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Process Science in Action

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change

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Process Science in Action: A Literature Review on Process Mining in

Business Management
Pierluigi Zerbino a, *, Alessandro Stefanini a, b, Davide Aloini a
University of Pisa, Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering, Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 56122, Pisa, Italy
Kaunas University of Technology, IN4ACT Chair – School of Economics and Business, K. Donelaičio St. 73, 44249 Kaunas, Lithuania


Keywords: Process Mining is a new kind of Business Analytics and has emerged as a powerful family of Process Science
Process mining techniques for analysing and improving business processes. Although Process Mining has managerial benefits,
Business intelligence and analytics such as better decision making, the scientific literature has investigated it mainly from a computer science
Business process management
standpoint and appears to have overlooked various possible applications. We reviewed management-orientated
Industry 4.0
Machine learning
literature on Process Mining and Business Management to assess the state of the art and to pave the way for
Data science further research. We built a seven-dimension framework to develop and guide the review. We selected and
analysed 145 papers and identified eleven research gaps sorted into four categories. Our findings were formalised
in a structured research agenda suggesting twenty-five research questions. We believe that these questions may
stimulate the application of Process Mining in promising, albeit little explored, business contexts and in mostly
unaddressed managerial areas.

1. Introduction to a considerable increase in the body of PM-related literature Augusto

et al., (2019a); Rojas et al., (2016). Given the strong link between PM and
The importance of Information Systems (ISs) lies in digitalisation and Business Management for purposes ranging from performance analysis
in the overlap between the information and the physical flows in busi­ (Khanna et al., 2017) to auditing (Jans et al., 2011a; Zerbino et al., 2018)
ness processes (Li, 2020; van der Aalst, 2016). Within this context, the or to acquiring process intelligence (Wang et al., 2014b), PM has also
capability of recording and gathering events, the most elementary unit of attracted interest from practitioners (Gartner., 2020). However, PM
a business process, has gained new momentum in terms of deeper conference papers outnumber PM journal papers,1 despite their lower
granularity and wider scope (van der Aalst, 2017). scientific impact (Usée et al., 2008). This may mean that PM is still a
Process Mining (PM) has emerged as a novel approach in exploiting burgeoning area of literature and thus has room for improvement.
these advancements. PM is a set of data-driven techniques for diag­ The scientific community has investigated PM mostly from a Com­
nosing and enhancing business processes by combining Machine puter Science standpoint mainly by developing new algorithms (Gün­
Learning and Business Process Management (BPM). PM leverages the ther and van der Aalst, 2007; Leemans et al., 2014), improving the
event data from ISs to identify process deviations and inefficiencies and existing algorithms (Li et al., 2007; Weijters and Ribeiro, 2011) or
to compare the resulting process flow to how the IS should perform. PM checking for their scalability (Leemans et al., 2018) and focusing on
thus bridges the gap between the extant model-driven approach and pre-processing steps (Günther and van der Aalst, 2006; Song et al.,
current data-driven BPM techniques. Indeed, model-driven techniques 2009). From a Business Management point of view, PM appears to
often overlook the hidden evidence that can be extracted from the data, support decision making (e.g. Satyal et al., 2019). Nonetheless, the
while data-driven methods "tend to be process agnostic" (van der Aalst, exploitation of PM for making better operational, tactical, and strategic
2016, p. 15). PM overcomes these limitations by harnessing the event decisions has been moved into the background. The potential of PM
data in order to improve end-to-end business processes. from a managerial perspective has yet to be fully clarified. Furthermore,
The formalisation of the PM Manifesto (van der Aalst et al., 2012) led Business Management-orientated PM studies often fail to propose

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: pierluigi.zerbino@ing.unipi.it (P. Zerbino).
The search was carried out on Scopus on September 2020. The search string was "process mining" in the title of the paper. It returned 858 conference papers and
365 journal papers.

Received 7 January 2021; Received in revised form 5 July 2021; Accepted 10 July 2021
Available online 22 July 2021
0040-1625/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

holistic and systematic advancements in knowledge because of two considered seven dimensions of analysis structured as follows:
potential shortcomings:
1 Type of contribution, to distinguish the nature of the papers between
• To the best of our knowledge, the scientific literature does not pro­ conceptual and empirical;
pose any up-to-date research agenda defining specific business con­ 2 Type of Process Mining algorithm, to specify the algorithm(s) exploited
texts and managerial areas in which PM may be fruitful. Moreover, it in the paper;
lacks an exhaustive summary of the state-of-the-art of PM, which 3 Type of Process Mining, to detail the aim(s) of the PM application,
could include all the most relevant types, purposes, and analytical where present;
perspectives of PM. 4 Process Mining perspective, to identify the unit(s) of analysis of the PM
• Although a few reviews deal with PM, they have a narrow scope. For application;
example, Rojas et al. (2016) and Ghasemi and Amyot (2016) are 5 Sector, to delimit the industry sector which PM was used in;
limited to healthcare. Thiede et al. (2018) adopted an exclusive 6 Business function, to single out the business function(s) which PM was
perspective on the empirical applications of PM in organisations. applied in;
Williams et al. (2018) focused only on primary care. Verenich et al. 7 Managerial focus, to identify the decision-making level(s) the paper
(2019) restricted their review to time prediction methods, whereas aimed at impacting.
Garcia et al. (2019) proposed an extensive mapping study, but they
did not develop a research agenda. Dimensions 2, 5, 6, and 7 were considered for the empirical papers
only. Sections 2.1.1 – 2.1.7 delve into the seven dimensions.
Accordingly, by focusing on the contributions mostly related to the
management research field, this manuscript aims to answer the 2.1.1. Type of contribution
following research questions (RQs): The scientific literature has proposed both conceptual and empirical
RQ1: "Which are the most used PM types, perspectives, and algorithms in contributions. Conceptual contributions develop analysis frameworks or
the Business Management field?" refine PM techniques and algorithms without a structured case study.
RQ2: "In which business sectors, business functions, and decision-making Empirical contributions apply PM to specific event logs for a range of
levels has PM been mostly exploited?" purposes within a structured case study. Empirical contributions were
In line with the Business Management scope of these RQs, in this further differentiated into applications using real datasets and applica­
paper we adopt the process view of organisations as proposed by Porter tions with synthetic datasets. PM applications in real-life settings with
(1985), in which the management of a firm is conceived according to the real datasets usually reveal intrinsic complexity of a real context. On the
firm’s Value Chain. This is consistent with the business process orien­ other hand, simulated/synthetic datasets provide a useful operational
tation on which PM and BPM are based. input for applying PM, but they may be unable to reproduce such
We set three research objectives: (1) to present a holistic overview complexity because they may rely on a simplified version of reality.
pertaining to the Business Management-orientated PM literature; (2) to Given the managerial perspective of this manuscript, works using
review the literature from a multi-dimensional perspective; (3) to pro­ datasets purely for experimental evaluations, for example, validations of
vide clear indications for guiding further research. We hope that an algorithm, were classified as conceptual.
achieving these objectives may stimulate academics to probe less
explored and more promising directions regarding PM and to increase 2.1.2. Type of process mining algorithm
the awareness and effectiveness of PM initiatives in the Business Man­ The development and application of new PM algorithms, e.g. Weijt­
agement field. ers and Ribeiro (2011), Leemans et al. (2014), Augusto et al. (2019b),
To fulfil the objectives, we developed a systematic literature review have been conditioned by the limitations of the early PM algorithms and
based on the review protocol by Pittaway et al. (2004). We built a by some operational needs, e.g. to improve the understandability of the
multi-dimensional framework to guide the selection and the arrange­ outcomes from process discovery activities (Günther and van der Aalst,
ment of the papers and to analyse them in a structured way. Starting 2007). Thus, this dimension of analysis identifies which families of al­
from over 3600 papers, we selected a final set of 145 manuscripts. We gorithms have been exploited so far and provides an overview of the
then pinpointed eleven literature gaps that led to the definition of a academic interest in them. Algorithms used only for supporting PM
structured research agenda. activities (e.g. clustering activities) were not considered because they are
The remainder of this work is structured as follows. Section 2 ex­ not PM-specific.
plains the research design, Section 3 describes the results from the
literature review, Section 4 discusses the results, and Section 5 con­ 2.1.3. Type of process mining
cludes the paper, drawing up the research agenda. PM may be used for different objectives and be grouped into three
PM types (Partington et al., 2015). The first is process discovery, which
2. Research design extracts the blueprint of a business process, referred to as de facto model,
from an IS event log. The second is process conformance, assessing the
The research design consisted of two steps. First, we identified a set extent to which the de facto model conforms to a reference process
of dimensions of analysis to carry out the literature review and to clas­ model, i.e. de jure model, which describes how the business process
sify and interpret the results so as to gain new insights (Webster and should be carried out. The third type is process enhancement which,
Watson, 2002). Second, we conducted the review according to the based on additional information contained in the event log (e.g. fre­
methodology by Pittaway et al. (2004), which is consistent with other quencies, time performances), is aimed at extending or improving an
well-acknowledged review methodologies (e.g. Petticrew and Roberts, existing process model to improve the fit with the de facto model. This is
2006; cf. Easterby-Smith et al., 2013) and which has been used widely by done by dealing with process bottlenecks, deadlocks, or frequencies or
other academics (e.g. Savino et al., 2017; Kauppi et al., 2018). The throughput times of specific activities.
following sections outline the dimensions of analysis (2.1) and detail the
review methodology (2.2). 2.1.4. Process mining perspective
The scientific literature proposes four main perspectives that can be
2.1. Dimensions of analysis adopted in PM analyses, either alone or combined (van der Aalst, 2016):

To steer the selection and the arrangement of the papers, we

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Table 1 (cf. van der Aalst, 2016).

Definition of the instances and attributes for the PM perspectives. Hence, the analysis of the scope of the PM application can identify
PM perspective Set of instances Minimum set of attributes which contexts have attracted more attention and may provide possible
PROCESS A set of instances assuring that The set of attributes hints as to why some contexts may have been overlooked. Therefore, we
PERSPECTIVE the outcoming control flow is necessary and sufficient to classified the empirical PM applications into eight clusters corresponding
representative of the whole identify the ordering of the
to eight industry sectors: Energy & Materials, Industrials, Consumer
business process; ideally, all the activities.
complete instances should be Goods, Consumer Services, Healthcare, Utilities, Financial, and Tech­
considered. nology. These sectors emerged by matching and re-arranging the industry
TIME PERSPECTIVE A set of instances that assures to The set of attributes needed clusters defined by three International Industry Classification taxon­
obtain a reliable and in the process perspective, omies: Industry Classification Benchmark,2 Global Industry Classification
comprehensive overview of the enriched with the time
Standard,3 and Thomson Reuters Business Classification.4 Further details
time and frequency attributes (e.g. timestamp).
performances; possibly, all the regarding the eight sectors are reported in Table A1 in Appendix A.
complete process instances
should be considered. 2.1.6. Business function
ORGANISATIONAL A set of instances that assures The set of attributes needed
In addition to analysing the sector viewpoint, we added a functional
PERSPECTIVE reliability and completeness of in the process perspective,
the resource network in output; enriched with the resource
perspective based on the Value Chain by Porter (1985) because a firm’s
possibly, all the complete attributes (e.g. roles). business functions have different levels of formalisation that affect the
process instances should be underpinning business processes. This functional perspective consists of
considered. the following eight functions of the Value Chain: Operations, Marketing
CASE PERSPECTIVE The set of instances that fulfils The set of attributes
& Sales, Logistics, Service, Procurement, Research and Development
the specific purposes of analysis necessary and sufficient to
and of case characterisation meet the requirements of the (R&D), Human Resource Management (HRM) and Infrastructure. The
(from one to a small number of scope of analysis and to Outbound Logistics and Inbound Logistics functions in the Value Chain
instances); the selection of the characterise the groups of were merged into a single Logistics function because this distinction is
instances depends on which cases; potentially, all the
not relevant to PM.
case attributes/properties and attributes might be
event attributes the analyst is considered.
interested in and on their 2.1.7. Managerial focus
values. To clarify the decision-making level of abstraction that the PM
contributions aim to support, we used the Management Triangle (An­
thony, 1965), which classifies the decision-making planning and control
into three hierarchical layers: strategic, tactical, and operational. Within
• Process perspective, which elicits the control flow – i.e. the ordering of
the context of this work, strategic contributions regard how PM evidence
the activities of a business process;
may help in making long-term decisions on the firm’s strategic di­
• Time perspective, which extracts and deepens the time and frequency
rections, e.g. organisational structure redesign or allocation of
metrics of the process events;
multi-year resources. Tactical contributions concern how PM applica­
• Organisational perspective, which analyses the business process
tions support medium-term decision making, e.g. variations in the
through the lens of the process resources, i.e. of the actors (e.g.
exploitation of the production capacity, build-up of seasonal in­
people, departments, roles, equipment, machines) involved in the
ventories. Operational contributions address short-term decision mak­
process and of the network of relationships;
ing, for example human resources scheduling, i.e. operational control to
• Case perspective, which analyse cases characterised by specific attri­
ensure that process tasks are performed effectively and efficiently.
butes or values.

Although these perspectives are quite common in the literature, the 2.2. Review methodology
term "perspective" has not been clearly defined within the PM context.
Consequently, there is ambiguity in delimiting the four PM perspectives. Table 2 details the steps of the literature review. The application of
To dispel this ambiguity, we clarified the four abovementioned PM the inclusion/exclusion criteria (Table B1 in Appendix B) led to a first set
perspectives by specifying the elements that define their unit of analysis. of 1795 Scopus papers and 1029 ISI papers (Phase 6, first skimming
The typical PM unit of analysis is the process instance, also known as a step). The analysis of title, abstract, and keywords of these works
“case”, structured into a set of attributes. While some attributes are restricted the number of papers to 376 (Phase 6, second skimming step).
needed to identify a case unequivocally, additional attributes further By examining the references of the 376 papers and by applying the same
characterise the case in order to perform more advanced inquiries. We criterion used in the second skimming step, we identified twenty addi­
thus define a PM perspective as the focus of the PM analysis in terms of the tional conference papers (Phase 7). The 396 manuscripts were sifted by
selected set of instances and of the chosen instance attributes and event at­ means of quality criteria (Table B2 in Appendix B) adapted from Pitt­
tributes. In line with this definition, Table 1 details the four perspectives. away et al. (2004). This quality assessment (Phase 8) was carried out
according to specific evaluation rules (Table B3 in Appendix B) and led
2.1.5. Sector to dropping those papers which, despite being relevant to PM, did not
The domain in which PM is applied is critical to each investigation. show a good fit with the management research field. The resulting 145
Different contexts have different business process characteristics (e.g. papers formed the final set on which a thorough content analysis was
heterogeneity and number of process instances and activities) that affect conducted (Phase 9).
the selection and application of PM techniques, and the interpretability Independently of each other, the authors indexed the papers ac­
and usefulness of their outcomes. For instance, healthcare processes cording to the seven dimensions of analysis. The results were compared
often present several process variants as compared to how the process
should be carried out (Rebuge and Ferreira, 2012). This entails greater
difficulty in conducting PM analyses, but also higher process improve­ 2
See https://www.ftserussell.com/data/industry-classification-benchmark-ic
ment potential. On the other hand, other contexts may include more b
linear business processes with a low number of variants. This context is See https://www.msci.com/gics
less difficult to analyse and has less room for PM-enabled improvements See https://www.refinitiv.

