Disease and Immunity HANDOUT With Worksheet
Disease and Immunity HANDOUT With Worksheet
Disease and Immunity HANDOUT With Worksheet
Learning Outcomes the nose so they are not inhaled into the lungs
12.1 Disease 2. Chemical barriers – substances produced by the body cells that trap / kill
1 Describe a pathogen as a disease-causing organism pathogens before they can get further into the body and cause disease
2 Describe a transmissible disease as a disease in which the pathogen can be passed from one a) Mucus – made in various places in the body, pathogens get trapped in the mucus
host to another and can then be removed from the body (by coughing, blowing the nose, swallowing
3 Understand that a pathogen may be transmitted:
(a) through direct contact, including through blood or other body fluids
(b) indirectly, including from contaminated surfaces or food, from animals, or from the air b) Stomach acid – contains hydrochloric acid which is strong enough to kill any
4 Describe the human body’s barriers to the entry of pathogens, limited to: skin, hairs in the pathogens that have been caught in mucus in the airways and then swallowed or have
nose, mucus, stomach acid been consumed in food or water
5 Understand the role of the mosquito as a vector of disease 3. Cells – different types of white blood cell work to prevent pathogens reaching
6 Describe the malarial pathogen as an example of a parasite and explain how it is transmitted areas of the body they can replicate in
7 Describe the control of the mosquito that transmits malaria with reference to its life cycle a) By phagocytosis – engulfing and digesting pathogenic cells
8 Explain that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a viral pathogen b) By producing antibodies – which clump pathogenic cells together so they can’t
9 Describe how HIV is transmitted
move as easily (known as agglutination) and releasing chemicals that signal to other
10 Understand that HIV infection may lead to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS) cells that they must be destroyed
11 Describe the methods by which HIV may be controlled Transmission of Malaria
12 Describe cholera as a disease caused by a bacterium, which is transmitted in contaminated
13 Explain the importance of a clean water supply, hygienic food preparation, good personal Pathogen: plasmodium(malarial parasite)
hygiene, waste disposal and sewage treatment in controlling the spread of cholera (details of Vector: female anopheles mosquito LIFE CYCLE OF PLASMODIUM:
the stages of sewage treatment are not required) 1) Human
14 Explain that the cholera bacterium produces a toxin that causes secretion of chloride ions 2) Female anopheles mosquito
into the small intestine, causing osmotic movement of water into the gut, resulting in Human
diarrhoea, dehydration and loss of ions from the blood
When an infected female anopheles mosquito bites a healthy human she will insert
15 Describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol: reduced self-control, depressant,
effect on reaction times, damage to liver and social implications
proboscis to suck blood while sucking blood it will inject saliva containing anti-
16 Describe the effects of tobacco smoke and its major toxic components (nicotine, tar and clotting agent and plasmodium . Through blood stream plasmodium will gain entry
carbon monoxide): strong association with bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease, in liver cells and start reproducing asexually. Then it enters in red blood cells and
and the association between smoking during pregnancy and reduced birth weight of the baby starts dividing rapidly through asexual reproduction. When the red blood cells get
full of plasmodium it burst open and releasing large number of plasmodium in the
blood stream and this is the time when the symptoms of malaria will appear. Then
● A pathogen is a disease-causing organism these plasmodium will enter in another red blood cell and the cycle continues.
● Pathogens are passed on from one host to another and therefore the diseases they
cause are known as transmissible diseases Female Anopheles Mosquito
● Pathogens can be passed on from host to host in different ways, including: When an uninfected mosquito bites the malarial patient , the plasmodium gains entry
○ Direct contact – the pathogen is passed directly from one host to another by in mosquito’s stomach and starts reproducing sexually and finally the plasmodium
transfer of body fluids such as blood or semen (eg HIV, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B & C) gets stored in the saliva of the mosquito . If malaria is not treated it may cause death
○ Indirect contact – the pathogen leaves the host and is carried in some way to as due to the deficiency of red blood cells in the body and anemia will occur and
another uninfected individual. breathlessness and fatigue will also occur . As the blood capillaries will be blocked
Defences against Pathogens There are 3 main ways in which the body defends itself so the blood supply would reduce and cause .death or coma .
against disease:
1. Mechanical barriers – structures that make it difficult for pathogens to get past Symptoms:
them and into the body High grade fever followed by chill after every 48-72 hours depending on
a) Skin – covers almost all parts of your body to prevent infection from pathogens. If the specie of plasmodium.
it is cut or grazed, it immediately begins to heal itself, often by forming a scab. Nausea ,vomiting
Transmission of CHOLERA
Abdominal pain
(b) Cholera is a transmissible disease. 0610/31 Paper 3 May/June 2019 Write the formula that would be used to calculate the actual length of the bacterium
(not including the flagellum) in Fig. 1.3.
(i) State the type of pathogen that causes cholera.
(ii) One of the symptoms of cholera is diarrhoea. Describe what is meant by the term [1]
diarrhoea. (ii) The actual length of the bacterium shown in Fig. 1.3 is 0.0026 mm. Convert this
................................................................................................................................... value to micrometres (μm).Space for working.
(iii) Outline the treatment for diarrhea
....................................................................................................................................... ..................................................... μm [1]
........................................................................................................................................ (d) (i) Describe and explain the effects of cholera bacteria on the gut.
(c) State two ways in which the body can defend itself against pathogens. ........................................................................................................................................
(c) Fig. 1.3 is a photomicrograph of Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes (ii) Suggest one treatment for cholera.
cholera. 0610/42 February/March 2018
................................................................................................................................... [1
methods of vector control
how these methods can reduce the spread of malaria.
f)Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infects cells of the
immune system.Describe the effects of HIV on the immune
system. 0610/33 Paper 33 (Extended Theory) ...................................................................................................................................................
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...................................................................................................................................................
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4a. White blood cells form part of the immune system in the human body which
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… protects against infection by pathogens. Outline the possible responses of these white
blood cells to an infection by pathogens.
................................................................................................................................................... [2]
3 The diagram shows a simplified life cycle of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium.
b. Being vaccinated is another way to gain protection against infection
by pathogens. Describe how vaccines protect against infection by
(a) State the vector in the spread of malaria.
.................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Describe how methods of vector control can reduce the spread of malaria. You ...................................................................................................................................................
should include in your answer: