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Managing Oracle Coherence

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Managing Oracle Coherence

12c (
February 2023
Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle Coherence, 12c (


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Audience viii
Documentation Accessibility viii
Diversity and Inclusion viii
Related Documents ix
Conventions ix

What's New in This Guide

New and Changed Features x
Other Significant Changes in This Document xi

1 Introduction to Oracle Coherence Management

Conceptual Overview of Oracle Coherence Management 1-1
Management Reporting in Oracle Coherence 1-3
Overview of Management Configuration 1-3
Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle WebLogic Server 1-4
Creating a Web Application for Coherence Management Over REST 1-5
Managing Oracle Coherence with Fusion Middleware Control 1-6
Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle Enterprise Manager 1-7
Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle Command-Line Interface 1-7

2 Using JMX to Manage Oracle Coherence

Configuring JMX Management 2-1
Using Dynamic Management Mode 2-1
Explicitly Enabling Remote JMX Management on a Cluster Member 2-2
Enabling Local JMX Management on a Cluster Member 2-3
Enabling JMX Management When Using the Startup Scripts 2-4
Stopping a Cluster Member from Being Managed Remotely 2-4
Disabling JMX Management 2-4
Filtering MBeans 2-5

Configuring Management Refresh 2-6
Setting the Management Refresh Expiry 2-6
Setting the Management Refresh Policy 2-7
Setting the Management Refresh Timeout 2-7
Using an Existing MBean Server 2-8
Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans 2-9
Accessing MBeans Locally Using VisualVM 2-9
Accessing MBeans Locally Using the JConsole Utility 2-10
Allowing Remote Access to Oracle Coherence MBeans 2-12
Accessing MBeans Using the HTML Adapter Application 2-13
Accessing Coherence MBeans by Using WLST 2-14
Setting Up the Oracle Coherence MBean Connector 2-14
Accessing Management Information Using REST 2-15
Enabling the HTTP Management Server 2-16
Connecting to Management Resources 2-17
Changing the HTTP Management Server Address 2-19
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In 2-20
Install the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In 2-21
Monitor a Coherence Cluster Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in 2-21
Overview of Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in Tabs 2-22
Configure the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In to Use REST 2-24
Monitoring Managed Coherence Servers with the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in 2-25
Changing the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in Refresh Interval 2-26

3 Registering Custom MBeans

Overview of Registering Custom MBeans 3-1
Registering Custom MBeans Declaratively 3-1
Creating an MBean Configuration File 3-2
Registering MBeans Using a Class Name 3-2
Registering MBeans from an MBean Factory 3-3
Registering MBeans Using a Query 3-3
Specifying a Different MBean Configuration Override File 3-4
Restricting MBeans to the Local MBean Server 3-4
Registering Custom MBeans Programmatically 3-4
Registering Custom MBeans in Managed Coherence Servers 3-5

4 Using Oracle Coherence Metrics

About Coherence Metrics 4-1
Enabling Coherence Metrics Endpoint 4-1

Using Metrics System Properties 4-3
Coherence Metrics System Properties 4-3
Other Metrics System Properties 4-4
Configuring Prometheus to Scrape Coherence Metrics Endpoint 4-4
Visualizing Metrics in Grafana 4-4
Querying for Coherence Metrics 4-5
Basic Querying 4-5
Querying for Specific Metrics 4-5
Adding Custom Metrics 4-6
Creating a Web Application to Access Coherence Metrics in Fusion Middleware Domains 4-7

5 Using Oracle Coherence Reporting

Overview of Oracle Coherence Reporting 5-1
Understanding Reporting Configuration 5-2
Customizing Reports 5-2
Enabling Oracle Coherence Reporting on a Cluster Member 5-2
Switching the Default Report Group Configuration File 5-3
Overriding the Report Group Output Directory 5-4
Changing the Report Timestamp Format 5-4
Administering Oracle Coherence Reporting Using the Reporter MBean 5-5
Running Oracle Coherence Reporting in a Distributed Configuration 5-6

6 Creating Custom Reports

Overview of Creating Custom Reports 6-1
Constructing Report Configuration Files 6-2
Specifying General Report Characteristics 6-2
file-name Macros 6-2
file-name Macro Examples 6-3
Querying MBeans in Reports 6-3
Specifying Data Columns 6-4
How to Include an Attribute 6-4
How to Include Part of the Key 6-5
How to Include Information from Composite Attributes 6-5
How to Include Information from Multiple MBeans 6-5
Including Multiple MBean Information Example 6-6
How to Use Report Macros 6-6
How to Include Constant Values 6-7
Using Filters in Reports 6-8
Using Functions in Reports 6-10

Function Examples 6-10
Using Aggregates in Reports 6-12
Constructing Delta Functions 6-13
Delta Function Examples 6-13
Creating Custom Report Group Configuration Files 6-14
Specifying the Report Refresh Frequency 6-14
Specifying the Output Directory for Reports 6-14
Specifying the Report List 6-15
Configuring Custom Reports to Generate 6-16

7 Analyzing Report Contents

Understanding the Cache Size Report 7-2
Understanding the Cache Usage Report 7-2
Understanding the Federation Destination Report 7-4
Understanding the Federation Origin Report 7-5
Understanding the Federation Status Report 7-6
Understanding the Flash Journal Report 7-7
Understanding the JCache Configuration Report 7-8
Understanding the JCache Statistics Report 7-9
Understanding the Management Report 7-10
Understanding the Memory Status Report 7-11
Understanding the Network Health Detail Report 7-12
Understanding the Network Health Report 7-13
Understanding the Node List Report 7-14
Understanding the Persistence Detail Report 7-15
Understanding the Persistence Report 7-16
Understanding the Proxy Report 7-17
Understanding the Proxy HTTP Report 7-18
Understanding the Ram Journal Report 7-19
Understanding the Service Report 7-20
Understanding the Proxy Connections Report 7-21
Understanding the Cache Storage Report 7-22
Understanding the Transaction Manager Report 7-25
Understanding the Service Partitions Report 7-26

A Oracle Coherence MBeans Reference

Cache MBean A-1
Cluster MBean A-6
ClusterNode MBean A-7

ConnectionManager MBean A-13
Connection MBean A-14
Destination MBean A-16
FederationManager MBean A-20
FlashJournalRM MBean A-21
Management MBean A-23
Origin MBean A-24
PersistenceManager MBean A-25
PointToPoint MBean A-27
RamJournalRM A-30
Reporter MBean A-31
Service MBean A-33
SimpleStrategy MBean A-39
StorageManager MBean A-41
Topology MBean A-45
TransactionManager MBean A-45

B Report File Configuration Elements

Report File Deployment Descriptor B-1
Report File Element Reference B-2
column B-2
filter B-4
filters B-5
params B-6
query B-6
report B-8
report-config B-9
row B-9

C Report Group Configuration Elements

Report Group Configuration Deployment Descriptor C-1
Report Group Element Reference C-2
init-param C-2
init-params C-2
report-config C-3
report-group C-3
report-list C-4


Managing Oracle Coherence describes how to manage Oracle Coherence using Java
Management Extensions (JMX) Managed Beans (MBeans) and Oracle Coherence
This preface includes the following sections:
• Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Diversity and Inclusion
• Related Documents
• Conventions

This guide is intended for the following audiences:
• Primary Audience – Application developers and administrators who want to learn
how to manage an Oracle Coherence Environment
• Secondary Audience – System architects who want to understand the options and
architecture for managing Oracle Coherence
The audience must be familiar with Java and JMX to use this guide effectively. In
addition, the examples in this guide require the installation and use of the Oracle
Coherence product.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs
if you are hearing impaired.

Diversity and Inclusion

Oracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. Oracle respects and values having
a diverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation. As part of our


initiative to build a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers,
and partners, we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and
documentation. We are also mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our
customers' existing technologies and the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle's
offerings and industry standards evolve. Because of these technical constraints, our effort to
remove insensitive terms is ongoing and will take time and external cooperation.

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Coherence documentation
• Administering HTTP Session Management with Oracle Coherence*Web
• Administering Oracle Coherence
• Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence
• Developing Remote Clients for Oracle Coherence
• Installing Oracle Coherence
• Integrating Oracle Coherence
• Securing Oracle Coherence
• Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence
• C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
• .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
• Release Notes for Oracle Coherence

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an
action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which
you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

What's New in This Guide

What's New in This Guide

New and significant changes in Managing Oracle Coherence.
This preface includes the following sections:
• New and Changed Features
New and changed features in Managing Oracle Coherence that are organized by
• Other Significant Changes in This Document
Other significant changes in Managing Oracle Coherence that are organized by

New and Changed Features

New and changed features in Managing Oracle Coherence that are organized by

New and Changed Features for 12c (

Oracle Coherence 12c ( includes the following new and changed features for
this document.
• REST management, which allows Coherence to be managed using HTTP. See
Accessing Management Information Using REST.
• REST based Coherence JVisualVM Plug-In, which allows the VisualVM
Coherence plug-in to use REST for management information instead of JMX. See
Configure the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In to Use REST.
• Metrics Support which provides an endpoint that can be scraped to provide
metrics related to the local node. See Using Oracle Coherence Metrics

New and Changed Features for 12c (

Oracle Coherence 12c ( does not contain any new and changed features for
this document.

New and Changed Features for 12c (

Oracle Coherence 12c ( does not contain any new and changed features for
this document.

New and Changed Features for 12c (

Oracle Coherence 12c ( includes the following new and changed features for
this document.
• HTTP Proxy Report, which provides information about HTTP acceptors that are
configured on a proxy server. See Understanding the Proxy HTTP Report.

What's New in This Guide

• Attributes on the ConnectionManagerMBean MBean, which provide information for

configured proxies. See ConnectionManager MBean.
• HTTP Servers tab, which displays information for HTTP acceptors that are configured on
a proxy server. See Overview of Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in Tabs.
• Force recovery operation, which proceeds with persistence recovery despite the dynamic
quorum policy objections. See forceRecovery.
• Federated replication attributes, which provides management information for
replicateAll operations. See Table A-9.

New and Changed Features for 12c (12.2.1)

Oracle Coherence 12c (12.2.1) includes the following new and changed features for this
• Dynamic management mode, which automatically selects the senior-most cluster
member as the JMX cluster member. See Using Dynamic Management Mode.
• Java VisualVM plug-in for Coherence, which allows a Coherence cluster to be monitored
for real-time analysis and troubleshooting. A new version of the Coherence-JVisualVM
plug-in is available and includes new functionality. The functionality includes: reporting
node state, displaying near cache statistics, displaying partition statistics, displaying
JCache statistics, displaying elastic data statistics, managing cache persistence, and
managing federated caching. See Monitor a Coherence Cluster Using the Coherence-
JVisualVM Plug-in.
• Federation reports, which provide management information when using federated
caching. See Analyzing Report Contents.
• Persistence reports, which provide management information when using cache
persistence. See Analyzing Report Contents.
• FederationManagerMBean MBean, TopologyMBean MBean, DestinationMBean MBean,
and OriginMBean MBean, which expose management attributes and operations for
federated caching. See Oracle Coherence MBeans Reference.
• PersistenceCoordinatorMBean MBean, which exposes management attributes and
operations for cache persistence. See PersistenceManager MBean.
• SimpleStrategyMBean MBean, which exposes management attributes and operations
when using a simple partition assignment strategy. See SimpleStrategy MBean.

Other Significant Changes in This Document

Other significant changes in Managing Oracle Coherence that are organized by release.

Other Significant Changes in This Document for 12c (

For 12c (, this guide has been updated in several ways. Following are the sections
that have been added or changed.
• Revised the instructions for Managed Coherence Servers to include the
coherence.management.extendedmbeanname system property. See Monitoring Managed
Coherence Servers with the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in.
• Revised instructions to de-emphasize the use of the -jmx option in the startup scripts
which is no longer required because management is pre-configured to use dynamic
management mode.

What's New in This Guide

• Updated the Cache Usage report to include new report metrics. See
Understanding the Cache Usage Report.
• Updated the Service report to include new report metrics. See Understanding the
Service Report.

Other Significant Changes in This Document for 12c (

For 12c (, this guide has been updated in several ways. Following are the
sections that have been added or changed.
• Revised the LocksGranted attribute on the StorageManagerMBean MBean. See
Table A-27.

Other Significant Changes in This Document for 12c (

For 12c (, this guide has been updated in several ways. Following are the
sections that have been added or changed.
• Revised the DestinationMBean MBean reference to include new attributes. See
Destination MBean.
• Revised the OriginMBean MBean reference to include new attributes. See Origin
• Revised the FederationManagerMBean MBean reference to include new attributes
and operations. See FederationManager MBean.

Other Significant Changes in This Document for 12c (

For 12c (, no other significant changes have been made to this guide.

Other Significant Changes in This Document for 12c (12.2.1)

For 12c (12.2.1), this guide has been updated in several ways. Following are the
sections that have been added or changed.
• Added a section for registering custom MBeans when using managed Coherence
servers. See Registering Custom MBeans in Managed Coherence Servers.
• Revised the ServiceMBean MBean reference to include persistence attributes. See
Service MBean.
• Revised the ReporterMBean MBean reference to include the ability to pass report
file and report group XML as a string when using operations.
• Revised the MBean Reference appendix to include all new and updated attributes
and operations. See Oracle Coherence MBeans Reference.

Introduction to Oracle Coherence
Oracle Coherence management is critical to the success of developing and deploying
Coherence solutions. Understanding how Coherence management is implemented and what
capabilities it offers is an important first step when learning how to manage a Coherence
Coherence management is implemented using Java Management Extensions (JMX). JMX is
a Java standard for managing and monitoring Java applications and services. If you are new
to JMX, see Introduction to JMX Technology in Java Management Extensions (JMX)
Technology Overview.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Conceptual Overview of Oracle Coherence Management
• Management Reporting in Oracle Coherence
• Overview of Management Configuration
• Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle WebLogic Server
Oracle WebLogic Server includes an Oracle Coherence integration which standardizes
how Oracle Coherence is managed within an Oracle WebLogic Server domain. The
integration makes Oracle Coherence a subsystem of Oracle WebLogic Server and allows
Oracle Coherence environments to be managed using Oracle WebLogic Server tools.
• Managing Oracle Coherence with Fusion Middleware Control
• Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle Enterprise Manager
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control includes the Management Pack for Oracle
Coherence, which is used to manage and monitor Oracle Coherence clusters. The
management pack helps administrators actively monitor the performance of their clusters
and reduces the time needed to identify and diagnose performance problems within their
application environments.
• Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle Command-Line Interface
The Oracle Coherence command-line interface (CLI), cohctl, is a lightweight tool using
that can be scripted or used interactively to manage and monitor Coherence clusters.

Conceptual Overview of Oracle Coherence Management

Coherence management uses JMX and includes managed objects for many Coherence
components. You can use a JMX compliant client to interact with the managed
objects.Coherence includes a JMX framework that aggregates the managed objects of all
cluster members to one or more MBean servers. The management framework allows access
to management information from any cluster member and is fault tolerant should a JMX
member fail. The management framework is disabled by default and must be explicitly
enabled by configuring at least one cluster member to host an MBean server. See Using JMX
to Manage Oracle Coherence .
Figure 1-1 shows a conceptual view of cluster members and their managed objects being
managed through a remote MBean server located on a single cluster member.

Chapter 1
Conceptual Overview of Oracle Coherence Management

Figure 1-1 Oracle Coherence JMX Management

Oracle Coherence MBeans

Oracle Coherence managed objects are registered to an MBean server using the
com.tangosol.net.management.Registry interface. The interface is specific to
managing clustered resources and is an abstraction of the basic JMX registration
APIs. Though the interface is closely related to the JMX infrastructure, it is
independent from javax.management.* classes. The interface enables remote
management support for cluster members that are not collocated with any JMX
services and allows Oracle Coherence MBeans to be registered in an MBean server
that is either collocated with or remote to the managed object.
Oracle Coherence MBeans Reference, provides a list of all MBeans and describes
each of the attributes and operations that are exposed for the managed resources.
Some managed resources have only a single instance for each cluster member.
However, some managed resources (such as the CacheMBean MBean) have multiple
MBean instances for each cluster member. In addition, an MBean is registered only if
at least one managed resource is operational. For the CacheMBean MBean, a cache
must be started before the MBean is registered.

Custom MBeans
Custom MBeans can be managed and monitored within the management framework.
Custom MBeans are any dynamic or standard MBeans that are specific to an
application. The MBeans are registered either declaratively in an XML file or
programmatically using the Registration interface. Registering custom MBeans
allows application MBeans to be managed or monitored from any JVM, member, or
end-point within the cluster. See Registering Custom MBeans.

MBean Consoles
Any MBean-capable console can interact with Oracle Coherence MBeans. The Java
VisualVM console and the Java Monitoring & Management Console (JConsole) that
are distributed with the JDK are common choices. Support is also provided for the
JMX HTML Adapter Web Application that is included as part of the JMX reference
implementation. See Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans.

Chapter 1
Management Reporting in Oracle Coherence

Java VisualVM Coherence Plugin

The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in aggregates Coherence MBean data and shows a concise
operational view of a Coherence cluster within the Java VisualVM console. Management
information is presented over time, which allows real-time analysis and troubleshooting. See
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In.

Management Reporting in Oracle Coherence

Management reports display management information over time and provide a historical
context that is not possible by simply monitoring Coherence MBeans.The reports consist of
text files that are constructed from data that is obtained from Oracle Coherence MBeans. The
reports update automatically at a configured time interval to identify trends that are valuable
for troubleshooting and planning.
Figure 1-2 shows a conceptual view of management reports that are generated on a single
cluster member based on the management information of all cluster members.

Figure 1-2 Oracle Coherence Management Reports

Many predefined reports are provided. See Analyzing Report Contents. The predefined
reports can be customized or new reports can be created as required. Reporting functionality
is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. In addition, only a subset of the reports
are initially configured to be generated. See Using Oracle Coherence Reporting.

Overview of Management Configuration

Coherence management and reporting require the use of multiple configuration files. The
configuration files enable, control, and customize management features as required. See
Understanding Configuration in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.
The following files are used to configure management:
• Operational override file – The tangosol-coherence-override.xml file is used to
override the default operational settings that are contained in the operational deployment
descriptor (tangosol-coherence.xml) that is located in the Coherence JAR file. The

Chapter 1
Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle WebLogic Server

descriptor specifies the operational and run-time settings for a cluster and includes
management services. The management settings are defined within the
<management-config> node. See management-config in Developing Applications
with Oracle Coherence.
• MBean configuration override File – The custom-mbeans.xml file is the default
MBean configuration override file. It declaratively defines custom MBeans. Custom
MBeans can also be defined within the operational override file. However, the
MBean configuration override file is typically used instead.
• Report configuration files – A report configuration file defines a report and results
in the creation of a report file that displays management information for a particular
set of metrics. Report configuration files must be referenced in a report group
configuration file to be used at run time. The default report configuration files are
located in the /reports directory of the coherence.jar library file and are
referenced by the default report group configuration file. Custom report
configuration files can be created as required. See Report File Configuration
Elements for details about the report file configuration elements.
• Report group configuration file – A report group configuration file lists the name
and location of report definition files and the output directory where reports are
written. The name and location of this file is defined in the operational deployment
descriptor. By default, the report-group.xml file is used and is located in the /
reports directory of the coherence.jar library file. Additional report group
configuration files are provided. In addition, custom report group files can be
created as required. See Report Group Configuration Elements for details about
the report group configuration elements.
• Management invocation service file – The management-config.xml file configures
the management invocation service instance that is used by the Oracle Coherence
JMX management framework. The file is located in the root of the coherence.jar
library file and can be overridden by placing another management-config.xml file
in the classpath before the coherence.jar library file. This configuration file is not
defined by an XSD. The file must have a <config> root element and supports the
same subelements that are available for an <invocation-scheme> element. See
invocation-scheme in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.
To learn more about Coherence configuration, see Understanding Configuration in
Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.

Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle WebLogic Server includes an Oracle Coherence integration which standardizes
how Oracle Coherence is managed within an Oracle WebLogic Server domain. The
integration makes Oracle Coherence a subsystem of Oracle WebLogic Server and
allows Oracle Coherence environments to be managed using Oracle WebLogic Server
The key benefits include the ability to:
• Setup and configure Oracle Coherence clusters
• Add and remove Oracle Coherence cluster members
• Configure Oracle Coherence cluster member properties
• Start and stop Oracle Coherence cluster members
• Deploy Oracle Coherence applications as Grid ARchive (GAR) modules

Chapter 1
Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle WebLogic Server

• Start and stop Oracle Coherence applications

• Secure Oracle Coherence resources
For details about using Oracle Coherence with WebLogic server, see Deploying Coherence
Applications to WebLogic Server in Administering Oracle Coherence.
• Creating a Web Application for Coherence Management Over REST

Creating a Web Application for Coherence Management Over REST

In a large Coherence cluster with many members, you may encounter performance issues
when querying Coherence MBeans from the Administration Server REST end point. To avoid
such issues, you can directly query the Coherence management over REST API by
deploying a web application to a Coherence Managed Server that has an MBean proxy
server running.
Here is an example on how to build the web application for Coherence management over
1. Create a directory for the web application:

mkdir CohManagement

2. Go to the web application directory, and then create META-INF and WEB-INF directories.
3. Add the following web.xml and weblogic.xml to WEB-INF. You may rename the
<context-root>, if required. In this example, cohmgmt is the <context-root>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"

<display-name>Coherence Management REST Resources</display-name>

<description>Coherence Management REST Resources</description>





Chapter 1
Managing Oracle Coherence with Fusion Middleware Control



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




4. Build the web application .war file. Go to the parent directory of the web
application and use the following command to create the .war file:

jar cvf CohManagement.war -C CohManagement .

5. Deploy the .war file to a managed Coherence server that has an MBean proxy
server running.
To query the Coherence MBeans through the web application, use the managed
Coherence server's (WebLogic server) listening port.
For example, if the WebLogic server is listening on port 7010, the URL to query the
stats for all the caches will be:


Managing Oracle Coherence with Fusion Middleware

Fusion Middleware Control is a Web browser-based, graphical user interface that
manages and monitors Fusion Middleware domains and components. In addition to
native management functionality, Fusion Middleware Control also supports many
WebLogic Server Administration Console features. See Getting Started Using Oracle
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control in Administering Oracle Fusion
Middleware. Fusion Middleware Control includes support for managing both managed
Coherence servers and standalone Coherence servers and is ideal for managing
Coherence together with other Fusion Middleware components from a single console.

Chapter 1
Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle Enterprise Manager

Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control includes the Management Pack for Oracle
Coherence, which is used to manage and monitor Oracle Coherence clusters. The
management pack helps administrators actively monitor the performance of their clusters and
reduces the time needed to identify and diagnose performance problems within their
application environments.
The key benefits include the ability to:
• Manage complexity by modeling the entire cluster as a single target
• Provide real-time and historical performance monitoring for caches and nodes for faster
diagnostics and resolution times
• Monitor caches in the context of applications to analyze dependency
• Provide proactive monitoring using thresholds and alerts
• Reduce risk using automated provisioning and lifecycle management
• Change run-time configuration to quickly tune cache performance
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, which includes the Management Pack for Oracle
Coherence, can be downloaded at Oracle Enterprise Manager Downloads. See Getting
Started with Management Pack for Oracle Coherence in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Guide.

Managing Oracle Coherence with Oracle Command-Line

The Oracle Coherence command-line interface (CLI), cohctl, is a lightweight tool using that
can be scripted or used interactively to manage and monitor Coherence clusters.
The CLI accesses clusters using the HTTP Management over REST interface and therefore
requires this to be enabled on clusters you want to monitor or manage.
For more information, see the GitHub repository and the official documentation at Docs -
Coherence CLI Introduction.

Using JMX to Manage Oracle Coherence
JMX management is enabled and configured using cluster operational settings. Once
configured, you can access Oracle Coherence MBeans using tools such as VisualVM and
JConsole. Management information is also accessible using REST.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Configuring JMX Management
• Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans
• Accessing Management Information Using REST
You can use HTTP to access Coherence MBeans that are exposed as REST resources.
REST enables a broad range of clients to access management information.
• Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

Configuring JMX Management

Coherence includes many configuration options, such as enabling management, stopping
cluster members from being managed, filtering MBeans, and configuring management
refresh properties. JMX management is configured within the <management-config> element
in a tangosol-coherence-override.xml file or by setting management system properties at
startup. See management-config in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.
This section includes the following topics:
• Using Dynamic Management Mode
• Explicitly Enabling Remote JMX Management on a Cluster Member
• Enabling Local JMX Management on a Cluster Member
• Enabling JMX Management When Using the Startup Scripts
• Stopping a Cluster Member from Being Managed Remotely
• Disabling JMX Management
• Filtering MBeans
• Configuring Management Refresh
• Using an Existing MBean Server

Using Dynamic Management Mode

Coherence is configured by default to start in dynamic management mode. Dynamic
management mode is a high availability feature that automatically selects the senior cluster
member as the JMX cluster member. The JMX cluster member hosts an MBean server that is
responsible for aggregating management information from all cluster members. If the JMX
cluster member is not operational, then the next most senior cluster member is automatically
selected as the JMX cluster member.

Chapter 2
Configuring JMX Management

You can find the JMX service URL by querying the NameService service on any cluster
member using the com.tangosol.discovery.NSLookup class. The class has a
command line interface or you can call the lookupJMXServiceURL method. For

java -cp %COHERENCE_HOME%\lib\coherence.jar

com.tangosol.discovery.NSLookup -name management/JMXServiceURL

Cluster JRCluster: service:jmx:rmi://


All cluster members can potentially be selected as the JMX cluster member. To specify
that a cluster member should be excluded from being selected as the JMX member,
set the <managed-nodes> element to none. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management">none

The default value if no value is specified is dynamic and indicates that a cluster
member can become the JMX cluster member.
The coherence.management system property also excludes a cluster member from
being selected as the JMX cluster member. For example:

Explicitly Enabling Remote JMX Management on a Cluster Member

One or more cluster members can be explicitly configured to host an MBean server
that is responsible for the managed objects of all cluster members. Accessing the
MBean servers on these cluster members shows management information for all
cluster members. The use of dedicated JMX cluster members is a common practice
because it avoids loading JMX software into every single cluster member while still
providing fault tolerance if a single JMX member fails.

Chapter 2
Configuring JMX Management

By default, Coherence is configured to use dynamic management mode and a JMX
cluster member is automatically selected. Dynamic management is a recommended
best practice. See Using Dynamic Management Mode. These instructions allow you
to explicitly configure JMX cluster members. However, cluster members that are not
configured as the JMX cluster member must be explicitly disabled from being
dynamically selected as the JMX cluster member. See Disabling JMX Management.

