TM 750 244 6
TM 750 244 6
TM 750 244 6
No. 750-244-6 WASHINGTON.D.C., 3 October 1972
Paragraph Page
Section I. General
Scope ..............................................................................................................1-1 1-1
Purpose...........................................................................................................1-2 1-1
Reporting of equipment publication improvements.........................................1-3 1-1
II. Preliminary considerations
Authorization ...................................................................................................1-4 1-1
Policy...............................................................................................................1-5 1-1
Standard operating procedures ......................................................................1-6 1-1
Training ...........................................................................................................1-7 1-2
III. Priorities for destruction and degree of damage
General ...........................................................................................................1-8 1-2
Guide to priorities ............................................................................................1-9 1-2
Classified components....................................................................................1-10 1-3
Associated classified documents ....................................................................1-11 1-3
Section I. General
Application.......................................................................................................2-1 2-1
Precautions .....................................................................................................2-2 2-1
II. Procedures
Methods ..........................................................................................................2-3 2-1
Section I. Combat vehicle
Location of fire control instruments and equipment(fig. 3-1)...........................3-1 3-1
Destruction of communication equipment (fig. 3-2) ........................................3-2 3-1
Destruction of armament (fig. 3-3) ..................................................................3-3 3-9
Destruction of vehicle (figs. 3-4 through 3-8) ..................................................3-4 3-9
Priority for destruction of parts ........................................................................3-5 3-10
Destruction by demolition (carrier and equipment) .........................................3-6 3-10
Destruction by demolition (bulldozer)..............................................................3-7 3-11
Destruction by demolition (M48A2 tank and armament).................................3-8 3-11
II. Tactical vehicles and equipment
Procedures for destruction of tactical vehicle .................................................3-9 3-12
Destruction of tactical vehicle by burning........................................................3-10 3-12
Special demolition instructions for GOER vehicle...........................................3-11 3-14
1/1 to 1 1/1-ton truck .......................................................................................3-12 3-14
2 1/2-10-ton truck ............................................................................................3-13 3-14
Destruction of trailers and semitrailers............................................................3-14 3-15
Destruction of semitrailers electronic vans .....................................................3-15 3-18
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
a. This manual is for the guidance of those whose vehicle. However, it limitations of time, personnel, and
duty it is to render inoperable or destroy equipment which materials prevent simultaneous destruction of the vehicle
is in imminent danger of capture by an enemy. The and armament, first priority will be given to destruction of
instructions contained herein are in accordance with the the armament.
requirements of all international agreements concerning 1-2. Purpose
destruction of equipment to prevent enemy use which The purpose of this manual is to coordinate destruction
were in effect on the effective date of this manual or any information from several existing manuals and to
changes thereto. present it in one complete volume.
b. It provides army personnel with priorities and This is not a totally self-contained destruction document.
procedures for destruction to prevent enemy use of both It is a guide to aid in the destruction process when such
combat and tactical vehicles. This includes the vital action is required.
materiel carried by these equipments in the performance 1-3. Reporting of Equipment Publication
of their assigned missions. Improvements
c. Destruction of vehicle, armament and equipment The reporting of errors, omissions and recommendations
when subject to capture or abandonment in a combat for improving this publication by the individual user is
zone, will be implemented at the discretion of the unit encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
commander in compliance with established policy or 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and
orders of the army commander. Ordinarily the armament forwarded directly to the Commanding General, US Army
should be destroyed in conjunction with the destruction Tank Automotive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-MAP,
of the Warren, MI 48090.
1-4. Authorization c. The actual use of this policy in the field will
a. Only divisional or higher commanders have the require imagination and flexibility in adapting available
authority to order destruction of equipment. resources to the immediate situation.
They may, however, delegate this authority to d. Destruction of similar items of equipment and
subordinate commanders when the situation demands it. components must be to the same degree and in the
b. Conditions under which destruction will he same manner to prevent fabrication of a complete item
effected are also command decisions. These through cannibalization.
decisions may vary with the tactical situation, quantity 1-6. Standard Operating Procedures
and location of the equipment, facilities for accomplishing a. Because destruction of equipment in the combat
destruction, and time, which is usually critical. zone is geared to the immediate tactical situation. it is
1-5. Policy difficult to establish Standard Operating Procedures
a. If destruction to prevent enemy use is necessary, (SOP). However, the methods of destruction contained
equipment must be damaged to the point that it can no in this manual are basic and flexible enough to serve as
longer function properly or he restored to its original SOP’s in combat emergency.
condition in the combat zone. b. Command decisions are required to effect
b. Destruction should also be designed to slow or destruction when the using organization is not authorized
impede enemy troop movements without creating the necessary demolition materials.
hazards to friendly troops. These decisions will take into account all related
materials needed and the tactical situation under which
destruction will take place.
