard space and outside its fringes.
under most circumstances or act as a final reserve. The
remainder of the Loins is made up of human troops who
crew and protect the force’s logistics assets, aerospace Characteristic Value DM
defence and artillery weapons. The human troops are
capable of fighting but normally held in reserve as a Force Name Campaigning-Force Kaxarrkak —
security element for their weapons and vehicles. Unit Size Reinforced Battalion —

The two Hands are lightly equipped flanking/screening Unit Type K’kree Infantry —
units composed of K’kree and robotic supports. Each Unit TL 9 +1
has a Battling-Captain in charge and can be expected to
Mobility Type Mounted +2
operate semi-independently at need.
Combat 12 +2
Typically, the whole force remains together as a herd
Bombardment 3 -1
rather than establishing a base for supporting elements
and operates in a highly mobile manner. K’kree units Aerospace 4 -1
are considered to be Mounted in terms of mobility and Support 3 -1
can undertake a rapid advance or charge over most
terrain. The usual manner of combat is straightforward; CEI or DEI 9 +1
the Hands begin skirmishing and establish the enemy’s Morale 13 +2
strength and position whilst the Loins halt to begin
artillery harassment or conduct aerospace defence. The Reputation 9 +1
Head then engages, with additional forces from the Body
fed in to the Head or Hands as appropriate.

Tactically, the unit is a collection of small fighting

With virtually no opportunities for non-K’kree
bands that cooperate and support one another in an mercenaries inside the Two Thousand Worlds, the most
informal and fluid manner. Aggression borders on the likely contact with the K’kree will be along the borders
reckless at the best of times but this is tempered by with non-aligned space. K’kree can be encountered as
an ability to withdraw or launch a flanking attack with mercenaries in this region or may be in the service of
minimal preparation. The force’s leaders ride atop their parent clans and herds. The Lords of Thunder are
their grav platforms, with gunners blazing away from particularly prone to launch attacks on nearby meat-
the sides, inspiring their troops to ever-greater deeds eating societies but mainstream K’kree have also been
of bloodshed against the hated G’naak. Mercy is never known to do this.
granted to meat-eaters, although the force is known to
fight honourably and with surprising restraint against
other K’kree. THE RENKARD
The Campaigning-Force has a good reputation for CAMPAIGN
tenacity in the right kind of action and can conduct The Lords of Thunder are an extremist faction, even
harassment or skirmishing operations in open country by the standards of the K’kree, who were driven from
with great effectiveness. Direct assault on a defended the Two Thousand Worlds to settle in the Luretir!girr
position may be costly but the combination of heavy sector. From there, they have gradually pushed
fire support and extreme aggression can carry the unit spinward, overwhelming worlds one at a time and adding
through. Relations with allied formations depend largely them to their domain. Populations have converted to

vegetarianism or been exterminated and in some cases conflict may not be discernible. Due to this, negotiations
were not offered the choice. Eventually the Lords of are unlikely to succeed but the K’kree will withdraw if
Thunder reached the boundaries of the Renkard Union, they face strong opposition.
a human state at the trailing end of Gateway. After a
period of standoff and skirmishing they advanced into
Renkard space, overrunning the capital at Silest. THE RENKARD
The Renkard Union had requested help for many WORLDS
years before the K’kree invasion and received it from The term ‘Renkard’ has come to refer to any world
a variety of different sources. In addition, the Union threatened in the short to medium term by the Lords of
bankrupted itself hiring mercenaries and building Thunder, whether it belongs to the Renkard Union or
defences. These measures may have been at least not. The forces fielded by these governments can vary
somewhat successful, since the K’kree advance has considerably. Many now have large militia movements
halted for the time being. It is only a matter of time – legal and otherwise – dedicated to preparing for
before the rump of the Renkard Union is overrun invasion. This can sometimes make the situation worse,
and the Lords of Thunder begin their advance as militias fragment with internal discord or fight over
across Gateway. There are many organisations and supplies and weaponry. Some militias are a front for
governments that would like to impede their plans but organised crime, in league with criminals, or dedicated
are not willing to act directly in case they attract the to overthrowing their government and installing a ‘more
ire of this powerful interstellar state. suitable’ one. This might mean a government better
prepared to resist the Lords of Thunder or one that
Mercenaries provide a useful means of creating intends to somehow avoid invasion.
opposition whilst remaining at arm’s length, so there
is no shortage of money on offer to any unit willing to The situation on these worlds is rather complex. Whilst
take the job. It is, however, a dangerous one. A unit there is no shortage of work for mercenaries it can be
caught planetside when the Lords of Thunder invade is difficult to determine which side a client is on and
unlikely to be treated mercifully, so defence is an all-or- mercenaries might be drawn into local politics. A unit
nothing prospect. Other worlds are less threatened but might be offered payment to simply go somewhere else
see incursions by K’kree forces or non-K’kree acting for and not come back. When this happens, it is unusually
them. Some of these worlds are becoming war zones or at the instigation of the Lords of Thunder and might
suffering economic damage that will make a takeover be seen as a token of respect. In reality, paying more
much easier when the Lords of Thunder decide to move. effective mercenaries to leave the area is part of a
strategy that also includes paying incompetent units to
undertake missions they are incapable of completing,
THE LORDS OF contributing to the instability of the region.

The Lords of Thunder will happily pay G’naak to fight The situation in and around the Renkard Union is
other G’naak if they can do so through a third party. chaotic but there are opportunities. Small forces
Mercenaries may be offered a contract to start trouble might be sent into the territory of the Lords of
or escalate it, or simply to war down the target world’s Thunder to raid or gather information, as might
defences. Those same worlds will be hiring mercenaries starmercs. Extraction of key personnel – if still alive
to protect themselves, creating a proxy war between the – from the former capital is also a possibility. These
Lords of Thunder and their prospective targets even if are missions for small, highly skilled units that have
no K’kree are in evidence. Opposition in these conflicts made preparations to avoid being detected or intend
is likely to take the form of insurgents, local forces or to deceive the defenders.
whatever mercenaries the Lords of Thunder have hired.
Others may find themselves fighting in one of the
If K’kree are engaged on a world they will probably be intermittent conflicts of the Renkard Worlds, perhaps
rogue elements whose leaders want to make a name for trying to support a government under attack from militias
themselves or just like killing G’naak. Some may be on or assisting in making preparations for ‘the big one’.
legitimate business for the Lords of Thunder, insomuch as When invasion begins, units that do not have access to
they may be attacking a world government or organisation a ship will be trapped on-planet and must either defeat
that has slighted or otherwise offended the Lords. Many the invaders or escape. A desperate guerrilla campaign is
are simply looking for trouble, so the reasons behind a possible but the odds would not be good.


C H A P T E R - F I V E

Outsiders typically assume the Hive Federation is a using political, economic and/or military means.
stable and well-ordered place, with few opportunities for Mercenaries are perfect for this, especially if led to
mercenaries. This is a false impression, created in part believe they are working for someone other than their
by Hiver propaganda. The Hivers know very well that a devious client.
state which seems to have no internal conflict projects
an aura of untouchability, and that the converse is also Conflicts are typically small and focussed with
true. In fact, there is considerable internal conflict at mercenaries used to seize assets or interfere with
any given time. Outsiders rarely hear of it and most is movements of personnel or items. Plans are often
non-violent in any case. However, there is always work convoluted and indirect. A mercenary unit might
for mercenaries in the Hive Federation. be sent to stir up trouble on a world so that the
Hiver leaders there are distracted, causing them to
The Federation consists of a great many races, all under miss a business opportunity, which then forces the
guidance of the Hivers. It is unlikely to be a coincidence redeployment of funds… all of which eventually causes
that the region ruled by the notoriously manipulative the plans of another Hiver to be derailed by changing
Hivers contains many races content to perform a single economic conditions. Some Hivers are clever enough
role within the Federation and this tendency towards to pull something like this off but most only think they
specialisation has served the Federation’s citizens well. are. The result is that a complex scheme can have
Most groundside military action is the preserve of the unexpected consequences, leaving the mercenaries in
Ithklur, a warrior race co-opted by the Hivers after many the middle of a rapidly changing situation with no real
years of quarantine. The Ithklur are enthusiastic about idea what is going on.
warfare and certainly effective, although not the solution
to every military problem. The Hivers are entirely willing This lack of clear information is a fact of life for
to work with external mercenaries and there are some mercenaries working in the Federation. Usually it
who think this – like everything else the Hivers do – is in is enough to carry out the mission and collect the
fact a manipulation. As the theory goes, reminding the payment; trying to figure out who the client really
Ithklur that they do not have a monopoly on violence is is and what they are hoping to achieve is a route to
part of the Hiver plan to keep them in their place. madness and paranoia. Mercenaries who penetrate
the fog of obfuscation and cross-cutting agendas may
Whatever the reasoning, Hivers will use mercenaries like end up as players in the same game as their clients.
any other tool – if they seem suitable to the task they Indeed, a few legendary commanders became rich
will be hired. Hivers work with almost any race and do by creating a situation in which they commanded the
not seem to care much about the ideology of those they highest possible fee for the smallest amount of risk.
hire. So long as the mercenaries get the job done and do This is not unique to the Federation but is a much
not cause additional problems the Hivers are content. more difficult undertaking there.


Although physically averse to violence, Hivers Life for mercenaries is much the same in the Hive
are quite willing to engage in conflict providing Federation as elsewhere, with a few exceptions.
someone else does the fighting. Indeed, the highly Hivers are averse to physical violence and wary of
individual nature of Hiver society creates a tendency those who make it their profession, whilst at the same
towards conflict as one master manipulator’s plans time considering them useful. It is not uncommon
interfere with others. Usually conflicts are kept at for mercenaries to find they are having troubles with
a safe distance – it is rare for a Hiver to go directly accommodation or mundane living requirements, which
after another. Instead it is played out by proxy may necessitate a change of location. Sometimes
this just happens, like everywhere else, but often it is

because local Hiver leaders are uncomfortable with Nervous Hivers will work to either move the
having mercenaries so close and want them to relocate. mercenaries on or find them something to do that
The Hiver obsession with manipulation ensures this is benefits the Hiver. This makes finding work a little
never simple or straightforward and mercenaries can easier than elsewhere, as it is in the interests of
never be entirely sure if a chain of apparent bad luck is the rulers to keep the mercenaries busy – and
not a manipulation intended to push them into doing unavailable to those that might use them to counter a
something a Hiver wants. Hiver’s schemes – but the nature of missions can be
unsatisfactory. Mercenaries may find themselves sent
The general populace tend to be more accepting of off on what is apparently a make-work assignment or
mercenaries, largely due to the tendency towards stirring up trouble for another Hiver just to keep them
specialisation. There is a collective mindset, carefully off the market. This, and never knowing the whole truth
nurtured by the Hiver ruling class, that decisions made by about anything, makes mercenaries in the Federation a
society’s leaders – the Hivers – must be correct and made somewhat paranoid lot.
for good reasons; if a band of heavily armed strangers
moves into a vacant building and the rulers do not move
them on, it must be acceptable for them to be there. CLIENTS
The most likely client by far is a Hiver who thinks
Recruiting can be a problem within the Federation. it is (or actually is) a master manipulator whose
The underlying culture is one of racial specialisation machinations shape society within and beyond the
and contentment with that role, which reduces the Federation. Groups will also hire mercenaries but
number of people who could even conceive of being a there tends to be a single Hiver at the centre of any
mercenary. Those who come from martial cultures such endeavour. It may be that several Hivers all think they
as the Ithklur have no such issues but mercenaries are the instigator of an operation or that they can gain
have traditionally recruited among people who want a control of it once under way. This can lead to confused
different life to mainstream norms and those are far less or contradictory orders, or a lack of clarity about
common in the Federation. the goals of the operation. This lack of clarity may
manifest during the preparation or implementation of
As a result, mercenaries tend to be recruited from an operation but it may not become apparent until the
a small number of Federation races, or from worlds mercenaries think they have completed their mission.
outside its borders, and tend to live within but slightly
apart from mainstream society. They are valued for Another problem when working with Hivers is that those
what they can do – or more accurately, for what any who believe they can shape society – in other words,
given Hiver thinks it can use them for – and respected those most likely to hire mercenaries – tend to believe
so long as they do not cause needless trouble. At that anyone can be persuaded to do anything. Nailing
the same time, mercenaries represent not only the down the terms of an acceptable contract can be difficult
potential for violence but also a more unruly element and only a newcomer to the Hiver way of doing things
than most citizens, which makes Hivers nervous. would expect it to be honoured as written. An ambitious

Hiver simply cannot help but try to manipulate everyone form of opposition to the unit’s plans but is far more
at every opportunity. Thus the mercenaries can expect to likely to be convoluted and clever-for-its-own-sake.
be renegotiating their deal with the client right up to the Typically a disappointed Hiver will seek to destroy the
point they receive final payment. unit’s reputation and humiliate its members and will go
on doing so for as long as the project seems interesting.
On some occasions this is not the end; some Hivers will This might be many years and occasionally a Hiver
try to add unrelated tasks to the one just completed. will make it their life’s work to punish someone for a
Clever mercenaries sometimes make use of this relatively minor slight.
malleability, making their own redefinitions and
alterations as they go. The experience of working with The converse is also true; manipulators pleased with
Hivers has been compared to negotiating a minefield in work done by their mercenaries may be willing to
dense fog. Mercenaries who realise the client is equally endorse them. Having influential people willing to vouch
blind may be able to take advantage but that does mean for the force is certainly useful, especially those with
playing a master manipulator at its own game. a reputation for being knowledgeable about military or
political matters, but there is also the risk that a Hiver
might endorse a bad unit in the hope that a rival hires
REGIONAL them. This can result in surprisingly lucrative contracts
going to a band of no-hopers if it suits a Hiver’s plans.
Despite the many cross-cutting agendas of manipulators, Overall, there are no rules or laws about who can or
the Federation is generally homogenous in terms of cannot form a mercenary unit – not as such, anyway.
culture. Mercenaries might find themselves serving Conditions within the Federation mean that some
all manner of causes but the way they are viewed and areas or worlds may forbid mercenary operations or
treated does not vary much. Changes, when and where restrict recruiting but like everything else, this custom
they occur, are more to do with prevailing attitudes at is malleable and can be altered by a suitably talented
the time rather than by region and these are usually manipulator. Success in the marketplace is much more
driven by the impression made by prominent Hivers; likely if the unit can attract the favourable attention of
if an impressive success is scored by use of a surgical influential figures. Fitting well with the plans of a major
military strike, other Hivers may try to emulate this even manipulator is the shortest and easiest route to success
if the method is not ideal for what they are trying to but is a tricky path to tread.
achieve. On another occasion a manipulator’s scheme
might fail due to a mistake made by mercenaries,
causing their use to fall into disfavour for a time. The Military Operations Club of Othrerta
Topical clubs are a major facet of Hiver society,
consisting of Hivers with similar interests. Thousands
DEALERS AND exist, most of which are very niche or of minor
importance, whilst some of the major clubs become
AGENCIES leaders and an inspiration to others operating in their
The Federation has no real equivalent to the licensing field. In some cases a major topical club becomes the
agencies that exist elsewhere. A mercenary unit body that judges the activities of others. So it is with the
succeeds by its ability to convince potential clients it Military Operations Club of Othrerta.
is worth hiring. Actual competence is only part of this
process; a reputation must be built and maintained. A Outsiders might expect this body to pass judgement
semi-decent unit headed by a skilled con artist will be on the lawfulness or necessity of mercenary operations
more successful in the short to medium term than a but that is not its main function. Sometimes the senior
highly skilled one that does not play the promotion game members of the club will rule on such matters but for
well. The bubble will burst sooner or later, however. the most part the club is interested in the effectiveness
and elegance of the operation. It will deliberate and
If a unit prone to faking competence does not self- comment on the cleverness of the client in using
destruct due to its own actions it will attract the ire of mercenaries, as opposed to some other way of obtaining
disappointed clients. These are likely to be Hivers whose a desired result, and the effectiveness of the Hiver’s
grand plans have gone awry due to the unit’s over-selling plans. In short, the Military Operations Club of Othrerta
of its abilities. Causing damage to a manipulator’s is not a licensing agency or a governing body for the use
reputation is about the worst offence imaginable, so the of mercenaries, it is an awards committee interested
unit will face retribution. This might be direct, in the primarily in how mercenaries are used.

