sp3 Enda Byrt
sp3 Enda Byrt
sp3 Enda Byrt
Reviewed lesson: NO. PUPILS: 24 SUBJECT: Wood Technology TOPIC(S): Cargo ship practical.
Date: 24/01/22
Core Skills (as relevant to the mode of delivery, ) Poor Fair Good Very Excell-
Good ent
Preparation & Planning: Knows pupils’ names; seating plan; folders are fully
up to date, detailed lesson plan, variety of professional original lesson resources
that are source referenced (author’s name).
Lesson Structure: 1. set induction (orderly start, recap, learning intentions &
plan for the lesson), 2. A planned series of new active learning activities & 3.
closure (reinforcement of learning, active recap, homework, tidy, orderly exit)
Numeracy, Literacy, Oracy & Graphicacy: plans for N,L,O & G strategies
which are visibly and explicitly promoted in ALL lessons.
Health & Safety: Posters; Reinforcing bench room safety; COVID procedures
aligned with school policy.
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1. FORMATIVE FEEDBACK: The school placement evaluation is formative and intended for your
improvement during SP. It will also form the basis of SP Tutor Reviews, post-lesson. It is NOT graded.
2. SCHOOL PLACEMENT EVALUATION REPORT UPLOAD: Please upload the evaluation report to the SP
Master Excel immediately prior to review.
2021-2022 BSc in Education (Design, Graphics and Construction) GMIT
3. SUMMATIVE GRADE: For equity, ALL students will be graded by SP tutors AFTER placement in the
TUTORS, which are based on the formative feedback rubric from the lesson observations. During or
following the post-lesson review an indicator of performance will be provided by SP tutors