Constitutional Law I - Reviewer
Constitutional Law I - Reviewer
Constitutional Law I - Reviewer
Public Law - Applies to relationship between legal persons 2. Supremacy of the Constitution
and government, different institutions within a state, The Constitution is the basic and paramount law by which
between different branches of governments, and persons all other laws must conform and to which all persons,
that are of direct concern to society, ex. Constitutional including the highest authority of the land, must defer. No
Law, Criminal Law, Tax Law act shall be valid, however noble its intentions, if it
conflicts with the Constitution.
What is Political Law?
Deals with the organization and operations of the 3. Essential Qualities of a Written Constitution
governmental organs of the state and defines the relations - Broad, brief and definite
of the State with the inhabitants within its territory
Why the constitution needs to be broad?
Are the SC decisions, executive orders and Republic Acts Provides for the organization of the entire government and
become part of the constitution? covers all persons and things within the territory of the
Answer: No. State but more so it is supposed to embody the past, to
reflect the present and to anticipate the future.
1. Definition of Constitutional Law Comprehensive enough to provide for every contingency.
Constitutional Law is the study of maintenance of balance
between authority as represented by the three inherent Why the constitution should be brief?
powers of the State and liberty as guaranteed by Bill of Confine itself to basic principles in order to adapt readily to
Rights. changing conditions.
2. Basis and Sources of Study of Constitutional Law Why is the constitution definite?
Present constitution, permanent statutes, executive To avoid ambiguity that may result in confusion,
orders, decrees, judicial decisions divisiveness among the people and physical conflict.
Act of State
Act done by the sovereign power of a country, or by its
delegate, within the limits of the power vested in him that Process of Suggestion
cannot be questioned or made subject to legal proceedings When a State or international agency wishes to plead
in a court of law. sovereign diplomatic immunity in our court, it shall secure
executive endorsement from DFA
The Holy See v. Judge Rosario, Jr. (238 SCRA 524 [Dec. 1,
1. Basis 1994])
Article XVI, Section 3, Constitution The DFA officially certified that the Embassy of the Holy
The State may not be sued without its consent. See is a duly accredited diplomatic mission to the
Philippines exempt from local jurisdiction and entitled to
Justification for the Doctrine all the rights, privileges and immunities of a diplomatic
a. Suit will impair the State’s dignity; mission or embassy in this country.
b. logical and practical ground that there can be no legal (1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations)
right against the authority which makes the law on which
the right depends; and Determination of Immunity by the Department of
c. for practical consideration the demands and Foreign Affairs
inconveniences of litigation will divert the time and Immunity from legal process with respect to acts
resources of the State from more pressing matters performed in their official capacity except when it waives
demanding its attention to the prejudice of the public. its immunity.
Angara vs. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil 139 [July 15, Why cannot be delegated?
1936] It is based upon the ethical principle that such delegated
Doctrine of implication. Certain rules of procedure power constitute not only a right but a duty to be
promulgated by Comelec were challenged on the ground performed by the delegate through the instrumentality of
that they had not been expressly authorized by the 1935 his own judgment and not through the intervening mind of
Constitution. The Supreme Court held that they were the other.
necessary to the proper exercise of the express powers
granted to the body to hear and decide election contests Legislative power is an original power of the Congress?
involving members of the legislature. No. Granted by the constitution
Meaning of justiciable question Belgica vs. Ochoa, G.R. No. 208566, Nov. 11, 2013
A purely justiciable question implies a given right, legally
demandable and enforceable, an act or omission violative 3. Permissible Delegation
of such right and a remedy granted and sanctioned by law, 1. Delegation of tariff Powers to the President
for said breach of right. 2. Delegation of emergency power to the President
3. Delegation to the people at large
Meaning of political question 4. Delegation to local governments
Question of policy. Question, under the Constitution, that 5. Delegation to administrative bodies
are to be decided by the sovereign people or in regard to
full discretionary authority has been delegated to the Delegation of tariff Powers to the President
legislative or executive branch. Article VI, Section 28 (2) of the Constitution - The Congress
may, by law, authorize the President to fix within specified
Tañada vs. Cuenco, 103 Phil. 1051 (February 28, 1957) limits, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as it
About the composition of election tribunal. may impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas,
tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts
Sanidad vs. Comelec, 73 SCRA 333 (1976) within the framework of the national development
Proposal to amend the constitution. program of the Government.
7. Application of the Doctrine When the President impose price ceiling is this covered in the
Article VI Section 28 (2) of the Constitution?
Belgica vs. Ochoa, G.R. No. 208566, Nov. 11, 2013 No. Not included in the enumeration.
Post-enactment measures which govern the areas of
project identification, fund release and fund realignment Delegation of emergency powers to the President
are not related to functions of congressional oversight and, Article VI, Section 23 (2) of the Constitution - In times of
hence, allow legislators to intervene and/or assume duties war or other national emergency, the Congress may, by
that properly belong to the sphere of budget execution. law, authorize the President, for a limited period and
Thus, violates the principle of non-delegability. subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe, to exercise
powers necessary and proper to carry out a declared
8. Political Questions Under the New Constitution national policy. Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution of
the Congress, such powers shall cease upon the next
Article VIII, Section 1, Expanded Meaning of Judicial adjournment thereof.
Under the new Constitution the political question has Other National Emergencies
considerably been restricted because of the new definition
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
Rebellion, economic crises, pestilence or epidemic, The President may declare emergency anytime. But the
typhoon, flood and other similar catastrophe of nationwide President cannot automatically exercise the emergency
proportions or effect power as the President needs the legislative enactment.
