International Payments Import Requirements
International Payments Import Requirements
International Payments Import Requirements
Importing Payments in Commercial Banking Online
International Payment Import Requirements
Importing International
Payments in Commercial
Banking Online will be
different from your existing
online banking channel.
This document includes what you’ll need to know and the checks
to carry out to successfully Import International Payments to
Commercial Banking Online.
There are three options for International Payment Imports in
Commercial Banking Online:
Option 1: International Payments to a SWIFT/BIC & IBAN (mandatory for EEA
and selected other countries)
International Payment Import Requirements
Using a SWIFT/BIC & IBAN is mandatory for International Payments to EEA countries and other countries in the table below.
Country Name ISO Country Code Country Name ISO Country Code
Austria AT Iceland IS
Belgium BE Italy IT
Bulgaria BG Liechtenstein LI
Germany DE Latvia LV
Denmark DK Malta MT
Estonia EE Netherlands NL
Spain ES Norway NO
Finland FI Poland PL
France FR Portugal PT
Greece GR Sweden SE
Croatia HR Slovenia SI
Hungary HU Slovakia SK
Ireland IE Gibraltar GI
International Payment Import Requirements
Andorra AD
Bahrain BH
Switzerland CH
Georgia GE
Greenland GL
Israel IL
Jordan JO
Kuwait KW
Lebanon LB
Moldova MD
Macedonia MK
Montenegro ME
Pakistan PK
State of Palestine PS
Qatar QA
Saudi Arabia SA
Tunisia TN
Turkey TR
Monaco MC
San Marino SM
Kosovo XK
You can find more detailed guidance on how to Import International Payments to SWIFT/BIC codes & IBAN on the
Commercial Banking Online Support Site.
International Payment Import Requirements
Beneficiary Bank Code Type Enter valid value for NCC identifier
Beneficiary Account Number Enter a valid local country account number e.g. 8 digit UK account
Using a National Clearing Code & local account number is mandatory for payments to countries not supported for SWIFT and
IBAN payments. For countries also supported by SWIFT and in the table below you can choose which type of Beneficiary Bank
Code you wish to select.
Country Name ISO Country Code Beneficiary Bank Code Type NCC Format
Argentina AR AR NNNNN
Australia AU AU NNNNNN
International Payment Import Requirements
Country Name ISO Country Code Beneficiary Bank Code Type NCC Format
Kyrgyzstan KG KG NNNNNN
Mauritius MU MU NNNN
Mexico MX MX NNN
Malaysia MY MY NNNN
Nicaragua NI NI NN
Philippines PH PH NNNNNN
Paraguay PY PY NNNN
Serbia RS RS NNN
Venezuela VE VE NNNN
International Payment Import Requirements
Beneficiary Account Number Enter a valid local country account number e.g. 8 digit UK account
Using SWIFT and a local account number is used for countries that are members of SWIFT but not supported for IBAN
payments. This includes many countries that are not members of the European Union.
USA 1. A Routing Number (ABA) for the beneficiary bank is required in field ‘Beneficiary Bank Code’.
2. Enter value ‘ABA’ in field ‘Beneficiary Bank Code Type’.
3. If you need to check the ABA for your beneficiary bank create a test payment in Commercial Banking
Online, then use the in-built lookup functionality for ABAs:
• Create a new international payment on Commercial Banking Online (you will not need to submit
this payment).
• Select Other from the drop down Bank Account Type field.
• Enter the Beneficiary Account Number.
• Select ABA from the Beneficiary Bank Code Type drop down field.
• Using the filter option search for the required Beneficiary Bank Code and select.
Canada Full beneficiary name and address must be provided, and must not contain a PO Box number.
• The address should be entered into fields ‘Beneficiary Address Line 1’ and ‘Beneficiary Address
Line 2’.
• The ISO country code ‘CA’ should be entered in field ‘Beneficiary Country’.
