BibiLajoMemoriesof SawanE-BOOK
BibiLajoMemoriesof SawanE-BOOK
BibiLajoMemoriesof SawanE-BOOK
Bibi Lajo
Translated by R.K. Rajput
Bibi Laj Wanti serving His Great Master
Bibi Lajo
E-book 2020
For personal use only
Translator's Introduction:
Bibi Lajo w as a tm e devotee o f M aharaj Sawan Singh, th e successor o f Baba faim al Singh
o f D ehra (ashram ) Beas, R adha Soam i. She travelled all th e tim e w ith h e r G um , taking care
o f His food, clothes, a n d o th e r necessary needs o n th e way, an d she stayed at th e places H e
w o u ld stay for his spiritual discourses. W hen h e r G um left His physical fram e, she was liv
ing o nly w ith th e grace o f h er beloved Hazur. She decided o n suicide, b u t th e voice o f h e r
G u m sto p p ed h e r from d o in g so. T h en she decided to pass h er life in w riting all th e stories
a n d h e r experiences in m em ory o f h e r beloved G um (Master.) In th a t way she could tell all
th e devotees o f this p a th a n d h o w great h e r G u m was. All h e r stories are eyewitness an d are
from h e r ow n experience.
She w rote in th e H in d i language. O n th e d e m a n d o f h er b o o k in th e West, I decided to
translate it in to English so th a t th e lovers o f th e Perfect M aster will com e to know the tm e
love o f a tm e disciple for th e tm e M aster in th e w orld. I sp en t th irty years o f m y life in h e r
com pany, considering h e r as m y spiritual m other. I w rote h e r au to b io g rap h y w hich she a d
vised m e to w rite in h e r presence. Therefore, h e r life story from c h ild h o o d is also w onderful
an d spiritual. So th e b o o k also m ake m y m em ories fresh.
She started h e r b o o k w ith som e o f th e w ords by th e great In d ia n w o m a n Saint M eera
Bhai (M ira Bhai.) She was th e great lover o f Lord K rishna d uring h e r tim e. She was th e
disciple o f G u m Ravi Das w h o w as a cobbler in profession. But M ira Bhai was a princess
a n d she surrendered herself to Lord K rishna a n d h e r G um . Therefore, Bibi Lajo was th e
M ira Bhai o f today. She h a d th e sam e k in d o f p ains in separation o f h e r beloved G um .
"Gayal Ji G atiG ayalJaanai, O N a laanaiKayee." This m eans, "O nly th e perso n w h o is h u rt can
feel th e p a in o f his h u rt o r w o u n d . N o o n e else can feel th a t k in d o f pain." In o rd er to keep
fresh this loving p a in in th e sep aratio n o f h e r beloved G um , she w rote d o w n h er m em ories
th a t m ake these stories.
Translator's Forward
These stories sh o u ld be read w ith o u t to o m u ch concern for th e gram m ar. These are
th e rem iniscences o f Bibi Lajo a n d h e r love for h e r Master, H azur M aharaj Sawan Singh Ji.
The stories are th e m em ories o f Bibi Lajo (Lajw anti) o f h e r tim e w ith Hazur, Sache Patshah
Sawan Singh M aharaji, du rin g th e ir journeys a n d travels together.
The conversations are given very sim ply. The H in d i language is very clear a n d beautiful
an d th e th o u g h ts expressed are sim ple a n d very direct, m ore so th a n in English. T hat is w hy
th e style o f conversation is n o t m u ch changed, so th a t th e readers w ill k n o w b o th th e story
a n d also th e way th a t H azur talked to Bibi Lajo a n d His dear sangat in His love. Bibi Lajo
also tried to capture th e beau ty o f H azur's way o f talking. She show ed all a b o u t His spiritual
ity, generosity, kindness, a n d love for everybody H e m et o n th e way o f His journey.
This story also tells som e o f h e r services w h e n they w ere n o t traveling, a n d w h e n she was
staying w ith H azu r in Beas, cooking for H im a n d h elp in g in th e construction o f Beas Dera.
H er m eeting w ith th e sangat a n d ‘requesting H azur o n b e h a lf o f th e sangat, to give D arshan
a n d in itiation, allow ed h e r to lead th e h a p p ie st life o f love in h e r G uru. These are m o re w o n
derful stories a b o u t her.
So please enjoy these conversations betw een H azur a n d His loving devotee Bibi Lajo,
w ho sacrificed h e r life only for th e love a n d hap p in ess o f h e r G od Guru, Hazur, th e Perfect
It is very difficult for any perso n to d o w h a t she did for th e Master. To m ake G od happy
is very difficult.
She h a d for a n d from Hazur, th e greatest gift o f love, w hich en ab led h e r to m ake h e r G od
Guru, Sache Patshah, H azur Sawan Singh M aharaj Ji, happy. These sim ple stories are in h er
sim ple language, a n d th a t is w hy a tte n tio n sh o u ld be p aid to th e c o n te n t a n d n o t th e struc
M aster's style o f conversation a n d His grace is show ered o n th e children, old, young,
w o m en an d m en. So th e readers sh o u ld overlook Bibi Lajo's w riting style, w hich is b ased o n
love a n d n o t o n perfect gram m ar.
Bibi Lajo W anti was a true devotee o f M aharaj Sawan Singh Ji. She devoted h e r precious
years o f life in H is service, d o in g His cooking, taking care o f His residence a n d giving His
m essages to th e devotees. She also h e lp e d h im w ith his teachings a t h e r very y o u n g age o f
tw enty three years.
She lived in Beas, (a to w n in D istrict Amritsar, State o f Punjab, India.) She traveled w ith
h e r Guru, H azur Sawan Singh Ji, everywhere. W h en h er G uru left this w orld, it w as very h ard
for h e r to live w ith o u t H im .
She th o u g h t o f suicide b u t H azur's voice inside h e r sto p p e d h er from do in g so. She was
very spiritual by th e grace o f h e r Savior. In th is way she can tell o th er devotees h o w h e r Sav
ior was a great a n d true Saint an d Perfect M aster in this w orld. W hen h e r M aster left h e r she
was like a fish o u t o f water. She never sto p p e d sh ed d in g tears in His m em ory.
I m yself sp e n t 30 years in h e r com pany. I got th e best o p p o rtu n ity to travel w ith h er an d
saw h e r su rro u n d e d by n um berless satsangies w ho loved h e r very m uch.
So this tra n sla tio n also m akes m y m em ories fresh. D ue to h e r I was fo rtu n ate to have the
grace o f m y M aster, Sant Kirpal Singh J i.
She started h e r b o o k w ith som e o f th e w ords from M ira Bhai, th e great Saint a n d lover
o f th e Lord Krishna. She w rote th e p o etry a n d songs in h e r p a in o f separation. So I used to
call Bibi Lajo the Mira Bhai of today who had the same kind of pain of her Guru's separation.
Bibi Lajo wrote, "Gayal Ki Gati Gayal Jane Ox Ma Jane Koy," which means "Only the per
son who is hurt can feel the pain of his hurt. No one can feel that kind of pain, it is impos
sible." In order to keep this pain in her heart she started to write the stories.
In her stories there are the miracles of Master Sawan Singh Maharaj Ji and His supreme love
for his devotees. How He was kind, humble and graceful to all human beings. He gave her
love like a father and Guru. He used to call her Kako in his love (Kako means daughter.)
When her Master Sawan Sing Maharaj Ji was present, my Savior, Kirpal Singh Maharaj Ji
was in his service also. She was having the good company of Sant Kirpal Singh also.
About one lakh (100,000) people from Beas know her great services to her Master and the
satsangies. She got all the treasure of spirituality from her Master. She was among the greatest
holy souls in this world. She is a rare example of such a devotee in these times.
She lived a simple life with high and spiritual thoughts and she gave her love to everyone.
She used to have big retreats in the memory of her Master and thousands of satsangies were
invited. I can never forget my spiritual mother and her influence on my whole life. She gave
me a lot of love and helped to lead me on our Master's path.
R.K. Rajput
Table of Contents: The Stories
Satguru Baba Sawan Singh Ji w en t to th e residence o f Jai Ram Das a n d th e devotees gath
ered in his house. After giving satsang, H azur called th e devotees for in itiation. H e lo oked at
everyone a n d H e called m e an d said, "Take th a t lady from here." I said, "Satguru Ji, b e kind
to her. She has com e at yo u r shelter." H azu r w hispered in m y ear, "This lady w ill die after six
days, w h a t is th e use o f bearing h er karm as?" O ver this I in te rru p ted a n d said, "N o m y true
M aster, be k in d to her." The k ind Satguru to o k pity o n h e r a n d let h e r sit in line. W hen H a
z u r was d o n e w ith in itiatio n th e o ld lady kept o n sitting th ere in m ed ita tio n for fo u r hours.
H azur asked m e to wake h e r up. I said, "Let h e r d rin k w hatever she is drin k in g w ith in w ith
y o u r grace." The lady herself w oke u p a n d she started to tell everything she experienced. She
said, "I do n o t w a n t to leave th e in n e r w orld. My Satguru to o k m e everyw here in th e bright
light. There was n o darkness inside."
After tw o days she h a d a light fever a n d she to ld h e r d au g h ter in law th a t she w o u ld leave
the w orld, a n d th a t in three days she w o u ld catch a high fever at 4:00 a.m . an d w o u ld die.
"My M aster to ld m e w ithin" she said. W hen I cam e to k n o w this I reached th ere o n e h o u r
before h e r death. She saw m e com ing to h e r h o u se a n d she h a d already asked h e r daughter
in law to take th e horse cart a n d b ring Bibi a n d th a t Bibi w as ready to com e. W hen I saw th e
horse cart a n d th e lady at th e station I was surprised h o w she knew I was o n m y w ay to her
h o u se to see h e r m o th e r in law. W hen I reached th e h o u se I asked th e lady h o w she knew
th a t I was com ing. She to ld m e th a t th e M aster was telling her, stan d in g by h e r bed, a n d was
ready to take h e r w ith a beautiful sm ile. This is a story 18 years before H azu r left his body.
He was so k in d th a t he w o u ld initiate th o se w h o never rem em b ered God. My Satguru was
th e greatest o f all.
Story #2
The Story o f Gupta Sahib at Multan
M aster Sawan Singh loved this m a n very m u ch because H e was His true devotee. There
fore, H e used to stay in his h o u se w h e n H e was o n to u r th a t way. O nce G upta's so n was com
ing to India to see M aster from England. H e was com ing to receive in itia tio n from H azur
o n th e advice o f his father. O n th e w ay his ship sank a n d h e was in sea water. H e th o u g h t
a b o u t H azur a n d w h at H e was d o in g as h e was com ing o n ly for in itiatio n . H e was sw im
m ing in th e w ater a n d th in k in g a b o u t Hazur. As so o n as h e th o u g h t a b o u t Hazur, h e saw a
w hite b eard ed m an in th e w ater h o ld in g his arm , dry a n d tight. He b ro u g h t h im o u t o f th e
w ater a n d he fo u n d h im self o n th e beach in India. W hen h e reached h o m e he to ld his father
everything. They w ent to see H azur in Sikandepur, H azur's h o m e tow n. W hen th e b o y saw
H azur he jum ped. H e to ld his father th a t H e was th e sam e Baba w h o saved his life in th e
ocean. W ith a sm ile H azur said, "No, it was n o t me, he was m y M aster Baba Jaim al Singh."
But th e boy kept o n repeating, "No, I know it was you." Satguru Ji never show ed His pow er
a n d H e was always living like an o rd in ary m an.
Story #3
The Story o f Harnan Singh at Kagra
a n d sat b e h in d th e bushes th a t w ere in th e sam e direction as th e enemy. H azu r cam e to
th e m in th eir m ed ita tio n a n d to ld th e m to leave quickly o r th a t th ey w o u ld b e killed. He
also advised th e m to pick u p th eir guns a n d begin fighting in th e o th e r direction. They
requested th a t th ey w an ted to go back hom e, a n d H azur said th a t th e ir desire w o u ld be
fulfilled. They w en t dow n th e hill quickly a n d began fighting. O ne o f th e m w as sh o t near
th e eye an d th e o th er was sh o t n e a r th e th u m b , b u t they were able to escape by going
dow n th a t p a rt o f th e hill. H earing th is story, H azu r rem ain ed quiet. T hen H azur said, "Har-
n a n Singh, it is all d o n e by m y M aster Jaim al Singh. W hatever y ou d em an d ed , y o u got it."
S hahan Shah (The E m peror o f E m perors) Satguru Ji was very k in d a n d H e w as th e p ro
tector o f His devotees.
Story #4
The Story o f a Yogi (Ascetic)
Story #5
The Story o f a Boy in City Lahore (now in Pakistan)
A boy was living as a soldier in B urm a (n o w M yanm ar) a country o n th e east coast o f
th e In d ian su b co n tin en t. W ar h a d started th ere a n d he decided to com e back to his h ouse
a n d he sat in m ed itatio n . H azur appeared to h im in his m ed ita tio n a n d to ld h im th a t he
w o u ld be able to reach his h o m e a n d th a t h e sh o u ld buy th e ticket. H e b o u g h t th e ticket b u t
in those days o n ly a ship could carry p eo p le o n this route. Hazur, in th e guise o f a regular
m an, did n o t let h im sit in th e first ship. T hen h e tried th e next ship. Again Hazur, disguised
as an ord in ary person, d id n o t let h im sit in th a t ship either. W hen th e th ird ship came, he
was able to b o a rd th e ship a n d he reached h o m e safe a n d sound. H e th e n fo u n d o u t th a t
th e first tw o ships h a d sank. W hen h e to ld th e story to th e sangat in Beas, everybody becam e
very happy. H e also to ld th e w hole story to Hazur. H azu r said to m e, "Look m y child Kako,
I d id nothing. It was all d o n e by m y Satguru Baba Jaim al Singh because this b o y loves m e
very m uch. Therefore, m y M aster to o k care o f h im o n m y behalf."
Story #6:
The Story o f Sant Ram Sethi
In 1947, th ere was a w ar betw een In d ia a n d Pakistan (this was th e p e rio d o f th e p artitio n
o f India, after its successful cam paign for in d ep en d en ce from G reat Britain. A m ass m igra
tio n o f M uslim s to Pakistan a n d H indus, from Pakistan to In d ia was occurring.) Sant Ram
Sethi was a m ilitary officer. Both h e a n d his wife w ere advanced m editators. In th e Pakistani
city Sheikhupura, there was great civil un rest betw een M uslim s a n d H indus. His wife sug
gested to h im th a t they sh o u ld go to Beas. Both o f th em sat in m ed itation a n d H azur appeared
to them . He advised th a t they leave th e city soon. As they left th e city a n d reached w heat fields
close to th eir house, they saw th a t th eir house was o n fire. They also saw a h o u se next to th e
fields w here an officer advised th e m to enter. The house belonged to a M uslim m an. They saw
light in th e h o u se a n d according to th e advice o f Hazur, th ey entered th e h o u se a n d sp en t
the n ig h t there. All th e n ig h t H azu r was w alking aro u n d th e h o u se disguised as a security
guard. At daybreak H azu r again advised th e m to take th e second truck th a t com es a n d H e
gave th e m D arshan. They caught th e second truck a n d reached A m ritsar safely. Later, we
cam e to know th a t th e M uslim s h a d sh o t u p th e first truck, w hich was bringing H indus from
Lahore. W hen th ey reached Beas, Krishana, th e wife o f Sant Ram Sethi, to ld m e th e w hole
story a n d I to o k th e m to Hazur. In th o se days H azur's h e a lth was poor, so I o n ly to ld som e o f
th e story to Hazur. H azu r said, "I know each a n d every thing, b u t I have to lay d o w n m y life
a n d I have to save th e w orld, D o n 't worry, th e victory w ill go th e H indus a n d th e Sikhs, b u t
I w ill n o t see th e m in th is body." I said, "Sache Patshah, y o u m u st see all these things. W hy
are you saying these things?" H azur said, "Kako! O nly o n e o f tw o things can h a p p en . Either
I w ill live, o r th e H in d u s an d th e Sikhs w ill rule." After saying these w ords, H azu r becam e
quiet. K rishana th e n d id th e B handara a n d w e n t to h e r house.
Story #7:
The kindness o f the Saints
O ne day, after H azur finished His Satsang, a few w om en cam e to m e a n d asked for
H azur's D arshan. I to ld m y Satguru (H azur) th a t th e ladies w anted to have His D ar
shan (D arshan m eans "to see" or "to lo o k at.") Satguru Ji gave a sm ile a n d w en t into His
room . (Note: "Ji" is added at the e n d o f th e nam e, for super-respect to th e Master.) I fol
low ed H im an d again requested His D arshan for these ladies as they needed His grace.
H e said, "Grace is always there for anyone w h o w ants to receive it." I said, "Everybody w ants
yourgrace." O n this H azur said, "I daily go to everyone to distribute Baba Ji's grace, b u t only
rare ones are there to receive it." I asked at w h a t tim e does he go. Satguru Ji laughed an d said, "I
go to everyone from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Som e are sleeping, som e busy in th eir daily needs,
an d som e are busy in luxuries a n d lust. O nly a few devotees are there w ho are sitting in m edi
tation, b u t they also are h a lf asleep. O nly o n e o r two are to be fo u n d w ho receive the grace
from m y basket. Those ladies long for M aster's D arshan, so I will give it to th e m only, th en I
will com e back w ith th e rest o f th e grace in m y basket. The basket is filled w ith th e grace o f m y
G uru Baba Jaimal Singh Ji." I rem em ber th a t it seem ed th a t H azur was speaking th e real tru th
to me. H e used to say, "W ithout th e crying o f th e child, even th e m o th er does n o t feed him ."
Story #8:
Story o f Kashmir
w ith h im a n d said, "Okay Kako, y o u can stay here at Beas." W h en H azur cam e in I to ld H im
th a t everything was ready for H im to leave for K ashm ir tom orrow . H azu r lovingly said, "No,
Bibi we have cancelled th e to u r for Kashm ir." I said, "No, Hazur, do n o t cancel th e tour. I
w ill n o t go th is tim e because a large p o rtio n o f th e sangat is w aiting th ere for you. They are
longing for y o u r D arshan a n d I w ill stay, h ap p ily for th eir sake." Hazur, Sache P atshah (True
G od) said, "I am very h a p p y th a t y o u face these difficulties b o ld ly a n d quietly. D o n o t feel
b a d for anyone in Beas, you need n o t to feel anything bad, beg an y th in g you w a n t now." I
said, "I w a n t n o th in g except you a n d y o u r presence." I said these w ords, b u t I was very sad
because I never stayed w ith o u t Hazur.
H azur was talking to a satsangie from A m ritsar w h o was stan d in g in His room . I was
stan d in g at a little distance from th em . H azur knew m y h e a rt a n d called me, "Kako com e
here." A m aranth said, "Bibi looks very sad a n d she is w eeping." H azu r said, "O ne w h o hurts
som eone's heart, the G u m hurts th a t perso n to o . Let us see w h a t happens. I will call h e r
th ere w ith in eight days." W h en H azu r was leaving D eputy Sahib teased m e saying, "Will you
n o t go, w e are leaving now." I said, "It is th e w ill o f m y Satguru, b u t y o u w ill n o t enjoy being
there." After this they left for Kashmir.
In th e absence o f Hazur, m y h e a rt was burning. For fo u r to five days m y h e a rt was yearn
ing for H azur an d I was just like a fish o u t o f water. As so o n as H azu r reached Kud (a city
in th e H im alayas) D eputy Rai Sahib fell sick w ith a fever o f 104 degrees w h e n th ey reached
Kashmir. But he travelled w ith high fever a n d it tu rn e d in to p n e u m o n ia . The doctors refused
to treat h im in his critical co n d itio n as it was n o t curable there. H azur w rote a letter to Bha-
gat Singh at Jallandhar (a city 30 m iles fu rth er from Beas.) H azur said to Rai Sahib, w ho
was sick, "Look, you left Bibi Lajo against h e r w ill a n d she was very sad." H azur spoke the
w ords, "If H ari (G od) is th e victim , th e n th e G u m can pro tect H im . If th e G um is th e victim ,
th e n th e devotee can p ro tect H im . But if th e devotee is th e victim , w h o can protect him ?
Som eone's heart, if it is h u rt by so m e o n e is a big sin. S om etim e it costs a life."
T hen Rai Sahib said, "Please sen d a telegram a n d call Bibi soon." H azur said, "I can send
th e telegram just n ow o n yo u r behalf." H ere in Beas, I slept in th e p a in o f sep aratio n from
m y beloved G um . In m y dream H azu r cam e a n d said, "D o n 't w orry Bibi, y o u w ill reach
here so o n a n d will be w ith m e o n th e day after tom orrow ." W hen I w oke u p in th e m o rn
ing I saw D raupati stan d in g in fro n t o f m e a n d she said, "Bibi, G ulab Singh (a devotee) is
calling you." H earing h e r w ords I was surprised to know th a t H azur h a d sen t a telegram .
She said th a t th e p o st m aster h a d a telegram fo r you a n d th e n she congratulated m e, as th e
m essage in th e telegram was th a t H azu r h a d to ld m e to com e soon. I quickly to o k th e Tonga
(horse cart) a n d m y luggage a n d started to go. At th a t tim e co n stru ctio n was going o n for
th e room s for devotees to stay in from Amritsar, in Beas. I gave th e wages to th e laborers
a n d th e n caught th e train, w hich was ready to leave at 9:30 p.m . It reached Jam m u (a city in
Kashm ir) at 6:00 a.m . W h en I got d o w n I saw a boy, M ulakh Raj, stan d in g by th e d o o r o f th e
train. It looked as if h e was there to receive me. Looking a t m e he asked, "Bibi Ji, w here are
you going?" I said, "I am going to see Hazur." I asked h im , "From w here have y o u come?"
H e said, "My m aternal uncle's so n has died, so I have com e to see th e m off. They just got
in to th e train a n d I was going back hom e." So h e said, "I w as stan d in g there a n d I saw H azur
a n d H e said to me, go a n d lo o k in th e lady's c o m p a rtm e n t o f th e train. So I cam e here." He
asked m e w h o was w ith me. I said, "My Satguru Ji is w ith m e." M ulakh Raj a n d his wife also
cam e w ith m e to have th e D arshan o f Hazur. We sp en t th e n ig h t 100 m iles away from Hazur.
There w ere very delicious m angoes in th e m arket. I b o u g h t fo u r seers (ab o u t 4 kg) o f them ,
a n d kept th e m in th e basket. We caught th e bu s a n d I to ld th e driver th a t w e h a d to reach
K ashm ir by 12:00 p.m . We caught th e horse cart a n d th e n reached th e h o u se o f Bhagw ant
Singh. I asked for H azur a n d he said th a t H azu r w as in Sri Nagar. It w as a little further, so I
sat in th e sam e horse cart a n d reached Sri N agar at M aster's residence. W hen I ascended the
first step, I saw th a t H azur's cook K rishana was taking fo o d to H azur a n d I to o k th e fo o d tray
from h im a n d w en t to Hazur. My k in d Satguru saw m e a n d said very lovingly, "Kako! You
have b o u g h t som e m angoes, b ring th e m to m e a n d I w ill suck th em . All th e way you w ere
taking care o f th e m angoes." I b ow ed m y h e a d to H azur a n d H e placed His h a n d on m y
h e a d a n d H e started to eat th e m angoes a n d H e liked th e m very m uch. H e knew everything.
I asked, "Satguru Ji, h o w is Rai Sahib." H azur said, "All th e doctors have refused
h im an d h e is in very critical co n d itio n ." H azu r know s everything; he always praised his
M aster a n d H e loved H im a n d always left everything o n His G uru Baba Jaim al Singh.
H e said, "Let us go to Rai Sahib, h e is crying bitterly. I also requested to m y M aster o n
his behalf." I requested H azur to keep h im alive. H e said, "Kako! My M aster will give
h im His grace." Saying these w ords H e sat in m ed ita tio n from 8:00 p.m . to 8:00 a.m .
All th e doctors w ere calling to see w h eth er Rai Sahib was alive o r not. In th e m o rn
ing H azur w e n t to Rai Sahib a n d asked h im h o w he was. Rai Sahib said, "You show ered
a lo t o f grace a n d I can h ear th e S habad (in n e r so u n d ) a n d can have y o u r in n er Dar-
shan. H azur said, "Babaji, m y M aster has blessed you w ith six years m o re o f life. Start
d o in g sim ran a n d m ed ita tio n a lo t from n o w on." Slowly b u t surely h e was recover
ing a n d b ecam e b e tte r an d better. Satguru always blessed everyone w ith His grace.
Story #9:
Visit to Pehalgam, Hill Station
Story #10:
The Story o f the Queen o f Jamboo
lam b o o is a city in th e n o rth o f India. A Q ueen was ruling there. Bibi R ukm ani, wife
o f Jai Ram Das, b elo n g ed to Amritsar, a fam ous city w ith th e G olden Temple. O n e day she
asked m e to visit th e Q ueen, w h o kn ew her. She also to ld m e a b o u t h o w spiritual the Q ueen
was. She advised m e to tell h er spiritual stories a n d th e n th e Q ueen w ill w a n t in itia tio n from
Hazur. We all w ere th ere in la m b o o w ith Hazur. So she w an ted to m eet Hazur, as R ukm ani's
parents w ere living in lam b o o , a n d th a t is h o w she knew the Q ueen. I agreed to d o the
seva. W hile w e w ere talking, H azu r w as w atching us from a distance. H e called us a n d said,
"Kako W hat are you talking about?" I requested H azur to let us go a n d see th e Q ueen. I also
requested th a t h e in itiate th e Q ueen. H azu r said, "Initiation is n o t in h e r destiny.* I request
ed H azu r to see th e Q u een a n d also to ld H im th a t she was spiritual a n d th a t she w o u ld like
to have His D arshan. H azur was very k in d a n d sa id ," You can try b u t she will never b e able to
get th e in itiation. She belongs to th e Royal Fam ily a n d it is all royalty a ro u n d her. She lives a
life o f luxuries." After having His perm ission, w e b o th w ent to see th e Q ueen. She w elcom ed
us a n d was very h a p p y to see us. W h en w e talked to h er a b o u t th e spiritual p a th a n d a b o u t
Hazur, we asked h e r to go w ith us to see Hazur, w h o was in h e r city. She said th a t she could
n o t go because o f h e r royal lim itatio n s a n d traditions, b u t she w o u ld b e very lucky to have
H azu r in h er palace a n d she w o u ld like H im to give satsang in h e r palace. Som e devotees
stan d in g there also requested H azur to accept th e request o f th e Q ueen a n d to fulfill h er
desire. The k in d H azur accepted th e request a n d th e Q ueen was in fo rm ed o f th e visit o f H a
z u r in h e r palace. As so o n as th e Q u een received th e message, she arranged for th e satsang
o f Hazur. She gave a w arm reception to H azu r w h e n He reached th e palace. H azu r gave th e
satsang an d she was very im pressed. W hen H azu r was leaving she said th a t she w o u ld com e
to H im for in itiatio n.
W hen H azur cam e back He said firm ly th a t th o u g h she was ready to get in itiatio n , she
w o u ld n o t get it because it is n o t w ritten in h er destiny. H e said, " In itiatio n is a big w ealth
a n d n o t everyone can get it easily. But I am h a p p y th a t she is read y " O n th e next day th e
Q u een was ready to com e to see H azu r from h e r palace. All th e priests in the palace a n d the
royal teachers requested h e r n o t to go for th e ir sake, as H in d u trad itio n s w o u ld be in danger
o n th e q u estio n o f H in d u religion, a n d th a t it was also against th e royal tem p le w orship in
th e palace. The p eo p le w o u ld th in k w ro n g o f her. O n this p o in t she changed h e r m in d a n d
did n o t go to H azu r for in itiation. We w ere w aiting o n h e r as we w ere sure she w o u ld come.
H azur kept o n saying th a t she w ould never com e. W hen she d id n o t com e an d sen t th e m es
sage for h er n o t com ing d u e to h er royal instructions, H azur said," N ow you all know w hy
she has n o t com e. The royal priests have m isguided h e r for th e ir ow n selfish purposes, at th e
very m o m e n t she was com pletely ready to get th e initiation. It is very h a rd to get rid o f royal
luxuries. But th e Q u een h a d D arshan o f th e Perfect M aster a n d a tten d ed His satsang. At least
she has com e to know better, w hile living life in th e palace. She w o u ld im prove h e r spiritual
life as well, a n d others in th e palace to o k th e benefit o f th e satsang a n d D arshan. But she lost
th e golden o p p o rtu n ity in h e r life."
Story #11:
Story o f Kala Bagh (A city in Kashmir)
O n e day, o n H is w ay to Kala Bagh from Srinagar (a big city in Kashm ir), H azur cam e
u p o n a beautiful a n d very p leasan t place. H azu r h a d tw o cars. O th er satsangies follow ed
H im in th eir cars. H azur's car was th e fro n t car. So, H azur sto p p e d th e car at th is beautiful
place a n d spread th e carpet a n d sat dow n, saying, "Kako, b rin g so m eth in g to eat for the sat
sangies, they m ig h t b e hungry." I o p e n e d th e b o x o f p arsh ad (blessed food) a n d sat dow n.
H azu r d istributed th e p arsh ad an d all th e satsangies w ere very happy. I got u p a n d w ent a
distance w here I saw a spring. I w ashed m y face a n d d ran k th e water. I th o u g h t th a t this w ill
b e go o d w ater for H azu r to drink. I filled u p th e silver glass w ith w ater a n d placed it before
H azur a n d said," Hazur, this w ater is very good a n d th e spring is very goo d to o ." H azur said,
"Kako! This spring was b u ilt by m e." I d id n o t u n d e rsta n d a n d said, "Hazur, th e w orld is
m ad e by you." H azu r said, "Kako! The spring w as really m ad e by m y hands." T hen, w ith His
kindness H e started telling m e o f His tim e o f service in th e area. H e said, "Kako! I served in
th is area for m any days. Four English engineers started to b u ild th is spring b u t they could
n o t b u ild it. T hen I to o k responsibility a n d b u ilt it w ith in fo u r m o n th s." I said, "Satguru Ji,
You are great a n d have d o n e so m an y w orks for people. N o b o d y can do such w ork." Then
H azu r started to talk a b o u t spirituality a n d satsang. A bout tw o h o u rs H e spent at th is place.
KALABAGH (Pakistan) about 2.500 - 2.800 m high
Hazur is giving Parshad
In Kala Bagh, H azur h a d His ow n big h o u se th a t was b u ilt by H im . So H e w ent first to
His residence. The p eo p le in this area loved H azur very m uch. I was surprised th a t H azur
h a d w orked in this area. The peo p le here h a d a lo t o f love a n d faith in Hazur. I asked every
o ld m an a b o u t H azur's service. They to ld m e th a t H azur was a Saint by birth. H e was very
generous to His co-workers. H e w as an h o n e st officer. H e always h a d a m in iatu re size copy
o f h o ly b o o k th e G uru G ranth Sahib in His h a n d . They show ed m e a little cabin at a distance
o f five m iles w here H azur u sed to sit for m ed itatio n . These days it is very o ld b u t you can
still see it. Every n ig h t H azur u sed to go to th a t cabin for m ed itatio n . D uring th e daytim e H e
d id His job, a n d at n ig h t H e sat for m ed itatio n . To th e girls H e u sed to say, "Do th e sim ran
o f "Five N am es." They asked w h a t are th e five nam es. H azur said," W ait, I w ill tell you som e
o th e r tim e."
H azur's life was a sacred one. All th is was to ld to m e a b o u t H azur's service a n d tim e there by
th e residents o f Kala Bagh.
H azur stayed for six days in Kala Bagh. O n e day it was b itter cold a n d H azur was taking
H is rest in His b ed an d m editating. At a b o u t 8:00 p.m . an old m a n o f o n e h u n d re d years
n a m e d C h an d a Singh cam e in w hile it was raining. I to ld th e o ld m an, "Baba sit dow n, H a
z u r is m ed itating a n d h e w ill get u p soon." In th e m eanw hile H azu r cam e o u t a n d said, "Oh!
Bhai C h an d a Singh, I w as w aiting for you." Baba was a good m editator. H e fell o n H azur's
feet a n d started crying o u t o f his great love. H azu r p u t His h a n d o n his h ead a n d said, "I am
very h a p p y w ith you. You m ed itate a n d you are a true lover o f y o u r Master. Tell m e h ow you
have m ad e it here by clim bing seventeen o r eighteen m iles u p h ill a n d you did n o t feel cold."
The o ld C h an d a Singh replied, "It is all y o u r grace th a t I started to clim b this m o u n ta in at
2:00 a.m . a n d w ent o n clim bing n ig h t a n d day to reach you here now." H azu r said, "H ow
can the M aster stop giving His love a n d grace to such lovers?" C h a n d a Singh said, "Hazur,
accept these tw o things." H azu r said, "W hatever you w a n t you w ill get it. For you there is n o
refusal for anything y o u w ant." H e said, "O ne th in g is th a t yo u r face sh o u ld always be in m y
eyes. The o th er th in g is th a t m y faith in y o u sh o u ld always be p e rm a n e n t u n til m y death."
T hen H azur asked, "Tell m e, h o w is y o u r b h a ja n a n d sim ran?" C h a n d a asked, "Should I tell
you?" H azur said, "Yes, tell m e. B hajan is th e o n ly o n e th in g th a t can m ake m e happy." H e
explained all th e scenes u p to th e te n th door, th e entry o f th e spiritual destination. H azur
p a tte d his sh o u ld er a n d gave h im blessings a n d said, "The real p rofit you have gained in
life." H azur said to me, "Kako! Bring tw o cups o f h o t tea a n d give th e m to h im ." I w as al
ready very im pressed by th e old m an 's conversation w ith Hazur. So I quickly w en t in to th e
kitchen a n d m ad e tw o cups o f tea a n d b ro u g h t som e o f th e cookies from H azur's cabinet.
H azu r laughed a n d spoke, "Brother! D rink it. Bibi Lajo is very k in d to you." H e was seeing
H azu r in everything. H e folded his h an d s a n d said to m e, "Bibi, y o u are very lucky th a t you
always live w ith H azur a n d have th e D arshan o f H azur a n d always rem ain in th e service o f
Hazur. So, you d o n 't d o anything special for m e." So I th e n gave th e tea a n d cookies to H a
zur, so th a t H e could m ake it p a rsh a d a n d give it to th e old m an. T he generous H azur said,
"Yes Bibi, th e service o f th e sangat a n d th e lovers o f th e G uru is th e service o f God. I am very
h a p p y th a t you served th is o ld m an."
W ith grace com ing from His eyes, H azur gave h im th e tea a n d cookies. H e ate th e cook
ies a n d enjoyed th e tea. H azur said, "Go brother, w e have to sit fo r m ed itatio n ." H e said
goo d bye a n d w ent away. H azu r also w ent in for m ed ita tio n an d all th e satsangies left.
The next m o rn in g H azu r got u p at 9:00 a.m . a n d all th e satsangies w ere stan d in g outside
for D arshan in th e b itter cold. H azu r gave His D arshan first a n d th e n w ent in for His bath.
H e said, "Bibi, I was th in k in g th a t I sh o u ld see th e satsangies first w h o are stan d in g w ith
th e ir children in the cold. I said, "Sache Patshah, w hatever you w a n t is g o o d ."
The sangat from Kala Bagh w ere true lovers o f th e M aster a n d they w ere b o th o b e d i
e n t an d poor. W herever H azu r p o in te d his finger, they sto o d there. H azu r did n o t eat from
anyone's house. They b ro u g h t to o m any edibles a n d vegetables for H im . H azur said, "Bibi,
keep all o f th em as these peo p le are true lovers. D o n o t break th eir heart. W hen w e leave they
all w ill be p a id for th e things they b ro u g h t." I, w ith His sw eet will, said okay. This w ent o n
for six days like this. O ne day before H e left, H e in itiated th o se w ho deserved it. In o n e day
H e in itiated tw o h u n d re d peo p le sitting o n a hill. H e lo o k ed very spiritual a n d beautiful at
th a t tim e a n d th e peo p le sitting for in itia tio n w ere lo oking like gods a n d goddesses.
W hen H azu r to ld th e people, "You all are in itiated n o w a n d I w ill leave tom orrow ," all
o f th e sangat started crying lo udly a n d started saying, "Hazur! W hy are y o u leaving so soon?
We have n o t finished w ith y o u r h o ly D arsh an yet." T hen H azur said, "You all are g oo d lovers
an d you do sim ran a n d b h a ja n (m ed itatio n .) I have a lo n g journey ah ead a n d have already
fixed th e dates for o th er satsangies at different places."
The day we left, a satsangie b ro u g h t twelve pieces o f co m an d said, "Please keep three
o f th e m for H azu r in th e car." H e said, "O ne o f th e m I w ill bake quickly for H azu r an d you
give it to H im to eat." Two h o u rs before H e h a d to leave th e place, H azur gave th e m o n ey to
th o se w h o b ro u g h t th e things a n d said to th em , "Brothers a n d sisters, all o f you catch h o ld
o f th e Shabad G um , because this b o d y does n o t b elo n g to us, n eith er to y o u n o r to me. The
b o d y is a cloth, it will n o t stay lo n g a n d it has never stayed for anyone in history. The sangat
was crying in love w h e n B oota Singh b ro u g h t th e baked corns. H azur was ready to leave
an d H e w rap p ed th e corns in a tow el a n d gave th e m to me. I was a little afraid th a t H azur
m ig h t n o t be h a p p y because a t th e tim e o f leaving I was giving H im corns. So w ith fear I was
stan d in g h o ld in g th o se corns in m y h a n d . But H azu r was in n er sighted. H e was w atching
m e a n d said, "Kako, w h at are you th in k in g ab o u t, are y o u h o ld in g corns in y o u r hand? O h,
b ro th e r Boota Singh, have y ou b ro u g h t th e corns?" Boota Singh w ith his folded h an d s said,
" Yes, Hazur, I have b ro u g h t th em for you." H azu r spoke to me, "Kako! W hy are y ou feeling
afraid?' I said, "Hazur, h e b ro u g h t th e m for y o u a n d I n e ith e r said anything to him , n o r did
I say anything to you." Hazur, in kindness spoke laughingly, "Kako b rin g th e m all an d I
will eat them ." I gave all th e corns to H azu r a n d h e gave th em to th e sangat o n e by o n e a n d
h e gave o n e to th e Judge n a m e d G u rb an tar Rai. Even th e n fo u r corns w ere left. H azur to ld
m e to keep th e m in th e car a n d said, "I w ill eat it". The satsangie w h o b ro u g h t th e corns was
overw helm ed w ith joy. W hen H azur left, we h a d to go som e distance o n foot. The sangat
was also w ith us. T housands o f w o m e n a n d m en w ere w alking b e h in d us singing bhajans
a n d crying. C hildren, th e o ld a n d young, all w ere crying o n His departure. O n th e way, there
was a p lo t w here H azur sto p p ed a n d all th e Sangat was stan d in g h ere a n d th ere su rro u n d
ing Hazur. H e w as lo oking very beautiful. His face was brig h ten in g w ith spirituality an d th e
sangat was lo st in th e love o f His D arshan. T hen, all sang th is Bhajan:
"My true G u m o r k in d hearted, gives us th e m edicine for th e p a in o f y o u r separation.
These pains are u n b earab le a n d y o u r separation will give us p ains w hich are unbearable."
H azur k ep t q u iet a n d was listening to th e ir satsang. T hen h e said, "Now, w o m e n sh o u ld
go w ith th eir children, w h o are very tired." Kako, com e. I am very h a p p y w ith you. Soam i
Ji bless you w ith His grace. My dear daughter, always keep o n d o in g b h a ja n a n d sim ran.
Always have th e love, faith a n d fear o f th e G um . W ith faith a n d love for th e G um , there is
always progress very quickly. W ith th e fear o f G um , o n e c a n n o t c o m m it any sin. So m y dear
daughter, all these w ords I said, are for y o u r benefit. H earing these w ords, all th e w om en
bow ed th eir h e a d before Hazur. H azu r d eparted from th e m w ith love. O ne lady requested
o f H azur w ith folded hands, "Hazur, I have n o child. I w ill go to see y o u o ff by th e car."
H azur said w ith a smile, "Okay, as y o u w ish. I do n o t b reak anybody's heart." Those w ho
w ent back w ere lo o k in g b e h in d th e m a n d w ere crying. H azu r also was sen d in g th e clouds o f
kindness a n d love w ith a sm ile. H azu r said, "I am very h a p p y w ith these w om en. They are
very in n o ce n t a n d th eir hearts are very clean. T h at is w hy th ey w ill progress in b h a ja n very
soon. W om en are easy to direct." H azu r was w alking a n d talking all a b o u t th e w o m en o f the
m o u n ta in o u s area. H e was eighty-seven years o ld at th e tim e. N am 's jo t (light) was going
fu rth er an d further. H azu r was w alking slow ly a n d th e sangat was m n n in g b e h in d him . Even
th e n they could n o t jo in him . The sangat suggested th a t H e sit a n d take rest, b u t H azur said,
"No, I d o n 't feel tired. I have d o n e all o f m y service o n th e m o u n tain s. I am on ly w orried
for th e sangat, w h o m ig h t be tired." The sangat replied, "No, H azur we are n o t tired. We are
w alking in y o u r love a n d attention. We w a n t th a t p a th to go longer a n d longer a n d th a t o u r
G u m sh o u ld n o t b e separated from us. H azur sto p p ed a t o n e place a n d all o f th e sangat was
aro u n d H im . H e was looking very beautiful a n d bright, as if H e was a sh in in g m o o n am o n g
th e stars, red like a red apple. There was spiritual jo t (sh in in g light) in His eyes.
W hen H azu r reached th e sp o t w here th e car was parked H e asked m e, "Kako, have
y o u placed th e corns in m y car?" H e said th is in order to m ake th e sangat encouraged an d
happy." I replied, "Yes, Sache P atshah!" B oota Singh, listen in g to th ese w ords started cry
ing lo u d ly a n d said, "You are th e great Sache Patshah. We d id n o t have th e know ledge o f
y o u r greatness a n d respect." H a z u r said, "W hen th e Saints are present, n o b o d y has respect
fo r th em . W h e n th e y leave th is w orld, th e n all repent. T hen w h a t can b e done? But if
so m e o n e rep e n ts w ith a tm e heart, h e is also c o u n te d as o n e o f th e tru e devotees." After
th is everybody b o w e d th e ir h e a d a n d to u c h e d his feet. H a z u r p u t H is h a n d o n everybody's
h e a d a n d advised th e m strongly to do b h a ja n a n d sim ran regularly. T hen w ith th e blessing
o f His G um , H a z u r sat in th e car a n d th e driver started th e car. T h en He said to m e, "We
have to travel in th e m o u n ta in s." Satsangies retu rn ed , crying a n d lo o k in g a t th e d u st o f
H azur's car. From there, H azu r started th e jo u rn e y for A tabad (a n o th e r city in K ashm ir in
th e H im alayan m o u n ta in s.)
Story #12:
Story o f Atabad
After H azu r left Kala Bagh, H e w e n t to a n o th e r city in K ashm ir called Atabad. O n th e way
som e o ld m en w ere cleaning th e ro ad w hile som e w ere w atering th e fields a n d som e w ere
m oving rocks a n d m ak in g th e ro ad dear. Hazur, w ith great love, used to get d o w n from His
car an d speak to everyone saying, "Tell m e brother, h o w are you? H ow are y o u r children?" I
asked Sache P atshah, m y k ind Satguru, "W ho are they?" H azur said, "Kako! Som e o f th e m
w ere m y clerks, w atchm en, servants, guards a n d m ates du rin g m y tim e o f service here. W hen
I was d o in g m y job here, they all loved m e a n d used to sit in m ed ita tio n w ith m e. I was very
h a p p y w ith th e m a n d I am glad to see all o f th em h ere again." W h en we reached A tabad
th ere was a lo n g line o f satsangies w aiting for Hazur. Looking at H azur's car th ey were say
ing, "Oh! H azu r has com e. It is H azur's car." W hen Sache P atshah saw all o f th e m H e slow ed
th e car dow n. W h en H e got dow n from th e car, H e m et everyone w ith love a n d gave His
D arshan. T hen H e called th em o n e by o n e a n d spoke laughingly, "Kako! This is m y ow n city
a n d hom e, as I d id a job here for m an y days." H e again said, "I love th e m m o re th a n m y ow n
children. I love m y children, b u t these peo p le I love fo u r tim es m o re th a n m y o w n children."
O u t o f joy th e sangat started saying, "Sache Satguru is great."
Sache P atshah w as tak en to a big house. There was a big garden in the fro n t yard o f th e
house. H azu r sat in th e chair in th e garden a n d started talking to th e sangat. There was a
M uslim m a n w h o w orked there du rin g th e tim e o f M aster's service in th a t area. H azu r asked
so m eo n e for h im a n d said, "Tell h im a b o u t m y arrival." Som eone was th e n sen t for him . H e
w as a rich m a n a n d w as a devotee o f Hazur.
W hen h e g o t th e in fo rm a tio n h e cam e to H azur's feet at m id n ig h t in th e b itte r cold. H e
folded his h a n d s a n d w ith his love o f Hazur, he h a d tears in his eyes a n d h e said, "Today is a
very lucky day because H azur gave m e D arshan." I was cooking fo o d for H azur a t th e tim e. I
w en t to H azu r a n d H azu r said to th e M uslim m an, "She is m y child, a n d she does all th e seva
for me. I was th in k in g th a t she m u st see you." The M uslim m an said, "If she is yo u r child
th e n she is m y ch ild also." H azur said to me, "Kako, he is a g o o d devotee, so do his seva.
H e does n o t see any difference betw een a H in d u a n d a M uslim . I love th o se w h o m editate."
I b ro u g h t m ilk, fruit a n d som e sweets o n a p late for h im . H azur gave to h im w ith His soft
hands. H e raised all o f th em over his h e a d a n d th an k e d M aster a n d said, "I am very fo rtu
n a te th a t y o u show ered y our grace o n m e." H e said to m e, "Kingship can b e a d o p te d b u t the
p arsh ad from H azu r c a n n o t b e ad o p te d anywhere. T hanks to H azu r for rem em bering m e."
As lo n g as H azu r stayed at Atabad, this m an cam e b o th m o rn in g a n d evening to have H a
zur's D arshan a n d talked to H azur w ith deep love. H azur said to m e, "Kako! I w ill show you
m y residence, office a n d th e trees w hich I p lan te d o n th e Johnsy Road (n am e o f th e road)
du rin g m y tim e here." H azur show ed m e everything in th a t area w here He h a d d o n e His ser
vice. There w ere a lo t o f satsangies w ith m e. H azu r always liked th e lonely places a t th e tim e
o f His service because H e loved to m editate from th e very b eg in n in g o f His life. W hatever
H azu r d id for th e w elfare o f th e people, on ly H e could d o such things.
The p eople w h o were th e true satsangies said, after o b tain in g p en sio n s w h e n H azur left,
th a t all th e engineers w h o jo in ed th e job, always praised H azur's w ork d o n e in th a t area.
After lo oking at th e buildings m ad e by H azur all th an k e d h im a n d said, "This place is w o rth
w orshipping."
W hen H azur w as passing th ro u g h th e b azaar (m arket area) th e p e o p le seem ed to b e w o n
dering, "W ho is th is great m an w ho has so m an y people b e h in d H im ." O n e o f th e m spoke,
"He is a Saint from Radha Soam i." An o ld m an said, "All these p eo p le are very lucky to have
such a great Saint. H e was a Saint w h e n H e was d o in g H is jo b here a n d w as very h o n e st a n d
loving. Today, a b o u t H im there is n o w o rd h ig h en ough to say, in praise o f H im ."
W h en H azur cam e back a n d sat in His chair H e said, "You all m ig h t b e tired." We all re
plied, "No Hazur, w e are lucky to have y o u r o p e n D arshan a n d to talk to you." T hen H azur
to ld me, "I always u sed to tell m y cook to cook th e fo o d for m e a n d take rest, a n d w h en I
com e back, I w ill e at it cold, b e c au se w a rm fo o d is n o t in m y destiny. W h e n I w as back
fro m m y job, I d ra n k th e w ater a n d sa t in m e d ita tio n . I k e p t o n s ittin g u n til I felt bliss
in m e d ita tio n . I alw ays to o k m y jo b very easy, like a gam e. All th e officers w ere very
h a p p y w ith m e. I d id n o t have an y tro u b le . M y M aster gave m e a lo t o f love a n d b lesse d
m e w ith th e tre a su re o f N a a m a n d I d id n o t deserve all o f it, b u t m y M aster (B aba Jai-
m a l Singh Ji) w as very k in d to m e."
H ow great was H azur w h o always th an k e d His M aster for all H e got from H im , a n d always
praised H im . H e always th in k s H im self a servant o f the satsangies. W ith His loving w ords He
attracted all th e satsangies.
T hen He said to th e sangat, "W hat are y o u r orders for m e now ?" T he sangat said, "We
w a n t th e treasure o f b h a ja n a n d sim ran. T h at is th e only desire we have." H azur said, "You
w ill get it to m o rro w m o rn in g ."
T hen H e said to me, "Kako! Bring fo o d for me, I w ill eat it n o w so th a t all th e sangat
can eat. They are hungry. "After eating His m eals, H azur was lo st in his m ed itatio n . The next
m orning, H azu r gave in itia tio n to 200 people. So m any p eo p le h a d a goo d b h a ja n a n d w ere
enlightened. Som e o f th em h a d D arsh an inside.
H azur said, "These p eo p le live in these m o u n ta in s a n d are very in nocent. They quickly
catch th e current o f light inside. T heir m in d s are p u re an d th eir hearts are clean. So th e w hite
cloth catches color quickly. I have given th e m in itia tio n a n d to m o rro w I will leave. It is a
lo n g jo urney a n d th o se in itiated are very m u ch attached now."
All th e satsangies started crying a n d saying th a t they h a d n o t h a d en o u g h go o d D arshan.
H azur laughed a n d said, "True lovers are never satisfied." T hen H azu r said to m e, "Kako!
G et ready in th e m orning. We have to leave for Peshaw ar from Raw alpindi (cities in Pakistan
now .) At 5:00 a.m . H azur got ready a n d was in th e car at 6:00 a.m . M any satsangies cam e
to see o ff H azur a n d asked Hazur, "Please com e back soon. They all w ere crying du rin g th e
departure. H azu r said, "Kako! I am tied w ith m y Master. W herever m y M aster is happy, I am
h a p p y there. We all b elo n g to th e M aster." T hen H e sto p p ed there a n d said, "My children, do
b h a ja n an d sim ran forcibly. This b irth is very precious a n d w e get it o n ly w ith goo d luck. So
d o sim ran a n d take advantage o f th is body. All y o u r belongings rem a in here in th is w orld.
N o o n e b ro u g h t th e m a n d n o b o d y w ill take th em . The o nly thing, w h ich w ill go w ith you, is
Satguru a n d Shabad. So do sim ran a n d always have fear o f y o u r Master. Love h im a n d have
faith in him . I am very h a p p y w ith you. You are th e true lovers."
Saying all this H e blessed everybody a n d accepted R adha Soam i a n d left for Raw alpindi.
M y Satguru is great. H e d id n o t care for H is ow n h e a lth a n d k ep t o n giving love a n d th e
w ealth o f in itia tio n w herever H e w en t a n d H e blessed everyone.
Story #13:
Story o f Rawalpindi (a city in Pakistan)
H azur (th e k in d hearted ) left for R aw alpindi from Atabad. A sew adar n a m e d Raja
Ram Sharif, w h o w as a go o d devotee, b u ilt a satsangghar (ashram ) sp en d in g one lakh
rupees(lakh= 100,000) o f his ow n m oney. H azur reached there a n d all the sangat was al
ready w aiting for H im anxiously. W h en H azu r reached th e satsangghar, all w ere overjoyed
to have His D arshan. O n e lover o f H azu r n a m e d Raja Ram, was arranging th e shoes o f th e
sangat a n d was afraid o f going before Hazur. H e was th in k in g h im se lf n o t w orth y to b e b e
fore Hazur. G enerous H azu r H im self called h im a n d encouraged h im a n d blessed h im by
raising His h a n d o n his h e a d a n d said, "N ow w e are staying here on ly for o n e n ig h t an d in
th e m o rn in g w e have to leave for Peshaw ar (a n o th e r city in Pakistan.) W hen we com e back,
w e will stay for fo u r days here".
