Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibr
reactions if carried out in a closed vessel do not The equilibrium can be approached fYom
go to
either directi
The equilibrium can be attained only
completion. closed one.
if the system
eg.. CHCOOH+CH,OH=CH,CoOC,H, +H0 The free energy change at constant
3H2)2NH3g temperature is zero. In other words, free
pressure g
Irreversible reaction: These are the reactions in reactants=free energy of products.
which products do not react back to give the reactants, Addition of a catalyst does not change the
ie.. reaction can not be retraced at
state, it only helps in attaining the equilibrium fastet
any point.
e.g., AgNO3 +NaCl>AgCl J+NaNO
The Law of Mass Action
SnCl+2FeCl3> SnCl, +2FeCl2
State of equilibrium : Chemical equilibrium is that This law was given by
to this law
Guldberg and Waage. Accori
state of a reaction at which the rate of forward "At constant temperature the rate
becomes equal to rate of backward reaction.
reaction of chem.-
reaction is directly proportional to the product of at
mass or molar concentration of the reacting substances.
Dynamic nature of chemical equilibria raised to the power equal to its stoichiometric coefficien
In chemical equilibrium represented by the balanced chemical equation.
both forward and backward r(Rate of forward reaction) Applying this law to a reversible reaction of the type.
reactions do not stop but
r (At equilibrium) aAg+ bBg)cCtdDg)
proceed at equal rates, Now, rate of forward reaction «
[A]" [B
Wher i sc a l l e
alled as equilib constant, which depends
rature only. The above expression is known TTYr
y p o nt e m p e n
41B p p
eg.. N(e)
3H2()2NH( For ideal gases, PV= nRT
INH or P concentration in moles L')
Equilibrium c o n s t a n t
Concentration of A. [A] =
librium constant may be defined as the ratio of rate
Similarly for [B]= X]= RT and [Y]= P
c q u i l i b r
in moles/litre.
IC x[D R =RT
it, K [4] x[B] PA P
When oncentrations of reactants
and products are RT
C p r e
ressed in terms of partial pressure, it is denoted by K,. a+b)
When concentrations
of reactants and products are gaseous products and reactants)
expressed in terms of mole fraction, it is denoted by K. An
or K, = K (RT)"
Ke= KpRT
K, xFsl If An = 0, K,=R¢
If An= +ve, Kp Ac
Characteristics of equilibrium constant If An =-ve, K, < K
In heterogeneous equilibrium (reactants and products
For areaction, A +BC+D, are in different phases), to determine An only gaseous
Equilibrium constant, K products and reactants are considered.
[A][B] Active masses of pure solids or pure liquids are always
) Ifreaction is reversed. taken as unity.
Reaction: C+D2A +B Units of K, and K, :
Equilibrium constant: K'= 1/K Unit of K,= (unit of pressure) e.g., (atnm)
(i)lfreaction is divided by factor n. Unit of K(unit of concentration)", e.g., (mol L)
IfAn= 0, K, or K, have no units.
Reaeton:A+B c+p
n Prediction of the extent and direction of a reaction can
Equilibriumconstant: K' = {K be made from values of equilibrium constant.
(m) If reaction is multiplied by factor n. If K>> 1, equilibrium lies to the right, i.e., product
Reaction: nA + nB =nC+ nD formation is favoured.
Equilibrium constant :K' = K" I fK< < 1, equilibrium lies to the left, i.e., reactant
formation (reverse reaction) is favoured.
i reaction is written in n number of steps.
Reaction: Le Chatelier's Principle
It explains the effect of change of pressure, temperature and
BX+ Y; X+ Y p+. C+D concentration on the system in equilibrium. It states that , if
Equilibrium constant: K' =
Kj x
K2 X.. n a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change of pressure.
Reaction quotient temperature or concentration, then the equilibrium will shift
At any condition of a ersible reaction other than
in such a direction of that reaction so as to reduce the effect
of change, i.e.,
and mcondition, the ratio of rate constants of forward (a) Increase in concentration of any substance favours the
r a reaction is known as reaction quotient (2). reaction in that direction in which the added substance
iforward condition, Ke= Q is used up.
reaction takes when Q<Ke (b) High pressure shifts the equilibrium in the direction of
backwa reaction takesplace,
place, when Q>Ke decrease in gaseous volume.
