Thesis Report
Thesis Report
Thesis Report
(ROLL NO. 2200107003)
I hereby recommend that the thesis entitled “Meditation Center In Jail, Etawah“ under the
supervision, is the bonafide work of the students and can be accepted as partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Bachelor’s degree in interior design, school of Architecture and
Planning, BBDU, Lucknow.
Not Accepted
First and foremost, praises and gratitude to God, for his blessings throughout my research work to
strengthen me to complete the research successfully. am overwhelmed in all humbleness and
gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those who have helped me to put my ideas into
something above the level of simplicity and into something concrete. I want to thank School of
Architecture & Planning, for allowing me to go forward with this topic, thereby providing me with all
necessary documents and books In completing this thesis report on project titled “Designing
Futuristic Premises : Interior Transformation to add hybrid workspace quotient to office”, I had to
take the help and guidance of a few respected people, who deserve my greatest gratitude I would
acknowledge my guide, Prof. Keshav Kumar, for her constant motivation and for helping me
decipher problems and possible solutions for my commission. His guidance, indulgence, dynamism,
optimism, vision, sincerity and encouragement have deeply inspired and helped me in completing
my thesis in a productive manner I would like to show my gratitude to Ar. Saurabh Saxena and Ar.
Abhinav Khare as my thesis coordinators, for keeping me well-informed about the methodology to
carry out the study and to present the thesis works as clearly as possible. I would also extend my
gratitude to all jurors for their invaluable suggestions and advice to achieve a better approach and
proceed in the right direction Any attempt at any level can't be satisfactorily completed without the
support and guidance of my parents. With that I am extremely grateful for their love, prayers, care
and sacrifice and also for educating and preparing me for my future. Lastly, I want to extend my
heartful gratitude to my sir ( Ar. CB Chaudhary, Ar. Himanshu Diwakar), for their keen interest in my
work despite their busy schedule, for helping me collect the data, guiding me and motivating me
whenever I failed miserably and felt hopeless. Here, I thank all people for their direct and indirect
help in completing project report.
Certificate of thesis submission for evaluation
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