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Oral Surgery � Periapical surgery of antral teeth

Periapical surgery of maxillary posterior teeth.

A review of the literature

Berta García 1, Luis Martorell 1, Eva Martí 2, Miguel Peñarrocha 3

(1) Degree in Dental Surgery and resident of the Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology. Valencia University Medical and Dental
(2) Degree in Dental Surgery. Private practice in Valencia
(3) Assistant Professor of Stomatology. Director of the Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology. Valencia University Medical and
Dental School. Valencia (Spain)

Dr. Miguel Peñarrrocha Diago
Clínica Odontológica
Gascó Oliag, 1
García B, Martorell L, Martí E, Peñarrocha M. Periapical surgery of
46021 – Valencia
maxillary posterior teeth. A review of the literature. Med Oral Patol Oral
E-mail: miguel.Penarrrocha@uv.es
Cir Bucal 2006;11:E146-50.
© Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - ISSN 1698-6946

Received: 10-01-2004
Accepted: 17-12-2005 Click here to view the
Indexed in:
article in Spanish
-Index Medicus / MEDLINE / PubMed
-EMBASE, Excerpta Medica
-Indice Médico Español

In recent years, periapical surgery has evolved thanks to new diagnostic and technical advances. A review is made of
the literature on periapical surgery of the antral teeth, based on a Medline search and on the revision of Spanish dental
journals in the period between 1974 and 2003.
The anatomy of the maxillary sinus is discussed, along with the diagnosis of periapical lesions and the relation of the
maxillary sinus to the antral teeth. The surgical technique, special considerations and prognosis of periapical surgery
in these teeth are also addressed.
Recent studies postulate that the proximity of the antral teeth to the maxillary sinus should not be viewed as a contra-
indication to periapical surgery, and recommend such surgery in teeth with chronic periapical disease that are refractory
to conventional endodontic management, despite the proximity of the maxillary sinus.

Key words: Periapical surgery, apicoectomy, antral teeth.

En los últimos años, la cirugía periapical ha evolucionado gracias a la incorporación de avances diagnósticos y técnicos.
El objetivo del presente artículo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica de los trabajos publicados sobre cirugía periapical
en los dientes antrales; hemos revisado el Medline y las revistas españolas de Odontología desde 1974 hasta el 2003.
Comentamos la anatomía del seno maxilar, el diagnóstico de las lesiones periapicales y la relación del seno maxilar con
los dientes antrales; también la técnica quirúrgica, sus consideraciones especiales, y el pronóstico de la cirugía periapical
en estos dientes.
Los trabajos recientes plantean que la proximidad de los dientes antrales al seno maxilar, no es una contraindicación
para la cirugía periapical, y recomiendan su realización en dientes con patología periapical crónica, refractarios al tra-
tamiento endodóncico convencional, a pesar de la proximidad del seno maxilar.

Palabras clave: Cirugía periapical, apicectomía, dientes antrales.


© Medicina Oral S.L. Email: medicina@medicinaoral.com

Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:E146-50. � Periapical surgery of antral teeth

INTRODUCTION shape of a triangular pyramid, with an internal base and an

In recent years, periapical surgery has evolved considera- external vertex facing towards the zygoma, and is in relation
bly thanks to new diagnostic and surgical advances (1-3). to the maxillary molars and premolars (13).
Posterior teeth with periapical pathology not amenable to The lining sinus membrane is composed of ciliary mucosa
endodontic treatment are candidates for periapical surgery, that expels the mucosal secretions towards the antral ori-
and only when the latter is not possible should extraction fice.
be considered.

