Adyapaka Malar 04 WM
Adyapaka Malar 04 WM
Adyapaka Malar 04 WM
orair6M&erub pai,rLUn€6fl acrnd*dr @u!gu-r6efl u.:g.
Ssfia+ Garain ut
oGgr' o! ?33am 3r-gr-2 2lgd:r*G+,rsiar tt$a" ! lt$An sqi3!r:n-Cp6r7r
,516.1 gtinfrlJri o
$r- ! ! ;5nasu1 !53+,rair Oooir;21+arro:roh
Eaitr U;'t $pratr rpla]ri unt.
(.rArDnlr+60 4?iuuur)
A6 errffiritprd-g;te$t3&r venJ oar p q6 6r r@rgg@d. @@pnn'--
G$a1A, uG€t6t g, Gutgtdt - A,tLut, qu A@!5et-atLlDgtcr:y, Gaqgattb,
g)dn i @t--t, er gd i 9 rn. G u tt U ptu. I dA- aG b& @. b@ Et- tatD p B I ti.
- @6cr r &-
LpA $ +&6iu+. @i,.i itt@6ti-uarai @ €'b6,n n8<;1. E6r&s-O6r6i'rur, q6/,
u6, gA, @854, Lb@Lur. ar$sa9-4*, tt$r6, Aiqri, dbgr[i. g)@3be6ui-
6*6irl,pn;,.'6ir- eldr @6 @b ig@ rir-at@&e.6r ,;r, L@r t Pqtu-q@Ft8dt g].lDlj,
iriuusir-atp6, Gur Ar*, @rirudl, A@. E-piho,5tr. @r6-uL€urgi. @@6rlI-
6 e rA A)i
G€u @tb, dtu. tt p.$-seb *l t i &dfr . EQ q $ u 8 -
.et @at- a -
$gorer:c0ri;Gsffifl 14! Gatporn:o0 ron%u
.BFdrdi .r. u. Gd&6LAG+-torrEff urn,
g tt gN @ fr a i, gr @, r i pa La t {,dt 4 b), A u r err ! i,
n A L&gndr.
IGsrffac Galn*rur ]
B(tor6 6r& Gamff t1$PPqt@'n GP@9
ngloai6 Gu,oTtir tadtcur 6r- $$art+A(5&
15t@atei;raerei;r Lfi ?ai s; [te@6flc;r auitpoi;rG pt
gt' @l,6r6ir ofi grcb uotr i.
faru&rd ao$PgaPl
1. SqiGdt GpdfftipG€G GpGar! at4u9i t Qpanotgpar
Laj1arl LuLitSc;r*rr Gwn- SaGta! Gerdtgt GarqSa/bu
pajad! tfl6;f gaag$ptrG etasrlt etoardsaitttu!
n6Gai dgQeth aatGr qapQwrah aaotpEGatryGwl'
2, cainqrir gcir;xn*6a'r Gefu1p;5 GEr&$g)Li
pd@Aoft godeb Aurdqlbp Ptpi6 Pdcugr>t
Qunrheat 663pu Cu*p; finuQrfidrw; AutefuIn*Gdr|
roritgeit potl)tdti;t @fr6a:,turtitt uu93oo! loa1a&@angGwl
8. teirQuw Gyrtar gtayuLrp drq g)6Jrigrft61rrfi
6r g) iQ p E d l 6 bG adr r i sr gr i, d a)E g @ i@t i
@J6i;t tD t
14. dre& 6l,60! GuOrirJF 6,rp@re, atnt?a.5llgfi,A
Nsi gdrpu.lLdr Qedtr gt derrrhrg Gnrafriautpaait;
arc$ gtpdir g aaait.tmt LrjTgr $r @itur i, p'r6it
@rrc& atloL uptipiBmir; gtdls a6rpEGsr+Cu!
GpetAn Brri+urrrn $6ou9!f6 a.rrtpsef, u.:oo
rD1 p6r Oi atr A! aruti qaan i pah gt;ir
otrev ew al tit craru Dg!@t)[ Etf +
gpfiw artlaprai gritrg$ Gotjt6,
zpyg$d: upg,pqj@6 Ltiui carc@ I
4parcir pair a$tsrli Se?Ip6tit G€r?rn
.qS,wGareigi plyaxits0 ii Gsarfl pen afiait
q ptd,oq .g+u@tis€h Sap !& urt
ntbauo@rih ! aoda'qr oir q+ "ts;a,
4 {lil{}6lui @!0ri.opou& 6rG 'Bo16poto
d,dn6,t6i'tdr gtddfi @frg,rLutrt (56tAD8
agaluattGa t (1prla L @ago* dtrLu
Gun6jt6'dn@J- &t@dtur, Sltbdt,., tstt
-- GarSl
ai,un 5A*r-,arncir ul41ti;rafl 1i 6ut68Lp
.Ilahalrrh@t $uAaY LBaflq56 &B
a?atua;tl@ri $giar rf& Ga@fl Poiroftit
6u,r6h@r6h6n G.r6i6u r6tr,t 'g16,rul(i, Pnrit@rlt
Gun dn OtiP 13r 'naf$6e 4ri gSecil'
9. g..tfitig d2*u-rnt4uro'o
ar s r gi Gu,dr (g AtirGo 1b 3 aA 4cd
ayiGutitP Gurdratfu aci Ga[B 4e$
Ffi I lr(jtil $@a@t f a,dt o9eio6i lnr1B
p@t&ngl.lqn urtYttt 5i uahat nr
o tnlyb an-dae erg!& 4t-
@@c;tcerb rb gaio.rana$ri Gaoofl geirofoil
8 yr(66 laa:.t&al,o;u:n .stuul arL+i
Gpq5i ip Gp&argGPl 4.t+ (5e4.
24. gcrryeoc CriBpiotD
$ayB g,r gtb d $ $ag:b Qarair@
uoaf, qrir
@br &QfiQpbfi aLaoayueh elaiirur e8i5
alagGutt t gunatLp g@"ar pdir @cit
l.oqin OdEr6$@)rr/d, 4priu@,flw a@$i; gaptt$i
a9agGugt ar gdu9oit uttpt Epxi:
a96apu1i Sqt@dr;An Ga.eur,fr paitafldt
@t6rtiutSt lr6irdlrlr6i Irdi'IG@ n drbPP,
aehqffanri arig:@Gatl q+ Use ,
25. GFofBpolo
gttgfuoGw gt?:arwra arrg, ord;r gtth
griaa$pi r 7*ornet Ocreirr ggorri
p,tgtholra? ggtilg:rqi,a, oyrrfieio gte gttit
pniueirar& uatua@G@t Gpfi @rhngt
uti;gtqoaen gaflgrati Ge118Pg ga-il
ariutGpn fi S@d6ira0ri Geof Bairofait
ayigd6ur 4rwriqdir ufiGt uLr@
a,r@pr@ t$GinGgatfii @lit q+ Ac6t,
$qgor cbor9riGcarfl .q guu gl
(uneat qv* a16g,16uigt) €)d@iG ip qafrut, E;6'train gcn tuGLti@.;r,604ts2
fGsfiae Qatahrur ]
O6p d.rrOris
p6dfrGu6i @t r !;) iG p@ i p G urt@r5auti
gwciir a pdruaff ,i gt €,iorGu/rG
4tyGwdi;r Qe wg:&i'ri3 geitr 4eitgta:ari g:airGp
a44w r 6t 4 aub pr br 4tt t gt.
,r8rt)iF'rur errtbJts
a6$@ffi g,tA 0iptsru& aragpnd: g:L&tiwrtl
Gurei;r affuait adtalr4'sru Gur ib$Gan dir-nehaffut
Gpr fipg:i G4@i SpnL[ru uritGurq5br
qi.DU)L6ir urL gasigt.
q$qg orror&srb
G@Jpi ofrfl:ipat d9 p<h $gti1515aa
@r(9s,r5ir artu{i,6tb
a ia gu'tr tt $ pr wru.t 6td!t&(5i6d, gan@ft
g)i6a prur nL etndt g] g PQun5ar r ft-ot6 $ iGutit
G arat gli etiS wi Gatr arai;r pgatqi0a
o atanG e ut G poi'r g i @aff 91.
{6nd,r orfsr*e6
6ri@tfiuJri)p prurtt aaii*'56a' 4e tgtr
g:BanpwrLtt alrrar gt pdoatSgit-ui p nGuai;r
L6t6tifrrd gttu Lwtguq 6glt+uJaY
L<;t6t Bpr6it t66tti umrtig}
C.rF 4iunu6& (9(l crdn&*i|
gti96@ g5rs,tsit QetnL gq5at4aw
4t $ pQrtr@ ur t6at q@+ao $G p<;it-an $pnS
Gdpali biu& Gat<fia9qtfl .t4ipwr ri prit
u r pdsair uLrgtatut u fi gt.
qritat$aeh GuapGu& qciaagaoi Beh&;tr1w
@J(i,(I,!t@lCLD $ pu t 6,tr t)ti; grg, fi do
@&Qun gggd p,oi't Gc[t @ut ritlti gp&uQular
€ltit L1t-d6!* A6r@it Qt- g/fer'rigt.
l. qargfiGei; $otafiqtJ.
go/61Jgrir oJngrd
(gi iara u;o pqh-w ra13 6i
t6tla!@@l tb Qc ip il
*ahta ur(gg llr@ zu rd,t* 4 C G,ffifr@t tr l)
grairaulr@b tairerGu ct.
2. Cur t@tti urt/pg;i;,:gn qggarnar@rli p]rnrdfl;rp
GpIrffi6;n brui I
@llrolr i-g I 1611 6;t
a9aitr wr $ t 6 gt Quu tu4i ogorguJ6i60d Gaarfl qarmfu
aafuaat utdgt nehGprpgat ariq,
3. grr.5ayi adtwgt&arl QurdsfrGat qairaflut@Gci
qLA@d plehGDfipp cqci:rawr aq*
atrpL rSpigatdiir atrytir6& C.$6ftfrGsc;ir gt
prp pbt.
1, g:oi;rfui ugiAunUdrnd g)dl6,(5ti cprfig$$gtn
36irbr tt qg [fi utrOidrrt]n 8&Ae igrir-O+cir&r
$45orc a03 Gcemfqao p GpuGar errtgoirr
g6a9 &or aw B &g,i .s1 g: gr.
5. uanrc; $tuGurin a@turi;t p6iir G4,6;t@!6in
p$tlArur c;re.tcnri/ti] pq5Gartir-qadtGaag&,
4@irdtdt@ti LDn Gu ra;n 6 UDd,tuastfturdi Oa{ii)gr.dG@
u@irdr6n/iq6U 68 4Ga @fl u,t t i g.
6. a@Gprgi gtit@Gu arywrdr peitrfurl
u BG gt g b Agairgj u@frut r-@ggurii;g,
anfi Luna Beir qgeh o.ronreirf* OoofagSo
GurttLutrp,at qfi.
? , acrrwdce4ariptfu otranaq5ti uaturanat66
1fiwGat uripqo Ggi @ri ti5Tfuti-Get)wr6;t
ep$gtaagtu1fi Gpaat 4quaff d gt tuiGarcir
Ocrrguridd) .8*GEd O+6hJU.
8. Gap$ap GatSwbr Gary$Seit *LGur6enr6
ur p !t;t>pu Gur 1i10 i! u(trd.6,lr t Pit- q Pi6,P P
SuSatfi;bG+t gn+rti@6 9ain66r.fi69 i G6@frt64i
E u3 orfr ,4,G e t Q agiSG e d &ar ii g'
15. ul5Sgagt D5igtlifiE @A
-Gi6,i'Za3J'* -nGP-S15SPnn &
e.X-tZu,i Ost6id6i6rd Gac,rlflwab ptldt att@&pp
urcr polu uibgtt'
23. ar$$sGa Gu*iutrdn 6,6)@r@r[& ei+u96in
**qaCP Gua;@arp aqBaaGa-4gSG yut
Gurfipdite$i; Gaafr qgi;Gg, +lqrr-.:d;ip@)d)
$r b plDdi Cc t E g,itr 6r rlrt.
37. pit9 lgaQamirgt prgtmrtg$ atr!;oafr$g
r;titLs ul4&6t0 Li arar fi Gatdr-uitgatar t
pr6lp tboot riraLb1rti prgo"\#& Gae*f.ularrdr
Garap ggtargtdr e-gt.
1 uri-ra.rs0 0 0
,, Fu.;or-A f 6kr Beio rfl'it) t fiuirifriffiffit 6iol6iD ,, 6hE
,. t,r. ur. . u Er .. I ar. GLo 616r.
, ff cilr , , dei:ru ur gn I ugu fiE fiu ufisafiatsaup
., !'rur ....@...L I G6,.. d, . @ ..6ir@,,.y.,ftu
{E urp, g)6ogt t56d9aiur)
., 44tfr 6;iarnlr ua Su au prBprur I afrsstar
.. @Jr6rr:a . Gp . . . or or or gltf..ur.p I Gdr,..f ,E
6 (Eutggid&t t|iL&Sawwr )
2. .JL{EErO Go6on glc0erc4gnri,p urlor6lDlr!0 {Ocflurgl.
qryAlaOg,it a@ffdrul sqjAifir Gar&g@
A a4D6tti p ar t4u.1ti $q,$G grefi aE cir $i
uilerd :
gfuri$gansGp I ab'gggd8GP I
@$p grrfl dgtpraGmnc atrydbp Gasra6 I tartb utr@
qguddd :
G6nura, ! orou-G$or ur6, *rg5 qal
uroittL@t utt@ I Gatg ara @atoo !
Ganddp I @(SttP I Se*,dgy,co 8*P I
ar Gaeafi$ut I s&@Fttig !
6iu o rdurgD SurD
6n6rof@tf pLd6otcl g!$lSotthodti
agtc I u&pggo3utroy
unyeBt64l t tip;N,rcrn ! GPatgttg I
$ng55w alaat @tr@)l qlayid;frc !
tnagonr I gg4a - @r6k$rugarr !
6199 - aip - Gaua ! g:a:rpr y I
qy-ga - ye"1omr I arinaa ergtrrr$
ur!66n ! 1A Pur5 urtrdttr I
qgaswa ! gat- rGPtrqonr !
