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Open MCQ in Neuro-Anatomy دكتور عاشور

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Select the most appropriate answer:


1-Floor of the fourth ventricle has the following features except one :

a-hypoglossal trigone b-vagal trigone

c-Median eminence d-Superior and inferior colliculi


(D)Superior and inferior colliculi at dorsum of midbrain.

2-Regarding to fourth ventricle ,All are true except one :

a-Between cerebellum and medulla oblongata.

b-Does not contain choroid plexus .

c-Continuous with central canal of closed medulla.

d-Has three apertures.


(B)Fourth ventricle contain choroid plexus at the roof .

3-The lateral ventricle has all of the following except :

a-C-shape cavity within cerebral hemispheres

b-Contain cerebrospinal fluid .

c-communicates with the 3 rd ventricles through interventricular foramen .

d-communicates with the fourth ventricle through interventricular foramen .


(D)Third ventricle communicate with the fourth ventricle through cerebral


4 -Brain ventricle has all of the following except :

a-Lateral ventricle C-shaped cavity within cerebral hemisphere.

b-Third ventricle is a slit p-like behind the pons, upper medulla and cerebellum

c-fourth ventricle located between the pons ,upper medulla and cerebellum.

d-contains cerebrospinal fluid .

4 .b

(B) Third ventricle is a slit like cavity between the 2 thalami and hypothalamus .

5-Regarding brain ventricles ,one is not correct :

a-Floor of 4th ventricle related to all posterior surface of pons and medulla.

b- Floor of lateral ventricles related to caudate nucleus. dorsal surface of thalamus .

c-Floor of 3rd ventricles related to optic chiasma and tegmentum of midbra in

d-Are interconnected


(a) floor of 4th ventricle related to posterior surface of pons and open medulla
(not all medulla)

6-Regarding relation of lateral ventricle of the brain ,all are true except one :

a-Anterior horn roof and anterior wall is corpus callosum .

b-Body roof is body of corpus callosum

c-Medial wall of inferior horn is corpus callosum .

d-Lateral wall ,and floor of posterior horn is corpus callosum


(a) Roof of 3rd ventricle is formed by ependymal lining tela choroidae (choroid
plexus )

7-Found in the roof of the 3 rd ventricle :

a-Choroid plexus b-Mammillary bodies

c-Cerebral aqueduct d-Tuber cinereume


(a) Roof of 3rd ventricle is formed by ependyma lining tela choroidae (choroid

8-Regarding to fourth ventricle ,All are true except one :

a-Between cerebellum and medulla oblongata.

b-Does not contain choroid plexus .

c-Continuous with central canal of closed medulla.

d-Has three apertures.


(B)Fourth ventricle contain choroid plexus at the roof .

Brain stem:

9-The pons has following cranial nerve except :

a-Abducent b-Facial c-Trigeminal d-Trochlear


(D) Trochlear from back of midbrain

10-Regarding pons ,all are true except one :

a.ventral part called tegmentum

b. Has basilar part of which presents uniform structure throughout its extent.

C. Forms part of the floor of the 4th ventricle

d. Forms bridge between hindbrain and midbrain .


(C) Pons Forms part of the roof of the 4 th ventricle

11-The anterior surface of the midbrain is formed by the :

a-Tectum b-Superior cerebellar peduncle

c-Tegmentum d-Cerebral peduncles


(D)anterior surface of midbrain formed by cerebral peduncle and

interpeduncular fossa.

12-Regarding to midbrain ,All are true except one :

a-Shortest part of brainstem

b-Connected to cerebellum by middle cerebellar peduncle .

c-The posterior part called tectum .

d-Contain trochlear nerve decussation


(B)midbrain connected to cerebellum by superior cerebellar peduncle.

12-Regarding the medulla oblongata ,all are true except one :

a-Gracile tubercle,seen on open dorsal aspect.

b-both pyramid and olive are seen on its ventral aspect

c-Open medulla is at its upper end.

d-Hypoglossal trigone seen on its open dorsal aspect.


(a) Gracile tubercle seen on closed dorsal aspect

Diencephalon and basal ganglia

13.Regarding basal nuclei ,all are true except one :

a-Caudate nucleus curled around the internal capsule .

b-Lentiform nucleus has the shape of biconcave lens.

c-Have supraspinal control over the movement of skeletal muscles

d-globus pallidus is medial to putamen.


(B)Lentiform nucleus has the shape of biconvex lens

14-It is located between the globus pallidus and the external capsule :

a-Internal capsule b-Subthalamus

c-Claustrum d-Putamen


(D) putamen is located between the globus and external capsule.

