Consesus Acute Coronary Taiwan-2018
Consesus Acute Coronary Taiwan-2018
Consesus Acute Coronary Taiwan-2018
Antiplatelet therapy is a key component in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The management of
ACS has evolved considerably over recent years with the development of new and more potent antiplatelet agents.
Clinical trials on ACS have demonstrated that potent antiplatelet agents can more effectively reduce cardiovascular
events. However, there is a tipping point between safety and efficacy, beyond which the risk of bleeding and other
adverse effects can outweigh the benefits of antiplatelet therapy. Striking a balance between safety and efficacy
remains a major challenge. A consensus meeting of an expert panel composed of Taiwanese experts was held to
provide recommendations for the management of adverse effects in patients with ACS receiving antiplatelet
therapy. The common adverse effects of antiplatelet therapy include upper gastrointestinal bleeding, ecchymosis,
hematuria, epistaxis and ticagrelor-related dyspnea. In this study, a literature review of these adverse events was
performed and recommendations for the management were made.
Key Words: Acute coronary syndrome · Antiplatelet therapy · Expert consensus · Guidance
sine diphosphate (ADP) from dense granules. Binding of was 20.4%, and nearly half of these events were related
ADP to the G protein-coupled P2Y12 receptor on the to non-culprit lesions found at the index ACS admission.
surface of platelets activates complex signal transduc- These non-culprit lesions that were responsible for re-
tion processes, resulting in the activation of glycopro- current events were frequently angiographically mild
tein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptors which bind to fibrinogen and and most were thin-cap fibroatheromas. These data sug-
form bridges between adjacent activated platelets to es- gest that the use of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with
tablish firm platelet aggregation.2 P2Y12 receptor acti- potent antiplatelet agents in ACS can be used for both
vation is not only essential in the aggregation of plate- the stented culprit lesion and also to cover non-culprit
lets, it also mediates thromboxane A2 production and unstable plaques.
P-selectin expression in activated platelets.3 In addition Aspirin and clopidogrel have been the mainstay of
to the release of ADP from dense granules, activated treatment for ACS for many years. However, a substan-
platelets also release a-granule contents including fibri- tial number of ACS patients continue to experience re-
nogen, von Willebrand factor, and other adhesive pro- current ischemic events during DAPT with aspirin and
teins and proinflammatory cytokines. Platelets contrib- clopidogrel. It has been reported that the platelet inhibi-
ute to the thrombogenic and inflammatory states in ACS. tory effect of clopidogrel is diminished in patients who
P2Y12 inhibitors, such as ticagrelor and clopidogrel, carry a genetic variant, loss-of-function CYP2C19 allele,
inhibit ADP-mediated pathways to reduce the platelet due to significantly lower levels of the active metabolite
release of granule contents, prevent GPIIb/IIIa receptor of clopidogrel.9 A higher rate of major adverse cardio-
activation, and reduce platelet aggregation. In addition vascular events compared with noncarriers was also ob-
to inhibiting platelet aggregation, ticagrelor and clopi- served.9 This has led to dedicated efforts to develop
dogrel have been shown to reduce lipopolysaccharide- more potent antiplatelet agents for ACS. Currently, a
induced platelet-monocyte aggregate formation and in- new generation P2Y12 inhibitors including ticagrelor
flammatory cytokine production in humans, demon- and prasugrel have replaced clopidogrel as first-line an-
strating the mechanism by which inhibition of the pla- tiplatelet agents for ACS treatment. However, the risks
telet P2Y12 receptor also reduces systemic inflamma- of bleeding and other adverse effects have been re-
tion.4 There is substantial evidence showing that inflam- ported with more potent antiplatelet agents, especially
mation is a critical factor in the pathogenesis of ACS. in elderly patients.10 In-hospital bleeding is also a risk
Levels of the inflammatory biomarker, C-reactive pro- factor for poor clinical outcomes for ACS patients.11 A
tein, are increased and have prognostic value in ACS.5 consensus meeting of an expert panel was held in Tai-
Laboratory observations on human coronary athero- wan to provide recommendations and guidance on the
sclerotic plaques indicate that inflammation is a specific management of adverse effects in patients with ACS re-
mechanism responsible for plaque fragility and subse- ceiving these antiplatelet therapies. The common ad-
quent rupture.6 A previous study used intravascular ul- verse effects include upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleed-
trasound to observe all three major coronary arteries in ing, ecchymosis, hematuria, epistaxis and ticagrelor-re-
ACS patients. The study found that 79% of the patients lated dyspnea. In this study, a literature review of these
with ACS had at least one additional plaque rupture be- events during antiplatelet therapy was performed and
yond the culprit lesion, and 12.5% of the patients had recommendations for management were provided. Be-
one or more plaque ruptures in all three of the major cause ticlopidine, cilostazol and dipyridamole are rarely
coronary arteries. 7 The Providing Regional Observa- used in ACS patients, their adverse effects were not dis-
tions to Study Predictors of Events in the Coronary Tree cussed in the consensus meeting.