6nogflt1 - urYmr I gJairwgtrwattr I
6tDpt@@r - 4o9 - Gurra]6llr ! gfierr !
t$aGp rra;rg,t ggtru isr, :
u-rrdrGlupp sg,ruolrh
N, G. Co+trslnji9, A. c's. {8iu.
1 .iodrd(5 urtiFFcrrS dLrornr,rng 5-2- l965 alirg gorgpr{itosrdir@
G5r+ur@&sU6r Oefipcurg Liser g]n5${i19 O}sn r6ldrg Gsrdrdui
AAturgti stt&Eatsch 6rn9 tsatu Dt
glaGP nrangtgrw aa:
cr-r-?ar* ee$igop.
L6r4 cp@rtr g)6'rLud gttg u|qfiP&P
@r e g)(!gt g)5r,rL$5fitir @9$$$@ Gl,na tqdu3
g)(4&t g)@tt -ttt68ii Ca@fr ul.tifiOg
g)6t6 U)1lgt g)6rLwr cirar&8 gat&6gtGa. (1)
ODiigctnr+ ur6Curprdltd
fi dt ot ltt a t+u tG g Q,L+hr. (1)
pcGatar arcargs p5tlL4?aar . ( 2)
a etr g: g uat&;r a gltg br. (a)
6LtDrari arLlr6rvo.,Ga, G[r4.air. (4 )
0@BGrnr+ u6curgrd,ELir
q6<iGar@ aainoafr&r e4u65 gt qairatflZtr.
agaiGa@ rlo*reafr?rl. .e4aaa;t gakrerff&tr.
qooir ola'rrorf&:r. .eL0 $Qgg/tljl u@;n6nfl3i
$ea Gan@ saisr oi,?;y. ati 7) gt g Quairasit&r.
Onii 0rr i).
g)Ieufti Cfirisr gD@6rL6+ Ga*6
I ydluri$ G prdL anicda9oir Groctzfu.r
@trit8fi G6r@r br, b@inL&
a,tit4iti glptigt {,rpcf;i GpA
agt$$tlt gecn ofurggr$ pinriuy
tog$p anfrur wi*pr pru&
8f +u96h d@@ri 6ai,r6aoJ? Gr-ooi"ur4 ji
9@&& Ca,ci'olr @t7ol&nr* 6cs$oJ/r
drtfig) ta|qoJn ut@&6),r pi@J.!)ul
& i p, Gtacit (ru @Go ra pdetr ur..taw ril
attpat pfr$g aalgig atr+r
atairriaaf) gfr u a6fi g q tfraltb
b@irLo.ljl rn';t@fruJ 6airaro86 G*ofl
daitpg coffji,Sutr 3<&u,ar Qat4utr
!16tu ltAju urg gi,+Actop O6/rai,r@
aippttr t86inuffi gatggt Gettu
uig D6 B$cir brgg qA58
ulgtuw alGw qafigtrr$d G5ra6r@
$ga&:rru qt,ia;t &plgi5eir Q+[ttt
Gar@in@ l,air@rG6r) G@iair+ur
anirutpi glwg aafig|w dapGw. 1
Gnrfoe Oereirur.
Sap,tgpri g:ai;rdp8u Ecitd alapGw
u?eo a*gy n Gpdcagr G t 1i49-tfr,:troigp y
LnE@un 6uc;rple.l @ria1o wapgpp$p
t€$wr 6uanart&r.t 8,i;qg- 2
sLLZirB 6.0F9op.
8&gpdo e;urp 8e*Qery a!fic Bddiit?p
wn d;gpdt Sewat pp|Adni 8ga @6tt N!)@rIt:)
Gon6gpob Goretrr@ i 811ipr atarSgtgt t1@it @fraurt
4lrA(gpA gcinL a+gB Stdr@tfufr grt@!@r$qr, 3
u&ofl ogi6 6!0oI!+e)r+urefl u.r dOrFd -
sigAu @iPgttit @ajj/.,&.)G r
Gu lgigtgt @fl|ifig& 6,,s|jjl!k:Gut
Lg 6, a i.$! a9 @fi6it.D gt a tit g goG a
u9 c $ S afl fi Gan ahr tgr bdg !,G6.t
{Crff ur orabcrn d@Jipli,.
p,ffi Fatr@r Fipp$t - pan panesr pippan
p@t p@t@t p{gp6tt ' pdtpppeo panipa.
e gg)gp at@eweitu aryo&alpat gotit15ufr
eatfratQe p9t $pu@ La@tiSedur@ @ldtttiP6r
ca;easo fi u3affa15 anttsar r
s@tt |uJp digtbGdr c@$ppg: rAvdpar
a6pgrfr uclQggp otnfiu@ *rtpga
BktQararGonahr eisrGo Gor@jigtdo oloud@or
eteQLan gtiSwat gltt'Q@A pi;Fu+
Gdbltda a16$ga45 atgor Sar
ol tE g1G8r @tttGsrrgrt aray u9 gtgt Gurdqqfl s
arpatpa g$$wa ug|&*ufi s aiP'ar
.s1ufio,to e,dr gtu9a orsOLcg)6, g)Iir6J)L
@A8q6@ Qi&6@trbr utxtr $gaafi @pbpar
qPdarrdl t_tdt,DAtu 45nagtfr uxir ptlp
dJ pgq bt w
i8 #raoLuj ar+i gll.aor)i e s ij,tb p66t
e1to yq5 gt atair glut y saav; y i G ar i gluar
upotpal tgpaxn ,@pp,fr $@g)Ep@.
,DtQfiE@ Qe n pd AA @ g LndtGe
Lt qetr
lt rt g pg
u@at $ a mr EgG prat d q5ttuGun @ qbr i Bar
brbgtataa ydewf,u$ affcir garyfr
u6,odlr @irdr
usiuaptu1 @rp5r5l u&nr gpd?T5tlwr s9at 5
Grrfloc Ooroirun.
q urdr@gtp 6r@&6 p G gE dn atrdts9 ii Ga@fl
&u6o.g1jrt p ure*r3arui$ a? gt
-rlwdg $ti g
Gpur$ Gpauh ll5ar+au an 4wsrti
Gutatr $6&g?utr Gur&cg. 6
6.-Lhr* 5.0Egop.
G ur&a u6dw q6it tlatit G &!r@itr@ Q u rat@Ge p3 i gt
6e r&a uga9u gr ut S6 aNioa9 $ git [a.loJti)
u&6 LD@du uainqgl unyg ury@Gut
gr&a .,g5&u getrqp aid;rg $ptip@A6r. ?
u9@drgen& &!BOE+cI+urrAfl uJ d@886,
qOcnGsA9 B @dut tDrfiLoatig @c4
uLfrEpa gagat,jl ur4u1
t-ot*dto.l'L @ro;G s r 6 g6 gjr Il
@riit@ /.,g'a6i,6r q@rr 6,drr
url5airQefi a9&ati arrffit 6nLL
b@t otaruj @r fr ug @fl d @t ri,g
urns Li-0,at1ag LDdgtary Gu(lttg;t
bt9 r GLaAAi ai4nj?urd) -
agt6 Gelt g@bn s$po,a Ospgip
4 lggt @.i a@itr @ Er;n burr ,sdt
sgtLS@ utrdtdt g,alt re i"Gundwd
e A, tbar Al t o ! Asni @tr arr
ulgaiGep9 glrsou uj,u& Garou
a1au &w de r alD
gtLA u9Lgu16 o,&rrul
tfr@6r GaEB@ uatGr.
upgrirq EnscaBan+erqunrefl u 6eOSrri)
qb(g,6,,r daip 68u,t@t& srmn
Gwrit@t-llquihr qtf,!5c
Gdga.lrein c.r*n pg Gorai,ra@Er6ir solir@
ulrgt@L& csrug g)ficoi,ri
Gmrfeoe Go:airrun.
otruSar $gt gwhrtnbr atraorris9i G*olrfaroni
btrubti?s rnp u g5itggtGao-au wb
u&tafurLurdt atrit&qg atgry Gatar
urhab&fi iu tr u@itr6s,r d@ dr r t. 11
4ur nt p?ar ltq t Ep arc9&Gaeaff w& a; ptgt
guryt $tuupS6i L1&afiptr yiar&r
Uutr r G gil u p,b$u l&ai plr, r@r @G;t
OEn&se& o60tur,
ali 6tbr ur +u@ti fi a&arwr *ar uq5afl gbr it
8 uiur tar wa$ &G*a,lff L G ugarbr lt GaASA|A@
i fi,
dar&or atoiwat $ p a y $ gn?ar & aal'euflg&,tr
QuJtitot&fl dg;rlrau.l6i,tG p tfi15b gr?"tr u3p5p$atr firr,trljr- 73
c,5doe G6latuur.
@J!r LiJ,ai6DLur 6.,6ho66t ;ice LDli) gt@r ing,;n GcraiaroirGeor
Gu $a16i,tw a,kd L G u16dGaoafr g- gr gaetittl
66t.igdr@ti pr@ fi,ptr a;r $prdt Ganin a&grBpE
andgtarat$ grtar ao9d,t. 11
6LLrf,r{i 6.6ibgor,.
nnan c aryfr aipGur cn@ u*&geratldt
Lon@rsr) or/rr+L G@r5ir g ulal'goiisaiv aeopGurg1u
btr@re @)r t!69drjr tArulg:atr q'6t2;taot rtL'6u&.uia p
aranei 4ad: at&nGuigl arq@ o,Jlrrla,t?@t '
6$n !l!r!rnri.
Pr$oa' u,e,rang:i Oolaf,pGaloic8u o-romr @t Lar tat@t ddfr storj:
@reaip, @BP$AA GacgiPc GotiSt$
' *qpo*Alpp"g
p,r r*i * a@u] $ scweir p$ pGu t@.s oa,@ro6r60
g,!)pitunL! @'fr&qai
^drffigrbpd t
Geu,rhu r mr ts y&d,L u S 6* L qa9 $at
13 qSAat1b!809
8 prairfltl5 G@t6ir 8!6tt pt| $ pGuoirfitg Lbqtfl
frLou)rtcort rdgGo-ror.4gp! rB gta9al rcteir gtu9afiatr
,65SLddr6rR; adir aaff inrfal llrsl a ttyu gahd? r' 27
Grrfleoa Gareirrun.
@g@Fp $@tbg,r P f iiqdlig
a9t! AruBgt @, tb:b,r@r;r-rbta@P
ara@ 6 tGafi asirartti5Geui ptrarqaw
ura gtpuuffi15 atri.
66aAA- lDOiuE.
6,trLDu#th urts-@i @)@in LrQjti @rt@"!ice
oa? ud gB Gur fr alro&1gi B iaouw r fi-Gea&
ODnugBrahOgn&5O6,8+al+urrAdu.r dOip6
4taa& 6a@tat mrrets Q61ri$err,r
u6;fi qCa rbiDia atr ggt L6*a7n
@t@in@r dndj Gsr!r)Ztr+ 6ilu 22&@G'g
u$u&l& Qe ybr atr@.@, .gd8cgr
u $a g t G*L qana ur&&uLait
rt rfi 4br,t
d!o(,ip 6raut&nu GugJd@r LAn&6Gdi
g,;n*fiAur utr66dffur ur&gAdT
b$br&$6 unr&gc'6,tflir at $ui@ @cirdfiut
Gotri4q rr.aito* 3ar qa?aar o;rr&15Gatr
gu?yfip g:atutggt$ pbtaty Garr gtGar
Ganr &w pbru9zni; $ru@ir ar&5cafi
Gatrq5Gatr q-u Gur49pa:ti; aruL$a6 ar$pAGw
QwrL qaa uia:G pgt i 66$A16 arn6gGd,r
Garngaia L$6npcu qut pL Drigc@r
@@rqt1ed {5d*nGud 5of;atGw wru9gt
G areill5aair rgigGolr goainoroGw Gu triQur gi
wriL06& Qer.j,6,gr Loragb urn @g!
thilbtui qfutcur@ 6,ll,(gip gtLGL@t
afi &60dr th sr iltlar a@taq 6r @tti@Garr
t 6rir@ou9 i G*EqtutG ptri Qutrgjalff 4dr L 8ur15u gA
ur&gcdt lleilo-l!1$ uSbr&aw anfigGw
utiQu@ti 6rA0u3br[r q$Sg g&$Gar
totitu@r d Q 4r&A&5r & (qg 6n [uE urt(g?6Jn
@@t pti qLL d $t?arF,uE i I &st pautr 6,tfl tt gb
GrErS6r OaJarrur.
-asa& G4rL@6ir(i,/ Gaap a45g:eirar
Gaa+r\,a:tp& ar ppqla G.oara:l.o-Gu,aa iq
{.l:Lair& 6dgg6tP.
Gr-oa o-Eo9u.r a.rorr mrGa; 3ooari GLLalgtarrc;ir
ura n15,a9w u$pa aeirso aYagGn
trir6 bbaqu I6E [@r titiu3@,r 6tr6;nbapaur
aQia9ur 6,tbtA&& Gaeaff uLatipatGeo. 28
igl ubn6,< 5$ 6f]-t6,,,r PP qfrqr
laprlbt ip Lgorputdfl$5 atparyl $5 ary guett
' ig,E earddbr p'.6 Ae^)@,&n ig& #t&@grit.
*Pdr g(i
sg,&@&,t*p 6.lLtiD6.,&nig pv.jD@!&triq
+roior&ndc orr'u,at*l,r $p patvatbtSp E@,t6it
,D@tdt&tt p p (yit,n@.t6tt ti;#t fi Wi@tfu &e
@Jr6in 36f)p&
alj,tat8,r$ p amrdtathr&$i; 6Ldndbt& fi @160/i(96t 6
aerat&|r $p @utotb,t*ss aor6 ar&tr/iF atflatGyr. 29
ogBrt&o$OGrgerrq',rrA'fl ur 69Oiptir'l
cruix& ae9lgop.
