Monica Fawzy - Plastic Surgery Vivas For The FRCS (Plast) - An Essential Guide-CRC Press (2022)
Monica Fawzy - Plastic Surgery Vivas For The FRCS (Plast) - An Essential Guide-CRC Press (2022)
Monica Fawzy - Plastic Surgery Vivas For The FRCS (Plast) - An Essential Guide-CRC Press (2022)
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DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268
Typeset in Times
by KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.
This book is dedicated to the loving memory of my mother,
Dr Seham Elrouby, and to my father, Professor M. E. Fawzy. A whole
book wouldn’t be long enough to fit all my reasons why.
Monica Fawzy
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................xi
About the Author ...................................................................................................................................... xiii
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................xiv
viii Contents
Case 1.13....................................................................................................................................................... 69
Case 1.14....................................................................................................................................................... 74
Case 2.1......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Case 2.2......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Case 2.3......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Case 2.4......................................................................................................................................................... 97
Case 3.1....................................................................................................................................................... 165
Case 3.10.....................................................................................................................................................204
Case 3.11.....................................................................................................................................................209
Case 3.14.....................................................................................................................................................224
I am not surprised that Monica has embarked on this project as all my interactions with her have been
in the field of surgical education. We first met when she assisted at national selection for plastic surgery
training during my time as national selection lead for the SAC. Later, we met as co-faculty at various
courses including a cadaveric programme she instituted in the East of England. I have always admired her
commitment to training and to the specialty, which continues in her role as Communications Officer for
In her quest for the correct tone and standard of this book, she has recruited some of the leading educators
and sub-speciality experts in our field, many of whom are fellow examiners and up to date with any new
changes in the curriculum and examination.
I have gone on record as saying that Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is a very competitive specialty and
our nationally appointed trainees are some of the brightest young minds in medicine. They present to the
oral part of the FRCS(Plast) examination having been successful in a challenging multiple choice test which
assures they have the required knowledge to be a day one consultant.
Unfortunately, some stumble at this hurdle, primarily due to a lack of examination technique. A few
seem unaware of the structure of the examination process itself. Some are unprepared for the pace and
precision required in the exam. Each question is only given five minutes and so Monica’s two-minute rule is
examination ‘gold dust’. It also means that candidates may not leave themselves enough time to delve deeply
into topics where the marks for higher order thinking are often awarded. Additionally, some believe that
there must be a right or wrong answer to every question which is rarely the case in our specialty and this
important issue is addressed here.
Trainees may also fall foul of the breadth of the specialty. If working in a region that does not offer
subspecialty interests such as cleft, head and neck, genitourinary, or others, then the practical aspect of
the exam may be more challenging. I believe this may be part of the aetiology for the struggles of some
of the non-trainee candidates presenting to the examination, as they may be less likely to rotate through
different firms or hospitals. I think that Monica’s attempt to address this in the book is commendable.
I believe that reading this book will enlighten candidates not only on the breadth of content required for
Section 2 of the FRCS(Plast) but also and perhaps more importantly on tips of technique regarding brevity
and precision of answers.
Good luck to all.
Maniram Ragbir
President Elect BAPRAS 2022
I felt compelled to write this as I looked for a similar book when I prepared for the FRCS(Plast) exam just
over 10 years ago. Most published materials, both then and now, are excellent in presenting and summarizing
the theory required to pass but do not always address reasons why many good trainees fail the exam – such
as a failure to demonstrate organization of one’s thoughts under pressure, higher order thinking, and to
present a robust answer when presented with grey areas and controversies.
The strength of this book is that I hope it presents a way of approaching the answers to demonstrate this.
Candidates have historically obtained this training from peers who have recently passed the exam,
consultants who are willing and able to donate time from their own busy schedules, and formal exam courses
that can be even more stress-inducing for some, as it is in effect practising ‘in public’.
I hope this book will supplement these opportunities, allowing you to practise at your own pace, at a time
that suits you, and in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
I wish you the best of luck.
About the Author
Ms Monica Fawzy, MBChB, MRCS, FRCS(Plast), is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Norfolk and
Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust with a subspecialty interest in Head and Neck Reconstruction,
Facial Palsy Reanimation, and Paediatric Plastic Surgery. She is co-lead of the Norwich Microsurgery
Fellowship Program and Deputy Training Program Director of the East of England Plastic Surgery Training
She graduated from Bristol Medical School and undertook her plastic surgery specialist training in the
East of England, followed by fellowships in Paris and Cambridge.
She has always been passionate about medical education and spent a year teaching anatomy as a
demonstrator first at the University of Oxford, then at GKT Medical School in London. She undertook a post-
graduate certification in medical education, successfully coached many trainees to pass the FRCS(Plast)
exam, and served as faculty on National FRCS Plast courses. She led the regional plastic surgery simulation
programme in the East of England post-graduate deanery for 4 years. She was elected by her consultant
colleagues as representative of the East of England on BAPRAS Council before being appointed as BAPRAS
Communications Officer.
I am indebted to the NHS consultant colleagues and friends based around the United Kingdom, listed below,
who have very generously donated their time to proofread the material relevant to their subspecialty, as well
as lend their opinion with regard to grey areas and controversies.
Dhalia Masud, Peter Dziewulski, Chris Hill, Alex Crick, Patrick Gillespie, Wee Lam, Umraz Khan, Nora
Nugent, Kalliroi Tzafetta, Juling Ong, Marc Moncrieff, Dean Boyce, Jonothan Clibbon, David Sainsbury,
Walid Sabbagh, Fateh Ahmad, Martin Heaton, Richard Haywood, Ewan Wilson, Richard Sisson, Stuart
Burrows, Helen Goddard, and Grainne Bourke.
I would strongly recommend that you seek the opportunity to spend time with these educators if you have
the chance – both for exam purposes and to optimize your training in general.
I have included their NHS bases below.
They are masters of their subspecialities, passionate about education, and great company: I have enjoyed
our many hours of discussion.
We are all so fortunate to be working within such an incredibly interesting and varied specialty.
Any remaining potential errors are entirely my own.
Acknowledgements xv
Mr Ewan Wilson
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
North Bristol NHS Trust
This book is designed to be a revision guide for those preparing for the UK FRCS(Plast) Viva plastic surgery
exam, and equivalent examinations, to help you practise applying your knowledge in an exam format with
complex scenarios.
It provides a flavour of common questions and how one answer may lead to the next, with a realistic style
of questioning and interruptions by the examiner.
Hand drawings are also included as examples of what you may be expected to produce on the day. They
are not annotated, as you won’t have time to do that in the exam. You will just be expected to talk through
them, as included in the model answers.
However, it is almost guaranteed that you will never be asked so many questions about one scenario: it
will more commonly be three to four questions before they move you on to the next topic, but many more
have been included here to help prepare you for more potential questions depending on which path you are
taken down.
Also, the questions are purposefully set at the level of a very comfortable pass, so please do not panic if
you find some of them difficult!
In addition, there are several ‘heart-sink’ scenarios such as those covering ethical, legal, and duty of
candour issues to prepare you for some very difficult decisions that you may need to make on the day.
Lastly, management algorithms may differ between units and even between consultants in the same unit.
If you have seen a patient managed differently from what is described in the book, then that is perfectly
acceptable to describe that on the day, but please be prepared to justify it. The book describes an accepted
way of management, including controversial grey areas (that has been fact-checked and approved by an NHS
consultant of the relevant subspecialty).
• The three viva tables cover the range of subjects as listed in the Guide to the Scope of the
Examination. The scope of the exam is covered in the curriculum published by the Specialist
Advisory Committee on the websites of the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme and
Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations.
• Most of the exam is about breadth, as a ‘day-one consultant’, more than depth.
It is important to understand that the examiner wants to know your opinion and why you will
manage a patient in a certain way, rather than just what you know about the topic. Regurgitating
theory alone is not enough to pass.
• Many of the very complex scenarios won’t have a right or wrong answer. They are being asked
to test how you apply your knowledge, in addition to your own personal approach. You will score
well if you:
– are organized,
– justify your decisions and pre-empt the opposing view,
– are able to ‘look ahead’ and avoid burning bridges, and
– are patient-focused, ethical, and reasonable,
– even if the examiner would personally manage the scenario differently.
• I would suggest you take the time to explore the many excellent summary books available.
They not only summarize information but also provide a skeleton on which to hang more detail/
evidence/your prepared opinion regarding controversies in the topic.
• After completing the revision of a particular topic:
1. I would suggest that you organize your thoughts in order to give a potential two-minute unin-
terrupted monologue about the topic in general, e.g., ‘Tell me about Dupuytren’s disease’.
Introduction xvii
– Ear
– Nose, including sagittal cross-section
– Craniofacial bony anatomy and LeFort fractures
– Wrist ligaments
• Basic science questions:
Embryology of:
– the face including cleft lip and palate/facial clefts,
– the ear,
– the hand,
– external genitalia
– the breast.
– wound healing – acute, chronic, and foetal
– skin graft healing
– scars
– nerve healing
– bone healing
– distraction osteogenesis
– fat grafts
– tendon healing
– cartilage healing
– coagulation cascade
– complement cascade
– tissue expansion
– delay phenomenon
– microcirculation of the skin
– classification of flaps
– topical negative pressure therapy
– radiotherapy, and sequelae
– imaging: MRI, CT, PET
– local anaesthesia
– dressings
– Glascow Coma Scale
– MRC grading for muscle function
– dermoscopy
– osteomyelitis
Guidelines to be aware of:
– Lower limb trauma guidelines (most up-to-date),
– Melanoma – including the most up-to-date AJCC guidelines,
– BCC – the most up-to-date BAD guidelines, and
– SCC – the most up-to-date BAD guidelines.
– In the last few days prior to the Viva, I would go through the ‘list of potential questions’ for
your topics (without the answers), just to re-organize your thoughts and prepare yourself for
potential ‘tangential’ questions so you are not caught off guard.
On a good day, you will pre-empt most, if not all the questions that are asked.
Recommendation 1: I would suggest you pay attention to the basic sciences topics/and diagrams.
This is frequently forgotten by candidates, or left until the very end, and it can help you get out of
trouble and impress examiners again if you have been struggling. It is not impressive for a candidate, who
is in effect a potential future day-one consultant plastic surgeon – if they are unable to give a clear succinct
answer on how a wound heals, or how a nerve heals, or how a LASER works. Lastly, you will also find
that the same basic science questions can be asked in so many different scenarios, so they are worth the
extra effort.
Introduction xix
Recommendation 2: I would suggest you pay particular attention to ensure you are able to
confidently describe the common emergency surgical procedures that all plastic surgeons should
be comfortable with.
As you won’t have time to ‘phone a friend’ as a day-one consultant when managing these life- or limb-
threatening scenarios, examiners will take a particularly dim view if you are not confident about describing
them in the exam (such as a tracheostomy, fasciotomy, escharotomy, lateral canthotomy, and debridement
of necrotizing fasciitis).
This patient drove his car into a wall whilst intoxicated. Please describe this image.
This is the photograph of a patient’s dislocated right ankle with an off-ended midfoot, with possible
associated fracture – taken in what appears to be the prehospital environment. I would be particularly
concerned about the vascularity of his foot.
You are called to assess him in the emergency room. How would you proceed?
• I will manage him according to ATLS guidelines and the updated UK Standards for the
management of open fractures.
• With regard to the foot injury, my primary concern is its vascularity.
– I will first document the neurovascular status of the limb prior to administering any analgesia
and then reduce the fracture and reassess the neurovascular status.
– Looking at the photo, I don’t anticipate the need to remove any gross contaminants.
– Next, I will ensure IV antibiotics are given in the emergency room – as NICE guidelines
suggest this should be given within 1 hour of injury and continued for 24 hours following
wound excision, as the first of the two-phase antibiotic protocol for open lower limb
– I will administer tetanus prophylaxis if required.
– I will complete my primary management by obtaining a CTA of the limb as part of the head-
to-toe trauma CT scan.
• Throughout my assessment, I will have a high degree of suspicion for established and evolving
limb-threatening situations, such as limb ischaemia and compartment syndrome.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-2 3
4 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
You have mentioned the neurovascular examination; please describe the examination you would
• This consists of palpation for the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses.
• If these are not palpable, then I will exclude hypovolaemia and swelling and use the other limb as
a comparative reference point – if uninjured.
• If there is no Doppler pulse in a swollen limb, then I will proceed with urgent exploration and
management of an acutely ischaemic limb.
• If pulses are present, then I will proceed with motor nerve examination by confirming common
peroneal nerve function with dorsiflexion, and that of posterior tibial nerve function with
plantarflexion. This also helps to exclude a compartment syndrome if pain-free.
• With regard to sensory examination, I will examine:
– the sole of the foot supplied by the medial and lateral plantar nerves and the medial calcaneal
branch of the tibial nerve, which are all branches of the tibial nerve, and
– the dorsum of the foot supplied by the superficial peroneal nerve, except for the first dorsal
web space that is supplied by the deep peroneal nerve.
You mentioned antibiotics: what is the evidence for this? And what is the antibiotic protocol for the
rest of this patient’s inpatient stay?
The guidance from both the latest UK guidelines and NICE for open lower limb fractures suggests a two-
phase antibiotic protocol – with co-amoxiclav given in the first hour post injury aimed at environmental
flora, and continued for 24 hours post wound excision. The second phase is aimed at nosocomial organisms,
which are the most common cause of subsequent deep infections, with teicoplanin and gentamicin given on
induction at the time of definitive skeletal stabilization and soft tissue cover.
Will you take this patient to theatre in the middle of the night?
No, I won’t unless there is evidence for a specific indication for this, such as:
What about other patients who do not fulfil those indications? When would you take them to
I will arrange for the first debridement to occur during a scheduled orthoplastic operating list in normal
working hours – ideally within 12 hours of the injury as this is a high-energy injury, as opposed to 24 hours
for low-energy injuries.
What about the 6-hour rule that was mentioned in the previous guidelines – surely the sooner the
primary excision, the better?
• There is no evidence for the previous 6-hour rule. The strongest predictor of deep infection is the
grade of the fracture and administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
• There is evidence that delays of up to 24 hours have no effect on outcomes such as infection, union
potential, and time to return to work, amongst many others.
What would you do if neither pulse is palpable, and the foot appears pale?
• As this is not a child, where the time reference may be longer, this is an emergency where
circulation needs to be re-established within 3–4 hours of the injury to prevent irreversible muscle
damage, after which revascularization may result in systemic problems such as myoglobinuria,
renal failure, and possible death.
– I will first confirm the absence of pulses with a handheld Doppler if one is readily available.
– If the limb is not straightened already, I will do so and check the pulses again to exclude
simple kinking of the vessels.
Case 1.1 5
– If the problem persists, I will ensure adequate resuscitation as part of the secondary ATLS survey
and take the patient to theatre urgently along with my orthopaedic colleague (and/or vascular
surgery colleague depending on the protocol of my unit) with the following order of play:
1. insertion of vascular shunts,
2. temporary skeletal fixation, followed by
3. definitive vascular reconstruction using autologous vein grafts
– Once circulation is restored, I will alert the anaesthetist as ischaemic products may result in
– My orthopaedic colleague will then proceed with external fixation.
– Next, I will reassess the patient an hour after shunting. If the patient responds favourably and
is systemically stable, then I will perform prophylactic fasciotomies. If the muscle is viable,
then I will proceed with a vein graft.
– There is some controversy regarding the optimal vein graft donor site. I prefer the saphenous
vein as it saves injuring the upper limbs in the situation of potential lower limb loss. However,
I am aware that others may prefer the cephalic vein as it is less prone to spasm.
– Lastly, I will reconstruct any deep venous injury that is proximal to the level of the trifurcation,
as this has been shown to reduce swelling and improve long-term functionality.
Your orthopaedic colleague would like to fix the fracture first as they are worried about the possibility
of dislodging the shunt. What would you do?
• Re-establishing circulation should be our common primary goal. I will insist that revascularization
occurs first as there is evidence to suggest increased morbidity in those who are fixed first rather
than revascularized.
• I will also suggest that external fixation is less likely to dislodge the shunt.
• Lastly, I will reassure them that a dislodged shunt, although unlikely to occur, can be easily
You mention that you would only reconstruct venous injuries above the level of the trifurcation – why
not also reconstruct more distal injuries?
There is evidence that infra-popliteal repairs thrombose soon afterwards, so they are not recommended.
What would you do if you take the patient to theatre with your orthopaedic colleague and the
anaesthetist informs you that the patient is hypotensive, possibly due to other injuries, and is becoming
This demands a ‘damage control strategy’ to avoid tipping the patient’s inflammatory response in a
physiologically unstable patient, into a SIRS picture with possible consequent ARDS, DIC, and multiple
organ failure.
1. I will make a joint decision to shunt and ex-fix the fracture with removal of gross contamination
from the wounds as efficiently as possible, then
2. transfer the patient to intensive care, with a plan to either:
– bring the patient back to theatre for definitive vascular repair once their condition improves,
with the agreement of the intensivists and orthopaedic surgeon, or
– a joint decision to amputate is made at that point.
You’ve mentioned SIRS, ARDS, and DIC. What is the pathophysiology of these?
• Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is the clinical manifestation of dysregulated immune
responses to infectious and non-infectious stimuli. It involves activation of the inflammatory
cascade – with its humoral and cellular responses and complement and cytokine cascades. This
may culminate in multi-organ failure, if left untreated.
• Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema where an
inflammatory or mechanical insult causes endothelial cell dysfunction with leakage of cells
and inflammatory exudate into the alveoli. This affects lung function with consequent hypoxia,
increased work of breathing, atelectasis, and lung fibrosis.
6 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
You mentioned assessing the limb for the potential for salvage: what are your general indications for
primary amputation of the limb?
• My absolute indications are:
1. damage control for either uncontrollable haemorrhage or a crush injury exceeding a 6-hour
period of warm ischaemia,
2. an avascular limb with a period of warm ischaemia between 4 and 6 hours,
3. incomplete traumatic amputations, where the distal remnant is significantly injured, and
4. extensive crush injury, particularly of the foot.
• In addition, there are several grey areas, which would lead me to consider an amputation, such as:
1. absent plantar sensation in the context of an ischaemic limb,
2. segmental muscle loss affecting more than two compartments, especially if the posterior
compartment is involved, and
3. a severe open foot injury.
• In addition to the anatomical and functional deficits, I will consider the patient’s:
– general physiological reserve, as well as
– psychological,
– socio-economic, and
– cultural factors.
• For example, a patient with a ‘grey area’ scenario with continued haemodynamic instability, or with
concomitant comorbidities and who is self-employed, may shift the decision towards amputation.
• I will make the decision in agreement with another consultant surgeon and – if possible – patient
and family involvement. If any disagreement occurs, then I would discuss the case with another
specialist centre.
You mentioned absent plantar sensation as a grey area for a possible amputation. Why is that and
how would you manage such a patient?
• This is not an indication for amputation on its own, as there is evidence that half of the patients
with initial absent plantar sensation have neurapraxias that eventually recover completely.
• However, the outcome is less certain if the nerve is divided – even if it is repaired, as long-term
outcomes for patients with permanent absent plantar sensation are unknown.
Despite analogies having been made with other neuropathic conditions; both groups are not
exactly comparable as pain and functional outcome may be influenced by muscle loss and scarring
in the traumatic group.
• So given that evidence, I would explore the tibial nerve: an intact nerve would lead me to take an
expectant approach. However, if the nerve is divided in addition to a ‘grey area’ scenario I have
mentioned before, then I would consider an amputation.
– Neurotmesis is complete transection of the nerve and requires surgical repair to potentially
regain any function.
• This was further classified by Sunderland into five grades with:
– neurapraxia equivalent to grade I;
– axonotmesis equivalent to grade II;
– additional grades III and IV specific to endoneurium and perineurium injury, respectively;
– grade V is equivalent to Seddon’s neurotmesis; and
– MacKinnon further added a Grade VI to refer to mixed levels of injury and/or segmental loss.
You mentioned segmental muscle loss affecting more than two compartments as a possible indication
for an amputation – especially if the posterior compartment is affected. Why is that?
• This is because the functional loss of more than two compartments increases the likelihood of
dependence on orthotics to support the foot and ankle, whereas the loss of one compartment
can be offset with a tendon transfer, such as a tibialis posterior transfer through the
interosseous membrane, to compensate for the loss of the anterior compartment or the lateral
• Whilst this alone is not an indication for an amputation, it may sway the decision in that direction
if considered with other factors.
You mentioned bone loss. Please describe the different treatment options that you know of to manage
• The various management options are dependent on the size of the bone gap and include:
1. primary bone shortening,
2. bone grafting – with or without membrane induction,
3. primary bone shortening and subsequent distraction lengthening, and
4. reconstruction with vascularized bone.
• Primary bone shortening is an option for segmental defects up to 5 cm long, to prevent potential
kinking of the neurovascular bundles with attempted shortening of gaps of more than 5 cm.
• Bone grafting is usually performed in non-articular small gaps of up to 6 cm. It may be performed
immediately with free-flap reconstruction of the soft tissues or delayed until after the soft tissues
have healed.
• Primary bone shortening and subsequent distraction lengthening is an option in gaps of up to 8 cm.
• Reconstruction with bony free flaps is possible in gaps up to 25 cm, with a free fibula or DCIA
flap. The patient must be informed that vascularized bone takes a considerable amount of time to
hypertrophy and strengthen.
You’ve mentioned distraction osteogenesis. Please tell me more about that. What is its
• This is a technique developed by Ilizarov and consists of intramembranous formation of new bone
after the creation of an osteotomy, by controlled gradual distraction of the fracture ends. This
results in a tension stress effect leading to:
1. increased cell activity,
2. increased vascularity, and
3. increased type 1 collagen production.
• Within one week, a fibrous interzone is formed – consisting of a bridge of dense longitudinally
aligned collagen.
8 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• In the subsequent week, a primary mineralization front is formed – with bony spicules at the edges
of the osteotomy extending into the fibrous interzone.
• This progressively extends to close the gap – with remodelling and maturation of the bone it leaves
behind as it progresses, with the formation of lamellar bone.
You have just described the management options for bone loss – including reconstruction of 25-cm gaps.
So why would severe bone loss be a possible indication for an amputation?
• The goal of lower limb reconstruction is to return the patient to as close to their pre-injury
functional state as possible, rather than to simply achieve an anatomical restoration of soft and
bony tissues. So, it is important to consider the scale and time needed to recover from salvage
surgery versus that following an amputation, especially as their outcomes have been shown to be
functionally equivalent.
• An adult transtibial amputee will take approximately 5–6 months to rehabilitate to independent
walking if there are no other injuries. This is equal to the time taken for consolidation of a bone-
grafted segmental defect of less than 2 cm (provided the site is well vascularized and the patient
is a non-smoker).
• However, an adult who undergoes distraction osteogenesis for a 5-cm gap will take about
7.5 months to consolidate (at 45 days/cm), which only well-motivated patients with appropriate
domestic and financial support will be suitable for.
• Worse still, the time to achieve hypertrophy of free bony transfer, and allow safe loading, is in
the region of 18–24 months. So, this is a significant undertaking for the patient from a personal
and financial point of view.
Case 1.1 9
Both you and another surgical consultant colleague have agreed with the patient that a below-knee
amputation is the best plan. How would you perform this?
• As this is not an emergency amputation, I will plan the exact length and shape of the amputation
stump in conjunction with my consultant colleague in rehabilitation medicine, as well as the
patient – to best optimize the planned prosthesis for that specific patient.
• This is because the metabolic cost of gait after amputation is inversely proportional to the length
of the residual stump.
• However, an overly long stump is also more difficult to fit with a prosthesis and allows a more
mobile fibula which may become symptomatic.
• In emergency situations, my preference is for a bony tibial level of 13 cm distal to the tibial tubercle
if the injury allows this.
• Before I start the procedure, I will ensure that the patient is supine with an inflated high tourniquet
and an epidural for pre-emptive pain control:
1. I will plan for an extended posterior flap as opposed to a classic fish mouth incision to ensure
the scar is positioned off the weight-bearing aspect of the stump.
2. Unless otherwise recommended by the rehabilitation consultant, I mark the anterior skin
incision 10 cm distal to the tibial tubercle, and plan the posterior skin flap to allow tension-
free closure – ensuring it is distal to the musculotendinous junction of gastrocnemius.
3. I then control and divide the saphenous vein and nerve. All nerves are divided at the level of
the anterior skin incision so that they are proximal to the stump level.
4. Next, I divide the lateral compartment and superficial peroneal nerve, followed by the lateral
interosseous membrane, to gain access and divide the anterior compartment and anterior
tibial neurovascular pedicle.
5. I then osteotomize the tibia at 13 cm distal to the tibial tubercle, unless we have a preopera-
tive decision otherwise – bevelling at 45 degrees, and rasping the sharp edges, followed by
the fibula osteotomy – 1 cm proximal to this.
6. I then divide the posterior compartments and posterior tibial neurovascular bundle at the
tibial level except for gastrocnemius, followed by haemostasis and release of the tourniquet.
7. I then perform a myodesis through the gastrocnemius aponeurosis by drilling holes anterior
to the tibial bony level.
8. This is followed by placement of a submuscular drain, and securing the borders of gastroc-
nemius to the proximal anterior fascia.
9. I then close the skin in layers: I may need to trim the posterior flap to length if required. In addition,
I will consider a negative pressure incision vacuum dressing if the skin and soft tissues are swollen.
10. Lastly, I will start prophylactic neuropathic and phantom limb pain management with gaba-
pentin as my first-line option, unless the rehabilitation or pain team suggests otherwise.
You see the patient a few months down the line in clinic and they report a ‘troublesome stump’. What
might be the cause for this?
Stump complaints are commonly due to infection of the soft tissues or bone, mechanical problems and
nerve-based problems:
– incorrect alignment and pressure distribution – with resultant unstable scars or ulceration, and
– bony spurs or heterotopic ossification,
• Nerve-based problems include:
– neuromas, and
– pain syndromes with a central component, such as phantom limb pain or CRPS.
1. Eccles S, Handley B, Khan U, McFadyen I, Nanchalal J, Nayagam S. Standards for the management
of open fractures. Oxford Medicine Online. 2020. doi:10.1093/med/9780198849360.001.0001. https://
2. Higgins TF, Klatt JB, Beals TC. Lower extremity assessment project (LEAP) – the best available
evidence on limb-threatening lower extremity trauma. Orthop Clin North Am. 2010 Apr;41(2):233–239.
3. Menorca RM, Fussell TS, Elfar JC. Nerve physiology: mechanisms of injury and recovery. Hand Clin.
4. Masquelet AC, Fitoussi F, Begue T, Muller GP. Reconstruction des os longs par membrane induite
et autogreffe spongieuse [Reconstruction of the long bones by the induced membrane and spongy
autograft]. Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2000 Jun;45(3):346–353.
Case 1.2
How would you manage this patient? The patient admits that he was involved in a fight.
• After excluding any other injuries according to ATLS principles, if appropriate, I will ensure
tetanus prophylaxis is administered if needed.
• I will obtain a radiograph of the hand to exclude a foreign body such as a tooth, or any associated
• If he is of African or Afro-Caribbean heritage, then I will confirm his sickle cell status pre-
operatively, although I am aware that the importance of this is debated in the anaesthetic
community regarding procedures under tourniquet.
• An open joint, such as in this case, requires both IV antibiotics and an intra-operative washout:
– Intravenous co-amoxiclav is my first-line therapy as it provides broad cover. This can be
modified later as per the intraoperative microbiology results.
– With regard to the intra-operative management, I will:
obtain a sample for Gram stain and culture of the wound or any purulent fluid,
wash the joint with copious normal saline, then
pack the wound for a relook in 24–48 hours if pus was found.
If not, I will repair any structural injuries, then
splint the hand in the position of function and start hand therapy as appropriate for any
of the repairs.
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12 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
The patient self-discharges before he is taken to theatre, as he was frustrated with the wait on the
emergency list. He then returns sometime later with a protracted history of multiple episodes of a
swollen and painful metacarpophalangeal joint, with ‘intermittent discharge from the scar’, despite
numerous courses of antibiotics in the community.
What do you suspect? And what is the pathophysiology of this process? I am concerned regarding
osteomyelitis in this patient. The pathophysiology of direct inoculation osteomyelitis, which is a likely cause
of the infection here, includes:
• Bacterial proliferation within the bone inducing an acute suppurative response.
• This leads to raised intramedullary pressure, lower pH and oxygen tension, and formation of
microthrombi within the intraosseous blood supply.
• The rise in pressure may eventually lead to rupture of the bony cortex, producing a cortical defect
which drains into a subperiosteal abscess, rupture of the periosteum and spread of infection to the
soft tissues –termed a cloaca.
• Over time, the reduced blood supply leads to frank bony necrosis, an area called a sequestrum,
which provides a nidus for more pathogens.
How does this correlate with the expected findings on the imaging that you will request?
• With regard to imaging, I will request a plain radiograph in the first instance as it is a quick and
accessible test, followed by an MRI.
– I will expect radiological findings after 2–3 weeks of infection, including:
A periosteal reaction,
cortical irregularity, and
– More chronic changes include:
new bone formation, and
– MRI findings in the acute stage may include:
bone marrow oedema,
intraosseous and subperiosteal abscesses, and
sinus tracts from the bone to the skin surface.
– Findings in the chronic stage may include:
peripheral enhancement of the sequestrum,
the involucrum, which is seen as a thickened shell around the sequestrum, and
a cloaca, which may be seen in acute or chronic cases, as a cortical defect which drains
pus from the medulla to the soft tissues.
Both the X-ray and MRI show signs of osteomyelitis of the metacarpal head. During your intraoperative
exploration and debridement, you find a purulent joint with evidence of joint destruction. How would
you manage this?
• My concern is that he has developed osteomyelitis following septic arthritis. If his history is longer
than 6 months, then I would suspect chronic osteomyelitis.
• I will obtain pus samples for Gram stain and culture, as well as bony and soft tissue samples for
microbiology and histology – with the understanding that the microbiological picture may have
been complicated by the numerous courses of antibiotics that he has already had.
• If osteomyelitis is confirmed on biopsy, then the plan is for:
1. surgical eradication of the infection by excision of the bony sequestrum and surrounding
infected soft tissue,
2. management of a potential bone gap with an antibiotic spacer and external fixation, and
3. soft tissue reconstruction – if required.
4. This is followed by a 6-week course of IV antibiotics, with empirical therapy until culture
directed therapy can be started if any microbial growth is obtained.
Case 1.2 13
5. In addition, I will ensure that any predisposing patient factors are optimized, such as Diabetes
or any other cause of immunosuppression.
6. Once the infection has been completely eradicated and stable soft tissue coverage has been
achieved, then I will discuss options with the patient such as joint fusion or joint replacement
whilst considering factors such as their:
– comorbidities,
– patient compliance – which I suspect will be poor given his history,
– occupation (and whether they are self-employed),
– dependence on the MCPJ range of motion, and
– their need to return to work and the speed of this.
Whilst a joint replacement will restore MCPJ movement, it risks implant failure and the
development of periprosthetic infection.
On the subject of hand infections, a poorly controlled diabetic patient presents with a 10-day history
of a swollen hand with pus discharging from a point along the thenar crease. The patient does not
recollect any trauma. What do you suspect and how would you manage them?
• I suspect infection of the deep potential spaces of the hand such as the thenar space or midpalmar space.
Given their history of poorly controlled diabetes, I am also concerned that they may possibly have:
1. a sensory neuropathy with a potential foreign body or trauma that they didn’t pick up on,
2. a vascular or microvascular pathology which may be exacerbating the picture, or
3. osteomyelitis in addition to the soft tissue infection
• A focused history will establish their fitness for GA, their handedness, and their occupation and
hobbies may also give me an idea regarding sources of potential trauma.
• A focused exam will establish any neurovascular deficit and may help determine which space is
affected. For example:
– A thenar space infection classically presents with a thumb held in abduction with pain
exacerbated by flexion or opposition of the thumb, or
– A midpalmar abscess will present as pain on movement of the middle and ring fingers, and
loss of palmar concavity.
However, the clinical picture may be clouded by the fact that a number of spaces may be
involved, and the patient’s sense of pain may have been masked by a neuropathy.
• I will supplement my examination with:
– a preoperative radiograph to evaluate for a potential foreign body and any signs of chronic
osteomyelitis, and
– an MRI to confirm the spaces that may be involved, avoid missing a space that was not
clinically obvious at the time, and avoid the morbidity of drainage of a space that is not
necessary. In addition, any signs of osteomyelitis or a foreign body will be seen as well.
The MRI comes back confirming a thenar space infection. How will you drain this?
• This is drained via a thenar palmar incision and a dorsal incision.
• The palmar incision is transverse and proximal to the first MCPJ crease.
• I will ensure I avoid the digital nerves and use a mosquito clamp to spread between the first and
second metacarpals.
• The dorsal incision is longitudinal on the dorsal aspect of the web between the thumb and index
finger. I will spread to decompress the space behind the adductor pollicis and along the proximal
radial aspect of first interosseous.
Let’s consider another scenario: The trainee you are on call with lets you know that a patient is on
their way to the emergency room, with an injured upper limb after being caught in a printing press
for some time.
Please talk me through the long-term sequelae of an untreated compartment syndrome of the upper
• This may result in a Volkmann’s ischemic contracture with muscle contractures in the forearm,
wrist, and hand that result from muscle necrosis.
• The classic presentation consists of a patient with elbow and wrist flexion, and a claw-like
deformity of the hand with extended MCPJs and flexed IPJs, as well as thumb adduction.
• However, the picture varies between patients, and management will need to be planned on a
patient-specific basis from:
– dynamic splinting and tendon lengthening if finger flexors are only involved, to
– tendon transfers if the wrist flexors are also involved, such as brachioradialis to FPL or an
ECRL to FDP transfer, and finally
– possible free muscle transfers in severe cases.
Case 1.3
This man was trapped in a house fire and presents with full-thickness burns to the neck and venous
congestion of the face in an emergency room. Based on that information, and the appearance of the
photograph, what are your preliminary thoughts?
• I strongly suspect an inhalational injury based on the information you have given me, as well as
evidenced in the photograph of singeing of his eyebrows, forehead hairline, possibly nasal hair,
and swollen lips.
• I will manage him according to ATLS and EMSB principles, with urgent assessment and
management of his airway by my anaesthetic colleague – which I can see has already been secured
in this instance.
• In addition, I will consider an urgent escharotomy to address the venous congestion if the full-
thickness burn to the neck is circumferential or near circumferential.
What would you do if your hospital does not have a burns centre?
• As he has an apparent inhalational injury, he may fit the criteria for transfer to a burns centre – if
his cutaneous burns are 25% TBSA or more. If so, I will arrange this once:
1. the airway has been assessed and secured as it has been here with an uncut ET tube – to
accommodate swelling,
2. any other injuries have been assessed and stabilized if required,
3. resuscitation has been commenced, and
4. an escharotomy is performed – if needed.
• If not, then I will discuss this with the burns centre, regardless of the cutaneous burn TBSA.
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16 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
1. the affected TBSA – with more than 40% in adults (or more than 25% with an inhalational injury),
30% in children, and 15% in infants,
2. the type of burn (such as inhalational injuries as mentioned before, or chemical and electrical injuries),
3. any ‘special areas’ affected (such as the face, hands, feet, perineum),
4. extremes of age, and
5. concomitant medical comorbidities.
The burns centre accepts him for transfer. How would you perform the escharotomy of his neck?
• I will start and finish a full-thickness incision overlying the location of sternocleidomastoid to
avoid inadvertently hitting large vessels and be mindful of the external jugular vein.
• I will ensure that the depth of my incision extends into the underlying fat, and the length of it
extends 1 cm into unburned skin on either side-to ensure a full release, using local anaesthesia
for the unburnt areas.
• I will then run my finger along the length of the incision to check for any remaining constrictions.
• Finally, I will dress the wound.
What is your indication for an escharotomy of the chest wall or abdomen? And how would you
perform that?
• My indications include patients with full-thickness burns of the thorax or abdomen, which are:
1. circumferential, or
2. with consequent signs of compromised ventilation – even if not circumferential.
• With regards to the surgical technique:
– I will place my incisions in the mid-axillary lines with a shield-like or square shape – with
a horizontal component in the infraclavicular line, and across the abdomen below the costal
margin if the abdominal wall is involved.
– As with any escharotomy, I will pass from unburnt skin to unburnt skin down to fat, using
local anaesthesia for the unburnt areas.
– I will then check for any residual restrictions by running my finger along the length of the wound.
– Finally, I will confirm with my anaesthetic colleague that ventilation has improved.
– In children under the age of 2, I will ensure I release the abdominal burn in addition to the
chest burn, as they rely on diaphragmatic breathing.
You mentioned carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning. Please tell me more about these.
• Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas caused by incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons, with
three possible effects:
1. it shifts the oxygen dissociation curve to the left with 250 times the affinity for haemoglobin
as oxygen,
2. it binds to the intracellular cytochrome system, producing sick-cell syndrome, and
3. it causes a demyelinating brain injury – called Grinker myelinopathy, at very high levels of CO.
Neurological toxic symptoms appear at CO levels of 15–20% with headaches and confusion, progressing
to hallucinations and ataxia at levels of 20–40%, with death at levels of 60%.
Treatment consists of 100% oxygen – delivered at 8 L/min through a non-rebreathing mask with a
reservoir, to decrease the half-life of CO from 250 minutes in patients breathing room air to 40 minutes.
This is maintained for 24 hours to cover for a secondary rise of serum CoHb, as cytochrome-bound CO is
washed out 24 hours later. Ventilation is indicated for patients with decreasing GCS.
• Cyanide poisoning occurs when certain plastic materials burn, producing cyanide compounds
which bind to, and inhibit cytochrome oxidase.
Diagnosis can be difficult, but I will have a low threshold to consider this in patients with an
unexplained metabolic acidosis that is inconsistent with the injury size and resuscitation status.
If so, I would confirm it with the following:
1. A bedside diagnosis, by measuring the arterio-venous difference in oxygen saturation – with less
than 10% being indicative of cyanide poisoning due to the inability of cells to extract oxygen
from the RBCs.
2. In addition, cyanide levels can be measured but this takes some time to process.
Again, treatment consists of 100% oxygen, but with the addition of vitamin B12 to chelate free cyanide
molecules and aid their excretion.
Apart from patients with high levels of carboxyhaemoglobin and decreasing GCS that you mentioned,
what are your indications for ventilating burns patients?
These are:
1. respiratory distress,
2. extensive burns to the head and neck,
3. supraglottic oedema on fibreoptic examination, and
4. for consideration prior to any transfer of a patient with a possible inhalational injury or potential
airway loss.
Let us consider this patient’s cutaneous burns: what is a thermal burn exactly? And what is its
• This is a dynamic area of tissue damage that has been classified by Jackson into three zones of
injury with:
1. an inner zone of coagulative necrosis,
2. an intermediate zone of stasis, and
3. an outer zone of hyperaemia (that involves the whole body if more than 20% TBSA is affected).
18 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• Its pathophysiology consists of local effects, and systemic effects if the burn covers more than
20% of the TBSA.
• Local inflammatory effects include:
1. vasodilation, and
2. increased capillary permeability, leading to:
– decreased capillary oncotic pressure and increased tissue oncotic pressure – as albumin
leaks out of the circulation, and
– generalized impairment in cell membrane function leading to cell swelling.
• Systemic effects in those with a burn requiring resuscitation affect most organs, such as:
1. Reduced cardiac output due to:
– hypovolaemia causing decreased venous return,
– direct myocardial depression caused by inflammatory mediators, and
– increased afterload due to increased systemic vascular resistance.
2. Pulmonary oedema due to:
– increased capillary pressure and permeability,
– left heart failure,
– hypoproteinemia, and
– direct injury following inhalational injury.
3. Renal injury, with consequent:
– decreased renal perfusion, and
– increased ADH and aldosterone, with subsequent sodium and water retention.
4. Hepatic and pancreatic injury, with consequent:
– glucose intolerance,
– increased metabolic rate and catabolism, and
– growth inhibition in children.
5. Gastrointestinal consequences, such as:
– stress ulceration,
– gut stasis and bacterial translocation, and
– cholecystitis.
6. Immunosuppression, and
7. A systemic inflammatory response syndrome
What are your indications for fluid resuscitation? And what regimes are you aware of?
• This is indicated in burns that cover more than 20% TBSA in adults, or more than 10% in children
– excluding erythema.
These percentages of skin loss will lead to burn shock-induced renal failure caused by
electrolyte shifts, an inflammatory response and evaporate losses – that is maximal at 12 hours
post-injury, so fluid supplementation is required to prevent this.
• The Parkland formula is the most commonly used formula in the United Kingdom and is
recommended by the ATLS and EMSB guidelines, but many others exist.
It was originally described by Baxter and Shines in the 1960s following empiric experiments on
burned dogs, and subsequent testing among burn patients. The original description was 3.7–4.3 ml
of lactated Ringer solution/kg/% burn in the first 24 hours post burn.
This was rounded to 4 ml in the ATLS protocol, with half of the fluid given in the first 8 hours
after the injury, and the second half in the next 16 hours.
However with time, many patients were found to be over-resuscitated with fluid creep occurring,
resulting in complications that culminated in an increased risk of death.
• So, the concept of permissive hypovolaemia was developed where resuscitation is started at a lower end
with 2 ml/kg/% burn, with titration based on clinical response. The aim is to give the least amount of
fluid to ensure adequate tissue and organ perfusion, whilst avoiding the sequelae of over-resuscitation.
You mentioned fluid creep. What is that?
• This is a significant problem, with potentially life-threatening sequelae, where patients receive
more fluid than is required, causing oedema.
Case 1.3 19
On the topic of fluids – What controversies of fluid resuscitation are you aware of?
• There is equivocal evidence for improved outcomes regarding:
1. the type of fluid resuscitation (i.e. crystalloid vs colloid), and
2. the timing of colloid administration.
• The proponents for the use of albumin cite the theory that large volumes of crystalloid decrease
plasma protein concentration and further promote extravascular egress of fluid with consequent
oedema, so replenishment of plasma protein using colloids would theoretically mitigate this effect.
This was initially complicated by historical studies showing that albumin worsened mortality
rates, but these have since been disputed by the Cochrane Injuries Group.
• With regard to the timing of albumin administration, there is a theoretical risk of protein and
albumin leak – caused by the increased capillary permeability in the first 24 hours, which would
further worsen the oncotic pressure, but again the evidence for this is equivocal.
• Some burn centres have now moved to using formulas where crystalloid is given for the first
8–12 hours – when capillary leak may be most pronounced, followed by colloid administration
thereafter. There is some evidence that this protocol may decrease the overall volume of fluid
required and reduce the risk of the complications of fluid creep.
You are the consultant burn surgeon: how would you personally avoid fluid creep in a patient who is
admitted to your burn centre?
I will ensure that:
1. the true burn size is confirmed to avoid relying on a possible overestimation by the prehospital
or ER team,
2. the patient’s fluid response is constantly monitored and re-evaluated – as this is a dynamic process,
3. colloids are considered after the first 24 hours as a ‘rescue’ technique when crystalloid requirements
become excessive,
4. early renal replacement therapy and hemofiltration are considered to offload any fluid, and
5. there is continual monitoring for oedema of the soft tissues, limbs, and the abdominal compartment
– using regular bladder pressures when oliguria persists or when volume requirements become
excessive (such as more than 500 ml per hour).
You titrate the fluid administration to attempt to prevent fluid creep but find a fall in the patient’s
urine output. How would you manage this patient?
• I will liaise with my critical care colleagues in the burns MDT to determine the cause of his low
UOP, which may be:
– hypovolaemia,
– abdominal compartment syndrome, or
– multi-organ failure.
20 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• If the cause was found to be purely hypovolaemic, then I would administer a fluid challenge of
5 ml/kg and increase the fluid rate for the next hour by 150%.
• With regard to abdominal compartment syndrome, this is an intra-abdominal pressure of greater
than 20 mmHg – measured by transduction of bladder pressure, with evidence of new organ
dysfunction – such as oliguria, impaired mechanical ventilation, worsening metabolic acidosis or
haemodynamic instability.
I would manage this patient within the burns MDT in conjunction with my critical care and
general surgery colleagues – with a decompressive laparotomy being the definitive treatment.
However, I am aware of other treatments by the plastic surgery and critical care team that can
be successful in lowering the pressure and avoiding laparotomy, such as:
1. ensuring that escharotomies are performed on any full-thickness anterior trunk burns that
haven’t been excised yet,
2. the use of increased sedation in mechanically ventilated patients, and
3. the use of diuretics, if adequate intravascular volume is confirmed with pulmonary capillary
pressure monitoring.
Are you aware of the hypermetabolic response? What is this and how can you modulate it?
• This is a response that occurs in patients with a thermal burn affecting more than 20% TBSA –
mediated by the hypothalamic response, and consists of:
1. increased metabolic rates,
2. multi-organ dysfunction,
3. muscle protein degradation,
4. insulin resistance, and
5. increased risk of infection.
• The classical description of the stress response after any severe injury consists of:
– an initial ebb phase with a decrease in tissue perfusion and metabolic rate, followed by
– the flow phase with increased metabolism and hyperdynamic circulation 2–3 days later.
• Modulation can be achieved by:
1. achieving early wound closure – even with allografts, to decrease the metabolic rate, net
protein loss and the incidence of sepsis,
2. raising the ambient temperature to 28°C – to decrease resting energy expenditure, as the
energy required for vaporization is derived from the environment rather than from the patient,
3. early aggressive enteral feeding – to reduce translocation bacteraemia and sepsis, maintain
gut motility and preserve the first-pass nutrient delivery to the liver,
4. preventing infection, and
5. the use of pharmacologic agents such as:
– propranolol – to decrease the effects of catecholamine, such as catabolism, cardiac
complications, and overall mortality, and
– recombinant human growth hormone and IGF-1 – to decrease wound healing time, albeit
with a risk of hyperglycaemia.
In addition to his inhalational injury, he has a 50% cutaneous burn. Why is nutrition important in
the management of this patient?
• The aims of early feeding are to:
1. minimize net protein loss,
2. protect the gut from bacterial translocation,
3. prevent gastric ileus, and
4. avoid Gram-negative septicemia.
