Chapter 1
entirely understood. Hence, the relevant conceptual, theoretical, and empirical work is
reveals that neuroticism, rebelliousness, and sensation seeking show only a weak
task delay, self-efficacy, and impulsiveness, as well as conscientiousness and its facets of
theory and hyperbolic discounting. Continued research into procrastination should not be
Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more
urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus
|Nowadays the senior high school students are given several school requirements
which they need to accomplish in a short period of time. Most of them can submit their
requirements before the deadline, but some fail to submit their requirements on time due
academically. And it became a hindrance to those students who get demotivated and off-
track whenever there is an unpleasant happening in school. A phenomenon that can affect
areas, including a person's mental health. In a 2007 study, researchers found that at the
beginning of the semester, students who were procrastinators reported less illness and
lower stress levels than non-procrastinators. This changed dramatically by the end of the
term when procrastinators reported higher levels of stress and illness. Not only can
procrastination have a negative impact on your health; it can also harm your social
relationships. By putting things off, you are placing a burden on the people around you. If
you habitually turn in projects late or dawdle until the last minute, the people who depend
on you such as your friends, family, co-workers, and fellow students can become
defined as “the act of needlessly delaying tasks to the point of experiencing subjective
discomfort or putting off that which is necessary to reach some goal.” Procrastination is a
current topic of interest across multiple fields, from finance (as people defer dealing with
their financial troubles) to health care (as people delay seeing their physicians).
Unfortunately, it also has been associated with numerous negative outcomes including
neuroticism, depression, anxiety, impulsivity, aversiveness, task delay, and low self-
negative outcomes are believed to interfere with task performance. Postponing a task
frequently leads to a larger task and more serious problems like stress, a sense of guilt
and crisis, severe loss of personal productivity, and social disapproval for not meeting
responsibilities or commitments. When these feelings are combined, they may promote
further delays or procrastination. For example, when people postpone a visit to the dentist
or the reading assignments for a college course, they often have more severe dental
for people to procrastinate to some degree, but such procrastination becomes problematic
Laeus, (2015) explained that procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that
more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones or carrying out less urgent tasks
instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. However,
the procrastination serves as a major problem that contributes to poor reading and the
Nigeria today. Moreover, it affects the reading culture among the students only a few
students are reading and perform well, even this contributes the eagerness of the students
who involve in examinations malpractices both internal and external examinations. For
instance, in 2014 and 2015 (WAEC) canceled the results of more than four zones in
Nigeria. (South- West, South-South, South-east and North) of senior secondary school
certificate examination), while in other zones many students could not pass English
people most strongly characterized it as being bad, harmful, and foolish. Justifying this
procrastinator performing more poorly overall, and to individual well-being, with the
procrastinator being more miserable in the long term. At larger levels of analysis,
and avoid action, for example: a student may do poorly in an exam and use
procrastination as an excuse. “Ferrari also thinks that procrastinators suffer from low
esteem and self-doubt and worry about how other people judge their abilities. Prolonged
and shame of this kind often translates into stress and (mental) health problems at some
number of life areas, including a person's mental health. In a 2007 study, researchers
found that at the beginning of the semester, students who were procrastinators reported
less illness and lower stress levels than non-procrastinators. This changed dramatically by
the end of the term when procrastinators reported higher levels of stress and illness. Not
only can procrastination have a negative impact on your health; it can also harm your
social relationships. By putting things off, you are placing a burden on the people around
you. If you habitually turn in projects late or dawdle until the last minute, the people who
depend on you such as your friends, family, co-workers, and fellow students can become
Ackerman and Gross, (2005) studied 198 undergraduate college students from two
large public universities in the southwestern United States. The researchers administered
5 a self-report measure where participants were asked about their own overall proclivity
importance (norms, deadlines, rewards, and interdependence, task appeal (interest level
and skill variety), and task difficulty (knowledge required, scope of task, and clarity), and
on a previous class assignment. They found that participants who were low on
procrastinated more. This supports the idea that interest is an important motivator, and
that if instructors were to develop and use assignments perceived by students as being
perceived as being interesting, which may motivate students to start earlier. Therefore,
while it may be difficult to create assignments that appeal to all students, if the
assignment allows the use of a variety of skills, the perceived interest is thought to be
greater. Clarity of instructions was also a factor that was found to be significant. The
researchers also found that unambiguous instructions that enabled students to understand
exactly what was expected and required to succeed on an assignment could reduce the
fear of starting. Procrastination was also found to decrease when there were rewards or
According to Kim and Seo, (2015) stated that relationship between procrastination
that (a) self-reported procrastination was strongly associated with academic performance
strongly correlated with academic performance among younger people more than older
individualistic society
This quantitative study aims to know how this problem affects the academic
performances of the Selected Senior High School respondents at St. Augustine Academy
of Pampanga. The findings of this study will provide the school management useful
information are useful in such ways in planning to spread awareness on how importance
Conceptual Framework
defined as a way to avoid or escape from undesirable tasks. The procrastinator usually
justifies his action by saying that "This is a boring assignment," or "I will do it later". In
postponement of the taken decisions, being unaware of the fact that this will bring about
regulation, which is realized as deferral of the beginning and completing the important,
Students nowadays gives priority to the technological aspect of the era especially in
the context of social media. Sometimes, it is the students’ way of motivation and as a
reliable resource. Procrastination happens when students lose focus where the projects
must done earlier before the submissions. It is a feeling of need or urgence on how and
set of skills can change within a short span of time or with some barriers along the way.
