Shivu Company Analysis
Shivu Company Analysis
Shivu Company Analysis
Company analysis report submi ed in par al fulfilment of the requirements for
the award of degree of
Shiva Kumara V
5th Sem 3rd
Government Art’s college, Chitradurga
Niranjan sir
Faculty of commerce department
Government Art’s college, Chitradurga
Overview of company.
Ambuja Cements Limited is a leading cement manufacturer in India, known for its hassle-free
home-building solutions and sustainable development practices. Here's a brief overview of the
6 integrated cement manufacturing plants and 8 cement grinding units across India.
Total production capacity of 31.45 million tonnes per annum (MTPA).
Strong presence in western and northern India.
Owns a captive port with three terminals for efficient and environmentally friendly
bulk cement shipments.
Recent Developments:
Acquisition by the Adani Group is expected to boost growth and expansion plans.
Focus on innovation and digitalization to improve efficiency and customer
Overall, Ambuja Cements is a major player in the Indian cement industry with a strong focus
on quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. The recent acquisition by the Adani Group
is expected to further propel its growth and solidify its position as a leader in the sector.
Most Sustainable.
Delighted Customers.
Inspired Employees.
Enlightened Partners.
Energised Society.
Loyal Shareholders.
Healthy Environment.
Circular Economy
Renewable Energy
Environmental Stewardship
Community Development
Employee Well-being
Diversity and Inclusion
Creating Value for All
Building the New India
True Value Approach
Profitability: One of the primary objectives of Ambuja Cements, like any business, is
to generate profits for its shareholders and stakeholders. This involves efficient
production, cost management, and effective marketing strategies.
Market Leadership: Ambuja Cements may aim to establish and maintain a strong
market presence and leadership in the cement industry. This could involve gaining a
significant market share and staying competitive with other players in the industry.
Quality Products: Providing high-quality cement products is crucial for the company's
success. Ensuring that their products meet industry standards and customer
expectations is likely a key objective.
Sustainable Practices: Many companies, including those in the cement industry, are
increasingly focused on sustainability. Ambuja Cements may have objectives related
to environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices, such as reducing carbon
emissions, conserving resources, and contributing to local communities.
Innovation and Technology: To stay competitive in the industry, Ambuja Cements
may aim to invest in research and development, adopting innovative technologies to
improve production processes, reduce costs, and enhance product quality.
Employee Development: Creating a motivated and skilled workforce is essential for
business success. Ambuja Cements may have objectives related to employee training,
development, and satisfaction.
Customer Satisfaction: Satisfying customer needs and maintaining strong
relationships with clients are likely to be key objectives. This involves delivering
products on time, meeting quality standards, and providing excellent customer service.
Risk Management: Like any business, Ambuja Cements may have objectives related
to identifying, assessing, and managing various risks such as market fluctuations,
regulatory changes, and supply chain disruptions.
Quality Policy.
Commitment to Quality: A statement expressing the company's dedication to
delivering products that meet or exceed customer expectations.
Compliance with Standards: Assurance that the company adheres to relevant
industry standards and regulations to ensure the quality and safety of its products.
Continuous Improvement: Emphasis on ongoing efforts to improve processes,
enhance product quality, and adopt new technologies to stay ahead in the market.
Customer Satisfaction: A focus on understanding and meeting customer needs, with
a commitment to providing excellent customer service and addressing customer
Employee Involvement: Recognition of the role employees play in maintaining and
improving quality, along with a commitment to employee training and development.
Product Profile.
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC): OPC is a widely used type of cement for general
construction purposes. Ambuja Cements likely offers OPC in various grades, such as
OPC 43 Grade and OPC 53 Grade, each with specific characteristics.
Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): PPC is a blended cement that combines
Portland clinker with pozzolanic materials such as fly ash. It is known for its durability
and is often used in infrastructure projects.
Ready Mix Concrete (RMC): Ambuja Cements may offer ready-mix concrete, which
is a pre-mixed blend of cement, aggregates, and water. RMC is convenient for
construction projects as it eliminates the need for on-site mixing.
Ambuja Buildcem: This is a specialized product offered by Ambuja Cements,
designed for applications in all types of construction.
Ambuja Plus Roof Special: This is a unique offering designed specifically for roof
applications, providing better strength and protection against weathering.
