Listes d’armées
Table des matières
1 - AnonyBoobz - The Mandales ou Rien ......................................................................................................... 3
2 - Youtubers & Groupies ................................................................................................................................. 5
3 - Team TRC .................................................................................................................................................... 7
4 - Jeune Garde du Moot ................................................................................................................................... 9
5 - Aigles Séquanes ........................................................................................................................................ 11
6 - TRC X ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
7 - Club Chimère ............................................................................................................................................. 15
8 - Micky Luke et les Dalton ........................................................................................................................... 17
9 - Dream of Chuchichäschtli .......................................................................................................................... 19
10 - Sons of Games.......................................................................................................................................... 21
11 - RESISTANTS MERGUEZ ...................................................................................................................... 23
12 - ARA69 ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
13 - Doomsday ................................................................................................................................................ 27
14 - 3 Moot et 1 Couffin .................................................................................................................................. 29
15 - Swiss Roots .............................................................................................................................................. 31
16 - les Incapables ........................................................................................................................................... 33
17 - Bellum Escobar ........................................................................................................................................ 35
18 - Hot&Bash................................................................................................................................................. 37
19 - Team Master Baiters ................................................................................................................................ 39
20 - PiLoLi Team ............................................................................................................................................ 41
21 - Equipe Liegendary ................................................................................................................................... 43
22 - Mercenaires .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Mercos à louer (c’est de la bonne, ou pas) ...................................................................................................... 47
1 - AnonyBoobz - The Mandales ou Rien
Morgan "Baalek" Bost
Dwarven Holds
380 - Thane, Shield Bearers, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Hand Weapon (3x Rune of
345 - Runic Smith, General, Shield, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of Harnessing, Rune of Mastery, 3x Battle Rune
195 - Anvil of Power
125 - Engineer
569 - 28 Greybeards, Shield, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
569 - 28 Greybeards, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
654 - 29 King's Guard, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
595 - 6 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
143 - 6 Seekers, Brothers of Vengeance
220 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
240 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun
195 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Catapult
135 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon
135 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon
2 - Youtubers & Groupies
Maxime «Yajirobe» Perrolaz
Dwarven Holds
435 - Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons (Rune of Destruction, Rune of Quickening, Rune of Fury), Grim
390 - Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons (Rune of Smashing, Rune of Quickening, Rune of Fire), Monster
245 - Engineer, General, Shield, Wyrm-Slayer Rocket, Rune of Denial
250 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Musician
250 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Musician
250 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Musician
245 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician
160 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Vanguard
445 - 20 Seekers, Musician, Champion
249 - 9 Seekers, Brothers of Vengeance, Vanguard, Champion
255 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
130 - Vengeance Seeker
130 - Vengeance Seeker
220 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
220 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
250 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
240 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun
135 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon
3 - Team TRC
Jugg - Dread Elves
510 - Dread Prince, General, Elven Horse, Shield, Death Cheater, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions),
Obsidian Rock
250 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Adept, Evocation
365 - Silexian Officer, Elven Horse, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Lance, Shield (Dusk
Forged), Alchemist's Alloy, Potion of Strength
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliairies, Musician, Champion
220 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician, Standard
210 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician
210 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician
210 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician
426 - 8 Warlock Acolytes, Champion
394 - 7 Warlock Acolytes, Champion
365 - 3 Gorgons, Paired Weapons