Saxuganto Dealer Profile
Dealer Max. TL Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Support and Specialist
Saxuganto 13 Basic Quality Quality Quality Basic

The Military Operations Club of Othrerta regulates the In the military field, Saxuganto has access to a variety
use of mercenaries to some extent but not formally or of manufacturers but is known for the quality of its
directly. Instead it exerts what might be considered combat and support grav vehicles more than anything
peer pressure on those who use mercenaries, ridiculing else. Aerospace defence and artillery weapons are
any who are inept or clumsy in their actions. A Hiver available as independent systems but for the most part
whose mercenaries cause unintended casualties or come attached to a light grav-mobile chassis. Wheeled
produce unexpected consequences will be held up as or tracked vehicles are much less common than grav
an example of ineptitude and will lose status. Clumsy vehicles and may not be available in the same quantities
use of mercenaries is therefore indirectly censured but as Saxuganto’s core lines.
judgement is for the most part passed on how well the
Hiver executed its plans rather than the necessity of
the operation. UNITS
Mercenary units in the Federation tend to be organised
along conventional lines if influenced by outsider
The Interstellar Trading societies such as the Third Imperium or the Solomani
Companionship of Saxuganto Confederation. Those drawing upon warrior cultures from
The Interstellar Trading Companionship of Saxuganto, within the Federation may use their species’ traditional
usually shortened to just Saxuganto, is a body similar in organisation instead.
many ways to a trading company elsewhere but with some
characteristics unusual outside the Hive Federation. It is Dahzoklo Company, Specialist
led by a group of Hivers, whose membership fluctuates Dahzoklo is a company-sized unit comprised entirely of
over time as interests change. New or returning members Ithklur a warrior people native to the Hive Federation.
add their own assets to what might be described as the The majority of the ground troops in the service of the
Saxuganto brand but retain ownership and take their Federation are Ithklur and many more join independent
assets with them when they leave. units. Their reasons are more straightforward than with
most species – Ithklur enjoy violence and seek fulfilment
Most of the Hivers within Saxuganto are traders, either through it. Ithklur philosophy is actually quite complex
operating one or more starships or working out of a but they prefer to accept what they are rather than trying
starport. Some have different roles, which contribute to to conform to someone else’s ideals. The challenge and
the overall success of the group, such as manufacturers intensity of experience found in violent confrontation
or diplomats. Others are members-of-convenience offers a chance for self-realisation and the Ithklur are
pursuing their own plans. Of these, some operate under not shy about admitting they enjoy it.
the guise of being primarily traders whilst others are
members due to an alignment of goals rather than a That is not to say the Ithklur are indiscriminate; quite the
mutual interest in trading. opposite. There is no challenge in destroying someone
who cannot fight back and no self-realisation possible in
Saxuganto operates much like a trading company, an easy fight. By seeking out the most worthy opponents
at least most of the time. Occasionally it meddles in an Ithklur warrior can find the best in themselves and
the affairs of local worlds or other groups, either to enemies that fight hard are respected in victory or defeat.
improvise trading conditions or pursue some goal of its Units in service to the Hivers are often called upon to
members. For the past decade Saxuganto has operated take part in actions against weak foes, which offer little
primarily in the military and heavy-industry sectors, entertainment, which is one reason some Ithklur join
supplying hardware and weaponry to clients over a wide the equivalent of mercenary formations. They take pay
area. It is likely Saxuganto’s members have stirred up to make a living and replace equipment but evaluate
trouble to create a marketplace or influenced local missions on their merit as a challenge – interesting is
leaders to undertake expensive infrastructure upgrades. better than lucrative to an Ithklur mercenary.

Dahzoklo is an Ithklur word that describes this unit’s just the right moment to force an enemy grav vehicle to
characteristics. It does not translate well into Galanglic dodge behind a building, thus allowing an assault team
and Ithklur who try to explain usually end up describing to jump onto it, attach their charges, then drop off using
their unit as ‘enlightened warriors seeking a suitably grav parachutes. This is rarely planned or rehearsed and
worthy foe’. Most mercenary Ithklur unit names translate after-action debriefings can be frustrating. Commonly the
this way, with the subtleties lost somewhere along the missile gunners would confess they did not know their
way. Be that as it may, Dahzoklo is a unit that specialises colleagues were in assault position but just thought ‘it
in hunting hard targets through urban terrain. Personnel would be cool if they were’.
are armed for combat against other infantry but everyone
carries an anti-armour weapon. The personnel of Dahzoklo come across as amateurish
to outsiders who do not understand the Ithklur psyche,
Favoured tactics vary between individuals. A sub-unit however those who can see past the happy-go-lucky
might contain a couple of Ithklur who like to plant attitude recognise a deep understanding between unit
mines and draw the enemy onto them, plus others who members. One will set up a situation for another to
like missile launchers or plasma guns. There may be exploit, working on the assumption that if they were that
daredevils who yearn to jump onto a passing grav tank colleague they would hide in that building just there
from an upper window and attach charges to the hull. hoping someone sent a tank for them to destroy. There
There is no possibility for coordination among such are those who question whether there may be telepathy
disparate troops but cooperation takes place on an almost involved but it seems more likely it is just a shared relish
instinctive level. A missile team may loose a shot at for exciting and memorable exploits.

The personnel of Dahzoklo like to fight in three Dahzoklo has no hidden agenda, but that does not
dimensions and will scramble up the outside of a tall mean it is not unknowingly serving the interests
building using the most precarious of handholds. They are of some master manipulator. The Ithklur would
quite happy to be conveyed in a grav vehicle, of course, strenuously deny this, insisting they are captains of
but urban free-climbing under fire seems to suit them. their own fate. All the same, their most likely clients
Most carry a one-use grav parachute, although using it are Hivers or those working for them.
to recover from a fall is grounds for ridicule. Jumping
from a stricken grav tank is acceptable, although making
an escape without the parachute is grounds for a joyous Characteristic Value DM
unit-wide cry of ‘bonus points’! For reasons unknown this Force Name Dahzoklo —
phrase is only ever rendered in Galanglic.
Unit Size Company —
Personal equipment is light, with very little body armour Unit Type Ithklur Urban Combat Infantry —
or other protective equipment. Unit members will go into Unit TL 13 +2
action with a gauss carbine, anti-armour weapon and
a small pack containing a few essentials… and usually Mobility Type Infantry -3
multiple grenades. Combat against them is a chaotic Combat 14 +2
maelstrom of fire coming in from unlikely directions,
followed by a hail of grenades and a direct assault. It is Bombardment 2 -2
not uncommon for a position to be entered from multiple Aerospace 2 -2
directions – and above – as the last of the grenades go
off. Being wounded by a friendly grenade is a weird badge Support 3 -1
of honour among these strange alien warriors. CEI or DEI 14 +2
Morale 15 +3
Organisation is almost non-existent. There are usually
five sub-units (if they can be called that) of which two Reputation 12 +2
are about average for the force. The leader’s fighting
group is little different and since leadership style is
rather hands-on there is little command and control
once an action has begun. However, if a situation looks CONFLICTS
dangerous enough the command group will ‘get dull’ as The Hive Federation does not advertise its internal
they term it, setting up a defensive position from which conflicts to outsiders and rarely uses external
to control other fighting groups and receive casualties. mercenaries in any important issue. There are, however,
It appears that Dahzoklo can function as a professional plenty of low-level operations suitable for the use
mercenary force but prefers not to. of mercenaries. These are not conflicts as such, as
most are closely targeted operations launched by one
The Climbing Group consists of the best and most daring manipulator against the assets of another, or carried out
free-climbers, and only accepts those already famed for to inconvenience and impede another Hiver as part of
their exploits. The Flying Group is exclusive for a different some convoluted scheme. Mercenaries hired by Hivers
reason; its members are equipped with custom high- are likely to operate outside the Federation, usually in
speed grav belts and specialise in unexpected assaults support of a local agenda.
from above. They occasionally assist the climbers,
exchanging friendly insults as they do. BALTHAZAR IN
Dahzoklo is a highly effective unit but operates in a THE BALANCE
manner that cannot be replicated by non-Ithklur. It can Balthazar is located in the Last Frontier subsector and
be considered to have both the Tankbuster and Close widely considered the ‘subsector capital’ insofar as such
Assault traits. The unit can be hired for a standard labels matter in this region. It is a high-population, high-
company fee, more or less, but will wave aside most technology world with a dense atmosphere and around
contract discussions in favour of more questions about 80% water coverage. The population are mostly human
how badass the opposition is likely to be. A contract is an and have been ruled for decades by a succession of ever
irrelevance as far as Dahzoklo’s leaders are concerned. more brutal dictators.
They will take a job they want to do and get it done –
usually in a messy and needlessly violent sort of way.

As a result of worsening internal conditions, Balthazar The Rebels
was placed off-limits to unauthorised Travellers by the In addition to some regular army units, the rebels have
Solomani Confederation. This had the effect of cutting a large but woefully under-armed militia. The majority of
off much of the trade that passed through its excellent this force is deployed in an effort to retain control over
starport and weakening the world’s economy at a time the rebellion’s centres of manufacturing and political
when dissent was already rising. No amount of posturing importance, with cells of saboteurs and troublemakers
on the part of the world dictator could persuade the tying down government forces elsewhere. The rebellion
Solomani to reverse this policy and independent ships is gaining support almost daily but cannot take on the
began to avoid the port as well. loyalists in a head-on confrontation. It desperately needs
a training cadre, some means to counter the guard’s
Offers of aid and assistance from the Federation were tanks, and a very large amount of weaponry.
initially well received but it soon became apparent
that trade ships were positively festooned with strings Summary
attached. An attempt at economic subversion was foiled The dictator is in a dominant position but weakening
by a crackdown – yet another one – allowing the dictator every day as the stalled economy presents ever-greater
to maintain their precarious position for a while longer. problems. Maintenance and supply are already major
However, this brought into the open the activities of issues and disaffection is growing even within the
Hivers behind the trade initiative. loyal elements of the army as pay arrears increase
and demands to crack down on protests require ever
Balthazar has attracted the attention of a topical club; greater violence. The dictator wants to avoid becoming
in this case the Threat Annulment Society of Glyah. reliant on the Federation but if the strangely resilient
This band of like-minded Hivers is working for the good rebellion is not defeated soon they may have to accept
of the Federation – or so they say – by quietly removing a one-sided deal.
threats along the borders. By ‘quietly’ they mean ‘without
repercussions for the Hivers responsible’ – economic For their part, the rebels are greatly overmatched and
subversion is preferred but the Threat Annulment Society would have already been defeated but for the quiet
has sent troops to invade entire worlds. It is more assistance of the Federation. The Threat Annulment
interested in regime change and the removal of threats Society prefers not to be seen to intervene directly but
than conquest and has generally left behind better and has supplied quantities of arms by way of third-party
more stable worlds than it found. smugglers. Mercenary forces slipped onto Balthazar offer
the chance to force the dictator into a corner, at which
Now, with parts of Balthazar in open revolt, the Threat point the Threat Annulment Society will help stabilise
Annulment Society is operating more openly. It has sent the situation with either the dictator or whoever replaces
funds and forces to help overthrow the dictator, hedging them under their control.
its bets by supporting several prominent opponents.
These vary from political figures trying to work within This is a highly complex situation in which the Threat
the law and hoping for a peaceful transition of power Annulment Society is playing both sides of the fence.
to wild-eyed rebels who want to tear down the whole If the dictator is overthrown they expect to control their
establishment. It is likely that long-term the Hivers successor; if not they should be able to make them their
want a stable society dependent on the Federation for puppet. The Solomani Confederation is not very concerned
necessary goods to prop up its economy. The Solomani who officially rules Balthazar but does not want them to be
Confederation, on the other hand, does not want a de a tool for the Hivers. It is likely to hire forces to support the
facto conquest on its doorstep but is bound by its own dictator, although backing a rebel faction that seems clear
declaration of ‘off-limits’ status for Balthazar. Both sides, of Hiver control is another option.
naturally, are seeking mercenaries to tip the balance.
At present the situation is one of armed standoff and
The Dictator’s Forces internal insurgency but if the dictator becomes too
Most of the military is loyal to the dictator. The world’s desperate they will attempt to crush all their enemies
armed forces are equipped to TL12 standards, with a before their force crumbles completely. They know this will
large ground forces contingent and a smaller elite guard, drive more of the army into rebellion so they are trying to
which includes the system defence squadron. Most regular thread a path between getting their cities under control
units are security or aerospace defence formations, as is and cracking down so hard they lose most of their forces.
common on such worlds, whilst the guard has a modest This is unlikely to succeed in the long term and it may be
amount of heavy armour and grav-mobile infantry. The the dictatorship on Balthazar is doomed. The question is
army is depleted after some units rebelled and others were who will control its successor state – a question that may
purged but is more than sufficient to retain control over key well be answered by a mercenary force.
cities. The guard is almost completely loyal.