• An increased daily calorific requirement is needed as the basal metabolic rate increases
dramatically during the acute injury phase and remains higher than normal for up to 1 year
post injury. Oxygen consumption and CO2 production steadily increase over the first 5 days post
injury – with:
1. an associated increase in protein, fat, and glycogen catabolism – with consequent weight
loss, impaired wound healing, and immunity,
Case 1.3 21
• I will excise the full-thickness burn either in a tangential fashion or with diathermy down to
platysma and narrowly mesh an autograft in the first setting to allow for early healing.
• Post-operatively, I will use a customized splint until scar maturity is achieved.
• This may need subsequent excision if a contracture develops.
You mentioned contractures – please describe your understanding of them, and the principles that
you use to minimize their formation.
• These can be intrinsic and extrinsic in origin and may form a linear band, a broad band or joint
– Intrinsic contractures occur where scarring directly involves the site affected by the
contracture, whereas
– extrinsic contracture is a contracture of normal structures that are pulled out of position by
scarring distant to the site, such as cheek scarring causing an ectropion despite normal lower
eyelid tissue.
• I will attempt to prevent them by using the same principles used to prevent hypertrophic scars, as
minimizing scars will minimize contractures, such as:
1. early excision and skin coverage, as this will decrease fibroblast activity,
2. early splintage,
3. external pressure garments or devices – with 20–25 mmHg required, preferably for nearly
24 hours per day until scar maturity is reached,
4. early aggressive mobilization therapy – both active and passive,
5. silicone gels and sheets, and
6. consideration of steroid therapy, both as tapes and injections.
The patient survives and moves away. He returns to your clinic three years later with a broadband
contracture of his neck. How will you manage him?
1. I will first establish how this contracture affects him and what his goals are from the release.
2. Next, I will consider the vertical and horizontal subunits, as well as the cervico-mental angle.
3. I will then proceed with a fish mouth incision release, resection of the platysma – which itself may
be involved in the scarring and contracture, followed by
4. reconstruction of the vertical then horizontal subunits with either:
– skin grafts with or without skin substitutes or
– flaps, such as a local supraclavicular artery flap or a free scapular flap, depending on the
extent of the affected area.
Case 1.3 23
I will counsel him that the skin graft and skin substitute option carries a higher risk of recurrence;
however, total flap reconstruction can cause loss of the cervico-mental angle and often needs thinning or
What would you do if he doesn’t have a large enough donor site to resurface the whole neck with
regard to the flap resurfacing option?
• I will consider a chimeric free flap such as a scapular/parascapular flap if the back tissue is thin
and pliable, or
• I will consider pretransfer expansion of the donor site.
Despite the inconvenience of expansion with regard to the time taken and the aesthetic deformity, this
does offer multiple advantages in addition to the provision of tissue, as:
1. it produces a thinned and more pliable tissue, as a result of the fat atrophy,
2. it provides an improved vascularity of the flap due to the angiogenesis seen in expanded flaps –
similar to that in delayed flaps, and
3. it allows direct closure of the donor site.
You mentioned delayed flaps. What do you mean by that? Please talk me through your understanding
of the theory behind the phenomenon.
Answered in Case 3.8
Let us consider an additional scenario: the patient in the photograph has sustained an electrical
contact injury on an industrial site which resulted in his clothes catching fire.
How are electrical burns any different from thermal burns, and how does that alter your management?
The pathophysiology and consequently the assessment and management of electrical burns are different.
• There are two theories regarding the progressive tissue necrosis found in electrical burns:
1. The first states that the periosseous core of necrosis is due to the high resistance of bone and
the consequent generation of heat. Muscle damage is due to the delayed thrombosis of vessels
or the irreversible microscopic damage to muscle at the time of the burn.
2. The second states that electroporation, with cell membrane breakdown caused by the exces-
sive current, causes thrombosis and ischaemia in the absence of the heating effect.
• In the context of an ATLS/EMSB assessment,
1. I will establish the voltage source from the history: as a high-voltage injury – as in this case,
may result in systemic effects, in addition to the local destruction caused by low voltage
2. I will assess:
– the entry and exit wounds, and
– the viability of his limbs, with the potential need for escharotomies or fasciotomies.
3. For high-voltage injuries (>1000 V), such as here, I will also assess for:
– cardiac arrhythmias,
– myoglobinuria, and
– peripheral neuropathy.
4. In addition, I will ensure long-term patient follow-up as he is at risk of late-onset peripheral
neuropathy, paralysis, and cataract formation.
5. Lastly, I will assess and manage any thermal/inhalational burns as before.
1. Cartotto R. (2009). Clinics in Plastic Surgery (Burns), Vol. 36, Number 4. Saunders. Elsevier Health
24 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
3. Alderson P, Bunn F, Lefebvre C, Li WP, Li L, Roberts I, Schierhout G; Albumin Reviewers. Human
albumin solution for resuscitation and volume expansion in critically ill patients. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev. 2004 Oct 18;(4):CD001208.
Case 1.4
Please tell me about the anatomy of the scaphoid, and the relevance of this fracture.
• Over 80% of the scaphoid surface is covered with articular cartilage.
• The vascularity of the proximal pole depends entirely on intraosseous blood flow with a vascular
watershed, which increases the risk of problematic union and avascular necrosis.
– The proximal 80% of the scaphoid is supplied by the dorsal scaphoid branches of the radial
artery that enter the only non-articular portion at the dorsal ridge of the waist.
– The distal 20% is supplied by the volar scaphoid branches from either the radial artery or the
superficial palmar branch that enter the bone at the distal tubercle.
• In addition, these fractures tend to occur in young adult men with a high impact on their return to
work, sporting activities and quality of life.
This patient fell on to his outstretched hand 2 months ago. How will you manage him?
• In a patient who is fit for operative treatment, as most of these patients tend to be, treatment is
based on:
– the fracture personality (i.e. its’ location and displacement),
– the presence of non-union, and
– any avascular necrosis.
• The proximal pole does appear to be somewhat sclerotic on the radiograph, which concerns me.
I will investigate with a CT scan to provide the most precise definition of the osseous anatomy,
and an MRI to determine the vascularity of the proximal pole.
• If there is any sign of AVN, then my preferred treatment option is open fixation via a dorsal
approach with a vascularized bone graft from the 3,4 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery
(3,4 ICSRA).
• If not, then fixation with a headless screw is indicated either percutaneously or open – both via
a dorsal approach. However, I recognize that the small size of the proximal fragment may pose
technical challenges to screw fixation and subsequent bone viability.
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26 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• I prefer to opt for the percutaneous approach in the first instance, as it avoids carpal ligament
division, and interruption of the tenuous blood supply to the scaphoid, even if it may be more
technically challenging than the open technique.
• If this fails, then I will revert to open internal fixation with a headless screw via a dorsal approach,
as it provides improved exposure of the proximal pole with easier screw placement, but at the
expense of disruption of the already tenuous blood supply.
You mentioned a vascularized bone graft. What are your indications for this?
These include:
• AVN,
• a non-union, and
• failed previous surgery.
You mentioned that you would use a bone graft from the 3,4 intercompartmental supraretinacular
artery. Why did you choose that option? And what others are available?
The advantages of this dorsal pedicled option include:
• a reliable dorsal vascular anatomy,
• flap dissection and treatment of the proximal pole fracture through the same incision,
• avoidance of an unnecessary micro-anastomosis, and
• a technically simpler procedure to perform compared to volar grafts (that are more commonly
reserved for correction of humpback deformity of the waist).
Other options include:
• the pronator quadratus pedicled bone graft,
• the 1,2 ICSRA and 2,3 ICSRA vascularized bone grafts, and
• free options – such as the medial femoral supracondylar bone graft and free DCIA option.
The patient moves abroad before his operation and returns 18 months later with a very painful wrist.
You obtain a radiograph and CT, and this is reported as consistent with features of a SNAC wrist.
What is this, and how would you manage that?
Scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC) describes the specific pattern of progressive arthritis of the
wrist following an established scaphoid nonunion.
• The natural history of degenerative changes first occurs at the radio-scaphoid area followed by
mid-carpal and then pan-carpal arthritis.
• Management options include:
– A radial styloidectomy and consideration for fracture reduction and stabilization for stage
I disease (where arthritis is localized to the radial side of the scaphoid and radial styloid).
– Options for stage II and III (where disease expands to the scaphocapitate joint and periscaphoid
arthritis, respectively) include:
a proximal row carpectomy if there are no capitate head changes, or
a four-corner fusion – which retains some wrist motion and grip strength.
– Salvage options include:
wrist arthrodesis (which reliably provides pain relief and good grip strength at the cost
of wrist motion) or
wrist denervation, which is motion preserving.
Lastly, I am aware that total wrist replacement is being performed in certain specialized
centres for pan-carpal arthritis, as an alternative to total wrist fusion, when the other
options are no longer suitable.
Tell me how is that different from a SLAC wrist? And how would you manage that?
• Whilst the pathological sequential sequelae and management options are similar, the aetiology
of the arthritis is different. In this case, SLAC refers to a Scaphoid Lunate Advanced Collapse
and describes the pattern of arthritis seen following a chronic DISI deformity, itself due to SL
Case 1.4 27
ligament injury. The DISI deformity refers to Dorsal Intercalated Segment Instability – with flexion
of the scaphoid and extension of the lunate as the SL ligament no longer restrains the articulation.
• Management options include mostly salvage options based on the Watson classification stage.
– For Stage I, with arthritis between the scaphoid and radial styloid, I would offer:
a radial styloidectomy and scaphoid stabilization to prevent impingement between the
proximal scaphoid and radial styloid, or
denervation for pain relief.
– For Stage II, with arthritis between the scaphoid and scaphoid facet of the radius, I would offer:
a proximal row carpectomy if there is a functioning radioscaphocapitate ligament (to
prevent post-operative ulnar subluxation). This provides relative preservation of strength
and motion.
If the radioscaphocapitate ligament function is lost, then I would offer a scaphoid excision
and four-corner fusion.
This also provides relative preservation of strength and motion through the preserved
articulation between the lunate and distal radius at the lunate fossa.
In addition, previous impingement-related problems with the Hubcap circular plate have been
decreased with the more recent use of intraosseous screws.
– For Stage III, with arthritis, I would offer:
wrist fusion for pain relief and stability, with the sacrifice of wrist motion, or
referral to a specialized centre that offers total wrist replacements.
You’ve mentioned some of the wrist ligaments. Please draw the extrinsic ligaments for me and describe
your understanding of their anatomy.
• The ligaments of the wrist are a complex system of extrinsic capsular and intrinsic intraosseous
• The intrinsic ligaments lie between each of the carpal bones in the proximal and distal rows.
• The extrinsic ligaments are palmar and dorsal.
• The palmar ligaments are the more important stabilizers of the wrist and are arranged as proximal
and distal double inverted Vs with the apexes centred on the lunate and capitate respectively –
representing the ‘greater’ and ‘lesser ligamentous arcs’ – with the Space of Poirier between them
as a potential anatomical weak spot that allows the escape of the distal carpal row from the lunate
in perilunate dislocations.
• The dorsal ligaments are arranged as a horizontal V with the apex at the hamate starting at
the radius and ending at the trapezium. The main two dorsal ligaments are the DRC (Dorsal
RadioCarpal) and DIC (Dorsal IntraCarpal) Ligaments.
1. Kawamura K, Chung KC. Treatment of scaphoid fractures and non unions. J Hand Surg Am.
2. Karaismailoglu B, Fatih Guven M, Erenler M, Botanlioglu H. The use of pedicled vascularized bone
grafts in the treatment of scaphoid nonunion: clinical results, graft options and indications. EFORT
Open Rev. 2020;5(1):1–8.
Case 1.5
Tell me – How do paediatric thermal burn injuries differ from those in adults?
• Children have a proportionately greater surface area and reduced physiological reserves, including
glycogen stores – resulting in increased insensible losses and hypoglycaemia.
– Because of this, resuscitation fluid, if indicated, should be supplemented with additional
maintenance fluid according to a weight-based maintenance table (consisting of 4 ml/kg/hour
for the first 10 kg, followed by 2 ml/kg/hour for the next 10 kg, then 1 ml/kg/hour for the
next 10 kg).
– Also, additional carbohydrate is required to prevent potential hypoglycaemia.
• Lastly, the hypermetabolic response may result in blunted growth for 1–2 years post burn in
children with burn sizes greater than 20% TBSA.
This infant has sustained a superficial partial-thickness scald as depicted in this photograph.
How will you manage her?
• I will take a focused history assessing:
– the timing and mechanism of the injury – ensuring that NAI is not a possibility,
– any first aid given,
– any comorbidities,
– medications and allergies, and
– up-to-date immunizations.
• My examination will include:
– the surface area, which I estimate at about 4–5% according to the photograph, and
– the depth, which is difficult to evaluate in a black and white photograph, but you have told me
this is superficial partial thickness.
• As the TBSA affected is less than 10% in a child – which is the paediatric cut-off for resuscitation
requirements – this injury does not require fluid resuscitation.
• A general anaesthetic is required for initial wound cleaning and deblistering, with early Biobrane
application to optimize the future scar – as the burned area is confluent, as well as a formal wound
assessment – including the use of a laser Doppler as per NICE guidelines.
• Once this has healed, then a pressure garment is required to minimize hypertrophic scar formation.
28 DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-6
Case 1.5 29
How does a laser Doppler help with you with burn assessment?
• This provides non-invasive mapping of blood flow in an area of burned skin, which can improve
the accuracy of burn wound depth assessment compared to clinical evaluation alone. In addition, it
provides a calculated healing potential based on the blood flow image reported in three categories:
<14 days, 14–21 days, and >21 days.
• It is particularly useful to differentiate between superficial dermal burns that can be managed with
dressings, and deep dermal burn wounds that may require debridement to optimize the result and
prevent hypertrophic scarring.
• It is also particularly useful in children – as in this case – because of the prevalence of mixed
depth scald burns.
• It achieves this by rotating a mirror to direct a low-power laser beam at the burn wound area,
which penetrates the full thickness of the dermis.
Laser light scattered from moving blood cells in the tissue undergoes a Doppler frequency
shift, the average of which is proportional to the average speed of the blood cells.
Some of the scattered laser light is then collected by the mirror and then focussed by light
collecting lenses on photodiode detectors.
The resultant photocurrent is processed to calculate the blood flow in the tissue and this
information is displayed as a colour-coded map of the burn area.
• Interpretation can be affected by infection, patient movement, old scars, and tattoos – none of
which appear to be relevant to this little girl.
• Due to the changes in the inflammatory response and blood flow consequent to a burn, it is best
to use it in the first 48–72 hours, but it can be used up to 5 days post injury.
How do you clinically differentiate a superficial from a deep dermal burn? And how do they heal?
• Superficial dermal injuries are pink, moist, and very painful – due to the sparing of nerve endings
in the mid-dermis (although that is impossible to establish in children, as many will be distressed
irrespective of the burn depth). In addition, skin blisters are often present in the injured area.
• Healing occurs within 2 weeks with rapid re-epithelialization by migration of epithelial cells
from the deeper portion of the hair follicles, as well as from the sweat and sebaceous glands.
However, the injured skin may result in a colour change due to hyperpigmentation – especially
in non-Caucasian patients.
Please continue.
• In contrast, deep dermal injuries involve an injury to the full thickness of the epidermis and the
reticular dermis. These burns are typically dry, mottled pink, or even pale in deeper injuries. They
are relatively insensate as the nerve endings are destroyed – but again this is difficult to establish
in children. Skin blisters may still be present making it difficult to establish the depth.
Healing is slowed due to the relative paucity of available cells for migration from the skin
appendages with more than 3 weeks taken to heal, and a consequent increase in hypertrophic scarring.
What are the risk factors for the development of post-burn hypertrophic scarring?
These are patient and injury-related:
• Patient factors include:
– female gender,
– non-Caucasian skin types, and
– children.
30 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
You mentioned your estimation of the approximate surface area being 4–5%. How would you assess
the surface area of burns in general?
• In patients with small burns, I use the template of the patient’s palm and fingers for small, patchy
burns, where the surface of the patients’ hands with fingers adducted has been taken to represent
approximately 1% of their TBSA, or
• In those with larger and patchy burns, I use tools that provide a graphical record of the extent of
the burn, such as:
– the Lund and Browder charts in children, or
– the Wallace rule of nines in adults.
• In addition, I am aware of the development of specific apps to assist with this assessment.
However, they are contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as infants less
than 2 months old, due to the risk of kernicterus.
• Mafenide is a potent carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that also has a broad cover – especially
Pseudomonas and Clostridium. In addition, it can penetrate a burn eschar.
However, it prevents the conversion of hydrogen ions to carbonic acid, leading to a metabolic
acidosis if used continuously on extensive burns.
On presentation, your trainee notices odd-looking bruises on her back and buttocks of varying ages.
Mum can’t quite explain them and simply says: ‘she just bruises a lot’. How would you proceed?
This may represent:
• a medical condition – such as a coagulopathy, or
• a non-accidental injury.
Both of these need admission and investigation by the paediatric team.
If medical reasons are excluded, then I will involve the paediatric safeguarding team as well.
This little girl develops a pyrexia, a rash, diarrhoea, and vomiting. What do you suspect? And how
will you manage her?
• I suspect she is developing toxic shock syndrome, which is a condition related to the production
of TSST-1 toxin by many strains of staphylococcus aureus.
• I will manage her along with my paediatric colleagues with:
– early targeted antibiotic treatment,
– anti-TSST-1 toxin immunoglobulin or pooled gamma globulin, and
– fresh frozen plasma.
Let’s move into the future – a 12-year-old girl attends your clinic having sustained a scald to the right
side of the chest area in her infancy with consequent hypertrophic scarring. This is now restricting
her breast growth with breast asymmetry, which is concerning her and her mother. How would you
manage her?
• I will first establish if the contracture is extrinsic or intrinsic.
• Intrinsic contractures may mimic hypoplasia or aplasia of the breast.
• I will reassure the patient and her mum that contractures from a superficial or intermediate
thickness burn – as I expect the scald to have produced, won’t stop the breast growth but just
conceals it. (As opposed to a severe deep injury that may have destroyed the breast tissue itself.)
• Unless there is severe asymmetry or psychological distress – I will monitor her regularly and allow
the scar to mature, with the use of non-operative scar measures as required, prior to reconstructing
the breast in early adulthood.
• However, in severe cases of asymmetry, or if there is significant psychological distress, then
I will proceed with staged releases with dermal replacement and skin grafts throughout puberty.
I would warn them that this may result in a ‘patchwork quilt’ appearance that will need a further
reconstruction in early adulthood.
• Once breast development is complete, then any asymmetry can be approached along the lines of
a breast reconstruction, with the possible need for breast envelope and or volume replacement
depending on its severity.
1. Dziewulski P, Villapalos JL. (2012). Reconstruction of the burned breast. In Total Burn Care: Fourth
Edition (pp. 623–630.e1). Elsevier Inc.
2. Chipp E, Charles L, Thomas C, Whiting K, Moiemen N, Wilson Y. A prospective study of time to
healing and hypertrophic scarring in paediatric burns: every day counts. Burns Trauma. 2017 Jan;5:3.
3. Cubison TC, Pape SA, Parkhouse N. Evidence for the link between healing time and the development
of hypertrophic scars (HTS) in paediatric burns due to scald injury. Burns. 2006;32(8):992–999.
4. Engrav LH, Heimbach DM, Walkinshaw MD, Marvin JA. Excision of burns of the face. Plast Reconstr
Surg. 1986;77:744–751.
6. Pan SC. Burn blister fluids in the neovascularization stage of burn wound healing: a comparison
between superficial and deep partial-thickness burn wounds. Burn Trauma. 2013;1,27–31.
7. Chipp E, Charles L, Thomas C, Whiting K, Moiemen N., Wilson Y. A prospective study of time to
healing and hypertrophic scarring in paediatric burns: every day counts. Burn Trauma. 2017;5,3.
8. Nunez Lopez O, Cambiaso-Daniel J, Branski LK, Norbury WB, Herndon DN. Predicting and
managing sepsis in burn patients: current perspectives. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2017;13:1107–1117.
doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S119938
Case 1.6
This patient is transferred from a holiday destination having suffered an open lower limb injury
in an RTA two days prior to arrival. He was extricated from the wreckage a few hours after the
accident. The transferring team informs you that he has a Gustilo and Anderson III B injury. They
have managed him with prompt excision of the wound and external fixation and have temporized the
wound with a negative pressure dressing.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-7 33
34 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
If all seems to be in order, I will take him to theatre in the next scheduled joint orthoplastic list for exploration,
and possible further excision of the wound if required, before planning the reconstruction.
Please talk me through your decision-making principles when planning the reconstruction.
There has been a historical debate regarding the superiority of fasciocutaneous or muscle flaps in lower
limb reconstruction.
Some experimental data has shown that despite a higher blood flow in fasciocutaneous flaps, there is
superior diaphyseal fracture repair with muscle flaps.
However, this has not translated into clinical evidence, so most surgeons, including myself, will make
decisions based on practicalities such as:
1. the need for the reconstruction to withstand friction – such as on the sole of the foot or an
amputation stump, which would be better served by a fasciocutaneous flap,
2. the presence of significant dead space that would be best served by a muscle flap,
3. any planned orthopaedic management – such as planned distraction that is best served by a muscle
flap, or if future access is required – in which case a fasciocutaneous flap is preferable,
4. the need for a flap with a long pedicle to perform the anastomosis outwith the zone of trauma,
5. patient positioning and the preference to avoid intraoperative turning (for example, I will favour a
flap from the subscapular axis if a lateral decubitus position is needed for a Godina approach), and
6. donor site morbidity.
7. Next, I will consider the choice of recipient vessels, the site of the anastomosis and the anastomotic
pattern, be it end-to-end or end-to-side based on:
– the zone of trauma, and
– any vascular injury that is diagnosed on preoperative CTA as part of the trauma series.
I prefer to use the posterior tibial vessels, accessed via the medial fasciotomy incision, as they
are relatively protected compared to the anterior tibial vessels.
I aim to perform two venous anastomoses – if possible, with at least one using the deep system,
as this has been shown to decrease flap failure rates. If they are injured distally, then I would
access them more proximally using a Godina approach.
What is the Godina approach? Please tell me how you would use it.
This is an alternative approach to access the posterior tibial vessels at the popliteal vessel division, with the
possibility of following it distally according to need.
Case 1.6 35
However, it does involve placing the patient in the lateral position – with the injured side down, so I
would generally choose a flap from the subscapular axis when using this approach – if possible, to avoid
turning the patient intraoperatively.
1. I will place a thigh tourniquet but not inflate it – unless required, followed by
2. a vertical longitudinal incision 1 cm medial to the midcalf line, from the level of the femoral
condyles to the junction of the proximal 2/3 and distal 1/3 of the leg, whilst ensuring I preserve
the short saphenous vein as a potential vein graft.
3. I will then divide the fascia exposing the two heads of gastrocnemius and the sural nerve in the
midline groove, with sharp division at the avascular junction between the heads of gastrocnemius
until the Achilles tendon is reached.
4. This exposes the popliteal vessels, which are seen passing under Soleus.
5. I will then divide Soleus, ensuring the venous branches are ligated.
6. Lastly, I will follow the popliteal vessel until the posterior tibial vessels are reached and these are
followed as required – based on the zone of trauma and length of the chosen flap pedicle.
You mentioned a preoperative CTA – What is your rationale for that decision?
I am aware that its use is debated in young healthy patients with palpable pulses.
However, my rationale is that it provides useful information without the risks that were associated with an
arteriogram (such as pseudoaneurysm, dissection, and haematoma), with benefits including the that include:
1. undiagnosed vascular injuries based on clinical examination alone, to confidently categorize a
III B+ injury,
2. the detection of congenital variance of vascular anatomy – such as a Peronea Magna, and
3. In those at risk of potential atherosclerotic disease, it will also help with detection of this- which
may alter my choice of recipient vessels if significant (with the understanding that the clinical
presence of pedal pulses does not rule this out due to potential collateral circulation).
4. it may also give me an idea regarding the zone of trauma to allow quicker exploration and
intraoperative decision-making.
It is also recommended in the updated UK lower limb standards – as long as it doesn’t cause a delay to
treatment – so I would routinely obtain it as part of the CT trauma series.
What are your thoughts regarding the timing of the reconstruction?
• I am guided by the UK standards for lower limb management, which suggests that we must aim
to perform this at the earliest safe opportunity – within 72 hours of injury, unless patient factors
dictate otherwise – as life must come before limb.
• This is balanced by the increasing risk of deep infection and technical difficulties encountered as
the perivascular soft tissues become more oedematous, friable, and eventually fibrotic.
• This timing may also affect the chosen method of bony fixation as internal fixation should only
be performed if definitive soft tissue reconstruction is achieved at the same time.
The patient’s contralateral leg was bruised on arrival, but the trauma CT excluded any injury. His lower leg
becomes tense and excruciatingly painful soon afterwards. His urine output drops, and he becomes mildly
acidotic. You examine him and find that even attempted passive movement of his toes causes severe pain.
How would you manage him?
• I am concerned regarding compartment syndrome and the possibility of rhabdomyolysis – given
his history. I will manage the suspected compartment syndrome with urgent fasciotomies using
a two incision-approach.
• With regard to the rhabdomyolysis, I will share my concerns with the anaesthetic team and request
an urgent intraoperative plasma CK level to avoid diagnostic delay.
What is the pathophysiology of compartment syndrome?
This is the elevation of pressure in a relatively fixed osseo-fascial compartment that eventually leads
to vascular compromise – with reversible muscle damage occurring within 4 hours, and irreversible
myonecrosis and nerve damage by 8 hours.
36 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
The exact mechanisms are not entirely understood – but the most popular model is the ‘critical closure
theory’. This is based on capillary collapse if the compartmental pressure exceeds the capillary perfusion
pressure, resulting in muscle and nerve ischaemia.
The pathophysiological sequence of events is thought to include:
1. An initiating cause of elevated compartment pressure, such as bleeding or muscle swelling within
a relatively fixed osseo-fascial compartment.
2. As the pressure increases, the veins become compressed causing fluid to move down its
hydrostatic pressure gradient and out of the veins into the compartment, which increases the
intra-compartmental pressure further.
3. Next, the traversing nerves are compressed, with paraesthesia as a first sign.
4. Lastly, as the intra-compartmental pressure reaches the diastolic blood pressure, the arterial
inflow is compromised, which is a late sign of missed compartment syndrome.
Please draw a cross-section of the leg and use it to show me where you will place your fasciotomy
incisions and tell me how you would perform the procedure.
• I will decompress the superficial and deep posterior compartments with a full-length skin incision
placed 1.5 cm posterior to the posteromedial border of the tibia, which I’ve drawn as the medial arrow.
Once I have divided the skin and subcutaneous fat, I will release the fascia overlying the
superficial compartment and then release the origin of soleus from the tibia to enter the deep
compartment. As you can see from my diagram, the posterior tibial neurovascular bundle is at
risk of injury at this point, as it is just deep to the investing fascia, so I will perform a full-length
release of the fascia with care.
• The anterior and lateral compartments are decompressed by a full-length incision 2 cm lateral to
the crest of the tibia, represented by the lateral arrow I’ve drawn.
Once I have divided the skin and subcutaneous fat, I will fully release the anterior compartment
then retract the compartment’s muscles medially to access and fully release the anterior
intermuscular septum, which separates the anterior and lateral muscle groups.
Case 1.6 37
Why have you qualified the description of each fascial release as a ‘full-length incision’?
The two common reasons for inadequate release of the compartments are:
1. short incisions that leave a residual constricting fascial band and
2. a failure to release the origin of soleus to decompress the posterior compartment.
Why do you use a two-incision as opposed to a single-incision approach?
Whilst I appreciate that a two-incision technique results in an additional wound, it has two advantages:
• Firstly, it avoids the morbidity of the required undermining of anterior and posterior skin with a
single-incision approach.
• Secondly, it allows further decompression by allowing more muscle volume within the
compartment to spill out.
How would your management have differed had the patient been intubated on intensive care, with a
swollen leg?
I would be concerned regarding compartment syndrome, but I would have to rely on serial transducer
catheter measurements of compartmental pressure to help me make the diagnosis.
I would decompress the leg if the measured compartmental pressure is either 30 mmHg, or within
30 mmHg of the diastolic pressure – for two consecutive hours.
What is the significance of 30 mmHg, and why 30 mmHg within diastolic pressure?
The capillary perfusion pressure is in the region of 25 mmHg (between 20 and 30 mmHg), so a compartmental
pressure of 30 mmHg will theoretically cause capillary collapse.
The perfusion pressure of a compartment, also known as the compartment delta pressure, is defined
as the difference between the diastolic blood pressure and the intra-compartmental pressure. If this is
30 mmHg, then capillary collapse will occur, even if the measured compartmental pressure may be less
than 30 mmHg (such as in a hypotensive patient).
What are the contraindications to the surgical release of a limb with compartment syndrome?
These include
1. established myonecrosis, and
2. compartment syndrome of the foot.
The purpose of decompression is to rescue threatened muscle and nerve, so if these are already necrotic then
there is no need to decompress. If anything, this would risk further morbidity – with infection and even death:
• If the diagnosis or presentation is delayed by more than 10 hours, I would obtain an MRI to evaluate
the state of the muscles, as irreversible muscle damage is thought to start to occur at 8 hours. This
will provide radiological confirmation regarding the progression of rhabdomyolysis to myonecrosis –
with early ischaemic changes seen as a hyperintense signal on MRI, versus irreversible myonecrosis
with complete lack of signal enhancement – in which case I would not operate.
• In addition, I would not operate if the diagnosis were delayed by 3 days, as widespread irreversible
myonecrosis would have already occurred – with no need for imaging to confirm this.
• Lastly, I would not decompress a foot – even if acute – as morbidity of the procedure outweighs
that of the sequelae, which is simply clawed toes.
His plasma CK results come back as 6000 IU/l, so your suspicion of rhabdomyolysis was correct.
What is rhabdomyolysis and how do you manage it?
• As the name suggests, this is a condition where myocyte breakdown results in the leakage of
intracellular contents – namely myoglobin, sarcoplasmic proteins, and electrolytes, into the
extracellular fluid and circulation.
This leads to renal injury, electrolyte imbalance – with potential cardiac arrythmias, acidosis,
DIC, and compartment syndrome. Interestingly, it may also be caused by a missed compartment
syndrome with ischaemic-induced muscle damage.
38 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
This very unfortunate patient temporarily moves elsewhere to care for a sick parent then returns 18
months later with a draining sinus tract in the reconstructed leg.
What do you suspect is going on, and how would you manage him?
• I suspect chronic osteomyelitis. My management plan includes preoperative, intraoperative, and
postoperative considerations:
1. My preoperative aims include:
– establishing a provisional diagnosis – with a focused history, examination, and imaging
with a radiograph and CT,
– staging – according to the Cierny-Mader classification, and
– patient optimization – with a nutritional review, diabetic control-if required, and
optimization of limb vascularity.
2. The orthoplastic surgical aims include:
– radical wound excision to remove all necrotic soft tissue and bony sequestrum, with
– bone biopsies using a ‘no-touch’ technique to confirm the responsible organism – having
stopped antibiotic therapy 2 weeks pre-operatively,
– followed by an orthoplastic decision regarding reconstruction or eventual amputation.
– Salvage reconstruction is considered in patients who are fit for and motivated for this.
It entails:
skeletal stabilization,
dead-space management, and
the provision of vascularized soft tissue cover.
– Amputation is indicated for failed salvage surgery, failed eradication of infection, and
patients who are poor candidates for reconstruction.
3. My post-operative management includes:
– post-operative culture-driven IV antibiotics and
– rehabilitation.
• The orthoplastic decision regarding reconstruction or eventual amputation is guided by patient
factors and disease-related factors.
1. Patient factors include:
– comorbidities – such as diabetes and immunosuppression, which affect the bone healing
– their nutritional and smoking status,
– their occupation, and self-employment status, and
– patient psychology and social support structure – as they need to cope with a frame for
18 months.
2. Disease-related factors include:
– the virulency of the organism involved (with poor indicator organisms such a MRSA,
candida, pseudomonas, and VRE),
Case 1.6 39
1. Eccles S, Handley B, Khan U, McFadyen I, Nanchahal J, Nayagam S. (2020) Standards for the
Management of Open Fractures.
2. Godina M, Arnez ZM, Lister GD. Preferential use of the posterior approach to blood vessels of the lower
leg in microvascular surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1991 Aug;88(2):287–291. doi: 10.1097/00006534-
199108000-00019. PMID: 1852822.
3. Merle G, Harvey EJ. (2019) Chapter 3: Pathophysiology of Compartment Syndrome. In: Mauffrey
C, Hak DJ, Martin III MP. (eds) Compartment Syndrome: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management
[Internet]. Springer, Cham.
4. Stanley M, Chippa V, Aeddula NR, Bryan S, Rodriguez Q; Adigun R. (2022) Rhabdomyolysis. In:
StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island, FL.
5. Stranix JT, Lee ZH, Jacoby A, Anzai L, Avraham T, Thanik VD, Saadeh PB, Levine JP. Not all gustilo
type IIIB fractures are created equal: arterial injury impacts limb salvage outcomes. Plast Reconstr
Surg. 2017;140(5):1033–1041.
6. Chummun S, Wigglesworth TA, Young K, Healey B, Wright TC, Chapman TWL, Khan U. Does
vascular injury affect the outcome of open tibial fractures? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;131(2):303–309.
Case 1.7
40 DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-8
Case 1.7 41
1. Keeping the patient warm, well hydrated, and pain free with:
– an axillary infusion of Marcaine for pain relief and chemical sympathectomy, and
– patient avoidance of caffeine or any form of Nicotine for the first week.
2. Broad spectrum antibiotics such as Co-amoxiclav that can be modified later if required
42 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
3. Hand elevation to 45% – or vertically if I am confident regarding the inflow and I have reconstructed
both digital arteries, and splinting in the ‘Intrinsic Plus position’
4. Perfusion monitoring with capillary refill, or a saturation probe if that is difficult
5. DVT prophylaxis starting 6 hours post operatively
6. Consider ation of leeching with antibiotic cover if the venous repair is tenuous, and finally
7. Post-operative low-dose Aspirin − of 75 mg for 10 days
How is this sequence changed in more proximal replantation? For example, at the wrist or forearm
Proximal level amputations involving significant muscle content will reduce the accepted ischaemia time,
so I would place a temporary vascular shunt prior to bony stabilization.
I would also perform prophylactic fasciotomies at the end of the replantation if the warm ischaemia time
exceeded 4 hours.
You mentioned signs of microscopic injury earlier. What are these and how would you manage this
if encountered?
• The Cobweb sign describes the appearance of multiple laceration-like patterns on the vessel wall.
• The red line or red ribbon line sign is caused by a shearing force along vessels, which leads to
separation of the intima from the media.
• Vessel anastomoses within these damaged sections lead to higher complication rates secondary to
vessel thrombosis, so these are managed with resection and interpositional vein grafting.
• Vein graft donor sites include the dorsum of the hand or the volar aspect of the wrist. If a Palmaris
tendon graft is also required, then I would prefer the volar wrist to minimize the number of extra
– I mark the position of the vein graft prior to inflating the tourniquet, followed by a gently
curved incision overlying the vein.
– The dorsal surface of the vein is then marked with blue dye to prevent subsequent twisting.
– One end is marked with a Ligating clip to reverse it prior to the anastomoses, and
– I will ensure both anastomoses are complete before releasing the clamps to reduce the chance
of thrombosis.
You mentioned patient suitability for replantation. How do you assess for this?
By considering patient and injury-related factors:
• Patient factors include:
– physiological age, occupation, hand dominance, and hobbies
– general health – including vasoconstrictive medication and past medical history
– pre-existing hand problems, and
– suitability for long-term rehabilitation with:
their willingness to comply to rehabilitation,
the possible need for multiple revisional procedures, and
a possible lengthy time off work (with an average return to work time of 2–7 months).
• Injury-related factors include:
– the mechanism of injury: such as sharp or crush injuries, and
– the ischaemia time and storage.
You mentioned factors that are strong indications for replantation. Are there any others apart from
those you have already mentioned?
Yes, these include:
• sharp proximal amputations (such as through the palm or wrist/forearm level),
• amputation of multiple digits,
• thumb amputations, and
• amputations in a child.
Case 1.7 43
However, future growth distal to the original amputation level may be impaired.
• The replanted digit is expected to have decreased sensitivity, decreased grip strength and increased
stiffness compared to the pre-injury digit.
44 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS(Plast)
What is your general approach in a situation of multiple digital amputation, where not all amputates
are available?
• Amputates should be replanted to the most useful stumps or in orientations most likely to succeed,
to ensure maximal function.
• Heterotopic replantation, which is a concept of spare-part surgery, may be required to achieve
• Following the hand and amputate wound excisions, I will take the opportunity to evaluate what
is available for replantation and how these can be best utilized.
• I will prioritize reconstruction of the thumb, followed by a discussion with the patient regarding
their preference for:
– a digit on the ulnar side of the hand – as a minimum, to enable power grip, or
– the middle finger for fine pinching,
– with index function as the most expendable of all the digits.
This patient’s thumb replantation fails. He is left with a stump with a bony level through the proximal
phalanx. How do you proceed, and what is your management algorithm?
This is disappointing both for the patient and myself, but I would have prepared the patient preoperatively
for this possibility – especially given the injury mechanism and presentation as per the photographs.
1. First, I will determine if there are any additional reasons for failure – other than the zone of trauma
and the mechanism of injury. These may be:
– patient factors – such as an unknown coagulopathy,
– intraoperative factors – such as a technical error or hypoperfusion, or
– post-operative factors – such as vasoconstriction due to hypotension, hypothermia, pain, or
2. Next, I will determine the management plan with the patient – including:
– the timing of the reconstruction – be it immediate or delayed, and
– the technique, based on my reconstructive algorithm.
• If the reason for failure cannot be optimized or reversed, such as a previously undiagnosed
coagulopathy, then I will proceed with a non-microsurgical reconstruction.
• If the reason for failure is reversible, or due to the zone of trauma, then I will suggest we aim for:
– stump temporization with a pedicled groin flap, and
– a delayed formal reconstruction once the inflammatory period has subsided and the patient
is optimized.
Advantages of this approach include a less thrombogenic patient, and the opportunity for the
patient to be truly involved in the consent process. However, I accept that the anatomy will no
longer be exposed and there will be more scarring to deal with at that point.
If the patient cannot accept that and insists on an immediate reconstruction, then I would offer
non-microsurgical options as the risk of another failure in the acute setting would be too high
otherwise, due to the acute inflammatory process.
My selection algorithm is otherwise primarily based on the length of the remaining thumb to be reconstructed
in the first instance. This is modified if the patient has specific considerations such as if there is a particular
concern regarding:
For injuries through the proximal phalanx with an intact MCPJ, as in this case, the options include:
The patient agrees to undergo a delayed reconstruction with a pedicled groin flap to manage the stump
acutely, as you have suggested. Why did you opt for that?
This is because:
• I want to preserve as much length as possible – particularly for the thumb, so a flap is required as
opposed to a terminalization.
• I also want to avoid complicating the secondary surgery, so I will:
– preserve any local vascularity by avoiding free flaps, and
– avoid local flaps to avoid further scarring.
You have described your reconstructive algorithm for injuries through the proximal phalanx.
Please talk me through the rest of your algorithm for thumb reconstruction in general.
As before, the algorithm is based on the length of the residual stump and any specific patient considerations.
• For injuries distal to the IPJ – there is little functional loss so I would consider:
– restoration of the first webspace,
– first metacarpal distraction lengthening, or
– a toe transfer with a wrap-around or trimmed toe, which would restore length, sensibility,
and a near normal appearance.
• For injuries proximal to the MCPJ, options include:
– pollicization of the injured digit, with or without a toe transfer or
– a second toe transfer.
• For injuries proximal to the first CMCJ, options include:
– pollicization of the injured digit, with or without a toe transfer,
– pollicization of a normal digit, or
– a second toe transfer – as the MTPJ along with some MT can be harvested.
With regard to patients with additional specific considerations:
1. For those who are particularly interested in cosmesis: the two best options include a wrap-around
transfer or a trimmed toe transfer.
– A wrap-around partial toe only transfers soft tissue and nail from the hallux, so it would
require bone from the amputate if this is still available, or an additional iliac bone graft to
restore length.
It offers the best cosmesis, and a sensate tip.
However, disadvantages are potential graft resorption, and little or no movement at the level
of the IPJ, which is a relatively minor functional compromise in most people.
– If I can’t use the bone from the amputate, and the patient doesn’t want an iliac graft donor
site, then I will offer a trimmed toe.
Here, the hallux is trimmed with a longitudinal osteotomy, to the size of the contralateral
thumb. This also has the advantage of restoring cosmesis without as much IPJ movement sacrifice.
46 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS(Plast)
2. For those who need to particularly maximize IPJ movement, the best option is a hallux transfer,
but the patient should accept a lower cosmetic result of the new thumb and a relatively poor donor
site cosmesis.
In addition, this is not an option for those who need a CMCJ reconstruction as first MTPJ
sacrifice would result in an unacceptable functional donor site morbidity. In this group, I will offer
a trimmed toe transfer as the next best alternative.
3. For those who need to minimize foot donor site morbidity as much as possible – the metatarsal
head should be preserved along with at least 1 cm of the proximal phalanx for ‘push off’. In this
case, a second toe transfer is best, but it is not as strong and stable as a hallux transfer.
The patient goes away to think about the options that you have offered but doesn’t like the sound of
any of them. He is a self-employed electrician and wants to go back to work soon. Whilst he did agree
to a long rehabilitation at the time of the replantation – at the behest of his family, he now realizes that
he just wants to get back to work as quickly as possible but needs to gain as much length as possible,
to improve his precision grips. He asks if there is there anything else you can offer?
Another alternative is phalangization. The principle of this is to deepen the web with local tissue transfer,
such as a Z-plasty or a dorsal rotational flap, to gain 1.5 cm of relative length. It is an option in those with at
least half of the proximal phalanx remaining, with pliable web skin and a mobile first CMCJ.
It involves the release of the first dorsal interosseus and transfer of adductor pollicis insertion, which
impacts on their mechanical advantage/power.
Despite it being a simple option, function is reduced compared to a reconstructed thumb and the web
looks unnatural.
However, as he is looking for length and improvement of his pinch grip, as opposed to his power grip
and cosmesis – this may be an option for him to consider if he accepts the downsides of the procedure.
How will you measure the outcome of any of these options, including replantation?
Apart from the viability of the replant, I will assess for subjective and objective measures, as well as patient
reported outcome measures.
What are the DASH, MHQ, and HADS scoring systems that you’ve referred to? And why did you
choose these tests in particular?
The DASH and MHQ systems – short for Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand, and Michigan Hand
Questionnaire – are the most frequently used patient reported outcome measures in hand surgery.
• The DASH questionnaire includes a 30-item scale relating to upper extremity function. These
scales have been validated in the evaluation of impairments, activity limitations, and participation
restriction to normal activities of daily living.
• The MHQ consists of 37 hand specific questions, divided into the following domains:
1. overall hand function,
2. activities of daily living,
3. pain,
Case 1.7 47
1. Bakhach JY, Ghanem OA. (2017) Phalangization of the First Metacarpal With Dorsal Rotational Flap
Coverage. In: Anh Tran T, Panthaki Z, Hoballah J, Thaller S. (eds) Operative Dictations in Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery. Springer, Cham.
Case 1.8
What are your general principles for managing a patient with a mangled hand? How would you apply
them here?
• As with all trauma patients, I will manage this patient as per ATLS principles.
• With regard to the mangled hand injury, this is a high energy complex condition that is usually
devastating for the patient and challenging to treat. It requires careful planning with a goal of
achieving maximum possible function whilst aiming for an ‘acceptable hand’.
• The first procedure is crucial and consists of:
– wound excision to:
establish the exact nature and extent of the injury,
create a definitive plan, and
minimize the risk of wound sepsis.
– I will not primarily repair soft tissue injuries unless there is a vascular injury, or undertake
any internal fixation of fractures at this point until I have good skin cover.
– I will then dress the wound, splint the hand in the position of function, and elevate with post-
operative IV antibiotics.
• I will discuss my proposed plan with the patient including:
– the planned procedures,
– the rehabilitation required,
– the possible complications, as well as
– the possible requirement for secondary procedures.
This will provide a realistic picture to be agreed with the patient – as well as a ‘road map’ for both myself
and the rest of the team.
• I will return to theatre in 24–48 hours, once the patient has agreed with the plan to:
– fix any fractures
– repair any nerve injury, and
48 DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-9
Case 1.8 49
– re-establish soft tissue cover such as with an ALT free flap, if possible, as I can use the deep
fascia to reconstruct the MCPJ capsules – which are at high risk of developing contractures
according to the photograph
• Once the patient has healed, with mature scars and recovery of passive range of motion, I will
address the extensor tendon repair with either:
– tendon rods or
– consider tendon transfers.
In addition, I expect the sagittal bands to be destroyed. These are important to maintain the central
position of the extensor tendon so would need reconstruction also, and I would do this by creating a
makeshift ‘pulley’ to centralize the tendon, similar to flexor tendon pulleys, using palmaris tendon if
available or toe extensors.
• This is followed by post-operative therapy, which is an essential component to achieve the best
function possible.
What do you mean by an ‘acceptable hand’?
• This concept was proposed to introduce the minimal goal to aim for – from a functional and
aesthetic point of view. I find it extremely useful to help me make difficult decisions and avoid
burning bridges that may be subsequently required.
It consists of a hand with a functioning thumb, three fingers with near normal length, near
normal sensation, and a near normal ROM of the PIPJs.
• For the thumb to be functioning, it must be stable, opposable and of adequate length – at least up
to the IPJ.
• At least two other digits are required for tripod pinch. They need adequate length and mobility
to reach the thumb.
• To achieve this objective, I would consider three issues:
1. the number of digits that may require reconstruction,
2. the position of these digits, and
3. aesthetic issues.
Please explain why you would aim for this. Why not aim for a hand with a thumb and four fingers?
Or at the other extreme, why not accept a thumb and an opposing digit?
• The historical surgical goal of a thumb and an opposing digit provides a weak pinch and minimal
grasping ability.
• A tripod pinch is presently considered by many to be the minimum requirement to provide a
satisfactory result, as:
– this provides a stronger pinch and dramatically improves the ability to grasp large objects, and
– in addition, by aiming to reconstruct three fingers and the thumb, this also provides a more
aesthetically pleasing hand.
• The decision to proceed to a four-digit reconstruction depends on the presence of at least one
digital remnant in the hand, as I have to consider the donor site morbidity – which is significant,
if two toes are sacrificed from the same foot.
