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Steel MCQ Merged

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P1/ P2 = (L2/ L1)^2 = (2L/L)^2 = 4
n'p z') rq s'0
:sr O utunlocJo teql ot d utunlocJo peol Eurl>1cnq
Jo orlur eqJ 'suorlrpuoc-pue pue suollces-ssorc etuss eql e,req (e661009JJ qfuarts '6
p;er,( pue 1Z {13uey) 0 pue (ealt OgZ:fi q]EuerN p1er,( pue 1 ql8uet) d sutunloc Iee}s o,{tJ
sged pelceuuoc uee,ttleq uollclr; o} onp secJoJ 'p
sluroleqtJo esneceq slloq eqt uo secJoJ Eutpueq 'c
sped pelceuuocJo,(ltltqtxeg oqt ol enp secroJ ellsue] 'q
slurol eqtJo esneceq stJoq aq] uo secJoJ Eut:eaqs
:oJe secJoJ Eurft6 '8
; side of base plate = root (area) = 387mm = 38.7 cm = 40 cm Area required for base plate = (1500 * 10^3) / 0.5*20 = 150000 mm^2
ruru silp ruIU 0r'c ruru 9['q I,utu 0€'e
sl peprno;d eq o1 e1e1d eseq eqiJo eprs BJo qfuel aql 'uunloc leeis pu?
e1e1d eseqgo lqElelt-;1es eql Surlcey8eu pue poqleu etuts ttutl Eutsl-1 'elercuocJo qlEuarls
crJsrrolceJaqc eql sr IcJ eJer{,m 'IcJ S'0 su aleJouocgo qt8ue.rts Sutrueq Jeplsuo3 'e1u1d eseq
arenbs e q8no.rqt g71nq eperE go ;e6aped elorcuoo B ol porreJsuerl sI p?ol eql 'p>l 00S I Jo
peol anlsserdruoc IBIXB perolceJ e ot pelcefqns sr ru7E1 V'e L@ 09t BHSI Jo uLunloc Ieels V L
sesBJ qloq ul eeJe ssoJD 'p sesBc qloq uI BarB leN 'c
?AJU leu puu 3eJ3 ssoJD 'q eere ssorE pu? eeJu leN 'e
uo peseq pelelnclec e.re ,(;eltlcadse: sessarls ellsuol puu eAISSeJduoc Eutpueg '9
page 50 cl no
lsz'p 002') 08t'q ;bt'e
sr .leq Surcel e JoJ olleJ sseuepuels aql 'S
code page- 32
gu/'7ng8y'p gurl.7,!3y'c 1tu,t7[33y'q 1ul.7n38y'e
,(q uerrr8 sl EpI'uotloes sso;3go Eurplel,( ot anp roqueu e3o qfuerls ellsual u8tsep eq1 'V
Net sectional area ( 300 20)*10 = 2800 mm^2 = 28 cm^2
_u)u] t7 'J 'B
zwx jLZ'P ( ev zwc LZ'9 zruc 0€
correct answer 28 mm^2
sr e1e1d aqlJo ?eJB uotlcos
tuLu 'E
lou eql'ruru 8l sr lloq eqlJo Jelatuelp eqlJI ')clt{} 0l pus epr^\ tuc 0t sr e1e1d laals V
code page 30
'c 9z'l 'e
9'r 'p z't l'l 'q ,(,
sr Eurp;e,r,r pleu roJ fleges 3o rolcuJ lerpud eq1
Minimum size of fillet weld depends upon the thickness of thicker connected member
ruru r.uru LUIUT'q (Uru ['3
Code page 78
For 14 mm, Minimum size= 5mm
eple/Yl lelluJo ezls tuntululu eql sl
]et{A[ 'ple,ry\ tellg q]tnt.leqte8ot pa]ceuuoc ere rgu ,l pug tutu ZI sseulclqlJo se1e1d om1 'l
So, 12 – 1.5 = 10.5 mm Maximum size of the fillet weld = Thickness of the thinner plate – 1.5 mm
'satoqclo ps q)Da uott uor4do aqol,rdotddo tsou aqt qr4)ug
.I^I 'J 'surur 0e :eulJ :'oN llou I'uexg
I :Jolseues AI: ree^
20, DEIJ : esJrloJ
'g'g: Ie^c-l
uorleuru?xa Jelseu0s pua
:peJocs slrul^ AII SU:IAI NN NCNVI^IHJV)
The pitched type or slope roof has an angle of more than 15 degrees.
'p 'c 'e
Joor olqrssercsul Joor elqrsseccv Joor peqslld 'q Joor lulJ
se peursselc srJooJ eql'0gl Jo edols seqJoor v '0(,
e^oqe eqlJo euoN 'p
e8ueu pue qo,ttJo uortcerp eql ul(1rpr8r.r lenbg 'c
e8uuggo uortrerp aqt ur .(lrprElr /\{ol pue qe/(Jo uorlcelp eqt ur ,(lrpr8p I{EIH 'q
e8ueg uoriceJrp eql ur XlrprEr: q8rq pue qe^\Jo uotlceJlp eql ur ,(ltptEIJ ,^ 'e o'I
e,req ';equeu uorsuel sB pesn 'suotlces leuuBqc e16urs eq1 '61
l?orqt oql ol leuloN 'p porql aql Euoly 'c
ocroJ eq] ol lBulrou apls 'q ecroJ eqt ol ley;ered eprs 'e
sr ple,ry\ tellu B
ut euuld lsoleem eql '81
s/d = 5000/250 = 20 k8 = 0.702* root(E/fcp) = 22.86 fcp= 9.4 N/mm^2 E for teak = 99.7 *10^2 N/mm^2
elep elunbepuul 'p Euol'c oterpeturelul 'q uoqs 'e
s/d lies between 11 and k8
:sB peursselc sr uunloo ,661 :t88 91 .red s? ueql uu (gggx6g7)
uorsueurp pue ruS 3o q18uey pepoddnsun suq IealJo uunloc requtl .re1nEue1ce5 y ,LI
ruru 0sg'p ruur 00E 'c tutu osz'q ruru 002 'e
(1661 '91
speecxe Hldep s1r
3r 'ueeq reqruu ruln8uelca; uI pesn st rotcuJ LuJoC :€88 SI red sy
P = 0.6 Vz^2 = 0.6 * 51^2 = 1560 Kpa Vz= Vb. K1. K2. K3 = 51 m/s k1 for 50 years with 50 m/s = 1 ; k2 = Terrain factor= 1.02 ; k3= 1
3d) t'p ed) s'z'c ed) z'q Bd) s'l 'e
:sr 111 pud St8 SI rad su Surplrnq eql,(q pecuauedxe ernsserd put.m tunurxutu
eqJ 's/ur69 ,{1rcolan pum crseq Eut,teq ,(qderEodol eueld e ut soII Sutpytng '76'1
JolcuJ ureJJel Sur,ruq ureJJo] B ur pelpcol st uuds e3r1 s.rea,{ 0g qlll\ Eulpltnq ;u:eueE y '91
code page 18
repuels 'p lceduoc-lueg'c lcedruo3'q not sure ctlseld 'e
se pegrsselc sr uorlces aqt 100Z:00951.red su ueql'gl su e8uug
uorssa;duooJo tuetuele Eurpuelqno suq ed61 0gZ sserts plarf 3o uotlces leo6 pallor lot{ Y 'tl
'c puB .g qlog .p
Iceq ot lceq sEa; uot{s qtl^t selEue pe88al ;unbeun 'c
Iceq ot lceq s8e; Euol qlrnt sel8uu peE8el ;unbeun 'q
Icuq ot lcuq sa;Euu lunbg 'e
;uor1e.r,(E3o snrp?J runtururlUJo enls^ roErel enr8
IIr,{\ uor}ces Eur,mo;;og eqtJo qclq.^,\'uorlces e;Eue elqnop r{llly\ Jeqtueu errlsse.:duoc rog 'tl
minimum number of bays required is 3.
9'p l'r t'q z'e
:eJe urunloc dn-1;rnq e ur pe;rnbeJ sueuuqJo Joqunu unrututl '(,1
09U1 ',p s(,il-t 'c 09zn'q 08t/'I'e
peerxe tou plnoqs uueqJo uorlcouep unturxeru eql'008:SI red sy 't I
ZlxtSx}}Z'P Q IxSf xQQf, 'c SxS?x002'9 Olx'aExu}Z 'B
:sr Jug Eulce;Jo uorsueurp tunututtu
uaql uu ggp uuds e^rlcoJJaJo.ruq 8urce1 el8urs ut pasn eru stloq releuutp tutu '01
9l JI
Width = 3 × 16 = 48 mm
Given Dia of bolt = 16 mm
The minimum width is approximately equal to 3 times the diameter of the rivet.
Marks Scored:
End Semester Examination [C]
Level : B.E Course : CIEG 402
Year : IV Semester :I
Exam Roll No Time : 30 mins. F.'M. :10

