Playful Integration - Resource List On Gender Expansive Kids in The Playroom
Playful Integration - Resource List On Gender Expansive Kids in The Playroom
Playful Integration - Resource List On Gender Expansive Kids in The Playroom
Free Resources:
Lessons from the Playroom podcast: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in the Playroom
Gender Exploration in Play Therapy - PowerPoint from Kelly "Ked" Dixon, RPT
Play & Art Therapy Interventions for Gender Nonconforming Children & Their Families from
Bonnie Thomas, LCSW
Exploring Gender Identity in Play Therapy and With Adolescents (Live & Virtual Training)
Course: Helping Children Experience Healthy Gender Development from Wonders Counseling
Course: What is Gender Affirming Care and Why Does It Matter? with Susan Radzilowski,
Play Therapy with LGBTQ Kids and Teens with Ragan Snyder-Smith ($60, 5.5 hours)
Queer Kid Stuff YouTube Channel (content for kids that is GREAT!)
Pride: An Inspirational History of the LGBTQ+ Movement, book by Stella Caldwell and Layton
Gender Journaling
For Parents:
Cleveland Clinic: Think Your Child Might Be Questioning Their Gender Identity?
Virtual Meetings & Support Groups for Families from PFLAG NYC
Playful Integration exists to provide resources and more to play therapists and other folks who
benefit from looking at the world from the lens of play therapy, with a special emphasis on
building confidence in folks working with children. Through Playful Integration, Heather offers
play therapy consultation, workshops, and practical, supportive products.
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