What do you mean by the position of the digits?
• There is some debate regarding where toes and fingers should be ideally placed in a mutilated hand.
Some recommend placing the toes in the:
– middle position for fine pinching in the dominant hand and
– in the fourth or fifth rays in the non-dominant hand to produce a larger span.
• However, what is accepted, is that the most important issue regarding toe placement is the presence
and location of functioning joints of the hand, as transplanted toes rarely move.
For example, in a hand where the index, middle, and ring fingers have been mutilated, I would place
the toes at the position of the middle and ring fingers and remove the second ray to increase the webspace.
This is because index function is most expendable, and a true tip pinch would be produced – as
opposed to the more unstable mixed lateral pulp pinch, which would be potentially produced if
the toe is placed at the position of the index finger.
50 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Why are aesthetics important here? Surely only functional restoration should be aimed for in this
complex situation?
The hand, like the face, is a cosmetically sensitive area for many. My goal is to produce a hand that is going
to be used, and for this ‘functional cosmesis’ is essential – as there is evidence that the more natural looking
the hand, the more likely the patient will use it.
I will discuss options with the patient to achieve the normal fingers’ cascade – if possible, such as
amputation of potentially functionless fingers and transposition of metacarpals to close gaps.
You seem to be planning delayed reconstructions. Why not proceed with immediate reconstructions
with toe transfers?
There are two schools of thought regarding immediate or secondary reconstruction.
• Immediate reconstruction:
– avoids scarring, with easier tissue plane dissection as well that of recipient vessels such as
palmar arteries,
– avoids intermediate interventions to achieve closure, and
– allows the preservation of structures that would otherwise be sacrificed if the reconstruction
is delayed.
• On the other hand, secondary reconstruction does allow an intervening mourning period, setting
more realistic expectations and more opportunity to be involved in the consent process, with possible
improved patient satisfaction (as is seen with patients following delayed breast reconstruction).
• I would use either approach depending on the physical and mental state of the patient: if they are
physically optimized for a major procedure with good expectations, then I would proceed with
immediate reconstruction. If either are in doubt, then I would delay until they have been addressed.
You mentioned counselling the patient for potential secondary procedures. What would you anticipate
and warn your patient of in this situation?
Common sequelae of mutilated hands include:
• infection,
• prolonged swelling,
• intrinsic muscle scarring and contraction,
• sensory anomalies – from cold intolerance to numbness,
• CRPS, and
• the need for revisional procedures such as:
– neurolysis,
– tenolysis,
– tendon transfers,
– bone grafting for non-union, as well as
– correctional osteotomies for malunion.
1. Del Pinal F. Severe multilating injuries to the hand: guidelines for organizing the chaos. JPRAS.
Case 1.9
A patient with an open tibial fracture and degloving injury is transferred to your trauma centre as
the patient sustained this injury on holiday. The transferring team informs you that the skin initially
appeared viable during the primary excision so it was ‘sutured back’.
On inspection after transfer, you find that much of this tissue has now demarcated. How will you
manage this?
I will organize a return to theatre for a formal exploration under GA for excision of all devitalized tissue –
both the demarcated skin and any potential underlying devitalized soft tissue. Once I am satisfied with this,
then I will reconstruct this with either:
• a meshed split skin graft, dermal substitute – such as Matriderm – and overlying negative pressure
dressing if the bed is graftable, or with
• a flap if the bed is non-graftable.
Please tell me about degloving injuries, and how would you manage them acutely.
• These are high-energy tangential shearing injuries in a plane superficial to the deep fascia that
may be:
– uni- or multiplanar, and
– localized or circumferential.
• Uniplanar injuries sheer between the subcutaneous fat and the deep fascial plane.
• Multiplanar injuries cause disruption between and within the muscle groups, as well as between
muscle and bone – with avulsion of trans-muscular and intermuscular perforating vessels that
normally perfuse the skin.
• This leads to transection of perforating arteries and lymphatics that are traversing the fascial
layers, resulting in:
– a collection of blood, lymphatic fluid, and necrotic fat in the newly created potential space, and
– decreased perfusion of the overlying skin.
• I would manage this acutely as with any lower limb open fracture – with systematic assessment
of the skin and soft tissues from superficial to deep, and excision beyond the margin of viability.
Vein thrombosis is a classic sign of skin devascularization and a helpful guide.
52 DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-10
Case 1.9 53
• However, I am mindful that necrosis of degloved tissues may evolve over time, as has occurred
in this case. This is thought to be due to venous congestion and inflammatory cell infiltrate with
proinflammatory cytokines and free radicals causing further damage over time.
• On occasion, when the soft tissue damage is difficult to assess, such as in multiplanar injuries,
then I would bring the patient back for a second look within 24–48 hours, whilst still aiming for
any open fracture coverage within 72 hours where possible.
• These patients are not candidates for a ‘fix and flap’ scenario.
You mentioned the primary wound excision of open lower limb fractures. How would you perform that?
• The term excision was popularized by military surgeons to describe debridement of open lower
limb injuries.
• My objective is to produce a wound and fracture environment as close as possible to the local
conditions found in a closed fracture environment, and hopefully match the infection rates of
closed injuries.
• I will apply the following sequence along with my consultant orthopaedic colleague:
1. A social wash, where the limb is washed with a soapy solution and a tourniquet is applied
2. Limb prepping with alcoholic chlorhexidine, ensuring I avoid contact with the open wound,
as well as pooling under the tourniquet
3. Inflation of the tourniquet for the soft tissue debridement, to allow identification of key struc-
tures such as neurovascular bundles – especially in cases of extensive degloving
4. Wound extension along fasciotomy lines to visualize deeper structures, deliver bone ends,
and expose the full zone of injury
The blood supply to the subcutaneous fat is relatively vulnerable and the zone of fat necrosis
is often more extensive than that of the overlying skin.
5. Next, I will assess the tissues systematically in turn, layer by layer from superficial to deep,
and from the periphery to the centre of the wound. I will apply this compartment by compart-
ment – excising any non-viable tissue that I encounter.
Please continue
8. At this stage, the injury can be classified, and definitive joint reconstruction planned with my
senior orthopaedic colleague – unless it is a severe multiplanar degloving injury, in which
case I will bring the patient back in 24–48 hours if I am in any doubt as to the completeness
of the excision.
9. If definitive skeletal and soft tissue reconstruction is not to be undertaken in a single stage,
I will temporize the wound with then negative pressure wound therapy is used to temporize
the wound – along with an antibiotic bead pouch applied if there is segmental bone loss, until
definitive surgery is performed.
2. Joint_Infection.html?id=
4. McGowan SP, Fallahi AKM. (2022) Degloving Injuries. In: StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing,
Treasure Island, FL. Available from:
5. Prasarn ML, Helfet DL, Kloen P. Management of the mangled extremity. Strategies Trauma Limb
Reconstr. 2012;7(2):57–66.
Case 1.10
This diabetic elderly patient has been brought in by her nursing home with a longstanding ulcer on
the sole of her foot. She has just been transferred to them recently, and they are not sure how long she
has had it for. She is not sure either. It has been discharging ‘pus’ since she arrived there.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-11 55
56 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• Given the history of possible mental impairment – as she was not sure of her history, I will assess
her ability to consent by assessing her ability to understand, retain, and weigh the information
and communicate her thoughts. If I am concerned, then I will take all practicable steps to help
support this process by involving the trust’s independent mental health advocate as per the Mental
Capacity Act of 2005, as well as involving any persons she would like involved such as close
family members or friends, her GP, and establish if she has appointed a Power of Attorney or an
advanced directive concerning any future treatment.
• I will then exclude malignancy with numerous deep tissue biopsies.
• With regard to investigating for osteomyelitis, I will request a plain radiograph in the first instance,
as I expect signs to be present with a long-standing picture.
• I will also request standing X-rays of both feet to help diagnose a Charcot arthropathy.
• With regard to investigating for vascular insufficiency, I will first palpate for dorsalis pedis and
posterior tibial vessels – with the understanding that pulses may be palpable in the presence
of chronic vascular insufficiency due to the development of collateral circulation. So, I will
supplement my clinical findings with a duplex study to investigate this and look for loss of the
normal triphasic waveform indicating early vascular disease. ABPIs are not indicated in this
context as they are often falsely elevated in diabetics due to calcification in diabetic neuropathy.
1. peripheral neuropathy,
2. peripheral vascular disease, which may be macro- or microvascular, and/or
3. pressure points from a change in foot shape, e.g., a Charcot foot collapse.
They have a higher rate of developing osteomyelitis when infected, most probably due to the ischaemic
environment and the depressed immune response due to the glycosylation of white blood cells.
• With regard to peripheral neuropathy:
– autonomic nerve dysfunction affects the microcirculation of the skin – opening arteriovenous
shunts, and allowing blood to bypass the high-resistance vessels of the skin capillary bed.
This further decreases nutrient blood flow to the skin and compounds the ischaemic effect
of peripheral vascular disease.
– Motor neuropathy leads to:
gradual denervation of intrinsic muscles of the foot, and
resulting claw foot from MTPJ hyperextension, loss of transverse and longitudinal arches,
and metatarsal head prominence.
This causes a pressure effect, which is amplified by the loss of sensation.
Are you aware of the pathophysiology that causes the neuropathy in the first place?
Yes, there are several pathophysiological theories for axonal degeneration, but the most important is the
metabolic theory – where saturation of the glycolytic pathway shunts excess glucose into the alternative
polyol pathway, the end-products of which decrease membrane Na/K ATPase activity, impair axonal
transport, and cause structural breakdown of the nerve.
Please continue.
• With regard to peripheral vascular disease, this is four times more prevalent than peripheral
neuropathy and progresses more rapidly. The pathophysiology is thought to also be due to
advanced glycation end products causing:
1. up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines that play a role in the progression of atheroscle-
rosis, by creating a prothrombotic environment, platelet dysfunction, and plaque rupture, and
2. the promotion of oxidative stress by increasing the production of reactive oxygen species.
This leads to:
– endothelial dysfunction, and
– lipid peroxidation, which further up-regulates the expression of pro-inflammatory
Case 1.10 57
The distribution of vascular disease is also unique, classically affecting vessels distal to
the popliteal artery and sparing the pedal arteries. Therefore, it is amenable to distal bypass
to the dorsalis pedis or the peroneal or posterior tibial artery.
You’ve mentioned the microcirculation of the skin and AV shunts. Please tell me more about its
anatomy and normal regulation of this – in the absence of a neuropathy.
• The blood supply to the skin is almost 60 times its nutritive requirements and has a primarily
thermoregulatory function.
• The cutaneous microcirculatory anatomy is organized in two parallel plexuses with:
1. a superficial subepidermal plexus consisting of arterioles, venules, and capillary loops – located
in the superficial papillary dermis that is involved in oxygenation and nutritional exchange, and
2. a deeper plexus consisting of arterioles, venules with connecting AVAs – located at the junc-
tion between the reticular dermis and hypodermis that is involved in thermoregulation – as
blood flowing through AVAs bypass the capillary bed and allow heat to be dissipated.
AVAs are either densely innervated glomerular structures called indirect AVAs or much less
convoluted structures that are sparsely innervated structures called direct AVAs.
• Microcirculation is controlled by myogenic, humeral, neural, and temperature factors to maintain
a constant flow.
– The Bayliss myogenic theory states that increased intraluminal pressure results in constriction
and decreased intraluminal pressure results in dilation.
– Neural control acts by increasing arteriolar tone to decrease cutaneous blood flow, and
increasing precapillary sphincter tone to reduce blood to the capillary network. Decreased
AVA tone results in more non-nutritive blood flow bypassing the capillary bed.
Vasoconstriction is mediated by a sympathetic mechanism that includes co-transmitters
such as neuropeptide Y and ATP
Vasodilation is mediated by:
a cholinergic mechanism that includes co-transmitters such as Vasoactive Intestinal
Peptide and
axonal reflexes that mediate vasodilation through Calcitonin gene-related peptide
and Substance P.
– Humoral factors such as adrenaline/noradrenaline cause vasoconstriction. Vasodilation is
caused by cellular hypoxia with low oxygen saturation, high carbon dioxide, and acidosis.
– Lastly, high temperature produces cutaneous vasodilation and increased flow which bypasses
the capillary beds for thermoregulation.
Thank you – let’s go back to our patient with possible Charcot foot collapse. Please tell me about that.
• This is a progressive condition characterized by:
– joint dislocation,
– pathological fractures, and
– destruction of pedal architecture.
• It is thought to be due to:
– the loss of protective sensibility to the joint,
– increased osteoclast activity due to the changes in bone blood flow brought on by the
autonomic neuropathy, and
– glycosylation and consequent ligamentous laxity and collapse of the arches.
• Patients present with a warm swollen foot, which may be painless.
• Periosteal erosions may be seen before the development of fractures several weeks after foot
• After some months, during which bony resorption continues, the swelling and warmth begin to
• The midfoot is a common site of Charcot neuro-arthropathy, which can result in midfoot collapse
with a plantar bony prominence and ‘rocker’ foot.
• The aims of MDT management include:
– strict glycaemic control to be achieved by the diabetologist,
– any correctable vascular disease to be treated by the vascular surgeon,
58 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS(Plast)
You find that osteomyelitis of the midfoot is confirmed on bone biopsy – how will you proceed now?
This may be a limb-threatening condition and treatment is challenging.
In an elderly patient who is bedridden with other comorbidities, such as in this case, I would suggest a
more conservative approach, with surgical excision of the affected soft tissue, and management of the bony
infection with long-term culture-driven antibiotics until the MRI changes subside. This may be performed
under regional block if a GA is a concern.
Case 1.10 59
1. Yang SL, Zhu LY, Han R, Sun LL, Li JX, Dou JT. Pathophysiology of peripheral arterial disease in
diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes. 2017 Feb;9(2):133–140.
2. Gouveri E, Papanas N. Charcot osteoarthropathy in diabetes: a brief review with an emphasis on
clinical practice. World J Diabetes. 2011;2(5):59–65.
3. Cancelliere P. A review of the pathophysiology and clinical sequelae of diabetic polyneuropathy in
the feet. J Diabetes Metab Disord Control. 2016;3(2):21–24.
Case 1.11
60 DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-12
Case 1.11 61
How would you achieve this? Please describe your surgical technique.
• For the first stage:
1. As in the photograph, I will first expose the flexor sheath via Bruner incisions extending into
the palm, then excise the old tendon remnant, insert the silicone rod, and fix it to the distal
FDP stump.
2. This is followed by reconstruction of the A2 and A4 pulleys – if required, ensuring that the
implant glides smoothly and does not buckle with passive flexion. This can be achieved by
a variety of techniques, but I prefer a triple wrap of the phalanx deep to the extensor mecha-
nism, using the excised tendon remnant as a graft. This will save palmaris or other tendon
grafts for the second stage.
– I recognize that the ideal graft for reconstruction of the pulley system would have an
intrasynovial lining on the tendon gliding surface. So, my usual preference for pulley
reconstruction in circumstances – other than two-stage tendon repairs, is to use a graft from
the extensor retinaculum of the wrist as it is thinner than tendon grafts and offers an excellent
gliding surface. However in this case, I prefer to make use of tissue that will be discarded.
– Other techniques include using a portion of FDS or the contralateral palmaris – for a
reconstruction through (1) drilled phalangeal holes or (2) to the remnants of the destroyed
– I will ensure the pulleys are not too loose or too tight with radiographs of the digit on
extension and flexion at the end of the procedure: bowstringing of the rods would indicate
that the pulleys are too loose, and buckling of the rods would indicate that the pulleys
are too tight, and need revision.
3. Rehabilitation following the first stage ensures stable wound healing and maintenance of full
passive ROM of the joints.
• The second stage occurs 3–6 months later, and consists of:
1. rod replacement with a tendon graft via proximal and distal incisions, whilst ideally keeping
the pseudo sheath intact,
2. distal fixation of the graft via a bone anchor,
3. tensioning of the graft to obtain slight overcorrection of the normal cascade, and
4. proximal repair with a Pulvertaft weave in zone III if possible, or otherwise in zone V.
It is essential that the tension is correct to prevent a lumbrical plus finger if the tendon graft
is too long, or a quadriga effect if too short.
Please explain what you mean by a Lumbrical plus finger, as well as the quadriga effect that you have
• A lumbrical plus position is manifested by an intrinsic plus attitude where attempted flexion of
the finger causes paradoxical extension of the IPJs.
The pathophysiology is a contraction of a long FDP that is transmitted first through the
lumbrical muscle, then to the expansion hood of the extensor tendon and lateral band, causing
extension of the IPJs.
• The quadriga effect refers to a flexion lag in fingers adjacent to a finger with a shortened FDP
tendon, owing to a common muscle belly for the small, ring, and middle FDP, so excursion of the
combined tendons is equal to the shortest tendon.
What sized silicone rod would you use?
I will choose a size corresponding to the diameter of the FDP tendon, and that will pass freely through the
flexor sheath. Ultimately this will be replaced with a palmaris tendon graft – if present, which is thinner
than the original FDP.
What do you mean by patients ‘who are unsuitable for a primary tendon repair’?
These are patients with:
1. tendon retraction and shortening – as would be expected if the injury is more than 2 weeks old –
except in Leddy and Packer injuries type II and III,
62 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
What are Leddy and Packer injuries, and why would they affect the acceptable timeline for primary
This refers to a classification of closed FDP tendon avulsion injuries with five types described, based on
the level of the tendon end, and the presence of a fracture. The tendon is retracted into the palm in all types
except type II and III where they are caught in the pulley system at the level of the PIPJ and DIPJ respectively –
preventing the extent of retraction and shortening that would occur otherwise:
You mentioned contra-indications for a one-stage tendon reconstruction, what are these?
• an inadequate tendon sheath and pulley system
• an unstable bony skeleton, and
• inadequate skin coverage
• 25% of A2,
• 75% of A4, and
• 25% of both A2 and A4
How would you manage a patient who is unwilling to accept a two-stage reconstruction? What are the
alternatives for the patient, if they are unable or unwilling to accept this option?
Options include:
• doing nothing,
• an arthrodesis,
Case 1.11 63
Where would you obtain the tendon graft for in the second stage?
My options are the following: palmaris longus if present, or plantaris longus, or alternatively the extensor
tendons of the toes.
If plantaris is not clear clinically, then I would obtain a preoperative USS.
• start patients on a controlled mobilization programme one week after surgery – with passive
flexion and active extension;
• active ROM exercise is started at three weeks, and
• unprotected digital motion is allowed at six weeks.
64 DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-13
Case 1.12 65
You mentioned the cellular stress response in the aged. Please tell me about that.
Fibroblasts in the aged have a higher expression of stress response genes than those of the young, and they
fail to upregulate or proliferate under hypoxic conditions. In addition, TGF-Beta is less effective at inhibiting
the production of MMPs in aged cells.
How would you plan a buttock rotation flap if you needed to?
1. I will first plan the donor site in the area with the most skin laxity available.
2. Next, I will Doppler the IGAP or SGAP perforators that I will include in the flap.
3. I will triangulate the defect, with an ideal apex angle of 30 degrees – but ensure the triangulated
area is exaggerated to intentionally displace the scar further from the ischium to try and reduce
the risk of recurrence.
4. I will plan as big a flap as is possible with the radius of the semicircle at least equal to 3× the side
of the triangle, and a circumference at least 5–8× the side of the triangle. My pivot point is the
perforator cluster for either the IGAP or SGAP perforators.
5. Further advancement rotation can be gained with a back cut if needed, as this transfers the pivot
point towards the defect, with the understanding that it does decrease the blood supply to the flap.
Let’s change the scenario – how would you manage a medically fit patient with a temporary cause of
immobility – such as a head injury and deep structure exposure?
The intensivists tell you that the patient is optimized, and they are keen for you to operate to expedite
their rehabilitation.
This may be open to debate. There is no indication to rush to operate as I hope the wounds will heal as the
patient recovers and they start to mobilize. I will only intervene if the wound healing plateaus.
68 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
1. Huang C, Leavitt T, Bayer LR, Orgill DP. Effect of negative pressure wound therapy on wound
healing. Curr Prob Surg. 2014;51(7):301–331.
2. National Pressure Ulcers Advisory Panel. (2014). New 2014 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure
Ulcers: Clinical Practice Guideline.
3. Ahuja RB. Mechanics of movement for rotation flaps and a local flap template. Plast Reconstr Surg.
1989 Apr;83(4):733–737.
Case 1.13
What are Lefort fractures? Please draw the fracture lines for me on this skull illustrations below and
talk me through them.
Lefort described three classic patterns of maxillary fractures, which are a useful way to think of them, even
if real-life injuries result in a mixture of these patterns, which are frequently asymmetrical.
A Lefort I fracture separates the tooth-bearing maxilla from the midface and results in a clinically mobile
upper alveolus.
It extends from the pyriform aperture through the nasal septum, lateral nasal walls, and anterior maxillary
wall, then continues through the maxillary tuberosity and pterygoid plates.
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70 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
A Lefort II fracture is a pyramidal fracture that results in a mobile central midface. It extends through the
frontonasal junction along the medial orbital wall, usually passing through the inferior orbital rim at the
ZM suture and continues posteriorly through the tuberosity or pterygoid plates.
A Lefort III fracture is a craniofacial disjunction resulting in a completely mobile midface and lower orbit.
It extends through the frontonasal junction along the medial orbital wall and inferior orbital fissure and then
out through the lateral orbital wall.
The Emergency Room consultant calls you as there has been a major RTA involving multiple vehicles:
they are expecting a patient with a pan-facial fracture, who has had to be extricated from a car.
They inform you that your maxillofacial and ENT colleagues will manage the other more injured
passengers that have been extricated from the same car.
• The mechanism of injury leads me to presume the patient has a cervical spine injury – until proven
otherwise, particularly as there are more injured passengers in the same vehicle: so, I will immobilize
the C-spine until any injury is clinically and radiologically excluded, whilst managing the airway.
Case 1.13 71
You’ve mentioned a surgical airway – Please tell me what you mean by that.
The quickest method of obtaining a surgical airway is a cricothyroidotomy. Definitive airway management
may require a formal tracheostomy, but this should not be considered a first-line emergency procedure as it
is time consuming and may delay securing a definitive airway.
1. I will perform a transverse skin incision over the cricothyroid membrane and then through the
72 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
You arrive in the ER, and they have already completed the primary survey. What next?
• I will complete the secondary survey to identify any craniofacial trauma that was not identified
in the primary survey.
• I will take a focused history from the patient-if conscious or from witnesses, to elucidate:
– their past medical history with medication and allergies,
– confirm the mechanism of injury,
– the timing of it,
– any loss of consciousness, and
– any symptoms – specifically from the top of the head and working my way down.
• I will inspect and palpate for soft tissue and bony injuries starting on the scalp, paying particular
attention to injuries that may be obscured by hair.
• Moving down to the upper, middle, and lower face – I will look for:
– lacerations,
– a haematoma,
– contour deformities, and
– bony steps – specifically the contours of the orbit, nose, zygoma, and mandible, followed by
– assessment of the stability of the midface and mandible to clinically demonstrate fractures,
which may be indicated by new malocclusion or limited mouth opening.
midfacial instability is identified by holding the anterior maxilla between my thumb
and forefinger and applying gentle pressure and palpating for movement at the nose,
infraorbital rim, and ZF sutures
mandibular instability is identified by flexing the left and the right sides of the mandible.
– Loose or absent teeth may indicate dentoalveolar injury
– Rhinorrhoea may signal a possible base of skull fracture
• Next, I will perform a neurological assessment of the face – in a conscious patient to examine their
trigeminal and facial nerve function – and
• an ear examination to assess for gross hearing loss – in a conscious patient – and observe for other
indicators of a base of skull fracture such as:
– mastoid bruising,
– bleeding or otorrhea within the external auditory canal, or
– rupture of the tympanic membrane.
• I will perform an eye examination, with assessment of:
– subconjunctival haemorrhage, as an indication of midfacial fracture,
– position of the eye – with proptosis, enophthalmos, hypoglobus, and telecanthus indicating
possible periorbital fractures,
– pain,
– acuity,
– ocular mobility – specifically unilateral restriction of movement or diplopia as possible
indications for orbital floor fracture,
– pupil responses, and
– periocular structures (including the lids, ducts, and glands).
I will involve my ophthalmology colleague for further assessment if any globe injuries
are demonstrated.
• I will also ensure the patient has a trauma series with a CT head and facial bones specifically to
evaluate for any facial fractures.
The patient is intubated and the CT scan demonstrates a mandibular condylar neck fracture, a Lefort
II fracture, and a retrobulbar haemorrhage.
I will call my Ophthalmology colleague for support but in the meantime, I will perform an emergency
lateral canthotomy and cantholysis, which is a bedside release of the inferior crus of the lateral canthal
ligament to decompress the orbital nerve.
Mannitol and Acetazolamide may be used to support the surgical decompression.
• a transoral approach,
• a lower eyelid approach: which may be subciliary, midtarsal, as well as transconjunctival,
• an upper blepharoplasty approach to the lateral orbit and ZF suture, or
• a coronal flap approach.
You notice the patient has a persistent clear nasal discharge whilst you assess them. How do you
• I am concerned regarding CSF rhinorrhoea – especially if it doesn’t appear to clot or dry. This
may occur with a base of skull fracture with a dural tear.
• I will investigate this with:
– a Ring test at the bedside,
– a Beta transferrin test, and
– an MRI with contrast.
• I will involve my neurosurgical colleagues early, and specifically check the CT for involvement
of the anterior and posterior tables as well as a pneumocephalus, with the understanding that it
cannot exclude a nasofrontal ductal injury.
• The treatment algorithm is based on:
– involvement of the anterior and posterior table,
– confirmed presence of a CSF leak, and
– the likelihood of ductal obstruction.
• Minimally displaced fractures of the frontal sinus may be managed conservatively.
• Displaced anterior table fractures may be managed conservatively or have surgical intervention,
as this will primarily result in an aesthetic deformity with limited functional implications.
• Displaced posterior table fractures should be managed surgically in conjunction with a
neurosurgeon and may include cranialization of the sinus to prevent an intracranial mucocele.
C6 Axillary
C8 P
The brachial plexus is a nerve network with motor and sensory components that control the composite
function of the upper limb. It consists of spinal roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and terminal branches – with
named nerves arising from the roots, trunks, and cords but not the divisions.
As you can see in my diagram:
• The spinal roots most commonly arise from the C5-T1 dorsal and ventral rootlets between the
anterior and middle scalene muscles.
Occasionally, fibres are received from C4 and T2 – with a prefixed plexus including a
contribution from C4, and a postfixed plexus including a contribution from T2. The long thoracic
nerve arises very proximally from C5/6/7 nerve roots to supply serratus anterior, and the dorsal
scapular nerve from C5 root to supply the rhomboids.
• The superior, middle, and inferior trunks are formed from the upper two, middle and lower two
roots, respectively. These are located in the posterior triangle of the neck. The nerve to subclavius
and the suprascapular nerve (C5/6), which supplies the supra and infraspinatus muscles, both arise
from the superior trunk. The trunks then divide deep to the clavicle.
• The lateral cord is lateral to the axillary artery and consists of the anterior divisions of the superior
and middle trunks. The lateral pectoral nerve arises here and supplies pectoralis major.
• The medial cord is medial to the axillary artery and consists of the anterior division of the
lower trunk. The medial pectoral nerve, the medial brachial cutaneous nerve, and the medial
antebrachial cutaneous nerve arise here.
• The posterior cord is posterior to the axillary artery and consists of the posterior divisions of
all the trunks. The upper and lower subscapular nerves, and the thoracodorsal nerve-supplying
latissimus, arise here.
• The terminal branches consist of the musculocutaneous nerve which arises from the lateral cord,
the ulnar nerve arising from the medial cord, and the radial and axillary nerves from the posterior
cord. The median nerve has lateral and medial roots arising from the lateral and medial cords,
74 DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-15
Case 1.14 75
What is your general approach to a patient who presents with a brachial plexus injury?
• These patients require a multidisciplinary team long-term approach.
• Broad objectives include:
1. establishing a diagnosis,
2. creating a treatment plan,
3. controlling pain – which is often significant in patients with preganglionic injuries,
4. ensuring adequate therapy to maintain a passive ROM and prevent contracture, and
5. ensuring psychological and social support.
• In a patient who is stable from an ATLS point of view, the two points that are crucial to the
surgical strategy are:
– whether an injury is pre or post ganglionic, or a mixture of both, and
– the anatomical level of the injury.
• The three tools available to help me diagnose the injury are:
– clinical assessment, supported by
– radiology and
– neurophysiology.
However, the definitive extent and severity of the diagnosis of injury can only be established at surgical
76 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• Once the level and extent of the injury is established intraoperatively, a reconstructive plan is
made based on:
– the remaining intact nerves,
– the patient’s age, and
– comorbidities.
• Physiotherapy input is vital to maintain and optimize the passive range of joint motion both before
and after surgery.
• With regard to my clinical assessment, this consists of:
1. a focused history,
2. an examination structured along the ‘Look Feel Move’ system,
3. myotome and dermatome testing, and finally,
4. charting the sensory and motor exam – as graded per the MRC classification, using a number
of standard charts available to facilitate this.
• With regard to the history, I will determine:
– the time interval from injury,
– the mechanism of injury energy transfer, and associated injuries,
– the patient’s age, handedness, previous injuries, and level of pain,
– their occupation – if employed, and hobbies, and
– any comorbidities – if applicable, although most of this population are young and healthy.
• I will structure my examination according to the ‘Look Feel Move’ approach, and
• I will start by noting:
– how the limb is held or if it is entirely flail – which would denote a total palsy,
– any muscle atrophy – which won’t be present in the acute phase,
– the presence of Horner’s syndrome – which denotes a preganglionic injury,
– any bruising or swelling within the posterior triangle, and
– winging of the scapula – which indicates a proximal injury such as an avulsion injury.
• Next, I will:
– perform a sensory dermatomal exam: including touch, pain and 2-point discrimination, to
determine whether sensory loss is in a root, cord, or individual nerve distribution – followed by
– a Tinel-Hoffman test within the posterior triangle – with a positive test denoting a post-
ganglionic injury and a potentially better prognosis, since that lends itself to nerve grafting.
– Finally, I will palpate for the peripheral pulses and perform an Allen’s test.
• Key muscle tests whilst facing the patients’ back include testing for:
– Trapezius function (supplied by the spinal accessory nerve and C3,4) by asking the patient to
shrug their shoulders. This may be a donor nerve or future muscle transfer.
– Rhomboid function (supplied by the dorsal scapular nerve, C4,5) is tested by asking the patient
to push their shoulder blades together. Paralysis indicates a proximal injury such as root avulsion.
– Serratus anterior function (supplied by the long thoracic nerve, C5,6,7) is tested with the
classic ‘wall-press’ test.
However, if they are unable to lift their arm then I will ask the patient to push their
shoulder forward against resistance as an alternative.
Winging of the scapula points to a possible preganglionic lesion.
– Latissimus dorsi function (supplied by the thoracodorsal nerve, C6,7,8) is tested – by
supporting the patient’s arm in the flexed position and asking them to push down onto my
hand, whilst feeling for muscle contraction with the other hand.
Another way to test this in a patient with a paralysed arm is to palpate the muscle whilst
the patient coughs.
– Deltoid function (supplied by the axillary nerve, C5,6) is tested – by asking the patient to flex,
abduct and extend their shoulder to test the anterior, middle, and posterior parts.
• Standing from the front, I will test for:
– The clavicular and sternocostal heads of pectoralis major (supplied by the lateral and medial
pectoral nerves, respectively).
Clavicular head function (supplied by C5,6) is tested by asking the patient to touch their
contralateral shoulder and palpating for evidence of contraction. Atrophy or paralysis
may imply a lateral cord injury.
Case 1.14 77
Sternocostal head function (supplied by C7,8,T1) is tested by asking the patient to push
against their hip and palpating the axillary fold. Atrophy or paralysis may imply a medial
cord injury.
– Rotator cuff function with Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus (supplied by the suprascapular
nerve – C5,6), Teres minor (supplied by the axillary nerve C5,6) and Subscapularis (supplied
by the upper and lower subscapular nerves, C5,6,7):
Supraspinatus is tested by asking the patient to initiate abduction at the shoulder in the
scapular plane with the thumb pointing downwards.
Infraspinatus is tested by asking them to flex their elbows and externally rotate their
shoulder in adduction against resistance.
Teres minor is tested by again asking them to flex their elbows and externally rotate their
shoulder, this time in abduction.
Finally, Subscapularis is tested by asking them to bring their elbows forward whilst
pressing their abdomen. Wrist flexion on the affected side is a positive sign.
1. all high-energy neurological injuries – as their level and extent of injury can only be confirmed
2. those with a suspicion of avulsion injury,
3. iatrogenic injuries and sharp injuries, and
4. those with a low-velocity injury, such as a shoulder dislocation, in whom there is no clinical or
neurophysiological evidence of improvement after serial examinations.
It is rarely possible to restore complete function to the hand in a significant global plexus injury in adults.
You mentioned preganglionic injuries. What signs would point you to this?
These are clinical, radiological, and neurophysiologic signs– with
He has been stabilized, has had a chest drain, and an intramedullary nail to his femur. His perineal
wound has been temporized and a temporary colostomy performed.
In addition, you note the motor function of the rhomboids and serratus, but no other function present.
– Options for preganglionic injuries include nerve transfers. Typical transfers for upper plexus
injuries (to reanimate shoulder and elbow flexors) are:
the accessory to suprascapular nerve,
a radial triceps branch to the axillary, and
a double fascicular transfer for elbow flexion (which consists of transfer of a fascicle of
ulnar nerve to biceps and a median nerve fascicular transfer to brachialis).
Other sources of nerve transfer are intercostal nerves, usually used for transfer to the
musculocutaneous nerve. However, I would be wary of using these nerves in the presence of a
lung injury, phrenic nerve injury, and rib fractures.
If there is a single root intact (usually C5), then this can be used as a source for a graft. In the
presence of lower root avulsions, the ulnar nerve can be raised as a source of vascularized graft,
either free or pedicled.
Let’s consider another scenario: a young man is referred to you with a flail arm after coming off his
motorbike at speed a year ago. His initial injuries included a head injury which has been managed
You note Horner’s sign. In addition, you note the motor function of the rhomboids and serratus but
no other function present.
1. Menorca RM, Fussell TS, Elfar JC. Nerve physiology: mechanisms of injury and recovery. Hand Clin.
2. Burnett MG, Zager EL. Pathophysiology of peripheral nerve injury: a brief review. Neurosurg Focus.
2004 May 15;16(5):E1. doi: 10.3171/foc.2004.16.5.2. PMID: 15174821.
3. Romero-Ortega M. (2014) Peripheral Nerves, Anatomy and Physiology of. In: Jaeger D, Jung R. (eds)
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer, New York, NY.
Case 2.1
DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-17 83
84 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
What would you do if you are strongly concerned regarding a malignant differential, but the FNA
comes back as negative?
If I am concerned from a clinical or imaging point of view regarding malignancy, then I will discuss this in an
MDT setting and suggest a repeat biopsy or a core biopsy. There is no test that is 100% accurate, and FNA has
up to a 10% failure rate. This is why the multidisciplinary correlation of findings is of fundamental importance.
The core biopsy comes back as equivocal – how will you proceed?
• If both I or the MDT are still concerned, then I will request an ultrasound-guided biopsy of any
clinically or radiologically enlarged neck nodes.
• If that is also equivocal, and both I or my MDT colleagues are sufficiently concerned, then I will
suggest to the MDT that I proceed with a superficial parotidectomy with frozen section control in
the first instance. I will only continue with any subsequent operative steps, such as a possible total
parotidectomy and/or neck dissection, if the frozen section is positive for malignancy.
How would you manage the facial nerve – when would you resect it?
My indications for nerve resection are:
1. preoperative radiologically evident invasion of the nerve by tumour, or
2. intraoperative macroscopic nerve involvement.
Otherwise, I will plan for a nerve-sparing parotidectomy – be it superficial or total – and rely on
radiotherapy to treat any potential microinvasion, as well as ‘close tumour margins’.
I prefer to use a combination of the cartilaginous tragal pointer, and the tympanomastoid
suture. The tragal pointer is encountered first as it is more superficial. I expect to find the nerve
about 1.5 cm deep to this point; however, this is not entirely accurate as the cartilage is mobile,
so I supplement the approach with the tympanomastoid suture. This is a palpable ridge located
4–5 mm above the nerve – with the advantage of being fixed. Lastly, another option would be to
follow the posterior belly of digastric back to the styloid process, with the nerve located antero-
inferior to this.
• The retrograde approach consists of following any of the distal branches back to the main trunk.
The more easily identified branches are the buccal branches and the marginal mandibular nerve,
which may have more than one branch.
– The buccal branches are located alongside the parotid duct, which itself is located along
a line connecting the intertragal notch and a point midway between the upper lip and
alar base. Locating the duct may be aided by cannulation from inside the mouth, with
the orifice opposite the second upper molar, but this is rarely necessary except in trauma
– The marginal mandibular branch (or branches if more than one) is most easily found as it
runs superficial to the facial vessels just below or along the lower border of the mandible.
You mentioned nerve stimulators. Do you use one to locate the nerve?
• This is a controversial topic.
• I routinely use the stimulator in the instance of recurrent disease as I expect tissue planes to be
altered. With regard to primary cases, I would reserve the use of the stimulator if I were in any
This is because:
– there is a false positive and false negative risk with its use – although the figures for these
have not been quantified exactly in the literature, and
– there is no evidence to show that its use decreases facial nerve injuries.
However, I recognize that proponents cite the possibility of increased medicolegal
protection in the event of an injury, especially in other countries.
You see this man in clinic 6 months following a superficial parotidectomy and neck dissection, and he
mentions that he has developed copious ‘sweating’ from his cheek when he eats. He remembers you
mentioning this risk pre-operatively. How do you manage him?
• His symptoms are consistent with that of Frey’s syndrome, which is due to the aberrant regeneration
of severed parasympathetic fibres between the otic ganglion and the skin. I will treat this with
chemodenervation, which is successful in controlling symptoms in the vast majority of cases.
• In the rare event that it is not, surgical options consist of lipofilling, the interposition of dermal
grafts, or a superficial temporoparietal fascia transfer.
Let’s consider another scenario: the patient’s facial nerve is infiltrated on preoperative imaging and
is planned for a radical parotidectomy. How would you manage this?
• This patient will likely require adjuvant radiotherapy, so I will plan to offer concomitant
reanimation prior to this – to avoid the high risk of wound healing problems if I were to operate
in an irradiated field. In addition, my choice of reanimation should withstand radiotherapy, so I
personally prefer to avoid nerve-based options, although I appreciate that this is contested.
• My preference is to offer a Labbe temporalis myoplasty as it achieves immediate postoperative
movement – albeit with an initial ‘mandibular’ smile (where the patient must clench their teeth
to achieve this).
• However, I will warn the patient of the drawbacks, including:
– a less predictable excursion of movement,
– the need for rehabilitation to eventually transform an initial ‘mandibular’ smile to a ‘voluntary’
smile (without the need for teeth clenching), and
– the likelihood of some radiotherapy-induced fibrosis of the temporalis tendon, but this can
usually be managed with stretching as part of their facial therapy.
86 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
1. Guerreschi P, Labbe D. Lengthening temporalis myoplasty: a surgical tool for dynamic labial
commissure reanimation. Facial Plast Surg. 2015 Apr;31(2):123–127.
2. Kimata Y, Sakuraba M, Hishinuma S, Ebihara S, Hayashi R, Asakage T. Free vascularized nerve
grafting for immediate facial nerve reconstruction. Laryngoscope. 2005 Feb;115(2):331–336.
Case 2.2
This patient presented to the Head and Neck service with an ulcerative lesion on the lateral and
ventral aspect of his tongue that has been preoperatively staged as a T2 N1 M0 SCC. Your resective
maxillofacial colleague discusses resection and a neck dissection with him. How will you reconstruct
• In a patient who is fit for a free flap reconstruction, then I will opt for thin flaps to maximize the
functional result, such as:
– a RFFF if his modified Allen’s test is normal, as the tissue is very thin, or
– a thin ALT if he has adequate perforators – as it provides thin pliable tissue with a good
donor site.
• If he is not a candidate for a free flap, then I will discuss a pedicled pectoralis major transfer.
You mentioned a patient being a poor candidate for a free flap. What do you mean by that?
This refers to:
• severe patient comorbidity with unacceptably high risk of general anaesthestic and post-operative
• a coagulopathy which cannot be optimized preoperatively,
• severe peripheral vascular disease,
• the unavailability of donor sites, or
• the unavailability of adequate recipient vessels.
What are the disadvantages of a pectoralis major flap? Why isn’t this your first choice – and why
would you subject the patient to a potentially longer procedure with a free flap anyway?
A pedicled pectoralis major flap is not my first choice due to:
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88 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• In addition, it is important to save this flap as a ‘life-boat’ for possible future recurrences, as the
patient’s general medical health may deteriorate such that that they are no longer fit for a free flap.
With regard to surgical timing, a pedicled reconstruction is not quicker than a free flap as concurrent
raising of the pedicled flap is not possible during the resection – so in fact – the time taken to raise the flap
is at least equal to, or even longer, than the time taken for a routine micro-anastomosis.
However, the advantage is a lower risk of flap failure and consequent need for a return to theatre for flap
re-exploration, with its additional GA risks.
What about the use of a local submental flap? You didn’t mention that as a pedicled option.
No. This is not an option here, as it is not oncologically safe to do so.
What about the neck dissection – what are your indications for neck dissections in general?
The purpose of a neck dissection is to control regional spread, so each case is judged on an individual basis
and an MDT plan is made, but my general indications include:
The patient’s son comes with him to clinic. He has done some online research on the treatment of Head
and Neck SCC and asks about how HPV status affects the prognosis in head and neck SCC patients.
I will explain that the main protective effect occurs in oropharyngeal SCC (such as tonsillar and tongue base
tumours) with close to a 60% decrease in risk of death from oropharyngeal SCC in HPV positive patients
compared to their HPV negative counterparts. There is also a protective effect in oral cancer – as in this
patient – but to a lesser extent.
So how would this patient’s HPV status affect their treatment plan?
It won’t. The UK HN guidelines suggest that this should only be undertaken in clinical trials. There is
current research on the safety of titrating the treatment modality to prognosis, e.g., reducing the intensity
of radiotherapy regimes in HPV positive patients to decrease the morbidity of their treatment, in view of
their relatively good prognosis.
Tell me, what are other predisposing risk factors in oral SCC?
• Smoking and alcohol remain the most common risk factors.
• Less common factors include premalignant lesions such as erythroplakia and leukoplakia.
• Less common still, are inherited conditions such as Fanconi Anaemia and Li-Fraumeni syndromes.
The patient’s son has also read about SLNB and oral cancer. He asks whether his father can be offered
this treatment to avoid the morbidity of a neck dissection. How do you proceed?
• I will explain that this technique is not indicated in his father’s case for two reasons:
• It is only useful in a patient with a small primary and an N0 neck, as the purpose is to avoid a
neck dissection in the patient cohort who is unlikely to benefit from it (so for the 80% of patients
in the T1/T2 N0 cohort).
• In this case, his father already has nodal disease so he will need this treated with surgery or
Case 2.2 91
• In addition, he needs a free flap reconstruction, so an ‘access neck dissection’ would be required
anyway, even in the absence of clinical nodal disease.
You’ve mentioned the morbidity of a neck dissection. How will you counsel a patient due to undergo
• Specific risks depend on the type of the neck dissection, but assuming that I will counsel
the patient for a selective level I–III neck dissection as would be expected here, then I will
explain that the lymph glands need to be removed from the neck as there is evidence of
cancer spread.
• I will warn them regarding the risks of bleeding and infection, nerve injury to the spinal accessory
nerve, marginal mandibular and great auricular nerves most commonly affected, numbness of
the skin flap of the neck, as well as the risks of a seroma collection. Chyle leaks are rare with this
type of neck dissection but still possible.
You’ve mentioned the ‘type of neck dissection’. Please talk me through your understanding of neck
dissections in general.
• These are comprehensive or selective.
• Comprehensive neck dissections include:
– radical dissections, where levels I–V are resected as well as the IJV, SCM, and the accessory
– modified radical dissections, where levels I–V are resected, in addition to one or two of those
three additional structures, and
– an extended radical dissection, which includes resection of levels I–V, in addition to structures
such as the paratracheal or mediastinal nodes.
• Selective neck dissections include the resection of specific nodal levels according to characteristic
patterns of spread of various tumours, such as I–III for intraoral SCCs, or I–IV for laryngeal
Let us consider another scenario: how would you deal with a patient referred by their GP with a
palpable neck node but with an unknown primary?
• This patient is best seen in a dedicated ‘neck lump clinic’.
• Clinical examination will include:
– examination of the skin and scalp of the head and neck, and
– examination of the nose to the hypopharynx, including rigid and flexible endoscopy, by my
ENT colleague.
• Investigation includes:
– ultrasound guided histopathological investigation – preferably with a core biopsy rather than
an FNA,
– PET CT full body scan, and
– GA panendoscopy from the paranasal sinuses to the proximal oesophagus, as well as bilateral
• Treatment consists of:
– locoregional control with a modified radical neck dissection,
– adjuvant chemoradiotherapy for T0 N1 disease with extra capsular spread, or T0 N2/N3
disease, and
– a 5-year follow-up.
Why would you prefer a core biopsy in this instance rather than a FNA as a first-line biopsy?
• The clearer histological picture that can be obtained with a core biopsy is even more
important here than in other scenarios, as this may help determine the potential origin of
the primary.
• In addition, immunohistochemical techniques may be able to exclude certain sites.
92 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
1. De Bree R, de Keizer B, Civantos FJ, Takes RP, Rodrigo JP, Hernandez-Prera JC, Halmos GB, Rinaldo
A, Ferlito A. What is the role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of oral cancer in
2020? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2021 Sep;278(9):3181–3191. doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-06538-y.
Epub 2020 Dec 28. PMID: 33369691; PMCID: PMC8328894.
2. Tanaka TI, Alawi F. Human papilloma virus and oropharyngeal cancer. Dent Clin North Am. 2018
4. Mackenzie K, Watson M, Jankowska P, Bhide S, Simo R. Investigation and management of the
unknown primary with metastatic neck disease: United Kingdom national multidisciplinary
guidelines. J Laryngol Otol. 2016 May;130(S2):S170–S175.