Section 1 – The legislative power shall be vested in the Term – Section 4 states that the term of office of the
Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate Senators shall be six years and shall commence, unless
and a House of Representatives, except to the extent otherwise provided by law, at noon on the thirtieth day of
reserved to the people by the provision on initiative and June next following their election. No Senator shall serve
referendum. for more than two consecutive terms. Voluntary
renunciation of the office for any length of time shall not
Congress can also perform non legislative powers be considered as an interruption in the continuity of his
1. canvass of the presidential elections service for the full term of which he was elected.
2. declaration of the existence of state of war
3. confirmation of amnesties Continuing Institution – The Senate is a continuing
4. confirmation of presidential appointments (through the institution as it does not dissolved as an entity with each
Commission of Appointments) national election or change in the composition of
5. acts as impeachment court members.
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
League of Cities of the Phils. v. Comelec, G.R. #176951, 18 Congress from increasing its membership by passing a law,
November 2008 other than a general reapportionment of the law.
The Senate is not a continuing body. Unapproved cityhood
bills filed during the 11th Congress became mere scraps of Question
paper upon adjournment of the 11th Congress. Whether or not the addition of another legislative district
in Makati is unconstitutional because Makati’s population,
Arnault v. Nazareno, 87 PHIL. 29 as per 1990 census, stands at
The Senate under the 1987 Constitution is not a continuing only 450,000.
body because less than majority of the Senators continue
into the next Congress. The consequence is that the Rules Answer:
of Procedure must be republished by the Senate after Granting that the population of Makati as of the 1990
every expiry of the term of twelve Senators. census stood at 450,000, its legislative district may still be
increased since it has met the minimum population
Power of contempt if end of Senate adjourns, what will requirement of 250,000.
happen? When can the power of contempt be removed?
The Supreme Court therefore concluded: "The Court finds Aquino III v. Comelec, G.R. # 189793, 7 April 2010
that the period of imprisonment under the inherent power Must each legislative district created by
of contempt by the Senate during inquiries in aid of Congress be supported by a minimum population of at
legislation should only last until the termination of the least 250,000 in order to be valid?
legislative inquiry under which the said power is invoked."
This could only mean that indefinite detention is absolutely Answer:
prohibited. This, to our mind, is a very important ruling There is no specific provision in the Constitution that fixes
because it involves a witness, not an accused. He is not a 250,000 minimum population that must compose a
even being charged of any offense, felony, or crime, and he legislative district.
ends up being detained.
Section 5(3) of Art VI of the Constitution, draws a plain and
When is legislative investigation/inquiry terminated: clear distinction between the entitlement of a city to a
1. When there is a resolution district on one hand, and the entitlement of a province to a
2. if the Senate decided to terminate district on the other. For while a province is entitled to at
3. Adjournment of Congress least a representative, with nothing mentioned about
population, a city must first meet a population minimum of
The House of Representatives 250,000 in order to be similarly entitled.
Rules on Legislative Districting (Section 5 (3)) Nothing in Section 20, Article X of the Constitution
Mariano, Jr. v. Comelec (242 SCRA 211 [1995]) authorizes autonomous regions, expressly or impliedly, to
Question: create or reapportion legislative districts for Congress.
Whether or not the reapportionment of legislative districts
may be made by a special law, RA 7854, other than by a Question
general reapportionment of the law. If in the affirmative, whether a province created by the
ARMM Regional Assembly is entitled to one representative
Answer: in the House of Representative without a need of a
Reapportionment of legislative districts may be made national law creating a legislative district for such province.
through a special law. The Constitution clearly provides
that Congress shall be composed of not more than two Answer
hundred fifty (250) members, unless otherwise fixed by Pursuant to this Article VI Section 5 par 3, a representative
law. As thus worded, the Constitution did not preclude district may come into existence: (a) indirectly, through the
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
creation of a province — for "each province shall have at The process goes on to a third stage if there are still seats
least one member" in the House of Representatives; or (b) left from the party list quota of 20 percent of all the seats
by direct creation of several representative districts within in the House.
a province.
Atong Paglaum v. Comelec, G.R. # 203766, 02 April 2013
Re-Apportionment of Legislative Districts (Section 5 (4)) Question:
Tobias v. Abalos, G.R. No. L-114783, Dec. 8, 1994 6 Parameters in determining who are qualified to
Question: participate in Party-List election
Whether the division of Mandaluyong and San Juan was
made pursuant to a census showing that each attained the Question
minimum requirement of 250,000 inhabitants to justify May a political party participate in the party-list system of
their separation into 2 legislative districts. elections?
Answer: Answer:
Proceeding now to the other constitutional issues raised by Yes. The political party can participate in the party list
petitioners to the effect that there is no mention in the system with the following conditions:
assailed law of any census to show that Mandaluyong and 1. They do not field candidate in the legislative district
San Juan had each attained the minimum requirement of elections.