So early in th e m o rn in g , th e devotee N an ak Singh b ro u g h t H azur's car. H azu r left at 6:00
a.m „ after giving His D arsh an to th e sangat. The sangat w as h a p p y th a t H azur w o u ld be back
a n d w o u ld stay there for fo u r days. T he devotee N an ak Singh was w ith Hazur. H e cam e from
Peshaw ar City. O n th e w ay we reached th e place w here th e three rivers m eet. H azur's car left
five m in u tes before we left. We could see H azur's car a n d H azur u n til 1:00 p.m . M ehta from
Kashmir, a n d Gian, w h o cooked langar, w ere b o th in m y car. T hen I said, "Sache Patshah,
give m e y o u r D arshan, m y h eart is in p ain." As so o n as I spoke these w ords, th e great reader
o f m y heart, Satguru H azu r was seen stan d in g o n th e sp o t w here th e three rivers, Ravi, Atak
a n d C henab m eet, all together. At th a t tim e Ram N ath said, "Bibi, if y o u h a d spoken before
for D arshan, we w o u ld have seen H azur before". We all w ere very h a p p y to see Hazur. H azur
w as stan d in g o n th e edge o f th e forest. It was n o o n a n d th e w eather was cold. H azur was
lo o k in g very beautiful. The beautiful b eard o n H is face a n d five rays o f light o n His forehead
could be seen sh in in g at th a t tim e. His face was sh in in g very brightly. After having His D ar
sh a n everyone was overw helm ed w ith joy. M ehta slow ly asked m e if h e could have H azur's
picture. H e requested th a t I ask H azu r for that. H azur saw us talking slow ly a n d asked w ith a
sm ile, "Kako, w h a t are you, b ro th e r a n d sister speaking a b o u t secretly a n d h id in g from me.
I know you are never satisfied w ith having m y pictures." M ehta was a little fearful an d could
n o t speak a w ord. I stated th a t these peo p le are never satisfied, b u t th a t you are a n ocean and
n o th in g w o u ld lessen th e ir longing. So please let th e m have y o u r picture a n d bless them .
T h en H azur said, "O kay Kako, as you wish". I again said, "Satguru Ji, M ehta felt afraid o f
you." H azur laughed a n d said, "O kay M ehta Ji, take th e picture. W here is o u r Judge M unshi
Rauji" (an o th e r devotee.) Shadi said, "He has gone in to th e forest." In the m ea n tim e Judge
Sahib cam e back. I to ld h im to d ro p his jug (w hich h e h a d in his h a n d ) a n d go to Hazur.
H e h a d called you a n d has b e e n stan d in g a n d w aiting for you, com e soon." T he Judge cam e
w ith a sm ile o n his face. M ehta Sahib to o k th e picture. Hazur, w ith a k in d h e a rt fulfilled his
desire. In th e picture, H azur, Judge Sahib, Shadi, D am odar, M ehta a n d m yself w ere standing.
All th e devotees h ap p ily sat in th e m o to rcar a n d w ere having th e D arshan o f Hazur.
Story #14:
Story o f Peshawar
O n e tim e, B rother N an ak Singh a n d his friend, an engineer, cam e to receive H azur from a
place w hich is situated five m iles away fro m Peshawar, a n d they b ro u g h t beautiful garlands
o f flowers. H azu r never w ore such garlands. Looking at th e m H azur got dow n from th e m o
torcar quickly a n d sto o d there. They tried to p u t th o se garlands a ro u n d H azur's neck. H azur
to o k th o se garlands from th e ir h a n d s a n d p u t th em a ro u n d th e ir necks. It was a very beau ti
ful scene a n d o n ly m y h eart know s h o w h a p p y I was. H azur was speaking th e w ords o f love
a n d laughing as H e spoke. It was looking as if th e flowers were p o u rin g o u t from His m o u th .
As so o n as H azu r entered th e street, th e p eople played m usic an d sang h o ly songs in His
praise. T he city w as decorated w ith electric lights in celebration o f H azur's visit. The n am e o f
th a t locality w as also N anak, because all th e buildings in th a t area b elonged to N an ak Singh.
H e was th e richest lan d lo rd in th a t area. The gate o f th e street was beautifully decorated.
H azur reached Peshaw ar at a b o u t 4:00 p.m . D evotee N anak Singh sp e n t a lo t o f m o n ey in
H azur's love. A big gate was b u ilt in th e fro n t o f th e street. At th e e n d o f th e street N anak
Singh b u ilt a big h o u se for his residence. H azur's stay was arranged in th a t house. At th e to p
o f th e roofs o f th e buildings, all th e w o m e n a n d m en were stan d in g w ith baskets filled w ith
flowers. In th e streets, w hite sheets w ere spread all over th e floor. W h en H azur was w alking
o n th o se sheets flowers rained dow n from th e to p s o f th e roofs o f th e buildings o n b o th
sides o f th e street. H azur was w alking very slow ly in order to m ake th e sangat happy. The
beautiful a n d spiritual clouds w ere b rig h t u p o n His face.
H azur (or "D ata Ji", a n o th e r beautiful w ord for His greatness) was telling N an ak Singh,
"Brother, w hy have y o u r m ad e all these clothes dirty?" N an ak Singh in his intoxicated love
said, "No, th ey are n o t dirty, b u t they are purified D ata Ji." H azur said, "Okay, d o n 't worry,
as y ou th in k it is good. W hatever y o u w a n t M aster w ill give you. I am very h a p p y w ith you."
W hen H azur (D ata Ji) entered th e house, th e inside decorations ca n n o t b e explained. The
th ro n e was decorated for H azur a n d th e sangat was seated. D ata Ji sat o n th e throne. H azur
never cared for H is b o d y a n d never felt tired. H e always k ep t th e sangat h a p p y a n d show ered
His grace o n th em . D ata Ji (H azur) d id satsang for tw o hours. H e m ad e everybody intoxi
cated w ith His loving w ords a n d blessed everybody w ith His kindness.
T hen N an ak Singh asked m e, "Bibi, sh o u ld we serve the M aster w ith so m eth in g to drink."
I said, "O kay brother, I w ill request H azur." W hen th e satsang was over, H azur cam e in to His
room . I said, "Hazur, you m ight b e tired, H azur said, "No Kako, I th a n k m y Satguru, w ho
w ith his k in d favor gave m e this service to th e Saints a n d sangat. This b o d y does n o t belo n g
to us; it belongs to th e Saints an d th e sangat. I am only here to serve th e sangat. I am ready
for th eir services as m uch as I can do. Kako, this b o d y w ill n o t rem ain forever so it is better to
m ake th e b est use o f it for th e services o f th e sangat." H earing th e w ords o f Hazur, th e sangat
started ch an tin g th e slogan, "DHAN DHAN SATGUR." (M eaning: M aster is great). You are
great; b ein g th e creator o f th e universe a n d still consider y o urself a servant o f sangat.
T hat p erso n o p e n e d th e treasure o f sweets for everyone. H azur stayed for th ree days an d
even a fou rth day. T hen H e retu rn ed to Raw alpindi. O n th e th ird day p eo p le w ere asking for
in itia tio n an d H azu r initiated a b o u t 250 p eople in th a t area. O n th e second day o f His arriv
al, a h o ly m an Jagir Singh cam e to see Hazur. They talked for a b o u t tw o hours. T he h o ly m a n
to ld Hazur, "You com e to m y ro o m every m id n ig h t a n d talk to m e for tw o hours. T hat is w hy
I have com e to have y o u r physical D arshan." I asked th e h o ly m an, "I always rem ain in th e
service o f Hazur, so tell m e a b o u t H im a n d w h a t you experienced a b o u t o f H im ." T hen he
to ld me, "Bibi, y o u are also m y daughter; y o u r H azur o f Beas is G od (Perfect M aster.) W hen
I sleep a n d I am a lo n e in m y b ed ro o m , I close m y d o o r a n d start rem em b erin g th e h oly
spirits. T hen y o u r H azur appears in m y ro o m a n d w e talk for tw o hours. T hose w h o listen to
m y voice ou tsid e th e d o o r ask m e w ith w h o m I am speaking at night. T hen I tell th e m to n o t
spread it as m y G od m ay get angry w ith m e." O n e day o n e o f m y disciples h id u n d e r m y b e d
all night. W h en I w en t to m y b e d a n d started rem em bering G od, n o b o d y The next m o rn in g
H azur got ready a n d said, "Kako, let us give som e m o n ey to N anak's children." O kay D ata
Ji, w hatever is y o u r grace. D ata Ji called th e fam ily m em bers o f N an ak Singh, gave th e m par-
shad a n d a picture a n d gave fifty rupees (In d ia n currency) to his children a n d said, "Kako
does o u r seva." H azur never ate from anyone's h o u se a n d if H e stayed w ith th e m H e always
gave th e m d o u b le th eir expenses. T hen, He advised th e fam ily a n d th e sangat to do sim ran
a n d m ed ita tio n regularly. "C hildren, do n o t cry. I am w ith you.
I am n o t separated from you." H azu r said th is to all w h o w ere sitting du rin g H is departure.
H azur again said, "Satguru never lives separated from His loved ones." G uru lives every
where. The disciple is th e shore. H e never separates H im self from th e m for even a tw inkle
o f an eye, if th e disciple has virtue in his body." H azur said, "So, y o u try to see th e Satguru
w ithin. The o u ter th in g s never stan d a n d have never b e e n kept by anyone. T he b o d y is just
like a cloth. It w ill never rem ain. We all have to leave this b o d y o n e day. So I suggest th a t you
do b h a ja n (m ed itatio n ) an d sim ran (rep etitio n o f h oly w ords o r m an tra) a n d I w ill keep o n
reco m m en d in g it. B hajan a n d sim ran are o f th e highest value in life a n d I am very hap p y
w ith all o f you. You d id a lo t o f seva for m e. Seva for th e sangat is seva for me. D o n o t worry."
All o f th e m w ere crying o u t o f th eir love for Hazur. They w ere asking m e if I could re
qu est H azu r to stay o n e day m ore for th em . After giving a lot o f love a n d blessings, H azur
sat dow n in His m otorcar.
Story #15:
Story o f Utmayee (The Place o f Baba Jagir Singh)
Translator's Note:
In this next p a rt o f the book, th e stories are m ostly set in cities in Pakistan a n d th e
hill-station a t D alhousie, w here H azur h a d his ow n residence. H e loved to travel in this
hill-station area because the p eo p le in th a t area were tru e devotees in His service a n d loved
th eir G uru very m uch. These p eo p le never w anted to b e ap art from th eir loving Guru.
W hen th e disciple is a true lover, th e G uru H im self ca n n o t b e at ease. H e w ants to visit His
disciple by H im self a n d this k in d o f visit gave H azur happiness. H azu r h a d m u ch love for
th e p eople o f D alhousie. He felt joy in visiting th em personally because o f th eir true love
for H im .
Bibi wrote: S o m etim es, w h e n H a z u r cam e b a c k fro m th is jo u rn e y a t D era Beas, h e
w o u ld p raise th e sa n g a t a n d w o u ld feel jo y ta lk in g a b o u t th e m . H e said, "Kako, w e w ill
s o o n v isit D a lh o u sie ag ain ." H a z u r lo v ed everyone a n d alw ays w a n te d to b e w ith th e
Bibi wrote: "Bhagwan, Bhagat Kai vash M ai H ote Ayai." T ranslation: "In all th e ages, G od
is in control o f His w orshippers tru e love." The sangat u sed to always clean th e roads an d
decorate th e satsang grounds w ith flowers a n d garlands o f roses o f different colors in order
to w elcom e th eir loving Master.
Spreading flowers in His path, w here ever h e stepped w ith His lotus feet a n d w ith His
beautiful sh in in g w h ite beard, H azur w o u ld lo o k like a form o f G od H im self a n d smile. This
w o u ld m ake th e satsangies intoxicated.
Bibi wrote: "There are n o w ords to explain th e b eauty a n d g lam o u r o f His w hite face,
especially w h en th e sun was sh in in g in th e sky o n th e hills. Hazur, stan d in g a n d shin in g
o n th e Earth was great a n d it is h ard to explain th e b eauty o f H azur at these m om ents. You
co u ld feel a special k in d o f joy in y o u r m in d a n d h eart a n d could forget every m aterialistic
object. The o nly object th a t you h a d w as th e love o f H azur a n d th e intoxication p roduced
b y H is D arshan, w hich spread spirituality everyw here as th e su n spreads its rays. H e h a d a
red a n d sh in in g face, w hich show ered His Grace o n every satsangie. H e gazed at all o f th o se
w h o w ere stan d in g a n d h a d b e e n w aiting for H im .
At th e end, w h e n Sache P atshah h a d finished giving D arshan, H e u sed to do th e satsang.
The sangat w o u ld th e n sing this prayer in fro n t o f th e ir M aster (H azur):
PESHAWAR, Fort, 1st Visit in Pakistan
(Sar Bachan, Radha Soam i)
The sangat sang in chorus th is m elo d io u s tu n e by folding th e ir hands, closing th eir eyes
a n d sitting w ith crossed legs, as in m editation.
"O h Lord Radha Soam i, y o u r living self a n d th e living Master, beneficent Father a n d
M other o f all.
Be m erciful. M ake us y o u r ow n an d save us from th e snares o f tim e. Sat, Treta a n d
D w apar are passed w ith o u t know ing o f th e heavenly m elody a n d th e light.
Now, you art is m erciful. In th is Kaliyug it is h a rd to c h a n t o u t lo u d a n d in lucid strains
"The W ord."
O! Soami, descending into this plane below,
Helping thou the living entities,
To span across the worldy ocean,
To cast the Trinity off, and reach the Fourth Abode,
Where the Living Nam e unfolds,
A nd the Living Mastership,
Bathed in glory and effulgent light,
Your servant tenders this solemn petition.
Grant us even the region less-region,
The Chief Abode, the Sphere o f Bliss, The Holy Refuge at your feet,
M y Satguru (M y Lord.)
Story #16:
Story o f Rawalpindi (A city in Pakistan)
At 9:00 p.m . H azur reached Raw alpindi. T he sangat w as overw helm ed w ith joy a n d was
singing b h ajan s (h o ly songs.) A beautiful b e d ro o m was arranged for Hazur. Raja Ram, a dev
otee, decorated d ie b ed ro o m , a n d th e b e d was m ad e w ith silken w h ite sheets. Everything
was placed in o rd er a n d special care was given to everything in H azur's b ed ro o m . The b ed
lo oked like a royal bed. H azur entered th e ro o m a n d was ready to go to b e d a n d he said to
Shadi (a sevadar w h o cam e w ith H azur), "My bed, please m ake it o n th e floor. I am a fakir
(a h erm it.) I d o n 't sleep o n such a royal bed." W hen Raja Ram left th e room , H e slept o n His
b e d o n th e floor. H e slept o n th e floor for th ree nights.
H azur gave satsangs for th ree days. T housands o f p eo p le w ere blessed. A Sikh (follow er)
asked H azu r if anyone h a d ever seen Sachkhand? H azur said, "Yes, I have seen Sachkhand.
If you w an t I can show you, to o ." But, w ith o u t good luck you c a n n o t see it. So th e p o o r fel
low could n o t say "yes." H e kep t q u iet before Hazur. The next day p eo p le w h o so desired,
w ere given in itiatio n . Som e w h o w ere th e luckiest h a d seen th e light a n d h a d b e h e ld the
Satguru's h o ly D arshan. After H e was d o n e w ith in itiatio n , H azu r said lovingly, "N ow dear
ones, do y o u r sim ran very well. We get this h u m a n b irth o nly w ith good luck a n d w e are
lucky if successful in b h a ja n (m ed itatio n /listen in g to th e in n er so u n d ) in th is life. We have
to leave tom orrow ." The sangat prayed w ith folded hands, "Hazur, stay for o n e m o re day,"
they said. H azur said, "My children, you will never b e satisfied, I know that. It is tim e to go
back to th e dera because I have to do th e satsang there. T im e has already b e e n given to th e
sangat." T hen H azu r said to Raja Ram, "Brother! I am d o n e h ere now. I have to reach Hajray
tom orrow . If y o u w a n t to tell m e som ething, see m e tonight. Bring all th e m em bers o f your
fam ily a n d I w ill satisfy everyone a n d advise th e m to do b h a ja n a n d sim ran. See, dear ones,
b h a ja n a n d sim ran are th e o nly things w h ich w ill go w ith us after d eath." "All right H azur,"
Raj Ram said. H azu r to o k His b a th a t 3:00 p.m . a n d ate H is lu n ch a n d th e n rested for an
hour. At 5:00 p.m . He gave satsang again. At 7:00 p.m . satsang was over. H e w ent for a walk
for o n e hour. From 8:00 p.m . to 11:00 p.m ., H e atten d ed to all o f th e satsangies. Raja Ram
a n d his wife H ardayi cam e to have H azur's D arshan. H azur was very k in d a n d generous.
H e never p a id a tte n tio n to th e sins o f th e satsangies. H e always used to say, "A w aterm an's
d u ty is to w ash th e clothes w ith full a tten tio n , because h e know s th a t th ere is cleanliness in
it, th o u g h it m ay b e very dirty." T hen H e said to Raja Ram, "Say so m eth in g Raja Ram." He
said, "Hazur! Give us y o u r blessings." H azu r replied, "Brother, y o u can have as m any as you
w ant. I am very h a p p y w ith you because y o u serve m e a n d all th e sangat w ith full devotion
a n d love. Now, do y o u r b h a ja n a n d sim ran a lot. You will see inside, th a t all o f th e treasure
o f K hand a n d B ram and (universe) is inside. You w ill get peace inside. External things are
un stab le (nashw an ) a n d destructive. W hile usin g th em , be a lo o f fro m them . All richness
a n d m aya (illusion) w ill n o t sta n d by y o u in th e end. So keep o n h o ld in g th e arm o f th e
G u m ." Raja Ram said, "Hazur, we accept o n ly y o u r pow er a n d kn o w th a t you are G od an d
Rahim for us." H azur quickly said, "N o brother, I a m th e sevadar (servant) o f th e sangat." I
asked Hazur, "Satguru Ji, we d o n o t k now a b o u t Shabad (so u n d ) a n d lig h t u n til we have th e
physical form o f th e G um . So we love o u r G u m in His physical form ." To this H azur said,
"Bibi, w h a t y o u are saying is correct. I agree w ith y o u th a t y o u c a n n o t get Shabad u n til you
have a living Master. So th e Saints com e w ith th e order o f th e A lm ighty a n d do th eir d uty ac
cordingly a n d aw aken th e m arked souls o f th e h u m a n beings, deliver satsang, give in itiatio n
a n d D arshan so th a t they sh o u ld rem em b er th e ir origin a n d can go back to th e ir real h o m e
(Sachkhand.) And, after do in g all o f this, th e Saints go back to th e ir true hom e. Saints never
like to stay in th is w orld for very lo n g because th e country o f th e Saints is very peaceful. All
th e pleasures o f this w orld, th e Saints consider th e m as d irt a n d m ud. The Saints are never
attached to th e w orldly things an d are always attached w ith th eir Suprem e M aster Power.
Therefore, th o se w h o them selves beco m e en lightened by d o in g sim ran a n d m ed ita tio n by
th e grace o f th e ir living M aster are th e luckiest ones in th is w orld. T here is n o d o u b t th a t th e
seed is p lan te d by th e Saints, a n d it does n o t go unrew arded. T here com es a tim e, so o n er o r
later, w h e n it starts growing. But w hy n o t in th is life? So we love to do sim ran a n d b h ajan.
Everyone sh o u ld take all th e benefits o f in itia tio n in this life. So d o sim ran a n d b h a ja n a n d
perform yo u r duties at h o m e a n d lead y o u r life w ith love a t hom e. Bibi, y o u always serve
Raja Ram w ith love a n d devotion, th is service is m y service. You tell y o u r daughters to serve
th e ir h u sb an d s lovingly a n d to serve th e ir parents lovingly. They are th e first G um ."
H azur talked a b o u t Him self, "W hen I was y o u n g m y father passed away. Fortunately,
I was able to serve m y m other. From m y job, I used to send m y full salary to m y m other.
W hatever she w anted to give m e, she could give me. W hatever she w anted, she could give to
m y wife. The rest she could have for herself. I never gave orders to m y m other. W hen I m et
m y Master, I u sed to sen d m y full salary to H im . T hen it was u p to H im h o w m u ch o f it H e
w anted to go to m y m o th e r a n d h o w m u ch H e w an ted to give to m e. After that, w hatever He
w anted to do for d ie dera o r seva, H e co u ld keep that. My m o th e r left th e body, being very
h a p p y w ith m e."
W hen H azur was d o n e w ith these explanations, He gave m an y blessings a n d parshad to
Raja Ram a n d his family. Lovingly H e let everyone to u ch His lotus feet a n d gave th em m uch
joy. T hen H e said to me, "Let us stop n o w Kako, I w a n t to take som e rest." H azur th e n w ent
to sleep. In th e m o rn in g H e got u p at 5:00 a.m . a n d sat in m ed itatio n . T hen H e g o t ready to
go. W hile giving his D arshan to th e sangat H e started say in g "Look, dear ones, n ow we have
to leave. D o n o t stop m e because I have to go w ith m y M aster's n a m e a n d paying H im full
a tten tio n w ith sim ran." Saying these w ords, H azur got in to th e m otorcar. All th e sevadars
follow ed H im . T hen Hazur, (D ata Ji) reached H azaron. There, o n e sevadar a n d loving devo
tee o f H azur w as preparing for a big festival celebration, in o rd er to greet Hazur.
Story #17:
Story o f Hazaron
5:00 p.m ., a n d th e n H e to o k a b ath . W hen H azu r cam e o u t o f th e b a th ro o m , Jagir Singh
again cam e for D arshan a n d h e said to m e, "Bibi you are th e lucky o n e w h o is always busy in
serving D ata Ji." H earing this, D ata Ji laughed a n d becam e very happy. I requested o f D ata Ji,
"Please eat th e food, it is late now." D ata Ji said, "Kako! I forget everything w hile I am in the
service o f th e sangat." D ata Ji always p u t stress o n d o in g sim ran a n d b h ajan. He was always
saying these w ords, "Do n o t leave th e m in d free, always keep o n d o in g sim ran, always keep
y o u r m in d busy. The m in d 's job is n o t to sit free. It always d em an d s som ething, so keep it
busy accordingly in d o in g sim ran." After saying these w ords, D ata Ji said, "Call Kako Sita
Ram ! We have to go to Jehlam (an o th e r city in Pakistan.) I w an t to give h im som e p arshad
(blessed sweets) an d som e m o n ey for his g o o d service a n d love for us." I called Sita Ram.
He cam e a n d asked Hazur, "Your majesty, w h a t is th e job for m e?" D ata Ji lovingly said, "Sit
h ere brother! We are leaving early in th e m o rn in g a n d w hatever y o u w an t to say, tell m e
now ." D ata Ji said, "Sita Item I am very h a p p y w ith you. You did a g o o d service for me. You
always do y o u r sim ran a n d bhajan. Life's greatest benefit is sim ran a n d bh ajan . All o th er
objects o f th e w orld are false. Yes, if th ere is anything tm e it is only th e sim ran a n d m ed ita
tio n ." Bowing his head, Sita Ram said, "Yes, it is tru e Sache P atshah." Sache Patshah tou ch ed
his h e a d w ith His h a n d , gave h im parsh ad a n d received his bow ed h e a d a n d let h im to u ch
H is feet. H e becam e very hap p y w ith h im a n d w ith all th e m em bers o f his family. All were
crying o u t for H azur's love because o f being separated from H im so soon. H azur said, "Now
you go an d rest a n d let m e take a rest. I have to sit for m ed ita tio n also because I have given
in itia tio n today." T hen H azur gave fifty rupees to Sita Ram's children.
The o ld sage Jagir Singh requested o f Hazur, "Please stop by m y h o u se o n th e way w h en
y o u leave in th e m orning." D ata Ji said, "Okay, Kako, rem in d m e." I replied, "Okay, Sache
P atshah Ji, I w ill." (Translators N ote: Bibi Ji was a great lover o f Hazur. H azur to ld Bibi Ji
th ey m u st stop at Jagir Singh's house a lth o u g h th ey could o nly stop for a m inute.)
In th e m orning, at 5:00 a.m., H azur gave D arshan to th e sangat an d said, "Do sim ran an d
bh ajan well." Jagir Singh cam e early at 3:00 a.m . in his excitem ent th a t H azur w ould stop by
his house o n His way. D ata Ji said, "Baba Ji, w hy have you taken so m u ch trouble to com e
here. We ourselves w ould have com e to your house." Baba Ji replied, "No, D ata Ji, I could n o t
sleep at n ig h t th in k in g th a t G od is paying his k in d visit to m y house." D ata Ji started laugh
ing. D ata Ji lo o k ed very b eautiful w hile H e w as laughing. His b rig h t w h ite teeth appeared
like w hite flowers in full b lo o m , His lips like red roses a n d th e co lo r o f a red apple w ith a
black sp o t o n His face. A red light, like a candle fo rm ed o n His forehead a n d th e spiritual
light sh ining in His eyes h a d a m agic spell o n everybody present before H im . W hosoever
by chance h a d such D arsh an was com pletely lo st in His love. H e h a d a very attractive an d
charm ing presence a m o n g His sangat. H e w ore th e robe o f th e physical form , b u t H e h a d
so m eth in g h id d e n inside. From w here sh o u ld I lo o k for n o w for such a glorious face. Never
was there such a ch arm in g face, n o r w o u ld th ere b e in th e future u n til H e H im self appeared
before m e again. (Translator's N ote: Bibi was very e m o tio n a l w hile she was w riting this
story a n d was lo st in h e r deep love a n d m em ory o f h e r dearest M aster H azur.)
H azur m ad e m e sit in His car. "Let us go Kako, th e sangat m ig h t b e w aiting for us in
Jehlam a n d we have to travel a lo n g way." H azu r spoke these w ords a n d I said, "Okay, Sache
Patshah, w hatever is y o u r grace." O n th e way, H azu r sto p p e d at Baba Ji's h o u se as prom ised.
D ata Ji got d o w n a n d called me. I p u t a package o f grapes a n d ten big apples in H azur's h o ly
h a n d s so th a t H e could give parsh ad to Baba Ji. H azur becam e very h a p p y to see this an d
said, "Kako! Very nice parshad. It is goo d th a t y o u b ro u g h t these fruits." Seeing m y Satguru
so happy, I was overw helm ed w ith joy also. H azu r gave th e p a rsh a d to Baba Ji's wife w ith
His h o ly h a n d s a n d th is m ad e h e r happy. T hen H e got leave from Baba Ji a n d Baba Ji gave
so m e cardam om a n d sugar balls in a bag to H azur. D ata Ji said, "Take it Kako, Baba Ji is a
go o d m editator. W hy sh o u ld we give things back to him ?" D ata Ji never to o k anything from
anyone. If H e to o k it th e n after th e giver leaves, He w o u ld give th a t gift to others. But for
Baba Ji's bag, H e advised me, "Kako! Take care o f it." I said, "O kay Sache P atshah, I will." The
candy is still w ith me. H a lf o f th e bag H azur gave to m e w ith His k in d favor a n d h a lf o f it
H e kept w ith H im . D ata Ji always greatly respected th o se w h o w ere g oo d m editators. O n His
way, H e m ad e everybody intoxicated w ith His D arshan. H e reached Jehlam in th e evening.
Story #18:
Story o f Jehlam (city in Pakistan)
W hen H azu r reached Jehlam as usual, m an y satsangies were w aiting for H im singing
songs in His love a n d praise. H azu r also h a d tre m en d o u s hap p in ess o n His face. The sangat,
o u t o f joy w ere do in g seva. A brother, Tulsi D as b elonged to a p o o r family, b u t was a true
devotee o f Hazur. Arriving in Jehlam , H azur m e t y o u n g a n d old a n d gave goo d D arshan. He
satisfied everybody a n d fulfilled his o r h er w ishes. H e show ered His grace o n everyone. As
so o n as H e entered th e satsang hall H e sat o n th e stage a n d started th e satsang. W hen th e
satsang was over there w as a special residence w hich was arranged for Hazur. After show er
ing th e rain o f satsang, H azu r w e n t in to th e residence. Looking at th e koth i (the residence)
H azur becam e very h a p p y a n d said, "Kako! This k o th i is very beautiful a n d it is in a solitary
place. I like th is lonely a n d q u iet place. There is n o noise at all. It is w orthy o f b h a ja n an d
sim ran. Three days w ill pass nicely." I h ap p ily said, "It is really nice Sache Patshah." D ata Ji
h a d a b a th a n d to o k His d in n e r a n d was lost in His in n e r thoughts.
At night, w h e n th e sangat w as d o n e w ith th e langar (m eal, o r place w here m eals are
served) th ey cam e in to th e k o th i to have H azur's D arshan. They asked me, "Bibi Ji, w ill Ha-
z u r give us D arshan?" I replied, "Yes dear ones. H e w ill give D arshan. H e is a little tired, b u t
He will com e in a little w hile. H azu r know s best." I requested, "D ata Ji, th e dear ones cam e
to see y o u a n d w a n t to discuss th e tim e o f the. m o rn in g satsang a n d a b o u t th e program .
W hat is y o u r o rd er Sache Patshah?" D ata Ji said, "Let th em com e in." I to ld th e dear ones
they could com e in a n d D ata Ji w as very kind. The sangat entered th e ro o m full o f joy. D ata
Ji laughed a n d was really h a p p y to see th e sangat. T he dear ones said, "We have b o th ered
you?" D ata Ji said, "No, dear ones, I am here for y o u r service. O therw ise I have n o th in g to
do at this place." W ith loving w ords H azur satisfied th e sangat a n d to ld a b o u t th e program
for th e next day.
The next day, H azu r d id th e satsangs at seven in th e m o rn in g a n d from fo u r to six in th e
evening a n d H e stayed for th ree days. Tulsi D as sp en t a lo t o f m o n ey for th e arrangem ent
o f th e sangat. I to ld Hazur, "Tulsi Das has n o child." H azur said, "There is n o lack in G od's
house. "After a year Tulsi Das cam e to see H azu r w ith his son.
H azur said, "D ear one, Tulsi Das. I am very h a p p y w ith you. You serve th e sangat well
b u t do m o re sim ran. Seva gives th e rew ard in cash a n d b h a ja n gives th e developm ent in the
spiritual w orld, so take advantage o f this birth. We are n o t going to stay here forever an d we
sh o u ld always b e prepared to go. D ear one, th is w orld is th e gam e o f fo u r days an d every
th in g is false a n d artificial in this w orld." Tulsi Das said, "Yes, Sache Patshah, it is all tm e."
D ata Ji kept o n saying such k in d w ords to everyone. Listening to D ata Ji's satsang, all w ere
very h a p p y a n d requested in itiatio n . D ata Ji said, "But there are conditions. O n e sh o u ld ab
stain from m eat, w ine o r any alcoholic drink. Looking at other's wives a n d other's h u sb an d s
w ill have to stop as well, a n d you w ill have to d o sim ran an d b h ajan. You w ill have to stop
speaking lies, back b itin g a n d lo o k in g dow n u p o n others a n d speaking ill o f others." M aking
all these com m ents H azur fu rth er said, "If y o u are n o t keeping y o u r prom ises w ith me, you
w ill all have to go to hell a n d speak these w ords, "G um se k apat d a d h se chori, Jan Hovey
A ndha Jan H ovey Kori." (This m ean s th a t o n e w h o cheats his G u m an d hides the things
from his G u m w ill becom e b lin d o r w ill be th e prey o f leprosy.) T he sangat said, "Sache
Patshah, w e w ill keep o u r prom ise." T hen H azur said, "Okay, dear ones, I w ill initiate you in
th e m orning."
D ata Ji h a d a b a th in th e m orning, d ran k so m e m ilk a n d sat in m ed ita tio n for som e
tim e. Before giving in itiatio n , H azu r always used to sit for m ed itation. W h en H e was
selecting th e p eo p le for in itiation, H e to ld a m an, "You ca n n o t have in itiatio n because y ou
have co m m itted so m an y sins." T he m a n said, "Yes, Sache Patshah, have m ercy m e." H azur
to ld him , "If y o u listen to th e satsang a n d do seva for th e next six m o n th s, th e n you w ill be
given in itiation." The m a n said, "O kay Sache Patshah, as y o u w ish." (Translator's N ote: This
was a very im p o rta n t story to Bibi Lajo.)
W hen H azu r started giving in itia tio n a m a n from Kabul, A fghanistan cam e in an d ap
peared before Hazur. H e to u ch e d H azur's feet a n d said, "D ata Ji, I w a n t to tell you th e tru th
all a b o u t myself." D ata Ji becam e very h a p p y a n d said, "D ear one, speaking th e tru th is th e
o nly task here." The m a n started saying, "D ata Ji, m y wife was characterless. I was w o rsh ip
p in g G od. She always b ro u g h t m o n ey by w ro n g m eans in th e house. I advised h e r n o t do
any sin as it is an obstacle o n m y spiritual p ath . I was very m u ch upset, b u t she d id n o t stop.
I th o u g h t I sh o u ld b eat h e r an d m ake h e r life hell, b u t th e n I will be am o n g th e sinful ones.
So I m u rd ered m y wife. I w ent to th e court a n d explained everything truthfully. The Judge
was m y friend, b u t h e convicted m e after a trial th a t to o k six m o n th s. At last I was sentenced
to death. I was in prison. I started th in k in g "O h K huda (G od.) I did this m u rd e r only for
you, so th a t I co u ld rem em b er you, a n d you d id n o t h elp m e." So I prayed th e day before
I was to be hanged. "If any K huda (G od) is p resen t now, please h elp me. O therw ise, I w ill
believe th a t th ere is n o K huda." Like th is I k ep t o n rem em bering a n d praying to K huda all
night. W hile praying, I fell asleep. In m y dream I saw th a t y o u r M ajesty was stan d in g before
m e a n d said, "Look dear one! K huda is present before y o u a n d H e is w ith you. D o n 't worry,
K huda w ill sta n d by you. All th e d oors o f th e p riso n are u n locked a n d th e soldiers are in
deep sleep. So y o u ru n o u t from th e jail a n d I w ill see y o u in Jehlam ." So at th e sam e tim e
I cam e o u t o f th e jail because w h e n I o p e n e d m y eyes I saw th e d oors w ere o p e n e d a n d th e
soldiers w ere sleeping a n d n o b o d y saw m e leaving th e jail. O n e year has passed since th en . I
have been selling vegetables here in Jehlam , w aiting for you. It is o n e year since I have been
looking for you. I have b e e n living w ith m y ow n earnings a n d rem em bering you day a n d
night. I am very m u ch com fortable."
H azur asked, "So h ow have y o u fo u n d m e today?" The P ath an said, "Your highness! I
was selling vegetables w hile your car passed th is way a n d I saw you sitting by th e w in d o w
in th e m otorcar. I recognized you as H e w h o h elp ed m e in th e p riso n a n d w h o broke th e
locks a n d m ad e all th e soldiers unconscious a n d said th a t you w o u ld see m e in Jehlam a n d
to com e to Jehlam a n d you w o u ld give m e in itiatio n . So, D ata Ji, give m e in itia tio n now."
The Satguru said, "Yes, you m u st get in itiatio n . You are a tru e person." D ata Ji was very
k in d a n d h e gave h im in itia tio n a n d o th e r satsangies w ere also in itiated at th e sam e tim e.
The Satguru sh ared m u ch joy w ith all o f th e m a n d show ered His grace. T hen H e started say
ing, "D ear o n e s,'y o u have received in itia tio n w ith goo d luck. So all o f you do sim ran a n d
b h a ja n every day a n d take advantage o f th is life tim e. W hile walking, w orking, eating o r
sleeping, do sim ran a n d d o n o t leave d o in g sim ran any tim e. N ow I am done."
After taking His m eals, H azu r rested for o n e h o u r a n d d id satsang in th e evening. At
n ig h t H e sat w ith Tulsi Das a n d th e rest o f th e sangat a n d said, "Tom orrow at 6:00 a.m . I am
leaving for W azirabad (a city in Pakistan.) The next m o rn in g at 6:00 a.m . H azur gave His
h o ly D arshan to th e sangat a n d got in to th e m otorcar. "Let us go Bibi Ji. We have to travel
lo n g an d far. Bibi Ji, service a n d d u ty is very hard."
O n th e w ay H e gave His D arsh an to th e p eo p le w h o w anted it a n d w h en H e reached
W azirabad, H e cam e to th e h o m e o f M ilk h ich h an d C habbra.
Story #19:
The Story o f Wazirabad
Story #20:
The Story o f Gujranwale
having Hazur's Darshan from a distance. She was saying, "Bibi, Deen Dyal (Hazur) is such
a holy power. How can we sinful people stand before Him?" I boldly brought her before
Hazur. Hazur said in a very loving voice, "Come my daughter, I am very happy with you."
I have respect for your love and devotion. May Soami Ji bless you with more devotion and
service for the sangat." Sache Patshah touched her head and gave her blessings. She was
overjoyed by Hazur.
Then Hazur told me that He wanted to take a bath. He took a bath, ate some food and was
lost in His holy thoughts. In the evening, Hazur gave satsang. The Judge arranged every
thing for the comfort o f Hazur. Millions o f people heard the satsang and became spiritually
awakened. On the second day Hazur initiated four hundred men and women. He again
said, "Sons and daughters, keep on doing simran and bhajan. Meet the Guru while you
are alive. Doing this kind o f practice is your first and foremost duty in life. This practice is
In the evening, Hazur gave satsang and ordered me that night to call in Judge Sahib and
his children. They can come and sit with me and spend some time with me. Both the hus
band and his wife are very loving, they do not bother me." I replied, "Data Ji, Bibi belongs
to a royal family, but she still works with her hands in the house. At night she herself gives
the milk to all the satsangies and then goes to bed at 12:00 a.m." Data Ji said, "Well done,
daughter. Kingdoms go with us only by doing seva. Seva is the best trade."
Data Ji uttered the words from die Holy Book, the Guru Granth Sahib. "Look Kako,
"Pan Supari Khandian, Mukh Birian Lanyeean"
"People eat intoxicated nuts and put tobacco in the mouth,
Those who never remember the Guru or God are caught by Kai (the devil) or the God of Death."
"Har Har Kadey Na Chatya, Jum Pakar Chalanyian"
In the court of Truth only seva and bhajans are respected.
There is no respect for Kingdoms."
"Who says this? It is totally true," said Sache Patshah. "You know all about it." What can
the jiva (human being) know o f the will o f Hazur? They can only know what you want to
let them know." Data Ji gave one hour to Judge Sahib and his family, blessing them with all
o f His grace. He gave forty rupees to his children and got permission for His departure in
the morning. Data Ji never liked to be lazy and He got up at 5:00 a.m. and got ready. At 6:00
a.m., Hazur gave His Darshan and got into the car. O n His way, He showered His gracious
Darshan to the sangat and made them very happy.
Story #21:
The Story o f Jammu ( A big city in Kashmir)
Data Ji now arrived at Jammu. Bibi Krishana and her husband were true devotees o f
Hazur. The sangat in Jammu were also great lovers o f Hazur. All o f them looked forward to
Hazur's arrival. Deen Dyal reached Jammu in the evening. As soon as He got down from
the car, He met the sangat with His face looking like a flower in full bloom. Thousands o f
satsangies were singing holy songs in His praise. He accepted everybody's Radha Soami and
made them happy with His Darshan. "Oh! Guru, you are the great one who helped everyone
to get rid o f the worldly suffering."
The best arrangements were made in a beautiful house for the Great Master. The stage was
decorated and He sat on it and gave satsang. The rain o f His loving words cooled the heat o f
the worldly suffering o f the people. He gave time to everyone and gave His program for four
days. At night He went to bed.
At 7:00 a.m., He again gave satsang. Many people were impressed by listening to His sat
sang. On the third day, he initiated three hundred people. He gave His teaching by saying,
"Look, there is nothing sweet like Naam. Sugarcane, sugar, honey and buffalo milk are all
sweet, but Nam and simran are sweeter than all o f them. To remember God is the sweetest
w ealth. D o sim ran m ore a n d m ore; its nectar is very sweet. First, its taste is b itter because you
have to kill y o u r senses a n d desires.
So all o f y o u do sim ran. The G uru is w ith in you. There is n o th in g outside. I gave you
in itiation, n o w I will have to leave tom orrow ."
After in itiatio n , D ata Ji cam e o u t o f th e hall a n d received a telegram from Raw alpindi th a t
Raja Ram w as sick. Raja Ram w rote in th e telegram , "D ata Ji, give y o u r h o ly D arshan before
leaving." D ata Ji called m e a n d said, "Kako, here is a telegram from Raja Ram. We have to
go back to R aw alpindi to see h im because h e is sick." I said, "Okay, Sache P atshah." Sache
Patshah, th e k in d one, gave His D arshan to th e sangat a n d advised th e m to do sim ran a n d
b h a ja n a n d th e n said, "It is a m atte r o f little tro u b le because w e have to go back to Rawal
p in d i again because I d o n 't w a n t to break Raja Ram's heart. G od's h o m e is in th e love o f
satsangies' hearts a n d it is w ritten in th e Bani,
Satguru Ji was very p articular a b o u t th e loving satsangies hearts. W h eth er th ey w ere rich
o r poor.
W hen H e was a b o u t to go to sleep H e said, "Kako, you pack u p all th e luggage a n d go
to Lahor (a city o n th e b o rd er o f A m ritsar in Pakistan) in th e m orning. I w ill see you th ere
th e day after tom orrow . W hy sh o u ld I give y o u tro u b le for o n e n ig h t only." I said, "Okay
Sache Patshah, sh o u ld I leave th e suitcase full o f m o n ey w ith you a n d take th e rest o f th e
luggage w ith m e?" H azu r said, "N o Kako, I w ill take n o th in g w ith m e. Take m y suitcase an d
th e suitcase w ith th e m o n ey w ith you. I believe in you, b u t take care o f it nicely." I d o u b te d
anything w o u ld h a p p e n because H azur never said an y thing like this to m e before. If so m e
o n e w o u ld say, "Bibi take care," th e n H azur w o u ld say, "Bibi is intelligent. There is n o need
to say an y th in g to h e r a b o u t b ein g careful w ith th e m oney." H azu r left at 4:00 a.m . a n d I
w ished H im well upstairs. I did n o t go dow nstairs to see H im o ff because it was in m y m in d
th a t D ata Ji to ld m e to take care o f th e m oney. I kept o n sitting by th e m oney. After H azur
left, th e sangat sat in th eir places. T hen I cam e dow nstairs h o ld in g th e suitcase in m y h a n d .
W h en I got to Lahore, I h a d to cook for fifty people. I cooked all th e food, keeping th a t
suitcase w ith m e. At 9:00 a.m . w e h a d to leave. W h en all th e luggage w as placed in th e m o to r
car, a servant o f M aster asked m e, "Bibi, give m e this suitcase. I w ill take care o f it in th e car."
I th o u g h t th a t since everything was arranged a n d there was n o rush o r noise, h e w o u ld n o t
forget, so I gave h im th e suitcase full o f m oney. Sham forgot to b rin g th e suitcase w ith h im in
th e car. H e left it outside o f th e h o u se w here M aster was staying. H e p u t th e b o x o f m angoes
in th e car, b u t h e d id n o t p u t th e suitcase w ith th e m o n ey in th e car. The sangat cam e to see
us o ff a n d I said R adha Soam i to everybody a n d to ld th e driver to start the car. The car was
m oving a n d I asked, "Sham , w here is th e suitcase?" H e said, "Bibi, it is in th e car." At th e
next stop I lo o k ed for th e suitcase, b u t could n o t find it. So I got o u t o f th e car a n d caught
a n o th e r car to go back to Jam m u to lo o k for th e suitcase. All th e w ay I kept o n praying,
"Satguru, please h elp m e, please take care o f th e suitcase." W hen I re a d ie d th e sam e house
w here H azur h a d stayed, I asked R akm ani if th ere was a suitcase th a t w as left there. She said,
"Yes, there is o n e suitcase. I asked th e sangat if it belonged to anyone, b u t n o o n e came, so I
kept it inside." As so o n as I saw th e suitcase I th an k e d H azur a n d w en t back to Lahor. All th e
peo p le w ere surprised to see m e w ith th e suitcase, b u t three m en n a m e d G handi, Latha a n d
Jangu w ere saying, "She to o k all th e m o n ey for h er fam ily m em bers a t Jalw indar a n d cam e
back w ith a n em p ty suitcase."
At 9:00 p.m . I was cooking food for H azur w h en H e cam e into th e ro o m at 10:00 p.m . N o
o n e h ad seen H azur yet o r said anything a b o u t the suitcase. H azur entered the ro o m laughing
o u t loud a n d said, "Bibi, tell m e the story o f th e suitcase?" I said," Hazur, if you h a d to ld m e
dearly, w h a t w ould b e w rong w ith it?" Then H azur said, "You are saved by yo u r Guru, b u t th e
liars left n o stone u n tu rn e d by speaking ill o f you." I folded m y h an d s an d tou ch ed H azur's
feet and said, "Thank you Hazur, there is n o o n e for m e in this w orld except you."
H azur gave on ly o n e satsang in Lahore, a n d th e n left for Amritsar. H e stayed in His
residence in Am ritsar. H azu r to ld everything a b o u t His jo u rn ey to th e sangat, w h o was very
loving to Hazur. The Satguru rem ained very healthy in Kashmir. Seeing H azur's sh in in g face
m ade the sangat very happy. In th e m orning, after giving His D arshan, H e left for D era Beas
(a city in Punjab, 40 m iles from Am ritsar.) Before getting into th e car, H e gave p arsh ad a n d
D arshan to everyone w h o was standing in a lo n g line. Som e laborers w ho w ere b u ild in g
th e room s in th e satsang hall also to o k p arsh ad a n d enjoyed H a z u rs h o ly D arshan. H e also
m ade th e sinful jiva like m e blissful by saying "Kako, you w orked h a rd for m e. I am very
h a p p y w ith you." H e was truly th e King o f Kings an d always encouraged us w ith o u t having
to show His power. I saw this virtue in m y Satguru. At 7:00 a.m . H e got in to th e car a n d left
for D era Beas. H e arrived a t D era Beas at 8:00 a.m . along w ith m yself a n d th e rest o f th e staff.
W hen we reached th e dera, th o u sa n d s o f peo p le from th e sangat w ere already th ere singing
th e holy songs o f His love a n d w aiting for Hazur. As so o n as H azu r got o u t o f th e car, th e
satsangies su rro u n d e d H im like m o th s to a light. The Satguru greeted everyone w ith a sm ile.
H azur said, "D ear ones, lo o k h o w th e sangat all aro u n d has such great love for m y Satguru
(referring to Jaim al Singh Ji.) This is th e tru e spiritual p a th in this w orld. The p eo p le in th o se
days h a d a great respect for satsang. But now, th e residents in th e dera do n o t have any re
spect. I on ly have respect for th o se w h o do good seva a n d respect th e satsang. T hose w h o do
seva, sim ran a n d b h a ja n are very dear to m e a n d I a n d have a great respect in m y m in d for
them . A lthough these are m en a n d w om en, I love all o f them . You sit in dera a n d talk a lot.
Just see w ith y o u r eyes opened. You will get to know all a b o u t m e a n d w h a t I expect from
you. I have given in itia tio n to n in eteen h u n d re d dear ones du rin g m y journey. I could n o t
give m u ch tim e to th e p eople o f Lahore a n d Am ritsar." H azur fu rth er said, "M aharaj Ji (Baba
Jaim al Singh Ji) u sed to say, "N obody tries to recognize God. W h en Saints are gone, th e n
they get respected." Baba Ji used to say, "The m iracles o f b h a ja n a n d sim ran w ill be kno w n
after we are g one from th is w orld." H azur said, "That is w hy I am telling you. You are n o t to
have en m ity a n d jealousy. I am very h a p p y w h e n I go o u t for m y jo u rn ey because n o b o d y
com plains, b u t in th e dera, yo u r com plaints are lim itless."
D ata Ji asked, "Kako, has everybody arrived?" I replied, "Yes, Satguru Ji." H azur said,
"You m ig h t b e tired." I said, "No Sache Patshah, I have d o n e n o th in g . You m ig h t be tired.
You have travelled a lot, d o n e m an y satsangs, initiated m an y peo p le a n d h a d a heavy lo a d o f
sinful peo p le like m e."
T hen H azu r said, "Well, Bibi, m y Baba Ji is bearing th is heavy load. I do th e seva th in k in g
o f him . I w ill keep o n d o in g this seva as lo n g as it w ill com e to m e. If it stops, th e n I w ill sit
a n d see w h a t else Baba Ji w ants m e to do." After giving His d arsh an a n d saying these golden
words, He to o k His b ath , ate som e food, d ran k som e w ater a n d w en t to bed.
The next day was Friday a n d th e sangat was already th ere w aiting. It was th e m o n th o f
August. H azur never felt tired by d o in g satsang. Again, H e cam e for th e service o f th e sangat.
H azur used to w ork day a n d n ig h t a n d was never tired. Satguru u sed to perform the du ty o f
seva an d was never tired. In th e m orning, as so o n as H e got up, H azu r checked u p o n th e
w ork w ith th e satsangies. W hatever w ork was left, H e finished it th a t m orning.
I h a n d e d th e suitcase full o f m o n ey over to Hazur. D ata Ji said, "Kako, call in sevadar
Bhagat Singh." I replied quickly, "Okay, Sache Patshah."
Story #22:
The Second Story
Story #23:
The Story o f Dalhousie
a n d gave m e th ree th o u sa n d rupees for seva to b u y th e houses. W hen D ata Ji reached His
residence a n d was ready to take a b ath , I said politely, "Hazur, w h e n you are d o n e w ith
y o u r b a th a n d yo u r m eals, give m e o n e m in u te to tell you som ething." D ata Ji replied, "As
m u ch tim e as you w ant, I will give it to you." W h en D ata Ji cam e back after taking His b ath ,
I placed th ree th o u sa n d rupees before H im . H e spoke w ith a smile, "Kako, w here did they
com e from ?" I said, "D ata Ji, it is all y o u r pow er th a t b ro u g h t it. You, yourself do everything
a n d do it in o u r nam e. You inspire o u r m ind. We are all sinful, b u t y o u p ro tect us. You do
everything by yourself, b u t you d o n 't w an t to show y o u r pow er a n d take credit fo r it? T hat
is w hy y o u m ake this sinful jiva d o th e w ork." H azur said, "Kako, do n o t tell Rai Sahib a n d
Bhagat Singh a b o u t th e m oney. Keep q u iet for a little w hile."
W h en I to ld D ata Ji th a t th e m o n e y was to b e arranged at Rai Sahib's house, Rai Sahib
a n d B hagat Singh spoke to m e in anger. "If th e m o n e y w ill n o t b e arranged, w e w ill be
in su lte d a n d th e n we w ill com e see you." H earin g th ese w ords I k e p t quiet. O n this, D ata
Ji said, "Look, o n o n e h a n d she is agreeing to arrange th e m o n ey a n d in re tu rn y o u are
th re a te n in g her. Is th is ju st o r fair to her? If it is n o t arranged, th e n y o u fight w ith her, b u t
w hy are y o u fighting now ?" U p o n saying this, D ata Ji retu rn ed . W ith H azur's grace, every
o n e k ep t quiet.