In smaller clusters, a common practice is to have dedicated JMX JVMs on two existing
cluster members to ensure fault tolerance. In very large clusters, it is often practical to have
two computers that are dedicate solely for JMX; however, this is not always necessary.
To enable remote JMX management on a cluster member, set the <managed-nodes> element
to all or remote-only. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management">all

The remote-only setting starts an MBean server that manages only remote MBeans. The
all setting starts an MBean server that manages remote MBeans and local (within the same
JVM) MBeans.
The coherence.management system property also enables remote JMX management. For

Enabling Local JMX Management on a Cluster Member

Local JMX management constrains an MBean server to manage only the MBeans that are
local (within the same JVM) to the cluster member. Accessing the MBean server on the
cluster member shows only local management information. However, the member's MBeans
can still be managed by a cluster member that has been enabled for remote JMX
management. Local JMX management is typically used for extend clients or transient cluster
To enable local JMX management on a cluster member, set the <managed-nodes> element to
local-only. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

Chapter 2
Configuring JMX Management

<managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management">local-only

The coherence.management system property also enables local JMX management. For

Enabling JMX Management When Using the Startup Scripts

As a convenience, the COHERENCE_HOME/bin/cache-server and COHERENCE_HOME/bin/
coherence startup scripts include a -jmx argument that enables JMX management on
a cluster member. The argument is not required when using dynamic management,
which is the default management configuration.
cache-server -jmx

The argument automatically sets the management system properties, which can be
changed as required within the script. The default settings are the following:

Stopping a Cluster Member from Being Managed Remotely

By default, all cluster members allow their MBeans to be managed by a remote MBean
server. To restrict remote management of a member's MBeans, set the <allow-
remote-management> element to false. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

The coherence.management.remote system property also disables remote

management. For example:

Disabling JMX Management

To disable JMX management on a cluster member, set the <managed-nodes> element
to none. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

Chapter 2
Configuring JMX Management

<managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management">none</managed-nodes>

Disabling JMX management on a member does not stop the member from being remotely
managed. You must also set the <allow-remote-management> to false. The following
example disables JMX management and stops the member from being remotely managed:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management">none</managed-nodes>

Filtering MBeans
The Oracle Coherence management framework provides the ability to filter MBeans before
they are registered in the MBean server. An out-of-the-box MBean filter is provided, and
custom filters can be created as required. The included MBean filter
(com.tagosol.net.management.ObjectNameExcludeFilter) excludes MBeans from being
registered based on their JMX object name using standard regex patterns. For example, the
pattern .*type=Service,name=Management,.* excludes MBeans with type=Service and
name=Management. As configured out of the box, the filter excludes some platform MBeans
from being registered in the management framework. MBean filters are defined using the
<mbean-filter> element.

The following example shows the out-of-the-box configuration:

<param-value system-property="coherence.management.exclude">

Chapter 2
Configuring JMX Management

To enable the management service or platform MBeans, remove the corresponding

object names from the list of names in the <param-value> element. To exclude an
MBean from being registered, add the MBean object name to the list.
The coherence.management.exclude system property also filters MBeans. For

Configuring Management Refresh

The <refresh-expiry>, <refresh-policy>, and <refresh-timeout> elements control
the latency of management information. The following example configures each of
these settings, which are described in detail after the example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

This section includes the following topics:

• Setting the Management Refresh Expiry
• Setting the Management Refresh Policy
• Setting the Management Refresh Timeout

Setting the Management Refresh Expiry

The <refresh-expiry> element specifies the minimum time interval between the
remote retrieval of management information from remote members. The value of this
element must be in the following format:

The first non-digits (from left to right) indicate the unit of time duration:
• MS or ms (milliseconds)
• S or s (seconds)
• M or m (minutes)
• H or h (hours)

Chapter 2
Configuring JMX Management

• D or d (days)
A unit of milliseconds is assumed if the value does not contain a unit. The default value is 1s.

The coherence.management.refresh.expiry system property also sets the expiry. For


Setting the Management Refresh Policy

The <refresh-policy> element specifies how to refresh remote management information.
Each policy uses a different refresh algorithm that improves latency for a given MBean usage
pattern. Table 2-1 describes each policy.

Table 2-1 Refresh Policies

Setting Description
refresh-ahead (default) Refreshes MBeans before they are requested based on prior
usage patterns after the expiry delay has passed. This setting can
reduce latency of the management information with a minor
increase in network consumption. This setting is best when
MBeans are accessed in a repetitive or programmatic pattern.
refresh-behind Refreshes each MBean after the data is accessed. This method
ensures optimal response time. However, the information returned
is offset by the last refresh time.
refresh-expired Refreshes each MBean from the remote member when the
MBean is accessed and the expiry delay has passed from the last
refresh. This setting is best used when MBeans are accessed in a
random pattern.

The coherence.management.refresh.policy system property also sets the policy. For


Setting the Management Refresh Timeout

The <refresh-timeout> element specifies the duration which the management member
waits for a response from a remote member when refreshing MBean information. This value
must be less than the <refresh-expiry> value. The value of this element must be in the
following format:

The first non-digits (from left to right) indicate the unit of time duration:
• MS or ms (milliseconds)
• S or s (seconds)
• M or m (minutes)
• H or h (hours)
• D or d (days)

Chapter 2
Configuring JMX Management

A unit of milliseconds is assumed if the value does not contain a unit. The default
value is 250ms.

The coherence.management.refresh.timeout system property also sets the timeout.

For example:

Using an Existing MBean Server

The Oracle Coherence management framework allows the use of an existing MBean
server to expose Oracle Coherence MBeans. The MBean server must be located in
the same JVM process as the cluster member, and the cluster member must have
JMX management enabled.
To use an existing MBean server, enter the MBean server's domain name using the
<default-domain-name> element. MBean registration fails if an MBean server with the
provided domain name is not found. The following example specifies an existing
MBean server with the MyDomainName domain name:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management">all

Implement the com.tangosol.net.management.MBeanServerFinder interface to

customize how the Oracle Coherence management framework locates an MBean
server. Add the fully qualified name of the implementation class within the <server-
factory> element using the <class-name> element and include any initialization
parameters using the <init-params> element. Use the <default-domain-name>
element to specify an existing MBean server domain name to use when instantiating
the class.
The following example specifies the MyMBeanServerFinder implementation class and
passes the MyDomainName domain name to the implementation class.
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management">all

Chapter 2
Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans


The coherence.management.serverfactory system property also specifies the

implementation class. For example:

Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans

Coherence supports many tools for interacting with Coherence MBeans, such as VisualVM,
JConsole, the HTML Adapter, and an MBean connector. JMX management must be enabled
on a cluster member before you can access Oracle Coherence MBeans. See Configuring
JMX Management.
This section includes the following topics:
• Accessing MBeans Locally Using VisualVM
• Accessing MBeans Locally Using the JConsole Utility
• Allowing Remote Access to Oracle Coherence MBeans
• Accessing MBeans Using the HTML Adapter Application
• Accessing Coherence MBeans by Using WLST
When you run Coherence within WebLogic Server in a managed Coherence Servers
environment, WebLogic Server domain runtime MBean server collects JMX information
from the management proxy. You can access this information by using WLST.
• Setting Up the Oracle Coherence MBean Connector

Accessing MBeans Locally Using VisualVM

VisualVM is a management utility that provides the ability to view and interact with MBeans.
MBean functionality is provided as a plug-in to VisualVM. The plug-in must be installed from
the VisualVM Plugins Center. From the tool, use the Tools -> Plugins option to install the
VisualVM-MBeans plug-in.
To locally access Coherence MBeans using the VisualVM utility:
1. Start a cache server using the COHERENCE_HOME\bin\cache-server script. For example:

2. Start VISUALVM_HOME\bin\visualvm. The VisualVM window displays.

3. From the Applications tree, click to expand Local and double-click the cluster member's
process. The process information appears in a process tab on the right side of the
4. From the selected process tab, click the MBeans tab and expand the Coherence node to
access the MBeans.

Chapter 2
Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans

Accessing MBeans Locally Using the JConsole Utility

JConsole is a management utility that is included with the JDK
(JDK_HOME\bin\jconsole) and provides the ability to view and interact with MBeans.

To locally access MBeans using the JConsole utility:

1. Start a cache server using the COHERENCE_HOME\bin\cache-server script. For

2. Start JDK_HOME\bin\jconsole. The Java Monitoring & Management Console

window appears and the JConsole: New Connection dialog box is displayed.
3. From the JConsole: New Connection dialog box, select the Local Process: option
and then select the cluster member's process. For example:

Chapter 2
Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans

4. Click Connect.
5. From the Java Monitoring & Management Console window, select the MBeans tab and
expand the Coherence node to access the MBeans.

Chapter 2
Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans

Allowing Remote Access to Oracle Coherence MBeans

Remote JMX management allows JMX clients that are located on remote computers to
access Oracle Coherence MBeans. System properties configure remote access and
are often set when starting a JVM that hosts an MBean server: that is, the system
properties are set when starting cluster members that host an MBean server for the
cluster. See Monitoring and Management Using JMX Technology in Java SE
Monitoring and Management Guide. The following instructions provide only the
minimum configuration that is required.
To allow remote access to Oracle Coherence MBeans without security enabled, set
the following system properties when you start a cluster member:

Set the com.sun.management.jmxremote.port value to any available port on the

cluster member. Specify the host and port in the JMX client (for example, JConsole)
when you connect to the remote MBean server.
In some cases (such as virtualized environments or when using network address
translation), the host name of the computer is incorrectly identified or the default value
( is returned in the RMI stubs that are sent to the JMX client. As a result, the
JMX client fails to connect to the MBean server. To ensure that the correct IP address
is included in the RMI stubs, explicitly set the IP address of the host by using the
java.rmi.server.hostname system property. For example:

See java.rmi Properties in Java Platform Standard Edition 8 Documentation.

Chapter 2
Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans

Accessing MBeans Using the HTML Adapter Application

The HTML Adapter Web Application allows remote access to Oracle Coherence MBeans on
cache clients and uses the HTML adapter (HtmlAdaptorServer) that is shipped as part of the
JMX reference implementation. The adapter requires both the jmxri.jar and jmxtools.jar
libraries to be in the classpath. The JMX reference implementation is available at Java
Platform Technology Downloads.

To access MBeans using the HTML adapter:

1. Edit the COHERENCE_HOME\bin\coherence script to include the jmxri.jar and
jmxtools.jar in the classpath. For example, on Windows:
-cp "jmxri-1.2.1.jar;jmxtools-1.2.1.jar;%coherence_home%\lib\coherence.jar"

2. Start a cache factory instance using the script. For example:


3. After the cache factory instance starts, enter jmx 8082 at the command prompt. This
starts an HTTP adapter at port 8082 on the cluster member.
4. Using a Web browser, access the adapter by using the host name and port 8082 for the
address as shown in the following screen:

Chapter 2
Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans

Accessing Coherence MBeans by Using WLST

When you run Coherence within WebLogic Server in a managed Coherence Servers
environment, WebLogic Server domain runtime MBean server collects JMX
information from the management proxy. You can access this information by using
For details, see Accessing Coherence MBeans by Using WLST in Administering
Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Setting Up the Oracle Coherence MBean Connector

Oracle Coherence ships with a program to start a cluster member as a dedicated
MBean server host. This program provides remote access to Oracle Coherence
MBeans by using the JMX Remote API using RMI or the HTTP server provided by the
JMX reference implementation. Configure the RMI and HTTP ports setting, if required,
to allow access through a firewall. The server is started using the following command:
java -Dcoherence.management=all
-cp coherence.jar;jmxri.jar;jmxtools.jar
com.tangosol.net.management.MBeanConnector [-http -rmi]

Chapter 2
Accessing Management Information Using REST

To allow access by using JMX RMI, include the -rmi argument. To allow access by using
HTTP and a Web browser, include the -http argument. Both arguments may be included;
however, at least one must be present for the member to start.
Table 2-2 describes optional properties for JMX RMI configuration.

Table 2-2 Optional Properties That Can Be Used for JMX RMI Configuration

Property Description
tangosol.coherence.management.remote.ho The host to which the JMX server binds. The
st default value is localhost. On Linux, the value
may have to be changed to the host name or IP
tangosol.coherence.management.remote.re The port used for the JMX RMI registry. The
gistryport default value is 9000.
tangosol.coherence.management.remote.co The port used for the JMX RMI connection. The
nnectionport default value is 3000.

Table 2-3 describes optional properties available for HTTP configuration.

Table 2-3 Optional Properties That Can Be Used for Http Configuration

Property Description
tangosol.coherence.management.remote.ht The port used for the HTTP connection. The
tpport default value is 8888.

To connect to the MBean server using JConsole with the default settings, use the following
jconsole service:jmx:rmi://localhost:3000/jndi/rmi://localhost:9000/server

To connect to the MBean server using HTTP with the default settings, use the following URL:

See the JMX Agent documentation to set up secure access using authentication
and Secure Socket Layer (SSL):
Monitoring and Management Using JMX Technology in Java SE Monitoring and
Management Guide.

Accessing Management Information Using REST

You can use HTTP to access Coherence MBeans that are exposed as REST resources.
REST enables a broad range of clients to access management information.
To secure HTTP Management over the REST server, see Securing Oracle Coherence HTTP
Management Over REST Server.

Chapter 2
Accessing Management Information Using REST

This section includes the following topics:

• Enabling the HTTP Management Server
• Connecting to Management Resources
• Changing the HTTP Management Server Address

Enabling the HTTP Management Server

REST management is enabled through an HTTP management server that runs as a
proxy on the Coherence cluster. The HTTP management server requires the
COHERENCE_HOME\lib\coherence-management.jar library as well as its third-party
dependencies. The server starts when <http-managed-nodes> element in
management-config is set to either all or inherit and the required libraries are found
on the classpath. If the libraries are not found, then Coherence log messages indicate
that the management libraries are missing and that management over HTTP is not
available. The Coherence distribution does not include the third-party dependencies.
It is a best practice to manage dependencies using Maven. It is assumed that the
latest Oracle Coherence artifacts are installed in your local maven repository using the
Oracle Maven synchronization plug-in as described in Populating the Maven
Repository Manager.
To generate a classpath containing third party libraries, run the following Maven
command with the provided pom.xml below. Add the generated classpath to start
cache server.
mvn dependency:build-classpath

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://

<name>Coherence Management Over REST dependencies</name>



Chapter 2
Accessing Management Information Using REST



All the required libraries are automatically downloaded. To see the complete list of libraries,
run the following Maven command:

mvn dependency:list

Connecting to Management Resources

The HTTP management server is not enabled by default. It can be configured to use dynamic
management mode to inherit and select port 30000 by default. See Changing the HTTP
Management Server Address, and <http-managed-nodes> in management-config. If the
senior cluster member is not operational, then the management server automatically restarts
on the next most senior cluster member. The Coherence logs indicate the host and port of the
server or you can query the NameService service on any cluster member using the
com.tangosol.discovery.NSLookup class. The class has a command line interface or you
can call the lookupHTTPManagementURL method. For example:

java -cp %COHERENCE_HOME%\lib\coherence.jar com.tangosol.discovery.NSLookup -

name management/HTTPManagementURL

Cluster MyCluster: []

Chapter 2
Accessing Management Information Using REST

The following example uses a cURL request to get cluster information:

curl -i -X GET


HTTP / 1.1 200 OK

Content - Type: application / json
content - length: 1330
connection: keep - alive

"links": [{
"rel": "parent",
"href": ""
}, {
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
}, {
"rel": "canonical",
"href": ""
}, {
"rel": "services",
"href": "
}, {
"rel": "caches",
"href": "
}, {
"rel": "members",
"href": "
}, {
"rel": "management",
"href": "
}, {
"rel": "journal",
"href": "
}, {
"rel": "hotcache",
"href": "
}, {
"rel": "webApplications",
"href": "
"refreshTime": "2018-12-12T18:04:34.225-05:00",
"licenseMode": "Development",
"clusterSize": 1,
"localMemberId": 1,

Chapter 2
Accessing Management Information Using REST

"version": "",
"running": true,
"clusterName": "MyCluster",
"membersDeparted": [],
"memberIds": [1],
"membersDepartureCount": 0,
"members": ["Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2018-12-12 18:01:38.132,
Address=, MachineId=46461,
Location=site:Burlington,rack:100A,process:12124,member:COH-001, Role=Cache
"oldestMemberId": 1,
"type": "Cluster"

For a detailed reference of the REST API, see REST API for Managing Oracle Coherence.

Changing the HTTP Management Server Address

You can explicitly define the address and port of the HTTP management server. For most use
cases, changing the address is not required and it is a best practice to configure dynamic
management mode to enable HTTP management. The default
coherence.management.http.port of 30000 need not be changed for virtual containers. For
scenarios where coherence HTTP management server running in a non-virtual container is
experiencing conflicts with other coherence cache servers/applications on default port of
30000, setting the coherence.management.http.port to 0 (specifying to use an ephemeral
port) avoids potential conflicts. See Connecting to Management Resources.

If multiple coherence cache servers with HTTP management server configured with
<http-managed-nodes> element set to all and are started on same machine, the
coherence.management.http.port must be unique for each server. Otherwise, the
subsequent ones with same coherence.management.http.port value will get an
address which is already in use resulting in an error in starting up the HTTP
management server. The coherence cache server will start up, but the HTTP
management server will only be available on one coherence cache server on that

Override the default HTTP management configuration using the <http-managed-nodes>

element and set the value to all:

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<http-managed-nodes system-property="coherence.management.http">all

Chapter 2
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In


The coherence.management.http system property also configures management. For



Specify the address and port of the HTTP management server using the following
system properties:


Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in provides management and monitoring of a single
Coherence cluster using the VisualVM management utility.
The plug-in aggregates Coherence MBean data and shows a concise operational view
of a single Coherence cluster. Some management information is presented over time,
which allows real-time analysis and troubleshooting.


• The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in is a design-time tool that is intended

to monitor a single Coherence clusters during development and testing.
Enterprise-level management products, such as Oracle Enterprise
Manager, should be used for monitoring, managing, and alerting in
production environments.
• Oracle strongly recommends you to use the open source Coherence
VisualVM Plug-in instead of the plug-in that is shipped with the
Coherence installer. For more information about installing the plug-in,
see coherence-visualvm.

This section includes the following topics:

• Install the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In
• Monitor a Coherence Cluster Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in
• Overview of Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in Tabs
• Configure the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In to Use REST
• Monitoring Managed Coherence Servers with the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in
• Changing the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in Refresh Interval

Chapter 2
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

Install the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in file (coherence-jvisualvm.nbm) is included in the
COHERENCE_HOME\plugins\jvisualvm directory. Use the Java VisualVM Plugins tool to install
the plug-in. The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in is supported on JDK 7 update 79 or higher
and JDK 8 update 40 and higher.
To install the Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in:
1. Run the VISUALVM_HOME\bin\visualvm file. The VisualVM window displays.
2. From the Tools menu, select Plugins. The Plugins screen displays.
3. Select the Downloaded Tab and click Add Plugins.... Use the Add Plugins dialog box to
find the COHERENCE_HOME\plugins\jvisualvm\coherence-jvisualvm.nbm file.
4. Click Open. The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in is imported into the tool and displays on
the list of downloaded plugins.
5. From the list of plugins, select Coherence-JVisualVM and click Install. The Plugin
Installer displays. Follow the online instructions to install the plugin.
6. Select the Installed tab to verify that the plug-in is installed and activated.
7. Click Close to exit the Plugins screen.

Monitor a Coherence Cluster Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in

A Coherence cluster is monitored in the VisualVM tool by connecting to a Coherence cluster
member JVM process and using the Oracle Coherence tab. Coherence JMX management
must be enabled on a cluster member before you can access management data. See
Configuring JMX Management.
To monitor a Coherence cluster using the Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in:
1. Start a Coherence cluster.
2. From the VisualVM Applications tree, click to expand Local and double-click a
Coherence cluster member process that hosts an MBean server (JMX management-
enabled member). The process information appears in a process tab on the right side of
the VisualVM window.
3. From the selected process tab, click Oracle Coherence to monitor the Coherence cluster
using the Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in as shown below.

Enlarge the VisualVM window to at least 1280x800 in order to view all data. In
addition, you can use the zoom system property to enable zooming of all
graphs. Zooming allows closer inspection of a timeframe on a graph after
VisualVM has been running for a long period of time. To enable zooming,
specify the following system property when starting VisualVM:

Chapter 2
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

Overview of Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in Tabs

Table 2-4 provides a high-level description of the tabs that are available with the
Coherence JVisualVM Plug-in.

Table 2-4 Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In Tab Descriptions

Tab Description
Cluster Overview Displays high-level information about the cluster including the cluster name, version,
member count, and high availability status. Summary graphs are aggregated from the
other tabs and show the total cluster memory available and used, load averages for
cluster machines, and packet publisher and receiver success rates.
Use the Cluster Overview tab to get a quick snapshot of how the cluster is operating
and to identify potential performance and high availability issues.
Machines Displays a list of the physical servers that are in the cluster and includes a memory
profile for each server. A summary graph shows the average load on these servers.
Use the Machine tab to monitor the load on each server and to identify any servers
that are in danger of using all of their available memory.
Members Displays a list of all cluster members, their address and role in the cluster, and
includes both publisher and receiver success rates, heap memory usage, and send
queue sizes. A summary graph shows the total cluster memory available and used.
Right-click a member row and select Show details to view a complete list of statistics
or select Report node state to get a full thread dump for the node.
Use the Members tab to monitor cluster membership and to identify and diagnose
potential memory issues for both a member and the cluster as a whole.

Chapter 2
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

Table 2-4 (Cont.) Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In Tab Descriptions

Tab Description
Services Displays information about cluster services including service partition counts and
statusHA values. Select a service to see detailed thread information for each node of
the service as well as graphs of that information after the next data refresh. Right-
click a service to view service partition statistics.
Raw data for service thread performance is included to the left of the graph. Right-
click a node row and select Show details to view a complete list of statistics.
Use the Services tab to monitor services in the cluster and to identify potential
performance issues with service threads.
Caches Displays information about cluster caches including size and memory usage. To get
the correct information to be displayed for memory usage, the backing map scheme
for a cache must be configured to use the Binary unit calculator. The default unit
calculator is Fixed if no unit calculator is defined. Select a cache to see detailed
information on the next data refresh. If a near cache is selected, then additional
statistics are available for the front cache. Right-click a node row and select Show
details to view a complete list of either cache size and access statistics or cache
storage statistics depending on which tab is active, respectively.
Use the Caches tab to get a detailed view of cache statistics and to identify potential
performance issues with cache queries.
Federation Displays information about federated services in the context of the current participant
cluster of the federated service. Each participant cluster to which the current
participant cluster is connected is listed. Select a cluster participant to view
performance statistics related to the members of the current cluster participant. Both
outbound and inbound statistics are provided depending on whether the current
participant is configured to send, receive, or send and receive data. Select a specific
cluster member to see its bandwidth utilization and its replication statistics.
Use the Federation tab to monitor federated participants and to identify potential
performance issues among federated participants.
The Federation tab supports performing federation operations. Right-click a cluster
participant to view a list of operations that can be selected.
Persistence Displays information about cache persistence including available and used storage,
latency introduced by persistence operations, and the number of cache snapshots.
Performance statistics are only applicable for active persistence mode.
Use the Persistence tab to get a detailed view of active persistence and to identify
potential issues with performance and space consumption.
The Persistence tab supports performing persistence operations. Right-click a service
to view a list of operations that can be selected.
Elastic Data Displays information about RAM and flash journal memory usage. Select each
progress bar to view details for RAM and flash journal, respectively. Journal statistics
include internal usage of elastic data that is required by the federated caching feature.
Use the Elastic Data tab to monitor elastic data memory usage and to identify when
memory may potentially be exhausted
Proxy Servers Displays information about proxy servers in the cluster including the number of
connections across each proxy server and total messages that were sent and
received. A summary graph shows the total number of proxy server connections.
Use the Proxy Servers tab to monitor Coherence*Extend clients that are connecting
to a proxy and to identify potential performance issues on the proxy.
Note: This tab is only available if a proxy server is configured in the cluster. Also, you
may need to reconnect to a Coherence JVM process if a proxy server was started
after other Coherence JVM processes.

Chapter 2
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

Table 2-4 (Cont.) Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In Tab Descriptions

Tab Description
HTTP Servers Displays information for HTTP acceptors that are configured on a proxy server.
Information includes the number of connections across each server, total connections
and graphs of response codes, and errors and requests over time for a selected
Use the HTTP Servers tab to monitor resource utilization and identify potential
performance issues.
Note: This tab is only available if an HTTP acceptor is configured on a proxy server.
Also, you may need to reconnect to a Coherence JVM process if a proxy server was
started after other Coherence JVM processes.
Coherence*Web Displays information about HTTP session storage in the cluster including the number
of applications deployed, the number of HTTP sessions being stored, as well as other
information regarding session reaping.
Use the Coherence*Web tab to monitor HTTP session storage and to identify
potential performance issues with session storage.
Note: This tab is only available if a Coherence cluster is being used for HTTP session
JCache Displays configuration information and performance statistic information for JCache
Use the JCache tab to troubleshoot configuration and performance issues.
Note: This tab is only available if a Coherence cluster is being used to store JCache

Configure the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In to Use REST

The Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In uses JMX by default to gather management
information. You can also configure the plug-in to use REST. The management
information is exactly the same whether you use JMX or REST. REST is typically used
when running Coherence within a virtual container. Enable the HTTP management
server prior to configuring the plug-in. See Enabling the HTTP Management Server.
To configure the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In to use REST:
1. Start the VisualVM application.
2. From the Applications Tab, select Coherence Clusters.
The Add Coherence Cluster dialog box displays.
3. In the Name field, enter the cluster name that you want to manage.
4. In the Management REST URL field, enter http://host:port/management/
coherence/cluster. Replace host and port with the HTTP management server
host and port.
A new cluster entry is created.
5. Click on the cluster entry to view management information.

Chapter 2
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

The cluster entry is persisted during VisualVM restarts. If the port of the HTTP
management server changes, you must create a new cluster entry and enter the
new management REST URL.

Monitoring Managed Coherence Servers with the Coherence-JVisualVM

The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in can be used to monitor Coherence clusters that are
managed in a WebLogic Server domain. One managed Coherence server is automatically
selected as the management proxy. You can configure which managed Coherence servers
can be selected as the management proxy. See Removing a Coherence Management Proxy
in Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server. The WebLogic Server domain runtime
MBean server collects JMX information from the management proxy.


• When connecting to a WebLogic Server multitenant domain, the Coherence-

JVisualVM plugin only displays when connected as the WebLogic domain
administrator. You cannot connect to a multitenant domain as the partition
administrator. As the WebLogic Server domain administration, you can access
all domain partitions. Ensure that you choose the correct partition when
performing any service, cache, or persistence operations.
• If you want to access Coherence MBeans in a WebLogic server domain from a
standalone cluster member (a member that is not part of the WebLogic server
domain), then you must set the coherence.management.extendedmbeanname
system property to true. The property ensures that managed object names
include the cluster member name as part of the global MBean name.

To connect to the domain runtime MBean server using VisualVM:

1. Source your WebLogic Server environment by executing the
wlserver\server\bin\setWLSEnv script.
2. Start VisualVM and include the following WebLogic Server libraries in the classpath. In
addition, include the following options to ensure that MBean checking is disabled.
jvisualvm --cp WLS_HOME\server\lib\wljmxclient.jar;
WLS_HOME\server\lib\weblogic.jar -J-Djmx.remote.protocol.provider.pkgs=

3. From the VisualVM Applications tree, right-click Local and select Add JMX Connection.
The Add JMX Connection dialog box displays.
4. Enter the following connection URL and replace hostname and port with your WebLogic
Server host name and port:

Chapter 2
Using the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-In

5. Click Use security credentials and enter the WebLogic Server username and
6. Click OK.
7. Double-click the new connection.
8. From the selected process tab, click the Oracle Coherence tab to monitor the
Coherence cluster.