250,000 inhabitants to justify their separation into two 2. If they field a candidate, then the political party can join
legislative districts, the same does not suffice to strike the party list system under its sectoral wing through a
down the validity of R.A. No. 7675. The said Act enjoys the coalition with a sectoral party list (which can be
presumption of having passed through the regular independent).
congressional processes, including due consideration by
the members of Congress of the minimum requirements Qualifications (Section 6)
for the establishment of separate legislative districts. At Section 6. No person shall be a Member of the House of
any rate, it is not required that all laws emanating from the Representatives unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
legislature must contain all relevant data considered by Philippines and, on the day of the election, is at least
Congress in the enactment of said laws. twenty-five years of age, able to read and write, and,
except the party-list representatives, a registered voter in
Question: the district in which he shall be elected, and a resident
Whether the assailed RA 7675 violates the present limit on thereof for a period of not less than one year immediately
the number of representatives as set forth in Article VI, preceding the day of the election.
Section 5 (1).
Meaning of Residence
Answer: Romualdez-Marcos v. Comelec, G.R. No. 119976, September
The Constitution clearly provides that the House of 18, 1995. (248 SCRA 300)
Representatives shall be composed of not more than 250
members, "unless otherwise provided by law." Thus, the Residence – actual physical habitation; it is the place
present composition of Congress may be increased, if where a person is presently at and where he/she is found.
Congress itself so mandates through a legislative Domicile denotes a... fixed permanent residence to which
enactment. when absent for business or pleasure, or for like reasons,
one intends to return.
o Party List Representative – chosen indirectly,
through the party he represents, which is the one voted for Domicile is classified into three, namely:
by the electorate. (1) domicile of origin, which is acquired by every person at
Ang Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party v. Comelec, G.R. # (2) Domicile of choice, which is acquired upon
147598, 26 June 2001 abandonment of the domicile of origin; and
Question: (3) domicile by operation of law, which the law attributes
Formula in the computation of the number of seats to a person independently of his residence or intention.
available to party-list representatives
Domicile by choice. There must concur:
Answer: (1) residence or bodily presence in the new locality;
In the first stage, the first seat is given to parties that (2) intention to remain (animus manendi) there; and
obtained a minimum of 2 percent of the total votes cast in (3) intention to abandon the old domicile (animus non
a party list election. revertendi)
In the second stage, the parties get one additional seat, or R. A. No. 9225 (Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition
two seats in all, based on the allocation of the remaining Act of 2003)
seats. Natural born Filipino citizens who intend to, or have been,
naturalized in a foreign country, shall, upon taking oath of
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
allegiance as prescribed in Section 3 thereof, be deemed to interruption in the term of Abundo and he cannot be
have reacquired, or shall retain, their Philippine considered to have served the full 2004-2007 term.
Consecutive terms that was involuntarily interrupted or
Accordingly, any natural born Filipino citizens who either broken.
retains or reacquire his aforesaid citizenship upon taking 1. When a permanent vacancy occurs in an elective
the second oath of allegiance where he, this time, makes a position and the official merely assumed the position
personal and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign pursuant to the rules on succession under the LGC
citizenship before any public officer authorized to 2. An elective official, who has served for three consecutive
administer an oath shall be qualified for election, or terms and who did not seek the elective position for what
appointment, to any constitutional office. could be his fourth term, but later won in a recall election
3. When a candidate is proclaimed as winner for an elective
Maquiling v. Comelec, G.R. # 195649, 16 April 2013 position and assumes office but loses in an election
The citizenship requirement for elective public office is a protest, and is ousted from office.
continuing requirement. It must be possessed not just at
the time of the renunciation of the foreign citizenship but Consecutive terms that was NOT involuntarily interrupted or
continuously. Any act which violates the oath of broken.
renunciation opens the citizenship issue to attack. 1. The abolition of an elective local office due to the
conversion of a municipality to a city
We therefore hold that Arnado, by using his US passport 2. Preventive suspension
after renouncing his American citizenship, has recanted 3. When an official is defeated in an election protest and
the same Oath of Renunciation he took. Section 40(d) of said decision becomes final after said official had served his
the Local Government Code applies to his situation. He is full term for said office
disqualified not only from holding the public office but
even from becoming a candidate in the May 2010 Election / Vacancies (Section 8 and 9)
Section 8. Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular
Dual citizens by virtue of birth, are not required by law to election of the Senators and the Members of the House of
take the oath of renunciation as the mere filing of the Representatives shall be held on the second Monday of
certificate of candidacy already carries with it an implied May.
renunciation of foreign citizenship.
Section 9. In case of vacancy in the Senate or in the House
Dual citizens by naturalization, on the other hand, are of Representatives, a special election may be called to fill
required to take not only the Oath of Allegiance to the such vacancy in the manner prescribed by law, but the
Republic of the Philippines but also to personally renounce Senator or Member of the House of Representatives thus
foreign citizenship in order to qualify as a candidate for elected shall serve only for the unexpired term.
public office.
Can the Congress be compelled to fill up vacancies of
Sobejana-Condon v. Comelec, G.R. # 198742, 10 August seats?
