Biadu Science and Technology Campus
Biadu Science and Technology Campus
Biadu Science and Technology Campus
Datum: A line, plane, or volume that by its Rhythm: A unifying movement characterized by Contrast: Opposition or juxtaposition
continuity and regularity, serve to gather, measure, and patterned repetition or altrnation of formal elements or of dissimilar elements in a work of art to
organize a pattern of forms and spaces. (play maker) motifs in the same or modified form. intensify each element’s properties and
produce a more dynamic expressiveness.
A form can be transformed by alternating one or
more of its dimensions and still retain its identity
as a member of a familt of form.
Seperation: Substractive
Two spaces that are separated by distance can be
linked or related to each other by a third, intermediate,
space. The visual and spatial relationship between the A form can be transformated by substracting a
two spaces depends on the nature of the third space portion of its volume, and the form can retain its
with which they share a common bond. identity depending on the extent of substraction.
of Volumes
Interlocking Volumes:
In this type of relationship, the forms interpenetrate each
other’s space. The forms need not share any visual traits.
Final Image
Name: Ali Majid Muhsen Form And principles Analysis Date: 2024/01/13 ()السبت
Class: Architectural Design Group -E- University Of technology