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English for Academic and Professional Purposes

3rd Quarter

Lesson 1: Nature of Academic Texts

In this lesson, you will learn to differentiate language used in academic texts from
various disciplines. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-2)
Academic Writing and Academic Text
 Academic Writing is a process that starts with posing a question, problematizing
a concept, evaluating an opinion, and ends in answering the questions posed,
clarifying the problem, and/or arguing for a stand.
 Academic Text is the product of academic writing itself. Academic text is the
written form or simply texts derived from academic writing. It is a formal style of
writing used in schools and universities that requires sophisticated use of
language and objectivity, and application of knowledge from facts, proven
theories and concepts.
Nature of Academic Writing
The essential features and characteristics of academic texts are described below. Read
and analyze these statements, and you will find them to be of great help with your own
1. Academic writing is governed by standard conventions of writing. You have to
abide by the set of rules and practices in writing.
2. Language shows a sophisticated level of formality that is appropriate and formal
but not too pretentious in writing.
3. Writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough, and careful thought and
that is why it involves research.
4. Arguments and statements should be valid and based on credible sources
5. Academic writing is purpose-driven: to inform, to argue a specific point or to
6. Academic writing tailors’ specific audience like teachers (for the most part,
students, and the entire academic community and experts.
Kinds of Academic Texts
 Book reports – summarize a book read following a specific format
 Book reviews – critical analysis of a book or novel read
 Essays – topic based on academic writing from the writer’s personal point of view
 Research Project- describes the ideas of an investigation for a certain topic.
 Academic journal / journal writing

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 Dissertation and Thesis – research or study written to obtain a degree in college
or university.
 Abstract - This is a short summary of a long document.
Writing Standards of Writing Academic Texts
1. Use formal language, avoid slangs, colloquial, and abbreviations.
2. Avoid using phrasal verbs, (rid out, carry on), contractions like gonna, (going to),
can’t (cannot), etc.
3. Avoid idiomatic expressions
4. Use the third-person point of view, avoid the first-person point of view.
5. Be clear and concise and avoid repetitions
6. Use correct grammar and punctuation marks
7. Utilize proper transition devices
Difference between academic texts and other kinds of texts
INDICATORS Academic Texts Professional Non-Academic
Texts Texts
Audience Academe Business Group Mass Public
Purpose To inform, to To market, to To entertain,
persuade, with persuade inform, or persuade
valid point and
Style Formal and Formal, subjective Can be informal,
objective subjective, and
Structure Follow the Follow the standard No rigid structure or
standards and business format standard formatting
conventions of
Language Formal Language Formal or informal Can be informal or
Citations Contain citations Use of citations and May not include
and references references is not citations and
required references

Lesson 2: Text Structure

In this lesson, you are going to learn how to use knowledge of texts structure to glean
the information he/she needs (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-1A-C4)
What is Text Structure?
Text structure refers to the way an author arranges information in his writing. Text
structure enables authors to organize their thoughts as they write. It also helps the

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reader as it provides a structure in which information can be found and understood
while it's being read.
Types of Text Structure
1. Description – this type of text structure features a detailed description of
something to give the reader a mental picture.
2. Problem and Solution- this type of structure sets up a problem or problems,
explains the solution, and then discusses the effects of the solution.
3. Sequence – this text structure gives readers a chronological sequence of events
or a list of steps in a procedure.
4. Cause and Effect- this structure presents the causal relationship between a
specific event, idea, or concept and the events, ideas, or concepts that follow.
5. Compare and Contrast- this type of text examines the similarities and differences
between two or more people, events, concepts, ideas, etc.
Structure (Organization)
Fiction Non-Fiction
Story Elements:  Cause and Effect
 Characters  Sequence
 Setting  Problem/Solution
 Problem/Solution  Description
 Plot  Compare and Contrast

The table below shows the text structure signal questions and signal words.
Text Structure Signal Questions and Signal Words
Cause and Compare and Sequence Problem and Description
Effect Contrast Solution
Signal Questions
What What are the What items, What is the What specific
happened? things being events or steps problem? Why topic, person,
Why did it compared? In are listed? Do is this a idea, or thing is
happen? What what way are they have to problem? Is being
caused it to they alike? In happen in this anything being described?
happen? what ways are order? Do they done to try to (What does it
they different? always happen solve the look like, how
in this order? problem? What does it work,
can be done to what does it
solve this do, etc.)? What
problem? is important to
about it?
Signal Words

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So Same as First Question is… For instance
Because Similar Second Dilemma is… Such as
Since Alike Next The puzzle To begin with
Therefore As well as Then is… An example
If…then Not only… but Before To solve this… To illustrate
This led to Also After One answer
Reason why Both Finally is…
As a result Instead of Following One reason for
Maybe due to Either…or Not long the problem
Effect of On the other After is…
Consequently hand Now
For this reason Different from Soon
As opposed to

Lesson 3: Summarizing Techniques

In this lesson, you will learn to use various techniques in summarizing a variety of
academic texts. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-5)
What is Summarizing?
It is the process of rewriting and restating the original text into shorter and concise piece
of writing. It involves synthesizing the key or major concepts but keeping the original
message, concepts, and relevant ideas from the source text.
What do we summarize?
 results of studies you are reporting on
 methods or approaches others have taken in an area you are describing various
researchers’/authors’ viewpoints on given issues
 points you have made in an essay at any juncture or in a conclusion
 contents of a text you are reviewing
 issues peripheral to your paper but necessary for providing the context for your
 historical events leading to the event/issue/philosophy you are discussing.
Why is summarizing important?
 Deepens your understanding of the text.
 Learn to identify relevant information.
 Concentrate on the gist or main idea.
 Capture the key ideas in the text and put them together clearly and concisely.
 Summaries can be used for annotation and study notes as well as to expand the
depth of your writing.
How do we write the summary?

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1. Begin your summary with statement of the thesis. Begin with an introductory
sentence that mentions the author, title, and thesis.
2. Write the main idea of each section in one well-developed sentence. Make sure
that what you include in your sentences are key points, not minor details.
3. Follow the order of ideas in the original text. After stating the thesis, you should
mention the first main idea that you come across and then major details that back
it up. Then you would mention the second main idea and so on.
4. Summary should be no more than ¼ the original text. It can be one sentence,
one paragraph or multiple paragraphs depending on the length of the original and
your purpose for writing the summary.
5. Do not plagiarize or bring in your personal opinion. Summarizing is about
restating what the author says. Save your own ideas for another time.
6. Make sure that your summary includes the meaning of the original passage, and
does not change the author’s purpose or tone.
7. Read over your summary, and edit for grammatical and spelling errors.
How is summarizing different from paraphrasing?
 A summary is shorter than the original text.
 A paraphrase can be shorter or longer than the original.
 A summary eliminates details, examples, and supporting points.
 A paraphrase describes the original text in different words. It does not leave out
Summarizing Techniques
5 W's, 1 H Who is the story about?
What did they do?
The 5 W's, 1 H strategy relies on six When did the action take place?
crucial questions: who, what, when, Where did the story happen?
where, why, and how. These questions Why did the main character do that?
make it easy to identify the main How did the main character do that?
character, the important details, and the
main idea of any texts like essays, Then, use the answers to the 5 W's and 1 H
reports, book reviews, articles, and to write a summary of in complete
others. sentences.
Somebody Wanted But So Then Let us have an example for this strategy for
you to understand it better
This method is found to be useful in
summarizing a narrative text or retelling Somebody: Little Red Riding Hood
a story that most students normally do. Wanted: She wanted to take cookies to her
Each word represents a key question sick grandmother.
related to the story's essential But: She encountered a wolf pretending to
elements: be her grandmother.
So: She ran away, crying for help.