(PROSPECT) study was conducted to identify lesion-re-
lated factors that predict the risk of recurrent adverse
cardiac events after ACS.8 The results showed that the ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANTIPLATELET THERAPY
risk of recurrent cardiac events was highest during the FOR ACS
first 1 to 1.5 years after discharge of the index ACS event.
The accumulative recurrent cardiac event rate at 3 years Currently, DAPT with aspirin and P2Y12 inhibitors is
recommended in international and local guidelines as wide spectrum of adverse GI side effects including ul-
first-line therapy for up to 1 year following ACS.12-14 In cers, bleeding, and perforation. The risk of GI complaints
the Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to Prevent Recurrent or GI bleeding has been reported to be higher with aspi-
Events (CURE) study, DAPT with aspirin plus clopidogrel rin than with clopidogrel.19 GI bleeding has also been re-
was compared with aspirin monotherapy in patients ported to be more frequent in patients receiving DAPT
with ACS. Although the primary composite outcome of than antiplatelet monotherapy.15 The PLATO study pro-
cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or vides a valuable opportunity to directly compare the risk
stroke was significantly reduced with DAPT, more major of GI bleeding among DAPT with ticagrelor vs. clopido-
and minor bleeding events were also noted in the DAPT grel.16 Ticagrelor was reported to demonstrate a potent
group.15 The Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes and faster onset of antiplatelet effect than clopidogrel,
(PLATO) trial compared DAPT with aspirin plus ticagrelor contributing significantly to reduced adverse cardiovas-
and aspirin plus clopidogrel in patients with ACS with or cular events in ACS. Overall, the ticagrelor and clopido-
without ST-segment elevation. The results showed that grel groups did not differ significantly regarding the risk
ticagrelor was associated with a reduction in the pri- of major bleeding (11.6% and 11.2%, respectively).
mary composite outcome and stent thrombosis com- However, non-procedure-related bleeding was more
pared with clopidogrel. However, non-coronary artery common with ticagrelor than with clopidogrel (Table 1).20
bypass grafting-related major bleeding and dyspnea oc- The most common location of non-procedure-related
curred more frequently in the ticagrelor group than in bleeding was the GI tract. GI bleeding accounted for
the clopidogrel group.16 one-third of all bleeding events and occurred in 31.5%
The most common adverse effect associated with and 36.9% of the ticagrelor and clopidogrel groups, re-
antiplatelet agents is bleeding, which commonly occurs in spectively.