(c) A rise in temperature favours the endothermic reaction
onship between Kp and K and a fall in temperature favours the exothermie
aA + bB xX + yY reactions.
110 wutG Chapterwise WB JEE
molecules is equal to the number of product
Applications of Le-Chatelier's principle hence pressure has no eftect on the equilibrium molec
Le-Chatelier principle is very useful in predicting the Effect of concentration: Addition of HI or ren
Of Temoval
conditions of temperature, pressure and concentration to get favours the forward reaction.
H, I,
higher yiclds in certain industrial reaction. A few examples
are given below:
Reactions Favourable condition
for forward direction
) PCls PClg +C2g: AH= +ve High pressure, low
Effect of temperature: The dissociation of PCi5 is
Ng)t 3Hg)2NH()
endothermic. Hence increase of temperature increases
temperature and isolation
of NH3 by
the rate of formation of PCl; and Cl2.
High pressure, low
Effect ofpressure: Increase of pressure will favour the
temperature and isolation
backward direction, as it is accompanied by an increase of SO.
in the number of molecules.
N2(g+O2g)2NO( High temperature and
Effectof concentration:AdditionofPClh or Clh orremoval isolation of NO.
of PCls will shift the equilibrium in forward direction. Low pressure, high
Effect of adding an inert gas
PCls()PCl3(g) +Cl2g)
In a reaction at equilibrium, n, = 1 if an inert gas is
temperature and isolation
of PCl and
added at constant volume or constant pressure, there is Cl
no change in
2HgH2(g)* l2g) High temperature and
equilibrium isolation of H, and ,.
In a reaction where n,> n, addition of an inert gas has
no effect at constant volume but, at constant pressure, Significance of AG and AG°
the equilibrium shifts in the forward direction, e.g, Free energy change (AG) is related to AG°
dissociation of PCl5 : as folloe
AG AG° +2.303 RT log Q
PCl5PCl3 +Clh At equilibrium, Q= K and AG = 0
i) 2H1) =H+h) AH=+ve AG° =-2.303 RT log K
Effect of temperature : The dissociation of HI is an
endothermmic reaction hence increase of temperature IfK>1, then AG°=-ve, i.e., reaction is spontaneous i
forward direction.
favours the formation of H2 andl2.
Effect of pressure : As the number IfK<1, then AG°=+ve, i.e., reaction is spontaneous i
of reactant backward direction.
CATEGORY 1:Single Option Correct The
Type (1 Mark) equilibrium constant of the reaction
1 In what manner
following equation?
will increase of pressure affect the 2NH+0, 2NO+3H,0
in terms of Ki, K2 and K3 is
C+H,Og CO+Hag (a) K,K2K3 (b) K&2/kK
(a) Shift in the forward direction
(b) Shift in the reverse direction
(c) K,K3/K2 () KK/K,
(c) Increase in the yield of hydrogen The reaction N2(e 2g)2NO() is endotherm
The forward reaction is
(d) No effect
(a) favoured by decrease in temperature
2. For a chemical reaction 24 + B C, (6) favoured by increase in pressure
the thermodynamic equilibrium constant K, is (c) unchanged on changing
(d) in equilibrium point shifts by adding catalyst.
(a) in atm2 (b) in atm*
6. An
(c) in atm (d) dimensionless. equilibrium mixture for the reaction
3. k and ka are the velocity constants of forward and 2H 2H2(+S2 had one mole of hydro
backward reactions. The equilibrium constant Kof the sulphide, 0.2 mole of H, and 0.8 mole of S, in a
reaction is vessel. The value of K, in mole litre is
(a) 0.004 (b) 0.016 (c) 0.080 (d) 0.032
(a) k xkz (b) k-k (c) k,lkz (d) . Which of the illbetk
() notalter
activation energy of the reaction.
the reaction mechanism
SO2+O2S0g and 2s0, 2S02 +O2
changes the which of the
are given by Kj and K2 respectively,
constar (K) of a reaction may be
equilibriu following relation is correct?