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Somebody: Who is the story about? Then: A woodsman heard her and saved
Wanted: What does the main character her from the wolf.
want? After answering the questions, combine the
But: Identify a problem that the main answers to form a summary:
character encountered. Little Red Riding Hood wanted to take
So: How does the main character solve cookies to her sick grandmother, but she
the problem? encountered a wolf. He got to her
Then: Tell how the story ends. grandmother’s house first and pretended to
be the old woman. He was going to eat
Little Red Riding Hood, but she realized
what he was doing and ran away, crying for
help. A woodsman heard the girl’s cries and
saved her from the wolf.
SAAC Method State: name of the article, book, or story
Assign: the name of the author
The SAAC method is another useful Action: what the author is doing (example:
technique for summarizing any kind of tells, explains)
text (story, article, book report, speech,
Complete: complete the sentence or
etc). SAAC is an acronym for "State, summary with keywords and important
Assign, Action, Complete." details
This method is particularly helpful for
students who are learning the format of
a summary and need reminders to
include the title and author's name.
However, SAAC does not include clear
guidance about which details to include.
If you use SAAC, keep in mind the
types of details that belong in a
summary as mentioned in the above
Lesson Closure Today’s lesson or topic ________________
_______________________. The key idea
This is used to summarize a lesson or a is that _____________________________
specific topic. There is a custom-made This is important because ______________
format to follow as guide in writing a ___________________________. Another
summary. important consideration _______________
This matter ________________________
__________________________________ .
Furthermore ________________________

Lesson 4: Thesis Statement

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In this lesson, you will learn how to state the thesis statement of an academic text
What is Thesis Statement?
A thesis statement is a complete sentence that contains one main idea. This idea
controls the content of the entire essay. A thesis statement that contains sub points also
helps a reader know how the essay will be organized.
In a paragraph, writers can express the main idea in a topic sentence. In an essay, the
central idea is expressed in a thesis sentence. The thesis sentence is usually in the
introductory paragraph of a basic essay. Often it is the last or next-to-last sentence of
the introductory paragraph.
A good thesis sentence clearly states the point you want to make about the topic.
Therefore, a good thesis contains a specific topic and the claim or assertion you make
about the topic. Your thesis controls the content and focus of the entire essay.
Everything you write in your essay must support the thesis sentence in a specific way.

Example 1: Travelers planning their trip well can fully enjoy their trip.
In this example, the topic is travelers planning their trip well. The claim made is that
those travelers "can fully enjoy their trip."
Example 2: Reading can improve one’s vocabulary by being exposed to new words that
one has not yet encountered.
In the second example, the topic is reading can improve one’s vocabulary. The claim
made is “being exposed to new words can improve one’s vocabulary.

10 Things to Remember About Thesis Statement

1. A thesis statement should contain a topic (main idea of what you are writing
2. A thesis statement should contain an opinion about the topic (what is your
attitude toward the topic)
3. A thesis statement should NOT be too broad.
4. A thesis statement should NOT be too wordy.
5. A thesis statement is usually one sentence. It is often placed in the introductory
paragraph of an essay, usually at the end of the first paragraph.
6. A thesis statement is a claim that could be argued. The essay will contain
evidence and opinions that support the argument.
7. Thesis statements AVOID the following: the first person (I believe, In my opinion,
etc.) unclear language (It seems, etc.) attempting two topics at once (even if they
seem related). Pick one and stick with it. Just state a fact.

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8. A thesis statement should NOT be too general.
9. A thesis statement should NOT be a title.
10. A thesis statement should NOT be a fact.

How to Write a Thesis Statement in Four Easy Steps?

1. Restate the idea in the prompt or ask yourself the question the prompt asks.
Prompt: Write an essay why Enhanced Community Quarantine in Cebu will be
lifted. (Rewrite the prompt as a question)
Example: Should Enhanced Community Quarantine in Cebu be lifted?
2. Adopt a position/state your opinion.
Example: ECQ in Cebu should not be lifted.
3. List three reasons you will use to argue your point.
Example: Cases of infection will increase, virus will spread, many people will die.
4. Combine information from 1-3 into one sentence.
Example: Enhanced Community Quarantine in Cebu should not be lifted because
cases of infection will increase, virus will rapidly spread, and many people will

Lesson 5: Outlining a Reading Text

In this lesson, you will learn to outline reading texts in various disciplines.
What is an Outline?
An outline is simply a framework for presenting the main and supporting ideas for a
particular subject or topic. Outlines help you develop a logical, coherent structure for
your paper, making it easier to translate your ideas into words and sentences. Once
your outline is complete, you’ll have a clear picture of how you can develop your paper.
Differentiating Formal and Informal Outline A traditional outline or formal outline uses
Roman numerals and capital or lowercase letters to show hierarchy of information,
which can be an effective way to organize ideas, however, there are other ways, and
they don't always need to be formal. An informal outline tailor fits your outline
specifically to your liking; jotting down key sentences, short phrases or only key words,
for as long as the main ideas are listed with key details of each sub-section. An informal
outline makes use of graphic organizers, especially to visual learners who can better
understand and process information when they are arranged using drawings,
illustrations, diagrams, charts, and symbols.
Formal Outline Informal Outline
I. Main Idea Main Idea
A. Major Supporting Detail - Supporting Idea

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i. Minor Supporting Detail - Supporting Idea
ii. Minor Supporting Detail - Supporting Idea
B. Major Supporting Detail
i. Minor Supporting Detail
ii. Minor Supporting Detail Planning a home garden
C. Major Supporting Detail - Vegetable garden
i. Minor Supporting Detail - Flower garden
ii. Minor Supporting Detail - Water garden
II. Gardens
A. Vegetable
i. In-ground gardens
ii. Potted gardens
B. Flower
i. Raised beds
ii. Natural
C. Water
i. Fountains
ii. Ponds

Two Types of Outline

A reading outline is used to get the main ideas of a text that is already written. It helps
you understand the text’s structure more critically because you will have to find the
text’s thesis statement and support. You will better understand how a writer connects
and sequences the information in the reading.
A writing outline is a skeletal version of your essay. It is used as a guide to organize
your ideas. It is usually done before you write the first draft of your essay.
Importance of Outlining a Reading Text
 Outlining reveals the ability to locate the main ideas, reveals the coherence, and
complexity of a text.
 Outlining involves knowing how to distinguish ideas according to their
importance, filter reading and write down the bare essentials.
 Foremost, you cannot outline something you do not understand, thus it proves
one’s understanding and comprehension of the reading text.
Steps to Outline Effectively a Reading Text
Writing a reading outline for books, news, articles, or scholarly journals may follow these
1. Read the article or chapter first, noting any words or phrases not understood and
finding their definitions for clarification.
2. Read the article through a second time. Take notes starting with the topic and
write the thesis or main point that the author wants to convey.