After six days, D ata Ji got ready to leave for D alhousie. D ata Ji said, "Let us go Kakiai, I am
going to lo o k at th e houses for you." D ata Ji was never tired o f th e travel. At 7:00 a.m . I got
in to th e car. It was th e m o n th o f June. H azur said to m e, "Kako, take tw o th o u sa n d rupees to
pay for th e houses in advance as a dow n paym ent. D o n o t tell Rai Sahib a n d Bhagat Singh
yet. Let m e see th e level o f th eir love for m e." I said, "Okay, Hazur." I to o k th e m o n ey a n d
sat in th e car to go w ith Hazur. Rai Sahib, H ar N arayan, M unshi Ran (the Judge), a n d Bhagat
Ram (the lawyer) were also in th e car w ith us.
At 1:00 p.m . H azur purified D alhousie by p u ttin g His lotus feet o n its soil. H azur gave
D arshan to everyone a n d reached th e h o u se o f lucky D an ich an d N agpal, a lawyer, an d stayed
there w ith h im . I cooked th e fo o d for H azur a n d H azur ate th e fo o d w ith love. I to ld Hazur,
"There are a lo t less satsangies. They m ay n o t b e able to com e." H azur said, "They w ill all
com e." As so o n as I to o k th e plates a n d was o u t th e door, I saw a b o u t o n e h u n d re d a n d fifty
satsangies stan d in g outside w aiting for H azur's D arshan. They w ere all G orkhas (residents o f
th e hills.) A true devotee n a m e d Jagdishchand was also w ith them . They w ere singing h o ly
songs in praise o f Hazur. Satguru m e t all o f th e m w ith love. D ata Ji was very kind-hearted.
H e received th e w ishes from all o f th e m a n d said, "Kako, th ey are very good devotees. Give
th e m som e tea to d rin k because th e p eople living in th e hills love to d rin k tea." I said, "Sure
Satguru Ji, I a m a slave to all o f th em . I w o u ld like to d o it." D ata Ji said, "Very good child.
To b e a slave o f th e sangat is th e biggest pleasure a n d com fort in life." After giving D arshan,
H azu r said, "You all w ill be very tired at this tim e because y o u w alked sixteen m iles th ro u g h
th e m o u n ta in s from Bakloh" (th e n a m e o f th eir village.) They said, "Okay, Hazur, we will
do it." People never refused Hazur. At 4:00 p.m . Sohanlal, a lawyer from D alhousie cam e for
H azur's D arshan. H e h a d good D arsh an a n d talked to H azur w ith love. H e to o k responsibil
ity fo r m aking th e settlem ent for th e purchase o f th e houses. H e was n o t a satsangie, b u t h e
was do in g seva m o re th a n th e satsangies.
D ata Ji said, "He is a very h o n e st m an." I asked, "D ata Ji, w ill h e b e able to get in itia
tion?" D ata Ji said, "No Bibi, h e has a lo t o f love, b u t N aam is n o t in his destiny." I said,
"O kay D ata Ji, as y o u r greatness wills." After getting u p early in th e m orning, H azu r to o k his
m ilk a n d started saying to me, "Let us go see th e kothi." I replied, "O kay Satguru, if you go,
I w ill follow you." H azur said, "No, Bibi, I d o n 't know th e way." I replied, "O kay Satguru
Ji, I w ill go first." D ata Ji started to go. Bhagat Singh, M unshi Ram, H am arayan, M eghnath
from Lahore a n d m yself w ere w ith Hazur. All these p eo p le cam e w ith H azur a n d m e from
D era Beas. I stayed at a distance. H azu r was talking to B hagat Singh a t th e o th e r co m er a n d
I was having th e D arshan o f Hazur, stan d in g o n th e op p o site side w here H azu r was talking.
H azu r said, "C om e here, Kako a n d listen to m e." I said, "Okay, Sache Patshah" th e n I w ent
close to Hazur. H azur said, "Kako, take care o f th e m oney." I said, "Yes, D ata Ji, I w ill." He
said, "Everything will be good Kako, you have a brave heart. Faith always w ins." I replied,
"Yes, D ata Ji, y o u r grace is there." B hagat Singh again becam e upset. D ata Ji again scolded
th e m a n d m ad e th e m quiet. D ata Ji said, "If m o n ey w ill n o t be arranged, th e n ask m e."
O n this, everyone kept quiet. O n th e sam e day th e do w n p ay m en t was paid. W hen H azur
was d o n e w ith th e h o u se paym ents, Bhagat Singh cam e to Hazur. H azur said, "There is a
w aterfall a n d a bridge." I said, "Yes, H azur I also h e a rd a b o u t it." H azur said, "Let us go
see." H azur stepped further a n d all follow ed H im . After lo o k in g at th e w aterfall w e reached
th e p a n c h p u lla (a bridge is called p an ch p u lla.) here w as a big rock in th e water. Looking
at th e rock, H azur said, "Kako, I w ill sit o n it." I said, "Okay, Satguru Ji." I spread a tow el
o n it an d H azu r sat dow n. H azur said, "Look Kako, it is very cold." It is th e sam e w h e n th e
sangat is sitting in th e satsang. All are calm a n d cool. W h en they are o u t o f th e satsang, they
are again in the h e a t o f anger. The w ater does n o t have any effect in sid e th e rock. W hen it
is broken, it is dry inside. Like th e w orldly h u m a n beings w ho are n o t so easily affected by
th e Saint's w ords because th eir m in d is w rapped w ith w orldly dirt." W hen H e was speaking
these w ords, all o f a su d d en H azur p u lled th e co m er o f th e tow el o n w hich H e was sitting
a n d caught a w orm . H e show ed it to everyone a n d th rew it in th e ru n n in g water. T hen He
laughed a n d said, "Look, Bibi, w e cam e h ere o nly for th is w orm . This p o o r w orm belongs
to us. D ue to b a d karm as, h e d ied w ith o u t in itia tio n a n d becam e a w orm , b u t th e 84 lakhs
o f births w ere to b e w ashed away by me. N ow h e is d estined to take th e b irth o f a h u m an .
T hen he w ill get in itiatio n , b u t I w ill n o t give h im initiatio n ." H e sat for a w hile o n the
rock a n d th e n started to w alk back. H e retu rn ed to His residence a n d ate som e fo o d an d
stayed for six days there. O n th e way, M unshi Ram said, "Hazur, th ere are n o t m any p e o
ple in D alhousie. H azu r said, "Look, Judge Sahib, th ere w ill be so m an y p e o p le th a t there
w ill be n o place left to live. Even to d ay I can see m any houses a n d p eo p le w h o are lo o k
ing for lan d to b u ild the houses. Judge Sahib, you w ill have m o re tim e to m editate here."
D ata Ji arrived at th e dera after six days. As so o n as th e m o n ey w as arranged, H azur left
for K ashm ir a n d I also w en t w ith H im . The suitcase, w h ich was left in D alhousie, was still
full o f m oney, w hich th e sangat h a d given as seva for purchasing th e houses. H azur was d o
ing everything by H im self, b u t H e gave th e credit to others. W ith H azur's grace all thirty-five
th o u sa n d rupees w ere arranged a n d w ere p a id to th e Deputy. H azur was a great Satguru an d
m ain ta in e d th e h o n o r o f th e dish o n o red , to fill th e needs o f th e needy ones, give h elp to th e
helpless a n d a h o m e to th e hom eless. I said, "You are th e G reat M aster w h o takes care o f La-
jo's honor." T hen D ata Ji ordered, "Kako, we have to finish u p th e paperw ork for th e h ouse
a n d th en w e have to go. N o b o d y know s you in this area a n d you have to go alone." I replied,
"You are always w ith m e Sache Patshah." H e sen t a yo u n g boy w ith me. H e w as Rai Bahadu's
servant. H is n a m e was D hanna. T hen H e said, "Kako, d o n o t worry, Soam i Ji is w ith you." I
laughed a n d said, "Yes, Sache Patshah, there is n o th in g to fear now ." H azur said, "No, Bibi,
th e G uru w h o is sending you, H e is n o t w orried for you. H e takes care o f you." I bow ed m y
h ead a n d H e p u t H is sweet h a n d o n m y head, a n d p a tte d m e o n m y shoulder. H e to ld m e
everything a b o u t h o w th e seva sh o u ld be d o n e a n d th e n H e let m e go. I th o u g h t th a t I lacked
n o thing. I got som e candles a n d D h an i D haram chand, w h o loved H azur very m uch, cam e
to th e statio n to give m e everything else I needed. He always used to b ring specially selected
fruit for Hazur. I arrived at D alhousie at 5:00 p.m . w ith th e grace o f Hazur. W h en I reached
th e statio n at D alhousie, Babu Jagdishchand was stan d in g th ere as h e h a d com e to m eet
so m eo n e else. M y luggage was in th e car. H e asked me, "Bibi, get o u t a n d take som e tea. H ow
are you feeling? You do n o t lo o k well." I said, "There is a lo t o f luggage w ith m e." H e said,
"Bibi, I will take all th e luggage a n d leave it in th e h o u se w here y o u are staying." I got o u t o f
th e car. T hen th e sevadar help ed take m e a n d to o k m e to th e h o u se w ith the luggage. O n the
w ay he said, "Bibi Ji, I was eating m y fo o d a n d all o f a su d d en I saw H azur stan d in g in front
o f m e a n d h e said, "Look outside, Bibi is alone." W hen I w en t o u t I really saw y o u alone." I
said, "My Satguru is great." He h a d already to ld m e w h e n I was leaving, "Kako, go, Soam i Ji
is w ith you." At 9:00 p.m . I reached th e kothi. I did n o t have th e key for th e h o u se as th e key
was still w ith th e English lady. So I w en t to th e English lady a n d b ro u g h t th e key back. W hen
I o p en ed th e door, th e h o u se was n o t clean. I th o u g h t a b o u t the Satguru com ing to m o rro w
m o rn in g a n d h o w th e h o u se was very dirty. W here will H azur sit? So all n ight I cleaned th e
h o u se an d spread som e carpets. I stitched th e curtains w ith th e sew ing m achine w hich the
sevadar Jadish b ro u g h t from his house. I decorated th e h o u se before H azur arrived. There
was Dewali (a H in d u festival day) th e next d a y so I cooked som e sweets an d som e food.
Som e p eople b ro u g h t coals a n d som e teapots. I asked, "W ho has sent all these things?" They
said, "Sahib, th e ir officer sen t th em all." I could n o t u n d e rsta n d w h o th e ir officer was. In m y
m ind, H azur's w ords w ere echoing, "Kako, Soam i Ji is w ith you. "And truly, Soam i Ji was w ith
m e a n d h elp in g me. At 1:00 p.m ., H azur arrived at th e h ouse w ith His face shin in g like th e
su n a n d w ith a charm ing gait, before this sinful m aid w h o has becom e u n fo rtu n a te at this
tim e. (Translator's N ote: She w rote this because she was m issing H azur.) I was overjoyed to
see H azur a n d I have n o w ords to express m y joy at th a t tim e. The G orkha peo p le w ere also
there. They h a d already arrived before H azur's arrival. Looking at Hazur, they sang the song:
"My destiny has bloomed. Oh, Dear ones, my Satguru has come.
W ith love, I am putting a garland o f pearls and jewels around His neck.
A royal chair is placed for H im to sit on."
A chair was placed o n th e porch. W ith His beautiful sh ining face, D ata Ji sat in th e chair.
C losing m y eyes a n d w ith full atten tio n , I sang a song to Sache Patshah. People bow ed th eir
heads a n d I also to u ch e d His feet. H azur placed His soft a n d beautiful h a n d o n m y head.
H azu r looked very h a p p y a n d th e n lovingly said, "Let us go a n d have a look at yo u r kothi."
As so o n as H e entered th e ro o m H e said, "O h, th e koth i is decorated very nicely W hen did
y o u decorate th is house? I am very h a p p y w ith you. You w orked very hard." I replied, "No
Sache Patshah, it is all d u e to your grace a n d pow er th a t I have been able to do all th e w o rk ."
D ata Ji gave m e a lo t o f happiness. M unshi Ram, Bhagat Singh, H am arayan Singh a n d the
driver Saw roop Singh, w ere also w ith D ata Ji. D ata Ji ate th e fo o d a n d th e n H e offered fo o d
to everyone.
In th e evening, H azu r w ent o u t o f th e h o u se an d started lo oking a t th e trees o n th e hill.
I cam e o u t a n d said, "Hazur, these trees are very green a n d tall. They lo o k very beautiful."
H azu r said, "Yes, Kako, I am lo o k in g at th em . They have b een w aiting for m e for a lo n g
tim e. N ow I have seen th em . All these trees w ill take th e b irth o f th e m an." H earing these
w ords I said, "You are great a n d you are all pow erful in this universe a n d you know all the
secrets." H azu r laughed. I got th e im pression th a t H azur was telling m e a secret a b o u t th e
trees. T hen H azur said, "Look Kako, n o o n e can u n d e rsta n d the actions o f th e Saints. The
Saints have u n lim ite d pow er o f spirituality." W h en it was evening, H azur said, "Kako, to d ay
is D ew ali a n d w e have com e to yo u r house. There aren 't any sweets o r candles. W hat will
I give to th e sangat as parshad? The sangat is sitting a n d w aiting for parshad." I said, "Yes,
D ata Ji I am going to light th e candles a n d deeps (clay bow ls filled w ith m u stard oil a n d a
co tto n stick o n o n e side to light) a n d w ill b rin g th e sweets w hich I cooked at night." H e
said, "Also, light th e deeps inside to o ." H e laughed a n d said, "It is an expensive business.
Okay, I am still h a p p y w ith that. This h o u se is perfect for do in g sim ran a n d m ed itation. At
th is place th e so u n d w ill echo in such a way th a t it w ill be difficult to h ear it's vibration. You
know th e h o u se in D alhousie w here Baba Ji (Baba Jaim al Singh Ji) was staying is full o f th e
so u n d vibration, a n d it is very pow erful a n d strong." I b ro u g h t fo u r big po ts full o f sweets
before H azu r a n d lit th e w h o le h o u se w ith candles an d deeps, inside a n d out. (There was
n o electricity, w hich is w hy th e candles a n d deeps w ere lit. This festival looks like th e lights
d u rin g th e C hristm as holidays.)
W ith b o th His h a n d s filled w ith sweets, D ata Ji gave th e p arsh ad to Bhagat Singh, M unshi
Ram, H am arayan a n d th e rest o f th e sangat. All happily ate th e parshad. In th e m orning,
H azu r got u p a n d got ready, an d d ran k His m ilk. W hen He w ent out, H am arayan a n d o th er
sevadars w ere still sleeping. H azur cam e in th e ir ro o m a n d said, "Kako, we have finished
all th e m o rn in g work, b u t these y o u n g m en are still sleeping. They have n o t w orked in th e
Arm y an d th a t is w hy they are lazy. G et u p brothers, a big day has arisen." I started laugh
ing. They got u p quickly a n d they saw th a t H azu r was stan d in g o u tsid e looking tow ard th e
m o u n tain s. Som eone was always ro am in g a ro u n d H azu r like a m o th .
H azur stayed here for eight days w hile all th e w ork was d o n e for th e h o u se papers. H a
z u r th e n w e n t to the D era Beas. O n th e way, H e m ad e th e sangat h a p p y by giving His Dar-
sh an in G rasper (a city o n th e way to P unjab.) H e was always h a p p y to stop at A m ritsar a n d
to quickly give His D arshan.
Story #24:
The Second Visit to Dalhousie
Dalhousie 1941
As it is w ritten in th e G uru G ranth Sahib, th e h o ly b o o k o f th e ten Sikh Gurus, in Punjabi:
T ranslation in English:
1. As y o u sow th e seeds a n d lo ad e d it, th e n th rew it in th e m id d le o f th e ocean.
2. It is never seen either in th e m id d le o r across because y ou d o n 't see any shore.
Sache Patshah a n d Baba Ji w e n t to see th e m ap for th e b u ild in g (dinga) a n d it to o k u n til
2:00 p.m ., a n d th ey h a d n 't h a d lunch. After a lo n g wait, I w ent to call them . L ooking at m e
from a distance, H azur started laughing a n d said to Baba Ji, "Lajo is com ing to call us. Kako,
it w ill take h a lf an h o u r m ore, so w ait." I said, "Sache Patshah, it is already tw o o'clock. You
m ig h t b e hungry a n d you will have an u p se t stom ach, so th e rest o f th e w ork w ill b e d o n e
tom orrow ." D een Dyal said, "Kako, n o th in g w ill be d o n e tom orrow . Today th ere are tw o o f
us. You never k n o w w h o w ill b e present betw een b o th o f us tom orrow . T om orrow w ill n o t
b e like to d ay a n d th ere w ill n o t b e anything d o n e tom orrow ." W h en I h e a rd these w ords
from Hazur, I was very scared a n d w orried, w o n d erin g w hy H azu r spoke such w ords a b o u t
tom orrow . D ata Ji cam e at three o'clock a n d ate som e fo o d an d sat dow n. Baba Ji w en t back
to his hom e. H azu r started telling me, "We are alm o st d o n e w ith o u r w ork a n d you need
to n o t w orry a b o u t th e dinga." I said, "Sache Patshah, w h a t you said a b o u t to m o rro w has
m ad e m e scared a n d w orried." T hen H azu r said w ith a smile, "Kako, you w ill com e to know
everything after tw o hours. There is n o delay for it." N ow I was m o re excited a b o u t it.
Baba Ji w e n t h o m e a n d ate som e food. He still d id n o t rest because th e grandsons
a n d th e granddaughters asked th eir g ran d p ap a to go to th e place n a m e d Bakrota to b u y som e
shoes. Baba Ji said, "Let us go, silly children o r you w ill n o t let m e a tte n d th e satsang today. I
have never m issed satsang before, even for o n e day." Baba Ji w ent to b u y shoes for th e kids,
b u t o n th e way he felt tired a n d sat do w n a n d said to his granddaughter, "I have b een tired
before, b u t to d ay I am really tired." As so o n as he uttered these w ords h e fell dow n. Both th e
boys w ere com ing back a n d th e gran d d au g h ter cam e crying. H azur's servants recognized the
g randdaughter a n d said, "She is th e gran d d au g h ter o f Baba Ji." They asked her, "D ear child,
w hy are you crying?" She explained th a t h e r Baba Ji fell dow n. W h en th e servants w en t to
see him , he was lying dead. They to o k h im o n th e cot a n d left h im at his residence. In th e
m eantim e, th e w atchw om an o f H azur's residence cam e in a n d said, "Bibi Ji, Baba, w h o used
to com e here every day, is dead." I to ld h e r th a t w h a t she was telling m e I co u ld n o t believe,
because th e lovers o f th e Loved O ne are always dear ones. T hen H azu r cam e o u t o f th e ro o m
a n d said, "Bibi, Sardar Bishan Singh has left th e body. I have to go because his children
m ig h t be crying by h im ." I said, "No, Sache Patshah, you s h o u ld n 't go, it is raining heavily
a n d it is very cold. I w ill go." H azu r said, "Okay, Kako, w h en w ill y o u go?" I said, "If I go in
th e m orning, it is n o t goo d to leave th e ch ild ren alone by th e dead body." H azu r said, "Okay
Bibi, as y o u th in k it well, you can do." I w ish ed H azur goodnight, b ow ed m y h e a d a n d got
leave from Hazur. T h en I w ent to Baba Ji's residence. W hen I arrived, I saw Baba Ji lying dead
a n d th e youngest ch ild crying. Both th e b ro th e r a n d sister w ere crying by th e dead body. I
to o k th e children in m y lap a n d loved th e m a n d encouraged th em . I to ld th e m th a t w e were
all w ith th em a n d th a t w e will take care o f them . The children w ent to sleep a n d I sat beside
th e dead b o d y all night. I th o u g h t I sh o u ld give H azur all th e in fo rm a tio n to know w h a t
w e h a d to do. H azur's servant K rishan arrived at 4:00 a.m . I w ent to H azur's residence w ith
Krishan. At 5:00 a.m ., I arrived a n d saw th a t H azur was already stan d in g outside. H e said,
"We sh o u ld go now. I w as w aiting for y o u to know w h a t to do next. Such things are know n
to w o m en only." Sache P atshah h a d n u m ero u s virtues. H e used to do th e seva only for th o se
w h o deserved it. I asked Hazur, "You k n o w everything an d have n o t forgotten anything."
D ata Ji said, "No, Kako, y o u tell m e w h a t to do." I said, "We are n o t to crem ate th e p erso n
w ith a w hite coffin because h e w as a friend o f a big power." D ata Ji always accepted m y re
quests. T hen H azu r said, "Kako, you yourself go to th e m arket an d b rin g w hatever you need
for crem ation." I said, "Okay, Satguru Ji." I w en t to th e m arket a n d b o u g h t everything. D ata
Ji said, "Kako, th a t is w hy I finished all th e w ork yesterday. You w ere feeling nervous. This
w as th e reason, th a t Bishan Singh w o u ld n o t b e alive today. Therefore, H azur said it was His
M aster's grace th a t Baba cam e to m e because we have to take care o f th e dear ones du rin g
old age, even th o u g h h e sp en t his c h ild h o o d a n d y o u th w ith m e a n d th e n left. H e jo in ed
m e again because h e was to die a respectable d eath in th e co m p an y o f th e goo d satsangies
a n d h e enjoyed th e satsangs in his o ld age a n d h e was m y loving friend. In th is way his m in d
becam e clean. N o, h e will n o t go th ro u g h th e cycle o f births. H e will go to th e go o d place.
Saints are Saints by birth , b u t th ere is little veil o f secrecy betw een th em . W hen they grow
up, th ey expose them selves. T hose w h o keep friendship w ith Saints never go unrew arded."
I said, "That is true, b u t y o u know b etter a n d to w h o m y o u w an t to let know." After talking
all a b o u t it H e left for th e residence o f Baba Ji. As so o n as H azur arrived at th e residence H e
uncovered th e face o f Baba Ji a n d starting saying, "At last you have h o n o re d o u r friendship,
after fifty-five years o f departure." I b ro u g h t ghee, a silken coffin a n d everything purchased
from th e m arket. D ata Ji gave h im a b ath , dressed him , m ad e h im sit o n th e chair a n d to o k a
picture w ith him . H azu r said, "Kako, if his so n saw th a t his father has left in such a w o n d er
ful way, he w o u ld be very happy." Sache P atshah p u t Baba Ji's b o d y o n th e w o o d e n b o ard
w hich h e h a d also decorated. H e th e n lifted th e b o a rd o n to His o w n shoulders an d carried
it to th e graveyard.
H azur crem ated th e b o d y him self. There h a d been a heavy rain lasting for eighteen days
before th e crem ation day. But o n th a t day th ere was n o rain a n d th e sky was clear. W hen th e
b o d y was m ore th a n h a lf b u rn ed , H azu r left. W h en D ata Ji was halfw ay back to His resi
dence, th e sky becam e overcast. W h en H azu r arrived at H is residence, it started rain in g heav
ily. W hen H azur arrived at Baba Ji's residence, H e asked a b o u t w h a t to do w ith th e children.
If th e children w ere left th ere alone, th ey w o u ld cry. N o o n e o f a p p ro p riate age o r w isd o m
was w ith them . T hen H azu r said, "If we take these children w ith us, p eople m ay th in k th a t
we have taken everything from Baba Ji's house." I said, "All right, we can lo c k th e residence
in fro n t o f all th e p eo p le a n d leave th e servant to take care o f th e children a n d m ake arrange
m ents for th e m to sleep in th e porch. Then, w e can take th e children w ith us to sleep in th e
D ata Ji called so m eo n e to b rin g th e riksha (three w heel seated coach) a n d to o k th e chil
d ren w ith h im to His residence in th e rain. W hen they reached th e residence, I cooked th e
food, gave th e ch ildren a b a th , dressed th em a n d gave th e m food. The children forgot th eir
p a in a n d suffering w ith H azur's love.
Ten days after Baba Ji's death, his so n arrived at o u r residence. H e saw th a t his children
w ere happy. H e h eard all a b o u t his father fro m th e children a n d becam e very happy. H e
th a n k e d H azur again a n d again. D ata Ji m et h im lovingly. H azur said, "Brother, I d id n o t
d o anything. Bibi to o k care o f everything a n d gave a lo t o f love to y o u r children." He said,
"Yes, Satguru Ji, I am very grateful to Bibi Ji, to o ." T hen h e said to Hazur, "D ata Ji, you have
always been k in d to m y grandfather a n d you gave h im a p ro m o tio n as overseer at his job."
Sikanderpur 1942, at his Sugar Cane Farm
He was full o f hum ility, kindness, love a n d generosity. H e h a d a spiritual appearance, a m a
jestic gait, th e spiritual sym bol o f light, soft speech a n d a charm ing face, b u t w e d id n o t give
H im enough respect.
"O h m y Satguru, y o u are th e G reat O n e a n d th e greatest. Your m ovem ent is great, y our p a r
ents are great, y o u r devotion is great, y o u r life is great. W hat can I sing in y o u r praise? Your
praise can never be sung. It is endless, it is lim itless. It has n o w ords.
(Note: This is a story four years before the partition o f India and Pakistan. All the conversations o f
Hazur show that he told everything before it happened.)
Story #25:
Story o f Bhagat Singh, Sohan Lal, and Radha Krishan (All legal officers)
(Translators Note: Here Bibi Lajo is telling the story o f what happened at the time she was writ
ing this book; told by Hazur four years before He left the body, in the house in Dalhousie, sitting
with the lawyers named Bhagat Singh, Sohan Lal and Radha Krishan.)
O ne day w h e n D ata li cam e back to th e h o u se after his evening walk, H e sat in the big
hall o f His residence in D alhousie. All o f th e peo p le in th e h o u se sat a ro u n d him . H azur
called m e a n d I appeared im m ediately. H e said, "Kako, is th e food ready?" I said, "Yes, Sache
Patshah, it is." T hen H e said, "Okay, Bibi, let m e talk to these p eo p le a n d th e n I w ill eat."
I replied, "Okay Satguru li." R adha K rishan said to Hazur, "There is a very b a d situ atio n in
Calcutta." (C alcutta is a big h a rb o r in th e east o f India.) D ata Ji said, "Yes, brother, it is a
fight betw een th e H in d u s a n d th e M uslim s. It is n o t thro u g h , it w ill w orsen." Bhagat Singh
said, "H azur this side is safe w ith y o u r grace." H azur said, "Yes, brother, u p to n o w it is safe,
b u t this place is also n o t going to b e safe in th e future." Radha K rishan asked Hazur, W hich
places are n o t safe?" H azur said, "Brother, d o n 't ask a b o u t it, it is really b a d to let you know."
Bhagat Singh said, "Hazur, w e can o nly ask you." H azu r said, " Look brother, th e city o f
A m ristsar a n d th e city o f Lahor w ill b e b ad ly affected, b u t m o st o f th e city o f Lahor will be
very critical." Radha Krishan asked a b o u t th e city o f M ultan (in Pakistan now .) H azur said,
"M ultan w ill b e in danger a n d it is b e y o n d explanation w h a t is going to h a p p e n there." Bha
gat Singh asked a b o u t Ju llu n d h ar (a city close to Beas D era in Punjab.) H e asked H azur for
its safety. Laughing, H azur said, "The village is going to b e ru in ed a n d th e talkative m a n is
w orried a b o u t his talk a n d w ith w h o m w ill h e talk. A nd you are w orried a b o u t lu llundhar."
Everybody laughed at H azur's teasing w ords. Again, D ata Ji in H is kindness said, "Look
brother, y o u r Ju llu n d h ar city w ill n o t be affected. It w ill rem ain safe a n d so u n d . It is M aster's
grace in th a t direction. There w ill b e a little disturbance, b u t th e H in d u s w ill have th e vic
tory. There w ill b e n o h ard sh ip for th e H indus." Bhagat Singh becam e happy. Radha Krishan
asked, "W hat w ill h a p p e n to th e satsangies in th e areas w here th e disturbances will occur?"
H azur said, "Look brother, we are responsible for th e satsangies. Even th o u g h th e satsangies
d o n 't believe yet, th e Saints are always k in d to th e m a n d w ill save a n d help th e m in th e h o u r
o f difficulty. We w ill save them , th o u g h I have to sacrifice m y life. Saints are kept o n standby
for th eir w orshippers. W henever th ey are in trouble, th e Saints will h elp th em ." T hen H azur
heaved a lo n g sigh a n d lo oked at me, "Okay, Bibi, w h a t is going to happen? You see w ith
yo u r eyes, n o w b rin g th e food a n d I w ill eat now ." It is tim e w hich changes so slowly.
I b ro u g h t th e food. H azur ate th e fo o d lovingly. T hen Bhagat Singh a n d Radha Kris
h a n said to me, "Bibi, please h e lp us today. We are really scared from H azur's last w ords.
S om ehow get these w ords back fro m H azu r a n d w e w a n t to beg p a rd o n from him ." I said,
"I w ill try to ask, b u t w henever y o u sit w ith Hazur, always say good things, d o n 't ask such
questions. Look, Bibi, please ask o n o u r behalf, th e n w e will see w h a t His grace is." I said,
"Brother, w h e n th e arrows are already draw n from th e bow, th ey can never com e back. W hat
order was to com e it has com e. T he w h o le w orld m ay b e turned, b u t w h en th e w ords com e
from H azur's m o u th , th ey can never be tu rn e d back." A little angrily I said, "O kay brothers,
I w ill try to obey you, b u t H azur will never agree."
W hen D ata Ji was d o n e w ith His food, I laughed. W ith a sm ile, D ata Ji asked m e, "Kako,
you w a n t to talk a b o u t som ething. W hatever y o u are going to say, I w ill n o t agree to that.
W hatever was to h a p p en , it h ap p en ed . These lawyers are giving you tro u b le for no th in g ." At
th a t tim e, b o th o f th em w ere stan d in g w ith me. They kep t qu iet in fear. I said, "Look, B roth
ers, d id you h e a r that? N ow d o n 't m ake m e responsible. You can say n o th in g m o re to me."
They said, "You already w ere n o t w illing to say anything." I replied, "No, Brothers, Saints
never take th e ir w ords back. W hen D ata Ji says there w ill b e danger, H e stands by that. There
is n o need to worry."
Hazur laughed and said, "What does it avail them in the end? Those who are worried for
Guru's love; always love the Guru's lovers too. Majnu (a true lover o f Princess Laila) loved
Laila's dog. He used to kiss that dog's feet, because that dog used to walk in his beloved's
street. Those who love or serve Saints should be loved by us." I said, "Data Ji, who can serve
the Saints without their grace and directions? Otherwise we all are frail human beings, and
cannot reach the door o f the Saints."
Data Ji said, "No doubt, Kako, you are saying the right thing, but the people surrounded
with the materialistic world can never understand. They lightly take the actions o f the Saint
as if done in fun. Due to this attitude o f most people, the Saints are not respected. They
don't understand the reality o f the Saints. Then they also complain that the meditation is a
difficult job, and remain helpless to do the meditation."
Hearing Hazur's talk everyone there kept quiet and were surprised to hear that.
Data Ji continued, "Kako, Saints' belongings also should be given the same respect as you
give respect to the Saints. If you don't respect the Saints belongings, then you will be unable
to give them respect. But even then it is our duty to give them as much respect as we can."
When Data Ji was talking about all the above, He was looking very radiant and beautiful
to me. An electric lamp was attached next to the Master's bed, and the light was on. The light
was falling on His face, and the Master was looking very happy in that light, and His teeth
could be seen shining like white, unbloom ed little roses. His brightness was so strong that
nobody could say anything. His beauty was inexpressible. I said, "Sache Patshah, take rest
now. It's too late now." Data Ji said, "Okay Bibi, I will take rest now. Go brothers, you also
take rest." They left and Sache Patshah retired to be lost in His meditation. We all bowed our
heads to say goodbye, and went out o f His room after having Darshan.
Hazur always used to sleep alone in His room. He used to say that even if any animal was
in the room, he couldn't sleep. So, no one could stay in His bedroom. Hazur used to sleep
very little. Instead, he would use the nights to visit his spiritual country through meditation.
He always used to say before going to sleep, "Okay Kako, you might be tired. You serve ev
erybody all o f the day." I used to answer, "No, Sache Patshah, I have got this seva with your
grace. And it is still not enough for me." Then he used to reply, "No, there is a lot o f seva yet
for you to do."
Story #26:
The Story In Dalhousie
One night Hazur came and sat in the room belonging to Judge Sahib after His evening
walk. He started talking about spirituality with satsangies who were sitting in the room. It
was looking as if He were lost in thought. I went into the kitchen, and brought some food
for Hazur and requested with folded hands, "Satguru Ji, please eat the food now. It is already
ten o'clock."
Hazur said, " Yes, Kako, it is your fault that you did not come before to call me for food.
Now you have come and I don't get up from here for the food. Let's go. I obey you" I said,
"Sache Patshah, we have to obey yo u !"
Hazur said, "Okay, Kako as you say. That is also right." Satguru Ji laughed, and got up and
said, "Okay brothers, I have to go now because Bibi has come to call me for food. She will
not be at ease until I eat food."
Satguru Ji had a majestic gait when he left the room. I placed the plate before him. Sache
Patshah used to always do meditation for a half hour before partaking o f the food before Him.
He always used to clean His teeth after eating. He was very particular about cleaning His
teeth and mouth with a brush and water after eating. He was particular about washing His
hands after having food. He was particular about the time for sleep and the time for waking
u p . H e did n o t d rin k m u ch water, a n d did n o t eat m o re th a n o n e chapatti at every m eal,
lu n ch an d dinner. I have arranged sm all bow ls for H im , o n e for vegetables, o n e for liq u id
dahl, a n d o n e for soup. H e d id n o t like to eat m uch. O n th a t day H e d id n o t do anything.
N eith er did H e b ru sh o r clean His m o u th . W h en I cam e back w ith His to o th b ru sh in m y
h a n d , I was surprised th a t H azur was sitting in m ed itatio n , crouched a n d balancing o n His
feet, a n d th e p late w as em p ty a n d lying in fro n t o f H im . I never w o u ld disturb H im from
m editation, so I slow ly to o k th e em pty p late a n d w ater a n d left th e room . Two devotees,
Shadi a n d Parshotam , w en t to have His D arshan a n d cam e back silently. They asked m e
w h a t was th e m atte r th a t day, since H azu r did n o t accept th e Radha Soam i.
I said, "Brothers, I m yself d o n 't know. I also cam e back from His ro o m w ith n o greet
ing o r Radha Soam i w hile b ringing back His to o th b ru sh a n d water. T hen very slow ly I to o k
everything w h ich was lying a ro u n d H azur as H e was in m ed ita tio n a n d I d id n o t w anted to
d isturb H im . D ata Ji d id n o t even w ash His h a n d s after eating his m eal." Shadi kept sitting
ou tsid e o f th e ro o m w aiting for H azur u n til after m idnight, b u t still H azur d id n o t get u p
from m ed itatio n .
So, in th e m orning, I noticed th a t H azu r cam e o u t o f His ro o m very late. After having a
b a th H e d ran k a glass o f m ilk. T hen H e again sat for m ed ita tio n fo r o n e hour, an d th e n H e
o p e n e d His eyes. I asked D ata Ji, "W here have you been all night? W hat w ork have y o u b e e n
doing?" Som etim e, o u t o f His grace, H e used to give o u t som e o f these secrets. O n th a t day
in His grace, H e said," Bibi, w h a t sh o u ld I tell you? Satsangies m ake so m an y m istakes, a n d
I have to face it. I was n o t present here last night. O ne o f th e satsangies, originally from Am
ritsar, w ho n ow lives in Lahore (a city in Pakistan) was a rich m an. His so n w as going to get
m arried. But th a t satsangie fam ily m ad e a m istake w h e n they traveled w ith th e bride, loaded
w ith golden jew elry a t night. Robbers attacked th e m at m idnight, last night. A nd th e n they
started to say "Satguru, Satguru." So, I h a d to take th e form or a m ilitary captain, an d save
th e m from th e robbers. The robbers ran away w h e n they saw m e in th e guise o f a m ilitary
captain a n d th ey saw th e lo ad ed gun in m y h an d . T hen all o f the fam ily started doin g sim -
ran, a n d all w ere saved alo n g w ith th e bride."
I said, "Late last n ig h t y o u did th a t job, a n d w h a t d id you do th is m orning?" H azur said,
"Bibi, n o w th ey all are sitting safely at hom e, a n d saying th a t Satguru is great, a n d are re
m em b erin g m e by saying th a t on ly o u r Satguru could have saved us! So, I h a d to go to th em
in th e m orning, giving th e m th an k s for th e praise." I said, "Satguru, y o u are great, b u t you
are like a th ie f w h o is listening in o n others secrets." D ata Ji said, "Yes, Kako! I am a thief. I
steal th e hearts o f th e loved ones, a n d I steal th e m before anyone steals me. A nd it is all th e
grace o f m y Baba Ji (Jaim al Singh)."
M y Satguru Ji was great w h o always gave all credit to his Guru, a n d w o u ld never give
any a d u la tio n to him self. H azur co n tin u ed . "So, Baba Jaim al Singh was th e great o n e w h o
searched for th e jewel a m o n g th e m o u n ta in s a n d w ho filled th e p eo p le w ith th e spiritual
love a n d longing a n d h elp ed a n d protected th em ." Saying these w ords, H azu r d ran k His
m ilk. At th a t tim e His face was very b rig h t a n d I have n o w ords to describe his b eauty at th a t
tim e. N ature m ad e H azu r sitting alone, th a t is, com pletely u nique.
T hen H azu r said, "Kako, you are sitting intoxicated by listening to m y w ords, a n d have
forgotten to cook th e fo o d for me. You have forgotten everything." T hen he laughed h eart
ily, a n d said, "You are ju st like th e o n e w h o h a d th e Q u ran (holy b o o k ) w ith you, b u t w ere
lo o k in g for it som ew here else, a n d forgot to p u t it back in its h o ly place (Kaaba)."
O n th a t very night, w h e n H azu r was going to bed, I bow ed m y head a n d w ished H im
goodnight. H e said, "Kako, I will get u p late in th e m orning. D o n o t worry." I said, "Are you
p la n n in g to visit som ew here to n ig h t too?" A nd th e n I asked, "At w h a t tim e sh o u ld I com e
a n d get you up?" H azu r said, "At 9:00 a.m ." I said, "Okay Sache Patshah, take care."
So, I got u p at 6:00 a.m ., a n d started b le n d in g th e yogurt in o rd er to m ake fresh butter.
I always h a d o n e buffalo a n d o n e cow w ith m e w herever H azur u sed to go. I was b len d in g
th e yogurt a n d singing h o ly songs (bhajans), "W here I was b o m w ith yo u r grace, a n d from
w here you to o k y o u r form o f G od. W ho b ro u g h t you u p w ith th e b u tte r o f cow's milk? I
b ro u g h t y o u u p w ith cow's m ilk a n d butter. G u m Ji, I b ro u g h t y o u u p w ith cow's m ilk a n d
I started th in k in g that, Satguru Ji, w h o knew everything th a t I was thinking, was w ishing
a n d w illing th a t H azur w o u ld com e a n d eat th e fresh b u tte r right from m y hands, an d th a t
m y w ish could be fulfilled right away .Then I was th in k in g th a t if this h a p p e n s th a t I w ould
find m y life successful. I was w ishing, "Come, D ata Ji, a n d eat this butter."
At th a t tim e, D ata Ji w as busy in talking w ith th e o th e r satsangies outside. H e heard th e
voice o f m y heart, a n d appeared before me, leaving th e o th er satsangies th e n a n d there. He
was stan d in g b e h in d m e, an d w as laughing as H e was listening to m y h o ly song a n d said,
"O h m y child! You are singing very h ap p ily But, give m e th e b u tte r now, so th a t I can go back
a n d talk w ith satsangies."
At th a t tim e, m y joy knew n o b o u n d s, a n d I could n o t th in k o f anything except offering
th e b u tte r in to His hands, w hich H e h a d p u t before me. I spoke th e w ords, "It is m y goo d
luck th a t y o u ate th e b u tte r from m e. I was in such a state o f m ad love th a t I co u ld n o t offer
any s p o o n o r bow l to serve th e b u tte r to you properly. I just gave th e b u tte r to H im sp o n
tan eo u sly o n to His h an d . H azur ate all th e b u tte r I gave H im w ith th e tip o f his finger, an d
said after eating th e butter, "Kako, n o w let m e finish m y talk w ith th e satsangies. I could n o t
finish before because you so desperately w an ted m e to com e a n d eat th e butter. So, I h a d to
com e, leaving th e m there, a n d n o w they are w aiting fo r m e."
It is inexpressible h o w fully satisfied m y h eart was a t th a t tim e, a n d h o w it was over
w h elm ed w ith joy. T hen I realized th e m istake w hich I h a d m ad e because I d id n o t serve
H im b u tte r w ith a sp o o n o r a bow l a n d H azur h ad to eat the b u tte r o u t o f His h a n d using
th e tip o f His finger from His o th e r h an d . H azur laughed a n d said, "It is a great day w h en
I ate b u tte r so full o f love a n d devotion. Your b u tte r was sweet a n d tasty. If y o u w o u ld have
started to lo o k for s p o o n a n d a bow l, th e n th e love m ay have b een lost. Everything is forgot
te n in love. T h at is th e w ay true love is! I am very h a p p y because o f you! You rem em b er m e
w ith such love, a n d before y o u r w ish, I was n o t h ungry at all. But su d d en ly y o u r love m ade
m e hungry. So, I h a d to com e to y o u a n d eat th e butter."
H earing H azur s loving w ords, m y soul a n d h eart becam e calm a n d happy. Satguru is so
great, w h o speaks in y o u r h eart a n d in y our m ind, an d w h o always encouraged m e a n d never
gave a tte n tio n to o r lo oked at m y m istakes. I h a d n o pow er before H im , a n d H e show ered
His grace m o re a n d m o re o n me.
O h, Satguru! You are th e gracious One. You excused a n d forgave so m an y o f us sinners.
Your h e a rt is softer th a n butter. H e changed th e lives o f thieves into th e lives o f Saints.
Story # 27:
When Judge Gurbantrai Left Dalhousie
we sh o u ld have fallen in to th e deep valley. W hen Judge Sahib was saying this, H azur cam e
o u t a n d sto o d o n th e porch a n d said in His lo u d voice, "I tried to stop y o u from leaving
today. So w h a t happened? You faced danger a n d you p u t m e in tro u b le too. H azu r cam e in
an d said to me, "Look Kako, w h e n I fell in to th e tu b I saved th e m from falling in to th e deep
valley. If I did n o t get h u rt they m ig h t have died. The disciple does n o t know h ow m u ch the
M aster helps him . The disciples are ig n o ran t a b o u t th e G uru's h elp th a t h e is getting every
m in u te o f his life. You just do seva for th e m a n d take care o f th e m n ow a n d d o n o t tell th em
w h a t I d id for them . Also, do n o t tell anyone th a t I d id m ed ita tio n for six hours." T hen Satg-
u m Ji sent th em away h ap p ily w h e n th ey w ere com pletely cured. H e also gave th em parshad
an d a lo t o f blessings. Thanks Sache Patshah Ji for y o u r grace to all. So m an y Saints com e
an d give in itiatio n a n d h elp h u m a n beings, b u t n o o n e can com pete w ith m y Hazur, Sache
Patshah. H e never gave th e h o n o r o r rew ard to h im se lf for his doings.
Story # 28:
The Story o f Laying the Foundation For the House o f Judge Hargobind
In D alhousie, Judge Rai Sahib H arg o b in d a n d his wife loved H azur very m uch. The wife
a n d the h u sb a n d to ld H azur th a t they w anted to b u ild a h o u se in D alhousie a n d they asked
H azur's k ind favor for laying th e fo u n d a tio n o f th eir h o u se w ith His h o ly hands. H azur did
n o t w an t to break th e ir heart, so H e agreed to do so. T he wife left th e b o d y before .Hazur left
His b o d y by eight days. She did n o t b ear th e p ain s o f H azur's departure. D ata Ji d ran k the
m ilk after having his m o rn in g b a th a n d reached H argobind's residence in o rd er to lay dow n
th e fo u n d atio n o f His house.
W hen H azur reached D alhousie, Bibi decorated th e chair for Hazur. D ata Ji sat in th e
chair a n d said, "C om e here brother. Let m e do th e w ork for w hich you have called m e here."
Bibi h a d to o m any kinds o f sweets ready for th e sangat as a parshad. H azu r said. "Bibi, listen
to m e first, th e n I w ill p u t dow n th e fo u n d a tio n sto n e for th e house. Mo breath sh o u ld go
w ith o u t doing sim ran. Bibi, G uru has w ritten th a t on ly th a t m o m e n t is valuable w hich is
passed in sim ran a n d th e G uru sh o u ld n o t be forgotten, even for a m o m en t." H azu r again
con tin u ed saying, "Look Kako, there is n o th in g sw eet like M aam in th is w orld. Sugarcane,
honey, a n d m ilk o f buffalo are sweet. But to w orship G od is sw eeter th a n all o f them . I am
very h a p p y w ith y o u an d I congratulate you a n d y o u r fam ily for this new house."
T hen D ata Ji p u t th e fo u n d a tio n sto n e in His h a n d a n d started do in g m ed itatio n . Then
He placed it in th e fo u n d a tio n a n d said, "Okay Bibi, give m e leave now. I w ant to go." Bibi
said, "Truly Sache Patshah, you have given us to o m an y blessings a n d we all are very grateful
to you." 'D ata Ji said, "Mo Bibi I am h ere in th e service o f th e sangat only. The service or seva
is m y duty." (Translators Mote: H ere Bibi refers to th e wife o f th e Judge.) T hen H azur laugh
ingly said to me, "Kako, Let us go now." I said, "O kay Sache P atshah Ji."
H azur started w alking away sweetly. W hen H azu r was w alking, all th e sangat follow ed
H im . W hen Satguru Ji reached His residence H e said to m e, "Kako, w h a t gives us a b u rd en
if we did so m eth in g for th e sangat. They becam e very h a p p y w ith o u r visit Kako. M aster is
sitting in everybody's heart. It is also w ritten in th e H oly Book o f th e G uru G ranth Sahib"
(w hich is called Bani.) If you have a desire to see y o u r Master, n o b o d y 's h e a rt sh o u ld be
hurt." Satguru Ji u sed to bear th e p a in h im self b u t H e never b roke anybody's heart.
All th e sangat was like His ow n children. My Satguru was great w h o gave th e w ealth o f
M aam to th e poor, th e rich a n d to all o f th o se w h o b elo n g ed to different castes. H e looked
u p o n everyone w ith equal eyes. H e m ad e every sin n e r cross th e ocean o f this w orld w ith
His single glance. H e created tru e friendship w ith o u t having any k in d o f d iscrim ination an d
shared His spirituality w ith His hum ility.
Story #29:
The Last Visit to Dalhousie: His Favorite Hill Station in the Lap o f the Himalayas
This is th e story o f H azur's b irth d ay celebration at D alhousie. After this H e never visited
His favorite hill statio n again. D ata Ji said o n His birthday. "Kako, everybody has eaten. You
also eat y o u r food." I said, "No D ata Ji. You eat first, th e n I will eat." H azur said, "No, lo o k
m y child I am full." I said, "D ata Ji, you have eaten n o th in g , h o w are y ou full?" H azur said,
"Look Kako, I w ill show you." H azur b ro u g h t m e in th e fro n t yard o f th e h o u se a n d show ed
m e th e sangat w h o w as praying w ith th e ir eyes closed a n d th e fo o d was lying in fro n t o f
them . H azur said , "Look, all are feeding m e lovingly. T hat is th e reason w hy I am frill." I
laughed a n d said to th e sangat, "Brothers a n d sisters, stop m editating. M y Satguru is n o t
eating th e food because o f y our m ed itatio n . I am tired o f cooking fo o d since m o rn in g a n d
y o u have m ad e m y Satguru full." All th e sangat o p e n e d th eir eyes a n d h a d a go o d D arshan
o f Hazur. The sangat becam e very h a p p y to h e a r m y w ords. Then H azu r gave m e th e order,
"Kako, b rin g th e food. I am ready to eat n o w a n d y o u r desire w ill b e fulfilled."
I b ro u g h t th e fo o d a n d Satguru Ji ate th e fo o d h ap p ily a n d m ad e m e h a p p y w ith His
soft heart. My Satguru was GREAT, w h o m ad e everybody happy. The next m o n th , w h en H e
was ready to leave D alhousie, H e h a d never asked m e for His belongings before. H e asked
me, "Bibi, h o w m an y o f m y clothes do y o u have. Bring th em all to m e." I b ro u g h t th e box
a n d placed it in fro n t o f H im . H e lo oked a t m e, an d asked if I co u ld take His black an d b lu e
suits. He w anted to take th o se w arm suits to th e Dera Beas. H e said, "I will w ear these suits
o n m y tours." Before this, these w arm suits h a d always rem ain ed in D alhousie. I said, "Okay
sure, as y o u r H oliness w ants." T hen H e fu rth er said, "Kako, let us take th e to o sh b lan k et
to o a n d th e o th e r co tto n clothes also." I asked H azur w h a t is th e m atter, th a t y o u w a n t to
take all th e clothes w ith you." H azur replied, "Kako, w h a t is th e use o f leaving th em here?
There is n o faith in life." O n this I becam e nervous. H azur laughed a n d said, "Look Kako,
do n o t be afraid. Everybody has to go from this w orld. N o b o d y has ever survived here." I
arranged everything in th e h ouse before His eyes. He sat in th e easy chair a n d was w atching
m e arranging everything in th e house. T hen H e said to me, "Kako arrange everything nicely.
Your things m ay b e sp o ilt lying here for a long tim e." I quickly answ ered, "N o Satguru Ji, all
belongs to you. N o th in g is m ine. H azur said, "Look Kako, there is n o th in g th a t is yours o r
m ine. This life is like th a t o f th e sparrows. The only th in g staying here is th e h o u se a n d th e
things in it. We are n o t staying here. M eetings are going o n a n d p eo p le go o n leaving this
w orld, tu rn by tu rn ." I again becam e nervous. O n this H azur fu rth er to ld m e," N o Kako, you
n eed n o t b e nervous. I am just telling y o u th e tru th o f life."
H azur was telling m e clearly, b u t H e w as h id in g also. At n ig h t H e was a b o u t to take rest
a n d again H e said, "Kako, lock th e h o u se carefully." H azur arranged all th e boo k s H im self
in th e closet. I h a d never to u ch ed th o se b o o k s before.
Before leaving in th e m orning, H azu r h a d His b a th a n d d ran k th e m ilk as usual. T hen
H e sto o d in th e m id d le o f the ro o m a n d m ed itated for som e tim e. T hen H e left th e room .
W h en H e stepped te n o r twelve tim es fu rth er H e again cam e back a n d lo oked at th e kitchen
a n d said, "Kako, if th e kitchen is left open, th e dogs w ill enter." I said, "D ata Ji, I d id n o t lock
it because I have given th e keys to th e w atch m an so th a t h e can take care o f th e building."
H azur said, "Okay Kako. I have to leave th is house. You take care o f th is h o u se a n d the h o u se
takes care you." Saying these w ords, H e left th e h o u se a n d never lo o k ed back again. After this
visit, He never cam e back.
W hen H azu r left th e body, H e w ore th a t black su it w hich H e h a d b ro u g h t from D al
housie. Alas, H azur kep t o n telling m e everything clearly, b u t I could n o t m ake o u t w h a t H e
m eant. Because I could never th in k th a t H azu r w o u ld leave all o f us like th is a n d we w o u ld
have to com e across th e pangs o f His sep aratio n today.
Story #30:
Hazur's Visit to Anandpur, Punjab
(This is the city where the tenth Guru Gobind Singh Ji resided in the State o f Punjab in India)
P an d it L alchand w as a resident o f A nandpur. His so n was going to b e m arried in D ecem
ber. The P andit requested H azur to perform th e m arriage cerem ony a t A nandpur. His son's
n a m e was G urdial. H azu r said, "Brother, I do n o t like to go to m arriages. We w ill see th em
any o th er tim e." So th e devotee asked H azur to com e fo u r days after th e m arriage, o r before
th e m arriage. H azur said, "Okay brother. W hatever is accepted by Master, I w ill try m y best.