Because of these, those students who are unmotivated need assistance from other people,
particularly by offering them some advantages and rewards for achieving the goal. Below
as well as time management. No matter how many the tasks given, it will produce a
& Mitterer, 2010). It carries the effect of motivating a person to engage in a particular
individual to exert greater amount of effort and persistence when encounter with
obstacles. Conversely, the lower the perceived self-efficacy is, the higher the tendency to
obstruct them from perform a task, as they developed a perspective of being not
conducted with college and university student samples. There has been very little
research attention to procrastination at work, and the few studies that have been
conducted do not always address well-being but instead focus on other issues in relation
to procrastination, for example, the types of jobs procrastinators occupy (Nguyen, Steel,
& Ferrari, 2013). This chapter addresses procrastination at work and how it may affect
provided of what we may learn from the studies conducted so far. A conceptual
framework is then presented that may guide future research in this area.
Based on the problems stated, the proponents pointed out that an "Anti-
Procrastination Seminar" would be helpful for the senior high school students of St.
The figure involved the statement of the problem. It also involved the process used in
gathering the data of the whole study: survey questionnaires in a form of survey forms
through an unstructured interview. Specifically, the steps of the study are: (a) distribution
questionnaires; and (d) interpreting survey questionnaires. The output shown the desired
Demographic Profile
Selected Grade 11 and
12 of St. Augustine
Academy of Pampanga
Gathering of data
Seminar of the Senior
Relationship between High School at St.
Academic Performance Augustine Academy Of
and Procrastination Pampanga
Survey Questionnaires
Difference between
Academic Performance
and Procrastination
The main objective of the researcher of this study is to determine the impact of
1.2 Age?
general average?
In the light of the above cited objectives, the following hypothesis has been
This study is done to know the impacts of students that affect their academic
performances and their surrounding environment. It provided ideas and deep information
that may be useful to our society in the future. Thus, the following are the beneficiaries of
the study:
To the Students. . They are the senior high school students and future senior high
school students of the St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga. They are the main concern
of this study that will help them to know the possible reasons of their procrastination and
To the Teachers. For the faculty teachers of the senior high school students of St.
Augustine Academy of Pampanga, this will help them to know what and why does their
students attain undesirable grades and having a poor performance in their studies. This
study will help them to consider procrastination as a reason and will be aware of the thing
To the School. The school is considered as one of the beneficiaries of this study
because we, the researchers, intentions on conducting may enlighten them and it may
help them make a move on reaching their hands to those students who's procrastinating
their schools works or another activities. The school can be an environment of developing
and helping the children grow individually since school is not just about a place for
To the Society. The society will benefit from this study by making the people
realize on how procrastination can having a huge damage to a student. Furthermore, this
will help them open their minds and hearts to those who are experiencing the problem,
particularly the parents, who are the most influential people to us youth.
To the Guidance Counselor. This relates to the guidance counselor of St. Augustine
Academy of Pampanga, which he or she is the one who makes activities for the good of
students. This will serve them as basis for a possible program for the student’s
To the Researchers. By conducting a study, the researchers may also benefit from
this study because they can also get a useful information that they can use to their own
study and this may help them to be aware of how to make a research paper more
To the Parents. This refers to the parents of the senior high school students of St.
