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BM7201 LMDP Assessment Information 2023-24

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BM7201 Leading, Managing and Developing People Assessment Brief

This module is assessed by:

1) Report (100%) - 3,500 words

The due date for this assignment is Monday 22nd January at 12 Midday UK time (please see
below for more submission information).

Assessment Details:

Your assessment is to write a 3,500-word report where you identify two or three HRM
challenges in an organisation of your choice and how you as leader could resolve each of
them. This organisation may be where you currently work (for part time MBA students), or
another organisation. There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss your choice of
organisation in our seminar sessions.

The report should provide a critical evaluation of the HRM challenges based on your
selected theoretical frameworks (which were taught on the module), prior studies on those
relevant topics, and professional sources. You don’t need to allocate equal words to all of the
challenges, but you will still need to evaluate them.

This module’s class time will provide possible challenges and areas of leadership,
management and development which you may choose to focus. You do not need to cover all
of the topics which will be taught but you must keep to module content. You can use
independent (wider) reading which is directly relevant to those topics.

You will not get “KNOWLEDGE” marks for writing about theories which were not taught in
the module.

If you have chosen to write about your own organisation then please use pseudonyms for
any specific people which you mention. Details for additional support and writing guidance
can be found under the “Support and Guidance” tab of the Minerva page for the Masters of
Business Administration.

Assessment Submission Instructions:

By the due date, submit an electronic copy of your assignment through the Turnitin link which
will be created in the Assessment section of this module’s Minerva site. You do NOT need to
submit a paper copy of your assignment.

PLEASE NOTE: Submission through Turnitin constitutes your agreement to abide by the
University’s Plagiarism and Unfair Practice Policy.

On the next page of this document you will find the assessment criteria – how reports will be
Knowledge and Understanding of Analysis and Presentation (~30%)
Theory (~35%) Evaluation (~35%)

70%-100% You demonstrate excellent You demonstrate Your report is well

Pass with understanding of the module excellent ability to structured and coherent
Distinction theory, and its limitations. You synthesise material with an effective sequence
have applied the theory in a clear, effectively and sustain of ideas. Your grammar,
thorough and relevant manner to a relevant and justified spelling and punctuation are
the chosen organisation. There is argument based on of a high standard and you
significant evidence of wider academic and have used the Harvard
academic reading and extensive practitioner sources. referencing system
practitioner research. consistently.
60%-69% You have shown good You demonstrate your Your report is well
High Pass understanding of the module ability to synthesise structured, coherent and
theory and have applied it in a material, and critically well referenced. Your
relevant manner to the chosen evaluate it, to produce grammar, spelling and
organisation. There is evidence of a clear and relevant punctuation are of a good
further academic reading and in- argument based on standard.
depth practitioner research. academic and
practitioner sources.
50%-59% You demonstrate understanding of You provide some Your report is structured and
Low some of the key module concepts evidence of an ability presented in an appropriate
Pass however there are some flaws in to structure and report style. You have tried
the application to your chosen organise arguments, to reference in the Harvard
organisation. There appear to be and engage in critical style. Your use of grammar,
gaps in the practical research. analysis and spelling and punctuation is
There is limited evidence of wider evaluation, however generally correct.
academic research. this could be
40%-49% Insufficient understanding of the Your analysis is Your work lacks structure
Marginal module concepts demonstrated. primarily descriptive or and coherence. Your use of
Fail Application of the module theory to derivative rather than the Harvard referencing
the chosen organisation is flawed. analytical. There are system, grammar, spelling
You have not proved that you have limitations shown in and punctuation are of a low
done enough practical research. No your ability to select standard.
evidence of wider academic relevant material on
reading. which to base your

0%-39% You have not managed to prove Your analysis is flawed Your report is not well
Poor Fail your understanding of the module and you fail to make an structured and coherent
concepts through application of effective argument in with an effective sequence
them to your chosen organisation. your presentation. of ideas.
There is no evidence of wider
academic reading.

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