SOP-58 DI-2 Shutdown
SOP-58 DI-2 Shutdown
SOP-58 DI-2 Shutdown
1.4 Heat Stress 1.4.1 Each worker must take rest in between working
Site Supervisor period incase of continuous work near hot work or
hot area.
2. Biological Hazards:
2.1 Bacteria/Insect/Poisonous 2.1.1 Remove the Jungle/Scrap Materials from atleast
Animals 5 ft. distance and make sure that any poisonous
animal is not present.
3. Chemical Hazards:
3.1 Toxic Material or Acids 3.1.1 Ensure that the toxic materials/Acids are
Site Supervisor
removed from welding area.
4. Psychological Hazards:
4.1.1 Ensure in Tool Box Talk that nobody is being
4.1 Violence/stress, Site Supervisor/Area
harassed/discriminate during worktime. If found then
discrimination/harassment Incharge
apply consequence Management on him.
Pre-Operational 4.2.1 Do not allow anybody to work more than 9
Site Supervisor Factory Act 1948 Sec-54
Safety Checks 4.2 Intense workloads Hours a day continuously without rest.
Worker 4.2.2 Do not work in fatigue.
SOP NO Effective Date
58 CMG ENTERPRISE 24-01-2023
Topic SOP For - Pump Header, Water Line Modification, CMS Dome Valve Seal Change, Rubber Change & Rectification and TGM Guide Roller Fixing Doc. No:
Associated Requirement/ Responsibility Process, Tools, and PPE’s (How)
Step No. Activity (What) Hazards/ Impacts (Who) Remarks/
5. Safety Hazards:
6.3 Rescue Arrangemet 6.3.1 Rescue arrangement shoud present at site with
Emergency Contact Number.
11 Using of DA-Oxy Gas Remove Combustable Material from working area and
Cutting as when if it is not possible then cover it by fire blanket.
required Keep Fire Extinguisher & Fire blanket near gas cutting
Fire & Explosion Gas Cutter/Helper
Keep hoses away from the working area to prevent
contact with flames, heat or sparks.
Assign trained fire watcher where Gas Cutting work is
going on.
Shut off the torches & cylinders when not in use.
Leakage of Gas Gas Cutter/Helper Regularly check all connections & equipments for
faults & leaks by soap solution.
Before start the gas cutting set, make sure that Flash
Back Arrestor is provided for both side (Cylinder &
Flash back fire Gas Cutter/Helper
Shall keep cylinders in upright position & secure it by
the chain in wheeled trolley.
Keep hoses away from the working area to prevent
contact with flames, heat or sparks.
Ensure hot metal or spatters should not fall on hoses.
Lighted Blow Pipe Gas Cutter/Helper
Never place the gas cutting set near grinding or
welding work.
Keep hoses clear of sharp edges & abrasive surfaces.
12 Valve Checking & Seal Safety Hazards: Move any tools & boults/nuts safely without fall and
and Rubber Change Fall of Material/Tools place it on a tin sheet/container. Place on platform by
nylon rope slowly.
Finger entanglement Workers Wear hand gloves.
Ergonomic Hazards: Have correct back posture, don’t try to lift any load by
Manual Lifting/bad posture of alone. Carry loads by using chainblock/rope.
Shut off the Physical Hazard: Stored Isolate the line and "LOTOTO" needs to be applied
13 Site Supervisor
Line/Isolate material/gas/liquid before reaching down.
14 Guide Roller Fixing Safety Hazards: Move any tools & boults/nuts safely without fall and
Fall of Material/Tools place it on a tin sheet/container. Place on platform by
nylon rope slowly.
Finger entanglement Wear hand gloves and be aware of your hand.
Site Supervisor Remove the water and other scattered materials from
the floor and do not horseplay.
Ergonomic Hazards: Have correct back posture, don’t try to lift any load by
Manual Lifting/bad posture of alone. Carry loads by using chainblock/rope.
15 Grounding of Pipes & Use Third party inspected chainblock with valid date
Suction & its and safety latch.
arrangement by Chain Guid rope (Nylon) must be attached with the load.
Block Fall of Materials Rigger
Before starting of gas cutting chainblock or rope
needs to be attached with the material which are
going to be dismantle from height.
16 Support,Pipes and its Connect the power line of welding machine by
arrangements certified electrician with Govt. License & Well trained
Fabrication & about the job.
Installation Electric Shock Make sure that valid inspection certificate of welding
machine is available.
Shall install 30mA RCCB for power distribution &
Connect Earthing.
Remove Combustable Material from working area and
if it is not possible then cover it by fire blanket.
SOP NO Effective Date
58 CMG ENTERPRISE 24-01-2023
Topic SOP For - Pump Header, Water Line Modification, CMS Dome Valve Seal Change, Rubber Change & Rectification and TGM Guide Roller Fixing Doc. No:
Associated Requirement/ Responsibility Process, Tools, and PPE’s (How)
Step No. Activity (What) Hazards/ Impacts (Who) Remarks/
Keep Fire Extinguisher & Fire blanket near welding
Site Supervisor &
Fire & Explosion Fitter
Never use damaged cable or defective equipments
Verify by checklist.
Assign trained fire watcher where welding work is
going on.
Do not start welding job if there is no proper
Dust & Fumes & Radiation illumination & Ventilation.
Along with mandatory PPE's use job regarding
Heat Stress
necessary PPE's such as FRC, Apron, Face Shield,
Vertical Height Wear full body harness incase of fabrication &
Installation at height (more than 2 Mt.)
17 Lifting of Pipes and its Check and ensure the stichhing of nylon rope before
arrangements to its lifting.
Damage nylon rope
installation location Do not allow any heat stress to the rope while lifting.
Site Supervisor &
Rigger Check and ensure the balance of pipe by taking the
pipe little up.
Unbalance Load while lifting
Only competent worker shall rig up the pipes to the
walk way.
18 Housekeeping Safety Hazards: Collect all remaining materials after work and place it
Materials remaining on place to a designated area.
Site Supervisor
causing hazards - Trip
Hand Injury needs to wear handgloves during housekeeping.
Revision No. Prepared/Revised By Reviewed By Mandatory PPE's for this job are given below Authorized by: (Client's Line Manager)
Safety Shoe Safety Helmet Name
0 Biplab Mukherjee
Leather Hand gloves Safety Goggles
Revised Date Signature Signature Respirator Fluorescent Reflective Jacket Signature