2012 Cannot.
Failure to renounce foreign citizenship in accordance with
the exact tenor of Section 5(2) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. Salaries (Section 10)
9225 renders a dual citizen ineligible to run for and thus
hold any elective public office. Section 10. The salaries of Senators and Members of the
House of Representatives shall be determined by law. No
Term (Section 7) increase in said compensation shall take effect until after
2 conditions for the application of the three-term limit the expiration of the full term of all the Members of the
Rule Senate and the House of Representatives approving such
1) that the official concerned has been elected for three increase.
consecutive terms in the same local government post and
2) that he has fully served three consecutive terms Parliamentary Immunities (Section 11)
Whether or not Abundo is deemed to have served Section 11. A Senator or Member of the House of
three consecutive terms Representatives shall, in all offenses punishable by not
The declaration of being the winner in an election protest more than six years imprisonment, be privileged from
grants the local elected official the right to serve the arrest while the Congress is in session. No Member shall be
unexpired portion of the term. Verily, while he was questioned nor be held liable in any other place for any
declared winner in the protest for the mayoralty seat for speech or debate in the Congress or in any committee
the 2004-2007 term, Abundo’s full term has been thereof.
substantially reduced by the actual service rendered by his
opponent (Torres). Hence, there was actual involuntary Privilege from Arrest
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
Purpose – Intended to ensure representation of the Section 12. All Members of the Senate and the House of
constituents of the member of the Congress by preventing Representatives shall, upon assumption of office, make a
attempts to keep him from attending its session. full disclosure of their financial and business interests. They
shall notify the House concerned of a potential conflict of
People v. Jalosjos, G.R. # 132875-76, 03 February 2000 interest that may arise from the filing of a proposed
Whether or not accused-appellant, Romeo G. Jalosjos, be legislation of which they are authors.
allowed to discharge his mandate as member of the House
of Representatives. Incompatible and Forbidden Offices (Section 13)
Section 13. No Senator or Member of the House of
No. The immunity from arrest or detention of Senators or Representatives may hold any other office or employment
members of the House of Representatives arises from a in the Government, or any subdivision, agency, or
provision of the Constitution and shows that this privilege instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or
has always been granted in a restrictive sense. controlled corporations or their subsidiaries, during his
term without forfeiting his seat. Neither shall he be
Privilege of Speech and Debate appointed to any office which may have been created or
Purpose – enables the legislator to express views bearing the emoluments thereof increased during the term for
upon public interest without fear of accountability outside which he was elected.
the halls of the legislature for his inability to support his
statements with the usual evidence required in the courts Incompatible Offices
of justice. Purpose – to prevent him from owing loyalty to another
branch of the government, to the detriment of the
Trillanes v. Castillo-Marigomen, G.R. No. 223451, March independence of the legislature and doctrine of separation
14, 2018 of powers.
Coverage of the privilege of speech and debate
1. Remarks must be made while the legislature or the Exceptions: if permitted by the Constitution
legislative committee is function; and, 1. Senator or Representative as member of Election
2. They must be made in connection with the discharge of tribunal
official duties. 2. Chairmen of Committees on Education can sit as ex
officio members of the UP Board of Regents
Petitioner's statements in media interviews are not 3. Legislature serving as treaty negotiators
covered by the parliamentary speech or debate" privilege.
The statements were clearly not part of any speech Liban v. Gordon, G.R. # 175352, 15 July 2009
delivered in the Senate or any of its committees. They The Supreme Court declared that the office of the
were also not spoken in the course of any debate in said Chairman of the Philippine National Red Cross [PNRC],
fora. It cannot likewise be successfully contended that they despite its having been created by a special law, is not to
were made in the official discharge or performance of be considered a government office or an office in a
petitioner's duties as a Senator, as the remarks were not government-owned or controlled corporation for purposes
part of or integral to the legislative process. of the prohibition under Section 13.
SECTION 26. (1) Every bill passed by the Congress shall • Procedure in the Passage of Bills
embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the Origin of Bills (Section 24)
title thereof. (Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, G. R. No. 115455,
August 25, 1994)
(2) No bill passed by either House shall become a law • Origin of bills: Does the filing of a substitute bill before
unless it has passed three readings on separate days, and the Senate (revenue, tariff, or tax bills, etc.) violate Section
printed copies thereof in its final form have been 24, Art. VI of the Constitution?
distributed to its Members three days before its passage, No. The Constitution does not prohibit the filing in the
except when the President certifies to the necessity of its Senate of a substitute bill in anticipation of its receipt of
immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or the bill from the House, so long as action by the Senate
emergency. Upon the last reading of a bill, no amendment as a body is withheld pending receipt of the House bill.
thereto shall be allowed, and the vote thereon shall be
taken immediately thereafter, and the yeas and nays Consolidation was consistent with the power of the Senate
entered in the Journal. to propose or concur with amendments to the version
originated from the House.
SECTION 27. (1) Every bill passed by the Congress shall,
before it becomes a law, be presented to the President. If Title of Bills (Section 26 [1])
he approves the same, he shall sign it; otherwise, he shall (Philippine Judges Association v. Prado, 227 SCRA 630)
veto it and return the same with his objections to the • Title of a bill – requirements (Sec 26 [1])
House where it originated, which shall enter the objections
at large in its Journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after • Title of a bill – when sufficient?
such reconsideration, two-thirds of all the Members of a. If the title fairly indicates the general subject
such House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, b. reasonably covers all the provisions of the act
together with the objections, to the other House by which c. is not calculated to mislead the legislature or the
it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two- people
thirds of all the Members of that House, it shall become a
law. In all such cases, the votes of each House shall be (Lidasan v. Comelec, 21 SCRA 496)
determined by yeas or nays, and the names of the An Act Creating the Municipality of Dianaton in the
Members voting for or against shall be entered in its Province of Lanao del Sur comprised not only barrios in
Journal. The President shall communicate his veto of any Lanao del Sur but also two municipalities to be
bill to the House where it originated within thirty days after dismembered in the adjacent province of Cotabato.
the date of receipt thereof; otherwise, it shall become a
law as if he had signed it. (Tobias v. Abalos, G.R. # 114783, 8 December 1994)
(2) The President shall have the power to veto any Formalities (Section 26 [2])
particular item or items in an appropriation, revenue, or (Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, G.R. No. 115455,
tariff bill, but the veto shall not affect the item or items to August 25, 1994)
which he does not object. • Whether S. No. 1630 violated Article VI, Sec.
