CV of MD - Mezbah Uddin
CV of MD - Mezbah Uddin
CV of MD - Mezbah Uddin
Languages Skills
Native Moderate Access Point Configuration, IP Configuration, Cisco Packet Tracer, Mikrotik
Configuration, IP Subnetting
Windows Server Skills
New Technology Installing & Managing Windows Server, ADDS Configuration, DFS on Windows
Smartphone, VR Lens, AI, Cloud Server, Storage Pool, Data Deduplication
Storage Things, Home Appliance
Technology Redhat Enterprise Linux
Smartphone Photography Managing Group, SSH, Monitoring & Managing Linux Process, YUM Installation, SE
Linux, Manage LVM, NFS, SAMBA, RHEL Boot Process, Accessing Command line,
Portrait Photography, Macro
Managing & Administering Redhat Linux
Photography, Street
Photography, Landscape,
Technological Skills
OS Installation, Hardware Fundamentals, Install and Manage Windows 10, 11, MS