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Table 2
Review protocol.
Review phase Detail Outcome
1. KEYWORDS Since our research purpose concerned a specific group of techniques, the name and the "Process mining", "Process analysis", "Data mining"
IDENTIFICATION scope of such techniques led the keywords identification.
2. SEARCH STRINGS "Process analysis" and "Data mining" were combined by the AND logical operator for "Process mining" OR ("Process analysis" AND "Data mining")
CONSTRUCTION focusing on the data mining applied to business processes. This search string was
combined with "Process mining" by an OR operator for obtaining a wider overview of the
specific techniques;
3. IDENTIFICATION OF The search string led a first query in the Scopus database in "Title, abstract, keywords". No additional keywords were identified
ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS The list of keywords resulting from the query was analysed through the Scopus
analytics. The frequency of occurrence of "Process mining" and "Data mining" outnumber
the frequency of all the other keywords. Moreover, the other keywords (e.g. "petri nets",
"business process", "process model") are a conceptual subset of the two main ones.
4. DATABASE SELECTION The main database for our query was Scopus because it is the largest abstract and Scopus, ISI WoS
citation database of peer-reviewed literature. ISI Web of Science (WoS) was also
considered for triangulating the results.
5. EXPLOITATION OF THE To guarantee a wide coverage of the results, the query was orientated towards the The query was performed in "Title, abstract, keywords" in
SEARCH STRINGS highest comprehensiveness. Scopus and in "Topic" in ISI WoS
6. REVIEW OF THE This phase consisted of two skimming steps. In the first step, the body of papers from Input first step: 3560 hits on Scopus; 1673 on ISI
IDENTIFIED CITATIONS Phase 5 was sifted out by means of the inclusion/exclusion criteria (Table B1 in Output first step: 697 journal papers and 1098 conference
Appendix B). In the second step, title, abstract and keywords of the remaining papers papers on Scopus; 618 journal papers and 411 conference
were carefully read to assess if they fit our research topic and purpose. In this second papers on ISI;
step, the outcomes from the queries in Scopus and ISI WoS were aggregated and the Output second step: 376 papers (185 in conferences and 191
duplicates were removed. in journals)
7. REFERENCE CROSS- Twenty additional papers were identified and skimmed according to the second stage of Twenty additional conference papers were identified
CHECKING phase 6.
8. QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF The full body of the 396 papers was evaluated on the basis of quality criteria (Table B2 Input: 396 papers (205 in conferences and 191 in journals)
THE SET OF PAPERS in Appendix B) and of a set of related evaluation rules (Table B3 in Appendix B). These Final output: 145 papers (62 in conferences and 83 in
criteria were adapted from Pittaway et al. (2004) in line with our research objective. journals)
The evaluation was supported by three senior researchers – not involved in the
authorship of this manuscript – the background of which is consistent with the scope of
this review. This method was preferred to bibliometric metrics, e.g. number of citations,
to include also the most recent contributions.
9. REVIEW OF THE ARTICLES The selected 145 papers were reviewed through the lens of the seven dimensions of Analysis of the articles
analysis. The indexing of the papers’ content involved the three above-mentioned
senior researchers.
10. ELICITATION OF THE The results from the analysis led to the identification of eleven scientific gaps. The scientific gaps and the corresponding research directions
SCIENTIFIC GAPS were formalised within a research agenda

and jointly discussed to reach a unanimous judgement. When the au­ keywords. The most frequent keywords focus on BPM (e.g. business
thors did not reach a consensus regarding the indexing, three indepen­ process modelling, predictive process monitoring, workflow manage­
dent senior researchers familiar with the topic and scope of the review ment), particular aspects of PM (e.g. conformance checking, organiza­
were invited to participate in the process to resolve the disagreement. tional mining, concept drift), and specific analysis purposes (e.g. fraud
During the content analysis, some dimensions of analysis were cross­ detection, performance evaluation).
checked to provide further evidence that was not attainable using a The content of the 145 papers selected was probed through the lens
single-dimension perspective. Finally, the evidence of the content of the seven dimensions of analysis. Almost one third of the papers (44
analysis enabled us to identify the scientific gaps in the PM literature out of 145) are conceptual in nature, while the rest are empirical and
(Phase 10). exploit real datasets (93 out of 101) or only synthetic datasets (8 out of
101). In several works, the real datasets were repeatedly borrowed from
3. Results the Business Process Intelligence Challenges5, limiting the heterogeneity
of the contexts and data explored (cf. De Weerdt et al., 2012).
Using the review protocol, we restricted the body of literature to 145 The empirical papers employed at least one PM algorithm family. The
manuscripts – 62 conference papers and 83 journal papers. Fig. 1 and three most adopted families were Fuzzy (39 out of 101), Heuristic (24),
Fig. 2, developed by VOSviewer (version 1.6.16), illustrate bibliometric and α (6), but also other less used algorithms (e.g. Inductive, Region-
information on the selected works. based, Declarative) were used. amongst the most recent algorithms,
In Fig. 1, nodes portray the sources of the papers, while arcs repre­ Inductive Miner has attracted growing interest (three papers in 2019) and
sent the cross-citations between two sources. The sources that did not we expect it to play an increasingly relevant role in PM-based studies.
exhibit cross-citations were omitted from the network. The bigger the Interestingly, 19 works out of 101 did not specify the algorithm used.
size of a node, the higher the number of papers from that source. The The following sections (3.1–3.3) present the most relevant evidence
most frequent sources were Lecture notes in Computer Science (26), Lecture from the review by combining the dimensions of analysis to offer more
Notes in Business Information Processing (25), Expert Systems with Appli­ advanced perspectives on the current PM literature. To facilitate the
cations (9), Decision Support Systems (9), and Information Systems (6). graphical interpretation of the results, the 145 papers were coded by a
However, Information Systems is the source showing the highest number progressive number (Table C1 in Appendix C).
of citations per paper.
Fig. 2 depicts the network of the keywords chosen by the authors of
the papers and that were used more than one time. Each node is a
keyword, and its size is proportional to the absolute frequency of the
keyword occurrence. The arcs indicate the co-occurrence of different See https://www.win.tue.nl/promforum/categories/process-mining for
data repository.

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Fig. 1. Citation-Source network.

Fig. 2. Keyword network.

3.1. Process mining types and perspectives Fig. 3 cross-tabulates Type of Process Mining and Process Mining perspec­
tive to offer a more advanced overview. The numbers in blue refer to the
Type of Process Mining and Process Mining perspective were considered empirical papers, while the numbers in black refer to the conceptual
in both conceptual and empirical contributions. Most papers do not papers.
include any explicit statement on the PM perspective(s) considered. With respect to the type of PM, "discovery" was the most investigated

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Fig. 3. Distribution of the papers across the PM types and perspectives.

(127 times out of 145), while "conformance" and "enhancement" much decreases across the four perspectives. This is consistent with the same
less (43 and 11 times, respectively). Forty papers involved two or more trend shown in Fig. 3. Further major evidence from Fig. 4 is:
PM types. This finding is consistent with the evidence from previous
literature reviews on PM (e.g. Rojas et al., 2016; Thiede et al., 2018). As • HRM and R&D have been completely disregarded:
regards the PM perspectives, 123 manuscripts dealt with the process • Marketing & Sales and Logistics have scarcely been considered (five
perspective, 75 the time perspective, 50 the organisational perspective, or fewer papers);
and 24 the case perspective. • In line with Fig. 3, the case and organisational perspectives, partic­
Fig. 3 also highlights that: ularly the former, have been studied very little from an empirical
• The case perspective is the least investigated, irrespectively of the
PM type;
• "Enhancement" is the least explored type, irrespectively of the PM 3.3. The process mining managerial focus in business functions and
perspective; sectors
• The time and organisational perspectives are challenged less in the
conformance type than in the discovery type; To highlight the managerial impact of the empirical papers, we cross-
• The ratio between empirical and conceptual papers was 2.68 for tabulated the Managerial focus, Business function and Sector dimensions
discovery, 1.87 for conformance, 0.83 for enhancement. (Fig. 5). The work by Taylor et al. (2012) (paper 16) was excluded from
Fig. 5 because it does not specify the business function, sector, and
managerial focus that it addressed. The contribution by Fleig et al.
3.2. Business functions and process mining perspectives (2018) (paper 50) was considered within this analysis, but it is not re­
ported in Fig. 5 because it does not state the sector considered.
To elicit a practical overview of the empirical PM contributions (101 The most relevant findings were:
papers out of 145) within Porter’s Value Chain, we cross-referenced
Business function and Process Mining perspective. We excluded Taylor • The most frequent managerial focus is the operational focus (81),
et al. (2012) (paper 16) because it does not clarify the business function followed by tactical (8), tactical-operational (9), and tactical-
in which the case was developed. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of the
empirical works across the two above-mentioned dimensions.
Of all the business functions, Operations accounted for most of the
papers (67 out of 101). Furthermore, the distribution of these papers

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Fig. 4. Distribution of the empirical papers across the business functions and the PM perspectives.

strategic (2)6. We did not find any empirical papers with a purely parts (4.1–4.3) which discuss the results and highlight the scientific gaps.
strategic address.
• Healthcare is the most populated sector, with most papers within the 4.1. Insights from process mining type – process mining perspective
Operations function. The papers regarding the other sectors are more
uniformly distributed across the business functions. "The idea of Process Mining is to discover, monitor and improve real
• With only two exceptions (papers 10 and 69), the Infrastructure, processes" (van der Aalst et al., 2012, p. 172), where "discover" pre­
Procurement, and Logistics papers present an operational focus. sumably corresponds to the discovery type, "monitor" to the confor­
• Energy & Materials was the least explored sector – only two papers. mance type, and "improve" to the enhancement type. Nonetheless,
according to our results, the three PM types have not been investigated
4. Discussion to the same extent: "enhancement" is the least probed, "conformance" the
second, while "discovery" has attracted the most interest. This is
In line with the structure of Section 3, this section consists of three consistent with the priority that PM academics have assigned to process
discovery over the other types during the last decade (van der Aalst,
2016). The evidence we found might be due to two reasons.
The work by Fleig et al. (2018) (paper 50) is one of the two tactical-strategic First, almost always, discovery enables the conformance and/or
papers and pertains to the Marketing & Sales and Procurement functions. enhancement types. Indeed, the awareness of how business processes

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Fig. 5. Distribution of the empirical papers across the business sectors and functions.