Registration No. : Date 3 u ,li&Y 20lg


Encircle the most appropriate answer.

1. The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld is K times the size of weld. For 85" angle
betrveen fusion faces, the value of K is
I a) 0.7 b) 0.6s c) 0.6
60-90 = 0.7 ; 91-100= 0.65 ; 101-106= 0.6 ; 107-113= 0.55 ; 114-120=0.5
Page 78
d) 1.0

2 The partial safety for the material of shop weld is Page 30

a) 1.0 b) 1.10 c) 1.15 d) l.2s
Bolted Connection1.25
Welded Connection1.5 (field)1.25 (Shop)
J Design of steel joist is primarily governed by Steel Member (yielding)1.1
Steel Member (Ultimate stress)1.25
a) shear b) bearing c) flexure d) axial
not sure

4. In a fillet weld cross section, the throat is the

a) Minimum Dimension b) Average Dimension
c) Maximum Dimension d) Leg Length
The throat of a weld is the minimum distance between the root and the face of the weld. It is the effective area of the welded joint
where the stress is maximum.
5 A steel plate is 20 cm wide and l0 mm thick. If the diameter of bolt is lSmm, the net
sectional area of plate is- cm2. for clearance of holes dh= page 73

a) 20 b) 17.46 c) 174 d) 25.23

o see calculation at last of this set
Net sectional area = (b – ndh) x t = (200-1*20)*10 = 1800 mm^2 = 18 cm^2 (Not in option)
6 The check for design bending strength for simply supported beams is given by
a) Md :2. Zpfyfumo b) Md < l.5Zpfylym,
c) Md < l2Zpfyfimo d) Md > l5Zpfyfumo
page -53

7 For same load, unsupported length and end conditions, a batten column when compared
to the lacing column is:
a) Stronger b) Weaker c) Equal d) cannot be compared
A laced column is stronger than battened column for same load, unsupported length and end conditions.
8 Minimum number of battens required in a built up column are:
a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)s

9 Area of opening for building of normal permeability is in the range_ o/o

of wall arca.
a)20-30 not sure b)10-20 c)20-50 d)15
b or d
large permeability is more than 20%
medium openings between about 5 to 20 percent of wall area
10. The topography is called as inclined plane if the slope of hill is more than- degrees.
a) 3 b)s c)7 d)10
wind code page-12
11 For a single ISA 100x75x1Omm tie member, the leg preferred for making connection is:
a) 100 b) 90 mm
c) 75mm d) 100mm if bolted 75mm if welded
not sure

12. The actual failure mode in yielding of tension member depends on

a) modulus of elasticity of member
The design strength of tension
b) Yield Stress of material member corresponding to gross
c) Unit weight d) bolt diameter section yielding is given by Tdg =
fyAg/ m0

13 The efficiency of welded joint is than bolted joint.

b) Less
a) More c) Same d) Can't say
t4. -
The value of s/d of a solid teak wood column is 5.625. The column is classified as:
a) Short b) Long c) intermediate
d) not enough data
page -14 timber codebook

15 Bending moment of timber beam should be multiplied by form factor and it depends on
of beam.
a) Width b) Depth c) Area d) Length
Page- 11 Timber codebook

16 To ensure that compression flange of beam is restrained from moving laterally, the cross
answer is if in option there was not compact, the answer would be plastic
both a and c
section must be:
a) Plastic b) semi compact c) compact d) Thin
To ensure that compression flange of beam is restrained from moving laterally, the cross section must be plastic or compact. if
significant ductility is required, section must invariably be plastic.
17 Snow load is taken as per mm depth of snow'
a) 1 b)1.5
-N/m2 c)z d) 2.s
Snow load is taken as 2.5 N/m2 for every 1 m depth of snow. If slope of truss is more than 50°, snow load need not be considered.

18 If M16 bolts are used in lacing bar for connection then minimum width of lacing bar must be:
a) 40 mm b) 45mm c) 48mm not sure d) 50mm
Width of lacings=3 times dia of rivet consider the above value rounded to the
page: 50 cl no 7.6.2 Width of lacing bar = 3d = 3*16 = 48 mm nearest 5 mm
19. As per IS:800, the maximum Slenderness ratio of Lacing bar should not exceed:
a) r2O b) 140 c) 145 d) l5s
page 30 cl no
20 A Compression member consists of tr,vo channel section placed back to back. Such
member lies in buckling Class:
a) A b)B c)C d)D

page-44 Channel section: about any axis= Buckling class c

What is a Weld Throat?
---The throat of a weld is the minimum distance between the root and the face of the weld. It is the effective area of the welded joint where the
stress is maximum.

Why is the Throat Important?

---The throat of a weld determines the strength of the joint. As the throat dimension increases, the strength of the joint also increases. Therefore,
it is important to have enough throat dimension to withstand the applied load

Area of the plate = width * thickness = 200 mm * 10 mm = 2000 mm²

Convert the bolt diameter from mm to radius: 18 mm / 2 = 9 mm

Area of the bolt hole = * radius² 3.14 * 9² 254.46 mm

Subtract the area of the bolt hole from the area of the plate: 2000 mm² - 254.46 mm² 1745.54 mm²= 17.46 cm^2

Bolted connection:

--When bolted, the connection strength is limited by the shear capacity of the bolts, which depends on their diameter
and the bearing capacity of the material (ISA leg) against the bolt shank.
--The wider leg (100mm) offers more material for bearing the bolt load, leading to higher shear capacity and
potentially allowing for fewer bolts or smaller bolt diameters.
--Therefore, for a bolted connection, 100mm is the preferred leg.

Welded connection:

--For welded connections, the strength is governed by the weld material and weld size, assuming proper weld
--The leg width (100mm or 75mm) doesn't significantly impact the weld strength unless the weld size limitations differ
significantly between the two legs.
--Therefore, for a welded connection, either leg can be used based on convenience or other design considerations
like ease of access or aesthetics.

aIn summary:
Bolted connection: 100mm (preferred)
Welded connection: 100mm or 75mm (depending on design considerations)

Therefore, option d) 100mm if bolted 75mm if welded is the most accurate answer.

Yield stress: This represents the point at which the material's internal stresses exceed its elastic limit, causing
permanent deformation. When the applied load exceeds the yield stress, the tension member undergoes significant
plastic deformation beyond its elastic range, ultimately leading to failure.

