Agile Team Guide To Estimations
Agile Team Guide To Estimations
Agile Team Guide To Estimations
From Appfire
Supporting Agile product development from
ideation & planning through to delivery
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
You can even use Planning Poker for Jira for distributed teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
How can Agile Poker for Jira help you with backlog estimation? . . . . . . . . . . 29
Estimating the amount of effort projects require can be tricky. We get it.
But with Agile project management, you have some options that make
estimation easier.
Agile keeps your projects more flexible and supports frequent delivery of product iterations (like feature
launches and software updates). Using Agile project management, you evaluate product requirements,
execution steps, progress, and outcomes continuously, so your team can respond to changes quickly.
But “Agile” doesn’t mean random or disorganized. This approach to project management follows a
framework, with detailed project planning and estimation for each “sprint” before execution. Of course,
as with any type of project management, stakeholders will still want to know when your work will be
finished, so they can plan marketing campaigns and other promotional efforts.
Agile estimation empowers teams to plan and manage the effort to deliver a new feature or product.
Without an accurate estimate, it’s impossible for anyone to know if your team is on schedule, or if the
proposed schedule is even realistic.
Every team struggles with estimation at some point. And the Agile Manifesto doesn’t give much
instruction on the subject.
Before Mike Cohn introduced Planning Poker in 2005, estimates of the effort and time required to
complete a task or project could wind up way off the mark.
Even using a tried and true Agile estimation method, you’re still guessing. But there are shots in the dark
and there are educated guesses. We’ll focus on five methods for estimating the amount of work involved
in a particular task or story:
• Planning Poker
• Asynchronous
• Hybrid Poker
• Relative Estimation
• Bucket Sizing
You’ll learn what each method is, why (and why not) to use each one and, most importantly, how to
estimate using each approach.
Some tasks or stories prove easier to estimate than others. Team members
sometimes reach consensus easily; other times, they will need to debate for
a while before reaching agreement.
The significant leaps from one number to the next make it less likely that
team members will contribute several slightly different estimates for the
same task or story.
• Specific days, dates, or hours don’t account for your team’s day-to-day tasks or activities that
are unrelated to the project you’re estimating. This includes answering emails, meetings, or
other task management activities throughout the day.
• Because estimations are relative, they should involve comparing stories based on what’s
known about the story you’re estimating. You’ll also want to consider team members’ past
experiences with similar tasks.
• Encourage discussion to make sure all team members are on the same page about the
scope of work. (NOTE: The relative weight should be similar for every member at the same
seniority level — juniors, mid, or seniors.)
• Once the team’s agreed on each story’s required effort, it’s easier to assign story points to
development teams without debate or surprises.
Sutherland, J. (2013). Story Points: Why are they better than hours?
Estimating in story points is fast. Teams who estimate in days tend to take
the discussion a few levels deep. If you estimate in days, fear of commitment
makes people hesitant to reach consensus.
It’s relative. Mike Cohn best described it in Agile Estimating and Planning:
ecause the estimate for each feature is made relative to the estimates
for other features, it does not matter if our estimates are correct, a little
incorrect, or a lot incorrect. What matters is that they are consistent.
And indeed, ‘there is credible evidence that humans are good in relative
estimation compared to absolute.’”
Cohn, M. (2005). Agile Estimating and Planning. (1st ed.) Prentice Hall.
When teams talk about “days of work,” it implies a level of specificity that
isn’t real. We avoid this problem when using story points. The fact that a
team learned to work twice as fast gets reflected in their velocity. As long as
the story sizes are consistent (read the previous points) between stories, no
re-estimation is necessary for planning to occur.
each team member thinks about a built feature first and then their role as
a specialist contributor. As a result, estimating in story points helps teams
learn to work cross-functionally.
At the end of the day, scores are made up. They’re just numbers.
It’s the conversation and collaboration that happens during the estimation
session that brings value and helps team members gain a common
understanding of stories.
One advantage of Planning Poker is that every team member gives their own
estimates, which encourages group discussion and collaboration. No one
can monopolize the conversation because the process ensures that even
more introverted team members feel empowered to speak up.