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3. In every main point, begin arranging the key concepts covered based on section
titles, bold subheadings, or main idea communicated through each paragraph.
Under each section title or main idea, list important details related to that sub-
4. Go over the article again, checking what you've noted as main ideas and key
details. 5. Finally, summarize the main idea of each section in words, phrases, or
What is the basic structure of an outline?
 In the typical structure of an outline, the headings, which are the main topic of
each section, are accompanied by a Roman numeral. Under the headings,
further ideas are marked with a capital letter. Ideas beneath the capital letter are
marked with a number, and sub-ideas of those ideas are marked with a lower-
case letter.
 Most outlines move from the general to the specific in each section. The outline
should begin with an introduction that lays out the general ideas of the paper and
includes a thesis, and then move on to points that support the overarching thesis.
Each section should also move from the general to the specific. The heading of
each section of the outline should be a general idea in support of the thesis.
Under that main idea is supporting information—specific evidence about your
subject that bolsters the idea.
 It is usually best to have a section for each distinct idea, including a section for
the introduction and for the conclusion. This generally corresponds to one
Roman numeral per paragraph. A good way to gauge if you have enough ideas
for Quick Tip: A general rule of outlines is that when there is an A, there is a B;
when there is a 1, there is a 2; and so on.
 In writing your outline, you could choose between a topic outline which lists
words or phrases, or a sentence outline which lists complete sentences.
Topic Outline:
Thesis: The abuse of alcohol and drugs can affect a person economically,
psychologically, and physically.
I. Economic effects (Main idea)
A. Alcohol (Sub-idea)
1. Cost of alcohol purchases (Detail of A)
2. Cost of DUIs (Detail of A)
B. Drugs (Sub-point)
1. Cost of drug purchases (Detail of B)
2. Cost of drug arrest (Detail of B)
II. Psychological effects
A. Alcohol
1. Mental impairment
2. Mental addiction

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B. Drugs
1. Mental impairment
2. Mental addiction
III. Physical effects
A. Alcohol
1. Liver disease
2. Alcohol poisoning
B. Drugs
1. Brain damage
2. Drug overdose

Sentence Outline
I. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect one economically.
A. The cost of alcohol abuse is high and getting higher.
1. The costs of DUIs can be enormous.
2. Alcohol costs are always rising because of rising production
costs ----------------as well as state and local taxes.
B. The cost of drug abuse can be high.
1. Even the arrest for the small possession of drugs can result to
high ----------------bail and expensive court litigation cost.
2. The cost of drugs fluctuates drastically according types,
------------------------------availability, and quantity.
II. Alcohol and drug abuse can have severe psychological effects.
A. Alcohol abuse can damage a person psychologically.
1. Alcohol is a depressant and can alter one’s behavior.
2. The abuse of alcohol can lead to psychological addiction.
B. Drug abuse can be detrimental to one psychologically.
1. Drugs impair one's ability to function normally because of
---------------- ----------hallucinations and numbness.
2. Drugs result to psychological addiction.
III. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect one physically.
A. Alcohol and drug abuse can cause physical problems.
1. The most common disease among alcoholics is cirrhosis of the
---------------- liver.
2. Massive consumption of alcohol can lead to poisoning and death.
B. Drug abuse has many physical implications.
1. Drug abuse has been linked to the damage of brain tissue.
2. The unpredictability of drugs can lead to an overdose and death.

Lesson 6: Critical Approaches

In this lesson, you will learn how to use appropriate critical approaches in writing a
critique such as formalism, feminism, etc.
What is Critique?

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A critique is a collection of edits, thoughts, and comments about another writer's work
that you put together with the objective of helping them improve. You can critique a
paragraph, a chapter, a short story, or a whole novel.
Different people critique in different ways, some give overviews, giving their thoughts on
the elements of a piece - character, flow, setting, pace, etc.
Purpose of Critique
1. It is to evaluate somebody’s work (a book, an essay, a movie, a painting...) in
order to increase the readers understanding of it.
2. It expresses the writer’s opinion or evaluation of a text.
3. A critical analysis is not merely to inform, but also to evaluate the worth, utility,
excellence, distinction, truth, validity, beauty, or goodness of something.
(Analysis means to break down and study the parts.)
Note: Writing a critical paper requires two steps: critical reading and critical writing.
Things to Remember During Critique
1. Describe: give the reader a sense of the writer’s overall purpose and meaning.
2. Analyze: show how it is put together by dividing it into its main sections or
3. Interpret: define the significance (meaning and importance) of each part (or
missing parts).
4. Decide: make a judgment of the works worth or value.
Types of Critical Approaches
1. Feminist criticism tries to correct predominantly male-dominated critical
perspective with a feminist consciousness. This form of criticism places literature
in a social context and employs a broad range of disciplines, such as history,
psychology, sociology, and linguistics, to create a perspective that considers
feminist issues. Feminist theories also attempt to understand representation from
a woman’s point of view and analyze women’s writing strategies in the context of
their social conditions.
2. Marxist criticism is a strong politically oriented criticism, deriving from the
theories of the social philosopher Karl Marx. Marxist critics insist that social class
and economics influence all use of language. It directs attention to the idea that
all language makes ideological statements about things like class, economics,
race, and power, and the function of literary output is to either support or criticize
the political and economic structures in place.
3. Reader-response criticism removes the focus from the text and places it on the
reader instead, by attempting to describe what goes on in the reader’s mind
during the reading of a text. Reader- response critics are not interested in a
“correct” interpretation of a text or what the author intended.

