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Cired 2019 - 1482

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25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Madrid, 3-6 June 2019

Paper n° 1482


Akshat Kulkarni Yash Kulkarni
OrxaGrid – United Kingdom OrxaGrid - India
Akulkarni@orxagrid.com ykulkarni@orxagrid.com

bidirectional communication protocols, cloud architecture

ABSTRACT and predictive data analytics. The sensors and gateway
The Indian Power System is currently witnessing a high form a WiFi based network across the substation and use
growth rate of Generation & Transmission electric private IP M2M sim cards, tls/ssl certificates and RestAPI
utilities adopting digital automation & IoT technology for + OAuth for secure remote server connectivity. The Grid
efficiently managing their large asset base. However, Analytics Platform is loaded on the remote server for
many Distribution utilities are reeling under financial efficient data management, analysis and visualisation.
crisis due to high technical & commercial losses, old asset
base & an inability to integrate growing Distributed
Energy Resources.
This paper highlights a cost effective IoT system piloted by Traditionally, the Indian DSOs have implemented
one of the world’s largest electricity Distribution System monitoring of 33/11 kV substations in one of two
Operator (DSO). The pilot objective is to improve the strategies. Substations which are in remote locations that
monitoring and planning of electricity flow by improving are sparsely populated and/or serving rural communities
utilisation of ageing assets while taking distributed energy over large geographical area are typically monitored by
generation into consideration. The pilot was initiated at non-communicable energy meters with station operators
fifteen 33kV/11kV substations monitoring over one that manually monitor and maintain records for ensuring
hundred electricity feeders, power transformers and DC system upkeep.
systems in a designated district using the OrxaGrid
system. Substations serving semi-urban/urban localities with
larger density of consumers and/or industrial loads
The paper details the system technology involving IoT typically have more modern monitoring technologies
sensor nodes, bidirectional communication protocols, where in communicable meters are connected to SCADA
data architecture and predictive data analytics. The paper systems or remote Meter Data Acquisition Systems. These
concludes with details on DSO achieved return on systems typically provide automatic data collection and
investment on the pilot project and the next steps in the transmission to central control centres over dedicated
enhancement of machine learning algorithms on the communication links. This method of data collection has
system data. high capital costs, requiring the laying of point to point
connectivity over PLCC/leased lines/fibre optic cables and
hardware with SCADA specific protocols for
The substations that have Meter Data Acquisition System
Many Distribution utilities are reeling under financial (MDAS), installed on feeders have data sent to a server at
crisis due to high technical & commercial losses, old asset the DSO’s control centre. However typically this data only
base & inability to integrate the growing Distributed includes feeder energy data recorded at 15-minute
Energy Resources. Suppliers that are obligated to provide intervals without the addition of asset data (such as breaker
electricity to a small number of low-income consumers and isolator positions, transformer temperatures, station
across a widely distributed geographical boundaries have DC supply quality) or analytics.
an even more difficult challenge. DSOs therefore continue to face key challenges even after
having SCADA or MDAS systems installed. The key
OrxaGrid has implemented a cost effective IoT system challenges are:
piloted by one of the world’s largest electricity distribution
system operator (DSO). The object of the pilot was to • Network healthiness/maintenance is reactive:
improve the monitoring and planning of electricity flow by Healthiness/Maintenance is typically checked
improving utilisation of ageing assets while taking and ensured only after outages or asset failure
distributed energy generation into consideration. The pilot have happened
was conducted at fifteen 33kV/11kV substations
monitoring 117 electricity feeders, 25 power transformers • Long restoration time of electricity: manual
and DC systems in a designated district served by the identification of outages or failure location result
utility. in longer time for restoration of electricity
• Low end user satisfaction because of long outage
The system technology involves IoT sensor nodes,

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25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Madrid, 3-6 June 2019