Ambuja Cool Walls: A product designed to reduce heat absorption in walls, helping
maintain a cooler indoor environment
Area of Operation.
Ambuja Cements, being a major player in the Indian cement industry, typically serves
customers and construc on projects across various states and regions in India. Their
manufacturing plants, distribu on centers, and sales offices are strategically located to cater
to the demand in different parts of the country.
For the most accurate and up-to-date informa on on Ambuja Cements' current areas of
opera on, it is recommended to refer to the company's official website, press releases, or
contact their corporate office directly for specific details on their geographical reach and
market presence. Company informa on, including opera onal details, can evolve, and the
latest informa on is best obtained from official sources.
Ownership pattern.
Historically, Ambuja Cements has been associated with Holcim Group, a major global player
in the cement industry. Holcim has been a significant shareholder in Ambuja Cements, and
the company has operated as a part of the Holcim Group.
Competitors information.
UltraTech Cement: UltraTech Cement is one of the largest cement manufacturers in
India and a significant competitor to Ambuja Cements. It is part of the Aditya Birla
Group and has a widespread presence across the country.
ACC Limited: ACC Limited, also part of the Holcim Group, is another major player in
the Indian cement industry. Like Ambuja Cements, ACC has a long-standing presence
and a diverse product portfolio.
Shree Cement: Shree Cement is a leading cement manufacturer in India, known for
its efficient production processes and a strong focus on sustainability. It competes with
Ambuja Cements in various markets.
Dalmia Bharat Cement: Dalmia Bharat Cement is a prominent player in the Indian
cement sector and operates in multiple regions. The company is known for its diverse
product offerings.
JK Cement: JK Cement is a well-established cement manufacturer in India with a
presence in both grey and white cement segments. It competes with Ambuja Cements
in different markets.
Ramco Cements: The Ramco Cements Limited is a key player in the southern and
eastern regions of India. It competes with Ambuja Cements in certain geographical
Infrastructural facilities.
Cement Manufacturing Plants: Ambuja Cements has multiple cement manufacturing
plants strategically located across India. These plants are equipped with modern
technology and machinery for the production of various types of cement.
RMC Plants: Ambuja Cements may have Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) plants, where
concrete is produced and delivered to construction sites in a ready-to-use form. This
can be a part of their infrastructure to cater to the growing demand for construction
Distribution and Logistics: The company maintains a robust distribution and logistics
network to ensure the efficient transportation of cement products from manufacturing
plants to various markets and construction sites.
Research and Development Centers: To stay competitive and innovative, cement
companies often invest in research and development. Ambuja Cements may have
R&D centers focused on developing new products, improving manufacturing
processes, and addressing environmental concerns.
Quality Control Laboratories: Quality control is crucial in the cement industry.
Ambuja Cements likely has dedicated quality control laboratories at its manufacturing
facilities to ensure that products meet the required standards and specifications.
Corporate Offices: Ambuja Cements operates from corporate offices that oversee
and manage its overall operations, including strategic planning, marketing, finance,
and corporate governance.
Achievement awards.
Recognised as energy efficiency units at the 24th national awards for excellence
in energy management by CII.
Ambuja cements and ACC Rank among India’s top 50 most sustainable
companies’ cross industry by BW Businessworld.
Ambuja cements wins the Most innovative loyalty program at the customer fest
leadership awards 2023.
Ambuja cements wins ICC social impact award 2023 for West Bengal and
Long Term Loans And Advances 1.01 1.17 1.52 76.35 62.90
Current Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Short Term Loans and Advances 4.41 4.69 4.76 4.43 4.51
Stores, Spares And Loose Tools 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dividend Remittance In Foreign Currency -- -- -- -- --
Changes In Inventories Of FG,WIP And Stock-In Trade 66.99 -53.64 -356.13 114.08 42.80
Less: Inter Unit / Segment / Division Transfer 28.03 0.00 20.18 21.12 6.15
Accounting ratio is the comparison of two or more financial data which are used for analysis
the financial statements of companies. It is an effective tool used by the shareholders,
creditors and all kinds of stakeholders to understand the profitability, strength and financial
status of companies.
Liquidity Ratios:
Liquidity ratios measure a company’s ability to play off its short-term debts as they become
due, using the company’s current or quick assets. Liquidity ratios include the current ratio,
quick ratio, and working capital ratio. Various types of liquidity ratios are:
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Current Ratio: Current ratio is the proportion of current assets to current liabilities. It is
expressed as follows:
= 11,246.51
Quick ratio: It is the ratio of quick (or liquid) asset to current liabilities. It is expressed as:
= 9607.1
Profitability Ratios: The profitability or financial performance is mainly
summarised in the statement of profit and loss. Profitability ra os are calculated to analysis
the earning capacity of the business which is outcome of u lisa on of resources employed
in the business. Various types profitability ra os.
Turnover ratios
Turnover ra os are financial ra os that measure the efficiency of a company in managing its
resources and genera ng revenue. Common turnover ra os include inventory turnover,
receivables turnover, and asset turnover. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I
don't have real- me data on Ambuja Cements' turnover ra os.
1. Inventory Turnover:
Inventory Turnover=Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)Average InventoryInventory Turnover=
Average Inventory/Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
2. Receivables Turnover:
Receivables Turnover=Net Credit SalesAverage Accounts ReceivableReceivables Turno
ver=Average Accounts Receivable/Net Credit Sales
MARkET AnAlysis
9 J K Cement 14.7
10 India Cement 14
Mr. Rajnish Kumar
DIN: 05328267 |
Mr. Gautam Adani Non-Executive,
DIN: 00006273 | Non-Executive Independent
Chairman, Non-Independent Director
Director Mr. Rajnish Kumar is
Mr. Gautam Adani, the M.Sc. in Physics from
Chairman and Founder of Meerut University and
the Adani Group, has also a Certified
more than 33 years of Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB).
business experience. He is the former chairman of State Bank of India.
Under his leadership, He is credited with steering the bank
Adani Group has emerged successfully through very challenging times.
as a global integrated During his tenure, Bank developed YONO, a
infrastructure player with interest across digital platform, which has established bank as a
Resources, Logistics and Energy verticals. global leader in adoption of technology and
innovation. Mr. Kumar is a career banker with
nearly 4 decades of service with State bank of
Mr. Adani’s success story is extraordinary in India. His expertise in corporate credit and
many ways. His journey has been marked by his project finance is well recognized. He served the
ambitious and entrepreneurial vision, coupled bank in various capacities across the country
with great vigour and hard work. This has not including in the North East as Chief General
only enabled the Group to achieve numerous Manager. He successfully managed UK
milestones but also resulted in creation of a operations of the Bank immediately after the
robust business model which is contributing crisis caused by the collapse of Lehman
towards building sound infrastructure in Brothers. Earlier he worked as Vice President
India.He joined the Board on 16th September, (Credit) at Toronto.
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance refers to the system of rules, prac ces, and processes by which a
company is directed and controlled. It involves balancing the interests of various
stakeholders such as shareholders, management, customers, financiers, government, and
the community. Key components of corporate governance include:
2. Board Commi ees: Various commi ees may be established to focus on specific
aspects of governance, such as the audit commi ee, remunera on commi ee, and
nomina on commi ee.
3. Shareholder Rights: Ensuring that shareholders have the right informa on and the
opportunity to par cipate effec vely in important decisions is a crucial aspect of
corporate governance.
5. Ethical Behavior: Companies are expected to conduct their business ethically and
with integrity. This includes adherence to legal requirements and ethical standards.
6. Stakeholder Interests: Recognizing and balancing the interests of various
stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the wider community.
1. Iden fica on of the Decision: The process begins with the iden fica on of a
decision that needs to be made. This could range from strategic decisions, such as
entering a new market, to opera onal decisions like produc on planning.
5. Decision-Making Methods:
Consensus: In some cases, decisions are made through consensus, where all
relevant par es come to an agreement.
7. Implementa on: The decision is put into ac on. This may involve alloca ng
resources, changing processes, or implemen ng new strategies.
8. Monitoring and Evalua on: A er implementa on, the results are monitored to
ensure that the decision achieves the desired outcomes. If necessary, adjustments
may be made based on the feedback and performance metrics.
2. Quality of Products: The quality of cement is a cri cal factor in the construc on
industry. If Ambuja Cements is known for producing high-quality cement, it can be
considered a strength.