26(2) because it did not pass 3 readings on separate days
• Prohibited Measures because the second and third readings were done on the
Article VI, Section 30 same day, March 24, 1994.
No law shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction Answer: No. The presidential certification dispensed with
of the Supreme Court as provided in this Constitution the requirement not only of printing but also that of
without its advice and concurrence. reading the bill on separate days.
(Fabian v. Desierto, G.R. # 129742, 16 September 1998)
(Diaz v. Court of Appeals ( 238 SCRA 785 [1994])) • Effects of a Presidential Certification of a Bill
A certification that the bill is urgent removes the
Purpose of the Article VI, Section 30 requirement of separate days for the three readings (in
Prevent further additions to the present tremendous case other words, all three approvals can be done on the same
load of the SC. day), as well as the requirement of printing/distribution
three days before the passage of the bill.
Article VI, Section 31
No law granting a title of royalty or nobility shall be • Journal v. Enrolled Bill
enacted. Under the Enrolled Bill Doctrine, courts will respect the
certification of the presiding officers of both Houses that a
bill has been duly passed, where there is no evidence to the
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
Item Veto Power – applicable to appropriate, revenue or Rights of Witnesses Must be Respected
tariff bills. The President can veto any particular item or (Standard Chartered Bank v. Senate Committee on
items without affecting the item or items the President Banks, G.R. # 167173, 27 December 2007)
does not object. • Whether legislative inquiry would encroach
upon judicial powers vested only in courts?
(Bengzon v. Drilon, 235 SCRA 506) No
(Gonzales v. Macaraeg 191 SCRA 452 [1990])
(Gudani v. Senga, G.R. # 170165, 15 August 2006)
Power of Congressional Oversight • May the President prevent a member of the armed forces
3 Categories of Oversight Powers of Congress from testifying before a legislative inquiry?
a. Scrutiny – determine the economy and efficiency of the Yes. The President has constitutional authority to do so, by
operation of government activities virtue of her power as commander-in-chief, and that as a
b. Congressional Investigation – involves more intense consequence a military officer who defies such injunction is
digging of facts liable under military justice.
c. Legislative supervision – continuing and informed
awareness on the part of congressional committee (Lopez v. De Los Reyes, 55 PHIL. 170 (1930))
regarding executive operations in a given administrative Period of imprisonment for contempt during inquiries in
area. aid of legislation conducted by the House of
Legislative Veto – Congress exercises supervision over the Imprisonment from contempt of a legislative body must
executive agencies through its veto power. terminate with that of adjournment of the session the
contempt occurred.
(Abakada Guro Party-List v. Purisima, G.R. # 166715, 14
August 2008) (Balag v. Senate of the Philippines, et al., G.R. No. 234608,
Is a legislative veto constitutional? 03 July 2018)
A provision that requires the Congress to approve • Period of imprisonment for contempt during inquiries in
Implementing Rules of a law after it has already taken an aid of legislation conducted by the Senate
effect shall be deemed unconstitutional. the period of imprisonment under the inherent power of
contempt of the Senate during inquiries in aid of legislation
2. The Power of Legislative Inquiry (Section 21) • should only last until the termination of the legislative
Limitations – should be in aid of legislation whether it be
under consideration already or still to be drafted. The • Two instances when legislative inquiry of the
respective house shall publish their rules and procedures. Senate is considered terminated.
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
1. Upon the approval or disapproval of the Committee 5. The Emergency Powers (Section 23 [2])
2. Upon the termination of one (1) Congress • Article VI, Section 23(2) compared to Article XII, Section
3. Appearance of Department Heads (Section 22) •
(David vs. Arroyo, G. R. No. 171396, 3 May 2006)
Purpose o Distinction between the President’s authority to declare
a “state of rebellion” and the authority to proclaim a “state
(Senate v. Ermita, G.R. No. 169777, 20 April 2006) of national emergency.”
Appearance of Department heads under Section 22, Art.
VI; What are the conditions? The power of the President to declare a state of rebellion is
based on the power of the President as chief executive and
Distinctions between the power to conduct legislative commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the
inquiry under section 21, Art. VI and the power to conduct Philippines to suppress it. It is not necessary for the
a question hour under Section 22, Art. VI; President to declare a state of rebellion before calling out
Attendance of executive officials during the Question Hour the Armed forces of the Philippines to suppress it. The
was meant to be discretionary while it was compulsory in proclamation only gives notice to the nation that such a
inquiries in aid of legislation. state exists and that the Armed Forces of the Philippines
may be called upon to suppress it
Meaning of executive privilege;
The power of the Government to withhold information On the other hand, a proclamation of a state of national
from public, the courts, and the Congress. emergency, the President is already calling out the Armed
Forces of the Philippines to suppress not only rebellion but
What does it include/cover? also lawless violence.
1. Executive privilege covers all confidential or classified
information between the President and the public officers o Is it within the domain of the President to promulgate
covered by this executive order, “decrees?”
2. Conversations and correspondence between the No. resident Arroyo the power to enact laws and decrees in
President and the public official covered by this executive violation of Section 1, Article VI of the Constitution, which
order vests the power to enact laws in Congress.