13) Page 3 https://gcekbpatna.ac.in/assets/documents/lecturenotes/1672301462_6f98d1afdac4d6c3f6b3.pdf

Efficiency of weld joint is more than that of the riveted or bolted joint, because when bolt connection or riveted
connections are used we create hole and because of creation of hole the net effective area of the plate is going to be
reduced and this area under tension will be less and therefore, the capacity or strength of the bolt joint will be less
compared to the weld joint.
13) chatgpt

The efficiency of a welded joint is typically considered to be more than that of a bolted joint. In welding, the material is
fused together, creating a continuous and strong connection. This often results in a joint that is more efficient in terms of
load transfer compared to a bolted joint, which involves discrete fasteners.

width of the lacing bar is 3 times the diameter of the river (consider the above value rounded to the nearest 5 mm)

Rivet diameter( in mm) Lacing bar ( in mm)

16 50
18 55
20 60
22 65

Lacing is generally preferred in case of eccentric loads.

Marks Scored
End Semester Examination
February/M arch 2019
Level B.E Course CIEG 402
Year IV Semester I
Exam Roll No Time : 30 mins. F. M. l0

stration No. : Date FtB ? 1 2rJle


Encircle the most appropriate answer.

I High strength bolts are designed on the basis of

a) Friction b) Tension c) Compression d) Shear

2. The diameter of hole should be more than _ mm then diameter of bolt.

a) I b) 1.s c)2 d)2.5 page-73

J The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld is K times the size of weld. For 90 degree
angle between fusion faces, the value of K is page 78
a) 0.7 b) 0.65 c) 0.6 d) 1.0
60-90 = 0.7 ; 91-100= 0.65 ; 101-106= 0.6 ; 107-113= 0.55 ; 114-120=0.5
4. Minimum edge distance and end distance for rolled, machine flame cut is
a) L7 x hole diameter b) 1.2 x hole diameter
c) 1.5 hole diameter
x d) 2.0 x hole diameter
Minimum pitch and minimum gauge length emin = 1.5 × diameter of the bolt hole ....... (for machine cut element)
P = 2.5 × nominal diameter of the bolt emin = 1.7 × diameter of the bolt hole ....... (for hand-cut element)
5 Strength of bolt is
a) minimum of shear strength and bearing capacity of bolt
b) maximum of shear strength and bearing capacity of bolt
Strength of bolt is minimum of shear strength and bearing capacity of
c) shear strength of bolt bolt.
Design shear strength = nominal shear capacity/1.25,
d) bearing capacity of bolt Design bearing strength = nominal bearing capacity/1.25.

6 The efficiency of welded joint is _ bolted joint.

a) More than b) [,ess than c) Same as of d) Not comparable to

7 A steel plate is 25 cm wide and 12 mm thick. If the diameter of bolt is 20mm, the net
sectional area of plate is- cm2.
a) 21 b) 21.6 c) 276 d) 25
Net sectional area = (b – ndh) x t = (250-20)*12 = 2760 mm^2 = 27.6 cm^2
8. For a single unequal angle tie member, the leg preferred for making connection is
a) Shorter lrg b) Any of two
c) Longer leg d) longer if bolted, shorter if welded

9 The actual failure mode in bearing of tension member depends on

a) length of metal b) length of bolt
c) hole diameter d) bolt diameter
The actual failure mode in bearing depends on end distance, bolt diameter and thickness of the connected material.
10. Minimum number of battens required in a built up column are:
a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)s
11 If M 20 bolts are used in lacing bar for connection, then the minimum width of lacing bar
must be
a) 40 mm b) 60 mm c) 80 mm d) 100 mm
Width of lacings=3 times dia of rivet
12. For same load, unsupported length and end conditions, a batten column compared to the
lacing column is
a) Stronger b) Weaker c) Equal d) cannot be compared
A laced column is stronger than battened column for same load, unsupported length and end conditions.
13 As per IS:800, the maximum deflection of beam should not exceed
a) L/180 b) L/250 c) L1325 d) U360

14. To ensure that compression flange of beam is restrained from moving laterally, the cross
section must be
a) Plastic b) Semi compact c) Compact d) Thin
To ensure that compression flange of beam is restrained from moving laterally, the cross section must be plastic or compact. if significant ductility
is required, section must invariably be plastic.
15. The check for design bending strength for cantilever beams is given by
a) Md =Z.4Zpfylym0 b) Md 1l5Zpfyfum}
c) Md al.ZZpfylym}
page -53 d) Md Z l.SZpfylym}

t6 According to IS 875 part III, Design pressure Pz is directly proportional to which of the
following design wind velocity
a) Yz b)r/Vz c)Yz2 d) Vz3
page-12 wind load codebook
l1 Area of opening for building of large permeability is more than- of wall area.
a) ll%o b)207o c)3AVo d)50%a
large permeability is more than 20%
medium openings between about 5 to 20 percent of wall area
18 The topography is called as plane if the slope of hill is less than-
a) 3 b)5 c)7 d)10
page-12 wind load codebook

t9 The value of s/d of a solid teak wood column is 13.25. The column is classified as
a) short b) long c) intermediate
d) not enough data
page -14 timber codebook we don't know the value of K8
20 Bending moment of timber beam should be multiplied by form factor if its depth is
greater than
a) 250 mm b) 300 mm c) 350 mm d) 400 mm
page -11 timber codebook
End semester Examination [C]
June,20l8 JIJN 1 s 2018
Level : B.E. Course : CIEG 402
Year :IV Semester: I
Exam Roll No. : Time: 30 mins. F.M. :10
Registration No.: Date :

The partial safety factor for the material of bolts is
(a) 1.0 (b) 1.10 (c) l.l5 (d) l.2s
page- 30
2 Design of pins is primarily govemed by
(a) shear (b) bearing (c) flexure (d) axial
Large bending moments are generated since members joined by pin connections are separated some distance. So the pin diameter is generally governed
by flexure.
J In a fillet weld cross section, the throat is the
(a) Minimum Dimension (c) Maximum Dimension
(b) Average Dimension (d) Leg Length

4 The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld is "K" times the size of weld. For a 95o
angle between fusion faces, "K" is page-78
(a) 0.7 (b) 0.65 (c) 0.6 (d) 1.0

5 The slenderness ratio of tension member as per IS code where reversal load other than
wind or seismic load should not exceed
(a) 3s0 (b) 100 (c) 180 (d) 60
page- 20 IS 800
6. In case of angle section with lug angles, their attachment to the member should be
Lug angle is small
piece of angle used to capable of developingxYo in excess of the force in outstanding leg of angle, wherex is
connect outstand legs (a) 20 (b) t0 (c) a0
- (d)
of the members to the 3-0
The attachment of angle section lug angles to the member should be capable of resisting 40% in excess of the
gusset plate. force in an outstanding leg of the angle to ensure the stability and safety of the structure.

a 7 Thickness of single lacing bar should not be less than ..... th effective length
(a) tt40
page- 50 cl no 7.6.3
(b) l/50 (c) l/60 (d) w0
8. Effective length of column effectively held in position at both ends and restrained
direction at one end is
(a) 0.67 L (b) 0.8 L (c) L (d)1.2 L
codema 0.65 cha tara 0.67 pani lida huncha page 45 IS 800
9. If 20mm bolt are used in lacing bars then the minimum width of lacing bar should be
(a) 40mm (b) 60 mm (c) 80 mm (df tO mm
t0 As per IS 800, the maximum deflection in beam should not exceed
(a) L/180 (b)LtzsT (c)Lt3zs (d) L/360

I l. A beam is classified as high shear beam if factored SF is greater then

(a) 0.4 Va (b) 0.6 Vd (c) 0.8 Va (d) r.0 vd
t2 The thickness of gusset plate should not be less than
(a) 6mm (b) 8mm (c)12mm (d) l6mm
1. Joist: Flexural member.
2. Web member: Truss member.
3. Strut: Compression member.
4. Top chord: Tension member.
5. Slender cross bracing: Compression member
Joists are primarily designed to resist bending caused by applied loads, such as the weight of flooring, ceilings,
and occupants. Therefore, they are categorized as flexure members.
13. Joist is knowp as
[a) Tension member (c) Compression member
(b) Flexure member (d) Torsion member

14. Roof is called inaccessible if its slope is greater than

(a) 10" (b) 20' (c) 40" (d) 45"
d not sure

l5 The value of s/d of a solid Sal wood column is 13. The column is classified as
(a) Short (b) Long (c) intermediate (d) not enough data

16. Permeability is normal if its opening is

(a) s% (b) (s-20)% (c) (20-30)% (d)>30%
large permeability is more than 20%
medium openings between about 5 to 20 percent of wall area
17. For a basic wind velocity 39 m/s and life of structure as 25 years, risk coefficient (k1) is
(a) I (b)0.76 (c)0.e2 (d) 1.06

For a timber beam of size 300x400mm. Its section modulus is 80* 10^5 mm^3
(a) 5 xl05mm3 (b) 6 x lOsmm3 (c)7 x losmm3 (d) 8 xl0smm3
Z = bd^2/6 ; here b=300 mm, d= 400 mm Z= 8*10^6mm^3
t9. Snow load in roof is assigned as- per mm depth of-snow
(a) 2 kN/m' (alz.s klvf (c) 3 kN/m2 (d) 3.5 kN/m2
Snow load is taken as 2.5 N/m2 for every 1 m depth of snow. If slope of truss is more than 50°, snow load need not be considered.
20 Slenderness ratio of the lacing bar for the compression member should not exceed
(a) r25 (b) 13s (c) la5 (d) 1s0
page 30 cl no

5) page 20 codebook

A tension member in which reversal of stress due to loads other than wind or seismic loads. = 180

A member normally acting as a tie in roof truss or a bracing system but subjected to reversal of stresses resulting from the action of wind or
earthquake forces. = 350

Tension Members (other than Pre-tensioned members) = 400

The compression member with
1) Dead load and imposed load=180,
2) with wind and earthquake action=250,
3) with lateral torsion buckling-300.

Now, the Tension member

1) With the reversal of the direct stress other than wind or earthquake -180.
2) Reversal of the stress with wind and earthquake-350.
3) Member always under tension other than pre-tensioned member-400.


End Sernester Examination
February/March, 201 8
Level B. E. Course : CIEG 402
Year IV Semester: I
Exam RollNo.: Time: 30 mins. F.M. :10

Registration No. Date.!,14[i04201u

[20 Q.x0.5:10 nrarks]
Select the most appropriate answer.

I lf the dianreter of bolt

is 20mrn then the maximum number of bolts that can be
accommodated in one row in a 200 mm wide flat is: see last of this set for calculation
a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)6
on solving we got n=3.68 but we cannot make it 4. So maximum number of bolt n= 3
2. The maximum pitch of the bolts for a compression member should not exceed:
a) 2.5 times the dia. of bolt b) 12 t or 200 mm whichever is less page 74 cl no

c) 2.5 times the dia. of holes d) 16 r or 200 mm whichever is less

Maximum pitch < minimum (16t, 200 mm) For Tension MembersMaximum pitch < minimum (12t, 200 mm) For Compression Members Where, t
is the thickness of thinner plate.
J The effective throat thickness of a fillet welds is K times the size of weld. For 70 degree
angle between fusion faces, the value of K is page-78
a) 0.7 b) 0.6s c) 0.6 d) 1.0

4 Which one of the followings is prominent mode of failure in fillet bolt?

a) Tension b) Shear c) Bearing d) Crushing

5 The net sectional area of a tension member is the gross sectional area of the member
a) The sectional area of one bolt b) The sectional area of maximum no. of holes
c) The sectional area of one hole d) The sectional area neglecting the hole

6 The best tension member shall be

a) Bolted single angle section When double angle is provided on opposite sides of gusset plate, then no
b) Welded single angle section eccentricity is introduced in the connection and stability is enhanced.
c) Double angle section on opposite side of gusset plates
d) Channel section
7 In case of angle section with lug angles, their attachment to the member should be
capable of developingxo/o in excess of the force in outstanding leg of angle, where x is
a) 20 b) l0 c) 40 d) 30

8. Minimum number of battens required in a built up column are:

a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)s
9. Lacing bar of built up steel column should be designed to resist
a) Bending moment due to 2.5o/o column load
b) Shear force due to2.5%o column load
c) 2.5Yo column load
d) To connect steel sections.
Preferred Column Option: Based on the given options, ISHB (Indian Standard Heavy Beams) would be the preferred
choice for a column. ISHB columns offer a higher load-bearing capacity and better stability compared to the other
options. They are suitable for heavy-duty structures that require significant strength and support.

l0 For same load, unsupported length and end conditions, a laced column is compared to the
batten column is
a) Stronger b) Weaker c) Equal d) cannot be compared
A laced column is stronger than battened column for same load, unsupported length and end conditions.
ll Which of the following sections are preferred in column sections?

t2 The deflection of steel beam in buildings other than industrial buildings is limited to a
span divided by
a) 200 b) 250 c) 300 d) 350
13. A beam is classified as low shear beam if factored shear force is less than
a) 0.4Va b) 0.6Va c) 0.8V0 d) L0Va

14 The live load for sloping roof with slope l5o where access is not provided to roof is taken

a) 0.65 kN/m2 b) 0.75 kN/m2 c) 1.35 kN/m2 d) 1.5 kN/m2

LL = 0.75 – 0.02 * (alpha– 10) = 0.75 – 0.02 * (15 – 10) = 0.65 kN/m2
15 Area of opening for building of large permeability is more than_ wall area
a) t0% b)20% c)30% d)sj%

l6 Generally purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid:

a) Axial force in rafter b) Deflection of rafter
c) Shear force in rafter d) Bending moment in rafter

17. Snow load in roof is assigned as_ per mm depth of snow

a) 2 kN/rn2 b) 2.5 kN/m2 c) 3 kN/m2 d) 3.5 kN/m2

l8 For a simply supported beam with UDL of intensity "w" throughout its span, its
maximum deflection is:
a) wl3/(48 EI) b) wl3(12 EI) c) 5wla/(384 EI) d) wl3/(s EI)
at center
19. The value of s/d of a solid teak wood column is 9.76. The column is classified as
a) Short b) Long c) intermediate
d) not enough data
page-14 timber codebook \
20 Bending moment of timber beam should be multiplied by form factor if its depth is
greater than
a) 250 mm b) 300 mm c) 350 mm d) 400 ntm
page-11 timber codebook
Let n be the no of bolts that can be accommodated in a single row of width 200 mm.
2 × e + (n - 1) × P = 200

The nominal diameter of bolt, dn = 20 mm

Diameter of hole, dh = 20 + 2 = 22 mm

To get maximum value of n, e and P should be minimum

i.e. e = emin = 1.5 × dh = 1.5 × 22 = 33 mm
P = Pmin = 2.5 × dn = 2.5 × 20 = 50 mm

2 × 33 + (n - 1) × 50 = 200

n = 3.68

Maximum no of bolts that can be provided are 3.

ISWB - Indian Standard Wide-flange Beams

\ ISMB - Indian Standard Medium Beams.

ISHB – Indian standard heavy beam. This is having high weight per meter and used for heavy loadings. Since this
- is not standard section for the specified depth, it is more suitable for column section.

ISLB – Indian standard Light beam. This is having low weight per meter and used for light loadings.
Marks Obtained:

End Semester Examination [C]
Level : B. E. Course : CIEG 402
Year : IV Semester :I
Exam RollNo. : Time: 30 mins. F. M. l0

Registration No.:
Date :JUI 062017

t20 Q. x 0.5 = l0 marksl

l. In cross-section of a weld, throat is the

a) Minimum dimension b) Average dimension
c) Maximum dimension d) twice maximum dimension

) Diameter of a bolt hole is usually taken as

-a a) Gross diameter of bolt
c) Nominal diameter + 2.0 mm
b) Nominal diameter + 1.5 mm
d) Nominal diameter
J According to IS specifications, the effective length of a column effectively held in
codema 0.65 cha tara
position at both ends and restrained in direction at one end is taken as
0.67 pani lida huncha a) 0.67 L b) 0.8 L c) L d) 1.5 L
page -45 IS 800
4 In tension members value of p adopted is ( t is the thickness of thinner outside plate in
page 74 cl no
a) Lesser than 16 t b) Lesser than 200 mm
c) Larger than either 16 t or 200 mm d) Lesser than either 16 t or 200 mm

5 The most economical section for a column is

a) Angle section b) I section c) Channel section d) Tubular section

6. Lug angles
a) Are used to reduce the lenglh of connection
O b) Are unequalangles
Lug angles are used to reduce the length of the connection.
A lug angle is a brief length of angle that joins the members’
outstretched legs to the gusset plate. Lug angle is used to
c) Increases shear lag shorten the connection to the gusset plate and lessen the
d) Decreases shear lag effect of shear lag.

7 The effective length of a battened column is increased by

a) 5% b) l0o/o c) 15% d) 20% page 51 cl no
If battens are provided effective length of the column is increased by 10 %. (To take shear deformation effects in column). Shear
deformation is more when battens are provided as compared to lacing members, so the effective length is increased by 10%.
8 Gantry girders are designed to resist
a) lateral loads b) longitudinal loads and vertical loads
c) lateral, longitudinal and vertical loads d) lateral and longitudinal loads

9 To minimize the total cost of a roof truss, the ratio of the cost of truss to cost of purlins
shall be
a) I b)2 c)3 d)4
For economy purpose let avoid cost related to roof covering
Now T=2P. ...So T/P=2
l0 Angle of inclination of the lacing bar with the longitudinal axis of the column should be
in the range of
a) too tJ:oo b) 300 to 400 c) 400 to 700 d) more than 700
page 50 cl no 7.6.4
ll ln case of timber structures, the simple bending formula M:f*z may be applied for
a) all rectangular beams b) all square beams
c) all solid circular beam d) rectangular beams up to 300 mm depth

12. A steel beam supporting loads from the floor slab as well as from wall is termed as
a) stringer b) lintel beam c) spandrel beam d) header beam

13. The ultimate strength design of steel structures make use of The limit design of steel structures
a) Plastic analysis b) Elastic analysis
makes use of plastic analysis of
c) Ultimate analysis d) Elastic and Plastic analysis

14. The allowable shear stress in the web of mild steelbeams decreases by
decrease in h/t
decrease in
b) increase in h/t ratio or, Increase in spacing of
d) increase in height the stiffeners o
where 'h' is height and ‘t is thickness
r5. The purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid
a) Axial force in rafter b) shear force in rafter
c) Deflection in rafter d) Bending moment in rafter

t6 The best arrangement to provide unified behavior in built up columns is by,

a) Lacing b) Battening
c) Tie plates d) Perforated cover piates

t7 If the thickness of plate is 9 mm and the nominal diameter of rivet is d mm, then
according to Unwin's formula, d is equal to .. . ... . . .. mm.
1.9 root(t) for t in cm.
a) l8 b)20 c)22 d)24 6.04 root(t) for t in mm
d = 6.04 root(t), or simply d = 6 root(t) d = root(t)= 18 mm
18 Poisson's ratio for steel within elastic limit, ranges from
a) 0.1 5 to 0.2 b) 0.2 to 0.24 c) 0.25 to 0.33
d) 0.33 to 0.35
19. Timber is about lllz'h inthe density as of structural steel. Its strength compared to steel is
a) 5% b) l0% c)20% d)zs%
Answer is 10% But, how?? https://constroquicks.com/structural-properties-of-wood/

20. Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented by using

a) Vertical intermediatestiffener b) Horizontal stiffener at neutral axis
c) Bearing stiffener d) Not required
The two main reasons why the tubular section is the most economical section are as below:

--Tubular sections have lesser area compared to other sections.

--The second moment of inertia of the tubular section is high because the area is distributed away from the


End Semester Examination
Level : B. E. Course : CIEG 402
Year :lV Semester : I
Exam RollNo. Time : 30 mins. F.M. :10

Registration No. : Date 'llAR2A2017

[20 Q. x 0.5 = l0 marks]

Select the most appropriate answer https://courseware.cutm.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Riveted-conn


I In riveted joint, rivet does not fail in Crushing of rivet is also another type of failure of rivet
a) Shear b) Bearing c) Bending d) Tearing
The failure of a rivet joint can occur due to various factors, including shear failure of rivets, bearing failure of rivets, and tearing failure of plates.
2 The strength of a fillet weld is
a) About 80 to 90 per cent of the main member
b) Equal to that of the main member About 80 to 95 percent of the main member

c) More than that of the main member

d) Equal to or more than that of the main member

3 If the depth of the section of upper column is much smaller than lower column
a) Filler plates are provided with column splice
b) Bearing plates are provided with column splice
c) Filler and bearing plates are provided with column splice
d) Neither filler nor bearing plates are provided with the column splice

4 In tension members value of pitch (p) adopted is_ (t is the thickness of thinner
outside plate in mm)
a) Lesserthan 16t b) Lesser than 200 mm
c) Larger than either l6 t or 200 mm d) Lesser than either 16 t or 200 mm

5 The most economical section for a beam is

a) Angle section b) I section c) C section d) Tubular section
The most economical section for a column is tubular section
6. The channel section at the top ofgantry girder is provided to Ques no 5
i) Increase moment of inertia about minor axis https://cl1202.files.wordpress
ii) Provide platform for mounting rails for the movement of crane bridge ng-gantry-girder-truss.pdf
iii) Increase the lateral buckling strength
iv) Increase torsional stiffness correct answer: (i), (iii) and (iv)
a) and
(i) (iv) b) (ii) and (iii) c) (i),(ii) and (iii) d) (i),(ii) and (iv)

7 For a strut with given length and end conditions, the maximum compressive load carrying
capacity for the same cross section area and same thickness is provided by
a) Solidsection b) Circular section Circular hollow section
c) Box section d) Rectangular (hollow) section
i) Indian Standard Joist/junior Beams (ISJB)
ii) Indian Standard Light Beams (ISLB)
iii) Indian Standard Medium Weight Beams (ISMB)
iv) Indian Standard Wide Flange Beams (ISWB)
v) Indian Standard Heavy Beam (ISHB)

8 As per Indian Standard, the I - section beam is classified into

a)3 b)4 c)5 d)6

9 Generally the purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid

a) Axial force in rafter b) Shear force in rafter
c) Deflection of rafter d) B. M. in rafter

l0 Angle of inclination of the lacing bar with the longitudinal axis of the column should be
in the range of
a) 100 tol00 b) 300 to 400 c) 400 to 700 d) more than 700

11. The effective length / of a simply supported beam with ends restrained in position not in
direction, is equalto L m, if span of beam(L)= 3m.
a)2.1 b)2.4 c) 3 d) 6

12. Horizontal stiffeners are provided if the thickness of the web is less than _(where d*
is the depth of web).
a) d*/85 b) d*/200 c) d*/250 d) d*/400

13. The ultimate strength design of steel structures make use of

a) Plastic analysis b) Elastic analysis
c) Ultimate analysis d) Elastic and Plastic analysis

14. In the case ofchannels, the lug angles and their connections to the gusset or other
supporting member shall be capable of developing strength in excess of the force by
a) t0% b)20% c)30% d)40%
In the case of angle members, 20% In the case of the channel members, 10%
l5 Bearing stiffeners are designed as
a) Columns b) Ties c) Beams d) Beam-Ties

16. Slendemess ratio of a compression member subjected to dead load and live load shall not
a) 150 b) 180 c) 250 d) 400

17 Timber is about lll2th inthe density as of structural steel. Its strength compared to steel is
a) s% b) l0% c)20% d)Zs%

18. The slenderness ratio(S/d) of a solid timber column should not be greater than
a) 8 b)ll c)35 d)50

19. A structural member subjected to axial tensile stress is known as

a) Strut b) Tie c) Beam d) Column
Ties and Struts: The members are only subjected to axial loads and members in tension are called ties while members in compression are called struts.
20. The ratio of plastic section modulus to elastic section modulus
a) Is always less than I b) Is always greater than I

c) [s equal to I d) Can be less than I


Marks Scored:
End Semester Examination
Level: BE
Year : IV Course
27 .tUN ?016
CIEG 402
Exam Roll No. :
Time :30 mins. F.M. :10
[20 Q x 0.5 =10 marks]
Tick the correct answer.

The value of Poisson's ratio for steel within

the elastic region ranges fror4
a' 0' r7 to 0'25 b. 0.25 to 0.33 c. 0.33 to ,.it
d. 0.4r to 0.49
2 The diameter of cold driven rivets ranges
a. 6to 12mm b. 12to 22mm c.22to32mm d.32to42mm
q'l A steel plate is 300mm wide and IOmm thick.
A rivet of nominar diameter I gmm is driven.
sectional area of the plate is The net
a' 1800 mm2 b. 2805 mm2 c.2820 mm2 d. 3242 mm2
the nominar diameter of rivet is dmm, then
[*1i#;:'ffiillr: :::ltrd according to Unwin,s
a. l8 b.20 c.22 d.24
5 The eflective length of a fillet weld is
taken as
The actual length plus twice the size
I of weld
b. The actual length plus thrice the size of weld The effective length of the fillet weld is
Total length – 2 × weld size
The actual length minus twice the
d. I he actual length minus thrice
size of weld
the size of weld
6 If the tension member is normally acting
as a tie in roof truss but subjected
resulting from the action of wind, to possible reversal of stress
the mimber should f.,u.r. rl.na"rness
a. 150 b.280 c.350
ratio not greater than
_ry The beams resting onpurlins are known
a. Spandrel beams b. Rafters
c. Trimmers
or, Common rafters d. Stringers
8 The effective length / o.f a simp-ly
supported beam with ends restrained
compression flange fury restriined against torsion and the end of
against raterar equarb;ir;i; to
. m, if span of beam(L):
a. 2.1 b.2.4 c.3 d.6
9 A web plate is called stiffened, when
ratio of clear depth to thickness of
a. 55 b. 65 c.75
web is greater than
d. 85
must look : https://edurev.in/question/2797760/The-web-plate-is-called-unstiffened-if-the-ratio-of-the-depth-and-thickness-is-less-than-a-35b-50c-6
I0. the verticar stiffeners are provided
at spacing not greater than ...
IffirJ:Tr:irder, .. d and not less
a. 0.5 b. 0.75 c. 1.25 d. 1.5
ll. As per the design critical of vertical stiffener min 0.33d & max 1.5d.
of the lacing bar with the longitudinal
il*:;tinclination axis of the column should preferably
a. I0o to 300 b. 300 to 400 c.40o to 700 d.900
t2. Load factor is
a. Always equal to_factor of safety b. Always less than factor of safety
c. Always greater than factor of safety d. Sometimes greater than factor of safety
13. The ratio of plastic section modulus to erastic section modulus
a. [s always less than I b. Is always greater than I
c. Is equal to I d. Can be-less than I

t4 Lug angles
a. Are used to reduce the length of connection
b. Are unequal angles
c. Increases shear lag
d. Decreases shear lag
15. The least dimension in case of a circular column of diameter D is taken as
a. 0.5 D b. 0.68 D c. 0.88 D d. D

r6. In case of timber structures, the simple bending formula M=f.z may be applied for w
a. Rectangular beams up to 300 mm depth b. All rectangular beams
c. Solid circular beams only d. All rqu**ross section beams

t7. Normally, the angle of roof truss with asbestos sheets should not be less than
a. 250 b.300 c.350 d.400

18. The purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid

a. Axial force in rafter c. Deflection in rafter
b. shear force in rafter d. Bending moment in rafter

19. Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented by using

a. Vertical intermediate stiffener b. Horizontal siiffener at neutral axis
c. Bearing stiffener d. Not required

20. The best arrangement to provide unified behavior in built up columns is by,
a' Lacing b. Battening c. Tie plates d. Perforated cover plates
.r';- 't'l 't
Marks Scored:

End Semester Examination
Level: B.E Course : CIEG 402
Year: IV Semester : I
Exam Roll No. Time: 30 mins F.M. :20

Registration No. Date

[20 Q x 0.5: l0 marks]

1. The partial safety factors for dead load and live load for a roof truss for limit state of serviceability are
respectively page 29 IS 800
a. I and 1.5 b. 1.2 and I c. I and I d. 1.2 and 1.5

- The effective length of the beam with full torsional restraint and warping restraint for both flanges at the
^,2 ends will be less by page 58 IS 800
a. 5% b. l0% c. 15oh d.30%
In normal condition Effective length = 0.7 L ; which is less by 30%
J The thickness of gusset plate should not be less than
a. 6mm b.8mm c. l2mm d. 16 mm

4 For connecting lacing flats to column sections with lSmm diameter bolt, the minimum width of flat
should be
a. 18 mm b.36 mm c. 54 mm d.72mm
Nominal diameter of bolt = 18mmThe minimum width of the flat required = 3 × 18 = 54 mm
5 The most economical section for compression members is
a. Angle section b. I section c. C section d. Tubular section

6. Junction between the flange and web of a beam is known as

a. Lap joint b. Butt Joint c. Fillet d. Shearjoint

Factor of safety is the number by which the yield stress of material is divided to give the
^7 a. Bearing stress b. Bending stress
c. Shear stress
d. Working stress

8 For rivet diameters up to 24 mm, the diameter of rivet hole is larger than the diameter of rivet by
a. I mm b. 1.5 mm c.2mm d.3 mm
page 73 IS 800
upto 24mm=2mm; larger than 24mm= 3mm
9 If the thickness of plate is I mm and the nominal diameter of rivet is d mm, then according to Unwin's
a. d: tr/6 b. d: 6r/t c. O:
^/Ot d. d:6t
l0 The failure of column depends upon its
a. Weight b. length c. cross sectional area d. slenderness ratio

ll. Slenderness ratio of the lacing bar for the compression member should not exceed
a. 125 b. 135 c.145 d. 155

page 50 cl no
12. The effective length (l) for cantilever beams continuous at the support with projecting length L, partially
restrained against torsion at the support and free at the end, is equal to
a. 0.5L b. L c. 2L d.3L