C H A P T E R - S I X

The Solomani Confederation was, for many years, to control mercenaries is greater in Solomani space.
part of the Third Imperium and to some extent In the Imperium, there are a great many cross-
its attitudes helped shape the Imperial view of cutting agendas and powerful groups who want to
mercenaries. Since breakaway from Imperial rule, be able to use mercenaries as they please; in the
the Confederation has developed its own rules and Confederation the Solomani Party is more concerned
regulations over mercenary operations, which differ in with the stability of the Confederation than the rights
some ways from Imperial standards. Most importantly, of powerful individuals to pursue their interests. The
the Confederation is strict about not allowing armed fact that the Confederation is far smaller and more
foreigners to travel through or operate in its territory. astrographically compact than the Imperium makes
Licenses to operate inside the Confederation can be this position both easier to implement and more
obtained but typically a unit has to be able to offer acceptable to regional powers.
something not easily available locally.
All use of mercenary forces must be sanctioned by
Within the Confederation, the use of mercenary Solomani Security (SolSec), which will veto any
forces is heavily regulated and subject to stringent operation considered to be against the best interests
laws regarding the use of armed force. This is of the Confederation as a whole. Factionalism and
not entirely different to the situation in the Third the agendas of some powers within the Confederation
Imperium but overall the desire of central authority can cause rules to bend one way or the other, to

some extent, but overall any conflict that employs The emphasis is much more on the overall welfare of
mercenaries will attract the attention of SolSec the Confederation than local interests and those who
investigators who will require justification and a know how to present their case – or are well enough
detailed after-action report. connected – can usually find a way to push through.

There are ways around these restrictions, notably

the use of unregistered mercenaries or cover stories, MERCENARY LIFE IN THE
which present the operation as something other than a
mercenary contract. This can work, depending on the CONFEDERATION
local situation and SolSec’s perception of the parties Mercenaries are almost exclusively recruited from
involved. However, the use of hired forces from outside Confederation citizens. Most are human, whether
the regulated mercenary sector can be seen as implicit pureblood Solomani or not, with significant minorities
criticism of the Confederation. If the local branch of coming from races well suited to military service.
the Solomani Party did not consider it necessary to The Confederation is exceedingly snobbish about
dump several hundred armed personnel onto a world, a bloodlines and far more inclined to trust a unit led
consortium of small businesses that did so might find by a pureblood Solomani than one commanded by a
its leaders answering difficult questions about much mixed-blood human or alien. Such units do exist, and
broader topics than the local conflict. can enjoy trusted-mercenary status, but the road is
definitely easier for pure Solomani.

CONFLICT IN THE Similarly, promotions and positions of responsibility

within a unit tend to go to pure Solomani, even if
CONFEDERATION this means passing over a promising non-Solomani of
Some areas of the Confederation are known trouble superior capability. A unit that takes this to extremes
spots, either due to internal dissent or external threats is bound for disaster but it does happen from time-to-
such as incursions by Aslan. At times the Confederation time. Those that have extremely racist policies end up
will permit local groups to raise or hire mercenary forces putting incompetents in charge over more talented but
to deal with such problems and may even provide funds disaffected subordinates. The latter either move on
and advice. These conflicts are by definition sanctioned to a unit that will treat them better or underperform
by SolSec, reflecting a choice on the part of the until the force goes out of business – one way or
Solomani Party to help its citizens help themselves. another. Conversely, a unit with extremely egalitarian
principles, which promotes on merit alone, will also
Conflicts of this sort are governed by a set of run into problems. Some pure Solomani will not join
laws, which in turn produce standardised rules of such a unit, or quickly become disgruntled when they
engagement, which can change as the situation are not promoted on the strength of their genes alone,
evolves. As a general principle, rules of engagement and less enlightened clients may be unwilling to use a
are much looser where the enemy is expected to have force that does not have the expected pure Solomani
a deep-rooted hatred of the Confederation or poses a in positions of command.
serious threat. Rules of engagement are also used as
a political tool; a population with a history of defiance These two forces tend to balance one another out,
and insurrection can expect mercenaries operating creating a situation not unlike that elsewhere in
among them to be governed far more loosely than a Confederation society. Pure Solomani are given
group loyal to, and supportive of, the Solomani Party. slightly preferential treatment but expected to rise to
This is just one of many ways loyalty is rewarded the challenge of proving they are worthy, whilst non-
within the Confederation. Solomani must work harder to prove they deserve their
position. This goes for units as well as individuals; a
Mercenary operations against definite foes of the force where pureblood Solomani are commanded by
Solomani people are easily sanctioned and generally non-humans or mixed-race humans will be scrutinised
supported, although the mercenaries’ actions will still more closely than a conventionally organised force,
be monitored as the Party does not want to set borders however a good record in the field speaks for itself.
aflame with unregulated military actions. Clients who There are a few zealots who will refuse to work with
want to use mercenaries for internal disputes will such a force but most clients are pragmatic enough to
have a tougher time getting approval, although much want the most capable mercenaries rather than ones
depends on their level of connection to the local who suit social preferences.
Party and its officials’ perception of the situation.

A non-Solomani mercenary may encounter racism Mercenaries operating at this end of the industry
in the course of their career but it is nothing can never be sure who their end client is, although
like as bad as Imperial propaganda makes out. this is probably more to do with paranoia. If an
The Confederation, as a whole, gives preferential insurgent movement or shady client hires a mercenary
treatment to pure Solomani rather than oppressing unit, chances are the contract is genuine. SolSec
non-Solomani. The majority are snobs rather than is rumoured to use deniable mercenaries to cause
haters and willing to be impressed by a ‘worthy trouble, in order to have a pretext for a crackdown,
outsider’. Indeed such figures are sometimes but this is far less common than conspiracy theorists
venerated to a degree that surprises those who have believe. More often, champions of a cause that
bought into the Imperial propaganda. They have a cannot obtain official sanction must make use of
special role to play in Solomani culture – akin to an whatever forces are available. This can trap low-end
excellent opponent in a sport or game. The Solomani mercenaries in a cycle of dubious operations, which
see themselves as a little bit better than everyone else do not contribute towards the reputation required to
and there is no joy in being a little bit better than a get the good jobs.
clueless rabble. The achievements of these worthy
outsiders are often lauded for their own sake but there
may be an undertone of ‘this is what we have to beat’. REGIONAL
CLIENTS Most of the Confederation follows the same general
The majority of clients in the Confederation are either practice but there are two significant regions with a
Solomani Party officials or agencies overseen by the different character. In both cases the presence of a
Party. This means planetary governments, corporate major power is the primary influence.
bodies and interstellar government agencies including
SolSec itself hire the majority of mercenaries. These The Trans-Canopus Reaches
agencies normally deal with reputable mercenary The Trans-Canopus Reaches are a border zone
units; occasionally an unsavoury band of killers will between the Confederation and Aslan Hierate, with a
be hired for some unpleasant task but these deals are region of non-aligned space to rimward. Operations in
done under the table and in a deniable manner. this region are affected by historical tensions between
human states and the Aslan, as well as the current
It is an open secret that at least some of the ‘other’ political situation. The Imperial presence in the Dark
clients within the Confederation are actually fronts Nebula creates additional problems.
for SolSec or one of the other government agencies.
Mercenaries may be used to carry out ‘black Mercenaries are widely used along this border to
operations’, which the agency would prefer not to be allow the agenda of the Confederation – or powerful
connected to, but in the case of SolSec the usual groups within it – to be furthered without ‘official’
practice is to send its own personnel then deny conflict with Aslan or Imperial groups. Mercenaries
everything. SolSec has little need to do more than this, are typically used to support legitimate, or portrayed-
so rarely takes the risk of using deniable mercenaries. as-legitimate, local concerns and cannot help but
Other agencies do not have the luxury of being charged become embroiled in the complex local situation.
with investigating themselves to see if they are
responsible for an operation so generally try to create Further rimward, there is considerable opportunity in
distance between a ‘dirty’ operation and its instigators. the parts of the Ustral Quadrant not claimed as Aslan
territory. As elsewhere, the Hierate’s borders tend to
Where unpleasant or deniable operations are to be creep outward as ihatei seize territory and build their
carried out, the more reputable mercenary units are own proto-states. Those who dislike the idea of being
rarely involved. Many are too honourable – or too driven out or forced to accept Aslan rule resist as best
aware of their precarious status as trustworthy agents they can and will readily employ mercenaries. Periodic
– to take on nasty jobs. This leaves formations that surges of ihatei activity have been observed, prompting
cannot find other work due to political considerations specialist anti-ihatei formations to offer their services
or previous failures, and of course the usual rabble or raise their rates depending on how seriously the
found at the bottom of the mercenary marketplace. threat is being taken by local world governments.

The Trans-Neworld Reaches
The Trans-Neworld Reaches are a border zone manufacturing plants of arms companies as well as
between the Confederation and Hive Federation, places where trading is likely such as major starports.
with a region of non-aligned space to rimward. This An approved mercenary unit will have little difficulty
region has its own character, largely due to the recent obtaining weapons from a reputable supplier but
development of many of its worlds. Troubles are gaining that status can be difficult.
more commonly internal than external or at least this
is the general appearance. As always when Hivers Regional Mercenary
are involved, there is a great deal of paranoia and
suspicion that any given conflict might be the result Operations Oversight Committees
of Hiver machinations but it is far more likely that The Solomani Confederation has a great many regional
this developing region is simply going through difficult committees charged with oversight of everything
times as its power structures coalesce. from public health to movement of art objects. The
Mercenary Operations Oversight Committees (MOOC)
SolSec and the Party are as prevalent in Trans-Neworld are responsible for accrediting mercenary units,
as anywhere in the Confederation but there are so ensuring they meet an adequate standard of conduct
many agendas and development plans that clashes and professionalism, and investigating breaches of
and disputes are inevitable. Mercenaries are unlikely regulations. The latter function is normally carried out
to be short of work at the platoon to company level. in conjunction with SolSec and may be hijacked by
Conflicts large enough to employ multiple battalions that organisation if there are indications of a political
are uncommon but have at times drawn in all available problem rather than a regulatory one. The usual
forces from across the region. However, as a rule, practice is for SolSec to shadow the investigation
Trans-Neworld is an area where lightly equipped and withdraw from it if there is a threat to the
mid-sized units are most likely to be successful as Confederation as a whole. If a unit has merely screwed
prospective clients do not have sufficient budget to up it is investigated by what are inevitably termed
hire larger or more heavily armed forces. ‘mooks’ but if there are irregularities suggesting one
party or another is acting against the good of the
This does not mean that clients will not overspend. Confederation the ‘spooks’ – SolSec – will take over.
It has become far too common for governments
and other bodies to simply hire everyone they can To operate legally within the Confederation, a unit
and hope to defer payments or win before their needs to be properly registered with its regional
mercenaries lose patience. This has resulted in severe MOOC. This process is fairly straightforward but
instability in some areas, as disaffected mercenaries more stringent than in many areas. A sizable amount
turn on their clients or units disband, dumping large of documentation must be presented, along with a
numbers of personnel into the marketplace. These Cr25000 registration fee. The unit’s command team
are snapped up by others who cannot afford them, must then succeed in a Difficult (10+) Advocate or
continuing the cycle. The Confederation authorities Admin check to correctly present their credentials.
have begun trying to deal with the problem but it is The MOOC will deliver a decision within 1D weeks.
a big task. Current endeavours – ironically perhaps If the application is successful the mercenaries will
– revolve around hiring units, paying off their arrears be free to operate immediately, although in some
and using them as peacekeepers. However, not all cases they may be subject to restrictions on access to
forces are up to this task and others want to chart equipment or enhanced scrutiny for a time.
their own course. Trans-Neworld remains a hazardous
region for mercenaries and clients alike. Guardian Military Systems
Arms Manufacturer/Dealer
DEALERS AND Guardian Military Systems (GMS) is a diversified
manufacturer of weapon systems and heavy military
AGENCIES hardware. It holds ‘favoured contractor’ status with
The Confederation has more centralisation of power several world governments, supplying Home Forces
than some other states, resulting in a slightly different with inexpensive but generally good quality weapon
licensing system for mercenaries. Similarly, large- systems. This hardware is built to standard designs,
scale arms sales are heavily regulated, with SolSec specified by regional Home Forces Armaments Advisory
‘liaison staff’ stationed at the headquarters and Committees, and is also available on the open market.

Guardian Military Systems Dealer Profile
Dealer Max. TL Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Support and Specialist
GMS 12 Quality Basic None Quality Basic

GMS does not build starships or armoured vehicles behaviour. Usually fees are paid to the government
but produces modular weapons that fit on most rather than the unit, with personnel receiving their
standard mountings. A significant proportion of the normal salary plus an increment for offworld service.
laser and missile systems carried aboard privately
owned vessels were made by Guardian. Their products Bushwack Company
are especially prevalent in the Canopus sector and
surrounding subsectors. The same laser and missile Company, Anti-Armour
systems are available as ground-based weapons for Bushwack Company is the commercial identity of a
starport and installation defence detached force seconded to the marketplace by its
parent government. The unit is equipped as wheeled-
Guardian is willing to sell to almost any client mobile infantry and trained to fight defensively in a
providing they have the correct paperwork. In recent city or other urban environment, specifically against
years a new line of ‘simple but sure’ weaponry has armoured infantry or heavily equipped assault forces.
been marketed to colonists – both individually and as A variety of weapons are used in this context and
an armament pack providing immediate security to a Bushwack Company is capable of fighting armoured
new installation or colony. These packs are sometimes vehicles or infantry as well as its intended prey.
bought by aspiring mercenary forces. The weaponry is
not particularly impressive but it is a cheap and simple The use of battle dress and combat armour by the
way of outfitting a couple of dozen personnel. The Imperial Army resulted in a perceived need for troops
basic pack consists of 20 TL8 semi-automatic carbines capable of containing and ideally eliminating an
plus four marksman rifles and two light machineguns, armoured assault force. The Confederation Army and
provided with 1,000 rounds of ammunition per the Home Forces of many worlds close to the Imperial
gun and all necessary magazines, belts and feed border consider the ability to deal with armoured
accessories. The whole package costs Cr5000 before infantry an essential capability. This rests not just in
any negotiated discount. Other packages of more equipment but also requires experienced troops able
‘military’ weapons are available but the entry-level to hold their nerve in the face of apparently superior
offering remains popular with units just starting out. opposition. As a result, the anti-armour contingent has
been sent out to gain experience in the field. It has
Mercenaries operating against colonists or other been slightly rearmed to give a more general set of
groups equipped in this manner can often predict the capabilities but remains a primarily defensive formation
number and type of weapons they face. For example, with impressive anti-light armour capabilities.
if Guardian laser carbines are present there will
almost certainly be two laser sniper rifles, as the only The company is organised in a standard manner, with
weapons pack that contains laser carbines also has an attached pool of transport vehicles. These are not
these. There is always the possibility a user might buy armed and are used only for logistics and movement
additional weapons but typically an organisation will in the field. The force would not accept contracts
prefer to obtain ready-made packages and will not see requiring high mobility without serious reorganisation
the need to pay more for individual items. and the assignment of more suitable transport for
field operations.