A,si fi@a! @uy;r&& Gs@fr q@rLu$+
Ggreu ug$6tpd Gt trpbr g)Lu6t6 Gwr+.-&g
Gyre uotairatn2) uSawoi;r gtaplur gaapl@
@f rei dafiUscfuar Grri'@dr LDtuI Gurrt;tu@flltcp. 34
GrEdo4 O.rairun.
q@t aLiipdtc@t Gur$6& Gs@flutr
Gwmr uoalorln 5 d ck uG a g-ur w Q andt
fido{h:Awandr g: $ $ u9cljJatn]i&1gi @,rft6o,u?w
Ou:roir&uul afl euairrg@ Gran+. 36
srei,rgn.i E!8O'5+o+urafl ur .8@Epri.
eipr $fua9gg u,B?oo
@+tu u6frtt6'ti:i, Gprqggwfi lgtrpGat
uEfi[ Gaigit@6 fdoaffug otap5
anabtofi Gaii&@ tb@(gp f,a@
G@titp[ 6ur!8i8 GqA9eiruafl ua:Gat
u1&alrg- @gtiail Gwar&&aff uLqGar
adp, Ora5i60oL<i 6aflwau iEplSu
e@ifiL@ @t@hr6Fl. g)td aatqat i57arGw. 36
.lOei{i6!0Olt+o,+uJ'rerf, ur .B@Fp6.
tahgt ue8&19aft pairatB gp6,puat GurfuAu Qurr g)+uri
tnih@! @@r6f Q$e;n@r Au(6lnp atrau a.;r@+u9i
gl6it@r @dflscdr tAoirgt pagq gtrrit&u srg6nQj
Quoirgl ggtQuqib 6pe> pqfrul Garrhsaq Quahroofla:Gy.
.reitref a6!8OlE+cr+urGf uldqSpt!.
a ahrmr fi atflw r&ar Gu@itriNr,r i $l'u Ir 26tr
L?flit@u Ll[ipr4;t u]y; @u qtipr?ar
68a*rmt fi @ uneqi pr aar ofaturtr,fl fi'. Gur a8 i pr &tr
6,L@4 1grflwrtu dLG,i; Afiurbr
uairffi atafl$prbr 4@i,$d ddffp$rfu
D@@fii U@6Enbr $A@Jti U@r$Urfu
a6in<mff& (gd)to Bqrbr& 15au$prbr&
arrar&& rgar $pr&v& swrdi; gar$prbr. 38
rrgBniegSOorgerqu.rnBrfl uL edqiiptir.
t -,]
uF@&Oend;6$OrE+el'+urr6rf ur dO*pLn
p1fuvui! Aggofi Qungterfrw g&al
GurgtOa.tgti pani@atff jt uuleir gl
U@tA rpc;nt qLQedn Qdfid
4 gr@r+ u9tj69@ @pglryt
4trbnu3i Gurr;9:6fi ea?wat agtLtli
p6r:bgJ g d li*,Burt dettfilnee
ebn gg,hr 69qg, g,@fru3c anr&
ertdu @gpeeir Guq5d$
atfuu3 @d(i beLu@ 9,Dpafi
w fl &$t g:air?ar,lgti pgtG u r
dp$g uptit) nyimuawu ug6*(g
areg @pdqralr @6bLurt
a9&*;u91b uu9gi a9ucdt pu|1) GLong0utri
a9 Lr4aff ga
yui br u/L6sr6n
duat?an dwdnur Gdig,G:nr 6ug I
dwflwp5 Gonrairuy apGn. 40
Guoljl? u gt 6rGdrd(J Gro,r*riGsn@ gGol
Gro3aold Glr,Gruar gGaouct arGt
G@l6dtGsr@ firc@roteri G gsiGu gt unGar
GatGarasn @ nrGt-tiu 6Dn G@16(5 GjCL-
da@Qe pA u: pGatsaff GcnsdtQ$r@ @ pc6n
EGtuul gtorGadett onG.catad& lgerGu
tolt6tiu(lfrfl Gpcarag\ gariQugt GarGat
LA66rc@u96iff urEGp& uuLei;r gtatrGaufur urGg. 41
Gorf,oe Goeirun.
utrlSiitrc-,alrh b@tca w ri i p ua:li E &15 g 1b5&
e,rgeilr Ga r&r* co9sratal-u-,n roioroil
GugtGat Gpoaitr mr dl6tt 3@aitrLr Lratr+u?i
Gug0u gtahrGcr tiupt. 42
6r ?irr&Eurn .
qE en*6!006+ei+unAIf, ur 68Oiiptn.
gt&6$Ott+crr+urr9lIfl u 6eOiPtb.
g(g@ld@ifi Oa,rsent pq5 palaannutair eafraot$
pa @ e w cir u fi d @ gt t Satr eir
gtg5ad$ acdapui glAt d?p +i p+ia@1
g: b:& a a a gl 6 gr t3 dr a45Ga r
etD6riG g]I$.
ud'r6flO Bn &&!0O rE'+ o+ uJ'r A fl u .eGlbP6.
tarGpn da?gr Gu@ruQ1@
Q atr dt afr aut rci aatP, u1 pGat
qata;o.l -ulcQanair.& t p r i P
Ggrhg ndt&& Gawflwtpndt
lgatGa wrflur& Qar@ua di
G*nair@ alrgri 6u r g0 qut'dtaneit
(5d i fi 6@dlb utt i i Pur td tt 6h
e-E pair atn rfl$ 5r eh gtYw r
+edu&cnF, Pr!8oe.
dt@19ti, urr Gs+ult@tt tA gJfag
orf6airr 6+;irGuaar Ec*'flu SpgSttis
6tri.r!! tti p@@6 a:rlrrga&;: glpgrri:
atp5apa9eh +@,at.,75a1 araug a9 p49E
prtgqg6 Gufiatp typpa9S qwg;th
p UD@l fr Qti Gor,u3?6ncll G@r puiitglb@fr sdr U)ii6
Ang14n pqjE st,i Gpagt114 gtacrlt
@gfi&A ?udir3Gyliowrd,r Gent?$p tgGatcir. 16
Gnrf,o+ Qorcinr.rn.
qmffwrui Aeirlq Gar1t5ulri P@6re 60i
G6@fiu r @t d]l,+@u& Gaa*r auur p-gumfr u
uoflAatriaoat gbpi up@Geiafi Getr
tdutr@rt uTp t 6igt.
6t-L&lr& s60Fg.op.
eryegoanr ueiror?* 66tb9ntt urp D*ibgLp@b
q&6,1d. rc;rAur@ g+fur aettuaft Gurwq5ari
,.861A6 r6n soxtir d ltrtgt trpti,t 6,ei[afiyw
daes g:$fln ur69 ugdrqL G@tgdc[. 1B
Grsrfloe 66rf,urriun.
Qanqgt gtut gloitttlp Qatrg\$gt
g)6 Au@6 urr1i gD,+6(gd @rdirdrr6
i6t6 Cp ajojrb Erf@t 'ata
w$$6& Geras1an r ail;8i Gcarfu9ah
GnuL$pai uo,xfru Gudu QatgGurtt
t6@cpOj t86iirufi6 t6aff8up arrg
ur@tcgaj Lldtcor,l,tt $acuig st*inqq
tAcbdGptt (g gag Qul:a1ryit @aettuL
Gu5iqag efiitp d15dtu wgafl
Ga;n iqa9bsr uairrcn $a9 tt ulpp
algts qryet gulqp arunira
uiei&cti; gtpti$L l_airole- Groc
a&of;tu Qusgrtgtuti 66,G'6ltr@l ur@!
t8i-trit ud;rg:ap atrit, toudt@
CL.Lti ugLbilot AHtCu$r $ Gpifl
Gutgt p1b GsdGur AsoytstQu p $oi,r g)
Gatq5gt u$guS @ptrr aaruLgtrit
19a!+grri gopCor.:ri $!t p, P @i Au On'
aa9?eq uipa @O6r.@trr @arp
.D@or6i, G6rair@ nairutal @apGw
Gupg@6 ara$pab Sprhd@6 @tggeu)
aSgt aufigtuid aq @tLi G4ia6urntt
aggte* fl@fr auipffifltt p6i?cr
D(bg1 @frpoerufl arwGar GpGat
u(4€6!i gfi Fn ui p(j& G$dflDE tii
Gntirun tpdtqay E+u sLttpp
Qettwr,& aolraur @flp@6;r a,r@t3ui
afi6,,,w& *ritig afiwr
ur@atfldt $rfluJtt u@,f,c5@J d,fro,,c@t, 49
.r(9gi&6dOE+or+ +;Pdq$Prl.
qgte aa Q@r@taat GwaniP GnEQwar
Gw qr d @ w rGuLar a rrorcdrlrG6o
wtan* +,dtaoaGsr pr&frar GatflgtP
crtr gt u t4 i G p g uu at oleo9 G I
Sare gtfigtafi Go6al go P,r @qeatr
angta;a datuiGt
Gara afip^tll9d Gs66f,tlt;lt!, E@fut driP
B grlg urgaa dgtdGr, 50
*G g r74 qatar &a QorggbGgntitg gtryuLt
i,flro,r@ .*P", *tt atrutt
Gtrf oc Gerrinun'
@LrCp Aai;roLE uleitr aaGur 99 GspS
alayt$pGnrlj (g.ui6l:r& Gdtr '6!(5Lbbt Gu(5
erun$ p fr rirGar gB ulib +i. fl ittrun blr@d,
gQjiGc@n@ dErgAuAE g@ilrt-Ztug i Gp@
artrGp u9apde@ ad.g5at$ gtti gaoar
au&5tigtr gti:naitl r @t1urqjtiglti gGdr
urcrG p gtitia puar u@+Qar ar atfi Gatr i
u gt&st4uGur ri awiuitfi ucdasu9 Ga:nGt. 5D
4!!et&s$O'E+el+r'rnGlfl u dqlptir.
gq1wrr4 qat?awlg Gan t4Gwrq& atqv;fi
Apt+P;G p+:r, gfr bopooreir ocei)arn arot&& I iamratr
uttyi urq qarpq@ul ui.g pttBgr uaarySnGgin
@+n, $+B AprA!@tpfig$ Cpneir@fi gri,t&l,: aan$pn?ar.
ereirBn*ctr8Or4err9urAfl u .B@ipri'.
abruq5al uayGus atpit8up nayGw
at I iicgtt c;ir Ot(8 €dca @6Fgs(ii €6,GLD
gbru6ay sraa gw)pAg1ierA sr6rc
gaLQagg: grGa gtg,!6&,5 prcb
abruqgntr ranGu acd@ur tarGa
aug:agwi umrGa a,rgtpari umr@a
ufuru9cgtrh lgarGa u,watgt grit lgorGu:
5l8o6q.r+uJrgduJ dgipr6.
_._... ."Fp1"80li
ct@tDqfi @rguli tnn$q@ 6rtgd.,
dr6,@arf @rciA6t@ 4I
cuatd;r, Err@@ a-l6olr rilgat pd g
@t &fl a @fl u @rifful LDr pEr
codi]tlfr sLidr Et-GtM@ @J@flill?,,
6r++ 8@U! gtgt @r@rliris
arnE ond@ ,sr;fG,g,r@ urGJ
t'@?dru pli) Befr6 br?a!
ultiq Gdricu
eooooior Ga/ra$uugi &armGu
an, bni d.$@Ai e gtSB$
*@tubr pa@tDtb"orl,ipgt
t-oalljtlfi aafi wlfl.'o-l,rt cda.
ta.,.,@lbri uUALug! €rhL
aaGar@ aggiq uggrttgdrrit garGu
uJur@tgt g)Add& -g,dr3/j.
€!d!*g@L ugca
w69&(gdri ug(tu)
wa8&qgontl upGw
ut*tigari upGut 60
ur d g!p6.
^ . " g@rpuni
upulLdp :9eano
ur9fi ult;i;git
ufiatai Qarbr ugae $gttt
upp@t rafitbDifiEti) ugip6 ta.,i
u fr it p@r 6nl etu +6f, i G a.6i,r
apour@,@ Qe wrair arh@rg gfimr|
p@ b @t LDqALAffI B, @prciisntit
adgy @Qwgtt prt Bdt Ga.nir_-i
e6uB p@olarai,r G 6 r q t 6 g,r ir
dpGtrgt Grou.ra:cir d.dr olig
a9 E&:v Qa pl i uuLr,h
6t4 p pr tit
d@BBr urtiiGar a8wtt-d,*t u@4
du6n r /i A g O6@fl Q6r@ !i,S,rui
33 257
ELLr'r& lre05goI,.
aeg:p afi G.J,ng0 an $q 1b Gaaari;r aorai:Qen@o9
aLg)p Aiur;r s@Gdch uqlg 8atrtu461)
aegtgt aadSpeir aglgDt a9 P16edr& ardrA{
atfup a:,dod.i; g,r;natert srryrt aedtetcorrGar'
td2cr Oareitrur,
a:chranrfu ag$pafi @lratr rf& Gsmflwrt
$ainan aqbcitGu,t ugq$ Grdsalli arain
i,&l,w25r$p I$pgtr-6h t 6i6r&rjip Gdrc6,r
aA aftr Bat @rdga5ddr Qai)L!. 63
oairfiiricgSOnrqe)+urrAfl u d@rrptt'
GeLq atreiraap Qeuq arrqat&
€p retrqe b 8F a&Adr
@tlu @t Ligr6.? ailu e'6fu,Eai
@rsrdDs uJ6itL6l @lr@fi,t., Adt Ptii'r
pL6 ai$d pLfi qjigatGit
paire GafigGat gainL Ga6@Gu)
wiq /J,ofumflar arLL! aJ@itt66r@r
6.Jd)61 Dfuu9@tdr 6,t(i,{lfl afuu9ane . 64
u drofl@ PO rl +..) riu.rn 6
ei&6 rf u.r dgiip6'
u:&nw r L 6q5B gr
atc,t g) gtdr i
nrutt qs9)gt$ serff urffuri
agtGa qd;r s,r..rat QudrG ergtGanit
6 g,16tr'I A pi pG fi& ltdi P6l,66]tt
rlA;rrurn t Qr:cififuiat r b@biPfuIdtti
aatg:,or I pair gG n ut t rF@an i
ar&w t aff bsa@Liuri
aorff 15dJ
!5&@1i g$tDB g[@@irutt
gt&v rut t urbr w@ I dfi fiurt
U)(i$r t
g@t p$t
@du td)r t
g:&tr atch uzo;sr u @ & A3 66r8u tr i
@ 6 P gt,4 G efi;l 6r gt sor-ool?Gar
u fut u E d 6l @ @ pi e n einG ig t w r ri
u g8 & a (,5 a; g tfl a p Gs ur @ a.r9 @
uau arlgeatn& Gadtr gtgser
u q51g& aci* tar os G .laatG a, 6i
Gmr8o+ Ooreinun.
raugl Ge ro6iGccrf s,i@6arP gPa
Gura:!5Ge t
lrg,&&nse;t Cu E iq-Lbd ficr n
rr6norg)i(9 tdr(56 tagripLt!fi $@ittt tun
aaraq5qg u$S afi. 66
uF@d(O0n{n6g8Or:+err9u.rnF)fl u.r e86pprb,
g'r1,u6.t& {,tfl6t uri 5rwiSateir atitip
66tckr& e'g:t€&11 dQqfi
&.ir@flucir a.h@fr l]65tu$pat anau$p
acirdw<& a,*dui aofi&s
rafirmuw<ir a;flrlau a$cl9aotiit tt$o3dt
ll,ra,ddn argidi Cqrli@
ooy@nfu Edtbq tt@fr@L ta&tiq
uegsg aauP sat&1gr):
Gudwatdir Gutflut g;afiPtar g:afrng
ouggrri Gugclat dt @r & Pih
idr 8;fl dr &fl & rggpo$a th
Gs,t 3 gpatna
6 ug5 mu,w oi;r Q u d @Gur dt
ufiuat<ir u au aSSPat* a$$P
uldrduth u[@6,JU, @'^6st1
u @u3 ard;r u Butrfi i aut a€i Bot dtr Gur& p i;
Grrf,coe Oereirur'
u@fi6,t4ig,l, urtlblStit urt $p Gaut 1b15
atoad,ary1b1q 6@ $P P$ anfu ui-$oofl ut i
Eoayi pndre.oitrg QcdT oltl qarAB
a@tr?tt @Ottglol0qdn t ig), 63
gIEOpLL+ Gnrfl coeu]n6rfl u.rtun.