Case 2.3
How would you proceed if this patient has a severe mental health illness which has necessitated periods
of inpatient admission at a mental health facility?
This raises two potential scenarios to address:
• The first is to establish if his illness affects his capacity to consent to the procedure.
If I am concerned regarding his ability to understand, retain, weigh the information, or
communicate his decision, then I will take all practical steps to help support the process by
involving the trust’s independent mental health advocate as per the Mental Capacity Act of 2005,
as well as involving any persons he would like involved such as close family members or friends,
or members of his mental health team/GP if they are well known to him, and establish if he has
appointed a Power of Attorney or an advanced directive concerning any future treatment.
• The second is to ensure his mental health illness is controlled enough to allow him to undergo a
long procedure with the associated physiological and emotional stress, or whether he needs further
urgent input from his psychiatric team to optimize this as much as possible, as well as optimising
his post-operative support structure – whilst ensuring that this does not delay his cancer treatment.
The head and neck specialist nurse will play a crucial role to coordinate liaison between the MDT,
the patient, the mental health team, and the GP to achieve this in a timely fashion.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-19 93
94 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
This patient is known to have a coagulopathy with two proximal DVTs in the last 2 years, and a more
recent PE 6 months ago. How would you reconstruct this defect?
• This is a challenging scenario:
– If his clotting profile cannot be optimized with the help of the haematologist, then a free flap
would have a high failure rate. In addition, it carries the risk of needing a further procedure
to salvage the flap, with additional GA time – further increasing his high risk of another
DVT and PE.
– So, I will consider an obturator plate and prosthesis – although I anticipate that it may be
challenging to achieve a good result as there is no lateral anchoring point for it, but my
colleagues in the prosthetic department may be able to achieve that.
– The alternative is a combination of local flaps such as a temporalis muscle flap and a
contralateral extended forehead flap, but I anticipate that it may be difficult to fully reconstruct
the defect using this option alone:
A pectoralis major myocutaneous flap is not a great option here as the limit of its reach
would be the very lower aspect of the defect – if that. It also has the tendency to be ‘pulled
back’ in the first few weeks post-operatively due to the weight and effect of gravity – with
the risk of future dehiscence if it is stretched to its maximum reach on the table – even if it
doesn’t appear to be under tension at that point. Again, it would be too high for a pedicled LD.
• I will warn the patient that they may be RIG-dependent post-operatively, if complete separation
of the oral cavity from the defect is not achieved.
The prosthetic department inform you that they will be able to create a prosthesis for this patient.
How will you counsel the patient regarding this?
• I will explain that a reconstruction carries a high risk of failure due to their comorbidities, but that
a prosthesis – like any option – brings its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
• The advantages include:
– a shorter intra-operative procedure and post-operative recovery period, which is particularly
important given their history of a PE and DVTs,
– the restoration of dentition, and
– the possibility for a very high aesthetic result.
– In addition, it may aid ongoing cancer surveillance as the tumour bed will remain in full view.
• However, disadvantages include:
– speech issues – with an expected degree of hypernasality,
– swallowing issues – with some nasal leakage,
– they will have to take care of their prosthesis and ensure it is clean,
– it may be uncomfortable, and
– it is likely that they will need readjustments.
Please tell me – how would you perform a level I-III selective neck dissection?
• A neck dissection is a procedure where the lymphofatty tissue is resected from around the
important structures to be preserved (very much like resecting Dupuytrens disease from around
the neurovascular structures or resecting parotid tissue off the facial nerve).
• So, in level I, I am mindful that the structures to protect are the marginal mandibular nerve, the
lingual nerve, and hypoglossal nerve along the mylohyoid floor.
Case 2.3 95
• In level II, the same applies to the spinal accessory nerve, and hypoglossal nerve – where it crosses
the external carotid artery.
• In level III, there are no specific nerves structures at risk apart from the vagus nerve when the
carotid sheath is stripped.
• There is also a risk of vascular injury in all levels.
• During the preoperative team brief, I would have requested that neuromuscular relaxants are
avoided after induction and discussed the tube positioning – such as a nasal tube in this patient.
I prefer a south-facing nasal tube to avoid the risk of alar rim pressure necrosis that may occur
with a north-facing tube.
• Once the patient is on the table, I will ensure supine patient positioning with a bolster under their
shoulders to allow adequate neck extension, with the head resting in a head ring and turned to
the contralateral side.
• I will then double check the nasal tube positioning, and that it is well padded – if north facing.
• There are numerous incisions described with the principles being:
1. the incision should allow adequate access to the required levels that are to be excised, and
2. to avoid long distally-based flaps, as this may affect their vascularity.
I use a proximally-based half visor flap starting at the mastoid and extending down to the
inferior aspect of level III – to expose level III adequately – and then extending back up to a
point 3 cm below the submental triangle (as extending it further anteriorly to the mandibular
border will result in a more noticeable scar in that area – that is unnecessary for access to level I).
• This is raised in the subplatysmal plane until the submandibular salivary gland is identified. I will
also identify the external jugular vein and great auricular nerve superficial to the SCM.
• Next, I will address level I:
1. Regarding protection of the marginal mandibular nerve, I will use two manoeuvres:
– The Hayes – Martin manoeuvre, where the facial vein is divided at the level of the lower
border of the submandibular gland and retracted superiorly. This protects the nerve as it
runs superficial to the facial vessels and the capsule of the gland.
– In addition, I will dissect the superficial leaf of the submandibular gland fascia and retract
it superiorly to protect the nerve further along its course.
– I do not make a point of purposefully visualising or dissecting the marginal mandibular
nerve to avoid a risk of neuropraxia.
2. Next, I will dissect the submandibular gland and lymphofatty tissue, and ask my assistant to
retract the free margin of mylohyoid to deliver the deep lobe of the gland.
Inferior traction of the gland will allow visualization of the submandibular duct and the
ganglion which links it to the lingual nerve. Once I see the lingual nerve, then I can safely
divide both the duct and the ganglion to deliver the whole specimen from this level. The
hypoglossal nerve is seen at the floor of the mylohyoid. The facial artery is either divided just
above the posterior belly of digastric or preserved – especially if a local flap is planned such
as a buccinator or FAAM flap, which won’t be the case here.
3. Next, I will unsheathe the SCM by dividing the fascia along its length and asking my assistant
to retract this medially with three artery clips. I will ask my assistant to also retract the SCM
laterally to visualize the carotid sheath, which I incise. I will sharply strip the specimen from
the IJV along its length – starting in level III – as injury to the IJV in this level is easier to
deal with than at the skull base in level II. I will ligate and divide tributaries of the IJV as
I go along. The posterior limit of the dissection is marked by the cutaneous branches of the
cervical plexus – which are preserved, and the inferior limit is the omohyoid.
I will then continue my dissection along the IJV up to level II until I encounter the
accessory nerve. This is superficial to the vein in just under 70% of people, deep to the vein
in about 30%, and runs through the vein in about 3% of people.
4. I will ensure I preserve the accessory nerve, then proceed to complete the dissection of level
II – off the deep muscles of the neck.
5. I will deliver the neck dissection specimen – which is marked and orientated with sutures.
6. I will complete the procedure by ensuring haemostasis – including a Valsalva manoeuvre,
and ensuring the specimen is marked on a specimen board.
7. At this point, I will dissect the chosen recipient vessels for the free flap transfer.
96 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Let us consider another scenario – this patient is fit for a free flap. The senior fellow is performing
the neck dissection, whilst you are raising the flap. They ask for your help as there is sudden copious
bleeding from level II where they have started the neck dissection, and they are unsure where it is
from. How would you manage this?
• I will let the anaesthetist know and obtain control by a mixture of pressure and suction in the first
instance to locate the source.
• Once identified, then I will use Satinsky clamps on either side of the injury and proceed to repair it.
If the injury is at the level of the skull base and I am unable to clamp the proximal side, then:
– I will let the anaesthetist know of my finding, and
– attempt to prevent an air embolism by asking for the patient’s head to be dropped and
clamping the distal end.
– I will then place the trainee’s finger on the ‘hole’ and ask them to apply pressure whilst I
ensure that the rest of the neck dissection is completed.
– Once I am satisfied with that, then I will plug the defect with the SCM.
• I will then check with the anaesthetist that it is safe to continue with the reconstruction.
2. Fagan J. Selective neck dissection. Open Access Atlas of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Operative
Surgery. (Excellent illustrated step-by-step guide through neck dissections for trainees). https://vula.
Case 2.4
This patient presents to the head and neck clinic after relocating from another geographical area. He
had resection of an intraoral tumour and adjuvant radiotherapy 6 years ago.
What is ORN?
• Osteoradionecrosis is a slow-healing radiation-induced ischaemic necrosis of bone with associated
soft tissue necrosis of variable extent, which occurs in the absence of local primary tumour
necrosis or recurrence of metastatic disease.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429399268-20 97
98 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• It occurs in up to 10% of irradiated head and neck cancer patients, and usually develops
6–12 months following radiation, but it may develop spontaneously at any point.
• There are several theories regarding the pathophysiological process, the summary of which includes:
1. The development of endarteritis obliterans-induced ischaemia, with
– endothelial, osteoclast, and osteoblast cellular damage that is either:
from direct damage by radiation, and/or
from indirect damage by reactive oxygen species and free radicals produced by
injured endothelial cells.
– These trigger an acute inflammatory response which generates a further release of free
radicals resulting in further destruction of endothelial cells and vascular thrombosis.
2. The damaged osteocytes and osteoblasts may survive until they attempt to divide when
mitotic death occurs – which may be months or years post radiotherapy – or it may never
divide unless stimulated by trauma.
3. Therefore, there is a slow loss of bone cells after radiotherapy, with a consequent slowing
down of the remodelling process, which leads to the risk of bone necrosis.
• Predisposing factors include:
– tumour size and location,
– radiation dose,
– local trauma such as surgery or dental extractions,
– infection,
– immune defects,
– malnutrition, and
– decayed teeth.
The investigations exclude a recurrence and confirm ORN of the mandible. Now what?
• The patient will require segmental resection of the affected areas, with a free fibula and skin
paddle reconstruction if the patient is fit for this.
• If the patient is not suitable for a bony reconstruction, then a large soft tissue reconstruction such as
an ALT is an acceptable option, or a myocutaneous pectoralis major if they are unfit for a free flap.
You proceed with a fibula reconstruction. How would you plan the reconstruction of a significant
mucosal ulceration as well as the skin fistula?
• Both the mucosal and skin defect can be managed with:
– one skin paddle (with de-epithelialization of the intermittent skin bridge), or
– two paddles if two adequate perforators are present.
Case 2.4 99
• The alternative is the use of soleus for the intraoral segment, with a backup plan for an additional
free flap, if adequate perforators are lacking, such as a RFFF or a thin ALT.
What about the theory of using ipsilateral free fibula flaps for intraoral soft tissue reconstruction
and the contralateral side for extraoral soft tissue reconstruction? Would you use an ipsilateral or
contralateral fibula in this case?
• That is a mostly historical concern:
– If the septum is sufficiently mobile, it doesn’t matter as the soft tissue paddle can be rotated
intraorally or extra orally.
– If it isn’t, then a large enough skin paddle can be taken to allow proper positioning, and the
flap can be inset with the proximal end inset medially or laterally to allow for intraoral or
contralateral reconstruction.
• In practice I choose the side of the fibula donor site based on the results of the preoperative
CTA. If both are equal, and the signal of both perforators are equally good, then I choose the
contralateral side to allow for more physical space in the operating room for both my team and
that of the resective surgeon.
You mentioned a preoperative CTA. Why do you use this? Why not simply rely on palpable pedal
There is some debate regarding preoperative imaging, especially in young healthy adults. However, I find a
preoperative CTA useful as it allows me to:
1. exclude a peronea magna artery – thought to occur in 5% of people – where the peroneal artery
is the dominant blood supply to the leg and foot,
2. exclude subclinical chronic peripheral vascular disease – which may be tipped into acute ischaemia
by removing a feeding vessel. It is possible to have palpable pulses in the presence of chronic
vascular impairment due to collateral circulation. I am aware that some have tried to elucidate
this clinically with a pedal modified Allen test (where the anterior tibial artery is occluded when
feeling for the posterior tibial vessel and vice versa), but this has not been shown to be accurate
or reliable.
3. Lastly, it is also useful to see the level of vessel branching and consequent length of the pedicle –
which is particularly important in larger reconstructions (and consequently shorter pedicles), as
well as the quality and diameter of the peroneal vessels on both sides.
Are you familiar with the CAD/CAM planning system for bony reconstructions? What are your
thoughts on this?
• This refers to the integration of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM) to create patient-specific cutting jigs using 3D reconstructions of fine cut CTs of the
patients’ mandible and fibula – with the following advantages:
– more accurate mandibular and fibular osteotomies – both with regard to the exact position as
well as the ideal angle, and
– reduced operative time, especially for patients requiring multiple osteotomies to contour the
• However, the technique does have disadvantages, such as:
– the inability to allow for potential tumour growth between the time of planning and the day
of surgery,
– the inability to take the skin perforator anatomy into consideration, which may affect the
osteotomy level, and
– a 10–14 day turnover to create the jig, so it is not suitable for patients who need expedited
How do you raise an osteocutaneous free fibula flap ‘free-hand’, without a CAD/CAM system?
• I will position the patient supine with an uninflated high thigh tourniquet, a jelly pad under the
buttock, and a padded bar as a foot support – allowing hip and knee flexion.
100 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• I will then mark the flap by drawing a line from the head of the fibula to the lateral malleolus,
with the proximal and distal osteotomy levels at 6 cm from either anatomical point, to protect the
common peroneal nerve and the ankle syndesmosis respectively.
• Next, I will confirm the location of the Doppler perforator signals along the peroneal intermuscular
septum, which is made more apparent by flexing the knee and hip to allow the muscle to fall away
due to gravity.
• The incision is made along the anterior skin paddle mark and continued just beyond the bony
resection levels. I will then visually confirm the position and quality of the chosen perforator(s).
This allows me to move the position of the skin paddle proximally or distally if the true perforator
location does not correspond to the Doppler signal.
• The aim of the procedure is to dissect the muscles off the fibula in a 360-degree fashion moving
through the lateral compartment ensuring I preserve the superficial peroneal nerve, then the
anterior, and posterior compartments – whilst leaving a 2 mm cuff of bone or less – to minimize
donor site morbidity.
• Once I incise the anterior intermuscular septum, then I will place a rib elevator around the bone
to allow a safe osteotomy without endangering the pedicle, starting with the distal osteotomy to
allow the more critical proximal osteotomy to be performed under less tension. There is historical
controversy regarding the resection of a bony segment or the creation of osteotomies at angles
to allow easy removal of the bone, but there is no evidence for the need for either, so I prefer to
simply create 90-degree osteotomies.
• The osteotomies allow the bone to be rotated to continue the dissection and expose the interosseous
membrane which is then incised.
• I will slow down at this point until I identify the pedicle distally and ligate it, then follow it
proximally whilst continuing the muscular dissection.
• I will only complete the posterior skin incision once the required size and shape of the soft tissue
paddle are confirmed following the resection.
Why not simply accept routine tracheostomies for all patients or routine overnight ventilation until
the swelling subsides?
• Tracheostomies – whilst essential to secure the airway in some – also carry risks such as:
– blockage and displacement of the cannula,
– failure to decannulate,
– increased risk of pneumonia,
– the risk of cross-contamination of the neck incision with dehiscence, infection, and fistulation –
be it tracheoinnominate, tracheo-oesophageal, or tracheocutaneous, and
– there is evidence that it is associated with increased patient hospital stays.
• Routine overnight ventilation of this patient group also carries the risks associated with prolonged
intubation and sedation – especially in elderly patients – who frequently have cardio-respiratory
morbidity, with complications including:
– increased cardiovascular instability requiring inotropic support,
– agitation, and
– prolonged ICU stay.
• Therefore, there is a need to avoid unnecessary tracheostomies as well as protracted intubation.
So, how do you preoperatively identify those who will require an elective tracheostomy?
There are patient and surgical factors:
• Patient factors include:
– significant obesity,
– hypoventilation syndrome or severe sleep apnoea,
– likely poor cough, or
– increased aspiration risk
Previously, the use of CPAP masks risked compression of the pedicle or flap, but there are now alternative
devices such as OPTIFLOW which can support such patients post-operatively.
• Surgical factors include:
– large tumours – particularly close to the midline and posterior,
– significant involvement of the tongue – especially posteriorly,
– bulky reconstructions,
– bilateral neck dissections,
– previous radiotherapy, and
– anticipated prolonged surgery with increased fluid requirements or blood loss.
You reassess him at the end of the procedure, and you decide to opt for a tracheostomy. Please describe
how you will perform that.
• As part of the preoperative team brief, I would have requested for:
– a tracheostomy set to be available, along with a cricoid hook, suction, and bone nibblers in
case the cartilage is severely calcified, as well as
– a cuffed non-fenestrated tube with an introducer and inner tube – size 7 in women and size
8 in men.
• I would have preplanned the skin marking by ensuring the neck incision does not communicate
with this to avoid cross contamination of the neck wound – even if the chance of performing a
tracheostomy was preoperatively deemed to be low – as in this case.
• The anaesthetist will be aware of the decision as they are part of the decision making ‘pause’.
• I will re-confirm the appropriate size of the cuffed tube with the anaesthetist based on their ET
tube size and will test the cuff for any leaks at this point.
• Important principles for a safe tracheostomy include:
1. ensuring strict haemostasis at each tissue plane,
2. ensuring my assistant understands that they have a crucial role by pulling equally on the
lateral and medial retractors to prevent me being diverted off the trachea, and
102 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
ensuring I palpate the trachea between my thumb and index at each tissue plane to avoid
veering off the trachea. This is especially important in a patient with a particularly fat neck
or with a trachea that is not central.
• With regard to the procedure itself, this involves:
– a horizontal skin incision overlying the third tracheal ring, and dissection of the subcutaneous fat,
– vertical division of the plane between the strap muscles, and lateral retraction of these.
– The thyroid isthmus is then retracted superiorly to expose the trachea. If this is not possible,
I will use diathermy dissection through the isthmus.
– I will then ligate the thyroid ima artery and inferior thyroid veins.
– Once the cricoid is identified, I will expose the third ring, and then
– warn the anaesthetist that I am about to create the tracheostomy.
– I will create a defect in the third ring – just over 1 cm in diameter and ask the anaesthetist to
retract the tube to allow me to introduce the tracheostomy tube – then swap the introducer
for the inner tube.
– I will then inflate the cuff with 10 cm of air and connect the tube to the anaesthetic tubing
and ask the anaesthetist to confirm a CO2 trace.
– I will then secure the tube using a 4/0 silk and divide the gap in the phalange that is
used for the tracheostomy tape, to discourage the nursing team from using it as that may
compress the free flap pedicle in the neck. I will then place a U-shaped tracheostomy
sponge to protect the underlying skin from compression from the plastic phalange as well as
tracheostomy secretions.
How will you instruct your team to take care of the tracheostomy?
It is important to ensure:
1. protection of the skin from maceration and excoriation with daily inspection and dressing changes,
and the use of Duoderm or Cavilon if there are severe secretions,
2. regular suction to manage increased secretions,
3. identification and prevention of tube blockage with 4 hourly inner tube inspections and saline
nebulizer humidification, and
4. protection of the neck incision from tracheostomy secretions to prevent neck wound cross
contamination, maceration, and breakdown.
4. Lastly, a decannulation cap is placed – again with cuff deflation to allow airflow. The
tracheostomy tube is blocked off – again for at least 4 hours, but better still for the day,
before the tube is removed.
Let’s change the scenario – How would you manage post-operative intraoral dehiscence of the flap?
• I would have pre-warned the patient regarding the high risk of slow healing in the context of
osteoradionecrosis and poor quality of surrounding tissues, and I would manage this expectantly:
– I will continue with nasogastric feeding for 2 weeks to prevent contamination and infection
of the neck by intraoral contents, then
– Proceed to Radiologically Inserted Gastrostomy (RIG) feeding to allow long-term feeding –
if he hasn’t healed by then – as keeping it in situ for longer than 2 weeks may risk nasal
ulceration at home.
– I will supplement this with Hyoscine patches to keep his mouth dry and decrease saliva
tracking in the neck.
It is now 6 weeks down the line, and the intraoral component is still healing very slowly. What about
trying hyperbaric oxygen therapy?
• HBO therapy is controversial as there is no strong evidence to support this, and there are few
centres in the United Kingdom to refer to.
• A few small studies have shown an increase in capillary angiogenesis, proliferation of fibroblasts,
and collagen synthesis due to an increase in oxygen tension in hypoxic tissue. Despite the limited
evidence, I will still consider referring him to a centre if there is one nearby, and the patient is
willing to try this. They will assess him for his suitability, and contraindications – such as COPD/
asthma, amongst many others.
• If not, I will hold fire and continue with RIG feeding.
• We have the luxury of more time as there is an absence of a ‘post-operative wound healing clock’
in this instance, as opposed to a situation where complete healing is required by the time adjuvant
radiotherapy is due 6 weeks later.
• So, whilst this is a significant issue from the patient quality of life point of view, post-operative
healing can take a little longer without affecting their oncological prognosis, as long as their
nutrition is being supported.
1. Marx RE. Osteoradionecrosis: a new concept of its pathophysiology. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
2. Fujita M, Harada K, Masaki N, Shimizutani K, Kim SW, Fujita N, Sakurai K, Fuchihata H, Inoue T,
Kozuka T. MR imaging of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible following radiotherapy for head and
neck cancers. Nippon Acta Radiol. 1991;51:892–900.
3. Minn H, Aitasalo K, Happonen R-P. Detection of cancer recurrence in irradiated mandible using
positron emission tomography. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 1993;250:312–315.
4. Chrcanovic BR, Reher P, Sousa AA, Harris M. Osteoradionecrosis of the jaws—a current overview—
part 1. Oral and Maxillofac Surg. 2010;14(1):3–16.
5. Coyle MJ, Tyrrell R, Godden A, Hughes CW, Perkins C, Thomas S, Godden D. Replacing tracheostomy
with overnight intubation to manage the airway in head and neck oncology patients: towards an
improved recovery. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;51:493–496.
Case 2.5
This is an intraoperative photograph of a patient who has had a laryngectomy for radio-recurrent
disease. He now requires a tubular pharyngeal reconstruction. To help orientate you, the distal end
of the pharynx is marked with stay sutures and artery clips.
How would you achieve these aims with your reconstruction through tissue selection and flap design?
• My preference is to use:
– a thin ALT free flap,
– the alternative is a free radial forearm flap – if the forearm donor area is adequate, or
– a free jejunum, but the need for this is now uncommon.
• I prefer the ALT as:
– It allows a two-layer waterproofing reconstruction.
– It produces a less wet voice reconstruction than the free jejunum.
– It is more tolerant to longer ischaemia in the case of unexpected difficulty with the micro
– In addition, if more than one perforator is present, it allows concomitant reconstruction of the
external skin – if required, avoiding the need for two flaps in that scenario.
• I prefer to use a trapezoidal shaped ALT with a flap width of 10 cm, to match the diameter of the
native cervical oesophagus of 3 cm. This achieves:
– an oblique opening at the proximal end of the flap to match the enlarged opening at the base
of the tongue, and
– a distal triangular dart of ALT flap which will be inserted in a myotomy slit in the distal
pharynx to reduce ring strictures at the distal end.
However I accept that many other shapes have been described with no evidence of the superiority of
any particular one.
• To help minimize a leak, I use a Montgomery salivary bypass tube and inset ‘around it’ in two
layers with an additional waterproofing fascial layer:
– The first layer consists of suturing the skin edges to the mucosal defect edges with simple
interrupted 3.0 vicryl, with care taken to evert the skin against the mucosa, keeping the knots
in the lumen.
– The second layer consists of a continuous suture to ensure there are no gaps.
– The longitudinal anterolateral thigh seam is placed posteriorly along the prevertebral area
to contain leaks, prevent vascular compression, and position the vessels anteriorly for
microvascular anastomosis.
– The flap fascia is then wrapped around the tubed flap to reinforce the suture lines.
The salivary tube is left in place until the first swallow test excludes a leak, usually at 10–14 days post
You mentioned concomitant reconstruction of the external neck skin. What considerations are
important during the inset of this?
It is important to consider the contour of the donor site as a bulky flap can cause problems such as:
• compression of the pedicle,
• problems achieving direct wound closure, especially as the post-radiotherapy neck skin is
frequently fibrosed and immobile, and
• possible obstruction of the tracheostomy stoma.
Your ENT resective colleague anticipates they will achieve pharyngeal closure in a radiorecurrent
patient. Do you need to still get involved?
• Yes, I do: direct pharyngeal closure in radio-recurrent patients is associated with a higher rate of
fistula formation, so I will reinforce the pharyngeal closure with an onlay flap to ‘vascularize’ the
closure layer. This has been shown to reduce the fistula formation.
• My preference is to use a Gracilis free flap in this case, as:
– the donor site is cheap,
– it is not overly bulky, and
– the muscle conforms well to the dead space and helps to contain any small leaks.
• But, disadvantages include a smaller calibre pedicle vessel than an ALT or RFFF.
However, I accept that any other flap is suitable, as the point is to provide an onlay vascularized layer.
When you first meet this patient in clinic, they have a BMI of 16. How would this alter your
• This patient is severely malnourished and is at risk of increased complications, such as:
– poor wound healing (which is even more pertinent, given that this is radiorecurrent disease
so healing will already have been affected),
– infection, and
– intraoperative complications such as:
hypothermia, and
increased risk to pressure points, and compression-induced neurapraxias.
106 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Tell me about refeeding syndrome. Why do you need to identify the risk for this?
• This is a potentially fatal metabolic syndrome with shifts in electrolytes, particularly
hypophosphatemia amongst others that may occur in patients who receive artificial feeding. This
is often unrecognized unless one is on the lookout for it.
• The pathophysiology is due to starvation-induced intracellular loss of phosphate because protein
and fat catabolism has occurred rather than carbohydrate metabolism, which can result in
rhabdomyolysis, cardiac dysfunction, and death.
• At risk patients include those with a:
– BMI less than 18.5% (especially less than 16),
– weight loss of more than 10% in the last 6 months,
– little or no nutritional intake in the last 5 days,
– low levels of serum K/P04/Mg, and
– a history of alcohol misuse, diabetes and chemotherapy compounding that risk.
• Management consists of slow refeeding with thiamine treatment, and careful rehydration guided
by a nutritional team.
You mentioned a frailty assessment. What do you mean by frailty in this context? Please tell me more
about this, and why you would specifically assess for this in Head and Neck cancer patients.
• Frailty is a physiologic state in which patients have a decreased ability to recover normal function
after a stressful event, such as major surgery – with increasing evidence that this is a predictor of
post-operative outcomes in major surgery, including head and neck reconstruction.
• It is thought to reflect physiological age, which is a concept that is gaining traction as being more
important than chronological age when treating our increasingly elderly population.
• There are two concepts of frailty models: a physical phenotype and cumulative deficit model.
– The physical phenotype measures physical strength and daily activity, such as the Rockwood
score or the Fried score.
These are very useful screening tools to recognize those who need more detailed
assessment and preoperative optimization.
Case 2.5 107
– The cumulative deficit model, such as the American College of Surgeons modified frailty
index, is validated in head and neck cancer patients but is more time consuming and detailed.
This is useful to use in patients highlighted by the Rockwood score as ‘at risk’.
How would you manage a leak?
• I will manage an early post-operative leak by requesting the patient remains Nil by Mouth with
continued NG patient feeding for a further 2 weeks before checking if the leak has healed with a
barium swallow test.
• I will consider inserting a salivary bypass tube if one was not placed at the time of surgery.
I expect a leak to settle within 4 weeks, to allow radiotherapy 6 weeks postoperatively – if required
(unless the tumour is radiorecurrent, as in this case, in which case adjuvant radiotherapy is not required).
This patient presents with a paratracheal pharyngocutaneous fistula a year later and you plan for
a reconstruction, but you suspect there are no longer any adequate recipient neck vessels following
severe radiotherapy damage. How will you manage this?
• This is a challenging scenario.
• I prefer to save a pectoralis major flap reconstruction as a ‘life-boat’ for situations where a patient
is no longer fit for a free flap, as:
– they may develop recurrences or future complications that may require further reconstructions.
– In addition, this bulky pedicled flap may render the parastomal inset more problematic than
a thin flap.
• So, if they are still fit enough to undergo free tissue transfer, and this is just a question of a vessel
depleted neck, then my preferred option is to use the IMA vessels as recipients, which necessitates
a flap with a long pedicle such as a serratus anterior flap. This is my ideal choice as it also provides:
– a thin flap, to prevent parastomal obstructive problems,
– and muscle, which I prefer in this instance, especially if there is radiation damage affecting
the surrounding skin for inset:
As it swells to encourage wound edge contact with the skin that may be friable with poor
wound healing potential, as well as filling the tract itself.
In addition, the contour will improve further as it undergoes muscle atrophy once healing
is achieved.
• I will plan for initial exploration of both sides of the neck prior to flap raising to ensure there are
no neck options:
– If the neck is indeed vessel depleted, then I will dissect the IMA vessels.
– Once I am satisfied of the adequacy of recipient vessels, then I will raise the flap.
– If not, then I will proceed with a pectoralis major pedicled flap as a last option.
How would you manage a suspected chyle leak?
• Chyle leaks management is based on their flow rate, be it low or high flow.
• I would suspect a chyle leak if milky drainage fluid is present and confirm this by sending a
sample for the presence of chylomicrons whilst ensuring initial management is not delayed while
the result is pending.
• A low-flow chyle leak (<1 l/day) is managed with a fat-free diet and Octreotide – which has been
shown to decrease the chyle leak persistence by 5 days compared to fat-free diet alone.
• If a high-output leak occurs (>1 l/day), then expeditious surgical treatment is required – preferably
with endoscopic clipping of the thoracic duct by my thoracic surgery colleagues to avoid a further
neck exploration. If that is not available in my centre, then an open technique will be required –
with early exploration before the formation of a proteinaceous capsule:
– Here, I will identify the leak with NG administration of olive oil on induction. This will allow
thoracic duct flow 20 minutes later.
– I will oversee the area of the leak, then apply a fibrin sealant such as Tisseel,
– followed by transposition and oversewing of the sternal head of SCM.
This is followed with a post-operative fat-free diet and Octreotide regime for 5 post-
operative days.
108 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Tell me – how is voice normally produced, and how would you re-establish voice for this patient?
• In a patient with an intact larynx, the vocal cords enable sound to be produced as they are
approximated during exhalation. The mucosal wave of the vocal folds produces a sound that can
be varied in pitch and volume. This sound is then manipulated by the upper aerodigestive tract
to create voice.
• The larynx is lost in this patient, but there are several ways to re-establish voice:
– The most common is via a tracheo-oesophageal puncture and speaking valve:
Here, air is redirected into the pharynx via the iatrogenic fistula and vibrates the tissues
in the reconstructed pharynx to produce sound, which is then manipulated into voice by
the upper aerodigestive tract as per normal.
If a pharyngeal reconstruction has been used, the tracheo-oesophageal fistula is
performed as a ‘secondary puncture’. This is where the fistula and insertion of speech
valve is delayed for 4–6 weeks to allow for tissue healing.
– Another option is an electrolarynx – reserved for those who can’t get on with the speaking
valve, or whilst waiting for valve placement. This has a vibrating head and generates sound
as it is held against the neck.
– Lastly, oesophageal speech can also be used, where patients learn to swallow air into the
oesophagus and push it back during expiration to produce speech, but this has been superseded
by the other two methods as many patients find this difficult to learn.
What are the long-term consequences of a laryngectomy that you and the patient need to be aware of?
• Apart from the psychological aspect and change in neck appearance,
1. They will require voice rehabilitation as the larynx is crucial to natural voice production.
2. The stoma bypasses the function of the upper aerodigestive tract in providing moist warm
air for the lungs.
3. They will lose the ability to Valsalva, necessary to fix their core and strain.
4. Their sense of smell will be compromised as they cannot inhale through their noses to deliver
odours to the olfactory epithelium.
5. They are at risk of stoma obstruction and aspiration of secretions.
6. They will be registered as ‘neck-breathers’ with the local ambulance service, as well as their
electricity company as any power cut may be life-threatening if they need the suctioning device.
• In order to manage these changes, they must:
1. learn to use a speech valve (if one is in place) or an alternative such as an electrolarynx,
2. meticulously clean the stoma twice a day and remove any crusting,
3. use external humidification and suctioning, as well as showering bibs,
4. prevent constipation with regular medication and appropriate diet, and
5. arrange for smoke alarms to be fitted and to be careful with use-by-dates on food products
as they lose their sense of smell.
1. Mehanna HM, Moledina JM, Travis J. Refeeding syndrome: what it is, and how to prevent and treat
it. BMJ. 2008;336(7659):1495–1498.
2. Talwar B, Donnelly R, Skelly R, Donaldson M. Nutritional management in head and neck cancer:
United Kingdom national multidisciplinary guidelines. J Laryngol Otol. 2016;130(S2):S32–S40.
3. Pitts KD, et al. Frailty as a predictor of post-operative outcomes among patients with head and neck
cancer. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019.
4. Kao HK, Abdelrahman M, Chang KP, et al. Choice of flap affects fistula rate after salvage
laryngopharyngectomy. Sci Rep. 2015;5:9180.
Case 2.6
This patient presents to your clinic with the lesion above. Please describe the photograph.
This is the photograph of a male patient with a large, ulcerated lesion involving the left side of his forehead,
temple, left brow, and upper lid, with an extension lateral to his left eye.
The lesion is clinically fixed to underlying bone and biopsies come back as an infiltrative BCC.
How will you manage him?
• I will confirm any evidence of bony invasion on CT/MRI and the extent of this:
– CT is the most accurate method for evaluating bony destruction of the inner and outer tables, and
– MRI is best to depict marrow involvement of the diploe and to evaluate associated soft tissue
invasion including the dura.
– With regard to the resection:
– In a medically fit patient with a high-risk surgically resectable tumour, then the ideal treatment
is resection with intraoperative margin control such as GA Mohs micrographic surgery – with
the understanding that this will only control the peripheral margin, as the deep margin is
likely to be bone or periosteum and Mohs is not possible on bone.
– If the MRI and CT have shown involvement of the periosteum only, then I will excise the
periosteum and consider burring suspect areas of bone.
– If there is frank bony invasion, and the MDT deems him to be fit for a joint neurosurgical
resection then I will control the peripheral margin with Mohs micrographic surgery.
– Alternatively, I will use frozen section control – with the understanding that it is not as
accurate as Mohs, as there is random histological sampling of the peripheral margin.
However, I accept the intraoperative margin control is resource intensive, and if my
histology department cannot support this, then I would proceed with GA excision with a 1
cm clinical margin – confirmed on dermoscopy.
• With regard to the reconstruction:
– In a patient who is fit for a free flap, then the most important factor to guide my choice of flap is
the length of the pedicle as I may need to reach the facial vessels, with long pedicled flaps such
as Serratus/LD or ALT being my top choices. I will reconstruct a dural defect with fascia lata.
– If this is not surgically resectable, or if the patient is not medically fit or willing to undergo
a surgical procedure, then I will suggest radiotherapy (in a non-Gorlin syndrome patient).
Treatment with a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor such as Vismodegib was another option in the
past, but this is not currently available in the United Kingdom.
What is Mohs surgery?
• This is a surgical and histopathological technique for maintaining continuity and orientation of
the specimen whilst simultaneously allowing assessment of 99% of the histopathological margin
compared to standard histology which routinely examines less than 1% of the margin.
• It is achieved with staged concentric excision of tissue margins, both circumferential and deep
to the tumour, which is rapidly frozen and sectioned horizontally to allow complete microscopic
examination. The process is repeated until clear margins are obtained, and this has been shown
to substantially decrease recurrence rate of non-melanoma skin cancers.
You mentioned dermoscopy for margin assessment – what is this?
Dermoscopy is a non-invasive method using skin surface microscopy that allows the in-vivo evaluation of
colours and microstructures of the epidermis, the dermo-epidermal junction, and the papillary dermis not
visible to the naked eye. Certain skin cancers have characteristic appearances: e.g., a BCC such as in this
patient may show asymmetrical arborizing vessels, ulceration, and white strand-like crystalline structures.
If that is the case, why didn’t you mention its use in the preoperative work up?
• It is useful, in experienced hands, to confirm a clinical diagnosis and avoid unnecessary biopsy
of small lesions.
• However, in this case, histological confirmation is needed anyway before planning a possible
extensive procedure – but it may still be useful for the clinical assessment of the margin –
especially if intraoperative margin assessment is not possible.
You proceed with the free flap option. Which recipient vessels will you use?
• I will first explore the superficial temporal vessels in the pre-auricular region rather than in the
temple as the vessels are of larger calibre there. The superficial temporal vein can be of small
calibre and tortuous configuration.
• If I am not happy with the quality of the vessels, then I will proceed with an anastomosis of the
facial vessels in level I of the neck – if my pedicle is long enough, as again the vessel calibre is larger
than along the mandibular border, and this would decrease the risk of flap-related complications.
How would you reconstruct this patient if they were not fit for a free flap, and if the planned resection
will leave exposed bone?
I would offer the patient two options:
• One option is to stage the reconstruction to ensure histological confirmation of complete excision
with good margins, before using a temporoparietal fascia flap and SSG if the disease has been
confirmed not to not involve the anterior aspect of the flap.
Case 2.6 111
• Alternatively, I will use the Crane principle to produce a graftable bed that can then be reconstructed
with a simple skin graft. This is achieved using a scalp rotation flap that is left in situ for 6 weeks,
then rotated back to the donor site. However, I will warn the patient that this will temporarily
transfer hair bearing tissue into the defect, and it will require two episodes of general anaesthesia.
The pathology comes back showing a close deep margin despite resection of periosteum and burring
of bone. What now?
Unless there are contraindications – such as Gorlin syndrome or previous radiation to the area, I will suggest
adjuvant radiotherapy to the skin MDT.
However, I will be concerned regarding the lacrimal glands, so I will warn the patient regarding the risk
of dry red eyes, as well as radiation keratopathy and cataracts.
You mentioned that you would not offer radiotherapy to a patient with Gorlin syndrome. Please tell
me more about this syndrome, and why wouldn’t you offer radiotherapy to this group.
• Gorlin syndrome is otherwise known as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, and is a rare
autosomal dominant cancer syndrome, associated with mutations in the PTCH1/2 and SUFU
genes which affect the hedgehog cell signalling pathway and predispose to the development of
multiple BCCs.
• It is diagnosed clinically according to major and minor criteria. Alternatively, genetic testing is
used if clinical criteria are equivocal.
• Classical clinical findings include palmar pits and odontogenic cysts.
– Major criteria include:
more than 5 BCCs, or
a BCC at age less than 30,
mandibular cysts,
palmar/plantar pits, and
a first degree relative.
– Minor criteria include:
cranial anomalies such as macrocephaly, medulloblastoma, and Cleft lip/palate,
vertebral and rib anomalies,
hand anomalies such as polydactyly, and
ocular anomalies.
• Radiotherapy is contraindicated in this group as the carcinogenic effect of the treatment would
place them at high risk of developing further BCCs. Non-surgical treatment in this group was
available with a Hedgehog inhibitor such as Vismodegib – however, this is no longer available in
the UK at the present time.
1. Lear J, Corner C, Dziewulski P, Fife K, Ross GL, Varma S, Harwood CA. Challenges and new
horizons in the management of advanced basal cell carcinoma: a UK perspective. Br J Cancer.
2. Apalla Z, Papageorgiou C, Lallas A, Sotiriou E, Lazaridou E, Vakirlis E, Kyrgidis A, Ioannides D.
Spotlight on vismodegib in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma: an evidence-based review of its
place in therapy. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2017;10:171–177.
3. Peris K, Fargnoli MC, Garbe C, Kaufmann R, Bastholt L, Seguin NB, Bataille V, Marmol VD,
Dummer R, Harwood CA, Hauschild A, Höller C, Haedersdal M, Malvehy J, Middleton MR, Morton
CA, Nagore E, Stratigos AJ, Szeimies RM, Tagliaferri L, Trakatelli M, Zalaudek I, Eggermont A,
Grob JJ, European Dermatology Forum (EDF), the European Association of Dermato-Oncology
(EADO), the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). Diagnosis
and treatment of basal cell carcinoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guidelines. Eur J
Cancer. 2019 Sep;118:10–34. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2019.06.003. Epub 2019 Jul 6. PMID: 31288208.
Case 2.7
This 3-month-old is referred to you by her GP. Mum is very distressed by the risk that the scalp le-
sion poses to her baby: she has read online that this carries a risk of melanoma in childhood, and so
wants her baby to have this removed as soon as possible to decrease that risk.
neurocutaneous melanosis before myelination takes place at 6 months of age, as well as any other
neurological anomaly.
In addition, performing this before 6 months will allow a ‘feed and sleep’ study with the
avoidance of a GA, and its consequent risks of potential developmental delay in infants.
• My indications for routine MRI screening, in the absence of neurology, are:
– 20 CMN lesions, irrespective of size,
– 2 or more medium lesions, or
– a giant congenital naevus.
• If there are any neurological concerns, then I will refer to my paediatric and neurosurgical
colleagues for further assessment, in addition to the MRI request.
• If there are any concerning features within the naevus, I will arrange an excision biopsy of the
• If there are no other anomalies apart from the lesion in the photograph, then I will inform the
parents that accurate estimates of melanoma risk are difficult to obtain and have been historically
over-estimated. We do know that the potential risk is related to size. This is considered a medium-
sized naevus – which, in addition to small naevi, carries an estimated lifetime risk of melanoma
in the region of up to 1%, with most occurring after puberty.
The risk of melanoma occurring in childhood that they have read about, most probably referred
to that of a giant congenital naevus scenario. Here, the lifetime risk of melanoma development is
quoted as being in the region of up to 3–5%, with most cases occurring during childhood.
It is important for them to know that the risk of melanoma represents a generic biological risk
unrelated directly to the presence of a specific naevus – so it is not reduced by excision of the
lesion as the melanoma may arise in normal skin or other areas such as the CNS, prior to or after
excision of the naevus itself.
• So, indications for surgery include:
1. biopsy of an area suspicious for a potential melanoma,
2. relieving physical symptoms such as irritation or itching, and
3. concerns regarding the aesthetic appearance, and parental anxiety.
• Assuming all is correct, then the management of the lesion itself from an aesthetic consideration,
does include the option of leaving it alone, as it does not involve an aesthetically sensitive area of
the face and many lesions lighten with time – with an improvement in the aesthetic appearance.
• However, if the parents are keen to have it removed, then options include:
– serial excision of the lesion,
– excision and SSG (preferably from the scalp if possible) – with subsequent serial excision of
the graft if required, or
– excision and tissue expansion-based reconstruction, although I would avoid that option in
those less than 2 years to avoid applying pressure on the developing skull.
• If they are considering surgery, I would counsel that:
– Surgery has been shown in some studies to have an adverse effect on outcome with the post-
operative development of new naevi, and the darkening of residual naevi (if only partial
excision was undertaken), which is thought to be due to the activation and migration of
– Early surgery may result in:
1. over-excision of lesions that could potentially lighten over time,
2. under-excision of lesions that could continue to evolve in surrounding skin, and
3. a potential GA-related detrimental effect on the neurodevelopment of infants, so this
should be avoided – certainly before 1 year of age, and preferably before 2 years of age
– if it is not necessary to proceed at that point.
• I will educate the parents to raise the alarm if they notice red flags such as new nodules, changes
in the skin lesion, or symptoms of raised ICP.
I can understand how neurocutaneous melanosis may increase the risk of CNS Malignant Mela-
noma. But how does it increase the risk of skin Malignant Melanoma in general?
It is unknown why. Postulated theories include that:
• it may be an indicator of a higher burden of mutated cells in the body as a whole,
114 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• the in-utero somatic mutation happened at a particularly crucial stage of development, in those
with complex congenital neurological disease, or
• those with abnormal MRIs have other genetic risk factors predisposing both to congenital
neurological disease and malignancy.
The parents ask about the possibility of treating it with Laser, again as they read about it online.
What would you advise?
• Laser treatment of this lesion is controversial, and I personally wouldn’t advise it:
– The tissue changes resulting from laser photothermolysis of CMNs may result in difficulty
with monitoring for signs of malignant transformation in pigmented cells left behind in the
deeper dermal layers.
– In addition, I expect that it may render dermoscopy of any future nodule, unreliable.
– Furthermore, I am not convinced it would improve the aesthetic appearance either.
• Laser may be beneficial for management of unwanted residual hair following excision, but I don’t
consider it a good modality for primary treatment of the lesion itself. However, I am aware that
this is debated and is used by some of my colleagues in other centres and other countries.
What are your general contraindications when considering expansion as a management plan in any
These are physical, psychological, and social. In a paediatric patient, then I will also consider the psycho-
logical and social factors concerning the parents.
• Physical factors include infection, an irradiated field, an unstable scar or graft, or suspected
– I avoid expansion in the extremity if possible, and consider it a relative contraindication due
to high levels of complications.
– I also prefer to avoid scalp expansion in those less than 18–24 months, to decrease the
potential of applying pressure on the developing skull – with reported complications in those
less than 1 year.
• Psychological factors include: a patient or parent who will not tolerate a potential significant
aesthetic deformity during the expansion process, which may take several months.
Case 2.7 115
The parents choose to go ahead with expansion. Please talk me through your planning – including
your preferred timing, technique, and post-operative management.
• As this is essentially an aesthetic procedure, I personally prefer to wait until the child is nearing
3 years of age if the parents agree, as this will:
– increase baby’s blood circulating volume and minimize blood loss-related complications,
– minimize the risk of neurodevelopmental delay associated with early GAs,
– decrease the potential pressure effect on the developing skull of an infant, and
– it would also avoid the ‘terrible twos’, with poor cooperation.
• If they insist on earlier surgery, then I will offer serial excision or excision and SSG, after the age
of 1 year, to avoid the first two factors that I have mentioned.
• My plan will be to consider:
1. the implant choice,
2. the expander pocket plane, site, and size, and
3. the incision site.
• With regard to implant choice:
I will choose a crescent-shaped expander, as it has a high yield tissue gain and its
shape is most conducive to scalp advancement. A rectangular implant is an alternative
as this shape offers the maximum percentage gain.