International Payment Import Requirements
China Regulatory requirements must be adhered to before making payments to mainland China. Three data fields
are mandatory:
1. A payment purpose code must be entered in field ‘Beneficiary Reference Line 1’. Choose from the
following options:
• /TRADE/GOODS - Cross-border settlement conducted for trade in goods, general merchandise,
goods for processing, goods required for repairing, goods procured in ports by carriers, transactions
to be settled by letter of credit, bills for collection, payment of import equipment and advanced
payment, etc.
• /TRADE/SERVICE - Cross-border settlement conducted for trade in services, including bill payments,
services or fees relating to transportation, construction, financial services, computer and information
services, sports, utility bills, legal and medical fees, etc.
• /CURRENT/TRF - Income and current transfers, remittance of profits, bonus, dividends, tax and
scholarships, etc
• /CAPITAL/TRF - Capital account transactions, capital injection, capital reduction, capital payment,
direct investment, shareholder’s loan/repayment, funds transfers for foreign direct investment (FDI)
and RQFII projects.
2. Invoice Number - This will come from your beneficiary in China and they must provide it to you in order
for the payment to reach them. Enter the Invoice Number in field ‘Beneficiary Reference Line 2’.
3. CNAPS Number - The CNAPS number is the equivalent of a UK domestic sort code and is 12 digits long.
The CNAPS number must be entered in the format NNNNNNNNNNNN in field ‘Beneficiary Bank Code’.
You will also need to enter ‘CN’ in field ‘Beneficiary Bank Code Type’ and ‘Other’ in field ‘Beneficiary
Account Type’.
4. Full beneficiary name and address must be provided. The address should be entered into fields
‘Beneficiary Address Line 1’ and ‘Beneficiary Address Line 2’ – if the Beneficiary Name contains
more than the limit of 35 characters for field ‘Beneficiary Address Line 1’ this should be carried into
the ‘Beneficiary Address Line 2’ field. The ISO country code ‘CN’ should be entered in field ‘Beneficiary
India 1. An IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) must be provided in format AAAANNNNNNN in field
‘Beneficiary Bank Code’.
2. Enter ‘IN’ in field ‘Beneficiary Bank Code Type’ and ‘Other’ in field ‘Beneficiary Account Type’.
3. If you need to check the IFSC for your beneficiary create a test payment in Commercial Banking Online,
then use the in-built lookup functionality for IFSCs:
• Create a new international payment on Commercial Banking Online (you will not need to submit this
• Select Other from the drop down Bank Account Type field.
• Enter the Beneficiary Account Number.
• Select IN from the Beneficiary Bank Code Type drop down field.
• Using the filter option search for the required Beneficiary Bank Code and select.
4. Indian Rupee payments must only be sent to India (note that other currencies such as USD can also be
sent to India).
5. Reason for payment must be entered in field ‘Beneficiary Reference Line 1’.
Israel 1. Israel Shekel should not be sent to the State of Palestine (PS).
Jamaica 1. Full beneficiary name and address must be provided. The address should be entered into fields
‘Beneficiary Address Line 1’ and ‘Beneficiary Address Line 2’ – if the Beneficiary Name contains
more than the limit of 35 characters for field ‘Beneficiary Address Line 1’ this should be carried into
the ‘Beneficiary Address Line 2’ field. The ISO country code ‘CN’ should be entered in field ‘Beneficiary
Jordan 1. Reason for payment must be provided and entered in field ‘Beneficiary Reference Line 1’.
Lebanon 1. Reason for payment must be provided and entered in field ‘Beneficiary Reference Line 1’.
Mauritius 1. Reason for payment must be provided and entered in field ‘Beneficiary Reference Line 1’.
International Payment Import Requirements
Romania Payments to State Treasury and other State Owned Entities in Romania:
Payments to the State Budget in connection with tax duties such as Income Tax or VAT or Payments in
favour of State Owned Entities such as a State Hospital - it is compulsory to provide the fiscal identification
code of both the ordering customer and the beneficiary. This Fiscal Identification Code can be obtained
directly from the State Treasury in Romania or through the fiscal representative of company in Romania.
