Emotional Development
Emotional Development
Emotional Development
children and young people? Check out content on social and emotional
learning (SEL) and teaching for resilience in the
Providing effective support for children and young Learning Resilience domain.
people’s emotional development starts with paying
attention to their feelings and noticing how they References
manage them.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional
Many learning communities incorporate specific
Learning (CASEL) (2018). Core SEL
programs to teach social and emotional skills. These
competencies. Chicago: CASEL. Retrieved from
skills can also be taught and learned through
everyday interactions.
National Scientific Council on the Developing Child
Tune in to children and young people’s feelings and
(2004). Young children develop in an environment of
relationships. Boston: Harvard University. Retrieved
Some emotions are easily identified, while others are from
less obvious. Tuning in to children and young http://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/wp1/
people’s emotions involves looking at their body
Shonkoff, J., & Phillips, D. (2000). From neurons to
language, listening to what they’re saying and how
neighbourhoods: The science of early childhood
they’re saying it, and observing their behaviour. This
development. Washington: National Academy Press.
allows you to respond more effectively to their
needs and to offer more specific guidance to help
them manage their emotions.