UNITS The unit’s headquarters detachment is small,

Some mercenary units in the Solomani Confederation containing only the command staff and a handful
are detached elements of a world’s Home Forces. This of soldiers as a final reserve. These are equipped in
enables the formation to gain operational experience, the same manner as the rest of the unit’s infantry,
which can be shared when the unit returns to its with a TL10 Advanced Combat Rifle capable of
planet of origin. When serving as mercenaries such launching RAM grenades. All personnel are issued
units are treated the same as any other, except one anti-armour grenade and one of another type –
that their home government is responsible for their obscurants or anti-personnel types for the most part.

Armour-piercing ammunition makes up about a third designation comes from a preference for ambushing
of the average soldier’s load. The percentage would enemy forces in cluttered urban terrain overlooked by
be higher on a specific anti-armour deployment but positions for the platoons. Convoys of light military
as mercenaries the force would expect to engage vehicles are especially vulnerable to having the end
conventional infantry far more commonly than battle vehicles disabled, after which the convoy is chopped
dress or combat armour-equipped troops. up at close range and picked apart by crunch gun fire.

The command staff of each platoon, and the unit Bushwack Company is at its best when ambushing
overall, consists of a senior officer and NCO, a medic infantry or lightly armoured targets in urban terrain.
and a communications technician or other specialist, The unit has the Can-Opener trait and is competent
supported by whatever infantry soldiers or specialists across the spectrum of infantry operations. Equipment
are available but do not fit in the unit elsewhere. They is mostly TL10, creating a balance between ease of
will be moved to a permanent slot when one opens and maintenance and capability. The unit suffers a little
if the unit does very well they may be formed into a from the usual Solomani snobbery, to the point where
provisional extra platoon. The unit does recruit in the a non-pureblood Solomani cannot expect to rise higher
field, with citizenship and a career in the homeworld’s than section leader unless they are truly exceptional.
armed forces as part of the benefits package. This is Non-Solomani and even non-humans who have proven
attractive to many citizens of underdeveloped worlds; it themselves in the unit can expect to join homeworld
is not uncommon for a unit to gain whole platoons over society as full and respected citizens, and those who
the course of a year’s offworld deployment. The main stand out whilst serving as mercenaries might even be
HQ detachment also has a contingent of scouts who recommended for officer training in the Home Forces.
operate covertly in pairs to locate potential targets. This is rare, however, and would require impressive
The scouts will be tied into the local artillery support deeds in the field.
network if one is available.
Bushwack Company is slightly more specialised than
Rifle platoons have traded most of their heavy most mercenary infantry units and geared towards
weapons for infantry-combat equipment; Advanced defensive operations. Its heavy-weapons personnel
Combat Rifles and the light support equivalent. are quite capable of swapping their crunch guns for
Rifle grenades and armour-piercing ammunition are Advanced Combat Rifles but conversion to a more
available to all personnel and the platoon marksmen general role would likely require the provision of
are equipped with longer variants of the ACR with transport assets. It would probably be cheaper to hire
specialist ammunition. This gives the unit improved a more generally-capable unit for this role.
capabilities against armoured infantry and light
armoured vehicles without impeding mobility in the
urban environment. Characteristic Value DM
Force Name Bushwack Company —
The Weapons platoons have retained their anti-armour
capability and are less mobile than Rifle platoons. Unit Size Company —
Each has three sections, containing a four-soldier Unit Type Infantry —
infantry team (three rifles and a light support weapon)
and a four-soldier ‘gun’ team. The latter consists of Unit TL 10 +1
the section leader and three soldiers who operate Mobility Type Infantry -3
and support a ‘crunch gun’ variant of the Advanced
Combat Rifle. This 17.5mm anti-materiel rifle Combat 9 —
uses an artillery recoil system and a ‘fix anywhere’ Bombardment 0 —
mobile mount to create an extremely potent sniping
capability. Armour-piercing rounds from these guns Aerospace 1 -2
can crack battle dress or take out light vehicles and
Support 3 -1
hardware. The command section is equipped the
same as the infantry sections, with two 4-soldier CEI or DEI 10 +1
teams containing a support gunner and three rifles.
Morale 12 +2
Tactically, the unit usually divides into two forces, Reputation 11 +1
each with a Rifle platoon and an Anti-Armour platoon.
The latter will establish overwatch positions whilst
the Rifle platoons spread out to act as security and
set up an ambush if at all possible. The ‘Bushwacker’

Internal conflict is not uncommon in the Solomani The Kilder Initiative is not a campaign or conflict as
Confederation and occasionally Home Forces units such, although it might result in mercenaries seeing
on secondment as mercenaries find themselves active service. It is a wide-ranging programme of
fighting in someone else’s war. On other occasions exploration, pacification and colony establishment
mercenaries may find themselves far beyond the throughout the sectors to rimward of Solomani space.
borders on some barely-explored planet. Opposition in This is not an official Confederation operation,
such areas is likely to be mid-tech or lower, creating although it has been given clearance to proceed.
a niche for lightly equipped but intelligent and The initiative is a privately funded umbrella for the
adaptable mercenary formations. activities of several interested parties.

In some cases, mercenary operations have been The locals are subdivided into multiple small states,
pre-sanctioned against local populations. This has some of which are hostile to one another. They possess
occurred where the locals are hostile to a Solomani modest ground and air forces, and in some cases can
trade mission or outpost on their world and in these field maritime vessels. The local population is not
cases the operation is ‘official’ in the sense that the inimical to the colonists, nor are they over-awed by
Solomani Party has decreed it necessary to support visitors from another world. It might be possible to
the interests of the Confederation as a whole. Most conquer the local states one-by-one, and indeed some
other operations need to be justified, although this is of them will propose the offworlders join them in a
likely to be a matter of course in most cases. plan to eliminate their unspeakably evil neighbours.
Good diplomacy on the part of the mercenaries could
Operations are likely to be straightforward and lead to a bloodless takeover of at least one local state,
conventional: strikes against local installations, which would advance the plans of Auberne. Failing
warfighter missions against more stubborn opposition that, the mercenaries will certainly be outnumbered
and a lot of security deployments on a just-in-case but have an immense technological advantage.
basis. Some operations are unusual in nature, and
may require greater flexibility on the part of the The SQ-7804 Project
mercenaries. Among these are the Auberne Colony SQ-7804 is an internal code-name given to a distant,
mission and the SQ-7804 Project. semi-habitable world; ‘internal’ in the sense that
only the small scientific and exploration company
The Auberne Colony Mission interested in it knows which world is actually the
The Auberne colony is to be established on a target of their mission. There are reasons for this
habitable world well outside Solomani space. It is secrecy beyond mere paranoia – other expeditions
named for its instigator, Francis Auberne, and a long- have gone missing and it is not clear whether the
term initiative intended to create a forward supply cause was foul play or something they found.
base and stopover for Solomani ships heading further
to rimward. In short, Auberne and his associates The target world is a mix of barren plains and
believe they can corner the market in resupplying badlands, with thick temperate forests in well-
exploration and exploratory-trade missions, ultimately watered and sheltered areas. The open lands are
attracting investment from Confederation authorities. wracked by storms that deposit dust onto the forests,
As the border expands outwards, Auberne will become creating unique ‘mud-from-above’ conditions. This
a natural hub for expansion and the regional capital. gives rise to a secondary ‘forest floor’ high above the
ground with its own complex ecosystem.
All this is likely to take place without the consent of
the local population, around 210 million TL5 humans SQ-7804 is of interest for its interesting ecosystem
who consider themselves indigenous to the world. It is alone but in addition there have been sightings of
possible the locals can be convinced of the benefits of ruins within the forests. There seems to be no sophont
hosting the Auberne colony but if not they may resist. population today but it is possible the world had a
Auberne and his associates do not want a war and civilisation at some time or was the outpost of one. It is
believe they have a better chance of avoiding one if the latter possibility that has drawn the explorers; that
they can negotiate from a position of strength. This will and wild tales told by survivors of previous expeditions.
also allow them to win quickly if conflict does begin.
Mercenaries are needed to protect the expedition’s
The Auberne colony currently consists of around base camp and forays into the forests. Against
10,000 people, although the intent is to become a what or whom is an open question. The wildlife on
much greater number in a succession of expansion SQ-7804 seems to be extremely aggressive, not to
missions. The colonists have a small security mention cunning, so the mercenaries’ work might
contingent but cannot defend themselves against be similar to that of safari guides or forest-rescue
a serious attack – even by TL5 forces. One or more teams. It is possible that other interested parties
mercenary groups will be hired to prevent the colony might try to run off or even kill the explorers… or
from being overrun and if the unit’s leaders are there may be completely unanticipated dangers on-
skilled negotiators they may be tasked with obtaining planet. Mercenaries signing up for this operation are
local cooperation or at least avoiding trouble. expected to be smart and resourceful, rather than
killers-for-hire, and may have to fill in as research
assistants or equipment-luggers from time-to-time.

C H A P T E R - S E V E N

The Aslan Hierate has an entirely different culture The letter of a contract is not the driving force in Aslan
regarding mercenaries both of indigenous and external mercenary affairs. Instead there are social pressures
origin, which makes it both a lucrative and a dangerous and traditional laws regarding honourable conduct on
place to operate. Aslan mercenaries can be encountered both sides. Both mercenary and client have the right to
throughout the regions surrounding the borders of the terminate the agreement to serve at any time, although
Hierate, either as individuals serving in a mixed force or there are rules ensuring allies and former mercenaries
all-Aslan units. are not placed in danger. A mercenary must obey the
orders of his client to his best ability or terminate his
The most common mercenaries in the Hierate have service – there is nothing in between.
Aslan leaders, who bring with them forces of varying
sizes. These warrior leaders are not hired in the usual If one side or the other does terminate service, the
sense but instead enter into an agreement to serve a actions of both will be judged by any and possibly all
clan or other client in return for fair reward. This works observers. This is not a formal enquiry but a passing of
out much the same as a mercenary contract elsewhere, personal judgement on the part of anyone interested
in that a leader’s worth is determined, at least in part, in the matter or who hears about it. How much that
by the forces he commands. However, his reputation is affects the mercenary or client can vary considerably.
also a factor in what is considered a fair reward. It might seem that large and powerful clans can treat

mercenaries as they please but this is not the case. These processes appear to be open to exploitation. For
Honourable conduct is the primary factor in making example, a mercenary leader might repeatedly walk
Aslan society work and even powerful clans can be out and demand gifts to return to service. However, the
diminished if their reputation is tarnished. In addition nature of Aslan society is such that this would be seen
to an almost religious veneration for their reputation, as dishonourable. Such a leader would be unlikely to
important Aslan know their ability to maintain status find service elsewhere and very few would be willing
depends on others believing they will honour their to even attempt such a dishonourable milking of the
agreements. Mercenary contracts are effectively situation. Aslan males might withdraw service over a tiny
regulated by the whole of Aslan society. imagined slight to their ego but they would not do so as
a money-making gambit.
The consideration of ‘fair reward’ is a complex one in
the Hierate. The salary scales for a mercenary unit can The Aslan are entirely willing to use outsiders as
be used as a guideline but most Aslan leaders will have mercenaries, under the right conditions. Non-Aslan
an inflated idea of what they think is a fair reward for are expected to conform to Aslan customs whilst
their services. An Aslan from a prestigious clan, even in service, although it is notable that Aslan serving
if he is a landless ihatei, may feel that his current outside the Hierate usually insist on following their
employer should feel honoured to have him around and own traditions of mercenary employment. This way
expect a greater reward than someone who commands of doing business can make those who like neat
more and better troops. Indeed, all Aslan leaders tend contracts and legal threats nervous, and can spell
to have an over-inflated opinion of their worth, creating ruin for unscrupulous mercenaries or clients who try
a constant struggle to find a midpoint between actual to twist the wording to their preference. The Aslan
worth and their expectations. way of doing things is much simpler, yet also looser.
A leader pledges service to a client and since the
An Aslan who does not receive what he thinks he is worth leader’s followers owe him allegiance they must obey
will become troublesome and whilst he is honour-bound orders coming through him. The unit must then do
to obey, this does not preclude posturing, tantrums whatever the client asks of it or withdraw service.
and repeated threats to terminate service. Aslan are Negotiations are virtually non-existent.
used to dealing with such things but it can be a shock
to outsiders who have hired a unit. This happens quite Typically, rewards for service are equivalent to a unit
frequently along the borders and Aslan troops generally on Warfighting duty, whether or not they fight. This
give good and honourable service to those who know how seems like overpayment for those merely acting as
to treat them. guards or a garrison but the unit can be ordered on a
highly dangerous mission at any time and is expected
A unit that terminates its service over a major dispute to defend the client to the death. Service is not given or
would be considered – within its home society at least – received lightly and both sides are expected to behave
to be quite within its rights to attack the former client or honourably throughout.
their forces once the traditional ‘one day of reflection, one
day of preparation’ period is over. This tradition requires a Sometimes mercenaries are offered land as reward for
terminated unit to spend a day considering its next move. service. For a landless ihatei, this is the best possible
At the end of this day the leader of the unit must declare reward assuming the land is viable. In such cases the
his intentions. He may rescind his termination of service, mercenaries will agree to serve for a set period, which
in which case the client is required to take him back into might be time-limited or could be for the duration of a
service without comment or he must declare whether or campaign or even a client’s lifetime. During this period
not he is the enemy of the client. If not, they part ways they receive full support and a modest amount of cash,
with no further obligations. If the leader declares enmity and at the end they are granted ownership of land.
he is required to give the client one day to prepare.
Occasionally the land does not actually belong to the
The client may also terminate service at any time and also client or is otherwise unavailable. This is rarely done
has to observe the two-day pause. At the end of the first deceptively by Aslan but outsiders might – unwisely –
the client may invite the leader back, usually bestowing try to swindle a mercenary force. An Aslan client might
some minor gifts and honours to soothe his ego or declare have claim to the land and offer it in good faith because
peace or enmity. The same day of preparation is required they think they own it, only for the mercenaries to find
and a client is also expected to assist a newly-hostile someone else also claims it. This has sparked endless
mercenary group to relocate rather than holding them small conflicts along the borders of Aslan space.
where they are vulnerable.