15 -Which structure form the lentiform nucleus :

a-Globus pallidus, tail of caudate ,putamen

b-Globus pallidus and , putamen

c-Globus pallidus interna , globus pallidus externa .putamen ,head of caudate .


(B).Globus pallidus (medial ) and putamen (lateral)

16-It become continuous with amygdala :

a-Putamen b-Internal capsule

c-Caudate d-External capsule


(C)Tail of Caudate is continuous with amygdala.

17-All are true except one :

a-White matter is a collection of axons .

b-Otic ganglion lies medial to mandibular nerve .

c-Pharynx is a musculomembranous tube .

d-Lemniscus is a descending motor fibers.


(D) Lemniscus is an ascending sensory fiber ends in the thalamus.

18-Regarding to the white Matter of the brain :

a-Forms the medullary core of the brain .

b-Association fibers interconnect regions of the same side .

c-Internal capsule is an example of commissural fibers .

d-some of them present in corpus callosum .


(C) Internal capsule is an example of projection fibers.

19-Regarding internal capsule .all are true except one :

a-Represents a good example of projecting fibers,

b. Genu contains mainly corticospinal fibers

c. Best seen in TS at the level of interventricular foramen .

d. Posterior limb lies between lenticular and thalamus .


(B) Genu contains mainly corticobulbar fiber (corticospinal in posterior limb)

20-All of the following of internal capsule are true except :

a-Lies within the concavity caudate nucleus .

b-Projection fibers.

c-Blood supply from striate arteries of middle cerebral artery

d-Infarction will lead to hearing impairment .

all are true

N.B. infarction of internal capsule cause:

1.sensory loss of opposite side ,2.motor loss of opposite side ,3,hearing loss if
bilateral ,4.contralateral eye site impairment.

21-Inter-peduncular fossa contains all the following except :

a-Tuber-cinereum b-Mammillary

c-Posterior perforated substance d-Trochlear nerve


(D) Inter_peduncular fossa contains III CN (Not IV)

22-Regarding to corpus callosum ,all are true except one :

a-Consists of four parts ,

b-Septum pellucidum is inferior

c-Nerve fibers from anterior part form forceps major .

d-Contain commissural fibers .


(C)Nerve fibers from anterior part of corpus callosum forms forceps minor.

23-All are example of association fibers except :

a-superior longitudinal bundle b-cingulum

c-Inferior longitudinal bundle d-corpus callosum


(D) Corpus callosum is an example of commissure fibers

24-Internal capsule has all of the following except :

a-Lies within concavity of caudate nucleus .

b-Projection fibers

c-supply by striate arteries from anterior cerebral

d-infarction lead to hearing impairment


All are true ,internal capsule supplied mainly by striate arteries from middle
cerebral (but also by ACA and anterior choroid )

25-Regarding internal capsule ,one is not correct :

a-Best seen in TS at the level of interventricular foramen .

b-Posterior limb located between lenticular nucleus and thalamus

c-Retrolentiform part contains auditory radiation

d-Blood mainly from middle cerebral artery


(C) Retrolentiform contains optic radiation (auditory in sublentiform )

26-Regarding basal nuclei ,one is not correct :

a-Caudate nucleus has the shape of curved comma .

b-Lantiform nucleus has the shape of biconcave lens

c-Related to the internal capsule .

d-Supraspinal control over the movements of skeletal muscles

All are true

27-All are commissural fibers except :

a-cingulum b-Fornix c-Forceps major d-Forceps minor


(a)cingulum is a part of limbic system


28-All of the following are true for cerebral hemispheres except :

a-It is medial surface is supplied mainly by anterior cerebral artery

b-Frontal eye field lies in middle frontal gyrus .

c-Auditory sensory area lies in the temporal lobe

d-Precentral gyrus contains sensory area .


(D)sensory area present mainly in postcentral gyrus

29-All of the following gyri are present on medial surface of cerebrum except :

a-Precuneus b-Medial frontal c-Inferior frontal d-Cingulate


C. inferior frontal gyrus lies on lateral surface of cerebrum .

30-Which of the following are features on superolateral surface of cerebral

hemispheres except :

a-Central sulcus b-Opercula c-Cingulate gyrus d-Calcarine sulcus


(C).Cingulate gyrus of medial surface of cerebrum

31-All of the following gyri are present on medial surface of cerebrum except :

a-Precuneus b-medial frontal

c-middle temporal d-cingulate


(C) Middle temporal present at lateral surface of cerebrum .

32-All of the following are true for cerebral hemispheres except :

a-It is medial surface is supplied mainly by anterior cerebral artery

b-vision area lies in middle frontal gyrus

c-auditory sensory area in the temporal lobe.

d-postcentral gyrus contains sensory area .