TM 11-750-244-6
f. Select a point of destruction that will cause 1-11. Associated Classified Documents
greatest obstruction to enemy movement and also one Any classified documents, notes, instructions, or other
which protects friendly troops from fragments or written material pertaining to function, operation,
ricocheting projectiles which occur during the maintenance; or employment including drawings of Part
destruction. Lists, must be destroyed in a manner to render them
1-10. Classified Equipment useless to the enemy.
Classified equipment must be destroyed to such a
degree as to prevent duplication by, or revealing means
of operation or function to enemy.
TM 750-244-6
Section I. GENERAL
2-1. Application
a. The methods for destruction outlined in this regardless of the method of destruction or the urgency of
chapter are included for guidance only and may be the situation.
modified, as required, by the tactical situation. b. Only trained, experienced personnel will
b. Experience gained from actual destruction accomplish these procedures. Personnel responsible for
activities is the best guide as to required quantities of the destruction of vehicular materiel should have special
explosives to be used in demolition procedures. The training and be thoroughly familiar with the required
type and amount of demolition charge needed for a procedures.
specific destruction job can be determined in this c. No fewer than two people, and no more than the
manner. minimum number required for safety and efficiency will
2-2. Precautions be permitted to engage in a destruction procedure.
a. Observance of safety precautions is mandatory
2-3. Methods
a. The following methods of destruction may be destruction. Demolition employs use of some of the
used either singly or in combination. The actual method following: TNT or equivalent, demolition blocks, electric
or methods used in a given situation depends on time, or non-electric blasting caps, time blasting fuse, fuse
personnel, combat situation, and the means of lighters, hand grenades, etc.
destruction available. (3) Gunfire. Requires artillery, rifles using rifle
(1) Burning. Burning requires fuel, oil, incendiary grenades, 40 MM grenades, or launchers using anti-tank
grenades, or other inflammables. Proper placement of rockets.
equipment is essential to effect the hottest, most (4) Mechanical. Requires axe, mattock, sledge,
destructive fire. Any mechanical destruction required will crowbar, or similar implement.
be accomplished prior to burning. b. In general, destruction of essential parts,
(2) Demolition (explosives). Requires suitable followed by burning, will usually be sufficient to render
explosives or ammunition (FM 5-25). The way in which a the vehicle useless. However, selection of the particular
demolition charge is placed can make the difference method of destruction requires imagination and
between minor damage or complete resourcefulness in the utilization of facilities, with due
consideration for time, which is always important.
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TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
For the successful execution method of destruction requires that applicable parts of the procedure for
involving the use of demolition materials, all personnel destruction of the armament be coordinated ,with the
concerned will be thoroughly familiar with the pertinent method employed for the destruction of the tank.
provisions of FM 5-25. Training and careful planning are Perform the following:
essential. (1) Remove and empty portable fire
4. Detonate the charge. If primed with non-electric extinguisher and discharge the fixed fire extinguisher
blasting cap and time blasting fuse, ignite and take system.
cover. If primed with electric blasting cap, take cover (2) For the gun and mount, prepare and place
before firing the charge. charges as indicated in paragraph a (1) above.
Elapsed time: About 2 minutes. (3) For the engine compartment, cross-drive
(c)Method No. 3-by burning (incendiary transmission, and tracks, prepare six 2-pound demolition
grenades). Proceed as follows: charges, using 1-pound TNT blocks or equivalent to
1. Place the machine gun on the ground. make up each charge. Place the charges as follows:
2. Raise the cover group. (a)Set the first charge on the accessory end of
3. Place an incendiary grenade on the barrel the engine.
extension group. (b) Set the second and third charges on the
4. Fire the grenade. engine; one on the left side and the other on the right
Elapsed time: About 2 minutes. side.
(3) Caliber .50 machine gun. Demolition may be (c)Set the fourth charge between the engine and
accomplished by one of the methods prescribed below. the cross-drive transmission.