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They are interested in the reader’s individual experience with a text. Thus, there
is no single definitive reading of a text, because the reader is creating, as
opposed to discovering, absolute meanings in texts.
4. Formalistic criticism studies a text as only a text, considering its features—for
example, rhymes, cadences, literary devices—in an isolated way, not attempting
to apply their own say as to what the text means. In general, formalists are
focused on the facts of a text, because they want to study the text, not what
others say about it.
6 Steps in Writing a Critique
Step 1: Read, Read, Re-read, Re-read, and Read again.
It is important to familiarize yourself with the document. There are multiple things you
need to look for that you can’t possibly find after the first read.
Step 2: Take down Notes as you read.
TAKE NOTES!! Circle, highlight, underline, and comment on your article. Look for the
following: the author’s purpose of the paper (very important) Is the purpose to inform
with factual materials? Is the purpose to persuade with appeal to reason or emotions? Is
the purpose to entertain (to affect people’s emotions)? Also look for: Patterns, Tone:
funny, serious
Step 3: Gather your resources.
Find out where the work was published – does that help you figure out the author’s
purpose and audience? What is the author’s obvious strategies in making his or her
point? Are they successful? (ask yourself)
Step 4: Investigate Further.
Look at underlying assumptions, both yours and the writer. Look for places where the
author has left gaps – are these deliberate? Do they need to be filled? Does the author
play on your emotions? How? Is he or she using any images or ideas that play on some
abstract, for example patriotism?
Step 5: Organize
I. Background information to help your readers understand the nature of the work
A. Information about the work
1. Title
2. Author
3. Publication information
4. Statement of topic and purpose

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B. Thesis statement indicating writer’s main reaction to the work
II. Summary or description of the work
III. Interpretation and/or evaluation
A. Discussion of the works organization
B. Discussion of the works style
C. Effectiveness
D. Discussion of the topic treatment
E. Discussion of appeal to a particular audience
Step 6: Write
After you have created your outline, start writing your critique. Remember that your
critique does not have to be negative. Refer to the author by his or her last name.

Lesson 7: Writing a Critique

In this lesson, you will learn to write an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of
art, an event, or a program.
Writing a Critique
A critique is academic writing, it critically evaluates a piece of work such as literary
pieces, exhibits, film, performances, artworks, news reports, music, events, programs,
and the likes.
Like any other academic writing, a critique uses a formal academic writing style and
structure. It has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Nevertheless, the body of a
critique incorporates a summary and evaluation, or the critiquing part itself. The purpose
of an evaluation is to assess the value or impact of a work in a particular field.
What makes an objective and balanced Review or Critique?
 It is free from biases
 It has a sincere and polite manner of writing
 It reveals drawbacks with clear reasoning, credible evidences, and valid proofs
 It upholds the creator’s integrity, likewise encourages and motivates its audience
On the other hand, you must avoid the following in writing your critique paper:
 Irresponsible reviews without thorough observation and evaluation of a particular
work or masterpiece.
 Shows pretentious and ambitious critique to undermine the creator

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 Shows biases and insensitivities
 Being too aggressive and too argumentative
 Too faults-finding and imposing ideology
Importance of a written critique
 It gives a critical evaluation of a work that discusses its worth, or strengths and
weaknesses, and the perceived success and failure of a certain work being
 It provides essential information about a piece of work like, the purpose, the
style, the audience or intended market in which a certain work is most beneficial.
 It provides its audience the knowledge or understanding of a piece of work from
various fields or disciplines, making a certain work well-recognized and known by
a larger audience or mass public.
Important considerations in writing your critique
A thorough planning is important for you to properly organize your paper. You may ask
questions like, what comprises a critique paper, or what should I look for on a certain
work. Below are the important considerations to account for as you begin writing your
1. The writing style for a literary piece – the writing techniques and skills of the
author, as presented in the texts mirrors the author’s expertise and integrity.
2. The theme or subject – is the subject or theme believable and vividly portrayed or
expressed, and suits its context and target audience.
3. The value or relevance of work – the conveyed message and meaning of such
work is meaningful and relevant to the intended audience. How does it benefit
me? Or the audience in general?
4. The critique part – the focus of the evaluation or critique, which part of work that
could have been presented better, the strengths and weaknesses of the piece or
The Structure or Format of a Critique Paper
A critique writing format includes an introduction, summary, critique part, and a
conclusion. Let us go over the parts below to come up with a full- blown critique. A
critique paper is composed of the following parts:
1. The Introduction
 To begin, mention the work being reviewed, the name or title, the author’s or
creator’s name, as well as the date.
 Write a brief description of the work, including the key points, the reason or
purpose of the work, and the context in which the work was created, whether
for academic, professional, personal, political, etc.

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 State the main point or signposts of your evaluation, indicating a strong
statement of your judgment, whether positive, negative, or neutral.
 Make your introduction short.
2. The Body incorporates the summary and the critique:
The Summary
 Provide a summary of the main points of the work you are critiquing.
 Focus on giving the reader an overall idea of the content of your critique, the
results from your observation, questions, comparisons, and outcomes.
The Critique Part
 Discuss your critique or evaluation.
 Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the work being critiqued.
 Present your analysis, describe any problem, and provide alternatives or
recommendations of the method, procedure, process, or techniques that
might have been overlooked by the creator.
3. The Concluding Statement
 Do a brief recap, summarizing only the relevant points from which your
critical evaluation was made.
 Leave a positive mark or show the bigger picture and the worthiness of such
 Finish the critique by a concluding statement of your overall evaluation
 State your recommendations for improvement on the work, as may be
deemed necessary or appropriate.
An Example Critique
Learn more by close reading a 650-word critique below. It is labelled to help you get
familiar with the structure and format of a critique.
Theater and Arts Critique
Title: “Ang Huling El Bimbo”, Second Run (2019)
Critiqued by: Regina R. Sacdalan, (PHS)
Ang Huling El Bimbo”, The Musical, left the audience in awe!

The Resort’s World Manila had witnessed a standing ovation as the musical,
Ang Huling El Bimbo”, conquered the huge crowd and genuinely left the audience in
awe! “Ang Huling El Bimbo” was played into a musical, written by Dingdong Noverio,
and directed by Dexter M. Santos. What Makes Ang Huling El Bimbo a standing
ovation? Inspired by the major songs of the Eraserheads, which were played on the
scenes weaving a spectacular play, and literally turned to be a phenomenon in the
world of theater and musical play. The first run in 2018 yields all sold out, with a back
to back success by its second run in 2019.

(Body 1: The Summary Part)

The plot mainly revolved around the four main characters namely: Joy, as

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“Paraluman”, young, innocent, and beautiful young lady, Emman, Anthony, and
Hector, (which will be termed “the trio” soon after), tells the story of college best
friends, played by the stage actors Gian Magdangal, OJ Mariano, and Jon Santos.
The trio were roommates and became friends though had different
backgrounds. Emman, the “probinsyano”, Anthony, a discreet "gay", and Hector who
came from a wealthy family. The trio soon develops a special friendship with Joy, a
“carinderia” vendor; Emman who she considered to be her Kuya, Anthony her best
friend, and Hector became her boyfriend.
The climax, like a rollercoaster, is a twist and shout. The best friends: the trio
and joy, had a “joy ride” that caused a tragic incident that changed their friendship and
lives forever. Joy was raped in front of her friends, and since they were young, they
avoided Joy. The trio thought that the only way to forget the pain is to escape and
leave for good. The dilemma of Joy, being rejected by her boyfriend and friends, was
left alone, given up on her dreams, and failed to finish her studies. Meanwhile, the trio
finished college and led a more settled life, however, their past had a great impact on
their lives. The trio reunited after two long decades, when they heard about what
happened to their friend Joy—who committed suicide.

