GBRI Chapter 5
GBRI Chapter 5
GBRI Chapter 5
Respect for others - demonstrate respect for human General Principle of Professional conduct -
dignity, privacy, and the right to self-determination of professionals are required not only to have an ethical
all people; be courteous, prompt, and decent; commitment, a personal resolve to act ethically, but
provide others with the information they need also have both ethical awareness and ethical
to make informed decisions about their own competency.
lives; do not patronize, embarrass, or demean.
Ethical awareness - refers to the ability to discern
Responsible Citizenship - obey just laws; if all law between right and wrong.
unjust, openly protest it; exercise all democratic rights
and privileged responsibly by participation.
Ethical competency - pertains to the ability to engage in
sound moral reasoning and consider carefully the
implications of alternative actions.