I will choose a stable rather than a soft base to ensure expansion occurs superficially
and minimizes bone change, with a base diameter at least equal to that of the lesion,
and preferably 2.5–3 times the defects’ width. If the parents agree to two implants,
then this will decrease the expansion time and provide a backup if one of them fails.
I prefer a remote port in children, as it less distressing for them.
• With regard to the expander pockets:
I will minimize the risk of implant exposure and extrusion by:
placing the expander in the subgaleal rather than the subcutaneous plane,
ensuring the expander pocket is at least 2 cm away from the incision, and
ensuring the pocket size is 1–2 cm larger than the expander on each side to allow
I will ensure the planned pockets and the direction of expansion avoid expanding the
forehead, as the anterior margin of the lesion is at the level of the anterior hairline.
In addition, I will consider the direction of the hair follicles in the planned
advancement flap and the adjacent scalp to ensure they correspond.
• Once I have planned the direction of expansion and pocket size, then the incision site is
planned just within the lesion, parallel to the margin, and perpendicular to the axis of
This will avoid tension on the scar and allow me to excise the scar as part of the CMN
excision later.
• I will ensure the expander is filled intraoperatively to 20% capacity, to fill the dead space
and prevent a seroma on insertion. Colouring this fluid with some Bonney’s blue ink will
help identify the correct chamber for expansion in the future.
• I will wait for 3 weeks before starting post-operative expansion to allow the scar tissue
to withstand the tension. The process of expansion will occur at weekly intervals until
the skin blanches or the baby is in discomfort.
• Once the desired tissue gain is achieved, I will then stop expansion and plan for removal
3 weeks after that.
• At the time of surgery, the expander is over-expanded even further to allow for further
stress relaxation, prior to removal of the implant. I will score the capsule perpendicular
to the direction of advancement to increase flap mobilization.
116 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Following excision of this pigmented lesion, would you routinely monitor this patient?
• With regard to the skin lesion, then no, I won’t routinely monitor this child. There is no evidence
to suggest that clinical monitoring makes any difference to outcome.
• With regard to the CNS risk:
– I won’t routinely monitor the child if the baseline MRI were normal.
– However, if the MRI shows any anomaly, then they would be managed in conjunction with
my neurosurgical MDT colleagues who would make that decision based on the anomaly.
• The parents would be advised to return if:
– the child forms any new pigmented lesions, as their lifetime risk of melanoma is not reduced or
– they develop any neurological symptoms.
Ok. Let’s consider another scenario where the parents bring the baby back to see you, prior to any
excision, with a small area of thickening in the middle of the lesion. What now?
• I will aim to exclude malignant transformation by:
– examining the thickened area dermatoscopically,
– palpating the cervical lymph nodes,
– obtaining new photographs, and
– carrying out an urgent biopsy to exclude malignancy.
• A histopathological diagnosis of melanoma needs to be confirmed by two histopathologists as
melanocytic lesions are more difficult to diagnose at this age. For this reason, I will manage this
patient within the regional paediatric oncology board, in addition to the skin MDT.
• If the histology is positive, then, in addition to the standard management for a melanoma, I would
also request:
– a brain MRI with contrast – to exclude any change from the baseline MRI, and
– NRAS and BRAF genotyping, as there have been very small animal studies showing MEK
inhibitor use for NRAS mutation-positive patients to relieve the signs and symptoms of
leptomeningeal disease – if this is present also.
Case 2.7 117
What features of dermoscopy would you see in a CMN, and which features would make you worried
about a potential melanoma?
• The commonest dermatoscopic findings for CMN include:
– haloed and target globules, and
– blotches and perifollicular hypopigmentation.
• Those concerning for melanoma include:
– a ‘blue-white veil’, which is an irregular area of confluent blue pigment with a ground glass
haze as if the image is out of focus,
– multiple brown dots,
– radial streaming,
– scar-like depigmentation due to areas of melanoma regression, and
– peripheral black dots and globules.
Ok. Let’s consider a different scenario – what would you do if the parents report a seizure and in-
creasing irritability? She has been admitted under the paediatric team. Now what?
A seizure, in the absence of a febrile illness, is concerning for CNS disease so I would request another
brain and whole spine MRI with gadolinium contrast and involve my neurosurgical colleagues.
The MRI is reported as normal, but her symptoms continue. What now?
I will continue to involve the paediatric and neurosurgical team within the MDT and suggest a repeat MRI
2 weeks later as I am aware that leptomeningeal disease may not be radiologically detectable in the early
1. Kinsler VA, O’Hare P, Bulstrode N, Calonje JE, Chong WK, Hargrave D, Jacques T, Lomas D, Sebire
NJ, Slater O. Melanoma in congenital melanocytic naevi. Br J Dermatol. 2017 May;176(5):1131–1143.
2. Waelchli R, Aylett SE, Atherton D, Thompson DJ, Chong WK, Kinsler VA. Classification of neurological
abnormalities in children with congenital melanocytic naevus syndrome identifies magnetic resonance
imaging as the best predictor of clinical outcome. Br J Dermatol. 2015;173:739–750.
3. Kinsler VA, Aylett SE, Coley SC, Chong WK, Atherton DJ. Central nervous system imaging and
congenital melanocytic naevi. Arch Dis Childhood. 2001;84:152–155.
4. Price HN. Congenital melanocytic nevi: update in genetics and management. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2016
5. Arad E, Zuker RM. The shifting paradigm in the management of giant congenital melanocytic nevi:
review and clinical applications. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Feb;133(2):367–376.
6. Navarro-Fernandez IN, Mahabal GD. (2022). Congenital Nevus. [Updated 2021 Aug 9]. In: StatPearls
[Internet]. StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island, FL. Available from:
7. Braun TL, Hamilton KL, Monson LA, Buchanan EP, Hollier LH Jr. Tissue expansion in children.
Semin Plast Surg. 2016;30(4):155–161.
Case 2.8
This lady has just moved to your catchment area and would like to consider her options. What is your
general approach in the management of a patient seeking a delayed breast reconstruction?
• My reconstructive aims following a mastectomy include:
1. achieving breast symmetry by replacement of breast volume, and skin – if required – to match
the contralateral breast,
2. addressing the contralateral breast – if required by the patient, and
3. reconstruction of the nipple-areolar complex – if required.
• I will start with a focused history and examination to establish her oncological and patient-specific
– Salient oncological treatment factors include:
any previous radiotherapy treatment, and
the exclusion of recurrence.
– Patient-specific factors include her wishes regarding:
symmetry within or outwith a bra,
the contralateral breast,
whether she has firm preconceptions regarding autologous or non-autologous-based
reconstruction, and
her attitude to scarring, the length of surgery, and recovery time.
• This is followed by assessment of:
1. her BMI, comorbidities, and fitness for surgery,
2. the contralateral breast (regarding current volume, shape, and quality of the soft tissue
What about chemotherapy and predicted survival? Would these affect your plan in this case?
• Chemotherapy treatment is relevant in a patient who is due an immediate reconstruction but not
so in a delayed setting, as inflammatory changes take effect 6 weeks post chemotherapy and last
for 6 months.
• With regard to predicted survival, this will not affect my plan if the patient is fit for surgery, as
it is not uncommon to perform DIEP reconstructions in the setting of stable metastatic disease if
this is recommended by the MDT.
Why do you have a cut-off for BMI? And how would you manage this lady who presents for
reconstruction, had her BMI been greater than 30?
There is evidence of increased donor site complications such as abdominal dehiscence in those with a BMI
of greater than 30.
In a delayed setting such as this, I will encourage her to lose weight, supported by the breast reconstruction
specialist nurse, who will put her in touch with weight management programmes that are financially
subsidized by the NHS.
What would you do if she is unsuccessful and severely distressed by her mastectomy scar?
• I will organize an MDT planning meeting to determine the overall benefits and risks of surgery.
• If the high BMI is an isolated risk, and the mastectomy scar is causing her severe psychological
distress, then I may decide to proceed with the following surgical adaptations, such as:
– minimal undermining of the abdominal tissue,
– conservative resection to ensure absolute tension-free closure of the abdominoplasty with
minimal flexion of the hip, and
– the use of incisional negative pressure dressing.
• But I would much prefer to wait until she decreases her risk herself with supervised weight loss.
Ok, please continue.
• With regard to recipient site assessment:
– I will assess for skin quality and any radiation damage, which, if significant, will affect any
planned expansion or dissection of recipient vessels.
– I will then assess for the amount of skin required to achieve symmetry, by first measuring
the clavicular-to-IMF distance on the meridian of the contralateral breast to be matched, and
then subtracting the measurement on the breast to be reconstructed.
– I will check for pectoralis major and anterior axillary fold preservation, and
– check for the function of latissimus dorsi, as its’ innervation is a good indication for the
probability of thoracodorsal vessel preservation.
– I will complete my examination by considering the maximum skin dimensions that can be
harvested from the following donor sites in order of preference (if not contraindicated):
the abdomen for a DIEP – if it hasn’t already been used in this case,
the medial thigh for a TUG/PAP flap, and
the lower back for the LD flap or a possible lumbar artery flap.
• I will advise her that a purely implant-based reconstruction is not be a recommended option here,
especially in the context of a skin graft closure and the possibility of radiotherapy.
120 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS(Plast)
You mentioned radiation damage earlier. What is radiotherapy exactly, and how does it work?
• Radiotherapy is the therapeutic use of ionizing radiation for the primary, adjuvant, or palliative
treatment of mostly malignant disorders.
• Electrons, neutrons, or protons are accelerated by microwaves in a linear accelerator, then hit
tungsten to produce high-energy X-rays.
• These X-rays deliver photons, which interact with tissue molecules to cause ionization, releasing
• The resultant injury can be direct or indirect:
– direct injury causes DNA damage, which subsequently prevents mitosis of the cell.
– Indirect injury occurs when the released electrons produce secondary damage by the
production of oxygen-free radicals and hence is oxygen-dependent.
What are the possible effects of radiation damage that you’ve talked about?
• The acute effects on the skin include:
– erythema,
– tanning, and
– desquamation.
• Chronic effects are caused by microvascular changes or stem cell depletion.
– The most serious of which include:
cardiac damage, and
secondary malignancy.
– Other chronic effects include:
endarteritis obliterans with damage to the endothelial vascular lining,
lymphoedema, and
cutaneous effects (such as telangiectasia, ulceration, loss of hair, sweat and sebaceous
gland function).
• Fractionation is the practice of dividing the total dose and administering it over a period of time
to allow recovery of normal tissue and the oxygenation of hypoxic areas (to encourage further
indirect injury to the tumour cells).
• Hyper fractionation uses smaller daily doses over the conventional treatment time. This
theoretically allows dose escalation with a similar tumour response and reduced late tissue
Case 2.8 121
Let’s reconsider this lady with a failed DIEP flap following radiotherapy. What will you offer her?
• Repeat surgery is a significant undertaking for the patient in terms of recovery, so I will first
discuss the option of a prosthesis if she were open to that.
– However, I am mindful of the fact that irradiated skin is at risk of breakdown, which may be
further irritated by a prosthesis, particularly in the summer months.
– In addition, the psychosocial effect cannot be underestimated as daily activities may be
severely affected by a prosthesis moving or falling out.
• With regard to her surgical options:
– I will offer her another free flap if the cause of the previous failure was known and avoidable
(such as technical error), as a free flap will give her the best aesthetic result. If she agrees to
this, then I will go through the donor sites that I have discussed before.
– If the cause of the flap failure was unknown, I would consider another free flap in a
physiologically optimized patient.
– However, if the flap failure was unavoidable ( such as a previously unknown coagulopathy
that cannot be corrected), then I will not offer further surgery.
You proceed with another free flap. Which recipient vessels will you use? The internal mammary
vessels were used last time.
• My first choice is to try and use the internal mammary vessels again by dissecting the internal
mammary vessels in a higher space than previously used – unless the second interspace was used
before, in which case:
• I will proceed with my second choice of thoracodorsal vessels. However, they may have been
damaged or seriously scarred during an axillary clearance, in which case:
• My third option is to use the thoracoacromial vessels.
Why are the IMA vessels your first recipient choice, and why would you attempt to use them again?
• They offer numerous advantages, such as:
1. the anastomosis allows zone 1 of the flap to be placed in the medial aspect of the breast, where
the tissue is most needed,
2. they lie within the mastectomy field so a separate incision is not required,
3. a shorter pedicle is required than with a thoracodorsal anastomosis, and
4. the IMA is more superficial and more accessible than operating in a deeper field, such as with
the thoracodorsal vessels.
Why don’t you use preoperative imaging to view these vessels, rather than have to make an intraoperative
decision? You have mentioned using that earlier to investigate the DIEP post laparotomy.
The difference here is that an MRA or CTA is not currently sensitive enough to detect the suitability of the
recipient vessels, as it would not pick up scarring for example. It is used to preoperatively assess for IMA
size in patients with chest anomalies such as pectus patients, but it is not reliable enough in this case.
You mentioned your order of preference for recipient vessels. What if all three were unsuitable?
What’s next?
I would use vein grafts to reach the transverse cervical vessels or the contralateral IMAs. However, using the
contralateral vessels would result in a synmastia, so the patient would have to be preoperatively counselled
regarding that.
You mentioned avoidable and unavoidable causes of free-flap failure. What are the causes of free-flap
failure in general?
These can be classified into preoperative, intraoperative, and post-operative factors.
• Preoperative factors include:
– poor choice of patient (such as a known coagulopathy) and
– poor flap choice (e.g., too bulky causing compression of pedicle).
122 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
You mentioned analyzing the CTA. Please tell me about the perforating patterns of the DIEA.
• This has been described by Moon and Taylor with three types:
– Type 1 is a single main vessel which releases perforators.
– Type 2 consists of two branches which go on to release perforators. This is the most common.
– Type 3 is a trifurcation of the vessel.
• This information is valuable as the second or third branch in a type 2 or 3 may be used in a
bipedicled flap, or to optimize circulation (e.g., in a large flap, or an SIEA-dominant flap or if the
venous drainage is insufficient).
– a mechanical component due to tongue depression – as a result of head elevation in the 8th
week and foetal swallowing.
This would help explain how micrognathia and glossoptosis – as seen in the Pierre Robin
sequence – force the tongue to sit high in the mouth and prevent adequate palatal elevation.
How would you inform the parents regarding the proposed treatment plan and timeline for their
child, when you first meet them?
• I would have expected the parents to have already been informed of their treatment plan by the
cleft specialist nurse, either at:
– the prenatal 20-week scan, at a subsequent 4D scan – at which time they would have been informed
of the potential for a cleft palate and what to expect – including the impact on feeding, or
– within 24–48 hours after birth – with feeding assessment and advice, as well as a paediatric
assessment for associated anomalies such as cardiac anomalies and an offer for a genetic
• However, I will go through the timeline of treatment again when I first meet them, by informing
them that:
– A cleft lip repair is timed at 3 months, with or without a McComb nasal dissection.
– A cleft palate repair – if required – is planned for the age of 9–12 months including intravelar
veloplasty in addition to grommets insertion – if there is otitis media with hearing loss >55
dB compared to the better ear.
– A speech assessment for VPI is planned for between the ages of 2.5 and 5 years – if present –
then this will necessitate a:
palate re-repair,
palate lengthening,
pharyngoplasty, or
pharyngeal flap.
– Secondary lip or nasal tip deformities are addressed at school age (around age 5).
– An alveolar bone graft is placed prior to canine eruption, at about age 8–10.
– A septorhinoplasty is performed at puberty – if required.
– Lastly, maxillary advancement and mandibular surgery are planned at the time of skeletal
maturity – if required.
• An accepted conventional timing of lip repair is when the child attains the ‘three 10s’: 10 weeks
of age, a Hb of 10 g/gl, and a weight of 10 lb.
Other centres advocate neonatal repair within 48 hours of birth, but this has now fallen out
of favour as:
– it has been shown to damage mother-baby bonding with no evidence of improved surgical outcome,
– it is difficult to pre-operatively diagnose any associated conditions,
– there are technical difficulties due to the small size of the structures to be repaired, and
– the logistical organization of surgical teams can be difficult to achieve in a timely fashion.
• With regard to techniques, there are a multitude of established cleft lip and palate repairs, as
well as procedures to address the cleft nose and velopharyngeal incompetence – each with their
advantages and disadvantages, and little definitive evidence as to the superiority of one over the
others in terms of long-term outcomes, hence the continued wide variation in practice.
Mum asks why her child has this abnormality. She is worried that this is her fault and asks about the
chances of any future children being affected also. How would you manage this?
• I would start by stating that it is important for her to know that no one is to blame.
• A cleft lip, with or without a cleft palate, is the most common facial difference – with an incidence
of 1/700 live births, so three babies are born with a cleft every day in the United Kingdom.
• There is marked racial heterogeneity, with the incidence in children of Asian origin twice that of
those of Caucasian origin, who, in turn, have double the incidence of those of Afro-Caribbean origin.
• The causes are multifactorial – with:
– a known familial association, as well as
– an association with certain environmental factors such as alcohol, anticonvulsants, possibly
folic acid deficiency, tobacco, and retinoic acid.
There is a current large national cohort ‘Cleft Collective Study’ led by the University of
Bristol to determine how environmental factors interact with genetics, amongst other end
• I will let her know that the statistics I will go through are based on multiple studies of different
populations, so they represent observations and cannot be used for accurate predictions – for which
genetic testing is required.
Nevertheless, I will go through the average figures for her general information:
– The relative risk of a child having a cleft lip and palate, with no history in the family is in
the region of 0.1%.
– If no parents are affected, and there is one affected sibling, the relative risk for the next child
being affected is in the region of 4%.
– If a parent alone is affected with no siblings, the risk for the next child is in the region of
– But if two children are involved, the risk for the third is in the region of 9%.
– If one parent and one child are involved, the risk for a future child is in the region of 17%.
• Lastly, I will put them in touch with the nurse specialist for support and the UK Cleft Lip and
Palate Association (CLAPA) for family support and information.
Please describe the anatomy of a cleft palate deformity, and how you would rectify that in a cleft
palate repair.
• A cleft palate may be:
– complete,
– incomplete, or
– submucous
– unilateral or
– bilateral.
• The tensor and levator veli palatini, both central to the velopharyngeal sphincter, have anomalous
insertions – with:
– an abnormal attachment of the aponeurosis of the tensor veli palatini along the bony margins
of the cleft, as opposed to the posterior border of the hard palate, and
126 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
– Levator veli palatini is attached into the aponeurosis of tensor veli palatini and is cleft, thus
interrupting its function as a muscular sling.
• The aim of a cleft palate repair is to achieve:
– a three-layer closure of the palate – including the nasal mucosa, muscle and oral mucosa,
– lengthening of the palate,
– restoration of the muscle sling across the soft palate, and
– ensuring minimal dissection and disturbance of the greater and lesser palatine vessels to
avoid growth disturbance.
• Vomerine flaps would have been used to close the hard palate at the time of the lip repair.
• My favoured cleft repair technique is:
– The Von Langenbeck technique – which consists of a midline adhesion with bipedicled oral
mucoperiosteal flaps – created with releasing incisions lateral to the neurovascular bundles
to allow closure of the oral layer.
– This is combined with an intravelar veloplasty by dissecting out the abnormal musculature
and recreating the normal muscle sling of the soft palate.
I am aware of other centres favouring a Furlow repair instead of an intravelar veloplasty as
they cite advantages of additional lengthening of the soft palate, with some evidence of a lower
fistula rate. However, speech results have been shown to be equal with both techniques, despite
the disadvantage of failure to achieve the anatomical repositioning of the intravelar veloplasty.
Mum rings the cleft specialist nurse post-operatively to say she has noticed a ‘hole’ in her baby’s
palate. How would you manage this?
• I suspect that the baby has either developed a post-operative fistula or the ‘hole’ represents the
unrepaired alveolar cleft, that mum may not have noticed before.
• Management a new fistula will depend on its location – be it the hard or soft palate and any
associated symptoms. I will arrange to see them both in clinic for assessment and, in the meantime,
ask the nurse to establish if there are signs of:
– possible infection – such as poor feeding and pyrexia, in which case oral antibiotics are
needed expeditiously,
– regurgitation (with fluid or solid food), or
– hypernasality.
• As per my original treatment timeline, I will manage the unrepaired alveolar cleft with an alveolar
bone graft just prior to the eruption of the canine teeth.
• With regard to a post-operative fistula, I will observe a small asymptomatic fistula and reserve
surgery for a symptomatic one:
– If surgery is required, then my aim is to achieve two-layer closure with a local turnover
mucosal flap or vomerine flap, whilst avoiding overlapping oral and nasal suture lines to
minimize recurrence.
– If local tissue is not sufficient, or scarred, then my next options include:
a buccinator flap, or
a FAMM flap if there is an alveolar gap.
My last option is a tongue flap.
You mentioned alveolar bone grafting of the cleft alveolus at aged 8–10, how do you perform that,
and why wait so long?
Early grafting has been shown to affect midfacial growth, and specifically waiting for the ideal time just
prior to the eruption of the canine has been shown to result in optimum restoration of alveolar bone height.
In most instances, the bone is harvested from the cancellous bone of the iliac crest, but I am aware that
others harvest this from the tibial plateau. The graft is packed into a repaired gingival pocket in the alveolar
cleft to help support the alar base.
philtral column on the cleft side, as opposed to using a back cut and breaching the philtral column in a
Millard repair.
In addition, it shares the advantages of other techniques, such as:
• addressing the length discrepancy between the cleft and non-cleft side,
• addressing the discrepancy in the height of the dry vermillion – with the Nordhoff triangle, which
is also a feature of many other repairs,
• creating a natural reconstruction of the alar base, by rotating it upwards and inwards on the cleft
side, and
• allowing the muscle to be repaired accurately.
I will start with my markings on the medial lip element, then proceed to the nasal markings, and finally
the lateral lip elements:
12. The total lip height is measured on the non-cleft side from the columellar base to the white roll –
with the lip at rest.
13. I next measure the greater lip height on the cleft side of the medial lip element, whilst elevating
the cleft nostril with a Ragnall retractor to move the dome to the correct position – to give a true
14. The lesser lip height is calculated by subtracting (‘the greater lip height +1 mm’) from the total
lip height element.
15. The lateral lip element markings will be more variable from the medial lip to accommodate for
differences in lateral lip height.
16. I then mark Noordhoff’s point – which is the point with the greatest vermillion height with a full
thickness white roll. I then double check that the point I have marked should have a normal white
roll and a near normal vermillion thickness to avoid central vermillion deficiency.
17. I then mark the white roll just above this.
18. I measure the non-cleft nasal floor width from prior marks, before marking the same width from
the cleft side alar base to the nasal floor.
19. I measure the cleft side nasal sill width with a calliper to use this measurement to locate a point
on the lateral lip element.
20. I mark the base of the cutaneous triangle from the previous measurements of total/greater/lesser
lip height.
21. This triangle will be connected to the point that I have previously marked. And this distance will
match the cleft side philtral column.
22. I mark the wet-dry border on the cleft side, and
23. I then mark an isosceles triangle of vermillion to fit into the previously designed back cut.
How does this differ in a bilateral cleft lip repair? What would be your management principle then?
• In a bilateral case, the premaxilla is initially protuberant as its growth is unrestrained, then it may
become relatively hypoplastic as the infant grows.
• The principle for repair is the same as in unilateral cleft lip repair: to address the muscular repair
and skin repair. There is no consensus on the best technique for repairing bilateral cleft lips – one
reason being their relative rarity.
• The cleft may be narrowed with:
1. Presurgical orthopaedics – but this is controversial as I discussed earlier.
2. The alternative is a lip adhesion prior to definitive repair (which makes the definitive repair
easier –with a decreased risk of muscle dehiscence, but with a disadvantage of an additional
• In very wide deformities, I may consider staged surgery with the repair of one side before the other.
The key to any technique is a strong muscle repair along its whole length from the nasal spine to
the vermillion edge with no tension.
• The most common technique is the modified Mulliken repair, which is a straight-line repair
with premaxillary skin preservation, and midline repair of the muscle that is brought in from the
lateral elements. The tension on this midline repair would have been reduced with a previous lip
• In order to create a deep sulcus, the wet vermillion from the premaxilla can be used to line the
anterior surface of the premaxillary alveolus.
• Alternative techniques include the Millard and Manchester repairs:
– The Millard repair uses forked flaps from the lateral aspect of the prolabium, which are
rotated under the alar bases, but this creates an overly long columella.
– The Manchester repair uses straight line incisions, but this doesn’t repair the muscles at the
midline, leaving an empty philtrum and a ‘Cheshire cat’ smile due to the gap in the orbicularis
and the resulting disruption of the pull by the other facial muscles – with alteration in the
vector of pull.
• There is yet further controversy on the optimal option with no strong evidence regarding the
superiority in outcome of either.
• My rationale will depend on the velopharyngeal closure pattern seen on nasoendoscopy and
vidofluoroscopy, even though I accept that there is no strong evidence that this makes any
difference to results.
– I will opt for a sphincter pharyngoplasty technique, such as an Orticochea method, in coronal
and circular closure situations to preserve palatal mobility.
– In sagittal closure cases, I will use a posterior pharyngeal flap technique to preserve the lateral
pharyngeal wall mobility.
What are the three closure patterns that you referred to?
These are:
1. coronal – where closure is achieved by posterior movement of the soft palate towards to the
2. sagittal – where closure is achieved by lateral pharyngeal movement toward the midline, and
3. sphincteric – where closure involves equal contribution from the velum and lateral pharyngeal
1. A surgical tutorial on the markings of the Fisher unilateral cleft lip repair is found on the website of
the Cleft Lip and Palate program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia:
Case 2.10
• a metopic ridge,
• bitemporal narrowing, and
• hypotelorism.
What is craniosynostosis?
• This is the premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures, as an isolated anomaly or part
of a syndrome. Consequent abnormal cranial growth, described by Virchow’s law, occurs
predominantly parallel rather than perpendicular to the affected suture, due to the arrest of the
normal perpendicular growth at the affected suture site, and the compensatory over expansion at
the patent suture sites.
This leads to abnormal head shapes, facial anomalies, and possible raised intracranial pressure
(more commonly in the case of multiple synostoses).
• The aetiopathology includes:
1. multifactorial factors – as is the case in 80% of patients, such as:
– mechanical,
– environmental, and
– genetic factors.
2. single-gene mutations – in about 15% of patients with mutations such as FGFR, TWIST,
TCF-12, SMAD6, and ERF, and
3. conditions associated with an increased risk of craniosynostoses, such as:
– vitamin D deficiency,
– hypophosphatemia,
– rickets, and
– mucopolysaccharidoses.
How would you manage this infant if they were brought to clinic?
• I would manage him within the craniofacial MDT – with core members consisting of the
craniofacial surgeon, neurosurgeon, psychologist, paediatrician, ophthalmologist, ENT surgeon,
orthodontist, speech therapist, geneticist, and specialist nurse.
• A targeted history will establish:
– the birth history,
– general health of the infant,
– any possible familial component,
– a developmental history,
– any features of functional compromise, and
– any aesthetic concerns expressed by the family.
• My examination will establish:
– the head circumference,
– the facial and cranial morphology, as well as
– clinical signs suggestive of ICP, such as a full or tense anterior fontanelle.
• A CT scan with 3D reconstruction is helpful to:
– confirm the diagnosis and exclude the involvement of another suture or intracranial anomaly,
– exclude any radiological signs of raised ICP, such as:
diffuse copper-beaten appearance,
reduced extra-axial space,
ventricular effacement, and
suture diastasis, as well as
– aiding in surgical planning.
• Cranial remodelling surgery is offered to address an increase in ICP and/or to address the aesthetic
sequelae. It consists of remodelling of the fronto-orbital bandeau and the frontal bone to:
– remove the metopic prominence,
– increase the bitemporal width, and
– increase cranial volume.
How would you proceed if you, or your MDT colleagues, are concerned about the possibility of raised
ICP in an infant with a single-suture synostosis, such as this one?
• A baseline ophthalmic review should be performed in the first instance to look for signs of raised
pressure – with the understanding that children younger than 8 can have raised ICP with no
papilloedema seen on fundoscopy, so direct measurement with an intraparenchymal pressure
probe for 24–48 hours will be required to confirm this.
• Although there is controversy regarding the paediatric normal range for ICP, a baseline consistently
above 15 mmHg, or more than three abnormal Lundberg waveforms in a 24-hour period, is
considered suggestive of significantly raised ICP.
• Therefore, if surgery was already considered by the MDT and agreed to by the parents for
aesthetic reasons, and a preoperative CT has excluded any other anomaly that may contribute to
a raised ICP, then cranio-remodelling surgery will treat a raised ICP – if present. In this case,
invasive ICP monitoring is unlikely to further contribute to clinical management, so would not
be indicated.
134 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• However, if surgery was not going to be offered for aesthetic reasons, e.g., if the aesthetic sequelae
were very mild, or if surgery was not agreed to by the parents for purely aesthetic reasons, then
the measurement of ICP is indicated.
Why does fundoscopy have a lower sensitivity for the detection of raised ICP in young children
compared to adults?
It has been postulated that this may be due to:
1. a greater compliance of unfused sutures in the immature cranium, possibly buffering the effects
of increased ICP on the optic nerve, and
2. reduced communication of subarachnoid spaces with the optic nerve sheath in infants may reduce
the clinical evidence.
Case 2.11
This patient has Pfeiffer syndrome. Please tell me more about this
• This is an autosomal dominant syndrome with FGFR2 mutation on chromosome 2 with an
incidence of 1:100,000 live births. A minority of patients with less severe phenotype have FGFR1
• It manifests as
– a turribrachycephaly with bicoronal synostoses, or
– as a Kleeblattschadel or cloverleaf with numerous synostoses, in 25%.
• Intracranial anomalies include hydrocephalus and Chiari malformation.
• Orbital anomalies include exorbitism, hypertelorism, downslanting palpebral fissures, and strabismus.
• Midface anomalies include midface hypoplasia with a low nasal bridge.
• Classically, they have broad thumbs and halluces.
What is FGFR and how does the mutation of this contribute to these phenotypes?
FGFR signalling plays an important role in numerous biological processes, including bone development
and homeostasis by controlling the differentiation of mesenchymal and neuroectodermal cells. Mutations
in FGFR 1, 2, and 3 results in unregulated FGF signalling and premature suture closure.
Tell me – How would you approach the management of this patient from birth?
• This patient should be managed in a craniofacial centre within an MDT consisting of a
craniofacial surgeon, neurosurgeon, oral surgeon/orthodontist, ENT surgeon, ophthalmologist,
speech therapist, paediatrician, geneticist, child psychologist, and specialist nurse.
• In this specific case, the most immediate goals are to:
1. manage the airway,
2. manage the eyes, and
3. manage the ICP risk.
• Longer term goals include normalizing their head shape and appearance with multiple operations
during their lifetime.
• With regard to the airway risk, a cardiorespiratory sleep study should be performed to screen for
obstructive sleep apnoea, as children often manifest airway obstruction subacutely with episode
of hypoventilation rather than acute obstruction, that is more common in adults.
This may be due to central apnoea in syndromic infants, or due to airway obstruction at any
of the following sites:
– the underdeveloped midface resulting in airflow obstruction
within the nose,
at the level of the palate and tongue base, as well as
– anomalies of the larynx and trachea
Surgical options include:
– a tracheostomy or
– a monobloc procedure.
• With regard to managing their eyes:
– Globe subluxation is an emergency with the potential to result in permanent vision loss.
I would manage this with liberal and frequent application of ocular lubricants as well as
training parents and carers on the immediate reduction of this with sterile warm wet gauze.
– Orbital volume is corrected with frontofacial surgery.
– A tarsorrhaphy may be considered, as is seen in the photograph, but the indications for this are
debated, as it may result in increased pressure on the globe, as well as the residual potential
for subluxation despite reducing the palpebral width. In addition, reducing the subluxed globe
in the presence of a tarsorrhaphy is made more difficult or impossible without surgical release
of the tarsorrhaphy.
• With regard to the ICP risk, a neurosurgical opinion should be part of the MDT management as
this may be elevated in syndromic patients due to:
– multi-sutural synostoses and cephalocranial disproportion, or due to
– additional intracranial pathologies (such as obstructive hydrocephalus from aqueductal
stenosis or a Chiari malformation).
If the raised ICP is purely due to the cephalocranial disproportion, then the treatment is to
increase the cranial volume. In young infants, with small circulating volumes of 70–80 ml/kg,
this is best achieved with posterior vault expansion surgery, as it is less morbid than cranial
remodelling, with a lower risk of hypovolaemia from even small amounts of blood loss. This
allows a temporary increase in cranial volume until the infant is older and able to safely
undergo cranial vault remodelling.
• If there are no acute concerns to address, then the overall plan is:
1. Posterior vault expansion to address cephalocranial disproportion and raised ICP at 6–12 months.
2. Fronto-orbital remodelling at age 12–18 months to address the brachycephaly and increase
the orbital volume.
3. A lefort III procedure is then offered to advance the midface and further improve the airway
and aesthetics – usually at early school age.
4. Otherwise, a Monobloc may be considered to achieve the advantages of the fronto-orbital
remodelling and lefort III midface advancement, in either:
– an infant or toddler for primarily functional reasons – particularly if there are repeated
globe subluxations which threaten sight, or
– it may be offered from pre-secondary school through adolescence for primarily aesthetic
5. Finally, Orthognathic surgery is offered at skeletal maturity.
• However, I am aware of wide variation of practice in the management of syndromic patients in
different craniofacial centres, both in the United Kingdom and internationally – with considerable
debate regarding the indications for and timings of:
– tarsorrhaphies,
– tracheostomies,
– Monoblocs, and
– the types of posterior expansion procedures, amongst many other considerations.
Case 2.11 137
Please tell me your indications for this, as well as your understanding of the considerations regarding
the airway management of a syndromic craniosysnostotic child with obstructive sleep apnoea.
• My indications for a tracheostomy in this scenario include:
– establishing an airway when other treatments have failed (such as a NPA, CPAP, and
intubation) and
– the post-operative airway management in patients with residual significant obstructive sleep
apnoea following frontofacial surgery.
• However, whilst a tracheostomy is able to completely relieve the airway obstruction, there are
significant associated morbidities that should be considered in the discussions with the family,
– the need for patients to be monitored 24 hours a day as there is a risk of accidental decannulation
or obstruction (particularly in infants who require a very small tracheostomy),
– the need for secretions to be managed throughout the day, with increased burden of care,
– an increased risk of chest infections, and
– the potential of becoming tracheostomy-dependent, with failure of decannulation.
• For this reason, some centres prefer a monobloc advancement as a first-line option to address
the airway, with additional benefits of simultaneously obtaining ocular protection and treating
the cephalocranial disproportion-as it advances the forehead, orbit and midface as one unit.
This may avoid the need for a tracheostomy altogether or at least allow a more likely successful
decannulation if it has already been performed.
• However, parents need to be made aware that:
– Even though frontofacial surgery is safely carried out in high volume centres, it remains a
major surgical procedure, especially in infants with smaller circulating volumes.
– In addition, a monobloc procedure carries a risk of meningitis due to nasocranial
– Lastly, early frontofacial surgery carries a higher risk for the need for revision surgery later
on, with subsequent surgery being more difficult and associated with an increased risk of
It is for this reason, that many other centres prefer to defer frontofacial surgery as much
as possible, if it is safe to do so from an ocular point of view.
You mentioned a Lefort III midfacial advancement earlier. Please talk me through that.
• A bicoronal incision is performed.
• Osteotomies are performed through:
– the zygomatic arch,
– the frontozygomatic suture,
– floor of the orbit,
– nasofrontal suture, and
– finally, by completing the cuts with a pterygomaxillary disjunction.
For small advances (up to 10 mm), the new position can be maintained with bone grafts but
cranial distractors (which may be internal or external) are generally used for patients requiring larger
advancements, as it:
1. decreases the risk of morbidity from large dead spaces such as bleeding and infection, and
2. reduces the relapse seen in large advances from static techniques, by overcoming the natural
soft tissue resistance by means of gradual stretching and accommodation, generating new
soft tissue simultaneously with skeletal augmentation. However, high patient compliance
is required, and a second smaller procedure is required to remove the distractor at the
completion of treatment.
138 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS(Plast)
What are the possible complications of a Lefort III advancement with distraction?
• Complications following a Lefort III advancement include:
– skull base fractures with intracranial bleeding,
– zygomaticomaxillary junction fractures,
– visual loss after retro-orbital haemorrhage,
– strabismus,
– anosmia,
– CSF leaks and dural tears, and
– infraorbital nerve injury.
• With regards to complications following distraction, these include:
– frame migration,
– intracranial migration of the fixation pins,
– pin site infection and loosening, and
– asymmetrical advancement.
Please talk me through a monobloc procedure. What are the pros and cons of performing it, versus
staging a fronto-orbital advancement with a delayed Lefort III?
• The monobloc procedure moves the entire forehead with the face and is similar to the combination
of a fronto-orbital advancement with a Lefort III advancement. This results in a skull base defect
which is reconstructed with a pericranial flap to reduce the risk of meningitis from nasocranial
• The staged approach (Fronto-orbital advancement first, then Lefort III) maintains separation of
the cranial cavity from the nasal cavity but requires two large procedures.
• Monobloc osteotomies are undertaken in the following order:
– frontal craniotomy and division of the zygomatic arch
– circumorbital osteotomies
– completion of anterior skull base cut across the midline
– pterygomaxillary osteotomy
– separation of the nasal septum from the skull base, and
– downfracture of the frontofacial segment
• This will achieve an advancement of about 1 cm, with distraction used to achieve further
augmentation as necessary.
• An anteriorly based pericranial flap is preserved and used later in the anterior cranial fossa floor
reconstruction to address the nasocranial communication
• Cranial clefts numbered 8–14 are superior to the orbit, with each subsequent cleft being more
median than the last, starting with cleft number 8 – running above the lateral canthus and cleft
number 14 – as a midline cranial cleft.
You’ve mentioned the failure of the facial prominences to fuse as a possible cause of a facial cleft.
What is the embryology of facial development?
• Development of the face occurs between the 3rd and 8th week of gestation.
• In the 3rd week, the neural folds fuse to form a neural tube: the cranial neural tube forms a
central frontonasal prominence and six paired branchial arches – each of which form a cartilage
precursor, an artery, nerve, muscle, and skeletal structure:
– The frontonasal prominence is destined to form the forehead, nose, and the central upper lip.
– The first branchial arch develops the maxillary and mandibular prominences, which form the
midface and lower face respectively.
The maxillary prominence will form the cheeks, maxillae, and lateral upper lips.
The mandibular prominences become the lower lip, chin, and mandible.
– The second branchial arch forms the facial nerve and muscles of facial expression.
You’ve mentioned the 6th, 7th, and 8th clefts – associated with Treacher Collins. What are their
• Cleft number 6 passes between the maxilla and zygoma and may be associated with a coloboma
of the lateral lower eyelid.
• Cleft number 7 runs between the zygoma and the temporal bone. It may extend medially across
the cheek into the lateral aspect of the mouth – and may result in macrostomia.
• Cleft number 8 passes outwards from above the lateral canthus. It extends between the zygoma
and the temporal bone into the greater wing of the sphenoid.
• educational support,
• conventional air conduction hearing aids,
Case 2.12 141
What is a BAHA?
Bone anchored hearing devices (BAHA) are an established treatment for conductive hearing loss, for single
sided deafness in children.
There are two broad categories of devices:
• Firstly, the traditional technique uses a titanium osseointegrated implant into the skull bone, onto
which an external audio processor is clipped. This is effective in children, but is associated with:
– implant loss due to failure of osseointegration or trauma, and
– recurrent skin inflammation.
• A second type of device has been developed which involves the placement of a subcutaneous
magnet that transduces vibration from an externally worn processor. This reduces the amount of
skin inflammation although skin necrosis has been reported.
Tell me about middle ear implants. How are these different to BAHAs?
These are an option for hearing rehabilitation in children with atresia, which may be used in addition
to autologous ear reconstruction. Such devices have both internal and external components – as for
transcutaneous BAHAs – but the internal component produces mechanical vibrations, which stimulates
the middle ear directly, causing it to vibrate.
You mention that this is a lobular type microtia. Which classification is that based on?
• The Nagata classification divides microtias based on the remnants present into
– lobular type,
– conchal type,
– small conchal type,
– atypical microtia, and
– anotia.
• The bony labyrinth is formed from the mesenchyme surrounding the inner ear.
• An invagination of the first branchial groove, called the tubo-tympanic recess, forms the auditory
tube and tympanic cavity.
• Finally: Meckel’s cartilage, from the first arch, forms the malleus and incus, and Reichert’s
cartilage forms the stapes.
Which autologous technique would you use? Please talk me through it.
• I will use the Firmin technique for autologous reconstruction, with two stages starting at about
the age of 10. This is a modification of both Brent’s four stage and Nagata’s two stage techniques –
with the goals to:
– create a harmonious and life-like 3D structural framework, and
– successfully adapt the skin to it.
• The first stage consists of:
1. determining the correct location and orientation of the ear and skin pocket (using templates
and/or the contralateral ear as a guide),
2. removing aberrant cartilaginous remnants (except for the tragus and pretragus – if present),
and developing a viable skin pocket for the framework,
3. creating the framework most commonly from the 6–9th ribs (my preference is to use the right
side to avoid possible inadvertent iatrogenic cardiac injury, but I am aware that some teams
prefer using ipsilateral and others prefer using contralateral ribs),
4. placing the framework in the skin pocket, and
continuous suction drainage for 3–5 days to allow good adaption of the skin to the framework.
• The framework consists of:
– the base,
– antihelix,
– helix,
– tragus/antitragus – if present – and
– projection pieces.
• The projection pieces may be placed in the first stage if the overlying skin is compliant and the
height of the framework does not place the skin flaps under tension – which would compromise
flap vascularization.
• Otherwise, they are saved for the second stage, and can be banked under the thoracic skin at the
rib donor site.
• Placement options for projection pieces include:
– as a connecting strut deep to the root of the helix and tragus – to increase stability of the
construct and improve the 3D contour,
– deep to the antihelix – to increase the height of the posterior wall of the concha – and
– deep to the lobule – to compensate for a hypotrophic mastoid.
• The second stage is undertaken 6 months later to allow good adaptation of the skin to the
underlying framework. It consists of:
– elevation of the framework with a projection block, and
– creation of the retro-auricular sulcus, with either:
an SSG from the scalp, for adequate colour match – if a small projection is needed, or
if more projection is needed, then:
a mastoid fascia flap and SSG, or
a superficial temporoparietal fascia flap and SSG.
How would you choose where to place the ear in patients with anotia?
• Ear placement is based on:
1. the distance from the root of the helix to the orbit,
2. the distance from the lobule to the oral commissure, and
3. the angle determined by the axis of the ear to the nasal dorsum.
These are measured on the normal side if there is one or that of a parent in patients with bilateral anotia.
144 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• Alternatively, specific acetate templates (such as those described by Nagata and Magritz) can be
used with various ear sizes. These are sized and aligned based on the positions of the eyebrow
and alar of the nose on the unaffected side.
What complications would you counsel the parents and child for?
• Acute complications consist of:
– infection,
– haematoma,
– skin loss, and
– donor site complications such as:
chest wall deformity, and
hypertrophic scar – which may become significant in girls with respect to the
inframammary fold.
• Long term complications include:
– cartilage resorption, and
– final size discrepancy in 50% of patients.
How would you address the maxillary hypoplasia that is evident in the photograph?
• This does not cause severe airway distress as the child does not have a tracheostomy, so correction
is indicated to support the lower eyelids and improve the aesthetics.
• I will propose lipofilling to increase soft tissue volume to support the lid and optimize the tissue
thickness, prior to zygomatic reconstruction with bone grafts or implants – if required.
What would you suspect if this patient also had bilateral radial deficiency of their upper limbs?
I will suspect Nager syndrome, which is a pre-axial acrofacial dysostosis. It is autosomal dominant with
facial features similar to Treacher Collins syndrome, but with preaxial limb deformities such as radial
deficiency, and less commonly other hand anomalies such as hand syndactyly and camptodactyly.
Please talk me through your understanding of radial deficiency and its management principles.
• This is hypoplasia or aplasia of the pre-axial structures of the upper limb resulting in radial
deviation of the wrist, with treatment options based on:
– the patient’s age,
– the severity of the deformity, and
– the degree of functional deficit.
• It is most frequently associated with syndromes such as:
– Holt-Oram – which involves cardiac anomalies,
– VACTERL – which involves Vertebral, Anal, Cardiac, TracheoEsophageal fistula, and Renal
and Lower extremity anomalies,
– TAR – involving Thrombocytopaenia as well as an Absent Radius,
– Fanconi anaemia, and
– Nager syndrome – as in this case.
• Because of that, my management will start with referring any child with radial deficiency to the
paediatric team to exclude cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and haematological abnormalities before
addressing the limb anomaly.
• I will then clinically and radiographically assess for the degree of:
– hypoplasia or aplasia of the upper limb as a whole,
– radial angulation of the hand,
– hypoplasia of the thumb,
– function of the elbow – as it may be affected by humeroulnar synostosis, and
– function of the wrist and hand.
Case 2.12 145
How would you manage this child? The parents are extremely worried and arranged for their baby to
be scanned abroad where they lived until very recently. Mum is distressed that her daughter’s head
shape is being commented on at mum and baby groups. She has read a popular ‘new Mum’s blog’
discussing how helmet therapy helped a child’s head shape, and they are prepared to ‘go private’ to
obtain this. What would you advise?
• I will reassure them that this is not a craniosynostosis, but a common deformation with no
functional consequence, that occurs in up to 50% of infants due to external forces such as:
– supine positioning – from the ‘back to sleep campaign’ to decrease the risk of sudden infant
death syndrome, and
– rotational forces, due to:
torticollis most commonly and
more rarely visual defects.
• Management will include:
– treating any torticollis or neck stiffness early with physiotherapy,
– ‘tummy time’ – to allow baby to spend time lying on their front whilst awake, supervised,
and playing,
– the use of a sling or a front carrier to reduce the amount of time baby spends lying on a firm
flat surface, and
– modifying parental lap ‘nursing’ position to promote contact with the less flattened side of
the parental chest.
• However, I will stress that all babies, including those with positional plagiocephaly, must be laid
to sleep on their back. Sleeping in positions other than this is associated with an increased risk of
sudden infant death syndrome. For the same reason, no pillows or props should be used to change
a baby’s sleeping position.