The ‘Beneficiary Reference Line’ fields should include:
• The Unique Fiscal Identification code of the ordering party.
• For Tax Liability: The Name of the entity having tax duties in Romania.
• Details of the payment.
* Format of the Unique Fiscal Identification code for companies - IDXXXXXXX
** Format of the Unique Fiscal Identification code for individuals - UIN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Commercial Banking Online will not force you to enter this data into the Beneficiary Reference Line
field but if you fail to provide it for payments of this nature it could delay receipt of the funds by the
South Africa 1. A NCC (National Clearing Code) must be provided in format NNNNNN in field ‘Beneficiary Bank Code’.
2. Enter ‘ZA’ in field ‘Beneficiary Bank Code Type’ and ‘Other’ in field ‘Beneficiary Account Type’.
3. If you need to check the NCC for your beneficiary bank create a test payment in Commercial Banking
Online and use the in-built lookup functionality for NCCs:
• Create a new international payment on Commercial Banking Online (you will not need to submit this
• Select Other from the drop down Bank Account Type field.
• Enter the Beneficiary Account Number.
• Select ZA from the Beneficiary Bank Code Type drop down field.
• Using the filter option search for the required Beneficiary Bank Code and select.
Uganda 1. Reason for payment must be provided and entered in field ‘Beneficiary Reference Line 1’.
Payment Instructions
Do Not Convert
If you have the Commercial Banking Online permission Special Instruction – Do Not Convert you are able to specify that the
beneficiary bank for your Payment should receive the Payment in the same currency it was sent.
You are also able to specify Do not convert for Payments which you Import to Commercial Banking Online. To do so:
• Enter the text Do not convert into the field Instructions_To_Bene_Bank_1 in field 38 in the Commercial Banking Online
standard Import File format.
• If you have the permission Special Instruction – Do Not Convert set to ALWAYS you will need to enter Do not convert as a
mandatory field.
International Payment Import Requirements
Charging Information
International Payments to countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), and in an EEA currency, are bound by
certain charging restrictions depending on the combination of the currency of the account being debited and the currency
being remitted.
Find out more
We hope you have found this Guide clear You can reach them on 0808 202 1390†
and easy to understand but remember, our between 7.30am – 6pm, Monday to Friday
Helpdesk team are always ready to answer excluding bank holidays.
any query you may have. †
Telephone calls may be recorded for security purposes
and monitored under our quality control procedures.
Important information
Lloyds Bank plc. Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London The Guernsey branch of Lloyds Bank International Limited
EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales No. 2065. Telephone: is licensed to conduct banking, investment and insurance
020 7626 1500. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority intermediary business by the Guernsey Financial Services
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Commission under the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of
Prudential Regulation Authority under Regulation number 119278. Guernsey) Law 1994, the Protection of Investors (Baiilwick of
Guernsey) Law 1987 and the Insurance Managers and Insurance
Lloyds Bank International Limited trading as Lloyds Bank and Intermediaries (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2002.
Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, registered Office and principle
place of business: PO Box 160, 25 New Street, St. Helier, Jersey Lloyds Bank plc is covered by the Financial Ombudsman Service
JE4 8RG. Registered in Jersey No. 4029. regulated by the Jersey (FOS). Please note due to FOS eligibility criteria not all Lloyds Bank
Financial Services Commission. We abide by the Jersey Code of business customers will be covered.
Practice for Consumer Lending.
Our service promise
The Isle of Man branch of Lloyds Bank International Limited is If you experience a problem, we will always try to resolve it
licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority to conduct as quickly as possible. Please bring it to the attention of any
deposit-taking and investment business and is also registered as member of staff. Our complaints procedures are published at
an insurance intermediary in respect of general business.