P an d it Ji visited H azur's place tw o o r three tim es m ore in order to convince H azu r to a tten d
th e m arriage. In th e en d H azu r gave th e date o f His arrival. H azur said, "Kako, we have to
go to A nandpur." I said, "Alright Sache Patshah." H azu r left for A nadpur a n d th e sangat was
very happy. First, He gave his D arshan at Lekhraj's h o u se o n his w ay to th e city H o sh iarp u r
in Punjab. Lekhraj was a true devotee o f Hazur. H e sp e n t a lo t o f m o n ey in h o n o r o f Hazur.
T hen H azur sat in th e m o to rcar w hich was going to A nandpur. O n th e way th ere was a vil
lage w here D h a n n a Jum ari, w here a true devotee was living. She arranged a lo t o f things
a n d a m usic party in h o n o r o f Hazur. O n th e way th e car stopped. D ata Ji was hungry for
th e love o f his devotees. H e never cared a b o u t a person's caste, o r w h eth er th ey were rich
o r poor. D ata Ji looked at the love o f th e satsangies. H e gave th e satsang in th e village a n d
d istributed th e parshad. D h a n n o m ad e m erry a n d H azu r sat in th e m otorcar. T housands o f
peo p le show ered silver coins over th e m otorcar in w hich th e Satguru was sitting. After three
o r four h o u rs o f His journey, H azur reached th e b a n k o f th e river.
H azur crossed th e river sitting in a b o a t a n d th e sailor o f th e b o a t was blessed by Hazur.
T hen, th e so n o f P an d it w as standing o n th e o th er bank, w ith his car already w aiting for th e
Master. H azu r sat in th e car a n d reached th e h o u se a n d m ad e Pandit's h o u se pure by p u t
tin g His lotus feet in th e house. In respect o f Hazur, P an d it arranged a m usic party. A lo t o f
peo p le w ere present there. There was a big langar (food to eat.) H azur did fo u r satsangs o n
his way to A nandpur. Even th e n H e was n o t tired after a long journey. At th a t tim e H azur
was eighty years old. H is spiritual sign like Jot (light) was sh ining o n His forehead betw een
th e tw o eye brows. H e gave His good D arshan a n d m ad e th e sangat happy. H azur's younger
so n an d His cousin b ro th e r w ere also w ith H im . T hen D ata Ji (The Real caretaker o f the world)
sat in m ed itation. I reached Pandit's h o u se fo u r h o u rs after H azur's arrival. I asked P andit
if H azur h a d eaten th e food. Balwant Kaur, a n o th e r satsangie w h o was th e in charge o f th e
party said, "N o Bibi, H azu r is taking rest." I w e n t in to th e ro o m w here H azur was an d I saw
H azur sitting in m ed itatio n . I cam e back after ten m in u tes a n d H azur o p e n e d His eyes a n d
said, "C om e Kako, have y o u com e safely? Was there any problem ? Was th e journey okay?"
I said, "D ata Ji there was n o problem . I cam e back w ith y o u r protection." T hen I requested
H im to take som e fo o d a n d have som e rest. H azur agreed. I b ro u g h t th e fo o d a n d H e ate th e
food. Lalchand a n d his fam ily cam e for D arshan th e n H e w ent to His b ed after giving h im
D arshan.
In th e m o rn in g H azu r got up an d h a d a b ath , a n d d ran k th e m ilk as usual. L alchand an d
his fam ily again cam e to see H azur in th e m orning. D ata Ji gave blessings to every m em b er
o f his fam ily by raising His h a n d o n everyone's head. T hen H azur said to Pandit, "I w o u ld
like to visit th e G urudaw ara (the tem ple o f th e Sikhs a n d th e place w here G uru G ob in d
Singh Ji was teaching th e Sikhs.) At th e sam e tim e a rich m a n o f th e city cam e to see Hazur.
H e was P an d it Ji's friend. Both o f th em started to talk a b o u t spirituality. P a n d it to ld H azur
th a t Sardur Ji was his g o o d friend. H e asked H azur if H e ever visited th e G urudaw ara A nan
d p u r Sahib? H azur said, "I have n o t seen it in this birth, b u t I have already seen it." P an d it
Ji lo o k ed at m e an d laughed, p o in tin g o u t to m e th a t H azur was telling a secret. H azur also
u n d e rsto o d th a t we h a d com e to know w h a t He m eant. Sardur Ji started asking a b o u t th e
in n er w orld. H azur always h id these things. Sardur Ji again asked H azur if anyone has seen
th e in n e r w orld? O n this H azur said, "Yes brother, b u t th e w hole w orld is illu sio n a n d has
forgotten th e ir original h o m e a n d forgotten G od."
After having this talk, H azur gave H is D arshan to th e sangat a n d gave a satsang. T h o u
sands o f th e satsangies gathered in th e satsang. W hen H azur was d o n e w ith all o f His w ork
H e said to me, "Tell m e Kako, if th ere is any m ore w ork left for m e to do now ." I said."N o
Sache P atshah Ji, you com e a n d eat y o u r food, it is already late." W hen I w as going to b ring
th e food, I cam e across a n o ld lady o n th e stairs. She said th a t she w aited to see Hazur. I to ld
h e r to let H im eat His fo o d first.
After d o in g prayer, H azur started eating. I to o k th e lady o u t o f th e ro o m an d asked h e r
w h a t she w anted to say. She started to relate th e story th a t som e o f th e astrologers o f th e city
Solan in th e H im alayas forecasted th a t th ere w o u ld be a big snow storm a n d th a t all o f the
area w o u ld be covered a n d n o b o d y w o u ld survive. So she, w ith h e r children stayed inside
th e house. T hat very nig h t at a b o u t 2:00 a.m., th e snow storm came. The big hills were covered
w ith snow a n d th e houses were covered. Som e o f th e hills were sliding dow n w ith along w ith
the houses b u ilt o n them . My house was com pletely covered too. So I started doing sim ran
w hile sitting w ith m y family. She co n tinued rem em bering Hazur. There was n o way to go o u t
side as it was all dark a n d n o b o d y could com e to help. Suddenly, I tried to peep th rough the
hole by cleaning the window. She saw three faces an d there was bright light o n the faces. She
recognized th e face o f Hazur, b u t she could n o t see th e o th er tw o faces. At th a t tim e she heard
H azur saying th a t she sh o u ld n o t w orry a n d th a t her h ouse w ould be safe. H earing these w ords
she tried to go outside, b u t due to b a d snow she could n o t m ake it. Then she again w ent back
to look through th e h o le in th e w indow. She saw all three faces h a d disappeared. She becam e
very sad. In the m o rn in g she saw th a t m o st o f th e houses were b uried u n d e r th e snow a n d th a t
only h er h ouse was n o t covered w ith snow, w ith o u t being dam aged. She w anted to tell H azur
a n d w anted know a b o u t the other tw o faces .
W hen H azur w as d o n e w ith his fo o d H e called m e. "Kako, b rin g th e lady in." I laugh
ingly said, "Hazur, th ere is a w onderful story this lady w ants to tell y o u ." H azu r laughed an d
said, "W hat is it about?" I said, "Hazur, y o u do everything a n d th e n becom e in n o ce n t before
us. Please listen to h e r story." I b ro u g h t th e lady in a n d H azur asked h e r if she was happy.
The lady said th a t she was very h a p p y w h e n she h a d His D arsh an o n th a t storm y night. T hen
she related th e w h o le story. T hen she asked Hazur, "W ho w ere th e o th er two?" H azur said,
"Look Bibi, I cam e to h elp y o u a n d m y Satguru Baba Jaim al Singh Ji cam e to take care o f me.
Then, as Baba Ji is th e so n o f Soam i Ji, so th e n Soam i Ji cam e to take care o f His son. But
you could only see m e. This is o n ly th e gam e o f m y Satguru Ji. I am n o th in g w ith o u t H im . I
am o n ly His servant. I am tie d w ith His order. As it is w ritten in th e H oly Book, "You com e
a n d go tied w ith His order a n d y o u keep o n going, tie d w ith His order. I have to obey H im .
W herever H e sends m e I have to go a n d th e w h o le gam e H e is playing b e h in d me."
H azur was great. H e never praised him self. H e never show ed th a t H e h a d d o n e any
m iracles. T hen th e o ld lady said th a t she is full o f m an y sins a n d she requested H azur to
listen to so m eth in g m o re from her. H azu r said, "W hat is that?" She said, "D ata Ji, y o u cam e
to protect me, b u t I could do n o th in g for you." She co n tin u e d telling w h a t h a p p e n ed later
after H azur h a d saved her. Tikka Sahib a n d h er youngest girl cam e to pick h e r up in th eir
car w h en th e roads w ere cleared, b u t o n th e way th ere was a car accident. T heir car totally
sm ashed away th e o th e r car a n d th e car was totally gone. The driver o f th a t car died o n th e
sp o t a n d th e o th er m a n was b a d ly injured. She k ep t o n saying, "Before o u r car was hit, we
all were lifted a n d w ere th ro w n outside. But we could n o t m ake o u t how. Later, th e driver o f
o u r car said th a t h e saw an o ld m a n lifting all o f us o n e by one. W hen w e saw o u r car it was
just a heap lying o n th e ground. T hen th e driver said th a t th e w h ite b eard ed m a n h a d a stick
in his h a n d a n d a red piece o f cloth. T hat is w h a t th e driver saw before th e accident occurred.
I never saw th a t m a n a n d I do n o t know w h e n h e disappeared. Let us search for h im w ho
saved o u r lives." The lady fu rth er to ld H azur th a t she to ld th e driver it w as n o t easy to find
th e m a n because h e was n o t an ord in ary m an. H e w as G od H im self a n d th e form o f Sound.
The lady co n tin u e d w ith h e r long story a n d H azur lovingly w as listening to her. She fur
th e r to ld h o w th ey w ere th in k in g a b o u t th is m iracle all th e tim e they w ere w aiting for the
bus. W hen th e b u s cam e th ey sat in th e bus b u t th e bus also broke dow n. It was nig h t tim e
a n d th ey started d o in g sim ran an d w ere praying to H azur to help b rin g th em h o m e safely.
T hen they saw a car com ing in w hich th e driver was fam iliar to th e m because h e knew Rani
Sahiba. H e sto p p e d th e car a n d they all reached h o m e safely. O h Satguru Ji, y o u are GOD
a n d we all are sinful. You are th e G reat O n e w h o helps all in th eir tim e o f danger. We are all
h u m a n beings a n d y o u are w ashing o u r b a d karm as. Your N aam an d m ed ita tio n is so strong
th a t n o danger can ap proach anyone in y o u r presence.
The Satguru H azu r said lovingly, "O h M ai (the old lady) I have d o n e n o thing. It is th e
grace o f m y M aster. His pow er is w orking, d u e to w hich I am able to help th e satsangies.
It is th e seva o f His sangat w hich is given to m e to do by His grace. Mayee Ji, y o u also be
th ankful to h im . H e always plays such kinds o f gam es w ith every satsangie. H e is so pow er
ful th a t th e w h o le universe c a n n o t com pete w ith him . All th e h u m a n beings are involved in
th e m aterialistic w orld in such a w ay th a t they c a n n o t m ake o u t his grace a n d power. Okay
Mayee Ji, y o u consider yo u rself th e luckiest o n e th a t th e Satguru's pow er is w orking in you.
Mayee Ji you have com e to know com pletely th a t Satguru is always present everywhere a n d
in everybody a n d m oreover H e stands by his dear ones in adversity. N o o n e helps y o u in th is
w orld except y o u r Master. Give m o re a n d m o re tim e to sim ran a n d m ed ita tio n a n d do n o t
lo o k here a n d there. Always keep in m in d th a t M aster is w ith you."
Satguru is G reat w h o h a d th e hig h est pow er b u t never show ed it to anyone. H azur again
said to M ayee Ji, "Okay, M ayee Ji, n o w y o u take rest. I am very hap p y w ith you. H e is never
ap art from us." M ayee Ji w ished H azu r goodbye an d th e n left. D ata Ji h a d a little rest an d
th e n gave th e satsang in th e evening. P an d it Ji's son to o k som e pictures o f Satguru Ji a n d
they are still w ith me.
The next m o rn in g H azur was ready to visit th e G urudaw ara, th e h o ly place o f the 10th
G uru G ob in d Singh Ji. H azur to o k H is b a th a n d d ran k His m ilk a n d called P andit Ji to let
h im know th a t H e is ready to go to see th e G urudaw ara. W hen P andit Ji came, H azu r asked
h im if he h a d b e e n th ere before, a n d if he was w illing to go w ith Hazur. T hen H azu r asked
m e if I w anted to go w ith H im . I said, "The G urudaw ara are b u ilt by th e Gurus. W ith m e you
are th e only G uru. You go, Satguru Ji. I see th e G urudaw ara inside every day." H azur said,"
You are correct, hard ly o n e can u n d e rsta n d this. See h o w m any p eo p le are ready to go w ith
me? W hat can I say to them ? Okay Bibi, I am very hap p y w ith you."
I said, "O kay Satguru Ji, you go a n d lo o k at th e G urudaw ara a n d I w ill w ash y o u r clothes
a t hom e." H azu r said, "O kay Bibi, do w hatever you w ant. You do n o t sit idle."
Saying th is to me, D ata Ji laughed a n d sat in to th e m o to rcar a n d w ent to see th e G uru
dawara. M any p eo p le follow ed H im . H e w ent to see o th er G urudaw aras w hich were b u ilt
by th e ten th G uru Ji. The h ead Priest o f th e G urudaw ara gave a w arm w elcom e to Hazur.
Hazur, w henever H e w en t to see th e G urudaw ara, gave som e m o n ey a n d th e priest gave h im
a piece o f cloth to u ch e d by th e H oly B ook G u m G ranth Sahib Ji. O ne o f th em is still w ith
me. (Translator's Note: Bibi Lajo, th e w riter o f th e b o o k is explaining th a t th e piece o f cloth
w hich was p resented to h e r by H azur is still w ith her.) W hen H azur cam e back His face
was sh in in g like th e full sun. It was unbearable, as if n u m ero u s rays o f light w ere glittering
a ro u n d His face. H e w as w alking w ith a b eau tifu l gait. All th e sangat aro u n d h im was enjoy
ing his beauty. W h en H e w ent upstairs to H is ro o m he said, "Look Bibi, all th e G urudaw aras
w ere seen, b u t to o m any p eo p le are living a ro u n d th e G um daw ara buildings." I said ,
"W hen th e Saints com e in th is w o rld th ey increase th e p o p u latio n , b u t w h e n they leave it
does n o t lo o k th e same. H azur said, "Yes Bibi, th e garden looks b eautiful w h en th e gardener
is there. W h en th e gardener p lan ts h e is w orried for his plants. H e goes in to th e garden to
take care o f th e p lan ts everyday a n d to check th em if th ey are ready to b lo o m . W h en h e sees
them bloom ing he is very happy. In the sam e way the Saints com e in the world, to initiate the peo
ple and to m ake their souls green, and w ith m editation they m ake them bloom . The Saints have
always been coming. They have com e and they will keep on com ing in the com ing ages. If there
had n o t been the Saints in the world, the w orld w ould have been b urnt into ashes." After saying
th is H azur further said, "Kako, all th e priests m et m e a n d w ere very happy. They gave m e the
sugar cookies as parshad. They w ere very h a p p y to see me. I offered o n e h u n d re d rupees at
th e altar o f th e H oly Book in every G urudaw ara. My p arsh ad is w ith th e reciter, M an Singh.
You take it from him . You have full right o n it." I s a id , "Satguru Ji, it is y o u r highness to give
m e y o u r parshad. I am no th in g . I am equal to th e d o g sitting at y o u r door."
D ata Ji to o k th e p a rsh a d from M an Singh a n d gave it to m e a n d said to m e, "Bibi, keep it
w ith you." I said, "O kay Hazur, th a n k you very m u ch for this kindness." T hen H azur asked
for His fo o d a n d said, "There is a lo t o f w ork to do. T om orrow we have to go to M ala Singh's
house. "I said, "Okay Satguru Ji." I b ro u g h t th e fo o d a n d H azur ate it. H azur always ate tw o
kinds o f vegetables. O n e was daal soup, a n d th e o th e r was green vegetables, w ith tw o th in ,
sm all sized chapaties. If o u t o f joy, I w o u ld b rin g som e extra sweet d ish like rice pudding, He
w o u ld place it off o f th e plate. O r if H e w an ted to, th e n H e w o u ld n o t eat th e rest o f th e fo o d
a n d H e will eat o n ly th e sweet dish. O r H e w ill eat o nly th e food. H e d id n o t d rin k m u ch
w ater w ith His food. H e always ate th e b alan ced food. If som e tim e I w o u ld say, "Hazur,
eat m o re food. You w ork a lo t a n d you w ork all th e day a n d night." T hen H azu r w ould say,
"No, I d o n o t w ork w ith th e strength o f food. I w ork w ith th e strength o f m y Master." I said,
"Hazur, th e food y o u eat it is n o t en ough for you. You do n o t eat e n o u g h to m ake a child
full." O n this H azur said, "The Saints are also children. G um Sahib left his w riting a b o u t
children." (Translator's Note: It says children are careless, children are w orriless a n d they are
always h a p p y w ith w h a t they have. They have n o attachm ent, m ean in g th a t th ey are n o t tied
w ith anything. They are only hungry for love. So th e Saints are also like th e children. They
are always hungry for th e tru e love.)
After this H azur sat in His m ed itatio n . In th e evening Satguru Ji gave th e satsang. Pandit's
wife said th a t if Satguru Ji lo oked a t th e brides clothes, th a t this w o u ld be a blessing, a n d th a t
th e o rn am en ts w o u ld b e th e parshad. (Translators N ote: Bibi tells h o w th e tru e satsangies
w an ted to have His blessings for everything.) I said to Hazur, "Hazur, P andit's wife w ants
to have y o u r blessings for th e b ridal clothes a n d th e ornam ents, so please lo o k at them ."
H azur replied th a t H e could n o t a t th a t tim e, because o f a lo t o f peo p le w ere a ro u n d H im .
At nig h t there w o u ld be less people, so h e said th a t h e w o u ld lo o k at d ie m at night. A nd th e
o rn am e n ts are very expensive a n d they s h o u ld n o t b e sh o w n to th e people.
W hen H azur w as ready to go to His bed, H e called m e to b rin g th e brides clothes a n d th e
ornam ents. At th a t tim e, H azur's younger so n Shadi Lalchand, Pandit, a n d his wife w ere also
in H azur's room . Pandit's sons a n d his daughter's in law w ere also in th e room . Balwant
Kaur was giving m e every dress an d o rn am en t, a n d I was giving th e m to H azu r o n e by one,
a n d H e was giving th em back to me. H azu r said to m e, "Kako, take care o f them ." Balwant
Kaur p u t all "the things in th e b o x an d was very happy. H azur said to P an d it Ji, "Look the
p a th w hich goes to th e m arket. You follow th a t one. The p a th is n o t good o n th e o th er side
o f th e m arket." P an d it Ji said, "Okay Sache P atshah Ji, I w ill follow th e p a th w hich you have
suggested to m e."
T hen H azur to o k som e rest a n d said to m e, "Kako, we will sp en d th e nig h t in M ala
Singh's house." Everyone w h o was sitting in th e ro o m cam e o u t an d asked m e w hy H azur
w an ted to stay th e n ig h t in M ala Singh's house. H e w as a very p o o r m an a n d h e h a d n o t
en o u g h ro o m for H azur's stay. I to ld th e m th a t H azur h im se lf h a d to ld M ala Singh th a t He
w o u ld stay th e n ig h t in His h o u se o n His w ay back. H azu r h eard o u r talk a n d said, "W hat
are you talking abo ut. I do n o t agree w ith you. M ala Singh is a go o d m ed ita to r a n d h e is true
devotee. I am equal for everybody." W hen H azur was w ashing His h an d s a n d I was p o u rin g
w ater o n His hands, I said th a t M ala Singh h a d a little h o u se a n d th a t his h o u se was n o t
go o d for y o u to stay night, a n d gave th e tow el to H im a n d co n tin u ed saying th a t to n ig h t
m an y p eo p le are here for in itiatio n . At this H azu r said, "Look Bibi, I m u st stay at his house.
H e loves m e very m uch. I respect his love for me. I see n o difference in a go o d o r b a d place.
I on ly lo o k at his tru e devotion. A nd a b o u t th e in itiation, th a t I am n o t giving tonight.
T hough all th e peo p le have th e ir dem ands, th ey do n o t deserve it because th ey have given a
lo t o f tro u b le to th e Satguru." I said, "Excuse m e please. I c a n n o t figure o u t w h a t y o u r w ish
is. We all are unaw are o f th e future. You know better w h a t is in store for us." H azur said,
"Kako, do n o t listen to others. You always listen to m e." I said, "O kay Sache Patshah Ji."
T hen H azur said, "Let m e have m y b a th a n d y o u cook th e fo o d for m e. After having lu n ch
I have to see th e sangat a n d th e p o o r M ala Singh. H e m ig h t be w aiting for m e outside. Let
m e fulfill his desire." W hen I cam e out, everybody started to ask m e if H azur h a d agreed n o t
to stay th e n ig h t at M ala Singh's house. I said, "Saints are lovers o f th e true devotion." So we
sh o u ld n o t stop th e m from d o in g anything. We sh o u ld accept w h a t th ey w an t to do."
H azur cam e o u t a n d gave D arshan to everyone. T hen He cam e in a n d ate his food. By th a t
tim e, P an d it Ji cam e to say goodbye to Hazur. H azur said to him , "I am very h a p p y w ith you.
You did a go o d seva for all o f us. You always do m ore sim ran a n d bh ajan , there is a lo t o f
grace o n you. Shabad's form o f Satguru w ill h elp y o u in th e m arriage. N aam is th e highest
pow er in all o f us. M ake th e b est use o f it. O nly th e luckiest o n e can get it. So w hatever you
get w ith y o u r good luck, always respect th a t w ealth. D o n o t w aste it. I m ean to say, pay a lo t
o f atte n tio n to b h a ja n a n d sim ran. Every b rea th is valuable. It has b o u n d less value. D o n o t
lose it for n o reason." (P andit Ji w as sh ed d in g tears hearin g all this from Hazur.) So H azur
c o n tin u e d saying, "Do n o t cry. C hild ren do n o t cry. I am always w ith you, since th e day Sat
guru gave y o u initiation. The Satguru takes full responsibility for his disciple from th a t day,
a n d stands by him . But th e devotee ca n n o t u n d e rsta n d h im . If th e m ed ita to r is regular a n d
p u n ctu al for m ed itatio n , on ly th e n h e can see his M aster do in g everything for him . Bulleh
Shah, a fam ous Saint, said in His w riting, "We are n o t separated from H im b u t we have n o
eye to see H im . W ith o u t G uru th ere is no o n e for us." After saying these loving w ords, H azur
got ready to go. W hen H azu r got in to th e m otorcar, there was a large a m o u n t o f satsangies
gathered. T here was n o place to stand, for H azu r was sitting in H is m o to rcar a n d we all were
sitting in th e m o to rcar b e h in d th e car in w hich H azur was riding.
O n th e way, th ere was a b eautiful garden a n d H azur sto p p ed th ere because h e w an ted
o u r car to go first. There was a little stream o n th e way to cross. L alchand was also in o u r
m o to rcar because h e cam e w ith us to see o ff Hazur. There was a deep w ater in th e stream so
H azu r w an ted to w atch o u r m o to rcar crossing it so th a t th e w ater m ig h t n o t enter th e car.
W hen D ata Ji saw o u r car in th e water, H e asked Lalchand if th a t was th e sam e stream w hich
com es fro m Sirsa, H is ow n city. L alchand to ld H azur th a t it was th e sam e one. I said, "W hen
o n e tim e we crossed, th e driver m ad e the sewadars drow n. It m ay h a p p e n again w ith us."
H azu r laughed o u t lo u d a n d said," Kako, at th a t tim e we w ere o n ho rse a n d now, you are in
a m o to rcar a n d n o b o d y can m ake you drow n. T hat is w hy I am b e h in d you. My child, do
n o t worry. N o o n e can even lo o k at you in m y presence." At a b o u t 2:00 p.m ., we reached
M ala Singh's house.
Note: Mala Singh's story is wonderful. It will be explained in story #31.
Story #31:
Stay at the Devotee Mala Singh's Residence
W hen w e all arrived, H arbans Singh an d Lal Singh looked at th e clay house. They said,
"Bibi, ask H azur w h e th e r we s h o u ld take th e b ed d in g o u t o f th e car o r no t." I said, "My
brother, w hy are y o u teasing m e again an d again. H azur m u st stay th e n ig h t here. So th e n
w hy do y o u force m e for asking H azu r again a n d again. Okay, if y o u force m e to do so I can
ask again." H azur h a d just gotten dow n from th e m o to rcar w h en I, w ith m y folded h an d s
asked H im if w e sh o u ld o p e n th e beds. H azur said, "Yes, Bibi, I m u st stay th e nig h t a t M ala
Singh's house."
H azur m et M ala Singh w ith love a n d raised His h a n d s over his head. M ala Singh's joy
knew n o b o u n d s at th a t tim e. T he ro o m h e arranged for H azur was h a lf p arted w ith a w hite
sheet curtain. H alf o f th e ro o m w as fixed for H arbans Singh an d Lalchand to sleep at night.
T he o th er h a lf was arranged for H azu r to sleep. There w ere holes in th e w all replacing th e
ventilators a n d th e cool air was com ing in. It was very cold. H e h a d a cot arranged for Ha-
zu r in th e ro o m . A sm all table a n d a w o o d e n chair for H azur w ere lying there. W hen H azur
stepped in th a t ro o m H e becam e very h a p p y a n d said, "Kako th e h o u se is very b eau tifu l a n d
m y soul is very happy." I said, "Yes Sache Patshah, it is true." In a hurry I placed all the silver
utensils, w hich I b ro u g h t for H azu r o n th e table. H azur's b e d sheets a n d tow el w ere placed
o n His cot. I placed th e cu sh io n o n th e chair. D ata Ji laughed a n d said, "O h, Lajo, you have
decorated m y ro o m like m y big ro o m ." H azu r sat o n th e cot. I asked M ala Singh w here th e
b a th ro o m was for Hazur. M ala Singh show ed m e th e place w here th e b a th ro o m was fixed
w ith som e co tto n p la n t sticks. Bricks w ere fixed for bow el m ovem ents a n d little pieces o f
rock o r sto n e was spread o n th e floor. W hen I saw th e little b a th ro o m I was scared because
it was very cold a n d w h e n H azu r w o u ld take His b a th H e m ig h t fall sick. After som etim e,
D ata Ji asked m e w here th e b a th ro o m was. I quietly to o k H azur to show H im H is b a th ro o m .
H azur becam e very h a p p y lo oking at th e b a th ro o m . H azur said, "Kako look, th e b a th ro o m
is very beautiful. The p o o r lover o f m in e did hard w ork to b u ild it for me." I said, "Yes, Sache
Patshah. W hatever looks beautiful to you is really beautiful. Then H azur said, "His house is
very good for b h ajan because it is very lonely. Kako, it is better th a n th e palaces a n d big houses.
Every piece o f stone lying in his house is show ing love for me. Look Kako, leave those big
houses w here there is n o N aam a n d love." H azur was w alking w ith m e an d talking after having
a look at th e b ath ro o m . Every stick o f th e b a th ro o m is fixed w ith love an d sim ran."
H e w ent inside a n d sat o n His cot a n d said, "Kako, sen d for M ala Singh, I have to talk w ith
him ." I said, "D ata Ji, take som e rest first a n d eat so m eth in g first. H azur said, "No, Kako, first
call M ala Singh." M ala Singh's residence was tw enty steps from H azur's ro o m . I w en t to call
M ala Singh. T he doors o f th e h o u se w ere to o sm all to enter. I b e n t an d en tered th e h o u se
a n d said to M ala Singh th a t H azu r was rem em bering h im . H e th an k ed m e fo r com ing to
call h im a n d h e cam e w ith m e a n d appeared before Hazur. He bow ed his h e a d w ith folded
h a n d s a n d greeted H azur. He th a n k e d H azu r for visiting his house. H e said, "I am n o t even
like a dog o f yo u r house. Satguru Ji lo oked at M ala Singh an d said, "C om e here brother. Are
you all right? H ow are y o u r children?" M ala Singh said, "Sache Patshah, all th e children died
except o n e dau g h ter o f th irte e n years o ld a n d she is ready for m arriage now." Sache Patshah
said, "M ala Singh I am very h a p p y w ith you. We w ill do th e m arriage cerem ony for yo u r
daughter. If y o u b ring y o u r d au g h ter in th e dera, th a t w ill b e good. Or, w herever you arrange
for h er m arriage call m e a n d I w ill com e there." M ala Singh th an k e d H azur a n d said, "I w ill
b rin g m y d aughter to th e dera a n d w hy sh o u ld I give trouble to you." H azur said, "All right
brother. As you w ish you do." M ala Singh said, "Data Ji, I am in a great difficulty." H azur said,
"Yes brother, I will listen to you a n d w h at pains an d suffering you have, tell me. D o n o t be
nervous, I am here to keep away your sufferings." H azur gave h im one h o u r to listen to his sad
story. H azur said, "There is no sadness in M aster's house, you will be blessed w ith a son too."
I slowly w hispered in H azur's ear, "Sache Patshah, h e is a very old m an, h o w can it be po s
sible." H azur laughed an d said, "O h silly child, his wife is already pregnant a n d she will bear
a son." T hen in order to encourage h im H e started saying to M ala Singh, "Brother, bring your
daughter an d wife here." M ala Singh happily w ent to bring his daughter an d wife. H e b rought
his daughter an d wife before Hazur. H azur gave ten rupees to his daughter. M ala Singh told
H azur his wife is pregnant a n d to take care o f her." H azur looked at m e an d laughed. Then
H azur said, "Kako, I to ld you th a t his wife is pregnant a n d will give b irth to a son. You were in
a doubt. I tried to let you know a b o u t it b u t you were n o t believing, look now."
T hen H azu r to ld M ala Singh, "Look, th e w o m en w h o se children die d u rin g b irth, w o m
en know th e reason a n d rem edy for that. So b ro th e r M ala Singh, o u r Bibi w ill let y o u r wife
know all a b o u t its rem edy." T hen H e fu rth er said to th e wife o f M ala Singh, "Kako, you see
m y Bibi, she w ill tell you th e rem edy." T hen H azur said to me, "Kako, tell h e r th e rem edy so
th a t she m ay n o t face th e sam e fate again." I said, "Okay Satguru." Later I started th in k in g
w h a t I w o u ld tell h e r because I knew n o th in g a b o u t th e rem edy o f h o w th e child could be
saved. I d id n o t go th ro u g h such a k in d o f life. H azur laughed an d said, "Kako, tell anything
because I w an ted it to be explained by you. O therw ise th e p eople will never leave m e. They
will expect th a t I have given a son to M ala Singh a n d everybody w ill m ake th e sam e d e m a n d
from me." I said, "You p u t m e in th e m iddle, y o u are do in g everything a n d giving th e rew ard
to me. You have a deep ocean o f y o u r m o tions." H azur said, "Kako, rem ain silent a n d d o n 't
give o u t this secret to anyone." I said, "Sache Patshah all right."
After th a t M ala Singh's wife started com ing to ask w h a t she could do. I was th in k in g
w h a t I sh o u ld tell h e r because I d id n o t know anything a b o u t that. So in order to get rid o f
h e r I said to M ala Singh's wife, "You get u p early in th e m o rn in g a n d w ith o u t eating, take a
b a th from th e well w hich you have close to y o u r house." Saying this I fo u n d m yself relieved
from th a t w o m an . D ata Ji said to M ala Singh, "Let us go to see yo u r house." I said, "D ata Ji
th e doors are very sm all an d low." H azu r said, "No m atte r Bibi. I w ill enter b e n d in g m yself
dow n. H azur got u p from th e cot a n d said, "Let us go Kako. So m yself a n d Gian, th e cook o f
langar (food) w e n t w ith H azur to see M ala Singh's h o u se or residence.
M ala Singh arranged a very sm all chair fo r M aster in his sm all room . H azu r sat o n th e
chair an d h e was very h a p p y a n d said, "Look Kako, M ala Singh's h o u se is very beautiful.
I w ill eat m y fo o d at n ig h t here. His h o u se is full o f love a n d you b rin g butter, ghee from
Bibi a n d fry th e vegetables here. O kay brother, let m e give you som e parshad." M ala Singh
b ro u g h t a sm all plate o f Ladoo (In d ia n sweets) an d placed it in fro n t o f H azur, w h o gave
th e parshad. T hen H azur entered th e next ro o m o n H is left a n d said, "Kako, h e a t th e food
here at night." G ian was stan d in g th ere a n d H azur to ld h im to sweep th a t ro o m an d clean
th e fireplace w ith w ater a n d clay m ixed. Bibi h a d to do a lot. Gian, listening to H azu r started
to clean u p th e ro o m . H azur entered th a t area w here th e fireplace was an d asked for b u tte r
a n d ghee from M ala Singh's wife. M ala Singh's wife was saying th e G uru is G reat w h o heard
th e so u n d o f h e r h e a rt an d fulfilled h e r desire. I asked h e r w h a t k in d o f desire she had. She
to ld th a t she h a d a buffalo w hose m ilk was thick after she b o re a calf. She used to b le n d the
yogurt m ad e o f h e r m ilk a n d kept th e butter, w hich she never used for anyone because she
w anted th a t for H azu r to take w ith him , a n d for H azur to eat it first. T hen th e rest o f th e
fam ily w o u ld use that.
Four m o n th s h a d gone by a n d n o b o d y to u ch ed th e b u tte r a n d ghee, so H azu r ate it first.
She was very happy. I said it was h e r love th a t m ad e H azu r to have th a t butter. W hen H a
z u r cam e back from M ala Singh's h o u se a n d sat in His ro o m , M ala Singh cam e w ith som e
sweets covered in a plate for all o f us. H azur never ate anybody's sweets o r food. I always
kept som e sweets a n d cookies w ith m e for Hazur. I to ld M ala Singh th a t th ere w as already
a lo t o f sweets so H e could take it back. H azur saw M ala Singh a n d said, "W hat is th e m a t
ter brother?" M ala Singh said th a t h e h a d b ro u g h t som e sweets a n d m ilk for th e sewadars.
H azu r said, "Kako, take it an d we w ill pay for that. H e b ro u g h t it for all o f y o u w ith love
a n d devotion." I said, "M ala Singh, y o u are very lucky th a t H azur is very k in d to you." H a
z u r to o k th e p late a n d gave th e lad o o to everyone o n e by o n e w ith His hands, a n d H im self
ate o n e lad o o to o . A nd th e buffalo's m ilk, everybody d ran k it a n d H azur d ran k th e m ilk
too. T hen Satguru said, "M ala Singh! Are y o u ready for satsang? T he sangat m ay have com e
brother. Your lad o o is very tasty. M ala Singh said, "Satguru Ji, you are The Great, everything
belongs to you. N o th in g belongs to m e. I have only y o u r grace." H azur said, "M ala Singh,
d o n 't w orry I am first yours an d later so m eo n e else's. Let us go to satsang first." M ala Singh's
joy was b o u n d less as he led H azur to th e satsang site, a n d H azur was w alking b e h in d h im
w ith His m ajestic gait a n d the m usic p arty was playing th e ir m usic b e h in d h im .
H azur sat o n th e stage a n d d id satsang for tw o hours. H e said to M ala Singh, "Brother,
are you h a p p y now ?" I am n o t giving in itia tio n here. I have to leave for Ropar" (a city in P u n
jab.) M ala Singh said, "D ata Ji, we are n o t d o n e w ith y o u r D arshan yet." H azur said, "Okay
M ala Singh, w h a t do y o u want? Okay, o n e m o re satsang w ill b e given in th e m orning."
(Note: "This story o f Mala Singh's love and devotion for H azur shows that Mala Singh's love over
powered H azur so much that Hazur was accepting everything from M ala Singh happily.)
It w ill be to m o rro w from 8:00 a.m . to 9:00 a.m ." M ala Singh said, "Satguru Ji, th e sangat has
to com e from far a n d w ide a n d it is very cold a n d th ey c a n n o t reach here at 8:00 a.m ." H azur
said, "Okay brother, it will be d o n e from 9:00 a.m . to 10:00 a.m ." Satguru Ji was talking w ith
love. M ala Singh a n d th e sangat w ere overjoyed.
Satguru, after satsang w en t for a walk. M ala Singh show ed H im his land. H e said, "Sat
guru, there is n o canal here. So it is h a rd to have any incom e from th e la n d w ith o u t water."
H azur said, "Do n o t worry, M aster is w orried for his devotees." M ala Singh said, "The n a m e
o f m y M aster is y o u r nam e. You are th e o nly o n e w h o can w orry for m e."
W hen H azur cam e back from His walk, R adhakrishan, a n engineer, an d tw o gentlem en were
th ere to have H azur's D arshan. H azur said, "Kako b ring so m eth in g to eat for them . Kako,
yo u r boxful o f loving sweets is never em pty." I laughingly said, "It can never be em pty b e
cause you always keep it full." H azur said, "I am always h a p p y w ith y o u Bibi." I gave th em
som e fruit an d sweets. They becam e very h a p p y a n d left. Shadi (H azur's younger b ro th er)
to ld H azur th a t h e was very k in d a n d o n e m ore satsang was given a n d th e o th er w as again
arranged. There w o u ld b e a lo t o f delays in reaching th e next place. Satguru Ji said, "Shadi
d o n 't talk uselessly. You d o n 't know h o w m u ch love these peo p le have for m e. I respect th eir
love. I never feel difficulty in living in a sm all place. I d o n 't care. I can live even in a tent.
But w here there is love, there are n o rules. Love is th e form o f M aster o r G od." Shadi said,
"Okay, as you w ish." T hen H azur said, "Kako, is th e fo o d ready?" I replied, "Yes Hazur, just
bringing it." H azur said, "Kako, everybody w ill be hungry. I fried th e vegetables w ith b u tter
(ghee) w hich I b ro u g h t from M ala Singh's wife. H azur ate th e fo o d lovingly a n d felt it was
very tasty. H azur said, "I never ate such tasty fo o d before. M ala Singh's ghee is very good."
H azur after eating, lay d o w n for rest. I was w orried for H azur's b a th because it was very
cold outside. All n ig h t I could n o t sleep for th e reason th a t h o w H azur w ill have a b a th in
th e m o rn in g w ith cold water. I got u p early in th e m o rn in g a n d w en t outside. I saw som e dry
hay a n d th e tub. I cleaned th e tu b an d filled it w ith w ater a n d m ad e it h o t by b u rn in g the
dry hay u n d e r th e tub. I m ad e a fireplace w ith bricks a n d placed it inside th e ro o m th in k in g
th a t it was very cold ou tsid e a n d th a t H azu r m ig h t fall sick from th e cold w in d w hile H e was
taking His b a th outside.
H azur got u p from his m ed ita tio n a n d after d o in g His m o rn in g w ork h e called me,
"Kako arrange th e w ater so th a t I can take a bath ." I, w ith a little fear requested, "I placed
th e w ater inside th e ro o m ." H azu r said, "Kako, is it inside?" I said, "Yes com e a n d lo o k a t it
please." W hen h e saw it, h e was very pleased a n d said, "Kako, y o u have d o n e a good job, you
saved m e from th e cold." D ata Ji h a d a b a th a n d d ran k His m ilk. T hen he d id th e satsang,
w hich was finished exactly at te n o'clock. T hen H e got in to th e m otorcar. M ala Singh a n d all
th e m em bers o f his fam ily to u ch e d H azur's feet. H azu r said, "M ala Singh, I am very hap p y
w ith you a n d your family. I am h a p p y w ith y o u r village too. There will b e m o re p o p u la tio n
here a n d there w ill b e canals too."
Later M ala Singh h a d a son. There w ere canals in th a t area a n d it was a very p o p u late d
village after H azur's visit. H azu r gave te n rupees to M ala Singh a n d left for Ropar city.
Story #32:
Story on the way to Ropar and in the city o f Ropar
stan d in g there. W hen H azu r saw th e satsang in a large num ber, H e g o t d o w n from th e m o
torcar a n d started w alking ahead. I laughed th a t H azur was saying th a t H e w o u ld n o t leave
th e ro ad area a n d th e n w as w alking quietly. They decorated th e stage for Hazur. H azur w ent
straight o n th e stage a n d sat dow n. T hen H e started do in g satsang. H e gave th e satsang for
o n e hour. T hen H e said, "Okay, b ro th e r are y o u h a p p y now?" D ata Ji distrib u ted th e parshad
a n d started to go. H e said, "Brother I am very h a p p y w ith all o f you. Your village is full o f
loving people. D id you love yo u r Satguru ever before?"
H azur g o t in to th e m otorcar a n d reached Ropar. A lo t o f peo p le w ere w aiting for His
D arshan. H azur reached th ere a t 12:00 p.m . After giving His D arshan to the sangat, I pre
p ared th e food. W hen Lalchand was ready to leave for A n an d p u r Sahib, th e n H azu r said,
"Kako serve P a n d it Ji w ith food, I am very h a p p y w ith P andit Ji. H e served all o f us w ith
body, m in d a n d m oney. Very good, go m y son, I am very h a p p y " I served P an d it Ji w ith fo o d
a n d h e left after having all th e joys a n d parsh ad from Hazur.
At a b o u t 1:15 p.m . H azu r to o k His m eals. T hen u p to 2:00 p.m ., H e d id satsang, a n d
m ad e all th e satsangies very peaceful. The sangat was very happy. The sangat gave a lo t o f
love a n d respect to Hazur. H azur d id th e satsang a n d I w ashed H azur's clothes. Satguru w ent
for a w alk after giving th e satsang. W hen H e cam e back after giving His D arshan to every
one, H e ate H is d in n er a n d to o k som e rest. H e was tired because o f th e long travel a n d th e
In th e m o rn in g after having H is b ath , H e got ready to give th e satsang. H e d id m ed ita
tio n a n d th e n gave th e satsang. H azu r did n o t d rin k th e m ilk a n d n e ith e r ate th e fo o d a n d
said to m e, "Kako, w h e n y o u are d o n e w ith cooking, p u t th e fo o d in to th e tiffin a n d I will eat
th e fo o d o n th e way. I w ill have to leave as so o n as I am d o n e w ith th e satsang a n d you all
com e w ith th e o th er staff (sew adars) in the m otorcar. Very good Kako, we have finished th e
travel o f A n an d p u r Sahib happily. Kako, I have com e to give peace to th e w orld." H azur gave
D arshan a n d instructed everybody to do sim ran a n d bh ajan . Som e peo p le asked for initia
tio n b u t D ata Ji refused a n d said, "Brothers, n o t th is tim e." The sangat further requested for
H im to retu rn soon. H azu r said, "No brothers, I d o n 't prom ise, you never k n o w a b o u t life
a n d h o w lo n g it is." (N ote: After o n e a n d a qu arter years H azur left th e body. Alas! H azur
k e p t o n telling us b u t w e could n o t m ake o u t w h a t H e m eant.)
At n ig h t in Ropar I asked H azur laughingly th a t H e said, "You are very happy, a n d have
y o u ever loved y o u r Satguru before? W hat does it m ean?" H azur laughed a n d said, "Kako,
y o u always keep th e things in notice a n d never forget Bibi. W hen G uru G o b in d Singh Ji was
in tro u b le in A n a n d p u r Sahib, these w ere th e peo p le w h o help ed h im w ith love. So m y p u r
pose was to fulfil th eir desire a n d give th em love. I love th e tru e devotees."
So th e story o f A n an d p u r Sahib show s th a t H azur was G um G o b in d Singh Ji, w h o was
h e lp e d by th e sam e peo p le w h o loved H azur at his tim e now. In this w ay th e story (the rain
o f nectar) o f Ropar com es to an end.
Story #33:
"To Read the Heart"
The Story o f Visiting Kalipatan
O nce H azu r w en t to Kalipatan. The devotee Prem Lal a n d Dr. Julian Jo h n so n w ere also
w ith H im . O u r D eputy Sahib was o f an irritated nature. H e always h a d som e p ro b lem w ith
Hazur. D eputy Sahib was H azur's son. Som etim es h e d id n o t let us to u ch H azur's feet. H e
arranged a separate h o u se for us to stay for all o f us.
O ne n ig h t it was raining heavily. I was having fever for four days. I did n o t eat anything.
Prem Lal, his grandson, D r Jo h n so n a n d I w ere talking a b o u t H azur after d o in g m ed itatio n
at m id n ig h t. I to ld Prem Lal th a t if H azur could com e at th a t tim e I w ould read th e sh ab d
(h o ly song) w hile sitting by Hazur.
Prem Lal said, "Bibi, it is raining heavily so how can Sache Patshah come at this time." I said, "I
am very much in need to have Hazur's Darshan." Prem Lal's uncle said, "Okay Bibi, you are very for
tunate that your attention is always towards Hazur and you never forget him, but Sache Patshah will
not come at this time." I said, "If my heart wants Him truly He must come at this time although He is
sleeping or He is sitting in meditation. Yet He will get up and come to me to give His Darshan." Prem
Lal said, "Okay Bibi. If you are sure, it will be lucky to have Hazur's Darshan." We were just saying all
this when we saw that Hazur, the reader of everybody's heart was coming, wearing a rain coat. I quickly
said, "Uncle, look, Hazur Ji is coming." So the uncle and all of us bowed our heads before Hazur and
greeted Him.
Prem Lal said, "How has Hazur appeared at this time?" Hazur said, "If Bibi remembered me, I
quickly came in the rain. I was not even a little late. Nobody remembers Guru. If somebody remem
bers Guru one time, Guru comes looking a hundred times further to his disciple. Nobody gives prefer
ence to the Guru. Guru is always there to give the reward."
Saying these words Hazur asked, "Kako, how are you? Is your fever down? For four or five days
you did not eat anything. You have become weak with fever but will you read the shabd?" I said, "Yes,
which one would you like me to read?" Hazur said, "Kako read this one, HAMAN HAI ISHAK MAS
Hearing this from Hazur everybody folded their hands. Hazur said, "Why are you so surprised?"
Prem Lal said, "Bibi was just saying that she would read the same shabd if Hazur would come." Hazur
laughed and said, "Yes brother, Bibi remembered with a true heart and the Master heard her." lohnson
said, only Bibi could speak. No one else could speak like that. Sache Patshah's heart was so excited
with love that He said, "I will read the shabd." Hazur sat for two hours.
Story #34:
Story o f Travelling to Indore
(A city in the south o f India)
Once the sangat from Indore requested Hazur to visit there. Hazur accepted the request but did
not give any date. Like this three years passed. Hazur never broke the heart of the sangat. So He gave
them time for Indore. Hazur always travelled by motorcar. He said, "Kako arrange everything for food
and get it ready in the boxes. We have to go to Indore, day after tomorrow." So Hazur, with His spiritual
and beautiful look reached Indore at 6:00 a.m. All the satsangies met Hazur with love. The first night
before reaching Indore, Hazur stayed at Delhi but He did not give satsang. People requested for the
Satsang on His way back from Indore. The second day He went to Agra where He also did not give sat
sang. The third day He reached Indore. He gave His Darshan to the sangat. Deputy Hamarayan, his son
in law and his daughter were there. They arranged for Hazur's residence. The sangat ran for Darshan
as soon as they saw Hazur's motorcar and all were overjoyed with His Darshan and forgot themselves.
Thousands of people gathered in honor of Hazur and were singing a shabd in their love of Hazur. Ha
zur also gave a lot of love to all of them. He was very happy to see their love for Him. Out of His joy
he was lovingly talking to everyone and giving His Darshan. Deputy Hamarayan took Hazur into the
residence, which was a very big house. It was situated in a lovely place. Data Ji's chair was decorated.
Data Ji sat in the chair and gave His beautiful Darshan and spoke very sweet words and said, "Brother,
you have unlimited love for the Master. I am very happy with all of you. Master is especially kind to
you. Love is the only form of Master. Master is not happy with any material. He is happy with Love.
Master's real residence is in the heart of love. Very good, I am very happy with you." All the satsangies
got peace of mind, hearing Hazur's loving words.
I arranged everything and requested of Hazur, "Let us go and please have some rest. It was a long
journey and you are tired. Take a bath please and eat some food." Sache Patshah said, "Okay Bibi, let
us go." Give me some time to be done with the sangat's meeting, and then I will go for rest. To me, first
is the sangat and then anything else." Data Ji was always happy in the happiness of the sangat. Then
kindly Hazur came and looked at the kitchen and told me that the kitchen was very nice. I said, "Yes,
Sache Patshah." Hazur said, "Now Bibi, I will take a bath and then eat the food." So He ate His dinner
and was lost in His spiritual thoughts.
The next morning He gave His satsang and pleased everybody by giving His Darshan. When He
was done with the satsang, Deputy Hamaryan requested Hazur to see a palace of mirrors made by
a rich man of that city. Data Ji said, "Look brother, you are talking about a palace of mirrors. I have
thousands of palaces of m irrors inside. W h at is there to see outside. See those o utside by lo o k
ing in to th e m inside. You will get th e peace o f m in d a n d soul. N o b o d y listens to this m atter.
Everybody is afraid o f looking inside. Everybody keeps ru n n in g outside." H e again m ade a
request before H azur th a t he m u st try th e outside o n e too. H azur said, "O kay brother, in
o rd er to fulfil yo u r desire I will go." H azur asked m e if I w anted to go w ith H im ." I said,
"No D ata Ji, y o u go to see it. I have to w ash th e clothes." H azu r sat in th e m o to rcar an d
said to me, "Okay Bibi, as you like." W hen H azur was lo o k in g at th e palace, I also reached
th ere w ith th e daughter o f D eputy H am arayan. I th o u g h t o f th e ow ner o f th e palace. If he
cam e an d h a d the D arshan o f H azur it w o u ld b e nice. I asked th e w atchm an if th e rich m an
ever visited here. H e replied on ly once o r twice a year. We w ere saying th is w h e n th e rich
m an, th e ow ner o f th e palace came. H azur laughed a n d said, "Kako, see, M aster has ful
filled y our desire. T he rich m an is here." W h en th e ow ner h a d H azur's D arsh an he becam e
very happy. Because H azur's appearance w as full o f magic. W hosoever, like th e birds an d
th e anim als w ere attracted by His appearance, th e n w h a t to speak o f the h u m a n beings.
The ow ner asked H azu r if H e liked th e palace o f m irrors. H azur said, "Look brother, there
are to o m an y b etter th a n this." The ow ner asked Hazur, "Have y o u seen them ?" H azur said,
"Yes brother, I m yself have seen all o f th em ." The ow ner a n d all th e sangat kept m um . Then
Satguru read som e lines o f th e H oly Book G uru G ranth Sahib, "Look brother, th o se w ho
sm oke a n d eat intoxicated things, a n d never rem em bered G od are caught by th e Yam (G od
o f D eath.) T hose w h o praise G od a n d lead a sim ple life a n d do n o t forget th e deeds o f G od
w ill w in G od a n d m ake G od happy."
H azur w en t o n talking a b o u t spirituality w ith th e ow ner for som etim e. The ow ner re
quested H azur to have a visit to his h o u se a n d to give His D arshan to the m em bers o f his
fam ily a n d to purify his house. Satguru said, "No n o t now, any o th e r tim e, b u t at th is tim e I
have a lo t o f w ork to do for the sangat." Saying these w ords H azur cam e back h o m e a n d said,
"Kako, th e p o o r fellow was forcing m e to visit his house a n d I p u t h im off. It w ill be good
if y o u go to his house. I will n o t go. You are very good Bibi, y o u d o m y w ork." I requested,
"Satguru Ji, do n o t sen d m e to such rich people's houses, th ey have very b a d karm as." D ata
Ji said, "Kako, you are right, b u t y o u are obeying m y order." I said, "Okay Sache Patshah.