• I will also inform them that head shapes usually improve to socially acceptable stages when the
child can sit unsupported with time, once the offending external force is removed, but that I cannot
guarantee that she will not be left with a possible residual deformity.
• Regarding Helmet therapy, this involves wearing a customized helmet for 23 hours a day with space
to allow the flattened area to remould. This requires regular monitoring with serial adjustments,
with the risk of pressure injuries. This is not funded by the NHS, as there is no strong evidence
to show any significant difference in head shape at 2 years in those who have had this treatment
compared to those who haven’t.
How does that differ from a craniosynostotic plagiocephaly? How would you manage the infant in
that situation?
• Plagiocephaly is due to the premature fusion of the coronal or lambdoid sutures.
• Anterior plagiocephaly presents with restricted ipsilateral growth because of the premature fusion
of the ipsilateral coronal suture – so I would expect:
– ipsilateral frontal flattening and temporal fossa convexity,
– a recessed supraorbital, lateral, and inferior rim producing a shallow orbit,
– deviation of the root of the nose to the ipsilateral side,
– a shorter eye-to-ear distance on that side, and
– a harlequin deformity as a radiological pathognomonic sign – due to the lack of descent of
the greater wing of the ipsilateral sphenoid.
• A posterior plagiocephaly presents with:
– ipsilateral occipital flattening,
– ipsilateral mastoid bossing, and
– contralateral parietal bossing, with
– typically little facial scoliosis or asymmetry.
• I will manage them within the craniofacial MDT with core members consisting of the craniofacial
surgeon, neurosurgeon, psychologist, paediatrician, ophthalmologist, ENT surgeon, orthodontist,
speech therapist, geneticist, and specialist nurse.
• A targeted history will establish:
– the birth history,
– general health of the infant,
– any possible familial component,
– a developmental history,
– any features of functional compromise, and
– any aesthetic concerns expressed by the family.
• My examination will establish:
– the head circumference,
– the facial and cranial morphology, as well as
– clinical signs suggestive of ICP, such as a full or tense anterior fontanelle.
• A CT scan with 3D reconstruction is helpful to:
– confirm the diagnosis and exclude the involvement of another suture or intracranial anomaly,
– exclude radiological signs of raised ICP, such as:
diffuse copper-beaten appearance,
reduced extra-axial space,
ventricular effacement, and
suture diastasis, as well as
– aiding in surgical planning.
• Cranial remodelling surgery is offered to address an increase in ICP and/or to address the aesthetic
148 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Which surgical procedure would you propose to normalize the appearance of a patient with an
anterior plagiocephaly?
I will propose:
• a frontal craniotomy,
• fronto-orbital advancement,
• repositioning of the frontal bar, and
• recontouring of the frontal bone.
• avoid the complications of neonatal surgery such as the risk of blood loss in very low circulating
volumes as well as general anaesthetic complications, and
• the bones are still malleable at this age, and there is less compensatory growth and asymmetry.
1. NICE Guidance [NG127]. (2019) Suspected Neurological Conditions: Recognition and Referral.
2. Wilbrand JF, Wilbrand M, Malik CY, Howaldt HP, Streckbein P, Schaaf H, Kerkmann H. Complications
in helmet therapy. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2012 Jun;40(4):341–346. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2011.05.007.
Epub 2011 Jul 8. PMID: 21741852.
3. Kmietowicz Z. Expensive helmets do not correct skull flattening in babies. BMJ. 2014;348:g3066.
PMID: 24791750.
4. Tamber MS, et al. Congress of neurological surgeons systematic review and evidence-based guideline
on the role of cranial molding orthosis (helmet) therapy for patients with positional plagiocephaly.
Neurosurgery. 2016 Nov;79(5): E632–E633. PMID: 27776089.
5. van Wijk RM, van Vlimmeren LA, Groothuis-Oudshoorn CG, Van der Ploeg CP, Ijzerman MJ, Boere-
Boonekamp MM. Helmet therapy in infants with positional skull deformation: randomised controlled
trial. BMJ. 2014 May 1;348:g2741. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g2741. PMID: 24784879; PMCID: PMC4006966.
Case 2.14
This patient presents to your clinic with the above lesion. He has had problems with IV drug
dependency and has been homeless for many years. This has only come to light when he showed it to
a doctor from the local needle exchange programme. How would you proceed?
• This patient presents with a significant lesion of the anterior abdominal wall. The visible area
affects at least the left half of the anterior abdominal wall, and possibly even the groin and pubic
• My primary concern is that this is malignant – unless proven otherwise – and my plan will be to:
– establish histological diagnosis,
– establish the extent of disease, and
– manage this patient within a skin MDT to determine the optimal plan – whether that is
curative or palliative.
• My focused history will determine:
– the onset of the lesion – which will give me an idea regarding its clinical progression, and the
reason for the possible delay in presentation – particularly mental health disease. I anticipate
from the history that I may need to involve the mental health and social care teams.
– Their comorbidity, smoking, and alcohol history will establish their WHO and frailty scores
to determine if this patient is fit for a possible major surgical procedure.
• My examination will establish:
– the clinical extent of the lesion, and
– palpable inguinal lymph nodes.
• I will establish an urgent histological diagnosis with outpatient clinic incisional biopsies at the
junction of the tumour and normal skin margin – perpendicular to the lateral margin, as this is
where viable representative tumour is most likely to be present for histological assessment (as
opposed to a biopsy of the centre of the tumour with a high risk of sampling necrotic tissue).
• I will request an urgent MRI of the abdomen, and a CT of the chest/abdomen/pelvis to:
– determine whether this is surgically resectable, and
– exclude regional and distant spread.
• Lastly, given his history, I will obtain his consent to test for hepatitis C/B, HIV, and TB for his
own and staff protection, if his infectious status is not known already.
So, it transpires that this is an SCC that has spread to his chest, liver, and thoracolumbar spine. How
will you proceed? He is now complaining of severe pain, and it is extremely malodorous.
This is stage IV disease, so the aim is to control his pain and possibly also induce remission.
Let us change the scenario: the lesion is shown to involve the full thickness of the abdominal wall and
involves the right inguinal nodes only.
What if the scan also showed involved pelvic nodes – how would you proceed?
I will ensure an MDT assessment to ensure he is fit for a pelvic node dissection, even more so if the open –
as opposed to an endoscopic – approach is used.
How would you perform an open pelvic node dissection in this man?
I will perform this in conjunction with my general surgery, vascular or urology colleagues, depending on
my MDT set up, but the principle is to:
• place deep self-retaining retractors such as an Omni-Tract and divide the external oblique
• displace the spermatic cord medially and divide the inferior epigastric vessels,
• displace the peritoneum medially to expose retroperitoneal structures,
• begin laterally on the pelvic sidewall and sweep nodes and associated tissues medially,
• mobilize the rectum and bladder medially and retract these behind moist packs,
• perform an obturator node dissection by following the obturator nerve and artery,
• obtain haemostasis and reapproximate abdominal wall structures, and
• place closed-suction drains and close in layers.
Case 2.15
Why not just close the defect directly once the tension from the retractors is removed?
There is strong evidence to support the use of immediate flap reconstruction for patients such as this, with
improved wound healing and a decreased risk of pelvic sepsis, as well as herniation of pelvic organs.
Whilst it is the classical workhorse flap for perineal reconstruction – with bulk and reliable
anatomy, it is not my first choice as:
– I prefer to leave the abdominal wall donor site untouched as much as possible, in case my
colorectal colleagues need to fashion a urostomy or move a stoma to the contralateral side
in the future, and
– there is an associated donor site morbidity with up to 25% of patients left with an abdominal
bulge or a hernia.
• Other options include:
– bilateral pedicled Gracilis flaps to reconstruct the pelvic floor, and
– local flap options for skin reconstruction – although the local flap donor site tissue is frequently
resected as part of the irradiated field.
Please talk me through how you would proceed with a VRAM flap reconstruction.
I will first establish the side that the colorectal surgeons will need for their neo-stoma. It is usually the left side.
The procedure starts with the patient supine. I prefer to raise the VRAM prior to the laparotomy – to
minimize operating in a potentially contaminated field.
• I will raise the rectus muscle with a skin paddle based on the predicted skin requirement and the
supraumbilical anterior rectus sheath – whilst preserving the posterior and infraumbilical rectus sheathes.
• The deep inferior epigastric vessels are visualized and followed to the external iliac vessels.
• I will then transect the rectus insertion off the pubis using cutting diathermy but ensuring that I
preserve the pyramidal component to take the tension off the vessels.
• Once the abdominal resection is complete, I will place the flap in a bag, then rotate the flap 180
degrees to pass it into the pelvis, and then
• incise the peritoneum where the vessels enter it to prevent the vein from kinking along the edge
of this.
• I will then close the rectus sheath with a double PDS suture and an onlay mesh to further decrease
the risk of an abdominal weakness.
Are you aware of other options to decrease abdominal donor site morbidity following a VRAM?
Yes, these include fascial-sparing VRAMs, and component separation donor site closure has been described.
What is component separation?
This is a procedure popularized by Ramirez to increase the potential for direct closure of the abdomen
with possible medial advancement of 3–5 cm per side. It is achieved by division of the external oblique
aponeurosis which allows medialization of the rectus/internal oblique/transversus abdominis muscle
complex. Release of the rectus muscle from its posterior sheath provides an additional 2 cm of advancement.
Modifications have been described such as:
• an endoscopic-assisted technique, and
• a perforator-sparing technique, where lateral umbilical dissection is avoided to preserve the
periumbilical perforators.
How would you manage this patient if they also needed a vaginal reconstruction?
My option would be to use a thin ALT or VRAM, which would be coned over a vaginal mould in a complete
vaginal reconstruction. If this is not an option – such as in high BMI patients – then I would use a Gracilis flap.
It is important to plan for an additional flap for bulk and perineal skin, in addition to the flap required
for vaginal reconstruction. So, for example, I may use an ALT for the perineal skin and a Gracilis for the
vaginal reconstruction.
1. Witte DYS, van Ramshorst GH, Lapid O, Bouman M-B, Tuynman JB. Flap reconstruction of perineal
defects after pelvic exenteration: a systematic description of four choices of surgical reconstruction
methods Plastic Reconstr Surg. 2021 Jun;147(6):1420–1435.
Case 2.16
Please draw a cross section of a penis and talk me through your illustration.
From superficial to deep: Dartos and Buck’s fascia are the superficial and deep fascial layers deep to the
skin. They are separated by areolar tissue that contains the superficial dorsal vein.
The next layer is the Tunica Albuginea which binds the Corpora cavernosum and Corpus spongiosum
together. The deep dorsal vein and both dorsal arteries and nerves lie between the Tunica and deep
When you say a ventral curvature of the shaft, do you mean a Chordee?
No, the term chordee is an outdated terminology that has been abandoned by the hypospadias surgical
community as it was found to be confusing to patients and parents.
Penile curvature may occur with or without hypospadias: it is formed by maldevelopment of the corpus
spongiosum with consequent fibrotic tethering, regardless of the position of the meatus.
What is the embryology of the development of male genitalia and what is going wrong in hypospadias
• The development of external genitalia occurs in two phases:
– an early hormone-independent phase (from 5 to 8 weeks of gestation), and
– a later hormone-dependent stage (in weeks 8–16).
• During the hormone-independent phase, the external genitalia are indistinguishable between
males and females.
– During the 5th week of gestation, mesodermal paired cloacal folds fuse along the midline to
form the genital tubercle.
– These cloacal folds then divide into urogenital folds flanking the urogenital sinus and anal
folds posteriorly.
– Labioscrotal folds then develop on each side of the urogenital folds.
• The hormone-dependent phase of sexual differentiation begins from week 8 onwards, when the
gonads have differentiated into testes in XY males.
– The presence of testosterone produced by the testis causes the genital tubercle to elongate and
the urethral groove appears, laterally defined by the urethral folds.
– The distal portion of the urethral groove terminates in a solid epithelial plate, called the
urethral plate.
– Formation of the urethra starts with canalization of the urethral plate by progressive apoptosis,
which is androgen-independent, followed by the androgen-dependent epithelial fusion of the
urethral folds along the shaft of the penis from proximal to distal.
– The genital tubercle then gives rise to the glans and the labioscrotal folds fuse to form the
– Finally, the penile skin, including the foreskin, develops from ectodermal tissue externally
covering the entire penile length, and the corporeal bodies arise from mesenchymal
– Closure of these structures on the ventral midline gives rise to a ridge of tissue referred to
as the median raphe.
• Hypospadias is caused by abnormal or incomplete urethral closure during weeks 11–16 of
embryonic development, which may be due to:
– abnormal formation of the urethral plate,
– failure of canalization of the urethral plate, or
– failure of midline fusion of the urethral folds.
Why would you use a two-stage procedure? Surely one should try and avoid an additional stage if
This produces excellent cosmesis with a slit-like terminal meatus, and is very versatile and applicable to
all possibilities – including revisions. So this is my go-to option for all except the most distal cases – unless
they are associated with a curvature, in which case I would use a two-stage technique as well.
I reserve one stage techniques for a subcoronal or coronal hypospadias with no associated curvature.
This technique has been shown to have a higher revisional rate, with less patient satisfaction in adulthood,
if applied to more severe cases – especially with regard to the rate of meatal stenosis. So, if the operation is
performed before genital awareness, an extra stage is not detrimental to the patient.
Please talk me through how you would perform a one-stage, and a two-stage repair.
• Prior to any hypospadias repair:
1. I will intraoperatively assess for a penile curvature using a Horton’s test, and release it – if
2. I will also instrument the urethra with Clutton Sounds – until the level of the bladder – to
ensure there are no urethral strictures or stenoses. If so, I will enlist the help of my urological
colleague for an endoscopic release of this.
• With regard to the one-stage repair:
1. The first step is glans flap elevation, followed by
2. urethral plate incision, progressing distally to the level of the corpora cavernosa (which
appears bluish).
3. The neourethra is tubularized over an 8-gauge stent in two layers of 7/0 vicryl, ensuring this
is stopped at the midglans level to prevent stenosis.
4. A ventrally-based waterproofing flap is then raised from the foreskin (to minimize subsequent
fistulae), followed by
5. glans remodelling with 5/0 vicryl and
6. a prepuceplasty with 6/0 vicryl rapide.
• With regard to a two-stage repair:
– The first stage consists of splitting the glans longitudinally and using a skin graft to resurface
the defect – taken from the inner prepuce if available, otherwise from the buccal mucosa –
ensuring I plan for a larger graft to factor in post-operative contraction.
– The second stage follows the same stages as a one-stage repair now that the first stage has
brought enough tissue to enable tabularization, with:
1. tubularization of the skin graft over an 8-gauge catheter to form the neo-urethra, followed by
2. a waterproofing flap that is ventrally-based from the foreskin,
3. glans remodelling, and
4. a prepuceplasty.
1. Li Y, Sinclair A, Cao M, Shen J, Choudhry S, Botta S, Cunha G, Baskin L. Canalization of the urethral
plate precedes fusion of the urethral folds during male penile urethral development: the double zipper
hypothesis. The Journal of Urology. 2015;193(4):1353–1359.
2. Blaschko SD, Cunha GR, Baskin LS. Molecular mechanisms of external genitalia development.
Differentiation. 2012;84:261–268
3. Bouty A, Ayers KL, Pask A, Heloury Y, Sinclair AH. The genetic and environmental factors underlying
hypospadias. Sex Dev. 2015;9(5):239–259. doi:10.1159/000441988
4. Talab SS, Cambareri GM, Hanna MK. Outcome of surgical management of urethral stricture following
hypospadias repair. J Pediatr Urol. 2019 Aug;15(4):354.e1–354.e6.
Case 2.17
This 55-year-old gentleman develops a deep sternal wound infection and mediastinitis following a
CABG procedure. This is managed with excision of devitalized soft tissue and systemic antibiotics.
• I will use an interim negative pressure dressing to control fluid discharge, reduce bacterial load,
and reduce wound oedema whilst the patient is being optimized.
• Once sepsis is controlled and the patient’s general health has been optimized, then I will proceed
with planning the reconstruction.
• With regard to skeletal reconstruction:
– I will be guided by the cardiothoracic team and intensive care team, based on the patient’s
chest wall stability and the mechanics of their ventilation.
– As a principle, I will aim to keep any use of foreign material to a minimum.
• With regard to soft tissue reconstruction:
I will plan for a latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap:
– including a large, long oblique skin paddle over the lower portion of the muscle – with the
long axis from superomedial to inferolateral: this allows the skin paddle to be rotated easily
into the defect as the flap is transposed around the chest – with the superomedial tip being
inset into the inferior end of the defect, and the inferolateral tip inset into the superior end
of the defect.
– I can further improve flap reach by releasing the distal attachment of the muscle to the
humerus, if needed.
Please talk me through your workhorse flap options for sternal reconstruction – would you use any
of these other options in this instance?
In addition to LD, my other go-to options include:
1. the pectoralis major muscle,
2. the rectus abdominis muscle, and
3. the omental flap.
• The pectoralis major muscle:
– may be used as an advancement or a turnover flap.
– This is my preferred option for upper or midsternal defects, but I would not use this option in
this case, as the flap does not cover the lower aspect of the sternum reliably.
– It is a Mathes and Nahai type V flap with a dominant thoracoacromial supply – upon which
the advancement flap is based – and a secondary IMA perforator segmental supply – upon
which the turnover flap is based.
– Bilateral advancement flaps provide bulk and sternal stability, and the flap reach can be
extended by division of the clavicular attachments and even the humeral insertion (with the
acceptance that this last step will distort the anterior axillary fold).
• The rectus abdominus muscle:
– is a Mathes and Nahai type III flap, with dual supply by the superior and inferior epigastric
vessels, with the superior epigastric artery being the continuation of the internal mammary
– This provides a reliable skin paddle and plenty of bulk to fill any dead space.
– This may be an option in a patient who has not had an IMA harvest, but it does weaken the
abdominal core, so I prefer the LD.
– I am aware that it is anatomically possible to raise a rectus based on the cardiophrenic branch
of the IMA, which anastomoses with intercostal vessels, but this may be less reliable, so I
would prefer to avoid that – especially in a situation like this where the stakes for success
are high.
• The omental flap:
– can be based on either gastroepiploic artery, with the right side being dominant.
– It provides less bulk than muscle flaps and consequently less chest wall stability. In addition,
the abdominal donor site may be more morbid – even with laparoscopic harvest – so I reserve
it for patients with:
sternal defects involving the lower pole,
bilateral IMA harvest, and
in whom an LD is not a good option.
Case 2.17 161
Tell me – you’ve mentioned the Mathes and Nahai classification. What is this and why do you use it?
• This is a classification of muscle flaps based on the pattern of their blood supply. It is widely used
as it helps predict how to elevate the flap with:
– the vascular basis of the flap and
– the predicted arc of rotation or lack of, e.g., in the case of type IV segmentally based flaps.
• Type I flaps are supplied by single vascular pedicles such as tensor fascia lata supplied by the
transverse branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery.
• Type II flaps are supplied by a single dominant pedicle and smaller pedicles – upon which the
flap cannot be based, such as the gracilis flap with a dominant supply from the medial femoral
circumflex vessels and minor branches from the superficial femoral artery.
• Type III flaps are supplied by two pedicles and can be based on either one – such as gluteus
maximus with supply from the superior and inferior gluteal arteries.
• Type IV flaps are supplied by multiple segmental pedicles which make them more troublesome to
use for transfer as each pedicle supplies a small portion of the muscle, such as the tibialis anterior
with segmental branches from the anterior tibial artery.
• Type V flaps have one dominant vascular pedicle and a secondary pedicle – upon which the
flap can also be based, such as the LD – with a dominant thoracodorsal pedicle and secondary
intercostal and lumbar perforators.
Let’s go back to the same patient: the cardiac surgeon contacts you to say the patient has
presented 1 year post operatively in their clinic, with multiple cutaneous fistulae. How do you
• I suspect chronic osteomyelitis of the sternum.
• I will manage this along with my cardiothoracic colleague and microbiologist within the MDT
setting, with preoperative imaging with CT and MRI scans to radiologically confirm the diagnosis
and the extent of the disease process.
• If confirmed, then this will need joint plastic and cardiothoracic surgeon excision of necrotic
tissue including bone, with bony and surrounding soft tissue biopsies sent for culture-specific
antibiotic management.
• This will need to be performed with immediate bypass support available, as the pericardial
scarring to the deep surface of the sternum increases the risk of cardiac injuries. We may need
the involvement of a bone infection MDT if this is extensive.
Ok – you find that the whole sternum, along with the costochondral junctions, are affected and require
excision. What now?
• I will discuss this within the MDT and suggest that the defect will need stabilization to avoid
paroxysmal chest wall movement, as well as soft tissue reconstruction of the excised area that has
been affected by fistulation.
• As before, I will ensure that infection is eradicated, and the patient is optimized for surgery, and
proceed with reconstruction consisting of:
– Semi-rigid chest wall stabilization provided by a biological mesh such as Permacol, and
– a soft tissue reconstruction based on the size and location of the defect:
If the soft tissue and skin defect is small and the defect is in the upper half of the sternum,
then I will use bilateral pectoralis advancement flaps to provide bulk and further increase
If it involves the lower half of the sternum, or is large, then I will opt for a free ALT. This
will provide bulk and improve stability further.
I have elected for a free flap in this instance, as the pedicled options such as the other
LD, or rectus muscle will further weaken his core – especially as his chest wall is
mechanically unstable.
I have chosen the ALT in particular, as I need a bulky flap with a long pedicle to
reach recipient thoracoacromial or neck vessels – if the IMAs have been damaged
or excised.
162 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
What is Permacol? And why have you chosen this option to improve chest wall stability in this case?
• This is a porcine dermal collagen implant, that is commonly used for hernia and abdominal wall
repair. It has the advantage of becoming vascularized and hence reduces infection rates and
extrusion. There are many other biological meshes on the market with similar characteristics,
which would be equally effective in this case.
• Alternative options that have been described include:
– other semi-rigid fixation options, such as Gentamicin-impregnated polymethylmethacrylate
cement sandwiched between synthetic meshes,
– titanium plates, and
– bony flaps.
• However, they each bring certain disadvantages, such as:
– the high risk of extrusion of methyl-methacrylate,
– the potential for chronic infection of metalwork and biofilm in an infected environment, and
– donor site morbidity of autologous skeletal reconstruction such as with a fibula flap.
1. Levy AB, Aschermann JA. Sternal wound reconstruction made simple. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob
Open. 2019 Nov;7(11):e2488.
2. Bakri K, Mardini S, Evans KK, Carlsen BT, Arnold PG. Workhorse flaps in chest wall reconstruction:
the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and rectus abdominis flaps. Semin Plast Surg. 2011;25(1):43–54.
Case 3.1
This patient presents to you in clinic with a longstanding lesion. Please describe this photograph.
This is the photograph of a patient’s left axilla showing signs of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) with nodules,
sinuses and severe scarring that is consistent with Hurley Stage III disease, in a patient who appears to be
of higher BMI.
• There is also an association with Diabetes and PCOS, but no causal link has been found.
• Smoking is thought to worsen the disorder through stimulation of epidermal hyperplasia and
• Obesity is thought to contribute by stimulating a low-grade pro-inflammatory environment.
• Genetic mutations in NCSTN, PSENEN, and PSEN1 gamma-secretase genes lead to abnormal
epidermal proliferation and differentiation. Secretase is an enzyme that has an integral role in
cutaneous biology and is responsible for the intramembranous cleavage of transmembrane proteins.
• Syndromic HS (such as PASH and PAPASH syndromes) is characterized by a more severe
phenotype and recurrent episodes of pyrexia – coexisting with pyoderma gangrenosum and acne
in the case of PASH, and additionally pyogenic arthritis in the case of PAPASH syndrome.
You mention the Hurley Scoring System: what is that? Are you aware of any other classification or
scoring systems available?
• The Hurley Scoring System is the most commonly used clinical scoring system, in which:
– Mild disease (Hurley Stage I) is characterized by isolated nodules and/or abscesses without
permanent lesions.
– Moderate disease (HS II) is defined by widely separated recurrent nodules and or abscesses
with sinus tracts and scarring.
– Severe disease (HS III) is determined by multiple interconnected sinus tracts, abscesses, and
scarring affecting an entire anatomical area.
• It is a simple system that is useful in daily clinical practice, but it is not dynamic, nor sufficient for
monitoring the response to medical treatment – unlike other systems such as:
– the modified Sartorius Scoring – which is based on the lesion type and count, number of
anatomical regions involved, and distance between two relevant lesions, or
– the Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response score (HiSCR) – which evaluates the acute
phase outcome of patients who are specifically treated with Adalimumab.
• However, in contrast to the Hurley Scoring system, the modified Sartorius system is more time
consuming to use, and difficult to interpret with limited applicability in severe diseases stages
where lesions are confluent.
• In addition, two other research systems exist, including the HS Physicians Global Assessment and
HS Clinical Response systems, but these are not relevant in routine clinical practice.
How will you manage this patient?
• As per the guidelines produced by the British and North American Associations of dermatology,
I will identify:
– any additional areas affected and the severity of disease in these,
– any predisposing factors – including confirmation of the high BMI suspected from the
photograph – as addressing these conditions may improve the disease course,
– how this affects their quality of life (e.g., pain, suppuration with the need for dressings, psychological
distress, inability to continue their work, and effect on interpersonal relationships), and
– a familial history – for consideration for genetic testing.
• In a patient who is fit for a general anaesthetic, with Hurley Stage III disease – as this photograph
demonstrates, and a high BMI: I would suggest a joint MDT approach with my dermatology
colleague to discuss:
1. If this patient is a candidate for neoadjuvant Adalimumab prior to surgical excision to
attempt to decrease the disease burden (with adjuvant therapy resumed once wound healing
is complete) – especially if more than one area satisfy Hurley Stage III disease, and/or if the
patient has other inflammatory syndromes.
2. Surgical excision and reconstruction with a heavily quilted SSG and a dermal replacement
such as Matriderm, that is splinted with a negative pressure dressing for the 1st week. The
alternative is a flap option such as a pedicled TAP flap to avoid a skin graft in the axilla but
this would only be suitable in a slim patient who is not on Adalimumab.
– Of note, I would stop any Adalimumab treatment for 2 weeks both before and after
surgery to prevent severe wound healing delay, but warn the patient that their wound
healing may be delayed anyway by their previous biologic therapy.
Case 3.1 167
– If the disease affects both axillae equally, then I would stage the excision to allow for
patient hygiene, according to patient choice.
3. Lastly, to decrease the risk of recurrence and future flare-ups, I would also encourage the
patient to:
– routinely use chlorhexidine washes, and
– decrease any modifiable risk factors, such as:
a high BMI,
uncontrolled Diabetes, and
untreated PCOS or inflammatory conditions.
What is Adalimumab? And what is the evidence for its use in HS?
This is an IgG1 antibody specific for TNF-alpha that limits the promotion of inflammation. It is recommended
by NICE to treat active Hurley Stage II and III disease in adults, who have not responded to conventional
systemic therapy.
Why do you prefer the skin graft option in the first instance? Will you not risk shoulder problems
with graft contraction?
• This is my preferred option, in the first instance, as I believe that this would offer the best of both
– it is a simple technique,
– the artificial dermal layer improves the pliability and result of the graft, and
– if the patient has delayed wound healing due to Adalimumab immunosuppression, then they
would have had a ‘cheap donor site’ and the wound can be treated conservatively (with or
without negative pressure therapy) to achieve wound closure.
In practice, patients with good quality skin grafts – especially with added dermal
replacements – that are placed with the shoulder in abduction and external rotation to
maximize the defect prior to grafting, rarely have subsequent shoulder problems which limit
their activities. In the rare instance that they do develop a reduced ROM, the graft can always
be replaced later with a flap.
• I would reserve the regional flap option, such as a pedicled TAP flap, in:
1. a slim patient, who does not want to consider the skin graft option (to avoid the transfer of bulky
tissue to the axilla in a heavier patient, which will require numerous liposuction sessions), and
2. who is also not at risk of wound healing problems caused by Adalimumab (so as not to have
a transferred flap that is ‘floating in the breeze’ due to delayed wound healing), or
3. in the rare event of a patient with joint mobility issues following their skin graft.
How would you reconstruct a patient with bilateral inguinal Hurley stage III disease?
My preference is for SSG and Matriderm as before with bilateral simultaneous excision and reconstruction,
with an alternative for bilateral ALTs if the patient is slim and is not at risk of wound healing problems
caused by Adalimumab.
What is Matriderm? Why choose it over another dermal replacement, such as Integra?
Matriderm is a highly porous membrane composed of a 3D coupled bovine dermal collagen and ligamentous
elastin that can be used as a single stage procedure along with the SSG placement.
Prior to the introduction of single-layer Integra, its advantage was a one-step procedure, and as a result
remains a popular choice but there is no evidence for any superiority of outcome with any one dermal
replacement over another.
• Most of these patients would have been managed by their GP or dermatologist prior to referral but
if they haven’t, then I will advise:
– cessation of smoking,
– weight reduction – if applicable,
– the use of antiseptic washes such as Hibiscrub,
– a referral to their gynaecologist if there is a suspicion of PCOS, and
– a referral to their GP for consideration of Metformin if they are obese or have metabolic
• With regard to short flare-ups, I would recommend topical Clindamycin (but not beyond 3 months
as longer courses have been shown to lead to antibiotic resistance).
• Multiple recurrent flare-ups would warrant oral Tetracycline for at least 6 months.
1. Alikhan A, Sayed C, Alavi A, Alhusayen R, Brassard A, Burkhart C, Crowell K, Eisen DB, Gottlieb
AB, Hamzavi I, Hazen PG, Jaleel T, Kimball AB, Kirby J, Lowes MA, Micheletti R, Miller A, Naik
HB, Orgill D, Poulin Y. North American clinical management guidelines for hidradenitis suppurativa:
A publication from the United States and Canadian Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundations: Part I:
Diagnosis, evaluation, and the use of complementary and procedural management. J Am Acad
Dermatol. 2019 Jul;81(1):76–90.
2. Saunte DML, Jemec GBE. Hidradenitis suppurativa. JAMA, 2017;318(20):2019.
3. Blok JL, Spoo JR, Leeman FWJ, Jonkman MF, Horváth B. Skin-Tissue-sparing Excision with
Electrosurgical Peeling (STEEP): A surgical treatment option for severe hidradenitis suppurativa
Hurley stage II/III. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015 Feb;29(2):379–382.
4. Vinkel C. Hidradenitis suppurativa: causes, features, and current treatments. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol.
5. Kimball AB, Sobell JM, Zouboulis CC, Gu Y, Williams DA, Sundaram M, Teixeira HD, Jemec
GB. HiSCR (Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response): A novel clinical endpoint to evaluate
therapeutic outcomes in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa from the placebo-controlled portion
of a phase 2 adalimumab study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016 Jun;30(6):989–994.
Case 3.2
What is the embryology of the hand? And what is the embryological insult in this case?
• Embryological development of the hand begins in the 4th week of gestation in a highly orchestrated
temporal and spatial fashion, by relying on interactions between three known signalling centres
and a host of transcription factors, secreted proteins, and receptors, to ensure differentiation of
the upper limb in three axes.
The three primary signalling centres consist of:
1. the Apical Ectodermal Ridge (AER),
2. the Zone of Polarizing Activity (ZPA), and
3. the Wingless type signalling centre (WNT).
• The AER is a specialized region of the ectoderm that condenses over the developing limb bud
and mediates proximal-to-distal orientation by expressing several signalling molecules in the
fibroblast growth factor family such as FGF-2, 4, and 8.
• The ZPA exists within the posterior limb bud and determines:
– the AP radio-ulnar axis, via secretion of the Sonic Hedgehog protein, and
– proximal-to-distal growth, by inducing FGF-4 expression in the AER via a positive feedback
mechanism, which ensures proportional growth along both axes.
• The WNT signalling centre resides in the dorsal ectoderm and determines the dorsal differentiation
pathway via the secretion of LMX-1. A complementary protein called Engrailed-1 exists in the
ventral portion of the limb and is responsible for the ventral differentiation pathway.
• The three signalling centres act on transcription factors within the cells in the developing limb bud.
One of the most important factors is the HOX protein family, and in this case of synpolydactyly,
the underlying aetiology is most likely HOX D13 mutation, inherited in an autosomal dominant
1. Comer GC, Potter M, Ladd AL. Polydactyly of the hand. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2018;26(3):75–82.
2. Farrugia MC, Calleja-Agius J. Polydactyly: a review. Neonatal Netw. 2016;35(3):135–142.
3. Watt AJ, Chung KC. Duplication. Hand Clinics. 2009;25(2):215–227.
Case 3.3
What is syndactyly?
• This is a congenital hand anomaly that was historically classified as ‘embryonic failure of
differentiation’ according to Swanson’s classification and is now classified as ‘malformation
unspecified axis’ according to the OMT classification.
• It occurs in 1 in every 2000 births, and is twice as common in males than in females, with the
most affected interspace being the middle-ring interspace in non-syndromic patients, as shown
in this case.
• It is bilateral in half of the patients and is usually sporadic, although it can be familial with
autosomal dominant inheritance, or ‘complicated’ such as in those with Poland sequence or Apert
• Syndactyly may be classified based on whether it is:
– simple or complex – depending on whether bony and cartilaginous structures are affected as
well as soft tissues, or
– complete or incomplete – with controversy regarding the definition of a complete syndactyly as
to whether it includes the fusion of both adjacent nails or digital fusion to the level of the DIPJ.
1. the creation of a new web space sloping at 45 degrees from dorsal to palmar with a free transverse
distal edge, and
2. the distal release of digits by interdigitating fasciocutaneous flaps and full-thickness skin grafts
to resurface the interdigital space. I will avoid visible scars on the dorsum/volar aspect as much
as possible as well as longitudinal scars crossing joints to avoid scar contractures.
Please draw the syndactyly releasing incision lines for me on the illustration provided, and talk me
through your planning:
1. I first divide the distance between the MCPJ and the PIPJ into thirds (marked as a thin line at the
level of the proximal phalanx).
2. I then place the planning incision for the dorsal flap between the proximal third and the distal 2/3
of this. The width of the flap does not cross the midline of the digits.
3. The zigzag flaps are marked with apexes at the midlines of the DIPJ and PIPJ joint creases, as
well as the midline of the midpoint of the middle phalanx.
4. The volar surface is marked with a T-shaped flap at the base to accommodate the dorsal flap into
the new web crease.
5. The volar zigzag flaps are mirror images of the dorsal ones.
174 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
6. The fingertip is divided with Buck-Gramcko triangular flaps, planned by connecting the pulp
midline with one lateral aspect of the distal nail plate and the other pulp midline to the distal
volar incision point.
You mention using full-thickness skin grafts. Are there any other options to avoid that?
Yes – modifications of the Bauer dorsal flap by Giele and Niranjan, to recruit more skin have been described –
but I reserve them for incomplete cases up to the level of the PIPJ, as there is a particular soft-tissue deficit in
complete syndactylies. Beyond that, the local tissue deficit is too great for adequate circumferential coverage
without the use of skin grafts.
Why would one want to avoid skin grafts?
They may become hyperpigmented or hairy with time. Also graft loss may result in hypertrophic scars.
You mentioned the OMT classification replacing the Swanson classification. Why was it adopted by
the International Federation of Societies of the Hand as a replacement for the Swanson classification?
The Oberg-Manske-Tonkin classification separates malformations from deformations and dysplasias, based
on the embryological insult rather than the morphological classification in Swanson’s classification.
It has been shown to have high intraobserver reliability – especially amongst senior consultants – which
allows updates as our knowledge of embryology and genetics is improved.
You’ve mentioned the possible syndromic associations of syndactyly. What do you mean by that?
Syndactyly can rarely be associated with certain syndromes such as:
• Poland syndrome, which is classically associated with symbrachydactyly and the absence of the
sternal portion of pectoralis major, as well as
• Apert syndrome, which is associated with bilateral multiple complex syndactylies with
symphalangism and craniofacial features.
Would you manage an Apert hand any differently?
1. Here, the thumb is frequently involved, so management would involve creating a first web space
as a matter of urgency.
2. In addition, the digital interphalangeal joints are functionless; therefore, the need for the usual
zigzag incisions does not apply here so I would use a straight-line incision with skin grafts.
You mentioned the possibility of thumb hypoplasia earlier. What is your management algorithm if
that were the case?
• I would first exclude syndromic causes of radial longitudinal deficiencies such as Holt-Oram,
VATTERR, and TAR syndromes, as well as Fanconi anaemia.
• I would then use the modified Blauth classification to determine the treatment required.
• The most important sign is the presence and stability of the CMCJ, which differentiates a Type 3A
from a Type 3B, and necessitates a pollicization in Type 3B to Type 5, whereas
• Type 1 is treated conservatively or may require thumb lengthening, and
• Type 2 to Type 3A require
– stabilization of the MCPJ,
– first web space release, and
– opponensplasty.
• If a pollicization is indicated, then it is important to preoperatively check whether the child has a stiff
index finger or not, and how they use it preoperatively, as that may affect the result of the pollicization.
What are the types of hypoplastic thumbs that you have mentioned?
• Type I denotes minor hypoplasia – with all anatomical structures present but smaller in size.
• Type II denotes:
– MCPJ ligamentous instability, and
– thenar hypoplasia.
Case 3.3 175
1. Goldfarb CA, Ezaki M, Wall LB, Lam WL, Oberg KC. The oberg-manske-tonkin (OMT) classification
of congenital upper extremities: update for 2020. J Hand Surg. 2020; 45(6):542–547.
2. Braun TL, Trost JG, Pederson WC. Semin Plast Surg. 2016 Nov; 30(4):162–170.
3. Al-Qattan MM. A review of the genetics and pathogenesis of syndactyly in humans and experimental
animals: a 3-step pathway of pathogenesis. Biomed Res Int. 2019;2019:9652649.
Case 3.4
This 2-year-old is referred to your registrar 1 week after contracting chicken pox from her sibling.
Mum is worried that the skin around the small blisters in the suprapubic area ‘has gone black
around a pale area of skin’, with surrounding skin erythema that has been marked by the ER
The patient has entirely normal observations apart from a temperature of 37.6°C and appears
generally well in herself – although mum does report that her child’s appetite has been reduced in
the last 12 hours.
Are you sure you want to rush to theatre in this scenario and subject her to a potentially unnecessary
general anaesthetic? The child appears to be systemically stable. Why not admit her for observation
in the first instance?
• I agree that, had she been an adult with stable systemic observations, I would have considered
performing a ‘finger sweep test’ under local anaesthesia, and continued to treat with intravenous
antibiotics and observe for any progression if the finger test was negative. However, this is not
possible in children, so a general anaesthetic procedure is the only way forward to rule out a
potentially fatal condition.
• In addition, I will not wait for her to potentially develop systemic signs, as children have a larger
physiologic reserve than adults and will develop signs of shock much later – but once they start to
decompensate, they can deteriorate extremely quickly.
• Her systemic observations are relatively normal for the moment, although I note a mild grade
pyrexia and anorexia.
I believe these signs, along with the skin changes, and the history of Varicella Zoster, are enough for me
to have a high enough index of suspicion and warrant surgical exploration.
Why not just use a scoring system to guide your decision-making? Are you familiar with any?
• Yes, I am, various scoring systems have been described in the literature, but none of which have
been validated to recognize all patients with necrotizing fasciitis, and they have not gained much
traction amongst experienced clinicians for the purpose of diagnosis.
• This condition remains one that is diagnosed clinically by those with a high degree of suspicion.
Given the possibly fatal consequences of failing to recognize the condition with enough timeliness,
I will still surgically explore any patient with suspicious clinical signs regardless of any scoring
system score.
• The most popular scoring system is the Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis
(LRINEC). This was developed with six laboratory values including:
– CRP,
– total WBC,
– Hb,
– Na,
– creatinine, and
– blood glucose.
A score of more than 6 has a positive predictive value of 92%, but it is important to note that
10% of patients with necrotizing fasciitis in the original paper had scores of less than 6. Subsequent
validation studies have shown that those with scores of more than 6 do have more severe conditions
with a higher rate of death and amputation.
• In addition, this scoring system was not described for the paediatric population, and there have
been some papers suggesting a paediatric version which includes a high CRP and low sodium
level only.
promoting phagocytosis, decreasing toxin production, and preventing septic shock. In addition, it has a
broader cover with some anaerobic cover.
You take her to theatre, and she decompensates as she is transferred to the operating table with
multiple advancing edges of disease. How would you proceed now?
• This is a surgical emergency that has become even more time-crucial, and I need assistants. I will
ask the theatre runner to contact any of my plastic surgery consultant colleagues who are available
as an extra pair of hands would be useful.
• Whilst the patient was being put to sleep:
1. I would have asked the theatre team to warm the theatre, and
2. asked the nurses to prepare adrenaline-soaked gauze to help minimize bleeding, and
instructed my assistant to dress the excised areas with adrenaline-soaked gauze as I progress
with the excision.
• Time is of the essence here: it is essential to rapidly gain control of the advancing edges with a full-
thickness incision down to muscle and excision of the diseased fascia and overlying tissue until the
advancing edge is excised. I will recognise diseased fascia as dull grey with a lack of resistance to
digital pressure, and there may or may not be presence of the classically described ‘dishwater fluid’.
• If I am in any doubt, I will excise the tissue until I am certain of the viability of the tissue I encounter.
• Once I have gained control of the advancing edges, I can then assess the tissue at the peripheries
for fascial viability with the appearance of glistening white tissue that will withstand tugging
with a haemostat.
• Next, I will assess for subcutaneous and dermal viability of the peripheral tissue. I will excise
the overlying tissue if there is any concern of subcutaneous disease, such as calcification or
liquefaction of fat, or thrombosis of the subdermal venules.
• I will then assess the skin for dermal bleeding and again excise any questionable skin.
• Finally, I will obtain haemostasis – along with my assistant to minimize the time taken, and dress
the area with Jelonet, Betadine-soaked gauze, wool, and Crepe.
• She will then be transferred to the paediatric intensive care, with a plan for a second look in the
next 24 hours if it is safe to do so.
Complete debridement results in loss of tissue on her abdomen, chest, groin, and the anterior aspect
of both thighs affecting a TBSA of 25%. What now?
Once I am satisfied that debridement is complete, I will transfer her to the intensive care for stabilization.
If she is safe for transfer, I will discuss her case with my local burns unit, if this is not based in my hospital
– for possible transfer, as she now effectively has a similar post-operative defect to a 25% burn that has
been debrided.
Your local paediatric burns unit is full, as are many others. The only one available is 200 miles away.
Your paediatric intensivists are comfortable managing her. How would you proceed?
I will continue to manage her locally whilst remaining in regular communication with the burn surgery
consultants, as a long-distance patient transfer is not appropriate in this case. I will aim to graft her in the
next 24 hours if this is safe to do so from an anaesthetic point of view (as long as no further debridements
are required) to minimize her fluid losses and minimize her inflammatory response.
Why would grafting minimize her fluid losses and affect her inflammatory response?
This is because:
• The control of fluid loss is one of the functions of the skin, so early grafting will minimize this.
• In addition, an open wound results in inflammation. A wound of this surface area, in addition to
the effects of the recent infective insult, would result in a systemic inflammatory response.
Case 3.4 179
You’ve mentioned the control of fluid loss by the skin. What are the other functions of the skin?
This has protective, regulatory, and special functions.
You’ve mentioned the stratum corneum. Please tell me more about the structure of the skin.
• The skin is composed of two layers, the epidermis and dermis which rest on a panniculus adiposus:
1. The epidermis is composed of four or five layers of stratified squamous epithelium that is of
ectodermal origin but colonized by Melanocytes, Merkel cells-both of neural crest origin,
and Langerhans cells-derived from the mesoderm.
The layers, from deep to superficial, are Stratum:
lucidum – only present in glabrous skin, and
2. The dermis accounts for 95% of the skin thickness and is derived primarily from mesoderm.
It is formed by the papillary and reticular dermal layers separated by a neurovascular
The papillary dermis is superficial and contains more fibroblasts and finer collagen fibres.
The reticular dermis is deeper and contains fewer fibroblasts with thicker collagen fibres.
• The deepest two epidermal layers are actively proliferating layers that produce Keratinocytes. In
addition, Melanocytes, Merkel cells – which are mechanoreceptors, and Langerhans cells – which
are T lymphocytes, are also found here.
• Keratinocytes originate in the basal layer.
– They are responsible for the formation of the water barrier by producing keratin as well as
the secretion of lipids.
– In addition, they also regulate calcium absorption, which is essential to the conversion of
cholesterol precursors to form vitamin D.
• Melanocytes produce melanin during the conversion of tyrosine to DOPA by tyrosinase – the
secretion of which is stimulated by UVB light.
• Melanin is then packaged into melanosomes and transferred via phagocytosis from Melanocytes
to keratinocytes in the deepest two epidermal layers, and also transferred to the more superficial
layers in those with Fitzpatrick skin type 5/6.
• As the layers become more superficial, Keratinocytes undergo a maturation process called
keratinization, in which their cytoplasm is replaced with keratin as the cell dies and becomes
more superficial, until they reach the stratum corneum, where they become Corneocytes. These
are nonviable keratinized flattened cells that are evolved for barrier function only.
• The stratum corneum further protects against trauma with a ‘brick and mortar’ arrangement of
keratin linked by disulphide bonds with lipid in between. This insulates against fluid loss and
protects against bacterial invasion when lipid is excreted as keratin takes over the cell.
180 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Tell me, is there an alternative to debridement and skin grafting in the management of patients with
necrotizing fasciitis? And if so, why haven’t you mentioned that in this case?
• Yes, a skin-sparing technique has been described with the aim of decreasing the subsequent
reconstructive burden. This is based on the principle that some of the healthy skin at the periphery
of the diseased fascia may be salvageable, as it will survive on collateral circulation even if the
underlying fascia is excised.
• It is based on a model that is specific to necrotizing fasciitis, akin to Jackson’s zones of burn
injury, whereby:
1. Zone 1 includes the epicentre of disease with haemorrhagic bullae, fixed staining, and frank
dermal gangrene.
2. Zone 2 includes the transitional area with signs of erythema that can be potentially salvaged
if the infection is rapidly controlled.
3. Zone 3 is healthy uninvolved tissue.
• This technique involves fascial excision, with the overlying dead skin in Zone 1.
• With regard to Zone 2, a full-thickness incision is made down to muscle – extending into Zone
3 to excise the affected fascia and examine the overlying skin and subcutaneous tissue viability.