Fig. 6. Distribution of the papers across the Process Mining perspectives.

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Fig. 7. Graphic summary of the PM types and perspectives in the Business Management-orientated literature.

are actually carried out provides reliable process models to check or to example, from the organisational perspective, a process owner may be
enhance. specified as the resource that apparently performs all the activities
Second, with respect to discovery (cf. De Weerdt et al., 2012) and within a process instance, but with no indication as to which resource
conformance (Caron et al., 2013b; van der Aalst and De Medeiros, actually carried them out.
2005), the enhancement type suffers from a shortage of specific meth­ The organisational perspective has mostly been explored only after
odologies, algorithms, and plug-ins because: probing the process perspective (Caron et al., 2013a; Park et al., 2014;
Roldán et al., 2018) and/or the time perspective (Alvarez et al., 2018;
• It involves a greater number of decision variables, as its scope is Hompes et al., 2017; Kouzari and Stamelos, 2018). In a few cases, it was
potentially more extensive and includes resource allocation, business the only perspective that was considered. For example, e.g. Ferreira and
process and information flow redesign, scenario analysis, and others; Alves (2012) leveraged PM to discover the social networks at different
• It is not limited to diagnostic activities and tends to be strongly levels of abstraction within the emergency department of a mid-sized
context-bound; hospital.
• It is not fully automatable, since computer science academics have The case perspective has not been analysed without considering at
favoured research related to discovery and conformance, which are least one other perspective because it is a more fine-grained approach
more easily automatable. that builds on analyses conducted through a process, time, and/or
organisational lens. For example, Jans et al. (2011a) leveraged all four
Just like the PM types, not all the PM perspectives have been studied perspectives to audit the procurement cycle in a multinational financial
to the same extent. Fig. 6 shows the distribution of papers across the institution. Therefore, the case perspective was critical in detecting vi­
perspectives cross-referenced with the PM types: the green line corre­ olations of company procedures and of the Segregation of Duties. Sur­
sponds to the discovery type, the yellow line to the conformance type, iadi et al. (2017) extended the organisational perspective with the case
and the blue line to the enhancement type. perspective in order to analyse the prioritisation behaviour of human
The process perspective included the highest number of papers. This resources during operational activities, so as to detect the most frequent
may be due to the small number of data attributes it requires and to its patterns and to evaluate their effect on the business processes.
capability to yield immediate results that are readily actionable from a Despite its potentially useful applications, the case perspective is the
managerial standpoint. least explored, and the related managerial PM literature is still in its
Time was the second most investigated perspective because, through infancy. However, it is particularly promising for management aca­
a low incremental effort with respect to the process perspective, it en­ demics because it goes to the deepest level of detail of a business process.
riches the control flow with time details extracted from additional and In doing so, it enables the identification of the root causes of unexpected
easy-to-find data (i.e. timestamp). The attainable evidence may enable or non-compliant results within groups of cases.
improvements in the process efficiency and in the corresponding service Fig. 7 summarises the PM types and perspectives in the Business
time. For example, van der Aalst, Schonenberg and Song (2011) ana­ Management-orientated literature.
lysed the service time of a Dutch municipality in order to predict the Moving along Arrow A, i.e. from discovery to enhancement, high­
completion time of the future process instances. Stefanini et al. (2018) lights that the support offered by specific PM algorithms and tools and
estimated the service time in an emergency department by relying on the the possibility to automate the PM activity decrease. At the same time,
Fuzzy Miner algorithm applied to an event log retrieved from the hos­ the need to acquire domain knowledge and the efforts required to
pital information systems. interpret the results and make decisions drawing from them increase.
The organisational and case perspectives were the least explored Moving along Arrow B, i.e. from the process and time perspectives to
because they need more advanced data attributes, which are not always the organisational and case perspectives, provides insights that may be
obtainable. Even when these attributes are available, they may be more interesting to management rather computer science, while the
scattered across different tables, views, or even databases, and this operational efforts to prepare and arrange the event log increase greatly.
makes it harder to create an adequate event log. Moreover, the Nevertheless, the support from the PM algorithms does not decrease.
completeness and reliability of such data may often be questionable. For Arrow C merges the insights described by Arrows A and B and thus

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

highlights where the state of the art of PM may fall short from a Business attractive for marketing purposes. Nevertheless, PM might have poten­
Management standpoint. PM should be more widely exploited for holistic tial in the sales sub-process. For example, the case perspective may
managerial purposes. Furthermore, the impact that PM-enabled solutions enable analysis of the buyer process flow by comparing the experience of
may potentially exert on business processes needs further empirical satisfied/unsatisfied customers or exploring the root causes of customer
investigation. This is corroborated by the limited number of empirical satisfaction/dissatisfaction from a sales process standpoint.
papers involving the organisational and case perspectives (Fig. 6). Hence, we contend that it is necessary to deepen the potential of PM
We thus identified the following management-orientated gaps: in the sales process, particularly from a case perspective (fourth gap).
As with the Marketing & Sales function, there have been few papers
• There is a lack of contributions involving the organisational and/or on PM in relation to the Logistics function. Only four papers were found,
case perspectives, particularly for the conformance and enhance­ and none of these involved the case perspective. amongst the few ex­
ment types (first gap). amples, Paszkiewicz (2013) applied conformance checking to check the
• There is the need to further investigate the enhancement type compliance of a warehouse management system of a manufacturing
(second gap). company to the picking rules. Repta et al. (2018) analysed the event data
from Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) readers, Global Positioning
4.2. Insights from business functions – process mining perspectives System (GPS) devices, transport vehicles, and contact sensors placed on
the exit/entry ramp of a warehouse to reconstruct the process model
This section discusses the results regarding the intersection between depicting the dynamics of the monitored environment. Despite the very
Business function and Process Mining perspective by starting from Porter’s limited number of contributions, Logistics processes, e.g. transportation,
primary processes (Operations, Service, Marketing & Sales, Logistics) warehousing, handling, value-added services, are highly suitable for PM
and proceeding with the secondary processes (Infrastructure, Procure­ applications. This is because they are characterised by sequential, re­
ment, R&D, HRM). petitive, and traceable activities (Mangan and Lalwani, 2016), whose
The Operations function was covered by the most papers. Operations event data are generated by workflow systems, mobile devices, and
processes were amongst the first to be thoroughly digitalised and they advanced Internet of Things (IoT) sensors (Repta et al., 2018). Thus,
often yield event data that can be promptly used for multi-perspective logistics process inefficiencies, bottlenecks, deviations, and anomalies
PM applications. For instance, Alvarez et al. (2018) combined time may be effectively dealt with by PM from different perspectives. For
and organisational perspectives to discover role interaction and collab­ example, Wang et al., (2014b) relied on both process and time per­
oration models in the emergency department of a university hospital. spectives to propose a methodology to acquire logistics process intelli­
Roldán et al., (2018) exploited process, time, and organisational per­ gence. From an organisational perspective, Sutrisnowati et al. (2015)
spectives to detect bottlenecks and inefficiencies in multi-robot mis­ assessed the lateness probability in container handling by including the
sions, such as the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle fleet in an resources that move the goods.
emergency context. There is an extensive corpus of PM papers in Op­ However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no works that
erations and the need for further PM research from the case perspective address any logistics activity from a case perspective. This may be a
is already underlined by the first gap we identified. Therefore, no missed opportunity since Logistics can strongly benefit from this
additional gaps were formalised within the Operations scope. approach. For example, it may be valuable to track a single logistics
Unexpectedly, the Service function has been much less investigated instance to dynamically update the logistics activity in order to cope
despite "Service" being a primary activity according to Porter (1985) with any unexpected event, e.g. traffic jams or health and safety emer­
which is strongly digitalised and which has become a high-margin gencies. Another example may consist in analysing the accuracy of the
business (Altekin et al., 2017) and a source of significant revenue stocking of specific material classes.
streams (Durugbo, 2020). Nonetheless, the scientific literature presents Accordingly, we believe that further research on the benefits of PM
some Service-focused empirical contributions. For example, Cho et al. application to the Logistics function is needed (fifth gap).
(2017) evaluated the effect of best practices for redesigning business With eleven papers, Infrastructure was the most addressed secondary
processes in the customer reservation change process of one of the process. The Infrastructure process encompasses a wide range of sub-
largest travel agencies in Korea. Syamsiyah et al. (2017) analysed the processes, but some of them (e.g. legal, public relations, strategic man­
form handling process within Xerox Services to compare different pro­ agement) are difficult to support with workflow systems. Thus, only some
cess variants and to deduce actionable insights regarding the most Infrastructure activities, such as Accounting, Finance, Quality Assurance,
common process behaviours. However, there are some areas of the Document Management and IT Management, may be eligible for PM. For
Service scope that may be characterised by a good, albeit overlooked, example, De Weerdt et al., (2013b) leveraged PM in order to expose
potential for PM-enabled improvements, e.g. after-sales activities. PM organisational inefficiencies in the back office process of a major Belgian
may be helpful in analysing and checking time performances, the roles insurance company. As regards Accounting, Gerhardt et al. (2018)
involved, bottlenecks, and frauds in after-sales activities, such as war­ applied PM to map a reimbursement process in a healthcare context and
ranty management, field technical assistance, and recalls, whose cost is to detect bottlenecks. In the Quality Assurance field, Zerbino et al. (2018)
constantly growing (Hu et al., 2017). developed and validated a PM-enabled methodology for conducting IS
Therefore, we argue that there is a lack of papers aimed at clarifying audits. In addition, PM showed its potential in supporting financial and
PM capabilities and impacts in the Service function, especially in after- compliance audits (e.g. Baader and Krcmar, 2018; Jans et al., 2013),
sales activities (third gap). although no PM papers dealing with performance auditing were found.
There are very few papers on Marketing & Sales. The most recent Nevertheless, scientific works regarding the Infrastructure process
paper involving a PM application in Marketing & Sales dates back to remain limited. The relevance of this shortage is tied to the rising in­
2009 (Mǎruşter and Van Beest, 2009)where the process and time per­ terest in digital advancements in Infrastructure activities, for example in
spectives were adopted for redesigning the booking process of a utility smart audits.7 In particular, Blockchain has the potential for radically
company. One reason for the little interest in Marketing & Sales may be changing those infrastructure activities that need stricter information
the lack of suitable marketing event data due to the little support that traceability, transparency, and security, e.g. accounting and finance
workflow systems provide to this process. Marketing & Sales data have
been analysed in a useful way using other data mining techniques (e.g.
clustering, profiling, predictive modelling) that fit the objective of this 7
For instance, see the 1/2020 European Court of Auditors press release,
process better than PM (Linoff and Berry, 2011). Moreover, the most available at: https://www.eca.europa.eu/en/Pages/NewsItem.aspx?
recent marketing trends (see Kotler et al., 2017) do not make PM more nid=13397

