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DHM1223 Assignment (Written)

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Diploma DHM102/OCT2023/DHM1223


Submission instructions
 Cover sheet to be attached to the front of the Assignment.
 All pages to be numbered sequentially.
 Rubrics attached as last page of the report

Module Code DHM1223


Module Leader Lalita Anbarasen

Assignment Title Individual Assignment (CLO1)

Weighting 20%

Handout date 6/7/2022

Submission date 3/8//2022 (Hard copy submitted to the lecturer during lecture)

CLO Mapped to the CLO1: Identify key sources of data for epidemiologic
Assignment purposes (C1, PLO3)

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Diploma DHM102/OCT2023/DHM1223



The objective of this assignment is to enable students to apply their understanding of

epidemiological principles and techniques to identify key sources of data related to
hypertension. Through the creation of a comprehensive report on hypertension, including
demographic characteristics, age and gender disparities, risk factors, related diseases,
pathophysiology, mobility, and mortality, students will demonstrate their ability to
analyze and interpret epidemiological data effectively.


This is an Individual assignment carrying 20% of the total marks available for the
module. Submission of assignment should be in the form of hard copy.

Format of the report:

It is the student responsibility to produce a clear and easily understood document. To do
 Font size: 14 point for title/heading, 12 point for contents and 8-9 point for
 Font face: Arial
 Line spacing: 1.5
 Proper alignment of your paragraphs, and necessary page set-up.
 The report should not exceed 2000 words. Check the spelling and grammar in
your document.
 Use clear, short, and precise language.
 Number the pages.
 Create a table of contents for your document.
 For every figure in your document use a number and a title.
 Write references/citations in APA format (7th edition).
 Explain terms, acronyms, and abbreviations.
 Review the document and check for inconsistencies, omissions, redundancies.

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Diploma DHM102/OCT2023/DHM1223
TASK: Written Assignment (100 Marks)

Write a report about Hypertension

1. Introduction to Hypertension

A brief discussion of the disease

- What is Hypertension?

- What happen in hypertensive patient?

2. Discussion

- Demography of Hypertension

- Age and gender disparities

- Risk factors

- Hypertension related diseases

- Hypertension outcome

I. Overall Mortality

II. Disability

3. Conclusion

- Conclude on how it affects the population and give any relevant

prevalence of hypertension worldwide.

4. Reference.
- Follow APA 7th edition reference style for reference format. Refer to the
guide on Google class. All materials are to be cited both in-text citation
and in the reference section.

5. Organization
- Ensure to meet all format requirements as per instructions on page 2.
- Ensure to attach the complete individual cover (with the correct name
and matric id and signed) as 1st page and the rubric as the last page of
your assignment. Submit in hard copy to the lecturer on the date of
submission during the lecture.

6. Mechanics.

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Diploma DHM102/OCT2023/DHM1223
- Written work should avoid grammatical errors as much as possible. Pay
attention to word selection, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and
- Students are encouraged to use the following website/app to check for
language errors before submitting the final work

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Diploma DHM102/OCT2023/DHM1223
Important notice:

Students are advised to AVOID Plagiarism of more than 30%. Students are required to attach a
plagiarism report generated from smallseotools.com. Any use of materials from other
sources/persons should be indicated and references given in the text. Any student found to
have committed and abetted the offense of plagiarism shall receive mark deduction for the
relevant assignment as below:

- More than 30% (-5 marks)

- More than 40% (-10 marks)
- More than 50% (students will have to resubmit the work or will be awarded 0
marks for the assignment)


Students are advised to adhere to the deadline of submission as stated in the coversheet.
Any late submission will be deducted 50% from the obtained mark.

Refer to the following guide on how to organize the assignment before submission:

1. Cover page (completed with the correct name, matric & signature)
2. Assignment report (from the table of contents until reference)
3. Plagiarism report (report generated from the online tool to be attached)
4. Rubric (Ensure to attach the correct rubric according to the assessment)

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Diploma DHM102/OCT2023/DHM1223




Marks will be awarded based on the following criteria:

Tasks Marks

Introduction 20 Marks

Discussion 40 Marks

Conclusion 10 Marks

Reference 10 marks

Organization 10 marks

Mechanics 10 marks

Total 100 Marks

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Marking Rubric (Written Assessment) SCORE: /100%
POOR (1)
IA T (4) (3) E (2) %
Introductio Introduction on Introduction on Introduction on Introduction
n to
Hypertensi what is what is what is does not
on(20%) Hypertension Hypertension Hypertension address on
clearly describes adequately somewhat clear but what is
explained. but are insufficient Hypertension. 1 = 0 -2
in some parts. 2 = 3 – 10
3 = 11 -
4 = 15 -
Discussion The The epidemiology The epidemiology The
on epidemiology of of Hypertension is of Hypertension is epidemiology of
Hypertensi Hypertension is adequately insufficient Hypertension is
on (40%) clearly described. described irrelevant.
1 = 0 -5
2 = 6 – 15
3 = 16 -
4 = 30 -
Conclusio The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion The conclusion
n (10%) strong and logical and is logical but is illogical and
logical as well as adequately does not does not 1 = 0 -2.5
provides clear summarizes the summarize the summarize the 2 = 2.6 –
summary of the topic. topic. topic. 5.0
topic. 3 = 5.1 -
4 = 7.6 –
Reference Sources used Sources used Sources used Sources used
(10%) (books, journals, (books, journals, (books, journals, (books, journals,
magazines and magazines and magazines and magazines and
newspaper etc) are newspaper etc) are newspaper etc) newspaper etc)
well cited. well cited. There is are not really are poorly cited.
Accurate use of a minor mistake well cited and Some materials
summary, inciting the sources may lack are misquoted or
paraphrase and but overall the variety. out of context.
Or 1 = 0 -2.5
quotation. Source source material fits Or
Poor APA 2 = 2.6 –
material fits smoothly into APA format is
format adherence 5.0
smoothly the student’s own somewhat
into the with more than 5 3 = 5.1 -
writing. adhered but with
student’s own errors 7.5
writing. APA format 4-5 errors
4 = 7.6 –
APA format adhered with 1-3
adhered with no errors
Organizat Meets all format Meets format Meets format Fails to follow
ion. requirements, requirements, requirements, less format and
(10%) attention to details, attention to details, attention to requirements,
margin, spacing margin, spacing details, margin, incorrect margin,
Diploma SY100/OCT 2021/DSP1113

and indentation. and indentation. spacing and spacing and 1 = 0 -2.5

Writing is Writing is structured indentation. indentation. 2 = 2.6 –
structured and and neat. (2-3 Writing is Structure and 5.0
neat. (Less than 2 errors) structured and neatness of essay 3 = 5.1 -
errors ) neat. (4-5 needs 7.5
errors) Attention. 4 = 7.6 -
Mechanic Written work has Written work is Written work has Written work has
s (10%) no errors in word relatively free of several errors in serious and
selection and use, errors in word word selection and persistent errors
sentence structure, selection and use, use, sentence in word selection
spelling, sentence structure, structure, spelling, and use, sentence
punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and structure, 1 = 0 -2.5
capitalization. punctuation, and capitalization. (3-4 spelling, 2 = 2.6 –
capitalization. (1-2 errors) punctuation, and 5.0
errors) capitalization. 3 = 5.1 -
(more than 4
errors) 7.5
4 = 7.6 -


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