the GI tract, nose, urinary tract, subcutaneous/dermal The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
tissue or at puncture or surgical sites. Compared with a (ESGE) guidelines on the management of non-variceal
placebo, aspirin itself is associated with a higher risk of upper GI bleeding makes recommendations for the step-
bleeding which commonly occurs in the GI tract. Concerns wise care of patients with acute upper GI bleeding.21
exist regarding the risks of neutropenia and thrombocy- First, hemodynamic status is assessed and resuscitation
topenia in association with ticlopidine therapy.17 Currently, initiated as needed. Second, patients are risk-stratified
ticlopidine is used only if patients are allergic to clopido- based on features such as hemodynamic status, comor-
grel and other newer P2Y12 inhibitors. An association be- bidities, and age. Endoscopy is typically performed within
tween ticagrelor and dyspnea was observed in the PLATO 24 hours with further management depending on the
trial.16 More frequent incidents of dyspnea were observed endoscopic examination results. Intravenous proton
in patients receiving ticagrelor compared to those taking pump inhibitors (PPIs) with a bolus followed by continu-
clopidogrel, and 0.9% of the patients discontinued the ous infusion are administered. Finally, in patients with
drug because of dyspnea. In the ONSET/OFFSET trial, 123 clinical evidence of rebleeding following successful ini-
aspirin-treated patients with stable coronary artery dis- tial endoscopic hemostasis, the guidelines recommend
ease were randomized to receive either ticagrelor, clopi- repeat endoscopy with hemostasis if indicated, while
dogrel, or placebo for 6 weeks following a double-blind, surgery should be considered if the second attempt at
double-dummy design, and dyspnea was observed among hemostasis fails.21 In peptic ulcer bleeding, the Forrest
38.6%, 9.3%, and 8.3% of the patients in the ticagrelor, classification has been proven to be useful in predicting
clopidogrel, and placebo groups, respectively.18 the risk of rebleeding and mortality. The Forrest classifi-
cation is defined as follows: FIa spurting hemorrhage,
FIb oozing hemorrhage, FIIa nonbleeding visible vessel,
UPPER GI BLEEDING IN PATIENTS WITH FIIb an adherent clot, FIIc flat pigmented spot, and FIII
ANTIPLATELET THERAPY clean base ulcer. Figure 1 shows the algorithm for the
management of patients with acute upper GI bleeding
Aspirin monotherapy per se is associated with a who are under antiplatelet treatment. The scientific evi-
Figure 1. The algorithm for the management of patients with acute upper GI bleeding who are under antiplatelet treatment. Adapted and modi-
fied from reference 21. APA, antiplatelet agent; ASA, aspirin; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; GI, gastrointestinal.
dence of the suggestions in Figure 1 were described in pantoprazole and rabeprazole have the lowest drug-
the ESGE guidelines.21 Currently, the prophylactic use of drug interactions with clopidogrel.22 No interactions be-
PPIs is suggested in patients who need DAPT but are at tween the concomitant use of PPIs and prasugrel or ti-
risk of GI bleeding. Previous studies have suggested that cagrelor have been reported.
Recommendations for the management of patients risk of bleeding. In the event of GI complications, a high
on antiplatelet therapy undergoing low-risk or high-risk dose of PPIs should be used and referral to a gastroen-
elective endoscopic procedures are outlined in the Brit- terologist should be made. When discontinuing DAPT is
ish Society of Gastroenterology/ESGE guidelines.23 For necessary in severe GI bleeding, the treatment should
low-risk endoscopic procedures, continuing P2Y12 in- be resumed as early as possible following endoscopic
hibitors as single or DAPT is recommended. For high-risk procedures.