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Table 3
Content analysis of the empirical papers with tactical and strategic objectives.
ID Reference Managerial Business Objective
Focus Function
T T- S-
7 Nakatumba and van der X Operations To enable better work allocation decisions by figuring out the effect of workload on service time.
Aalst (2010)
10 Jans et al., (2011a) X Procurement To enable review or redesign of the internal controls for detecting and analysing issues concerning
financial reporting.
13 Dunkl et al. (2011) X Operations To evaluate the compliance of empirical healthcare treatment processes to the guideline-based
treatment; to provide input to the maintenance and evolution of the guidelines and to the health
resource allocation.
14 Ferreira and Alves (2012) X Operations To identify the clusters of best-performing health practitioners in the Hospital Emergency Service.
15 Buijs et al. (2012) X Operations To compare PM-extracted models of processes shared amongst different organisations for suggesting
50 Fleig et al. (2018) X Operations To design a PM-enabled Decision Support System to standardise the business processes in an ERP
implementation project.
67 Mǎruşter and Van Beest X Mkg & Sales, To develop a methodology for comparing the simulation of an as-is business process to the simulation
(2009) Operations of a re-designed version of the same process; to compare the performance of the two simulations.
69 Li et al. (2011) X Infrastructure To analyse and re-design the knowledge maintenance process.
73 Liu et al. (2012) X Service To develop and validate a Business Process simulation methodology for supporting tactical and
operational decision making.
81 Caron et al., (2013a) X Operations To empirically investigate the applicability of PM to a standardised Enterprise Risk Management
85 Wang et al., (2014a) X Service To develop an analytical framework for the automated detection of helpful/unhelpful threads,
constructive/destructive users, and functional/dysfunctional communities in an online Questions &
Answers context.
86 Sedrakyan et al. (2014) X Operations To analyse the modelling behaviour of novices for detecting worse/better learning performances and
for improving the learning outcomes.
93 Fernandez-Llatas et al. X Operations To monitor the health staff behaviour by means of Indoor Location Systems to assess the compliance
(2015) to the clinical guidelines.
103 Xu et al. (2017) X Operations To design a framework of a cloud-supported m-Health monitoring system to support personalised
treatment planning.
109 Cho et al. (2017) X Service, To propose and validate a framework to assess re-engineered business processes in terms of
Operations performance and compliance to best practices.
112 Alvarez et al. (2018) X Operations To discover organisational team patterns in Emergency Rooms (ER) for enabling improvements in
the ER processes.
113 Janssenswillen et al. X Operations To present a technique for exploring train re-routings for supporting capacity planning decisions.
116 Najjar et al. (2018) X Operations To design, build, and cluster treatment patient pathways extracted from hospital administrative
137 Benevento et al., (2019a) X Operations To develop new PM-enabled, queue-based predictors that capture the current state of the Emergency
Department to improve accuracy of waiting time prediction.

T: tactical.
T-O: tactical-operational.
S-T: strategic-tactical.

(Coyne and McMickle, 2017; Kokina et al., 2017), document manage­ sensors (Bienhaus and Haddud, 2018), and Blockchaining (Centobelli
ment (Ølnes and Jansen, 2017; Pollock, 2019), Quality Assurance et al., 2021; Chang et al., 2019; Kopyto et al., 2020), which are likely to
(Montecchi et al., 2019). However, the application of PM to Blockchain increase the event data volume and granularity across the Supply Chain.
is still in its infancy (Di Ciccio, 2020; Klinkmüller et al., 2019). Hence, given the growing availability of event data, PM in Procurement
Thus, we call for additional research efforts regarding the applica­ may very well assume a more prominent role in the near future.
bility of PM to the Infrastructure process in the light of the most recent Thus, we stress the lack of research concerning PM applicability and
digitalisation trends (sixth gap). usefulness in the Procurement process, particularly in those Supply
The Procurement process includes eight PM papers, with two main Chains supported by the most recent digital technology paradigms (sev­
objectives. The first is the detection of issues, such as fraud and work­ enth gap).
arounds (Jans et al., 2011b, 2014; Outmazgin and Soffer, 2013; Reijers R&D is one of the processes that has empirically been overlooked by
et al., 2007). For example, Jans et al. (2014) detected violations of in­ PM academics. A possible cause is associated with the current kind of
ternal controls in the procurement process of a leading European bank. digital support required by R&D activities. R&D is typically supported
The second is business process analysis and improvement (Dees et al., by tools for Project Management and, more importantly, for requirement
2017; Fleig et al., 2018; Ingvaldsen and Gulla, 2006). In particular, Fleig and specification management. These tools are person-to-person (P2P)
et al. (2018) streamlined and standardised the IS-supported procure­ tools, i.e. supporting processes that are mostly manual and/or human-
ment process of three manufacturing companies by means of a driven. Therefore, given the strong human presence, it is difficult for
PM-enabled Decision Support System. P2P tools to generate an event log suitable for PM. Such a log is more
Various macro-trends are currently re-shaping the Procurement pro­ easily yielded by person-to-application (P2A) tools, such as workflow
cess, e.g. the pervasiveness of new digital capabilities and an increased management systems, which involve both human and automized in­
awareness as to what purchasing data can be collected and how they may terventions and interactions (van der Aalst, 2009). Thus, since P2A tools
be exploited (Gartner, 2019). Purchasing and Supply Chain activities do not usually support R&D activities, it may be difficult to apply PM in
increasingly require higher transparency and traceability (Kshetri, 2018), the R&D process. Moreover, most information attainable from PM, e.g.
and cybersecurity (Ivanov et al., 2019). This has led to adopting advanced time and scheduling performances or resource allocation, is already
technologies for coping with these requirements, such as RFID and IoT provided by Project Management software. However, the literature has