240 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Musician
240 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Musician
190 - Repeater Battery
190 - Repeater Battery
190 - Repeater Battery
4 - Jeune Garde du Moot
Marc "Soulgnawer" Chassande
Kingdom of Equitaine
480 - Equitan Lord, Pegasus Charger, Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart), Percival's Panoply, Obsidian Rock,
Paladin, Valour
385 - Equitan Lord, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Bastard
Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Alchemist's Alloy, Justice
475 - Folk Hero, General, Revered Unicorn, Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Heavy Armour (Ghostly Guard),
Black Knight's Tabard, Sainted, Cleric, Troubadour
335 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Book of Arcane Mastery
115 - Damsel, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism
475 - 9 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret), Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
350 - 45 Lowborn Levies, Spear and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
300 - 9 Ordo Sergeants, Great Weapon, Champion (Ordo Minister), Musician, Standard Bearer
565 - 8 Knights of the Quest, Champion (Knight Banneret), Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)
400 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer (Banner of Roland)
185 - Sacred Reliquary
435 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Witchcraft)
5 - Aigles Séquanes
Charles Ushabti DUQUET
Infernal Dwarves
420 - Prophet, Prophet of Shamut, Bull of Shamut, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism, Shield, Basalt Infusion,
Infernal Weapon (Flame of the East)
415 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Magical
Heirloom, Obsidian Rock
330 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard, Aether Icon), Ghostly Guard, Flintlock Axe (Eye of
the Bull), Lugar's Dice
180 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Book of Arcane Mastery
695 - 25 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Twice-Branded), Musician, Champion
216 - 22 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
216 - 22 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
590 - 25 Disciples of Lugar, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Icon of Ashuruk), Musician, Champion
235 - Kadim Chariot, Paired Weapons
235 - Kadim Chariot, Paired Weapons
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
125 - Vassal Slingshot
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake
6 - TRC X
Clément borcha konopniki
Ogre Khans
505 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Iron Fist, Magical Heirloom
465 - Mammoth Hunter, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons, Hunting
Spear, Rampager's Chain, Vanguard, Cult Leader
440 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Death Cheater), Great Weapon, Ogre Crossbow, Tusker, General,
390 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Iron Fist (Heart-Ripper), Hunting Spear,
Dragonfire Gem, Spinesplitter, Leader of the Pack
387 - 6 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
260 - 35 Scraplings, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
253 - 8 Sabretooth Tigers
615 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget), Musician
350 - 5 Yetis, Champion
180 - Kin-Eater
380 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Hunting Spear
270 - Slave Giant, Iron Fist
7 - Club Chimère
Tiziano Tipiz PRESTINI
Dwarven Holds
600 - King, General, Shield Bearers, Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon (Rune of Destruction, Rune of Fury,
Rune of Craftsmanship), 3x Rune of Shielding, Holdstone
410 - Runic Smith, Shield, Rune of Iron, Hand Weapon (3x Rune of Lightning), Rune of Harnessing, Rune
of Shielding, Rune of Resonance, Battle Rune
330 - Thane, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Rune of Iron, Rune of the Forge, Rune of Dragon's Breath,
Rune of Readiness, Holdstone
195 - Anvil of Power
125 - Engineer
550 - 20 Greybeards, Shield, Vanguard, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Wisdom),
Musician, Champion
305 - 12 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Crossbow, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Wisdom), Musician
296 - 12 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Musician
504 - 22 Deep Watch, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Swiftness), Musician, Champion
245 - 10 Miners, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician
185 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
320 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun (Rune Crafted)
300 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Catapult (Rune Crafted)
135 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon
8 - Micky Luke et les Dalton
Arhur "Epique" Barakat
Saurian Ancients
715 - Cuatl Lord, General, Divination, Battle Standard Bearer, Ancient Plaque, Ancient Knowledge
460 - Saurian Warlord, Shield (Willow's Ward), Heavy Armour, Spear (Glory of the Dawn Age), Raptor
265 - Skink Priest, Skink Palanquin, Wizard Adept, Druidism
745 - 30 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Serpent, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician,
155 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield, Musician, Champion
680 - 25 Temple Guard, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
260 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback
180 - 3 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
570 - Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients
470 - Taurosaur, Great Bow
9 - Dream of Chuchichäschtli
Alan "2dipicche" Roncoroni
Daemon Legions
930 - Miser of Sugulag, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Charged Tendrils
815 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Living Shield
305 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Standard Bearer (Firestarter - Hand of Heaven), Musician,
290 - 10 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer
290 - 10 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer
265 - 10 Succubi, Chilling Yawn
320 - Blazing Glory
320 - Blazing Glory
265 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher
265 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher
265 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher
170 - 5 Furies
10 - Sons of Games
Simon Willig "Bloodycurse"