Authors Type of study and No. teeth No. molars % complete

radiological duration of follow-up (max/mand) (max/mand) healing
Persson (5) prospective 26 26 78%
(1982) 1 year (18/8) (18/8)
Ioannides and retrospective 86 86 73%
Borstlap (6) 6 months- 5 years (47/39) (47/39)
Friedman et al. (7) retrospective 136 roots 24 roots 47.8%
(1991) 6 months- 8 years (94/42 roots) (12/ 28 roots)
Gay et al. (8). prospective 72 72 77.8%
(1993) 1 year (25/47) (25/47)
Testori et al. (9) retrospective 181 152 roots 77.5%
(1999) 1 – 6 years (130/51) (62/90 roots) (69% en molares maxilares)

Zuolo et al. (10) prospective 102 39 91.2%

(2000) 1 – 4 years (73/29) (20/19) (85% en molars maxilares)

von Arx et al. (11) prospective 25 25 88.0%

(2001) 1 year (9/16) (9/16)
Peñarrocha et al. (2) retrospective 155 _ 87.7%
(2001) 3.5 years average (98/57)
Table 1. Percentage healing in periapical surgery according to the sources in the literature.

The difficulty posed by these teeth is their location in the The vascularization of the maxillary sinus is fundamentally
posterior zones of the oral cavity. This situation requires provided by two arteries: the sphenopalatine artery and the
adequate evaluation of the surgical access, the relationship of superior alveolar artery. Blood supply also comes from the
the teeth to anatomical structures such as the maxillary sinus, facial artery, the anterior ethmoidal artery and the subor-
and their proximity to the mandibular dental canal (4). bital artery (14).
The present study reviews the literature on periapical surgery Sensory innervation in turn originates from the posterior
of the maxillary premolars and molars, referred to as antral dental nerve and the infraorbital nerve with its correspon-
teeth because of their close relation to the antrum or maxi- ding branches: mid-dental, anterior dental and small direct
llary sinus. A Medline search has been conducted, covering branches of the sinus mucosa. These fibers distribute in
the period between 1974 and 2003, together with a review plexus form above the apexes to innervate both the dental
of the Spanish dental literature. We evaluated the most im- roots and the maxillary sinus proper (14). Tributary vege-
portant articles on periapical surgery of the maxillary pos- tative innervation in turn originates almost exclusively from
terior teeth, selecting those clinical series comprising over the Meckel’s sphenopalatine ganglion.
25 teeth and involving a minimum follow-up of 6 months The maxillary first premolar in most cases presents two roots
(2,5-11)(Table 1). From the results obtained it is deduced (vestibular and palatine), with even two canals in the vesti-
that the proximity of the antral teeth to the maxillary sinus bular root, though in some instances there may be a single
is not a contraindication to periapical surgery (12). root with two canals. The maxillary second premolar tends
to have a single root with one canal, though in 40% of cases
ANATOMY OF THE MAXILLARY SINUS AND the tooth presents dos canals that merge to form a single
OF THE ANTRAL TEETH apical foramen. Depending on the level of apicoectomy, we
The maxillary sinus is a hollow space lined by a membrane, can find one or two canals. The first and second maxillary
and communicates with the nasal fossa. The sinus has the molars have three roots and three canals; in order to gain
access to the palatine root we approach the tooth from the