This gender specialisation is a source of weakness within
THE ASLAN WAYS OF Aslan units. Males are taught from an early age that they
CONFLICT are warriors and leaders, and that technical tasks are
beneath their dignity or beyond their comprehension.
Military power is a means to an end in the Hierate. Its use
Whether or not the stereotype of an Aslan leader who
is fully accepted and usually condoned, since strength is
cannot understand money is true, he will rely on his
admired. There are exceptions but as a rule if a clan is in
female accountants and analysts when considering an
conflict with another the dispute will be allowed to run its
offer of service. More importantly, all forms of combat
course. Territory can and does change hands after a war
are male roles, despite many tasks being very complex in
between clans and some of today’s greatest powers within
modern warfare. Gunners and combat vehicle crews are
the Hierate got where they are by simple conquest. There
males, despite the fact females would be better in the
are limits but a straightforward declaration that ‘they have
role. This is a rigid social tradition, with no exceptions;
something we want and are too weak to defend it’ will
there are no enlightened Aslan leaders who have figured
normally be considered sufficient pretext for a conflict.
out that institutionalised sexism is a bad idea.
Honourable conduct is expected and where possible
These social norms will be extended to non-Aslan
wars are limited. This means military forces clash and
serving in an Aslan-led unit. Females may be
the losing side accepts the situation rather than being
forbidden entirely from taking combat roles, or may
annihilated. Honourable surrender can sometimes be
be considered to be males of their species by Aslan
seen as an admirable act – a leader who knows when
incapable of telling the difference. The latter is
they are beaten and submits, rather than escalating the
possible in mixed units commanded by non-Aslan,
conflict, is accepting personal disgrace for the good of his
whereas strict gender roles will be enforced on anyone
followers and may receive the dubious distinction ‘a good
– no matter their record – in an Aslan-commanded
foe to have’. The humiliation of defeat will be avenged
role. Aslan units serving outside Aslan society will
if possible and Aslan warleaders are often ranked by the
stick to their traditions and would consider an order to
number of good foes they have waiting to pounce if they
do otherwise grounds to terminate service.
show weakness.
In the case where a non-Aslan unit has entered
Attacks against non-combatants are unusual, although
service with an Aslan clan or leader, it will normally
sometimes it may be necessary to weaken an enemy
be treated the same way as an all-Aslan unit, with the
economy in order to eventually overcome their military.
exception that little attention is likely to be paid to
This is not a dishonourable act if deemed necessary
internal organisation. Aslan encountered in the course
but for that to be the case the opponent must be the
of the unit’s duties will address anyone in a ‘male’
sort that will wage total war. Sometimes clans will fight
(combat or leadership) role using male honorifics
to annihilation over some ancient feud, in which case
and anyone in a ‘female’ (supporting) role as female.
there are no restrictions on what might be done and a
This is most likely because the Aslan has put aside
similar situation exists when fighting enemies who do
attempts to figure out how aliens organise themselves
not follow the traditions of war. For example, if a group
in favour of just getting the job done but it is possible
of ihatei seizes land on a human-occupied world and the
that at least some Aslan genuinely cannot conceive of
inhabitants are indiscriminate in their response, the clan
a society different to theirs.
of the ihatei would be seen as justified in attacking a
civilian population if this was necessary to end the threat.
Whatever the case, non-Aslan units are treated exactly
like Aslan ones or else they are not hired. A unit will be
MERCENARY LIFE IN subject to the same conditions as Aslan – they agree to
serve and obey orders, and are rewarded accordingly.
THE HIERATE Those that try to barracks-lawyer their clients will find
For an Aslan mercenary, military service is a matter of them inflexible and then implacable; warriors who fail
following a leader and obeying his orders. Whether the to serve their overlords are an affront and possibly a
leader is serving his clan or has taken temporary service threat to Aslan society. They will at best be driven off
with other Aslan or outsiders, the Aslan mercenary simply and may find themselves under attack.
does his job and fights when ordered to do so. Aslan
mercenary units will usually include some females but Those mercenary units that can adapt to the Aslan
they are never direct combatants – Aslan society has system can do well and will be honoured like any
strict gender roles. Females will handle the administration other fighting force. They may have to politely explain
of the unit and technical tasks unsuited to a warrior. they cannot make use of the land they are offered
They may be armed for self-defence and are considered but whilst this might surprise some Aslan leaders
legitimate targets in a fight.

they are usually willing to offer an alternative reward. time-to-time when knowledgeable outsiders present
Indeed, many Aslan would prefer not to have outsiders themselves for service. Some legends are local to
mingled in among the new settlements they are particular areas, which is as close to regional variation
developing on reward-land. Better to pay them money as likely to be encountered.
and see them move on.
Within the Hierate, mercenaries will find themselves
There is no mercenary licensing agency in the Hierate,
working for an Aslan leader who may be their direct client
nor any close parallel. Any leader can offer followers
or a representative of a more powerful leader. Clients tend
for service if he is prepared to answer for them and
to be egotistical and prone to displays of self-importance,
take an oath of allegiance, and outsiders led by an
which must be tolerated and received with convincing
Aslan noble are in the same position. A clever unit
appreciation. No client will tolerate challenges from
might have an Aslan as a figurehead but making this
outsiders, no matter how good they are at what they do.
work will be a challenge. No Aslan leader is going
Indeed, this level of pride and ego has derailed many a
to knowingly deceive his fellows or pretend to be in
project when skilled mercenaries pointed out flaws in
charge when he is not, so the figurehead must believe
the plan or a more efficient way of carrying it out and the
he is in charge and be carefully manipulated to avoid
client simply could not admit they were wrong.
him making bad decisions.
This is a fact of life when dealing with Aslan clients. In
A much more workable strategy, although one requiring
addition, the client expects total loyalty and obedience.
patience and hard work, is to gain acceptance through
Mercenaries need to be aware that when they agree
previous service. It can be very difficult to break
to serve an Aslan client they are not contracting to
into the Hierate mercenary marketplace, since what
perform a single mission, they are entering into service
is needed is a period of satisfactory service with an
until released or they withdraw. The difference is
Aslan client, which cannot usually be obtained without
significant; elsewhere the mercenaries might be able to
already having done it. The answer to this conundrum
have their lawyer explain the changes to the contract
is to cultivate good relations with one or more Aslan
are unacceptable but in the Hierate a lord commands
leaders. This is a matter of diplomacy rather than
his troops as he sees fit.
military excellence and might be accomplished by the
unit’s liaison officer or through an intermediary such as
Mercenaries may be expected to drop everything and
a world’s ambassador to a nearby Aslan clan.
redeploy – repeatedly and without grumbling – or
suddenly switch from patrol duty to a commando raid.
Cultivating good relations is not a matter of a single
They are also expected to fight to the death unless
Diplomat check but must be accomplished over weeks
given permission to surrender, although a prudent
and months. Polite and respectful interactions at social
withdrawal from a bad situation is within their remit
functions, gifts, offers to solve minor problems and
as warriors. In short, mercenaries are not expected
the like will eventually lead to a positive relationship.
to be stupid or to throw their lives away but they do
The unit’s commanders will need to ensure the Aslan
not have the professional discretion they would enjoy
leader is aware of their unit’s capabilities. This might
elsewhere. Normally, mercenaries are on contract to a
be done openly, for example by inviting him to visit the
client but in the Hierate they belong to the client.
unit or witness an exercise or a reputation could be
established by quiet hints over a protracted period.
Ultimately, the unit will develop a contact who
VARIATIONS can recommend them to his peers or hire them
There are virtually no regional variations in how himself. It is extremely unlikely an Aslan leader
mercenaries operate in the Aslan Hierate. Culture is would recommend potentially unreliable outsiders
more or less uniform and the underlying traditions are merely for money or some simple gain but a deal is
shared by all clans. Along the frontiers there are areas possible whereby the mercenaries provide the Aslan
where non-Aslan might be encountered in service to with something he wants or needs in return for his
a clan but this becomes increasingly rare towards the recommendation. The Aslan will be aware that the
interior. There are honourable legends of non-Aslan mercenaries can pull him down with them if they fail
mercenaries, whose deeds are recorded as faithfully to live up to his recommendation, so will only stake
as those of Aslan warriors, legends invoked from his reputation if he is sure they are reliable.

This process can be abstracted by a Formidable (14+) There is also a possibility for under-the-table
Diplomat check, with DM+1 for every week spent contracts set up by intermediaries, with the
building a relationship between attempts. Influence mercenaries running the risk of being disavowed if
can be used on this check but the unit’s Reputation caught. Such work is extremely dangerous in the
does not modify it at this point. Failure with Effect Hierate but can pay well for those willing to take the
-6 or worse will anger the Aslan and terminate the risks. Operations of this sort are set up from a safe
process; otherwise the mercenaries can continue until distance, so the usual process regarding outsiders
they have his ear. At this point they can present their seeking work from Aslan does not apply.
credentials or demonstrate their capabilities.

Demonstrating capability requires a Difficult (10+) DEALERS AND OFFICIALS

check using the unit’s REP DM. If this check is Within the Hierate, arrangements between those
passed the unit has made a good enough impression offering to serve and those who might employ them
that the Aslan will vouch for them or hire them are not the business of outsiders. Interactions are
himself. Once this stage is reached the unit can put normally by way of representatives and emissaries,
itself forward whenever they hear a leader is looking up to the final point where the force swears loyalty
for some troops. They will need to demonstrate or to their new master. The situation is different near
prove to any prospective client that they are worthy the borders, where Aslan mercenaries offer service
– not just effective – servants. This is abstracted by to outsiders, and foreign units are sometimes hired
a Very Difficult (12+) Diplomat check with the unit’s by clans for service inside Hierate space. Some
Reputation modifier providing an additional DM. The clans manage to position themselves as overseers
Referee may apply an additional DM+1 for every of the mercenary marketplace or brokers who match
successful period of service with Aslan the unit has missions to capabilities.
previously undertaken, providing the service was at
least a month.

Standard Energy Weapons Dealer Profile
Max. TL Support and
Dealer Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Specialist
Standard Energy Weapons 14 Quality None None None Basic

Clan Euaoei
Aslan Martial Diplomats
Clan Euaoei is small but influential, with a strong Clan Euaoei does not charge a fee for introductions
economy in its core territories. It has holdings on a or service; at least not as such. Instead it expects a
number of distant worlds and positions itself as an shower of gifts from the grateful client or mercenary
arbiter of the mercenary marketplace, a result of a force equal to 20% of the mercenary unit’s fee. Gifts
long history of wise dealings in the field. According must be – for the most part at least – of monetary
to legend, it was Clan Euaoei, or a distant ancestor of value but also not-money-as-such. A great chest of
the modern clan, who arranged the passage of human shiny golden coins, spilled out in a clattering mass
fugitives aboard the transport Gram through Hierate onto the negotiating table, is a fine gift that just
space. The humans traded mercenary service for happens to be easily convertible to bank balance.
passage and support, and served honourably enough There is no such drama associated with a soulless
to have a place in the annals of Aslan history. They Credit transfer between banks, even if it is more
ultimately founded the Sword Worlds Confederation convenient. This is an important part of the trade for
and although these events took place long ago Clan Clan Euaoei; the excitement of the gift-giving, and
Euaoei has built on its reputation for getting the best the way it impresses those privileged to attend, is an
out of interactions with outsiders. important part of the reason for doing business.

