org (ISSN-2349-5162)
ABSTRACT: Disease identification in crops is one of important job that every farmer practice and takes required action for
eliminating them since they are damaging to not only crops but also to farmers, customers, and environment too. Quality or safety
of agricultural goods is one of key issues in today’s situation. In previous times farmers contacts specialists or use their own
expertise for detection of illnesses in their crops but now days intelligent methods are progressively replacing the monitoring of
crops since they are more reliable, accurate, quick and cheap in comparison to earlier ways. This article covers several methods
based on machine learning or image processing that were provided by researchers all over the globe for detection of illnesses in
crops, subsequent comments are given that may be useful for advancements in this area. This study would assist other academics
and practitioners to review different methods utilized for the process of disease detection in plants and limitations of existing
KEYWORDS: Artificial Intelligence, Classification, Disease Detection, Image Processing, Image Capture.
Farmers have begun using smart farming methods, which has resulted in increased food yields, thanks to
advances in agricultural practices. Earlier methods were time consuming, expensive, and needed more work,
but today many jobs may be completed in a short amount of time. Smart farming is a farming method that is
used to identify plant diseases, weeds, classify land cover, and grade fruits, among other things. However, very
little progress has been made in adapting these techniques because the majority of farmers still rely on
traditional agricultural techniques, particularly in Asian and African countries, where agriculture employs
around 50% of the population. However, this sector pays a high price because 30 to 40% of annual production
is lost due to disease[1].
Previously, disease detection was entirely reliant on manual techniques, with farmers relying on their own
expertise or hiring experts to identify signs so that illness could be diagnosed and appropriate preventative
action could be done. Traditional methods have disadvantages, such as relying only on the expert's vision,
being time consuming, bulky, labor demanding, and lacking precision. As a result, there is a pressing need to
replace manual disease detection methods with automated ones as soon since possible, as the quality and safety
of agricultural products is a significant issue. It is critical to identify infections early on, since their spread may
be readily managed without compromising crop quality or production. This survey presents a variety of illness
detection methods suggested by researchers from all around the world. The architecture of plant disease
identification systems is given after a review of several literatures. The following section gives an overview of
a few systems suggested by various researchers for various crops.
1.1 Techniques for Detecting and Recognizing Plant Diseases Using Artificial Intelligence:
Previously, farmers utilized their own expertise or paid experts to do manual disease inspections. However,
there were several disadvantages to this method, including the fact that it was a time-consuming process
because a person had to inspect the plant at each stage, that it lacked accuracy because several diseases have
nearly identical symptoms, and that it was completely reliant on the person's or expert's eyesight. For illness
diagnosis and identification, machine learning and image processing methods are extensively utilized. Image
Acquisition, Image Preprocessing, Image Segmentation, Feature Extraction, and Classification or Recognition
are five modules that may be included in such a system. A disease identification system with a general
framework and several methods utilized in each module.
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It is used to acquire an area of interest and can be useful in distinguishing between sick or healthy parts of
image samples, since it divides them into clusters with infected portions in one cluster as well as healthy
portions in another. Preprocessed pictures are split into many smaller areas in this module so that features may
be extracted quickly. For segmentation of wheat leaves, the Fuzzy C-Means clustering method was used using
a collection of intensity values from picture samples. For extracting regions of interest from picture data, we
utilized basic threshold segmentation. For the segmentation of betel vine leaves, the Otsu thresholding
technique was used. First, the RGB picture was transformed to HSV color space, or then the Otsu method has
been applied to the “H” component for segmentation. For segmentation, a color filtering operation was used,
resulting in a bi-level picture, with white areas indicating diseased regions and black regions indicating healthy
and background region. Several morphological procedures were then performed[4].
1.5 Extraction of Features:
Different characteristics may be retrieved from the segmented picture in this module, and these features can be
used to identify items from each other. Its goal is to decrease picture data by measuring certain characteristics
of segmented image samples. This phase takes into account three kinds of characteristics: color, texture, and
form. Color is often described by moments and histograms, whereas texture may be associated with a variety
of characteristics such as homogeneity, entropy, variance, contrast, and shape aspects such as roundness,
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concavity, area, and eccentricity. For extracting characteristics including texture, color, and shape from picture
sample, fractal descriptor were employed.