LolbOparl Opd g:pdtt @1, G@rrt
Ggi6p6 @l@r IA pq5dpw Gsnotgprtt
gtdrug: t&drugtti g5rt rri u<l,e8ug<ir
LoaGup a?gpp aputgSc esit?w
,g6rlb En @in gpp dfrdp
uGiysp &tdrsu urti $Sat etrafi)p
udlGat ugu4d u,oiralffu euyigturn
4 n,ir^Gsno Get.igtgj& al . uyw G pait an
J.t6or (d6)o, atrqgt uexflu9 glt6 ,rd@{
10 prfusr $(,,r'lr Aonfuar aL id,st)
g&ar au1&1gan1 qdgG@r rl6h&dt
almrdai ud,tg @tge@itr Lrddi
porGo"rrd ul'j6tw p@inL r ep gri:u&
augtgt uan $pgid e,rarig Gpu.ri
aa:gtgt pu9Gg@.& a@dr@ uiGBr
dbtdcpain b@flg:+qlh Aduge6!6r @rarg/d.r
6cr9?*a@ s,rdpiLi: Gatgt u,aff
aah awflq!5 erg@u @rt$e tAiGp
uLAnt g@Gd quG@,
20 Guaq5ui gataa Qweir. gtua: atrtq uqqlg
Agtatr* Quqy,g 6u5l ar6ns ulig
IA gldrt
u6nfl p606i batrqna t qul6 trfl F
S@ag aaaarcrg QBfip@ gGuah
u$gtup $fiqj, @gnAi ugli@fl
glrifibt Afirlp:bS$ r6gp@t R+u
drituS uLiu ddrp artip u S ula,o3un i Q u r fiG uggri gtLqa
U++i sigp Cui+@ti Qpr[lu
Q6n6fl Gp sail,,eli4ott u9aaur @gipar
30 abd6(i' &ad(g Qanairgu|i urip
awfiatduL u,',pbx GuC i*ain ta*$Gpar$
@aratfui ctuati ,$tuee;fl qdffi1gtj)
u66ryu9 firfir e@up uc:<6tu
gp4dart Gar&a& rgatfli€61- u@flAu@&
aggdu unB& auat$t:i; p?Ln@r
i,r: I
palnppg,t rcrtdarrlin urhgp @)ff{str
Gamr gu afl ain gy p ati uaaa L u1g6 g,tB
pril@ut $fuar paTWp ,lu&rrt
ath?tu:,rr$ ulafrrub aw&g GnaorGp
GerofrrGnr d pth?u,r d 9A"9 atrth?u,ngf
8u ddd^* urrtu
uoitasft a?*Gpr aaGefl Gssw
ngtGaL uipu Gurlgp@tt nnLffgt
B0 a,i,@aoe Gsuau u666rtr,{se;0 dfltflpgru
cur-?on* coSltun'
at@ wntiGugril srana?d; Gsawfiut
Grg Gpdui 6CAg Gu,ooflwtt
atr@ GwrLry@th atroaflnDp dn$u9
amgth a9flawt atrtr@ Gat-rrit
GaGt wrtin*an Gurotrpdri Gugttarcn
Gse rile,nafl er t Gse y @ @prt g @
rcr@ Gmtipat rr@wth atro&rfiaap
wrnfi Gqgaflaw yrgilut [r%oor3w. 7A
orain G rtri;e$lGlmrgor rg run O rfl u o0 g$prb .
u$ grE fii6cgfl G mrgorg run Gt fl ru gpp,b.
ar a8 a9 u1 aa&g u rflei sanagog @ a ryG u r eir
ar ptj:u tBG pf, d; 6u6ou) gl ag pGut
aarrrtlafl Guog6,fid aand;grhs utpGat
aa? aw gil wi a gt @ da& ary6 pat gt g pGatr t
8 aiafor & a0 awflu G
u6rt pafluj grht_
aug r
o!,: oos6gogpgtu fiatllgpugyArg GronagGru
^Aaq,@ -
r9@Ge fugp^g t|p@$tgsA utgCw
6 u pg:g,t @ dff p(g gt fi afl grG u
6 e u,rag&w
arcSGarg| qppGwm $rigt@p u$Gw
n t ry fi fig rcr I owr %or arcn t
$ pag al,ut* gatG n
rsw rt.g p p p G u fi uLoganr_ d Galr tyGw
fl ag r-,atu
Gt uL
a a ril G a r lgtg:G n r t,* gt@ e. n 6 gt @t (Dd r
afur n rt&
Opnalngnpgpq Grsrfl ore g Orfl ruuun,
p6uTpppp pa,tppFF p@rppap F(i,rFpFp p56rpn@
. @ apw,b gt e @ aryt fi fil i; a afl av & ag & g atrgt; p gt u G u r ag a.t r G ut
o g;t a_n etr G e r gtt G n gE ag w r i
ag Gu r 96l ag
Gar $gloat-o sug r agoooffw rawrt
G at po r ew @sA66r ag @ $ pat r p afi uS onr
a9 gt gt @Joo@J ag.r,al,Gaor
u ch ofl q5 6 rt &s g6lG'l m rq o rg u.rn O rfl ru o5l O pp,b.
EI I a 1grilar nar L tleirGon
Gw gm 1ryrk s r natr rt qeirGor
uSm>euqgtt afiiab uttutGat
u?an*u1 gu afitath urliutGan
aff traltl Gsoilon arc$gtuGu
6o$tt6l n G+oUon arc S gt uGu
adul,a aea ggaaorGm
sdul,a a8,+ TgqSaarGn
ur I wr s @ p pb,i; sairr-alGro
muoUrd)dc @ p pb,it s,aintatGlm
rcaiyr amr areis ufr qgati; y S gll,a:G
a4ry $ gt defrr dqgati SgnatGy
Gmrflore Glorainun.
.ga9Gu:gu LDn p(D6D[ uLripd $Gei Gat p,Gngt
gtr ar1 Pnw Gw r t a rat S gt
gt etrG nar L- u ra9 w ndt
,ar gtafii gdtbsarcor r6tr p @r+uowfl 6 gt
.a|gu Gprtp 84
er ann I rt &s gfl O r rg ar rg ur r Gl rf ru & c 6 p o5l g $ g rb,
gbumfl wrnp S@fiGw
warcirgt ofleiou $ utrnp$@tfiGw
uarcir fl @L+tLlW GenthquLnG p
warchGgt @ti:u r rg Geni qwnG B
uarcfrra9 @ p pgt th atrfi B pgt y aGu
warcinu @ciorcGar efrr at rfi B p gil ysGn
aLarcirs aut pgt Gnr pfi u yar,atGw
waxir fi ri:gtat Gan ptu y rrl,atGw. B6
u $ grstrg I n&s ggl0mrqarrg u.rn O rfl ru d Opp,b
u [o;oolu? i guasril@ u ufi ug%or Ei;gti:
uainqp Se;ufiy ara1
uur?at& s[ppt q,u?a9do afeu
u g rt p@t gyoo pu1 gt aa? y
s[@g] LIL-+ 1g'rit&w ,frgpp
pynitGsr@ prnmt gatr rofrr
pt-tbqw [rLo (gdGuL utoirfiti,
erfipasri par,o,all.r,3at gtorGpn, 87
@ g u g C p ain &i' tis $l 6l m rg ar q ru n O rfl ru o5l q $p 6 .
ggtgt 6gt+ G)gxGe@g GPtPr$
$wgrdi ufieirpg,t sua$
9r-+gr paorr@@ Geeirflot aruGanr
@gdul g:wu-1nr gtarGPr
e1%'wr aG ar air p aa y aL-r a9 w aitr @G nu G a ;r L--Gat
or' r-%n&su$lpg1-P.
eailagur annrtGgn pp?a:,c,or& atwS P@1@rq66flp
eoilagur la6ir d p p;ancG)u-ral r Gn6atr eta1 gunn fi
gt dt a$ w tE as t p gt ty u9 aa t G u-l o&rG sn ty G a r 6 g: ar 6
3s 273
S1 g ug Gl p ain S ri &c 96l G m rg ar q ru r Et rfl ru agl g g p rb .
Gmrflolc Gerairnun.
m&snor yrare-t Dnarlr @rilang
nru [@ trtnr@tr-g&ed rr
u,ruo up$ I rr nraaincouri' erririle,rGarcfrr
gt g:eir e raftr. 97
UutD r€lofrr
275 II
ueirafl 6 S rt*epGmrgarrq run61 fl ru d Opprb.
Grosm u+6p Gsm-yGn
Gnal@ Gnnayir GarugGn
Gaap &@rQb nrGourGatr
Gtlafl atr eir u@Gnr arGatrGatr
G pa qg:Uti;qgis ur parGat
Gpfflpof t Gorafrr@ nrgorGat
GpaflGatr i t8u?urrii gor B grGy
Get i; pr t p g,a:orfl th lgor ;b prG y. 700
Gmrffsure Gletad,nur.
$lqgor cilagki;G6durn
unrt$poon gE) efuor nr5l G5o'r ciupnnnp9'i'
f 842- 4trrb cr-r lgurb .9p6il grimart$pr6u rrf, $Opp-,trofl cir Glu ur risctr.
Guwt @r(al_u
oaiatg$ g:P'dt arcat
at n tG a n u tr s r tff w ri
et n n. nbts s r842 1872
P. gnnngtggtanw@ l 842 l883
T. Gat ril a t-w I
y r w eorr atr htr
rr t8+2 1896
aLr etr n t t
nfuis g r 4,at r + r rfl w t r872 t9a4
P. M. 4uurerr| 136{:reat 1897 t91B
P. sttsr pQomi arul@ 1897 1913
C. rrilaeioatnd Get-rg 1918 1926
M. urr $gotrsn r $ gwrhant r90B 191 I
Y. urispatsryS gw&att l9l 1 1931
1919 1946
Y. grita$n pthGlat-rq t9+6 1951
{ 1953 1956
G. Ga r pain v s r ar @t g @t $ r u1@ 1925 1928
L, Gat rh au@ 6e$ewr a t u1 @ l92B l93B
V. M. ort+rgrd atro$hnncrfiwrt r93B t942
C. r r gg r p @atr th I ett Zar 1938 1939
C. alot0rji,ta' srn'lwrti r938 t943
1939 t94+
f t9+4
C. R. gcriorpi fiotr%tr 1 1949
t 1949 r952
Y. a9tIraatrsrfiut 1948 1953
C. o,u9[.oanflw GeLtg 1951 1952
T. A. atgPrsrrffwt 1953 r958
M. V. mgd$6nggmru-l@ t954 r959
S. Ga;nicrj r rh ab Get-tY 1959 l96l
R. grreo gwrhsnr I9,53 1959
\. y r gg$ar u ni't gtpa9w t t 1959 l96l
C. S. unt $pcn)ff [ I gwrfi att r959 r964
B. D. V. traertfr l6ttLt@ 1961 1966
E. Au@ mrq@ 1966 197 l
T. V. pqgGar rhsure t fi ut t t964 1969
n. ggaircrPbGeLry 1968 t973
S.Y. atrPrrgg gwrtuatft l969 t972
P. G. Ganiod:atgnuL GeLry 1971 r976
K. R. gtrrdarroafferfiwt 1973 1976
a rG pcir ar q $G* o at gt C5L Sr t973 r976
$tgarcila9l6Grarfl Efunrir$gaony$lduornr.S Gpcueiupnan slSurnuc Grncipqtrlloir
(i) gi&6tr6u6rf.r6rn6 drrirBur ei'larrdlce,ir
(1923 @Prio)
96ronarhsotr appd @J@[
rqullair eir_$r_r_n&meifl cU Bolergcnrpr*; ggr,f ,5@8G69 .b .
1 Gurr.rf: @qaxitagd;Gaemfl gfi urt$paorys aioatr.d Gparciopran
qSwrua Garc$q_.