W hatever H azur's o rd er is I will obey." T hen th e rich m a n left. But H azur's charm ing picture
stayed in His heart. H e w ished to have H azur's D arshan m ore a n d m ore. W hoever once h a d
H azur's D arsh an w o u ld forget everything.
At 4:00 p.m ., th e sam e rich m a n again cam e to have H azur's D arshan. The car h e drove, its
doors w ere m ad e o f gold. W hen th e rich m a n came, all th e sangat cam e to m e a n d said, "Bibi
Ji, this m a n is th e w ealthiest m a n in th e city so you m u st h elp h im in m eeting w ith Hazur." I
said th a t I w o u ld arrange a chair for h im in th e ro o m a n d give h im good respect. H azur was
sitting in m ed ita tio n a n d w h en H e w o u ld b e free H e m u st see h im . N o b o d y is highest o r
low est in th e C ourt o f th e Master. W ealth h a d o nly value in th e w orld, b u t n o t in th e C ourt
o f th e Satguru. In His C ourt there w as o nly value in N aam , sim ran a n d seva.
I to o k th e rich m a n in th e ro o m an d asked h im to sit in th e chair. T hen I entered H azur's
ro o m slowly. Looking at H azur sitting in m ed itation, I cam e back. I looked again an d H azur
was d o n e w ith his m ed itatio n . I to ld H im th a t th e rich m a n w a n te d to see H im in th e next
room . "Hazur, please give h im som e tim e to talk w ith you," I said to H azur respectfully.
H azu r said, "Okay Bibi, b u t I w ill n o t initiate h im even th o u g h he requests m an y tim es. H e
has such heavy karm as th a t w henever I talk to h im m y tongue becom es stuck an d hard."
I w as very surprised to h e a r this, th in k in g th a t Satguru was th e great one, w h o could w ash
away o u r sins.
Satguru Ji cam e in to th e ro o m to talk w ith th e rich m an. The rich m a n bow ed his head
a n d greeted H im w ith his folded h a n d s in o rd er to give m uch respect to Hazur. T hen he
requested in itiation. D ata Ji said, "Brother, y o u r tim e has n o t com e yet." T he rich m an said,
"Hazur, I will com e to y o u r D era Beas." D ata Ji said, "Brother, there is no g o o d place for you
to stay in D ehra Beas." The rich m a n replied, "No, Hazur, I can stay even in th e forest." The
poor, rich m a n left a n d H azur's h e a lth started to go dow n. H azur was sick for th e night. Then
H azur said, "Look h o w m u ch b a d karm a th e rich m a n has. Saints can lo o k in to th e karm as
like lo o k in g in to th e m irro r o r a p o t m ad e o f glass." H azur stayed eight days in Indore a n d
th e rich m a n kept o n visiting H azu r for seven days. T hen th e sangat kept o n requesting H a
z u r for in itia tio n for six days. Later H azur accepted to give it th e next m orning. So th e next
m o rn in g w h e n H azur was ready to give in itiatio n , th e rich m an was also th ere b u t H azur
again refused him . The o ld devotees m ad e requests to H azur in his favor. T hen th e devotee
M oti Lal requested H azu r again for th e rich m a n saying th a t he w as th e w ealthiest m a n a n d
h e h a d th e utensils o f silver to feed the te n th o u sa n d sangat. If h e w o u ld be initiated th e n
th ere w ere lots o f p eo p le w orking u n d e r h im th a t w o u ld b e satsangies. D ata Ji said, "Look,
M oti Lal, w h a t you are saying is right, b u t his karm as are very heavy a n d I c a n n o t b ear th e
b u rd en . If y o u can b ear all o f his karm as a n d can have th e b u rd en , th e n I a m ready to give
h im in itiatio n . M oti Lal said, "No Hazur, I c a n n o t do that. I have m y ow n karm as to bear."
H azu r said, "M oti Lal look, w e d o n 't need w ealth. We love those w h o love G od. W ealth o f
N aam is greater th a n th a t o f th e w orld. If I have to give h im in itia tio n I w ill have to leave
m y b o d y right afterw ard because his karm as c a n n o t b e lo ad ed o n m y body." T hen I said,
"M oti Lal Ji, do n o t force Hazur. We need H azur's presence, so there is n o need to give in itia
tio n to th e rich m an." The p o o r fellow M oti Lal becam e qu iet a n d sto p p ed forcing Hazur.
H azu r in itiated eighteen h u n d re d peo p le in Indore. H e spent th e w h o le day in in itiatio n
a n d advised everybody to do sim ran an d b h a ja n every day. After giving lots o f His grace H e
cam e back to His room . T hen H e d ran k m ilk after having His b a th a n d at 5:00 p.m . H e again
w e n t o u t a n d gave satsang. M aster was very h a p p y a n d all the sangat was also very h ap p y to
b e blessed w ith H azur's D arshan. At n ig h t H azu r said, "N ow alm o st th e w h o le w ork is d o n e
h ere a n d w e all have to go th e day after tom orrow . We have given tim e to th e residents o f
Dewas (a city”close to Indore) so we w ill reach th ere th e day after tom orrow ."
The sangat requested H azur to sp en d o n e day m ore. H azur asked if they w o u ld be satis
fied w ith th e stay o f o n e m o re day. H e fu rth er to ld th a t th e true lovers o f M asters were never
satisfied. They always w an ted to b e w ith th e ir Master. If they are satisfied th e n w h a t type o f
love could it be? Love is th e n a m e o f th a t w hich always gives th e p a in o f separation. The fish
lives in th e w ater b u t is never satisfied w ith it. D id she ever say th a t she does n o t need water?
So th e lovers o f th e M aster always have such a k in d o f longing for th e Master, like th a t o f the
fish in th e water." (The w ater is th e M aster a n d th e lover is th e fish). Everybody was laughing
a n d w ere overw helm ed w ith joy w hile H azu r was speaking His sw eet w ords. All loved His
sw eet w ords.
The next day after giving His satsang, H azur w as ready to leave. H azur to ld m e after
th e evening satsang th a t I could arrange all th e things because th e next m o rn in g H e w o u ld
leave. T h at evening after satsang, H azur to ld everybody, "Brothers, do y o u r sim ran a n d b h a
jan regularly w ith love a n d devotion. Never forget a n d never delay. W hoever does this will
get th e rew ard. Sim ran is th e fence to pro tect m ed itatio n . Satgurus o n ly com e to lead the
w orldly p eo p le to th eir p a th a n d explain everything regarding spirituality. After being done,
th ey leave for the d estin atio n o f S achkhand from w here they com e. Saints d o n o t like to
live in th is b a d country (th e w orld) for long. There is d o u b t th a t w hatever th ey have, they
have g otten from this body. But th e b o d y w ill n o t stan d lo n g a n d it has never stayed before.
W henever th e b o d y becom es old, th e Saints th ro w it out, a n d have kept o n th row ing o u t
th e ir bodies th ro u g h the ages. T h at is w hy I tell all o f y o u to always keep h o ld o f th e Shabad
G uru, w h o is th e only G u m to sta n d by you. D o n o t w aste even a single b reath w ith o u t sim-
ran. This is en ough for y o u from m y side. N ow you do sim ran a n d d o satsang all together."
T hen he gave a one h u n d red rupee n o te to D eputy Sahib's dau g h ter an d said, "My child, I
am very h a p p y w ith you. You served m e a n d Bibi Lajo w ith h e a rt a n d soul."
After giving His blessings to everyone a n d giving H is charm ing D arsh an to th e sangat,
H e left for Dewas City at 6:00 a.m . The satsangies an d lovers o f H azur were crying an d sh ed
ding tears at His departure.
Translators Note:
These are th e w ords from a Bani (song) b u t Bibi Lajo always used to sing these w ords.
She was always serving h er G u m like a sh ad o w a n d after His physical departure, she re
m ain ed in th e sweet m em ories o f h e r Master, a m eans by w hich she could feel His presence.
So m an y Saints from all aro u n d In d ia used to visit h e r house.
The G od him self, like Satguru Kirpal Singh Ji u sed to visit h e r every m o n th . In m y pres
ence Satguru D arshan Singh li visited h e r a n d shared h e r love a n d p a in o f separation for
th eir Satguru Sawan.
I usually traveled w ith h er to Sawan A shram a n d later Kirpal A shram a n d stayed w ith h er
in h e r ro o m in o rder to enjoy h e r spiritual stories o f Hazur.
I u sed to call her th e M ira Bai o f th e present tim e. Like M ira Bai she has w ritten stories
an d p o em s o f h e r Satguru o n h e r heart. H er stories a n d p o em s sh o u ld n o t b e w eighed w ith
literature, b u t it sh o u ld be w eighed w ith h e r tm e love a n d devotion. Feelings a n d em o tio n s
in th e stories in this p art convey h e r love a n d devotion for h e r Satguru Sawan, in w hose
divine co m p an y she lived h e r life a n d never forgot even a single m o m e n t sp en t in His h oly
The disciple w h o is already blessed w ith th e love a n d d ev otion o f his Satguru w ill be
m o re in sp ired after reading these w onderful stories o f Hazur. By reading these stories o f
Hazur, w h o is still present in His h id d e n form , one m u st b e fo rtu n ate to experience love a n d
dedication as Bibi Lajo had.
So these stories are a b o u t th e m iracles for th e tm e devotee.
Story # 35:
Story o f Dewas (A town in India)
From In d o re Sache P atshah reached Dewas. There w ere lots o f satsangies gathered, w aiting
for Hazur. They h a d m ade very goo d arrangem ents for H azur's stay in a big house. The san
gat was singing shabds in praise o f th e ir beloved Master. W hen H e arrived, Satguru Ji gave
His blessings. H e talked to everyone a n d asked h ow th ey are doing. T hen H azu r said, "Look,
brothers, w h a t a m iracle Satguru has d o n e th a t we all are to g eth er here. We all have com e
from far a n d wide. Look at th e distance betw een Beas a n d U.P. (a state in n o rth e rn India.)
Satguru is very k ind to all in this Kaliyuga (th e Iron Age.) T hanks to th e Satguru. So we, w ho
are so close, rem ain em pty som etim es a n d som e are called from far o ff places. The w ealth o f
N aam can b e fo u n d w ith goo d fortune. So y o u all are great to have got this o p p o rtu n ity to
gather for satsang here. I am w ith all o f you. You are loving people. You have th e devotion
a n d devotion is th e way to find G od. Those w h o do th e b h a ja n a n d sim ran are th e luckiest
ones." H azu r was sitting in a chair in th e garden a n d spoke these w ords to th e sangat.
After arranging H azur's things, I requested o f Hazur, "Sache Patshah, w ash y o u r face an d
h a n d s a n d eat so m eth in g a n d have som e rest." H azu r laughed a n d said, "Kako, you are
very pu n ctu al to com e o n tim e to call me. A lright Bibi, let us go. I w ill obey y o u first. Kako
I forget m y h u n g er a n d th irst w h e n I lo o k a t m y sangat a n d loving people." Satguru Ji m ade
everybody very happy. T hen H e w ashed His face an d h a n d s a n d d ran k som e w ater a n d said,
"Kako, has everybody d ru n k th e water?" T hen H e said, "Okay Bibi There are lots o f p eo p le
w ith us an d you have to cook food. Kako, is y o u r kitchen good? You d o n 't have any difficulty
for cooking?" I said, "Sache Patshah, everything is goo d by y o u r grace."
The Postm aster, a satsangie in th a t area h a d m ad e th e arrangem ents in th e Town H all
for satsang. There w ere n u m ero u s satsangies. It was h a rd to sit in th a t hall for everyone.
So, m an y were sitting in th e gallery, w hich was o n th e first floor o f th e big hall. Even th e n
there w as a big crowd. Satguru Ji gave satsang an d blessed everyone. T hen H azur w e n t to
see th e city o f U jjain close by th a t area. H e m ad e fo rtu n ate so m an y peo p le by giving His
h o ly D arshan. C om ing back from U jjain, H azu r gave a satsang. H azur's satsang was w ith o u t
any discrim ination, so everyone o f any caste o r religion was enjoying His satsang. So m any
peo p le developed th e feeling o f love for H im after listening to H is satsang. So m an y p eople
w ere ready to get in itiated from Hazur. H azu r to ld th e m H e w o u ld give in itia tio n th e next
m o rn in g because H e h a d to leave th e day thereafter. H e h a d to reach D evlali (a to w n in
India.) Babu Postm aster requested H azur for satsang in his house. H e convinced H azur to
place His ho ly feet in his house. H azur agreed a n d said, "W hen I leave this place, I w ill com e
to yo u r house."
The P ostm aster fell sick th a t n ig h t due to over w ork a n d co u ld n o t com e in th e m o rn in g
to see Hazur. H azur always used to take care o f everyone. So w h e n H e no ticed th a t Babu Ji
has n o t com e, he said, "Kako, Babu Ji has n o t com e. Is h e well? H e m ay have fever d u e to
overw ork." I said, " Yes Hazur, he has fever." H azur gave m e tw o apples a n d said, "Go Kako,
see h im an d give h im th is parshad. H e m u st get well. H e does seva for m e a n d th e sangat." I,
w ith m y folded h a n d s said, "I w ill go Sache Patshah. I d o n 't k n o w h o w m an y days h e h a d to
b e sick a n d you are m aking h im well w ith in o n e day by giving y o u r parshad. I am going just
now." H azur said, "Kako, Babu was to be sick w ith fever for th irty days, b u t h e w ill be sick
on ly for th irty h ours because h e has d o n e a lo t o f seva for m e a n d m y sangat." I said, "Hazur,
like this way seva is n o t expensive." H azur said, "Yes Kako, m a n does n o t know w h a t th e
M aster does for h im . Kako, I am n o t su p p o sed to give o u t such kinds o f secrets. If such se
crets are revealed, th e w orld will n o t let th e Saints live w ith ease. T hat is w hy it is good to hide."
After listening to H azur's w ords, I sat in th e m o to rcar a n d w e n t to Babu Ji's house. W hen I
reached there, I saw Babu was suffering w ith high fever a n d h a d im m en se p a in in his back. I
gave h im H azur's h o ly parshad. H e kissed th e apple a n d ate so m e o f it. H e to ld his children
n o t to share his parshad. Satguru h a d sent th e p arsh ad to keep th e fever away.
As soon as he ate the whole parshad, his fever was gone and there was no pain in his back. He be
came ready to go with me. When he reached Hazur, Sache Patshah laughed and sa id ," Brother, how is
your fever now?" Babu Ji said, "Sache Patshah, you know better all about the secret. When Bibi gave the
parshad, the fever went away and the pain disappeared. Now I feel better." Data Ji said, "Look, you did
a lot of seva for me and my sangat, so Baba Ji became happy and bestowed his grace upon you. I did
nothing. It is all the kind of favor of my Baba Ji." Babu Ji said, "No Sache Patshah, it is all your kind
ness." Hazur said, " No brother, do not disgrace me. "It is all work done by my Baba Ji. I am grateful
to Him that He has given me the opportunity to be with the sangat to do the seva for them. He is very
kind to me." Hazur never gave any credit to Himself for doing miracles. He was great and in spite of
being the Highest Power, He never showed Himself, but always referred to Himself as a servant of the
sangat. Has was an example of humility and kindness.
In the evening, Hazur did the satsang and the next day, He initiated new disciples into the myster
ies of the beyond. Then Hazur said, "Look, I have initiated all of you. Is there any difference in your
caste and religion? Now all of you are equal. There is no fear of anything like the negative power Kai,
evil spirits, Yamraja (God of Death) or Black Magic. Nothing will affect you with simran and bhajan. To
fill the stomach is easy even for the animals, but take advantage of this human birth. My son! Worldly
material will not stand by us at the time of death. Only Naam and Satguru will help at that time."
Then Hazur encouraged everybody and took leave of them. He went to take a bath.
In the evening Hazur gave one more satsang. At night He said to Babu Ji, "Now, there is nothing more
left to do. Now I have to visit your house which is on the way." Babu Ji happily replied, "Yes Sache
Patshah, you are very kind to me and you gave your good time to everyone and I am very much thank
ful to you." Hazur, after having given a lot of time to the sangat, ate His food. Then He asked me to
pack the luggage and said, "Kako, we have to leave early in the morning. You serve everybody with milk
soon. Cook the food for everybody and nobody should give you any trouble on the way for having
food. Pack my food in the tiffin and put it in my motorcar. Then Bibi, we have to stop at the Postmas
ter's house. He will have love for five or six minutes and I have to give something to his children. He
did a good seva." I said, "Okay Sache Patshah."
Hazur, at about 8:00 a.m. got into the motorcar after giving His Darshan to the love filled sangat.
All were shedding tears. Hazur said, "My children, do not cry. I am very close to you. Satguru never
departs from His loved ones. He is always within you." After saying this Hazur left for Devlali. On the
way, Hazur stopped at the Postmaster's house. The Postmaster's wife welcomed Hazur lovingly and
brought some sugarballs and cardamoms for beloved Satguru and His sangat. In order to make her
happy, the gracious Satguru Ji picked one cardamom and ate it. All the sangat with Hazur took one
candamom and one sugarball. Satguru gave fifty rupees to his children and loved them. After a shower
of His love and blessings, Hazur left the place.
Story #36:
Story o f Devlali (A town in Maharashtra, India)
From Dewas, Hazur reached Devlali. Numberless satsangies were waiting for Him. Everybody was
putting in efforts to prepare for the celebration of Hazur's arrival. As soon as Hazur's motorcar arrived,
everyone ran towards Him to have His Darshan. They were singing shabds in his praise:
"Mitiya Andhera Chand Chadeya,Satguran Da Darshan Payaa."
Which means, "All darkness disappeared and the m oon rose up when we had the Darshan of Satguru."
Word Meanings: Miteya= Disappeared; Andhera= Darkness; Chand= Moon; Chadeya= Rose up; Sat-
guru= Beloved Master; Da=of; Darshan Paaya= Having a glance.
Satguru Ji m et everyone lovingly. H e accepted th eir greetings, "Radha Soam i." H e bestow ed
His lyrical glances u p o n everyone. Thereafter H e began saying w ith love, "Okay, I am very
h a p p y w ith every b ro th e r a n d sister. N ow everyone take rest a n d I am also going to w ash
m y face a n d hands, th e n w ill take som e rest. After th a t I have to do th e satsang." The sangat
h ap p ily dispersed. Sache Patshah said, "Kako, n ow we sh o u ld m oveffom here a n d y ou also
arrange y o u r kitchen a n d settle everybody at th e ir places." B rother A tm a Ram gave th e h o u se
for H azur's residence. There w ere n o b eautiful houses. Sache P atshah becam e very h a p p y to
see th eir houses. D een Dyal (H azur) did n o t lo o k at th e b eauty o f th e houses b u t He looked
at th e love o f th e satsangies. H e used to m ake everyone happy. The h ouse w here H azur
stayed was an o rd in ary house. It h a d a ro o f m ad e o f b a m b o o a n d dry grass. The place for sat
sang was decorated very nicely. In o n e ro o m H azur was staying a n d th e kitchen w as attached
to His ro o m . H azu r gave th e satsang in th e evening a n d thereafter connected th e souls w ith
________________________________________________________________________________ 55
D ivine Light an d S ound th ro u g h th e process o f in itiation. H earing H azur's satsang, p eople o f
various castes a n d religions; H indus, M uslim s, B rahm ins a n d Kshatriyas, all felt very happy.
The gracious M aster never m ad e anyone's h eart sad. W henever H e used to sit for satsang,
H e always gave everyone a brilliant, divine look, w hich w o u ld m ake everyone intoxicated.
After th e h o ly in itiation, Sache Patshah h a d His dinner. H e was lost in His spiritual th o u g h ts
a n d d id n o t speak m uch. A large n u m b e r o f peo p le gathered for His satsang. T housands o f
people am o n g th em w anted to have h o ly in itiatio n . They requested Satguru Ji for initiation.
D een Dyal replied, "I will, to m o rro w m orning." The sangat was overjoyed to hear this.
After th e evening satsang, som e disciples to o k H azur to show H im th e to w n an d sandal
trees. They said, "Sache Patshah! You will have a w alk as well as you will lo o k a t th e things o f
o u r tow n." Atm a Ram, a devotee, b ro u g h t a piece o f san d alw o o d a n d a p air o f w o o d en slip
pers fo r H azur a n d gifted th em to H im . W h en H azur cam e back a n d entered His house, He
said, "Call in Kako." So Atm a Ram cam e to m e a n d to ld th a t H azur w an ted to see me. I pre
sented m yself before Hazur. H azur said, " Kako, you have come. Very good, m y child! Take
these w o o d e n slippers a n d keep th e m w ith you. This is a gift from A tm a Ram. Ask h im th e
price. I will pay h im for them , th e n we w ill leave." H azu r gave te n m pees to A tm a Ram a n d
I to o k th e w o o d en slippers a n d san d alw o o d to keep th e m w ith me. H azur stayed in Devlali
o nly for three days. The next m orning, H azu r to o k a b a th a n d was ready to give in itiation.
D uring th e selection o f th e p eo p le for in itiatio n , th ere was a big crow d o f peo p le th a t was
still increasing m ore a n d m ore. So H azur said, "Bring tw o o r th ree m o re ladies a n d I w ill let
these peo p le go o n e by o n e a n d all o f y o u h elp th em to have th eir ro o m s for sitting." H azur
selected eleven h u n d re d people a n d the rest o f th e m w ere sent back.
H azu r graciously initiated eleven h u n d re d peo p le a n d gave His blessing. The H e said,
"My sons! You all have been initiated now. D o sim ran a n d b h a ja n w ith y o u r h eart a n d soul.
D o n 't care for an y thing else. D o m ed itatio n . Peace is w ith in you a n d you w ill find eternal
peace o nly by d o in g sim ran a n d b h a ja n w ith attention. O nly th e fo rtu n ate ones can get th e
w ealth o f in itiation. So luckily, y o u all are blessed w ith this w ealth. But m ake Satguru ap
pear inside. My sons a n d daughters, b e p u n ctu al a n d regular for m ed ita tio n w ith love an d
devotion. D o n o t m iss it even for a day. You m ay sp en d only five m inutes, b u t never have off
for m editation. If you have o ff even for a single day, y o u w ill lose th e rew ard o f six m o n th s
m editation. So m ake sure, never have off o r miss it. Always think o f the Master's presence inside.
Consider the husband as God, and the m en should never have a b ad eye o n another w om an.
They should always th in k o f their ow n wives. So I have explained to you enough. Never give less
th an two and a h alf hours to m editation. N ow you can go and you are free to leave."
At the tim e o f m editation during initiation, som e experienced th e Light, som e Sound, an d
som e saw th e Radiant Form o f Hazur. D ata Ji show ered a lo t o f grace. After initiation, Sache
Patshah h a d a b ath a n d changed His dress. H e was d o n e at 3:00 p.m . After having rest for two
hours, at 5:00 p.m ., h e again gave th e satsang for two hours. H azur was never m uch tired. After
th e satsang H e said, "Kako, we have to leave for C hittaw at tom orrow . In the m orn in g give m ilk
to everyone an d pack th e food. It is a long journey." I packed everything at night.
H azur gave a lo t o f blessings to A tm a Ram a n d th e sangat a n d said, "I am very happy
w ith all o f you. You have d o n e a lo t o f seva for m e a n d m y sangat. A lo t o f m o n ey has been
spent. But do n o t worry, M aster will bless y o u w ith m o re m oney. Have faith in th e Master.
M aster does n o t find anyone to share w ith him ."
The sangat was in tears over th e separation o f th e ir beloved Satguru. D een Dyal said,
"Brothers do n o t cry. I am always w ith you. Satguru is present w ith His devotees even in th e
forests a n d m o u n tain s." T hen H azur to ld th e m a story th a t tw o devotees w en t to B urm a (a
n eighboring country o f India) a n d they lo st th eir way. They w ere lo st in th e dense forests
w hich w ere su rro u n d e d by lions a n d tigers. The n ig h t was falling. Both becam e nervous an d
started th in k in g w h a t to do? They th o u g h t o f th eir Satguru a n d sat in m ed ita tio n in His re
m em brance. W hen th ey rem em bered th e ir Satguru w ith a true heart, H e appeared. Satguru
lead th e m a n d they follow ed H im . H e help ed th e m reach th e ir house. T hen th e Satguru
disappeared." All th e sangat started saying: "Satguru is great! Satguru is great! Your grace is
lim idess! The gift o f y o u r kindness a n d m ercy is en d less!"
After giving a lo t o f tim e to th e sangat H e d ran k th e m ilk. H e was very hap p y to m ake every
o n e h a p p y w ith His m elo d io u s w ords w hich attracted everyone's attention.
T hen H azur said to me, "Kako! Have you prepared th e food?" "Yes H azur! Everything is
ready," I replied. T hen H e said, "Very good Kako. I am very h a p p y w ith you. You always fin
ish th e w ork very quickly." I said, "D een Dyal Ji, it is all y o u r grace."
T hen H azur said to th e sangat, "N ow brothers, give m e leave. I have to do a lo n g journey."
T hen laughingly H e said, "Let us go Kako. Everybody has to leave w ith o u t any adm iration."
After saying these w ords H e got in to th e car. D ue to th e separation o f Hazur, th e sangat's
hearts w ere getting broken. Satguru looked at th e sangat an d to o k His seat in His car an d
b ad e R adha Soam i to all o f th em a n d caught th e way to C hittaw at.
Story# 37:
Story o f Chittawat (A small town in western India)
H azur reached C hittaw at from Devlali. A tm a Ram was also there. M ost o f th e people in
this area w ere very poor. H azur w as called th e h elper o f th e poor. This was n o t a good place.
The h o u se w here H azur was to stay h a d a hall w hich w as divided in to two parts w ith a cur
tain. T hat h all n eith er h a d a w in d o w n o r a ventilator. O n e p a rt o f th e ro o m was for D eputy
Sahib a n d th e o th e r for Hazur. H azur's p o rtio n o f th e hall was decorated w ith w hite sheets
a n d due to th a t th ere was darkness in th e room . I h a d to light th e lam ps even d uring th e
daytim e a n d th e n serve food to Hazur. I said, "Hazur, it is a very dark ro o m for you to stay."
H azur said, "Kako, I like this house. I can see o nly love spread all aro u n d th e house. W hat
sh o u ld I tell y ou Kako. Love is seen in this kin d o f place. Satguru (G uru N anak) saw th e love
a n d th a t w as w hy h e ate chapatti (bread) in Lalo's h o u se leaving th e rich fo o d o f Bhago's
house. Bhai Lalo's fo o d was cooked from his self earned m o n ey w ith h eart a n d soul a n d so
w h en N an ak squeezed th e bread, nectar cam e o u t o f it. O n th e o th er h a n d w h e n Bhago's
sweets w ere squeezed, b lo o d cam e o u t o f it because h e u sed to kill th e p eople a n d he lo o ted
th eir m oney. Therefore he did n o t eat th e fo o d from Bhago's house. So Kako, for m e this
place is b e tte r th a n th e palaces m ad e o f sh in in g glass. This is a good cottage for m editation.
The p o o r p e o p le do b h a ja n a n d sim ran w ith love a n d devotion." I said, "Sache Patshah, you
are telling th e tru th . N o b o d y can u n d e rsta n d th e reasons for w h a t y o u do." It was good to
speak th e tru th before Hazur. H azu r stayed th ere for th ree days a n d gave tw o satsangs each
day. H e gave h o ly in itia tio n to fo u r h u n d re d an d fifty people. H e w ished Radha Swami to
everyone. O n th e th ird day H e left for G w alior (a city in M adhya Pradesh, India.) H azur
w en t to th e h o u se o f G eneral Sahib a n d his wife Lakashi Bai, w h o was th e sister o f th e qu een
o f Sangli (a state in Deccan, presently a city in W estern India.) Before leaving C hittaw at H e
encouraged everyone for sim ran a n d b h ajan. H e accepted Radha Soam i from everyone. T hen
H e w en t to G u m alip u r (a tow n.) O n th e w ay He kept o n giving His D arshan an d h a d little
stays in th e villages. I d o n 't rem em b er th e nam es o f th o se villages.
Story # 38:
Arrival in Gwalior (a city in Madhya Pradesh, India)
for H azur's b a th . Lakshm i Bai a n d h e r eldest daughter in-law n a m e d Indra, served H azur
w ith love a n d dev o tio n a n d h a d blessings fro m Hazur. As so o n as H azur reached there H e
h a d a b a th a n d gave th e satsang. G eneral Sahib a n d his servants a n d o th er d o c to r friends
h eard th e satsang happily.
After explaining th is h e left for Agra at 6:00 a.m ., giving His blessings to th e sangat.
Story # 39:
Story o f Agra (Famous city where Soami Ji lived)
Leaving Gwalior, H azu r reached Agra. In Agra, M ehta Ji (w ho was Soam i Ji's nephew )
a n d M ata Ji arranged a beautiful stay for Hazur. D ata Ji stayed in th a t h o u se a n d M ata Ji gave
a lo t o f respect to Hazur. She sent m ilk, lo t o f fruits, sweets a n d o th e r edibles for Hazur. I
placed everything in fro n t o f Hazur. D ata Ji was th e treasurehouse o f soft heartedness a n d
said, "No m atter Bibi, everything belonging to this place is goo d to eat, b u t M ata Ji to o k to o
m u ch p a in to send a lo t o f edibles. O kay Kako, we also w ill go to have th e D arshan o f M ata
Ji. You arrange som e dry fruits a n d sweets. We sh o u ld n o t go to th e Saints em pty h an d ed ." I
accepted w ith folded hands. In th e m eanw hile M ehta Ji cam e th ere in order to greet Hazur.
Both o f th em m et each o th er happily. They w ere looking like a p a ir o f swans. They talked for
a b o u t an hour. T hen M ehta Sahib w en t back to his house.
Hazur, after w ashing His face a n d h an d s d ran k m ilk a n d ate som e snacks. After I was d o n e
w ith H azur's seva, I cooked th e food. I served H azur an d th e sangat w ith food. It was a long
journey, so having tak en His food H azur b ecam e lo st in His spiritual practice a n d sleep. In
th e m orning, w h en H azu r was d o n e w ith his m ed itatio n , He said, "Kako, we have to go to
have M ata Ji's D arshan. Have you arranged so m eth in g for her." I said, "Yes Hazur, everything
is arranged." I p u t dry fruits a n d sweets a n d garlands o f flowers o n big plates a n d covered it
w ith a square piece o f silken cloth. I placed all o f th e m in fro n t o f Hazur. Looking a t them ,
H azur was pleased a n d said, "Very good Kako, you have d o n e a very good job." T hen he
said to Shadi, "Look, w h a t a great job Bibi has done. Such deeds are d o n e o nly by w o m e n
belonging to royal fam ilies. They have full know ledge o f such kinds o f deeds. O k Bibi, get
ready." I said very softly, "I am ready Sache Patshah." There was a large sangat. W hen H azu r
w alked out, everybody follow ed H im . T he big plates w ere in m y h a n d s a n d in th e h a n d s o f
H azur's servants. D ata Ji was w alking w ith H is m ajestic gait a n d stepping slow ly a n d slow ly
________________________________________________________________________________ 59
in order to have M ata Ji's D arshan. Looking a t H azur's w onderful gait, th e sangat was over
w helm ed w ith joy. They, o u t o f joy were b lo o m in g like flowers. The joy I h a d at th a t tim e is
inexpressible. W hen H azu r called m e Kako, it seem ed like there was a rain o f flowers. W hen
He called m e Bibi, I could n o t com pare m yself even w ith th e gods in Heaven. It looked to
m e as if I h a d received th e kingship from Satlok o r Sachkhand.
W ith th e leading steps o f H azu r a n d b e h in d H im myself, th e n th e sangat, w e all reached
M ata Ji's house. C alm ness a n d d evotion o f G uru was all blessed to H azur from Sachkhand.
N o o n e can com pete w ith H im in these virtues. D ata Ji sto p p ed all th e virtues as so o n as He
left all o f us. H e d id n o t give H is virtues to anyone b e h in d H im . H azu r show ed a m iracle,
seeing w hich we all started w eeping. W hen H azu r m e t M ata Ji, H e fell o n h e r feet an d lied
dow n o n th e floor straight o n His stom ach a n d to u ch e d M ata Ji's feet. D ata Ji was to u ch in g
M ata Ji's feet a n d M ata Ji was to u ch in g D ata Ji's feet. T hat was a w onderful scene. O nly those
w h o w ere present th ere w ere th e fo rtu n ate ones to w itness a n d enjoy th e m agnificent m eet
ing an d greeting o f tw o spiritual powers. It w as a strange game. It was just like th a t as Lord
K rishna u sed to m eet th e wife o f Saint Sandeepan. She was called G uruani (Saint's o r G uru's
wife.) Just like that, H azu r was m eetin g M ata Ji.
T hen H azur said, "You also to u ch M ata Ji's feet a n d th e n let th e sangat to u ch M ata Ji's feet
o n e by one. W hatever I have received in m y life, I have received from this house. She is m y
G rand G uru."
I was losing m y wits at th a t tim e th inking th a t D ata Ji knew th a t the only form he h ad
adopted for him self, th a t n o b o d y else could a d o p t such a form . D ata D een Dyal looked at m e
an d laughed, th e n asked, "W hat is th e m atter? W hy are you so surprised?" I could n o t speak a
single w ord. I was quiet. M ata Ji was ho ld in g D ata Ji's h an d s a n d D ata Ji was sitting in fro n t
o f h e r w ith His h a n d s folded. M ata Ji was asking H azur h o w H e h a d been. D ata Ji was telling
M ata Ji softly, "M ata Ji, it is all y o u r grace." M ata Ji said, "Give m e y o u r blessing a n d grace."
D ata Ji said, "No M ata Ji, I have com e to take blessings a n d love from you." M ata Ji said,
"You are th e treasure o f blessings a n d grace." D ata Ji said, "No n o , I am th e beggar at the
d o o r o f y o u r house. You are m y G rand G uru."
M ata Ji b elonged to Seth Sahib's family, so she was th e wife o f Seth Sahib, a n d Seth Sahib
belonged to Soam i Ji's family. Baba Jaim al Singh Ji got in itia tio n from Soam i Ji an d H azur
got in itia tio n from Baba Jaim al Singh Ji. So th e spiritual chain is tied w ith Soam i Ji's fam
ily. Everybody connected w ith Soam i Ji was a m em b e r o f Soam i Ji's family. Every soul was
spiritual in th e family. In th e dynasty o f Soam i Ji's spiritual Kingship, every m em b e r o f th e
spiritual dynasty was lo st in m ed ita tio n a n d leading a spiritual life.
H azur sat for h a lf an h o u r w ith M ata Ji. W h en H azur was ready to com e back, H e again
to u ch ed th e feet o f M ata Ji in th e sam e w ay as H e did in th e beg in n in g o f H is m eeting w ith
M ata Ji a n d w ished h e r blessings. M ata Ji also w ished H im "Radha Soam i." W h en D ata Ji left
M ata Ji, H e w en t in His h o u se w here H e used to live at th e tim e o f Soam i Ji a n d Baba Jaim al
Singh Ji. T hen He cam e back to H is residence a n d sat in a chair. W hen H e w as sitting, His
face was sh in n in g w ith spiritual radiance. N o m o o n a n d su n could stay before His divine
light sh in in g o n His face.
W hen H azur was sitting I said, "My great Sache Patshah, you show ed y o u r calm ness a n d
softness today. N o b o d y can have th e virtue o f G uru Bhakti except th e Satguru. Sache P atshah
loo k ed a t m e a n d laughed, th e n lovingly said, "Kako, w hy are y o u th in k in g so deeply. To
get th e rew ard o f G urubhakti a n d keep it c o n tin u o u sly is very difficult. But th is is highest
rew ard in life. We always consider th is d o o r as a p a rt o f o u r soul a n d spirituality. G urubhakti
is th e d o o r to Sachkhand. So w e have full respect for G urubhakti a n d w ill keep o n having
the respect th ro u g h o u t life. This is th e h o u se o f m y Satguru. I have received th is w ealth from
this house. Kako, m y Satguru was great. H e received th e sam e w ealth from Soam i Ji a n d d id
a lo t o f practice for spirituality, a n d th e n w ith H is grace H e gave me, H e is still present in me.
Bibi, I am th an k fu l to m y Satguru a t every m o m e n t. H e gave a special gift o f in itia tio n a n d
th e blessings o f d o in g m ed ita tio n a n d gave m e th e d u ty to serve d ie sangat. It is m y spiritual
du ty to b o w dow n. The teaching o f G uru is to b rin g peace a n d calm ness w ith in you. Kako,
Saints are ju st like a tree o f sandalw ood a n d th e w orld is like snakes. The snakes filled w ith
p o iso n a n d b u rn t w ith fire, roll them selves aro u n d th e san d alw o o d trees. The sandalw ood
tree gives his calm ness to th e m b u t never takes th eir p o iso n a n d heat. The tree o f sandal
never pays any atte n tio n to th eir poison. The Saints w ill always th in k o f th e benefit even for
th o se w h o are ready to cut Their head. As som ebody is cutting th e san d alw o o d tree, b u t the
tree does n o t lo o k w h o is cutting it, b u t in return it gives it's fragrance to th e axe w ith w hich
it receives cuts o n its branch. So Bibi, o n e w ho bow s is th e highest in fact. B ending trees are
lo ad ed w ith fruits. T horny trees m ay be th e big ones, b u t th ey have th e th o rn s a n d they can
n o t b ear fruits. They lo o k tall a n d big b u t w ith no use, n o benefit."
I show ed th e w h o le parsh ad sent by M ata Ji th a t was salty snacks, sweet n o o d les a n d la-
d o o o f gram flour a n d som e salty special fried balls o f w heat. H azur said, "Keep th e m Bibi,
w e c a n n o t refuse M ata Ji." In th e m o rn in g Sache P atshah got ready to leave a n d asked m e
to arrange everything. I h a d already packed everything at night. I got d o n e a t a b o u t 12:00
a.m . M adhoparsad M aharaj Ji a n d M ehta Sahib Ji cam e to see o ff H azur w ith respect a n d
love. All th e gathering o f Saints was w onderful. Everybody m et lovingly. They w ere shaking
a n d h o ld in g o n e an o th er's hands. W ith love H azur settled h im self in th e m o to r car. W hat
a p leasant tim e it was. It ca n n o t b e expressed in w ords. "Alas! I ca n n o t get th o se days back.
Saints have finished th e strange game."
D ata Ji stayed o n e n ig h t at D elhi. N ext day he gave o n e satsang at D elhi a n d explained
th e things th a t h a p p e n ed at Agra. H e m ad e everyone happy. H e gave all th e joys to Babu
K hem chand. T hen h e sp en t a n o th e r n ig h t at D elhi a n d o n th e th ird day h e left D elhi a n d
reached D era Beas.
Story #40:
Visit to the King o f Sangli
S. Kirpal Singh is giving a Satsang talk in the presence of Hazur
The Q ueen a n d th e King, w ith G eneral Sahib w ent to H azu r to request H im to visit Sangli.
They cam e to D era Beas. G eneral Sahib said to me, "Bibi Ji, we have com e h ere to b rin g
H azur to Sangli. You are m y sister, y o u also com e w ith us before H azur as a lawyer for m y
side to m ake this request to H azur." I said, "General Sahib, I am ready to clean th e shoes o f
th e lovers o f Hazur. W hatever you w ant, I w ill do it." Raja Sahib, Rani Sahib a n d G eneral
Sahib cam e w ith m e in H azur's ro o m to m ake th e request to b rin g H azur to Sangli. I w e n t to
H azu r a n d said, "Sache Patshah, Raja Sahib a n d his fam ily have com e to see you. W hatever
th ey request for, please accept it." H azur laughed a n d said, "Okay Kako, th ey m u st have a p
p o in te d y o u as th eir lawyer to m ake a request o n th eir behalf. Okay, let Raja Sahib com e to
m e." I b ro u g h t all o f th e m to Hazur. Everybody greeted H azur w ith D andw at (lying straight
o n stom ach, a gesture o f respect a n d reverence.) D een Dyal placed His h a n d o n everybody's
h ead a n d gave th em blessings. All o f th e m w ere overw helm ed w ith joy. D ata Ji looked very
h a p p y to see them . T hen Raja Sahib a n d G eneral sahib said, "Hazur, w e d o n 't deserve w h a t
we w ant. We are very sinful b u t I can 't h elp to request you to visit o u r to w n a n d purify it
w ith y o u r lotus feet. Excuse us please. We said a big th in g from o u r sm all m o u th . H azur ac
cepted th e ir request a n d said, "Raja Sahib a n d General Sahib, y our request is accepted. I am
a servant o f m y lovers." Raja Ji said, "No, we are th e dogs at the d o o r o f Satguru Ji." H azur
said, "No G eneral Sahib, it is w ritten in th e h o ly scripture G uru G ranth Sahib: N anak begs
for th e soil o f th o se w h o recite Your nam e, th o se w ho recite Your (G od's) nam e, I sacrifice
m yself for them . Being a Master, y o u respect love an d N aam . Therefore Raja Sahib, I am very
h a p p y w ith you. You are th e real devotee a n d also do bh ajan . Raja Sahib y o u have received
a lo t o f w ealth o f th e w orld an d th e w ealth o f N aam too."
At th a t tim e, Raja Sahib was very sad because his so n died in an air crash. H e was a boy
o f 25-26 years. H azur also consoled Rani Sahiba for th e boy's d eath a n d said, "My daughter!
D o n 't worry, he h a d th e co n n ectio n w ith you only for this lim ited p erio d o f his life. W hen
th e Karma o f co n n ectio n finished h e h a d to leave th is w orld. O kay m y daughter, do n o t
cry. Always give o n e h o u r to b h a ja n every day if you have love for y o u r so n so th a t his soul
sh o u ld have peace a n d you w ill have peace in m in d to o ." Rani Sahiba folded h e r h a n d s a n d
said, "Sachepatshah, I w ill do it." T hen Raja Sahib a n d G eneral Sahib m ad e th e request to
fix th e date o f H azur's visit in Sangli. H azur laughed a n d said, "So you have m ad e u p yo u r
m in d to m ake m e visit to Sangli. W ith m y visit you w ill have to arrange so m an y things a n d
secondly y o u w ill have to sp en d a lo t o f m oney." M aharaja Sahib said, "No Hazur, we d o n 't
have anything m u ch to do, everything belongs to you." T hen H azur gave th em th e tim e a n d
date for His visit. Everybody th an k e d H azur a n d becam e very happy.
Later Raja Sahib sent G eneral Sahib to rem in d H azur o f the visit. H azu r said to me,
"Kako, y o u get ready a n d pack o n e big tin o f ghee (b u tte r oil.) We have a lo t o f p eople w ith
us a n d ghee in th a t area is n o t pure. Also take th e h o m em a d e ghee to o ." I said, "O kay Sache
Patshah, I w ill do according to y o u r order." In spite o f th e request o f th e p eo p le o f th e dera
n o t to go, H azur was ready to go th in k in g o f th e love o f th e sangat.
Judge Sahib M unshi Ravji, C handervanshi, civil surgeon d o cto r A m am ath a n d his son from
D elhi, tw o sh ab d readers, a n d th is slave lady o f Hazur, accom panied Hazur.
It was a long journey, so Raja Sahib already h a d b o o k e d a full c o m p a rtm e n t o f th e train
from Lahore. It was th e first class c o m p a rtm e n t for H azur's journey. H azur caught th e train
from Ju llu n d h a r station. H azur w as sitting in first class boggie a n d M unshi Rav, A m am ath
d o c to r a n d som e others w ere sitting in th e sam e boggie w ith Hazur. H azur accepted Radha
Soam i o f th e sangat a n d bad e th e m loving good bye, th e n got in to H is com partm ent.
Raja Sahib h a d arranged sangat at every railway statio n o n th e way fro m Ju llu n d h ar
to D elhi to b ring th e food, fruits, sweets a n d dryfruits for H azur a n d His p eo p le travel
ing w ith H im . So th e sangat did according to th e advice o f Raja Sahib a t every station
w here th etrain stopped. H azur never used to eat anything from th e sangat's food. So I
was show ing everything to H azur a n d kept o n giving to th e sangat at every next station
as parshad. A large a m o u n t o f sangat was present at every station. They h a d good Dar-
sh a n o f H azur. D iw an Sahib a n d his dau g h ter Sindho were also traveling w ith Hazur.
The first night, H azur stayed at th e residence o f H em C h a n d at D elhi. H e pleased h im
w ith His good D arshan, b u t d id n o t give any satsang in D elhi. H e said, "Brother, I have to
arrive in Sangli so o n so I w ill give th e satsang o n the way back. I will give o n e day here. N ow
I have to reach there soon. I have given th e tim e to Raja Sahib." At 9:00 a.m . th e next day,
H azur left for Bom bay after pleasing th e sangat by giving His b eau tifu l D arsh an a n d love.
O ne day a n d o n e n ig h t H azur sp en t in th e train. O n th e w ay I decorated H azur's table w ith
a silver jug o f water, a silver glass a n d tiffin. The b a th ro o m was cleaned too. Sache Patshah
laughed a n d said, "O h, ho, you have m ad e this c o m p a rtm e n t like a big ro o m o f m y house."
I was overjoyed to hear H azur's w ords. My Satguru Ji was great w h o was very h a p p y w ith m y
work. It is very difficult to get H azur's joy. "If G uru is happy, th e w hole w orld is happy. If
G uru is in yo u r favor, Kai ca n n o t play his tricks o n you."
W hen th e stations w ere com ing o n th e way, th e sangat was bringing fruits, sweets a n d dry
fruits for M aster a n d his crew o n b o a rd . The sangat was w andering like m o th s in o rder to see
H azur's beautiful rad ia n t face at every station. At first H azur saw th e sangat w ith a telescope
in th e m oving train. T hen H e becam e very h a p p y to see th e crow d o f th e sangat stan d in g at
th e platform w aiting for H azur's D arshan. H azur reached B om bay Railway Station giving
His D arshan an d pleasing th e sangat at every railway sta tio n o n His w ay to Bombay. By lo o k
ing th ro u g h th e telescope from a distance from Bom bay Railway Station, H azur said, "Kako,
there is a large crow d o f sangat a n d p e o p le a t th e platform . You take care o f th e luggage an d
m y pistol. It is Bom bay Railway Station, th ere m ay n o t b e any disturbance." ! said, "Okay m y
Satguru, as you say I will take care."
H azur w en t to th e b a th ro o m , w ashed His face a n d hands, p u t o n His new tu rb a n an d
sat o n His seat, a n d started w aiting for th e train to stop. H e was sitting having th e beauty
a n d intoxication o f N ectar o f N aam . The beau ty o f His face was really inexpressible. W hen
th e station came, H azu r sto o d at th e d o o r o f the com partm ent. In o rd er to greet Hazur, the
highest ranked officers cam e a t th e station. So m any rich p eople o f th e nearby cities h a d also
com e to receive Hazur. The Q ueens a n d Kings o f d o s e by states lied dow n o n th e p latform
in order to greet Hazur. They u sed to do D andw at. T hat was th e tra d itio n am o n g th e royal
people to give th eir respect. All in clu d in g Raja Sahib h a d th e royal scarves a ro u n d th eir necks
a n d gave th eir loving respect to H azu r by folding th eir h a n d s a n d bow ing th eir heads. There
was a big crow d o f sangat a ro u n d Hazur. So everyone, all th e servants a n d sew adars ran to
see th e scene o f H azur's welcom e. They left m e alone w ith th e luggage a n d I was enjoying
th e w hole scene from a distance stan d in g by th e luggage myself. H azu r m et everybody w ith
love a n d H e placed His soft h a n d s o n everybody's h e a d a n d blessed them .
The fireworks w ere going a n d th e m usic b a n d was b ein g played for th e greetings o f Hazur.
W hen they w ere ready to m ake m y Satguru, th e picture o f beauty, sit in th e m o to r car. The
ow ner o f Sachkhand, m y Sache P atshah asked, "Brothers, w here is m y Bibi?" T hen all o f
th em started lo o k in g for me. W hen they saw th a t I was stan d in g by th e luggage, M y Sache
Patshah him self cam e to me, th e sinful o n e a n d said, "My child, you are left by yourself
alone by th e luggage. T hen he started getting angry o n th e servants an d w hy they left m e
alone like that. "It is Bom bay Station a n d th e n th e w h o le luggage a n d she was left alone,
why?" I requested o f Hazur, "No Sache Patshah, th ey are n o t at fault an d I sent th em after
you to enjoy y o u r b eauty a n d th e b eau tifu l scene o f y o u r greetings. So please d o n 't be angry
w ith them ." D een Dyal calm ed d o w n a n d started laughing loudly. All th e servants to o k the
luggage o n e by one. D een Dyal always to o k care o f m e. T hen H e b ro u g h t m e w ith h im a n d
m ade m e sit in His m otorcar. Alas! Today I am leading a life in a forest w ith o u t H im . N o
b o d y is in th e w orld to take care o f m e like m y Satguru now.
D ata Ji reached Lakshm ibai's house. S o m n ath a n d D h u h i Rat h a d arranged th e w hole
h ouse for Hazur. They cam e to receive H azu r w earing th e ir crow ns a t th e h o u se w hich b e
longed to Lakasham Bhandar, th e richest m a n o f th e city. At th a t tim e G urw ant Raj, the
Judge a n d G hugi Shanti, b o th th e sons o f Rai B ahadur Shankar Das, a ren o w n ed devotee
o f Hazur, w ere living in Bombay. W h en H azu r entered th e house, it looked as if th e m o o n
appeared from th e dark clouds. As so o n as H e arrived, H e sat o n th e stage a n d d id th e sat-
sang. H e said th e golden w ords in th e satsang an d gave His D arsh an to th e sangat. Then,
after finishing th e satsang H azur cam e in th e ro o m an d said, "Kako, get th e fo o d ready an d
also feed th e rest o f th e people. T hen Raja Sahib will com e soon. You also m ake yourself free
so th a t y o u can also m eet Raja Sahib." S hahanshah's pictures w ere tak en in th e satsang. T hen
H azur said to D u d h i Ram, "After giving satsang to d ay a n d tom orrow , I have to go day after
to m o rro w to Pune, a n o th e r city close to Bombay. T hen I w ill give y o u tim e o n m y way back."
People o f B om bay w ere very m u ch devoted to H azur a n d obeyed h im lovingly. So D u d h i
Ram said, "Okay Sache Patshah, as y o u w ish." H azur said, "Kako, these are loving people. I
w a n t to please th em in every way."
O n th e th ird day, G eneral Sahib already b o o k e d th e first class c o m p a rtm e n t for Pune.
H azu r left for P une from Bombay. At P u n e statio n th ere was a large crow d in such a way th a t
all th e p eo p le w an ted to know w h o was th e p erso n for w h o m there w as a large crowd. H azur
w as walking, looking like a y o u n g boy. In Pune, G eneral Sahib h a d b u ilt a new house. H e
to o k H azur in th a t new h o u se to stay in. Lakshm ibai h a d decorated th e h o u se very b e a u ti
fully. Sache P atshah stayed in th a t lucky house. G eneral Sahib was very happy. W hen he
talked to Hazur, H azu r used to say, "Ask Bibi, because y o u a n d she, b ro th e r a n d sister, do
a lo t o f seva together." So m any m agicians w ere present there to have H azur's D arshan. So
Sache P atshah m et everybody w ith love.
The Q ueen o f N epal (a n eighboring country o f India in th e n o rth at th e fo o t o f th e H i
m alayas) also was th ere to have H azur's D arshan. She was th e friend o f Q u een Lakshm ibai.
As so o n as th e Q ueen h a d D arshan o f Hazur, she becam e m ad w ith love o f Hazur. H er joys
knew n o b o u n d s to see th e spiritual face o f Hazur. She was surprised to see th e w hite an d
b rig h t b eard o n H azur's face. Looking at H azu r she said, "This G uru looks like G uru N anak."