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

not clarified how PM may be more useful than the extant R&D tools in 2016; Kovalchuk et al., 2018; Stefanini et al., 2018) and Financial sector
analysing and improving the R&D process. (Jans et al., 2014; Jans, van der Werf, et al., 2011; Suriadi et al., 2013),
As a result, further research may be necessary to investigate the while it remains limited in the others.
usefulness of PM in the R&D process and to evaluate whether it is Most empirical PM research exploits data related to one or more
worthwhile integrating PM concepts into the existing Project Manage­ sectors only for validating general PM-enabled methodologies. This is
ment tools (eighth gap). tied to the need to generalise the presented approaches, but it has rarely
Although there are some PM studies that have taken into consider­ led to sector-specific, PM-enabled suggestions. This evidence may be due
ation human resources in different business processes, the HRM process to a prevalent focus on proposing PM-orientated advancements, rather
has not been specifically investigated by any empirical work. HRM en­ than identifying and dealing with sectorial managerial issues. Indeed,
compasses a wide set of activities, which are partly P2P and partly P2A. there are several sector-specific problems where PM can be particularly
P2P activities, such as job interviews, are not supported effectively by useful, but which the PM literature has overlooked.
workflow systems (van der Aalst, 2009). P2A activities, e.g. payroll Below, we present a number of non-exhaustive examples of such
management, time and attendance management, are strongly supported opportunities within the Sectors defined in Table A1. Some of the ex­
by Human Resource Information Systems. However, these systems amples may be developed in different sectors because they are linked to
provide information akin to that yielded by PM, such as scheduling and cross-sectoral issues.
time performance or resource analysis, and with a higher level of detail
(Noe et al., 2015). Therefore, the potential for applying PM in HRM may • Energy & Materials: to highlight the network of decentralised elec­
be limited, but the literature appears not to shed light on this issue. tricity sources and loads and its operations flow by exploiting the
Accordingly, we underline the lack of exploratory contributions that event data from the network control unit for analysis and monitoring
assess the usefulness of PM within HRM (ninth gap). purposes; to evaluate if the activities of a vehicle fleet for Precision
Farming, extracted from an event log generated by field sensors, GPS
4.3. Insights from business function – business sector – managerial focus sensors, and unmanned vehicle systems, comply with the agricul­
tural production requirements.
Event data are mostly provided by workflow systems, which are • Industrials: to monitor operations and settings of the industrial ma­
operational in nature. Thus, the managerial focus most effectively dealt chinery in production lines for PM-enabled predictive maintenance
with by PM is operational. However, PM might also be employed in purposes (e.g. Ruschel et al., 2020); to identify and evaluate logistics
pursuing tactical and/or strategic objectives (van der Aalst, 2016). best practices that may be shared in multimodal/intermodal trans­
Table 3 gives an overview of the major research efforts attempting to portation networks.
attain such high-level objectives. • Consumer Goods: to leverage geo-localised data to extract the ship­
Table 3 confirms the enabling role of PM in attaining tactical and/or ment flows across distribution networks for predicting potential
strategic objectives. However, there have been no comprehensive imple­ delays and vector/warehouse capacity overloads; to support moni­
mentations and evaluations of the proposed medium- and/or long-term toring and comparison of automated systems in warehousing (see
issues. Therefore, the usefulness and effectiveness of PM in supporting Robotic Process Automation, e.g. Geyer-Klingeberg et al., 2018).
the effective achievement of such goals have not been documented. • Consumer Services: to trace athlete behavioural patterns in team sports
Thus, we emphasise the need for research that can empirically for assessing individual and team performances (e.g. Kröckel and
investigate the applicability, value, and effectiveness of PM in tactical Bodendorf, 2020); to identify retail customer pathways for improving
and/or strategic decision making (tenth gap). store layout and overall customer satisfaction based on sensor data (e.
As regards business sectors, the distribution of PM papers in Fig. 5 g. indoor location system sensor, see Dogan et al., 2020).
suggests that Healthcare is the most explored. This evidence may not be • Healthcare: to improve coordination in conjoint care treatments by
surprising because the keyword network in Fig. 2 already showed that combining healthcare process data from different health organisa­
healthcare-related keywords (e.g., emergency management, clinical tions; to track long-term patients’ behaviours from sensor data for
pathways) were amongst the most frequent. The interest in Healthcare is conceiving personalised health plans.
confirmed also by the existence of reviews on the application of PM in • Utilities: to check the compliance of bureaucratic processes con­
this sector (e.g. Rojas et al., 2016; Ghasemi and Amyot, 2016). This may cerning the provision of public and utilities-related services with
be due to three reasons. First, healthcare processes are particularly normative and enforced-by-law requirements.
suitable for any PM application because this sector includes numerous • Financial: to track the consensus instances in a blockchain network
activities that are heterogeneous, and specific to each customer/patient for detecting anomalous patterns in the transaction validation pro­
(Mans et al., 2015; Rebuge and Ferreira, 2012). Second, healthcare cess; to discover customer behavioural patterns in the insurance
processes are strongly supported by workflow systems in order to sector for supporting the development of tailored insurance policies
comply with legal requirements (van der Aalst, 2016). Third, the by exploiting the event log extracted from black boxes.
healthcare sector is of paramount concern for economic and social • Technology: to enhance the understanding of project team dynamics
reasons (OECD, 2019). in the software development process by mining the PM-enabled so­
Two other relatively well-explored sectors are Financial and Utilities. cial network parameters, e.g. in conjoint software development
PM has been widely exploited in the Financial sector given that the environments.
regulatory requirements mean that financial processes yield high vol­
umes of event data. These data are used in PM applications, such as Hence, we suggest that it is necessary to harness the potential of PM
financial and compliance auditing (Accorsi and Stocker, 2012; Jans to conduct more sector-specific research orientated towards practical
et al., 2014, 2011a, 2011b; Samo et al., 2015). managerial issues (eleventh gap).
On the contrary, the Utilities sector has received little interest because
most Utilities-focused contributions rely on Dutch municipality data 5. Conclusions
made publicly available by the Business Process Intelligence Challenge (e.
g. Bozkaya et al., 2009; Buijs et al., 2012; Hompes et al., 2017). PM has mainly been developed, honed, and applied by computer
As reported in Fig. 5, several PM applications have been developed scientists, who have transformed it into one of the most powerful fam­
across the other sectors in a quite equally balanced way, with the ilies of techniques to bridge the gap between Data Science and Process
exception of Energy & Materials. Despite this, sector-specific PM-enabled Science. To better address the managerial challenges and to extract more
research has mostly been done in the Healthcare sector (Forsberg et al., value from the application of PM in Business Management, PM has

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

required the active involvement of Management academics, in line with Moreover, the current scientific literature does not present an up-to-date
the interdisciplinary nature of PM. research agenda specifying the directions the application of PM can take
Although the literature on exploiting PM in Business Management is in Business Management.
not as mature as that of Computer Science, it has greatly increased over We thus posed the following RQs: "Which are the most used PM types,
the last five years. However, there is still a need to obtain a thorough perspectives, and algorithms in the Business Management field?" (RQ1); and
understanding of the business contexts and functions in which PM is "In which business sectors, business functions, and decision-making levels has
applied and in which managerial areas and purposes PM can be useful. PM been mostly exploited?" (RQ2). Accordingly, we carried out a