Multiple characteristics (inertia, energy, correlation, and homogeneity) were recovered from segmented picture
samples utilizing co-occurrence matrix texture based features Color ( saturation moments, hue
moments intensity moments) and form (entropy, median, mode, variability, number of 0's in binary picture,
standard deviation, and so on) were also retrieved. Deviation, Color features (Average, Correlation, Entropy,
Variance, Energy of color histogram, etc.) were extracted using two color spaces texture features (Energy,
Entropy, Moment of Inertia, Local Smooth, Correlation, etc.) were extracted in four directions using GLCM
after converting RGB spot image to Gray, and finally shape features were extracted using edge detection.
Gabor filters were employed on each picture sample to extract texture characteristics. Color characteristics
were extracted using the color channel, while texture features including energy, correlation, contrast, and
homogeneity were extracted using the GLCM.
Texture characteristics were retrieved using the Gabor filter, while color features were extracted using the H,
S (HSI color space) and Cr (YCbCr) component. Contrast, uniformity, max probability, homogeneity, inverse
differential moment of order 2, differential variation diagonal volatility, entropy, as well as correlation were
extracted using GLCM. extracted shape features based on parameters such as lesion area, geometrical
center, rectangle degree, roundness degree, and figure complexity, color information parameters such as H
component of HIS color space, third order order accuracy of B component of RGB color space, and third order
accuracy of H component of HIS color space, as well as texture features parameters such as energy, entropy
or texture complexity Complex, roundness, long axis ratio, as well as degree of rectangle characteristics were
utilized to extract shape data; texture features were retrieved using GLCM's energy, entropy, and contrast
parameters while color feature were extracted by computing the average of RGB component of the lesion
1.6 Classification of Images:
Image Recognition is another name for it. Labels are given to the objects based on the extracted characteristics
and descriptions, which will aid in the identification of a specific attribute of the item. The classifier is initially
trained on the training set before being used to recognize pictures from the test set. PNNs (Probablistic Neural
Networks) were utilized to recognize illnesses in paddy crops, with 5-cross fold validation used to separate
training or test data as well as a confusion matrix used to further analyze the results.
PNN was used to identify diseases. It contains four layers: an input layer, a pattern layer, a summation layer,
as well as an output layer. It also has a quicker training speed than the BPNN. For image classification, a three-
layered Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network was used, with the first layer containing 22 neurons
describing the features of image samples retrieved during the feature extraction phase, the third layer
containing only one neuron during training, and the hidden layer containing four neurons. Color SVMs, Shape
SVMs, Texture SVMs, and Meta level SVMs were utilized for picture recognition, with Meta level SVMs
making the final classification decision. This greatly enhanced the performance of the suggested system. SVM
was used to classify tomato leaves, and the results were assessed using the k-fold cross validation technique.
After extracting texture and color characteristics, SVM kernels (linear, polynomial, radial basis function, and
quadratic) were used to identify sugarcane illnesses. The linear kernel was suggested owing to its accuracy in
detecting sugarcane diseases. For the detection of grape leaf diseases, multiclass SVMs were used. used Back
propagation neural networks were used to recognize powdery or downy mildew illness in grape leaves, using
nine neurons (nine texture characteristics) in the input layer and two neurons in the output layer (downy mildew
or powdery mildew). On conventional neural networks, an enhanced PSO-based method was used; the input
layer of neural network had 20 neurons (extracted features), the output layer contained three neurons (diseases
to be identified), as well as the hidden layer contained 19 neurons (combined with Kolmogorov algorithm).
For three cucumber illnesses, the Minimum Distance classifier was employed.
1.7 Image Preprocessing:
The gathered samples of pictures may include noise and may not be appropriate for processing directly so
preprocessing methods are applied to data. These methods are cropping, enhancement, filtering, smoothing,
color transformation etc. This procedure improves the quality of optical examination of the image examples.