Paper n° 1482

• Loss of DSO revenue because of reactive Hardware
maintenance policies after faults and breakdowns
The SEED device is mounted on a din rail in the circuit
• Talent draining: Having a professional technician breaker marshalling box in the 33kV substation. As shown
conduct manual analysis of outage identification in the diagram below, the feeder voltage is monitored by
takes time away from other skilled activities such reading the 110V AC secondary output of substation
as providing active technical service feeder Voltage Transformer. 110V AC of all three phases
are given to the voltage measuring channels of SEED.
• Low accuracy: Non-availability of real time and According to the PT ratio, the line voltage is calculated by
accurate localised outage area, results in healthy measuring this PT voltage. On the secondary of line CT,
network areas also suffering from outage until high precision clamp type instrument CTs or Rogowski
fault location is identified and cleared coils are used to measure the line current. Three CTs are
• The substation transformers are typically not used for three phases. The current of this instrument CT is
monitored in traditional SCADA MDAS systems measured and based on the instrument CT ratio and line
and hence it is difficult to understand transformer CT ratio the actual current flowing through the line is
losses, hot spot temperatures and probability of measured.
failure of transformers
• The high cost and set up time of SCADA and
MDAS systems lead to a low penetration of such
systems and hence most substations still lack real
time monitoring

Through the pilot project, OrxaGrid is tasked to address

these challenges faced by the DSO. The aim for this project
was to design a low-cost technology for automation and
business process improvement, focusing on monitoring
power supply, proper planning, decision support and
taking corrective actions as well as increasing
transparency of power supply. The key solutions that the Once the line voltage and line currents are measured, all
OrxaGrid system offered were: other parameters like frequency, Power factor, power (real,
• Locating outages in networks quickly, reactive, active), phase angles and energy are calculated.
proactively and efficiently restore power thereby One of the auxiliary contacts which changes according to
improving its reliability indices circuit breaker closing and opening is connected to digital
input of SEED. This input is continuously monitored to
• Monitoring the condition of transformers to check the circuit breaker operation. The voltage free
prevent asset failures and reduce maintenance contacts from protection relays are connected to other
downtimes three digital inputs of SEED. These inputs are used to
identify the type of fault at the feeder.
• Identifying and predicting network violations
such as locations of over voltage, phase The STEM devices on the other hand, are installed near the
imbalance and excessive peak demands. transformers. These devices read primary and / or
secondary voltages and currents of the transformer in the
similar way to that of SEED devices. In addition to that,
the STEM device has analogue input channels. 4-20mA
ORXAGRID SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY signals from Oil Temperature indicators (OTI), Winding
OrxaGrid deployed this first of its kind deployment in Temperature indicators (WTI) or On Load tap Changer
India which is an entirely Internet of Things (IOT) based (OLTC) TAP position indicator can be connected to these
system with potential to scale up for mass deployment inputs.
across entire networks. The system creates a platform for
future algorithms and AI for reducing grid inefficiencies. Both the SEED and STEM devices communicate
The system constituted two main components: Hardware using HTTPS REST based services over Wi-Fi through
for data collection and a Grid Analytics Platform for data industrial grade cellular routers to the Grid Analytics
management, analysis and visualisation. Platform (GAP) which is hosted on cloud or on-premise
servers. In this project, the devices were configured to
communicate using secure Machine to Machine (M2M)
sim cards to the GAP software deployed at the DSO’s

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25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Madrid, 3-6 June 2019

Paper n° 1482

control centre. Doing so, the overall monitoring data was

brought to a single place where advanced machine learning Data Analysis
algorithms could be applied to compute and predict the In addition to remotely managing the system, another key
future usage and faults. Additionally, both the devices component of the GAP is to run advanced machine
store backup data onboard for extra reliability. OrxaGrid learning algorithms to derive insights into the data. These
enforces security of the server and data using device algorithms are innovative, domain specific and not
specific logins so as to prevent unauthorised access and currently offered by competing technologies such as
SSL Encryption for secure data transfer. SCADA RTU systems, MDAS and fault loggers.