Changing the Coherence-JVisualVM Plug-in Refresh Interval

The Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in is set to refresh data from the Coherence MBean
server by default every 30 seconds. Data on the details section of most tabs (Services
tab, Caches tab, Federation tab, and so on) is immediately cleared when a different
cache is selected and is refreshed on the next refresh cycle.
To change the refresh setting, use the following system property when starting
visualvm -J-Dcoherence.jvisualvm.refreshtime=10

If refreshing management data is adversely affecting performance (especially on large

clusters), then consider leaving the default value for the plug-in refresh interval and
changing the default Coherence management refresh expiry time of 1 second to a
higher value. The value can be specified within an operational override file or by using
a system property. See Configuring Management Refresh.
In addition, the Coherence-JVisualVM plug-in can be configured to include query times
in the console logs. The logs are helpful when troubleshooting performance issues.
To enable query times in the logs, use the following system property when starting

To view VisualVM logs in the console, select Help | About and then from the About
VisualVM screen, click Logfile.

Registering Custom MBeans
The Oracle Coherence management framework can manage custom MBeans together with
Coherence MBeans. Custom MBeans must be registered with the Coherence MBean
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Overview of Registering Custom MBeans
• Registering Custom MBeans Declaratively
• Registering Custom MBeans Programmatically
• Registering Custom MBeans in Managed Coherence Servers

Overview of Registering Custom MBeans

Coherence supports managing and monitoring custom MBeans within the Coherence
management framework. Custom MBeans are MBeans that are specific to an application
(including MBeans for the Java platform). Integrating custom MBeans together with Oracle
Coherence MBeans allows you to update and view system and application information for all
members in a cluster from a single location.
Custom MBeans are registered to an Oracle Coherence MBean server either declaratively in
an XML file or programmatically.

A dead lock might occur when constructors of global custom MBeans access
Coherence distributed services. Constructors of global custom mbeans are not
allowed to access Coherence Distributed services.

Registering Custom MBeans Declaratively

Custom MBeans can be registered with the Coherence management framework using the
custom-mbeans.xml MBean configuration override file.

At run time, the first custom-mbeans.xml file that is found in the classpath is used. MBeans
are declared in the configuration file using a class name, class factory name, or a query string
that is executed against an MBean server.

Custom MBeans must be found at run time. Make sure to place the MBeans (or the
library that contains the MBeans) in the classpath of a cluster member, including the
JMX management-enabled member.

Chapter 3
Registering Custom MBeans Declaratively

This section includes the following topics:

• Creating an MBean Configuration File
• Registering MBeans Using a Class Name
• Registering MBeans from an MBean Factory
• Registering MBeans Using a Query
• Specifying a Different MBean Configuration Override File
• Restricting MBeans to the Local MBean Server

Creating an MBean Configuration File

The custom-mbeans.xml file overrides the <mbeans> element of the operational
deployment descriptor. Therefore, the root element must be the <mbeans> element.
See mbeans in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.
To create the MBean configuration override file:
1. Create a text file and save it as custom-mbeans.xml.
2. Edit the file and create an empty <mbeans> node as follows:

3. Save and close the file.

4. Ensure that the location of the custom MBean configuration override file is in the
classpath at run time and precedes the coherence.jar library.
The following example demonstrates starting a cache server that uses a custom-
mbeans.xml file that is located in COHERENCE_HOME.
java -cp COHERENCE_HOME;COHERENCE_HOME\lib\coherence.jar

Registering MBeans Using a Class Name

The <mbean-class> element registers and instantiates an MBean using the MBean's
fully qualified class name. The following example registers an MBean named
com.MyMBean and gives the MBean an object name type=application.
<mbean id="100">

The preceding configuration registers the MBean and allows remote management.
Therefore, the MBean's name automatically includes the cluster member's node ID
and domain namespace as part of the object name. For example:

See Registering Custom MBeans Programmatically for changing the default

registration behavior.

Chapter 3
Registering Custom MBeans Declaratively

Registering MBeans from an MBean Factory

The <mbean-factory> and <mbean-accessor> elements register and instantiate an MBean
from a factory class. The following example registers the Java platform's MemoryMXBean
MBean using the getMemoryMXBean accessor method from the
java.lang.management.ManagementFactory class and gives the MBean an object name
<mbean id="2">

The preceding configuration registers the MBean and allows remote management. Therefore,
the MBean's name automatically includes the cluster member's node ID and domain
namespace as part of the object name. For example:

See Registering Custom MBeans Programmatically for changing the default registration

Registering MBeans Using a Query

The <mbean-query> element queries an MBean server when registering and instantiating
MBeans. The member's default MBean server is queried by default, but an MBean server can
also be specified. The following example executes the java.lang:* query on the member's
default MBean server to find MBeans to register.
<mbean id="3">

To specify an MBean server other than the member's default MBean server, enter the name
of a domain for the MBean server using the <mbean-server-domain> element. For example:
<mbean id="3">

Chapter 3
Registering Custom MBeans Programmatically

Specifying a Different MBean Configuration Override File

The coherence.mbeans system property specifies an MBean configuration override file
instead of the default custom-mbeans.xml override file. For example:

Ensure that the classpath includes the location of the file, or enter the full (or relative)
path to the file in addition to the file name. The system property also supports the use
of a URL when you specify the location of an MBean configuration override file.

Restricting MBeans to the Local MBean Server

Custom MBeans are visible to any cluster member that enables JMX management. To
register MBeans to only the local MBean server and restrict the MBeans from being
visible to remote cluster members, set the <local-only> element to true. For
<mbean id="100">

Registering Custom MBeans Programmatically

Custom MBeans can be registered with the Coherence management framework using
the com.tangosol.net.management.Registry interface from your application.
The following example registers a standard MBean using the register method.
Registry registry = CacheFactory.ensureCluster().getManagement();
Custom bean = new Custom();
String sName = registry.ensureGlobalName("type=Custom");

registry.register(sName, bean);

The preceding configuration registers the MBean and enables remote management.
Therefore, the MBean's name automatically includes the cluster member's node ID
and domain namespace as part of the object name. For example:

Using a Custom Domain Namespace

The default namespace behavior ensures unique object names on the centralized
MBean server when multiple clusters run within the same JVM. That is, a different
domain namespace is automatically assigned (Coherence@1:, and so on) to ensure
that MBeans across clusters do not use the same object name. When using a custom
domain namespace, applications must ensure unique object names.
To use a custom domain namespace, explicitly add the namespace to the definition.
For example:

Chapter 3
Registering Custom MBeans in Managed Coherence Servers

Registry registry = CacheFactory.ensureCluster().getManagement();

Custom bean = new Custom();
String sName = registry.ensureGlobalName("Monitor:type=Custom");

registry.register(sName, bean);

To perform JMX operations on the custom MBeans, use the object name as returned by
Registry.ensureGlobalName() API.

Using Static MBean Names

The ensureGlobalName method adds the ,nodeId=... portion to the end of the MBean's
ObjectName to ensure unique names on the centralized MBean server. If an application
requires static MBean names, use an MBean query to add MBeans from a local MBean
server to the management framework. For example, create MBeans on the managed
member with static names and then the ,nodeId=... portion is added to the name of the
MBean during MBean aggregation on the managing member.
To use static MBean names:
1. Register the MBeans on the local MBean server of the managed member using the
registerMBean or createMBean method before joining the cluster. See Interface
MBeanServer in Java™ Platform, Standard Edition API Specification.
2. Use the MBeanHelper.findMBeanServer() method to obtain the same MBean
server that Oracle Coherence is using.
3. Configure the custom-mbeans.xml file to query the MBean server for the MBeans. See
Registering MBeans Using a Query.

Ensure that an environment is set up properly to access the local MBean server.
See Monitoring and Management Using JMX Technology in Java SE Monitoring
and Management Guide.

Registering Custom MBeans in Managed Coherence Servers

You can use XML to register custom MBeans when using managed Coherence servers.
Managed Coherence servers, like standalone Coherence, can use a custom-mbeans.xml file
to register custom MBeans. See Registering Custom MBeans Declaratively.
There are three ways to specify an MBean configuration file when using managed Coherence
• Add the custom-mbeans.xml file to the server classpath: When Coherence starts, it looks
for the custom-mbeans.xml file in the server classpath and uses this as a MBean
configuration file. This file and any associated classes can be added to the classpath by
putting them in a JAR file that is located in the domain directory within the /lib
• Specify a different MBean configuration file: Use the tangosol.coherence.mbeans
system property when starting a managed Coherence server to specify an MBean
configuration file other than the default custom-mbeans.xml file.

Chapter 3
Registering Custom MBeans in Managed Coherence Servers


Classes that are associated with custom MBeans must be added to the classpath.
• Use the CoherenceClusterSystemResources MBean: Users can define custom
MBeans in an operational override file and specify that file in the
CustomClusterConfigurationFileName attribute of the
CoherenceClusterSystemResources MBean. The specified configuration file is
loaded on startup. See Registering Custom MBeans Declaratively.

Using Oracle Coherence Metrics
Oracle Coherence Metrics enables an alternative means to monitor a running Coherence
cluster than JMX MBeans.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• About Coherence Metrics
• Enabling Coherence Metrics Endpoint
• Using Metrics System Properties
• Configuring Prometheus to Scrape Coherence Metrics Endpoint
• Visualizing Metrics in Grafana
• Querying for Coherence Metrics
• Adding Custom Metrics
• Creating a Web Application to Access Coherence Metrics in Fusion Middleware Domains
If you want to access Coherence metrics when running Coherence on WebLogic
Managed Server by using the HTTP endpoint, you have to deploy a web application.

About Coherence Metrics

As of version, Coherence provides a metrics endpoint which extends the metrics
capability by allowing scraping of metrics via metrics gathering systems such as Prometheus.
The Coherence metrics endpoints are enabled on each Coherence Cache server, and a
Prometheus scraping job is configured with the location of these endpoints.
If an application requires the Coherence Metrics endpoints to be secure, it is possible to
configure the Coherence Metrics endpoint to be secure and to configure the Prometheus
scraping job with the necessary security information. See Securing Oracle Coherence Metrics
in Securing Oracle Coherence.
The Coherence Metrics endpoint supports content-encoding of gzip. By default, the metrics
endpoint returns metrics in text, or Prometheus format, but can also return metrics in JSON
format if the Accepts: application/json HTTP header is set.

To secure Oracle Coherence Metrics endpoint, see Securing Oracle Coherence Metrics in
Securing Oracle Coherence.

Enabling Coherence Metrics Endpoint

The Coherence Metrics endpoint requires COHERENCE_HOME/lib/coherence-metrics.jar
library as well as its third-party dependencies.
To enable the Coherence Metrics endpoint for a Coherence Cache server, add the
Coherence Metrics module and its dependencies to the classpath, and set the system
property coherence.metrics.http.enabled to true when starting the Coherence cache

Chapter 4
Enabling Coherence Metrics Endpoint

The Coherence distribution does not include the third-party dependencies.

It is a best practice to manage dependencies using Maven. It is assumed that the

latest Oracle Coherence artifacts are installed in your local Maven repository using the
Oracle Maven Synchronization Plug-in as described in Populating the Maven
Repository Manager. To generate a classpath containing third party libraries, run the
following Maven command with the provided pom.xml below. Add the generated
classpath to start server script.
mvn dependency:build-classpath

If running with JDK 11, add -P jdk11 to the mvn command line to get additional
libraries that are no longer part of JDK 11.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://
<name>Coherence Metrics dependencies</name>

Chapter 4
Using Metrics System Properties


Using Metrics System Properties

The metrics system properties are defined in the metrics-http-config.xml file in the
This section contains the following topics:
• Coherence Metrics System Properties
• Other Metrics System Properties

Coherence Metrics System Properties

The following Coherence Metrics system properties are defined in the default metrics-http-
config.xml file in the coherence-metrics.jar.

Table 4-1 Coherence Metrics system properties

System Property Description Default

coherence.metrics.http.en Determines if metrics endpoint false
abled enabled
coherence.metrics.http.ad Specifies the address to listen on (All interfaces)
coherence.metrics.http.po Specifies the port to listen on (0 9612
rt indicates the ephemeral port)
coherence.metrics.http.au Configures the authentication not set
th mechanism for the HTTP server
basic, auth, basic+auth or
not set
coherence.metrics.http.pr Defines the id of a <socket- none
ovider provider> in coherence
operational override file

You can override the default metrics-http-config.xml by placing an override file with same
file name in classpath before the coherence-metrics.jar.

Chapter 4
Configuring Prometheus to Scrape Coherence Metrics Endpoint

If multiple Coherence cache servers with metrics endpoint enabled are
started on same machine, the coherence.metrics.http.port must be
unique for each server. If not, the subsequent ones with same
coherence.metrics.http.port value will get an address already in use and
will result in an error with starting up the MetricsHttpProxy service.

The Coherence cache server will start up but the Coherence Metrics
endpoint will only be available on one Coherence cache server.

Other Metrics System Properties

The other metrics system property includes:

Table 4-2 Other metrics system properties

System Property Description Default

coherence.metrics.exten Includes extended information false
ded (type and/or description) when
publishing metrics.

The extended information for Prometheus metrics is #Help, which contains the metrics
name. If more data follows, the #Help is considered the docstring for that metric name.
For Coherence Metrics, the docstring is typically the JMX MBean attribute description
from which the metric value was derived. There is one or no #Help per metrics value in
a Prometheus response.

Configuring Prometheus to Scrape Coherence Metrics

Configuring a scraping job to scrape the Coherence Metrics endpoints for a
Coherence cluster is done using the static_configs parameter of a Prometheus
configuration file. You need to specify the IP address and
coherence.metrics.http.port for each Coherence Metrics endpoint in the
static_configs of a Prometheus configuration file. Once configured and started, the
Prometheus server will scrape the configured static targets at the configured interval,
collecting metrics data for the Coherence cluster.
See Prometheus configuration documentation.

Visualizing Metrics in Grafana

After you have configured Prometheus to scrape metrics, you can visualize these
metrics using the pre-built Grafana dashboards available in the Coherence Operator.
See coherence-operator.
These dashboards provide detailed insight into your Coherence cluster by using the
collected metrics and are a valuable tool in monitoring and managing the health of you

Chapter 4
Querying for Coherence Metrics

For more information about the dashboards and how to load them, see the Coherence
Operator documentation.
For an example of the Coherence Summary Dashboard, see Use dashboards.

Oracle recommends you to use the minimum Grafana version 8.5.13 to view the
dashboards. At this point, due to the many issues with Grafana 9.x, do not use this
version yet.

Querying for Coherence Metrics

The metrics endpoint supports Prometheus and JSON formats. It also supports querying for
specific metrics by name and tags.
This section contains the following topics:
• Basic Querying
• Querying for Specific Metrics

Basic Querying
The coherence.metrics.http.port is assumed to be set to 9612 for the below listed basic
querying examples.
By default, this will produce Prometheus' simple text-based exposition format. If the caller
uses the Accepts: application/json header, then JSON is returned. The endpoint also
supports content negotiation by appending the required type to the url.
http://localhost:9612/metrics/.txt returns Prometheus data whereas http://localhost:9612/
metrics/.json returns JSON data.
The coherence.metrics.extended system property controls the inclusion of additional help
or descriptions. By default, the coherence.metrics.extended is set to false and additional
information is not included. By adding the extended=true query parameter, additional data
can be included.
http://localhost:9612/metrics?extended=true (this applies to both Prometheus and JSON

Querying for Specific Metrics

To query for specific metrics append the metric name to the URL.
To query for number of members in a cluster:
To query for all cache size metrics:
To query for a metric with matching tags add the tag key and value as query parameters. To
query for the size metric for a specific cache where the cache name is cache_name.

Chapter 4
Adding Custom Metrics

Additionally, if the cache (for example near cache) is included so that there are front
and back tiers, then the request could be further restricted.

Adding Custom Metrics

You can add your own metrics if you annotate the MBeans that you add to the
Coherence Registry.
For example:
import com.tangosol.net.management.annotation.MetricsValue;
import com.tangosol.net.management.annotation.MetricsTag;

public interface CustomMBean

long getValueOne();

long getValueTwo();

long getValueThree();

String getTagValueOne();

String getTagValueTwo();

• The method getValueOne is annotated with @MetricValue. Hence, it will be a

metric and the name of the metric will be custom_value.
• The method getValueTwo is annotated with @MetricValue. Hence, it will be a
metric. The annotation does not specify a name and the name will be generated
from the attribute name (in this case value_two).
• The method getValueThree is not annotated. Hence, though being an MBean
attribute it will not be used as a metric or as a tag.
• The method getTagValueOne is annotated with @MetricTag. Hence, it will be a
metric tag and the name of the tag will be custom_tag.
• The method getTagValueTwo is annotated with @MetricTag. Hence, it will be a
metric tag. The annotation does not specify a name and the name will be
generated from the attribute name (in this case tag_value_two).
For annotations to be detected by Coherence when registering the MBean, the
annotations must be wrapped in an AnnotatedStandardMBean.

For example:

Registry registry = CacheFactory.ensureCluster().getManagement();

Custom custom = new Custom();
String sMBeanName = registry.ensureGlobalName(“type=Custom,name=bar”);

Chapter 4
Creating a Web Application to Access Coherence Metrics in Fusion Middleware Domains

registry.register(sMBeanName, new AnnotatedStandardMBean(custom, CustomMBean.class));

The code above will register the Mbean with the Object name similar to

The metrics name produced will be prefixed with the value from the type key in the
ObjectName, in this case Custom. This will produce the following metrics:
• Custom_custom_value from method getValueOne
• Custom_value_two from method getValueTwo

Both metrics will have common tags such as cluster name, nodeId, machine, role, site, and
so on, as well as the custom tags name=bar from the ObjectName, custom_tag from the
annotated method getTagValueOne and tag_value_two from the annotated method
getTagValueTwo. The method getTagValueTwo is annotated with @MetricTag. Hence it will be
a metric tag. The annotation does not specify a name and the name will be generated from
the attribute name (in this case tag_value_two).

Creating a Web Application to Access Coherence Metrics in

Fusion Middleware Domains
If you want to access Coherence metrics when running Coherence on WebLogic Managed
Server by using the HTTP endpoint, you have to deploy a web application.
Here is an example of how to build the web application to access Coherence metrics:
1. Create a directory for the web application:

$ mkdir coherence-metrics-resource

2. Go to the web application directory, and then create the WEB-INF directories.

$ cd coherence-metrics-resource
$ mkdir WEB-INF

3. Add the following web.xml and weblogic.xml files under the WEB-INF directory. You
may rename the <context-root> in weblogic.xml, if required.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"

<display-name>Coherence Metrics REST Resources</display-name>

<description>Coherence Metrics REST Resources</description>


Chapter 4
Creating a Web Application to Access Coherence Metrics in Fusion Middleware Domains




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





4. Build the web application .war file. Go to the parent directory of the web
application and use the following command to create the .war file:

$ jar cvf coherence-metrics-resource.war -C coherence-metrics-


5. Deploy the coherence-metrics-resource.war file to a managed Coherence

To access the metrics through the web application, use the managed Coherence
server's (WebLogic Server) listening port.
For example, if the WebLogic Server is listening on port 7002, the URL to access the
metrics will be:


Using Oracle Coherence Reporting
Oracle Coherence provides a reporting feature that collects management data and generates
a series of reports that are updated at regular intervals. Reporting supports many
configuration options, such as controlling which reports get generated, where the reports are
saved, and how often the report data is refreshed.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Overview of Oracle Coherence Reporting
• Enabling Oracle Coherence Reporting on a Cluster Member
• Switching the Default Report Group Configuration File
• Overriding the Report Group Output Directory
• Changing the Report Timestamp Format
• Administering Oracle Coherence Reporting Using the Reporter MBean
• Running Oracle Coherence Reporting in a Distributed Configuration

Overview of Oracle Coherence Reporting

Oracle Coherence reports show key management information over time. The reports often
identify trends that are valuable for troubleshooting and planning. Reporting is disabled by
default and must be explicitly enabled.

Viewing Reports
The default reporting behavior creates ten reports each hour and refreshes them every
minute. The reports are saved to the directory from which the cluster member starts. Each file
includes a prefix with a report timestamp in a YYYYMMDDHH format. The format allows for easy
location and purging of unwanted information.Table 5-1 summarizes the reports.

Table 5-1 Default Oracle Coherence Reports

File Name Description

YYYYMMDDHH-cache-usage.txt Contains cache utilization (put, get, and so on)
statistics for each cache. The cache report is
created only if a cache exists in the cluster.
YYYYMMDDHH-Management.txt Contains information about the Oracle Coherence
management framework
YYYYMMDDHH-memory-status.txt Contains memory and garbage collection
information about each member
YYYYMMDDHH-network-health.txt Contains the publisher success rates and receiver
success rates for the entire cluster
YYYYMMDDHH-network-health-detail.txt Contains the publisher success rates and receiver
success rates for each member
YYYYMMDDHH-nodes.txt Contains a list of members of the cluster

Chapter 5
Enabling Oracle Coherence Reporting on a Cluster Member

Table 5-1 (Cont.) Default Oracle Coherence Reports

File Name Description

YYYYMMDDHH-persistence.txt Contains cache persistence information for a
particular service
YYYYMMDDHH-persistence-detail.txt Contains cache persistence information for a
particular service and node
YYYYMMDDHH-report-proxy.txt Contains utilization information about each proxy
server in the cluster
YYYYMMDDHH-service.txt Contains request and task information for each

• Understanding Reporting Configuration

• Customizing Reports

Understanding Reporting Configuration

A report configuration file defines a single report. For example, the report-node.xml
configuration file creates the YYYYMMDDHH-nodes.txt report. The report configuration
files use Oracle Coherence MBeans to gather the data that is used in the report. The
coherence.jar/reports directory includes the predefined report configuration files.
See Report File Configuration Elements.
Report group configuration files control which reports to generate, how often to refresh
the reports, the directory in which to save the reports, and any parameters for a report.
The coherence.jar/reports directory includes three predefined report group
configuration files: report-group.xml, report-web-group.xml, and report-all.xml.
See Report Group Configuration Elements.

Customizing Reports
You can customize reporting configuration files or create new configuration files as
required. A report can include data from any MBeans (including custom MBeans). See
Creating Custom Reports.

Enabling Oracle Coherence Reporting on a Cluster Member

Reporting is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. You can edit the
reporting configuration to enable reporting on a cluster member and generate
management reports. Ensure that JMX management is enabled on the cluster member
before you enable reporting. See Configuring JMX Management.
The default reporting configuration creates a set of reports each hour and refreshes
the reports every minute. The reports are saved in the directory where the cluster
member starts.

Decide on a plan for archiving reports before you enable reporting.

Chapter 5
Switching the Default Report Group Configuration File

To enable reporting, edit the operational override file and within the <reporter> element, add
an <autostart> element that is set to true. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

The coherence.management.report.autostart system property also enables reporting. For


Switching the Default Report Group Configuration File

You can control which reports are generated by specifying a different report group
configuration file.
Three predefined report group configuration files are included in the coherence.jar/reports
• report-group.xml – Configures a set of core reports to generate. This is the report group
configuration file for default configuration.
• report-web-group.xml – Configures a set of Oracle Coherence*Web reports. See
Running Performance Reports in Administering HTTP Session Management with Oracle
• report-all.xml – Configures all the predefined reports to generate
To change the report group configuration file, edit the operational override file and within the
<reporter> element, add a <configuration> element that is set to a report group
configuration file. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

Chapter 5
Overriding the Report Group Output Directory

The coherence.management.report.configuration system property also switches

the default report group configuration file. For example:

Overriding the Report Group Output Directory

The predefined report groups are configured by default to save reports to the directory
from which the cluster member starts. You can configure the output directory on a
cluster member where reports are saved.
The output directory is overridden using the coherence.reporter.output.directory
system property. For example:

The path can be absolute or relative to the directory where the cluster member starts
(./). The user name that the member is executing must have read/write access to the

Changing the Report Timestamp Format

The report time zone and time and date format can be change as required. Report
timestamps display the local time zone and a default time and date format (EEE MMM dd
HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy). Enter the time zone using either a zone ID (for example, US/
Eastern) or a custom ID (for example, GMT-05:00). The time and date format follow
the patterns defined by the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.
To change the report timestamp format, edit the operational override file and within the
<reporter> element, add the <timezone> and <timeformat> elements that are set to
the time zone and time and date format, respectively. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a

The coherence.management.report.timezone and the

coherence.management.report.timeformat system properties also change the report
timestamp format. For example:
-Dcoherence.management.report.timeformat=MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a

Chapter 5
Administering Oracle Coherence Reporting Using the Reporter MBean

Administering Oracle Coherence Reporting Using the Reporter

The ReporterMBean MBean provides a convenient way to manage Coherence reporting and
perform common reporting tasks.
The MBean contains many attributes and operations for administering reporting in real time.
See Accessing Oracle Coherence MBeans.

Changes that are made with the ReporterMBean MBean are not persistent. Settings
revert to their original values when the cluster member restarts.

The ReporterMBean MBean performs the following tasks:

• Starting reporting – Use the start operation to start reporting if it is currently stopped.
• Stopping reporting – Use the stop operation to stop reporting. Reporting restarts when
the cluster member restarts if the cluster member is configured to automatically start
• Running on-demand reports – Use the runReport operation to run either a single report
or a report group one time. Specify the full or relative path of a report configuration file or
a report group configuration file that is located on the classpath. Ensure that reporting is
enabled before you run the report. For example, enter reports/report-memory-
summary.xml to run the memory summary report that is located in the coherence.jar file.
• Running on-demand tabular reports – Use the runTabularReport operation to run either
a single report or a report group one time. The results are returned in a table format and
display in a separate window. Ensure that reporting is enabled before you run the report.
Specify the full or relative path of a report configuration file or a report group configuration
file that is located on the classpath. For example, enter reports/report-memory-
summary.xml to run the memory summary report that is located in the coherence.jar file.
The runTabularReport operation also supports entering the XML syntax of a report or
report group configuration file. Entering the XML syntax allows you to run a reports that
are not on the classpath, which saves the steps of having to deploy the report or report
group to all cache servers and performing a rolling restart. If you enter the XML of a
report group, the individual reports must still be found on the classpath.
• Running on-demand tabular group reports – Use the runTabularGroupReport operation
to run a report group one time and pass in the reports' XML syntax. The results are
returned in a table format and display in a separate window. Ensure that reporting is
enabled before you run the report.
• Changing the output path – Use the OutputPath attribute to change the location where
reports are saved.
• Changing the refresh interval – Use the IntervalSeconds attribute to change how often
the report data is refreshed.

Chapter 5
Running Oracle Coherence Reporting in a Distributed Configuration

• Changing the report configuration file – Use the ConfigFile attribute to change
which report group configuration file to use.
• Changing the batch number – Use the CurrentBatch attribute to change the
current batch number. The next refresh of the reports increments from the new
batch number.
Figure 5-1 shows the ReporterMBean MBean attributes and operations within
JConsole. See also Reporter MBean.