Witten as
(8)K=eAGRT b ) K=e-A©°RT
c ) K = e d H / R T
(d) K=e-ART (a)K =|
11. For the reaction: CO* C2) COCl2(g)» K, IK. ( ) K - (K
aqual to
05, what is the concentration of Cl, in moles/litre? 22. For the reaction, Pa) +3Qg) 4R
(a) 2.0 b) 1.5 (c)1.0 (d) 0.5 Initial concentration of P is equal to that of O. The
4. Calculate K, for the reversible process given below, if concentration of P and R are equal. K is
K167 and T= 800°C. equal to
(a) 1.95 b) 1.85 (c) 1.89 (d) 1.60 (a) 0.08 (b) 0.8 (c) 8 (d)
The reaction quotient ()) for the reaction 23. 1 mole of N2 and 2 moles of H2 are allowed to react
*3Hag 2NH%) in a 1 dm vessel. At equilibrium, 0.8 mole of NH, is
is given by = N NH, formed. The concentration of H2 in the vessel is
(a) 0.6 mole b) 0.8 mole
The N(H,
reaction will proceed from right to left if (c) 0.2 mole (d) 0.4 mole.
16. 4)Q-K b) <K. c) Q>K (d) - 0 24. In which of the following equilibrium, change in the
quantity of PCI, heated in 10 dm vessel at volume of the system does not alter the number of
250-C was a
PCsgPCl3(+Cl2(g (a) N2()+ Oz(g) 2NO
2 mole
the vessel contains 0.1 mole of PCI5 (b) PCls)PCl +Cl2
Teaction is of Cl2. The equilibrium constant of (c) N2(0)t+ 3H2g)2NH3)
a) 0.04
(b) 0.025 (c) 0.02 (d) 0.05
(d) SO,Clh)SO2)t C)
Mt& Chapterwise WB JEE
25. Ifequilibrium constant ofreaction, N, +3H22NH3
is K, then K for reaction, 2N, +6H2 4NH, is
CATEGORY 2: Single Option Correct Type (2 Marks) give the highest yield of Z at equilibrium?
(a) 1000 atm and 200°C (b) 500 atm and 500
31. The decomposition of N,O4 to NO, is carried out at (c) 1000 atm and 100°C (d) 500 atm and 100
280°C in chloroform. When equilibrium is reached, 38. For the following three reactions (), (i) and
0.2 mol of N,O4 and 2 x10 mol of NO2 are present equilibrium constants are given
in 2 litre solution. The equilibrium constant for the ) COtH,O CO2e t Hai
reaction, N,04 2NO, is (i) CHag +HO cO+3H2g;K2
(a) 1x 10 (b) 2 x 10 (c) 1« 10 (d) 2x 10 (m CHa + 2H,0 CO+4Ha
32. For the synthesis of ammonia by the reaction Which of the following relations is correct?
N+3H2NH, in theHaber process, the attainment (a) K3K=K2 b) KiK =K^
of equilibrium is correctly predicted by the curve (c) K2K=K, (d) K-KK
e m i c a E
l q u i l i b r i a
Select CATEGORY 3:One or More than One Option
i s w r i t t e na s
Correct Type (2 Marks)
46. The cquilibrium constant of the following reaction in
For the
(a) Hzg+ 2)2He
Na+ 3H2g2NH( (6) 2N,04g)4NO2(e)
500°C, the
of Kp is 1.44 x
10 when
measured in atmospheres. The
nartial pressure
(d) Hat+Clag2HCl
value of Ke with concentration in
responding 48. For the dissociation equilibrium,
mole litre, is
N,O4(g) 2NO2(g» the variation of free energy
1.44 x 500)2
10/ (0.082 x
with the fraction of Ng04 dissociated under standard
1.44 10/ (8.314
x 773)2 x
conditions is shown in the figure :
1.44x 10/(0.082 773)2
773)2 x 2 moles of
() NO2
the equilibrium constant
. At constant temperature,
decomposition reaction, N,O4 2NO,
(K) forthe 1 mole +
=4P where P = pressure,
of N,O4
essed by
by K.
s expressed
1-) one of the TO.84 k
x extent of decomposition.
S1. In the presence of a catalyst, what happens to the (b) PCls=PClig+ Clag
(c) H2(g) + Br2(g)2HBr(
chemical equilibrium?
(a) Energy of activation of the forward and backward (d) 2S02g)+Oz(g) 2S03(g)
54. Le-Chatelier's is
reactions is lowered by same amount.
(a) ifa system in equilibrium is subjected to ach
(b) Equilibrium amount is not disturbed. Change
(c) Rates of forward and reverse reactions increase of concentration, pressure or
equilibrium shifts in the direction that tend he
by the same factor nds to
undo the effect of change
(d) More product is formed.
