(TC14) Mule Skinner
(TC14) Mule Skinner
(TC14) Mule Skinner
Rating: A Mule Skinner increases the Disarm: Instead of striking to injure, a warrior
warband’s rating by 20 points, plus 1 point for with a Whip may try to strike his opponent’s
each Experience point he has. weapon making him drop it. Roll to hit as
normal, but instead of rolling to wound, the
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld opponent gets a single Parry attempt; if the
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Parry attempt is failed, he has dropped his
weapon. He must now fight with whatever
Weapons/Armour: The Mule Skinner starts
back-up weapon he has in his equipment for
with a whip and a dagger.
the rest of this combat (or fight unarmed if he
Skills: A Mule Skinner may choose from has no other weapons). At the end of the
Combat and Strength skills. In addition he may combat, the model is assumed to retrieve the
learn Streetwise and Haggle (both academic dropped weapon, as long as he is not put out
skills). of action. Disarmed opponents put out of
action lose the weapon permanently.
Animal Handler: A Mule Skinner starts with Note: The Parry attempt represents the model
one Animal Handling skill (player’s choice of trying to hold on to the weapon; he is always
which animal). allowed one (and only one) Parry, irrespective
of the equipment he is carrying.