Figure 5-1 ReporterMBean MBean in JConsole

Running Oracle Coherence Reporting in a Distributed

Distributed reporting configures each member to log only local JMX statistics while
allowing for centralized management of the reporters. A distributed configuration is
intended for situations where cluster stability has been observed. In this configuration,
the execution times of the reports on each cluster member do not align. Therefore,
cluster-level analysis is extremely difficult, but member-level analysis during periods
when members may be leaving or joining the cluster is still available.

Chapter 5
Running Oracle Coherence Reporting in a Distributed Configuration

To enable distributed configuration, start the managing member using the following system

Start the cluster member to be managed using the following system properties:

Creating Custom Reports
You can create your own reports in addition to using the predefined reports that are included
with Coherence. Custom reports allow you to decide what management data to display and
how the data is organized and processed.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Overview of Creating Custom Reports
• Constructing Report Configuration Files
• Creating Custom Report Group Configuration Files
• Configuring Custom Reports to Generate
The reporter configuration includes the option to select a custom report group
configuration file. All the reports that are listed in the report group configuration file are
generated at run time.

Overview of Creating Custom Reports

Custom reports are created using MBeans that are registered in the Oracle Coherence
MBean server (including custom MBeans). The MBeans allow different management data to
be combined in meaningful ways that are specific to a Coherence solution. For example, you
can create custom reports for use during testing to correlate data and monitor trends when
troubleshooting and planning for production.

Report Configuration Files

Extract the predefined reporting configuration files from the coherence.jar/reports
directory before creating custom reports. Use the files as a starting point for
creating custom reports.

Oracle Coherence reporting utilizes two types of configuration files: a report configuration file
and a report group configuration file.
• Report configuration file – A report configuration file constructs a report at run time. The
file includes the name of the report, the MBean data to extract, and the organization of
the data. Each report has a corresponding report configuration file. Report configuration
files are XML documents that are defined by the coherence-report-config.xsd schema
file, which is packaged in the root directory of the coherence.jar library.
• Report group configuration file – A report group configuration file configures which reports
to generate at run time. The file includes the name and location of each report
configuration file, the output directory where to save the reports, and how often to refresh
the reports. Report group configuration files are XML documents that are defined by the

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

coherence-report-group-config.xsd schema file, which is packaged in the root

directory of the coherence.jar library.

Constructing Report Configuration Files

To create a custom report, construct a report configuration file that is based on the
coherence-report-config.xsd file. See Report File Configuration Elements.
This section includes the following topics:
• Specifying General Report Characteristics
• Querying MBeans in Reports
• Specifying Data Columns
• Using Filters in Reports
• Using Functions in Reports
• Using Aggregates in Reports
• Constructing Delta Functions

Specifying General Report Characteristics

Table 6-1 describes the elements that configure general report characteristics.

Table 6-1 General Report Elements

Element Option Description

<file-name> Require The file name to create or update when the report is saved
<delim> Optiona The column delimiter for the report. Valid values are {tab},
l {space} or a printable character. The default value is {tab}.
If the value is a string longer than one character, only the first
character in the string is used.
<hide-headers> Optiona A Boolean element to determine whether to hide headers in
l the report. If true, the column headers and the report
description are not displayed. The default value is false.

This section includes the following topics:

• file-name Macros
• file-name Macro Examples

file-name Macros
Table 6-2 describes the macros predefined for use with the file-name element. These
macros add a member name, a batch number, or a date to the file name.

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

Table 6-2 Macros for file-name Element

Macro Description
batch Adds a sequence number to the file name of the report
date Adds the date (in the YYYYMMDDHH format) to the file name of the report. Use a
date when the report is kept for a short time and then discarded.
node Adds the member ID to the file name. The node setting is helpful when many
members are executing the same report and the output files are integrated for

file-name Macro Examples

The following example creates a file named 200901012_network_status.txt on January 1,
2009, during hour 12. The file name changes with the system time on the member executing
the report.

The following example creates a file named 00012_network_status.txt when the report is
executed on member 12. Due to the volatile nature of the node ID, only use this macro during
short-term analysis.

The following example creates a file named 0000000021_network_status.txt on the 21st

execution of the report. Due to the volatile nature of the batch, only use this macro during
short-term analysis.

Querying MBeans in Reports

A query is the foundation of a report's information. The query pattern is a JMX ObjectName
query string. The string can return one or more MBeans that are used to construct the
report's data. Queries can be defined for the whole report or within specific columns in a
report. A wild card (*) is often used to match multiple MBeans. Example 6-1 returns all
registered Service MBeans. See query.

Example 6-1 Simple MBean Query String


Queries can use a filter definition and can also use column and filter references. See Using
Filters in Reports. Example 6-2 demonstrates how to reference a filter in a query and
illustrates how to list all the node IDs and role names in the cluster where RoleName equals

Example 6-2 Including a List of the Cluster's Node IDs and Role Names in a Report
<filter id="equalsRef">

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files



<column id ="NodeRef">
<header>Node Id</header>

<column id ="RoleRef">

<column id = "StringRef">

Specifying Data Columns

Data columns can use JMX attributes, ObjectName key part, JMX composite attributes,
JMX joined attributes, report macros, and report constants.
This section includes the following topics:
• How to Include an Attribute
• How to Include Part of the Key
• How to Include Information from Composite Attributes
• How to Include Information from Multiple MBeans
• Including Multiple MBean Information Example
• How to Use Report Macros
• How to Include Constant Values

How to Include an Attribute

To include data that is returned from a query-pattern, the report must have a column
with an attribute source. This is the most common way to include data in a report.
Example 6-3 illustrates how to include the RoleName attribute from the query pattern

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

Example 6-3 Including an Attribute Obtained from a Query Pattern

<column id = "RoleName">
<header>Role Name</header>

How to Include Part of the Key

A value that is present in an ObjectName key can be obtained from the ObjectName that is
returned from the query-pattern. This value can subsequently be included in the report.
Example 6-4 illustrates how to include the nodeId key part from the query pattern

Example 6-4 Including Part of an ObjectName Key in a Report

<column id ="NodeId">
<header>Node Id</header>

How to Include Information from Composite Attributes

Use JMX composite values to include part of a composite data attribute (such as a Map
attribute) in a report.
Example 6-5 illustrates how to include the startTime of the LastGCInfo attribute from the
GarbageCollector MBean.

Example 6-5 Including Information from a Composite Attribute in a Report


<column id="LastGCStart">
<header>Last GC Start Time</header>

How to Include Information from Multiple MBeans

Use a JMX join attribute when a report requires information from multiple MBeans. The major
consideration when creating a join is to determine the primary query, the join query, and the
foreign key. The primary query is the query that returns the appropriate number of rows for
the report. The join query pattern must reference a single MBean and cannot contain a
wildcard (*). The foreign key is determined by what attributes from the primary query are
required to complete the join query string.
The reporter feature that enables joins between MBeans is a column substitution macro. The
column substitution allows the resulting value from a column to be included as part of a
string. A column substitution macro is a column ID attribute surrounded by braces ({}). The

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

reporter does not check for cyclical references and fails during execution if a cycle is

Including Multiple MBean Information Example

A report can use information from multiple MBeans. This requires a join between the

The major limitation of join attributes is that the result of the join must have
only one value.

For example, if a report requires the TotalGets from the Cache MBean
(Coherence:type=cache,*) and RoleName from the Node MBean
(Coherence:type=Node,*), then use a join attribute.

Because more MBeans come from the Cache MBean than other MBeans,
Coherence:type=Cache,* is the primary query and RoleName is the join attribute. The
foreign key for this join is the nodeId key part from the Cache MBean, and it must be
included in the report. Example 6-6 shows the configuration for this scenario.
Example 6-6 Including Information from Multiple MBeans in a Report
<column id="RoleName">
<header>Role Name</header>

<column id ="NodeFK">
<header>Node Id</header>

How to Use Report Macros

A report includes three report macros:
• Report Time (report-time) – The time and date for the report. This information is
useful for time series analysis.
• Report Batch/Count (report-count) – A long identifier to correlate information
from different reports executed at the same time.
• Reporting Member (report-node) – A member identifier to integrate information
from the same report executed on different members or to exclude the executing
member information from the report.
Example 6-7 illustrates how to include the execution time into the report.

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

Example 6-7 Including Execution Time in a Report

<column id ="ReportTime">
<header>Report Time</header>

Example 6-8 illustrates how to include the Report Batch/Count.

Example 6-8 Including the Report Batch/Count in a Report
<column id="ReportBatch">

Example 6-9 illustrates how to include the execution member.

Example 6-9 Including the Execution Member
<column id="ReportNode">

How to Include Constant Values

Static values or report parameters can use report constants. These constants are either
double or string values. Often, filters use constant values to limit the results to a particular
data set or in calculations.
Example 6-10 illustrates how to include a constant double of 1.0 in a report.
Example 6-10 Including a Constant Numeric Value in a Report
<column id ="One">

Example 6-11 illustrates how to include the constant string dist-Employee in a report.

Example 6-11 Including a Constant String in a Report

<column id ="EmployeeCacheName">
<header>Employee Cache Name</header>

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

Using Filters in Reports

Filters limit the data in reports. Filters are either comparison filters or composite filters.
Comparison filters evaluate the results of two columns. Comparison filters are equals,
greater, and less.

Composite filters evaluate the Boolean results from one or two filters. Composite filter
types are and, or, and not. Each composite filter evaluates the filter parameters first to
last and applies standard Boolean logic. Composite filter evaluation uses standard
short-circuit logic. The use of cyclic references creates a run-time error.
Example 6-12 illustrates how to define an equals filter where RoleRef and StringRef
are defined columns.
Example 6-12 Using an Equals Filter for a Report
<filter id="equals">

Example 6-13 illustrates how to define a filter in which the value of PacketsResent is
greater than the value of PacketsSent (assuming that PacketsResent and
PacketsSent are valid column references).

Example 6-13 Defining a "Greater Than" Filter for a Report

<filter id="greaterRef">

Example 6-14 illustrates how to define a filter in which the value of PacketsResent is
less than the value of PacketsSent (assuming that PacketsResent and PacketsSent
are valid column references).
Example 6-14 Defining a "Less Than" Filter for a Report
<filter id="greaterRef">

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

Example 6-15 illustrates how to define an and filter (assuming that all column-ref values are
Example 6-15 Defining an "And" Filter for a Report
<filter id="equalsRef">

<filter id="greaterRef">


Example 6-16 illustrates how to define an or filter (assuming that all column-ref values are
Example 6-16 Defining an "Or" Filter for a Report
<filter id="equalsRef">

<filter id="greaterRef">


Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

Example 6-17 illustrates how to define a not equals filter, where RoleRef and
StringRef are defined columns.

Example 6-17 Defining a "Not Equals" Filter for a Report

<filter id="equals">

<filter id = "Not">

Using Functions in Reports

Reporter functions allow mathematical calculations to be performed on data elements
within the same row of the report. The supported functions are Add, Subtract,
Multiply, and Divide. Function columns can include (as parameters) other function
This section includes the following topic:
• Function Examples

Function Examples
Example 6-18 illustrates how to add two column values (Attribute1 and Attribute2)
and place the results into a third column (Addition).

Example 6-18 Adding Column Values and Including Results in a Different

<column id="AttributeID1">

<column id="AttributeID2">

<column id="Addition">
<header>Adding Columns</header>

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files

Example 6-19 illustrates how to subtract one column value (Attribute2) from another column
value (Attribute1) and place the results into a third column (Subtraction).

Example 6-19 Subtracting Column Values and Including Results in a Different

<column id="AttributeID1">

<column id="AttributeID2">

<column id="Subtraction">

Example 6-20 illustrates how to multiply two column values (Attribute1 and Attribute2)
and place the results into a third column (Multiplication).

Example 6-20 Multiplying Column Values and Including Results in a Different Column
<column id="AttributeID1">

<column id="AttributeID2">

<column id="Multiplication">
<header>Multiply Columns</header>

Example 6-21 illustrates how to divide one column value (Attribute1) by another
(Attribute2) and place the results into a third column (Division). The result of all division is
a Double data type.

Example 6-21 Dividing Column Values and Including Results in a Different Column
<column id="AttributeID1">

<column id="AttributeID2">

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files


<column id="Division">

Using Aggregates in Reports

Reporter aggregates combine multiple rows into a single value or row. Table 6-3
describes the available aggregate types.

Table 6-3 Reporter Aggregate Types

Type Description
avg Calculate the mean value for all values in the column.
max Return the maximum value for all values in the column.
min Return the minimum value for all values in the column.
sum Add all the values from a column.

Example 6-22 illustrates how to sum the values in the size column.

Example 6-22 Adding the Values in a Column

<column id ="SumRef">

Example 6-23 illustrates how to average the values in the size column.

Example 6-23 Calculating the Average of Values in a Column

<column id ="AverageRef">

Example 6-24 illustrates how to find the maximum value in the size column.

Example 6-24 Finding the Maximum Value in a Column

<column id ="MaximumRef">

Chapter 6
Constructing Report Configuration Files


Example 6-25 illustrates how to find the minimum value in the size column.

Example 6-25 Finding the Minimum Value in a Column

<column id ="MinimumRef">

Constructing Delta Functions

Many numeric attributes in a report are cumulative. These values are reset only when the
resetStatistics operation is executed on the MBean. To determine the state of the system
without resetting the statistics, the reporter uses a delta function. The delta function
subtracts the prior value of a column from the current value of a column and returns the
A map on the reporter client stores the prior values for a report. This map is keyed by the
delta key. By default, the delta key is the MBean name for the attribute. However, when a
one-to-one relationship does not exist between the MBean and the rows in the report, or the
MBean name is subject to change between executions of the report, the delta key is
calculated using the columns provided in the <params> section.

Delta functions are only correct when the report is running as part of a report batch.

This section includes the following topic:

• Delta Function Examples

Delta Function Examples

Example 6-26 illustrates how to include a delta calculation of an attribute. (Assume that
PacketsSent is a defined column.)

Example 6-26 Delta Calculation for an Attribute

<column id="DeltaPacketsSent">
<header>Delta Sent</header>

Example 6-27 illustrates how to include a delta calculation of an attribute with an alternate
delta key. (Assume that PacketsSent, NodeID, and TimeStamp are defined columns.)

Chapter 6
Creating Custom Report Group Configuration Files

Example 6-27 Delta Calculation for an Attribute with an Alternate Delta Key
<column id="DeltaPacketsSent">
<header>Delta Sent</header>

Creating Custom Report Group Configuration Files

To specify which reports to generate, create a report group configuration file that is
based on the coherence-report-group-config.xsd file. See Report Group
Configuration Elements. This configuration file is used at run time to determine what
reports to generate, how often to refresh the reports, and where to save the reports.
The report group configuration file also configures report parameters if required.
This section includes the following topics:
• Specifying the Report Refresh Frequency
• Specifying the Output Directory for Reports
• Specifying the Report List

Specifying the Report Refresh Frequency

The <frequency> element specifies how often to refresh reports. Selecting an
appropriate frequency is important: if the frequency is too short, the report contains too
much data and consumes significant disk space; if the frequency is too long, the report
does not contain enough information. Enter the value in either seconds (s) or minutes
(m). For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<report-group xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

Specifying the Output Directory for Reports

The <output-directory> element specifies the directory path to which reports are
saved. The directory path is prepended to the output file name that is defined in the
report configuration file. See Specifying General Report Characteristics. The user
name that the member is executing must have read/write access to this path. The path
can be absolute or relative to the directory where the cluster member starts (./). The
following example saves the reports to the /output directory.

Chapter 6
Creating Custom Report Group Configuration Files

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<report-group xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<output-directory system-property=

The <output-directory> element supports the use of a system-property attribute. The

system-property attribute value is used at runtime to override the configured output
directory. If a system property is not used to override the output directory, then the default
output directory (./) is used. Any user-defined name can be used as the attribute value. The
following example shows the default system property definition used by the predefined report
group files:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<report-group xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<output-directory system-property=

At runtime, specify the system property and include a path for the value. For example:

Specifying the Report List

The <report-list> element specifies the name and location of any number of report
configuration files. The path can be either a file or a URL. To enter a report configuration file,
add a <location> element within a <report-config> element . For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<report-group xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

Chapter 6
Configuring Custom Reports to Generate

Configuring Custom Reports to Generate

The reporter configuration includes the option to select a custom report group
configuration file. All the reports that are listed in the report group configuration file are
generated at run time.
To configure the reporter to use a custom report group configuration file, edit the
operational override file and within the <reporter> element, add a <configuration>
element that is set to the location of a custom report group configuration file. The
following example enables reporting and sets a custom report group configuration file:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<coherence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

The coherence.management.report.autostart and

coherence.management.report.configuration system properties also enable
reporting and configure a report group configuration file. For example:

Analyzing Report Contents
Oracle Coherence includes many predefined reports. Developers and system administrators
use the reports to monitor and analyze operational statistics and troubleshoot potential
An additional set of predefined reports are provided for Oracle Coherence*Web. The
Coherence*Web reports are not discussed in this chapter. See Running Performance Reports
in Administering HTTP Session Management with Oracle Coherence*Web.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Understanding the Cache Size Report
• Understanding the Cache Usage Report
• Understanding the Federation Destination Report
• Understanding the Federation Origin Report
• Understanding the Federation Status Report
• Understanding the Flash Journal Report
• Understanding the JCache Configuration Report
• Understanding the JCache Statistics Report
• Understanding the Management Report
• Understanding the Memory Status Report
• Understanding the Network Health Detail Report
• Understanding the Network Health Report
• Understanding the Node List Report
• Understanding the Persistence Detail Report
• Understanding the Persistence Report
• Understanding the Proxy Report
• Understanding the Proxy HTTP Report
• Understanding the Ram Journal Report
• Understanding the Service Report
• Understanding the Proxy Connections Report
• Understanding the Cache Storage Report
• Understanding the Transaction Manager Report
• Understanding the Service Partitions Report

Chapter 7
Understanding the Cache Size Report

Understanding the Cache Size Report

The cache size report indicates the size of a cache based on the number and size of
the objects in the cache. The size does not include backup copies, indexes, or
overhead. The size is reported for caches that set the <unit-calculator> subelement
of <local-scheme> to BINARY. The name of the cache size report is timestamp-cache-
size.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named
2009013101-cache-size.txt represents a cache size report for January 31, 2009 at
1:00 a.m.
Table 7-1 describes the contents of a cache size report.

Table 7-1 Contents of the Cache Size Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Service String The name of the cache service.
Cache Name String The name of the cache.
CacheSize Double The number of objects in the cache.
MemoryBytes Double The number of bytes consumed by the objects
in the cache.
MemoryMB Double The number of Megabytes (MB) consumed by
the objects in the cache.
Avg Object Size Double The average amount of memory consumed by
each object.

Understanding the Cache Usage Report

The cache usage report provides information about cache usage (gets, puts, evictions,
and so on). The name of the cache usage report is timestamp-cache-usage.txt
where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2010013113-
cache-usage.txt represents a cache usage report for January 31, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
Table 7-2 describes the contents of the cache usage report.

Table 7-2 Contents of the Cache Usage Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts, and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Cache Usage Report

Table 7-2 (Cont.) Contents of the Cache Usage Report

Column Data Description

Service String The name of the cache service.
Cache Name String The name of the cache.
Tier String Whether the cache resides in the front tier
(local cache) or back tier (remote cache). The
value is either front or back.
Total Puts Double The total number of puts for the cache across
the cluster since the last report refresh.
Total Puts Millis Double The total number of milliseconds spent on
put() invocation across the cluster since the
last report refresh.
Total Gets Double The total number of gets for the cache across
the cluster since the last report refresh.
Total Gets Millis Double The total number of milliseconds spent on
get() invocation across the cluster since the
last report refresh.
Total Hits Double The total number of visits for the cache across
the cluster since the last report refresh.
Total Hits Millis Double The total number of milliseconds spent on
get() invocation that is a hit across the
cluster since the last report refresh.
Total Misses Double The total number of misses for the cache
across the cluster since the last report refresh.
Total Misses Millis Double The total number of milliseconds spent on
get() invocation that is a miss across the
cluster since the last report refresh.
Total Writes Double The total number of storage writes for the
cache across the cluster since the last report
Total Write Millis Double The total number of milliseconds spent in
storage write operations across the cluster
since the last report refresh.
Total Reads Double The total number of reads from a cache store
for the cache across the cluster since the last
report refresh.
Total Read Millis Double The total number of milliseconds spent on
cache store reads for the cache across the
cluster since the last time the report executed.
Total Failures Long The total number of failures for the cache
across the cluster since the last report refresh.
Total Queue Long The sum of the queue link sizes across the
Evictions Long The total number of evictions for the cache
across the cluster since the last report refresh.
Cache Prunes Long The total number of prunes for the cache
across the cluster since the last report refresh.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Federation Destination Report

Table 7-2 (Cont.) Contents of the Cache Usage Report

Column Data Description

Cache Prunes Millis Long The total number of milliseconds spent in the
prune operation across the cluster since the
last report refresh.

Understanding the Federation Destination Report

The federation destination report indicates out-going replication statistics from the
perspective of a federation participant who receives replicated data. The name of the
federation destination report is timestamp-federation-destination.txt where the
timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2009013101-
federation-destination.txt represents a report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-3 describes the contents of a federation destination report.

Table 7-3 Contents of the Federation Destination Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts, and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Node ID Long The member for the federation statistics.
Name String The name of the sender.
State String The state of the participant. One of: INITIAL,
Status Intege The status of the participant. Statuses are:
r • 0 – Ok
• 1 – Warning
• 2 – Error
CurrentBandwidth Double The current utilized bandwidth in Megabits per
second for sending replicate message.
TotalBytesSent Long The total number of bytes that were sent.
TotalEntriesSent Long The total number of cache entries that were
TotalRecordsSent Long The total number of journal records that were
sent. A journal record can consist of multiple
cache entries that are part of the same

Chapter 7
Understanding the Federation Origin Report

Table 7-3 (Cont.) Contents of the Federation Destination Report

Column Data Description

TotalMsgSent Long The total number of replication messages that
were sent. A replication message can contain
multiple journal records.
TotalMsgUnacked Long The total number of un-acknowledged
replication messages.
RecordBacklogDelayTimePercen Long The 90-percentile value of the time (in
tileMillis milliseconds) the journal records are in the
cache waiting to be replicated.
MsgNetworkRoundTripTimePerce Long The 90-percentile value of the round trip time
ntileMillis (in milliseconds) taken for the transmission of
replication messages, application of changes
on the destination cluster, and the receipt of
the corresponding acknowledgment messages
over the network.
MsgApplyTimePercentileMillis Long The 90-percentile value of the time (in
milliseconds) it took to apply the replication
messages on the destination.
BytesSent/sec Long The bytes sent per second.
MsgsSent/sec Long The messages sent per second.
MaxBandwidth Double The maximum bandwidth in megabits per
second for sending replicate messages. A
value of -1.0 means the maximum bandwidth
is not configured.
ErrorDescription String An error description. A value is only returned if
the sender is in an ERROR state.
SendTimeoutMillis Long The send timeout that is configured for the
GeoIp String The location metadata that is configured for
the participant.

Understanding the Federation Origin Report

The federation origin report indicates in-coming replication statistics from the perspective of a
federation participant who sends replicated data. The name of the federation origin report is
timestamp-federation-origin.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For
example, a file named 2009013101-federation-origin.txt represents a report for January
31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-4 describes the contents of a federation origin report.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Federation Status Report

Table 7-4 Contents of the Federation Origin Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts, and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Node ID Long The member for the federation statistics.
TotalBytesReceived Long The total number of bytes that were received.
TotalRecordsReceived Long The total number of journal records that were
received. A journal record could consist of
multiple cache entries that are part of the
same transaction.
TotalEntriesReceived Long The total number of cache entries that were
TotalMsgReceived Long The total number of replication messages that
were received. A replication message could
contain multiple journal records.
TotalMsgUnacked Long The total number of un-acknowledged
replication messages.
MsgApplyTimePercentileMillis Long The 90-percentile value of the time (in
milliseconds) it took to apply the replication
messages on the destination.
RecordBacklogDelayTimePercen Long The 90-percentile value of the time (in
tileMillis milliseconds) the journal records are in the
cache waiting to be replicated.
BytesReceived/sec Long The bytes received per second.
MsgsReceived/sec Long The messages received per second.

Understanding the Federation Status Report

The cache size report indicates the status for a federation participant. The name of the
federation status report is timestamp-federation-status.txt where the timestamp is
in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2009013101-federation-status.txt
represents a cache size report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-5 describes the contents of a federation status report.

Table 7-5 Contents of the Federation Status Report

Column Data Description

Node ID Long The member for the federation statistics.
Name String The name of the sender.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Flash Journal Report

Table 7-5 (Cont.) Contents of the Federation Status Report

Column Data Description

State String The state of the participant. One of:
Error Description String An error description. A value is only returned if
the sender is in an ERROR state.

Understanding the Flash Journal Report

The flash journal report displays statistics to help determine how well data is being stored to
flash memory. The name of the flash journal report is timestamp-flashjournal.txt where
the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2010013113-
flashjournal.txt represents a flash journal report for January 31, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
Table 7-6 describes the contents of the flash journal report.

Table 7-6 Contents of the Flash Journal Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate information
between related files. This value resets when the
reporter restarts and is not consistent across
members. However, it is helpful when trying to
integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Node ID Long The member for the flash journal statistics.
FileCount Integer The number of journal files that are currently in
BinaryStoreCount Integer The number of active JournalBinaryStore
objects that are using this journal.
TotalDataSize Long The amount of data, in bytes, that is currently
stored for this journal.
TotalFileSize Long The total size of all journal files for this journal.

Chapter 7
Understanding the JCache Configuration Report

Table 7-6 (Cont.) Contents of the Flash Journal Report

Column Data Description

BacklogCount Integer The number of serialized values that have yet to
be stored in the journal.
BacklogSize Integer The maximum size, in bytes, of the backlog. The
backlog is the amount of serialized values that
have yet to be stored in the journal. Client threads
are blocked if this limit is exceeded and remain
blocked until the backlog recedes below this limit.
PoolSize Integer The total size, in bytes, of all available buffers in
the pool.

Understanding the JCache Configuration Report

The JCache configuration report shows what configuration options have been set on a
JCache cache. JCache caches are configured programmatically using the JCache API
when the cache is created. The name of the report is timestamp-jcache-
configuration.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file
named 2009013113-jcache-configuration.txt represents a management report for
January 31, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.
Table 7-7 describes the contents of the JCache configuration report.

Table 7-7 Contents of the JCache Configuration Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
ReportTime Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
CacheManager String The JCache CacheManager instance that
created the cache. Coherence cache
managers are scoped and uniquely identified
by a cache configuration file that defines a
JCacheNamespace handler class.
Cache String The name of the cache.
KeyType String The required key type for the cache.
ValueType String The required value type for the cache.
ManagementEnabled Boolea Specifies whether management is enabled for
n the cache.
StatisticsEnabled Boolea Specifies whether performance statistics are
n being collected for the cache.
ReadThrough Boolea Specifies whether the cache operates in read-
n through mode.

Chapter 7
Understanding the JCache Statistics Report

Table 7-7 (Cont.) Contents of the JCache Configuration Report

Column Data Description

WriteThrough Boolea Specifies whether the cache operates in write-
n through mode.
StoreByValue Boolea Specifies whether the cache uses store-by-
n value or store by-reference semantics. A value
of true indicates that keys and values are
stored by value. A value of false indicates
that keys and values are stored by reference.