3. Opera onal Efficiency: Efficient produc on processes, logis cs, and supply chain
management contribute to cost-effec veness, helping the company maintain
compe veness and profitability.
4. Financial Stability: A strong financial posi on, with healthy revenue, profit margins,
and a manageable debt-to-equity ra o, can be a significant strength for a company.
6. Strategic Partnerships: Collabora ons and partnerships with other companies in the
construc on or related industries can provide Ambuja Cements with strategic
advantages, access to new markets, or cost savings.
9. Experienced Leadership: A leadership team with a proven track record and industry
exper se can contribute to effec ve decision-making and strategic planning.
10. Brand Reputa on: A posi ve brand reputa on built on reliability, trustworthiness,
and customer sa sfac on can be a significant strength, influencing customer choices
and loyalty.
Weakness of the company
1. Dependency on Economic Condi ons: The cement industry is highly dependent on
economic condi ons, such as construc on ac vity and infrastructure development.
Economic downturns or fluctua ons can impact demand for cement.
2. Input Price Vola lity: The cost of raw materials, especially energy and fuel, can be
subject to vola lity. Fluctua ons in input prices can affect produc on costs and profit
4. Global Economic Factors: Interna onal economic condi ons, including changes in
currency exchange rates, can impact the export/import dynamics and overall financial
performance of the company.
5. Compe on: The cement industry is o en compe ve, with several players vying for
market share. Intense compe on can lead to price wars and margin pressures.
8. Supply Chain Risks: Disrup ons in the supply chain, such as transporta on challenges or
disrup ons in the availability of key raw materials, can impact produc on and delivery
10. Geopoli cal Risks: Poli cal instability, trade disputes, or geopoli cal events can impact
global supply chains and interna onal business opera ons.
Opportunities of the company
1. Infrastructure Development : Increasing investments in infrastructure projects, such as
roads, bridges, and urban development, provide opportuni es for higher demand for cement
2. Urbaniza on: Ongoing urbaniza on trends, with more people moving to ci es, can drive
demand for residen al and commercial construc on, leading to increased consump on of
3. Government Ini a ves: Government ini a ves focused on affordable housing, smart
ci es, and infrastructure development can create a favorable environment for the
construc on sector and boost demand for cement.
6. Interna onal Expansion : Exploring and expanding into new interna onal markets where
there is a demand for cement can diversify Ambuja Cements' revenue streams.
7. R&D and Product Innova on : Inves ng in research and development to create new and
improved cement products or construc on solu ons can give the company a compe ve
8. Digital Transforma on: Leveraging digital technologies for improved supply chain
management, customer engagement, and data analy cs can enhance opera onal efficiency
and decision-making.
9. Collabora ons and Partnerships : Forming strategic collabora ons with construc on
companies, infrastructure developers, or technology providers can open up new avenues for
10. Focus on Value-Added Services: Offering value-added services such as technical support,
training programs, or customized solu ons can differen ate Ambuja Cements in the market.
11. Energy Efficiency : Implemen ng energy-efficient prac ces and inves ng in renewable
energy sources can not only reduce opera onal costs but also align with sustainability goals.
12. Raw Material Sourcing: Exploring new and cost-effec ve sources for raw materials can
help in managing input costs and ensuring a stable supply chain.
Threats of the company
1. Economic Downturns: Economic recessions or downturns can lead to reduced construc on
ac vity, affec ng the demand for cement and poten ally impac ng the company's revenue.
2. Cyclicality of the Construc on Industry: The construc on industry is cyclical, and Ambuja
Cements may be vulnerable to fluctua ons in building and infrastructure projects, especially
during economic downturns.
3. Raw Material Price Vola lity: Price fluctua ons in key raw materials, such as limestone and
coal, can impact produc on costs and profitability. Dependence on external suppliers may
expose the company to supply chain risks.
5. Compe ve Pressure: Intense compe on within the cement industry may lead to price
wars, reducing profit margins for Ambuja Cements. The company needs to con nuously
innovate and differen ate itself to stay compe ve.
6. Subs tute Materials: The availability and use of alterna ve construc on materials, such as
steel or composite materials, could pose a threat to tradi onal cement products.
8. Geopoli cal Risks: Poli cal instability, trade disputes, or geopoli cal events can impact
global supply chains, affec ng interna onal opera ons and trade.
