MGT351 8-GrameenPhone
MGT351 8-GrameenPhone
MGT351 8-GrameenPhone
Course: MGT351
Human Resource Management
Section: 08
Assignment Topic
Human Resource Management System: A Study on ‘GrameenPhone’
Submitted to
Dr. Alima Aktar
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
North South University
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Table of Contents
Letter Of Transmittal..........................................................................................................4
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Executive Summary............................................................................................................5
Ownership Structure:.........................................................................................................7
Weakness of Grameenphone:....................................................................................................7
Succession Planning:..........................................................................................................9
Industry Analysis................................................................................................................9
Literature Review.............................................................................................................11
Sources of Recruitment....................................................................................................14
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Letter Of Transmittal
30 August, 2022
Department Of Management
Honorable Ma’am, we sincerely appreciate the terrific semester you gave us and the chance
to complete a research report for the human management department. This study report, in
our opinion, will inform us on the Grameenphone company. This group report is focused on
defining Grameenphone’s human resource management practices in connection to the
mentioned subject. Please be noted that this report is the result of the teammates’ hard work,
determination, and dedication.
The Grameenphone Group Project from our group has been completed. Direct interaction
with the employees at Grameenphone was a pleasure. It is a privilege for us to offer a paper
on Grameenphone Company. We have carefully followed all of the instructions provided to
us in class and have also included relevant material we have studied. If you could accept this
report, it would be a great honor for us.
Yours sincerely.
First and foremost, we would want to express our gratitude to Allah for allowing us to
complete our task successfully. It brings us great joy to see our vision become a reality. We
would like to use this occasion to express our gratitude to those individuals without whom we
would be unable to complete our report. We'd want to express our gratitude to Dr. Alima
Aktar ma’am, a distinguished faculty member who shared his advice with us on how to finish
our project
effectively. Without his suggestions and clear rules, we wouldn't be able to finish our job on
time. This project is a culmination of our one month of hard work and the skills we learned
from our illustrious teacher. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to the North-
South University authority member who has provided us with this chance to get practical
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In this pandemic circumstance, we are grateful to all of our co-workers; everyone
executes their job well. Every member of the group contributes equally to the
completion of this project. This report would not be feasible without their assistance.
Executive Summary
Human resource management is the process of managing people as resources for a company.
It is a critical concept for the majority of business organizations. In this report we have
worked with the organisation “Grameenphone” at first, we have given an overview of the
company which talked about a brief description of how the company started, its SWOT
analysis, ownership structure and culture. Then we have given a detailed industry analysis of
how the telecom company works and how it has to provide competitive rates. Then comes the
literature review where we have incorporated all the terms and studies that we have learned in
class and books. Afterwards, we included all the details that we complied on an interview
with a senior executive from Grameenphone where we talked in details regarding the
recruitment, selection, training and compensation practices etc.
Then we included the implications of the SHRM process of Grameenphone and the
Grameenphone has been acknowledged for developing a high-quality infrastructure with the
broadest reach in the country, as well as for providing innovative products and services and
dedicated after-sales care. As supplies are finite and appropriate exploitation of the existing
resources might help to obtain the top position, guaranteeing administration or proper
resource utilization is a necessity for achieving organizational objectives. HRM is also known
as "People & Business" because they are in charge of hiring and retaining personnel inside
the organization. Their mission is to develop successful tactics that will generate the best
employees capable of fulfilling Grameenphone's organizational goals; this is why they regard
their people as human capital. Human resource initiatives at Grameenphone commence with
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the development phase, which takes into account the demand for human resources, the type
of people required, the quantity of people required, and the caliber of the people.
As we all know, Human resource practices are a collection of principles that assist in the
growth of workers, the productivity they offer, and the establishment of trust inside the firm.
In the telecommunication industry, Grameenphone maintains a positive image. It is
upholding a dominating position in the telecommunications business due to its different
creative products and vast market coverage, powerful network, at low cost with various
service centers, and value-added services. With the ongoing development in technology,
human resource management must regularly teach and develop personnel on how to use the
most up-to-date technologies.
They have 1600 service desks and 94 centers. GP employs about 3000 people on a full-time
or temporary basis.
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Ownership Structure:
Grameenphone is a joint venture between Telenor (55.8%), Norway's largest telecoms service
provider with mobile phone operations in 12 other countries, and Grameen Telecom (34.2%),
a non-profit organization of Bangladesh. The remaining 10% of the stock is owned by
ordinary retail and institutional investors. Grameen Telecom, which owns 34.20% of the
shares of Grameenphone, is a not-for-profit company in Bangladesh established by Professor
Muhammad Yunus, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2006.