Today, the clan sends emissaries to trouble spots Standard Energy Weapons
within the Hierate and outside its borders, assessing
the situation and making recommendations about Aslan Arms Dealer/Manufacturer
which forces would be best suited to solving Standard Energy Weapons is a Galanglicised name
the problems at hand. Clan Euaoei will arrange given to a specialist business group operating along
meetings between Aslan mercenary commanders and the borders of the Hierate. Its weaponry is sold under
prospective clients, and between those wanting to license deeper in Aslan space, by clans that have
work within the Hierate and those who feel the need developed a long-term business relationship with the
for outsider mercenaries. group. As the name suggests, Standard produces
only energy weapons; laser and plasma types as well
The clan has high standards for outsiders but for Aslan as the occasional experimental project. It does have
it is enough to have successfully completed a period of component and system contracts to other firms, which
service to a reputable client – which means any Aslan allow related equipment to be supplied.
clan and various respected outsider governments. An
Aslan unit that has proven itself in this manner will be Related equipment in this context means vacc suits
recommended without hesitation. For non-Aslan, the and other hardware required for operations in space
clan requires REP DM+1 and evidence of satisfactory or on airless planets. Standard Energy Weapons is
service with a reputable client. capable of completely equipping a vacc trooper unit
with everything required for combat and support in
Getting on Clan Euaoei’s recommended list requires the field. Even combat armour and battle dress can be
a series of diplomatic overtures but once the obtained but as these have to be sourced from third
relationship is established it is characterised by parties the cost is significantly higher than usual.
loyalty and respect. If the latter is not returned,
contact will be severed immediately. This means that Weaponry is of high quality, with variants designed
outsiders are expected to treat the representatives of for use in hostile environments. This includes
Clan Euaoei as great lords and treat their visits as a radiation-shielded variants of weapons and third-
state occasion. The same applies to non-Aslan who party equipment. Radiation can interfere badly with
want to do business with the clan. sensitive electronics, sometimes rendering laser

weapons inoperable and causing plasma guns to greater the reward he can expect. He will have to finely
malfunction in a dangerous manner. Disruption to the judge when his force is at the peak of its career but for
plasma containment field can be catastrophic and now it continues to increase in reputation.
whilst all plasma weapons incorporate some degree
of protection from this hazard, Standard’s proprietary The fighting component of the force is roughly platoon-
shielding system is considered the industry standard sized, although with a different internal organisation to a
by many. non-Aslan formation of the same size. In addition, there
is an administrative and support element composed
Standard Energy Weapons will deal with any Aslan of female Aslan in technical and administrative posts.
clan or mercenary unit not currently in disgrace, with Extreme gender specialisation can be limiting in many
little paperwork required for even the most potent ways but it is the Aslan way. The Hierate has been making
weaponry. Outsiders must forge a relationship with the the system work for many centuries.
company or work through a third party and even then
they will be expected to pay a price inflated by at least The support component is led by a high-ranking
50% for the privilege. The firm is jealous about its male, since all leaders are male, but his grasp of
equipment and pays a bounty for weapons recovered the subtler aspects of mercenary administration is
from outsiders who have obtained them without going tenuous at best. This individual’s main job is to look
through the proper channels. This is more to do with impressive and command attention; beyond that he is
the status of the company’s owners than any concern little more than a figurehead for his highly competent
with weapons being in ‘the wrong hands’. administrative, diplomatic and technical staff. A
handful of male bodyguards are also assigned to this
Owning a weapon made by Standard means paying component of the force.
due respect and deference to the owners and their
representatives and not doing so is considered an The support component operates rather loosely,
affront. Such is the firm’s influence that some clans with technicals, medics and administrators moving
and mercenary units will act against those suspected of from one task to another as needed. Negotiations
stealing or looting Standard weapons, returning them are officially presided over by the male leader of
with great ceremony to the company in the hope of a the component but in reality it is the administrators
favourable deal on a new batch. who conduct negotiations whilst he makes haughty
demands and ‘directs’ the negotiators in a rather vague
manner. It is possible that the apparent disconnect
UNITS between the razor-sharp female admin team and the
Although Aslan mercenary units consist of a noble leader noisy and demanding male leader is a deliberate
and followers, the distinction between these and formally bargaining tool.
organised mercenaries is often lost on outsiders. Aslan
warriors tend to be extremely self-disciplined as a result The command detachment contains the force
of their culture and traditions, removing the need for commander himself who, along with his bodyguard,
discipline to be externally imposed. Gestures of respect is equipped with battle dress. Those honoured with
and etiquette are the same whether from a clan member companion status are equipped with combat armour
to one of higher station or a soldier to a superior – the and their choice of the best weapons available. The
two are essentially the same thing in Aslan society and in other fighting detachments are equipped with combat
most cases are identical. armour, with most warriors favouring laser carbines.
The combat support detachments are armed with a mix
Honoured Warriors of Hlaeai of laser rifles and plasma guns.
Platoon, Vacc Trooper Most operations are short, fast and vicious, and
Hlaeai is a minor Aslan noble who has taken a route conducted in an airless environment. Detachments
some landless ‘second sons’ choose over trying to do not remain distinct in action but instead flow into
directly carve out a territory by landgrab; he has formed and around one another as the situation requires.
an effective mercenary unit operating in a specialist Those that favour close combat will move to engage,
niche and is accumulating wealth and prestige. How he whilst the support element backs them up and the
intends to convert this to land and territory is his own combat detachment does whatever seems best to the
secret but it is likely he will be offered land in return individual warrior or his immediate leader. No warrior
for some important mission. This may well have already is ever abandoned and the unit never quits the fight
occurred but the more impressive Hlaeai’s record is the unless ordered.

The Honoured Warriors of Hlaeai is an effective vacc fighting power is not as important as the prestige of
trooper unit, not atypical of small Aslan forces. It has the unit and its ability to observe at least the basics
an excellent reputation for both extreme violence and of Aslan culture. As a client becomes more desperate,
honourable conduct and will show haughty mercy to complete outsiders become acceptable despite this will
anyone who surrenders. Those who fight well will be reflecting on the clan hiring them. It is better to have
saluted and their leaders may even be invited to an to restore a reputation than rebuild a clan.
audience with Hlaeai himself before they are freed.

The dark side of this ostentatiously honourable

conduct is that the unit never forgets a slight or a
betrayal and will occasionally turn down paying work
The origins of the War of Desperation are lost in the
to go after those who have insulted the force or its histories of clans Trea and Khteayuei. It is probable
members. An honourable enemy who returns the that both were part of a larger clan or one split off from
bodies of the fallen and treats the force with respect the other. Conflict goes back centuries, with allegations
does not become a friend – there is more to earning of dishonourable conduct on both sides. Attempts to
friendship than that – but they will be well regarded mediate have foundered on the rocks of hatred; neither
and Hlaeai might even order his warriors to help a clan will yield anything to the other no matter what they
former enemy, purely out of courtesy. The Honoured get in return. It has also been in the interests of some
Warriors of Hlaeai has the Vacc Troopers trait. other clans to allow the war to sputter on.

The Honoured Warriors of Hlaeai is a typical Trea and Khteayuei have holdings on multiple worlds and
Aslan space-combat unit. It has no employment in some cases both are present. Where there is a strong
opportunities for non-Aslan but might be encountered clan with interests in stability the warring factions have
as an ally or enemy. to tread carefully, creating an unpleasant cold war in
which small raids and economic gambits are the usual
CONFLICTS means of harming one another. There are areas were
unrestricted warfare is taking place but even there the
Non-Aslan mercenaries are rarely used to prosecute
conflict is self-limiting. Both clans exhausted themselves
internal disputes, for a variety of reasons. A clan that
many decades ago and can only strike intermittently.
has to turn to outsiders risks being seen as weak or
Gains are sometimes made, prompting the opposition to
unprepared and of course outsiders are not Aslan. That
fling everything they have left into restoring the situation.
distinction is very important in the Hierate. On some
Outsider mercenaries are distasteful but necessary and
occasions practicalities require the use of non-Aslan
neither clan can afford to be choosy.
and there is a sliding scale of approval to requirement
that dictates what sort of unit is hired. The use of
An outside observer might conclude the war could
highly approved units is most likely; in this case
still be won and in other circumstances it might. This
would necessitate abandoning all but the clan’s central
Characteristic Value DM holdings, concentrating force and launching a campaign
against the other’s scattered resources. This might bring
Force Name Honoured Warriors of Hlaeai —
ultimate victory but neither side is willing to do it. The
Unit Size Platoon — disgrace of abandoning loyal clan members is one factor,
Unit Type Vacc Trooper — along with pride and spite. Neither clanlord is willing
to leave anything undefended and allow their enemy to
Unit TL 14 +2 take it without paying a price in blood.
Mobility Type Infantry -3
So the war continues and has gained a name that loosely
Combat 12 +2 translates into Galanglic as the War of Desperation. Trea
Bombardment 0 — and Khteayuei raid one another or send mercenaries to
stir up trouble with third parties but lack the resources
Aerospace 0 — to exploit any victory. The downward spiral continues for
Support 2 -2 both, whilst other clans pick up their assets on the cheap
in return for paltry aid or simply walk in and take what the
CEI or DEI 13 +4
clans cannot hold. The only people benefiting from this
Morale 15 +3 endless conflict are the procession of mercenaries who are
increasingly the only combat assets available to either clan.
Reputation 14 +2

Clan Trea
Clan Trea is more centralised than Khteayuei but its The clan’s main holdings are a vision of decaying
infrastructure has been heavily damaged or allowed to magnificence, with new features mostly limited to
decay as more and more money is funnelled into the grandiose statues depicting victors of very minor
war effort. The clan’s wealth, such as it is, comes from engagements. The clan is spending an increasing
manufactured goods, which are acquiring a reputation percentage of its diminishing wealth on bolstering
for being shoddy and often defective. This is partially the its own morale with such empty and rather pathetic
fault of the clan’s neglect for its economic lifeblood but gestures. Aslan uniforms are always ostentatious but
there has been a great deal of sabotage and damaging Trea has been showering personnel with honours at the
propaganda as well. slightest excuse, even to non-Aslan mercenaries.

Clan Trea’s strategy is based around raiding and The Conflict
destruction, against whatever targets present themselves. The conflict is characterised by Trea launching pinprick
Attempts have been made to hold any gains that might be raids and Khteayuei responding to them. Occasionally
made but Khteayuei is capable of bringing reinforcements one side gathers enough resources for a serious
and always keen to retake any scrap of territory that is offensive somewhere, drawing in whatever the other
lost. Trea has learned that trying to take-and-hold is a has assembled. Some regions of shared worlds have
recipe for disaster. Instead it attacks where the enemy changed hands dozens of times and here and there
seems to be weak, causing damage and looting valuables both clans are fighting an indigenous population that
to support the war effort. Ideally, the Trea force retires has grown weary of both.
before a response materialises, causing enemies to waste
time chasing raiders and tying down forces. Expendable Both sides hate one another with a passion that strains
mercenaries may be left behind to hold the gains. If they even the Aslan penchant for honourable conduct.
succeed, so much the better but if not they will inflict Mercenaries that sign on with one side will be lured
casualties before being overrun. by the other with promises of better pay and treatment
but would be despised for changing sides. Those who
Clan Khteayuei resist the overtures of the opposition are hated as
Khteayuei is in somewhat better economic shape than much as the opposing clan – and as non-Aslan they
its enemies but its holdings are widely scattered, which are not protected by the rules of honourable conduct
drains resources if they are to be adequately protected. to anything like the same extent. This makes the War
The clan’s wealth was based on trade more than of Desperation a ‘bad war’ by mercenary standards. It
manufacturing and it retains a number of aging freighters is not one they can dip in and out of or launch a low-
and merchant ships. These spend more time acting percentage operation and surrender if things go hard.
as troop transports than making money and are often Most survive captivity by the enemy but prisoners are
diverted to rush equipment or personnel to a trouble spot. not well treated.

The clan’s leaders are more realistic about the situation Both sides have a very small budget and will try to
than those of Trea but they have less need to deceive hire the cheapest mercenaries they can get. This has
themselves. The situation for Khteayuei is very poor resulted in large numbers of ill-trained cannon-fodder
but Trea has been coming off worst in the majority of joining the fighting and absorbing more resources than
engagements for some years now. Khteayuei’s economy they are worth. Many of these low-end mercenaries
is also stronger and their situation less obviously dire. are as savage in their hatred as the clans they serve,
The clan’s strategists have correctly anticipated that having seen colleagues shot out of hand or denied
Trea is being made ever more desperate by the derision medical attention after surrendering. This combination
of other high-ranking Aslan and has been pushed into of low competence and ill-feeling contributes to the
making mistakes by injured pride. Typically this means generally nasty nature of the conflict.
overambitious attacks, which have only occasionally
been successful. Khteayuei is confident that it can hold Summary
on long enough to see its rival collapse and this in turn The War of Desperation is most likely to attract entry-
drives a defensive mindset. level mercenary groups or disreputable mobs of armed
people who cannot find other employment. Mid-level
Khteayuei generally seeks to hold what it has and forces are too expensive most of the time but when
maintains a ready-reserve to counter offensives as they they are hired they find much of the opposition to be
occur. In practice, this force usually arrives too late to a pushover. This leads to unrealistic expectations on
do anything except take back the wreckage of the target. the part of the client, which can eventually put even
When attacks are made directly against Trea they are a skilled unit in a bad position. Smart mercenaries
rarely successful and always costly. Despite its resources tread very carefully and know when to get out even if
being lesser, Trea’s more centralised asset base means it the client starts promising vast riches for delivering
can protect what little it has with smaller forces. modest success. There is money to be made here but
the long-term prospect is not good.

C H A P T E R - F I V E

There are numerous non-aligned regions in Charted For those without the funding to get a head start in
Space and small powers scattered among them. this manner, the climb can be a long and arduous
Some follow the practices of nearby major polities one. Licensing agencies are often judged on the
to a greater or lesser degree, whilst a few areas are reputation of the units they accredit as much as their
completely unregulated. Mercenaries in such regions own performance, so an agency that intends to make
tend to have a bad reputation and many deserve it. the big time will need to develop effective oversight.
More commonly, a variety of licensing agencies exist
and those from the major powers may have branches For mercenaries, there are many opportunities but
in the area. The degree of regulation can vary and the marketplace is more hazardous than in a highly
often a licensing agency can develop a reputation that regulated interstellar state. Clients may be able to
spills over onto its licensees. escape consequences of betraying or refusing to
pay their mercenaries – or think they can – and may
Non-aligned regions close to a major power generally decide this is the best option at the time. Conflicts
follow the practices of that power, albeit in a tend to be small and localised, which translates to
looser and less organised fashion. Regulation and greater employability for units on the platoon scale
accreditation of mercenaries becomes more local and lower. Large formations may struggle to find
and less reliable with distance from a major power. suitable clients and may have to detach elements to
Politically or economically important worlds typically take on multiple jobs at once.
serve as hubs for the mercenary trade unless there
are particularly militaristic local cultures, which have Recruiting can pose an additional problem in such
risen to dominate the marketplace. In a few localities a region. Typically, within a large interstellar state
all mercenaries come from one source, either a military training and doctrine will be similar from
warrior culture local to the region or a small power one world to another. This means that ex-military
that tolerates no competition. More commonly the personnel will be familiar with the same general type
mercenary trade is a free-for-all, with the types of unit of equipment and have received the same general
available generally geared to local conditions. ‘military education’ as other potential recruits.
Outside the large states this is rarely the case, so
Licensing agencies, or their equivalent, can be every mercenary recruiters must carefully identify strengths
bit as professional in non-aligned regions as elsewhere and weaknesses without making assumptions. They
but lack of oversight or even a common body of law must provide training where needed, not just in
can result a scramble for market share among those deficient skills but in communications protocols and
seeking to make money without doing any fighting. general doctrine. Units that pay attention to such
Eventually, solid and reliable agencies will arise but matters are more likely to prosper than those that rely
their struggle is made more difficult by the fact they on individual fighting prowess.
have to accredit potentially dubious mercenaries. An
agency can be dragged down by the actions of the
mercenaries it licenses. NON-ALIGNED
The usual way to overcome this is to spend, or at least REGIONS
have, money. A well-funded licensing body can turn Some of the non-aligned regions within Charted Space
down all but the most promising mercenaries and have their own distinctive flavour as a result of proximity
impose meaningful sanctions that keep licensees on to great powers or due to events in their history.
the straight and narrow. This will impact earnings at
first but over time these agencies will become the go- The Outrim
to bodies for reliable mercenaries and solid contract The Outrim is a loose term for the region of space
enforcement. This in turn means the big-money jobs to spinward of the Imperium’s spinward frontier.
go through their offices while everyone else scrabbles It is influenced by Aslan and human cultures, and
for what is left over. traditionally a place of opportunity and danger.