She kept o n looking at H azur's face again a n d again. She was very pleased to be there. H a
z u r never broke anybody's heart. Laughingly h e said, "W hat sh o u ld I do Kako, this Q ueen
is chasing m e. She does n o t leave m e." I said, "Hazur, w h a t can th e p o o r Q ueen do? Your
b eauty has magic, so she is attracted a n d v ibrated by y o u r spirituality a n d grace." Five rays
o f Light o n y o u r forehead kills th e five dacoits so so o n th a t th ey tu rn in to y o u r grip o f devo
tio n a n d love." G o dhw ood was taking H azu r to His residence in th e evening an d th e p o o r
Q ueen o f N epal was b ein g attracted a n d said, "H azur please visit m y palace first." She h a d
h e r beautiful palace in P une to o . H azur laughed a n d said, "Look Bibi, you tell h er sweetly
th a t I w ill go to G odhw ood's h o u se first a n d th e n I w ill go to h e r house. So you go w ith h e r
in h e r palace before I leave an d tell som e spiritual stories to h e r so th a t she can have som e
courage." I laughed a n d said, "Hazur, y o u w a n t to get rid o f h e r a n d are p u ttin g m e in to the
m atter." Laughingly H azur said, "Kako, y o u are m ad e on ly for th is purpose." I said, "Okay
Hazur." All th e peo p le standing th ere lau g h ed at H azur's conversation w ith m e."
G od h w o o d was a British m an satsangie. H e was also in Pune. After th e satsang in th e eve
n in g h e was taking H azur in his house. T he Q ueen becam e excited a n d requested th a t G uru
Ji sh o u ld go to h er h o u se first. But H azu r was still going to G odhw ood's house. The Q ueen
was h o ld in g m y arm a n d was n o t leaving it. So she to o k m e to h e r h o u se a n d H azur w ent
to G odhw ood's house. She h a d already filled th e brass plates w ith th e sweets a n d coins o f
gold. W h en D een Dyal, w ith his kindness reached h e r house, th e Q ueen h a d h e r tw o d a u g h
ters a n d tw o sons sta n d to greet th e Satguru. D een Dyal gave a lo t o f love to h e r children.
W hen H azur entered th e palace, th e Q ueen was to u ch in g H azur's feet again a n d again. She
was b ecom ing m ad w ith th e love o f Hazur. She b ro u g h t five o r six golden plates to offer
to Hazur. H azu r to u ch ed th em a n d m ad e parshad, th e n gave back all to th e Q ueen. H azur
said, "There is n o o rd er o f m y Satguru to take even a single needle from anybody's house. I
know you b ro u g h t everything w ith love so I have received everything. So I am giving back to
you as a parshad. So, th in k in g th e m p arsh ad you divide am o n g y o u r children a n d kith an d
kin." I said to th e Q u een (Rani Sahiba), "H azur is giving y o u a lo t o f parshad, so you keep
it w ith you. You are very fortunate to have such a k in d o f p arsh ad w hich H azur has m ad e
for you. Even th e n th e Q ueen was n o t agreed. T hen H azu r said to m e, "Kako w om en listen
to w om en, so you tell h e r clearly th a t H azu r does n o t take anything, w hatever H azur says
accept it." I, w ith H azur's directions again to ld th e Q u een to keep th e parshad. It is benefi
cial for h e r a n d h e r family. Then finally th e Q ueen h a d to agree to m y proposal. H azur never
takes anything from th e sangat. People w ere follow ing H azur having m o n ey w ith th e m to
give to H azur b u t H azur neglected all o f them . Saints are always detached from this w orldly
m aterial. H azur h a d kept his h eart filled w ith th e w ealth o f N aam a n d Love. S h ah an sh ah
H azur stayed for h a lf an h o u r a n d talked a b o u t spirituality. H e gave His blessings to th e
Q ueen a n d h e r fam ily a n d got leave o f her. The Q ueen requested H azur for in itiatio n . Sat-
guru said, "My daughter, I have n o tim e. I am leaving for Sangli tom orrow . I w ill give it to
you o n m y w ay back."
H azur d id n o t like to discourage anyone so he p u t o ff th e Q ueen lovingly. G eneral Sa
h ib gave a great respect to H azur an d His peo p le w h o cam e w ith H im . At n ig h t I b ro u g h t
th e fo o d w hich was cooked by Lakshm ibai. W hen H azu r uncovered th e fo o d tray H e said,
"Kako, such am o u n ts o f fo o d I eat for six m o n th s. Even th e n I w ill n o t be able to finish it. It
is to o m uch. You go a n d b ring som e utensils a n d I w ill have as m u ch as I need to eat." H azur
never never gave His fo o d w hich once it w as started to b e eaten. So I b ro u g h t o th er utensils
a n d H azur to o k som e vegetables a n d som e lentil soup (daal) an d o n e chapatti (roti.) The
rest o f th e fo o d H e gave back. Lakashm ibai divided th e fo o d a m o n g th e m em bers o f h er
fam ily because H azu r h a d to u ch e d the fo o d a n d m ad e it parshad. W hen H azur was d o n e
eating, L akshm ibai cam e to pick th e utensils in o rder to clean them . W hen she was picking
th e m u p H azur said, "No m y daughter, it is Lajo's job to clean m y utensils. O ne w h o cleans
m y utensils loses h o m e an d fam ily a n d has n o th in g in life. So let it go. Let h e r clean m y
utensils. You b elong to a royal fam ily a n d have to perform so m any duties a n d deeds in th e
w orld. If y o u clean m y utensils y o u will n o t b e able to find these royal luxuries." T hen Lak
sh m ib ai kept quite a n d I cleaned th e utensils. H azur m e t G eneral Sahib for so m eth in g th e n
w ent to His bed.
Satguru li got u p in th e m orning. After d o n e w ith everything, H e gave His D arshan to
th e sangat a n d was ready to leave for Sangli. Raja Sahib also cam e there to take Hazur. The
train was stan d in g at th e railway station. At a b o u t 2:00 p.m ., after having lunch, H azur left
for Sangli. G eneral Sahib, Raja Sahib an d Lakshm ibai also sat w ith H azur in th e car. D eputy
Sahib, D octor Sahib a n d m yself w ere also in th e sam e train. The w h o le jo u rn ey w ent o n in
spiritual talk. Raja Sahib was listening to H azu r w ith love a n d attention.
In the evening we reached Sangli. The o th e r Kings a n d Q ueens a n d th eir servants w ere w ait
ing at th e railway station. Raja Sahib was a loving devotee o f H azu r an d was a very peaceful
King. As so o n as H e got dow n from the train he picked u p H azur's luggage. His servants a n d
o th er m inisters tried to take th e luggage from h im , b u t th e King d id n o t give it to th em . H e
said, "W ith great difficulties I have got this chance to serve m y Satguru. H azur said such jivas
(h u m a n beings) take th e benefit." All th e peo p le from the kings side greeted H azur w ith
D andw at. Satguru Ji, after m eeting everybody reached th e city. Raja Sahib h a d lighted th e
w hole city in the h o n o r o f Hazur. The palace in w hich th e King was residing was vacated for
Hazur. The King arranged a ro o m for h im self to live in. They d id n o t go to th eir o th er palace
because they w anted to stay close to H azur so th a t they can have H azur's D arshan. In duraja
h a d decorated H azur's ro o m w ith too m an y precious things. It was a royal room . W hen H a
zu r entered th e palace th e n they started th e fireworks. Raja Sahib adm ired his destiny.
H azur purified th e palace w ith his enterance. Rani Sahiba a n d Tika Rani w ith h e r daughters
w ished H azur by dandw at. They to u ch ed H azur's feet w ith th e ir foreheads. D een Dyal gave
His love to everyone a n d blessed everybody by p u ttin g His h a n d o n th eir head. Raja Sahib's
fam ily was overw helm ed w ith joy an d all h a d a peace o f m ind. T hen Sache P atshah cam e
in His ro o m w here H e was to stay. W hen H azur saw His ro o m H e said, "O h ho, it is to o
m u ch done." The curtain o f silver th read ed cloth was covering His bed. H azur rem oved th a t
sh in in g curtain from His b e d a n d to o k away th e o th e r show y things too. Raja Sahib was very
po lite an d full o f love. H e was afraid to say anything before Hazur. He kept o n looking at
H azur quietly.
T hen I requested, "Satguru Ji, have a little rest, th e n w hatever you order, w e w ill do that. Raja
Sahib has decorated th e ro o m for Satguru Ji w ith love a n d devotion. You m ake th eir seva suc
cessful an d fulfill th eir desire." D een Dyal, th e treasure o f kindness laughed a n d said, "Okay
Bibi, as y o u say, I agree. But are y o u th e lawyer o n b e h a lf o f Raja Sahib." I said, "The fee o f a
lawyer I will charge from you." H appily H azur said, "You know th e fees very well. At first I
rebuked y o u tw o tim es, n ow I w ill rebuke y o u fo u r tim es as a p ay m en t o f fees." Everybody
laughed a n d m y joy knew n o b o u n d s. They w ere all loving devotees, so H azur's face becam e
red w ith th o se w ords said to me.
D ata Ji's chair was also beautifully decorated. D ata Ji sat in th e chair. After giving joy to
Raja Sahib H e said, "Raja Sahib, y o u r palace is very beautiful. You have a g o o d destiny. Be
ing a King y o u are a lover o f N aam a n d bh ajan . Lucky is yo u r birth. You also do m ed itatio n
a n d sim ran an d you have a lo t o f patience. So I am very h a p p y w ith you. You have faced so
m any difficulties for m y visit. So m an y things you have arranged." Raja Sahib said, "Thank
you Hazur, y o u show ered yo u r grace o n us. You gave y o u r D arshan to us w h o are very sinful.
We gave y o u a lo t o f tro u b le for do in g a lo n g jo u rn ey for us. Please forgive us." H azur said,
"No brother, I did n o t have any trouble. I am always for th e services o f th e sangat. Those w ho
have th e love for G od, Satguru is very loving to th em . W hat th e Bani says:-
If you w a n t to see th e M aster
D o n o t break anybody's heart.
Because M aster lives in th e heart.
If you have desire to see the Master,
Keep th e d eath in y o u r h a n d a n d com e in m y street. D o n o t h esitate sacrificing y o u r head,
th e n step o n this p ath . If so m eb o d y feels p ro u d o f m aking sacrifce, this is n o t acceptable to
th e M aster (Akal Purush.) We sh o u ld n o t give place to ego ("I.") "You" a n d "You" is accept
able in th e h o m e o f Master. W herever ego ("I") stands, th e perso n is gone. So Raja Sahib, th e
p a th o f spirituality is very u n iq u e b u t it has a high level, only th e luckiest can do it."
Raja Sahib always listened to H azu r lovingly. T hen Induraja sang a b eau tifu l sh ab d b e
fore Hazur. The caretaker o f th e poor, m y Satguru Ji becam e very happy. Raja Sahib h a d m ade
arrangem ents for all th e people w h o h a d com e w ith Hazur. H e served fo o d to th e m to o an d
th e n H e to o k som e rest. Raja Sahib always obeyed Hazur. W henever H azur sen t for him , he
cam e soon. Raja Sahib sp en t a lo t o f m o n ey in th e joy o f H azur's visit. H aving his dinner,
H azur w e n t to his bed.
In th e m o rn in g H azu r got up. After d o n e w ith His m o rn in g jo b H e gave th e satsang at
8:00 a.m . All th e y o u n g an d o ld becam e very h a p p y to have H azur's D arshan. After satsang,
Raja Sahib to o k H azu r a n d all th e staff o f H azu r for a w alk a n d to show th e guest house, or
p hanage a n d th e tem p le o f Raja Sahib. H azu r asked m e to go w ith H im w herever Raja Sahib
was taking H im .
The Raja Sahib h a d his ears ready for H azu r a n d w e n t carefully to show th e places. H e
show ed th e zoo, guest h o u se a n d his royal gardens. W hen we w e n t to see th e royal guest
house, H azu r sat in th e hall a n d said, "Show th e guest h o u se to o u r Bibi because she is very
fo n d o f greeting th e guests." H e again lau g h ed a n d said, "Go m y ch ild a n d lo o k at th e guest
house, lo o k nicely. Raja Sahib has arranged m any things for th e guests a n d y o u also do th a t
in th e dera." Raja Sahib laughed a n d said, "Bibi is very fo n d o f cleaning. Everybody is very
hap p y w ith her. She greets a n d serves th e visitors w ith love a n d devotion." T hen I w en t w ith
Raja Sahib. Raja Sahib h a d to o m an y big closets in th e hall. There w ere th e crockery, towels,
d in n er sets, tea sets, soaps, oil, a n d clothes k e p t in th e closets separately w ith th e stickers o n
th em w ith th e nam es o f th e item s. I was surprised to see th a t w h e n som e guests cam e over
th ere to stay, they need ed n o t to call anybody for th eir needs. W h en I cam e back I explained
a b o u t th e guest h o u se a n d said th a t it sh o u ld be like that. Everything w as placed in order.
T hen H azur w en t to see th e tem ple. H azur was very h a p p y to see th e tem ple. H azu r liked the
beauty o f statues o f gods an d goddesses because H e H im self was an engineer.
W hen H e was ready to com e back after having lo oked a t th e tem ple, I to ld Hazur, "Please
give som e m o n ey to th e priest o f th e tem ple." H azur laughed a n d said, "O kay Bibi, w h at
sh o u ld b e given?" I said, "W hatever is y o u r w ish Satguru Ji." H azur gave tw enty five rupees
to th e priest. T hen H azur laughed a n d said, "Brother, I d id n o t know anything a b o u t this.
O u r Bibi said th a t I m u st give m oney, so I gave to you." T hen Satguru Ji w ent to see th e or
phanage. H azu r gave m o n ey for o rp h an s too. T hen Raja Sahib to o k H azur to show th e b a m
w here elephants w ere stan d in g in line. They w ere already tam ed. W h en H azur reached there,
all th e elephants greeted H azur raising th e ir tru n k a t th e sam e tim e. T hat was a very p leasan t
tim e w h e n all th e elephants greeted Hazur. They w ere royal elephants a n d w ere decorated
w ith go o d b rig h t clothes a n d jewelry. Satguru is great w h o m anim als w ished well, w h a t to
say a b o u t m en. Even th e bird s a n d anim als used to to u ch H azur's feet a n d bow ed th eir
heads. W herever H e w ent, everybody was stan d in g w ith folded hands. N o b o d y could speak
in fro n t o f th e form o f God. H e h a d d o n e such a k in d o f strong m ed itatio n th a t w hosoever
looked at H im was attracted at th e s a m e tim e an d started th in k in g h im self th e luckiest one.
After show ing th e streets a n d th e m arkets to Hazur, Raja Sahib to o k H azur to th e palace.
Raja Sahib h a d arranged a lift for Hazur. It was very very beautiful a n d expensive. H azur
D een Dyal sat o n th e lift. I th o u g h t th a t Raja Sahib h a d this ro o m for his private m eet
ing w ith Hazur. T hinking th a t Raja Sahib was going to talk w ith Hazur, I w ent from there.
S h ah an sh ah was having a h u m o ro u s disposition. H e said to Raja Sahib, "Call Bibi because
we d o n 't have a lift like this in o u r area. So let her see it too. D o n o t tell h e r a b o u t this lift
because w h e n it m oves she w ill b e scared. Call Bibi a n d tell h e r H azur w ants h e r here." I was
going w h e n Raja Sahib called m e a n d said, "Bibi com e back, H azur w ants you to b e w ith
H im ." I said, "No Brother, you have a private talk w ith H azur so finish y our talk first." Shah
a n sh ah h e a rd m e talking to Raja Sahib a n d in a lo u d voice said, "Kako, come, there is n o th
ing to conceal from you. You com e here." T hen I presented m yself before Sache Patshah's
feet a n d sto o d b e h in d Satguru's chair h o ld in g it. O n th e o th er side Raja Sahib stood. The lift
was to go up. W hen th e sw itch was tu rn e d on, it m oved a n d shaked a little a n d I was scared.
I started to h o ld H azur a n d H azu r gave a lo u d laugh. Raja Sahib said, "H azur m u st give m e
His love too. Bibi d id n o t w orry a b o u t h e r life b u t she h eld H azur very tightly so H azur m ay
n o t fall." Shri S h ah an sh ah laughed lo u d ly a n d said, "Listen Raja Sahib, if y o u have a lo t o f
love for m e th e n w h o w ill take care o f th e kingdom . T hose w h o have th e arrows o f love, they
are left b e h in d from th e hom e." Listening to H azur's w ords Raja Sahib becam e quiet. T hen
D ata Ji w e n t to His ro o m a n d h a d a talk w ith Raja Sahib, praised his kingdom a n d his ar
rangem ents. "M aster gave you N aam a n d to take care o f th e kingdom an d I w ish H e sh o u ld
bless you w ith m ore strength for h a n d lin g y o u r rule over th e k ingdom an d pow er o f N a a m ."
H azur said this to Raja Sahib a n d gave His blessings. T hen Raja Sahib to o k leave o f H azur
an d said, "Hazur, have y o u r m eal, it is already late." Raja Sahib always to o k care o f Hazur.
The daughters o f Raja Sahib a n d Tikka Ram h a d th e desire to pick u p th e plate o f Hazur.
Being Q ueens, even th e n they h a d th e desire to pick u p H azur's plate. I used to cook H azur's
food. T hose girls decided to serve Hazur. They w an ted to take th e plate o f food from m e
a n d place it before H azur a n d th e n they w o u ld com e out. After fo o d they w anted to clean
H azur's plate. H azur accepted th e ir request. After th a t H azur w ent to His bed. N o b o d y could
talk w ith H azur freely. So they asked m e to serve H azu r w ith fo o d an d to clean his utensils.
Raja Sahib h a d arranged a garden for satsang. S h ah an sh ah w ent to give th e satsang in th e
garden at 4:00 p.m . Raja Sahib was w ith Hazur. The stage was highly decorated. Raja Sahib
sat o n th e g ro u n d in th e satsang b u t D een Dyal was so k ind th a t H e called Raja Sahib a n d
asked H im to sit o n th e stage w ith H im . H azu r said, "Raja Sahib, you are sitting in public,
it is very h a rd for m e to see you sitting o n th e ground. So you com e an d sit w ith m e." Raja
Sahib said w ith his folded hands, "No Satguru Ji, I w ill sit at y o u r feet." H azur becam e very
hap p y w ith Raja Sahib's love a n d d evotion a n d said, "Raja Sahib, y o u are very fo rtu n ate th a t
you do y o u r sim ran a n d have so m u ch patience w ith perfect devotion. I am very h a p p y w ith
you. It looks strange to m e th a t b ein g a King you do yo u r sim ran." S hahanshah said th o se
priceless w ords, "H aving h ighest p o sitio n still b e patient; Being a King still w orsh ip p in g
God. A m o re w onderful explanation a b o u t th a t p erso n ca n n o t b e given."
T hen H azur related th e story o f Raja Janak (father in law o f Lord Ram a), "Look Raj Sahib,
Fakirs (Saints) u n d e rsta n d everything. The p erson w h o com es in th e co m p an y o f Saints in
spite o f being a King, W ho und erstan d s th e Saints, w h o looks for Fakiri (S ainthood), being
a King has a brave heart. T hen it takes n o tim e to find Fakiri. Fakir looks for th e receiver o f
such a spiritual w ealth." T hen H azu r continued, "Saints never refuse to give th e w ealth o f
N aam to such a receiver. W hen King Janak said th a t h e w anted to have th e spiritual know l
edge w ith in tw o a n d a h a lf hours, all th e rishis (sages) started to criticize. Ashtaw akra Ji (a
Perfect M aster) saw th a t all w ere b ecom ing unsuccessful to give such kin d o f know ledge to
Raja Janak. H e cam e o n th e stage. His b o d y was n o t straight a n d H e h a d m an y curves in His
body. Every rishi started laughing at him . A shtaw akra Ji said, "I w as th in k in g all o f you are
great Saints, b u t you all are o f a low er caste. To look at th e skin is th e job o f a cobbler a n d
th e rogues. You all are ignorant." O n this all becam e quite. Ashtaw akra Ji asked King Janak,
"Do you w a n t to get know ledge?" King Janak said, "Yes Sir." A shtaw akra Ji said, "Look, y o u r
body, m in d a n d w ealth, everything is m in e now. D o n o t consider th e m yours." The King
replied, "As y o u w ish, I agree." Ashtaw akra Ji said, "Janak you have surrendered everything
to m e a n d n o th in g belongs to you. N ow y o u go a n d sit am o n g th e shoes, th e shoes o f th e
sangat." Ashtaw akra Ji w anted th e pride o f Kingship to go away fro n his h eart an d to b ring
his m in d dow n. T hen A shtaw akra Ji said, "Go a n d sit in m ed id atio n . If th o u g h ts com e for
y o u r Q ueen, tell th e m she belongs to A shtaw akra Ji. Close you eyes an d fix y o u r a tten tio n
o n m e a n d sit dow n." The King Janak sat for m ed itatio n . T hen th e King Janak becam e hap p y
a n d said, "I w ill do th at." W ith this th e satsang was over. Raja Sahib was very h a p p y to h ear
H azur's story.
In th e evening Raja Sahib to o k H azur for a walk. N ext day Raja Sahib to o k H azu r to
show his fort, w eapons an d th e treasure. H e got H azur's blessing by having a lo o k at th e th e
w eapons a n d treasure. T hen h e b ro u g h t Sache P atshah in th e palace. Sache P atshah h a d a
lo o k at everything w ith love a n d pleased Raja Sahib. In th e palace H azur h a d His m eals w ith
Raja Sahib a n d h a d a talk w ith him . In th e evening satsang H azu r said, "W hen G opichand
becam e a Fakir w ith th e advice a n d teaching o f his m o th e r a n d th e n G opichand said to his
m other, "M other, teach m e som ething." T h en his m o th e r said, "My son, at th is tim e y o u r
p o sitio n is very high. You are detached from w orldly things an d I am dealing w ith th e w o rld
ly a n d fam ily responsibilities. Even th e n b ein g m y so n I am giving y o u teachings: O ne thing,
y o u eat good food; Second, sleep o n a soft b e d a n d third, stay in a strong fort." G opichand
said, "M other, you are m y m other. If anybody else h a d to ld m e this, I w o u ld have given a
suitable answer. M other, if I have to live in th e forest th e n h o w can I have g o o d food, a soft
b e d a n d a strong fort." T he m o th e r replied, "My son w hatever I have to ld is all correct. Look
m y son, th e w h o le day long y o u w ill m editate an d if y o u feel sleepy very badly, th e n sleep.
Even th o u g h th e b e d is m ad e o n th e stony floor, it w ill feel like th e b ed o f flowers for you.
All the day you do m ed ita tio n w h e n you feel very hungry, o nly th e n eat eat. After m ed ita
tio n y o u r fo o d w ill b e very tasty like th e taste o f rich food. Living in a strong fort, you are
b ecom ing a Saint. Keep h o ld o f th e Perfect M aster a n d be careful, you m ay n o t be lo o ted by
any negative power. Always rem em b er m y th ree things." G op ich an d said, "M other I w ill d o
this." Like this H azur to ld th e story o f G op ich an d w h o was a prince, b u t o n th e advice o f his
m other, h e becam e a Saint. H azu r to ld o th e r stories to o in th e satsang. Everybody becam e
very hap p y to h ear H azur's stories in th e satsang.
H aving an evening walk, H azur cam e back to th e palace. O n th e th ird day Raja Sahib
show ed his agricultural farm s a n d fields a n d villages to Hazur. W hen Flazur w en t to see th e
fields, o n e o f th em was th e field o f tobacco. H azur was strict o n His principles. He d id n o t
enter th a t field. H e just passed th ro u g h it. T hen Raja Sahib got H azur's sacred lo o k a t his
oxes, buffaloes a n d cows. T hen H azur sat in th e field a n d having a lo o k o n th e seeda an d
m aking everybody happy, cam e back to th e palace a n d laughingly said, "Kako, I did n o t en
ter th e field o f tabacco, I just passed it. A Sikh does n o t like to to u ch tobacco." I said, "H azur
you are very strict to spirituality as well as to y o u r religion. People d o u b t a n d say th a t you
have entered Radha Soam i for n o thing.
On the other hand you are making good for the Sikhs. Then Sache Patshah said, "Bibi, the Radha
Soami name is becoming a fear for them. I also, when I went to my town Mehma Singhwala after stay
ing in Dera Beas, I felt ashamed of the worldly society. Bibi Rukko also went with me. I told Bibi ruko
not to read Hazur Bani sitting on the roof. But who can stop Bibi Ruko? On that very night she went
upstairs and read two or three shabds loudly on the roof. With her loud reading of shabds I also be
came fearless with the name of Radha Soami. The heart became fearless from the people of my town."
Hazur was talking when Raja Sahib and his wife Yashoda Bai came. Yashoda Bai's legs were weak
but she was a good meditator. Yashoda Bai talked about her inner progress with Hazur. Listening to
her Hazur became very happy and said, "I am not happy with Kingships as much as I am happy with
true meditators." Then Hazur told Yashoda Bai a story, "A Bibi named Husaini came to me and started
saying that she wanted to talk about two things concerning the inside with me. I knew that she was a
good meditator. So I took her away from the men and started listening to her. She explained everything
about Trikuti's inner scenes. Behind us Ram Ratan of Chimmyan Ghrahn (a village) was listening to our
talk secretly. I said, very good Bibi, I want to give you all the blessings more than the pundits of Kashi (a
holy city.) Bibi. meditation's progress is very sweet." Then finishing his meeting with Raja Sahib and his
wife, Hazur went for rest. On the second day the Queen requested me for having the look of Hazur at her
baby. Rai Sahib and Raja Sahib brought their grandson to me. I held the baby in my arms and went to
show him to Hazur. Deen Dyal got up and loved the baby and said, "Oh brother, you have come again.
Due to having a last wish for the Kingdom you have taken birth to fulfill your last desire." The baby
looked at Hazur's face and laughed. All present there became very happy. Then Hazur gave the name to
the baby. Raja Sahib made merry and he gave the silver tea set to everyone who had come with Hazur.
Hazur gave two hundred and fifty rupees to him. All the people gave some rupees to him.
Raja Sahib had built a new house for initiation for Hazur. Hazur gave initiation in that house. He
initiated five to six hundred people. At the time of initiation Raja Sahib and the Queen were there in
the service of Hazur. After initiation, Hazur asked Raja Sahib to take leave of him. Raja Sahib said, "We
are not satisfied yet." Raja Sahib took the picture of Hazur with his family. I still have it with me. After
giving ten days to Raj Sahib, Hazur got ready to go back to the dera. One day before His departure
Hazur blessed Raja Sahib and his family with his Darshan and parshad. He gave them some teachings
and encouragement. All became very happy. In the morning Hazur left Sangli. All the members of the
family and the sangat were shedding tears at the time of Hazur's departure. Looking at their true love
Hazur said, "Do not cry, I am very happy and impressed with your love and devotion. You did a lot of
service for me and for my people. I am always with you. Guru never departs. Even when He leaves the
body, He changes it and comes back in another body and sees the devotees. He never leaves. Guru's
teachings always remain fresh and with that His love also remains forever."
Then Hazur came to Pune by train. He again came to General Sahib and stayed in his house. There
were so many military employees belonging to m ountain areas posted in Pune. They all came to have
Hazur's Darshan. The Queen of Nepal also came to see Hazur. Sache Patshah stayed at Pune for three
days. Hazur again came back to Bombay. He stayed in Bombay for eight or nine days and gave good
satsangs. Gurbant Judge's relatives were also living in Bombay. They were running a factory of brass
utensils. Hazur was very fond of having a look at the factories. Judge Sahib requested Hazur to visit his
house. Hazur happily gave His visit to his and his relative's houses. Then He went to see the factory
and watched everything in the factory. Judge Sahib became very happy. Hazur Ji said, "Brother Gur-
baksh you also learn all types of work in the factory. I want you to become a rich man also and collect
a lot of money." Gurbaksh said, "Hazur your blessings are needed for me, thank you." Later, Hazur's
words turned true and Gurbaksh is one of the richest men in that area. Then Hazur made a visit to
the residence of Shankar Das Rai Bahadur and his daughter in law. Then He visited Bini's house and
pleased her and her husband. Hazur also gave Darshan to the ocean and looked at the ocean. Then He
went to Shanti and her brother's house. Hazur also purified the clinic of Hamam Singh's son who was
also a doctor. Making everybody happy Hazur came back to His residence. Hazur laughed and said,
"Bring food Kako and eat, thank God all the people became very happy and their desire is fulfilled."
I said, "Hazur you must be very tired, it is a long time you spent today." Hazur said, "No Bibi, I don't
feel tired. I am happy in the happiness of the sangat. The body is not mine, it is my Baba Ji's gift.
The sangat also belongs to Him. I am grateful to Baba Ji who gave His blessings to serve His sangat." I
said, "Hazur, you are Great. Great is your m otion and Great is your patience. You know your activities.
We sinful jivas (human beings) know nothing. We can only know if your grace is on us and when your
help is with us." Sache Patshah went to have rest. In the evening Hazur gave the satsang. He initiated
some of the people who were seekers of Naam. Hazur gave th e m all th e directions o f b h a ja n an d
sim ran a n d advised th e m to d o th e m ed ita tio n regularly. T hen H e w en t to Brijlal Ji's, w h o
was th e b ro th e r o f Daryai Lal o f K apurthala (P unjab) house, th a t night. H e served H azur
w ith his love a n d devotion.
The next day H azu r got ready to go. D ue to th e very long jo u rn ey I packed u p fruit a n d
fo o d w ith m e. All th e people, H azur's lovers cam e to see o ff H azur at th e railw ay station.
W hen H azu r got in to th e train, H e gave H is love by giving His blessings to o n e by one. Giv
ing His goo d D arshan H e pleased everyone. The sangat was crying w ith love o f Hazur. The
train started to move. W hen it w as n ig h t I gave fo o d to H azur a n d to everyone w h o was
traveling w ith us. My Satguru w as in a m o o d to eat th e food. O n th e second day th e train
was having stops at every statio n a n d H azu r gave His D arshan to th e sangat w h o w as w ait
ing for H azur's D arshan at every statio n o n th e way back. The second n ig h t H azu r reached
D elhi Railway S tation at 11:00 p.m . At D elhi Railway S tation Babu H em ch an d a n d a crow d
o f sangat w ere stan d in g to receive Hazur. H azur h a p p ily got dow n a n d gave H is D arshan.
T hen H e sat in th e car an d reached Darya Ganj Satsangghar situated in th e h e a rt o f D elhi
city. H e sat in Sardar B ahadur's s o n s m otorcar. At 12:00 p.m . H azur ate His m eals. Next
m o rn in g H azur gave His D arshan to th e sangat a n d gave th e satsang a n d explained Raja
Sahib's services d o n e to H im a n d said, "I am very h a p p y w ith th e King o f Sangli. Raja Sahib
is th e treasure o f love a n d devotion a n d patience. Second day H e visited th e h o u se o f Sardar
B ahadur's so n w hose eldest d a u g h ter was going to b e m arried. S ardam i S ahiba w an ted to
purify th e dow ry o f h e r daughter. T hen she started to show th e b ridal jewelry. W hen H azur
was lo o k in g at th e parts o f th e jewelry H e asked m e, "Kako w h a t is th e n a m e o f this p art o f
th e jewelry." I h ap p ily was telling h im th e n am e o f every item o f th e jewelry. T hen H azur
said, "Bibi know s all kinds o f jewelry. Such w ork I leave o n h e r to know a n d tell m e." T hen
D ata Ji gave His love a n d blessings to th e bride. Bibi D arshan, th e younger daughter, loved
H azur very m uch. H azu r kept o n talking w ith love w ith Bibi D arshan. H e stayed o n e night.
H azur w as very h a p p y w ith th e fam ily o f Sardar Sahib. Sardar Sahib did a lo t o f seva. T hen
H e cam e to his residence th e next day. H e gave in itia tio n to all th e people. It was a large
crow d a t th e tim e o f in itiatio n . Lakhs o f peo p le w ere sitting to get in itiation. H azur selected
only fo u r o r five h u n d re d p e o p le for in itiation. H e gave th em directions a n d His teaching
a b o u t sim ran an d m ed itatio n . T hen H azur said to B rother H em ch an d Ji, "Brother, I have to
leave tom orrow ." Babu said, "H azur stay o n e day m ore." H azur said, "No brother, satsang is
com ing close in dera. I have to reach th ere o n Thursday. O n Friday satsang w ill start. There is
on ly o n e pom egranate. Into h o w m an y it can be divided?" H earing His sw eet w ords all th e
sangat began to laugh a n d becam e happy.
Next day, right at 9:00 p.m ., H azur caught th e train. The train was tw o h o u rs late. M any
peo p le cam e to see o ff H azur at th e railw ay station. I to ld H azur to sit in th e tra in as it was
very cold an d H e m ig h t catch cold a n d b ecom e sick. H azur h a d a great love for th e sangat.
He k ep t o n stan d in g at th e d o o r o f th e tra in u n til it m oved. The sangat was also stan d in g in
th e b itte r cold. Sache P atshah requested th e p eo p le to go hom e. But n o b o d y was ready to
go. Everybody like a m o th was looking a t H azur's face. I also again said to th e sangat n o t to
stan d in th e cold. T h en Sache P atshah said, "Kako, m y m in d does n o t allow m e to sit because
all th e p e o p le are stan d in g for m e." Sache P atshah kep t o n stan d in g c o n tin u o u sly for three
hours. W h en the train was m oving, everyone was to u ch in g H azur's feet h an g in g them selves
in to th e m oving train. S h ah an sh ah gave His love to everyone. O n th e way, th e sangat was
w aiting for H azu r at every statio n th e tra in was having stoppage. H azur gave His D arshan
to everyone o n His w ay back. It was a tw enty eight day to u r o f Hazur. H e reached D era Beas
after tw enty days o f His journey. At Ju llu n d h ar Railway S tation Sardar Bhagat Sangh a n d the
sangat were standing. Hazur gave His Darshan. Sardar Bhagat Singh and his daughter took
Hazur to their residence. Damodar brought the car for Hazur. Hazur stayed for two hours in
His house and sat in the car. Then He reached Dera Beas at 12:00 p.m. Following Him, we all
reached there and Hazur met everybody. Everbody bowed their heads and touched Hazur s
feet and He gave His beautiful Darshan to them. Then Hazur asked, "Bibi, the whole lug
gage is okay?" I said, "Yes Hazur, with your grace everything is here." Then Hazur said that
the people o f the area where he had traveled were very good devotees and loving, but the
people in the dera talk much. The people in the dera had no respect for spirituality, but as
for those people who lived outside the dera, they had a great respect and love for spirituality.
They were very fond o f taking the advantage o f satsang and initiation. Those who had keen
interest in finding the spirituality got the full fruit o f it. "Those w ho listen from one ear and
let it go from the other ear could not get the fruit." Saying these words Hazur went inside
His house and washed His face and hands and ate His food. Then He went to take rest. The
sangat went back to their places after having Hazur's Darshan.
Story #41:
Story o f Bibi o f Rawalpindi
A lady (bibi) in Rawalpindi city was a great devotee o f Hazur. No one was A satsangie in
her family. Her daughter in law only got the initiation. She came to dera with her daughter
in law in order to have Hazur's Darshan and satsang. Her daughter in law had a son o f one
and a half years. The little boy fell sick in the dera. Then he died. His grandmother became
nervous thinking that why did the boy die in dera, when he would have died in the house at
Rawalpindi. Now her family members would be angry at her, and they would never let her
come to dera. She put the dead child in the lap o f Vidya, a lady from Syalkot in Pakistan and
started crying. Vidya told her that she needed not to cry. She said that they would request
Hazur for his life. Vidya had a firm faith in Hazur. Vidya took the dead boy at the door o f
Hazur's residence. She sat there. Hazur was about to come out. Chandar Vanshi, a doctor
and a civil surgeon was also with Hazur. She requested the doctor to check the dead boy.
The doctor said why she was asking him. He advised her to request Hazur. As soon as Ha
zur came outside, He asked, "Tell Bibi why are you sitting here?" Vidya told Hazur that the
grandson o f the lady from Punjab was dead. She was crying, fearing from her family mem
bers who would never let her come in satsang at Beas. She with great difficulty convinced her
daughter in law to become satsangie. It would have been good if the boy had died at home.
"Satguru Ji, help her and give her your grace," Vidya said to Hazur. Hazur stood quietly for
ten minutes and said, "My daughter, no need o f feeling any fear. Just wrap the body with a
blanket and take him to her." She wrapped the body and took him in her room where she
was staying. Hazur simply told her to wrap the body o f the boy with a blanket. When he be
came warm they should give him hot tea. Hazur did not ask her about the little boy whether
he was dead or alive. Hazur said about the little boy that he would get well. When she was in
her room watching the dead boy wrapped with the blanket, the boy opened the eyes. After
waiting for two hours the boy was alive with Hazur's grace. Then she gave him two drops o f
tea to drink. The boy was very healthy (today he is still alive and he is five years old now.)
Hazur's grace was great, He used to give life to the dead. He used to listen to everybody's
request and fulfilled it. "Hazur, you were the Great Master, great is your grace. No Master
before had been like you and neither would be like you."
Story #42:
The Story of giving parshad to the patients suffering with leprosy at Tam Taran
(town in Punjab located between the city of Amritsar and the dera. It is also the town of the fifth
So once, Sache Patshah thought o f the patients o f leprosy in Tam Taran. Bibi Hiradevi
who was a doctor from another town, Kapurthala in Punjab asked Hazur, if He would accept
her seva for these patients? Hazur accepted her seva. So Baba Ji at Tam Taran sent for Hazur.
Baba Ji had a great respect and love for Hazur. So Sache Patshah went to Tam Taran with the
sangat. Hazur took some parshad in the bags and some clothes, some fruits and also two
rupees notes with Him to give to the patients. Shri Baba Ji gave a warm welcome to Hazur.
Those who were lucky and present to see the spiritual swans together did enjoy the spectacle.
Even the gods in Heaven were enjoying the beauty o f two Saints. The protectors o f the world
having spiritual color were laughing and talking with each other. Their beauty and praise
were inexpressible. Bibi Santi, Nanta Bibi and Bibi Gurdevi Ji came to touch Hazur's feet.
Three o f them met me with love and respect. Deen Dyal gave His blessings and love to them
and pleased them with his beautiful smile. Then both the holy saints were busy in talking.
Sangat was enjoying. Then Hazur gave the satsang. Baba Ji and Hazur both were sitting on
the stage and there was a shower o f holy words in the satsang. Shri Baba Ji always gave a
good respect to Hazur more than that o f his elder brother. So Baba Ji always made Hazur
give the satsang. Whenever Hazur was at Tam Taran, Shri Baba Ji never did the satsang. After
satsang they ate the food. So both the holy Saints decided to wash away the karmas o f the
patients suffering with leprosy. Shri Baba Ji gave the responsibility to the devotee Deva Singh
for going to the leprosy hospital. So brother Deva Singh agreed with that seva. The next day
every thing was sent to the hospital. Satguru Ji said, "Bibi, you also get ready to go with me."
I said to Hazur, "You, Sache Patshah go in the car and I will come with the sangat before
you reach the hospital because there is a crowd o f sangat and I have to make the way for
your car so Hazur will reach freely in the car." Shri Deen Dyal happily said to me, "My child,
you always think good and it is good advice, I will go in the motorcar." With the sangat I
just reached the hospital when Hazur also reached there in the motorcar. Deen Dyal and
Deva Singh Ji w ho is the successor o f Shri Baba Ji at Tam Taran reached and got down from
the motorcar. The sangat had good Darshan. Both Hazur Ji and Deva Singh Ji reached the
veranda, then sat on the chairs. I was sitting at a distance when Hazur with His kind favor
called me and asked me to sit by Him. I was sitting behind Deen Dyal's chair. Shahanshah
started giving away the parshad. The patients were coming to Hazur turn by turn.
Story #43:
Benefit o f the physical Darshan o f the true Saints
Once Sache Patshah had gone to Dalhousie (Hill Station.) Shahanshah had an itch and
an ache on His back o ff and on. After being free from the sangat at 11:00 p.m., He was get
ting massage sitting on His bed in front o f the fireplace. The outer doors were closed because
He was sitting with no shirt, so that He might not catch cold. Somebody knocked at the
door at 11:00 p.m. Deen Dyal (Kind Master) asked me, "Kako my daughter, who is knock
ing at the door? Look, somebody has come to me bringing worldly message." I laughed and
said, "You must know." I left massage and went to see outside. When I opened the door I
saw Dharamchand from Amritsar (name o f the city) was standing. He was very nervous. He
said, "Bibi, I came home today and I received a telegram from home and it says I should
come home soon. I am very nervous if everything is okay at home." Looking at him I did not
even get permission from Hazur and brought him inside. He told Hazur about the telegram
he received from home. Hazur closed His eyes. After five minutes He opened His eyes and
said, " My son, everything is good at home. There is some urgent work, but you leave early
in the morning." I helped him to take parshad from Hazur. Then he left soon. When he left
Hazur said to me, "Kako, you must have told that you are bringing him in so that I may wrap
myself with a sheet on my shoulders. My sweet daughter, Saints never show their body to
someone who is keeping worldly duties. Otherwise Saints have to keep him in His company.
Look Kako, I tell you a story."
Hazur told, "Once a satsangie named Sukhdyal was my Gurbai (means having the same
Gum.) He heard satsang from Hazur Baba Ji (Baba Jaimal Singh.) The words o f the satsang
were "What a praiseworthy man is he whom Satguru (Master or Gum) gives embrace." So
one day Baba Ji was taking a bath. He was wearing only underwear. Sukhdyal came and em
braced Baba Ji. Baba Ji said, " Leave me. It is not the trade o f being stubborn but it is the trade
o f Love." He said, "No, I am not leaving you. Is that true that the lover leaves his beloved?"
Baba Ji again said, "Leave now otherwise you will repent later." He did not leave Baba Ji.
Baba Ji was very strong and He got Himself released from him. When Baba Ji was done with
His bath, he again embraced Baba Ji. Then Baba Ji said, "Okay, you were supposed to get
salvation in this birth, but now it will take four births for you to be liberated and you from
now, will not be able to have my Darshan again. "Sukhdyal being angry left the place and
went away. They sent a man to bring him back from the railway station but he did not come.
After this event he could not be able to have Baba Ji's Darshan even at the time o f Baba Ji's
physical departure. When he came on the news o f Baba Ji's physical departure he came to
the railway station but the train already had gone. So he could not have Baba Ji's dead body
Darshan even."
Hazur said, " The words o f Gum are never changed, even though the whole Brahmand
changes. The seva which is given happily by Gum can only be successful, otherwise it has
reverse effect." Then, listening to this story I pleaded Hazur that it was not the fault o f Da-
ramchand. It was my fault that I brought him inside. Hazur said, laughing, "Neither I am
angry with you nor with Daramchand. You were just looking at him so nervous and brought
him in and he did not know I was sitting with no shirt on. So you both are faultless. But see
Kako, whenever the Saints are on this Earth they have highest power within. The Saint, if He
eats any fruit from a tree or plucks a twig from it for using for bmshing His teeth, or rides
on any animal or any insect dies under His feet, it quickly gets the human birth and gets out
o f the eighty four circles o f life. Blessed are those who get the opportunity to serve the Gum
physically and Gum gets his seva physically. It is good progress in his spiritual life. It is the
benefit o f meditation o f his past life who can get seva o f the physical body o f the Gum. Gum
only gets His seva (service) from those who have done meditation with love and devotion
in their past life."
Listening to such golden words o f Hazur, I was intoxicated with love. Hazur, saying His
words went to take rest and I, wishing His Namaskas (goodnight) came out. I used to admire
my luck also having the chance to hear the golden words from my Gum. Dharamchand
reached his home and came to know there was urgent work for his benefit. He was a tme
devotee and was reciting, "My Satguru is great." He thanked Hazur and became very happy.
Baba Jaimal’s ancestrial house, GHUMAN
Story #44:
Building the ashram in Amritsar
Hazur was always very kind to the sangat (or His devotees) who belonged to Amritsar
city, only forty miles away from Dera Beas. He loved to visit there every month for giving His
satsang. He did not have any residence (house) for Himself but the sangat had the houses
where He could give His satsang. Some had big bungalows. Sometimes He would give the
satsang at the residence o f His loving devotee named Daramchand Nagpaal, sometimes at the
residence o f His loving devotee named Jai Ram, and sometimes at another ones house named
Shivshankar. The devotees reached there but he stopped them to go inside as it is the place
only for Hazur to rest. This news went to Hazur who loved His sangat, or devotees and Deen
Dyal said, "Look brothers, wherever I am, my devotees will definitely come there. If you do
not allow them to come in, I will also not come here with the grace o f my Gum (Master.) We
will build our own bungalow where nobody is there to stop my devotees who have full right
to come in and see me." All the devotees listening to Satguru's words became happy.
Then Hazur left for the city Lahore (forty miles further from Amritsar, now on the bor
der between India and Pakistan.) He stayed there for six days to give His Darshan to His
devotees. It was the month o f leth (June) when He came back from Lahore and stayed at
Shivshankar's residence. Hazur had a bad cold, so as soon as He reached there He went into
His room for rest. Me and Shadi (Hazur's driver) started pressing Hazur's legs and Deen Dyal
went to sleep. At about 2:00 p.m. Babu Daramchand and one other devotee came to have
Hazur's Darshan. Babu Daramchand called me. He was a very wise man. He told me that
he had to talk with me. I said, "Yes brother, tell me." He told me that the greatest power on
Earth is our Satguru and that he had no place for satsang. He further said, "Today there is a
good chance that Hemraj (a devotee) had a place for the satsang in the garden o f Ram and
Chella Ram, and it is for sale and if we buy this land, it will be a great thing. But you talk to
Hazur, I cannot talk to Him." I said that if the Dera Beas pays for the land for satsang, then
the sangat will pay back the money slowly and slowly. Then I said, "Okay brother, I will
talk to Hazur when He is in a good mood." By that time Hazur got up from His rest. He ate
some food and said, " Kako, I am good now." I told Him that Daramchand and one more
devotee had come to have your Darshan. Hazur said, " Let them come in." I laughingly said,
"Hazur, there is one thing. If you don't mind can I say something?" Deen Dyal said, "Yes,
say with happiness whatever you want to say. I will be happy to hear it. I will not mind." I
requested, " Hazur, the sangat has no permanent place for satsang. When you come all face
difficulties to come and go. So please do a kind favor for them and build them an ashram."
Hazur laughed and said, "Bibi, it will be done soon." Then the two devotees came in and
I, with folded hands requested, "See Hazur what they say." Hazur asked me what they were
saying. "What were you talking about, brother and sister?" I said, "Babu Ji was saying that
Hemraj was selling his land. It was good land in the garden o f Chela Ram and Sant Ram.
It costs thirty one and a half thousand rupees (Indian currency) and that you please buy
it." Hazur closed His eyes for ten minutes and after that He said, "Kako, what you say is
right. We can buy, but how can such a big amount be arranged?" I said, "I myself will give
twenty thousand rupees." Then Hazur said, "Kako, if this is a fact then we can buy it soon
with great pleasure." Daramchand said, "Bibi, it will be very good if Hazur sits in the car
and has a look at the land." Hazur agreed. At the same time Sahroop Singh was called and
he brought the car. Hazur, Daramchand and one more devotee, Deputy Hamarayan and
Brishlal and myself all sat in the car and went to look at the land. We parked the car and
all came out to look at the land. The land was very dirty and so many useless things were
lying around. Hazur got out and went to the place where the kitchen was built. Hazur put
His stick up and looked all around and said, "Kako, this is very good. It is equal length to
all the directions." There was no settlement yet. As soon as Hazur said His words I was sure
that Hazur would purchase it, although no advance money was paid. Yet I was sure that
the land had been purchased by Hazur because His word would come true. He said and it
was done. I went to the house o f Hemraj and brought him there and the money was paid
in advance as settlement. I told Hazur that the land was very dirty. Hazur said, don't worry,
my devotees will clean it within an hour." So everything was settled. The loving devotee o f
Hazur named Lala Roodchand said, "Look Bibi, if Hazur with His kind favor does satsang
here and then leaves, it will be very good." I said, "The place is not clean yet." He said, "Bibi,
this place will be cleaned within an hour." I said, "Okay, I will request Hazur." When I re
quested Hazur, He agreed. So many devotees were standing there when Hazur ordered all
o f them to clean the place and fix the tents, and I will give satsang here at 6:00 p.m." The
devotees, listening to Hazur's order, ran to clean the place with different kind o f instruments
(axes, brooms, spades, etc.) The devotees cleaned the land and fixed the tents and decorated
the stage for Shahanshah (Hazur.) Deen Dyal (kind Master) came at exactly 6:00 p.m. for
giving satsang (discourse) and all the devotees received the divine peace within their hearts.
When the sangat listened to the satsang they started requesting Hazur to come to Amritsar
more than before because He had bought the land. Hazur said with a smile, " Where should
I come? If there is any muddy room, only then I can come." All the devotees were sitting and
He said to me, "Lajo, if you build a muddy room, then I will continue coming here soon." I
started crying thinking my Guru orders me in front o f all the devotees and if I would be able
to do it I would lose my life. I must obey Him and would complete building the room at the
cost o f my life. I folded my hands and requested, "Hey, my Satguru, if you want me to do this
seva, you are the King o f Kings and have seat in the Royal Palace, so please do not ask for a
muddy room. Give the word o f building a bungalow, please."
Deen Dyal (Hazur) said, "Okay my daughter, if you want, you build a palace." After giv
ing this word Satguru Ji distributed parshad (blessed sweets.) The devotees o f Amritsar city
encouraged me not to worry, everything would go right. They said, "Okay Bibi, you always
come to us every week and to take seva from us" (here it was the seva o f donating money
to build the building.) I requested them that I am slave o f them. Hazur left for Dera Beas
and He paid all for the land after six days. In the next month Hazur laid the foundation o f
the building on the land. At that time I had five thousand rupees (Indian currency) on the
start o f the next month. Hazur dug the foundation o f the building. He placed a silver pot
tied with sandal threaded stick (that is the tradition, placing a silver pot with sandal stick
tied with thread under the wall o f the building.) Lots o f devotees were singing holy songs
at the time o f the foundation done by Hazur and enjoying His radiant Darshan. The beauty
o f His face was unbearable. He came with His majestic gait and started digging the land
for the foundation. He hit the axe twenty one times on the land and dug a ditch with His
lotus hands. He was in the home o f His happiness and His face was shining like the Sun. I
was also intoxicated with His brilliant face. I was a little bit worried for the building to be
completed as Hazur had started to do the work o f building. And I was praying within that
Hazur put His grace to complete the building. When Hazur completed His job and came
out, the devotees showered the rain o f flowers over Hazur. Hazur had a white dress on and a
white beard then a red face and red roses were being showered over Him by the devotees. He
looked like the Perfect God on the Earth. Then Hazur said to me, "Now Kako (my daughter)
you are happy." I folded my hands and said, "It is all your grace." Then Hazur called with
my name, "Bibi Kako Lajo." I said, "Shahanshah, now you are to keep my honor." Then my
Sache Patshah said, "Kako, you need not worry. Soami fi will have full grace on you my lov
ing daughter. Do not worry."
Now the work started for the building. All the account was under the custody o f Babu
Bijlal, a devotee who was in charge o f the bank (bank manager.) When the donation was
given he took care o f all the money, and it was being spent under the care o f devotee Rood
chand Prem Singh. The devotee Roodchand took the responsibility to send the bricks for the
building from the devotee Babu Gyanchand who was the contractor. Hazur said, "Bricks are
very cosdy so always take from Gyanchand. Either bricks are costly or cheap." At that time
he was not a satsangie, but his wife was initiated. Her name was Harbanse Kaur. She wanted
her husband to be initiated by Hazur. The real reason for Hazur buying bricks from her hus
band Gyanchand was so that he might become a satsangie and then his wife's desire should
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be fulfilled. When her husband would come for his business o f bricks for the building and
collect money, in this way he would keep having the Darshan o f Hazur and listen to satsang
and he would become a satsangie. Gyanchand was a very clean hearted person. Whenever
he had the Darshan o f Hazur he was very interested to have His Darshan more. He became
the lover o f Hazur's Darshan and later He received initiation from Hazur.