• If the skin and subcutaneous fat is healthy, then it is preserved.
• Any uncertainty will result in continued excision of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in that area
until completely healthy tissue is encountered.
However, I will not use this technique in this case as a rapid technique is essential in a decompensating
child – with the acceptance that there is a potentially greater need for reconstruction.
You’ve mentioned simple skin grafting. Are there any other methods of reconstruction available?
Yes, the use of dermal replacements such as one stage Integra and Matriderm to improve durability and
pliability can be considered if resources allow and no contraindications are present, such as secondary
infection. Flap reconstruction may be required over areas that aren’t graftable such as tendons – although
it is unlikely to be applicable here.
1. Wong C-H, Yam AK-T, Tan AB-H, Song C. Approach to debridement in necrotizing fasciitis. Am J
Surg. 2008;196(3):e19–e24.
2. Rüfenacht MS, Montaruli E, Chappuis E, Posfay-Barbe KM, La Scala GC. Skin-sparing débridement
for necrotizing fasciitis in children. Plastic Reconstr Surg. 2016;138(3):489e–497e.
Case 3.5
What is the pathophysiology involved? And how does that relate to normal palmar fascial anatomy?
• The pathophysiological process involves proliferative, involutional, and residual stages.
– The proliferative stage is characterized by the formation of a nodule with a high fibrinolytic
activity leading to progressive differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, along with a
high percentage of type III collagen.
In addition, I will perform a Hueston tabletop test as a quick screen: if is negative, then this
patient is not for treatment, unless they have an isolated painful palmar nodule that may benefit
from a steroid injection.
• My threshold to offer open surgery is:
– an MCPJ contracture of more than 30 degrees, and
– any symptomatic PIPJ contracture that meets my CCG funding criteria.
• I will manage their expectations by:
– making it clear that there is no cure for the disease and that recurrence is common – even
more so if there is evidence of diathesis, and
– informing them of any preoperative signs of poor outcome – if present.
• I will manage patients with symptomatic palmar disease who do not meet the threshold for open
surgery with a discussion regarding:
1. conservative measures such as activity modification, and
2. percutaneous fasciotomy.
How would you assess for the true contracture of the PIPJ?
I will measure this by flexing the MCPJ and reassessing the PIPJ contracture in this position. This will
give me a better idea of the likelihood of achieving a full PIPJ release – which is more likely if less than
40 degrees.
The patient has done some research online and asks about collagenase injections.
• I will inform them that this is an enzyme produced by Clostridium histolyticum that is licensed
for percutaneous injection of isolated palpable cords but is no longer available in the UK market.
• For their general information, and if they are considering travelling for this:
It is injected in the palmar palpable cord then the patient is brought back 24 hours later to
manually extend the digit and break the cord, followed by nocturnal splinting for 3 months.
Risks include tenderness of the injection of the injection site, swelling and bruising which can
be extensive, skin tears, and tendon rupture.
Tell me about the other surgical options that are available to treat Dupuytren’s disease in general.
The general options are fasciotomy, fasciectomy, and dermofasciectomy.
3. If there is no injury seen, then I will assume it may be due to spasm – so:
– I will allow the finger to sit in a semi-flexed position to avoid tension on the vessels which
may have contracted due to the longstanding deformity,
– apply topical Verapamil, and
– cover the finger with warm swabs that are regularly changed for 15 minutes.
4. If there is no improvement, then I will consider:
– 5% Lignocaine patches post operatively, and
– I will discuss a proximal sympathetic block with the anaesthetist – if not already undertaken as
part of the procedure’s anaesthesia. This gives excellent analgesia and minimizes peripheral
What would you do if your senior trainee calls you to say they have performed a dermofasciectomy
and release of a contracted A2 pulley, but have been left with an exposed flexor tendon?
• This is a difficult situation and is best avoided, if possible, by careful planning of:
– the skin excision,
– skin flaps, and
– the site of any flexor sheath release.
• However, if this has occurred, then skin grafts cannot be applied directly to bare tendon.
• The first option is to surgically examine the finger to see if this can be converted into a graftable
situation – with possible advancement of local tendon sheath or skin advancement – if the breach
in the flexor sheath is small.
• If this is not possible, then I will have to consider a flap – such as a cross finger flap.
• If the patient is asleep, then I will simply dress the finger and wake them. I will fulfil my duty of
candour with a full and frank conversation with them to obtain consent for this.
• However, if the patient is awake and willing to have this conversation, then I will proceed
to do so to avoid a return to theatre, but I will also ask for a second opinion from a fellow
consultant colleague, as this is good practice in an elective scenario with an unexpected on-table
What would you do if you discover that you have divided the nerve during your dissection?
• I would have previously ensured that a theatre microsurgery set, and magnification are available,
as with any elective hand surgery list.
• This is a recognized complication that happens infrequently, and I would have counselled the
patient about this risk, as part of their informed consent.
• This is sharp division of the nerve and so I expect direct repair will be possible with standard
microsurgical techniques using 10/0 ethilon and a microscope.
• I will ensure that I complete my duty of candour discussion post-operatively and document this.
• I will personally follow this patient up – as will all complications – but also to ensure they do not
develop a neuroma-in-continuity with localized tenderness overlying it.
• I expect some recovery of sensation – but this will depend on the patient’s age and comorbidities.
• Lastly, as with any complication, I will discuss this at the next departmental morbidity and
mortality meeting.
• Wallerian Degeneration occurs in the distal segment, with retrograde extension to the most
proximal node of Ranvier.
This consists of axonal degradation by proteases and phagocytosis of the debris – and with it –
axon growth inhibitors at the site of injury, which then promotes a pro-regenerative environment
in the distal axonal stump.
• Regeneration then occurs with a proximal growth cone that appears after 1 month and guides the
regenerating axons at a rate of about 1 mm/day – along:
1. neurotrophic factor gradients – such as that of nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic
factor, and TFG-b1 amongst many others, as well as
2. neurotropic contact guidance – along the bands of Büngner, formed by dedifferentiated
Schwann cells that are organized along the basal laminar scaffold, and
3. pruning of growth cones that do not reach the correct target.
This may be impeded by scar tissue formed by fibroblasts in the epineurium, perineurium,
or endoneurium, and the development of multiple branched axonal terminals to form a
You are asked to see a patient in dressings clinic with skin flap necrosis of the operated digit. How
would you manage this?
• I will first assess for infection and collections, that may require IV antibiotics and or surgical
• In the absence of these, most patients can be dealt with non-surgically with simple non-adherent
dressings and regular review to allow demarcation and granulation.
• If a joint or tendon is exposed, then I will consider local or regional flaps, such as a cross finger
1. Michou L, Lermusiaux JL, Teyssedou JP, Bardin T, Beaudreuil J, Petit-Teixeira E. Genetics of
Dupuytren’s disease. Joint Bone Spine. 2012 Jan;79(1):7–12.
Case 3.6
1. any asymmetry in the size, vertical position, and axis of the ear (to pre-operatively point this out to
the patient and parents, and warn them regarding the risk of residual post-operative asymmetry),
2. the degree of antihelical folding,
3. the depth of the conchal bowl,
4. any deformity of the lobule,
5. the spring of the auricular cartilage,
6. any other anomalies such as a Stahl’s ear or Darwin’s tubercle, as well as
7. their Fitzpatrick skin type, as patients with darker skin types may be predisposed to problematic
scarring, combined with ear surgery, which itself is a higher risk location.
What are your goals for surgery, and what techniques would you use to achieve this?
• My goals include:
1. correction of the superior third prominence of the ear aiming to achieve an ideal projection
of 21 degrees from the lateral border of the head (with a normal range from 21 to 30 degrees)
2. correction of the middle and lower portions – such that the helix is visible beyond the antihelix
and the helical rim projects laterally beyond the lobule,
3. a smooth and regular contour of the helix,
4. symmetry between both ears – regarding correctable aspects (to within 3 mm), and
5. the treatment of Darwin’s tubercle – if present
• Regarding my chosen techniques:
– I use Mustarde scapho-conchal sutures to correct a poorly defined antihelical fold.
– I use the suture-based Furnas setback technique to correct conchal excess. In patients with
particularly deep conchal bowls, where this is not sufficient, then I will also excise a crescent
of conchal cartilage.
– I use a modified fishtail excision, such as that described by Wood-Smith, to correct a
prominent lobule.
Mum does not change her decision, despite numerous consultations. It becomes apparent that she is
recently divorced from the father – with an ongoing dispute regarding parenting style. You contact the
father separately, as he is the joint legal guardian, and he is strongly in favour of his daughter going
ahead with the procedure. What now?
• From a legal and GMC point of view, if Gillick competence applies, then I must respect the child’s
autonomy. Even though I would – of course – much rather proceed with the agreement of both of
her parents, I have a legal obligation to respect the patient’s decision.
• I will take advice from my hospital’s legal team and my medical director, then set up a mediation
process and advocate for the child in this.
• This is an elective aesthetic procedure, albeit with potential psychological benefits for the child,
so I would ideally want a resolution both parents are happy with, before proceeding.
What if she were 6-year-old who was bullied to the point where she was refusing to go to school, how
would you proceed then?
• This is an entirely different scenario where Gillick competence does not come into play.
• The legal issues here are:
1. who has parental responsibility, and
2. how many parents are required to consent.
• The Children’s Act for each devolved UK nation states that the mother has automatic parental
responsibility. The father would also – if they were married or if his name was on the birth
certificate. As both were married, I assume both have legal responsibility here, but I will confirm
that with the hosptial’s legal team.
• With regard to the number of parents required to consent, the ‘Department of Health’s 2009
reference guide to consent’ states that one is usually enough – even if the other disagrees, with
the exception of a small group of important decisions where both need to consent or a court order
sought – such as circumcision or vaccinations. As, this does not apply here, only one parent’s
consent is required from a legal point of view.
Case 3.6 191
Case 3.7
How would you assess a patient with an ageing face? Please use her photograph as an example.
• I will first establish her goals and press her regarding her exact concerns.
• Salient points in her history include:
– smoking,
– diabetes,
– hypertension,
– medication affecting coagulation or wound healing – including over the counter remedies,
– any allergies, and
– a history of mental health issues.
• My examination includes an assessment of her skin quality in general, facial movement and
sensation, before systematically assessing her face in thirds.
– Using the photograph as an example: her skin displays fine rhytids affecting most of her face
and deep static rhytids in her forehead.
– In addition, there is mild asymmetry with right side dominance (with the orbit, midface, and
mandibular areas affected). This is important to point out to her as this may persist after treatment.
• Regarding the assessment of her face in thirds:
1. Assessment of the upper third include:
– the level of her hairline,
– any forehead ptosis (either compensated or not),
– forehead rhytids (either dynamic or static),
– temporal hollowing,
– eyelid dermatochalasis, and
– periorbital hollowing – with an A-frame deformity of the upper eyelid and a tear trough
deformity of the lower eyelid.
• I cannot see the level of her hairline here, or her temples.
• She does have forehead rhytids with ptosis of the lateral tail of the brow.
• In addition, with regard to the periorbital area, I note dermatochalasis of the upper eyelid despite
the area being partly obscured in the photograph.
• There is some volume loss of the lower eyelids with no obvious excess skin. I am unable to
comment on the position of the lower eyelid for certain.
2. Her midface assessment includes looking for:
– a palpebromalar groove,
– ptosis of the malar fat pad,
– circumoral wrinkles,
– nasolabial folds, and
– an elongated upper lip.
• All of these features are evident in the photograph.
3. Assessment of the lower third includes looking for:
– marionette lines,
– jowls,
– submental fat deposits, and
– platysmal bands, and divarication.
• I note marionette lines, heavy jowls, and can just see platysmal bands – but I would not be able to
comment further as the neck is partially hidden by clothing. However, I would establish this clinically.
This lady comes to you seeking facial rejuvenation as her daughter is getting married the following
year, and she wants to feel confident on the day. She tells you that she is unhappy with her ‘wrinkles’
jowls, and her ‘jawline’.
How would you proceed?
• Assuming that I establish that she is physically and psychologically fit for an aesthetic procedure,
I will inform her that skin quality – including fine rhytids, can be improved with resurfacing
treatments, such as:
1. laser treatment,
2. retinoic acid,
194 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
– Given her previous nerve injury, the patient would have to be especially counselled about the
risk of this happening again in a further procedure.
– Therefore, my options would be either a high, or deep plane:
A high SMAS involves lifting the flap at the level of the zygoma and fixed SMAS,
the deep plane involves lifting the SMAS at the junction of the fixed and mobile SMAS.
I prefer the deep plane because it involves a composite lift with less skin undermining and a more direct
lift on the area of concern, however there is no consensus in the literature as to which is superior.
How would you reduce the chances of a haematoma? And what are the possible sequelae of this?
• This consists of pre-operative, intra-operative and ‘extubation’ considerations:
• I preoperatively assess and optimize risk factors such as hypertension and anticoagulation
– including over the counter supplements, and I will not proceed with surgery if preoperative
optimization is not possible.
• Intraoperative techniques include:
– adrenaline infiltration – which also facilitates hydro dissection,
– the use of tranexamic acid – both intravenously and within the infiltration cocktail,
– meticulous intraoperative haemostasis,
– the use of fibrin glue, and
– a haemostatic net in Caucasian patients:
this aids in skin redraping and the reduction in the incidence of haematoma and seroma,
and is removed 48–72 hours post operatively, to avoid suture marks.
I will use a drain if the net is not accepted by the patient or not advisable due to the risk
of pigmented suture marks in darker skinned patients. I appreciate that this would not
directly decrease the chance of a haematoma but my rationale for its use is to enhance
skin redraping and decrease dead space.
• Considerations for the anaesthetist include the avoidance of extremes of blood pressure, and a
smooth extubation – if under GA.
• Potential sequelae include:
1. a potentially life-threatening airway complication if it is of significant size in the neck,
2. overlying skin necrosis,
3. contour irregularities of the overlying skin-which may take a long time to resolve, as well as
4. patient discomfort and distress
Evacuation is indicated for most – unless very small.
Let’s go back to this patient. She returns a couple of weeks later with a large cheek swelling. How
will you proceed?
• This is either
– a haematoma,
– a seroma, or
– a siloma.
• I will first aspirate it:
– If it is blood stained and significant, then I will take her back to theatre to wash it out.
– If it is clear, then I will send it off for amylase to exclude a siloma:
If the aspirate is positive for amylase, then I will organize an MR sialogram with
contrast, to determine if the parotid duct has been divided (in which case this would
need repair).
196 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
The more likely scenario is that the parotid capsule has been breached either during flap
raising or with a suture. I would treat this with aspiration and Botulinum Toxin, and then
anticholinergic medication.
If it is a seroma, then I would counsel her that she may need repeat aspiration.
You’ve mentioned neck lifts. Please talk me through your assessment for this and your treatment
• My assessment includes recognizing the factors which contribute to ageing of the jaw line, and
submental volume and laxity, including:
– the skin,
– fat volume and location,
– platysmal laxity and bands, and
– submandibular gland ptosis.
• The approach to the neck is dependent on the structures affected and the severity. This is either:
1. purely lateral, or
2. anterior, or
3. both.
– An anterior neck lift requires a submental incision. It is suitable for younger patients with
submental fat excess and reasonable skin quality.
– A lateral neck lift is usually undertaken in conjunction with a face lift and allows for
plication and/or lifting of the platysma in the lateral aspect.
– The combined anterior and lateral approach is used for corset platysmaplasty and division
of medial bands along with excess fat removal – if required.
– Some patients may be suitable for liposuction of the submental area, but this would only
address the subcutaneous fat rather than the preplatysmal fat, which requires an open
excision approach.
– Lastly, there is the option for a direct neck lift in patients who are elderly, or otherwise
unfit for extensive surgery, or have significant excess skin post weight loss, and will
accept the resultant scar.
1. Coleman SR., Grover R. The anatomy of the aging face: volume loss and changes in 3-dimensional
topography. Aesthetic Surg J. 2006 Jan;26(1_Supplement):S4–S9.
2. Auersvald A, Auersvald LA. Hemostatic net in rhytidoplasty: an efficient and safe method for
preventing hematoma in 405 consecutive patients. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2014 Feb;38(1):1–9.
3. Grover R, Jones BM, Waterhouse N. The prevention of haematoma following rhytidectomy: a review
of 1078 consecutive facelifts. Br J Plastic Surg. 2001;54(6):481–486.
4. Mendelson B, Wong C.(2018) Facelift: Facial Anatomy and Aging. In: Rubin J, Neligan P (eds.) Plastic
Surgery: Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery, 4th ed. Elsevier, pp.79–111.
Case 3.8
rough tissue handling with injury to the intima and exposure of the media,
thermal injury to the vessels, and
prolonged use of a vascular clip.
• Post-operative factors such as:
– prolonged vasospasm in a patient who is cold, in pain, or on vasoconstrictors – including
– hypoperfusion, and
– external compression from a heavy flap, a drain, or haematoma.
How would you manage recipient vessels with severe radiation damage – if no alternatives were
• I will first choose the largest possible recipient vessel with high inflow to attempt to counteract
the disadvantage at hand.
• In addition, I will:
– limit dissection of severely damaged vessels to the minimum required,
– prevent dissection of the intima by passing the needle from ‘in to out’, whilst ensuring I pass
at 90 degrees, as well as
– reduce the number of required sutures by using a larger suture, if the vessel size allows that.
What is your view on the use of an anticoagulant regime following the anastomosis?
• There is no consensus on an ideal evidence-based anticoagulation protocol for microsurgery.
• My practice includes routine anticoagulation for DVT prophylaxis: I would not routinely start the
patient on any anticoagulation specifically for the microvascular anastomosis, to avoid the risk of
unnecessary bleeding – except in instances such as:
– a perforator-to-perforator anastomosis, where I would ask the anaesthetist to give a 5000 U
of IV dose of heparin as I start the anastomosis, with a 10-day post-operative course of 75 mg
daily aspirin
– or in the situation of flap salvage, where again, I would give 5000 U of IV heparin after
repeating the anastomosis.
You are on call and are called by your trainee as the above flap is blue. What would you do?
• I will take this patient back to theatre urgently.
• As the patient is being prepped for theatre, I will review the operative note if I had not performed
the operation myself and formulate a plan as follows:
1. I will first enlist the help of my anaesthetic colleague to correct any hypothermia, hypotension,
and vasoconstriction.
2. I will then lift the flap and check for any causes of obstruction or external pressure such as:
– a drain,
– haematoma,
– anatomical structure, or
– a particularly heavy flap.
3. I will then inspect the pedicle to note whether it is:
– pulsating,
– in spasm, or
– whether an obvious thrombus is present.
Then I will proceed to check the length of the pedicle from the recipient vessel, the
anastomosis, to the flap itself looking for kinking or twisting of the pedicle. If present,
I will address that-which may require revising the anastomosis if the twist is at the level
of the anastomosis.
4. If the anastomoses are patent but in spasm, I will check again that the patient is warm and
apply a topical vasodilator. My first choice is Verapamil – a calcium channel blocker. Other
options include 2% or 5% Lignocaine.
5. If the anastomoses are not patent, I will revise them and take the opportunity to recheck the
quality of the recipient vessels, as well as the recipient artery spurt test.
6. If the anastomoses are flowing but there is still venous insufficiency, then I suspect that the
superficial system is not sufficiently drained so I will add another venous anastomosis from the
SIEV – which I would have routinely saved at the beginning of the operation, to a recipient vein
(such as the retrograde IMV or a preserved DIEP branch in a Type 2 or 3 Moon and Taylor).
7. If I don’t have an SIEV available, then I will debulk the flap and remove the distal zones to
decrease the demand on the flap – until flap bleeding is healthy. However, this does mean that
flap survival will be at the expense of a smaller reconstructed breast.
8. If this is not feasible, e.g., due to poor venous flow or severely irradiated veins, then I will
use the cephalic vein as a recipient. This may require the use of vein grafts depending on the
configuration of the flap, the pedicle, and the position of the SIEV.
How would you handle a size discrepancy between vessels?
• I will manage mild discrepancies by dividing the smaller vessel obliquely to equalize the areas
to be sutured.
• With increasing discrepancy, my options include:
1. a fish mouth incision or spatulation of the smaller vessel,
2. an end-to-side anastomosis, or
3. a wedge resection of the larger vessel.
• Lastly, with regards to mild-to-moderate venous mismatches of up to 2 mm, I prefer to use a
coupler – by choosing a coupler size in between the ideal size for either vessel, which mildly
stretches the smaller vein over the coupler ring and collapses the larger vessel into the other ring.
Otherwise, I will hand-sew the anastomosis using the techniques I have discussed.
What is a venous coupler?
This is a device that allows a ‘sutureless anastomosis’, through the eversion of the vessel ends over two
interlocking rigid rings that are 1–4 mm in size – with advantages such as shorter ischaemic times and
accommodation of moderate size discrepancy.
• Some studies have shown a lower thrombotic rate compared to hand-sewn anastomoses, although
the evidence for this is not strong.
200 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• I am also aware of the development of arterial couplers and those incorporating Doppler flow
monitoring, but these have not gained widespread traction yet.
Let’s go back to our scenario, with the patient with a congested flap. What would you do if you find
that the whole venous system is filled with thrombus?
• This is a poor indicator for successful salvage, but that is still possible so I will attempt it.
• The flap needs to be thrombolyzed in this instance – with whichever thrombolytic agent is used
by my local cardiac unit – most commonly Streptokinase or Urokinase, although others exist.
1. I will first disconnect the venous anastomosis to prevent systemic thrombolysis. The
accompanying drug information sheet will provide advice on how to reconstitute the drug.
2. I will flush it neat through the flap using one of two ways:
– If the arterial anastomosis is patent, I prefer to use the arterial pressure to propel the drug
through the flap via the largest side branch distal to the anastomosis.
– If there are no suitable side branches, which is more unusual, then I will take the arterial
anastomosis down and flush the drug in the artery, then repeat the arterial anastomosis,
and wait 20 minutes for the drug to take effect and for the flap to bleed.
3. Once that is achieved and the veins are thrombus-free, then I will repeat the venous
Great, you redo the anastomoses and confirm they are all patent, but the flap does not bleed. What is
going on, and how will you manage this?
• This is a ‘no-reflow phenomenon’, whereby injury to the microcirculation results in failure of flap
perfusion despite patent arterial and venous anastomoses.
• The pathophysiology is thought to be due to:
– ischaemia-induced endothelial cell swelling and membrane disruption, with
– reperfusion-induced overproduction of reactive oxygen species, and
– activation of the inflammatory cascade with platelet aggregation.
• This flap is sadly not salvageable, so I will:
– debride it,
– dress the wound, and
– discuss future reconstructive options with the patient when they are awake and ready.
1. Cracowski JL, Roustit M. Human skin microcirculation. Compr Physiol. 2020 Jul;10(3):1105–1154.
Case 3.9
What is an angiosome? Please talk me through the territories you have mentioned.
This is a composite block of tissue supplied by a named artery.
• The anatomical territory of the artery is the area in which vessel branches ramify before
anastomosing with adjacent vessels. The vessels that pass between anatomical territories are
called choke vessels.
• The dynamic territory is the area into which staining extends after intravascular infusion of
• The potential territory is the area that can be included if the flap is delayed.
Let us go back to the angiosome concept in this patient – how does it apply to DIEP flaps?
• Zone 1 receives musculocutaneous perforators from the deep inferior epigastric artery (DIEA)
and is therefore in its anatomical territory.
• The area of skin lateral to Zone 1 is the anatomical territory of the superficial circumflex iliac
artery (SCIA). Blood must travel through a set of choke vessels to reach it from the ipsilateral
DIEA. The area of skin on the other side of the linea alba is in the anatomical area of the
contralateral DIEA and is within its dynamic territory.
• Zone 4 lies furthest from the pedicle and is in the anatomical territory of the contralateral SCIA.
Blood would have to cross two sets of choke vessels to reach it, so is most at risk and frequently
discarded – except in very large reconstructions.
• The location of Zones 2 and 3 is dependent on the dominance of the perforators – with medial row
dominant flaps having a Zone 2 on the other side of the midline, and the more common lateral row
dominant flaps with a Zone 2 lateral to Zone 1.
What would you do if you need to use all flap zones to reconstruct a particularly large breast?
• I will use a bipedicled flap – ideally using the internal mammary vessels for the first set of
anastomoses, and the retrograde internal mammary vessels for the second set.
• The alternative is to use the thoracodorsal vessels as the second recipients, if retrograde flow in
the internal mammary vessels is insufficient.
• Other options include:
– the thoracoacromial vessels (but this may have a small vein),
– the lateral thoracic vessels, or
– to anastomose one DIEP vessel into the side-branch of the second DIEP vessel, if there is a
Type 2 or 3 Moon and Taylor branching pattern.
• more superficial vessels – with easier access for microsurgery and better positioning for me as the
surgeon, as it avoids working in a relatively deep dark hole, and
• they also allow more medial placement of the flap with less lateral fullness, which is ideal to
achieve fullness of the cleavage.
However, I recognize that there is a small chance of a pneumothorax and haemothorax, especially if the
area has been severely irradiated.
Case 3.9 203
1. Wong C, Saint-Cyr M, Mojallal A, Schaub T, Bailey SH, Myers S, Brown S, Rohrich RJ. Perforasomes
of the DIEP flap: vascular anatomy of the lateral versus medial row perforators and clinical
implications. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Mar;125(3):772–782.
Case 3.10
Please describe the embryology of breast development, as well as the stages of breast development.
• Prenatal breast development can be classified into two main processes with:
1. formation of a primary mammary bud, and
2. development of a rudimentary mammary gland.
• Bilateral mammary ridges develop from the ectoderm in the 5th week of gestation and extend
from the axilla to the groin. Most of these atrophy – except for paired solid epithelial masses in
the pectoral region that grow into the mesenchyme to form the primary mammary buds at the end
of the first trimester. Failure of this process leads to polythelia in up to 5% of people.
• In the second trimester, secondary epithelial buds appear from indentations on the primary
mammary bud, which give rise to lactiferous ducts. These invaginate into the mesenchyme to
form a well-defined tubular architecture at 6 months and continue to branch and canalize in the
third trimester.
• With regards to the stages of breast development, Tanner described five stages:
1. stage 1 refers to a prepubertal breast,
2. stage 2 refers to breast bud formation,
3. stage 3 refers to further enlargement of the breast and areola,
4. stage 4 refers to the formation of a secondary mound – due to disproportionate enlargement
of the nipple and areola, and
5. stage 5 being the final adolescent development of a smooth contour with recession of the
areola on to the breast.
You mentioned significant ptosis of the left breast. How do you classify breast ptosis?
I use the Regnault classification, which considers the relative positions of the nipple-areola complex (NAC),
the breast parenchymal mound and the inframammary fold (IMF) to classify ptosis into four grades:
glandular ptosis and Grades I–III.
• Glandular ptosis or pseudoptosis describes a breast with a NAC above the level of the IMF, but
with most of the breast parenchyma below the fold.
• Grade I refer to a breast with a NAC at the level of the IMF.
• Grade II refers to a NAC below the level of the IMF, but above the most dependent part of the
breast parenchyma.
• Grade III refers to a NAC below the level of the IMF, and at the most dependent part of the breast
She is unhappy with her breast asymmetry and wants a left breast reduction. How do you proceed?
• As with any aesthetic consultation, I will first establish that she is psychologically and medically
fit for surgery, before proceeding with a possible surgical plan.
• Assuming her BMI is greater than 30 as the photo would suggest, then I will counsel her strongly
to lose weight before we make a final plan, as complications are significantly reduced in those
with a BMI less than 30.
• I will arrange to meet with her again when she reaches a safer BMI.
• At this point, I will double check that she is entirely happy with the right breast, as her weight loss
may have affected that picture. If so, then I will offer a left-sided reduction with a wise pattern
skin excision.
• Regarding the pedicle option:
– my default choice is the superomedial pedicle, unless the distance of NAC transposition is
more than 20 cm – in which case I will suggest a free nipple grafting technique.
– If the distance of NAC transposition is between 15 and 20 cm, then I will discuss both options –
with the understanding that there is a risk of intraoperative conversion to a free nipple graft
if she does choose the pedicled option.
• The free nipple grafting technique may ‘save’ the NAC if an overly long pedicle would otherwise
place its vascularity at risk. In addition, the technique would give me more control over the final
shape and size of the breast – with the ability to aggressively resect and cone the parenchyma
without the risk of distorting the nipple position or compromising pedicle vascularity – which
is a particular advantage in patients with gigantomastia. However, its drawbacks include loss of
nipple sensation, loss of the ability to breast feed, pigmentary changes to the areola, and the risk
of NAC graft loss. So, I will only suggest it if the risk to the nipple is unacceptably high, such as
in the case where the NAC will be moved by more than 20 cm or if there is a vascular threat to
the NAC that does not respond to more conservative measures.
How will you mark the patient for a wise pattern breast reduction?
• I sit in front of the seated patient.
• I then measure the jugular notch to nipple distance, followed by
• marking the midline, the breast meridian, and the IMF.
• I determine the new nipple position at Pitanguy’s point by projecting the IMF onto the breast,
check symmetry with the other side and alter it accordingly if needed. I expect the jugular notch
to nipple distance to be 21–23 cm.
• Next, I mark the medial limbs to the midline, and
• then ask the patient to lie down to mark the lateral ellipses, as I find this decreases the chance of
residual dog ears.
• I finish by double checking all my measurements to ensure symmetry.
How would you define the position of the new nipple, if you find she has significantly asymmetrical
I would use landmarks such as the mid-humerus, as well as the jugular notch to nipple distance of 21–23 cm.
Tell me – how would you manage an at-risk nipple? Would you always convert to nipple grafting?
• This is a difficult situation, and the management is somewhat open to debate, as these are very
rare cases, with only low volume published case studies, individual case reports, and anecdotal
evidence for guidance.
• My management algorithm is based on the timing of the compromise – be it intraoperative or
postoperative, and the nature of this – be it arterial or more commonly venous.
• I would have preoperatively counselled the patient regarding this risk, and I will continue to be open
and honest – and involve her with regard to the management options, where possible – as I would
whilst managing any complication. This will keep her engaged, empowered, and keep her trust.
• If I note an intraoperative ischaemic nipple:
– I will first check for and reverse factors such as hypotension, hypothermia, or vasoconstriction,
– I will try a GTN patch for 30 minutes.
– If this does not improve matters, then I will proceed with a free nipple graft as this is likely
to be due to a non-reversible technical error.
• Intraoperative venous compromise on would closure will prompt me:
– to check the pedicle is not kinked, or
– skin closure is not tight: whereby further resection of breast tissue would decrease the pressure.
– If this improves matters but the problem recurs on skin closure, then I will place tacking
sutures and leave them untied, to be progressively tightened and closed in 3–5 days on the
ward. This will avoid having to take her back to theatre to achieve wound closure.
– If it remains blue despite all my measures and I have excluded both kinking of the pedicle,
as well as a tight skin closure, then I will place tacking sutures and leave them untied as
before – and leech the nipple post operatively – with a plan to progressively close the skin
once the congestion resolves.
– I will discuss this with the patient once she is awake and explain the plan. If she does not
accept the risk of nipple loss despite these efforts, then I would convert to a free nipple graft
whilst I still can.
Case 3.10 207
What are your thoughts on the use of drains in breast reductions? Do you use them?
Despite the evidence that they do not to prevent haematomas, I will still use them in reductions of more than
500 g and in patients older than 50 years of age, as drainage has been shown to be higher in these groups.
My rationale is that it would theoretically decrease pressure on the skin and NAC, reduce the recovery time,
and possibly decrease scarring – although I recognize there is no strong evidence for this.
Let’s consider another scenario: a patient comes for a revision breast reduction as she is upset because
her breasts ‘are still too big’. This was performed abroad, and the operation note is not available. How
would you manage this situation?
This is another difficult situation. If I confirm that she is psychologically and medically fit for revision
surgery, then:
• I will encourage her to wait for 1 year before any revision to allow for any swelling and tissues
to settle, then
• I will plan for a central mound technique as the previous pedicle is unknown with the understanding
that there is a risk of intraoperative conversion to a free graft technique, and I would warn her
regarding a higher chance of fat necrosis and nipple loss.
Why do you need to confirm she is psychologically and medically fit? Surely that is already confirmed
as she has already had her first breast reduction without any sequelae?
• It is important that I restart a complete assessment of any patient who presents to me – regardless
of what procedures they may have had in the past, as we all have different surgical protocols and
different levels of accepted risk. Also, the fact that she hasn’t had a medical complication the first
time may just be down to good luck rather than a good preoperative workup.
• I would also suggest that her current unhappiness with her post-operative result may be due to:
– poor preoperative workup,
– an intraoperative error (with the surgeon resecting less tissue than what may have been agreed
on), or
208 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
– unstable psychology, e.g., if she had requested her current size preoperatively then changed
her mind afterwards.
2. Colen SR. Breast reduction with use of the free nipple graft technique. Aesthet Surg J. 2001
3. Sig AK, Guney M, Uskudar Guclu A, Ozmen E. Medicinal leech therapy—an overall perspective.
Integr Med Res. 2017;6(4):337–343.
Case 3.11
• Haemostasis begins almost instantly after injury, and culminates with the formation of a red
thrombus via the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of the coagulation cascade.
• The inflammatory phase lasts for the first 72 hours and is initiated by factors released by platelets
such as PDGF.
– This attracts neutrophils, and macrophages – which are the key players in this step.
– Neutrophils debride tissue and phagocytose microorganisms in the first 48 hours.
– Macrophages attract fibroblasts, by releasing various cytokines such as TGF-ß, PDGF, and
Interleukin-1, and promote angiogenesis, by producing VEGF and TNF-α.
• This promotes the start of the proliferative phase that lasts for around 3 weeks. Fibroblasts, which
are usually located in perivascular tissue, migrate along networks of fibrin fibres into the wound.
They secrete type III and I collagen (in a ratio of 3:1), Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and elastin.
• The remodelling phase starts at 3 weeks and continues for up to 18 months, during which
equilibrium is reached between collagen breakdown and synthesis:
– The initially disordered collagen becomes organized with stronger cross-links along the lines
of tension, and
– Type I collagen replaces type III to restore the original 4:1 ratio. The maximum tensile
strength of the scar occurs at about 6–8 weeks with 80% of the pre-injury strength.
You’ve mentioned the processes of angiogenesis and wound contraction. Please tell me more about
• Angiogenesis starts with:
1. migration of endothelial cells towards an angiogenic stimulus (such as VEGF and TNF-a),
2. followed by proteolytic degradation of the parent vessel basement membrane,
3. proliferation of endothelial cells behind the leading front of migrating cells, and
4. finally, maturation of endothelial cells.
• Wound contraction begins soon after wounding and peaks at 2 weeks, with the amount of
contraction proportional to the wound depth. This contributes to up to a 40% decrease in the size
of full thickness wounds – less so in more superficial wounds, where epithelialization will play a
more important role. Myofibroblasts are the key players here, by aligning along skin tension lines
to produce contraction along this.
– They are derived from fibroblasts but contain actin microfilament bundles along their plasma
– Hormones, such as vasopressin, bradykinin, and adrenaline, induce myofibroblast pseudopodia
to extend.
– Cytoplasmic actin then binds to extracellular fibronectin, attaches to collagen fibres and
retracts-drawing the collagen fibres to the cell, and thereby producing wound contraction.
You’ve mentioned the coagulation cascade. Please tell me more about that.
• This is a cascade of events that leads to haemostasis.
• The intrinsic pathway begins with the activation of Factor XII after exposure to endothelial
collagen in the tunica media and adventitia of damaged vessels.
• The extrinsic pathway is initiated by damaged endothelial cells releasing Tissue Factor, which
activates factor VII.
• Both pathways converge via the common pathway whereby prothrombin is converted to thrombin,
which in turns activates the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.
• The fibrin mesh helps to stabilize the platelet plug, which is initially white if it contains only
platelets, but then becomes red when red blood cells are trapped.
How would this differ from the processes in a wound left to heal by secondary intention?
Wound contraction and ECM deposition will occur to a greater extent – as well as the process of
reepithelization, which involves:
1. mobilization of keratinocytes at the periphery (or in appendages in partial thickness wounds) due
to loss of contact inhibition,
2. migration of these cells until contact inhibition is re-established, followed by
3. mitosis of basal cells, and finally,
4. differentiation of the cells to re-establish the basement membrane and epithelial layers.
What are the factors that affect the wound healing process that you have described?
These can be local and systemic:
diabetes mellitus that affects white cell activity and local blood supply,
medication, such as chemotherapy that prevents mitosis of cells, steroids that affect
macrophages, and NSAIDs that reduce collagen synthesis,
lastly, advanced age slows wound healing.
The wound eventually heals but the patient is unhappy with their scar. Please tell me about problematic
• A problematic scar refers to any abnormality of the colour, contour, and texture of the scar
manifested as hypo- or hyperpigmentation, keloid, hypertrophic, and depressed scars.
• Hypertrophic and keloid scarring are aberrant forms of wound healing.
Whilst their absolute causes and pathophysiological processes have not been entirely elucidated,
it is accepted that they display continuously localized inflammation, upregulation of fibroblast
function, and excessive ECM deposition.
• With regard to hypertrophic scars:
– Clinically, these are:
do not overgrow over the original wound boundaries,
can sometimes regress with time, and
rarely recur following excision.
– In addition, they tend to have a predictable cause that results in prolonged inflammation,
such as:
prolonged epithelialization, and
excessive tension.
– Histologically, they consist of excessive type III collagen arranged parallel with the skin surface.
– TGF-ß1 has been implicated in the pathophysiology, along with other fibrinogenic factors
such as IGF-1, by:
first delaying the inflammatory phase by inhibiting keratinocyte migration, with
a further effect of decreasing the concentration of a cytokine called Stratifin – which is
released by differentiated keratinocytes as they signal to the dermis to slow down matrix
production by fibroblasts, as well as
further promoting collagen deposition by inhibiting MMP action during the remodelling
– With regard to management of these scars:
I would start with non-operative measures, such as silicone-based products, pressure, and
massage therapy where applicable, and then
progress to offer revisional surgery, if appropriate.
• With regard to keloid scars:
– Clinically:
they extend beyond the edges of the original wound and may cause functional symptoms
of pruritus and hyperesthesia in addition to cosmetic concerns,
they do not regress and commonly recur following simple excision, and
they can occur after the most minor of wounds, and disproportionately affect:
darker skinned individuals compared to Caucasian patients, and
areas of predilection-such as the sternum, deltoid area, and earlobes,
pregnant patients, and
there is some evidence that they may become aggravated in hypertensive patients.
– The histological features include:
‘Keloidal collagen’, which consists of whorls and nodules of thick, hyalinized and
disorganized type I and type III collagen bundles,
a higher concentration of elastin, and
tongue-like projections of scar tissue that advance underneath the surrounding normal
In addition, perivascular chronic inflammatory infiltrates with mast cells are found in
the reticular dermis.
Case 3.11 213
– As with hypertrophic scars, the pathophysiology of keloids implicates abnormal TGF-ß1 and
MMP signalling pathways. But in addition, keloids have been shown to have:
higher Interleukin production in the inflammatory process,
higher levels of VEGF,
keloid fibroblasts that have an altered phenotype with a higher sensitivity to growth
factors and a higher number of growth factor receptors including TGF-ß1, PDGF, and
IGF-1 receptors, as well as
abnormal mechanosignalling pathways such as the integrin pathway that mediates cell
attachment to the ECM.
– With regard to keloid scar management:
I would start with non-operative measures such as intralesional steroid injection in
combination with pressure therapy where possible, and
progress to intralesional excision in combination with steroids. Other alternatives include
adjuvant intralesional cryotherapy, interferon injection, 5-FU, Bleomycin, Laser, and
I would also ensure any hypertension is treated, where present.
• With regard to abnormalities in pigmentation:
– Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) of scars results from melanin overproduction or
irregular dispersion after cutaneous inflammation and may occur at the level of the epidermis
or the dermis.
When this is confined to the epidermis, there is an increase in the production and transfer
of melanin to surrounding keratinocytes.
PIH within the dermis results from inflammation-induced damage to basal keratinocytes,
with the release of large amounts of melanin. The free pigment is then phagocytosed by
macrophages, now called melanophages, in the upper dermis and produces a blue-grey
appearance to the skin at the site of injury.
– There is limited information about the mechanism and pathogenesis of post inflammatory
The chromatic tendency of the reaction of melanocytes to trauma is genetically
determined and inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern.
It is suggested that hypopigmentation may result from inhibition of melanogenesis.
However, severe inflammation may lead to melanocyte death with permanent pigmentary
1. Mustoe TA, O’Shaughnessy K, Kloeters O. Chronic wound pathogenesis and current treatment
strategies: a unifying hypothesis. 2006. Plast Reconstr Surg. 117:35S–41S.
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4. Lichtman MK, Otero-Vinas M, Falanga V. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) isoforms in
wound healing and fibrosis. Wound Repair Regen. 2016;24(2):215–222.
5. Wang P-H, Huang B-S, Horng H-C, Yeh C-C, Chen Y-J. Wound healing. J Chin Med Assoc.
6. Whitby DJ, Ferguson MW. Immunohistochemical localization of growth factors in fetal wound
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7. Chin D, Boyle GM, Parsons PG, Coman WB. What is transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β)?.
Br J Plast Surg. 2004;57(3):215–221.
8. Lichtman MK, Otero-Vinas M, Falanga V. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) isoforms in
wound healing and fibrosis. Wound Repair Regen. 2016;24(2):215–222.
9. Pakyari M, Farrokhi A, Maharlooei MK, Ghahary A. Critical role of transforming growth factor beta
in different phases of wound healing. Adv Wound Care. 2013;2(5):215–224.
10. Davis EC, Callender VD. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation: a review of the epidemiology, clinical
features, and treatment options in skin of color. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2010;3(7):20–31.
214 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
This 17-year-old athletic girl attends your private clinic with her mother asking for bilateral breast
implant augmentation. She reports feeling unattractive compared to her peers and is worried the
appearance of her breasts may limit her employment prospects in the modelling industry.
She comes back the following year, with her mother who is very supportive. What now?
• I will re-establish her goals – and explore the reasons for her wanting surgery more carefully – and
stress that this procedure may improve her confidence but may not improve her career prospects.
• If her goals are achievable, and she appears to be psychologically healthy, then I will request a
psychology assessment to support my decision to treat her, as she is still very young.
• If her goals are not achievable, or I have any doubt regarding her psychological suitability, then I
will decline to operate, explain my reasons why, and offer further support with:
– a referral to a psychologist if she wishes to consider that, and
– inform her GP, if she consents to that.
• In a patient who is psychologically and medically healthy – with achievable goals, the next step
is to establish the mode of breast augmentation. This can be:
– autologous with lipofilling or flap-based options,
– non-autologous with implants, or
– a mixture of both (such as using lipofilling to mask implant edges).
However, based on the photograph, I would be concerned regarding a lack of adequate
autologous donor sites to support a purely autologous option, so I would suggest the latter two
options if my examination of her potential donor sites confirms that.
Also, she would need to be adequately counselled regarding the risks of implants – particularly
capsular contracture and the emerging risks of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL).
How would you assess that, and why don’t you just leave it to the psychologist to assess that?
• Judging a patient’s psychological health should not be delegated entirely to a psychologist, as
I will not perform a purely aesthetic procedure on a patient if I have concerns regarding their
psychological suitability – even if a psychologist deems them to be fit.
• As surgeons, we all have varying thresholds for risk – and this is not a medically essential
procedure, so I will not take that risk if I do not feel comfortable to go ahead with a patient.
• However, that is not to say that formal psychological assessments are not helpful – they are –
particularly in situations where:
1. I would like confirmation that a patient is healthy and prepared for surgery – even more so in
situations such as this, where they are very young, or
2. for the assessment and treatment of distressed patients whom I have declined to operate on –
for either psychological or medical reasons.
• Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric condition characterized by a distorted perception
of one’s body image. I would be concerned by red flags such as:
– the preoccupation with a minor or perceived defect that disproportionately interferes with
their social and interpersonal functioning, and
– strong or disturbing language when used to describe the defect
• A useful and validated tool is the BDD Questionnaire-Dermatology Version (BDDQ-DV): it is a
quick questionnaire, which has been validated in the cosmetic population and has a high sensitivity
and specificity.
• Other validated tools include the Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire, but this has a lower
She is concerned regarding the safety of silicone implants, as she has read several blogs about the Poly
Implant Prothese (PIP) scandal and breast implant illness. How do you proceed?
I will inform her of the following:
• With regard to the safety of silicone implants, they are made from medical grade silicone – small
quantities of which can be taken up by the body and found in the breast tissue, or in the lymph
glands, or elsewhere. This may manifest as inflammatory nodules around silicone deposits called
silicone granulomas.
• With regard to the PIP scandal, PIP was a French company that was liquidated in 2010, after the
discovery of their fraudulent use of non-medical grade silicone, with a much higher incidence of
implant rupture. The implants that are currently used are from reputable companies which are
FDA approved.
Case 3.12 217
• However, as we are talking about safety, it is important to mention that there is a very rare form
of cancer called ALCL, which has been recognized by the WHO in 2016 to be associated with
implants. Rather than a breast cancer, it is a type of cancer of the blood cells that is associated
with the capsule around the breast implant.
– Current evidence is in flux with new information about it being discovered as we speak. To
date, cases of breast implant–associated ALCL (BIA-ALCL) have occurred between 2 and
28 years after breast implant insertion with the average time being 8 years.
– It is most likely to show up as a swelling around the implant causing an increase in the size
of the breast, called a seroma.
– It can usually be successfully treated with an operation to remove the implant and the capsule
of tissue surrounding it, but it has also resulted in death in a small number of patients.
– Because it is so uncommon, international organizations are sharing data and information
about this condition.
– Most of the cases worldwide have occurred in women with textured as opposed to smooth
breast implants, with higher numbers in those with implants that have a coarser texture than
those with a finer texture.
However, breast implants continue to have safety approval from Government organizations
such as the UK MHRA and the US FDA, and they continue to be used in breast reconstruction
following treatment of cancer worldwide.
• Lastly, there have been patient reports of symptoms associated with Breast Implant Illness. This
is a term used by some patients who have breast implants and experience a variety of non-specific
symptoms that they feel are directly connected.
– It is important to know that it is not a medical diagnosis, and there is no proven association
with breast implants to date; however, ongoing studies are being conducted around the subject.