(b) applicable to all type of dynamic equilibrium
52. 138 g of N,O4e is placed in 8.2 L container at 300 K. (c) applicable to irreversible system
The equilibrium vapour density of mixture was found (d) applicable to all physical and chemical equilib
to be 30.67. Then (R = 0.082 L atm moll K-)
55. In which of the following reactions would the yield o
(a) the total pressure at equilibrium 4.5 atm the products be increased by the application of hich
(b) the degree of dissociation of N,O,= 0.25 pressure?
(c)the total number of moles at equilibrium is 1.5 (a) 2S02+O 2SO3 (b) N +3H,2NH,
(d) K, of N,O, 2NO2) will be 6 atm. (c) PCl PCl +Cl2 (d) H2 t+ l22HI
1. (b):n, > n, (gaseous), correct option is (b) by | 12. (): The given reaction is endothermic. So n
LeChatelier's principle. increasing temperature, it will shift in the forward direction
K l.89
K3H.]o,? 0.0821 x 1073
15. (c): The reaction proceeds from right to left when
NOF (H,Of ThusK= A2 Q>Ke, so that Q tends to decrease to become equalto A
KNH,1* NH,][O, K 16. (a): PCl PCl + Ch
5. (c)n,=n,, Therefore, pressure has no effect. Moles at eqm. 0.1 mole 0.2 mole 0.2 mole
Molar concs. 0.1/10 0.2/10 0.2/10
6. (b):K= (0.2/2 0.8/2)0.104) = 0.016 0.02 x 0.02
1/2) (0.5) K
7. (a):Lower the equilibrium constant, greater is the 17. (c): 2S02+ O2 2S0s
stability. Initial moles 5 5
8. (d): At constant volume, there is no change in At eqm. 5-X5
concentrations by addition of inert gas - 5 -3-2
9. (d): Catalyst is a substance which speeds up the Total 2+3.5+3 =8.5
rate of reaction by lowering the activation energy of the 18. (c): As we know, K, =K, (RT)"
10. (b):AG°
-RT InK or K=eAGRT An =2-(2+ 1)=-1
11. (a):An, =1-2 =-1 RT
K, =KRT =K{RT)=K, Hence, K,<R
or, KK= 1/RT
Chemical Equilibria
[SO] 27. (a): N +3H22NH3
Theretore. so,]1O;1* Initial 2 mol 6 mol
At. cqm. mol mol
2s02SO, +O, .
(1) 2 mol L
Molar cone. 3
_ SO,F1O,1
Thus, K =
Ke (2) 4
SO, Ix(3) 27
At quilibrium
moles at equilibrium
x +x =
2r Theoretical, density (a)1+20.)V
Total gaseous
We know &p =PNH, * PH,s
23. (b): Na +3H22NH3 PH2
=0.0127 mol
3 of or, 0.068 (0.2 -x) =x or x
at 363 K in 1 L vessel,
rormation of 0.8 mole of NHa means thatx0.8 Pressure of 0.0127 mol of H2S
H, have reacted. nRT 0.0127x0.0821x363 - 0.38 atm
P= 1
ence, concentration of H, 2-x =
25. (a)
number of moles in this case K= IC,HiO,l
ie. 6 x
26. (d): 6
2S02 + OD2
2S03 0 or [HCHO- | nE =
1.6x 10 M
I mole
At eqm. 0.3
1-0.6 0.4 0.6
116 wtG Chapterwise WB JEE EXPLOn
equilibrium, [SO,]
0.2 M
35. Hence at
(a): For reaction,
Ag +2NH, [Ag(NH,),T:K, =1.7 x 10 [O]=(x-0.03) M: [SO,] =5.3 M
SO, (5.3)
For Ag' +Cl= =AgCl; K, =5.4 x 10 SO,1 x [0,] (0.2) x (r-0.03) 0(give
Thus for, x-0.03 =
0.878 * = 0.908 moles
AgCl Ag' +Cl; KK54x 10 44. (b): PClsPCl +Cl2
Initial C
= 2.67 x 10
CH4g+HO)COe) 3H2)
46. (a, c, d): (a) Fora system to be in equilibrium, AG=0
[Co]HF (i) (c)AG°=-2.303 RTlog K
K2CHITH,O] -2.303 x 8.314 x 300 x log 10 = -5.74 kJ
CHg+2H,0 COg)+4H2g) (d) AG° is the free energy change when all the reactamts
K = CO]H, having unit concentrations, change into the products having
.11) unit concentrations.