Undying Dynasties
410 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Obsidian Rock
300 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Book of Arcane Mastery, Hierophant
305 - Nomarch, General, Skeleton Chariot, Light Armour, Aspen Bow, Crown of the Pharaohs
210 - Casket of Phatep
565 - 5 Skeleton Chariots, Legion Charioteers, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
269 - 27 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
215 - 20 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Entombed), Musician
115 - 10 Skeleton Archers
300 - 6 Scarab Swarms
300 - 6 Scarab Swarms
155 - 3 Great Vultures
421 - 6 Sand Stalkers, Champion
200 - Charnel Catapult
200 - Charnel Catapult
185 - 3 Shabti Archers
175 - Sand Scorpion
175 - Sand Scorpion
Kevin “Kpcien” PRESUMEY
Undying Dynasties
485 - Death Cult Hierarch, General, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll, Obsidian Rock, Soul
275 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Talisman of the Void, Hierophant
205 - Tomb Architect, Light Armour
671 - 6 Skeleton Chariots, Legion Charioteers, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
160 - 20 Skeletons, Musician
150 - 5 Skeleton Scouts
150 - 5 Skeleton Scouts
787 - 8 Shabtis, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
205 - 3 Shabti Archers, Musician, Champion
200 - Charnel Catapult
770 - 4 Tomb Reapers, Paired Weapons
440 - Colossus, Paired Weapons
12 - ARA69
“Mimoteph” Sylvan Elves
815 - Treefather Ancient, General, Wizard Master, Druidism, Binding Scroll
310 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Light Armour, Elven Cloak, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
240 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
240 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
240 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
205 - 15 Forest Guard, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
455 - Treefather
455 - Treefather
130 - 2 Forest Eagles
410 - 10 Pathfinders
410 - 10 Pathfinders
386 - 8 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer, Champion
13 - Doomsday
Christophe « Tito69 » Sylvan Elves
475 - Druid, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll, Obsidian Rock
405 - Forest Prince, General, Sylvan Longbow, Great Weapon, Mist Walker's Mirror, Sacred Seeds,
405 - Forest Prince, Sylvan Longbow (Lifeseed Feathers), Great Weapon, Hail Shot, Crown of the Wizard
285 - Forest Prince, Sylvan Longbow, Great Weapon, Pathfinder
225 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Sylvan Longbow, Great Weapon
500 - 20 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Deception), Musician, Champion
228 - 16 Forest Guard, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
219 - 12 Dryads, Scoring
180 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician
290 - 5 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Lance
100 - Forest Eagles
100 - Forest Eagles
375 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels, Scout
345 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels
364 - 9 Pathfinders
14 - 3 Moot et 1 Couffin
Gabriel "Gabiox" Loup
Undying Dynasties
800 - Pharaoh, General, Sha Guardian, Light Armour, Great Weapon (Godslayer), Crown of the Pharaohs,
Dragon Staff
455 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sandstorm Cloak, Scroll of Desiccation, Soul
300 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Book of Arcane Mastery, Hierophant
210 - Casket of Phatep
671 - 6 Skeleton Chariots, Legion Charioteers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
272 - 29 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
165 - 13 Skeleton Archers, Standard Bearer, Musician
150 - 5 Skeleton Scouts
155 - 3 Great Vultures
200 - Charnel Catapult
200 - Charnel Catapult
480 - Battle Sphinx
440 - Dread Sphinx
15 - Swiss Roots
Sylvain "Coco" Jaber
Undying Dynasties
785 - Pharaoh, Sha Guardian, Light Armour, Great Weapon (Godslayer), Crown of the Pharaohs, Lucky
560 - Death Cult Hierarch, Skeletal Horse, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Light Armour, Binding Scroll, Book
of the Dead, Hierophant, Soul Conduit
215 - Tomb Architect, Skeletal Horse, Light Armour
345 - 4 Skeleton Chariots
345 - 4 Skeleton Chariots
270 - 3 Skeleton Chariots
175 - 10 Skeleton Cavalry, Musician
150 - 5 Skeleton Scouts
310 - 3 Tomb Cataphracts, Musician
310 - 3 Tomb Cataphracts, Musician
240 - 3 Sand Stalkers
240 - 3 Sand Stalkers
185 - 3 Shabti Archers
185 - 3 Shabti Archers
185 - 3 Shabti Archers
16 - les Incapables
Damien « Damdam » Wirths
Vampire Covenant
750 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Strigoi Bloodline (Bestial Bulk), Wizard Adept,
Shamanism, Great Weapon, Eternity Gem, Cursed Medallion
400 - Vampire Courtier, Strigoi Bloodline, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion
Standard, Legion Standard), Paired Weapons (Touch of Greatness), Obsidian Rock
310 - Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
295 - Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Necromantic Staff
283 - 29 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
260 - 30 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
165 - 25 Zombies, Standard Bearer, Musician
165 - 25 Zombies, Standard Bearer, Musician
135 - 20 Zombies, Musician
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
620 - 8 Ghasts, Champion
620 - 8 Ghasts, Champion
260 - Cadaver Wagon
100 - 2 Great Bats
17 - Bellum Escobar
“Babnik“ Kingdom of Equitaine (v2022 alpha 1) #5 (KoE)
600 - Equitan Lord, General, Sainted, Honour, Pegasus Charger, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt
Infusion, Obsidian Rock, Lucky Charm
185 - Folk Hero, Bannerman (Aether Icon, Banner of Discipline), Shield, Alchemist's Alloy
355 - Damsel, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Destrier, Talisman of the Void, Crystal Ball
305 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Quin, Heavy Armour, Shield, Rod of Battle
280 - 8x Ordo Sergeants, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion, Ordo Minister, Great Weapon
580 - 11x Feudal Knights, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion, Knight Banneret
(Relic Shroud)
269 - 31x Lowborn Levies, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion, Shield
635 - 5x Pegasus Knights, Standard Bearer (Aspirant's Elan), Musician, Champion, Knight Banneret (Banner
of Roland)