(a)Method No. 1-by smashing. Using pick (d)Set the fifth and sixth charges on the left and
mattock, sledge, or other heavy implement (such as right track drive sprockets.
spare barrel) smash the charger M10, back plate group, (4) Connect these six charges for simultaneous
cover group, receiver group, and barrel. detonation.
Elapsed time: About 2 minutes. (5) Provide for dual priming to minimize the
(b) Method No. 2-by demolition. Repeat possibility of a misfire.
procedure given in paragraph a (2) (b) 1 through 3 (6) Connect all charges (the charges for the
above. armament and the charges for the engine compartment,
(c)Method No. 3-by burning (incendiary cross-drive transmission, and tracks) for simultaneous
grenades). Repeat procedure given in paragraph a (2) detonation.
(c) 1 through 4 above. (7) Detonate the charge-. For complete details
b. Tanks. Although varying degrees of damage to on the use of demolition materials and methods of
the armament of the combat tank may be expected priming and detonating demolition charges, refer to FM
incidental to the destruction of the tank as outlined 5-25. Training and careful planning are essential. The
below, complete destruction (tank and armament) danger zone is approximately 250 yards or 300 meters
and elapsed time is about 10 minutes.
TM 11-750-244-6
e. Explosive ammunition, if available nearby, electric blasting cap and time blasting fuse, ignite and
should be removed from packing or protective material. take cover. If primed with electric blasting cap, take
Place ammunition in or about the vehicle so that it will be cover before firing charges. Danger zone is
fully exposed to the fire and in such locations that the approximately 250 yards or 300 meters.
greatest damage will result from its detonation. 3-12. 1/4 to 1’/4 Ton Truck
f. Pour fuel and oil in and over entire vehicle. a. Prepare two 2-pound charges of explosive (two
Ignite by means of an incendiary grenade fired from a 1-pound TNT blocks or equivalent, per charge together
safe distance; a burst from a flame thrower, a with the necessary detonating cord to make up each
combustible train of suitable length, or other appropriate charge).
means. Take cover immediately. If fuel and oil are not Set the charges as follows:
available, use other flammable such as oily rags or (1) The first on top of the clutch housing.
waste wood, or paper. Ignite by means of incendiary (2) The second as low on the left side of the
grenades or other suitable means. engine as possible.
CAUTION (3) Connect the two charges for simultaneous
Cover must be taken without delay since an early detonation. Provide for dual priming to minimize the
explosion of the ammunition, if present, may be caused possibility of a misfire.
by fire. Due consideration should be given to the highly (4) For priming either a non-electric blasting cap
flammable nature of fuel and its vapor. crimped to at least 5 feet of time blasting fuse (time
Carelessness in its use may result in painful burns. blasting fuse burns at the rate of 1 foot in approximately
Elapsed time: about six minutes. 40 seconds; test before using) or an electric blasting cap
3-11. Special Demolition Instructions for GOER and firing wire may be used.
Vehicle Time blasting fuse, and non-electric blasting caps must
a. Prepare seven 1-pound demolition charges be protected from moisture at all times. The time
using 1-pound TNT blocks or equivalent with necessary blasting fuse may be ignited by a fuse lighter or a match;
detonating cord to make up each charge. the electric blasting cap requires a blasting machine or
Place the charges as follows: (1) The first on top of equivalent source of electricity.
transmission case housing. b. Destroy the tires as outlined in 3-10 d above.
(2) The second as low on left side of engine as c. Detonate the charges. If primed with nonelectric
possible. blasting cap and time blasting fuse, ignite and take
(3) The third on left rear final drive. cover. If primed with electric blasting cap, take cover
(4) The fourth on right rear final drive. before firing the charges. The danger zone is
(5) The fifth on left front final drive. approximately 250 yards or 300 meters.
(6) The sixth on right final drive. Elapsed time: about 5 minutes.