3. Military, diplomatic and other national security matters
which in the interest of national security should not be o Can the President enforce obedience to all decrees and
divulged laws through the military?
4. Information between inter-government agencies prior President Arroyo has no authority to enact decrees. It
to the conclusion of treaties and executive agreements follows that these decrees are void and, therefore, cannot
5. Discussion in close-door Cabinet meetings be enforced.
6. Matters affecting national security and public order
o Limitations on emergency powers of the President under
Who may invoke executive privilege? Section 23, Art. VI
1. Senior officials of executive departments who in the (1) There must be a war or other emergency.
judgment of the department heads are covered by the (2) The delegation must be for a limited period only.
executive privilege; (3) The delegation must be subject to such restrictions as
2. Generals and flag officers of the Armed Forces of the the Congress may prescribe.
Philippines and such other officers who in the judgment of (4) The emergency powers must be exercised to carry out a
the Chief of Staff are covered by the executive privilege; national policy declared by Congress.
3. Philippine National Police (PNP) officers with rank of
chief superintendent or higher and such other officers who o Limitations on emergency powers of the President under
in the judgment of the Chief of the PNP are covered by the Section 17, Art. XII.
executive privilege; 1. There must be national emergency
4. Senior national security officials who in the judgment of 2. The public interest requires it
the National Security Adviser are covered by the executive
privilege; and 6. The Power of Appropriation (Section 29 [1])
5. Such other officers as may be determined by the
President. • Appropriation Defined
Statute which the primary and specific purpose is to
4. The War Powers (Section 23 [1]) authorize the release of public funds from the Treasury.
Diplomatic Negotiations Privilege – frank exchange of o May the President delegate executive powers?
exploratory ideas between the negotiating parties by
shielding such negotiations from public view Judge Angeles v. Hon. Gaite, et al., G.R. # 165276, 25
November 2009
Who may invoke The President’s act of delegating authority to the
Since the executive power belongs to the President, only Secretary of Justice by virtue of said Memorandum Circular
the President can invoke it. The Executive Secretary, as an is well within the purview of the doctrine of qualified
exception to the rule, can invoke the privilege on behalf of political agency, long been established in our jurisdiction.
the President.
Doctrine of qualified political agency
Neri v. Senate Committee on Accountability of Public Department secretaries are alter egos or assistants of the
Officers, G.R. #180643, 25 March 2008 President and their acts are presumed to be those of the
AKBAYAN v. Aquino, G.R. # 170516, 16 July 2008 latter unless disapproved or reprobated by him. Thus, as a
rule, an aggrieved party affected by the decision of a
XII. POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT cabinet secretary need not appeal to the Office of the
President and may file petition for certiorari directly in the
1. Executive Power in General (Section 1) Court of Appeals assailing the said act of the secretary.
o Does the President exercise the totality of Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies
executive power? In general, no one is entitled for judicial relief for a
Villena v. Executive Secretary, 67 PHIL 451 supposed or threatened injury until the prescribed
That the President of the Philippines is the Executive of the administrative remedy has been exhausted. Otherwise, the
Government of the Philippines and no other. complaint will be dismissed for being premature or having
no cause of action.
Planas v. Gil, 67 PHIL 62
All executive authority is thus vested in the President. 2. The Appointing Power (Section 16)
Lacson v. Roque, 92 PHIL 456 Appointment – selection, by the authority vested with the
Mondaño v. Silvosa, 97 PHIL 143 power, of an individual who is to exercise the functions of a
The President’s power of general supervision over local given office.
governments could be exercised by him only as may be
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
o Limitations on the Appointing Power is the alter ego of the President, the acting appointee to
Article VII, Section 13, paragraph 2 the office must necessarily have the President's
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within confidence. Thus, by the very nature of the office... of a
the fourth civil degree of the President shall not, during his department secretary, the President must appoint in an
tenure, be appointed as Members of the Constitutional acting capacity a person of her choice even while Congress
Commissions, or the Office of the Ombudsman, or as is in session.
Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
bureaus or offices, including government-owned or o Officials subject to the appointing power of the
controlled corporations and their subsidiaries. President
De Castro v. Judicial and Bar Council, G.R. # 191002, 17 Appointments not subject to Confirmation
March 2010 1. Commissioner of Customers
Prohibition under Section 15, Article VII does not apply to 2. Chairman and Members of the National Labor Relations
appointments to fill a vacancy in the Supreme Court or to Commission
other appointments to the Judiciary. 3. Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower
o Kinds of Appointment 4. Appointment of VP as member of the Cabinet
Permanent Appointment – those extended to persons 5. Officers in lower rank
possessing the requisite eligibility and are, thus, protected
by constitutional provisions on security of tenure. Sarmiento v. Mison, 156 SCRA 549
Commissioner of Customs was held not subject to
Temporary Appointment – given to persons without such confirmation, being of the rank of the bureau director.
eligibility and are revocable at will and without the
necessity of just cause or valid investigation. o Regular v. Ad Interim Appointments
General v. Urro, G.R. # 191560, 29 March 2011 1. The regular appointment is made during the legislative
Since the petitioner merely holds an acting appointment session; the ad interim appointment is made during the
(expired acting appointment) he clearly does not have a recess.
cause of action to maintain the present petition. The 2. The regular appointment is made only after the
essence of an acting appointment is its temporariness and nomination is confirmed by the Commission on
its consequent revocability at any time by the appointing Appointment; the ad interim appointment is made before
authority. such confirmation.