13. The distance between C.G. of compression flange and C.G. of tension flange of a plate girder, is known

a. overall depth b. Effective depth c. Clear depth d. Economicaldepth

14 Horizontal stiffeners in plate girders are used to

a. Increase the bending strength of web Transverse Stiffeners are provided to increase buckling resistance of the
web due to shear, It is provided vertically along the span.
b. Increase the shear capacity of the web
c. Prevent local buckling of the web Horizontal Stiffener / Longitudinal Stiffener is designed to prevent web
buckling due to bending compression.
d. Prevent local buckling of flange
End Bearing Stiffeners are provided at the supports & Load Bearing
Stiffeners are provided at the points of concentrated loads.
15. Gantry girders are designed to resist
a. Lateral load
b. Longitudinal load
c. Lateral and Longitudinal loads
d. Lateral, Longitudinal and Vertical loads
16 The percentage reduction of a material from a direct compressive test indicates
a. Ductility b. Strength c. yield stress
d. brittleness

17. The slenderness ratio(S/d) of a solid short timber built up column should not be greater than
a.8 b.ll c.25 d.35

18 An inclined structural member subjected to axial compressive stress is known as

a. Strut b. Tie c. Beam d. Column

19. The allowable shear stress in the web of mild steel beam decreases with
a. Decrease in h/t ratio
b. Increase in h/t ratio
c. Decrease in thickness
d.Increase in height
Where 'h' is the height and 't' is the thickness

20. In case of timber structures, the form factor for solid circular cross section is taken as
a. l.l8 b.1.414 c.1.67 d. 1.81

page-12 Timber codebook

End Semester Examination Marks Scored:
January/FebruarY 2015
Course : CIEG 402
Level : B.E
Semester : I
Year : IV
F.M. : l0
Exam. RollNo. :
Time : 30 mins.

ion No.:

t20 Q x 0.5= l0 marksl

L The effective depth of end battens should be more than Effective depth of end battens should be:
i. More than twice the flange width of the component column.
a. Twice the flange width of component column
ii. More The distance between the center of gravity of the
b. Equal to the flange width of component column component members.
c. Spacing of the column comPonent
d. The center to centre distance between inner end bolts

2 In laced columns, end tie plates are provided

a, Check the buckling of the column as a whole
b. Keep the column components in position
c. Check the distortion of the column sections at ends because of unbalanced horizontal force
from lacings
d. Check the buckling of component column

The diameter of rivet hole with respect to the nominal diameter of the
rivet should be
a. 1.5 to Zmm more b. 0.5 to 2.5 mm more c. 3 to 3.5 mm more
d.2.5 to 3 mm more

for painting
4 The minimum thickness of steel members exposed to weather and accessible
a. l0 mm b.6 mm c. 15 mm d.4 mm
When the steelwork is directly exposed to weather and is fully accessible for cleaning and repainting the thickness shall not be less than 6 mm.

5 The slenderness ratio of component column in a latticed column is limited to

a. 350 b.180 c.145 d. 100

6 Net sectional area of a tension member is equal to

a. Gross sectional area plus the area of the rivet holes
b. Gross sectional area divided by the area of the rivet holes
c. Gross sectional area minus twice the area of the rivet holes
d. Gross sectional area minus the area of the rivet holes

7 Lacing bars and battens in compound steel columns are designed

a. To resist the bending moment
b. To resist a transverse shear force The lacing should be designed to resist a transverse shear of 2.5 % of axial load in column
c. To resist a longitudinal shear force
d. To resist a torsional moment
8 The thickness of the gusset plate should not be less than
a. 6mm b. l2mm
c. l6mm d.8mm

9 An intermediate transverse web stiffener mainly improves the

a. Buckling strength of the web due to shear
b. Buckling strength of the web due to bending
c. Torsional strength of girder
d. Bearing stiffness of the girder

10. In plate girder, the rveb is often made

a. Very thick In a plate girder, the web is often made very thin to derive maximum
b. Unstiffened connection economy in weight.

c. Very thin
d. Over hang beyond the support

I l. The impact allowance for horizontal force transverse to the rail (surge load) for an EOT crane is
a. 25 oh of the weight of the crab and the weight lifted on the crane
b. l0 % of the static wheel load
c. 5 Yo of the static wheel load
d. l0 % of the weight of the crab and the weight lifted on the crane
For gantry girders carrying electrically operated overhead travelling cranes, the lateral forces are increased by 10% of weight of crab
for impact allowance and weight lifted on the crane.
t2 The strength of the compression member decreases as its
a. Length decreases
b. Length increases For all types of loading conditions, the trend is that the strength of a member tends to
decrease when the member length and depth increase.
c. Eccentricity of loading increases
d. Material property varies

13. The maximum slenderness ratio for lacing bars in columns is

a. 145 b. 160
c. 180 d. 250

14. The diameter of rivet hole with respect to the nominal diameter of the rivet should be
a. times more than the diameter of rivet
I .5
b. 2.5 mm to 3 mm more
c. Same as the diameter of rivet
d. 1.5 to2 mm more

15. The thickness of lacing flats for a single lacing system should not be less than
a.ll 40 b. I /50 c.1160 d.ll70
of the length between the inner end bolts
The thickness of the lacing flat
for a single lacing system should be less than 1/40 of its effective length
for a double lacing system, it should be less than 1/60 of its effective length.
16. Thepartialsafetyfactortbrthematerial,resistancetoyieldingis
c' l'15 d. t.2s
a. 1.0 b. l.l0
codebook page-30

t7 Slope of truss is equalto its

a. Pitch divided by two
b. Pitch
c. Two times of Pitch
d. 1.5 times pitch

The wind on a steel truss for an industrial building

will depend upon

a. Location of the structure Factors affecting wind load on steel roof truss:
(a) Location of the structure
b. Shape of the structure (b) shape of the structure
c. Shape and height ofthe structure (c) Shape and height of the structure

d. Location, shape and height ofthe structure

the web of the beam with connecting

t9. In the design of framed connections, the bolt connecting
angles are subjected to
a. Single shearing and bearing on the web
b. Double shearing and bearing on the web
c. Double shearing and no bearing on the web
d. No shearing but only bearing on the web

20. Design ofa beam is governed by shear

a. when the depth ortn. beam section is small and the beam is loaded uniformly
b. When large concentrated loads are placed near beam supports
c. When the depth of the beam section is small and the beam is loaded uniformly
d. Both( a) and (b)
Shear determines the design of beam when :
1. depth of beam section is small and uniformly loaded
2. large concentrated loads are placed near beam supports
Marks Scored
End Semester Examination[C]
Level : B.E. Course : CIEG 402
Year : IV Semester : I
Exam Roll No.: Time: 30 mins F.M.: 10

Registration No.: Date:

[20 Q  0.5 = 10 marks]

Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Splices in beams should preferably be located as near as possible to:
a. Zero bending moment b. zero shear force
c. maximum bending moment d. mid span of the beam

2. In tension members value of p adopted is (t is the thickness of thinner outside plate in mm):
a. Lesser than 16t b. lesser than 200mm
c. lesser than either 16t or 200 mm d. larger of 16t or 200m

3. The effective length factor for compression members with rotation fixed and translation
fixed on both the ends is:
a. 0.7 b. 0.5 c. 1 d. 2.1