From equations (i). (i) and (ii); K3 -Kj x K2 47. (a, d)
48. (a, b, c): AG° for conversion of 1 mole ofN,Og inta
39. (c): KK=- i s for 2MX + 2MX equilibrium mixture (forward reaction)
[MX21X21 =-0.84 kJ, i.e., -ve
AG° for conversion of 2 moles of into
40. (b):K, =KRTY,= An, = 1- NO2 equliDru
mixture (backward reaction)
=-5.40 +(-0.84) = - 6.24 kJ, i.e., -ve
41. (d): An, =2-4--2, K, =K,/(RT)an
1.44 x
10/(0.082 x 773)2 AC° for conversion of 1 mole of N,O, completelyin
2 moles of NO, = +5.40 kJ.
42. (b): k, is temperature dependent only. By changing P AG° for complete conversion is
or x equilibrium shifis as per Le Chatelier's principle, but positive therefore, compl
conversion is not possible.
after some time it establishes a new state of equilibrium at As AG° for backward reaction is more than
which K is maintained constant. negative
for forward reaction, i.e., formation of N,04 1S
43. (b):
0.5 moles
0.12 moles
49. (a, c) : (a) For an endothermic reaction, K inerea
Thus, total
51. (a, b, c)
2NO, So, K, 40 x 4.5 = 6 atm
52. (a, c, d)
Initial moles
Eq. moles (1-) 20
WB JEE Previous Years Questions
NH to give NO is
CATEGORY1:Single Option Correct Type (1 Mark)
For the reaction 2S02(g)+O2(g
300 K, the value of AG° is - 690.9R. The equilibrium
2S0(g at (K
constant value for the reaction at that temperature is
(R is gas constant) 4.
In the equilibrium, H2 +lh 2H1, if at a given
a) 10 atmT (b) 10 atm
temperature the concentrations of the
reactants are
(c) 10 (d) (2015) increased, the value of the equilibrium constant, K,
for the following reactions at
2Equilibrium constants
1200 Kare given: (a) increase b) decrease
2H,0)2H2(g +O);Kj 6.4x
2 C + D = 2 P , K^ = 25
The following equilibrium constants are grven
The equilibrium constant for the reaction,
Ny +3H 2NH3:K1
N+O 2NO ; K2
P A+;B at 25 °C is
H,+0 H,0;K
he cquilibrium constant for the oxidation of 2 mol of )20 (b) 20 () (d) 21
118 WutG Chapterwise WB JEE EXPLORE
(given, equilibrium cont. = 0.15, R= 8.314 J K-m
CATEGORY 2: Single Option Correct Type (2 Marks) mol
(a) 1.1 kJ (b) 4.7 kJ
6. The standard Gibbs free energy change (AG°) at 25°C (c) 8.1 kJ (d) 38.2 kJ
for the dissociation of N,04 to
2. (d): Given
NO H, oj
2Hg+O2)K, = 6.4 x 10%
2C0+O2(g K =1.6 x 10
i) NH, [O,P
Required equation is, K[NO?_JN,IH,PIJ
K= H,01
Ha+CO2c COtH,OK=? DN1O1[NH,T H,TTO,2
By reversing equation (1) and by multiplying it with 1/2,
we get
H O2g)H,O: Ki=64x
6.4x 10
.ii) 4. (): The value of equilibrium constant for a particulat
reaction is always constant depending only upon the
And by multiplying equation (i) with 1/2, we get temperature of reaction and is independent of concentration
of reactants.
cOgCO O Ki = yi6x10 iv) 5. (a): The givenreactions can be converted as
By adding equations (ii) and (iv), we get B+CA K =1
Hae+COe COtHO: K'=K]xK
1.6x10-6 =v25 =5
V 2 5 =5
V6.4 x10-
3. (b): N2+3H2 2NH3 ; K1 PC+p Ki =
[NH, 1
K =
N JH,F P K, =ix*
Na +O 2NO;K2 6. (b): AG° = - RTIn K
NOP =- 2.303 x 8.314 x log 0.15 =4.7 kJ