(Body 2: The Critique Part)

The plot creates profoundness and admiration with the way they kept the
audience glued and fascinated. The characters act gracefully, so appealing to the
eye. Love and friendship is the heart of the musical, this became the hook of the
story, on how their lives would unfold, and the rollercoaster rides towards a twisted
end. The moment when their friendship had fallen apart was so unbearable. The way
they acted upon the tragic scene when Joy had committed suicide was heartfelt and
their performance has succeeded to be felt by the crowd.
The nostalgic effect of the song by Eraserheads was a big thing! So those who
are a fan and grown with the song would have "LSS" and surely reminisce, whether it
was during their high school life or college days; bonding, friendship, and past love.
On the other hand, those who are not a fan, or not familiar with those songs, would
not appreciate it as much.
The division of scenes into thematic sections was strategic and effective,
making the audience guess and wait for more. The performance was fast-moving, it
was entertaining and meaningful. The musical play kept the audience's attention for
two and some long hours, however, this is way too long and may bring boredom.

(Concluding Statement)
The end of the musical was a standing ovation. The performance itself had left
the audience in awe! They made the characters in the plot came to life. It indeed
managed to capture the audience’s emotions. The collaboration of the director and
writer, both esoteric on their own field, had made the musical a phenomenal success.
It resonates emotions into a mixture of drama, nostalgia, and euphoria, all at the
same time! By and large, the musical play leaves the reviewer, herself, in deep awe,
and genuine lessons about life, love, and friendship.

Lesson 8: Concept

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In this lesson, you will learn how to determine the ways a writer can elucidate on a
concept by definition, explication, and clarification.

What is Concept?
A concept is an idea conceived in the mind. An abstract or general idea inferred or
derived from specific instances. It is a general idea about a thing or group of things,
derived from specific instances or occurrences.
Ways to Elucidate a Concept
1. Clarification is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a
general abstract idea to specific and concrete examples.
Example: Pandemic- is an epidemic (a sudden outbreak) that becomes very
widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the world due to a
susceptible population. The Spanish Influenza in 1920 and COVID 19 at present
are examples of pandemic.
2. Explication is a method of defining difficult terms used in the formal definition.
When explicating, you can provide an informal definition.
Example: A ballpen is a writing tool that has a ballpoint. It is a writing tool
preferred by high school students. It also has variety of colors.
3. Definition clarifies the meaning of a word or concept and limits the scope of a
particular word or concept.

Techniques in Definition (Writing Techniques)

1. Informal Definition is a brief explanation of the term being defined. It uses a
word, a sentence, or a phrase. It is usually an incomplete definition.
Example: Ballpen is a writing tool preferred by high school students.
2. Formal Definition is a complete definition and it is stated in an equation like
statement and it has 3 parts (species = genus + differentia).
Species is the term to be defined.
Genus is the family or class to which the species belongs.
Differentia is the distinguishing characteristics of the species that will set
apart from the other species.

Example: A ballpen is a writing tool that has a ballpoint.

Explanation: Ballpen is the term being defined(species), writing tool is the
family where ballpen belongs(genus), and has a ballpoint is the
characteristic of ballpen that is unique from the other writing
3. Negation is usually in a negative statement. Sometimes it is called

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Example: A ballpen is not a kitchen utensil.
4. Analysis is telling what steps comprise a process, or what functional parts
make up a device.
Example: A ballpen has a cup to cover the tip of it. The body of the ball
pen contains the ink.
5. Derivation is the information about the origin of a word.
Example: ‘Pen” originated from the Old French word for feather, ‘penne’,
and from the Latin ‘penna’, because long ago pens were made from
feathers, with the end of the feather sharpened to form a ‘nib.’
6. Description is telling the readers what the term looks like.
Example: A ballpoint pen, also known as a biro or ball pen, is a pen that
dispenses ink (usually in paste form) over a metal ball at its point, i.e. over
a "ball point." The metal commonly used is steel, brass, or tungsten
7. Analogy points out the similarities between two unlike or different things.
Example: A ballpen is like a human emotion that can express feelings
through writing.
8. Comparison and Contrast compares and stresses the difference between the
things compared.
Example: A pen is made up of a plastic covering that holds the ink inside
and it usually comes in many colors. Blue and black being the most
common. On the contrast, pencils are made out of wood and come with a
rubber eraser on the tip and unlike pen it only comes in one color, dull and
boring gray.

Lesson 9: Concept Papers

In this lesson, you will learn how to compare and contrast various kinds of concept
Defining a Concept Paper
A concept paper is a summary of a project or study, a proposal providing an in-depth
discussion of a topic, with the goal of extensive research, or as a result of a current
Modified from Spickard (2005), “All research projects need a concept paper: a summary
that tells the reader what the project is, why it is important, and how it will be carried
out”. A concept paper may serve as the foundation and benchmark for potential projects
that needed further investigation and improvement. So when is the concept paper
A concept paper must be written before completing a full-blown paper or project. The
primary function of the concept paper is to explain the importance of a particular

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research project, likewise, uses persuasive text. It serves as a summary that initiates a
proposal, thesis, dissertation, project, or proposal. Why do you think writing concept
papers is important?
The Importance of Concept Papers
A concept paper can be used in any of the following ways:
• To determine whether a project proposal or idea is feasible
• To develop potential solutions or investigations of a certain project
• To serve as the foundation for a full proposal
• To interest potential benefactors and sponsors
Various Kinds of Concept Papers
A concept paper is divided into parts or components in which relative to the kind of
concept paper you are asked to prepare. There is a certain requirement depending on a
specific area of discipline or program. The format may vary from organizations,
institutions, businesses to industries.
Basically, there is a certain format prescribed or being asked based on the requirement
by a certain institution or industry, and thus, must be followed. There could also be a
number of pages required, however, a typical concept paper may range from four to five
pages in the academic field, while two to three pages in the business field. In the
academe, concept papers that do not follow the guidelines below will not be reviewed or
The following are some of the essential components of a concept paper of a specific
field and discipline.
Basic Format for Academics (most courses)
• Title
• Rationale
• Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
• Research Questions
• Method
• References
Basic Format for Academics (Mathematics and Sciences)
• Statement of the Problem
• Purpose of the Study
• Research Questions
• Hypotheses
• Brief Review of the Literature
• Research Method
• References

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Basic Format for Business or Industry
• Introduction
• Purpose/Need
• Project Description
• Goals/Objectives/Aims
• Methods
• Timeline
• Expected Outcomes/Benefits
• Budget/Needs & Requested Support