.2 G npp,**. rioeir ; G n 1b u ry G parciv p r aor gLut sW,i;
" Cg et fi u L_t- o do &;ls,*
qg6n 6 nrpb rflutpatrongtatrarafio;g,b $atwti fif u|p[o arasrugy$
96i) 2000 ur+vrfuagth e-ut1&p G,prfuagL oioGprpg[ un-,i,
17 O @lcil Gert*euu uuof aeir
34. gf . a-, Gat. gantm eprBprurfittt
35. ,, 9. q. g$elfiatrat;rcrtffwt
36. ,, Gar. graanrsrrflwt (Gatpurgrwaari)
37. ,, Gpn. Gpulatmrua gwdart
38. ,, P. T. g$affatrontrsrfiuLt
39. ,, GoJ. u, lguqaivatr d gwritatt
1 9-2 @o Genriorllurl-orrteeir
40. ,t G,u. t-rri$poarf I gwrhari
41. p r tt eit a9 g w g r a at r a r rfl w t (G at p u n g tr w aoor th)
42. 4i 60r u r + gJ ofi a' r oa r + r tfl w i (G at p u r y r w amr Li:)
43. ,, P. A. urippenr[9 gwitari
44. ,, P. K. *rcf ru n gwnitart
45 ,) T. A. atg pffen fiwi
4.6. ,, G pgt gf efi at r oe a t pr e r rflw n
36 28t
1 3-2-1955 Oal Gsrt&auurluarf
65. ,, a,rtr,trtut ntqfibu,rsrfrwi
5-7-1 955 CIeir Gcrt&edrur' r-orrtscir
'66. ,, I' 8ar&atrarh BlS&attitauretfiwt
67. ,, C1@fur Sgnasrsfftfrwti
68. ,, i,e . urt$PeffgS gwdtari
1 3-9-59 Stir Gcnria[rurl-arf
'69. r, V. R. atYPrctYru@r gw&art
1 2-2-'62 Qtil Gcrt6cr}u [r-orrteeir
70. ,, A. [ffaff@)Bremflwri
'71, ,, ,&WiCg+ Gatritaunsttffwri
1 5-1 0-640,i,r Gcri&orirurluerrtseir
72. ,, T. Y.B. arotilrhrcrerrflwi
73. ,, trltti uto$wsrsrfiut
A dt G c t &s fi u L@'
fiLG u ry aveir al o r v fur u9 ofrrp.rytr p,r 2_.3- 19 6 ?u 9p
fit- potrg u tyuLr asrgt tb 2 0 - 4-? 4 c3 6 "s i' eii'i [- eioatr d *,atr'
5-9*-48 eLt-tb En6t)nargit fiu6pfuruury s@pp@pgt
Wqr g .flLtg.fid1b1g @ttrffp *1id;+,ainr-- eioa:ndic,otr
(1) e1,a9. a[or$bnrerfiwt, (2) v. A. Gsrurat
gwfulr,rt,( 3) r, gtitslurilsrt, ( 4) olou.@. Garutat 148
6q6ogannrore.rtflwti p&aefir @prt&aeioprar$oa,p
@ggigagt-t-ptr{B (etpraryt er<itt-ta9 Gmburi
etr: prar pa p)
$ tonalfli;aiuLt-gl,
72-8-53 5-4-55 @60 G ulgnreir at g gfl r r&@ ai,arfuo,riw p 9,Dg
agrtplgo'rilGuratpraS GpfiBpap @uu+ 6r@ti
p7bgugt attfirflP nrg:gri;15tb aryeap$ p$Lb
a9Gyrp6, uaat$ ep+ryb Grdrgt atanatrqndt 164
gG*,gr-9ric3i $tu,rrlifli;artuLt-gl, ptnai$pi
ag&gi, Gunt@iiggrh Gptflagha$ $tnrafl&c,it
p t n u ft p p t s afl eir 2- 2- 5 5 G p $ uL Gat Ltt epf ga? efrr
rfl G u r ti Laa u ey4L uort-u-lrsri6 a r afur tg,t . G n $ u ry
g! --eijamor PoirurGp+ficoh 108
(gl.L. Go.r. C. qtrorggdr)
wtfl16upr@ Gen1prb rG y rair u pn6 urairr tg
gt u $oir gtetr gbu?atar@ gfi v ainutr b- @ t a@ ar@
qGCfrc- Gru@p Qpraincr;- qeilat-ar@ qdrafu@
*gt @6ar@ g6frr @,i; Oercit,
nw tt at pn$ rc 6
or:, e1 g or fi G u fi p 4 1)at r ri a dr a rit s or r s r oa m th Gt ew p 15afl ur
,pdtwGpefuoorr 108.
G+rpar@ 40
urainrgar@ 18
u&l.:'ar@ 13
a@ar@ 2
GprainaL-an(D 22
atuar@ 12
9gar@ I
5. p68;ariugrt q6Gqr$puatr gtatnGpal
6. S66arcirorap qahrt-rf arqatr urksw&Geasa9
7. q6tr6trbgprtCg+ atrta$ traatr @urg)(ub@[urdr
B. $6uGuiast epuigt-$gnair guasatan9
9. @aqpsrt 4aitrtar&ganwoir g$ [rilarcrw@wrt
10. S6atgBgrt 4n6a9wrtuew Gerhaua;at6oa9
1t. Sg,n@gq6,9gt ellgairnnat6o S6nrnaeir
72. p'g,iGeoap onn g rar paisr onr garw@
t3. pbts,ie rhaaraftra$wth rcrainnpwiGulgrcr6lr Gerng,rcauatdoag
t4. $6,i;ggt-6ap e r i rils u r ewfl uG u q5ar eir GsruotratrtoE
15. p6&aafirrygn qfi, eru6$t$p
\otu(DUr@f stooa.rcilo0
16. $6a9afurmrat s-L968uJrtu6,ir grAGpa9 an&Awnt
17. Sg&aafirmrqyb G+ot tff yr ggefrr aaitrecortl g mrw@
lB. $6atra9p6rcstfl anwasr ot9 nooratrotafu a1th16psL-atdtag
t9. pl6mraw Ge otGpnusf rg6r Qear 6 piwa,roltor9
20. $6aapgt prhS aiSieas an&@uri-
(ar &@wrti Gan u9drt)
or upntl@g $)15tu$tseh- t 2
l. uynupb uyauparpeir Gutffw9rrLt4wri
36. mLb88a6cir Ggafi
37. Gtgtuuatrafl Gpatgffgg uL--:t
38. Aairearulpriap o_oluwt
39. @A,*CgOaaL fiyrcir tfloiro.nrair
40. G ufiuLGsrugert arcirorasnt
4 1, pgd;aafurowr4 rppoafwt
42. q(gfiu Gugnreir
43. @66fiu Gulrynroir
44. atlrhufu@u Gul7nroir
45, nrqgpu Gurflwnair-:ndr
46. arGqg:oir fitasasr nr76S& @ fiwrafurutrotr
47, Gerarg$wrahrurefrr
48, dwrrafurt_roir
49. wEanrnafurttrair
50. wulainaoflu tgoirhrwrafircnoir
51. Gurflwraftrt_reir
52. @tfiwrafurtreir
53. gdgg@qr& @flwrairuneir
54. cryd;,u,ril6rwrafurureir
55. qoratiprt gairurdr
56. eygarrarLGuTqnreir erbGuqyar@t
57. Gprafut_gnft au,tg
58. nlggri adatg
59. lu4rygrt ath9
60. 9g,i;Cggt'btggtg a.r,fi
61. gtaat athfi
62, g:@tho,l,u ab9
63. at@a athtg
61. atw6qr;i;gt n6B
65, g! uyr&ge ath9
66, epburilE- eybrr,reir
67, u1ry$&Gareittbs eryfiu,neir
68. e-&sathlr,roir
69. GgnL@,uwthu,reir
70, gt@tbauwthu,roir
7 1, Gsrurahr@ti Lg;irer
72. gnrain@t @tbrwanitag
73. @un6fiL Gulquroir
74. qt&art' @i fiotrqtrruir
.6ppn otorr6.g
(N' c' unri$ponrnry$, anrffusprfl@, Gap
e1$wrua Garo$q, $6ad:og,*Ga',ff)
$ugt 7604atg,t-@t* Gewprt. @ga @a anLgzsfur& gLp
G s n ahr t- r L L u' gn g g,
gf ggaprefiw iWr:p^unirg*r_y ",oofletr 6 6 s, d a uG u fiw u & pG a n ry
ii n,,gsugdt
u;bnaggagowr ngntral$-atreir_ ;-@y mtrgpp a',tu. s_ueir
L?r@atr$uwrhotis wrootb eraratr*.
gt. s_. G^r. elmr
aownhayrentiwt eioatrtfrolw ,,+atgeofl.
preirati atrgtas,a" aoirgp t6i,p? A6,tqA,grt,,
^ !_gtrupd,*r_as@ant
_@asatfiap 6r@p
u $aggoirl uas&6sarwLu1it6' a_watgfiana
,, "ylo-liy**--' ct.@ofl, atrastrug
t utafi&s argsuglgrt;Gpoir. oiuatrtdug'ofrr ;{rrysi*i*, s garu
l+-4-82 Gpg, upagoio @a:atfi,mt loti; elaataaflai,r agattowrr,it
gflug@g|poir. "A"rlrhi #,i-*ri,u rpn, @td s6ahr
u16, nrpgtoflaair Gpr--dt@ a@6r@rn6n
gt o#-i*
aqryp,ic-t4watonoua: *ut
u'dqth' @eit^-rq eragurth elq& Aui6uaa-Trcsihundt aetrg,w G,utt
uanrc elrhGapreir ir**g;t.' Gpi,r't rrr{6pii"u, epiLatiGung,t Gatotfl
. ai,-a*yi*6)1q^r.ruip
n?arsp$asu -*s,--io*
stgB Gsfi
oaii 6tii; aoofl,rt
aioatrrt$awPPnairgdeg6. atrwiaurt
,Jtlainrem, Gup,agaig:crr,uw.un&wi.. uahrt4pt
-'{ffff **#ffi',
1 ryefrr'u ryG
w at eir afius s6 st e fiw n
r,i _ . *'t {O- g s* ni
a *y#;; :rXHX
ai,r @ u660fr G,
;;;- ; r, o r rk * *, er ofi wa
uaturuugpdt afir 6"*;"; orgswaflgp ienrua " qatt.@**t-
,'at-un@th gfidgil&twth" oefuGp uast q$dl 'd*y arasaffi'u?as at-rip*y Gmgra& aiimra16, nrsrrL+dD aivatrd aasrtgtGatahr@
epigt o_uG6e Gargfratbniii.Gst-gtb $,auioasii;Gsowff atraqabtr @rn bpg
atffii'antiu)rn G,a,D,Pgt sagt urt*@w6' wganq;. stbpp P@@9pr@96frr 'flfu^l
orarG:p GoneiloGo@itr0th. ua.,rt @a^flu9Lt-@t66rg Gugri@r$
'' ,flp*, a@r@r@r Gutfiarasfi 'fl?y-:!"^'::y*9
o-as@ei;r 1e* efiGur
Brpawp gaqoretrfi a-aftst
aat Tnbiiiiie uLui, a@gwt,
{iAi*{ A*u,niilu acrar9oirhrl al.-,i; @fiu q@toi 9a. Srqpraio uLatrfr
o gtt i6 a rain u ooat u at $
9't, iy*tff
;; ;; 9; ; * b,," Gatpr 6 p ir e r fiw tt, tfr t-tfr <yB 8$ut9 Pglanlt qanauuu$
qriMucawrwfieir elu [r@)pryanw YPu]'b
:;ffi;;' Y#*o*rns,^n*o;, q@u $'do
,@orio&rr,o rth armrddtbs. qg,il eptt 19S2-96il tlLl34;l G s n ary ry uS or
,66rg! @.uytTbptio ggrhGa @furigt 760-4ugg as.,u,* Garainttul-p1dr
'wwr&wrqr, e.i;g@tfr:Spseir q@w apti ,r_t,j l0 ardr s..u*itrwnu,,rilaafldt,
son 4gpfurGulryi' grafurGuArtg a',t-Garair o-ueiruroo$p,60,, ndtr @l
',,i al,4atnl @,bp aioatrd pafir. Gurpgtrb" *ai g,,i, ua:,;,{$
'u,re,yEap, -p@rgl
ragaidf6,@irt' arairugt ) tfrasurgffgt. poirhtrp Bhlugd)
;mlntb qanrtsbtrt grmiaq,rt&tt,
@atatrii; rtiaiearGn st qtuw,raii;Ganafu@ o1146
urgiu6- ur&wbGu7bGg1h,. p1ryaflu96dgt, S[orrar uiptaatflatr
nppuge;o wratlytb a9w&15tiut-y o-uwat$ $
ar@@ P. B.A. o.ioatrd&ggrh, $@a:rdo pq;^n* Goworasuwiap wryrgt6
ofld;Gsmff&1gi uatatcri,a,u9'dt ehuriptit upis @+urngt.
@git gt afi'figt. eloitat uGur gt a-$onat
Gat'purgruJ'@r aadaiu-t$
"av.rri,writalrilffd,t @*t gl@dfla &yiprilaeir, orotflui
peit qoiratu},$pGpr@ rseiiarnroril @.g aoc; u?dt owr9Pp aitwtiwrarriLsah,
u gt e tbG p a h a ort I afi p, S &;
@w rh @ a4gda $at pGat p t ti p. at i $ p,6f uS dD elant uG r -
urfai$wqraayt, utfoq,agra@!fi. E-uti .srs G@JdfluSt-L- g,trdOaat, uau uff6)@1.
wnentayrdqb opbgaput 6r@ugt a,afldo Garcrflu1L-t- @trnrgte* up
$ahr@a:oir dafiru Gprt-tq ?a,nainuant Sfraoa, @al,afitwoi:,asn.l $ugt (ga)
.Soif. |3V7-4tb q@hr@ e;,rhG,ugu,rlw.,t @,tpp p@rp@p wratqry&:
ewpfipp 9tilam qafur+ott @Lb'ngor 'gX uia*u{.n', arcrt$git, tlgtu+
@fl6it. rfiuirr,omppr0,atpreir o-asa;o gsg ntt*,gp*, ud Au,npai,f,a Gar;rfl
gtijr' g&r:g@d6gearf6o riueurb s-@Dt_w &gL_@, u i s,0 rito,rt @@@i, s-udir wrorprit
attflair @ugo:n&Gspu& Gra;raint-rt, rt
ur-t-gl. '@nhep pa1it6graryL @ "r;r-$*gqi @ot g57riduatbr oiuprgidsa&
A"i*i' ,ffs;, tsL_d,)rn. @olafiw
e-o,uwati aarha!|ueau, urt$p pn&gg a-ugtf,a atn'7)Bg,toutg @,ip
cnrr@ eiuatrd onrtBpusado a_uuLgap&
r0a&@puura ut-p$wGpr@ *:,iiluq
]n*i,a -*iAi*i; ;*; o#*p
tr,atu_a$ap1ulb$ii'ilctfrrfur mrfi. $Ga grycarainryrytut arahugr pahr
+.9! @eitatrg4 agorntt6,w @*t *.
u,?fry^1* @uyaaflcdu o.uriusrotorfiseir 66a,a$mrar oathuy prupgiCg m|pr
P,L{fluaa e1 W_at 1q tit etddpGp. a?otrii,g. . .rj,,
q t"i
I t
i I
U t
ti, I t
5 ,!
i iJ
= l
u I i.
t) I
t I
! {
arhs Gara$try
E -tl
.S Y]
-l !
erq -l
$qga.rou,a6lti;Gcnrfl g$ unri$pcn'y$ crirS$) Gporoirrpnor Garp .a1$unue Genolrg
Gou ;rfi2*qs6h
($6orno$l V, R. olypmr[tru@r elrilu-rrirenf)
a$a s a bn @ wGa a9 afir aovi tg,i@G poii. C6&@ ugalrp;tb aor@&satrr,r arctrp
Gsoir ald1gu u pe;t qafl d;ori,e ug do GaL ry,*
l. (i) Ga,naiyryugei: atwpdu @flwaur @D.C;Ur$-
6&, GunluattaqS&Sg gti&w
ar atr @ t-rit a 2or a9 t_@&G) a r @ $ 'tt6is Gara$ryu?dt 4000 ur*ynt
gt & Gaat g ag & a G at gt ti:. 6@ &(g 2000 un s; r rh aar 6 prff 6 prod,t
G ur gt it e1$w r ua $ S d,s G e g @) ri.