Understanding the JCache Statistics Report

The JCache statistic report contains information that is used to evaluate how well a JCache
cache is performing. The name of the report is timestamp-jcache-statistics.txt where the
timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2009013113-jcache-
statistics.txt represents a management report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.
Table 7-8 describes the contents of the JCache statistics report.

Table 7-8 Contents of the JCache Statistics Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate information
between related files. This value resets when the
reporter restarts and is not consistent across
members. However, it is helpful when trying to
integrate files.
ReportTime Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
CacheManager String The JCache CacheManager instance that created
the cache. Coherence cache managers are
scoped and uniquely identified by a cache
configuration file that defines a JCacheNamespace
handler class.
Cache String The name of the cache
CacheGets Long The total number of get operations. The value is
equal to the sum of hits and misses and does not
include operations that check for the existence of a
CachePuts Long The total number of put operations including
operations that replace and existing entry.
CacheRemovals Long The total number of remove operations. The value
does not include evictions initiated by the cache to
free up space.
CacheHits Long The number of successful get operations.
CacheMisses Long The number of unsuccessful get operations.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Management Report

Table 7-8 (Cont.) Contents of the JCache Statistics Report

Column Data Description

CacheEvictions Long The total number of evictions from the cache. An
eviction is initiated by the cache to free up space.
An eviction is not considered a remove operation.
Note: This attribute is not implemented by the
Coherence JCache provider.
AverageGetTime Float The average time to perform get operations. For
read-through caches, the time does not include
the time that is required to load entries because of
a cache miss.
AveragePutTime Float The average time to perform put operations.
AverageRemoveTime Float The average time to perform remove operations.
CacheHitPercentage Float The percentage of cache requests that return an
entry. The percentage is reported as a decimal
value and is calculated using the value of cache
hits divided by cache get operations.
CacheMissPercentage Float The percentage of cache requests that do not
return an entry. The percentage is reported as a
decimal value and is calculated using the value of
cache misses divided by cache get operations.

Understanding the Management Report

The management report contains refresh statistics to help determine if the
management framework is providing a timely view of management data for all
MBeans. The name of the management report is timestamp-management.txt where
the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2009013113-
Management.txt represents a management report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.
Table 7-9 describes the contents of the management report.

Table 7-9 Contents of the Management Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
ReportTime Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
RefreshPolicy String The refresh policy that is currently set. The
policy determines how to refresh data for
remote models.
RefreshTime Date The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers it is the local time.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Memory Status Report

Table 7-9 (Cont.) Contents of the Management Report

Column Data Description

RefreshExcessCount Long The number of times that the MBean server
predictively refreshed information and the
information was not accessed.
RefreshCount Long The total number of snapshots retrieved since
the statistics were last reset.
RefreshPredictionCount Long The number of times that the MBean server
used a predictive algorithm to refresh MBean
RefreshTimeoutCount Long The number of times that this management
member has timed out while attempting to
refresh remote MBean attributes.

Understanding the Memory Status Report

The memory status report contains statistics to help understand memory consumption on
each member and across the grid. A memory status report must be run as part of a report
group. The memory status report relies on platform MBean information. See Filtering
MBeans. The name of the memory status report is timestamp-memory-status.txt where the
timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2009013115-memory-
status.txt represents a memory status report for January 31, 2009 at 3:00 p.m.
Table 7-10 describes the contents of the memory status report.

Table 7-10 Contents of the Memory Status Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate information
between related files. This value resets when the
reporter restarts and is not consistent across
members. However, it is helpful when trying to
integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
JVM Uptime Long The amount of time since the last JVM start.
Node Id Long The member for the memory statistics.
Gc Name String The name of the garbage collector.
CollectionCount Long The number of garbage collections since the last
JVM start.
Delta Collection Count Long The number of garbage collections since the last
report refresh.
CollectTime Long The number of milliseconds that the JVM has
spent on garbage collection since the start of the
Delta Collect Time Long The number of milliseconds that the JVM has
spent on garbage collection since the last report

Chapter 7
Understanding the Network Health Detail Report

Table 7-10 (Cont.) Contents of the Memory Status Report

Column Data Description

Last GC Start Time Long The start time of the last garbage collection.
Last GC Duration Millis Long The total amount of time of the last garbage
Last GC Stop Time Long The stop time of the last garbage collection.
Heap Committed Long The number of heap bytes committed at the time
the report ran.
Heap Init Long The number of heap bytes initialized at the time
the report ran.
Heap Max Long The maximum number of bytes used by the JVM
since its start.
Heap Used Long The bytes used by the JVM at the time the report

Understanding the Network Health Detail Report

The network health detail report contains member-level details to help determine the
health of network communications. The name of the network health detail report is
timestamp-network-health-detail.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH
format. For example, a file named 2009013114-network-health-detail.txt
represents a network health detail report for January 31, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.
Table 7-11 describes the contents of the network health detail report.

Table 7-11 Contents of the Network Health Detail Report

Column Data Type Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate information
between related files. This value resets when the
reporter restarts and is not consistent across
members. However, it is helpful when trying to
integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
RefreshTime Date The system time when management information
was last retrieved from a corresponding node. Local
servers display the local time.
Node Id Long The member for the network statistics.
Tx Success Double The publisher success rate for the member. If this
value is within 2% to 3% of the Min Node Tx
Success and more than 10% less than the Grid
Tx Success for the batch in the Network Health
File (see Table 7-12), the corresponding member
may be having difficulty communicating with the
cluster. A poor success rate can occur due to a
constrained CPU, constrained network bandwidth,
or high network latency.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Network Health Report

Table 7-11 (Cont.) Contents of the Network Health Detail Report

Column Data Type Description

Rx Success Double The receiver success rate for the member. If this
value is within 2% to 3% of the Min Node Rx
Success and more than 10% less than the Grid
Rx Success for the batch in the Network Health
File (see Table 7-12), the corresponding member
may be having difficulty communicating with the
cluster. A poor success rate can occur due to a
constrained CPU, constrained network bandwidth,
or high network latency.
PacketsSent Double The total number of network packets sent by the
Current Packets Sent Long The number of packets sent by the member since
the last report refresh.
PacketsResent Long The total number of network packets re-sent by the
member. Packets are re-sent when the receiver of
the packet receives an invalid packet or when an
acknowledge packet is not sent within the
appropriate amount of time.
Current Packet Resent Long The number of network packets re-sent by the
member since the last report refresh.
PacketsRepeated Long The total number of packets received multiple
Current Repeated Long The number of packets received multiple times
since the last report refresh.
Packets Received Long The total number of packets received by the
Current Packets Long The total number of packets received by the
Received member since the last report refresh.
TransportSentMessages Long The number of messages sent by the service-
dedicated transport since the last report refresh.
TransportReceivedMess Long The number of messages received by the service-
ages dedicated transport since the last report refresh.
TransportBacklogDelay Long The total number of milliseconds that the requests
were delayed due to draining the backlog since the
last report refresh.

Understanding the Network Health Report

The network health report contains the primary aggregates to help determine the health of
the network communications. The name of the network health report is timestamp-network-
health.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named
2009013113-network-health.txt represents a network health report for January 31, 2009 at
1:00 p.m.
Table 7-12 describes the contents of the network health report.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Node List Report

Table 7-12 Contents of the Network Health Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Min Node Rx Success Double The minimum receiver success rate for a
member in the cluster. If this value is
considerably less (10%) than the Grid Rx
Success rate, analyze the network health
detail report.
Grid Rx Success Double The receiver success rate for the grid as a
whole. If this value is below 90%, analyze the
network health detail report.
Min Node Tx Success Double The minimum publisher success rate for a
member in the cluster. If this value is
considerably less (10%) than the Grid Rx
Success rate, analyze the network health
detail report.
Grid TX Success Double The publisher success rate for the grid as a
whole. If this value is below 90%, analyze the
network health detail report.

Understanding the Node List Report

The node list report provides information to help identify a cluster member. Due to the
transient nature of the node identifier (nodeId), the reporter logs out a list of members
and user-defined member identity information. See member-identity in Developing
Applications with Oracle Coherence. The name of the nodes list report is timestamp-
nodes.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named
2009013101-nodes.txt represents a node list report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-13 describes the contents of the node list report.

Table 7-13 Contents of the Node List Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Persistence Detail Report

Table 7-13 (Cont.) Contents of the Node List Report

Column Data Description

RefreshTime Date/ The time at which the information was
Time refreshed from a remote member. If the time is
different than the refresh time on other rows in
the batch, the member did not respond in a
timely matter. This is often caused by a
member performing a garbage collection. Any
information regarding a member with an old
refresh date is questionable.
Node Id String The numeric member identifier.
UnicastAddress String The Unicast address for the member.
MemberName String The member name.
ProcessName String The process name for the member.
RoleName String The role name for the member.
MachineName String The computer name for the member.
RackName String The rack name for the member.
SiteName String The site name for the member.

Understanding the Persistence Detail Report

The persistence report provides detailed information about how cache persistence is
performing for a particular service and node. The name of the persistence detail report is
timestamp-persistence-detail.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For
example, a file named 2009013101-persistence-detail.txt represents a persistence detail
report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-14 describes the contents of the persistence detail report.

Table 7-14 Contents of the Persistence Detail Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate information
between related files. This value resets when the
reporter restarts and is not consistent across
members. However, it is helpful when trying to
integrate files.
ReportTime Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Service String The name of the partitioned cache service.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Persistence Report

Table 7-14 (Cont.) Contents of the Persistence Detail Report

Column Data Description

PersistenceMode String The current persistence mode for this service:
• active – all mutating cache operations are
persisted using the configured persistence
• on-demand – a persistence environment has
been configured and is available but is not
being actively used.
• n/a – persistence is not configured for this
NodeId Long The member for the persistence statistics.
PersistenceLatencyAverage Float The average latency (in milliseconds) added to a
mutating cache operation by active persistence
PersistenceLatencyMax Long The maximum latency (in milliseconds) added to a
mutating cache operation by an active persistence
PersistenceActiveSpaceUsed Long The amount of space (in bytes) that is used by
active persistence.
PersistenceActiveSpaceTotal Long The total size (in bytes) of the file system for use
by active persistence.
PersistenceActiveSpaceAvailable Long The remaining space (in bytes) available on the
file system for active persistence.
PersistenceSnapshotSpaceTotal Long The total size (in bytes) of the file system to store
PersistenceSnapshotSpaceAvailab Long The remaining space (in bytes) available on the
le file system to store snapshots.

Understanding the Persistence Report

The persistence report provides information about how cache persistence is
performing for a particular service. The name of the persistence report is timestamp-
persistence.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file
named 2009013101-persistence.txt represents a persistence report for January 31,
2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-15 describes the contents of the persistence report.

Table 7-15 Contents of the Persistence Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Proxy Report

Table 7-15 (Cont.) Contents of the Persistence Report

Column Data Description

ReportTime Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Service String The name of the partitioned cache service.
PersistenceMode String The current persistence mode for this service:
• active – all mutating cache operations
are persisted using the configured
persistence environment.
• on-demand – a persistence environment
has been configured and is available but
is not being actively used.
• n/a – persistence is not configured for
this service.
PersistenceTotalActiveSpaceU Long The amount of space (in bytes) that is used by
sed active persistence
PersistenceLatencyAverageAcr Float The average latency for all nodes (in
ossNodes milliseconds) added to a mutating cache
operation by active persistence operations.
PersistenceLatencyMaxAcrossN Long The maximum latency for all nodes (in
odes milliseconds) added to a mutating cache
operation by an active persistence operation.

Understanding the Proxy Report

The proxy report provides information about proxy servers and the information being
transferred to clients. The name of the proxy report is timestamp-network-report-proxy.txt
where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2009013101-
report-proxy.txt represents a proxy report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-16 describes the contents of the proxy report.

Table 7-16 Contents of the Proxy Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate information
between related files. This value resets when the
reporter restarts and is not consistent across
members. However, it is helpful when trying to
integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
RefreshTime Date/ The timestamp when this model was last retrieved
Time from a corresponding member. For local servers it
is the local time.
Service Name String The name of the proxy service.
HostIp String The IP Address and Port of the proxy service.
NodeId String The numeric member identifier.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Proxy HTTP Report

Table 7-16 (Cont.) Contents of the Proxy Report

Column Data Description

ConnectionCount Long The current number of connections to the proxy
OutgoingByteBacklog Long The number of bytes queued to be sent by the
proxy service.
OutgoingMessageBacklog Long The number of messages queued by the proxy
Bytes Sent Long The number of bytes sent by the proxy service
since the last report refresh.
Bytes Received Long The number of bytes received by the proxy service
since the last report refresh.
Messages Sent Long The number of messages sent by the proxy
service since the last report refresh.
Messages Received Long The number of messages received by the proxy
service since the last report refresh.

Understanding the Proxy HTTP Report

The proxy HTTP report provides information about HTTP acceptors that are
configured on a proxy server. The name of the proxy report is timestamp-report-
proxy-http.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file
named 2009013101-report-proxy-http.txt represents a proxy report for January 31,
2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-17 describes the contents of the proxy HTTP report.

Table 7-17 Contents of the Proxy HTTP Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
RefreshTime Date/ The timestamp when this model was last
Time retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers it is the local time.
Service Name String The name of the proxy service.
HTTPServerType String The type of HTTP server or n/a if the HTTP
protocol is not used.
HostIp String The IP Address and Port of the proxy service.
NodeId String The numeric member identifier.
AverageRequestSize Float The average size of the HTTP requests.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Ram Journal Report

Table 7-17 (Cont.) Contents of the Proxy HTTP Report

Column Data Description

AverageResponseSize Float The average size of the HTTP responses.
AverageRequestTime Float The average processing time in milliseconds
for HTTP requests.
TotalErrorCount Long The number of HTTP requests that caused
TotalRequestCount Long The number of requests since the HTTP
server was started or the statistics were reset.
ResponseCount1xx Long The number of HTTP responses in the
100-199 range.
ResponseCount2xx Long The number of HTTP responses in the
200-299 range.
ResponseCount3xx Long The number of HTTP responses in the
300-399 range.
ResponseCount4xx Long The number of HTTP responses in the
400-499 range.
ResponseCount5xx Long The number of HTTP responses in the
500-599 range.

Understanding the Ram Journal Report

The ram journal report displays statistics that are used to determine how well data is being
stored to RAM memory. The name of the ram journal report is timestamp-ramjournal.txt
where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2010013113-
ramjournal.txt represents a ram journal report for January 31, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
Table 7-18 describes the contents of the ram journal report.

Table 7-18 Contents of the Ram Journal Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate information
between related files. This value resets when the
reporter restarts and is not consistent across
members. However, it is helpful when trying to
integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Node Id Long The member for the RAM journal statistics.
FileCount Integer The number of journal files that are currently in
BinaryStoreCount Integer The number of active JournalBinaryStore
objects that are using this journal.
TotalDataSize Long The amount of data, in bytes, that is currently
stored for this journal.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Service Report

Table 7-18 (Cont.) Contents of the Ram Journal Report

Column Data Description

TotalFileSize Long The total size of all journal files for this journal.

Understanding the Service Report

The service report provides information for monitoring the health and performance of a
service. The Request Count and Task Count values help to determine the
performance and throughput of the service. The RequestPendingCount and Task
Backlog values help to identify capacity issues or blocked processes. The Task Hung
Count, Task Timeout Count, Thread Abandoned Count, and Request Timeout Count
values represent the number of unsuccessful executions that have occurred in the
system. The name of the service report is timestamp-service.txt where the
timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a file named 2010013113-
service.txt represents a service report for January 31, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
Table 7-19 describes the contents of the service report.

Table 7-19 Contents of the Service Report

Column Data Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
Report Time Date A timestamp for each report refresh.
Service String The service name.
Node Id String The numeric member identifier.
RefreshTime Date The system time when the service information
was updated from a remote member.
Request Count Long The number of requests since the last report
refresh execution.
RequestPendingCount Long The number of pending requests at the time of
the report.
RequestPendingDuration Long The duration for the pending requests at the
time of the report.
Request Timeout Count Long The number of request timeouts since the last
report refresh.
Task Count Long The number of tasks executed since the last
report refresh.
TaskBacklog Long The task backlog at the time of the report.
Task Timeout Count Long The number of task timeouts since the last
report refresh.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Proxy Connections Report

Table 7-19 (Cont.) Contents of the Service Report

Column Data Description

Task Hung Count Long The number of tasks that hung since the last
report refresh.
Thread Abandoned Count Long The number of threads abandoned since the
last report refresh.
Owned Partitions Primary Intege The number of partitions that this member
r owns (responsible for the primary storage).
Owned Partitions Backups Intege The number of partitions that this member
r backs up (responsible for the backup storage).
Partitions Endangered Intege The total number of partitions that are not
r currently backed up.
Partitions Vulnerable Intege The total number of partitions that are backed
r up on the same machine where the primary
partition owner resides.
Partitions Unbalanced Intege The total number of primary and backup
r partitions that remain to be transferred until the
partition distribution across the storage
enabled service members is fully balanced.
Outgoing Partition Count Intege The number of partitions that are currently
r being transferred by this service member to
other members.
Thread Count Intege The number of threads in the service thread
r pool. To configure a thread count, set the
thread-count-min and thread-count-max
elements to the same value.
Thread Idle Count Intege The number of currently idle threads in the
r service thread pool.
Thread Utilization % Double The percentage of threads in the pool that are
being used. The percentage is calculated
based on the thread count and the number of
threads that are idle.

Understanding the Proxy Connections Report

The proxy connections report provides information about the client connections for proxy
servers in a cluster. The name of the proxy connections report is timestamp-report-
proxy-connections.txt, where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a
file named 2009013101-report-proxy-connections.txt represents a proxy connections
report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-20 describes the contents of the proxy connections report.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Cache Storage Report

Table 7-20 Contents of the Proxy Connections Report

Attribute Type Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help integrate
information between related files. This value
resets when the reporter restarts and is not
consistent across members. However, it is
helpful when trying to integrate files.
ReportDate Date The timestamp for each report refresh.
ServiceName String The service name of the proxy server.
NodeId String The numeric member identifier.
UUID Integer The unique ID of this client connection.
RemoteAddress String The remote address of the client.
RemotePort Integer The remote port of the client.
ClientAddress String The client address of the client (may be
different from the RemoteAddress depending
upon the load balancer configuration).
ClientProcessName String The name or process id of the client.
ClientRole String The role of the client.
ConnectionTimeMil Long The time in milliseconds that the client has
lis been connected.

OutgoingByteBackl Long The number of bytes queued to be sent to the

og client.

OutgoingMessageBa Long The number of messages queued to be sent to

cklog the client.

BytesSent Long The number of bytes sent to the client since

the last report refresh.
BytesReceived Long The number of bytes received from the client
since the last report refresh.
MessagesSent Long The number of messages sent to the client
since the last report refresh.
MessagesReceived Long The number of messages received from the
client since the last report refresh.
Member String The string representation of the client.

Understanding the Cache Storage Report

The cache storage report provides detailed metrics including index, querying, and
eviction details for a cache. The name of the executor report is timestamp-report-
cache-storage.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a
file named 2009013101-report-proxy-connections.txt represents an executor
report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Cache Storage Report

This report is not included in report-group.xml but is available by running

Table 7-21 describes the contents of the cache storage report.

Table 7-21 Contents of the Cache Storage Report

Attribute Type Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help
integrate information between
related files. This value resets
when the reporter restarts and is
not consistent across members.
However, it is helpful when trying
to integrate files.
Report Date Date A timestamp for each report
Service String The service name.
Cache String The cache name.
NodeId String The numeric member identifier.
Query Contention Count Long The total number of times a
query had to be re-evaluated due
to a concurrent update since the
last report refresh. This statistic
provides a measure of the impact
of concurrent updates on query
performance. If the total number
of queries is Q and the number
of contentions is C, then the
expected performance
degradation factor should be no
more than (Q + C)/Q.
Eviction Count Long The total number of evictions for
the cache across the cluster
since the last report refresh.
Insert Count Long The number of inserts into the
backing map since the last report
refresh. In addition to standard
inserts that are caused by put
and invoke operations or
synthetic inserts that are caused
by get operations with read-
through backing map topology,
this counter increments when
distribution transfers move
resources into the underlying
backing map and decrements
when distribution transfers move
the data out.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Cache Storage Report

Table 7-21 (Cont.) Contents of the Cache Storage Report

Attribute Type Description

Remove Count Long The number of removes from the
backing map since the last report
refresh. Removes are caused by
operations such as clear,
remove, or invoke.
Optimized Query Count Long The total number of queries that
were fully resolved using indexes
since the last report refresh.
Optimized Query Total Long The total execution time, in
Millis milliseconds, for queries that
were fully resolved using indexes
since the last report refresh.
Non-optimized Query Count Long The total number of parallel
queries that could not be
resolved (or that were partially
resolved) using indexes since the
last report refresh.
Non-optimized Query Total Long The total execution time, in
Millis milliseconds, for queries that
could not be resolved (or that
were partially resolved) using
indexes since the last report
Index Total Units Long The total units used by all indices
on the associated cache.
Max Query Threshold Long The query statistics threshold,
Millis defining when a query has been
running long enough to be
interesting for recording.
Max Query Duration Millis Long The duration, in milliseconds, of
the longest query execution
since statistics were last reset.
MaxQuery Description String A string representation of a
query with the longest execution
time exceeding the MaxQuery
Threshold Millis attribute's
value since statistics were last
Optimized Query Average Long The average execution time, in
Millis milliseconds, for queries that
were fully resolved using indexes
since statistics were last reset.
Non-optimized Query Long The average execution time, in
Average Millis milliseconds, for queries that
could not be resolved (or that
were partially resolved) using
indexes since statistics were last

Chapter 7
Understanding the Transaction Manager Report

Table 7-21 (Cont.) Contents of the Cache Storage Report

Attribute Type Description

Locks Granted Long The number of locks currently
granted for the portion of the
partitioned cache managed by
Locks Pending The number of pending lock
requests for the portion of the
partitioned cache managed by
the StorageManager.

Understanding the Transaction Manager Report

The transaction manager report provides detailed transaction manager statics from all
transaction service instances in a cluster. The name of the transaction manager report is
timestamp-report-transaction.txt where the timestamp is in YYYYMMDDHH
format. For example, a file named 2009013101-report-transaction.txt represents a
transaction report for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Table 7-22 describes the contents of the transaction manager report.

Table 7-22 Contents of the Transaction Manager Report

Attribute Type Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help
integrate information between
related files. This value resets
when the reporter restarts and is
not consistent across members.
However, it is helpful when trying
to integrate files.
Report Date Date A timestamp for each report
Service String The name of the service.
NodeId String The numeric member identifier.
TotalActive Long The total number of currently
active transactions. An active
transaction is counted as any
transaction that contains at least
one modified entry and is yet to
be committed or rolled back. The
coordinator member for this
transaction maintains the count
even though multiple members
may have participated in the

Chapter 7
Understanding the Service Partitions Report

Table 7-22 (Cont.) Contents of the Transaction Manager Report

Attribute Type Description

TimeoutMillis Long The transaction timeout value in
milliseconds. This value applies
only to transactional connections
obtained after the value is set.
This attribute is currently not
CommittedCount Long The total number of transactions
that have been committed by the
transaction manager for the time
period. The coordinator member
for this transaction maintains the
count even though multiple
members may have participated
in the transaction.
RecoveredCount Long The total number of transactions
that have been recovered by the
transaction manager for the time
period. The coordinator member
for this transaction maintains the
count even though multiple
members may have participated
in the transaction.
RolledbackCount Long The total number of transactions
that have been rolled back by the
transaction manager for the time
period. The coordinator member
for this transaction maintains the
count even though multiple
members may have participated
in the transaction.
TransactionMillis Long The cumulative time (in
milliseconds) that was spent on
active transactions for the time

Understanding the Service Partitions Report

The service partitions report provides detailed metrics, including partition count,
average and maximum partition sizes, and average and maximum storage sizes for a
service. The name of the service partitions report is timestamp-service-
partitions.txt, where timestamp is in the YYYYMMDDHH format. For example, a
file named 2009013101-service-partitions.txt represents an executor report
for January 31, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.

Chapter 7
Understanding the Service Partitions Report

This report is not included in report-group.xml but is available by running
report-all.xml after you have installed the Cumulative Patch Update (CPU)
34845927 or later.

Table 7-23 describes the contents of the service partitions report.

Table 7-23 Contents of the Service Partitions Report

Attribute Type Description

Batch Counter Long A sequential counter to help
integrate information between
related files. This value resets
when the reporter restarts and is
not consistent across members.
However, it is helpful when trying
to integrate files.
Report Date Date A time stamp for each report
Service String The name of the service.
Partition Count Integer The configured number of
partitions for the service.
Backup Count Integer The configured number of
partition backups to be
maintained by the service.
Fair Share Primary Integer The number of primary partitions
per storage-enabled service
member that a strategy attempts
to maintain.
Fair Share Backup Integer The number of backup partitions
per storage-enabled service
member that a strategy currently
attempts to maintain.
Service Node Count Integer The number of storage-enabled
nodes running the service.
Service Machine Count Integer The number of machines that
host storage-enabled nodes
running the service.
Service Rack Count Integer The number of racks that host
storage-enabled nodes running
the service.
Service Site Count Integer The number of sites that host
storage-enabled nodes running
this service.
Strategy Name String The name of the partition
assignment strategy that is in

Chapter 7
Understanding the Service Partitions Report

Table 7-23 (Cont.) Contents of the Service Partitions Report

Attribute Type Description

HA Status String The high availability status for the
service. The valid values are:
• MACHINE-SAFE: The loss of
a machine will not result in
data loss.
• RACK-SAFE: The loss of a
rack will not result in data
• SITE-SAFE: The loss of a
site will not result in data
• NODE-SAFE: A cluster node
can be stopped without any
data loss.
• ENDANGERED: Abnormal
termination of a cluster node
that runs the service can
cause data loss.
Note: To achieve RACK-SAFE
and SITE-SAFE, each cluster
node must have its rack and site
name configured.
HA Target String The high availability status that
the strategy attempts to achieve.
Valid values are the same as the
HAStatus attribute.
Remaining Distribution Integer The number of partition transfers
Count that remain to be completed
before the service achieves the
goals set by the strategy.
Average Partition Size KB Integer The average partition storage
size in kilobytes.
Max Partition Size KB Integer The maximum partition storage
size in kilobytes.
Average Storage Size KB Integer The average node storage size in
Max Storage Size KB Integer The maximum node storage size
in kilobytes.
Max Load Node Id Integer The node identified with the
maximum node storage size.

