UTS Notes
UTS Notes
UTS Notes
terms of religious and philosophic than
PERSPECTIVE scientific
Social Sciences shifted the focus from RODNEY STARK the “study of the
body and soul to the relationship patterns and processes of human
between the self and the external relations”
EMILE DURKHEIM “Father of Modern
The growth and development of the Sociology”
person is a byproduct of the
interaction of the self with external LUNDERG AND ASSOCIATES “a body
reality of scientific knowledge with theories
based on scientific investigations and
SOCIAL observations, rather than armchair
and speculations.”
A theory that examines how people The systematic study of the
learn, develop or construct their own relationship between the individual
understanding and knowledge of the and society and of the consequences
world including the self through of different types of relationships
The self, cannot be separated from its
The scientific study of humanity,
social context
concerned with human behavior,
human biology, and societies, in both
The person’s identity, every now and
the present and past, including past
then, is impacted by the social
human species
One of the most important sociological
Introduced by ERVING GOFFMAN
approaches to the self was developed
by American sociologist GEORGE
Everyday life is like a stage where
each individual needs to learn to
perform the assigned roles to him by
The self, which is the part of a
other people through the process
person's personality consisting of self-
called socialization
time and influence the direction
It is termed a "fully two-sided view of development takes
human interaction."
For Erikson (1958, 1963), these crises Parents who curtail this freedom are
are of a psychosocial nature because giving children a sense of themselves
they involve psychological needs of as nuisances and inept intruders in an
the individual (i.e., psycho) conflicting adult world
with the needs of society (i.e., social)
According to the theory, successful (6 to 11 years) during elementary
completion of each stage results in a school years, a child becomes
healthy personality and the concerned with how things work and
acquisition of basic virtues how they are made
The real self is who we actually are Humans have one basic motive, that is
to self-actualize
It is how we think, how we feel, look,
and act Every person could achieve their
goals, in life when self-actualization
This can be seen by others, but took place
because we have no way of truly
knowing how others view us, the real The self-actualizing tendency which
self is our self-image help shape/develop his/her
self-concept over a period of time
The ideal self, on the other hand, is who based on the feedback from this field
want to be of reality
from the Latin word which stands for
“TO CUT or DIVIDE” which is
expressed as MALE or FEMALE based The sex of an individual depends on
on the external genitalia of penis and the 23rd pair of chromosome during
vagina that sets the biological fertilization…
structural difference
XX – female XY – male
Signifies the STATE or EXPERIENCE of Around the end of the 2nd month of
being male or female which results pregnancy, sexual differentiation and
from SOCIALIZATION WITHIN ONE’S development of the external sex organ
CULTURE begins
A phenomenon regulated
by emotion system in the brain
through the neuropeptides oxytocin
and vasopressin which are released by