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Transformed the picture samples to HSV color space, extracted component from these, they also conducted
histogram equalization and utilized Laplacian filters for sharpening pictures. Diseased region in picture
samples was clipped then photos were transformed into their matching gray levels and lastly Laplacian filter
was applied by for picture enhancement. According to infected areas of plant leave exhibit greater intensity
levels in comparison to other parts thus obtained picture samples were transformed HIS color space. Acquired
pictures were cropped by for maximum use of CPU, quicker processing time and economical disk storage
therefore 30 percent of storage space was saved, CPU speed was increased 1.4 times and there was no loss of
area of interest. RGB picture samples were transformed into YCbCr color system, extracting Y, Cb and Cr
component later background was separated from the recorded pictures. generic structure of a disease
identification system with various methods employed in each module[6].
Diego Inácio Patrcioa et al. conducted research on the world economy relies heavily on grain production. In
this regard, the need for efficient and safe food manufacturing techniques is growing. One of the instruments
for achieving this goal is information technology. We highlight computer vision systems coupled with artificial
intelligence algorithms that have achieved significant achievements in the identification of patterns in pictures
among the current tools. In this respect, this paper provides a systematic study aimed at determining the
application of computer vision in precision agriculture for the production of the world's five most widely
consumed grains: maize, rice, wheat, soybean, and barley. In this regard, they offer 25 articles over the past
five years that use a variety of methods to disease detection, grain quality, and phenotyping. The systematic
review's findings reveal significant possibilities, such as the use of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and
sophisticated artificial intelligence techniques like DBNs in the development of robust computer vision
systems for precision agriculture[7].
Kamlesh Golhani and colleagues investigated this article examines advanced Neural Network (NN) methods
for hyperspectral data processing, with a focus on plant disease diagnosis. To begin, we give an overview of
the NN mechanism, kinds, models, and classifiers that analyze hyperspectral data using various methods. The
present status of imaging as well as non-imaging hyperspectral data for early illness detection is then discussed.
The use of a hybridized NN hyperspectral method to identify and diagnose illness has shown to be a valuable
tool. The Spectral Illness Index (SDI) is the ratio of pure disease spectra's various spectral bands. Following
that, we present NN methods for fast SDI creation. We also discuss hyperspectral data's present problems and
potential trends[8].
Jayme Garcia et al. studied about the issue connected with automated plant disease diagnosis utilizing visible
range pictures has received significant attention in the past two decades, but the methods suggested so far are
generally restricted in their breadth and reliant on perfect capture circumstances in order to function effectively.
This seeming lack of substantial advances may be partly explained by several tough difficulties presented by
the subject: presence of complex background which can be easily removed from the region of interest ,
boundaries of the symptom often are not well characterized, uncontrolled capture conditions may reveal
features that make the image task more difficult, certain illnesses produce symptoms with a variety of
characteristics, the symptom created by various diseases may be very comparable, and they may be present
simultaneously. This article offers an examination of each one of those difficulties, highlighting both the
problems that they may create and how they may have possibly impacted the methods presented in the past.
Some potential methods capable of addressing at least some of those difficulties are suggested[9].
Patrizia Busato et al studied about Machine learning has developed alongside big data technologies and high-
performance computing to offer new possibilities for data intensive research in the multi-disciplinary Agri-
technology domain. In this article, we provide a thorough overview of research devoted to applications of
machine learning in agricultural production system. The works examined were classified in (a) agricultural
management, including application on yield prediction, disease detection, weed identification crop quality, and
species identification; (b) livestock management, including applications on animal welfare as well as livestock
production; (c) water management and (d) soil management. The filtering categorization of the provided papers
show how agriculture can benefit from machine learning technologies. By applying machine learning to sensor
data, farm management systems can developing into real time machine learning powered applications that offer
rich suggestions Providing insight for farmer decision - making and action[10].