The image below captures the key protocols used for Machine Learning algorithms are run on datasets which
establishing secure and reliable communications. are created by the time series database, focusing strongly
on the importance of time stamping and time synchronised
measurements to enable highly accurate auditing and
analytical data.

Data Visualisation
Finally, the real time data and analytics driven insights is
presented to the DSO on a web and mobile enabled front
end (www.orxa.io) that enables users to fully exploit the
capabilities of the hardware and GAP. Dashboards have
been developed to be intuitive and simplicity driven for a
clean, minimal user interface.

The aim of Orxa.io is to clearly display key data collected

by the SEED and STEM devices deployed at the DSO sites
Grid Analytics Platform to its users in a way that minimises the need to sift through
The Grid Analytics Platform is the backbone of the data to unearth insights.
OrxaGrid system and consists of three layers: Data
Management, Data analysis and Data Visualisation. The data displayed is presented according to system
hierarchy (e.g. Division, Substation, Feeder and
Data Management Transformer) and leverages Machine Learning algorithms
The GAP includes a web based Client Administration for predicting & identifying anomalies and trends by topic,
Portal which enables users to manage and configure their specifically:
system and devices efficiently and remotely. Through this
portal, the DSO user can add, configure and upgrade • Energy Accounting, including real-time energy
devices (SEED or STEM) and link them to the asset points. efficiency, accumulated losses and losses over
Users can also create, manage and configure the time
following: • Energy Demand, including peak demand and
demand over time
• User access to the application environment • Load Flow, including voltage, current profiles
• System information used for remote monitoring and angles
within the DSO network • Reliability Indices, including SAIDI, SAIFI,
• Asset point mapping (substations & CAIFI and benchmarks
transformers) to the DSO’s divisions • Asset conditions, including Asset Health Index,
• Relationships between DSO users to devices, Life expectancy and Load capacity
substations and divisions • Fault Accounting, including fault prediction and
A system configuration chart is below.


Pilot project return on investment were apparent within

days of implementation. Some key benefits which the
DSO are getting currently are as follows.

Real time visibility into the network

Real-time dashboards were configured according to
personnel hierarchy. Substation Operators have access to

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25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Madrid, 3-6 June 2019