(ii) ept @w rh @g,ri p r}al, r gfi w L}ai;r
t4 G * anat ulG ou?w api;r
eor aL ug ia ,r elatigueir urpu9dt eryiratugppr6o
Garcin@r. Gurgttb,' lgS 1000 un*yritaair
. Gpg6. qggth g:etr arryugGathwr,
(iii) GufiGurts&n g:r:hr;rflt-@& efi E oit ar ryuS GatGw n o Gp gt i g6,itr d da
gt L fi eir u ra e_ La r yGarcitr @ i,
a4artraru9iaatr6. 6g 500 pr6,tr
(iv) et&eaei*qgeirm o9 o9 w at s etr a-oir otr gt.
alatrpigiGurgt prtuaESb
ayat @ w nr gd,t e,or 6 gtG a n aim@ @B,g ,jSuSg;ti: Gsra$qu9ds agi
prcor urau uawftay_air etda
6l pgafl u9 66 pr6o Gu r g,t Lis, atrwa?t-
d,hcg Gelonag yrfuagtnr glgg d't aioatrti '
4@rund) 1Bp. aioatrerP*saxrljr @aGa gtailr&sa$$'do qq'-n'.*p
u yatrPis t666t @!6# p6afl u9grt
6*n^y,qp ph,satgffa otggri
Gu r git, e1 $wr u s Gar a$tqru3'6't 5-P q@+
xrwgt t aE5 th, Gst ei++
@o,,a9oga:i /Pg @ufr'gA -n ip g,,iar @15u uaL
p-@ir0. ugrio e1;i;wrua ugoorPb en$>b
3. @an gtb, gg e u,wth qryGuLar 10, Gurgt aa&erS$g,$;Qanain@Prctr
L2 aruP1b6an @16egb$urgl, Poitwut ersJ,a&amtur@lb oreirgt S6$Pu uewff
t @r@t.-@. Garurol@1ry"Sou'tr m n e n fi w n
qi u lyu? 1g&a, @ uGu n gtair ar e t-e ii
Gs o g
ut-n aas, gtath G an ndo, w r 16&
glt $st-
St-L-rwsair atu4 afiggt? ardor qgb u.ari qahrutrnatt, @rn$g&
Geeir. .slppcgu u$do : de,rafur?-_ eratrbtruurnPg& Gereir
6r gtt W It ue P 9,D$ at 16@ P gt'
eftp&anas$Pdo sl Pur r u a t aatr
s r wrhsn attit @wd,t Cq+G p.gttb ansi $wt
$6nwaaa rcgmanei;r-
" @wfiaaaeaut
ati )i @r a@bl-uuQ;g;(q'u,
atripatri Gswuu 4a$sgffiffi;gu Gur @t@in @ aalggry $ p wai: Gu na p.uS a8 gi
anr n o,air . eJ@til Ga-r pur y t wmr aioatr tfr ro,n. Guaioranaicrat-u uil ngPSn d 4@r
a3or r, u r tr r w atth uain acoff iG ar ain3e Xta;* A a- & sr @rit, a:rlin @ adir @ae u t u
Gul6nron s-Gtr nainuu$Peit 8GP ep ar u'e-Ptitgth, @ratist @ 4@{. g'9^qn
s-6.l b, auI drs %E;l ti" 4a p 4 aanr.Ql'
@pril@w tgplSpreir @+iug atP,isrh. tSyar't tlr,att p,oatrart4awu unr pgil,
GaL pu r g r wanrs ir I i a air L1a$a g 6wff n;@& 6t-tiJ@)6 Garfrw aarcotiPSt qnPPb
Geatrg atsrt$uLraLBp6rto Gewgtat6 u{as, aatotfl$git Gorua9" orarlEt"
@r p p(g6rt e1 S uL r u at s on G om ooat @+ P gt eta&uLq-ratrt3g6ai;r. e1 ggtuattit 4o' 4s
elGa'san afi Eyoarprh aioatptt;$gth atrrk dl&Gw 6t i;6s.,s guG u at s @?d)hn. aru fldo
ai b t,t {A r-AlG w r i a eqcfrt dt + Gon al u
6rtd;6snafur@ Gurwag@ati. 45 G*P il i. n i Aaotr t9 ar oor tLg't ar G ona? iG u t tht
u r tr rwffira;r g ti aeir osrh at wb Gefi glth
eitatg6grthsnL-& @aud;atu$at@w arfusotr .fiuL?p p@rfl @@!m+
Gun dtagf;irh. @a:t oasrhatwis @t+tlttb Geaag$prgt6, q Plar$ PUUI{
p@66ffg9d0 dttgt uasfur elauigt Gana9 tgrantb, unt- Gug;ata tioru@fl P
atti po* t. gl rararubtut-tb,
ep)Gun o', rlll,i' r,+6Gwn t setr SgiS u u r t uu t.
AuAGwiiaofittb iw$Gpr@6 umft
pgatrtn par eiound Gpwatnt wstb axfrrtlugttb aui@utth.
gwrfusrt @atpuulbP r.,ldtasr e1$wru
a ti ugg uan e1 eitat u G u n g,t e i & a e G * w gt "GurflGurt&15 4luiudand.t
at rt pwr ti. q
aG at,2B- 10-193 a G p B u9 ei,:
Gu@p uu@! _ 6u gtlarga" aei;rp.utY
uasW elatrtGpeir. @i@urgt @rtpe
rcu-rtp r..8r--lprdr6oil, 6. o. Gat. u. gr;rai cLt-daeir ds e1 ot @ ut b aT€irgi
u& at i aioat rtfr , T.A. et r Bre rt eioa;ltr t0, Gprdrgu@pgl,
mpr&s6Dnc6n dl%Dr 6q5 6ir.
(g$.o. Gor. C. urfr $penyp gudrenri, enrfl ruprft 6l)
ar@@ g$. e-. Gat. dr@aur@ uw&atrth erninoovrrils-trrc.rrflwt aiuatr/j
ul t-6,ir u 6n sl @t uat rfu s otfl a: @ atat 1ba p d; g fi u S @ @ G pwr,
n efir atr a y & s r mff do
oreirgt pr$a Gunfi q6Dp .ry@J
" 9 (A al
@6 to r ?ax* e,aitr G L_G 6$,'
aroir@p ur* y i uty Gara$ry,*g (3) Gunft, Gndtaaw& {r6ru
woirgth oioatrtde,atr ouGurgtis nra clf,uatt : G)ururGl+neila5l$ puu
uafl&Gee,trg uairaofirafur@ gA @+r,rrrgl,
rarn$gttetr Gatsar,ial onr$&a a r qfi @ eaanerGan $at,aL p So;o
Garcitr@i oroirp arain66{rrh s_6nt_u Geeir gt aiaatn rEaowL urt+r &naqc;o
afi. epti Gonatrqr 66Dp: sGouciu, 6n)rt@pGg6frT.
saLtqrt a4rydtanas$gt Gur a,g aia,
r-dor9r-d urGrL au&ig,ti:.. stp,D(g Gaeirafl: urse? dn? oiGurgt aLB
gqrcrar gair4 fipiowti: unGyL__
au>h. qp6ir p?asatti unGyL ' uS,6t: G*pgt [ffpgrf] attGpatr.
Gefiuatfiat @ast aoira:rporl pp gL_ Gaairal: G n-fi G a Genagrgdqgu
a?r:ur tuut. Gerg, Ger y aeir fl1gi; Gungwr?
prdt uafl&G+oirgt aofiror$Saio eq)p u$,oit: GunGeteir.
a?qgnrrh. $rpr[6rrrr neofrp6&g,
al u u + ar eir g:odo a r 6 G pat y r ggrag eir
upn@eair (aomtefrru:th) arth oiutg pnriaeirT
s.)qg'{icuGor6,in@6 orcirg Gwr@ arcfrr u$eit: uff9 Genagq-u9oil oor6gu
qa:t. @orainGuair.
(2) qgafliiG*wpas aairqg qgt Gsono9: arqraor urL@ @+ppffrt
ey6J g tl666ra.J n 6tr ar gtafl aeir on 6 u@oi,s: nr&@twnt $1qGbrgfr 8g,n
,t$@ufldo @-tpp gi[6$dt, r$prarara u$a6 @+ti;pgt. nr?m ,,Gpatrafl
.Gonatrsratth qrrhtgpg& @ato,tr utrt u6;ufr aaGpnqqn Gp^t
"ctgttrL1, @g,t e;,atataraq g,ryrh Gat- gt" 4tr rit? d;a Ganitr@i,
.,: : r.r<!s{d.-
sto.tti $tnretd: q(qb $6arotr ) 30 a46ttb Cgoir q grdrGcnotr
areirgt ugd,) eputg& Gcrefrr q@G6 GarppuuLL-owrth oatr@p
gwn? @r-p@o;t @Auug gg. a-. Gat. wrlyt
lgert. aiaatrtf at$$aaLpp 6u@
6lelrg&er6ri :
Go.r?o arndrgor$ar
arort on66 p au.j: uG y r ory666r p I p$&
(4) wrgngtttit @guatt eptfit-tb Gte aiirfi66Gpuir. G*p e1$wrua
GeeorqEeio: eitatrdag&g& rr,ouflds arile,owrtb
sfup, aq$eofiefi nhrpp Gaogrg e-3$
@tip,b a@ pr@aw S puroit pffuLb Gar@pgt atrtasrGatbrsorff
Gur-rgu9oU Gur@ ardrg Gar@Luti.
p-t-Gov purat Gut-tgufldt otaran gb elapGw pfiii;a Ganin@6
arufrrgt sLr-tbtruit'r 66rft. elgt Gper
rr;.ttb Gum-ry1gdt@,ag orotrgt atigt rn[tb. qJut4Gw Geu\Gpr6.
G e r,ais ar atr gt e- p p r afl @atr t.
(5) qd@,*Cg wr%or& safur: eioantfl agtaron arlbrs gf , a-. Gat. PBA
I oatratflgri. orfusair n$$u9o;o
urLhq& $rgt:
fi or gtGar ain +Cg,it p @ru pr G6r u r qb{A
6rpper"6r ahsasrde,eir epwfr qowfl
loua7arrg,tjr Gsruratrerfiwan[&
asru&a.q q?nt qta:utrs& Geefrrgt o*ufit-@ elata:rilrq e^t-c-pSefrr np
gtLit gCgprb Apeio anfiaoefiafi@d;gr 9 u?uil n@eotr gyoatfi rb, urfu aanr gtti
$[fia,4 6ff(6@t PBA oh;o,rnd erctraflatr Ga,eirag :'Gereiir ga..s aIG g n Pd g,t'
pn,rt q @t Ga r G uL @eilwfiYuiP u$as:'GeroirEl'dt aTGYr Pd g'
urf rar,ao+eow at$P8' G+r artgtaet.
q@rcryth ethn S pg,t a9 $urt P SuLruL Ga,eirag: 'G)snoiloro ntGtoor qL+
at B @ qlri pata Y a G aLur t. Gweir' (Pgatnil : 8-5-5)
u $ eit:' G+noila.tto r LG u-atr q r4G w aor''
Gcohog; e-ro&6g r,rdralr GPfiultb?
ugdl : a,,d'tasrrj: GtPfiqth' ar@Gt qahrWokatrrd aLut-Y
@*qPrt GPfiu1rcn?
Gaonag: G+noilglrb' u,alastafur@ u'do
"apgt&(5 E 6;.efrr n16til@'dt -atri
u peis:' udlatrain@ uoonaiur@' prfit aitGuqnratr B ergiPlryGwr'
Gsohag: anafurawrl.r,ruilg,eir
t 6'67)' ?,'i
Ga,ff ar g GeneilglGcatr Gca,trr-darr'
u @oit: anain owr n r uril+,a,tr s-ni;@ritGar t u $ fleil?ou sa,inre- i me
Lfrcllr' (Qurflwr$: @cry t 5-2-6')
Gsono9: afirru1rdra9 6rcrrgt efiiatrd Gfi)r$&* cr'rtGasn,gtb
ufieis: aprrdrLfrral
6oc Gcnr-rg& @fiPPant. eftP
al$wnrf$S P?a: <gofrBg argtgl
Gsenog:'aPGwr17 Srfuagth' Gurgt.
uSris:' eapGwrlry P&agtt @t&tG) @ @@) 6D [ rt u n t $
" s-6dnGt-" u rL@ G * r'd's ggu at atr 7ry ft .