3. The regular appointment once confirmed by the
Designation – imposition of additional duties, usually by Commission on Appointments, continues until the end of
law, on a person already in public service. the term of the appointee; the ad interim appointment shall
cease to be valid if disapproved by the Commission on
Acting Appointment – temporary in nature. It is a stop-gap Appointments or upon the next adjournment of the
measure intended to fill an office for a limited time until Congress.
the appointment of a permanent occupant to the office.
o Steps in the appointing process
Pimentel v. Ermita, G.R. # 164978, 13 October 2005
The constitutionality of appointment of certain Cabinet In Regular Appointment
members as acting secretaries without the consent of the 1. Nomination by the President
Commission on Appointments while Congress is in session. 2. Confirmation which is the prerogative of the
Commission on Appointments
The office of a department secretary may become vacant 3. Issuance of the commission by the President
while Congress is in session. Since a department secretary
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
In Ad Interim Appointment
1. Appointment comes before the confirmation Control and Supervision – Meaning
Control – the power of an officer to alter, modify,
nullify or set aside what the subordinate officer had
3. The Removal Power done in the performance of his duties and to substitute
the judgment of the former for that of the latter.
Constitutional Basis?
All official appointed by the President are not Supervision – overseeing or the power or the authority
removable by him due to Constitutional limitations of an officer to see that the subordinate officer
(see below). performs his duties.
Officials subject to the removal power of the Scope of the power of control;
President Distinction between the power of control and
All other cases where the power of removal is lodged supervision
in the President, only for cause as maybe provided by
law and in accordance with the prescribe Lacson-Magallanes v. Paño, 21 SCRA 895
administrative procedures. The exception only is with Under our constitutional setup the Executive Secretary
respect to the members of the Cabinet or other who acts for and in behalf and by authority of the
executive officials whose term of office is determined President has an undisputed jurisdiction to affirm,
at the pleasure of the president. modify, or even reverse any order” that the Secretary
of Agriculture and Natural Resources, including the
Gonzales III v. Office of the President et al., G.R. No. Director of Lands, may issue.
196231, 28 January 2014
The act of the Executive Secretary, acting as the alter
Are the Ombudsman and his Deputies subject to the ego of the President, shall remain valid until reversed,
removal power of the President? disapproved, or reprobated by the President. In this
case, no reprobation was made hence the decision
The Constitution is clear that only the Ombudsman is granting the land to Paño cannot be reversed.
subject to impeachment proceedings. While silent as
to the disciplinary authority over a Deputy Ang-Angco v. Castillo, 9 SCRA 619 [1963]
Ombudsman, the subsequent enactment of the Can the President use his power of control to discipline
Ombudsman Act filled this gap and expressly granted his subordinates?
the authority to the President,
No. The power of control exercisable by the President
Limitations on the power of removal over the acts of his subordinates and not necessarily
over the subordinates himself.
- Members of Supreme Court, Constitutional
Commissions and Ombudsman can only be removed Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency
through an impeachment process See above.
- Judges of lower courts are subject to the disciplinary
authority and may be removed by the Supreme Court Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
See above.
Article IX-B, Section 2(3)
No officer or employee of the civil service shall be Manubay v. Garilao, G.R. # 140717, 16 April 2009
removed or suspended except for cause provided by Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies.
The “Take Care” Clause
Alajar v. Alba, 100 Phil. 683 His oath requires him to "faithfully and conscientiously
There was no removal of office but a mere expiration fulfill" his duties as President, "preserve and defend"
of the term of office. the Constitution and "execute" the law.
Sangguniang Barangay of Don Mariano Marcos v. Biraogo v. The Philippine Truth Commission of 2010,
Martinez, G,R. No. 170626, 3 March 2008 G.R. # 192935, 07 December 2010
An elective local official may be removed from office
on specific grounds by order of the proper court. 5. The Military Powers (Section 18)
The President shall have control of all the executive To call out the armed forces
departments, bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure The President shall be the Commander-in-Chief of all
that the laws be faithfully executed. armed forces of the Philippines and whenever it
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
becomes necessary, he may call out such armed forces The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or suspended except in cases of invasion or rebellion
rebellion. when the public safety requires it.
IBP v. Zamora, 338 SCRA 81 Who can extend the suspension of the privilege of
Is the determination by the President of the writ of habeas corpus?
factual basis of the exercise of the calling out The Congress can extend it but WITH the initiative of
power subject to judicial review? the President.
No. The court is not inclined to overrule the How long and how many time the Congress can
President’s determination of the factual basis for the extend it?
calling of the Marines. The Constitution is silent.
David v. Arroyo, G.R. # 171396, 03 May 2006 Suspension of privilege of writ can be declared on a
The Court ruled that the call made by her upon the specific location. Not necessarily to the whole
Armed Forces to suppress lawful violence, as well as Philippines.
her proclamation of a state of national emergency, can
be considered as valid. Suspension is only for the people directly or indirectly
related to the invasion or rebellion.
Power to declare a state of emergency
David v. Arroyo, G.R. # 171396, 03 May 2006 Suspension is for review by the Congress in 48 hrs
While the President alone can declare a state of even without petition or action from the public. It is
national emergency, the President has no absolute automatic.
authority to exercise all the powers of the State in the
absence of an emergency powers act passed by The Supreme Court can also review the declaration of
Congress. martial but there must be a petition. Petition of sui
generis (a class of its own).