1. Wide and strong network: Grameenphone has a very broad and strong network
infrastructure in Bangladesh, covering 99.6% of the total population. Its strong network
signal penetrates even the most remote corners of the country. As a result, the operator has
amassed the greatest number of subscribers in the market. With the passage of time, demand
from this massive subscriber base will rise as usage and living standards improve.
2. Brand value: Over the years, GP has built a customer-centric brand through innovative
marketing initiatives and exceptional service. Customers believe that paying more for its
services is worthwhile. It is achievable because of the brand image and positioning that GP
has established in the minds of consumers.
Weakness of Grameenphone:
1. Premium pricing strategy: GP's services and goods are slightly more expensive than
those of the market's other operators. Despite the fact that it provides more convenient and
superior services, a large portion of the market prefers the less expensive options. Also,
because some services are expensive, subscribers may choose not to use them.
2. Not adhering to all rules and regulations: Despite being the market's largest participant,
GP frequently fails to adhere to all government and BTRC laws. Disputes between NBR and
GP were frequently raised because it failed to pay all VATs and taxes on time. Later, BTRC
legally required the company to pay the required tax in order for it to continue operations.
Such incidents harmed the company's reputation.
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Opportunities for Grameenphone:
2. Rapid digital transformation: In recent years, people's reliance on mobile phones has
grown. By the end of 2020, Bangladesh had 17.01 crore active mobile customers, which was
more than the total population. All daily activities, business operations, and public-sector
activities are being conducted online. This quick shift will accelerate Grameenphone's and the
industry's growth.
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is rarely a final answer. However, in order to carry out their duties, GP officials must
communicate with one another. When they talk to each other, GP generally believes in
informal communication.
Industry Analysis
In the world of globalization, telecommunication industry is one of the fastest growing
ventures. As we chose Grameenphone as our target company, it is a well-known telecom
company that operating worldwide now. Telecom industry in Bangladesh has been improved
phenomenally over the decade with two major service offerings: “Voice Calls” & “Internet
Data”. Where in 2003, there were only 1% unique subscriber penetration in Bangladesh
which rose to nearly 55% in 2018. Bangladesh already has leveled up to the 5th largest
mobile market in Asia region and 8th largest mobile market in the world in terms of unique
subscribers. Besides, the country’s active mobile subscriber penetration reached to 93.4%
from meagre 30.6% in 2008. The telecom industry in Bangladesh has increased rapidly over
past decade having approx. 178 million active subscribers and more than 90 million unique
subscribers. This telecommunication sector of Bangladesh now contributes almost 1.8% of
total GPD where revenue from voice calls still dominates the industry. But the contribution
from data service has also increased exponentially since the launching of 3G and 4G in our
country. So, the journey of Bangladesh’s for implementing its vision of ‘Digital Bangladesh’
has brought impressive growth throughout the decade in the telecommunication industry.
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Grameenphone is the leading telecom operator with highest number of subscribers and widest
network in Bangladesh. Grameenphone now has the lead of the telecom industry in
Bangladesh with 46% of the total market share. According to the latest report of BTRC (May
2021), there are whopping 178 million mobile phone subscribers in the country and among
them nearly 83 million belongs to Grameenphone only. Besides Grameenphone has a
whopping 1.7 billion dollar of revenue and this year, between April to June, Grameenphone
logged 8% rise in their profit. What’s more, recently Grameenphone has completed their 5G
trials in Dhaka and Chattogram. For any form of service, price matters. GP strives to offer the
best services at reasonable costs. The majority of competitors provide low prices but
compromise on quality services. However, GP holds that a customer must pay high prices if
they want quality services.
The upper middle class and lower class are the clients that GPs aim to serve, and they do so
by keeping their prices as low as they can. In doing so, they maintain the loyalty of their
current subscribers and attract new ones who are willing to accept cheaper prices for their
services. Customer service, standard & effective HR practice and Management ship are the
two strong factors that make GP the biggest player in the game.
In order to achieve that level of success as Grameenphone, one company must have good HR
practices. An effective recruitment always starts with the correct selection of sources of
human resources. A recruited employee who has not the right skill cannot perform
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effectively. As a result, the overall performance level is sure to decline which has significant
effect on the company performance. Therefore, Grameenphone has been very professional
and efficient in all the HR activities. Even the recruitment program of Grameenphone is the
best of industry.