Gsona9; gflasruL gdPPrn, P-t-Gow q+Gur
u@aio: gfiasnw ?mru urft$gt "ur&a, ff Genarsgl"
aeorqryt. AP@960 uwBGPofrr. gnus$
Gcenofl : atrrgGoorefrt + 9/6qg arcPgt - GereirGomeir,
G elar al : ar asr uS y S
oiinrfi glw&ant, atq$@ ry*n4
Se;o ar p p?mr nfl t-P
@ril '@ai*Gu' oetrgt d@@pgr
'q,nrO8'dt @ui'gt' 6r@rp ^?q-'P
6r6frtgl *priupP e-udrwaluurt
ao,a-&ort ocilo c-Letb. a;,cil,Gatr
,u@ait: uwpg,tuetr @rairr6 @t-P 6rd' bne eioatrr9 ootran Gcrdoatt
$60 a4g@pgt aroirGPar. dur@gtt d6rg $al,agSomi. a9
fidt s-i rtBP156P gCU @gt auw%tr
Geonog: urLot-& ,,q3:ulffi@tio gg athuti G+noUgU"
,upoir: (1) "artuatgt $GPtLu oqrg dwlflpPrt. E-u3rllr quq.
GPtt u,rwgtai,tGt- " (Gurflw ?98 6rdorgt Getargeir.@ciourd
plgGnr$t: 70-6-77, (2) " go,$t_mn ar n tb ua Y & G e md't 1g'G w "
i' iigt Gati 6 Pfia'tgtai'tr3u" 6rdr gl OcnciragofL@)ci eLdueirgt
I Plgmntb: -9.]
gtapAw gtqatru?Ytb. Gutflw Pg
Gu,ngl, @wfiun, $gatrfiGnt$
E' uraio' o lryBgtGursaltb r-,teir +6ur geir6a.rncir pfrgtth 798-aryt
sl@Pq@r@[ 6tBP atdrgt aratit et@P naPwrdtL
'G+l,Lt-ri. ' 4oiratrt p1qaafi' orefirg't. Gurg|Eprt, (798-atgt utLao.t-t*
aL-Garn e1afisg&g'p' atyrGg amrhqgluadorffifr cr@ciqgro 9pan
gspasrulvth: Pge
I A ^ r w G D ff d 6Dur p rloriu@@,Egt.)
e|p a1g$ptb (47) 'anGYrGt-r$p
' S1ryaLrfiGnrafl' erei;rut 6rcir gl
Grooufl or&aeir safuramrdr'; GufiuL
G+noilo$u ,9,nCg eptay& GsLt p@Gll,rg8:
[8-10-81 "ror(cdirr6
rllatwit eptrbpgtayh"; @utfiur
Ga,atrag:'6r@p 6r pou6ilr'
I GutfluL @E,ror-oir 130 ] " slaiiretanhr
-u$eio:'ot?ar o patefir' qp@rt qainuar&1grh gwfbw"i
Ga,atrag: qdilurp S6atrfi6nlrd [8-8-4] qnasb
G urqr c,tbu i d gt g: qb1Eaq Tgatr @,
.uSodt: 'qafl oar'
Goono9; wgAGpffgAd (10) @@ enwth S6auita9d;
Garrrfl anreornrulbts l-r,l,pSeit 6rl-6r)
,upoil:' raratflGprgafl' Gapurb ati;pg,t. snLt--aneo c*L
Geono9: praflkwr atrgl$w t-tit. ,oulh firrhfiti; qgor$g,tiutg
u ptio:' pr afttbwr atrofiGw' "flgtt eptig;t GsLteort, ar@@
eioatrd 2h u,mfl sratth fironfuath
@gt A+6pgttb aioatrd Pn,i; aui gtth g:rywaieishs, * %tr &+,a? oio?a
ath uffa+Ed;qgrt Gatpth, @aitu9 y udpti, qentwroir
agwn&wrrrrtb, uaat$$otP erdrgt
(9) p@a,rdla$d;Gsmfl G^tp pno96Gcnainry1;g,Bprft.
Gatprrtp afi$paf d <U t- r B p r
G)enafu urLt-p$eio e,oo,u@ @arir, fito.lrr6,a;afir,-eioatrtfi nr pS rth
,Mrd B9u9 gf, e-. Gei. P. M. ggfctn e,r&at u,rfilqlr,dt @oiocnq nrgilaae
s-lr6tru6t$ p pG p pa? r LA p p ardlGa:,r (12) sr@@ugois gf. a_. Gat.
A1LD P0 fi)t-6lo.t sr?as nrfiflaatSgt, er9 @6a$omrmr*rrflwtt eprtgGag
gtSa& eoeie3iBoil o-drorrnaar, stir rsL-ri;pgt. sfi;pd; Go.ra$ryugoit
e-u w r an p 6fi p @ +& s aur G n ar dr gt nraain@t @6e$awrun+rrt air:atr
39 305
pr.gbaur ft il) 6d q
@ gair
ordlgb goag?ulqti;@aat$g,t aLtt *ffiHryf",r.*#;*#frHl
p_uefrrw r ontb
pgt. o_uetrw rans+,i G ufiuLatr&elretr yg !_ 6tr LlGa p^ ag fi at r a& GsnoirXg,
,9!tu @tuu+ mngpgrryd;@g!rt I rnrwcati: Geroitatg atapa4ydsg
oair gt G- e ncir w gr enpoil @.-rb . Gsrt-rrcots ,;",nu-F;eH;*
A,t p-5,. ept5tiqgti; G ar@ rit aoh . io: CC-' d-i
p-uainwrd)th @orantg,t "g
,nt? *igu oas w r ow $q p,i, G c r eilag G @ G n #,," agl
Gai@, olr,h?a Guig,''uri. *u&rb 6166r"Et c-d aratGanagqtb p'anad
6+noira9 q@tt sL_Gqr Gu,*t_iw a& Gefi$rt.
Ganl6@,i G_+oirqg,t. g1lolr@th (16\ et\uq,gd
nGL rq.!*: dD b.r?!B
@lato,r argfi@
p gAGu(EE'6r,,gA,
at yGat 1b1g,rt. qrg G p,at
6at. @6y6j7 Geo,iirgt ep,r
uG I r s.yewr it
@uuryppnatr dlngp u L_tis-t_r _a ar atr bt Cenagrpo#-#"t
pryr? girwsth Gufiw Se.iLwGpe u96i, ddrd[O_ricpy. u;re.+.o,rr, e:;;A
nr&+Gpl ua afl$atnairaeir atil6r1ryu qg$ ^a,u-A@ ,roirg 6Jo.r, s__t W^r
ur:tsGdr? oro.ir6-p uwthant_ ept fi t-Lb G e air fia,tr .' ot w @;;;;G
66al_st6n6il aL6 prui, Gurflilr hairri
rooi; Gcnoir@fiGf , rr&g GsZt_ri.
,,Llpprpgd y):;!ppu+',(gafl p9cD6p "aawr&
stp,DCg e1fiuryO 6rr"\rr, 6r@rpu+, gaaot d(qiuaiyaaw
u r t p p pna p p rair q r uai:,, orrt qn. y.y1*:{ {ryp Ger_r_gir uatr@e;t,
s-L-Gatr @(D@J6a tr g p,aCg *n *^goi,
royGyonor eP@rp4ort pn6,ir gr6t@ E ril ru oor th, urlgGgs&@66r
6l@r-606r@tu Gufiw&a g
u9g&qgd @dil p_cirm epsnrrfiuj,rt tr r fi afl amit @w gu $ eAEFcni
. s1 uirTo- a *, p"tZ
ro@ p pL_ryeit @t6tgt uti;a$pagOd;gt @t(D.Lb,^Hp gt uro,$imo;u ;;E
9-*gtA @r-gt ud;agga9r,q,t-s, atsn .Geutw&_c-ryw gp*n Guio
(-@Jglar$ s_airot Ltggsrbmrig alqi-_b, a rqS@ G p,atulG'u 6;l,ratr 6G
9p, n ryr @.@t _r & G G'6;b 9 ^@uLd:Gan'ol?+ugdD " Fpa; 6lfrL
$ gor cirnfki;Gaoufl E$u n ftpgnDrr$l etrlor nr6l 6ru$dl6ull6ft
6r qgpgq5 6rfl ufl q5ri;g rb gle_ an r_u_r srr ft&snnn rll ryu na.r rb
For rc.rnFnr nr ^^har^-- m
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This is an Appeal from a Judgment much too late for them to set up such a
and Decree of the High Court at Madras claim now.
affirming the decision of the District Judge
of South Arcot. The plea of res judicara is equally un-
* ,.<
tenable. The suit of 1828 was not a
rcpresentative suit binding property, or
Both Courts have decided against the even designed or framed for the purpose of
rPlaintiffs. It seems to their Lordships that binding for all
time the Tengalai commu-
the decision is perfeetly right. There is no nity, if there is any body that can be so
trace of any evidence tending to show that described, and if such a suit were compe-
; of the village was at any time the tent. It was a suit against certain persons
'private property of the Vadagalais. The alleged to
be wrongdoers in their indivi-
village is an ordinary ryotwari village. The dual capacity.
streets are public streets now vested under
The result is that thc suit completely
Madras Act No. V of lB84 in the local
fails, and their Lordships may observe that
board. All members of the public have equal it does
not seem to involve such far-rea-
rights in them. If the Vadagalais had any
ching issues as were put forward in the
valid objection to the streets of the village
petition asking for special leave to appeal.
being vested in the Local Board, they had
the opportunity of raising the objection by Their Lordships will therefore humbly
appeal to the Governer-General in accor- advise His Majesty that the Appeal should
dance with the provisions of tbe Act. Even be dismissed. The Appellants will pay the
if they had had any such rights as they costs of the APPeal.
claim in the present suit at the time when ****
the Act of l8B4 came into force in the By courtesy of Late P. Rajam Iyengar's
"village of Tiruvendipuram, it would be Grandsons, Tiruvahendrapuram.
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Sarvadharman parityajya
Mamekam Caranam Vraja
Aham Tva Sarvapapepyo
Mokshayishyami Masucha
(Gita: Ch. l8:66)
Bhishma parva of the great Epic directions, sacrifices of
Mahabaratham enjoys immense populurity the great saints/
Alwars and other seers are purely
and authority in tndia. It is reckoned for the
as universal good and purification
one of the five Jewels: pancharatnani of ultimate happiness for mankind."i'_"J*o
literature. In plain language it unfolds a
philosophical system which remains
to this Music in India is being treated as an
day the prevailing Brahmanic belief, blen- offering to God. Milton in his great
ding as it does the doctrines of Kapila, Epic
'Paradise Lost' prays to God of Music for
Patanl'ali and the Vedas. (Sir Ejwin his triumph in writing and completing
Arnold). his
great Epic. Sri Thyagayyas,s utteiancc
Bhakthi is not mere emotionalism 'Nithi sala Sukama-Ramuni Sannidhi Seva
includes training of the will as well Sukama', brings forth the value of
as the divine
intellect, It is knowledge of God as well music. Nalayira Divya prabandham set to
as obediencc to IIis wil. The influence music is really invigorating and also
of ench-
this Bhakti cult and the directioos anting and keeps the singer in highest
of our Great Alwars and Acharyas
lms oi ecstasy and the scintillating
can not be so easily analysed. of pasurams full of rythmic tunes and
In the
rhyming words are the offerings ,o
words of SwamiVivekananda .,this influence Coa
is like the gentle dew that falls unseen and one could feel such pleasure in
and atten-
unheard and yet brings into blossom, ding the prabandha Goshti, reciting the
fairest of Roses; it has been the contribu- hymns in Temples.
tion of India to the thought of the world. Mind is endowed rvith creative power.
Silent, unpercived, yet Ominpotent in its Just as objects are created by the mind in
effect, it has revolutionised the thought of the dream, so also everything is created
the world". The message of Sri Ramanuja by
js not merely for particular the mind in the waking state also. Expan_
a sect, clan or sion of the mind is Sankalpa. Time and
some division in society. The messages, space are mental creations only. Mind is
the cause of bondage and liberation. One vites themselves. Luckity for the Veda -
should have absolute control over his mind. Adhyapaka Goshti, Triplicane, the time.
This sort of mind-conquest was achieved honoured and most respected forms of
in great measure for the beuefit of man- worship and the regulation in the recitals to
kind by the great Alwars-more particularly be observed bequeathed by the literary
Sri Nammalwar,whose protrouncements in giants among Sri Vaishnava Adhyapakas of
his pasurams are the great gift to mankind the past are still preserved by the present
for its salvation. The compendium of these Voda-Adbyapaka Goshti. I understand
hymns is the riohest gift to mankind and from this Adhyapaka Goshti that the
it is Nalayira Divya Prabhandham. The
formation of this congregation was also
essence of Nalayira Divya prabandham challenged in the past and its rights/
is this. It stresses the effect of surrender
privileges and its unique representation in
or Caranagathi mahatvam, Such hymns of
the Goshti also had to be fought out in
Alwars in praise of the Lord of the
some suits. I had the privilege of perusing
Universe are recited by Srivaishnavas in
their tbe judgments pronounced by the Hon'ble
congregation called Adhyapaka
Goshti in all the Vaishanvite temples. t Courts in the Civil suits No. 349 of l9Z3
am a septuagenerian and at this agc I am and,527 of 1924. The former suit was
pleased to recollect the pleasant occasions filed by Sri Anna Rangachariar and others
in the Goshti in Sri Palthasarathyswamy against the Trustees of Sri Farthasarathy-
Temple and it is no exaggeration to state swamy Temple and the latter was in regard
that the Adyapaka - Goshti in Triplicane is to an Application No. 2986 of t972. With
an ancient one and several golden leaves out delineating into the various aspects of
in the history of this Adhyapaka Goshti, the suit and the Judgments, onething is
could be cited. clear to me. It is a pity that such an
ancient and Divine service of the Veda-
Adhyapaka Goshti, Triplicane had to
In this reminiscent mood, I feel elated assert its rights and other privileges in civil
and honoured to have been beckoned suits and seek legal remedies.
to write this article ,Divine Service, for the
Special Number to be released by the There is also a reference to the Tripli-
TriplicaneVeda-Adhyapaka Goshri. This cane Thengalai Sri Vaishnava Brahmins
Divine Music revealed in the Prabandham is Sabha, formed in 1968, with reference to
recited daily in the Temple by this Goshti the application No. 2986 of 1972 in Suit
and it is appropriately called Divine No. 527 of 1924. The privilege of rightful
Service. In the present set-up of society, authority to include members in the Goshti
such Goshtis are not well recognised and also has been questioned. While the
given its honoured place in their rights and former suit wanted to preserve the rights
privileges during the daily rituals in the and other functions of the Goshti, without
Temples. I may be pardoned if I were to interference by the Trustees, the latter seeks
say that this sort of decline in the import- confirmation and proper observance ofthe
ance of this Goshti is more due to the lack orders of the Hon'ble Court in Suit No.
of unity and tolerance among the Vaishna. 349 of 1923, Thus, the hurdle put by the
New Brahmins Sabha questioning the rights bavan of the Goshti, Sriman U. V. Desur-
of the Adhyapaka Goshti in regard to the Srinivasa Varadachariar, who has reached,
inclusion of Adhyapakas in the Congrega- the lotus feet of the Acharya. After his
tion is much regretted. Against all these retirement from A, G's office he had dedi-
odds, it is gratifying to note that this Veda- cated his retired life to this Divine service
Adhyapaka Goshti, Triplicane has succeed' in the Triplicane Temple. Not a day would
ed in clearing all obstacles establishing its pass without his presence in the Goshti.
rightful place and continues its Divine Another Swamy Sri U. V. Pelappur Srirama
service in Sri Parthasarathyswamy Temple. Iyengar also was regular in his attendance
The status, the rights and other privileges in the Goshti. He was at this Divine Ser-
of the Adhyapaka Goshti have been fully vice till his last moment. These Swamigals
recognised now and protected legally in the of the past were the polestar for the present
suits cited. Thanks are due to the present
Goshti and the members of the present.