4. Maximum slenderness ratio for a member carrying compressive force due to dead and live
loads is:
a. 250 b. 180 c. 400 d. 300

5. Thickness of lacing flats for a single and double lacing system should not be respectively,
less than ________ of the length between the inner end bolts.
a. (1/40, 1/50) b. (1/50, 1/60) c. (1/60, 1/70) d. (1/40, 1/60)

6. Identify the false statement:

a. In laced columns, end tie plates are provided to check the distortion of the column
section at ends because of unbalanced horizontal force from lacing.
b. The slenderness ratio of the component members, in case of laced built up columns
should not exceed 50 or 0.7 times the unfavorable slenderness ratio of the column as a
c. For the same configuration and end condition, a laced column is stronger as compared to
the battened column
d. The effective depth of end battens should not be less than the ¾ of the perpendicular
distance between the centroids of main members

7. To avoid the buckling of top edge of the gusset plate in compression due to upward pressure
under the base, its outstand from the edge of the column flange is limited to:
a. 13.6εt b. 15.6εt c. 8.7 εt d. εt
8. The channel section at the top gantry girder is provided to
i. Increase moment of inertia about minor axis
ii. Provide platform for mounting rails for movement of crane bridge
iii. Increase lateral buckling strength
iv. Increase torsional stiffness
a. (i) and (iv) b. (ii) and (iii) c. (i), (iii) and (iv) d. (i), (ii) and (iv)

9. For a strut with given length and end conditions, the maximum compressive load carrying
capacity for the same cross section area and same thickness is provided by:
a. Solid section b. circular hollow section
c. rectangular box (hollow) section d. box section

10. The plastic section modulus Zp,z of a rectangular section of width b and depth h about its z
axis is given by
a. hb2/6 b. bh2/4 c. hb2/4 d. bh2/6

11. Study the following statements.

i. Top lateral bracing prevents the sidesway buckling of the chord.
ii. Sway bracing keeps the rectangular shape of the bridge cross-section.
iii. Sway bracing transfers the load from top of end posts to bearings.
The correct answer is
a. only (i) b. both (i) and (ii)
c. both (i) aad (iii) d. all (i), (ii) and (iii)

12. The external wind pressure acting on a roof depends on

a. degree of permeability of roof b. slope of roof
c. both (a) and (b) d. none of the above

13. Generally the purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid
a. axial force in rafter b. shear force in rafter
c. deflection of rafter d. bending moment in rafter

14. The best arrangement to provide unified behavior in built up steel columns is by
a. Lacing b. battening
c. tie plates d. perforated cover plates

15. When two plates are placed end to end and are joined by two cover plates, the joint is
known as
a. double cover butt joint. b. zig-zag riveted lap joint
c . butt joint d. chain riveted lap joint

16. The ratio of shearing stress to shearing strain within elastic limit, is known as
a. modulus of elasticity b. shear modulus of elasticity
c. bulk modulus of elasticity d. tangent modulus of elasticity

17. The distance measured along one rivet line from the centre of a rivet to the centre of
adjoining rivet on an adjacent parallel rivet line, is called
a. pitch of rivet b. gauge distance of rivet
c. staggered pitch d. all the above
18. Web crippling generally occurs at the point where
a. bending moment is maximum b. shearing force is minimum
c. concentrated loads act d. Deflection is maximum

19. Slenderness ratio of a compression member is

Moment of inertia Effective length
a. b.
radius of gyration area of cross section

Radius of gyration Radius of gyration

c. d.
effective length area of cross section

20. Identify the incorrect statement.

a. Butt welds are preferred over fillet welds in situations where fatigue is expected
b. Butt welds have higher residual stresses
c. The reinforcement of butt weld more than 3 mm is considered in strength computation
d. A butt weld is specified by penetration thickness.
Answer key
Question no. Answer
1 A
2 C
3 B
4 B
5 D
6 D
7 A
8 C
9 B
10 B
11 B
12 B
13 D
14 A
15 A
16 B
17 C
18 C
19 C
20 C
End Semester Examination Marks Scored:
Level : B.E Course : CIEG 402
Year : IV Semester: I
Roll No.: Time : 30 mins.

Date : F.M. : 10
[20QX 0.5= 10marks]

21. The maximum pitch of the bolts for a compression member should not exceed
b) 2.5 times diameter of the bolt
c) 2.5 times the diameter of the hole
d) 12 t or 200 mm whichever is less
e) 16t or 20 mm whichever is less
Where t is the minimum thickness of the plates joined

22. High strength bolts are designed on the basis of

a) Friction b) tension c) compression d) shear

23. The partial safety factor for the material of bolts is

b) 1.0 b) 1.10 c) 1.15 d)1.25

24. Theeffective length of compression flange of a simply supported beam not restrained
against torsion at ends is K times the span, where K is

b) 0.7 b) 0.85 c) 1.0 d) 1.2

25. The slenderness ratio of component column in a latticed column is limited to
b) 350 b) 180 c) 145 d) 100

26. The effective length of a column with one end effectively held in position and
restrained against rotation but not held in position at the other end
b) 0.65 L b) 0.8L c)1.2L d)2L

27. The slenderness ratio of compression members in truss subjected to wind loads and
possible reversal of stresses is limited to
b) 180 b) 150 c) 200 d) 350

28. Web crippling in steel beam occurs due to

b) Column action of compression flange
c) Failure of web under concentrated load
d) Excessive bending moment
e) Secondary bending moment

29. For large span and heavy gravity loads which of the following will be economical
b) Beam
c) Arch
d) Truss
e) Plate girder

30. An example of a light moment connection is

b) Framed connection
c) Unstiffened connection
d) Clip angle connection
e) Split beam connection

31. The economic spacing of a truss depends upon the

e) Cost of purlins and cost of roof covering
f) Cost of roof covering and dead load of roof truss
g) Dead loads and live loads
h) Live loads and cost of purlin

32. The structural advantage of using steel as a structural member is

b) Small weight-to-strength
c) Speed of erection
d) Speed of dismantling
e) Scrap value

33. Which one of the following is the mode of failure in a fillet weld material?
b) Shear b) Tension c)Bearing d) Crushing
34. The diameter of rivet hole with respect to the nominal diameter of the rivet should be
b) 1.5 mm to 2 mm more
c) 2.5 mm to 3 mm more
d) Same as the diameter of rivet
e) 1.5 times more than the diameter of rivet

35. The effective length of the fillet weld is

e) Total length minus two times of throat size
f) Total length minus two times of weld size
g) 0.7 times of total length
h) Total length two times of square root of weld size

36. A steel plate is 30 cm wide and 10 mm thick. If the diameter of the bolt hole is 20
mm, the net section area of the plate is
b) 18 cm2 b) 280 cm2 c) 28.00 cm2 d) 32.42 cm2

37. Stress area is the

e) Effective cross sectional area in the threaded portion of the rod
f) Minimum net area of the plate
g) Minimum effective net area of an angle section
h) Cross section of a steel section with minimum stress

38. The diameter of rivet hole with respect to the nominal diameter of the rivet should be
b) 1.5 mm to 2 mm more
c) 2.5 mm to 3 mm more
d) Same as the diameter of rivet
e) 1.5 times more than the diameter of rivet

39. The pitch of the roof truss is defined as

e) the ratio of the height of the truss to the span
f) the ratio the span to the height of truss
g) the ratio of the length to the breadth of the building
h) the ratio of the breadth to the length of the building

40. When one member is placed over the other and the two are joined by two rows of
rivets, then the joint is known as
b) double riveted butt joint
c) double riveted lap joint
d) Single riveted lap joint
e) Single riveted butt joint

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