Amu 071
Amu 071
Amu 071
The past two decades have seen ample debate about processing instruction (PI)
and its various components. In this article, we first describe what PI consists of
and then address three questions: about the role of explicit information (EI) in
PI, the difference between PI and teaching that incorporates production-based
(PB) practice, and various factors that may moderate the impact of these treat-
ments. Our review shows that while many studies find little difference between
PI with and without EI and between PI and PB, the results vary depending on
whether the comprehension practice (structured input; SI) is task-essential or
not and whether the PB is communicative or not. Furthermore, PI tends to favor
comprehension abilities and PB production abilities. This review also shows that
almost all PI research so far has been very short-term and limited to a narrow
range of structures and populations, typically American college students learn-
ing a foreign language. Therefore the implications that some have drawn from
the PI literature, namely, that neither EI nor production practice help beyond SI,
are still far from generalizable.
(see MacWhinney 1997; Gass et al. 2003; VanPatten 2012; Sagarra and Ellis
2013; among many others). This last ‘processing strategy’ is the most fre-
quently taken as an example in the PI literature, in particular the difficulties
encountered by English-speaking learners of Spanish L2, who struggle with
the Object-Verb-Subject (OVS) word order, in comprehension as well as pro-
duction, even after several semesters of instruction including a substantial
few cases middle or high school learners, and in one case primary school stu-
dents. The participants in these studies were native speakers of at least seven
different languages. Almost all of these studies have provided data on learning
outcomes through both receptive and productive tests. The design has varied:
some have compared PI with a form of instruction that includes practice in
production (variably labeled traditional instruction (TI), meaning-based output
PI vs. SI-only vs. EI-only design, Fernández targeted OVS sentences in add-
ition to the Spanish subjunctive. While results aligned with VanPatten and
Oikkenon (1996), revealing no difference between the two treatment groups
in OVS processing, the EI group started to process the subjunctive forms
significantly sooner than both PI and SI groups, lending credence to
Farley’s (2004) claim that EI may be beneficial with certain linguistic
without feedback. Although all groups improved from pretest to posttest, the
gains obtained were not significantly different across conditions for any of the
contrasts, suggesting that when SI is incorporated neither EI nor feedback is
necessary for OVS acquisition.
The importance of this study is twofold: first, Sanz and Morgan-Short
(2004) provide a somewhat novel definition of SI in that unlike VanPatten’s
that only PI and SI groups, but not the group receiving strategy-less EI, made
significant gains in interpretation tasks. Importantly, PI retained significantly
more gains than SI in the delayed posttest administered three weeks after
In addition to looking at the effect of EI, this study also examined whether
any of the treatment forms were more likely to result in transfer of knowledge
account for some of the differences in results. They argue, for example, that
the surface forms in the Russian OVS resulted in EI that required greater pro-
cessing in real time. In the case of German and French, authors claim that EI
was less complicated as compared with Russian EI, and was, therefore, access-
ible. Here too, we might speculate that French EI was perhaps simpler than
German EI, making it equally accessible for those of high and low grammatical
Keating and Farley (2008); Farley and Aslan (2012). The only study that
showed an advantage for PI even in production was Benati et al. (2008b).
There is a strong tendency for studies with a significant advantage for PI in
comprehension not to show a significant difference in production; conversely,
when there is a significant advantage for PB in production, then there is usu-
ally no significant difference in comprehension. In other words, the advantage
were insignificant. Most studies did not have a design to exclude teacher effects
either. Exceptions were Marsden (2006), where teachers alternated between
conditions, and Marsden and Chen (2011) and Sanz and Morgan-Short
(2004), where the instruction was delivered by computer.
Perhaps most importantly, all the studies in the systematic review had treat-
ments of very short duration (as is the case for most experimental studies on
1 Although the definition of SI does not meaningful, communicative; Paulston
make overt mention of feedback re- 1972). Note that the practice component
quirements, referential activities usu- in PI (i.e. SI) comprises purely receptive
ally include feedback after processing practice.
of each sentence to let learners know 3 Although the canonical order in the
whether their response was correct or target language is SVO, due to its rich
not, without providing any information morphology, Spanish exhibits a fairly
as to why. flexible word order. Structures featur-
2 This study, as well as subsequent studies ing the direct object pronoun in sen-
in the same paradigm, operationalized tence initial position, and in which
TI as instruction that progressed from the subject appears post-verbally, are
provision of metalinguistic information both grammatical and common. It is a
to practice that involved production of documented phenomenon that such
the targeted form. In most PI studies, structures are problematic for language
as discussed in more detail in the last learners both in L1 and L2 acquisition.
section, this meant practice limited to Evidence from various studies indicates
the first stages of MMC (mechanical, that both first (Bever 1970; Bates et al.
1984) and second language learners two separate items, in studies such as
(LoCoco 1987; Gass 1989) tend to VanPatten and Cadierno (1993) and
interpret the first noun phrase (NP) in VanPatten and Oikkenon (1996) as
any sentence as the subject well as in all their replications, he
(VanPatten’s First Noun Principle). does use the label ‘EI’ to refer to both
When parsing OVS structures, the strat- practices combined.
egy of parsing the first NP as the subject 5 Although the claim that the subjunct-
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