To Suspend the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas
Corpus What is the basis of SC?
In case of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety Only what is filed to the court.
requires it, he may, for a period not exceeding sixty
days, suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas The Congress can investigate further or look into other
corpus or place the Philippines or any part thereof matters why there is a suspension or declaration.
under martial law.
The SC can only review if there is a sufficient of factual
The President has the power to suspend the privilege basis. This is the only instance where the SC will be a
of writ of habeas corpus but with limitations and trial of facts.
maybe revoked by the Congress or Supreme Court in
certain cases. To Declare Martial Law
The Congress may not increase the appropriations Judicial power includes the duty of the courts to settle
recommended by the President for the operation of the actual controversies involving rights which are legally
Government as specified in the budget. The form, content, demandable and enforceable, (traditional meaning) and to
and manner of preparation of the budget shall be determine whether or not there have been grave abuse of
prescribed by law. discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
11. Other Powers Government (expanded meaning) (through petitions for
Residual Power - if you cannot classify as judicial or
legislative power then it is an executive power. The power Only the Supreme Court is the constitutional court.
of the President is not limited to enforcement of law but All other courts under SC are statutory court.
also to promote the general welfare of the people.
IBP v. Zamora, 338 SCRA 81
Marcos v Manglapuz When political questions are involved, the Constitution
Residual unstated power. Pag pinabalik ang Marcos limits the determination as to whether or not there has
magiging unstable ulit ang Pilipinas. The duty of the been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
government is to serve and protect the people, excess of jurisdiction on the part of the official whose
maintenance of peace and order is the basis of the residual action is being questioned.
unstated power of the President.
3. Jurisdiction (Section 2)
THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT (ARTICLE VIII) Jurisdiction – the authority by which courts take
cognizance and decides cases, the legal right by which
1. Independence of the Judiciary judges exercise their authority. (jurisdiction over subject
(1) The Supreme Court is a constitutional body. It matter)
cannot be abolished nor may its membership or the
manner of its meetings be changed by mere legislation. Limitations on Congress’ Power to Prescribe
(2) The members of the Supreme Court may not Jurisdiction of the SC
be removed except by impeachment.
(3) The Supreme Court may not be deprived of its Article VIII, Section 5, pars. 1 and 2
minimum original and appellate jurisdiction as prescribed The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
in Article VIII Section 5 of the Constitution. (1) Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and over
Constitutional Law I – Review and Notes Based on Class
Michael L Almero, CPA
petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo 3. a representative of the Congress (either committee
warranto, and habeas corpus. chairman ng justice ng senate or house of representatives)
(2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or
certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, Regular Members – must be appointed by the President
final judgments and orders of lower courts in: with the approval of Commission on Appointments)
(a) All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of 1. a representative of the Integrated Bar
any treaty, international or executive agreement, law, 2. a professor of law
presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, 3. a retired Member of the Supreme Court, and
ordinance, or regulation is in question. 4. a representative of the private sector.
(b) All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost,
assessment, or toll, or any penalty imposed in relation Relationship of JBC with SC
thereto. Involving irregular supervision by SC
(c) All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower court is The JBC has all the rights to perform functions as stated in
in issue. the rules. But the SC can look into the acts of JBC only to
(d) All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is the extent if JBC follows the rules properly. But they are
reclusion perpetua or higher. not required or allowed by law to prescribe particular act.
(e) All cases in which only an error or question of law is
involved. Chavez v. JBC, G.R. No. 202242, 17 July 2012
that the Congress may have only one representative in the
Article VI, Section 30 JBC, and not two representatives, or one from each House,
No law shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction with each having only one-half vote.
of the Supreme Court as provided in this Constitution
without its advice and concurrence. Appointment/Term
(2) The regular members of the Council shall be appointed
4. Appointments by the President for a term of four years with the consent
of the Commission on Appointments. Of the Members first
Qualifications (Section 7) appointed, the representative of the Integrated Bar shall
Justices of the Supreme Court and Justices of Lower serve for four years, the professor of law for three years,
Collegiate Courts the retired Justice for two years, and the representative of
the private sector for one year.
1. natural-born citizen of the Philippines.
2. must be at least forty years of age Function
3. must have been for fifteen years or more, a judge of a
lower court or engaged in the practice of law in the § De Castro v. Judicial and Bar Council - G. R. No. 191002,
Philippines. March 17, 2010
• Filling up of vacancy in the SC
A member of Judiciarcy • Interpretation of the prohibition under Article
There is a character requirements. Competence, integrity, VII, Section 15 of the Constitution against presidential
probity and independence. appointments immediately before the next presidential
elections and up to the end of the term of the President.
Kilosbayan v. Ermita and Ong, G.R. No. 177721, 03 July § De Castro v. Judicial and Bar Council - G. R. No. 191002,
2007 April 20, 2010
The alleged subsequent recognition of his natural-born
status by the Bureau of Immigration and the DOJ cannot Appointment from List of Nominees (Section 9)
amend the final decision of the trial court stating that The Members of the Supreme Court and judges of the
respondent Ong and his mother were naturalized along lower courts shall be appointed by the President from a list
with his father. of at least three nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar
Council for every vacancy. Such appointments need no
Judges of Lower Courts confirmation.
1. The Congress shall prescribe the qualifications of judges
of lower courts, For the lower courts, the President shall issue the
2. he is a citizen of the Philippines appointments within ninety days from the submission of
3. member of the Philippine Bar. the list.