procedures, patients with a low risk of thrombosis are
advised to discontinue P2Y12 inhibitors 5 days before
the procedure, whereas patients on DAPT should con- ECCHYMOSIS IN PATIENTS WITH ANTIPLATELET
tinue taking aspirin. Patients at high thrombotic risk THERAPY
should remain on aspirin and consult a cardiologist re-
garding the risk/benefits of discontinuing P2Y12 inhibi- The development of purpura has been reported in
tors. Lastly, antiplatelet therapy, if discontinued, should patients taking antiplatelet agents. When skin lesions
be resumed 48 hours after the procedure, depending on occur, diascopy (glass test) is widely performed for the
the bleeding and thrombotic risks.23 Figure 2 shows the initial diagnosis. The test is performed by applying pres-
algorithm for the management of patients who are un- sure with a finger or glass slide and observing color changes
der antiplatelet treatment and need elective endoscopic on the skin. This test is used to determine whether a le-
procedures. sion is vascular (inflammatory or congenital), nonvas-
In conclusion, upper GI bleeding is a common ad- cular (nevus), or hemorrhagic (purpura). Purpura does
verse effect of DAPT. Prior to receiving DAPT, patients at not blanch on pressure. Purpura may be palpable or
high risk of GI bleeding can take oral PPIs to reduce the nonpalpable, with the latter presenting as flat/macular
Figure 2. The algorithm for the management of patients who are under antiplatelet treatment and need elective endoscopic procedures. Adapted
and modified from reference 23. EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; ESD, endoscopic
submucosal dissection; EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; FNA, fine needle aspiration; PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.
lesions that exhibit two types of morphologies, namely, HEMATURIA IN PATIENTS WITH ANTIPLATELET
petechiae (lesions < 3 mm) and ecchymoses (lesions > 5 THERAPY
mm). As a general rule, the development of nonpalpable
purpura indicates a problem in the platelet system, Blood in the urine (hematuria) can originate from
blood vessel, or skin tissue. Nonpalpable purpura in pa- any site along the urinary tract and it may be a sign of
tients with ACS is likely attributable to antiplatelet or underlying disease of the urinary system. Patients on
anticoagulant therapy, but it is crucial to consider all DAPT with signs of hematuria need further investigation
other clinically plausible causes of this condition before and should not be attributed to the medication only.
attributing it to the drug itself. For example, dengue fe- Macroscopic (or gross) hematuria is prevalent in older
ver, which is prevalent in Taiwan, may be a possible patients and warrants a thorough diagnostic evaluation
cause. Elderly patients undergoing prolonged steroid to determine its cause.26 Infection, stones, and, in older
therapy which inhibits the regeneration of dermal con- patients, urinary tract malignancies are potential causes
nective tissues resulting in bleeding vessels should also of macroscopic hematuria. The common causes of mi-
be considered. 24 Actinic purpura or senile purpura is croscopic hematuria include glomerulonephropathy (16%;
also a nonpalpable purpura commonly seen in the el- of which IgA nephropathy is the most common cause)
derly. It is characterized by ecchymoses on sun-exposed and cancer (5%; of which bladder or prostate cancer are
areas of the skin that usually last for 1-3 weeks and dis- the most common).27 In contrast to gross hematuria, mi-
appear spontaneously while other new lesions continue croscopic hematuria is often deemed to be an “insignifi-
to develop. cant” disease requiring no treatment. It is, however,
Severe cases of purpura associated with antiplatelet strongly recommended to assess the risk factors of pa-
or anticoagulant therapy are characterized by purpura tients with microscopic hematuria (Table 2) for signifi-
in non-exposed parts of the body and the mucous mem- cant underlying diseases, because such assessments will
brane that rapidly lead to skin necrosis and signs of in- often determine the cause of the hematuria.28
flammation. Ticagrelor, a new agent now preferred to Hematuria can be measured quantitatively by a sim-
clopidogrel as treatment for ACS, has not yet been asso- ple dipstick test, but initial findings of microscopic he-
ciated with severe skin reactions such as Stevens-John- maturia using the dipstick method should be confirmed
son syndrome or skin necrosis, whereas warfarin has by microscopic evaluation. Patients showing the pre-
been reported to induce skin necrosis in patients under sence of significant proteinuria, red cell casts, or a pre-
warfarin treatment with or without concomitant hepa- dominance of dysmorphic red blood cells in the urine
rin.25 In patients with purpura, a risk assessment of ma- should receive an evaluation for renal parenchymal dis-
jor bleeding should be done to rule out its association ease or be referred to a nephrologist.29 The time at which
with infection, inflammation, or other clinical factors. blood in the urine appears during urination also pro-
The severity of drug-induced purpura should be assessed vides information of the potential problem. For exam-
based on clinical judgment and the patients’ condition
to determine subsequent measures including a transient Table 2. Risk factors for significant disease in patients with
dose reduction or discontinuation of the drug. In gen- microscopic hematuria
eral, education aimed at facilitating the continuation of Smoking history
DAPT for as long as possible is necessary. Skin lesions have Occupational exposure to chemicals or dyes (benzenes or
aromatic amines)
a great impact on the patient’s perceptions and con-
History of gross hematuria
cerns regarding the safety of the medication, and may
Age > 40 yr
interfere with the continuous use of DAPT. When skin Previous urologic history
lesions occur in DAPT-treated patients, it is advisable to History of irritative voiding symptoms
consult a dermatologist immediately and provide all History of urinary tract infection
necessary information to ensure patient adherence for Analgesic abuse
the entire course of 12-month DAPT to prevent recur- History of pelvic irradiation
rent cardiovascular events. Adapted from reference 28.