– Some patients do report that their symptoms improve if their implants are removed:
around half of whom find that the improvement is temporary, and
others do not have any improvement at all.
How would you counsel her regarding implant-based augmentations?
I would explain that:
• Early risks include:
– a haematoma – which would require return to theatre, and
– infection – which may be require antibiotics if very mild or implant removal-if more severe-
with a time gap of 6 months before inserting another one to allow the wound to settle.
• More delayed complications include:
– implant rotation,
– capsular contracture,
– implant rupture (with a 10% risk at 10 years and 50% at 15 years),
– residual asymmetry,
– visible ripples and folds,
– altered sensation to the breasts and nipples, and
I would also add that there have been patient reports of non-specific symptoms described by some
as breast implant illness.
• The chance of requiring a re-operation for any reason is about 1% per year, with capsular
contracture being the most common reason. Treated capsular contracture is likely to recur in
50% of cases.
• I will stress that certain features will not improve and may even become more noticeable – such as:
– cleavage width – which may be especially accentuated by submuscular implants,
– stretch marks, and
– visible cutaneous veins
• I will also warn her that her final breast cup size cannot be guaranteed and may vary based on
the bra type and shape,
218 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• Sagging may occur with time – although this is unlikely to be a particular concern in this case,
and the implant may drop further below the nipple position – which is called ‘bottoming out’.
• With regard to future breast feeding – this is not affected in most women, but there is a small risk
that she may not be able to breast feed at all, or that her milk is reduced.
She appears to be well informed with reasonable expectations. She would like to have an implant-
based augmentation and hopes to go up by about one cup size. How do you plan the procedure?
• This involves:
– choosing the implant (with the implant size, shape, and surface texture) and
– choosing the pocket plane.
• With regard to the size of the implant,
– I will ask her to perform a rice test – the volume of which is converted to a potential implant
volume – to test the appropriate sizers. I will warn the patient that the rice volume is not the
exact volume that she will eventually have, as it simply provides an indication of the range
of implant sizes to be ordered.
• With regards to the shape, my choices are round or anatomical. I prefer to use a round implant to
avoid potential complications due to rotation.
• With regards to the surface texture, I will have a careful discussion with her regarding the options
– a smooth implant – with increasingly contested evidence that this increases the risk of
subsequent capsular contracture versus textured implants, or
• a textured implant – with emerging evidence that this increases the risk of ALCL – with the
approximate risk of 1 in 24,000 women, however the data is continuously changing.
• With regards to the choice of pocket plane:
– I will assess:
her skin quality, nipple to IMF distance, and the upper pole pinch test to see whether the
skin pocket will accommodate the desired implant, and
any fat donor sites for a potential small volume fat transfer that may be required to
disguise implant edges.
– My choices are subglandular and submuscular planes – which are commonly reproducible
and recognized techniques. I am aware of dual and subfascial planes, but I would prefer to
avoid these as a new consultant, as they have a higher learning curve and differing definitions
in different literature articles.
– If the upper pole pinch test <2 cm, I will discuss:
a submuscular approach or
fat transfer to disguise the edges of a subglandular implant.
– The advantages of the submuscular plane include a reduced risk of:
wrinkling, and implant edge visibility, and
capsular contracture – although this is increasingly contested, and likely due to the lower
chance of a palpable capsule under the muscle layer
– However, its’ disadvantages include:
tenderness, and
a tugging sensation in the medial aspect – which can be significant, especially in this
young athletic girl.
• I would manage symptomatic capsules – i.e., Baker Grades III and IV, with:
– a subtotal capsulectomy with change of implant and change of plane, if the patient wishes to
continue to have an implant, and
– the alternative is removal, with or without autologous options, with the understanding that
she may need to accept a smaller augmentation.
You proceed with submuscular breast implants, and she comes back with animation and tenderness.
This is preventing her from undertaking her daily exercise. Now what?
I would give her the option to:
1. Tebbetts JB, Adams WP. Five critical decisions in breast augmentation using five measurements in
5 minutes: the high five decision support process. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2005;116:2005–2016.
2. BDDQ-DV screening tool:
Case 3.13
A 50-year-old self-employed roofer presents with a 6-week history of this lesion on their thumb. He
initially thought that he may have a type of fungal infection as his nail plate became flaky and came
off – revealing this lesion that grew quickly over the next 4 weeks. How would you proceed?
• I am concerned regarding a malignant process, and will proceed with a focused history,
examination, and histological confirmation with an urgent biopsy. If this is positive, then I will
image him to establish the extent of any local invasion – as well as regional or distant spread,
before considering his treatment options within the skin MDT.
• Salient points in the history include establishing:
– UV exposure,
– immunosuppression,
– history of radiotherapy,
– any personal or family history of skin cancers,
– medication – particularly immunosuppressants or anticoagulation,
– hand dominance, and
– any treatments he may have undergone for the supposed nail infection.
• Next, I will:
– exclude palpable axillary nodal disease, and
– perform a full-body exam to assess for any other skin lesions, or intransit disease – in the
case of potential melanoma.
• I will then arrange for an urgent biopsy under local anaesthetic.
The biopsy comes back positive for squamous cell cancer, and there are no palpable nodes. How will
you manage him now?
• I will image him to establish:
– the extent of any bony invasion – with a radiograph, and
– any regional spread – with an ultrasound scan, with fine needle aspiration of suspicious
nodes. If this is positive, then he will need a staging CT chest/abdomen/pelvis to exclude
more distant spread.
• I will discuss his management options within the skin MDT, with the suggestion that:
– I excise the lesion and reconstruct the defect with a split skin graft– if there is no bony
destruction on the X-ray or
– I amputate the thumb with a 1-cm margin and intraoperative margin control – if bony
destruction is evident, with a plan to arrange the reconstruction of his thumb once clear
margins are confirmed.
• Radiotherapy is not a primary treatment modality in this case, as it is a relative contraindication
in extremities – so is reserved for patients who are not surgical candidates.
Bony destruction is evident on the radiograph, so he agrees to an amputation, but asks about his future
reconstructive options. You have a subspecialty interest in hand surgery, so will be performing the
thumb reconstruction for him. What are his options?
This question is answered in Case 1.7.
You perform the amputation, but somehow the histological sample is lost in the system. How will you
• This is a devastating event both for the patient, and for me as the consultant surgeon involved.
– My first step is to declare this – both to the patient and my organization.
– I will then work with both the MDT and my patient to decide on the safest management plan.
– Lastly, I will ensure organizational learning occurs to prevent this happening again.
• As per the GMC’s Good Medical Practice:
– I will fulfil my duty of candour by being open and honest with my patient and record my
interaction with them.
– I will also report this to my hospital’s governance system as a major incident to trigger a root
cause analysis investigation.
– Lastly, I will discuss this at the next morbidity and mortality meetings – both at the
departmental and skin MDT levels.
• Next, I will suggest to the MDT that we have three possible courses of action – none of which
are ideal:
– Option 1 – would be to simply follow the patient up, as the risk of incomplete excision with
a 1-cm margin is low – in the region of 3–5%, according to the BAD guidelines: if this path
was chosen, then I would delay any definitive thumb reconstruction for at least 12 months,
and possibly up to 3 years to allow for any recurrence to declare itself.
– Option 2 – would be to sample the stump for histopathological diagnosis of a possible involved
– Option 3 – would be treat this as the worst-case scenario – with adjuvant radiotherapy,
assuming there may have been an incomplete excision, a close margin, or poor prognostic
features such as lymphovascular invasion. However, it is important that the patient understands
that this would increase morbidity and would also limit their thumb reconstructive options.
• Once an agreement is reached within the skin MDT, I will meet with the patient to discuss their
options – along with their next of kin if they wish, and our skin-specialist nurse for additional
support. I will also inform them that this will be investigated by the trust as a serious incident,
and that they will be updated regarding the outcome of this.
• I will ensure that I organize a personal follow-up consultation for the following week to rediscuss
the options, with their risks and benefits, as I recognize that this is difficult information to take in.
The patient is thankfully understanding, and grateful for your candour. He agrees to the plan for
observation but returns 12 months later with a new palpable node – 4 weeks before he was due to
undergo a toe-to-hand reconstruction. What now?
• I will postpone the thumb reconstruction until the patient is fully investigated, and
• arrange a FNA of the palpable node – in clinic if possible, otherwise via an urgent ultrasound scan.
222 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
• If the FNA is positive, then this provides a mandate to requesting other investigations such as a
staging CT chest/abdomen/pelvis, with discussion of the results in the skin MDT, where I will
suggest a level I–III axillary dissection.
• If the FNA is negative, I will arrange an ultrasound-guided true cut biopsy to exclude a false-
negative result.
The patient recovers well, and the MDT recommends adjuvant radiotherapy based on the pathology.
The patient comes back to clinic 2 months after he completes that, with a dramatic whole arm swelling.
There is no sign of erythema or cellulitis. What do you think is going on?
• I suspect he has developed secondary lymphoedema, which I would have pre-warned him about.
– I will first establish whether the swelling is transient – as I would expect in the early stages of
lymphoedema, or persistent. I expect that it would be too early for the development of atrophic
skin changes or infections, but I will check that is the case.
– Whilst there is no acceptable ‘gold standard’ definition for the presence of lymphedema, many
accept a difference of at least 2 cm in circumference at the midpoint of the arm and forearm.
This will also serve as an objective reference point to determine future progress.
• Other diagnostic techniques have been described but have not gained traction due to the expense
of specialist equipment – such as
– Perometry, where an infrared optical electronic scanner can demonstrate early changes, and
– bioimpedance spectroscopy, which assesses the extracellular fluid compartment in the early
stages before visible changes occur.
• MRI lymphangiography is useful to determine whether there are lymphatic channels present.
However, the gadolinium tracer can enter the venous system making the interpretation of lymphatic
channels difficult and can cause an inflammatory reaction and worsen the lymphoedema.
• I will manage this conservatively but aggressively in the first instance – within the skin MDT,
and in collaboration with the lymphoedema specialist nurse, or alternatively an occupational
Case 3.13 223
therapist or physiotherapist, if one is not available. They will implement a protocol consisting of
decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT) with four components:
– compression bandages,
– skin care to reduce the chances of infection,
– gentle exercises, and
– manual lymph drainage to decrease swelling.
• I will not consider surgical options such as liposuction or debulking until the patient develops
irreversible static changes much later down the line.
• Other surgical options to re-establish lymph drainage via lymphatic venous anastomosis, a bypass,
or a vascularized lymph node are highly controversial in this setting as the theoretical oncological
risk is yet to be clarified.
1. Cornejo C, Miller CJ. Merkel cell carcinoma. Dermatol Clin. 2019;37:269–277.
2. Kayiran O, De La Cruz C, Tane K, Soran A. Lymphedema: from diagnosis to treatment. Turk J Surg.
Case 3.14
This lady presents to your clinic after undergoing a BBA elsewhere 5 years ago. She complains of
hardening of her breasts, with distortion of her breast shape – the right side being worse than the
left with deviation of the nipple downwards. She also states that it is uncomfortable at times. How do
you proceed? I suspect a capsular contracture. I will seek to find more about:
1. the history of her procedure,
2. any breast cancer history, and
3. any other comorbidities, and
4. her smoking history.
• Salient points with regard to the procedure include:
1. the reason for the initial operation (to address the size or asymmetry),
2. confirmation of the time lapse since the operation – which I know is 5 years,
3. the implant size, type, and pocket, as well as
4. any post-operative complications that may have led to the capsular contracture.
• I will then proceed with:
1. examination of her breasts for any visible and palpable signs of capsular contracture, including
distortion and tenderness, as well as
2. palpation of the axillary nodes – which may be reactive, due to a silicone gel bleed or implant
• If the hardening is palpable but not visible, then it would be classed as a Baker Grade III.
A painful visible contracture would be classed as a Baker Grade IV.
• I will explain that her symptoms are consistent with capsular contractures, adding that:
1. this is the commonest post-operative complication following breast augmentation, and
2. she will require surgery to address this (as medical management has been described, but has
a very high rate of recurrence).
• I will request an MRI to:
1. exclude an implant rupture,
2. assess the axillae if palpable lymphadenopathy is present, as well as
3. confirm the implant pocket.
• With regard to the operative management of this, I will determine:
1. If she is otherwise happy with her current size and shape, and
2. if she wishes to proceed with another implant-based procedure or would like to consider
autologous breast augmentation.
How would you manage a patient who presents with a unilateral seroma, two years following breast
implant insertion?
• This is a very rare presentation that occurs in up to 0.1% of patients.
• My first aim is to exclude BIA-ALCL – which accounts for 10% of patients with late seromas,
then manage any other cause of a ‘late’ seroma – once that is excluded.
• Other causes of ‘late’ seromas, which occur at least 1 year following insertion, include:
1. a silicone bleed,
2. low-grade infection, and
3. trauma
• Because of this, I will manage her within an NHS breast MDT setting with triple assessment
consisting of:
1. clinical examination,
2. imaging, and
3. biopsy
• I will request:
1. an USS of both breasts and axillae, with an USS-guided FNA of the entire volume of peri-
implant fluid for cytology, and ALK and CD30 testing, as well as
2. a 14-gauge core biopsy of any associated capsular mass or pathological node.
• If the results are positive for ALCL, then:
– I will manage her within the breast MDT, if I were in a centre with expertise managing this
rare disease, or
– otherwise refer her to one – with the suggestion of implant removal as part of a total en-block
capsulectomy, as per the recommendation of current British and American guidelines.
– I will also record her case in the BCIR, and
– report this to the MHRA using the ‘yellow card’ scheme.
• If the result is negative, then I will investigate for the other causes with an MRI – unless the
seroma is persistent, in which case I will suggest to the MDT that we repeat the investigation for
BIA-ALCL to exclude a false negative result.
Why not simply perform an en-block capsulectomy for all patients in whom you suspect BIA-ALCL –
be it in the private or NHS setting? Surely you are comfortable with that procedure from a technical
point of view. Why would you consider referring her on?
• I manage all potential cancers within an MDT setting.
• Whilst an en-block capsulectomy is curative in most cases, there are a small number of patients
who will need systemic treatment – such as those with loco-regional or distant disease. So, shared
management of these patients is essential for optimal outcome with haemato-oncology and breast
• In addition, an unnecessary en-block capsulectomy would subject the patient to unnecessary
morbidity with a risk of a pneumothorax, chronic pain, as well as cosmetic sequelae.
How would you counsel a breast augmentation patient for the risk of this?
I will explain that this is an extremely rare cancer of the blood cells that has been associated with textured
breast implants – with a risk of between about 1:300 and 1:30,000 patients, with higher rates in those with
a macro-textured surface – with higher surface area and roughness.
Let’s change the scenario a little – she has replacement of the implants, then she comes back 2 years
later reporting symptoms of brain fog, joint pains, and general fatigue. She believes she has breast
implant illness and requests an en-block resection – as is recommended in several patient forums
• If these are normal, I will explain that I want to help her – but that our first course of action should
be to exclude other medical reasons for this and request her to see her GP.
• If medical causes are excluded, then I will explain that I would be very happy to remove her
implants if she wishes, but that this would not guarantee lasting improvement in her symptoms
– if any: as there is evidence to show that half of patients with these symptoms do not notice any
improvement after removing the implants. In the other half, some find their improvement is only
• I will also add that as there is no current evidence for an en-block procedure, and that going ahead
with that plan would subject her to unnecessary morbidity, such as a higher risk of bleeding and
a pneumothorax.
1. DeCoster RC, Clemens MW, Di Napoli A, Lynch EB, Bonaroti AR, Rinker BD, Butterfield TA,
Vasconez HC. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast Implant–Associated anaplastic large cell
lymphoma. Plastic Reconstr Surg. 2021 Jan;147(1):30e–41e.
2. Di Napoli A. Achieving reliable diagnosis in late breast implant seromas: from reactive to anaplastic
large cell lymphoma. PRS. 2019; 143(3s):15S–22S.
3. Magnusson MR, Cooter RD, Rakhorst H, McGuire PA, Adams WP, Deva AK. Breast implant illness:
a way forward. PRS. 2019; 143(3s):74–81S.
4. Collett DJ, Rakhorst H, Lennox P, Magnusson M, Cooter R, Deva AK. Current risk estimate of
breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma in textured breast implants. PRS. 2019;
5. Rastogi P, Riordan E, Moon D, Deva AK. Theories of etiopathogenesis of breast implant-associated
anaplastic large cell lymphoma. PRS. 2019; 143(3s):23–29s.
6. Miranda RN, Medeiros LJ, Ferrufino-Schmidt MC, Keech JA, Brody GS, de Jong D, Dogan A,
Clemens MW. Pioneers of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma: history from
case report to global recognition. PRS. 2019; 143(3s):7–14S.
7. Turton P et al. UK guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of breast implant-associated anaplastic
large cell lymphoma on behalf of MHRA. Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery expert advisory
group (PRASEAG). JPRAS 2021; 74(1):13–29.
8. Headon H, Kasem A, Mokbel K. Capsular contracture after breast augmentation: an update for clinical
practice. Arch Plast Surg. 2015 Sep;42(5):532–543.
9. Clemens N, Horwitz MW SM. How I treat breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
Blood. 2018;132:1889–1898.
Case 3.15
This lady had a lesion excised from the dorsum of the foot 4 years ago whilst abroad, and now
presents with pigmented lesions in the lower leg, as you can see in the photograph. She can’t
recall what type of cancer it was, and she doesn’t have any hospital records with her. How do you
• I suspect intransit melanoma disease. The lack of a known primary makes this a complex situation,
as there is:
– either a true unknown primary – with potentially improved prognosis (as the excised lesion
may have been unrelated to this), or
– the primary was excised, and we just don’t have the details, or
– the primary is currently still present, but unnoticed by the patient or GP.
• I will encourage the patient to explore all options to locate the pathology report of the excised
lesion – as this may affect her prognosis, especially if it was indeed, a melanoma.
• I will then examine:
– the skin of the lower limb for other lesions – especially along the lymphatics that run along
the long and short saphenous veins,
– the lymph nodes in the popliteal fossa and the groin – for palpable disease,
– the liver edge – for an enlarged liver, and
– A full-body exam of the skin, as the lifetime risk of a second primary is about 10%.
• I will then plan for a 2-mm margin excision of one of the lesions to confirm the histology, and
determine the BRAF status – if positive.
You go on to excise the lesion, and histology confirms an excised intransit metastasis. How do you
• This would stage the patient as at least stage IIIB disease – possibly with an unknown primary.
• Treatment of intransit disease depends on several factors:
1. the volume of intransit disease (whether it is excisable or not),
2. the location of intransit disease on extremities (for e.g., above or below the knee),
3. concurrent nodal disease,
4. concurrent distant disease, and
5. the overall patient performance status.
• I will:
1. attempt to find a primary – with a full body exam,
2. assess for disease burden – by suggesting a total body PET-CT and brain MRI to the skin
MDT, to exclude detectable nodal disease and distant metastases, and
3. request the histological BRAF mutation status of the sample.
• For purely intransit disease that is less than five isolated skin lesions: locoregional treatment routes
are considered – such as surgical excision or Laser ablation, with the understanding that they are
likely to recur in the near future.
• For purely intransit disease that is more than five isolated skin lesions: I will offer the patient
immunotherapy or ILI.
• For nodal metastasis and or stage IV disease: I will suggest referral for systemic therapy with
immunotherapy using PD-1 inhibitor or targeted therapy with BRAF and MEK inhibitors.
You have mentioned requesting the BRAF status for this patient: how does that affect clinical
• V600E is the most common mutation of the BRAF gene and is involved in the MAP kinase cell
signalling pathway that keeps the cell in the mitotic phase.
• Patients with this mutation will respond to targeted therapy with BRAF and MEK inhibitors,
which can be used to convert unresectable intransit disease to resectable disease.
The patient has six of these skin lesions with no other disease. How would you counsel them regarding
their treatment options?
• Isolated limb infusion is a palliative procedure that can achieve locoregional control but does not
change the patient’s overall survival. There is a risk of:
– a lack of response, and
– impaired limb function.
• Immunotherapy can possibly offer a cure, but carries the risk of:
– potentially permanent colitis,
– a perforated colon,
– permanent endocrine dysfunction – such as hypophysitis, hypothyroidism, or adrenal
The patient’s daughter says she has done some online research, and there have been a few publications
suggesting SLNB for intransit disease. What are your thoughts on that? Would you offer this patient
this procedure?
No, I wouldn’t. I would explain that SLNB is not indicated here, as it is primarily a staging tool, and the
patient is already known to have stage IIIB or IIIC disease – which is an immediate indication for systemic
230 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
Let’s consider another patient: your dermatology colleague refers a patient with a 2-mm thick MM
that they have excised from the leg. There is no palpable lymphadenopathy or sign of intransit disease.
How do you manage them?
• I will first examine the orientation of the scar – hoping it is vertical rather than horizontal:
– If the scar is vertical, and assuming they are fit for further surgery and are N0, then I would
offer a SLNB and a 2 cm wider local excision – with reconstruction with a split skin graft or
keystone flap, if direct closure is not possible.
– If the scar is horizontal then a flap will not be possible, as they may eventually require a hemi-
circumferential excision of their calf with a 2-cm margin. I will have to reconstruct this with a
split skin graft, and counsel the patient regarding their significant risk of distal lymphoedema.
1. stage the patient with a PET CT and MRI brain, or whole-body CT,
2. obtain the BRAF status of the primary or nodal deposit, and
3. then discuss this within the skin MDT, and suggest that the patient is offered adjuvant systemic
therapy – such as immunotherapy.
• The MSLT-1 study showed that SLNB was the single most important investigation for staging
primary melanoma.
• MSLT-2 showed that there is no survival benefit from CLND – despite improved regional control
for a small proportion of patients.
The patient questions the need for 2-cm margins, as she would like to avoid reconstructive surgery if
possible. What is the evidence for this?
• The current recommendation for excision margins for 2-mm thick MMs are 2 cm to minimize the
risk of locoregional recurrence. This is based on the evidence of at least two phase 3 randomized
trials, as well as NICE guidance.
• The UK melanoma study group, along with the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, conducted
a large multicentre RCT comparing 1- versus 3-cm margin excision for patients with melanomas
that are 2-mm thick. This showed worse outcomes in the 1-cm excision margin group with an
increased risk of locoregional recurrence, as well as some evidence on follow-up to say there may
even be an increased mortality in this group.
• In addition, a Swedish multicentre RCT compared 2- versus 4-cm margins for melanomas that
are more 2-mm thick showing no difference in clinical outcome, but a narrowly increased small
risk of local recurrence rate in the 2-cm group.
1. Keungand EZ. The eighth edition American joint committee on cancer (AJCC) melanoma
staging system: implications for melanoma treatment and care. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2018
2. Tie EN, Henderson MA. Management of in-transit melanoma metastases: a review. ANZ J Surg. 2019
3. Leiter U, et al. Complete lymph node dissection versus no dissection in patients with sentinel lymph
node biopsy positive melanoma (DeCOG-SLT): a multicentre, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet
Oncol. 2016;17(6):757–767.
4. Faries MB, Thompson JF, Cochran AJ, et al. Completion dissection or observation for sentinel-node
metastasis in melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2017;376(23):2211–2222.
5. Perone JA, Farrow N, Tyler DS, Beasley GM. Contemporary approaches to in-transit melanoma.
J Oncol Pract. 2018;14(5):292–300.
6. Gillgren P, Drzewiecki KT, Niin M, Gullestad HP, Hellborg H, Månsson-Brahme E, et al. 2-cm versus
4-cm surgical excision margins for primary cutaneous melanoma thicker than 2 mm: a randomised,
multicentre trial. Lancet. 2011;378(9803):1635–1642.
7. Meirion Thomas J, Newton-Bishop J, A’Hern R, Coombes G, Timmons M, Evans J, Cook M, Theaker J,
Fallowfield M, O’Neill T, Ruka W, Bliss JM, for the United Kingdom Melanoma Study Group, the
British Association of Plastic Surgeons, and the Scottish Cancer Therapy Network. Excision margins
in high-risk malignant melanoma. NEJM. 2004 Feb 19;350(8):757–766.
Case 3.16
How would the patient’s prognosis and life expectancy affect your management?
For patients with shortened life expectancies, I will do my best to achieve facial symmetry and movement
as soon as possible, such as using a temporalis myoplasty transfer, as opposed to procedures that require
time to achieve neurotization.
Please continue
• Regarding my examination:
1. I will first establish the need for eye protection – as lagophthalmos, if present, is the most
pressing issue to address – to prevent the eventual risk of corneal ulceration and blindness
in untreated patients.
2. Next, I will assess their static and dynamic symmetry, as well as for any evidence of synkinesis.
3. I will then determine their Sunnybrook Facial Grading System (SFGS) score to enable a
somewhat objective measure of progress, and
4. examine for donor nerves such as nerve to Masseter, Hypoglossal, Accessory, as well as
Temporalis muscle function.
5. Lastly, I will establish the impact on the patient using validated facial palsy specific PROMs
such as with the Facial Clinometric Evaluation Scale (FaCE). The Facial Disability Index is
an equally accepted alternative.
• My management will focus on:
1. managing the eye,
2. conservative management – with facial therapy, and chemodenervation – where appropriate,
3. consideration of surgical symmetrizing options, and
4. addressing the psychological impact, with a referral for assessment by the MDT psychologist
and putting them in touch with ‘Facial Palsy UK’ for further information and patient support
via their local patient support groups.
• In a patient with the possibility of recovery, I will support them with conservative measures to
protect their eye as well as facial therapy and observe them for 6 months. If there is no recovery
at all during that period, then the chances of them eventually recovering to a functional level are
minimal, and I will start to consider surgical options with them.
• Regarding management of the eye:
– If lagophthalmos is present, then I will assess for a Bells’ phenomenon and give him advice
regarding eye drops during the day, and nightly chloramphenicol ointment and an eye patch –
until I insert an upper eyelid weight – if there is no possibility of recovery.
Until then, I will also ask the therapists to see him with regard to eyelid stretching to optimize
the surgical result – as a short contracted upper eyelid will negate the effect of the weight.
The alternative is a dynamic option such as neurotization from a cross facial nerve graft – if the
timeline is shorter than 12–18 months and the motor end plates are still viable. In addition, there
are less commonly used muscle transfer options such as free platysma and pedicled temporalis,
but the results of these are very variable – with a much higher failure rate than dynamic options
for the smile, so I would avoid them as a new consultant.
– If he reports epiphora, I will establish from the history if this were:
constant – which may be due to defective drainage, and/or irritation of the cornea, or
if it is associated with specific movements such as eating, in which case this is
hyperlacrimation associated with synkinesis, (termed Crocodile tears or Bogorad’s
syndrome) and will be responsive to chemodenervation of the lacrimal gland.
In the case of constant epiphora, I will show him how to correct the paralytic ectropion by
repositioning his lower eyelid with tape to see if that resolves matters:
If it does, then this will indicate to me that surgical correction of the ectropion will resolve
If not, then I will refer him to my ophthalmology colleague in the facial palsy MDT for
formal assessment of the ductal drainage system, which may be affected by the lower eyelid
– Lastly regarding the lower eyelid paralytic ectropion, I will assess for horizontal laxity:
if present, then I will offer a wedge excision to shorten this.
If not, then I will offer a lateral tarsal strip advancement, or a static palmaris sling –
especially if the medial aspect of the lower lid is affected also.
• Regarding facial therapy, this is vital for both sides of the face and consists of:
– neuromuscular education of the patient so that they understand the anatomy of their face, and
which areas need retraining for improved facial expression and oral competence,
234 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
How does chemodenervation work, and how would you apply this to facial palsy patients?
• Purified Botulinum toxin causes a neuromuscular blocking effect by binding presynaptically to
cholinergic nerve terminals and preventing the release of acetylcholine.
• It can thus be used to improve symmetry by selectively weakening:
– contralateral normal muscles, or
– ipsilateral muscles affected by hypertonicity and synkinesis – in patients with a post-paralytic
You mentioned determining the Sunnybrook Facial Grading Score earlier. Why do you use this
scoring system in particular?
• There is no perfect scoring system for facial palsy.
• The ideal system would include 3D objective measurement of resting and dynamic symmetry,
including spontaneity of movement, as well as synkinesis, and a PROM.
• The SFGS is the most commonly used scoring system by facial palsy surgeons worldwide, due
to its relative simplicity and because it includes a score for each of the three most important
considerations in facial palsy patients – i.e., resting symmetry, dynamic symmetry, and synkinesis.
But its main weaknesses include assessor subjectivity, and a relatively narrow scoring scale
(from 1 to 5), which can make it difficult to note subtle differences or progress.
• Alternative systems that also assess the three same three domains include:
– the Modified House Brackmann scoring system – more recently modified to include the
assessment of synkinesis as well, and
– the eFACE scoring system that aims to improve accuracy by offering a wider grading scale
than that of SFGS.
Case 3.16 235
You mentioned nerve-based options if the motor end plates are still viable: please talk me through
• Regarding nerve grafts versus nerve transfers:
– The advantage of a cross facial nerve graft is spontaneity of movement – when neurotization
is successful, however the disadvantages include:
failure of neurotization due to axonal drop-off across the graft – which worsens with age.
An adequate smile requires about 900 axons to power it, and residual axon numbers in
some adult patients with CFNG have been shown to be as low as 100–200 axons.
In addition, two stages are required with 6–9 months delay for the axons to grow across
the face.
– In contrast, nerve transfers are one-stage techniques. The most popular option being the nerve
to masseter transfer, but others include the hypoglossal and accessory nerves.
I prefer to use the nerve to masseter transfer as:
the descending branch brings 1500 axons so there is minimal risk of failure to neurotize,
the nerve is accessible with a short facelift type incision,
there is minimal donor morbidity, and
there is a quicker period to neurotize as there is a shorter distance for axonal growth to
reach their target.
However, disadvantages include:
the need for a period of re-education to produce a voluntary smile without clenching their
teeth – as the nerve supplies a muscle of mastication,
the eventual absence of spontaneity of movement in most patients, even when a voluntary
smile is produced, and
post-operative facial resting tone is not as well restored as with a hypoglossal nerve
How do you locate the descending branch of the nerve to masseter intraoperatively?
• I use a pretragal incision for access, followed by
• dissection through the masseter muscle performed at a point 3 cm anterior to the tragus, and 1 cm
inferior to the zygomatic arch.
• The masseter muscle is composed of three leaves: The descending branch of the nerve is located
between the most superficial two leaves and the deepest leaf.
Which muscle transfer options would you use to reanimate a smile in a patient with paralysis beyond
18 months?
There is debate in the facial palsy community regarding the ideal muscle transfer option, with the two main
camps including a Labbe temporalis myoplasty transfer and free muscle transfers – with a free Gracilis as
the most popular choice.
– they will have to undergo several months of rehabilitation to relearn how to activate their
temporalis without teeth clenching, and hence convert a ‘mandibular’ smile – where they
must clench their teeth – to a ‘voluntary’ one.
• There are numerous options for a free muscle transfer. The most popular current option is a
gracilis, but alternatives include pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi, and serratus anterior – amongst
• Advantages of a free gracilis transfer include:
– A greater excursion of smile – if neurotization is successful, and
– a relatively cheap donor muscle that can be easily raised in the supine position.
However, disadvantages include:
– a small risk of flap failure,
– the need for intraoperative thinning of the muscle – to avoid an excessively bulky cheek and
resulting resting asymmetry,
– the need for a fascia lata sling, as the muscle achieves a dynamic smile but does not correct
resting tone.
– Lastly, it’s direction of pull is slightly more horizontal, and consequently considered less
favourable than that of the Labbe flap by some surgeons.
It may be powered by:
a cross facial nerve graft, or
a nerve to masseter, or
by dual innervation – with both a cross facial nerve graft and nerve to masseter to avoid
the disadvantages of each.
The nerve to masseter offers a much higher risk of powerful reinnervation, but with
no true spontaneity (as the masseter is a muscle of mastication).
A CFNG offers the advantage of ‘true spontaneity’ but does require two stages and
carries the risk of a reduced rate of reinnervation compared to the nerve to masseter due
to axonal ‘drop-off’ that occurs along the length of the cross facial nerve graft.
Dual supply innervation supplements the CFNG with the nerve to masseter: this has
the advantage of improving the rates of reinnervation compared to those achieved with
a CFNG, but this is at the expense of the loss of some spontaneity.
Let us consider a further scenario: you are referred a patient with a trigeminal and facial nerve palsy.
How would that change the potential picture and treatment options that you would offer?
• This has two main consequences:
1. It places them at particular risk of a neurotrophic keratopathy, and
2. It results in the loss of the options for a Labbe procedure, as well as the use of the nerve to
masseter, and anterior belly of digastric.
• With regard to the neurotrophic keratopathy, I would offer neurotization of the cornea with
contralateral supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves as a joint procedure with my ophthalmology
• Static options such as an eyelid weight, brow lift and fascia lata sling are still available.
• With regard to options for facial reanimation: Nerve-based options include a cross facial nerve
graft – if they are young and the contralateral facial nerve is normal. Other nerve sources include
the partial hypoglossal nerve or accessory nerve.
• Muscle transfer options will include powering a gracilis muscle with any of the nerve options I
have mentioned.
1. Kasra Z, Thomas S, Weller C, Lighthall JG. Corneal neurotization in the setting of facial paralysis: a
comprehensive review of surgical techniques. J Craniofac Surg. 2021;32(6):2210–2214.
2. Banks CA, Bhama PK, Park J, Hadlock CR, Hadlock TA. Clinician-graded electronic facial paralysis
assessment: the eFACE. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;136:222e–230e.
3. Borschel GH, Kawamura DH, Kasukurthi R, Hunter DA, Zuker RM, Woo AS. The motor nerve to the
masseter muscle: an anatomic and histomorphometric study to facilitate its use in facial reanimation.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012;65(3):363–366.
Case 3.17
This lady came to see you following a rhinoplasty elsewhere as she was disappointed by the result.
Please describe this photograph. What do you think is going on?
• This is an intraoperative photograph of an intubated patient with a saddle deformity of the nose.
• I cannot see a columellar scar, so I expect her primary rhinoplasty was closed.
• I note:
– skeletal deficiency of the middle third, with
– an inverted V deformity,
– interruption of Sheen’s aesthetic lines,
– cephalic rotation of the tip with a prominent infratip lobule, and
– columellar retrusion.
• In reality, I would request to examine further views, such as:
– a true lateral view – to assess the position of the radix, the true extent of the deficiency of the
dorsum, and consequence on tip projection,
– a true AP view – to further assess the consequence on the tip such as splaying of the nostrils, and
– a basal view for further assessment of tip projection.
The full series would also help assess the nose in relation to the rest of the facial features.
What are the causes of this deformity?
• These may be congenital or acquired:
– Congenital causes may be
an isolated anomaly, or
syndromic – such as in Binder’s syndrome.
– Acquired causes may be:
traumatic – such as a septal haematoma,
iatrogenic – such as over-resection of the dorsum during a rhinoplasty, or
infective – such as in syphilis.
How would you prevent this complication during a primary rhinoplasty?
• I use the ‘component dorsal hump reduction’ technique, which consists of:
1. separation of the upper lateral cartilage from the septum,
2. incremental reduction of the septum, followed by
3. incremental dorsal bony reduction using a rasp, whilst continuously using palpation to check
the last two steps are adequately performed,
4. this is followed by osteotomies to close an open roof, and
5. the use of spreader grafts/flaps, and suturing techniques – if required.
• I will continuously assess the degree of reduction to ensure that I don’t over-reduce.
• I will also ensure that I preserve the transverse aspects of the upper lateral cartilages to maintain
the patency of the internal nasal valve, the shape of the dorsal aesthetic lines, and avoid an
iatrogenic inverted-V deformity.
As you’ve mentioned vascular compromise, please tell me about the normal vascular supply to the
• This is from the facial and ophthalmic arteries:
– The most important source artery is the facial artery – with its superior labial artery, and
angular artery branches.
The superior labial artery gives off a columellar branch in 2/3 of people, which is sacrificed
in an open tip rhinoplasty, leaving the lateral nasal artery, which is a branch of the angular
artery to supply the tip. This may be unilateral or bilateral, and lies 2 mm above the alar
groove, so injury from an alar base resection during a concomitant open rhinoplasty may
lead to tip necrosis.
– The ophthalmic artery supplies the upper third – with branches such as the anterior ethmoidal
artery, dorsal nasal artery, and external nasal artery.
You mentioned the internal and external nasal valves: what are they? And what is the Cottle manoeuvre?
• These are formed by the relationship between the upper and lower lateral cartilages with the
nasal septum.
Case 3.17 241
• They are involved in the regulation of airflow, as their configuration creates collapsible tubes that
are affected by inspiratory negative pressure – akin to the Starling resistor model of the upper
airway, where the increased airflow velocity causes an increase in transmural pressure and leads
to subsequent airway collapse.
• The internal valve:
– is formed by the junction of the lower border of the upper lateral cartilage and the nasal
septum, and is normally 10–15 degrees.
– It regulates airflow resistance, as it is the narrowest point of the nasal airway. A narrower
angle creates airway obstruction and is assessed with the Cottle manoeuvre, whereby the
patient is asked to inspire, then they are asked to pull their cheek laterally and repeat. Any
improvement in airflow is a positive sign and indicates that the patient would benefit from a
spreader graft.
• The external valve is formed by the lower edge of the lateral crus and nasal septum, as well as
contributions from the alar soft tissue. External valve collapse is seen if the nostrils collapse on
What would you do if the conchal cartilage is of poor quality, in a patient with moderate deformity?
I would use diced cartilage wrapped in deep temporal fascia, or rib cartilage.
What problem would you foresee with costal cartilage, and how would you manage that?
• It tends to resorb and warp, with a greater risk in those with a particularly tight soft tissue envelope.
• I will cross that bridge if and when I came to it, and use other donor sites, such as:
– diced cartilage with fascia if the defect is small, or
– split calvarial, iliac crest, or costal bone for larger defects.
• The disadvantage of bone is that it provides an unnaturally rigid feel, despite the advantage of a
rigid structure.
• Lastly, I am aware of commercial costal cartilage allografts which would avoid another donor site.
242 Plastic Surgery Vivas for the FRCS (Plast)
How would you proceed if the patient is to be treated with a silicone plug?
The first aspect is sizing to ensure it is comfortable and does not cause adjacent tissue necrosis. It is important
that the patient understands that the plug will need to be intermittently cleaned and changed for hygiene
1. Rohrich RJ, Muzaffar AR, Janis JE. Component dorsal hump reduction: the importance of maintaining
dorsal aesthetic lines in rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004;114(5):1298–1308; discussion
2. Durbec M, Disant F. Saddle nose: classification and therapeutic management. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol
Head Neck Dis. 2014;131(2):99–106.
Summary of Topics Covered
• Indications for transfer to a burns centre and transfer protocol
• Clinical assessment of burns
• LASER Doppler assessment
• Escharotomy
• Inhalation injuries
• Pathophysiology of thermal burn
• Physiological response to burns
• Physiology of burns healing
• Fluid resuscitation
• Fluid creep
• Nutrition in a burn patient
• Burns dressings
• Early burns surgery
• Burns contractures
• Toxic shock syndrome
• Toxic epidermal necrolysis
• Electrical injury
Upper Limb
Scaphoid fracture:
• Scaphoid anatomy
• Scaphoid non-union advanced collapse
• Scaphoid lunate advanced collapse
• Wrist ligaments
Digital amputation:
• Factors affecting outcome
• Management of patient
• Indications and contraindications for replantation
• Post-operative anticoagulation regime
• Management of missing amputates in hand with multiple digital amputations
• Delayed reconstruction
• Thumb reconstruction algorithm
• Outcome measures
• Scoring systems
• Power and precision grips
244 Summary of Topics Covered
Dupuytren’s disease:
• Pathophysiology
• Management
• Non-surgical options
• General surgical options
• Skin incision options
• Management of residual PIPJ contracture
• Management of white finger on tourniquet release
• Management of exposed flexor tendon
• Management of iatrogenic nerve injury
• Management of skin flap necrosis
Craniofacial trauma:
• Drawing of LeFort fractures
• Assessment of patient with a possible pan-facial fracture
• Surgical airway
• Definitive airway
• Surgical cricothyroidotomy
• Secondary survey
• Management of retrobulbar haemorrhage
• Lateral canthotomy and cantholysis
• Principles of LeFort fracture management
• Management of suspected rhinorrhoea
• Indications for surgical management
• Planning of reconstruction
• Airway management
• Preoperative indications for elective tracheostomy
• Description of surgical tracheostomy
• Post-operative management of tracheostomy patient
• Safe decannulation protocol
• Management of intra-oral dehiscence
• HBO therapy
Laryngopharyngeal reconstruction:
• Flap selection and design
• Considerations with regard to concomitant reconstruction of external skin defect
• Management of primary pharyngeal closure in radio-recurrent patient
• Management of a patient with low BMI
• Nutritional assessment
• Refeeding syndrome
• Frailty assessment
• Management of a pharyngeal leak/fistula
• Management of a suspected chyle leak
• Physiology of normal voice production
• Options to re-establish voice in laryngectomy patients
• Long-term sequalae of largyngectomy
Prominent ears:
• Timing of surgery
• Preoperative assessment
• Goals of surgery
• Surgical techniques
• Description of personal technique and rationale
• Non-surgical options
• Preoperative counselling
• Post-operative management
Perineal reconstruction:
• Approach to reconstruction
• Rationale for flap reconstruction in radio-recurrent patient
• Flap of choice
• Description of VRAM flap reconstruction
• Options to decrease abdominal donor site morbidity
• Component separation
• Vaginal reconstruction
• Draw a cross-section of the penile shaft
• Pathophysiology
• Chordee
• Embryology of male genitalia and hypospadias
• Management of a baby with hypospadias
• Surgical algorithm
• Description of technique for one and two stage repairs
• Horton’s test
• Release of curvature
• Timing of surgery
• Risks of surgery
• Management of a fistula
• Management of a urethral stricture
Pressure sores:
• Management of a patient with pressure sores
• Staging
• Extrinsic and intrinsic causal factors
• Non-surgical management
• Management of pressure sores in spinal injury patient
• Planning of buttock rotation flap
• Management of pressure sore in head injury patient
• Aims of treatment of a patient with a non-syndromic synostosis
• Management of patient
• Management of potentially raised ICP
• Positional plagiocephaly
Summary of Topics Covered 249
Pfeiffer syndrome:
• Contribution of FGFR mutation
• Management of patient
• Chiari malformations
• LeFort III advancement
• Monobloc procedure
Congenital Hands
• Embryology of the hand and embryological insult in synpolydactyly
• Management of patient
• Embryological insult
• Management of patient
• Contraindications to surgical release
• Rationale and algorithm for timing of surgery
• Management of bilateral symmetrical syndactylies
• Principles of release
• Draw the incision lines and discuss
• Options to avoid skin grafting
• Disadvantages of skin grafts
• Classification of congenital hand malformations
• Syndromic associations
• Principles of management of an Apert hand
• radial deficiency
• Pollicization
Necrotizing Fasciitis
• Initial management
• Finger sweep test
• Scoring systems
• Description of intra-operative management
• Excisional techniques
• Reconstructive options
Facial Palsy
• Assessment of a patient with facial weakness
• Flaccid and post-paralytic facial palsy
• Facial palsy management algorithm
• Scoring systems
• Nerve to masseter – location
• Cross facial nerve grafting
• Labbe temporalis myoplasty
• Free muscle transfer
• Neurotrophic keratopathy
• Selective chemodenervation
Facial rejuvenation:
• Effects of facial ageing
• Assessment of facial ageing
• Treatment options
• Facelift types
• Management of post-operative facial weakness
• Management of recurrence of jowling
• Reduction of haematoma risk
• Management of post-operative cheek swelling
• Neck lift assessment
• treatment algorithm to address the neck
Breast asymmetry:
• Breast ptosis – classification
• Management of breast asymmetry
• Breast reduction techniques
• Marking of breast reduction
• Management of asymmetrical IMFs
• Management of an at-risk nipple
• Drains and breast reduction
• Revision breast reduction
• Psychological assessment
Breast augmentation:
• Preoperative assessment for breast augmentation
• PIP scandal
• Breast implant illness
• Safety of breast implants
Summary of Topics Covered 251
• Saddle deformity of the nose
• Prevention of saddle deformity
• Assessment of rhinoplasty patient
• Management of a saddle deformity
• Open vs closed technique
• Internal and external nasal valves
• Graft donor sites
• Management of septal perforation
Flap classification:
• Flap circulation
• Flap conditioning
• Pathophysiology of delay phenomenon
• Anastomotic healing
• Risk factors for anastomotic thrombosis
• Microsurgery with severe radiation damage
• Contraindications to microsurgery
• Post-operative anticoagulation regime following microsurgery
• Mechanism of action of aspirin and heparin
• Management of blue flap
• Management of vessel size discrepancy
• Venous coupler
• Monitoring of anastomosis
• Flap salvage
• No reflow phenomenon
• Causes of free flap failure
• Ischaemia-reperfusion injury
Wound healing:
• Z-plasty
• Process of wound healing
• Angiogenesis
• Wound contraction
• Coagulation cascade
252 Summary of Topics Covered
Skin Cancer
• Assessment for a possible subungual skin cancer
• Management of biopsy proven SCC of the thumb
• Indications for adjuvant radiotherapy
• Management of lost histological sample
• Management of possible regional spread
• Axillary dissection
• Lymphedema
• Management of patient with distant metastatic spread
• Inguinal dissection
• Pelvic node dissection
• Intransit disease
• Management
• BRAF status
• Management of a patient with a primary MM
• Management of a positive SLNB
• Resection margins for melanoma
• Mohs surgery
• Dermoscopy
• Recipient vessels in reconstruction
• Management of patient unfit for a free flap
• Management of close deep margin
• Gorlin syndrome
Ethical/medicolegal issues:
• Safeguarding
• Consent
• Critical incident management
• Root cause analysis
• Duty of candour
• GMC’s good medical practice
• Legal capacity
• GMC good medical practice guidance cosmetic intervention
• Management of an underage patient seeking a cosmetic procedure
Summary of Topics Covered 253
Abbreviations 255
258 Index
Ulcer, midfoot, 55 Z
diabetic elderly patient, 55–56
diabetic foot ulcers, pathophysiology, 56 Zone of injury, 54
neuropathy, pathophysiology, 56–57 Z-plasties, 209
skin and AV shunts, microcirculation, 57 wound, heal, 209–210
young fit patient, 59