Identifying Hiring Needs < Plan < Create a Job Description < Post and Promote Job openings < Recruiting <
Applicant Screening < Screening Interview < Interviews < Applicant Talent Assessment < Background Check <
Decision < Reference Check < Job Offer < Hiring < Onboarding………. Later, Training & Development
Literature Review
There have been numerous restrictions on the study of the telecommunications sector from
Bangladesh's perspective. The sources for obtaining the necessary data and information have
included a variety of books, journals, bulletins, research materials, and annual reports.
Following the foregoing discussion, the researcher reviewed the following studies on "The
Easiest Communication of Business Solution (a case study on Grameenphone):
Bangladesh has been reflected in the book "The Easiest Communication of Business
Solution" in pictures. The author has noted the significance of communications. He has gone
into great detail about the following five strong points: I Network; (ii); (iii); Customer
Service; (iv); Call Rate; and (v) Weakness. These five points are related to one another and
have been very well explained here.
Their performance in Bangladesh was evaluated in the Amit Mollik report "Service Program
of GP," which was based on their service. He examined Grameenphone's various activities
and came to the conclusion that they were strongly influenced by those of other businesses. In
his capacity as an employee, he not only examined various aspects of the cellphone but also
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proposed some measures, including call rates, F & F capabilities, sim connection costs, and
so on.
Measure the customer satisfaction of cell phone users in the districts of Dinajpur and
Rangpur, according to Sk. Akram Uddin (2005). Only five factors—card duration, call rate,
network coverage, t&t facility, and bill payment system—were used to gauge customer
satisfaction across all Bangladeshi mobile operators. I learned many things from this book.
All of Grameenphone's factors are higher than those of other companies in the
telecommunications industry. He comes to the conclusion that Grameenphone holds the top
spot in the telecommunications industry based on the level of customer satisfaction.
In the book "Mobile Phone Companies' Attitude and Policies About Customer Satisfaction."
Md. Shariful Islam (2003) has only focused on the customer satisfaction policies of mobile
phone companies. He has conducted a comparison of the customer service practices of
various businesses. I learned about the four companies' service performance from his book. In
this case, GP held the top spot in terms of network and customer service, but other factors
were dissatisfactory when compared to other companies like Banglalink, Citycel, and Robi.
The study followed a qualitative approach to achieve the objectives of this study, which was
descriptive in nature. Secondary data were collected for the purpose of the study. At present
there are four mobile telecommunications companies in operation here, namely
Grameenphone Limited, Banglalink Digital Communications Limited, Robi Axiata Limited,
Teletalk Bangladesh Limited. Grameenphone Limited has been chosen for the study as
because it is one of the growing mobile telecommunication networks in the country. To
achieve the objectives of the study data were collected from Grameenphone Limited.
Secondary data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary data and also may
be available when primary data cannot be obtained at all. However, the secondary data have
been collected from the published annual reports of some selected companies, journals,
articles, seminar paper, publications from national and international research institutions,
public records and statistics, different research reports etc.
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It is the process of locating and attracting qualified candidates for employment
openings. Grameenphone strives to provide equal employment opportunities for all
citizens of our country. They plan to hire qualified and skilled workers for their
organization. To accomplish this, they foster a competitive environment and equitable
opportunity for their employees' professional development. Grameenphone seeks
highly competent employees to meet any hurdles in attaining the company's strategic
goals. GP uses two kinds of recruitment: external and internal.
● Employee recommendations
● Advertising
● Educational institutions
● Professional organizations
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5. Make an appointment with the person and provide a clear job description.
Recruitment Procedure:
1. The department head will produce an 'Employee Requisition Form' outlining the
reasons for the recruitment.
2. If internal recruitment is not possible, vacancies will be advertised in the offline or
online, or workers will be notified to the nearby places.
3. Applications sent in response to adverts will be sorted based on educational
qualifications and other requirements without discrimination. If necessary, written
tests will be taken.
Sources of Recruitment
External recruitment: If they need people from outside their organization to spread
job openings, they must attract a large number of people from outside their
organization. The corporation uses the following sources for external recruitment:
advertisements, newspapers, websites, various agencies, search firms, various
educational institutions, walk-ins and write-ins.
Selection Process: The goal of the selection process is to find the best candidate for
the job. Grameen Phone use both modern and conventional methods in their hiring
process in order to find the best candidate for their firm. Through a brief discussion
with Grameenphone's HR manager, we learned some critical details regarding their
selection process.
Grameenphone has internship programs for both undergraduate and graduate students.