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© 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Farmers have begun using smart farming methods, which has resulted in increased food yields, thanks to
advances in agricultural practices. Earlier methods were time consuming, expensive, and needed more work,
but today many jobs may be completed in a short amount of time. Smart farming is a farming method that is
used to identify plant diseases, weeds, classify land cover, and grade fruits, among other things. Disease
identification in crops is one of important job that every farmer practice and takes required action for
eliminating them since they are damaging to not only crops but also to farmers, customers, and environment
too. Quality and safety of agricultural goods is one of key issues in today’s situation. In previous times farmers
contacts specialists or use their own expertise for detection of illnesses in their crops but now day’s intelligent
methods are progressively replacing the monitoring of crops since they are more reliable, accurate, quick and
cheap in comparison to earlier ways. This study addressed various Machine Learning and Image Processing
approaches which are helpful in detecting and categorizing illnesses of different crops but still there is lot of
potential of development in this area so that manual disease detection methods may be substituted for benefit
of everyone. For future study big and high-quality picture samples may be utilized for presenting a robust and
dependable method which can overcome limitations of current techniques.
Digital pictures are more dependable for illness identification in comparison to human eyes, many diseases
have identical characteristics at times it is tough for human eyes for recognizing them furthermore recognition
is entirely reliant on eyesight of human expert. This study addressed various Machine Learning and Image
Processing approaches which are helpful in detecting and categorizing illnesses of different crops but still there
is lot of potential of development in this area so that manual disease detection methods may be substituted for
benefit of everyone. For future study big and high-quality picture samples may be utilized for presenting a
robust and dependable method which can overcome limitations of current techniques. This article covers
several methods based on machine learning and image analysis that were provided by researchers all over the
globe for detection of illnesses in crops, subsequent comments are given that may be useful for advancements
in this area. This study would assist other academics and practitioners to review different methods utilized for
the process of disease detection in plants and limitations of existing systems
[1] F. Martinelli et al., “Advanced methods of plant disease detection. A review,” Agron. Sustain. Dev., vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 1–25, 2015, doi:
[2] S. Sladojevic, M. Arsenovic, A. Anderla, D. Culibrk, and D. Stefanovic, “Deep Neural Networks Based Recognition of Plant Diseases by
Leaf Image Classification,” Comput. Intell. Neurosci., vol. 2016, 2016, doi: 10.1155/2016/3289801.
[3] S. R. Maniyath et al., “Plant disease detection using machine learning,” Proc. - 2018 Int. Conf. Des. Innov. 3Cs Comput. Commun. Control.
ICDI3C 2018, pp. 41–45, 2018, doi: 10.1109/ICDI3C.2018.00017.
[4] J. G. A. Barbedo, “Factors influencing the use of deep learning for plant disease recognition,” Biosyst. Eng., vol. 172, pp. 84–91, 2018,
doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2018.05.013.
[5] A. Lowe, N. Harrison, and A. P. French, “Hyperspectral image analysis techniques for the detection and classification of the early onset
of plant disease and stress,” Plant Methods, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–12, 2017, doi: 10.1186/s13007-017-0233-z.
[6] A.-K. Mahlein, “Present and Future Trends in Plant Disease Detection,” Plant Dis., vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 1–11, 2016, doi: 10.1007/s13398-
[7] D. I. Patrício and R. Rieder, “Computer vision and artificial intelligence in precision agriculture for grain crops: A systematic review,”
Comput. Electron. Agric., vol. 153, no. June, pp. 69–81, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2018.08.001.
[8] K. Golhani, S. K. Balasundram, G. Vadamalai, and B. Pradhan, “A review of neural networks in plant disease detection using hyperspectral
data,” Inf. Process. Agric., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 354–371, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.inpa.2018.05.002.
[9] J. G. A. Barbedo, “A review on the main challenges in automatic plant disease identification based on visible range images,” Biosyst. Eng.,
vol. 144, pp. 52–60, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2016.01.017.
[10] K. G. Liakos, P. Busato, D. Moshou, S. Pearson, and D. Bochtis, “Machine learning in agriculture: A review,” Sensors (Switzerland), vol.
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