Table 4
The proposed research agenda.
Scope Research Gaps (RGs) Research Questions
Process Mining RG1. Lack of contributions involving the organisational and/or case How may PM assist in monitoring the performance of single/groups of resources
Types perspectives, particularly for the conformance and enhancement type. and in detecting significant performance variations when specific sequences of
activities or combination of events occur?
How may PM enable the discovery of the information sharing networks (e.g.
exchange of e-mails, business chats for smart working) by a Social Network
Analysis approach?
How may PM support the dynamic comparison of a single case/instance process
flow to acknowledged process patterns for preventing the occurrence of non-
conformances? How may this comparison lead to formal updates of the
corresponding de-jure models?
RG2. Need to further investigate the enhancement type. How may PM be integrated into a simulation system to assess the expected effects
that exogenous or endogenous factors may yield on process performances?
How to perform a process enhancement activity by structured methodological
approaches? Is it feasible to devise a general, context-independent, PM-based
methodology for such a purpose? Which may be the benefits?
Process Mining in RG3. Lack of papers aiming at clarifying PM capabilities and impacts in the How may PM be applied to devise and manage a product recall?
business functions Service function, especially in the after-sales activities. How to embed PM within a fraud detection management system in after-sales
activities? And which are the achievable benefits?
How may PM help real-time or near-real-time online after-sales support in multi-
channel Customer Relationship Management (e.g. social media, chat)?
RG4. To deepen the potential of PM in the Sales process, particularly from a What are the advantages and the impacts of integrating the customer satisfaction
case perspective. analysis, based on external data, with the PM application to the on-line Sales
process? How may it be realised across the different Sales sub-phases (e.g.
negotiation, information)?
How may the case perspective help in identifying patterns, involved resources,
inefficiencies and deadlocks within the Sales process instances that involved a
May PM be applied to develop a real-time monitoring of the Sales process
instances to prevent claims or delays in managing the customers’ requests?
RG5. Further research on the benefits of PM application to the Logistics How may PM be applied in logistics network nodes to support operational,
function is needed. tactical, and/or strategic coordination of a logistics network in different settings
(e.g. centralised vs. decentralised; single mode vs. multimodal/intermodal)?
How may PM be practically employed to improve the real-time management of
warehousing activities, such as analysis of picking & stocking patterns by IoT,
GPS, and wearable sensors?
RG6. Additional research efforts on the applicability of PM to the How may PM be framed as a Computer-Aided Audit Tool and Technique
Infrastructure process are needed in light of the most recent digitalisation (CAATT) for collecting and analysing performance audit evidence?
trends. How may PM support the analysis of actual usage and the re-engineering of
blockchain-based decentralised applications for Infrastructure activities, such as
Accounting, Finance, Document Management, and Quality Assurance?
RG7. Lack of research concerning PM applicability and usefulness in the How may PM contribute to monitoring and enhancing the procurement activities
Procurement process, particularly in those Supply Chains supported by the enabled by advanced digital technologies (e.g. IoT, RFID)?
most recent digital technology paradigms. May PM be exploited across the different Procurement activities and, more in
general, in Supply Chain Management?
RG8. Further research may be necessary to investigate the usefulness of PM Which may be the additional value of integrating PM within R&D-orientated
in the R&D process and to evaluate whether it is worthwhile to integrate the digital tools for requirements’ management (e.g. advanced Project Management
PM concepts into the existing Project Management tools. software)?
RG9. Lack of exploratory contributions that assess the PM usefulness within Which may be the role and the benefits of applying PM to the Person-to-
the HRM scope. Application HRM activities (e.g. payroll management, time and attendance
management, on-line training) with respect to the support provided by the extant
Human Resource Information Systems?
Managerial focus RG10. Need for research that may empirically deepen applicability, value, How may PM enable the analysis and management of collaborative processes and
and effectiveness of PM in tactical and/or strategic decision making. networks within a corporate group (e.g. a centralised logistics/supply network)
and/or within a multi-actor ecosystem (e.g. a closed-loop supply chain for
Circular Economy).
Process Mining in RG11. To harness the PM potential to conduct more sector-specific research How to exploit the event data stream collected from different sources (e.g. sensors
business sectors orientated towards practical managerial issues. and unmanned vehicle systems) to improve the precision farming operations?
Which information inputs may PM yield and provide for predictive maintenance
How may PM be applied to the optimisation of the smart contract management in
a Blockchain network?
To which extent PM may support Robotic Process Automation initiatives, such as
monitoring and benchmarking of automated warehousing systems?
How may PM help in improving the conjoint care treatments provided by multiple
health organisations?

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

systematic literature review in which we analysed 145 selected papers sectors in order to provide further specialised insights in terms of
pertaining to the exploitation of PM for Business Management purposes. research gaps and questions.
As regards RQ1, the most adopted PM type is discovery, followed by
conformance and enhancement. The most adopted PM perspectives are, CRediT authorship contribution statement
in descending order, process, time, organisational and case, while the
most used algorithm is Fuzzy Miner. This highlights that most PM po­ Pierluigi Zerbino: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
tential in Business Management still remains untapped. Indeed, a sig­ Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft,
nificant number of PM applications are limited to a process discovery Writing – review & editing. Alessandro Stefanini: Conceptualization,
activity by easy-to-use, Fuzzy-Miner-based PM tools. While this may be Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation,
highly instructive for business process analysts, it is merely the prelude Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Davide Aloini:
to more in-depth insights obtainable through other PM types, perspec­ Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis,
tives, and algorithms. Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
With respect to RQ2, PM has been applied mostly in the Operations
function of the Healthcare sector for supporting operational decision Acknowledgements
making. While other sectors and business functions have been investi­
gated, the current PM application overview leaves ample margin for We deeply thank Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling from the WU Vienna Uni­
exploration in several other contexts for purposes that should also be versity of Economics and Business for his valuable comments on an early
linked to tactical and strategic decision making. version of this manuscript.
Based on a thorough analysis of these findings, we singled out eleven
research gaps. Table 4 arranges these gaps in the four categories of Appendix A
Process Mining types, Process Mining in business functions, Managerial
focus and Process Mining in business sectors, so as to draw up the Table. A 1
research agenda we propose. The research agenda includes a non-
exhaustive set of potential research questions that may directly deal
with the gaps identified.
We believe that this review extends the scope of previous PM re­ Table A1
views (e.g. Ghasemi and Amyot, 2016; Rojas et al., 2016; Thiede et al., The industry sectors considered in the review.
2018; Williams et al., 2018) through Business Management-related Sector Detail
theoretical dimensions, such as business function, managerial focus, ENERGY & Oil & gas; alternative/renewable energy; energy equipment &
and a complete spectrum of business sectors. Furthermore, it recom­ MATERIALS services; chemicals; mining; paper & forest products; container &
mends novel directions for the application of PM that diverge from the packaging; farming; others.
INDUSTRIALS Aerospace & defence; electronic & electrical equipment;
proposals advanced by the current scientific literature and which construction & engineering; transportation; industrial services;
address the use of PM for little-explored managerial objectives. The others.
resulting research agenda suggests a wide range of unprecedented av­ CONSUMER GOODS Food; automobiles & parts; personal products; textiles and luxury
enues for further research. goods; household goods; leisure goods; electronic goods; others.
CONSUMERS Media; leisure; retail; personal; education; others.
However, this work is not free from limitations. First, the review
includes the four major conferences whose scope encompasses PM and HEALTHCARE Healthcare providers and services; biotechnology; medical &
BPM, but other well-known conferences were not considered. The main pharmaceutical research; others.
reason was to examine selected conferences of high repute, but putting UTILITIES Natural gas; water; telecommunications; electricity; others.
more emphasis on journal papers. However, this limitation was miti­ FINANCIAL Banking; insurance; real estate investments; funds and trusts;
gated by reference crosschecking, which extended the review to twenty TECHNOLOGY Software and services; hardware; information technology
additional prominent papers indexed in other conference proceedings. equipment; semiconductors equipment, others.
Second, some of the most renowned Business Management conferences,
such as the Academy of Management’s Annual Meeting or the EurOMA Appendix B
Annual Conference, are not indexed and are unavailable online. Hence,
despite their suitability for our research purposes, we were not able to Table. B 1, Table. B 2, Table. B 3
review their proceedings.
Future works could expand this review by adopting additional
managerial dimensions or by focusing on specific business functions or

Table B1
Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Criterion Detail Justification
SOURCE TYPE Only Journals papers and selected Conference papers Webster and Watson (2002, p. 16) recommend to "examine selected conference proceedings,
especially those with a reputation for quality". We asked two senior researchers – one from the
Computer Science field and one from the Business Management field – to foster the
identification of those relevant conferences whose scope encompasses PM. Thus, four
conferences were singled out: Lecture notes in Computer Science; Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing; CEUR Workshop Proceedings; ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series.
LANGUAGE English –
TIME 2002 – 2019 The first PM paper was published in 2002
SUBJECT Scopus: Computer Science; Engineering; Mathematics; Decision Sciences; The selected areas fit the topics covered by PM
AREAS Business, Management and Accounting;
ISI WoS: all the Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
categories; Operations Research Management Science; Business;

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Table B2
Criteria for assessing the quality of the papers.
Criterion Absence (0) Low (1) Medium (2) High (3)
THEORY ROBUSTNESS The article does not provide Poor awareness of existing Basic understanding of the issues around Deep and broad knowledge of relevant
enough information to assess this literature and debates; under- or the topic being discussed; the theory is literature and theory relevant for
criterion, or this criterion is over-referenced; low validity of weakly related to data; addressing the research; good relation
completely disregarded; theory; theory-data;
METHODOLOGICAL The article does not provide The research design is flawed; The research design may be improved; The research design is globally sound;
REPRODUCIBILITY enough information to assess this data, if needed, are inaccurate; data, if needed, fit the research objective data, if needed, are extensive and well-
criterion, or this criterion is the methodology is not easily (s); the methodology allows for partial structured; the reproducibility of the
completely disregarded; reproducible; reproducibility only; methodology is complete;
SCIENTIFIC The article does not provide The scientific contributions are The scientific contributions are The scientific contributions propose
CONTRIBUTION enough information to assess this limited and low-relevant; appreciable and refine existing concepts radical advancements providing
criterion, or this criterion is by incrementally filling one or more unprecedented perspectives;
completely disregarded; research gaps;
MANAGERIAL The article does not provide The implications are very The implications may be applied The implications can be put in practice
IMPLICATIONS enough information to assess this difficult to develop practically providing moderate managerial leading to significant managerial
criterion, or this criterion is and/or are not relevant from a benefits; benefits;
completely disregarded; managerial standpoint;
GENERALISABILITY The article does not provide The outcomes could be The outcomes could be generalised to The outcomes can be generalised to a
enough information to assess this generalised only to the context context similar to the one(s) considered wide set of contexts;
criterion, or this criterion is which the research was in the research;
completely disregarded; developed in;