ple, blood in the initial flow of the urine is indicative of a causes. Climatic changes, neoplasms, and foreign bodies
problem in the lower urinary tract, whereas blood ap- should also be considered. Systemic factors of epistaxis
pearing later in the release of urine is suggestive of a are hematological diseases that cause coagulopathy,
problem in the upper urinary tract, and a bladder prob- cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases, renal diseases,
lem is indicated if blood is observed during the entire and antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs. In the PLATO
process of urination. Hematuria is rarely attributable to study, there was a trend that ticagrelor increased the
antiplatelet therapy only. Appropriate evaluation of pa- risk of epistaxis compared to clopidogrel (RR = 1.49; 95%
tients with gross or microscopic hematuria should be CI: 0.67-3.32).31 A prospective study assessed the preva-
performed to identify the actual cause. Urologists can lence of epistaxis in 119 patients taking antiplatelet or
be consulted to formulate a regimen suitable for such anticoagulant agents, in which epistaxis stopped sponta-
patients. More importantly, ACS patients are encour- neously in 8% of the patients, 19% were controlled with
aged to continue their antiplatelet therapy if hematuria cautery, 68% needed anterior or posterior packing, and
is not severe. The development of persistent hematuria only 4% required a surgical intervention to control
in patients with DAPT represents a high probability of bleeding.32 Epistaxis can be caused or exacerbated by
urinary tract disease. At this point, a urologist should be anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy, and in the ma-
consulted to identify the cause of hematuria and initiate jority of the cases, it stops spontaneously or can be con-
appropriate treatment. ACS patients are considered a trolled with three simple steps: sit up straight, lean a lit-
high-risk group that should refrain from discontinuing tle bit forward, and pinch the nostrils closed. According
DAPT as far as possible to prevent recurrent ischemic to suggestions from the UK for epistaxis patients on
events. Hematuria is typically resolved following proper antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy (Figure 3),33 medi-
treatment. Physicians should explain the side effects to cation should be discontinued temporarily only when
patients, encourage them to stay focused on adherence, nasal packing is necessary. Since P2Y12 inhibitors, as op-
and stress the fact that favorable clinical outcomes can posed to aspirin, are relatively more important in the
be achieved with at least 12 months of DAPT. management of high risk patients, it should be contin-
ued unless cardiologists also agree to stop the drug. If
no nasal packing is necessary, all drugs can be continued.
EPISTAXIS IN PATIENTS WITH ANTIPLATELET Ninety percent of cases of epistaxis are resolved by sup-
THERAPY portive care, nasal packing or cautery, with very few
cases requiring surgical ligation to control bleeding. Col-
No identifiable cause has been reported in 85% of laboration between cardiologists and otolaryngologists
patients with epistaxis, and this type of epistaxis is la- is necessary when taking care of these patients. In sum-
beled as “idiopathic”.30 Epistaxis can be caused by both mary, epistaxis can be attributed to a number of factors.