Lesson 10: Presenting a Concept through Visuals/Graphic Aids

In this lesson, you will learn how to present a novel concept or project with
accompanying visuals/ graphic aids.
Presenting Concepts through Visuals and Graphic Aids.
Texts and graphics support each other. Graphic aid in text are important as they help
the readers to grasp ideas able to see supporting information.
There are enticing ways to present a concept. In your milieu, visuals are highly
considered. So, it is expected that learners like you utilize visuals and graphic aids in
presenting novel concept and projects to make them more interesting and remarkable to
the readers and audience.
Utilize the different visuals and graphic aids and begin planning for your presentation.
What are those visuals and graphic aids you can use?
Some Useful Visuals and Graphic Aids
Check on the most common visuals and graphic aids you can use in your presentation:
1. Slides and Presentation Tools – these tools such as PowerPoint, Google Slides
can be used to create presentations. Another online-based template like Prezi
and Visme could also be used for highly visual presentations by including images
and movements.
2. Flowcharting and Mapping Symbols – these used boxes or other shapes
connected by lines or arrows to shows steps in procedures or processes helping
readers visualize relationship among those data.
3. Tables, Charts, and Graphs – these provide a systematic listing of data in rows
or columns. It could present numerical data pictorially making it more meaningful
that could not be explained in a wordy or paragraph form.
4. Diagrams – this is a symbolic representation of ideas through drawings and
figures showing the appearance or structure to emphasize data and information.

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5. Images or photographs – this is the most realistic and concrete presentation of
physical features of things.
Importance of Visuals and Graphic Aids
• Provide visual explanation of concepts and information
• Allow to literally “see” and understand ideas or concepts
• Supply information not found in the text
• Show how ideas and concepts are related
• Combine verbal and non-verbal cues to enhance comprehension
• Aids recall information easily, memory and retention

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

4th Quarter

Lesson 1: Position Paper (Arguments in Manifestoes)

In this lesson, you will learn how to analyze the arguments used by the writer/s in
What is Position Paper?
Position paper is the writing of one’s stand on a particular issue. The topic should be
arguable. It discusses an issue, which the writer will take a stand (agree/disagree), the
purpose is to convince the reader to take his or her stand.
What Contains a Position Paper?
1. Issue - is the topic being argued upon in the paper. The writer will choose his/her
side. He may take it negative or positive.
Example: Topic: Haircut
Issue: Abolish the haircut policy on senior high school male students.
2. Argumentative Thesis - is formed when the writer took a stand on the issue.
Example: The haircut policy on male senior high school students should be
abolished because they have the right to come to school in any length of hair
they preferred. (Note: this is your thesis statement)
3. Claims - are statements that support the writer’s stand.
Example: students have the right to come to school at any length of hair they
4. Evidence – is a proof that strengthen the writer’s claim.
Example: Since female students can come to school in their long hair, male
students should be allowed also to exercise fairness in gender equality.
What is an Argument?

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An argument is a list of statements, one among these statements is the conclusion and
the others are the premises or assumptions of the argument. To give an argument is to
provide a set of premises as reasons for accepting the conclusion.
Example: If you want to get a high grade, you should study hard. You really want to get
a high grade. So, you should study hard.
Note: The first two sentences here are the premises of the argument, and the last
sentence is the conclusion. To give this argument is to offer the premises as reasons for
accepting the conclusion.
How to Analyze an Argument?
To analyze an author’s argument, take it one step at a time:
1. Briefly note the main assertion (what does the writer want me to believe or do?)
2. Make a note of the first reason the author makes to support his/her conclusion.
3. Write down every other reason.
4. Underline the most important reason.
What is a Manifesto?
According to Merriam Webster dictionary, a manifesto is a statement in which someone
makes his or her intentions or views easy for people to ascertain.
On the other hand, Encyclopedia Britannica defines manifesto as a document publicly
declaring the position or program of its issuer. A manifesto advances a set of ideas,
opinions, or views, but it can also lay out a plan of action. While it can address any
topic, it most often concerns art, literature, or politics. Manifestos are generally written in
the name of a group sharing a common perspective, ideology, or purpose rather than in
the name of a single individual.
Example: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s The Communist Manifesto (see/read on the
internet), is a good and famous example of a manifesto regarding politics.
Here is one example of their manifestos.
I believe that every child has potential. Regardless of race, socio-economic class, or IQ,
every child has the ability to contribute to our world. It can be intellectual-- the next
brilliant math or physics theorem, the next great poem of our time-- it can be athletic--
representing fair play and competition-- it can be artistic-- a song, a dance, a play. Every
child has potential. No child is confined by where they live, who their parents are, what
society expects of them. Every child can contribute something beautiful to our world. It
can be a smile, a laugh, or one good thought. That is all it takes to change someone's

Lesson 2: Position Paper (Arguments and Factual Evidences)

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In this lesson, you will learn how to defend a stand on an issue by presenting
reasonable arguments supported by properly cited factual evidences.
What is Fallacy?
A fallacy is reasoning that concludes without the evidence to support it (Merriam
Webster dictionary).
What are the Types of Fallacies?
1. Ad Hominem- It is attacking the person making the argument rather than the
argument itself.
Example: Tony will run as president in our school, but Tony was involved
in a fight two years ago, therefore he cannot be a good president.
2. Strawman- It is misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack.
Example: Al Gore feels that all companies are irresponsible and should be
punished for allowing emissions, which causes global warming.

3. Loaded Question-It is asking a question that has an assumption built into it so

that it can be answered without appearing guilty.
Example: Have you stopped cheating in EAPP class?

5. Black or white- It is where two alternative states are presented as the only
possibilities when in fact more possibilities exist.
Example: If you will agree with him then you are against us.

6. Slippery slope- It is asserting that if we allow A to happen, then Z will

consequently happen too, therefore A should not happen.
Example: (A teacher to a student) I will not allow you to go to the comfort
room because you might fall on the stairs, and if you fell on the stairs your
parents will complain, and if they complained, a case will be filed against me.
Therefore, you cannot go to the comfort room.

7. Burden of proof- It is saying that the burden of proof lies not with the person
making the claim, but with someone else to disprove.
Example: If you cannot prove that I was the one who stole your bag,
therefore, I wasn’t the one who stole it.

8. Composition Division-It is assuming that what’s true about one part of something
has to be applied to all or other parts of it.
Example: The students in Hogwarts High School are lazy. Luna Lovegod
is a student in Hogwarts High School. Therefore, Luna Lovegod is lazy.

9. Bandwagon- It is appealing to popularity or the fact that many people do

something as an attempt of validation.

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Example: I wanted to take HUMMS, but all my friends will take STEM,
therefore, I will take STEM.