Oral Surgery � Periapical surgery of antral teeth

palatal side, though in some cases a vestibular approach is The relation between the roots of the maxillary molars
indicated (15). and premolars and the sinus has been studied by different
authors (12,14,23,24). The roots of the maxillary first and
DIAGNOSIS OF PERIAPICAL LESIONS second molars are in intimate relation to the floor of the
The extraoral panoramic X-ray study provides general maxillary sinus in 40% of cases (14).
information on the oral condition, and on the existence of The palatine roots of these teeth are closer to the antral
periapical lesions and their relation to the nearby hard struc- floor than to the palate, and in 20% of cases are in close
tures and other anatomical elements (12,16). Intraoral pe- proximity to the maxillary sinus (23). Their location compli-
riapical X-rays in turn afford greater detail, with evaluation cates an approach through the sinus, and a palatine access
of bone height, the number, length and shape of the roots, is therefore usually adopted (24).
the possible existence of internal or external reabsorptions, The vestibular roots of the upper posterior teeth are closely
periapical lesion extent, the apexes implicated in the lesion, related to the floor of the maxillary sinus. However, root
and the relation to the maxillary sinus and dental root. Pepe- access is much easier in this case than in the case of the pa-
lassi et al. (17) found panoramic X-rays to show important latine roots, and in most cases treatment can be carried out
distortion, while intraoral periapical X-rays proved to be without having to perforate the sinus wall (12). In some cases
more precise than extraoral panoramic imaging. the apexes protrude into the sinus, and the sinus membrane
New digital radiographic techniques have also been develo- must be raised in order to treat them.
ped. In this context, Sullivan et al. (18) used radiovisiography
(RVG) in application to small radiotransparencies, allowing SURGICAL TECHNIQUE AND SPECIAL CON-
contrast modification and more precise visualization of the SIDERATIONS
contour and size of such areas. Cotti et al. (19) prefer com- During periapical surgery of the maxillary molars and
puted tomography (CT) for differential diagnostic purposes, premolars it is possible to find the same complications as
definition of the treatment plan and follow-up of extensive in any apicoectomy, including for example damage to a
periapical lesions. Velvart et al. (20) compared conventional neighboring tooth. The specific considerations applicable
radiography versus CT in application to periapical lesions to these teeth are: careful aperture of the maxillary sinus
in 50 patients programmed for periapical surgery of lower wall or floor; avoidance of sinus membrane perforation; and
premolars and molars. Eighty presumed periapical lesions care to prevent the introduction of foreign bodies within the
were evaluated by means of a periapical X-ray study and maxillary sinus (5,14,25,26).
CT. Surgery diagnosed 78 lesions – all of which had been The introduction of ultrasound instruments in retrograde
identified by CT, while the periapical X-ray studies identified cavity procedures has constituted a major advance in apical
only 61. Moreover, while CT offered a clear image of the surgery – changing the prognosis of the operation, greatly
mandibular canal in all cases, conventional radiography did improving healing, and ensuring improved surgical access
so in only 31 cases. to zones with limited possibilities for entry (27).
In recent years, new instruments have been developed, Regarding aperture of the wall of the maxillary sinus, Eric-
such as the surgical microscope, and endoscopy has been son et al. (28) performed periapical surgery in 159 maxillary
incorporated to periapical surgery – thereby contributing premolars and molars, with aperture of the wall or floor
to improve diagnostic performance. The microscope affords of the maxillary sinus in 18% of the cases. According to
superior surgical field illumination, contributing to improve these authors, the introduction of foreign bodies within the
each phase of the operation and allowing the performance maxillary sinus during the operation may cause thickening
of smaller ostectomies. With this instrument it is possible to of the sinus mucosa with symptoms of maxillary sinusitis.
identify perforations, fractures and accessory canals, and di- Jerome and Hill (29) recommend the use of gauze to block
fferent magnifications can be used. Its main inconveniences the maxillary sinus aperture and thus avoid the penetration
are its high cost and the prolongation of operating time (21). of foreign bodies. Friedman et al. (7) performed periapical
In turn, the endoscope offers exceptional visibility during surgery in 94 roots of maxillary teeth (12 roots correspon-
surgery. It measures 6 cm in length and 3 mm in thickness, ding to maxillary molars). In 11.8% of cases, aperture of
and has an angle of vision of 70 degrees – thus making the sinus wall or floor was carried out. According to Selden
it possible to gain access to the most difficult locations. (30), pathological exposure of the floor of the maxillary
Endoscopy makes it easier to identify accessory canals, sinus during periapical surgery predisposes to orosinusal
perforations, vertical and oblique fractures, and to assess communications.
marginal adaptation of retrograde filling (22). Regarding sinus membrane perforation, Persson (5) carried
out periapical surgery in 18 maxillary molars, with perfo-
RELATION BETWEEN THE MAXILLARY SIN- ration of the membrane in 44% of the cases. Despite this
USES AND THE ANTRAL TEETH complication, the reported surgical success rate was 78%.
The posterior teeth are more difficult to treat, because of the No relationship was observed between perforation of the
more restricted space of the oral vestibular region, which in membrane and surgical success. Ioannides and Borstlap (6)
turn makes flap raising more difficult (8). performed 47 operations upon maxillary molars, with per-

Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:E146-50. � Periapical surgery of antral teeth

foration in 14.8%. According to these authors, perforation Persson (4), in a series of 31 maxillary roots (18 molars)
of the membrane had no repercussions upon the formation reported complete radiological healing in 78% of cases after
of periapical bone. a follow-up of one year. Friedman et al. (6), in 12 maxillary
Regarding the possible consequences of sinus membra- roots, reported a clinical success rate of 50%, after 6 months
ne perforation, Rud and Rud (31) conducted periapical to 8 years of follow-up. Gay et al. (7) in turn conducted
surgery in 200 maxillary first molars, with perforation of periapical surgery in 72 molars (24 maxillary molars), with
the membrane in 50% of the cases. Despite this incidence, a follow-up of one year – complete healing being recorded
sinusitis was only recorded in two cases. Freedman and in 77.8%. Testori et al. (8), in a series of 62 maxillary roots,
Horowitz (32), in a study involving 440 patients subjected reported complete radiological healing in 69% of cases,
to 472 apicoectomies of maxillary molars and premolars, involving a mean duration of follow-up of 4.6 years. Zuolo
perforated the sinus membrane in 10.4% of the cases (23% et al. (9), in a one-year prospective study of 20 maxillary
of 79 molars, 13% of 223 second premolars, and 2% of 170 molars, recorded complete healing in 85% of cases.
first premolars). In no case was sinusitis or sinus membrane Peñarrocha et al. (2), in a series of 50 upper premolars
hyperplasia observed, though sinus membrane polyps were and molars subjected to periapical surgery, recorded sinus
identified in three cases. The authors concluded that if the aperture in three cases, radiological healing in 46 cases,
surgical technique is properly performed and the required and no healing in four cases. There was no relationship
postoperative care is provided, periapical surgery can be between radiological healing and maxillary sinus aperture.
regarded as the treatment of choice for antral teeth before According to Von Arx et al. (10) in a one-year prospective
considering extraction. study of 15 maxillary roots with periapical lesions (9 molars)
Watzek et al. (26) recorded no significant difference in terms subjected to periapical surgery, the success rate was 88%
of healing of the sinus mucosa between patients with and (with complete radiological healing and no clinical signs
without intraoperative perforation of the sinus membrane or symptoms).
after completing 146 apicoectomies. In this context, Selden The incorporation of ultrasound to periapical surgery has
(30) found the sinus mucosa to fully regenerate within 5 made it possible to perform smaller ostectomies, and to
months after its total surgical removal. gain access to the apexes of very long roots, with palatine or
lingual angulations and in close proximity to the maxillary
PROGNOSIS sinus. In recent years the percentages of complete healing
Mikkonen et al. (33) considered the following healing cri- after periapical surgery of the antral teeth have reached
teria: (a) Clinical success, defined as the absence of pain, 88-91.2% (Table 1). The technique has been shown to be
swelling and fistulas; (b) Uncertain healing, in the presence safe in application to maxillary molars and premolars.
or not of clinical symptoms when the patient shows radiolo- Periapical surgery is recommended as habitual practice in
gical evidence of bone destruction; and (c) Failure, defined application to antral teeth before considering the possibility
by the presence of symptoms in addition to bone destruction of removal, since the complications caused by sinus perfo-
and root resorption. ration are minimal.
Rud and Andreasen (34) established a series of radiological
criteria for defining lesion healing – classifying bone healing
into three different categories (Table 2).
To assess global healing or success, Von Arx and Kurt (27)
used the following criteria: (a) Success, defined by bone re-
generation in excess of 90% and a pain score on the clinical
scale of 0; (b) Improvement, when bone regeneration reaches
50-90% and the pain score is 0; and (c) Failure, defined by
bone regeneration of less than 50%, with a pain score or ≥
1. These authors defined the clinical scale, rating pain and
swelling with ascending numerical scores.

� Complete healing: complete bone regeneration with periodontal ligament formation

� Incomplete healing: while smaller than at baseline, the periradicular radiotransparency persists
� Uncertain healing: the defect is smaller in size.
� Failure: persistence or increase in size of the radiotransparency.

Table 2. Radiographic healing criteria according to Rud and Andreasen (34).

Oral Surgery � Periapical surgery of antral teeth

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