Oracle Coherence MBeans Reference
The MBean reference provides a detailed description of all Coherence MBeans including
their attributes and operations. In addition to the MBean reference, the Registration
interface provides descriptions of the MBeans. In addition, an MBean-capable agent (such as
JConsole) also shows MBean information. See Using JMX to Manage Oracle Coherence .
This reference includes the following MBeans:
• Cache MBean
• Cluster MBean
• ClusterNode MBean
• ConnectionManager MBean
• Connection MBean
• Destination MBean
• FederationManager MBean
• FlashJournalRM MBean
• Management MBean
• Origin MBean
• PersistenceManager MBean
• PointToPoint MBean
• RamJournalRM
• Reporter MBean
• Service MBean
• SimpleStrategy MBean
• StorageManager MBean
• Topology MBean
• TransactionManager MBean

Cache MBean
The Cache MBean represents a cache and provides operational and performance statistics.
Some MBean attributes are writable and allow the behavior of a cache to be changed in real
time. A cluster member includes zero or more instances of this managed bean depending on
the number of caches that are configured for each data service type (distributed, replicated,
and so on).
The object name of the MBean is:
type=Cache,service=service name,name=cache name,nodeId=cluster node id,tier=tier tag

Appendix A
Cache MBean

The Cache MBean contains many attributes that are not applicable to
transactional caches. A transactional cache returns a -1 value if attributes
are invoked that do not apply. See Cache MBeans for Transactional Caches
in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.

Table A-1 describes the attributes for the Cache MBean.

Table A-1 Cache MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

AverageGetMillis Double read-only The average number of milliseconds for each
get() invocation since the last time
statistics were reset. This statistic is only
tracked for caches that may incur expensive
hits (for example the front of a near cache).
AverageHitMillis Double read-only The average number of milliseconds for each
get() invocation that is a hit. This statistic is
only tracked for caches that may incur
expensive hits (for example the front of a
near cache).
AverageMissMillis Double read-only The average number of milliseconds for each
get() invocation that is a miss. This statistic
is only tracked for caches that may incur
expensive hits (for example the front of a
near cache).
AveragePutMillis Double read-only The average number of milliseconds for each
put() invocation since the cache statistics
were last reset. This statistic is only tracked
for caches that may incur expensive hits (for
example the front of a near cache).
BatchFactor Double read/write The BatchFactor attribute is used to
calculate the soft-ripe time for write-behind
queue entries. A queue entry is considered
to be ripe for a write operation if it has been
in the write-behind queue for no less than
the QueueDelay interval. The soft-ripe time
is the point in time before the actual ripe time
after which an entry is included in a batch
asynchronous write operation to the cache
store (along with all other ripe and soft-ripe
entries). This attribute is only applicable if
asynchronous writes are enabled (that is, the
value of the QueueDelay attribute is greater
than zero) and the cache store implements
the storeAll() method. The value of the
element is expressed as a percentage of the
QueueDelay interval. Valid values are
doubles in the interval [0.0, 1.0].

Appendix A
Cache MBean

Table A-1 (Cont.) Cache MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

CacheHits Long read-only The rough number of cache visits since the
statistics were last reset. A cache hit is a
read operation invocation (that is, get()) for
which an entry exists in this map.
CacheHitsMillis Long read-only The total number of milliseconds (since the
statistics were last reset) for the get()
operations for which an entry existed in this
map. This statistic is only tracked for caches
that may incur expensive hits (for example
the front of a near cache).
CacheMisses Long read-only The rough number of cache misses since the
statistics were last reset
CacheMissesMillis Long read-only The total number of milliseconds (since the
statistics were last reset) for the get()
operations for which no entry existed in this
map. This statistic is only tracked for caches
that may incur expensive hits (for example
the front of a near cache).
CachePrunes Long read-only The number of prune operations since the
statistics were last reset. A prune operation
occurs every time the cache reaches its
high-water mark as specified by the
HighUnits attribute.
CachePrunesMillis Long read-only The total number of milliseconds for the
prune operations since the statistics were
last reset
CacheStoreType String read-only The cache store type for this cache. Possible
values include: NONE, READ-ONLY, WRITE-
Description String read-only The cache description
ExpiryDelay Integer read/write The time-to-live for cache entries in
milliseconds. A value of zero indicates that
the automatic expiry is disabled. Changing
this attribute does not affect existing entries
that are scheduled to expire.
HighUnits Integer read/write The limit of the cache size measured in units.
The cache prunes itself automatically after it
reaches its maximum unit level. This is often
referred to as the high-water mark of the
HitProbability Double read-only The rough probability (0 <= p <= 1) that
the next invocation is a hit since the last time
statistics were reset
LowUnits Integer read/write The number of units to which the cache
shrinks when it prunes. This is often referred
to as a low-water mark of the cache

Appendix A
Cache MBean

Table A-1 (Cont.) Cache MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

QueueDelay Integer read/write The number of seconds that an entry added
to a write-behind queue sits in the queue
before being stored using a cache store. This
attribute is only applicable if the cache store
QueueSize Integer read-only The size of the write-behind queue. This
attribute is only applicable if the cache store
RefreshFactor Double read/write This attribute is used to calculate the soft-
expiration time for cache entries. Soft-
expiration is the point in time before the
actual expiration after which any access
request for an entry schedules an
asynchronous load request for the entry. This
attribute is only applicable for a read/write
backing map that has an internal local cache
with scheduled automatic expiration. The
value of this element is expressed as a
percentage of the internal local cache
expiration interval. Valid values are doubles
in the interval [0.0, 1.0]. If the factor is zero,
refresh-ahead scheduling is disabled.
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.
RequeueThreshold Integer read/write The size of the write-behind queue at which
additional actions could be taken. If the size
is zero, write-behind requeuing is disabled.
Otherwise, this value controls the frequency
of the corresponding log messages. For
example, a value of 100 produces a log
message every time the size of the write
queue is a multiple of 100.
Size Integer read-only The number of entries in the cache
StoreAverageBatchSize Long read-only The average number of entries stored for
each cache store write operation since the
statistics were last reset. A call to the
store() method is counted as a batch of
one; whereas a call to the storeAll()
method is counted as a batch of the passed
Map size. The value is -1 if the cache store
type is NONE.
StoreAverageReadMilli Long read-only The average time (in milliseconds) spent per
s read operation since the statistics were last
reset. The value is -1 if the cache store type
is NONE.
StoreAverageWriteMill Long read-only The average time (in milliseconds) spent per
is write operation since the statistics were last
reset. The value is -1 if the cache store type
is NONE.

Appendix A
Cache MBean

Table A-1 (Cont.) Cache MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

StoreFailures Long read-only The total number of cache store failures
(load, store, and erase operations) since the
statistics were last reset. The value is -1 if
the cache store type is NONE.
StoreReadMillis Long read-only The cumulative time (in milliseconds) spent
on load operations since the statistics were
last reset. The value is -1 if the cache store
type is NONE.
StoreReads Long read-only The total number of load operations since
the statistics were last reset. The value is -1
if the cache store type is NONE.
StoreWriteMillis Long read-only The cumulative time (in milliseconds) spent
on store and erase operations since the
statistics were last reset. The value is -1 if
the cache store type is NONE or READ-ONLY.
StoreWrites Long read-only The total number of store and erase
operations since the statistics were last
reset. The value is -1 if the cache store type
TotalGets Long read-only The total number of get() operations since
the statistics were last reset
TotalGetsMillis Long read-only The total number of milliseconds spent on
get() operations since the statistics were
last reset. This statistic is only tracked for
caches that may incur expensive hits (for
example the front of a near cache).
TotalPuts Long read-only The total number of put() operations since
the statistics were last reset
TotalPutsMillis Long read-only The total number of milliseconds spent on
put() operations since the statistics were
last reset. This statistic is only tracked for
caches that may incur expensive hits (for
example the front of a near cache).
UnitFactor Integer read-only The factor by which the Units, LowUnits,
and HighUnits properties are adjusted.
Using a BINARY unit calculator, for example,
the factor of 1048576 could be used to count
megabytes instead of bytes.
Units Integer read-only The size of the cache measured in units.
This value must be adjusted by the

The Cache MBean includes a resetStatistics operation that resets all cache statistics.

Appendix A
Cluster MBean

Cluster MBean
The Cluster MBean represents a cluster and provides operational statistics. Each
cluster member includes a single instance of this managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:

Table A-2 describes the attributes for Cluster MBean.

Table A-2 Cluster MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

ClusterName String read-only The name of the cluster
ClusterSize Integer read-only The total number of cluster members
LicenseMode String read-only The license mode that this cluster is using.
Possible values are Evaluation,
Development, or Production.
LocalMemberId Integer read-only The member ID for the cluster member that
is collocated with the reporting MBean
server. The value is -1 if the cluster service
is not running.
MemberIds Intege read-only An array of all existing cluster member IDs
Members String[ read-only An array of all existing cluster members
MembersDeparted String[ read-only An array of strings containing the member
] information for recently departed cluster
members. Members are removed from this
array when the member ID is recycled. This
information is since the member has joined
the cluster and is reset when the MBean
server member leaves and rejoins the
cluster. The MembersDepartureCount is
the total count of departed members and not
the size of this array.
MembersDepartureCount Long read-only The number of times this member has
observed another member`s departure from
the cluster since this management member
has joined the cluster or statistics have been
OldestMemberId Integer read-only The senior cluster member ID. The value is
-1 if the cluster service is not running.
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.
Running Boolean read-only Specifies whether the cluster is running
Version String read-only The Oracle Coherence version

Appendix A
ClusterNode MBean

Table A-3 describes the operations for the Cluster MBean.

Table A-3 Cluster MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

suspendService String Void Suspends all members of the service
sService identified by the specified name. A
suspended service is in a deactivated state
in preparation to be shutdown. Once
suspended, a service can be resumed or
reactivated with the resumeService
operation. If Cluster is used as the service
name, then all services (including the cluster
service) are suspended.
shutdown Not applicable Void Shuts down the cluster service on this
resumeService String Void Resumes all suspended members of the
sService service identified by the specified name. If
Cluster is used as the service name, then
all services (including the cluster service) are
logClusterState String sRole Void Logs the state (full thread dump and
outstanding polls) on cluster members that
are running with the specified role. The role
of a cluster member is defined within the
<member-identity> element of an
operational override file. See Specifying a
Cluster Member's Identity in Developing
Applications with Oracle Coherence. If the
sRole parameter is not specified (no value
in the field), then state is logged on all
cluster members.
ensureRunning Not applicable Void Ensures that the cluster service is running
on this member
dumpClusterHeap String sRole Void Creates a heap dump for each cluster
member matching the specified role. If null is
specified as the role, the heap dump will be
created for all the cluster members.

ClusterNode MBean
The ClusterNode MBean represents a cluster member and provides operational and
performance statistics. Many of the attributes are writable and allow the behavior of the
member to be changed in real time. Each cluster member includes a single instance of this
managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=Node,nodeId=cluster node id

Appendix A
ClusterNode MBean

Table A-4 describes the attributes for ClusterNode MBean.

Table A-4 ClusterNode MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

BufferPublishSize Integer read/write The buffer size of the unicast datagram
socket that is used by the publisher,
measured in the number of packets.
Changing this value at run time is an
inherently unsafe operation that pauses all
network communications and may result in
the termination of all cluster services.
BufferReceiveSize Integer read/write The buffer size of the unicast datagram
socket that is used by the receiver,
measured in the number of packets.
Changing this value at run time is an
inherently unsafe operation that pauses all
network communications and may result in
the termination of all cluster services.
CpuCount Integer read-only Number of CPU cores for the computer that
this member is running on
FlowControlEnabled Boolean read-only Indicates whether FlowControl is enabled.
See flow-control in Developing Applications
with Oracle Coherence.
Id Integer read-only The short member ID that uniquely identifies
the member now and does not change for
the life of this member
LoggingDestination String read-only The output device used by the logging
system. Valid values are stdout, stderr,
jdk, log4j, or a file name.
LoggingFormat String read/write Specifies how messages are formatted
before being passed to the log destination
LoggingLevel Integer read/write Specifies which logged messages are output
to the log destination. Valid values are
nonnegative integers. A value of -1 disables
all logger output.
LoggingLimit Integer read/write The maximum number of characters that the
logger daemon processes from the message
queue before discarding all remaining
messages in the queue. Valid values are
positive integers in the range 0 to
Integer.MAX_VALUE (2147483647). A
value of zero implies Integer.MAX_VALUE.
MachineId Integer read-only The computer ID of this member
MachineName String read-only A unique name for the computer. The name
should be the same for all members that are
on the same computer and different for
members that are on different computers.
MemberName String read-only A unique name for a member. The name
must be unique for every member.

Appendix A
ClusterNode MBean

Table A-4 (Cont.) ClusterNode MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

MemoryAvailableMB Integer read-only The total amount of memory (in MB) that is
available in the JVM for new objects
MemoryMaxMB Integer read-only The maximum amount of memory (in MB)
that the JVM attempts to use
MulticastAddress String read-only The multicast socket IP address that is used
by this member for group communication
MulticastEnabled Boolean read-only Specifies whether this member uses
multicast for group communication. If false,
this member uses the addresses listed in the
WellKnownAddresses attribute to join the
cluster and point-to-point unicast to
communicate with other members of the
MulticastPort Integer read-only The multicast socket port that is used by this
member for group communication
MulticastThreshold Integer read/write The percentage (0 to 100) of the servers in
the cluster that a packet is sent to, above
which the packet is sent using multicast and
below which it is sent using unicast
MulticastTTL Integer read-only The time-to-live for multicast packets that
were sent out on this member`s multicast
NackEnabled Boolean read-only Indicates whether the early packet loss
detection protocol is enabled
NackSent Long read-only The total number of NACK packets that were
sent since the member statistics were last
PacketDeliveryEfficiency Float read-only The efficiency of packet loss detection and
retransmission. A low efficiency indicates a
high rate of unnecessary packet
PacketsBundled Long read-only The total number of packets that were
bundled before transmission. The total
number of network transmissions equals
PacketsSent - PacketsBundled.
PacketsReceived Long read-only The number of packets that were received
since the member statistics were last reset
PacketsRepeated Long read-only The number of duplicate packets that were
received since the member statistics were
last reset
PacketsResent Long read-only The number of packets that were re-sent
since the member statistics were last reset.
A packet is re-sent when there is no ACK
received within a timeout period.
PacketsResentEarly Long read-only The total number of packets that were re-
sent too soon. A packet is re-sent too soon
when there is a NACK indicating that the
packet has not been received.

Appendix A
ClusterNode MBean

Table A-4 (Cont.) ClusterNode MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

PacketsResentExcess Long read-only The total number of packet retransmissions
that were later proven unnecessary
PacketsSent Long read-only The number of packets that were sent since
the member statistics were last reset
Priority Integer read-only The priority, or weight, of the member. This
value is used to determine tie-breakers
ProcessName String read-only A name that should be the same for
members that are in the same process
(JVM) and different for members that are in
different processes. If not explicitly provided,
the name is calculated internally as the Name
attribute of the system RuntimeMXBean,
which normally represents the process
identifier (PID).
ProductEdition String read-only The product edition this member is running.
Possible values are Standard Edition,
Enterprise Edition, and Grid
PublisherPacketUtilization Float read-only The publisher packet utilization for this
cluster member since the member socket
was last reopened. This value is a ratio of
the number of bytes sent to the number that
would have been sent had all packets been
full. A low utilization indicates that data is not
being sent in large enough chunks to make
efficient use of the network.
PublisherSuccessRate Float read-only The publisher success rate for this cluster
member since the member statistics were
last reset. The publisher success rate is a
ratio of the number of packets successfully
delivered in a first attempt to the total
number of sent packets. A failure count is
incremented when there is no ACK received
within a timeout period. It could be caused
by either very high network latency or a high
packet drop rate.
QuorumStatus String read-only The current state of the cluster quorum
RackName String read-only A name for the rack on which the member is
located. This name should be the same for
members that are on the same physical rack
(or frame or cage) and different for members
that are on different physical racks
ReceiverPacketUtilization Float read-only The receiver packet utilization for this cluster
member since the socket was last reopened.
This value is a ratio of the number of bytes
that were received to the number that would
have been received had all packets been full.
A low utilization indicates that data is not
being sent in large enough chunks to make
efficient use of the network.

Appendix A
ClusterNode MBean

Table A-4 (Cont.) ClusterNode MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

ReceiverSuccessRate Float read-only The receiver success rate for this cluster
member since the member statistics were
last reset. The receiver success rate is a
ratio of the number of packets that were
successfully acknowledged in a first attempt
to the total number of received packets. A
failure count increments when a redelivery of
a previously received packet is detected.
Very high inbound network latency or lost
ACK packets can cause a low success rate.
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.
ResendDelay Integer read/write The minimum number of milliseconds that a
packet remains queued in the publisher`s
resend queue before it is re-sent to any
recipients if the packet has not been
acknowledged. Setting this value too low can
overflow the network with unnecessary
repetitions. Setting the value too high can
increase the overall latency by delaying the
re-sending of dropped packets. Change of
this value may require a change in the
SendAckDelay value.
RoleName String read-only A name that indicates the role of a cluster
member to the application. Use a name that
is meaningful to the application.
SendAckDelay Integer read/write The minimum number of milliseconds
between the queuing and sending of an ACK
packet. This value should not be more then
half of the ResendDelay value.
SendQueueSize Integer read-only The number of packets that are currently
scheduled for delivery. This number includes
both packets that are to be sent immediately
and packets that have been sent and are
awaiting for an acknowledgment. Packets
that do not receive an acknowledgment
within the ResendDelay interval are
automatically re-sent.
SiteName String read-only A name for the site where the member is
located. The name should be the same for
members that are on the same physical site
(for example, data center), and different for
members that are on different physical sites
SocketCount Integer read-only The number of CPU sockets for the
computer that this member is running on
Statistics String read-only The statistics for this cluster member in a
human readable format

Appendix A
ClusterNode MBean

Table A-4 (Cont.) ClusterNode MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

TcpRingFailures Long read-only The number of TcpRing disconnects that
were recovered since the member statistics
were last reset. A recoverable disconnect is
an abnormal event that is registered when
the TcpRing peer drops the TCP connection,
but recovers after no more than the
maximum configured number of attempts. A
value of -1 indicates that TcpRing is
Timestamp Date read-only The date/time value (in cluster time) that this
member joined the cluster
TrafficJamCount Integer read/write The maximum total number of packets in the
send and resend queues that forces the
publisher to pause client threads. A value of
zero means no limit.
TrafficJamDelay Integer read/write The number of milliseconds to pause client
threads when a traffic jam condition has
been reached. Anything less than one (for
example, zero) is treated as one millisecond.
UnicastAddress String read-only The datagram socket IP address that is used
by this member for point-to-point
UnicastPort Integer read-only The datagram socket port that is used by this
member for point-to-point communication
WeakestChannel Integer read-only The ID of the cluster member to which this
member is having the most difficulty
communicating, or -1 if none is found. A
channel is considered to be weak if either
the point-to-point publisher or receiver
success rates are below 1.0.
WellKnownAddresses String[ read-only An array of well-known socket addresses
] that this member uses to join the cluster

Table A-5 describes the operations for the ClusterNode MBean.

Table A-5 ClusterNode MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

ensureService String void Ensure that a cache service for the specified
sCacheName cache runs at the cluster member
represented by this MBean. This method
uses the configurable cache factory to find
out which cache service to start if necessary.
resetStatistics Not applicable void Reset the cluster member statistics
logNodeSate Not applicable void Logs a full thread dump and outstanding
polls for the services on this cluster member

Appendix A
ConnectionManager MBean

Table A-5 (Cont.) ClusterNode MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

shutdown Not applicable void Stop all the clustered services running at this
member (controlled shutdown). The
management of this member is not available
until the member restarts (manually or

ConnectionManager MBean
The ConnectionManager MBean represents an Oracle Coherence*Extend proxy and provides
statistics for throughput and connection information. A cluster member includes zero or more
instances of this managed bean depending on the number of configured proxies.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=ConnectionManager,name=service name,nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-6 describes the attributes for the ConnectionManager MBean.

Table A-6 ConnectionManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

AverageRequestTime Float read-only The average processing time in milliseconds
for HTTP requests
ConnectionCount Integer read-only The number of client connections
HostIP String read-only The IP address and port of the proxy host
HTTPServerType String read-only The type of HTTP server or n/a if the HTTP
protocol is not used
IncomingBufferPoolCapacity Long read-only The pool capacity (in bytes) of the incoming
IncomingBufferPoolSize Integer read-only The number of buffers in the incoming pool
MessagingDebug Boolean read/write The debug flag. If the flag set to true and
the logging level on the node is set to 6 or
higher, then sent and received messages are
logged for all the connections under this
OutgoingBufferPoolCapacity Long read-only The pool capacity (in bytes) of the outgoing
OutgoingBufferPoolSize Integer read-only The number of buffers in the outgoing pool
OutgoingByteBacklog Long read-only The backlog (in bytes) of the outgoing queue
OutgoingMessageBacklog Long read-only The backlog of the outgoing message queue
Protocol String read-only The protocol associated with this
ConnectionManager MBean instance. Valid
values are tcp or http.

Appendix A
Connection MBean

Table A-6 (Cont.) ConnectionManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.
RequestsPerSecond Float read-only The number of HTTP requests per second
since the statistics were reset
ResponseCount1xx Long read-only The number of HTTP responses in the
100-199 range
ResponseCount2xx Long read-only The number of HTTP responses in the
200-299 range
ResponseCount3xx Long read-only The number of HTTP responses in the
300-399 range
ResponseCount4xx Long read-only The number of HTTP responses in the
400-499 range
ResponseCount5xx Long read-only The number of HTTP responses in the
500-599 range
TotalBytesReceived Long read-only The total number of bytes that were received
by the proxy host since the statistics were
last reset
TotalBytesSent Long read-only The total number of bytes that were sent by
the proxy host since the statistics were last
TotalErrorCount Long read-only The number of HTTP requests that caused
TotalMessagesReceived Long read-only The total number of messages that were
received by the proxy host since the
statistics were last reset
TotalMessagesSent Long read-only The total number of messages that were
sent by the proxy host since the statistics
were last reset
TotalRequestCount Long read-only The number of requests since the HTTP
server was started or the statistics were
UnauthorizedConnectionAttempts Long read-only The number of connection attempts from
unauthorized hosts.

The ConnectionManager MBean includes a resetStatistics operation that resets
destination statistics.

Connection MBean
The Connection MBean represents a remote client connection through Oracle
Coherence*Extend and provides performance and usage statistics for the connection.
A cluster member includes zero or more instances of this managed bean depending
on the number of active remote connections to the cluster.
The object name of the MBean is:

Appendix A
Connection MBean

type=Connection,name=service name ,nodeId=cluster node id,UUID=connection id

Table A-7 describes the attributes for the Connection MBean.

Table A-7 Connection MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

ConnectionTimeMillis Long read-only The time duration (in milliseconds) that the
client has been connected
Member String read-only The member identity information for the
client. The value can be customized using
the <member-identity> element in the
client operational override file. See
Specifying a Cluster Member's Identity in
Developing Applications with Oracle
OutgoingByteBacklog Long read-only The backlog (in bytes) of the outgoing queue
OutgoingMessageBacklog Integer read-only The backlog of the outgoing message queue
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.
RemoteAddress String read-only The IP address of the corresponding client
RemotePort Integer read-only The port of the corresponding client
Timestamp Date read-only The date/time value (in local time) that the
corresponding client connected to the proxy
TotalBytesReceived Long read-only The total number of bytes that were received
since the last time the statistics were reset
TotalBytesSent Long read-only The total number of bytes that were sent
since the last time the statistics were reset
TotalMessagesReceived Long read-only The total number of messages that were
received since the last time the statistics
were reset
TotalMessagesSent Long read-only The total number of messages that were
sent since the last time the statistics were
UUID String read-only The unique identifier for this connection

Table A-8 describes the operations for the Connection MBean.

Table A-8 Connection MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

closeConnection Not applicable void Close the corresponding connection.
resetStatistics Not applicable void Reset the connection statistics.

Appendix A
Destination MBean

Destination MBean
The Destination MBean represents a federation participant and provides
performance statistics. One or more managed beans is registered depending on the
number of federation participants that can receive data.
The object name of the MBean is:
name,nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-9 describes the attributes for the Destination MBean.

Table A-9 Destination MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

BytesSentSecs Long read-only The bytes sent per second.
ConnectRetryTimeoutMillis Long read-only The configured connect retry timeout.
CurrentBandwidth Double read-only The current utilized bandwidth in
Megabits per second for sending
replicate message.
ErrorDescription String read-only An error description. A value is only
returned if the sender is in an ERROR
EstimatedReplicateAllRemainingTime Long read-only The estimated remaining time (in
milliseconds) in completing the
replicateAll request.
GeoIp String read-only The location metadata that is
configured for the participant.
MaxBandwidth Double read-only The maximum bandwidth, per member,
for sending federated data to a
destination participant. This value is
loaded from the source member's
configuration of the destination
A value of -1.0 means the maximum
bandwidth is not configured.
Member String read-only The member information of the
destination node.
MsgApplyTimePercentileMillis Long read-only The 90-percentile value of the time (in
milliseconds) it took to apply the
replication messages on the
MsgNetworkRoundTripTimePercentileM Long read-only The 90-percentile value of the round
illis trip time (in milliseconds) taken for the
transmission of replication messages,
application of changes on the
destination cluster, and the receipt of
the corresponding acknowledgment
messages over the network.

Appendix A
Destination MBean

Table A-9 (Cont.) Destination MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

MsgsSentSecs Long read-only The messages sent per second.
Name String read-only The name of the sender.
ParticipantType String read-only The participant type. Valid types are
cluster and interceptor.
RecordBacklogDelayTimePercentileMi Long read-only The 90-percentile value of the time (in
llis milliseconds) the journal records are in
the cache waiting to be replicated.
ReplicateAllPercentComplete Long read-only The percent of work completed for a
replicateAll request.
ReplicateAllTotalTime Long read-only The total time (in milliseconds) the
replicateAll request took.
ReplicateAllLastException String read-only The last exception recorded for a
replicateAll request.
ReplicateAllPartitionCompletedCoun Integer read-only The total number of partitions
t completed for the replicateAll
ReplicateAllPartitionCount Integer read-only The total number of partitions in the
replicateAll request.
ReplicateAllPartitionErrorCount Integer read-only The number of partitions with error
responses for the replicateAll
request. Check
ReplicateAllLastException for
details of the last exception and the log
for details of all the errors.
SendTimeoutMillis Long read-only The send timeout that is configured for
the participant.

Appendix A
Destination MBean

Table A-9 (Cont.) Destination MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

State String read-only The state of the participant. One of the
• INITIAL - The initial starting
state. At this point, no changes
have been made to any caches on
any owned partitions for the
• STARTING - The member is
transitioning from the INITIAL
state to the CONNECTING state.
• CONNECTING - The member is
connecting to the destination
• CONNECT_WAIT - The member had
a failed connect attempt. It will
make another connect attempt in
the future.
• IDLE - The member is connected
to the destination participant.
There are no pending changes to
send or pending
• READY - The member is connected
to the destination participant. The
member is transitioning to the
SENDING state.
• SENDING - The member is
connected to the destination
participant. The member is
preparing changes to send to the
destination participant.
• STOPPED - The member is not
connected. Sending changes is
• PAUSED - The member is not
connected. Pending changes are
• ERROR - An error occurred
resulting in stopping federation.
The member is not connected and
sending changes is disabled.
• YIELDING - The member is
connected. The member is
temporarily paused waiting for
acknowledgements or for a
network backlog to clear.
• DISCONNECTED - The member has
lost its connection to the
destination participant. The
member is transitioning to the
CONNECTING state to establish a
new connection.