Paper n° 1482

more detailed substation-level data and single line performing feeders and assets. Instant alerts are configured
diagrams of their feeders and transformers, while Division for different parameters set by the DSO.
Officers view inter-substation energy flow within the
entire divisional distribution area. SAIDI SAIFI Reliability Calculations
Based on the above interruption classifications, the IOT
Presenting personnel with curated dashboards enabled system also monitors the DSO’s network performance in
users to identify meaningful insights quickly and real time and updates the dashboards of the management
effectively. It was realised that daily peak loading on all officials. All unplanned and sustained interruptions are
transformers within the division was a key parameter to be considered for the SAIDI and SAIFI calculations which
monitored and displayed on dashboard. Real time loading indicate the healthiness of the system. The Reliability
of transformers and feeders is done using visual colouring indices are benchmarked against previous month and
within the front end. previous year performance and future indices are
Current efforts are now to create Network Diagrams to
map extra high voltage incoming sources into the
divisional distribution network for even further visibility Asset Health Monitoring
into the electrical energy flow in real time. Not only does the IoT system provide real time monitoring
of electricity but it also provides real time insights into the
health of critical assets within the network, specifically
Energy Accounting substation power transformers and substation DC battery
The system is used for energy accounting through the supply. OTI and WTI signals from offline transformer
substation to identify probable locations of higher than dials are monitored by the system. When dials are not
acceptable technical losses. Energy accounting is done on present or not in working condition, then non-intrusive
hourly data of incoming and outgoing energy within the temperature sensors are used on transformer body
substation as a whole to find net substation loss. Similar combined with algorithms that calculate the oil
calculations are also being done at individual transformer temperature and winding (hot spot) temperature within the
level to identify transformer efficiency. OrxaGrid is also transformer.
implementing an intelligent energy accounting system to
identify separate electrical circuits based on circuit breaker The transformer temperatures are critical parameters to
positioning to calculate net losses within each circuit rather understand how much loading the transformer can sustain
than computing a single figure for the entire substation. All without problems. Real time loading on the transformer
above information is made available in the form of has also provided insights into the loading patterns of each
downloadable reports and configurable real time transformer. It was observed that many transformers were
dashboard widgets. Locations and assets with higher than unevenly loaded throughout the day resulting in one phase
acceptable technical losses will then be thoroughly tested energy delivery to be much higher than the other two
through technologies such as thermal imaging and hot spot phases. Upon consultation with the DSO, it was observed
detections. that load shedding policies to mitigate shortage of power
supply dictated single phase supply for eight hours of the
day on many of the feeders connected to the transformer.
Outage Classifications This caused the uneven loading on the transformer through
Due to the shortage of electricity availability in the entire the day. Ideas were brainstormed to balance out the single
country, distribution networks have pre planned load phasing on the transformer to switch from one phase to
shedding schedules for daily and monthly basis. Feeders another after certain intervals of time and thus reduce
are categorised as per type of connected consumers (rural transformer losses.
domestic, agricultural, industrial etc) along with setting
priority to feeders within the categories. One purpose of Realtime loading of transformers and feeders is shown
these classification is to provide guidelines during planned using visual colouring on the orxa.io frontend while alarms
and unplanned interruptions. and trips on power transformers is provided to concerned
DSO personnel through email or SMS notifications. Other
OrxaGrid configured its IoT system to collect real time key alerts that are provided are transformer oil and winding
data of the interruptions and also configured the system temperature rising beyond threshold limits, or when OLTC
with the DSO’s load shedding policies. The system is tap position is required to be changed due to unstable
designed to flag interruptions or outages outside of the nature of the connected load.
planned load shedding schedule. All interruptions are
classified as planned or unplanned, along with interruption For health check of substation DC battery supply, DC
type such as fault due to overcurrent or earth fault, or voltage and current monitoring sensors are installed within
manual tripping for single phasing loads. A monthly report the substation and real time data is reported to the Grid
is generated at the end of every month that provides a Analytics Platform. It was observed that certain substation
detailed summary of all interruptions out of the scheduled battery chargers were unreliable. Since the system
outages along with key insights such as identifying poor monitoring began, OrxaGrid has collected numerous

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25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Madrid, 3-6 June 2019

Paper n° 1482

alarming conditions where in the DC supply was below the

allowed +/-5% limits. The alarms are configured, and SMS
is generated to respective operations and maintenance
personnel of the DSO.

OrxaGrid’s IoT based solution provides DSOs with a
viable alternative for not only monitoring their entire
substations but also finding key efficiency improvement
insights. The system is completely scalable by adding
more devices to monitor other substations in other
divisions of the DSO. The system is also interoperable
where existing data sources from MDAS or SCADA can
be fed into the system for deriving insights.

Currently, OrxaGrid is training its machine learning

algorithms on the substation data to predict various events
such as predicting the occurrences of outages, predicting
over voltages and determining probably theft in the
network. Voltage prediction algorithms are under
implementation to predict when statutory voltage limits
are violated especially due to downstream distributed
energy resources. Additionally, with sufficient data,
OrxaGrid is estimating Transformer Healthiness Score and
probability of failure based on information of loading on
transformer along with temperature data and overcurrent
faults sustained on the transformer. Going forward,
OrxaGrid will provide the DSO with feeder demand
forecasting analytics to better understand feeder peak
loading and take preventive actions to ensure optimal
balanced loading on its transformers. The system will in
turn help the DSO with better power procurement planning
and ensure power availability for daily demand.

There have already been a number of efficiency gains to

the DSO through this pilot as outlined above and it is
anticipated that there will be many more actionable
insights to come through further AI enhancements.


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