They like to hire from their internship program because they are already acquainted
with the Grameenphone culture, basic laws and regulations, and working structure.
They organize a test for the intern in order to select the suitable person who has
learned something from their internship program.
For example, if Grameenphone needs an employee for their Human Resources
department, they will first look to its interns. They can save the headache of
interviewing because they are already familiar with the Human Resources job duties.
They also assign critical case studies to intern students and assess their ability to solve
the cases. They evaluate their analytical ability using this method.
Grameenphone also hires from outside sources. They advertised the job opening in
the newspaper, on Grameenphone's website, and on other well-known websites. They
will call the chosen candidates to the interview. During the interview, candidates are
asked to do a fundamental task relating to the position. During the interview, they
reject the majority of the candidates based on the job description and specifications
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because they only want the most qualified and skilled employee. For the detailed area,
they prefer applicants with international degrees. They also seek recent college
graduates for their call center.
They set up a written test for the full-time employee. The timing and date of that type
of exam are predetermined. This type of exam includes an IQ test, general knowledge,
and many other basic areas connected to the work. Those who pass the written exam
must then face a panel interview.
The management selects the ideal employee through the Panel interview. The
Grameenphone employs a similar selection method. Grameenphone goes through a
rigorous screening process because it is a well-known organization in Bangladesh.
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Implications of Strategic Resource Management for Grameenphone
It is reported that the employees are satisfied with the overall HR Policy of the
Grameenphone. The organization seemed to practice neutral and disclosed HR practices. The
company’s policy is in par with the ILO standards and they follow the rules and regulations
imposed by the Mistry of Labor and Human Resource of the Government. However, there are
some implications to the strategic human resource planning to the organization that can be
done through some adjustments for better outcome. These are mentioned below:
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Implications for Managers
Grameenphone should have some implication strategy for the managerial position when it
comes to implementation of strategic human resource planning. The managerial implication
is considered to be essential in terms of ensuring effective employee engagement in the
organization. Some of the implications for the managers are mentioned below:
● The HR managers should update and revise the policies and strategies related to
Human resource. The world is getting diversified day by day and the rules and
regulations are changing at a drastic pace. The managers should be up-to-date to the
revised terms and policy. The mangers should modernize the HR policies or else it
can lead to monotonous and backdated. The manager should monitor the changes in
the trend and adjust the HR policies.
● HR managers should look out for other ways to minimize the time-consuming factor
in terms of recruiting new employees. The current processing method is tedious and it
can cost the company large amount of money. So, the manager should review the
whole recruitment policy and bring in some adjustments by properly defining the
internal recruitment policy. It can save time and money for the origination. They
should emphasize highly on the referral from their existing employee.
● HR manager should encourage employee association and bring them under one
umbrella. Doing such, it can enable the manger to build a relationship and bonding
among the employee. In the corporate world, the employee tries to compete with one
another. It is good at some sense because it increases productivity. But it can turn into
a toxic work environment. So, the mangers should try to build better work
● HR manager should emphasize more on the emerging pay system. It will be shift from
traditional pay systems. It can be utilized in the pay for competencies, incentives,
performance-based payments and many more.
Any organization must effectively implement appropriate management policies in order to
accomplish its goals and objectives. As competition intensifies, HRM is emerging as a crucial
organizational tool because it gives businesses a competitive edge. HRM is a crucial
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component in maximizing employee performance. Organizations should understand that
without HRM, sustainable development is not possible. They are no longer able to downplay
HRM's significance. HRM has grown to be a crucial component of any organization because
it offers fair pay, benefits, incentives, development opportunities, and training while also
fostering positive working relationships.
Sultana, S. (2013). Strategies of human resource: a study on Grameenphone Ltd.
Alam, S. M., Hoque, S. M., & Hosen, M. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of
MNCs in Bangladesh: A case study on GrameenPhone Ltd. Journal of Potuakhali University
of Science and Technology, Forthcoming.
Sohel Ahmed, S. (2006). Strategic business options for grameen phone through swot analysis.
Gomes, R. (2019). Recruitment & Selection Process: The case of Grameen phone customer
Uddin, M. J., Luva, R. H., & Hossian, S. M. M. (2013). Impact of organizational culture on
employee performance and productivity: A case study of telecommunication sector in
Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(2), 63.
⇒ Business Inspection Team. (February 7th, 2021). Rise of Grameenphone: The Giant of
Bangladesh Telecommunication Industry. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Business Inspection.
Retrieved from-
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