DP App Form
DP App Form
DP App Form
Type: New
Name of Owner: Tri-sphere Inter-trade Corporation
Office Address: 155 M.h. Del Pilar St., Tinajeros, Malabon City, Ncr, Third District
MWSS (please attach water bills) 45.0 1.4 Process Wastewater 0.0
Surface water (lake, river, creek, etc.) 0.0 0.0 Domestic 1.4
Annual Annual
Product Name Production Production in the Type of Process
Capacity previous year
Ave. Rate of
Outlet Location and Description of the Name of the Receiving Ave. BOD, Ave. BOD
Number Outlet Body of Water mg/L Load, kg/day
Type of flow meter and method used at (effluent side): Not Applicable
Wastewater treatment system existing?: ✔ Yes No If YES, what is the capacity: 10.7m3/day
Is there a primary treatment system?: ✔ Yes No Date primary system installed: Month: 10 Year: 1980
Note: **Please use generic name. Not brand names, in metric tons of products except for the following subsectors:
hog raising (heads), carbonated drinks and beers (m3), slaughtering/preserving meat (ton LWK, electroplating (m2)).
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We hereby certify that the above information and attached documents are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. Done this _________________________ day of ________________________,
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me a Notary Public. This __________ day of ______________________,
affliant exhibiting to me his/her _________________________________________________________________,
issued at ___________________________________________________________________________________
on ______________________________________________________________.
(Notary Public)