Planning Poker also isn’t completely relative. In Planning Poker, items are
estimated one by one, and each of them should be compared to a baseline.
But session participants often try to figure out how many times bigger the
given item is than the baseline. Here is where the estimation process can get
We end up with estimations in fixed time intervals when the actual purpose
of Relative Estimation is to compare items against each other.
Planning Poker works well for teams with more story points experience.
Atlassian published a helpful primer on Planning Poker if you’d like more
background on the method.
Don’t go from 1 to 100: instead, use cards with face values like 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 20, 40 and 100. You want big leaps so you can easily distinguish between
simple tasks and more challenging projects. These values represent ideal
days, story points, or whatever units your team usually uses for estimates.
Step 4: Each person selects a card from the deck and shares their
When you’ve covered everyone’s questions, each team member selects
a card to represent his or her estimate of how long the story will take to
complete. Don’t show anyone yet! Wait until everyone’s picked a card.
Once everyone’s ready, the team members all show their cards at once. If
everyone chose the same number, that’s your estimate. If not, those whose
estimates were much higher or much lower than average should explain
their reasoning.
Let’s try it out! (We like to use “Interactive Mode” in Agile Poker, but you
could also use Planning Poker for Jira.)
What is Asynchronous
Asynchronous (or Async) Poker was introduced in Agile Poker for Jira and
quickly became popular due to a lack of alternatives for teams distributed in
different timezones or even spread across various office locations.
Instead of finding a timeslot that suits all the participants (that might be
challenging to achieve), players were able to provide estimates at their own
pace in a given timeframe, providing detailed comments explaining each
personal estimate.
Usually, the person responsible for planning submits final estimates based
on personal scores and comments from the team.
session. In synchronous Planning Poker, the leader can add the task then
and there, and the team will estimate it right away.
In three simple steps, the process of estimation in this hybrid mode looks
like this:
2. Team members estimate at their own pace at any time before a specific
due date, additionally leaving comments explaining personal estimates
or pointing out missing details. There is no additional discussion taking
place at this point.
3. When the final estimation session starts, the team gets together and can
discuss user stories’ results if the consensus was not reached with the
ability to reset estimates and carry out the voting interactively.
• All the Planning Poker benefits mentioned above stay because the
final estimation session takes place
Even better, the Hybrid session is flexible, so you can adjust the process to
suit your team’s needs.
• When the due date rolls around, enter the session and click on Review
personal estimates.
• Invite the team for a short Final estimation session by sharing the
session link with them.
• Submit final estimates for the session scope. Don’t forget to reach
consensus by re-estimating issues during an interactive Poker game.
Agile Poker for Jira helps you optimize work and save hundreds of precious
working hours. If you’re ready to put it into practice, try Agile Poker for Jira.
Relative Estimation is also visual and interactive, which can make this solution
easier for remote or distributed teams. Participants can see the tasks or issues
to estimate relative to one another. At a glance, they can compare items or
issues by placing them in the appropriate columns.
And along those lines, Relative Estimation works great for teams that have a low
to moderate experience using story points for estimation. Team members don’t
need to come up with estimation values: just compare one issue to another.
If you’re sick of awkward silences stretching out your meeting or Zoom call,
give this visual method a try!
You can do this using Relative Mode in Agile Poker for Jira, or you can do it
using a physical whiteboard or sticky notes.
It’s a little like using Relative Estimation, but more focused because your
estimation values (your “buckets”) are already set. Team members just drop
each issue into the right size “bucket.”
Estimating tasks with Bucket Sizing can be a lot of fun because of the many
ways to illustrate size (like using coffee cups, pictures of small and large
dogs, etc.).
If you’re ready to try Bucket Sizing for agile estimation, let’s go! Here’s how
you do it. We use Bucket Sizing in Agile Poker for Jira, but you could do it
analog using sticky notes and a wall or whiteboard (or actual buckets, if that
sounds like more fun)!
Step 4: Team members choose a bucket for each item from the
project or backlog
Team members take turns, each placing an item into what they think is the
appropriate bucket. The next team member places the next item from the
stack of cards into the bucket with the relevant estimate.