Appendix A
Destination MBean

Table A-9 (Cont.) Destination MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

• DISCONECTING - The member's
connection to the destination
participant is closing. After the
connection is closed, the member
will transition to the
StateCode Integer read-only The state code of the participant. One
of the following:
• 4: IDLE
• 5: READY
• 9: ERROR
For a description of each of these state
codes, see State.
Status Integer read-only The status of the participant. Statuses
• 0 – OK
• 1 – Warning
• 2 – Error
TotalBytesSent Long read-only The total number of bytes that were
TotalEntriesSent Long read-only The total number of cache entries that
were sent
TotalErrorResponses Long read-only The total number of responses with
error. Check the log for details of the
TotalMsgSent Long read-only The total number of replication
messages that were sent. A replication
message can contain multiple journal
TotalMsgUnacked Long read-only The total number of un-acknowledged
replication messages
TotalRecordsSent Long read-only The total number of journal records
that were sent. A journal record can
consist of multiple cache entries that
are part of the same transaction

Appendix A
FederationManager MBean

Table A-9 (Cont.) Destination MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

TraceLogging Boolean read/write Used to enable/disable federation trace
logging. Valid values are true to
enable federation trace logging and
false to disable federation trace

The Destination MBean includes a resetStatistics operation that resets
destination statistics.

FederationManager MBean
The FederationManager MBean represents a FederatedCache service instance and
provides operations that control replication of data to service participants. One or more
managed beans is registered depending on the number of service instances.
The object name of the MBean is:
Coherence:type=Federation,service=service name,responsibility=Coordinator

Table A-10 describes the attributes for the FederationManager MBean.

Table A-10 FederationManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

CoordinatorId Integer read-only The member identifier for the federation
coordinator node
LocalParticipantName String read-only The name of the local participant for this
TraceLogging Boolean read/write Indicates whether the federation trace
logging is enabled or not.

Table A-11 describes the operations for FederationManager MBean.

Table A-11 FederationManager MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Type Description

start String p1 void Start federating data to the entered
participant. A value of null starts
federating to all participants. The
connection is established lazily only
when there is data to be replicated.

Appendix A
FlashJournalRM MBean

Table A-11 (Cont.) FederationManager MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Type Description

startWithNoBacklog String p1 void Start federating to the entered
participant and clear any initial
backlog. A value of null starts
federating to all participants. The
connection is established lazily only
when there is data to be federated.
startWithSync String p1 void Start federating to the entered
participant and perform a
ReplicateAll operation to
synchronize the participant. A value of
null starts federating to all
participants. The connection is
established lazily only when there is
data to be federated.
stop String p1 void Stop federating data to the entered
participant. A value of null stops
federating to all participants.
pause String p1 void Pause federating data to the entered
participant. A value of null pauses
federating to all participants.
reportState String p1 Map Return a Map that indicates the state of
the entered participant. The key in the
map represents the state and the value
represents the percent of service
members that are in that state.
replicateAll String p1 void Asynchronously replicate all caches to
the entered participant
retrievePendingOutgoingMessage Not applicable Integer Number of pending outgoing federation
s messages
retrievePendingIncomingMessage Not applicable Integer Number of incoming federation
s messages currently being processed
listNonFederatedCaches String p1 String[] A list of the names of the caches that
belong to a Federated Cache Service
but are not being federated.

FlashJournalRM MBean
The Journal MBean provides an interface for the flash journal resource manager
(FlashJournalRM) and provides operational statistics. The resource manager stores data to
flash memory. Each cluster member includes a single instance of this managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=Journal,name=FlashJournalRM,nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-12 describes the attributes for the Journal MBean that pertain to the flash journal
resource manager.

Appendix A
FlashJournalRM MBean

Table A-12 Journal MBean Attributes for FlashJournalRM

Attribute Type Access Description

BacklogCount Integer read-only The number of serialized values that have
yet to be stored in the journal
BacklogSize Integer read-only The amount of data that has been enqueued
for the journal to write to disk, but which has
not yet been written to disk. The maximum
amount of memory used by the backlog is at
least twice the configured amount, because
the data enqueued is held in binary form and
rendered to the write-behind buffers.
BinaryStoreCount Integer read-only The number of active JournalBinaryStore
objects that are using this journal
BufferSize Integer read-only The size of the buffers that are used to write
data to a journal file
CollectorLoadFactor Double read-only The threshold after which files are eligible for
garbage collection. The larger the value, the
more aggressively files are collected.
CurrentCollectorLoadFactor Double read-only The current load factor threshold at which
files are being garbage collected
FileCount Integer read-only The number of journal files that are currently
in use
HighFileCount Integer read-only The high file count after which compulsory
compaction (garbage collection) occurs for
the Journal
HighestLoadFactor Double read-only The approximate high-water mark of the
Journal capacity utilization
MaxBacklogSize Integer read-only The maximum size, in bytes, of the backlog.
Writes are delayed when the backlog
exceeds this level and remain delayed until
the backlog recedes below this level.
MaxFileSize Long read-only The maximum allowable size of an individual
journal file
MaxJournalFilesNumber Integer read-only The maximum number of journal files that
can be used
MaxPoolSize Integer read-only The maximum size, in bytes, of the buffer
MaxTotalRam Long read-only This attribute does not pertain to a flash
journal and returns -1.
MaxValueSize Integer read-only The maximum allowable size, in bytes, for
serialized values
NioRam Boolean read-only Whether the RAM journal uses on-heap byte
buffers or off-heap NIO buffers (NIO RAM).
Valid values are true and false. A true
value indicates off-heap NIO buffers. A
false value indicates on-heap byte buffers.
The default value is false.
PoolSize Integer read-only The total size, in bytes, of all available
buffers in the pool

Appendix A
Management MBean

Table A-12 (Cont.) Journal MBean Attributes for FlashJournalRM

Attribute Type Access Description

TotalCompactionCount Integer read-only The total number of times compaction
(garbage collection) has been done for the
TotalDataSize Long read-only The amount of data, in bytes, that is currently
stored for this journal
TotalFileSize Long read-only The total size of all journal files for this

The Journal MBean has no operations.

Management MBean
The Management MBean represents the grid JMX infrastructure and provides operational
settings. Some of the attributes are writable and allow management behavior to be changed
in real time. Each cluster member includes a single instance of this managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:

Table A-13 describes the attributes for Management MBean.

Table A-13 Management MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

ExpiryDelay Long read/write The number of milliseconds that the MBean
server keeps a remote model snapshot
before refreshing
RefreshCount Long read-only The total number of snapshots retrieved
since the statistics were last reset
RefreshExcessCount Long read-only The number of times that the MBean server
predictively refreshed information and the
information was not accessed
RefreshOnQuery Boolean read-only Specifies whether the refresh-on-query
MBean server is configured. If this is true,
then the RefreshPolicy value should be
RefreshPolicy String read/write The policy that determines the behavior
when refreshing remote models. Valid values
are refresh-ahead, refresh-behind,
refresh-expired, and refresh-
onquery. Invalid values are converted to

Appendix A
Origin MBean

Table A-13 (Cont.) Management MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

RefreshPredictionCount Long read-only The number of times that the MBean server
used a predictive (refresh-behind,
refresh-ahead, refresh-onquery)
algorithm to refresh MBean information
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.
RefreshTimeoutCount Long read-only The number of times that this management
member has timed out while attempting to
refresh remote MBean attributes
RemoteNotificationCount Long read-only The total number of remote notifications that
were received for all MBeans by this member
since the last time the statistics were reset

The Management MBean includes a resetStatistics operation that resets the
RefreshCount, RefreshExcessCount, and RefreshPredictionCount statistics.

Origin MBean
The Origin MBean represents a federation participant and provides performance
statistics. One or more managed beans is registered depending on the number of
federation participants that can send data.
The object name of the MBean is:
name,nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-14 describes the attributes for Origin MBean.

Table A-14 Origin MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

BytesReceivedSecs Long read-only The bytes received per second
CurrentConnectionCount Integer read-only The count of the incoming participant
members currently connected to the
MapMembers Map<String, read-only A map of the incoming participant
String> members, specified by the endpoint,
currently connected to the member.
Note: The key
is endpoint and
the value is

Appendix A
PersistenceManager MBean

Table A-14 (Cont.) Origin MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

Member String read-only The member information of the in-
Note: This attribute is replaced by coming participant node.
MapMembers. Therefore, it is deprecated in
WebLogic Server 12c ( and will be
removed in the next release.
MsgApplyTimePercentileMillis Long read-only The 90-percentile value of the time (in
milliseconds) it took to apply the
replication messages on the
MsgsReceivedSecs Long read-only The messages received per second.
RecordBacklogDelayTimePercentileMi Long read-only The 90-percentile value of the time (in
llis milliseconds) the journal records are in
the cache waiting to be replicated.
ReplicateMessageLastException String read-only The last exception recorded for a
ReplicateMessage request.
TotalBytesReceived Long read-only The total number of bytes that were
TotalEntriesReceived Long read-only The total number of cache entries that
were received.
TotalErrorRequests Integer read-only The total number of
ReplicateMessage requests with
error. Check the log for details of the
TotalMsgReceived Long read-only The total number of replication
messages that were received. A
replication message could contain
multiple journal records.
TotalMsgUnacked Long read-only The total number of un-acknowledged
replication messages.
TotalRecordsReceived Long read-only The total number of journal records
that were received. A journal record
could consist of multiple cache entries
that are part of the same transaction.

The Origin MBean includes a resetStatistics operation that resets destination statistics.

PersistenceManager MBean
The PersistenceManager MBean provides attributes and operations related to persisting and
recovering the contents of distributed cache services. Each service instance includes a single
instance of this managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=Persistence,service=service name,responsibility=PersistenceCoordinator

Appendix A
PersistenceManager MBean

Table A-15 describes the attributes for PersistenceManager MBean.

Table A-15 PersistenceManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

OperationsStatus String read-only The status of the current operation issued by
the persistence coordinator
ManagerId Integer read-only The member id of the service node that is
the persistence coordinator
Snapshots String[] read-only The list of snapshot identifiers that are
available to recover from
Idle Boolean read-only Whether or not the persistence coordinator is

Table A-16 describes the operations for PersistenceManager MBean.

Table A-16 PersistenceManager MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

archiveSnapshot String sName void Archive the snapshot to a centralized
location. This operation is asynchronous.
createSnapshot String sName void Create a snapshot of the service with the
specified name. This operation is
forceRecovery Not applicable void Proceed with recovery despite the dynamic
quorum policy objections. This may lead to
the partial or full data loss at the
corresponding cache service.
listArchivedSnapshots Not applicable String[ Return a list of archived snapshots for the
] service
listArchivedSnapshotsStores String sName String[ Return a list of stores for the archived
] snapshot with the specified name
removeArchivedSnapshot String sName void Remove the archived snapshot from a
centralized location
recoverSnapshot String sName void Recover from a snapshot of the service with
the specified name. This operation is
retrieveArchivedSnapshot String sName void Retrieve the archived snapshot from a
centralized location. This operation is
removeSnapshot String sName void Remove the snapshot of the service with the
specified name. This operation is

Appendix A
PointToPoint MBean

Table A-17 describes the notifications for PersistenceManager MBean.

Table A-17 PersistenceManager MBean Notifications

Notification Description
ARCHIVE_SNAPSHOT_BEGIN Indicates the start of archiving a snapshot
ARCHIVE_SNAPSHOT_END Indicates the end of archiving a snapshot
CREATE_SNAPSHOT_BEGIN Indicates the start of snapshot creation
CREATE_SNAPSHOT_END Indicates the end of snapshot creation
RECOVER_BEGIN Indicates the start of recovery
RECOVER_DISALOWED Indicates recovery being disallowed by the quorum
RECOVER_END Indicates the end of recovery
RECOVER_SNAPSHOT_BEGIN Indicates the start of recovering to a snapshot
RECOVER_SNAPSHOT_END Indicates the end of recovering to a snapshot
REMOVE_ARCHIVED_SNAPSHOT_BEGIN Indicates the start of removing an archived
REMOVE_ARCHIVED_SNAPSHOT_END Indicates the end of removing an archived
REMOVE_SNAPSHOT_BEGIN Indicates the start of removing a snapshot
REMOVE_SNAPSHOT_END Indicates the end of removing a snapshot
RETRIEVE_ARCHIVED_SNAPSHOT_BEGIN Indicates the start of retrieving an archived
RETRIEVE_ARCHIVED_SNAPSHOT_END Indicates the end of retrieving an archiving

PointToPoint MBean
The PointToPoint MBean represents the network status between two cluster members and
provides network statistics from the perspective of the current viewing member to a specified
viewed member. To specify the member, enter its ID using the ViewedMemberId attribute.
Each cluster member includes a single instance of this managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=PointToPoint,nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-18 describes the attributes for PointToPoint MBean.

Appendix A
PointToPoint MBean

Table A-18 PointToPoint MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

DeferredPackets Integer read-only The number of packets that were
addressed to the viewed member that
the viewing member is currently
deferring to send. The viewing member
delays sending these packets until the
number of outstanding packets falls
below the value of the Threshold
attribute. The value of this attribute is
only meaningful if the viewing member
has FlowControl enabled. See flow-
control in Developing Applications with
Oracle Coherence.
Deferring Boolean read-only Indicates whether the viewing member
is currently deferring packets to the
viewed member. The value of this
attribute is only meaningful if the
viewing member has FlowControl
enabled. See flow-control in
Developing Applications with Oracle
LastIn Long read-only The number of milliseconds that have
elapsed since the viewing member last
received an acknowledgment from the
viewed member
LastOut Long read-only The number of milliseconds that have
elapsed since the viewing member last
sent a packet to the viewed member
LastSlow Long read-only The number of milliseconds that have
elapsed since the viewing member
declared the viewed member as slow,
or -1 if the viewed member has never
been declared slow
OutstandingPackets Integer read-only The number of packets that the viewing
member has sent to the viewed
member that have yet to be
acknowledged. The value of this
attribute is only meaningful if the
viewing member has FlowControl
enabled. See flow-control in
Developing Applications with Oracle

Appendix A
PointToPoint MBean

Table A-18 (Cont.) PointToPoint MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

PauseRate Float read-only The percentage of time since the last
time statistics were reset in which the
viewing member considered the
viewed member to be unresponsive.
Under normal conditions this value
should be very close to 0.0. Values
near 1.0 would indicate that the viewed
member is nearly inoperable, likely due
to extremely long garbage collection.
The value of this attribute is only
meaningful if the viewing member has
FlowControl enabled. See flow-
control in Developing Applications with
Oracle Coherence.
Paused Boolean read-only Indicates whether the viewing member
currently considers the viewed member
to be unresponsive. The value of this
attribute is only meaningful if the
viewing member has FlowControl
enabled. See flow-control in
Developing Applications with Oracle
PublisherSuccessRate Float read-only The publisher success rate from the
viewing member to the viewed member
since the statistics were last reset
ReceiverSuccessRate Float read-only The receiver success rate from the
viewing member to the viewed member
since the statistics were last reset
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was
last retrieved from a corresponding
member. For local servers, it is the
local time
Threshold Integer read-only The maximum number of outstanding
packets for the viewed member that the
viewing member is allowed to
accumulate before initiating the
deferral algorithm. The value of this
attribute is only meaningful if the
viewing member has FlowControl
enabled. See flow-control in
Developing Applications with Oracle
ViewedMemberId Integer read/write The ID of the member being viewed
ViewerStatistics String[] read-only A human readable summary of the
point-to-point statistics from the
viewing member for all other members

Table A-19 describes the operations for PointToPoint MBean.

Appendix A

Table A-19 PointToPoint MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

resetStatistics Not applicable void Reset the viewing member`s point-to-point
statistics for all other members.
trackWeakest Not applicable void Instruct the Point-to-Point MBean to track the
weakest member. A viewed member is
considered to be weak if either the
corresponding publisher or receiver success
rate is below 1.0.

The Journal MBean provides an interface for the RAM journal resource manager
(RamJournalRM) and provides operational statistics. The resource manager is
responsible for storing data to RAM memory. Each cluster member includes a single
instance of this managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=Journal,name=RamJournalRM,nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-20 describes the attributes for JournalMBean that pertain to the RAM journal
resource manager.

Table A-20 Journal MBean Attributes for RamJournalRM

Attribute Type Access Description

BacklogCount Integer read-only This attribute does not pertain to a RAM
journal and returns -1.
BacklogSize Integer read-only This attribute does not pertain to a RAM
journal and returns -1.
BinaryStoreCount Integer read-only The number of active JournalBinaryStore
objects that are using this journal
BufferSize Integer read-only This attribute does not pertain to a RAM
journal and returns -1.
CollectorLoadFactor Double read-only The threshold after which files are eligible for
garbage collection. The larger the value, the
more aggressively files are collected.
CurrentCollectorLoadFactor Double read-only The current load factor threshold at which
files are being garbage collected
FileCount Integer read-only The number of journal files that are currently
in use
HighFileCount Integer read-only This attribute does not pertain to a RAM
journal and returns -1.
HighestLoadFactor Double read-only This attribute does not pertain to a RAM
journal and returns 0.0.

Appendix A
Reporter MBean

Table A-20 (Cont.) Journal MBean Attributes for RamJournalRM

Attribute Type Access Description

MaxBacklogSize Integer read-only This attribute does not pertain to a RAM
journal and returns -1.
MaxFileSize Long read-only The maximum allowable size of an individual
journal file
MaxJournalFilesNumber Integer read-only The maximum number of journal files that
can be used
MaxPoolSize Integer read-only The maximum size, in bytes, of the buffer
MaxTotalRam Long read-only The total amount of RAM used for this
MaxValueSize Integer read-only The maximum allowable size, in bytes, for
serialized values
NioRam Boolean read-only Whether the RAM journal uses on-heap byte
buffers or off-heap NIO buffers (NIO RAM).
Valid values are true and false. A true
value indicates off-heap NIO buffers. A
false value indicates on-heap byte buffers.
The default value is false.
PoolSize Integer read-only This attribute does not pertain to a RAM
journal and returns -1.
TotalCompactionCount Integer read-only The total number of times compaction
(garbage collection) has been done for the
TotalDataSize Long read-only The amount of data, in bytes, that is currently
stored for this journal
TotalFileSize Long read-only The total size of all journal files for this

The Journal MBean has no operations.

Reporter MBean
The Reporter MBean represents the Oracle Coherence Reporter and provides settings and
statistics for Oracle Coherence reporting. Many of the attributes are writable and change
reporting behavior in real time. In addition, the MBean contains operations that start and stop
reporting and run reports in real time. Each cluster member includes a single instance of this
managed bean.
The object name of the MBean is:

Table A-21 describes the attributes for Reporter MBean.

Appendix A
Reporter MBean

Table A-21 Reporter MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

AutoStart Boolean read-only Specifies whether reporting starts
automatically with the member
ConfigFile String read/write The report group configuration file to be used
for reporting
CurrentBatch Long read/write The batch identifier for the reporter
IntervalSeconds Long read/write The interval between executions in seconds
LastExectionTime Date read-only The last time a report batch ran. For local
servers, it is the local time.
LastReport String read-only The last report to execute
OutputPath String read/write The path where report output is located
RefreshTime Date read-only The last time that the reporter statistics were
reset. For local servers, it is the local time.
Reports String[] read-only The list of reports that were created
RunAverageMillis Double read-only The average batch run in milliseconds since
the statistics were last reset
RunLastMillis Long read-only The last batch run in milliseconds since the
statistics were last reset
RunMaxMillis Long read-only The maximum batch run in milliseconds
since the statistics were last reset
State String read-only The reporting state. Valid values are
Running (reports are being created),
Waiting (the reporter is waiting for the
interval to complete), Starting (the reporter
is being started), Stopping (the reporter is
attempting to stop and waiting for running
reports to complete), Stopped (the reporter
is stopped) and, Sleeping (the reporter is

Table A-22 describes the operations for Reporter MBean.

Table A-22 Reporter MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Type Description

resetStatistics Not applicable void Reset the reporter statistics.
runReport String void Run a report group or single report one
sReportFile time using the specified report group or
report file, respectively (for example
(reports/report-group.xml or

Appendix A
Service MBean

Table A-22 (Cont.) Reporter MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Type Description

runTabularReport String TabularData Run a report group or single report one
sReportFile time using the specified report group or
report file, respectively (for example
(reports/report-group.xml or
The results are returned in a table
format in a separate window.
You can also directly enter the XML
syntax of a report group or report file. If
you enter the XML of a report group,
the individual reports must be found on
the classpath.
runTabularGroupReport String TabularData Run a report group one time and pass
sReportName in the individual reports' XML content.
The results are returned in a table
format in a separate window.
start Not applicable void Start reporting
stop Not applicable void Stop reporting

Service MBean
The Service MBean represents a clustered service and provides usage and performance
statistics. Some of the attributes are writable and change the behavior of a service in real
time. In addition, the MBean contains operations to start and stop a service in real time. A
cluster member includes zero or more instances of this managed bean depending on the
number of clustered services that are started.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=Service,name=service name,nodeId=cluster node id

The terms task and request have unique definitions within Oracle Coherence. Understand the
terms before setting the task-related and request-related attributes for Service MBean.

• Task – A task is an invoked object that executes on one or more members. The objects
include filters, invocation agents (entry processors and aggregators), or single-pass
agents (Invocable objects).
• Request – A request is the round-trip required to complete a task. A request begins the
moment a task is sent for execution by a client and includes the following:
– The time it takes to deliver the request to an executing member (server)
– The interval between the time the task is received and placed into a service queue
until the execution starts
– The task execution time
– The time it takes to deliver a result back to the client

Appendix A
Service MBean

Table A-23 describes the attributes for Service MBean.

Table A-23 Service MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

BackupCount Integer read-only The number of backups for every cache
BackupCountAfterWritebehind Integer read-only The number of members of the partitioned
(distributed) cache service that retain backup
data, which does not require write-behind.
The data is not vulnerable to being lost even
if the entire cluster is shut down.
EventInterceptorInfo String[ read-only An array of statistics for live events
] processed by event interceptors. The
statistics include:
• Interceptors – a list of registered
• ExceptionCount – the number of
exceptions thrown from the interceptors
since the last time the statistics were
• LastException – a stack trace of the
last exception thrown from the
JoinTime Date read-only The date and time (in cluster time) that this
member joined the service
MemberCount Integer read-only The total number of cluster nodes running
this service
MessagesLocal Long read-only The total number of messages which were
self-addressed messages since the last time
the statistics were reset. Such messages are
used for servicing process-local requests
and do not have an associated network cost
MessagesReceived Long read-only The total number of messages received by
this service since the last time the statistics
were reset. This value accounts for
messages received by any (local, dedicated
or shared) transport
MessagesSent Long read-only The number of messages sent by this
service since the last time the statistics were
reset. This value accounts for messages
sent by any (local, dedicated or shared)
OutgoingTransferCount Integer read-only The number of partitions that are currently
being transferred by this service member to
other members
OwnedPartitionsBackup Integer read-only The number of partitions that this member
backs up (responsible for the backup
OwnedPartitionsPrimary Integer read-only The number of partitions that this member
owns (responsible for the primary storage)

Appendix A
Service MBean

Table A-23 (Cont.) Service MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

PartitionsAll Integer read-only The total number of partitions that every
cache storage is divided into
PartitionsEndangered Integer read-only The total number of partitions that are not
currently backed up
PartitionsUnbalanced Integer read-only The total number of primary and backup
partitions that remain to be transferred until
the partition distribution across the storage
enabled service members is fully balanced
PartitionsVulnerable Integer read-only The total number of partitions that are
backed up on the same machine where the
primary partition owner resides
PersistenceActiveSpaceAvailable Long read-only The remaining space (in bytes) available on
the file system for active persistence
PersistenceActiveSpaceTotal Long read-only The total size (in bytes) of the file system for
use by active persistence
PersistenceActiveSpaceUsed Long read-only The amount of space (in bytes) that is used
by active persistence
PersistenceEnvironment String read-only A description of the configured persistence
environment or n/a if one has not been
PersistenceLatencyAverage Float read-only The average latency (in milliseconds) added
to a mutating cache operation by active
persistence operations
PersistenceLatencyMax Long read-only The maximum latency (in milliseconds)
added to a mutating cache operation by an
active persistence operation
PersistenceMode String read-only The current persistence mode for this
• active – all mutating cache operations
are persisted using the configured
persistence environment.
• on-demand – a persistence
environment has been configured and is
available but is not being actively used.
• n/a – persistence is not configured for
this service.
PersistenceSnapshotArchiver String read-only A description of the configured snapshot
archiver or n/a if one has not been
PersistenceSnapshotSpaceAvailable Long read-only The remaining space (in bytes) available on
the file system to store snapshots
PersistenceSnapshotSpaceTotal Long read-only The total size (in bytes) of the file system to
store snapshots
QuorumStatus String read-only The current state of the service quorum
RefreshTime Date read-only The time stamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.

Appendix A
Service MBean

Table A-23 (Cont.) Service MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

RequestAverageDuration Float read-only The average duration (in milliseconds) of an
individual request that was issued by the
service since the last time the statistics were
RequestMaxDuration Long read-only The maximum duration (in milliseconds) of a
request that was issued by the service since
the last time the statistics were reset
RequestPendingCount Long read-only The number of pending requests that were
issued by the service
RequestPendingDuration Long read-only The duration (in milliseconds) of the oldest
pending request that was issued by the
RequestTimeoutCount Long read-only The total number of timed-out requests since
the last time the statistics were reset
RequestTimeoutMillis Long read/write The default timeout value in milliseconds for
requests that can be timed-out (for example,
implement the
interface) but do not explicitly specify the
request timeout value
RequestTotalCount Long read-only The total number of synchronous requests
that were issued by the service since the last
time the statistics were reset
Running Boolean read-only Specifies whether the service is running
SeniorMemberId Integer read-only The service senior member ID. The value is
-1 if the service is not running.
Statistics String read-only The statistics for this service in a human
readable format
StatusHA String read-only The High Availability (HA) status for this
• MACHINE-SAFE: The loss of a machine
will not result in data loss.
• RACK-SAFE: The loss of a rack will not
result in data loss.
• SITE-SAFE: The loss of a site will not
result in data loss.
• NODE-SAFE: A cluster node can be
stopped without any data loss.
• ENDANGERED: Abnormal termination of a
cluster node that runs this service can
cause data loss.
Note: To achieve RACK-SAFE and SITE-
SAFE, each cluster node must have its rack
and site name configured.
StorageEnabled Boolean read-only Specifies whether the local storage is
enabled for this cluster member

Appendix A
Service MBean

Table A-23 (Cont.) Service MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

StorageEnabledCount Integer read-only Specifies the total number of cluster
members running this service for which local
storage is enabled
TaskAverageDuration Float read-only The average duration (in milliseconds) of an
individual task execution
TaskBacklog Integer read-only The size of the backlog queue that holds
tasks scheduled to be executed by a service
TaskCount Long read-only The total number of executed tasks since the
last time the statistics were reset
TaskHungCount Integer read-only The total number of currently executing hung
TaskHungDuration Long read-only The longest currently executing hung task
duration in milliseconds
TaskHungTaskId String read-only The ID of the longest currently executing
hung task
TaskHungThresholdMillis Long read/write The amount of time in milliseconds that a
task can execute before it is considered
hung. A posted task that has not yet started
is never considered as hung.
This attribute is applied only if a thread pool
is started (that is, the ThreadCount value is
> 0).
TaskMaxBacklog Integer read-only The maximum size of the backlog queue
since the last time the statistics were reset
TaskTimeoutCount Integer read-only The total number of timed-out tasks since
the last time the statistics were reset
TaskTimeoutMillis Long read/write The default timeout value in milliseconds for
tasks that can be timed-out (for example,
implement the
interface) but do not explicitly specify the
task execution timeout value.
This attribute is applied only if a thread pool
is started (that is, the ThreadCount value is
> 0).
ThreadAbandonedCount Integer read-only The number of abandoned threads from the
service thread pool. A thread is abandoned
and replaced with a new thread if it executes
a task for a period longer than the execution
timeout and all attempts to interrupt it fail.
ThreadAverageActiveCount Float read-only The average number of active (not idle)
threads in the service thread pool since the
last time the statistics were reset
ThreadCount Integer read/write The number of threads in the service thread
pool. To configure a thread count, set the
thread-count-min and thread-count-
max elements to the same value.