Table B3
Rules for assessing the papers according to the quality criteria.
Rule Description Justification
RULE 1 Scientific contribution, Methodological reproducibility, and Selection of papers that present strong contributions through a sound methodology
Managerial implications ≥ 2
RULE 2 Generalisability and Theory robustness ≥ 1 Several relevant PM articles concern very-specific contexts; PM literature is so fragmented that related
acknowledged theories do not exist;
RULE 3 Total evaluation ≥ 10 To guarantee that the overall quality of the selected papers is medium on average (cf. Table B2)

Appendix C

Table. C 1

Table C1
Coding of the selected papers.
# Reference # Reference # Reference
1 van der Aalst and Song (2004) 50 Fleig et al. (2018) 99 Senderovich et al. (2016)
2 Ly et al. (2005) 51 Yang et al., (2018a) 100 Schönig et al. (2016)
3 Günther et al. (2006) 52 Mans et al. (2008) 101 Forsberg et al. (2016)
4 van der Aalst et al. (2006) 53 van der Aalst and De Medeiros (2005) 102 Ruschel et al. (2017)
5 Reijers et al. (2007) 54 Song and van der Aalst (2007) 103 Xu et al. (2017)
6 Bezerra et al. (2009) 55 De Leoni and van der Aalst (2013) 104 Zhu et al. (2017)
7 Nakatumba and van der Aalst (2010) 56 Accorsi and Stocker (2012) 105 Suriadi et al. (2017)
8 Poelmans et al. (2010) 57 Bozkaya et al. (2009) 106 Wynn et al. (2017)
9 van der Aalst et al. (2010) 58 Weijters and van der Aalst (2003) 107 Martin et al. (2017)
10 Jans et al., (2011a) 59 Cho et al. (2019) 108 Márquez-Chamorro et al. (2017)
11 Bose et al. (2011) 60 van der Aalst et al. (2005) 109 Cho et al. (2017)
12 Maggi et al. (2011) 61 van der Aalst (2005) 110 Wang et al. (2018)
13 Dunkl et al. (2011) 62 Yang and Hwang (2006) 111 Stefanini et al. (2018)
14 Ferreira and Alves (2012) 63 Ingvaldsen and Gulla (2006) 112 Alvarez et al. (2018)
15 Buijs et al. (2012) 64 van der Aalst et al. (2007) 113 Janssenswillen et al. (2018)
16 Taylor et al. (2012) 65 Rozinat and van der Aalst (2008) 114 de Alvarenga et al. (2018)
17 Ramezani et al. (2012) 66 Rozinat et al. (2009) 115 Alizadeh et al. (2018)
18 Poggi et al. (2013) 67 Mǎruşter and Van Beest (2009) 116 Najjar et al. (2018)
19 Suriadi et al. (2013) 68 Jans et al., (2011b) 117 Kovalchuk et al. (2018)
20 Ramezani Taghiabadi et al. (2013) 69 Li et al. (2011) 118 Gupta et al. (2018)
21 De Weerdt et al., (2013a) 70 Da Cruz and Ruiz (2011) 119 Kouzari and Stamelos (2018)
22 Outmazgin and Soffer (2013) 71 van der Aalst et al. (2011) 120 Durojaiye et al. (2018)
23 Paszkiewicz (2013) 72 Samalikova et al. (2011) 121 Delias et al. (2018)
24 Pravilovic et al. (2014) 73 Liu et al. (2012) 122 Roldán et al., (2018)
25 Vanden Broucke et al. (2014) 74 Rebuge and Ferreira (2012) 123 Gerhardt et al. (2018)
26 Senderovich et al. (2014) 75 De Weerdt et al., (2013b) 124 Myers et al. (2018)
27 Maggi et al. (2014) 76 Lee et al. (2013) 125 Yang et al., (2018b)
28 Pika et al. (2014) 77 Caron et al., (2013b) 126 Conijn et al. (2018)
29 Park et al. (2015) 78 Zeng et al. (2013) 127 Lenkowicz et al. (2018)
30 Slaninová et al. (2015) 79 Jans et al. (2013) 128 Repta et al. (2018)
31 Sztyler et al. (2015) 80 Mahmood and Shaikh (2013) 129 Zerbino et al. (2018)
(continued on next page)

P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Table C1 (continued )
32 Kumar et al., (2015) 81 Caron et al. (2013a) 130 Baader and Krcmar (2018)
33 Pini et al. (2015) 82 Fernández-Llatas et al. (2013) 131 Ito et al. (2018)
34 Schönig et al. (2015) 83 Jans et al. (2014) 132 Benevento et al. (2019b)
35 Bala et al. (2015) 84 Samalikova et al. (2014) 133 Rojas and Capurro (2019)
36 Arias et al. (2016) 85 Wang et al., (2014a) 134 Rojas et al. (2019)
37 Nguyen et al. (2016) 86 Sedrakyan et al. (2014) 135 Antunes et al. (2019)
38 Verenich et al. (2017) 87 Caron et al. (2014) 136 Marazza et al. (2019)
39 Seeliger et al., (2017) 88 Wang et al., (2014b) 137 Benevento et al., (2019a)
40 Fani Sani et al. (2017) 89 Park et al. (2014) 138 Özdağoğlu et al. (2019)
41 Solti et al. (2017) 90 Lee et al. (2014) 139 Sonnenberg and Bannert (2019)
42 Lee et al. (2017) 91 Rovani et al. (2015) 140 Knoll et al. (2019)
43 Syamsiyah et al. (2017) 92 Suriadi et al. (2015) 141 Bernardi et al. (2019)
44 Hompes et al. (2017) 93 Fernandez-Llatas et al. (2015) 142 Juhaňák et al. (2019)
45 Hompes et al. (2017) 94 Sutrisnowati et al. (2015) 143 Dogan et al. (2019)
46 Dees et al. (2017) 95 Senderovich et al. (2015) 144 Li and De Carvalho (2019)
47 Lehto et al. (2018) 96 Partington et al. (2015) 145 He et al. (2019)
48 Ioannou et al. (2018) 97 Samo et al. (2015)
49 Cabanillas et al. (2018) 98 Ferreira and Vasilyev (2015)

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P. Zerbino et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 172 (2021) 121021

Pierluigi Zerbino is Assistant Professor at the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory at MIT Sloan School of Management in 2016. His-scientific interests concern Business
and Constructions Engineering at the University of Pisa, Italy. He holds a PhD in Man­ Process Management, Process Mining, behavioural Operation Management, Healthcare
agement Engineering from the University of Pisa. His-main research interests are Man­ Management, Industry 4.0, and Logistics. His-research contributions have been published
agement Information Systems, Digitalisation, and Circular Economy. He has focused on in leading international journals such as International Journal of Operations & Production
data-driven approaches for business process diagnosis and advanced decision-making in Management, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Information Man­
several contexts, such as multimodal Logistics and Quality Assurance. Recently, he has agement, and Journal of Knowledge Management. He has participated in regional, na­
investigated the role of innovative Supply Chain actors in Circular ecosystems. His-main tional, and international projects.
research contributions were published in leading international journals, such as Expert
Systems with Applications and Information Processing and Management.
Davide Aloini is Associate Professor of Business Process Management, Informatics for
Logistics, and Project Management at the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and
Alessandro Stefanini, PhD, is Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Energy, Constructions Engineering at the University of Pisa, Italy. He holds a PhD in Management
Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering at the University of Pisa (Italy) and Engineering from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His-main research interests include
Researcher at IN4ACT Chair, School of Economics and Business at the Kaunas University of Operations Management and Information Systems Management. Most recent research
Technology (Lithuania). He holds a PhD in Enterprise Engineering from the University of interests lie in Business Process Management, Decision Support Systems and Collabora­
Rome Tor Vergata (Italy). He spent a visiting period at the centre for Collective Intelligence tive/Advanced ICT solutions, with special interest in healthcare systems and logistics.


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