10. Appeal to Emotion-It is manipulating an emotional response in place of a valid or

compelling argument.
Example: I remember my grandmother told me that if I will let rice fall on
the table while eating, the rice will cry, so I shouldn’t let these rice fall on the table
while eating.
Arguments as we have discussed in the previous module is the attempt to prove a
point using evidence and reasoning.
Evidence is the concrete facts used to support a claim. Ideally, evidence is something
everyone agrees on, or something that anyone could, with sufficient training and
equipment, verify for themselves.
Evidence is one of the two basic ingredients of argument (the other is reasoning), and
so a great deal of effort goes into ensuring its quality, and challenging the quality of
evidence in arguments we disagree with.
What is Factual Evidence?
Factual evidence is very convincing in argumentative essay. The three types of factual
evidence are:
1. Facts- are the things that we know to be true like personal experiences or
observations and interviews, which provide empirical or statistical information.
These should come from a credible source.
2. Empirical Evidence- are data that have been observed and tested. E.g.
experiential data- these are scientific research and testing
3. Statistical Information- These are data gathered, sorted, analyzed, interpreted,
and presented by scientists.

Lesson 3: Writing a Position Paper

Write various kinds of position papers
Essential Features of a Position Paper
In writing a position paper, it is important to put into consideration the reasonability and
credibility of an argument. To achieve this end, the essential features and
characteristics of a position must be observed, and they are the following:
• A well-defined or controversial issue;
• A clear position on the issue;
• A convincing argument; and
• A reasonable tone.

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Bringing back the topics from the previous lessons about position papers, they explain
how you are going to defend a side of an issue. Mainly, your position must consist of
arguments and claims founded by strong shreds of evidence from credible sources. So,
what are these credible sources?
Credible Sources
Credible sources are crucial in making the position paper more persuasive, and most of
these are the following:
• Bills and laws
• Declarations from government and international non-government
organizations, such as the United Nations, WHO, etc.
• Books, entries from encyclopedias and dictionaries.
• Scholarly articles from academic journals, articles from reputable
newspapers, and magazines
• Reputable television programs; and other news media sources
• Personal interviews from experts and resource informants
Importance of Position Papers
• Give a critical examination with the use of facts, evidence, and reasoning,
which addresses both the strengths and weaknesses of the writer’s point.
• Support an issue with a solid foundation of an argument, strong evidence,
and proofs.
• Discuss the rationale and author’s side of an issue.
The Position Paper Format
Writing a position paper is a bit tough as it may seem especially to novice writers.
However, with preparation, research, and taking into consideration its important parts;
you will find that writing a position paper is easier and manageable. The position paper
has several parts:
1. The Argumentative Thesis or Argument, is an assertion or issue that is
developed into an argumentative thesis that states the stand of the author on the

Example: The establishment of condominiums near universities should be

prohibited because of the risks it poses to public safety and environment.

2. The Claim are statements that support the author’s stand. In the above example,
written in bold cites risks to public safety and the environment is the claim that
strengthens a stand.

3. The evidence, are proofs to strengthen the author’s claims, this can be any of the

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• Facts and statistics; surveys, library research and experiments
• Interviews with experts and informants who have direct experience about
the problem or issue
• Perceived philosophical, socio-political, or psychological truths.
How to Build a Position Paper
Now, let us write your first draft, get an extra paper, and follow the steps below. Always
refer to the previous lessons for key concepts in crafting a position paper.
1. Do research about any issue you find interesting or controversial.
2. Brainstorm with anyone who may have an opinion and stand about the issue or
topic you have chosen.
3. Crafting the main issue or problem:
4. Write the claims and assertions you would like to include in your position paper:
5. Prepare your argumentative thesis by combining 3 and 4; the issue and claims,
into one complex sentence.
6. Now, utilize the three elements: assertions or claims, evidence, and explanation
making your reasoning valid, clear, and understandable in every point. Refer to
previous lessons about these terms.
7. In writing paragraphs, always consider the parts of writing a good paragraph, the
proper introduction, body, and conclusion that you already have learned on the
previous lessons, and integrate it with a position paper specific features and
 Introduction write the background of the issue and argumentative thesis
 Body, the claims should be developed from topic sentences and must be
supported with credible evidence. Make sure you always refer back to the
previous discussions.
 The Conclusion is composed of a summary of the major claim and a
restatement of your thesis statement.

Lesson 4: Objectives and Structures of Various Kinds of Reports

In this lesson, you will learn how to determine the objectives and structures of various
kinds of reports.
What are Reports?
Reports communicate information that has been compiled as a result of research and
analysis of data and of issues. Reports can cover a wide range of topics, but usually
focus on transmitting information with a clear purpose, to a specific audience.
What are the Kinds and Objectives of Reports?
Business report discipline with an applied focus such as Engineering, Information
Technology, Commerce, Accounting and Finance, will set report writing assignments

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that simulate the process of report writing in industry. Assignments are set in the form of
a problem or a case study. The students research the problem, and present the results
of the research in a report format to an imaginary client.
The purpose of a business report is to provide critical analysis of how the business is
tracking in all areas of the organization. Business reports are important tools to guide
decision-making and to allow business owners and senior managers the opportunity to
investigate and solve any identified issues.
Technical report is a formal report designed to convey technical information in a clear
and easily accessible format. It is divided into sections which allow different readers to
access different levels of information.
The purpose of technical reports is used to communicate information to customers,
colleagues and managers, and they are used to document the equipment and
procedures used in testing or research and the results obtained so that the work can be
repeated if necessary or built upon.
Field report is common in disciplines such as Law, Industrial Relations, Psychology,
Nursing, History and Education. These types of reports require the student to analyze
his or her observations of phenomena or events in the real world in light of theories
studied in the course. Examples of field reports are a Court observation report, an
observation report of a child or a patient for Developmental psychology or Nursing, a
History site report, and a teaching observation report for Education.
The purpose of a field report in the social sciences is to describe the observation of
people, places, and/or events and to analyze that observation data in order to identify
and categorize common themes in relation to the research problem underpinning the
Scientific report (also called laboratory reports) is another kind of report. They are
common in all the Sciences and Social Sciences. These reports use a standard
scientific report format describing methods, results and conclusions to report upon an
empirical investigation.
The purpose of a science report is to clearly communicate your key message about why
your scientific findings are meaningful. In order to do this, you need to explain why you
are testing a hypothesis, what methodology you used, what you found, and why your
findings are meaningful.
What is the structure of Reports?
I. Introduction - Introductions need to logically justify, using the relevant literature,
the reason for doing the experiment.
II. Body section - The body of a science report contains the bulk of the information
and writing.