Augustine Academy of Pampanga, they are the guide of these student. And with this,
they will be aware of the procrastination of their children and will help and guide them in
their studies.
To the Future Researchers. This is also to the future researchers; this study will be
beneficial for them because they can use this study as a guide to acquire more knowledge
This study will determined the impact of procrastination to the academic performance
of selected Senior High School students at St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga. There
are some selected senor high school students to be the participants/respondents in the
study. The study used survey questionnaire to gather information and also an observation
to gather some data. On the other hand, the purpose of this study is to know the impact of
Definition of Terms
For more information and to give ambiguity to the following terms and variables,
some potential unpleasant and undesirable consequences. (Balkis M. & Duru E., 2007)
students’ academic performance and outcomes and clarifies the need to develop and
Chapter 2
This chapter have concisely discussed the research design, participants, and
statistical tool that was utilized in the analysis and interpretation of the gathering date and
Research Design
properly gain information and data that are quantifiable, in which it is the basic method in
presenting and examining the information and data. Quantitative approach also allows the
provide exact data. Wherein the researchers applied two quantitative research designs,
This study used the descriptive research method which is designed for the
researchers to gather information about present existing conditions needed in the chosen
field of study. This method enables the researchers to interpret the theoretical meaning of
where, when and how questions, but not why questions. To determine cause and effect,
experimental research is required. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of
experimental research, the researcher does not control or manipulate any of the variables,
This just explains that descriptive research only focused on describing things and not
explaining why it happened. With this, it shows that descriptive research is very useful
with this kind of study to determine and identify the impact of having personal issues to
Correlational research design was also used to measures a relationship between two
research, where you gather data about a behaviour or phenomenon in its natural
describing and categorizing actions and events. Naturalistic observation can include both
qualitative and quantitative elements, but to find correlation, you focus on data that can
be analyzed quantitatively
This method and structure deal with the different variations of perception of the
respondents for this study. It is also related on events that happened and still happening
The respondents of the study are the selected Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School
students. This study focused on the Senior High School students from STEM, ABM,
HUMSS, ICT, and HE. With the help of survey questionnaire, we will find out who
among the selected Grade 11 and 12 students from the strand of STEM, ABM, HUMSS,
ICT and HE are experiencing the impact of procrastination in their studies. A for STEM,
Table 1
Distribution of the Student-Respondents
Respondents Population Sample Percentage
A 35 28 83.33%
B 30 24 28.57%
C 20 16 19.05%
D 10 8 9.52%
E 10 8 9.52%
In gathering data and information, the researchers used survey questionnaire as the
The formulation of the questionnaire was according to researcher’s reading from the
related literature and available data. The question were drafted personally by the
researchers and served as the main instrument in gathering the necessary data and
The questionnaire consisted of two parts: the first part of research instrument consist
of the items which gathers respondent’s profile such as their name, strand, gender, and
general weighted average. The second part was a survey questionnaire was about the
procrastination of the respondents in terms of: school habits, school works, and decision
Data Collection
The researchers, through letter-request, with the consent and approval of the research
teacher, SHS coordinator and the principal of SAAP to conduct this research study.
Researchers will personally administer the survey questionnaire to the respondents. The
researcher will retrieve the survey questionnaires from the respondents and will interpret
complex interaction between researchers and interview subjects undertaken for the
researchers ask questions that are largely unscripted. Unstructured interviews are
informal conversational interviews in which respondents may not even know they are
Ethical Considerations
The researchers secure the distribution of data and to obey to the ethical standards in
conducting questionnaire concerning the grade 11 and 12 Senior High School students at
confidentiality of data that were being gathered in order to protect the respondents’
reputation and identity .This way, the respondents were assured that the information
given from them were kept and handled with utmost care. This just shows that it is a sign
of respect to the contributors of the study especially to the respondents, because some of
their answers may contain sensitive information about them or about others.
Precise statistical tools were involved to manipulate the gathered data in the right
1. Slovin’s Formula
2. Frequency Distribution was used in this study to represent the data that were
3. The researchers also used the Likert Scale to analyze the respondents’ impact of
value and the conversion of the qualified weighted mean into the descriptive
4. Percentage Distribution and mean was used to determine the assessment of the
two groups. This tool was used to determine the significant difference
6. Pearson
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Laura A. Rabin et al. (2011). “Academic procrastination in college students: The role
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