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SAC VB Expressions API Functions

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Appendix: VB Expressions and API Functions

VB Expressions: Math
Emphasized values can be changed to reference the applicable value.
Math VB Expression Output Description
math.round(2.568,2) 2.57 Returns a value rounded to the nearest specified
decimal places (ex. -2 = hundreds, -1 = tens, 0 =
whole number, 1 = tenths, 2 = hundredths, etc.)
math.floor(2.568) 2 Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal
to the specified value (i.e. rounds down)
math.ceiling(2.568) 3 Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or
equal to the specified value (i.e. rounds up)
math.max(2.568,0.813) 2.568 Returns the larger of two specified values
math.min(2.568,0.813) 0.813 Returns the smaller of two specified values
math.abs(-2.568) 2.568 Returns the absolute value
math.pi 3.14159... Returns the value of the constant pi
math.e 2.71828... Returns the value of the constant e
math.sin(math.pi) 0 Returns the sine of a specified angle measured in
math.cos(math.pi) -1 Returns the cosine of a specified angle measured in
math.tan(math.pi) 0 Returns the tangent of a specified angle measured in
math.asin(1) 1.57079... Returns the angle measured in radians whose sine is
the specified value
math.acos(1) 0 Returns the angle measured in radians whose cosine
is the specified value
math.atan(1) 0.78539... Returns the angle measured in radians whose
tangent is the specified value
math.log(math.e) 1 Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified
math.log10(10) 1 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified value
math.exp(1) 2.71828... Returns e raised to the specified power
math.pow(2,3) 8 Returns a value raised to the specified power
math.sqrt(81) 9 Returns the square root of a specified value
math.ieeeremainder(7,2) 1 Returns the remainder of the first value divided by the
second value
math.sign(-2.1) -1 Returns an integer indicating the sign of the number

VB Expressions: Casting
Emphasized values can be changed to reference the applicable value.
Ctype VB Expression Output Description
CType(10%,double) 0.10 Converts the first value into the specified variable
type (integer, double, string)

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VB Expressions: Logic
Emphasized values can be changed to reference the applicable value.
Logic VB Expression Description
IF(P1.Y>P2.Y,2,3) Used in a VB Expression, returns a value depending on
whether the condition (P1.Y>P2.Y) is true (value of 2) or false
(value of 3)
P1.Y>P2.Y Returns true if P1.Y is greater than P2.Y
P1.Y>=P2.Y Returns true if P1.Y is greater than or equal to P2.Y
P1.Y<P2.Y Returns true if P1.Y is less than P2.Y
P1.Y<=P2.Y Returns true if P1.Y is less than or equal to P2.Y
P1.Y=P2.Y Returns true if P1.Y is equal to P2.Y
P1.Y<>P2.Y Returns true if P1.Y is not equal to P2.Y
(P1.Y>P2.Y)AND(P2.X>P3.X) Returns true if both the condition (P1.Y>P2.Y) AND the
condition (P2.x>P3.X) are true
(P1.Y>P2.Y)OR(P2.X>P3.X) Returns true as long as either the condition (P1.Y>P2.Y) OR
the condition (P2.x>P3.X) is true
(P1.Y>P2.Y)XOR(P2.X>P3.X) Returns true if only one of the two conditions (P1.Y>P2.Y),
(P2.x>P3.X) is true (if both are true or both are false, then
false is returned)

VB Expressions: Subassembly Composer Application Programming Interface (API)

Emphasized values can be changed to reference the applicable element.

Points and Auxiliary Points Class

Point API Function Description
P1.X Horizontal distance from point P1 to Origin
P1.Y Vertical distance from point P1 to Origin
P1.Offset Horizontal distance from point P1 to assembly baseline
P1.Elevation Elevation of point P1 relative to 0
P1.DistanceTo(“P2”) Distance from point P1 to point P2 (Always positive)
P1.SlopeTo(“P2”) Slope from point P1 to point P2 (Upward = positive,
Downward = Negative)
P1.IsValid Point P1 assigned & valid to use (T/F)
P1.DistanceToSurface( Vertical distance from point P1 to SurfaceTarget (point above
SurfaceTarget) = positive, point below = negative)