(B) visual area lies in the occipital pole

33-All of the following are true except :

a-pre central gyrus is motor area

b-post central gyrus is sensory area

c-auditory area lies in temporal lobe

d-Medial surface of cerebral hemispheres is supply mainly by medial cerebral artery


(D)medial surface of cerebral hemispheres is supply mainly by anterior cerebral

artery .

34-Regarding cerebral hemisphere ,all are true except one :

a-Has three poles b-Has three surface

c-Has three border d-Has outer surface which is smooth and flat


(D) cerebrum outer surface has sulci and gyri (Not smooth).

35.All the following are features of medial aspect of cerebral hemisphere except
one :

a. Cingulate gyrus b.parietooccipital sulcus c.fornex commissure d.insula


(D)insula at lateral aspect of cerebrum

36-One is not correct :

a-Occipital lobe located below and in front of the paritooccipital sulcus .

b-Forebrain consists of cerebrum and diencephalons

c-Large sulci divide the hemisphere into lobes and smaller one divided it into gyri.

d-The pathway is a series of neurons transmitting impulses inside or outside of the



(a)Occipital lobe located below and posterior to paritooccipital sulcus.

37-All of the following are true except :

a-gray matter is a collection of nerve cell bodies in peripheral nerve system .

b-ganglion a collection of nerve cells bodies in PNS .

c-decussation are axons of same tracts that crossing in the midline .

d-tract is group of axons within the central nervous system


(a) gray matter is a collection of nerve cell bodies in CNS

38-All of the following are true except :

a-Gray matter is a collection of nerve cell bodies in CNS .

b-Ganglion a collection of nerve cells axon in peripheral

c-Decussation are axons of different tracts that crossing in the midline .

d-Tract is group of axons within the central nervous system


(B) ganglion is a collection of nerve cell bodies in PNS.

Spinal cord:

39-Spinal cord has all of the following except :

a-continous with medulla oblongata .

b-Has cervical and lumbar enalargement .

c-Covering by meninges .

d-End at the level of L3 in the adult


(D)ends at L1-L2 in adult and at L3 in neonate.

Blood supply:

40-The circulus arteriosus of willis is formed by the following artery except ;

a-Right and left internal carotid arteries .

b-Right and left middle cerebral arteries

c-Anterior communicating artery .

d-Right and left posterior cerebral arteries


(B) circle of wills not formed by middle cerebral artery .

41-Blood supply of brain has all of the following except :

a-middle cerebral artery supplies motor and sensory areas for opposite half body

b-Posterior cerebral supply the occipital lobe

c-All of the above

d-non of the above


All (A.B and C ) are correct

42-The vertebral artery has all of the following except :

a-anterior inferior cerebellar b-posterior inferior cerebellar

c-mennigeal d-posterior spinal


(a)Anterior inferior cerebellar artery is a branch of basilar artery.

43-Internal carotid artery has all of the following branches except :

a-anterior cerebral artery b-posterior communicating artery

c-posterior choroid artery d-Ophthalamic artery


(C)posterior choroid artery is a branch of posterior cerebral artery .


44-Medial medullary syndrome ,include :

a-Thrombosis of medullar branches of anterior spinal artery

b-Contralateral hemiplegia c-Contralateral paralysis of the tongue

d-Contralateral loss of both proprioception and vibrations


(C) Ipsilateral paralysis of tongue (occlusion of ant. Spinal artery causes

infarction of medial part of medulla )

45-All are modifies of pia matter except :

a-Filum terminalis internum b-Linea splendens

c-Ligaments denticulate d-Cauda equine


N.B. Linea splendens is a band of pia matter forming a sheath around anterior
spinal artery .

46-All are contents of epidural space of spinal cord except :

a-CSF b-Meningeal branches of spinal nerves

c-Root of spinal nerves d-Venous plexus


(B) Meningeal branch arise near the origin of anterior and posterior rami (Out
side dura)

47-Concering cerebrospinal fluid has all of the following except ?

a-is produced mainly by choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle

b-the median foramen (Magendie) lies in the roof of the third ventricle

c-is drained by arachanoid granulation in the posterior sagittal sinus

d-the amount is around 150 ml.


(C) CSF is drained by arachanoid granulation in superior sagittal sinus

48-The following structures are made up of the dura mater except :

a-Tela choroidea b-tenterium cerebelli

c-the diaphragmatic sellae d-Falx cerbelli


(a)Tela choroidea is origin of pia mater and underlying ependymal that gives rise
to the choroid plexus .

49-Regarding to cranial nerves ,all are true except one :

a-Trochlear nerve is purely motor b-Maxillary nerve is mixed

c-Vagus nerve is mixed d-Optic nerve is sensory


(B) Maxillary nerve is pure sensory .


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