systemic and local factors. Local factors include inflam- Patients on antiplatelet therapy who present with a
matory, infective, traumatic, anatomical, or chemical nosebleed should consult their doctor immediately for
Figure 3. The algorithm for the management of patients with epistaxis who are under antiplatelet treatment. Adapted and modified from reference 33.
proper treatment to prevent recurrent events. Nose- sine concentrations by inhibiting cellular reuptake of
bleeds are considered to be a mild side effect that can adenosines.36 Pulmonary vagal C fibers are stimulated
be controlled with adequate interventions. Patients are by increased adenosine levels through the A1R receptor
strongly recommended to continue their DAPT for at and A2AR receptor, which mediate the sensation of dys-
least 12 months to maximize the benefits of antiplatelet pnea. On the other hand, adenosine exerts beneficial
therapy. biological effects on the cardiovascular system because
it has a negative chronotropic effect, reduces ischemia/
reperfusion injury, and increases coronary vasodilation.36
DYSPNEA IN PATIENTS WITH ANTIPLATELET Regarding management of dyspnea, the patients’
THERAPY comorbidities critically influence the prognosis of tica-
grelor-treated patients with dyspnea. ACS patients with
Dyspnea is a side effect of ticagrelor. It is important new-onset dyspnea should be assessed for comorbi-
to note that there may be a propensity to attribute dys- dities first with medical tests such as chest X-ray, echo-
pnea to ticagrelor when in reality it is due to other clini- cardiography, pulmonary function test, or tests for N-
cal problems, such as pulmonary congestion in patients terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide.34,35 Subsequently,
with new-onset heart failure after myocardial infarction, clinical judgment can be made based on the results of
or it may simply be the patient’s subjective perception.34 these medical tests. Patients should be closely moni-
For proper management of patients complaining of dys- tored to identify the actual cause of dyspnea and deter-
pnea when taking ticagrelor, all clinically plausible causes mine whether it is attributable to the medication itself.
of dyspnea must be considered before attributing it to Ticagrelor-induced dyspnea is generally mild in inten-
the medication itself. Episodes of dyspnea tend to occur sity, exerting no effect on the patient’s daily activities,
early (1 to 50 days) after the initiation of ticagrelor and can be resolved quickly. Doctors should therefore en-
treatment. This side effect is mostly mild or moderate in courage patients to follow their medical advice and em-
intensity, and led to treatment discontinuation in only phasize the importance of continuing their medication
about 0.9% of cases in the PLATO study. The PLATO study to achieve maximum efficacy. For patients with persis-
also found that episodes of dyspnea were observed in tent, severe dyspnea rendering the patients unable to
14.5% of ticagrelor-treated patients and 8.7% of clopi- tolerate the discomfort, alternative regimens should be
dogrel-treated patients, while severe cases of dyspnea considered to replace ticagrelor. Figure 4 shows the flow
were found in 0.4% and 0.3% of patients receiving tica- chart of management of dyspnea during antiplatelet
grelor and clopidogrel, respectively.35 There was no loss treatment.
of treatment effect in the ticagrelor-treated patients
who experienced dyspnea as a side effect because the
mortality rate was still lower among the ticagrelor-treated CONCLUSIONS
patients with dyspnea compared with clopidogrel-treated
patients with dyspnea. These results imply that the oc- Despite its prominent efficacy in lowering the risk of
currence of dyspnea does not influence the efficacy of recurrent ischemic events, antiplatelet therapy is inevi-
ticagrelor, even in patients with asthma, congestive heart tably associated with adverse effects that cannot be
failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.35 In overlooked. This article described the common adverse
the ONSET/OFFSET trial, cardiac and pulmonary func- effects of antiplatelet therapy and made recommenda-
tion tests were evaluated in patients with stable coro- tions for managing these events. The overall manage-
nary artery disease treated with ticagrelor, clopidogrel, ment recommendations are summarized in Table 3.
or a placebo. The results showed no significant changes
in the left ventricular ejection fraction and pulmonary
function test of all treatment groups.18 Ticagrelor-in- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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