Adhyapaka Goshti in Triplicane Temple congregation riohly deserve their honoured
which is doing meritorious service to the place in the Temple. Unilied efforts and
Vaishnavite community. unstinted support should be offered by all
Sri Vaishnavites to preserve the sanctity
This Adhyapaka Goshti adorned in and glory of the Goshti so that it may
the past by literary giants like Messrs serve as a model of excellence to be
V.M. Gopalakrishnamachariar, A.V. Nara- emulated by the younger generation to
simhachariar, Sadhu Ramanujachariar, follow the right path of Truth, morality
V. A. Gopalaiyangar, T. A. Rangachariar,
and sanctity and uphold the Glorification'
T.A. Varadachariar, Purasai Gopalachariar
to mention some of the important Swamigals
of this Divine Service for all times to come.
and in the recent past by K.Y. Anantachar- This is my humble prayer to the Lord of
iar (popularly known as Kavalkazhani the Universe-Sri Parthasarathyswamy and
Swamy) is still maintaing the glorious also my request to all the Vaishnavites' To
raditions in Divine Service chalked out by enjoy the pleasure of the Goshti reciting
such important Swamigals. The present the pasurams, one should attend the Goshti
Goshti has amongst learned Adhypakas atleast on important days / festivals and it
Messrs. l. Ananderi Kandadai Srinivasa- could be well realised than described in
chariar, 2. Kovalai Ramanujachariar, 3. this article.
Kandur Krishnamachariar, 4. T. S. Raja'
gopala Iyengar, and 5. C. Parthasarathy In fioe I am thankful to the Secretary
Iyengar and also other notable Swamigals. Sri C. Parthasarathy lyengar for giving me
an opportunity to express my sincere opinion
Special mention is indeed necessary about the importance of the Divine Service
and would be'failing in my duty, if I do
I in this ancient Temple hallowed by the
not pay my respects to the illustrious Jam' hymns of the Alwars.
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Tiruvallikkeni Kandene
M. N. ParthasarathY, M. A., Madras.
Tiru-Alli-Keni means the beautiful lily first suburban village acquired by the Bri-
pond. The pond opposite to Sri Partha' tish round about 1650 A.D.
sarathy Swami Temple is referred to as
The management of the temple was.
Kairavini in Sanskrit meaning the lily pond
about that time, in the hands of one Ber
and the place around the tank acquired the
Thimmappa, the son of Pedda Venkatadri
name of Tiruvallikkeni. This name had
who was among the chief merchants of the
continued for at least over a thousand and
East India Company. From 1676, onwards
five hundred years when the Englishman
the management was placed in the hands
came and corrupted it to Triplicane,
of a Committee.
Thanks to the State Government its origi-
nal name has been restored rqcently.
Lord Pigot, Governor of Madras
(1776) in whose time there was a dispute
Tiruvallikkeni is right in the heart of
between the Thenkalai and the Vadakalai
the City of Madras, on the eastern coa$t,
sects of Srivaishnavas regarding recitals in
about a mile south of Fort St. George and
the temple, permitted the latter also to
about a mile north of San Thome. At one
recite their prayers utilising the assistance
time this place was reckoned the intellect-
of the town major and the Company's
ual nerve - centre of South India. sepoys to enforce their rights. In 1780,
this order was set aside in favour of exclu-
The legendary name of Tiruvallikkeni, sivo recital ofTenkalai prayers by the
is Brindaranya a forest of basil leaves with provisional Govcrnor, John Whitehall. In
which Vishnu is worshipped and garlanded. I790, the Vadakalais again petitioned the
In the ancient temple here, there ate at Company inviting attention to the orders
present shrines for five deities and a god' of the Govetnment of Saunders 11754)
dess all of whom were worshipped at one and Pigot (1776), but the exclusive right
time or another by sages like Bhrgu, Atri, of the Thenkalais appears to have been
Madhuman etc., according to the Iocal established about that time acoording to
legend (Sthala Purana). ancient usage.
temple, an inscription
There is in the
the Pallava King who Triplicane and Sri Parthasarathy
ruledbetweenT79 and 830 A.D. The in- Swami temple have figured prominently
scription refers to the redemption of temple and frequently in the battles which were
lands. fought between the English, the Dutch, the
French and the Muslims. In the siege of
Triplicane was originally a hamlet, a Santhome by the French in 1672, the Mus-
srotriam village, at the time of the English lims occupied the templc and later they
settlement. It appears to have been the were dislodged by the French who establi-
* Extract of Sri Ramanuja Vani-April l97B
shed their garrison within the temple. In that is now prescribed to persons who
1673, Dutch ships landed on the Triplicane depose or even assume office,
beach and supported by the Moorish
cavalry. moved into the temple and shots There are some t-eatures about Tiriru-
were fired from there. Later, the Nawab's valikkeni which are quite unique among
'troops occupied Triplicane until it eventu- the Vaishnavite shrines in India. CnE
.ally passedinto the hands of the British. of the earliest of the Azhvars, Peyazhvar'
ftis curious that, of all places of religious has sung a verse on the deity enshrined in
worship around MaCras, this temple alone this place. His corrtemporary and also
should have been the scene of battles disciple, Thirumazhisai Azhvar has also
'fought in those days. Perhaps this was sung a verse. Their age is about 4-5th
due to the fact that the presiding deity was century A.D. The last of the Azhvars,
Sri Parthasarathy, who as the charioteer Tirumangai Azhvar has sung ten stanzas
of Arjuna in the battlefleld of Kuruksetra on the deities enshrined in the temple at
delivered His divine message, the Tiruvallikkeni. In fact, every one of the
Bhagavadgita, which embodies within it a nine out of the ten stanzas ends with the
,code of conduct of universal application to words 'Tiruvallikeni Kandene (I saw
Thiruvallikkeni) The age of this Azhvar is
mankind in general.
about 7-Bth century A.D. - gap of about
The temple and the tank were treated 350 years between the first and the last of
with great sanctity and reverence always, the Azhvars. Peyazhvar says that the deity
An interesting incident is recorded. One at Tiruvallikkeni has acquired greatness on
Sunkurama, an influential merchant of the account of His having on His chest the
East India Company appeared in a dispute damsel without oomparison. who is on the
against another merchant Mahadeva, who lotus (Lakshmi).'Oru Vallittamaraiyal
held lease of the village of Triplicane. In onriya sirmarban'. The deity under refer-
the enquiry relating to the dispute by the ence is inferred to be Ranganatha as the
Council of the Company, the form of oath words 'Oru Vallittamaraiyal' are presumed
that Mahadeva was asked to take was that 1o refer to Vedavalli, the spouse of
he should bathe in the tank in Triplicane Ranganatha. Tirumazhisai Azhvar, how-
,and with a garland around his neck he had ever, is more specific in his description: he
to go to the temple and swear that Sunku- speaks of the deity lying on the couch of
rama obliged him to pay a large sum. And the flve hooded - serpent -'aindalaivai
in confrrmation of all this he had to put nagattanai':
out the lamps according to custom. The
thought occurs that the oath to beprescrib- Thirumangai sings in praise of all the
ed to witnesses must be something which deities in Tiruvallikkeni-\renkatakrsna as
would make them really feel that they are Parthasarathi, the charioteer of Arjuna in
taking the oath on something which they the first six stanzas, Rama in the seventh,
hold really sacred. Swearing in the witness Narasimha in the eigth and Gajendra Vara-
'box with an easy conscience and tendering da in the ninth. The tenth stanza is the
prejured evidence so easily are to a certain phala-sruti in which the Azhvar assures
extent due to the ineffectiveness of the oath paramapada (supreme heaven) to all those
who regularly chant these verses. It is that since the time of the last of the Azh*
beiieved thar in the second stanza the vars, except tbe temple and tbe peerless
phrase,'yennai aludai appan', refers to women, all other attractive features of
Ranganatha as IIe is known as Man-natha Tiruvallikkeni appear to have disappeared.
in Sanskrit meaning 'My Lord'.
However, there is one claim for great-
Itis curious that the two earlier ness for Tlruvallikkeni in the post-azhvar
Azhvars had not mentioned those whom period. It is the traditional belief that
Tirumangai has mentioned, Could it be that Sri Ramanuja, the sage and philosopher of
the shrines for these four deities in the Bhutapuri (Sriperumbudur) rvas born to his
temple were additions after the time of the childless parents after they made a suppli-
earlier Azhvars ? Or could there have been cation to Sri Parthasarathy for a cbild.
two or more different temples, the deities
from all of which were housed in one
The temple of Tiruvallikkeni seems to
temple in between the time of Peyzhvar
and Tirumangai Azhvar ? Tirumangai
be the only one in India where inside a
single shrine there are mula-beras of
mentions one tennan tondaiyar kon, evi-
Krishna, Rukmini, Balarama, Satyaki,
dently a Pallava King. Is he the same
Fradyumra and Aniruddha, the entire
Tondaman to whom the Lord of the Seven
family of Krishna comprising his wife,
Hills is said to have lent His conch and brothers, son and grandson. And it also
discus, the absence of which led to the appears to be the one temple where there
claim that the deity was not Vishnu? are deities in the standing Posture (Venka-
takrishna and Rama), sitting posture
The description of Tiruvallikkeni by (Narasimha in Yogic pose), lying posture
all the three Azhvars is quite interesting. It (Ranganatha on Adisesa.Bhujanga sayana)
is always mentioned along with Mayilai and flying posture (Gajendra Varada on
(Mylapore) : .Mamayilai mavallikkeni, Garuda). Venkatakrishna is characterised
nanmayilai-Tiruvallikkeni, M adamamayilai by having two hands only, the right hand
Tiruvallikkeni. The place has been descri- holding pancajanya (conch) and the left
hand pointing to his feet in the boon
bed to be with groves, flower gardens, wells,
giving pose (varada-mudra). This unusual
peacocks and cuckoos, the foliage being so
pose is believed to reveal Sri Krishna as
dense that the rays of the sun could not
Gitacarya, with the conch in his right hand
penetrate. The waves of the sea beating (Pancajanyam hrsikesah; Bhagavadgita-
on the beaches of Tiruvallikkeni cast up I-15) preaching the doctrine of absolute
pearls and coral which in the light of the surrender indicating by the other hand
evening sun shone like bright lamps. The His own feet as the end and the means
reference may be perhaps to the white Sarvadharman....masucha XVIII-66)
foam ofthe waves and bright red phospho
rescence in the sea. The place is further The shrine for Narasimha is an indepen-
described to be with mansions and ram- dent one with its own dwajasthambha
parts and peopled by women without (flagstafl') and the deity has the usual
comparison. It is a depressing thoughl annual festival (Brahma Utsava) It is
{are to have inside one temple two deities the twelve Azhvars and there are idols for
'each having a separate dwajasthambha Acaryas like Nathamuni, Yamuna, Rama-
and Brahmotsava. nuj a, Kuratt azhv an, Embar, Mudaliyandan,
Pillai Lokacarya, Vedana Desika and
Even though at present Venkata- Manavala Mamuni and also for Tirukkac-
krishna with Parthasarathy (the proces- chi Nambi.
.sional deity) is the principal deity, there is
no separate Nacciar (female deity) shrine It a place of such
is no wonder that
for his spouse. The principal Nacciar who runiqueness attracts pilgrims and visitors
has a separate shrine is Vedavalli, who is fromlall parts of the country throughout
the spouse of Ranganatha, who at present
the year. One more unique and renowned
is neglected and whose shrine till very
recently did not even have a vimana. Ranga-
characteristic of this temple is the Sak-
natha here is lying south to north facing karaippongal (Sweet rice pudding) offer
.east. This temple houses the idols of all to the deities.
Varadaram & Sons SAMBA PUBLISHTNG CO.,
Silk Saree Manufacturers
Educational Publishers
9(D-nrnp6itr +irrrorh
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peaflwarahtru Gurflw 6u16nratr @qdo "gtmdatEoiati"
aioatrertw utwttpth, etgtatt)69PgtP ,,uotsarsr aiw@ u,ilastain@" 1ry gial,9w
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satiuwrtfr ;rcirg Geriso9 @@ $@fi wpr&gab G+a?$g,tu "uda)tafur@"
gtlryw Par$aPu Gu6ntotr @Cq*+ Agpdo "tnarlr@JlratrLDrg:aoffGw @oirgrn
Gei&aqrh. EPg Gurgnrdr Pg
s,otfl,do @@ grp(q^i*+(Drb" @raa[ G+a9$91,
gtoorGu aioPa:*P$ GewP @-P@urt 8cnr4 4paurt 4+nfiwtaat 6Jff#
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t3pgt, "@uGP rctrFnu(66au rcrc:" a$.
Thanks :
All Advertisers.
All those who supplied old photos.
Sri R. Raman, Sri Padmanabhan and Sri R' K. Swamy of R. K.
Swamy -Advertising Associates Pvt. Ltd. for embellishing old
C. Parthasarathy
Triplicane Sri Parthasarathy Swamy Devasthana
Veda Adhyapaka Goshti.
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