(7) The seventh on top of the hitch. 3-13. 2-1 / 2-10-Ton Truck
b. Connect the seven charges for simultaneous a. Prepare eleven 1-pound demolition charges
detonation. Provide for dual priming to minimize the using 1-pound TNT blocks or equivalent with necessary
possibility of misfire. detonating cord to make up each charge.
c. For priming use either a non-electric blasting cap Place the charges as follows: (1) The first on top of
crimped to at least 5 feet of time blasting fuse time transmission case housing.
blasting fuse burns at a rate of 1 foot in approximately 40 (2) The second as low on left side of engine as
seconds; test before using) or an electric blasting cap possible.
and firing wire. Time blasting fuse and non-electric (3) The third on rear-rear axle as close to left
blasting caps must be protected from moisture at all wheel as possible.
times. The time blasting fuse may be ignited by a fuse (4) The fourth on rear-rear axle as close to right
lighter or a match. The electric blasting cap requires a wheel as possible.
blasting machine or equivalent source of electricity. (5) The fifth on rear-intermediate axle as close to
WARNING left wheel as possible.
Keep blasting caps separated from charges until (6) The sixth on rear-intermediate axle as close
required for use. to right wheel as possible.
d. Destroy tires as outlined in paragraph 3-10 d. (7) The seventh on front-front axle as close to
e. Detonate the charges. If primed with non- left wheel as possible.
(8) The eighth on front-front axle as close to right
w heel as possible.
(9) The ninth on front-intermediate axle as far .
to the right as possible.
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
(3) Slash Tires. If tires are inflated, use care to suitable length, or other appropriate means. Take cover
prevent injury should tire blow out while being slashed. immediately. If fuel and oil are not available, use other
Whenever practicable, it is preferable to deflate tires flammables such as oily rags or waste wood, or paper.
before slashing. Ignite by means of incendiary grenades or other suitable
(4) Explosive ammunition, if available nearby, means.
should be removed from packing or protective material. CAUTION
Place ammunition in or about the vehicle so that it will be Cover must be taken without delay since an
fully exposed to the fire and in such locations that the early explosion of the ammunition, if present,
greatest damage will result from its detonation. may be caused by fire. Due consideration
(5) Combustibles. Pour fuel and oil in and over should be given to the highly flammable
entire vehicle. Ignite by means of an incendiary grenade nature of fuel and its vapor. Carelessness in
fired from a safe distance; a burst from a flame thrower, its use may result in painful burns.
a combustible train of Elapsed time: about six minutes.
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
semitrailer before proceeding with any of the (a)Place the first charge on the axle as close as
following methods of destruction. possible to the right spring.
(1) Use sledges, axes, hammers, crowbars, and (b) Place the second charge on the axle as close
any other heavy tools available to smash the automatic as possible to the left spring.
test equipment. First remove the cover plates; then (c) Place the third charge on the gooseneck as
smash all the subassemblies. close as possible to the kingpin.
(2) Use axes and machetes to cut cabling, (3) Connect the three charges for simultaneous
cording and wiring. Cut cables in a number of places. If detonation with detonating cord.
time permits, cut each of the cable connectors, and (4) Provide for dual priming to minimize the
smash them with a heavy implement. possibility of a misfire.
(3) Burn the instruction literature first. Burn as (5) Destroy the tires by placing an incendiary
much of the equipment as is flammable, using gasoline, grenade next to each tire or fasten a grenade to each
oil, flame throwers, etc. Pour gasoline on the cut cables tire. Fire the grenade. The detonation of the demolition
and the semitrailer wheels and ignite them. charges should be delayed until the incendiary fires are
b. Destruction by Demolition. well started. This will prevent the fires from being
WARNING extinguished by the blast when the charges are
Extreme caution must be observed in the detonated.
use of explosives and incendiary devices. (6) Provide dual priming to minimize the
Personnel handling them must be familiar possibility of a misfire. Use a non-electric blasting cap
with the provisions of FM 5-25. crimped to a safety fuse or an electric blasting cap and
(1) Electronic assemblies. Because of the firing wire, as outlined in FM 5-25.
construction of the van electronic assemblies, Detonate the charges. If the charges are primed with a
destruction by use of explosives is considered the least non-electric blasting cap and a safety fuse, ignite the
desirable and also the most time-consuming. safety fuse and take cover. If the charges are primed
(2) Semitrailer Van. Prepare three 2-pound with an electric blasting cap, take cover before firing.
demolition charges using two 1-pound TNT blocks or WARNING
equivalent per charge together with the necessary Cover must be taken without delay, since an
detonating cord to make up each charge. early explosion of the demolition charges
Place the charges as follows: may be caused by the incendiary fires. The
danger area is approximately 250 yards or
300 meters.
Elapsed time: about 8 minutes.
TM 750-244-6
TM 750-244-6
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– Chicago Machinery Movers