Mercenaries are in constant demand to resist Aslan
incursions or fight the many small wars that seem AGENCIES AND
to erupt as soon as one conflict is ended. Specialist
anti-Aslan units are not uncommon, trained in tactics
The agencies and dealers active within the major
designed to counter those used by ihatei. Such units
powers often have a long reach. They, or their
might not fare so well against the forces of an Aslan
subsidiaries, will often cultivate contacts and
clan, as these more closely resemble a formally
outlets across a non-aligned region. Such areas
organised army with good support. Ihatei bands, on the
can be hazardous to operate in but rarely lack
other hand, tend to be composed of loosely organised
opportunities. On the other hand, lack of regulation
warriors who have plenty of personal firepower but little
means that smaller – and often rather disreputable –
in the way of support or specialist troops.
organisations can thrive.

The Rimward Scatter Solutions

The rimward end of the Solomani Confederation
and the non-aligned space beyond offers many Interstellar Arms Dealer
opportunities for mercenary activity. Most of those Solutions is a small-scale arms dealership with
involved are from the Confederation or Aslan Hierate, a difference. The difference is that the company
often operating in a different manner to the Imperial operates out of a heavily converted Borwen transport.
norm. This region has only been explored in a patchy This is not a combat vessel and Solutions does not
manner, other than close to the borders of the engage in combat other than in self-defence. The
Hierate and Confederation, so mercenaries might vessel allows Solutions to slip through blockades
find themselves operating as a security element for and deliver shipments of arms to those requiring
a scientific expedition or colony mission. Lack of them, although sometimes it will simply turn up
concrete information on local conditions results in in a troubled region and open its holds to create a
a need for intelligent and cautious personnel, with weapons bazaar.
specialist explorer/security units offering services to
those headed rimward. The vessel’s low berths and barracks have been
converted into additional cargo space, allowing
Solutions to deliver or make available over 250 tons
The Trans-Gateway Region of ordnance. The company specialises in small arms
The Trans-Gateway Region is another land of
and infantry weapons, and rarely has more than a
opportunity for mercenaries, with numerous small
few vehicles or heavy weapons available. However,
states and many independent worlds all in need
Solutions has an impressive (and secretive) array
of experienced soldiers. Threatened by K’kree
of contacts and can obtain almost any weapon if
and Imperial expansion, many governments have
the client is willing to wait long enough and pay a
embarked on an expansion of their forces that has
suitable price.
only increased tensions. There are multiple small
powers and a great many independent worlds, some of
Solutions goes where the trouble is and rarely fails to
which are aligned with or targeted by the interstellar
find a buyer. The company’s analysts are good enough
states. This environment is well suited to starmercs
that they can predict where conflict is likely and
and company-sized units, with larger formations being
what weapons will be in demand with sufficient time
rare until recently.
to get there with goods ready for sale. The company
will deal as readily with a rancher needing a gun for
The threat of K’kree expansion into the trailing end of
property defence as with a mercenary unit wanting six
the Trans-Gateway region has prompted the formation of
grav tanks and offers exactly the same efficient, no-
larger mercenary forces suited to resisting an invasion.
questions-asked-or-answered service.
These are on retainer to worlds of the threatened region
for the most part, although in some cases they are
It apparently does not have any minimum standard for
deployed elsewhere to gain experience. In theory, they
reputation but does not take custom orders from one-
can be recalled to their clients’ homeworlds in time to
time clients. A mercenary unit or other organisation
protect them. Whether this is possible, and whether the
that wants specific weaponry or vehicles must have
clients can afford to maintain these forces in the long
a proven record with the firm, which typically means
term, remains to be seen.
spending at least Cr100000 on arms before making

Arms Dealer Profile
Dealer Max. TL Available Infantry Artillery Combat Vehicles Aerospace Support and Specialist
Solutions 12 Quality Basic Basic Basic Quality

the custom order. Prices tend to be around 25% over training programme when a client needs personnel.
retail for small buys and 10% above standard bulk Typically this is a handful of infantry soldiers or
rates for unit outfitting. For an additional fee, the firm specialists who will be brought up to standard by their
will source specific items and even deliver them to a new unit. TMR’s appraisals of such personnel are
third party. brutally frank – nobody can claim they did not know
what they were getting when they took on a bunch or
The profile here indicates what Solutions normally part-trained recruits.
has available. Custom clients may be able to obtain
higher-tech or specialist equipment, possibly including The vast majority of platoons created by TMR are infantry
weapons from foreign powers, for a suitable fee. or motorised infantry, provided with a package of weapons
and equipment suited to their role. Equipment is of a
Solutions does not have an agenda in terms of reasonable standard but not outstanding and geared
supporting any particular cause. The company will towards small-unit combat against an enemy that has
sell or run weapons to almost anyone, although few vehicles. Such forces are ideal for taking on similarly
they consider psychopaths to be bad for business in equipped ihatei bands and are typically acquired by units
the long run and will not provide weapons of mass working along the Aslan frontier.
destruction. For the most part, Solutions operates
legally within Imperial space and has not been caught TMR will provide recruits to any mercenary unit,
breaking any major laws. although it is the individual’s choice whether or not
to take up employment. The company is honest about
However, at its heart the operation is illicit. Solutions the calibre of personnel and will give an equally blunt
is run by a group of former military personnel who assessment of the prospective employer if asked. If
retain connections in the Imperial Army supply service is agreed the company takes its fee and the
chain. Some of the company’s stock is obtained from recruit moves on. TMR is one of the primary sources
diverted shipments and highly illegal. However, such for entry-level infantry soldiers in the Spinward
weapons are never sold in Imperial space. There, Frontier but does have more advanced personnel on
Solutions always has a provable source for its goods its books, soldiers with previous military or mercenary
and makes profits from charging higher prices to those experience looking for a new billet. TMR does not
in desperate need. train specialists, vehicle crews or artillery personnel
but is equipped to assess their skills.

Trojan Military Recruitment It does not have a minimum standard for accreditation
Licensing Agency/Recruiter as a mercenary unit, beyond basic competence at
Trojan Military Recruitment (TMR) is an Imperial the small-unit level. This is assessed by a simple
company based in the Tobia subsector of the demonstration taking a few hours, performed by a
Trojan Reach. It does business on both sides of the Routine (6+) Tactics check with the unit’s CEI DM.
border and has attracted considerable controversy A Cr10000 fee is charged for the assessment, which
over the years. The two sides of TMR’s business can be taken any number of times. TMR will provide
complement one another; it provides training to scathing but useful feedback to those who fail.
potential mercenaries and existing units and licenses
mercenary formations. Once a unit has demonstrated competence its license
will be issued. TMR requires a bond equal to one
TMR typically recruits batches of potential month’s salaries for the unit, a very low amount in
mercenaries and provides basic military training any marketplace, and will list the unit as available
to those who need it before forming platoon-sized for hire as soon as the process is complete. Once
units with the graduates and those who arrived the unit begins working its performance is monitored
already trained. These units are then brought up to and status will rise over time if the unit behaves
a ‘fieldable’ standard and offered as a package to in a professional manner. All new units begin as
mercenary units seeking to fill their ranks. Individuals ‘unproven’ in the eyes of TMR’s administrators and
or small numbers are routinely diverted from the clients are always advised of a unit’s unproven status.

TMR demands a very high percentage of the Team Xtreme
prospective mission fee from unproven units. This
starts at 25% and gradually decreases as a unit proves
Platoon, Mixed-Capability
Team Xtreme is a moderately famous mercenary force,
its worth. This is a relatively subtle – and generally
which does not entirely live up to its reputation.
effective – way of regulating the conduct of mercenary
Rather than being founded by an experienced
forces. A well-proven unit will pay 10% of its nominal
mercenary or a group of former military personnel,
fee to TMR and there are additional advantages to
Team Xtreme was built around a marketing concept.
maintaining a good reputation. Most units will try to
The idea was simple – this mercenary unit is bolder
get the client to pay TMR’s fee but unproven or low-
and wilder than anything else on the market. Its
reputation forces are unlikely to succeed.
personnel have the best weapons and the flashiest
equipment available. Their methods are straight out
TMR is a legitimate company and most of its dealings
of entertainment vids. Sadly, there are reasons why
are as they seem. However, a small proportion of
such antics only work in fiction.
recruits are siphoned off in the late stages of training.
This generally goes unremarked, as many are hired by
The unit is roughly platoon sized but organised in a
mercenary units who do not advertise their dealings.
non-standard manner. The overall image is anything
Some, however, do not go to mercenary units – at
but military; individualism is encouraged and recruits
least, not to ones operating on the open market.
are selected as much for their ‘big personality’ as
Instead, those with the right combination of promise
capabilities in combat. Garishly coloured variants on
and attitude are funnelled into units destined for the
military dress are the norm, along with wild hairstyles
Aslan frontier. These units are mercenaries in most
and designer fashion accessories. Equipment is
senses but they usually serve only one client in their
similarly modified, sometimes in a dangerously
entire careers.
ramshackle manner.
They form part of an initiative to counter
Team Xtreme rarely goes into action without its camera
encroachment by Aslan ihatei. In some cases small
drones nearby and has a reality-vid show based on the
numbers of personnel are assigned to settlements in
footage from these cameras. Post-production editing
a likely landing area, passing on their military skills
and the addition of dramatised scenes all serve to
and providing a cadre around which resistance will
build the legend of a band of daredevils and drive up
hopefully form. Others move from one trouble spot to
their fees – in addition, of course, to the revenue from
another, dislodging new ihatei settlements wherever
vids and Team Xtreme merchandise.
they can. This is a risky strategy, since attacks on
ihatei are often seen as attacks on their parent
The command squad, inevitably known as the Most
clan. However, the leaders of this initiative see it as
Xtremers, travels in a luridly decorated G-carrier
the only alternative to allowing the Aslan to settle
equipped with a fusion gun. According to the vid
wherever they please.
show this gun is grossly overpowered due to some
crazy modifications and routinely ‘malfunctions’ or
UNITS ‘threatens to explode’ during a mission. These scenes
Lack of regulation in non-aligned regions can result in are usually added post-production, along the lines of
mercenary units being extremely varied. At the low end ‘after the break: will the fusion gun be back online
are gangs of incompetents who talk tough but cannot in time?’. In fact, it is a standard weapon, well-
fight or groups of untrustworthy killers who could not maintained and works just fine.
get hired elsewhere. There are also apparently reputable
forces that spend a lot more time and effort looking The Xtreme Grav team rides one-and two-person
hireable than training for combat. Such units tend to grav cycles or small personal speeders fitted with
underperform unexpectedly. Good forces do exist, of excitingly scanty hand and footholds for up to three
course, and as a rule reputation is even more important other personnel. This team specialises in skirmishing
where there is little regulation. It can be difficult for a from its vehicles or hit-and-run raids involving flying
fledgling mercenary unit to establish such a reputation right into an enemy formation and blasting a path
and without one the force may be forever trapped in the out again. This aspect of the unit’s operations is not
low-paying/dubious client end of the market. faked and tends to result in high personnel turnover.

The other fighting sub-unit is known as the Xtreme to people who like to bungee jump onto an enemy
Warriors and consists of a mix of variously armed position from an air/raft rather than those requiring
infantry personnel. These fight as individuals, skill and discretion.
supporting one another on an ad-hoc basis and are
successful due to firepower and aggression rather Team Xtreme is something of a legend and at the
than good tactics. The equipment used by the most heart of that legend is a band of warriors willing to
heavily-armed of these personnel is maintained by risk their lives to achieve a goal. Members make their
the Department of Crazy, which contains technicals own lives more dangerous for the sake of image and
as well as the vid preparation crew and a small ego, so casualties are common. The unit typically
marketing department. demands two to three times the standard fee for
a mission, expecting to be bargained down by the
Tactically, Team Xtreme is prone to finding the most client. Overall, Team Xtreme is arrogant, overblown
outrageously aggressive method to tackle any given and ostentatious to the point of being ridiculous but
problem. Ironically, perhaps, its unconventional its members fight hard and get results. The unit has
approach succeeds most of the time. It is possible to the Mismatched Equipment trait.
achieve surprise by ignoring all established precepts
of warfare and bull through as resistance firms up. Team Xtreme has no political agenda but constantly
Enthusiasm only goes so far, however, and the force seeks to build and protect its brand identity by ever
has been vigorously rebuffed by more professional more outrageous stunts and clever manipulation
military formations. Its marketing and administrative of footage. This has resulted in enmity from more
personnel know this and try to select jobs suited professional units, in part because of lost market share
but also because they have been cast as the ‘dullards
and bad guys’ in Team Xtreme’s vids. This can harm a
Characteristic Value DM unit’s reputation, which is not taken lightly.
Force Name Team Xtreme —
Unit Size Platoon — Assault Force Alpha
Unit Type Mixed capability — Company, Armoured Infantry
Assault Force Alpha is one of the few armoured-
Unit TL 13 +2 infantry formations on the mercenary marketplace.
Mobility Type Grav +8 It markets itself as fully armoured infantry but this
is not quite true. The lead combat elements of the
Combat 12 +2
force are equipped with a mix of battle dress and
Bombardment 0 — combat armour but supporting troops are not. Rather
Aerospace 0 — than being organised as a standard company, Assault
Force Alpha is divided into ‘arms’ and ‘lances’. A
Support 2 -2 lance is usually formed around a single battle dress
CEI or DEI 8 — equipped trooper, who is supported in action by
one or two combat armoured soldiers and three to
Morale 13 +2 five equipped with unpowered armour. Depending
Reputation 14 +2 on the environment this may be vacc suits or heavy
conventional body armour.