Links and Auxiliary Links Class

Link API Function Description
L1.Slope Slope of link L1
L1.Length Length of link L1 (Always positive)
L1.Xlength Horizontal distance between start and end of link L1 (Always
L1.Ylength Vertical distance between start and end of link L1 (Always
L1.StartPoint A point located at the start of link L1 (Can be used in API
Functions for P1 Class)

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Link API Function Description
L1.EndPoint A point located at the end of link L1 (Can be used in API
Functions for P1 Class)
L1.MaxY Maximum Y elevation from a link’s points
L1.MinY Get the minimum Y elevation from a link’s points
L1.MaxInterceptY(slope) Apply the highest intercept of a given link’s points to the start
of another link
L1.MinInterceptY(slope) Apply the lowest intercept of a given link’s points to the start
of another link
L1.LinearRegressionSlope Slope calculated as a linear regression on the points in a link
to find the best fit slope between all of them
L1.LinearRegressionInterceptY The Y value of the linear regression link
L1.IsValid Link L1 is assigned & valid to use (T/F)
L1.HasIntersection(“L2”) L1 and L2 have an intersection, second input is a Boolean
L1.HasIntersection(“L2”, true, defining whether to extend L1 with default of false, third input
true) is a boolean defining whether to extend L2 with default of
false (T/F)

Offset Target Class

Offset API Function Description
OffsetTarget.IsValid OffsetTarget is assigned & valid to use (T/F)
OffsetTarget.Offset Horizontal distance from OffsetTarget to assembly baseline

Elevation Target Class

Elevation API Function Description
ElevationTarget.IsValid ElevationTarget is assigned & valid to use (T/F)
ElevationTarget.Elevation Vertical distance from ElevationTarget to assembly baseline

Surface Target Class

Offset API Function Description
SurfaceTarget.IsValid SurfaceTarget is assigned & valid to use (T/F)

Superelevation Class
Superelevation API Function Description
SE.HasLeftLI Left lane inside superelevation slope is present & valid to use
SE.HasLeftLO Left lane outside superelevation slope is present & valid to
use (True/False)
SE.HasLeftSI Left shoulder inside superelevation slope is present & valid to
use (T/F)
SE.HasLeftSO Left shoulder outside superelevation slope is present & valid
to use (T/F)
SE.HasRightLI Right lane inside superelevation slope is present & valid to
use (T/F)
SE.HasRightLO Right lane outside superelevation slope is present & valid to
use (T/F)

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Superelevation API Function Description
SE.HasRightSI Right shoulder inside superelevation slope is present & valid
to use (T/F)
SE.HasRightSO Right shoulder outside superelevation slope is present & valid
to use (T/F)
SE.LeftLI Left lane inside superelevation slope
SE.LeftLO Left lane outside superelevation slope
SE.LeftSI Left shoulder inside superelevation slope
SE.LeftSO Left shoulder outside superelevation slope
SE.RightLI Right lane inside superelevation slope
SE.RightLO Right lane outside superelevation slope
SE.RightSI Right shoulder inside superelevation slope
SE.RightSO Right shoulder outside superelevation slope

Baseline Class (*Note assembly baseline may or may not be the subassembly
Baseline API Function Description
Baseline.Station Station on assembly baseline
Baseline.Elevation Elevation on assembly baseline
Baseline.RegionStart Station at the start of the current corridor region
Baseline.RegionEnd Station at the end of the current corridor region
Baseline.Grade Grade of assembly baseline
Baseline.TurnDirection Turn direction of assembly baseline (Left = -1, Non-curve = 0,
Right = 1)

EnumerationType Class
Enumeration API Function Description
EnumerationType.Value The string value of the current enumeration item

Subassembly Class
Subassembly API Function Description
SA.IsLayout Current preview mode is Layout Mode (T/F)

Cant Class
Cant API Function Description
Cant.PivotType Pivot method assigned to the current curve:
Low Side Rail (left rail) = -1
Center Baseline = 0
High Side Rail (right rail) = 1
Cant.LeftRailDeltaElevation Differential elevation for the left rail
Cant. RightRailDeltaElevation Differential elevation for the right rail
Cant.TrackWidth Track Width assigned to the alignment
Cant.IsDefined Cant has been calculated on the alignment (T/F)

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