Instead of placing a new card, a team member can choose to move a card
placed by another team member into a different bucket if they estimate that
item differently.
This step continues until all items from the stack are assigned an estimate.
No one’s talking about the tasks at this point: they’re just moving cards when
it’s their turn.
Planning Poker:
The gold standard
Still unsure which estimation method is the best for you? Almost 20 years
after its introduction, Planning Poker is still the gold standard for estimation
in most Agile teams, and it’s not hard to see why. Planning Poker:
• is relatively fast
Although Planning Poker might seem like a fun way to estimate effort and
work as a group, the process of the “game” or technique itself isn’t entirely
intuitive. It can take a significant amount of time to figure out how to play the
game in the first place and then come up with accurate estimates.
The fundamentals of the Priority Planning Poker method are simple. This
method ensures the entire team makes decisions free of biases. It’s entirely
fair, so everyone feels included.
• Create a virtual room where you can present selected issues for
your next sprint.
You can support this estimation process and help your team prioritize their
work with Multi-field estimation in Agile Poker for Jira. Backlog estimation
is a core aspect of successful planning for hundreds of agile teams. This
method will allow you to estimate several Jira fields at once and then
calculate the final score (or value) based on those estimates.
4. Enable the Final score toggle to calculate the outcome of the entire
Once ready with the configuration, run the estimation process. Depending
on the type of session you choose, you can do it in real-time or let everyone
go at their own pace. The estimates are private until everyone’s ready
to assign estimates. Only then can you show the results and start the
Estimations may differ too much because someone lacks experience, because
they’re over- or underestimating, or because they simply made a mistake.
Whatever the scenario, the team has to discuss why the results are so
different and agree upon a new estimation value for a particular work item.
After the group reaches consensus, then you can move forward to the next
issue or finish the game.
Save the final estimates in corresponding Jira fields once you and your team
are happy with the estimates. As an outcome, you’ll have a list of user stories
with a well-discussed, adequately estimated, and automatically calculated
priority score that can be used for further planning.
How can you make your backlog estimations more reliable in the long run?
Be consistent, use the same process and approach for your estimations,
educate your team members based on your past estimations, and build
confidence in your estimations for the future.
Agile Poker for Jira will help you keep the process, approach, and tool
elements intact. Combined with your team’s time, effort, and experience,
you’re set up for reliable backlog estimations.
Let’s dive deeper into some examples from the above checklist to see how
Agile Poker for Jira can support your estimations.
Suggestion: Avoid story points completely at the beginning. Use the Relative
Estimation method of Agile Poker instead, where your team can group user
stories into columns according to their relative weight and only then assign
story points values.
This approach has worked for numerous Agile Poker users, who, after
several Relative sessions, switched to Planning Poker, Bucket Sizing, or
stayed with Relative.
Know the basics and adjust accordingly. Make sure someone on the team
knows the basics of story points estimation and can present to the rest of
the group. (Maybe that person is you!) But the important thing is that there’s
one person who can help answer questions when the team is applying new
productivity methods.
If your team is remote, you may want to consider using Async Poker, which
enables estimators to go through the list of stories on their own, get into
details if they need to, and have time to explain their choice in the comment
No one knows your team better than you. If you see problems or difficulties
with story points estimation that aren’t addressed in the books and theory,
keep adjusting until you solve those problems.
Be sure that you’re estimating the right way, every time. Use this Agile
estimations checklist for Scrum teams at every standup, and stay consistent
with your processes.
Agile estimation is
a team effort
Agile estimation should involve the entire team — product owners,
developers, designers, testers, etc. It’s critical to ensure accurate estimates
as each team member has a different perspective on the product and the
work required to deliver a user story.
Whatever your team does, estimations are part of the process. Get them
done faster (and better) with a little help from a few simple cheat sheets.
A flexible toolkit that gives teams a choice Facilitate agile team discussion aimed at
of estimation methods for refinement and reaching accurate and consensus-based
planning estimations
Learn more and try free Learn more and try free
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