Each arm is the equivalent of a platoon, containing its Assault Force Alpha is well-regarded for its fighting
own mobile workshop and small security contingent. power and its unusual organisation makes recruitment
Arms are operated on a franchise basis, with whoever easier in many ways. An individual who has managed
can afford to provide support for the armoured troops to obtain a suit of battle dress can join the unit
being put in charge regardless of military capability. as a subcontractor, receiving a share of payment
This pseudo-feudal setup is inefficient in terms of but taking responsibility for their own immediate
followers. This system is accessible but flawed;
combat power but allows the unit to maintain more
Assault Force Alpha would be wiped from the field
armour suits than otherwise would be available. The by a regular military force with similar equipment. It
overall effect is a mix of disorganisation and firepower rarely comes up against such tough opposition and
than few other units can match. has won a series of respectable if predictable victories
against less well equipped forces.
Battle dress equipped personnel favour plasma guns
or heavy lasers, with combat armour and unpowered Assault Force Alpha has one serious problem; it
armour-equipped personnel generally using gauss needs to source spares for its armour on a constant
weapons. Snipers are equipped with gauss sniper basis. This is less of a problem when operating on
weapons and missile teams have gauss carbines. The high-tech worlds but in the backwaters it can rapidly
support troopers of a lance are variously equipped, degrade the capabilities of the unit. The leaders do
not inquire too closely where components came from
some set up for fire support, others for close-range
and consider the upkeep of individual suits a matter
defence of the armoured troopers. Some are field for the owner. Occasionally someone is arrested and
technicians who fight only in self-defence. In action, the rest of the unit comes under scrutiny but for the
the armoured component of each lance may rush most part the force’s equipment has been obtained
ahead of its supports, leaving them behind to secure legitimately. Heavy damage from a tough fight might
gains or hold open a line of retreat. If resistance necessitate a revision of this policy.
is not heavy the supports will follow their heavily
armoured leaders and participate in a close-quarters
breaking of enemy positions.
Intervention, Incorporated
Starmerc, Frigate
Intervention, Incorporated is a single-ship starmerc
Characteristic Value DM unit operating an Ouragan frigate. This is an
Force Name Assault Force Alpha — expensive and significant force to deploy into any
backwater system but one capable of solving a
Unit Size Company — great many problems without backup. Intervention,
Unit Type Armoured Infantry — Incorporated usually carries a complement of light
fighters and specialises in blockade, anti-smuggling
Unit TL 14 +2 and system-security operations.
Mobility Type Infantry -3
The unit’s personnel are for the most part highly
Combat 13 +2 skilled but not all have an impeccable pedigree.
Bombardment 1 -3 Intervention, Incorporated will hire crewmembers
away from down-at-heel merchant ships or snatch
Aerospace 4 -1 up qualified personnel as they muster out of the
Support 5 -1 armed forces but is rumoured not to care much about
background or proof of qualifications. This implies
CEI or DEI 10 +1 that at least some of the crew are former pirates or
have had to leave their old life behind.
Morale 12 +2
Reputation 13 +2 Intervention, Incorporated is an above-average
mercenary unit but not outstanding. This is at least
in part due to the advantages it enjoys in terms
of equipment. Since most opponents are grossly
outgunned by a frigate and her brood of fighters,
the crew tend to be a little lax and complacent. It is
probable that the unit is in a downward spiral, which
will only be reversed by a sharp but not too damaging
defeat acting as a wake-up call.

In the meantime, Intervention, Incorporated roams the Characteristic Value DM
spaceways earning a good living without having to do
much more than be present. Planetary governments Force Name Intervention, Incorporated —
are only willing to pay the unit’s rates for a time but Unit Size Frigate —
there is always another client needing convoys escorted
or a powerful ship in orbit near the starport. It is Unit Type Starmerc —
uncommon for Intervention, Incorporated to engage in
planetside operations as the frigate carries only a small Unit TL 12 +2
troop complement. Its barracks have accordingly been Mobility Type Starship —
converted to extra living and operations space.
CEI or DEI 8 —
Intervention, Incorporated is one of the most powerful Morale 9 +1
and expensive starfaring mercenary units available
for hire and is not always employed. This time Reputation 8
might be given over to rest and recreation, repairs, Support 5 -1
maintenance or speculative bounty hunting in systems
known to have a lot of pirate activity. The unit has a CEI or DEI 10 +1
rather cynical policy of not assisting vessels unless
paid to do so and will actually negotiate a fee whilst Morale 12 +2
the victim of an attack is under fire a few kilometres Reputation 13 +2
away. This is good business but has not endeared the
crew to local merchant captains.

The Ouragan and similar vessels are the largest likely crew and leaders. There is also a medical bay and
to be encountered in the hands of a mercenary force. armouries, plus a small amount of cargo stowage.
It is a true warship, albeit a light one, and has found Vessels not intended to land ground troops may
favour with minor governments as a patrol and escort reduce the barracks space, retaining sufficient
vessel. The Ouragan is not intended to take on major to accommodate a small number of marines or
warships, even en masse, but can outfight many ships delete it entirely. In such cases the space freed
in its class. Most importantly, it is capable of running up is sometimes used for additional small craft
down and eliminating the sort of vessel typically used or converted to full hangars. A small weapons bay
by pirates. can be fitted in place of the barracks in each pod,
although some of the ship’s armament must be
Hull form is conventional for the type, with a central removed to accommodate it.
primary hull and two ‘operations pods’ along the
flanks. The bridge and gunnery control chamber are Primary armament as constructed consists of four
forward in the primary hull with accommodation particle accelerator barbettes, in two batteries
midships and engineering spaces aft. The vessel’s of two. One battery is located on the forward
power plant is slightly oversized, allowing power- dorsal surface, the other opposite it on the ventral
hungry systems to be swapped in as necessary. This is surface. The dorsal, ventral and outer surfaces of
a useful feature as many variants of the Ouragan have the operations pods each mount a triple pulse laser
been produced. turret, which can be fired individually or grouped
as port and starboard batteries. Fore and aft on
Each of the two operations pods houses a docking each operations pod are turrets mounting a mix
area capable of supporting 100 tons of small of missiles and sandcasters, which can switch
craft. Since the Ouragan is incapable of landing between defensive and offensive fire at need.
on a planetary surface some of this space must be
allocated to utility craft but it is not uncommon to Ouragans are typically encountered in pure-
find a frigate carrying at least some fighters. These warship form (with the ground troops barracks
may be used to protect assault shuttles or conduct replaced by weapons bays) in vessels intended
patrols if acting in a security/escort capacity. for a straight naval role. These have found favour
both as escorts and raiders. Those built to their
The remainder of the two operations pods is largely original design have slightly less fighting power in
taken up with accommodation for craft crews space combat but are more than a match for the
and ground troops. Barracks space for up to 50 typical corsair and often encountered in the hands
personnel is provided in each, with cabins for flight of pirate-hunters.

98 98
Hull 1,500 tons, Close Structure — 67.5 CAPTAIN, PILOT, ASTROGATOR,
Armour Crystaliron, Armour: 6 75 20.25 ENGINEERS X4, GUNNERS X9
M-Drive Thrust 6 90 180
Jump Drive Jump 2 80 120
Power Plant Fusion (TL12), Power 1,500 100 100 RUNNING COSTS
Fuel Tanks J-2, 8 weeks of operation 320 —
Bridge Holographic Controls 40 9.375 MAINTENANCE COST
Computer Core/50 — 60 Cr65402/month
Sensors Military Grade 2 4.1
Weapons Particle Barbettes x 4 20 32 PURCHASE COST
Triple Turrets (pulse lasers) x6 6 24 MCr784.825
Triple Turrets (missile racks x2, 4 11
sandcaster) x4
Point Defence Battery (Type II) 20 10 Power Requirements
Screens Nuclear Dampers x2 20 20
Craft Docking Spaces (50 tons) x4 220 55 300 2
Systems Repair Drones 15 3
Briefing Roomsx4 16 2 BASIC SHIP SENSORS
Medical Bays x2 8 4 SYSTEMS
Armouries x24 32 6
Brig (capacity 12) 8 0.5
600 202
Workshop 6 0.9
UNREP System (40 tons/hour) 2 1
Staterooms Standard x24 96 12
Barracks x100 200 5
Common 100 10
Areas 300
Software Manoeuvre/0 — —
Jump Control/2 — 0.2 JUMP DRIVE
Library — —
Auto-Repair/2 — 10
Electronic Warfare/1 — 15
Fire Control/1 — 2
Cargo 20 —

TOTAL: MCR 784.825

1. Bridge
2. Sensors
3. Power plant
4. M-drive
5. J-drive
6. Missile barbettes
7 . Tr i p l e t u r r e t s
(pulse lasers)
8 . Tr i p l e t u r e t s
(missile racks,
sandcasters) 2
15 11
18 17
8 3
4 6

9. Nuclear damper
10. Docking space
DECK 1 11. Repair drones
12. Briefing room
13. Medical bay
14. Brig
15. Stateroom
16. UNREP system
17. Barracks
18. Cargo hold

Strend also maintains a sizable trading fleet, divided
CONFLICTS into three quasi-military commands. Local Command is
Conflicts in the non-aligned regions tend to exclusively equipped with jump-1 vessels and operates
be relatively small in scale, although there are only within the Strend Cluster. Area Command has
exceptions. Balkanised worlds generally have multiple jump-2 vessels and maintains links into the Imperium
powers with armed forces optimised for fighting one by way of Zephyr, whilst other vessels ply routes
another, whereas unified planets are more concerned to spinward through Dustpan and Padgo. Regional
with security and defence against offworld threats. Command has control of all jump-3 vessels, most of
Societies equipped for the wrong sort of war often which are employed on the run to Florian space or into
turn to mercenary forces to remedy the situation. Marrakesh, both by way of Crescent.

These ships are lightly armed and capable of acting

THE MENORIAL as naval auxiliaries. Vessels assigned to Regional
PACIFICATION Command may spend years jumping back and forth
between Crescent and Strend, whilst others undertake
The Menorial subsector lies between the borders of
the Third Imperium and the Florian League, offering out-and-back long-range trade missions. The upshot of
a jump-3 link for long-range trade ships. The centre this situation is that Strend derives considerable wealth
of the subsector is dominated by the Strend Cluster, from its position as a link between the Florian League
which has one world of significance – Strend, with a and Imperial holdings in the Spinward Marches.
population of 80 billion crammed into high-tech but
still rather grim megacities. Strend claims the rest This situation is threatened by instability on Crescent,
of the cluster, maintaining outposts on some worlds a balkanised world of around 90 million inhabitants.
and backs this up with a modest fleet of patrol craft. Crescent has a good orbital starport and multiple
Although no match for the vessels of the Imperial downports serving different nations. It is not a very
Navy, these ships are sufficient to make trade within important trade partner for Strend but in recent years has
and through the cluster reasonably safe. begun to pose a security problem. Nations on Crescent,
feeling they are not getting a fair share of offworld trade

Trojan Reach A
and interstellar commerce moving through the starport, The Opposition
have begun interfering with portside operations. This Strend is fighting multiple conflicts, of varying
ranges from protests outside the docking area through intensity, all at once. Some are on different worlds in
legal challenges to outright sabotage and the same the region but most are on Crescent. The local forces
nations have refused to deal with the ‘small element of are small but cohesive and much better at making use
troublemakers’ they say are responsible. of support weapons or armoured vehicles. They are,
however, vulnerable to aerospace attack despite buying
Strend’s leaders responded in their usual style. Theirs all the weaponry they can get. This has to be smuggled
is a totalitarian government that relies on repression through concealed landing sites as Strend controls
to keep the masses in line. If the nations of Crescent orbital space.
would not take care of the security problem, Strend
would. Troops were landed at several downports, which The usual solution to this problem is to use small
were placed under martial law. This cut off access to the units and infiltration tactics, through some of the
highport at a stroke for anyone who did not get through opposing forces are adept at drawing inept Strend
Strend’s security screening. Problems in orbit cleared troops out of their positions where they can be
up almost overnight. bombarded or attacked with armoured vehicles. If the
nations of Crescent could agree a cohesive strategy
The problem is that Strend is now forced to undertake a they might be able to drive off the occupying forces
military occupation of sovereign territory and whatever but as yet each is determined to chart its own path.
legal claims it makes the local population are not Nations weakened by war might be overrun by their
receptive to the idea. Some ports are under virtual siege former allies.
whilst others have become war zones as local powers
try to retake them or populations rise up. Retreating
from planetside holdings is an option but the leadership The Conflicts
on Strend need to maintain their image as strong and This complex situation includes rat-warfare in the
unyielding overlords so will not consider it. As a result wreckage of startowns, skirmishing in the countryside
Strend is fighting a number of small wars on Crescent, a around working ports and the occasional incident in
situation made more problematic by troubles elsewhere. space where a smuggling ship is intercepted or starmercs
The decision to intervene on Crescent was loudly are hired to launch a raid. It can best be described as
trumpeted and somehow escalated into a commitment to several semi-related quagmires tying down large numbers
deal with problems elsewhere. Strend’s groundside forces of troops and costing a great deal of money.
are now scattered across multiple worlds, trying to cope
with conflicts they are simply not trained for. Strend is willing to hire mercenaries to break the
deadlock, whilst opposing nations are most interested
in aerospace defence and an ability to strike at
The Army of Strend Strend’s orbital holdings. Both sides need arms and
Like many starfaring states, Strend’s emphasis is on someone to train their troops. In addition, unrest is
space forces. The merchant fleet is arranged along on the rise back home on Strend itself. The army’s
quasi-military lines and between these two most of the recruiting base is increasingly rebellious, making the
best recruits are destined for a career aboard starships raising of new units a risky proposition. Mercenaries
or installations. There is a guard component of the army, are more likely to be trustworthy than newly formed
made up of the best and most loyal, but the majority of units, and might end up being the only thing propping
military personnel are low-value infantry whose primary up the regime on Strend.
occupation is bullying the populace to keep them in line.

These paramilitary security troops are not well trained in Summary

combat operations and until recently were not equipped There are opportunities for security units on Strend,
for warfare against a credible opponent. Even the TL7 warfighters on Crescent and cadre units almost
forces of Crescent are a match for Strend’s troops, everywhere, plus starmercs in any of the troubled
soldier-for-soldier, as they are experienced at fighting systems. This conflict is unlikely to end any time soon,
one another. Garrison duty at an occupied spaceport is as this would require a decision to pull out or decisive
easy enough but attempts to drive off surrounding enemy action that Strend’s forces are unfit to implement.
forces or retake captured sections of a startown generally Enough debacles will undermine the regime, so the
go badly. Quantities of warfighting equipment have endgame might be a strike by mercenary forces to win
recently been delivered but the army lacks the retraining a victory in Strend’s name followed by what can be
to make good use of it. spun as a proud withdrawal after a job well done.


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