On one side the bungalow was under construction and on the other side two men were
against it. At that time the people o f other religions, like Sikhs and Hindus, who believed in
temples and mantras were against the path o f Radha Soami. Their wives were going to the
houses o f the satsangies and were telling not to donate the money to Bibi Lajo, that she was
at her best to Tob the people by her own way. But by the grace o f Sache Patshah money was
being donated for the building. Then they announced in the city not to donate the money
and it was printed in the papers against me, but donations did not stop. People started talk
ing against Lala Roodchand and Jai Ram too. With a forceful voice Hazur said, "Roodchand,
the bungalow must be built, although the people are against it. It is not a dog who can eat
the leg. It is the word o f the Saint. Whatever may happen, my word will become true. These
words will become true. When all the Saints got their seva from men, but I am getting it from
the form o f a woman. And I will get it done by her and will show them.
Then Hazur started testing me saying, "Kako, build the bungalow at the cost o f your life,
people are talking against you." I replied to my Satguru Ji with folded hands, "Sache Patshah
Ji, now for the sake o f your honor the bungalow has to be built. What the people say, that
the Saint listened to a woman for the construction o f the bungalow and what happened?
Although someone may murder me, or though my bones, flesh and blood may be kept in
the foundation o f this bungalow, yet it must be built, but Satguru may not be down in front
o f the people." Listening to my words the True King burst into laughing and said, "Okay my
child, you are determined so hard, and patted me on the back. I said, "Yes, Hazur! It is all
your grace." Hazur said, "Okay, if you have faith so strong, Soami li must help you." I said,
'My Satguru is very rich in giving His grace on me and I am sure you will complete the build
ing, and keep my honor. My Satguru is greatest o f all and His motion is very fast. Bungalow
is not built with m oney but it is built by His endless grace."
Hazur, whenever He ordered for four thousand rupees, so every evening the same
amount o f money was found in the safe when the bungalow was being built. Hazur used to
stay at the residence o f Lala Amamath and Lala Charan Das. The room in which Hazur was
staying there was a safe where the m oney was being kept by me. I used to lock it and the key,
after locking was kept under the pillow o f Hazur s bed by me. Then I used to request Hazur,
"If the money lacks, please complete it." Then Deen Dyal would laugh and encouraged me
not to be afraid. God would fill up all. Whenever He would count the m oney in the evening
it was always ten times more than He needed for the use o f the building. Out o f being happy
I would say, "Whatever is done it is done by Hari (God) says Kabir." The ruler o f the whole
universe used to say, "My child, if there is true and firm faith in God's power, no one can be
found to divide this power or share this power. What I should say, that the devotee Namdev
Ji was living one day and his wife said "you do not do anything all the day and sit free. How.
can we lead life with no food at home? What will we eat?" Namdev, being intoxicated with
Naam went to the forest and sat under a tree, thinking o f his wife's words and he started to
scratch the ground with his finger when he saw that a big pot full o f gold coins was lying
in the ground. He said to his Gum within, "You have given such a big pot full o f gold coins
but it is very heavy, who w ill lift it? Saying this within he came back empty handed and said
within "I could not lift it up." When he came hom e to his wife he told her about this heavy
pot full o f gold coins and also said, "You must not worry, I left it over there where I found it.
I had thought that if God had given me then He must bring it to my home, so I came back
home." The wife got angry and said, "Let me know where it is. I myself will go and bring it.
Let me know the direction o f the place so that someone else might not get it. Then what will
we do." Namdev said, "If God has given us, then no one can take it" The thieves who were
standing on their roof were listening to their conversation. Then the thieves said, "Let us go
take the gold coins from the pot and we will see if his God can stop us." The thieves ran to
that place, but when they touched it snakes and scorpions started stinging them and some
o f them died. Some who survived said, "This man has deceived us by his wrong statement
to his wife, so we will somehow take this pot o f snakes and throw it in his room from the
roof, with a hole in it." They tied the mouth o f the pot with a piece o f cloth and took it to
the roof o f Namdev, thinking in revenge that Namdev and his family members would die.
So they made the hole in the roof and threw the pot into Namdev's room and ran away. But
all the gold coins instead fell into Namdev's room in a big heap. After looking at the coins,
Namdev said to his wife, "Look, I told you God would bring them here. See God Himself
came here and threw them in the room making a hole in the roof."
After telling the story o f Namdev Hazur said to me, "Look Bibi, God takes care o f His
devotees. God says, "If you will be mine, then the whole world will be yours." So, Bibi, God
will fulfill your desire. He will definitely do it. So Bibi, your every desire will be fulfilled."
The bungalow was still under construction when Sache Patshah went to Montgumari (a city
now in Pakistan.) I always used to go with Him on tour, but this time I did not go as the bun
galow was under construction. The money finished in the absence o f Hazur. Hazur ordered in
His letter to finish the upper story o f the bungalow. I sold my jewelry and brought four thou
sand rupees. The construction continued. But the enemies were thinking that if the construc
tion stopped they would make merry. The construction was started for the upper story.
One day four thieves came there at night. We did not have any room, nor any fence
around us. The guards Guranda and Lalchand and I were there and nobody else was there at
night. The door which is fixed now, the thieves were standing there. On the other side I was
looking at Hazur who was giving me radiant Darshan. I called the guards when I saw the
thieves. The guards told me that the thieves were standing at twenty steps away. I am looking
at Hazur and it does not matter, our Satguru Ji is with us. These are thieves and we all are
sadhus and we will fix them. I had a stick with a sharp spade on its top. I asked the guard to
bring it to me. He asked me what I would do with it. I told him that whoever comes in first
would be beaten with the spade. The thieves came at 12:00 a.m. and left around 4:00 a.m. by
themselves. But they did not step closer than the place they were standing and where Hazur
was seen by me.
After this, Daramchand built a room for us. When Satguru Ji placed the first brick o f the
building, that was very praiseworthy. He placed only a single line o f bricks which was very
strong. Four masons and myself were standing on the wall. After this Hazur gave the satsang
and distributed the parshad. The iron rod (support for the roof) was also placed by Hazur's
hands. When Hazur came back from the Montgumari tour, the lower story o f the building
was completely done and the upper story was under construction. He reached Amritsar
straight from Montgumari. When Shahanshah reached, I was making His bed inside His
room. I had not gone to have Hazur's Darshan yet. Hazur started to look at the building.
Hazur was looking at the ceilings. Then He asked Lala Roodchand where Bibi was? Then
I reached there. I touched His feet and He, my Sache Patshah with His graceful eyes looked
at me, placed His hand on my head with love and patted on my back. And with His smil
ing face He said, "Come my child, I was only remembering you. Where were you?" I was
overwhelmed with joy within my heart, having Hazur's Darshan. I was quietly having His
Darshan and could not speak even a single word. After looking at the building Hazur went
to the residence o f Amamath and went upstairs in His room. I followed Him. He asked me,
"Tell me Bibi my child, how the money was arranged for the upper story o f the building?"
I requested Hazur to take rest as He is very tired o f His long way and will tell in the morn
ing. Sache Patshah fell to sleep. He never forgot things. As soon as He woke up early in the
morning, He asked me and I told Him everything. He said, "Why are you wasting your own
money?" I said, "My True Satguru's seva is done." Then Hazur said to me, "Kako, when we
came in Baba Ji's (Baba Jaimal Singh's) Dera Beas, then there was nothing built except His
own muddy room. I with the order o f Baba Ji built a well and a small satsang hall and a
room for langar (free kitchen.) The people o f village Badaichi said to me that my wits are
gone mad. They said that I had wasted my money at the bank o f the river. I replied, "They
must not worry. One time when Baba Ji stepped with His lotus feet in the rooms and drank
the water from the well my money would become double. After that the river may wash
away all o f them, I do not care." Then I (Bibi) requested, "But mine has become four times
more." I thought, "Hazur's orders to stay for ten days, so now you will stay sometimes two
months and sometimes three months." Shahanshah said, "Yes, there is no doubt."
The next morning Deen Dyal (Hazur) ordered to make the doors and one layer o f iron
sheet should be fixed in them. Roodchand said, "What is the matter Hazur, is it a jest that
there should be iron in the doors?" I was standing there and Hazur was looking at me and
He said, "Lala Roodchand, here Lajo will stay alone. If the thieves come they may go on
breaking doors all night, they w ill never be able to break in. So this poor lady will not lose
anything." So His words came true. Today I am sitting alone and Hazur is not with me. Ha
zur stayed here for ten days every month. Having excuse o f being sick He stayed for three
months also. With the grace o f Hazur bungalow (kothi in Hindi language) started in the
month o f Kartic the 1st day o f the month and ended in the month o f Jeth (months accord
ing to the ancient calendar.) Electricity was also fixed everywhere Then Hazur placed His
lotus feet in the building which was decorated in such a way as it is difficult to explain its
beauty. The sangat welcomed Him, showering the flowers and were making merry by singing
the holy songs in His praise. The sweets were distributed.
When the satsang was over, the sangat requested Hazur to give me five hundred rupees
and a pair o f dresses. Hazur called me and asked, "How is that my child, will you take it?" I
requested Hazur, "Not to take that m oney and dress, only whatever you can give me. If you
want to give me, give me your shawl which you are putting on your shoulders now." Sache
Patshah with His grace on me took that shawl He was having in His meditation and said,
"Bibi Ji, I am very happy with you." Then He told me the story o f Bhai (disciple) Jetha:
Story: When the temple o f Amritsar was being constructed, Guru Ji started to cook the
food but it did not cook well. Jetha tried his best but the cooking stove was not becoming
good for food. Then the people advised him to bring the dirty mud from the city and make
the stove. In those days it was a type o f hearth which had to be built with mud. So Jetha
went in the city and collected a lot o f mud and started to build the fireplace for cooking the
food and it was all done and the food was cooked good. Even today that place is known as
Immortal Bhai Jetha. Hazur then said, "So Bibi, the level o f seva is the highest o f all. Then
He said to Roodchand, "The kothi (bungalow) is built by the grace o f Soami Ji." Lala Rood
chand said, "Deen Dyal (kind Master) you know your art. No one can understand your art."
Deen Dyal laughed and said, "Even if Brahma and Vishnu wanted to stop it, even then the
building had to be built. And it is built now."
During the construction Babu Amamath also took a great part in doing seva. Hazur
always stayed in his residence and myself, I also stayed there for three or four months. For
three months I used to go to Beas at 8:00 p.m. daily and used to come back to Amritsar at
5:00 a.m. after starting at 3:00 a.m. from Beas. I was helpless to have Hazur's Darshan and
also there was seva there for me. Seva o f fixing electricity was done by Hansraj, Sohan Singh
and Janaki Parshad, residents o f Amritsar. They did their seva with heart and soul. Hazur
liberated so many souls with the excuse o f building the new building at Amritsar.
There was a little place (land) behind the kitchen. Roodchand requested Hazur if there
could be a small room for collecting the wood and it would be placed in the room, and if
the tree over there on which berries are grown could be cut down in order to build the room
for keeping the wood. I said, "No, the berry tree looks good. Hazur said, "Kako, it's devotion
is done and it will take human birth. Let it be free from this birth." All true words. Ram Saran
and Roodchand did a great seva for the garden in the bungalow (kothi.) Hazur was already
there in the month o f Jeth (May) and He was standing on the roof o f the upper story giving
His Darshan. He called me and said, "Look Kako! We sit inside the kothi, but the sangat sits in
the sun. I will not come here until the rooms are ready for the sangat." I said, "Please place the
foundation for the house o f the sangat today." Satguru Ji, the very next day placed the founda
tion for these rooms which are standing in line today. After doing this He left for Beas.
All the rooms and veranda (porch) in front o f them were built. After Premsingh Radhakris-
han did all seva with love and devotion, but Hazur was very happy with Baikal's seva, because
he always did seva with a fair mind after leaving his government job hours. As he was always
loving to the sangat and Hazur was also happy with him. He also did seva with money. Even
today he is doing seva with love and devotion. (Translator's Note: As Bibi Lajo is writing her
own memories o f when Hazur left the body. So it was only a few months after she started writ
ing and that is why her writing is not changed according to the tense and grammar.)
Hazur was very happy to stay at Amritsar and He mostly wanted to stay there, but the
devotees at Beas compelled Him to stay at Beas and Hazur went there, but even then Hazur
was not happy there. He told me and Roodchand not to stop the satsang in the kothi (we
can call it satsanghar in Hindi, which means the home for discourses or spiritual meetings.)
To me Hazur ordered to make all the Bibis (women) sit in meditation daily. Lala Roodchand
kept quiet. I said, "We will do satsang every 1st day o f the month and on dark nights (when
there is no m oon in the sky) we will do every coming week. Sangat daily comes only for the
Darshan o f Hazur and kothi is also far for them. Shahanshah again said, "Look, whether I
am here or not, whether I come back again or not, do not stop the satsang, it should con
tinue." (These are the days when Hazur left this place physically forever. Saying these words,
sharing joys with the sangat He departed. He knew everything and, Oh God! Hazur never
came back.) When He departed sangat threw a lot o f coins over His car.
Story #45:
Hazur Deen Dyal told the golden words o f the Saints out o f joy
One day Hazur was sitting in the home o f grace in Amritsar and he was speaking with
love. I asked Hazur, "Satguru Ji, is there any other Saint who has come from Alakh Agam?
(Sachkhand.) Deen Dyal said, "Hey Bibi, but no one knows." I requested, "If Hazur Sat
guru knows, please tell us with your kind favor. The world will get benefit for this." Sha
hanshah (Hazur, King o f Kings) said, "Kako, the world is getting benefit. Benefit is going
to the world, but still the world is unknown." "Satguru Ji, how is that," I said. He further
said, "Bibi look, one Saint initiates and gives benefit by giving satsang (discourse), one
gives Darshan within and those who have rights to that get liberated and get the benefit
o f the human life. When Baba Ji left His body, I came in the dera and took responsibil
ity as a successor. One day Bibi Rukko and I had some work at Amritsar and we came to
Amritsar. At that time nobody knew me there. Neither I met anyone nor anyone met me.
Bibi Rukko and I came to the railway station and the Saint in the guise o f a man came to
me. He came to me and held my hand and said, "Tell me, how are you." I laughed look
ing at Him and He disappeared. Bibi Rukko said, "In the whole city no one recognized
you, nor did anybody speak to you. So who was He who held Hazur's hand and talked to
you?" I said to let it go. There is nothing to ask. Then Bibi said that she must ask and that
without knowing that she would not sit in the train. Bibi was stubborn so I told her that
the man and I both dwell together in Sachkhand and that we know each other, but it is
secret. He also does work for the world, but a little as He has the order from the Supreme
Power. After finishing the work for the world He will go and no one will recognize Him."
After Hazur's words then I requested Hazur to come to light. Hazur said, "How can I come
to light, there is no order from the Supreme Being. Kako, Bibi Rukko knew all secrets. That
is why I am telling you. You keep it secret."
I (Bibi Lajo) am writing this secret now in His sharp memory. I never told the secret to
anyone in His presence. Sache Patshah was very serious. He would never open His secret.
Story #46:
Seva o f obstinacy and seva o f love and devotion
Shri Deen Dyal (Hazur) was staying in Dalhousie (hill station in the lap o f the Hima
layas.) A lady w ho belonged to city Rohtak (city close to New Delhi) and always discussed
with Hazur for having seva o f Bibi Lajo, reached there. At first Greebniwa (caretaker o f the
poor) told her with
His loving words and when she did not stop arguing with Hazur about having the seva
which Bibi Lajo was doing for Hazur, then Hazur said strongly, "Bhagwatti (her name) it is
not the thing which can be taken by begging, neither can it be taken by being stubborn, but
it is only for those on whom the Saints have the grace. And Saints only give seva to those
who have rights on it. Saints are very farsighted and can see the soul who is perfect for such
seva (service.) The seva o f Lajo even Brahma and Vishnu cannot take. Even if any member
o f my family asks for it, I am not willing to give them what to speak o f you. Look, I will tell
you a story o f being stubborn." Hazur told, " Once I went to Agra. There is a Bibi there who
has access to Sachkhand in her meditation. She remained in focus o f Sachkhand and she
was also with me in Agra being in attention and focus in her meditation. One day after tak
ing my bath I was squeezing my wet underwear and this seva I never gave to anyone. Devi
was very simple. She heard that washing the clothes o f the Saints is the highest seva. The
idea came to her as she saw me coming back from my bath, she said, "Hazur I will wash
your underwear." I, thinking her a perfect meditator did not refuse her but I did not want to
give my underwear to her. But I, after washing my underwear, gave it to her and asked her to
spread it on the rope which was tied with the tree. She took it and spread it on the rope and
she became happy. She was a perfect meditator. When she sat in meditation at night then
Satguru showed His anger within her. No lover o f Gum can bare the anger o f Gum whether
it is inside or outside. Seeing her Gum angry within she became nervous. When she got up
early in the morning she came to see me with Babu Ganja Singh (a devotee) to ask for for
giveness. When I saw her coming with Babu Ganja Singh I asked her, "Bibi, you always come
to see me by yourself but why are you bringing Babu Ganja Singh with you today ( Babu
Gabja Singh was an attorney.) Have you brought him for your help?"
Then she, with folded hands said and prayed, "Satguru Ji, forgive me for asking for the
seva o f washing your underwear. It was my ego and stupidity for being stubborn to get such
kind o f seva yesterday." I said, "Devi, my child, why are you afraid, I did not get angry with
your seva." She said, "You do not hurt people externally, but Hazur, you got angry with me
within. So please forgive me. I w ill never be stubborn for getting any o f your seva. Whatever
type o f seva is given with your grace and happiness is the best one." I said, "Okay my child,
I have forgiven you." (End Story.)
Hazur continued, "I also was stubborn to get seva from my Gum. But I have also learned
a lesson that seva by being stubborn is not good. O nly that seva is good which is given by
Satguru's grace. So Bhagwatti, you are foolish and you will repent later. You cannot get Lajo's
seva. She wanders with me in forests and mountains. She does everything done by her own
hands and faces hunger and thirst and she has been doing seva for twenty six years. So how
can I stop her now. I am doing an injustice to her." Hazur said all this lovingly, then continued,
"So Kako never talk to me against Bibi Lajo in the future. I respect the perfect disciples with
heart and soul. Saying ill o f anyone is a big sin and listening to ill words against perfect dis
ciples is also a big sin and I am not saying anything to you, only telling you for your benefit."
My (Bibi Lajo) Satguru li was great who never hurt the feelings o f the devotees. And He
had given seva to everybody according to his level. He made every satsangie happy. You can try
to ask any satsangie from two lakhs devotees, nobody will admit that he was hurt by Hazur.
The way o f love He was using in such a way as everyone was surprised neither He made
anybody sad. He refused Bhagwatti be telling her the story.
Story #47:
How the Saints respect the Perfect Disciples
One time Sache Patshah had been at the holy place Ghumani o f Baba Ji (Baba Jaimal
Singh's home.) Sache Patshah, Deen Dyal (all words o f super regard for Hazur she is using
in Hindi) respected all the people o f the village o f Ghumani thinking that all belong to His
Guru. They are o f high fortune to take birth at the place o f His Guru. And no being is like
Hazur who had respect for His Guru. I (Bibi Lajo) request Hazur that the people o f Ghu
mani always talk to you having no fear. Even the great Kings are fond o f talking to you. Shri
Hazur said, "Okay Kako, in what way I talk I still love them. Even the dog o f Laila's street
was dear to Majnu. He was thinking that the dog belongs to my beloved Laila's street, and
all these people belong to my Guru's village." (Love Story: Laila was a princess and Majnu
was an ordinary boy, studying in the same school and they had soul to soul love. When the
teacher beat Majnu, Laila got hurt physically while Majnu felt no pain from the beating. I
just gave the hint o f the story. Majnu was not allowed to see Laila by the King. So he used to
sit outside the street o f the palace. When the dog comes out o f her street he would love the
dog. That is why Hazur gave the example o f the love story o f Laila and Majnu.) Hazur further
said, "Kako, I'll tell you a story."
Story by Hazur to Bibi Lajo:
"One time Baba Ji, (Baba Jaimal Singh) was at Ghumani. A Bibi (woman) was doing
good meditation. She had a child in her womb. The other child was lying with her on the
bed. Baba Ji passed the way o f Bibi. She did not even know that He passed her way. The inner
knower, Baba Ji noticed that Bibi was lost in deep meditation. Baba Ji bowed His head on
her feet thinking that the Bibi is fortunate to have her spiritual progress so high and deep in
her human life, having one child in her womb and another lying with her and she is lost in
deep meditation. Baba Ji went further from her.
When she got up the other women sitting by her said that Baba Ji had bowed His head
on her feet and went away and that she had no knowledge o f it. When she heard their words
she became nervous. She was still thinking when Baba Ji came back. She caught the feet o f
Baba Ji and asked for forgiveness and respectfully asked Baba Ji why He had bowed His head
on her feet. Baba Ji said, "My daughter you need not to worry. I did not bow to your feet. I
bowed to your deep devotion and love for your meditation. Being pregnant and having one
more child with you, even then you remain lost in deep meditation."
I (Bibi Lajo) requested Hazur, "It was the grace o f the Saints that she was doing deep
meditation being a mother o f two children." Hazur said, "No doubt Kako. If Perfect Master
(Gum) comes across, all paths are successful. Laughing, playing, leading life, one can be lib
erated. So Kako, this is the symbol o f the Perfect Gum, but it is very difficult to come across a
Perfect Gum. They are very rare the Tme Gum's. Kako, the Tme Gum does not look at Sikhs,
Christians, Hindus and Muslims; or at man or woman. He looks at their tme love, faith and
devotion. Neither do they think o f rich or poor. They love the devotion and they (Saints or
Gums) give the place in their heart to their tme devotees."
Whenever Hazur used to go to the residence o f Baba Ji He would take off His shoes out
side the door and was doing respect by lying down straight on the ground. He would fold
His hands and tears would come in His eyes and He bowed His head at Baba Ji's door again
and again. When Hazur again went to Baba Ji's house for worship, the people asked Him
why so many people visit here for worshipping, and why has no one built a temple o f Baba
Ji at His house, because people came here from far and wide.
Baba Ji had two muddy rooms in His house. They has been standing in the same way
since forty five years (Bibi is talking during Hazur's time.) There is nothing wrong with the
rooms. Shri Satguru Ji said, "Look, I have no power to break down the house and rebuild a
new one. The place where my Gum did a lot o f meditation, how can someone break it. Yes,
I can place some bricks around the walls o f the house, but Baba Ji does not allow me and I
can do nothing without His order. The soil o f this place is the soil o f Sachkhand for me. The
place where so much devotion and love o f the Supreme Being is living, I salute it again and
again." Sache Patshah had no limits o f His Gum devotion. No one can do such a Gum devo
tion like Hazur. Hazur bowed His head and saluted, then He came back. After this visit He
never went back. He said when He left, "Let us go Kako, we are getting late for Dera Beas."
(Bibi is talking before His physical departure.)
Story #48:
The story o f a tree taking human birth with the grace o f the Saints
When the first floor o f the Amritsar kothi (ashram) was built and the upper story was
under construction there was a mango tree in front o f the lower veranda (porch.) Sache
Patshah ordered the young boys o f the sangat to uproot the mango tree. It is a distraction
for the beauty o f the kothi (ashram or building.) I requested, "Satguru Ji, do not get this tree
uprooted as it has very good fruit o f mangoes which are very sweet and it looks good when
it is full o f mango fruit and the door o f the building looks very beautiful." Shahanshah Ji
said, "No Kako, let its birth go. It will get a human birth by me." I with folded hands said,
"Okay Satguru Ji (Thaakur Ji) as you wish." Listening to the words o f Satguru Ji the boys were
laughing. At that time Ishwar Das, a goldsmith who was decorating the stage for Hazur said
to me, "Bibi Ji, I have four daughters only, I have no son. If Hazur is giving human birth to
this mango tree, He must send it in the form o f a boy in my family." I told Hazur that Ishwar
Das was asking that Hazur must send this mango tree as a birth o f a boy in his family as he
had no son. Hazur was sitting in a happy m ood and said, "Okay m y child, his desire will be
fulfilled." In the same month his wife became pregnant and after nine months she gave birth
to a son. When the boy was forty days old (in those days new bom babies were not taken out
o f the house where he was bom for forty days) the parents brought him to Hazur for name
ceremony. Then Hazur called me and said, "Look Kako, how beautiful is the boy, the tree
was fortunate to get the human birth." Everybody called him with the name o f "Mango."
Now the boy is seventeen years old and lives in Amritsar.
Sometimes we are surprised to see the benefit o f Saint's Darshan, but we did not try to
know their honor in the real sense. I said, "Sache Patshah, you know your art. No one can
read the secrets o f the Saints or only those can know if you have your grace on them." After
having a look at the baby boy, Hazur said, "Hey, oh gentle man. You have come now. You
remain happy now. You are blessed with a good birth now. Okay Bibi, take this b o y " Hazur
asked me to bring parshad for the mother o f the baby boy. When they were gone Hazur
said to trie, "Kako, whatever the job Saints do, no one can understand, there is some kind
o f secret. So it is better to remain in quiet in front o f the Saints. Whatever the Saints do, the
disciple should watch only, there is no place for any thought."
I said, "Human beings are unknown, but Satguru is the knower o f their hearts." Then
Hazur laughed and said, "It is good the tree got rid o f his birth and Ishwar Das got a son
because he did not have a son."
tion like Hazur. Hazur bowed His head and saluted, then He came back. After this visit He
never went back. He said when He left, "Let us go Kako, we are getting late for Dera Beas."
(Bibi is talking before His physical departure.)
Story #49:
The conversation o f game o f inner experience between devotee Prem Lal and Hazur
One day Deen Dyal Ji was sitting alone and I was sitting beside Him. He said, "Kako,
if you go and call Prem Lal, Baristas (who was from the city o f Lahore) he is a very lov
ing devotee, if I could give him some time." I said, "Alright, your true words are with me."
Prem Lal was already initiated by another Saint called Soami Rewariwali (belonged to the
city named Rewari) but he got satisfied from Hazur's initiation. I brought him with me. He
respected Hazur a lot. And Shahanshah (King o f Kings) also loved him very much and was
very kind to him. Prem Lal greeted Hazur with folded hands and sat beside Hazur. They
talked about meditation.
Prem Lal requested Hazur for his mind which was a problem in his meditation and did
not let him focus on Satguru within. Deen Dyal Ji said, "The more the people are educated
the more they are mentally not clean. The more the people are ignorant the more they are
simple and become clean in Naam and simran." Prem Lal said, "How can I accept it?" Shri
Shahanshah said, "Look, I will show you just now." The daughter (aged ten years) o f Prem
Lal was also sitting there. Shahanshah Ji said, "Look, this girl has a very clean mind. What
ever I want I can show her within." Her name was Omkumari. She had already been initi
ated with words (sound) since two years. Hazur told her to sit with her eyes closed and she
was made to sit in sound meditation. Hazur said, "My daughter, whatever you see within,
keep on telling me but do not open your eyes. Just keep on looking within." Omkumari sat
in meditation. Her soul went up to the plane o f Brahma. Omkumari was telling all the de
tails o f within and Hazur was listening. Prem Lal was surprised to listen to all o f the divine
explanation o f the inner planes from his own daughter o f only ten years old.
Prem Lal said, "It is a shame o f my mind who cannot recognize the power o f the Master
(Hazur.) There is no delay from Hazur." Later Omkumari went on doing regular meditation.
Her mother died when she was fifteen years old. When her mother was oh her death bed,
she asked her mother if she remembered the simran. She helped her mother in reminding
her o f the simran. When one hour passed since her mother died she opened the door. She
remained sitting by the dead body for one hour doing simran inside the room. A child like
her can easily become afraid o f a dead body, even the patient can be very painful for the
child o f her age. It is all the grace o f regular meditation by Hazur. Prem Lal Ji, being ashamed
o f himself and praising the power o f Hazur, left.
Story #50:
Story o f Love
Once there were Bhandara days (celebration o f the past Masters.) When I came out o f the
house a young girl was standing at the door. When she saw me she told me that she wanted
to talk with Hazur for asking her problem in internal meditation. She asked me if she could
tell me. I told her not to tell me, but to tell Hazur. Satguru, knower o f the heart was coming to
the door. Shri Deen Dyal laughed and said, "Kako, what are you talking with your friend." I
requested Hazur to listen to her internal problem o f the meditation. Hazur said, "Okay Bibi,
bring her inside the room. I will listen to her internal experience." I took her in Hazur's room
which was at the lower, or ground story. Shahanshah was listening to her with love.
She told, "Satguru Ji, my relatives do not allow me to sit for meditation. I sit in meditation
hiding myself in a hidden place. When I cut the grass I continue my simran and when I tied the
bundle o f grass I used to sit there for meditation for three hours every day." Then she started
talking about her experience in the meditation. She explained all about the places o f Trikuti
within. Shahanshah was quietly listening with His eyes closed, listening all the details o f the
inner world from her. He, out o f joy said, "Very good, you have gained the benefit o f taking
human birth. In spite o f having so many restrictions, even then you have the highest level o f
practice o f meditation. My every part o f my body is overwhelmed with joy. What is the use o f
having kingdoms for those who have no experience o f Naam within. My daughter, your tom
clothes are good. They are all dyed with the color o f Naam within. One who has opened the
inner door (eye) they are better than outer pomp and show. Worldly people who are proud
o f outer pomp and show, actually all o f them are marked without the colorful dress o f Naam
within. They are always tempted at every step for nothing. So my daughter, you have seen the
four Vedas (Hindu holy scriptures) so what is the value o f other worlds in front o f you."
Deen Dyal (Hazur) gave her parshad with love and she bowed her head at the feet o f
Hazur and He accepted with love and said, "I love only those who love meditation and sim-
ran. What is the use o f property for us, and what is the use o f having beauty o f the body and
clothes? My loving daughter, I am very happy with you."
When after listening to her inner experience Hazur came out, Judge Deputy Sahib was
standing in the veranda (porch.) Then Satguru Ji said to him, "Brother, you people have not
received the benefit o f coming in the Dera Beas (ashram.) What more can I say. A girl just
told me her real inner experience. Ask Lajo, she had explained all the true story o f inner Tri-
kuti (three planes within.) I love that poor Bibi more than you. She is a very simple girl. You
all do not do regular meditation. All stay with your talks only." All the other people standing
there were quiet. Hazur went outside.
Story #51:
The story o f Lehana (sweeper casted) o f low caste
This sweeper named Lehana (low casted) was at his best in doing regular meditation. One
time, Lehana came in the Dera Beas. Shri Shahanshah was giving satsang. When Lehana was
going after the satsang was over, the people thinking him A sweeper ( low casted) tried to be
away from him and started to wrap their dress. Lehana laughed and Sache Patshah under
stood his way of laughing. Shri Deen Dyal Ji, the caretaker of the poor called Lehana, calling
him with his name, and said, "Brother Lehana! Come to me and sit by me." He ordered the
sevadar to bring a seat (stool) and to let him sit on it. Lehana sat on it. Then he asked Hazur
if he could say something, if Hazur would allow him. Hazur said, "Okay, say as the gun is
loaded, let it go to shoot." Lehana said if he could say in front of all the people. Hazur said,
"No doubt, you say in front of them." Lehana said, "When I came in the satsang, all the peo
ple started to take away their spreading clothes from me thinking me a dirty sweeper, when
your Highness called me. Look Hazur, my body which is a broken and dirty cottage and wear
ing tom and dirty clothes, is very fortunate in which my Guru always remains with me. Then
please let me know Satguru, either they are sweepers, or myself."
Shri (out o f respect the word Shri is used) Shahanshah (King o f Kings) became very
happy and gave a loud laughter. It looked as if the clouds o f beauty spread on His face and
the sangat also began to laugh. Looking at Lehana, Shahanshah Ji said, "Brother, I have
respect for your devotion. What the sangat knows, only the knower o f true devotion can un
derstand the true devotion o f a true devotee. Lehana, it is good if the people will understand
the meaning o f true devotion and they will be protected." Hazur then quoted Bulleh Shah:
Bulleh Shah said, "Bulliah, let us go and live there where all the blind people live. Neither
can know my value nor anyone can accept me as a devotee. Bulliah, rest house is built where
the robbers live only. Egoists live in the mosque. But the intoxicated lovers o f beloved Gum
live separate from all. So the true devotees live separate from all. That is the best life." Saying
these loving words to Lehana, Satguru Ji finished the satsang and made the sangat happy
and shared His happiness with them. Then He went to His room upstairs. Lehana also en
joyed the words o f Hazur and was overwhelmed with joy. The sangat also started looking at
Lehana with love.
Sache Patshah never care for caste or creed. He only saw the true devotion o f the devotee.
He was the knower o f every heart. He always made everyone's heart blossom like flowers.
He made everyone perfect in doing simran and brought His Gum's name to light. Satguru is
Great. No one had been like Him and no one w ill be like Him in the world. In brief He was
the Jot (light) o f God Himself.
Story #52:
Loving words o f Satguru
It was the month o f Bhadho (August.) It was morning time. I got up from meditation. I
went upstairs to have Satguru's Darshan in His room upstairs. Hazur was sitting in medita
tion wrapping himself with a cotton net sheet. I quietly sat at the door o f the room and was
waiting for Him until I got His Darshan. It took one hour when He got up from His medita
tion. Looking at me He lovingly said, "Come my daughter. What message have you brought
today, telLme."
I with my folded hands requested Hazur to open the inner eye o f the sangat. "Please
be kind, you Sache Patshah have come with the treasure o f grace, now please give the inner
grace with your open heart." Satguru li laughed and said, "Kako, there is not enough place in
my dera (ashram.) Baba Ji has given a lot o f treasure and my heart wants to distribute it, but
there is not enough place in the dera." I said, "There is no need o f place." Hazur said, "Kako,
if it will be shown to everyone, then who will perform the duties o f the family. Everyone will
lock his house and start staying in the dera forever. Bibi, why you are sitting here and have
not gone back to your house. Listen Bibi, who has been slapped by love, he has lost his home
forever." I became quiet and asked Satguru li for forgiveness. "You know your art, we beings
can never know your great wish you do my Satguru li." I bowed my head and came back.
Story #53:
Story o f Bhagat Singh
Once Sache Patshah was at the residence o f a devotee named Bhagat Singh at city Jul-
lundhar, thirty miles away from Dera Beas. I was also with Him. Sardur Bhagat Singh re
quested me to ask Hazur to show him the inner world, and that after once He shows him,
He might not show him again. I said it was okay with me to request Hazur for you, but it is
His grace if He accepts my request or not. Bhagat Singh also asked me not to ask Hazur in
his presence, he would listen to me ask Hazur while standing behind the door. I said, "Okay."
Satguru Ji was sitting in His bed after finishing His dinner and He was in a happy mood. I went
to Him and laughed with my folded hands. I requested Hazur to accept my one request. I used
to talk to Him like a child. The caretaker o f the poor happily answered, "My child, if it is ac
ceptable I will." I requested, "Brother Bhagat Singh requested me to ask you for showing him
the inner world. After that I will never request for it." Deen Dyal (Hazur) laughed and said,
"Look Kako, listen to me carefully. Who will do work for Sardur Ji? Who will face give and take
karmas for him." I said, "Gujar Mai and Charan Lal (two other devotees) will face it." Hazur
said, "Kako, how many days they will do, ten or twenty days? Later who will come further?"
I said, "Then after, you will do it." Hazur again said, "Kako look, when the girl goes to her in
laws, and sees the pleasures o f her husband, after that if she is brought back to her parental
house and advised never to go to her in laws and never to see the face o f her husband, will the
girl accept it? So you yourself tell me will it happen or not?" Then Shahanshah further said,
"If a girl cannot leave a false husband or worldly husband, then how can it be possible, after
meeting the real and true husband within, how the soul can bare the separation? If someone
is ready to take the responsibility for Bhagat Singh for his whole life, only then I can show him
inner world. I have no difficulty." Sardur Bhagat Singh was also listening to our conversation
sitting somewhere in a hidden place. I remained quiet and Bhagat Singh was listening behind
the door. When I went to him he said, "Kako, Hazur is very wise. Okay, whatever is His grace." I
also begged forgiveness from Hazur and said, "You are true King o f Kings and we all are sinful.
Whatever is your grace, you know better."
Then Hazur laughed and said, "Kako, I am not angry. Devotee's right is to beg and Gum's
right is to make him understand. My dear child, if the child puts the poison in his mouth,
will the mother let him do that? Although how much the child cries, but the mother does
not care and throws away the poison and she saves the life by teaching him good things. In
the same way Gum gives the inner treasure to the devotee who is able to receive it, although
the devotee cries a lot and begs so many times. When the devotee has no capacity to handle
it, Satguru does not feel good in giving him such an inner treasure, but keeps it within Him
self. When the right time comes only then He gives, does not leave it useless. The devotee
comes to know later, that whatever Satguru did for him it was for his benefit, but at first the
words o f Satguru look bitter, like eating gooseberry first. One tastes later." (This is a saying.)
Bhagat Singh and I accepted the true words with our folded hands and said, "You are right
Sache Patshah, it is your grace, forgive us."
Story #54:
The story o f true lovers
The mother o f Sunar Brother Modan Singh was a seeker o f God. She met so many Saints
from the very early age but could not get any satisfaction. One day Babu the devotee Ganja
Singh stayed one night at Modan Singh's residence. Modan Singh was a devotee o f Hazur.
They talked about Hazur's greatness at night. His mother was also listening. She said that
she did not agree with them that the Saints were perfect in spirituality because she had not
met any true Saints so far. She said, "If I had met such a Saint, then I would not have been
sitting with ease." Babu Ji advised her to go with him to see a Perfect Saint. She told that she
did not want to see a Radha Soami Saint.
Babu Ji forced her to see Hazur. Babu and Modan Singh reached Dera Beas taking her
with them. Everybody was wishing her saying "Radha Soami." She closed her eyes. When
she was taken to Hazur, she sat quietly. Shahanshah looked at her lovingly and said loving
words. She was attracted by His words by heart. She took initiation later. She was already
very spiritual. When she did a lot o f meditation her inner eye opened and she started having
beautiful inner visions. She became very happy. She started loving Hazur. Sache Patshah,
thinking her a good meditator had a great respect for her.
One day she went to the Golden Temple in Amritsar. When she was walking inside the
Golden Temple building she met Hazur and Hazur gave her parshad o f sweet Halwa (a
sweet dish which was distributed in the temple by the priest, it is his part o f blessing o f the
Ten Gurus.) She was thinking o f Hazur's presence in the Temple and she went home to bring
the family so that all could have the Darshan o f Hazur. When she came back to the same
place with her family members, she found nothing. She was very surprised. Then she came
in Beas Dera which is forty miles away from Amritsar City. Shahanshah was sitting in His
chair in the room on the ground floor. Looking at her Hazur laughed and said, "Look Kako,
she has come , let us listen to her." I was standing close to Hazur. He said to her, "Tell Mai
(old woman) how are you? Have you done my work? Bhajan, meditation and simran." Mai
bowed her head at Hazur's feet and sat in front o f Him. She started talking about her inner ex
periences. When she was talking she became intoxicated and said with a loud voice, "Satguru,
you are a big thief. You are a big robber." Deen Dyal Ji was listening and laughing loud. I said,
"Satguru Ji, Mai has not got the wits to talk with you." The protector o f the devotees (Hazur)
said, "No, Kako, Mai is a good meditator. She is mad with love and the lovers talk in this way.
She is talking out o f her true love. See Kako, Mai is colored with inner love." Sache Patshah said
to Mai, "Mai, what robber did I do to you?" Mai said, "I was in Golden Temple and you were
standing there and I had your Darshan. You gave me parshad and I ran to home and brought
all the members o f my family to have your Darshan. On my return you were not there. So are
you not a robber and thief then?" Deen Dyal said, "look Mai Ji, when you remembered me, I
reached there. When your mind went to your family I came back. Why did you go to the world
leaving your Gum? If you did not leave me then I would not have left you. Therefore Mai, it
is your fault not mine. Is it my fault or yours?" She folded her hands and promised not to re
member the world. Great is the Satguru who fed the lions with grass.
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The Mai who was so against the Guru in the past, she became a true lover o f Guru. God
came on the Earth but no one recognized Him. True Master can find the true lover. He would
break the chains o f the world with His true love towards His true devotees. Mai wished Ha-
zur and went back.
Story #55:
Story o f giving Darshan to Bakhtavar Singh's Son
Sardur Bakhtavar Sing Chuk Hakim from village Rayavala was a true devotee o f Satguru
(Hazur.) Deen Dyal Ji also loved him very much and was treating him as His own son. He
was protected by Satguru (Bacdshah) from Pakistan with his family safe and sound and was
brought at Amritsar. When he reached there with his family I brought them in front o f Ha
zur. Shri Deen Dyal Ji loved them also and He gave His hug to him. At that time he was very
upset. He asked, "Hazur, what will happen now?" Sache Patshah said, "Do not be nervous,
Master will give you everything but it w ill take some time. Do not go back to Pakistan, for
now move towards Rohtak (a city close to New Delhi) where you will get a good place." Say
ing thanks, he left for Rohtak. He got a good house and good land there. Hazur kept him in
His own residence for two months.
When Sache Patshah left for Sachkhand (left His body) he became very nervous. He was
thinking the days would not be the same as they were in the presence o f Hazur. What would
happen to him in the future. One time at the time o f Hazur, his younger son became sick at
the place named Dubanay. The son was in a great trouble. The protector o f the troublesomes
gave Him Darshan. The boy requested Hazur with folded hands to recover from his sickness.
As Hazur told him, "Day after tomorrow." The boy opened his eyes and told his parents.
When the day after tomorrow came his high fever was gone. He was fifteen years old. His
father then believed that Hazur was still with them and would protect them in difficulties.
The boy's mother told me the whole story and I wrote it in my book. Satguru is great and
lived the life o f an ordinary man. Always I remember Hazur, whatever He did He gave the
credit to His Gum Baba Ji Jaimal Singh Ji.
Story #56:
Story o f Sikh o f Koytavala
Sardur Channan Singh and Ganda Singh Ji were the chiefs o f the satsang in Koyta City.
The people who were coming to Hazur for getting initiation from Koyta were sent by them.
One time a man who was a drunkard and meat eater came to Dera Beas for receiving initia
tion from Hazur, from Koyta. When Hazur went to choose the souls for initiation, this man
was also standing there. He asked for initiation. When he asked, Hazur looked at Chanan
Singh who came along with the man. But Channan Singh put his eyes down thinking that
if he recommended for the man w ho was a drunkard and he would not leave drinking after
receiving initiation then it would be a matter o f insult. If I would say to Hazur for not giving
initiation, it would be a sin for him for stopping the man from taking initiation.
When the man him self requested initiation from Hazur, Hazur said, "Tell me brother,
what about wine and meat?" He replied he would not drink and eat meat in the future.
Shri care taker (Hazur) said, "There should be a firm promise." He said, "Yes, I am sure and
promise hard." Then Hazur let him enter in the room for initiation, and said, "You have
come from Koyta, we will see what happens." He entered the room and received initiation.
The man, after initiation, controlled him self for some months for nor drinking and eating
meat. But for his bad karmas he started eating meat again and drinking wine. One night Ha
zur appeared to the man in a dream and started beating the man with His shoes on his head
and slapped his face and said, "Oh man, I took pity on you in spite o f your being sinful, but
you did not stop. Still you sat in the same boat o f sins. I will give you a very hard time."
When he woke up he found his head and face swollen and there were blue spots on
his face. He was still lying in his bed when suddenly Channan Singh passed that way o f his
house. Because o f being shameful he did not go to him because o f being shameful thinking
that he did not obey Hazur, as Channan Singh was a true devotee and lover o f his Gum.
Then that man folded his hands and requested Channan Singh to come for listening to
him. Then Channan Singh went to him. He told the whole story o f his dream at night and
showed his swollen head and face on where there were blue spots o f slaps.
Channan Singh told him what was he thinking about the Perfect Gum. He is not a false
Gum. Still he should go to Hazur and ask for forgiveness and should not be afraid. Then the
man left everything and became a Sadhu (Saint.) Great is the Satguru who made Sadhu o f
the thieves and dmnkards.
Story #57:
Story o f Masson Ram Singh
One day, Sache Patshah after walking and giving Darshan to the sangat (devotees) came
upstairs and sat on His resting chair in the veranda (porch.) I went to have His Darshan. He
laughed and said, "Kako, I have received a letter today, should I read it for you?" With my
folded hands I sat beside Him. Ram Singh, who was doing seva for fixing the electricity in
the dera by chance he went somewhere from the dera and he got good work and earned a
lot o f money.
"It is the job o f maya which shows so many games to the man."
Once Ram Singh decided to visit a prostitute to be happy. When he came out o f his
house to visit the prostitute, Hazur gave him Darshan but still he did not stop. When he
entered her room, even then Hazur appeared to him and even then he did not care and he
entered her room. He made the prostitute happy and gave her five mpees. Standing between
the prostitute and Ram Singh Hazur slapped on his face. Ram Singh became unconscious
and fell on the ground and lost his wits. She became afraid what had happened to him,
he came very well and going back he fell and became unconscious. She tried to make him
stand. When he came into his senses he said, "I have forgotten, I will never have such a
thought in my mind again and neither will I come here again. You return my money. My
money and my everything, money and body, belongs to my Gum. I did a big mistake to
make the wrong use o f my money." She returned his money and said, "I in the future will
let no one enter my house."
Ram Singh came back to his house and wrote a letter to Hazur explaining the whole
story and wrote, "Sache Patshah, in spite o f giving me your Darshan, I could not control
myself. Please excuse me and protect me." Great is the Satguru, true Sache Patshah (True
Master) who saved His disciples whenever they forgot their path and protected their honor.
So what more can the True Master do in this Kaliyug. Hazur read the letter to me and said,
"Kako, Saints are very kind in Kaliyug. They do not see the sins o f their devotees and bless
them by doing their grace on them." I saying, Great Great my Satguru Ji and wished Him
again and again, came back. What more we weakest beings can do in front o f the Tme Gum.
Story #58:
Story o f visiting city Koyata
Deen Dyal Ji (Hazur) reached Koyata (city in Pakistan now) from Karachi (city in Paki
stan.) The devotees were very encouraged by His visit. There were so many satsang buildings
in the city. They were all decorated nicely. When Sache Patshah (Tme King) reached there,
devotees were standing in ques (lines) and were singing holy songs. When Hazur reached
the railway station, there were fireworks, music, and all the buses were also decorated.
When He gave His Darshan everyone was overwhelmed with joy. The fire o f separation was
over from their hearts. The brightness o f Hazur's face was so shining that even the Sun was
shy o f its brightness. Hazur, the ocean o f peace gave His Darshan, made His devotees happy
and also asked them how they were. Out o f joy the devotees started to play their music.
Hazur's motorcar was going slowly and the music players were walking side by side. There
was arrangement for Hazur's satsang in the satsang (ashram) building close to the railway
station. Reaching there Hazur sat on the stage and gave the satsang and pleased the devotees
by giving His open Darshan.
Then, Hazur came in His room where He was to stay. Ganda Singh and Channan Singh
Ji also came with Him. They asked the schedule o f satsangs and asked forgiveness for any
difficulty on His way. Hazur met everyone happily and was going to give satsang in the city
both times morning and evening. One time Akali Sikhs created the dispute and the people
arranged the police. The inspector o f police was Muslim by caste. He was very inspired
by listening to Hazur's satsang. Hazur also talked to the Akali Sikhs with love and made
them happy. Dr. Iqbal did a lot o f seva o f guard. Deen Dyal Ji initiated about five hun
dred women and men. Brother Grandamal and Channan Singh did good arrangements for
money. Ladies, Pur Devi, Nihal Devi and the sister in law Lajwanti o f the Doctor did seva
o f cleaning utensils o f Hazur and in the kitchen o f the public langar (food.) The Bibi (lady)
Kesaro and her team did a lot o f sewa in the big kitchen o f the sangat (devotees.) They did
sewa with love and devotion. Sache Patshah was very happy with the devotees o f Koyata, so
He visited their houses and made them happy. By giving His Darshan, He fulfilled every
one's desire and gave parshad (blessed sweets) to all o f them. He went to the store in Dyal
Bagh and sold their things by Himself. Thinking it parshad, people bought all the bags in
no time from hand to hand.
The first day o f the month Sawan, Hazur was ready to take His morning bath and I said,
"Hazur, I had a very bad thought today." When He asked me I said nothing but He said,
"Bibi, thought is correct, whatever it appeared to you, that is done, but it will be clear day
after tomorrow." Next day a telegram came. I asked Hazur whose it was. Deen Dyal said,
"Kako, it is not that telegram, you do not worry." When the third day came at that time when
the devotees were becoming ready to take a group photo with Hazur, Hazur was sitting on
the sofa very nicely. I just prepared the food and no one ate it yet. On that day after eating
food, Hazur was to visit Sakhar (name o f a place.) When the post man came to deliver the
telegram, I was also standing there, behind His sofa. Whenever any telegram came Hazur
would send it to His secretary, but on that day He Himself started to read it. I asked Deen
Dyal whose it was and He said, "No Kako, it is not mine, it is for Judge Sahib" (devotee.) Af
ter reading it there was no sign o f any sadness on His face. He had a photo taken with all the
devotees and made them happy. After reading the telegram, Sache Patshah sent it to Judge
Sahib. Judge Sahib asked me, calling me Bibi, "Did Hazur not read the telegram?" I said,
"Protector o f our pains has read it, next all is His grace." Judge Sahib said, "When Hazur is
done with food, I will talk to Him."
Then, Hazur called me, "Kako, bring the food, I am hungry." He ate the food happily.
When He was done I asked if the telegram was true. Sache Patshah said, "Yes, Bibi, it is." I
requested it was sad news. Actually Hazur's younger son's son in law died. His name was
Harbans. Hazur said, "Kako, why are you sad? What matters the relations o f the world for
us, we are Sadhus (Saints.) Whosoever is bom must die one day, why should we be sad?
Whatever happens it is all according to the destiny. Let it be done, there is no point o f being
sad. Whatever is the will o f the Master, we have to accept the will o f Satguru. We are happy
when our Satguru is happy."
Wow, my Shahanshah (King o f Kings) being the Master o f all still is beyond the sorrows
and pleasures. Great was my Guru and great was His game. He flew like a bird (Murgabi)
with dry wings (Murgabi lives in the water, but when she flies, she flies with dry wings.) So
Satguru, being family holder, lives beyond the attachment.
I again requested not to go to Sakhar city and go to Beas Dera directly. He said, "Because
the people will come to me to show their sympathy for the death o f my relative, you mean
that I am doing satsang, my child? Naam is the greatest path o f spirituality in this world. You
can see, with how much love, the devotees have been waiting for me and I am not here to
break their heart. The dying one is dead now, why do I let die to those w ho are alive? I must
go to Sakhar city. You may not go if you feel much heat." Then I kept quiet. He also gave
the same reply to Judge Sahib. Sache Patshah left for Sakhar city. He said to the devotees o f
Koyata, "I am very happy with all o f you. You showed me a good example o f true love. May
Soami Ji have a lot o f grace on you and bless you with all pleasures. You must do simran
and meditation with love and devotion." The wife o f Babu Station Master, her name was
Shabhawanti and she did a lot o f seva with money. Deen Dyal said to her, "My daughter,
your seva is very successful. Simran and meditation goes with beings. Sound is the body o f
the Guru. Body does not stay forever. I will go but my body will not go, but Shabad (Sound)
will never die. Therefore, do simran and meditation with love and devotion. I am very happy
with you. And I will be more happy." Giving happiness to all the devotees, Hazur was ready
to go to Sakhar city and said to me, "Kako, let us go. God's will is accepted, whatever His
grace we w ill accept happily."