9. Health and Safety Concerns: Accidents, health hazards, or safety concerns in manufacturing
plants can lead to legal issues, damage to the company's reputa on, and poten al regulatory
10. Technological Disrup ons: Rapid advancements in construc on technologies may render
exis ng manufacturing processes obsolete, requiring significant investments in upgrading
equipment and processes.
11. Currency Exchange Rate Fluctua ons: If Ambuja Cements engages in interna onal trade,
fluctua ons in currency exchange rates can impact the cost of imported raw materials or the
compe veness of exported products.
12. Pandemics and Health Crises: Events such as pandemics can disrupt supply chains, impact
construc on projects, and lead to labor shortages, affec ng produc on and delivery
CHAPTER 5: -sUMMARisE FindinG, sUGGEsTiOns And
Key finding analysis of the company
1. . Financial Performance:
Revenue Growth: Assess the company's revenue growth over the past few years.
Profitability: Examine the company's profit margins, net income, and return on investment.
Debt Levels: Evaluate the company's debt levels and its ability to manage financial obliga ons.
2. Operational Efficiency:
Produc on Capacity: Analyze the company's produc on capacity and u liza on rates.
Cost Structure: Review the efficiency of cost management in produc on and distribu on.
Supply Chain Resilience: Assess the resilience of the supply chain to poten al disrup ons.
3. Market Position:
Market Share: Determine the company's market share in the cement industry.
Compe ve Landscape: Understand the compe ve landscape and key compe tors.
Customer Base: Analyze the diversity and loyalty of the customer base.
4. Strategic Initiatives:
Expansion Plans: Evaluate any recent or planned expansions into new markets or product lines.
Innova on: Assess the company's investment in research and development and any innova ons in
products or processes.
Partnerships and Collabora ons: Iden fy strategic partnerships or collabora ons that may impact
the company's posi on.
Sustainability Prac ces: Analyze efforts towards sustainability, including energy efficiency and
emissions reduc on.
6. Risk Management:
Iden fy Risks: Evaluate poten al risks such as regulatory changes, market fluctua ons, or
geopoli cal risks.
7. Corporate Governance:
Board Composi on: Assess the composi on and qualifica ons of the board of directors.
Ethical Prac ces: Examine the company's commitment to ethical business prac ces and corporate
8. Social and Community Impact:
Community Engagement: Evaluate the company's ini a ves for social responsibility and community
9. Technological Adoption:
Technology Investments: Assess the company's investments in technology, automa on, and digital
transforma on.
2. Digital Transformation:
Embrace digital technologies for supply chain management, data analy cs, and customer
Implement Industry 4.0 prac ces for enhanced automa on and opera onal efficiency.
3. Operational Efficiency:
Con nuously op mize produc on processes to reduce costs.
4. Market Diversification:
Explore new markets, both domes cally and interna onally, to diversify revenue streams.
Focus on understanding customer needs and preferences for tailored solu ons.
7. Environmental Sustainability:
Demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
Foster a posi ve work culture to enhance employee sa sfac on and reten on.
Implement technology solu ons for real- me visibility and coordina on.
Stay informed about regulatory changes and proac vely adapt to compliance requirements.
1. Market Dynamics:
Assess the current market condi ons in the cement industry, including demand trends and
compe ve landscape.
2. Financial Performance:
Review the company's financial statements, revenue growth, profit margins, and overall profitability.
Evaluate the effec veness of cost management and opera onal efficiency.
3. Strategic Initiatives:
Analyze recent strategic moves, such as expansions, acquisi ons, or partnerships.
Evaluate the alignment of strategic ini a ves with market trends and future opportuni es.
Evaluate the adop on of advanced technologies for improved efficiency and compe veness.
5. Sustainability Practices:
Assess the company's approach to environmental sustainability, including carbon footprint reduc on
and green prac ces.
6. Market Positioning:
Understand the company's current market share and posi oning within the industry.
Evaluate efforts to differen ate the brand and products in the market.
Assess the poten al impact of any upcoming regulatory changes on the company.
9. Customer Relationships:
Evaluate the strength of customer rela onships and the company's ability to meet customer needs.
Evaluate the company's outlook and plans for adap ng to market dynamics.