Appendix A
Service MBean

Table A-23 (Cont.) Service MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

ThreadCountMax Integer read/write The maximum number of daemon threads.
Usage of daemon threads varies for different
service types. If zero or negative, the service
does not use daemon threads and all
relevant tasks are performed on the service
thread. Furthermore, if negative, tasks are
performed on the caller's thread where
ThreadCountMin Integer read/write The minimum number of daemon threads.
Usage of daemon threads varies for different
service types. If zero or negative, the service
does not use daemon threads and all
relevant tasks are performed on the service
thread. Furthermore, if negative, tasks are
performed on the caller's thread where
ThreadCountUpdateTime Date read-only The last time an update was made to the
thread count. This attribute is only valid
when the ThreadPoolSizingEnabled
attribute is true.
ThreadIdleCount Integer read-only The number of currently idle threads in the
service thread pool
ThreadPoolSizingEnabled Boolean read-only Specifies whether dynamic thread pool
sizing is enabled for this service. To enable
dynamic thread pools, the thread-count-
min and thread-count-max elements must
be set on the service.
TransportAddress String read-only The service-dedicated transport address. If
an address is shown (indicating that a
reliable transport has been enabled on the
service), then the service instance
communicates with other service members
using the dedicated transport address rather
then using the shared cluster transport.
TransportBackloggedConnectionList String[ read-only A list of backlogged connections on the
] service-dedicated transport
TransportBackloggedConnections Integer read-only The number of backlogged connections on
the service-dedicated transport. Any new
requests that require the connection are
blocked until the backlog is cleared.
TransportConnections Integer read-only The number of maintained connections on
the service-dedicated transport. This count
may be lower than the member count if some
members have not been configured to use
the dedicated transport, or it has been
identified that there is no advantage in using
the dedicated transport for communication
with certain members.
TransportReceivedBytes Long read-only The number of bytes that were received by
the service-dedicated transport since the last
time the statistics were reset

Appendix A
SimpleStrategy MBean

Table A-23 (Cont.) Service MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

TransportReceivedMessages Long read-only The number of messages that were received
by the service-dedicated transport since the
last time the statistics were reset
TransportRetainedBytes Long read-only The number of bytes that were retained by
the service-dedicated transport and that are
awaiting delivery acknowledgment. This
memory is allocated outside of the Java
garbage collection heap space.
TransportSentBytes Long read-only The number of bytes that were sent by the
service-dedicated transport since the last
time the statistics were reset
TransportSentMessages Long read-only The number of messages that were sent by
the service-dedicated transport since the last
time the statistics were reset
Type String read-only The type identifier of the service

Table A-24 describes the operations for Service MBean.

Table A-24 Service MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

reportOwnership fVerbose String Reports the partitions that are owned by the
service on this node. The fVerbose
parameter formats the ownership summary.
Valid values are true or false. Setting the
parameter to true includes the detailed
ownership catalog.
resetStatistics Not applicable void Reset the service statistics
shutdown Not applicable void Stop the service. This is a controlled
shutdown, and is preferred to the stop
start Not applicable void Start the service
stop Not applicable void Force the service to stop. Use the shutdown
operation for normal service termination.

SimpleStrategy MBean
The SimpleStrategy MBean represents a simple partition assignment strategy and provides
operational statistics. Each partitioned service registers a single instance of this managed
bean. The MBean is attached to a single instance of the PartitionAssignmentStrategy
object which exists on the member that is the distribution coordinator for the service. The
associated MBean is not explicitly unregistered, but its name is rebound to a new MBean
instance if and when a different service member becomes the distribution coordinator.
The object name of the MBean is:

Appendix A
SimpleStrategy MBean

Coherence:type=PartitionAssignment,service=service name,

Table A-25 describes the attributes for SimpleStrategy MBean.

Table A-25 SimpleStrategy MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

AveragePartitionSizeKB Long read-only The average partition storage size in
AverageStorageSizeKB Long read-only The average node storage size in kilobytes
BackupCount Integer read-only The configured number of partition backups
to be maintained by the service
CoordinatorId Integer read-only The member identifier of the service node
that is the ownership distribution coordinator
FairShareBackup Integer read-only The number of backup partitions per
storage-enabled service member that this
strategy currently attempts to maintain
FairSharePrimary Integer read-only The number of primary partitions per
storage-enabled service member that this
strategy currently attempts to maintain
HAStatus String read-only The high availability status for this service.
Valid values are:
• MACHINE-SAFE: The loss of a machine
will not result in data loss.
• RACK-SAFE: The loss of a rack will not
result in data loss.
• SITE-SAFE: The loss of a site will not
result in data loss.
• NODE-SAFE: A cluster node can be
stopped without any data loss.
• ENDANGERED: Abnormal termination of a
cluster node that runs this service can
cause data loss.
Note: To achieve RACK-SAFE and SITE-
SAFE, each cluster node must have its rack
and site name configured.
HATarget String read-only The high availability status that this strategy
attempts to achieve. Valid values are the
same as the HAStatus attribute.
LastAnalysisTime Date read-only The last time a distribution analysis was
MaxLoadNodeId Integer read-only The node identified with the maximum node
storage size
MaxPartitionSizeKB Long read-only The maximum partition storage size in
MaxStorageSizeKB Long read-only The maximum node storage size in kilobytes
PartitionCount Integer read-only The configured number of partitions for the

Appendix A
StorageManager MBean

Table A-25 (Cont.) SimpleStrategy MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

RemainingDistributionCount Integer read-only The number of partition transfers that remain
to be completed before the service achieves
the goals set by this strategy
ServiceMachineCount Integer read-only The number of machines that host storage-
enabled nodes running this service
ServiceNodeCount Integer read-only The number of storage-enabled nodes
running this service
ServiceRackCount Integer read-only The number of racks that host storage-
enabled nodes running this service
ServiceSiteCount Integer read-only The number of sites that host storage-
enabled nodes running this service
StrategyName String read-only The name of the partition assignment
strategy that is in use

Table A-26 describes the operations for SimpleStrategy MBean.

Table A-26 SimpleStrategy MBean Operations

Operation Parameters Return Description

reportScheduledDistributions Boolean String Report partitions that remain to be
fVerbose transferred to achieve the goals set by this
strategy. If the fVerbose parameter is set to
true, the report includes details for each
scheduled transfer.

StorageManager MBean
The StorageManager MBean represents a storage instance for a storage-enabled distributed
cache service and provides usage statistics for the storage-enabled cache and also includes
statistics for queries. A storage instance manages all index, listener, and lock information for
the portion of the distributed cache managed by the local member. A cluster member includes
zero or more instances of this managed bean depending on the number of configured
distributed caches.
The object name of the MBean is:
type=StorageManager,service=service name,cache=cache name,nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-27 describes the attributes for StorageManager MBean.

Appendix A
StorageManager MBean

Table A-27 StorageManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

EventInterceptorInfo String[] read-only An array of statistics for live events
processed by event interceptors. The
statistics include:
• Interceptors – a list of registered
• ExceptionCount – the number of
exceptions thrown from the
interceptors since the last time the
statistics were reset
• LastException – a stack trace of
the last exception thrown from the
EventsDispatched Long read-only The total number of events that were
dispatched by the storage manager since
the last time the statistics were reset
EvictionCount Long read-only The number of evictions, from the backing
map that is managed by this storage
manager, that were caused by entry expiry
or insert operations that would make the
underlying backing map reach its
configured size limit. The eviction count is
used to audit the cache size in a static
Cache Size = Insert Count -
Remove Count - Eviction Count
Therefore, the eviction count is not reset
by the reset statistics method.
IndexInfo String[] read-only An array of information for each index that
is applied to the portion of the partitioned
cache managed by the storage manager.
Each element is a string value that
includes a ValueExtractor description,
ordered flag (true to indicate that the
contents of the index are ordered; false
otherwise), and cardinality (number of
unique values indexed).

Appendix A
StorageManager MBean

Table A-27 (Cont.) StorageManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

InsertCount Long read-only The number of inserts into the backing
map. In addition to standard inserts that
are caused by put and invoke operations
or synthetic inserts that are caused by get
operations with read-through backing map
topology, this counter increments when
distribution transfers move resources into
the underlying backing map and
decrements when distribution transfers
move data out.
The insert count is used to audit the cache
size in a static system:
Cache Size = Insert Count -
Remove Count - Eviction Count
Therefore, the insert count is not reset by
the reset statistics method.
ListenerFilterCount Integer read-only The number of filter-based listeners that is
currently registered with the storage
ListenerKeyCount Integer read-only The number of key-based listeners that is
currently registered with the storage
ListenerRegistrations Long read-only The total number of listener registration
requests that were processed by the
storage manager since the last time the
statistics were reset
LocksGranted Integer read-only The number of locks that is currently
granted for the portion of the partitioned
cache managed by the storage manager.
A call to NamedCache.lock() increments
the value, while a call to
NamedCache.unlock() decrements the
LocksPending Integer read-only The number of pending lock requests for
the portion of the partitioned cache
managed by the storage manager
MaxQueryDescription String read-only A description of the query with the longest
duration that exceeds the
MaxQueryThresholdMillis attribute
since the statistics were last reset
MaxQueryDurationMillis Long read-only The number of milliseconds of the longest
running query since the statistics were last
MaxQueryThresholdMillis Long read/write A threshold, in milliseconds, for recording
queries. The longest query that executes
longer than this threshold is reported by
the MaxQueryDescription attribute. The
default value is 30 ms.

Appendix A
StorageManager MBean

Table A-27 (Cont.) StorageManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

NonOptimizedQueryAverageMillis Long read-only The average duration, in milliseconds, for
non-optimized query execution since the
cache statistics were last reset
NonOptimizedQueryCount Long read-only The total number of parallel queries that
could not be resolved (or that were
partially resolved) using indexes since the
statistics were last reset
NonOptimizedQueryTotalMillis Long read-only The total execution time, in milliseconds,
for queries that could not be resolved (or
that were partially resolved) using indexes
since the statistics were last reset
OptimizedQueryAverageMillis Long read-only The average duration, in milliseconds, per
optimized query execution since the
statistics were last reset
OptimizedQueryCount Long read-only The total number of queries that were fully
resolved using indexes since the statistics
were last reset
OptimizedQueryTotalMillis Long read-only The total execution time, in milliseconds,
for queries that were fully resolved using
indexes since the statistics were last reset
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member.
For local servers, it is the local time.
RemoveCount Long read-only The number of removes from the backing
map managed by this storage manager
caused by operations such as clear,
remove, or invoke.
The remove count is used to audit the
cache size in a static system:
Cache Size = Insert Count -
Remove Count - Eviction Count
Therefore, the remove count is not reset
by the reset statistics method.
TriggerInfo String[] read-only An array of information for each trigger
that is applied to the portion of the
partitioned cache managed by the storage
manager. Each element is a string value
that represents a human-readable
description of the corresponding
MapTrigger implementation.

The StorageManager MBean includes a resetStatistics operation that resets
storage manager statistics. This operation does not reset the EvictionCount,
InsertCount, or RemoveCount attributes.

Appendix A
Topology MBean

Topology MBean
The Topology MBean represents federation participants in the context of a topology. A
federation topology defines how data is synchronized among federation participants. An
instance of this managed bean is registered for each topology being used by a federated
cache service.
The object name of the MBean is:
Coherence:type=Federation,subType=Topology,name=topology name nodeId=cluster node id

Table A-28 describes the attributes for Topology MBean.

Table A-28 Topology MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

CacheNames Collection read-only The names of the caches using this topology
ParticpantTypes Map read-only The map of participants and their
corresponding type
RoleParticipants Map read-only The map of roles and the participants in that
TopologyType String read-only The topology type

The Topology MBean has no operations.

TransactionManager MBean
The TransactionManager MBean represents a transaction manager in the transactional
framework and provides global transaction manager statics by aggregating service-level
statistics from all transaction service instances. A cluster member includes zero or more
instances of this managed bean depending on the number of configured transactional
caches. Each cluster member has one instance of the transaction manager MBean for each
The object name of the MBean is:
type=TransactionManager,service=service name,nodeId=cluster node id

For certain transaction manager attributes, the coordinator member for the
transaction maintains the count even though multiple members participate in the
transaction. For example, a transaction may include modifications to entries stored
on multiple members, but the TotalCommitted attribute only increments on the
MBean on the member that coordinated the commit of that transaction.

Appendix A
TransactionManager MBean

Table A-29 describes the attributes for TransactionManager MBean.

Table A-29 TransactionManager MBean Attributes

Attribute Type Access Description

CommitTotalMillis Long read-only The cumulative time (in milliseconds) that
was spent during the commit phase since
the last time statistics were reset
RefreshTime Date read-only The timestamp when this model was last
retrieved from a corresponding member. For
local servers, it is the local time.
TimeoutMillis Long read-only The transaction timeout value in
milliseconds. This value only applies to
transactional connections obtained after the
value is set. This attribute is currently not
TotalActive Long read-only The total number of currently active
transactions. An active transaction is
counted as any transaction that contains at
least one modified entry and has yet to be
committed or rolled back. The coordinator
member for this transaction maintains the
count even though multiple members may
have participated in the transaction.
TotalCommitted Long read-only The total number of transactions that have
been committed by the transaction manager
since the last time the statistics were reset.
The coordinator member for this transaction
maintains the count even though multiple
members may have participated in the
TotalRecovered Long read-only The total number of transactions that have
been recovered by the transaction manager
since the last time the statistics were reset.
The coordinator member for this transaction
maintains the count even though multiple
members may have participated in the
TotalRolledback Long read-only The total number of transactions that have
been rolled back by the transaction manager
since the last time the statistics were reset.
The coordinator member for this transaction
maintains the count even though multiple
members may have participated in the
TotalTransactionMillis Long read-only The cumulative time (in milliseconds) that
was spent on active transactions

The TransactionManager MBean includes a resetStatistics operation that resets all
transaction manager statistics.

Report File Configuration Elements
The report file configuration reference provides a detailed description of the report file
deployment descriptor elements.

This appendix includes the following sections:

• Report File Deployment Descriptor
• Report File Element Reference

Report File Deployment Descriptor

The report file deployment descriptor specifies a report for displaying management
information that is based on MBeans. The coherence.jar/reports directory contains many
predefined report files. See Analyzing Report Contents. Modify the reports or create new
reports as required.
The report file deployment descriptor schema is defined in the coherence-report-
config.xsd file, which is located in the root of the coherence.jar library and at the following
Web URL:
The <report-config> element is the root element of the deployment descriptor and includes
the XSD and namespace declarations. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

<report-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"


• The schema that is located in the coherence.jar library is always used at run
time even if the xsi:schemaLocation attribute references the Web URL.
• Omit the xsi:schemaLocation attribute to disable schema validation.
• When deploying Oracle Coherence into environments where the default
character set is EBCDIC rather than ASCII, ensure that the deployment
descriptor file is in ASCII format and is deployed into its run-time environment in
the binary format.

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

Report File Element Reference

The report file element reference includes all non-terminal report file configuration
elements. Each section includes instructions on how to use the element and also
includes descriptions for all valid subelements.
• column
• filter
• filters
• params
• query
• report
• report-config
• row

Used in: row

The column element contains information to generate a report column. The column
element supports the use of an id attribute to uniquely identify the column. The ID is
used within the column-ref subelement.

Table B-1 describes the subelements of the column element.

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

Table B-1 column Subelements

Element Required Description

type Optional Specifies an XmlColumn implementation. The type
element defines the type of the column in the report. The
following values are valid:
• attribute – (default) A column that contains the
data from an MBean attribute.
• key – A column that contains the value from an
MBean key attribute.
• method – A column that contains the result of an
MBean method invocation.
• function – A column that contains the result of a
function or aggregation. See the function-name
element in this table.
• global – A column that contains a value not
related to any specific MBean. Global column
names are {report-time}, {report-count},
and {node-id}.
• constant – A column that contains a constant
string of numeric value.
• property – A column that contains a value of a
Java system property.
name Optional Specifies an attribute or method name on the MBean.
For composite data types, the name element can contain
a slash (/) delimited name sequence.
header Optional Specifies the column header. The value of the name
element is used if this item is omitted.
delim Optional Specifies a character that separates column or array
values. Valid values are {tab}, {space}, or any non-
whitespace character.
query Optional Specifies information necessary to construct a JMX
query to find all MBeans contributing to the report or
hidden Optional Specifies whether the column value is hidden in the
report. Valid values are true and false.
column-ref Optional Specifies a reference to a column identifier. The
reference passes a column value as an argument to a
filter or another column.

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

Table B-1 (Cont.) column Subelements

Element Required Description

function-name Optional Specifies the name of the calculation to apply to the
associated MBean attribute values. This element is only
valid when the type element is function. The following
values are valid:
• sum – The sum of all retrieved attribute values
• avg – The average value for all retrieved attribute
• min – The minimum numeric value for all retrieved
attribute values
• max – The maximum numeric value for all retrieved
attribute values
• add – The sum of values for two column references
• subtract – The difference between values for two
column references
• multiply – The product of values for two column
• divide – The ratio between values for two column
params Optional Specifies an argument column or a filter reference
data-type Optional Specifies the data type of a constant column. Valid
values are double and string.
value Optional Specifies the value of a constant column
group-by Optional specifies whether the column is included in the group
by clause of the query. Valid values are true and
false. The default values is false.
subquery Optional Specifies whether the column is included as part of a
subquery. Valid values are true and false. The default
values is false.
return-neg Optional Specifies if a negative value is returned to the query.
Negative values are considered error or not
available codes on Oracle Coherence MBeans. By
default, these codes return zero to not affect column
calculations. Valid values are true and false. The
default values is false.

Used in: filters

The filter element defines a filter to use in the report. The filter element supports the
use of an id attribute to uniquely identify the filter. Use the ID when referring to a filter
with the filter-ref element. Filters can be referenced from within a params element
and a query element.

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

Table B-2 describes the subelements of the filter element.

Table B-2 filter Subelements

Element Required Description

type Optional Specifies an XmlFilter implementation. The type
element defines the type of the filter in the report. The
following values are valid:
• equals – A filter that compares the result of two or
more column references for a value equality.
• greater – A filter that compares the results of two
column references for the greater than condition.
If any of the values is resolved to null, the
evaluation yields false. (This approach is
equivalent to the way the NULL values are handled
by SQL.)
• less – A filter that compares the results of two
column references for the less than condition. If
any of the values is resolved to null, the evaluation
yields false.
• not – A filter that returns the logical not of a filter
• and – A filter that returns the logical and of two filter
• or – A filter that returns the logical or of two filter
params Optional Specifies an argument column or a filter reference

Used in: report

The filters element contains any number of filter elements.

Table B-3 describes the subelements of the filters element.

Table B-3 filters Subelements

Element Required Description

filter Optional Defines a filter to use in the report

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

Used in: column, filter, query

The params element identifies an argument column or a filter reference.

Table B-4 describes the subelements of the params element.

Table B-4 params Subelements

Element Required/ Description

filter-ref Required Specifies a reference to a filter ID. The reference
passes a filter as an argument to a query or
another filter.
column-ref Required Specifies a reference to a column identifier. The
reference passes a column value as an argument
to a filter or another column.

Used in: column, report

The query element contains information necessary to construct a JMX query to find all
MBeans contributing to the report or column. Enter queries within a <pattern>

The following example includes all node MBeans in the report or column:

The following example that includes only the Cluster MBean in the report or column:

The pattern string allows macro substitutions with run-time values that come from
report columns. For example, to provide a cache name in the query pattern, define a
reporter.cacheName system property and use the following construct:

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

<column id="CacheName">

Sometimes a query pattern is known to result in a list of MBean names that have a well-
known key attribute. Use the key attribute to retrieve an attribute from a related (joined)
MBean. For example, because the Coherence:type=Service,* pattern is known to result in
MBeans in the Coherence:type=Service,nodeId=NNN format, the following configuration
below prints the MemberName attribute from a corresponding NodeMBean along with the
ServiceName attribute for the ServiceMBean.
<column id="MemberName">
<column id="NodeId">
<column id="ServiceName">

Table B-5 describes the subelements of the query element.

Table B-5 query Subelements

Element Required Description

pattern Required Specifies a JMX query or object name to include in the
filter-ref Optional Specifies a reference to a filter ID. The reference passes
a filter as an argument to a query or another filter.

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

Table B-5 (Cont.) query Subelements

Element Required Description

params Optional Specifies an argument column or a filter reference

Used in: report-config

The report element contains information necessary to generate a JMX-based report.
A report can include any number of report elements; however, a report file typically
contains a single report definition.

Table B-6 describes the subelements of the report element.

Table B-6 report Subelements

Element Required Description

description Optional Specifies a descriptive heading for the associated report
or column.
file-name Required Specifies the file name for the generated report. The file
name is either absolute or relative to a directory that is
specified in the corresponding report group deployment
descriptor. If the specified file exists, then the new report
lines are appended to the file; otherwise, a new report
file is created.
The file name may contain three macros:
• {batch} – This macro is replaced with a counter (a
sequential number).
• {node} – This macro is replaced with the cluster
member ID. Use this macro to differentiate reports
on different cluster members.
• {date} – This macro is replaced with the current
date (YYYYMMDD).
Note: A process running the reporter requires read,
write, and create access to the report output directory.
delim Optional Specifies a character that separates column or array
values. Valid values are {tab}, {space}, or any non-
whitespace character.
hide-headers Optional Specifies whether the report includes description and
column headers. Valid values are true and false.
filters Optional Specifies a group of filters for the report

Appendix B
Report File Element Reference

Table B-6 (Cont.) report Subelements

Element Required Description

query Required Specifies information necessary to construct a JMX
query to find all MBeans contributing to the report or
row Required Specifies information to generate a report row

Root Element

The report-config element is the root element of the report configuration deployment
descriptor and contains the report definition.

Table B-7 describes the subelements of the report-config element.

Table B-7 report-config Subelements

Element Required Description

report required Specifies the information necessary to generate a JMX-
based report

Used in: report-config

The row element contains a list of columns to include in the report.

Table B-8 describes the subelements of the row element.

Table B-8 row Subelements

Element Required Description

column Required Specifies the information that generates a report column

Report Group Configuration Elements
The report group configuration reference provides a detailed description of the report group
deployment descriptor elements.
This appendix includes the following sections:
• Report Group Configuration Deployment Descriptor
• Report Group Element Reference

Report Group Configuration Deployment Descriptor

The report group deployment descriptor specifies any number of individual reports to create
when reporting is enabled. The coherence.jar/reports directory contains two predefined
descriptors. The report-group.xml descriptor is the default descriptor and includes a subset
of the predefined reports. The report-all.xml descriptor includes all the predefined reports.
Modify the predefined report group deployment descriptors or create new report group
deployment descriptors as required. The name and location of which report group
deployment descriptor to use at run time is configured in the operational deployment
descriptor and is overridden in an operational override file. See Switching the Default Report
Group Configuration File.
The report group deployment descriptor schema is defined in the coherence-report-group-
config.xsd file, which is located in the root of the coherence.jar library and at the following
Web URL:
The <report-group> element is the root element of the descriptor and includes the XSD and
namespace declarations. For example:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<report-group xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"


• The schema that is located in the coherence.jar library is always used at run
time even if the xsi:schemaLocation attribute references the Web URL.
• Omit the xsi:schemaLocation attribute to disable schema validation.
• When deploying Oracle Coherence into environments where the default
character set is EBCDIC rather than ASCII, ensure that the deployment
descriptor file is in ASCII format and is deployed into its run-time environment in
the binary format.

Appendix C
Report Group Element Reference

Report Group Element Reference

The report group element reference includes all non-terminal report group
configuration elements. Each section includes instructions on how to use the element
and also includes descriptions for all valid subelements.
• init-param
• init-params
• report-config
• report-group
• report-list

Used in: init-params

The init-param element contains an initialization parameter for a report. The
parameter consists of either a parameter name or type and its value.

Table C-1 describes the subelements of the init-param element.

Table C-1 init-param Subelements

Element Required Description

param-name Optional Specifies the name of the initialization parameter.
This element cannot be used with the param-type
param-type Optional Specifies the Java type of the initialization parameter.
The following types are supported:
• string – Indicates that the value is a
• long – Indicates that the value is a
• double – Indicates that the value is a
This element cannot be used with the para-name
param-value Required Specifies the value of the initialization parameter. The
value is in a format specific to the type of the parameter.

Used in: report-config

Appendix C
Report Group Element Reference

The init-params element contains a list of initialization parameters.

Table C-2 describes the subelements of the init-params element.

Table C-2 init-params Subelements

Element Required Description

init-param Optional Specifies an initialization parameter for a report

Used in: report-group

The report-config contains the configuration file name and the initialization parameters for
the report.

Table C-3 describes the subelements of the report-config element.

Table C-3 report-config Subelements

Element Required Description

location Required Specifies a path to a report configuration descriptor that
conforms to the coherence-report-config.xsd file.
This path is either a file or a URL.
init-params Optional Specifies a list of initialization parameters

Used in: root element

The report-group element describes the report list, the frequency, the report parameters,
and the output directory for the batch.

Table C-4 describes the subelements of the report-group element.

Appendix C
Report Group Element Reference

Table C-4 report-group Subelements

Element Required Description

frequency Required Specifies how often a report batch refreshes. Enter the
value in either seconds seconds (s) or minutes (m). For
example, a value of 10s refreshes the reports every 10
seconds; a value of 5m refreshes the reports every 5
minutes. Selecting an appropriate frequency is
important: if the frequency is too short, the report
contains too much data and consumes significant disk
space; if the frequency is too long, the report does not
contain enough information. In addition, decide on a
process for purging and archiving historical information
before you enable reporting.
output-directory Optional The directory path to prepend to the output file names
from the report configuration files. The cluster member
must have read/write access to this path.
The <output-directory> element supports an
optional system-property attribute. The attribute value
is a user-defined name that can be used at runtime to
override the configured output location.
The preconfigured system property override that is used
in the predefined report group configuration files is
report-list Required Specifies a list of report configurations

Used in: report-group

The report-list element contains the list of reports to include in the batch.

Table C-5 describes the subelements of the report-list element.

Table C-5 report-list Subelements

Element Required Description

report-config Required Specifies the location of the report configuration file and
corresponding initialization parameters


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