Story #59:
Story o f Sakhar city
Deen Dyal Ji (Hazur) reached Sakhar city. The great advocates and all the satsangies of
that area made good arrangements. Hazur was dropped off at the residence o f a devotee and
Hazur gave them three days and gave initiation to the members o f the family. One rich man,
the owner o f a cookies factory was given initiation. He made the sangat happy. He reached
Dera Beas on the third day by train. When He sat in the train it was very hot. I brought the
juice o f sandal in three bottles from Koyata. Wherever the train stopped on the way, a large
crowd o f devotees were standing at the station. Hazur gave the Darshan standing at the sta
tion, out o f the train. The sangat was becoming happy looking at Hazur like a rainbow bird.
When Hazur reached Lahore city (in Pakistan now) devotees Veerbhan, Ranglal, and other
devotees came to see Hazur. Deen Dyal Ji got o ff the train and the devotees brought Him
where the buses were ready to go. W hen Shahanshah sat in the motorcar he asked Veerbhan
Ji, "Brother, where is our Bibi Lajo, make her sit in the motorcar." Veerbhan Ji made me sit
in his motorcar. Hazur laughed and said, "I may not remain hungry, it is already eleven o'
clock at night." All devotees laughed. The three bottles o f sandal juice were already given
to the devotees by Hazur. When He reached the satsang ashram, I prepared the food and
served to Hazur. Hazur went for rest after taking a bath. I washed the clothes o f Hazur and
spread them after taking my bath. Then I ate my food at 2:30 a.m. The clothes became dry
at 4:00 a.m. and I ironed them. Then Hazur woke up and asked me, "Kako, have you ar
ranged my dirty clothes?" I just was done with ironing and I placed all the clothes in front
o f Him. He said, "It is three days passed since you did not sleep, It is all night gone and
you are not tired?" I replied, "Even Brahma and Vishnu are longing for the service o f Sache
Patshah, I am very lucky that you give me your seva (service.) Please always continue giv
ing me your seva (service.) I am never satisfied for seva. In the happiness o f seva I do not
feel hungry and sleepy." Sache Patshah blessed me with His love and became very happy.
After giving His Darshan to the sangat in the morning He said, "Look Bibi, my tour is
over." Saying that He left for Dera Beas with me.
Story #60:
About Hazur's daily schedule
How Hazur lived His physical life. Hazur's principle was to sleep alone in His room. At
night He would bolt His doors from the inside. I have seen Him from twenty nine years,
after taking bath, dressed Himself and He would open His rooms doors and would come
out at 7:00 a.m. He would drink one glass o f milk and used to go giving His Darshan to the
sangat. He would meet everyone with love and smile. He would sit in meditation at 2:00
a.m. at night. At 3:00 a.m. He would give order to the sangat for doing meditation. Then
after giving His Darshan He would go to the secretary Deputy Hamarayan who was doing
seva o f distributing the letters and replying to the letters o f satsangies. Then He would go
back to His residence at 1:30 p.m. Then He ate His food. Eating time was fixed. O nly one
bowl o f daal (Indian seed soup), one bowl o f vegetables, small pieces o f chapattis (Indian
handmade bread) and He would drink the water according to His health. If the glass o f wa
ter is overfilled He would sprinkle some o f it onto the floor. He would keep it only as He
needed to drink. He would never leave the food on His plate.
After eating His food He would close His door. Then He would open it at 3:30 p.m. or
4:00 p.m. Then He would do the satsang at 4:30 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. for two hours. Before
giving the satsang He used to drink half a glass o f water. He would not eat anything else.
If somebody wants to take His time He would give His time. He never broke somebody's
heart. He was very tender hearted and kind. If He is upset with someone, after a short time
He would call him and would say laughingly, "I am not angry but it is my duty to make you
clean." The lovers o f Hazur were very happy even though He was rebuking them.
One time I said, "You might be like this at your young age." Then being very kind Hazur
said, "When I was very young my mom made me sleep and covered me with her saree (long
wrap or dress.) My grandfather was a very good meditator and he stopped my mom from
covering me with her saree, saying "You should not consider him a child. He is something
else and cover him with pure cloth."
One time Vakil Radhakrishan was talking with me out o f love o f Satguru. He said to me,
"Bibi, Hazur gets angry with all o f us, somebody might have got angry with Hazur also." Ha
zur was sitting in a happy mood and I asked Hazur laughingly, "Hazur, you get angry with
us, does anyone get angry with you also?" Hazur listening to this gave a loud laughter. Lov
ingly He said, "Kako you will laugh when you listen it." I said, "Yes I w ill, because you get
angry with us, you might be having someone's anger on you." Hazur said with love, "Bibi,
when I was studying in the school, I study with love. I loved my teachers. My teachers were
always happy with me. I got to school on time and I came home on time. I never failed in
examinations. I was the only boy o f my mother and always obeyed her. My mother was very
happy with me. She never got angry upon me. I was eighteen years old when my father died.
From that very day I left sitting with my friends. I always sat with the elderly people. I used
to listen to the talks o f wisdom and domestic duties and responsibilities. Then I got a job.
I was always at my good terms with my officers. Whatever they asked me to do in my job I
would quickly do it for them. Therefore they were very happy with me. They never got angry
upon me. I had a burning desire to meet with the Saints since my young age. I was posted
at Peshawar (city in Pakistan now.) There I came to know there lived a Saint who was mad
with the love o f God. His name was Kahan Singh.
When I came back from my tour I used to go see him. I sometimes had one mpee or two
rupees I used to give him as seva (service.) He never kept even a penny with him. The chil
dren would come to him and snatched all the money from him. One time, due to my good
service in my job I got an allowance o f two thousand rupees. When I came from my job, I went
to the Saint and gave him two rupees. Then Baba Kahan said, "I will take twenty rupees in
white notes." I thought Baba had become greedy." Then I gave him twenty mpees. Then Baba
Ji said, "No, take it back, your heart is broken. Look, what is the use o f keeping it with me,
the children will come just now and will take it. But you brought two thousand rupees with
you, that is why I asked for twenty rupees from you so that two thousand rupees must be
digested by you." I said, "Baba Ji, no my heart is not broken." Then I asked, "Baba give me
something." He said, "I do not have your treasure with me." I said, "If I get it, then I can
gain." He said, "You must get it." I said, "Please tell me from where I will get it. Wherever it
is present, take me." He said, "You need not to go. One who has your treasure will himself
come to take you." Then I kept quiet.
Hazur continued, "One day I said to Baba, "I have to go to Laundi Katar (name o f a
place.) Baba said, "I will also go with you. I became very happy thinking I w ill be fortunate
to travel in the company o f a Saint, talking good and having His Darshan. The train was to
leave at 12 o' clock. Baba Kahan Singh did not come and I was waiting for him and it was 12
o' clock and Baba Ji did not come. I thought that if I would not obey Saint's orders, then it
is a matter o f trouble. On the other hand it is a government job and the train w ill leave and
no other train goes that way. What should I do? Waiting for a long time I started to go when
I saw Baba Kahan is coming on the way. I said, "Baba you have done a good thing with me.
It is my government job and by now the train might have left, we are very late." Baba said,
"You need not to worry, the train can never leave without my order." When we reached the
railway station the train was late for two and a half hours. We bought tickets and got into
the train and it started. Baba Ji took the tickets and put into his pocket. The station where
we were to get down, that was the last station for the train to stop. Baba Ji said, "No, I will
not get down yet. I w ill get down when the army will come. I asked, "Which army will come
for you?" He said he will not get down until the army comes. In spite o f my request many
times he did not get down. The men came to wash the train but Baba Ji kept sitting in the
In the meanwhile I saw one hundred and fifty men come at the station. They were saying
in a loud voice, "Baba Kahan, come." Baba Ji said, "See, my army has come, now get down."
When we got down I told him to go this direction. He said to go the opposite direction. I was
so fed up that I left Baba Ji and myself went the way where I had to go. But when I left I felt
very sad within. I was just walking and thinking it, and I saw Baba Ji was standing in front
o f me and said, "I thought that my disciple is feeling very sad. W hy I should make him sad?
I myself should go to him." I reached my office taking Baba Ji with me.
When the job was over, I asked Baba Ji to go. I also told him that the train was to leave
early in the morning and it would be difficult to get up early. Baba Ji told that the Tan Tan
(horse cart) would come early for him. When we got up in the morning we saw a Tan Tan
was outside. I asked the driver o f the horse cart who called him? He told that Baba Kahan
called him. Baba Ji was sitting in meditation with me (Hazur.) We both sat in the horse cart
and reached the railway station. The train was ready to go and we got into it.
Hazur continued, "As Baba Ji told me about the treasure I had with me and the owner
o f my treasure him self would come to me for giving it, that chance came in front o f my eyes.
I was posted as S.D.O. at Kala Bag (name o f a place.) I was riding on my horse and going
into the street o f the city. Baba Jaimal Singh was also riding on His horse and was coming
in the same street. Bibi Rukko was with Him. My horse passed by His horse and did not
pay any attention. Baba Ji said to Bibi Rukko while looking at me, "Look Bibi, I have come
for this sardur (a Sikh with turban on.) Bibi Rukko said, "Baba Ji, he did not even wish you
Waheguru, Ram Ram, or Radha Soami." Baba Ji said, "This poor fellow does not even know
that he will come to see me after four days." So a clerk o f my office came to me. His name was
Hari Ram. After meeting Baba Ji for three days he came to me on the fourth day and asked
me if I could go to see a Saint with him. He explained to me that a Saint from Beas had come
in the city, and I should also have His Darshan. I already was fond o f meeting the Saints. I
had a lot o f work o f my office to do. The work which I was to finish in eight days, I finished
it within a night. Getting up in the morning I went to have the Darshan o f Baba Ji with him.
I thought the name o f Radha Soami is a strange word for me. I did not agree with that within
my mind. Perhaps he accepts Jap Ji Sahib and Jaap Ji Sahibe, or not. When I reached there,
Baba Ji did the satsang on Gurbani Jap Ji Sahib. When satsang was over Baba Ji said, "How
is that brother, has the idea o f Radha Soami name gone or not?" I folded my hands to Him.
Baba Ji said, "Look brother, how many names o f God are written in the Holy Book Guru
Granth Sahib Ji? If one more name o f Radha Soami is added among them, then what ob
jects to you? It is not a new name. Radha means "consciousness", Soami means the "Shabad
Sound" o f permanent destination." Baba Ji initiated me after I had listened to His satsang
for four days. Giving me the initiation He placed His hand on my head and took me to the
tenth door within and He said, "Baba Sawan Singh, you are my old friend. It is not since
today only." I said, "Baba Ji, I am going to leave my domestic life." Baba Ji said, "You have
a large amount to give and take from your family that you have to clear. I do not give my
permission for you to leave them yet." So what can I speak in front o f my Guru? Baba Ji said,
"Do all the jobs but do not involve yourself in them." Since I had been initiated, I used to be
present in His service in front o f Baba Ji in Beas on every Saturday from my job. I used to go
on Saturday after having His Darshan and I would come back to my job on Sunday night.
Whatever wages I got I would send to Baba Ji. Whatever He thought to send me back He
would send to me. The rest o f my wages He would send to my family. One time I got down
from the train at the Beas Railway Station. It was sun shine and I sat under a shady tree. I
thought when the sunshine would become less, then I would go.
Then the thought came that Sohani was going to see her fake (false) lover (worldly)
having raw soiled pitcher in which she swam in the flooded river to see her lover across the
river, but the muddy pitcher on which she was swimming dissolved in the water and she
drowned and died, and I am looking or waiting for the sunshine to go down. Thinking this
I started to walk the way o f the Dera Beas. When I reached the village Baraich (close to dera)
the women were drawing the water from the well, looking at me they said that the man is
corrupt, walking in the intense heat o f the Sun. On this side I was going to the dera in the
sunshine and on the other hand Baba Ji was walking outside in the sun taking o ff His shirt.
Bibi Rukko said, "Baba Ji, go inside the room and sit there, for whom are you walking in the
sunshine?" Baba Ji said, "Wait Bibi, soon you will come to know." When I reached close to
dera, Baba Ji went into His room. On the way I was thinking when I would reach, Baba Ji
would embrace me while He would be standing at the door o f His room. When I went in the
house Bibi Rukko told me that she did not know that I was coming as Baba Ji kept walking
in the sunshine all the noon time. O nly ten minutes had passed and He went in His room.
When I went to His room, He was standing at the door. I touched His feet. Baba Ji held my
arms and embraced me. He said that was the only desire in my mind but to never do it again.
"You came in such an intense heat as I had to bare all the heat on my back. Just uncover my
back and see, it has bruises all over." Then I said to Baba Ji, as I did not feel any heat on my
way, it was very cool because the cool breeze was blowing. Baba Ji said, "I kept on sending
cool air to you and the hot air I was baring on my back." I folded my hands and said that I
will never do such a mistake in the future, because o f me you had to bare a big trouble.
(Translators Note: All this detail o f Hazur's experience is told to Bibi Lajo, his perfect dis
ciple by Himself. Bibi Lajo is writing all her memories in her book, she further writes:)
Hazur was very particular about His meditation. Sometimes, even though He was very
sick, He would never avoid His meditation time. Neither would He avoid the time o f His
satsang for the sangat. Sometimes when He became very sick I would advise Him to miss the
satsang because He was not feeling good. Then Hazur would say, "No, I must go to satsang."
He would never break the heart o f the sangat. When the satsang was to start He would reach
there on the stage. He would do the satsang in such a way that nobody could even think
that He was sick. He would change His face in such a bright looking way that no one could
guess even that He was not feeling good in health. He would look healthier than before. We
were thinking that He was looking very weak and in satsang He would look so beautiful that
everyone would be lost in His love and satsang.
Hazur Maharaj and Bibi Lajo
Dera 1944: Seated (left to right): Prithvi Nath; Har Narayan (Secretary); Hazur Maharaj Ji; Jagat Singh and Pundit Lal Chand;
Standing (left to right): Harbans Singh and Bachint Singh (Hazur’s Sons); Ram Nath Metha; Jodh Singh; Hira Nand,
Malik Radha Krishan; Bhagat Singh; Kirpal Singh and Lal Gulwant Rai.
Langar (Küche)
Hazur told, "One time Baba Jaimal Singh was posted in the army at the fort o f Agra
(city.) He used to go to the satsang and have the Darshan o f Soami Ji (His Guru.) One time
Soami Ji ordered to do the satsang at 10:00 p.m. Baba Ji said, "I will not leave the satsang."
He left His duty and came to the satsang. He could not even think if He was on His duty or
in the satsang. When the satsang was over Baba Ji went back to His job duty. His gun was still
lying at the place where He left before going to the satsang. The next guard w ho was to join
the duty at the place o f Baba Ji, he fell in deep sleep. W hen Baba Ji reached at His duty place,
he got up. He requested Baba Ji to forgive him for being late as Baba Ji had to spend more
time at His duty, because he fell in deep sleep and Baba Ji had to spend extra time. Listening
to him, Baba Ji gave a loud laughter and He thanked His Master who stood by Him for His
job safety."
Hazur said, "Kako, the disciple who has love and principle for his Master (Guru) is pro
tected by his Master." Whatever you do, do with true love and devotion. Master is always
with you." One time Hazur went to His house in His hometown Sikhandarpur which is in
Sirsa District in Haryana state o f India. I never lived alone in Dera and always was with Him
on His every tour. But when He used to go to His house, I was staying in Dera Beas. If Hazur
called me from there, only then I would go and that was very rare. So this time that He went
I stayed in Dera. He stayed for one month. Due to never being separated from Hazur, one
month o f separation was like many years o f separation for me. I wrote a letter to Hazur. I
wrote in the letter, "When I sit in meditation, other type o f things appear from some days.
The radiant Hazur appears off and on. What is its reason? If I am feeling nervous for not
having appearance o f your radiant face?"
Hazur replied in a letter, "Whatever I have read in your letter which you wrote to me, is
a matter o f happiness. I am very happy you wrote me letter. But the other things appear in
your meditation is good for the true lovers like you. And that the radiant face does not ap
pear in your meditation, that is also for your benefit. But it is a matter o f a poison. If Satguru
has no radiant form o f His Satguru, it is impossible. Still sometimes Satguru does not get the
appearance o f Satguru, but the reason is that if there is no longing then there is no love. The
longing o f meeting the Master is for the progress o f the meditation. Therefore Satguru some
times stops His appearance o f radiant form in the meditation. The longing does not stay on
continuous appearance o f Master's radiant form. But you should not be nervous. Satguru is
always with you and within you. He always takes care o f you. And He will continue taking
care o f you. No need o f worry. Whatever the Master (Satguru) does, He does with His own
will for the benefit o f the beings."
When Hazur came back He told me a story. He said, "Kako, one time my mother was
very sick. She remained sick for two months and she even did not inform me. After two
months I came to know that she had remained sick for two months. I came to my house to
have her Darshan. I asked my mother why she did not inform me about her so long sick
ness. She told me that she did not inform me because I would be worried. As I was the only
son I was always excited to serve her. I asked her if she had any trouble and if her simran
and meditation was going on good. She said that the simran and meditation was going on
good but that she did not have good Darshan o f her Guru (Master.) I told her not to worry.
She would have then. I also said, when Baba Ji would come she must ask the reason for not
coming in her meditation.
At night meditation she had Darshan o f Baba Ji and she asked Him the reason o f being
separated for a long time. Baba Ji told her that as she was sick for two months, if He would
come in her meditation, she would request for her recovery, then He had to accept her re
quest. But the load o f the rest o f her karmas would be left on her. He wanted her benefit to
clear all the karmas o f Kai being sick. Therefore He did not give His Darshan to her during
her sickness. My mother told me everything in the morning and I was happy to hear that
whatever the Master does He does for the benefit o f His beings. No power o f Kai will blind
the beings who happen to understand.
There were Bhandara days in number in Dera Beas so I asked Mata Ji (mother) if she
could ask Baba Ji when He would take her or leave her. My mother said that Baba Ji said
that He would take her. Then I said to ask Baba Ji whether I can go to the Bhandara or not.
I was worried about Bhandara. On this side Mata Ji (mother) was ready to leave the world
and on the other side Bhandara days. Mata Ji, looking at my face o f worry said, "You can go
to Bhandara, do not be sad. But do not stay there. As soon as Bhandara is done come back
on the same day. Master already has told me that he will not take me until Babu Ji (Hazur)
will come back."
Story #61:
Story o f Saint's daily life
Hazur had been very calm and sad from the materialistic world's nature since His child
hood. Hazur's father died when He was eighteen years old. Since then Hazur left sitting with
boys o f His own age and He started sitting in the company o f the older people in order to
listen to their stories o f wisdom. He performed the worldly jobs, being active to lead His
worldly life, but He remained sad within.
When He came from His birthplace Mehimawala (a village in Punjab) He joined the
school at Gujranwala town. He was a very successful student during His study time. He al
ways was at first position in every class. For some time He had the job o f teacher in the same
school. Then He joined the Engineering College at Rarkee town in Punjab State. He finished
His Engineering course. All the teachers and principals in school and college loved Him and
had great respect for Him. Hazur had very sweet words in His language which stole every
one's heart. Whenever He was to leave the school or college the teachers would stop Him for
talking to Him with their love. He finished His student life with love.
Hazur said, "When my mother died I announced in the satsang if someone wanted to
have Darshan o f m y mother, they could go with me. The day on which I was to reach my
home I could not go because I was very tired on that day. I thought Baba Ji was taking her
when I would reach there so I stayed that night in the dera. The next day, when I reached
Sikhandapur, I asked Mata Ji (my mother) how she was. She told me that previous night
Baba Ji came but left me and said, "My Babu Ji (Hazur) had not come. I promised to take
you only when He will be here. Therefore, I will take you when He will be here."
At night I said, "Everybody sits in meditation and I also sat in meditation." When all the
community got together, they saw Mata Ji had gone (died.) It is the benefit o f Perfect Guru.
Rishis and Munis keep on searching when they will die, but those who have the Perfect Mas
ter, sometime are told before one year when they would leave their body. And they go hap
pily. The dying person does not feel such a happiness on their marriage as they are happy at
the time o f their death. Because the Satguru takes care for them completely."
Story #62:
The life o f Saint Kirpal Singh Ji full o f love
He was such a devotee and had love for His Guru that He would come to see His Master
even though He had one day vacation on His job. He never talked in front o f Hazur. He had
patience. When Hazur ordered Him for something to do, He obeyed it with love and devotion.
He was so intoxicated in love o f Hazur that He did not care for His clothes, what to wear and
what to clean them. Either they were dirty or they were clean, He would not care for it.
Whatever He was receiving, His wages or salary from His job, He would place in front o f
Hazur. Hazur would give Him back for Himself and for family. As long as Hazur remained sick
He did not go to His home. He remained there in service o f Hazur. He would bring the doctor
as many times as the doctor was coming to see Hazur. He would always be with Him. Hazur
had love for Him so much that He would call Him (Saint Kirpal Ji) in His lonely room.
One day Hazur called Him and advised Him to suggest the sangat for doing meditation
daily as He told that He had been sitting on stage for forty years and always advised them to
do die meditation, but that they did not listen to Him (Hazur.) Now they will coy. He said
to Saint Kirpal Singh, "Now you tell them that they start doing meditation otherwise they
will repent. O nly you have to tell them now."
One day when Hazur was sick in Amritsar ashram, He called me (Bibi Lajo) and said, "See
Bibi, I want to tell you one thing." I said, "Maharaj Ji (Hazur) when you will recover yourself
only then I will listen to you." I was thinking that Hazur would tell me that He wanted to
leave so I refused Him. Then Hazur said, "There is no doubt that my family wants to take
over the dera. Yes they can, but Kirpal Singh should initiate the sangat. So what is wrong in
it? No devotee wants that His Guru should remain with him." I requested Him to be well
and should do His job for the sangat. I do not want to listen to such things. Hazur Maharaj
replied, "Whatever I had to do I have done now. Baba Ji knows what to do." I said, "You
make request to Baba Ji that Baba Ji must leave you here." Then Hazur Maharaj Ji said, "If
Guru place the sword on the neck o f His disciple, how can he refuse? I cannot speak in front
o f Baba Ji. As Baba Ji's will."
On this Saint Kirpal Singh Ji said, "Send all o f us, but you live here." Hazur said, "I have
to get a lot o f work from you. It will not happen like this." Saint Kirpal Singh Ji remained with
Hazur from the beginning He was physically alive. During Hazur's sickness He remained pres
ent. He came back from Dera Beas after four days o f Hazur's physical departure. He remained
very sad for a long time in Hazur's separation. He lived in forests. Now He is doing as Hazur
ordered Him to do. He respects everyone and those who have done seva (service) for Hazur.
As Hazur Maharaj Ji respected Bibi Rukko He respects me in the same way.
Seth (rich man) Partap Singh Ji loved Hazur very much. He was the nephew o f Soami Ji
(from Agra.) One time He came to Dera Beas and said, "I want to request you for one thing."
Hazur said, "Just order to me." Then Seth Sahib said, "You must go to see Bagga Singh at
Tam Taran (town 20 miles from the dera) and also invite him on Bhandara at Dera Beas."
Hazur said with great respect, "Your order is respectful for me, but I have to ask Bibi Rukko,
because she has served my Guru Baba Ji." Seth Sahile said, "The order o f Bibi Rukko is neces
sary because she has served Baba Jaimal Singh Ji a lot. Let us go to Bibi Rukko." Bibi Rukko
lives in her village after Baba Ji left His physical body. She lives there because o f her Guru's
separation like me. Her village is closer to Amritsar city.
Hazur, Seth Sahib, Ganda Singh, Mistri (Mason), Sohan, the servant o f Hazur, Sewa
Singh Judge and Dumichand Vakil (lawyer) and myself, Bibi Lajo went to Bibi Rukko. Ha
zur said, "Do not call me Hazur in front o f Bibi Rukko." Hazur had a great respect for Bibi
Rukko as Saint Kirpal Singh Ji has for me.
When Bibi Rukko saw Hazur coming, she went into her room and sat in meditation. I
said to Hazur, "Can I make her up from meditation?" Hazur said, "No." He Himself sat in
meditation at the door. After half an hour she got up from the meditation and met Hazur
lovingly and asked how He was. She lovingly used to call Hazur Tikka Sahib. She asked the
reason o f His coming. Hazur said, "Can Seth Sahib Partap Singh and myself go to see Baba
Bagga Singh at Tam Taran town? We have come to receive your order. We will do accordingly
to your order." Bibi Rukko said, "Wait, I will tell you after some time, and she sat in medi
tation. She came back after some time and said, "Beas Dera belongs to Baba Jaimal Singh.
So Baba Bagga Singh should visit Dera Beas first." Hazur sent a letter by the hand o f Sohan
Singh and sent Ganda Singh to Baba Bagga Singh at Tam Taran.
Baba Bagga Singh who was authorized Master from Beas Master received the letter. He
kissed it and touched his forehead with it thinking that it was the letter sent by his beloved
Gum. Those who brought the letter were given great respect. Baba Bagga Singh sent the
message by the men who gave the letter to him that he would be in Beas Dera day after
tomorrow. Having this message Seth Partrap Singh Ji advised Hazur to invite Master in
Agra, Madho Parshad Ji and Shiv Vert Lal Ji on this happy occasion o f meeting day o f all the
Masters. Hazur said whether the time was very short, but I can send a special man to Agra.
So Hazur wrote a letter as message and gave it to Bhai Maharaj Singh and sent Him to Agra.
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Three Masters reached Dera Beas three days before Bhandara. Hazur gave me seva o f look
ing after them. I served them with love and devotion. They gave one dress each o f them and
also gave parshad to me when they left the dera. They also praised me in front o f Hazur, as
I arranged a beautiful room for them and it was extended from a small room to a big one in
order to make it easy for sitting five o f them. It was ready within a day. The Mason said that
the cement o f the floor was wet and it was hard to make arrangement for sitting. Hazur said,
"No matter o f fear. Spread hay on it and then spread sand over it. Spread the carpet over it
and place the mattresses." It was done in the same way. When the five Masters were sitting all
together at the time o f satsang on the mattress, they were looking like the five wicks (jots) are
falling from the sky. That time was looking very charming. We wished that the time would
never pass. "When there is a grace o f the Guru, He unites the separated ones."
Story #63:
Story o f Lasuri Shah o f Lialpur (city in Pakistan)
Shri Hazur Maharaj Ji was a Perfect Fakir and Sage o f Dera Beas. He respected all the
global Saints, Peers and Fakirs higher than God. One Fakir o f the highest level o f devotion
to God, was living in city Lialpur. His name was Lasuri Shah. Whenever Rai Bahadur Shankar
Das, Pandit Lal Chand and Sardur Bahadur Jagat Singh came to Dera Beas, he always sent his
wish o f respect to Hazur by the word o f Salam by them. When Hazur received his message
o f Holy Salam, He said that He did not accept it from a far far distance, so when we meet,
He would accept.
One time Hazur went to Gajar Gola (name o f city) to see machines. On His way back
He stayed at the residence o f Sardur Bahadhur Jagat Singh and Pandit Lal Chand at Lialpur.
Hazur said to me, "Kako, today I w ill go to see Shah Lasuri Shah Fakiri (Saint) and have you
anything to present him." I said, "I have a box o f apples." On the other side Lasuri Shah was
telling his disciple the true Master o f the holy altar was coming and to spread the beautiful
carpet for him."
When Hazur reached at the door o f Lasuri Shah, both o f them met with love. Lasuri
Shah arranged the singers o f Qualies (chorus holy songs.) They sang very beautifully in such
a way as there are no words to praise them. The singers sang on the inner beauty o f the in
ner world. Hazur was also intoxicated in His intoxication. And the sangat was also in the
same boat. The singers and all o f them left at three or four o' clock at night. I said to Hazur,
"Apples may be less as there is a lot o f sangat." He said, "Kakia, they will not lessen, but will
increase." One apple was given to everyone as parshad (blessed food.) Some apples were
still there and they were given to Lasuri Shah. Hazur loved everyone and lead His life with
love. Those who were dear to God were loved by Him too much. Making Lasuri Shah and
his sangat intoxicated He came back. I saw a very blissful scene over there.
Story #64:
Hazur loved the true meditators.
True meditators believed Hazur and loved Him as God
Sometimes Hazur used to tell His own interesting knowledge. One time Hazur said,
"The person who keeps the company o f the Saints should be very honest." Hazur in His
whole life had been meeting the Saints. Then Hazur said, "Once I got up in the morning in
Kala Bagh (name o f hill station.) I felt very happy. I thought that the happiness came from
the air o f the mountains. Then the mind felt that it is the air o f daily morning. After some
time mind felt that the happiness in me is not due to that. Then I placed the saddle on the
back o f my horse and let the reins loose thinking that the horse can take me anywhere it
wants. The horse with its grace stepping on the narrow road took me to the other side and
stopped beside a Fakir (Saint.) My mind said only because o f meeting this Fakir the happi
ness came in my mind.
The Fakir said, "Come oh form o f God and Perfect Saint, today I had been waiting for
you since morning. I was surrounded by overwhelming joys." I said, "Baba, I had been re
ceiving the same joy since morning." That is the only reality that one should have, a know
ing eye to see the true Saints. Hazur Himself spent His whole life successfully and made the
life o f all the beings successful.
The garden is bloom ed with flowers in the month o f Sawan, so do not pluck the flowers
my friend. Sawan came, brought the greenery, flowers were bloom ing in the garden. Now all
flowers are fading oh my friend, all faded.
Great is the mother Jiwani who gave birth to Sawan, oh my friend. Great is the father
Kabul Singh (Sawan, Hazur as a child) play in his lap oh my friend. When Sawan Ji came in
this world, everyone made merries in every house, oh my friend. News spread all over the
world, oh my friend. Great is Baba Jaimal Singh Ji who grasped Him in His company, oh
my friend. Due to make a search for Him (Hazur) reached the hill station and brought the
diamond (Hazur) oh my friend. He made His home at the bank o f River Beas, and spread
the treasure o f Naam (Word, Sound) oh my friend.
Story #65:
Poem by Bibi Lajo in the pain o f separation o f her Satguru
Grace o f kind Radha Soami, Protection o f Radha Soami
My beloved after giving me courage Himself left me after showing the wave o f love. Mas
ter, I had no knowledge o f your departure, suddenly all the heap o f troubles came to me.
When nineteen days were left for His departure, my beloved Master being merciful
looked at me with wide eyes o f love. The pain o f love was doubtful and He with His loving
words said to me, "Kako, what will happen to you after I am gone. I will go leaving this body.
No one will ask you your difficulties. You will wander crying and wailing, but you will not
see my this face again. There will be all darkness in front o f your eyes. Your heart will say
crying and wandering on my name."
Then I answered m y loving Satguru, "It is the duty o f you to leave after sending me to
your place within." My beloved Satguru answered, "I have no force in front o f my Satguru,
who placed the knife on my head, how the true disciple can deny." I requested to my be
loved again to be a lawyer for me in front o f His Satguru and say that your child has no one
in this world that she can see my face again." Satguru said, "Do talk as much as you can do
today, after, nothing will be under your control. I will change this house (body) time will
pass and you remember me crying." Again I did request, "I will eat poison but will not bare
your separation." Then my beloved gave me strict order, "I do not accept suicide o f you as a
Saint and when will finish the cycle o f death and birth, if you do suicide." Again, He became
kind and request then wished that I should be called by Satguru rapidly. "Then Kako, every
kind o f trouble will disappear."
After finishing all talks He was lost in meditation and the face appeared o f departure.
Again after that He did not talk to me and broke m y heart within no time. He turned His
face at the night o f Thursday. He stayed alive for nineteen days with me. O n Friday, month
Chet 21st, left His physical body.
God went and the whole world was crying. When the bus was arranged for Him, my
body and the palace o f my beloved were rattling. What kind o f thorns o f separation entered
in my life which made holes in my heart by penetrating in my heart. Now my beloved will
never be in sight, left me all alone and spread darkness in my heart. Your sorrows occupied
my heart and the w hole world looks wailing and crying to me. Even the birds and animals
have shown their shock, all over in the country the noise of wailing for you has spread. No one, even
old, child, adult are in painful condition. All are mourning in your memory.
My beloved slept permanently at 8:30 and was given a bath at 9 o' clock. The beautiful
white beard was looking beautiful on beautiful face. Pillows were decorated under His head
and black dress was worn to Him by the devotees. He became ready to go, but gave us the
permanent darkness. When He was made to sit in the chair and they started to bring Him
downstairs, and my beloved left the high temples forever. I also bowed my head to your
temple and made up my mind never to come here again. I will never go upstairs in your
room in my life and left your temple forever.
All friends and loving ones made Him ready to take Him out o f the temple (residence.)
They did not let Him stay at night. He was taken to the flowing river in blowing wind.
Mourning and wailing, I chased my beloved. No one let me see His face for even one time.
My hopes were dashed to the ground when they cremated Him. Whom should I tell my
pains now? No one listens to me. Only pains were increasing in my life day by day.
I was wandering crying and wailing inside Dera Beas. He made Beas unfertile and dry
forest. Thirteen days were passed with so much difficulties and the final religious ceremony
was done and the crown broke from the head. (It is tradition after the thirteen days when
one passed away, the holy book is brought into the house and prayers for the departed soul
are read. All the kith and kin, friends, loved ones come to attend all together.)
After fifteen days I got ready to leave Dera Beas. I was searching for my beloved if He
could be seen in Amritsar, I came here but He was seen nowhere. All rooms o f His palace in
Amritsar where He used to stay were silent. I was calling Him, crying and wailing but He was
not seen there. He advised me to do prayers for fifteen days, I did that and celebration o f His
separation was done by me in Amritsar ashram.
Today the seva (job) for my Satguru came to an end and He never gave me Darshan,
neither He gave any answer o f my prayers.
After twenty five days I again went back to Dera Beas, where I cried and mourned a lot.
My beloved neither called me Kako, nor did He give His Darshan and love to me.
Sighing and sighing my life was breaking down. Satguru killed my heart with His sepa
ration. After this I went to the home town Sirsa o f my beloved. I was searching for Him if
He could be seen there. Everybody o f His family were seen there but only my beloved was
missing. He broke my heart. His body hid like the light o f the m oon in dark night.
Being disappointed I came back from there, but I did not get any answer from my be
loved. Whatever pains I faced, to whom I can tell except my beloved Master. O nly my Sat
guru and myself know the pains. I could not tell to anyone else, even though I wanted to
tell. Where I was living for twenty four hours with my Satguru, and where I passed my life in
making merries in the company o f loving Guru, where I decorated His palace with gold on
the domes o f the building, no one let me stay one night even and did not let me drink water
in the same palace where I lived the life o f joys with my Satguru. I was roaming around Him
with joys, like a mad woman.
I had been hungry for three days and was not served any food there in Dera Beas. The
rope o f separation was tied around my neck by my beloved. I was mourning and saying my
beloved left me, for what you have mined my life by giving your separation. The rule He gave
to me was all gone and placed me in the mle o f pains.
Leaving Dera Beas I came back to Amritsar. Seeing painful sky there the darkness spread
in front o f my eyes. For four days I cried and cried could not have sleep for four nights.
I was crying so loud that everyone became painful to see me painful. Being tired o f cry
ing for four days and nights the sleep attacked on me. My beloved Satguru gave me Darshan
in my sleep. I was requesting Him, crying loudly, "Why you left me alone with pains. I was
playing in your lap, why you my loving Satguru turned your face from me?" I woke up and
thought to leave for Dalhousie (hill station where Hazur used to go and live in summer.) I
was out o f my wits being mad with love o f my Satguru. When I reached Dalhousie I opened
the rooms o f the house, if my Satguru was hiding somewhere in the mountains. Facing so
many troubles I had come here, crying loud I was searching for Him here and there in the
house o f my Satguru.
I was just like a fish out o f water wandering like a mad woman everywhere in the forest.
Bruises were growing in my heart due to the pangs o f this separation. I was looking at the
things belonging to my Satguru and was having His Darshan every moment, now all over
the house looked me barren.
Crying I was calling myself unlucky I could not see every mountain without His pres
ence. I tried to decorate His room and tried to place His picture on this sofa but my hands
became so weak that I could not place His picture, as eyes were wet with tears like the flow
o f the rivers. I was asking His picture for giving His Darshan, when He did not answer me. I
was surprised, whom I could ask now and could tell my painful condition. I am looking for
your way o f coming to me. I was asking His picture, "Please call me Kako now." When He
did not speak I was upset. "Please come to me once, I pleaded again and again, I have lost
my patience. Please give me your Darshan."
People around me were consoling me a lot but I was wailing and wailing like a mad
woman without my beloved. I was wailing in words, with tears in my eyes, "In which coun
try have you gone? In which country should I light the candle for you?" W hen I was look
ing at the mountains they looked me like with no green trees. I tried my best to search for
Him everywhere. The house where He gave me so many comforts washed me away in all
the troubles o f life. What troubles can I explain, it is very difficult to explain. My Satguru
has stolen my heart. It is becoming difficult to write more out o f His given grief to me, the
needle o f pain has occupied my chest, I am crying like the continuing rain and my tears are
out o f control. What type o f arrows o f separation have you to my heart, I am struggling like
a fish out o f water but my breaths are not stopping to finish my painful life. For what reason
have you left me alive? I am searching for you in the forest But I cannot see the face o f my
beautiful Satguru. You have gone giving me deep pains o f your separation. There is no pain
like the separation o f Guru, if someone wants to ask, he should ask me, the unlucky one.
The candle o f my heart is blown out and the candle o f His house is also blown out. I was
begging for light but light was not appearing. Today you have broken your promise to show
me light and gave me the dark night o f your separation. You have also snatched the day light
from me. There is always darkness in front o f my eyes.
When my beloved Satguru left, no one can guess the bad destiny o f mine. Those who
were folding their hands in front o f me do not ask even a word to me, are not ready to come
close to me. When my loving God turned His eyes from me, everyone turned His eyes from
me. Oh my Lord, bad days should not come for anybody. What blunders I did for which you
have left me alone?
You gave me Naam (initiation) and gave me the grace o f looking at inner sights o f inner
world. And today you made me orphan and beggar, whose heart never lived without reciting
your name. Today you limited me with my enemies. No one wants to talk with me since you
turned your face from me.
I was living in Beas with many expectations, Satguru had broken the line o f my expecta
tions. Sitting in Dera Beas today I am disappointed that you have left me in barren place.
Today my beloved has left Beas for whom I lived there. I was praying with my folded hands
not to leave me alone. And do not disappoint me. I requested my beloved that I have be
come very poor today, I am so unfortunate that my Satguru had left me.
When Sawan was here only then the Sawan rainfall was here and He cooled the hearts
which were full o f heat. In the month o f Sawan (July) the lightning from the dark clouds was
shining with joys and the peacocks were making merries out o f joy by their sweet voices.
When Sawan went the month o f Bhadon (August) came with hum idity like that when
my beloved Sawan went the sword o f His separation pierced into my heart, piercing such an
arrow o f His longing made me ruined. There is no use o f living now.
The peacocks who were making merries in His presence are shedding tears in His sharp
memories. Now, when the clouds o f tears are falling like cats and dogs what type o f clouds
o f tears are falling in any eyes. All the troubles are falling like rainfall.
The fire is burning and the bones o f the body are also burning side by side. All the suf
ferings have occupied my heart.
Today I am yearning, remembering the joys and happiness, given by His company, I will
never get the spring o f my beautiful Sawan.
Although I lose my life in crying and wailing and pass the time yet Sawan my beloved will
never be in sight. Satguru you left me and yourself went away, I will be crying and weeping in
your memories. Sometimes when He was sitting in His kothi (bungalow) at the hill station Dal-
housie, His light was shining there. My beautiful Satguru, the True One was uttering the sacred
words sitting on His sofa. His face was very beautiful and His words were beautiful also. Godly
beauty was appearing on His bright face. The beautiful turban on His head was like that o f the
King. Hundred lights o f one light (Jot) was giving light on His forehead. His words like flowers
were coming from His mouth, and were killing the hearts o f His lovers. So many lovers were
becoming intoxicated by His cool words. They were very happy to His face. The pleasures o f
His Naam made so many devotees inner awakened and they were lost in deep meditation.
At that time His forehead was shining like m oon and so many suns became shy in front o f
His light.
I was overwhelmed with joy to have Darshan o f my Satguru, He was showering the rain o f
His grace.
When the rain falls in the mountains everyone makes merries, like that my Satguru was
showering the rain o f His grace to everyone and made everyone happy. Today all the things
lying in here look useless. The same sofa, on which Sawan used to sit is looking useless. Ev
erything here looks silent and bad to me. The room to which I liked and became happy has
become the cause o f my wailing and crying.
Everything for decorating His room is giving me sufferings and pains. Even the electric
light looks me bad without my beloved Satguru's presence. When the rain comes it burns
my heart now and the eyes are shedding tears like the torrent rain o f the thundering clouds
in the mountains. My beloved Satguru's beautiful face is hidden somewhere, I only see the
pitch dark everywhere here and there. I have fire o f burning longing within me and the
waves o f pain are jumping in the painful ocean o f my heart.
The eyes which had the Darshan o f my Sawan m illion times, are shedding tears in every
moment. Neither anybody consoles me nor did anyone come to share my pains, only by
myself all alone is crying and wailing, wandering here.
What kind o f hard separation is given by my Sawan who is the Master o f nameless uni
versal country.
Hey, my beloved Master, call me once so that my burning pain can be pacified. I cannot
bare all these sufferings now, please finish my pains. W hy are you making a fish out o f water?
Sitting here in Dalhousie I am waiting for you. Please give me Darshan once in form o f
inner sound (Shabad or Word.)
The sound was echoing when I recited His name within. There was only love and love,
only one lover came within me taking pity on me, now I am wailing and mourning for those
moments o f His meetings within Shabad (Sound.) He made me realized for this pain and
moments o f separation. My Gum had been very loving to me, now no one is here to stop
my tears.
A devotee, the tme lover o f my Sawan came. He advised me to go with him as he was very
pitiful to me. We locked the residence o f Hazur but the doors o f my heart were also locked
by the arrows o f my beloved's separation. Crying and mourning we locked every door, think
ing if I am alive will come to have Darshan o f your residence again. Oh my Satguru, I know
no one will open these doors now, unfortunate like me has locked them.
I came back with a loving devotee at Amritsar. I passed the day and night crying and
mourning. The pain occupied my heart completely.
In the morning lovers o f Sawan came to me and were asking all about the residence at
Dalhousie. Like this I passed my day with them. The mind thought o f Dera Beas. The ideas
were arising like the dust storm o f destruction in my heart where there was already a big dust
storm o f my beloved's longing.
On one hand the night was full o f pangs o f pain, on the other hand the dust storm o f my
beloved Satguru's longing was blowing in my heart. Thirdly all the sorrows have occupied
my mind and soul. Fourthly thorny yearning is eating my heart little by little. There was a
time when the buses and cars were decorated for m y Sawan. No horse cart is even seen today.
I reached dera with so many difficulties facing in my heart. The silent palace o f my Satguru
is eating my heart. The m oon o f my beautiful Satguru is hidden now. All dark nights are
hurting my heart. Neither Satguru asked my condition nor did somebody console me there.
Nothing looked good to me there, I was not feeling at home in Beas then. I am wandering
here like a mad woman. No hills o f Beas give me peace o f mind.
I am trying to pacify myself but no peace o f mind here. I am wandering here and there,
no one is here to call me Bibi, neither did anybody call me Kako with love. No one listened
my request o f this painful woman. I hide myself in His room, but my Satguru is seen no
where. Oh my loving Satguru, tell me in which county you have gone, you gave me pain like
a fish out o f water.
All the methods o f ruling during the presence o f my Satguru became useless when this
Jogin (supportless worshipper) became dust placing her head into the fire o f burning love of
my beloved. I bum the wick with essence for your Darshan, my beloved Satguru. Those who
were mling in your presence had become Fakirs (beggars.) When powerful God has His bad
eye, even the mlers become Fakirs (beggars.) When God Himself wants to feed the lions with
grass, but when God wants, He makes the Kings to choose hay. When the destiny becomes
bad, He throws down the Kings from their thrones and makes the loafers Kings.
My heart does not want to stay in Beas Dera, as nothing looks good. Death is better than
living this kind o f life. Then there will be no pains o f separation. I could understand the
value o f waiting for Him, and would never be tired o f such kind o f wait with tears in the
eyes. No parents and no other relatives are needed by me now, all over I see the darkness
only, neither I want to see any bloom ing flowers now. The month o f Sawan (July) has come
close but I do not want to hear the voice o f the peacocks.
When Sawan was sitting in Sawan everything looked beautiful, all the decorated garlands
are broken and the rain o f Sawan is unwanted now. All garlands o f love are broken. Sawan
will never come in the month o f Sawan now. Bad condition o f my eyes has stopped to see
anything in this month. I will never play with my friends. I do not like the color o f henna
now. All the swings are broken and I do not like any swinging o f love. Looking at me my
friends are also crying. Everyone says. "Oh God, no one should face such a time o f separa
tion and longing."
Today, no one listens my request, so where should I go to tell my sorrows. When Sawan
was present in Sawan the sangat would come wearing fine dresses. All were making merries.
All were doing seva with joy. All were singing happy songs in love o f Sawan. All were saying,
"May our Master live for thousands o f years." All were praying for His long life and were
saying, "You live long, instead we die." They wanted to remain in Beas Dera and wanted to
sing holy songs forever.
When the month o f Sawan came but Sawan did not come and all the flowers faded in the
gardens. The jasmine flowers which were bloom ing in His presence are faded now. Today,
the night is dark in the month o f Sawan without Sawan. This dark night has stung everyone's
heart, the whole world looks crying and wailing.
All are facing hard moments o f life. All are restless. Either young ones or old ones, every
one looks mourning without their Guru.
Beautiful face o f Satguru was very bright when He used to sit on the beautiful stage for
giving His satsang. He was as beautiful as the full m oon is, having beautiful white beard and
milky white turban on His head. When He was uttering His words they were looking like
bloom ing flowers. His lips were stealing the hearts o f the devotees. When they were smiling
like jasmine flowers, Godly light was shining on His forehead along with them.
Oh traveler, give my message to my beloved, why I made my relations with you? You do
not enter the yard o f the house, neither at night nor at daytime. I did a mistake to have you
in my life and if I had knowledge o f this separation, I would not have merge my eyes into
your eyes. The whole world is living happy but me, with burning pain I am wandering here
and there. I have merged the face o f my Satguru in my body just as the red color is merged
in the leaves o f henna.
Kirpal Singh
would get a copy and have it very beautifully bound and present it to Him.
On one occasion He was very keen to have a silk coat for Hazur. Hazur
would never accept gifts, but seeing the earnestness of Bhapa Ji’s wish I
could not refuse to help Him. The silk piece which He brought was sent to
the tailor for making the coat, and when it was ready, Hazur asked about
it and wanted to know how much it had cost. I did not know and when He
cross-examined me, I told Him by whom it had been brought. “So the two
of you have been conspiring against me,” Hazur responded. When Kirpal
Singh Ji came, He asked about the price of the silk-length. Somewhat at a
loss He replied that He did not quite remember, and Hazur took out a
hundred-rupee bank note and handed it to Him.
Sometimes when Sant Kirpal Singh Ji came to see Hazur, I would laugh
and tell Him, “Bhapa Ji, if I let You go up, You would be there for such a
length of time. Sorry, today we won’t let you go in!” He would quietly turn
away and I would have to call Him back and say, “I was only joking. Please
go right up. You are always welcome.” He had so much humility, and He
never endeavored to assert Himself as many others did. Hazur used to rest
in His room upstairs and would retire there for the night. Once on a
beautiful moonlit night Bhapa Ji was with Him till well past midnight. I
was there, too. When we came down, He suddenly wanted to go up again.
“Bibi Ji, it was so wonderful! Did you see? His face was so radiant, more
radiant than the moon itself. He was so beautiful tonight. I would like to
have His darshan again. Just this once, only for a minute.” I remonstrated,
“We have just been with Him. And if He has stretched Himself to sleep,
He would be upset. We should not disturb Him.” “Just this once, only a
minute. Just a glimpse.” Seeing Him insist, I quietly went up to ask Hazur
if He could let Bhapa Ji come up again. On hearing me out He said, “Oh,
Kirpal is a sieve, just a sieve, and so are you!” I thought He was
reprimanding us, and asked, “Hazur are we so bad? Do you mean that we
are unable to contain Your grace and whatever love You pour simply
drains through?” “No, no, that is not what I mean,” Hazur laughed. “When
a disciple is truly devoted, He is like a sieve. There is no limit to the love
and grace He can receive. Whatever you give, He still thirsts and yearns
for more. You cannot fill Him up just as you cannot fill up a sieve.” And
so I went down and brought up Bhapa Ji.
Once having cleaned and washed some wheat, I had laid it out to dry.
Seeing it, Bhapa Ji asked me if it was for my own use. Hazur ate very little
and I explained that I would be hand-grinding flour for His chapatis for the
month. I was particular about attending to such things myself, but Bhapa
Ji asked me to let Him grind the flour, saying, “Bibi Ji why can’t you allow
me to have the blessings by permitting me to do Seva such as this?”
There were no limits which Sant Kirpal Singh Ji set to His love and
service of Hazur. Every month He would bring His earnings and place
them at the feet of His Satguru. Hazur would keep back whatever He
pleased for Seva at the Dera and give the rest for running Bhapa Ji's
household. Bhapa Ji never questioned; He never mentioned if there was
any special expense, He had in mind back home. Whatever His Satguru
gave Him from the wages He had earned, He was glad to accept for His
family needs. Nothing could deter Him from fulfilling His Satguru’s
commands and nothing could prevent Him from coming to Beas to see
Him. Once when His son was seriously ill and the doctors had almost given
up hope, He took the train and came to Beas. “How is the child?” Hazur
asked Him, and He replied, “You know what is best.” “We can't let him
go..." said Hazur, and turning to me asked me to fetch some water and a
bag of Patasas (sugar-puffs). He dipped two of His fingers into the water
and held them there for a considerable length of time. Then giving a bottle
of this water and the bag of Patasas to Bhapa Ji, He said, “Throw away all
the medicines and in their place, from time to time, give the child a sugar-
puff and some of this water.”
There are so many memories that come back that I could go on with
such anecdotes without end. But the important thing to realize is the kind
of surrender that the Satguru asks of us. He wants us to renounce
everything and surrender it unto Him. If we can surrender ourselves to
Him, He remakes us in His own image.
Baba Jaimal Singh surrendered Himself to Swami Ji and became an
image of His Satguru. Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj similarly surrendered
Himself to Baba Ji and in due course became one with Him. In His turn,
Maharaj Kirpal Singh Ji showed the same quality of devotion and of
surrender and became indistinguishable from Hazur in the course of time.
When we come to a Satguru, we must surrender everything we have to
Him, body, mind and soul. If we do this, there is no reason why we cannot
reach His Radiant Form within us, and having reached that Form, He takes
us further and does not stop until He has made us in His own image.
The Ocean of Grace Divine, Delhi 1976, Ruhani Satsang India, p. 1 ff.
T ranslators Note:
Bibi Lajo (real name Laj Wanti) was a perfect disciple o f Perfect Master Sawan Singh
Ji. The translator spent thirty years with her only to know how the true love for her Guru
was strong.
The readers by reading her book, which she wrote in Indian language H indi is carefully
translated in her own style o f expressing her true love, faith, and devotion for her beloved
Therefore the translator did not pay much attention to grammar, only tried to show her
love even in the hours o f longing for her Guru in His physical departure and separation. So
the translator requests the readers too for forgiveness if they find any difficulty in understand
ing the words or sentences. In Hindi, it is her beautiful way o f expressing the real love and
longing for her Guru, therefore the translator wants to show the same way in English as she
showed in Hindi. The translator personally saw her in the same condition o f longing for her
Great Master Sawan Singh, as she expressed in her book "Sakhian" titled in Hindi. The
translator liked giving title "Memories o f Sawan" (Sakhian) by the Perfect Disciple, Bibi Laj
Translated By:
H er Slave
R.K. Rajput