380 - 5x Knights Penitent, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion, Ordo Minister and Orison
135 - 5x Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
135 - 5x Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
140 - Siege Weapon, Scorpion
140 - Siege Weapon, Scorpion
360 - Fey Knight, Stream and Springs
4499 pts
18 - Hot&Bash
Thibaut Myelome Courcelle
Dwarven Holds
225 - Engineer, General, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Rune of Denial
245 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician
245 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician
215 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Musician
240 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
180 - 10 Clan Warriors, Vanguard, Musician, Champion
315 - Grudge Buster
315 - Grudge Buster
275 - 3 Hold Guardians, Musician
275 - 3 Hold Guardians, Musician
255 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
130 - Vengeance Seeker
130 - Vengeance Seeker
330 - 2 Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
330 - 2 Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
220 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
320 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun (Rune Crafted)
250 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
19 - Team Master Baiters
Andrea LANCIANO aka Cap
Ogre Khans
480 – Shaman, General, Master (Thaumaturgy), Rod of Battle
340 – Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Cult Leader), Iron Fist, Ogre Crossbow (Viper’s Curse)
455 – Mammoth Hunter, Hunting Spear, Iron Fist, Light Armour (Wrestler Belt), Leader of the Pack, Lucky
Charm, Trolleater
335 – Mammoth Hunter, Hunting Spear, Paired Weapons, Leader of the Pack, Light Armour (Destiny’s Call)
784 - 10 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
185 - 3 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
165 - 3 Tribesmen, Musician
85 - Sabretooth Tiger
85 - Sabretooth Tiger
175 - 2 Yetis
175 - 2 Yetis
273 - 3 Mercenary Veterans, Iron Fist, Vanguard, Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)
480 - Rock Aurochs, Ogre Crossbow
480 - Rock Aurochs, Ogre Crossbow
20 - PiLoLi Team
Nicola Donelli: Dread Elves
460 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sceptre of Power
420 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Evocation
225 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon)
185 - Silexian Officer, General, Obsidian Rock
366 - 23 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
366 - 23 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
224 - 8 Shadow Riders
170 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair
570 - 10 Dread Knights, Lance, Standard Bearer (Eye of the Gorgon), Musician, Champion
240 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Musician
240 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Musician
240 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Musician
220 - Divine Altar, Effigy of Dread
190 - Repeater Battery
190 - Repeater Battery
190 - Repeater Battery
21 - Equipe Liegendary
Fred aka Genosuko
Vermin Swarm
590 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Pestilent Pulpit, Bloodpox Blades), Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Cowl
of the Apostate, Cult of Errahman
560 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell, Great Weapon), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding
Scroll, Rod of Battle, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
125 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
300 - Bloodfur Legate, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
225 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Orator's Toga
599 - 49 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Sacred Aquila)
401 - 43 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's
175 - 15 Vermin Velites, Sling, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
478 - 38 Plague Disciples, Bloodpox Blades, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard)
225 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle
190 - Vermin Artillery, Skorchit Ordnance
315 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast
315 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast
22 - Mercenaires
Guillaume “Kharaidon“ Doury
Saurian Ancients (SA)
635 - Cuatl Lord, General, Pyromancy, Master of Reality, Magical Heirloom
320 - Skink Priest, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Skink Palanquin, Change base size to 40×40 mm, Binding
260 - Skink Captain, Alpha Rhamphodon, Shield, Bow, Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart), Basalt Infusion
460 - Saurian Warlord, Shield, Heavy Armour, Spear (Glory of the Dawn Age), Potion of Swiftness, Raptor
185 – 15 Skink Braves, Champion, Musician, Shield and Poisoned Javelin
722 – 29 Saurian Warriors, Serpent, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless
Company), Spear
506 – 18 Temple Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Totem of Mixoatl)
273 – 3 Rhamphodon Riders, Champion, Shield
260 – 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback – Shoot Spikes
260 – 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback – Shoot Spikes
192 – 3 Pteradon Sentries, Shield, Poisoned Javelin
420 - Stygiosaur, Mystic Traveller
Mercos à louer (c’est de la bonne, ou pas)
F.Xavier “Thodeus” Chatellain
Empire of Sonnstahl
420 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy)
265 - Wizard, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Binding Scroll
375 - Prelate, General, Great Weapon, Plate Armour (Imperial Seal), Locket of Sunna
260 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Pistol, Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Ghostly Guard
130 - Artificer, Long Rifle
375 - 40 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
185 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Spear, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician
195 - 20 State Militia
195 - 20 State Militia
175 - 10 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Champion (Long Rifle)
450 - 25 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
420 - 25 Imperial Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion
175 - 5 Reiters, Pistol, Champion (Repeater Pistol)
245 - Artillery, Cannon
150 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
150 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
335 - 24 Flagellants