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III. Discussion - The discussion is an important section of your report and is often the
most challenging to write. This is where you present the analysis of what your
findings mean. (The final paragraph of your discussion is the conclusion)
I. Introduction - The introduction should describe the research problem, the specific
objectives of your research, and the important theories or concepts underpinning
your field study. The introduction should describe the nature of the organization
or setting where you are conducting the observation, what type of observations
you have conducted, what your focus was, when you observed, and the methods
you used for collecting the data.
II. Description of Activities - Your readers only knowledge and understanding of
what happened will come from the description section of your report because
they were not witnesses to the situation, people, or events that you are writing
III. Interpretation and Analysis - Always place the analysis and interpretations of your
field observations within the larger context of the theoretical assumptions and
issues you described in the introduction. NOTE: Only base your interpretations
on what you have actually observed. Do not speculate or manipulate your
observational data to fit into your study's theoretical framework.
IV. Conclusion and Recommendations - The conclusion should briefly recap of the
entire study, reiterating the importance or significance of your observations
Appendix - This is where you would place information that is not essential to
explaining your findings, but that supports your analysis [especially repetitive or
lengthy information], that validates your conclusions, or that contextualizes a related
point that helps the reader understand the overall report
References - List all sources that you consulted and obtained information from while
writing your field report.
I. Title Page - Every business report has a title page to tell the reader what they’re
about to read, who it was written by, and when it is was written.
II. Executive Summary - The executive summary includes the topic, an overview of
the data obtained, and any recommendations based on the study. This shortened
version of the report is helpful for busy managers or executives who may not
have time to read the entire document, but want the gist of the information.
III. Table of Contents - This section is vital for lengthier reports as it lists the sections
and any subheads and the page location of those sections and subheads.
IV. Introduction - The introduction highlights the topics that the report will dig into. It
will state what data was collected and why, and the overall purpose of the report.
V. Body - In the body of the report is the meaty part. The body text is where the
details go when it comes to the purpose of the report and any data supplied. A

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report with a great deal of information and multiple data sets will have subheads.
Pictures should have captions. Supporting data can be displayed in tables,
charts, or graphs which will all have titles, but they will all appear here in the body
VI. Conclusion - Very simply, the conclusion will summarize the body section of the
VII. Recommendations - If the findings of the report justify an argument, answer a
question, or require action, the recommendation section is the place to disclose
what to do next.
References - This section tells the reader where they can find additional information if
it is needed.
Appendices - If there is an additional documentation to be included with a report—
financial data, a glossary, or interview transcripts—it would be relegated to the end of
the document in the appendix.
I. Title page - Technical reports usually require a title page. To know what to
include, follow the conventions required in your subject.
II. Table of Contents help your reader quickly and easily find what they are looking
for by using informative headings and careful numbering of your sections and
III. Introduction provides context for the problem being addressed, discusses
relevant previous research, and states your aim or hypothesis.
IV. Body is structured according to the needs of your reader and the nature of the
project. The writer decides how to structure it and what to include. Ask yourself
the following questions:
What does the reader need to know first?
What is the most logical way to develop the story of the project?
V. Tables and Figures - Technical reports include a mixture of text, tables, figures
and formulae. Consider how you can present the information best for your
VI. Conclusion your conclusion should mirror your introduction. Be sure to:
 Refer to your aims
 Summarize your key findings, and
 State your major outcomes and highlight their significance
VII. Recommendations if your technical report includes recommendations for action.
You could choose to report these as a bullet point list. When giving an answer to
your problem, be sure to include any limitations to your findings.
VIII.Summary (or abstract) should include a brief overview of your investigation,
outcomes and recommendations. It must include all the key information your
reader needs to decide, without them having to read your full report. Don’t treat
your summary as an introduction; it should act as a stand-alone document.

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References - Acknowledge all the information and ideas you’ve incorporated from other
sources into your paper using a consistent referencing style. This includes data, tables
and figures.
Appendices - if you have data that is too detailed or lengthy to include in the report
itself, include it in the appendix. Your reader can then choose to refer to it if they are
interested. Label your appendix with a number or a letter, a title, and refer to it the text.

Lesson 5: Designing a Survey Questionnaire

In this lesson, you will learn how to design, test, and revise survey questionnaires
Designing a Survey Questionnaire
The design or structure of survey questionnaires is the bloodstream of the survey itself;
it is your tool to achieve a successful collection of relevant data. “Questionnaire design
is more of an art than a science”, the appearance matters. The design of a
questionnaire will depend on whether the researcher wishes to collect qualitative or
quantitative information.
A well-designed survey questionnaire is important; so, using the appropriate format of
items or questions in a survey could accurately measure the opinions, experiences, and
behaviors of the public. Creating good measures involves both writing good questions
and organizing them to form the survey questionnaire suitable for the type of information
we need:
1. Qualitative Information is when the data to be collected is NOT to be statistically
evaluated or for full exploration using open-ended questions.
2. Quantitative Information is when the researcher is looking to test and quantify
hypotheses and the data is to be analyzed statistically. It uses a more formal and
standardized questionnaire design, utilizing more of closed-ended questions.
Steps in the Development of a Survey Questionnaire:
1. Decide the information required.
2. Define the target respondents.
3. Choose the method(s) of reaching your target respondents.
4. Decide on question content.
5. Develop the question-wording.
6. Put questions into a meaningful order and format.
7. Check the length of the questionnaire.
8. Pre-test the questionnaire.
9. Develop the final survey form.
Forming Survey Questionnaire Items

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Below are the commonly used survey questionnaire items:
1. Open-ended items allow participants to answer in whatever way they choose. It
has no response options, so these items are easier to write. However,
participants may find this difficult for they take more time and effort with
wordings, likewise for the researcher, the decoding and analysis would also be
demanding and challenging. The advantage is that they are unbiased and with
fewer expectations of expected responses.
2. Closed-ended items ask a question and provide a set of response options for
participants to choose from and are used when researchers have a good idea of
the different responses that participants might make. These items are more
difficult to write because they must include an appropriate set of response
options. However, they are quick and easy for participants to complete. They are
also much easier for researchers to analyze because the responses can be
easily converted to numbers and entered into a spreadsheet. For these reasons,
closed-ended items are much more common.
3. Likert Scale is the most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey
research, it functions as a rating scale, and is commonly used for quantitative
variables. It is an ordered set of responses that participants must choose from.
In addition, a rough guideline for writing questionnaire items is provided by the BRUSO
model (Peterson, 2000).
 Brief and to the point. This brevity makes it easier for respondents to understand
and faster for them to complete.
 Relevant to the research question. If a respondent’s sexual orientation is not
relevant, then it could be omitted.
 Unambiguous; they can be interpreted in only one way. Effective questionnaire
items are also specific so that it is clear to respondents what their response
should be about.
 Objective in the sense that they do not reveal the researcher’s own opinions or
lead participants to answer in a particular way.
Testing and Revising Questionnaire Items
After designing your survey questionnaire, you will have to check and review them for
any revisions needed before the final reproduction of the survey form. Why do you think
a respondent may not able to answer a question easily?
Testing your questionnaire will help you address ambiguity and confusion in your
questionnaire. Find 5-10 people from your target group to pretest your questionnaire.
Pretesting is useful as participants can share interpretations and suggestions with the
researcher. A careful review of the information generated will help you address your
evaluation questions.

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Furthermore, after testing your questionnaire by the use of pre-test of pre-selected
participants, you can now make necessary adjustments and revisions in the survey
Review for Revisions comes with an assessment of the information provided in
addressing your evaluation questions. Response patterns to individual questions such
as poor and incomplete responses can suggest needed improvements.
In revising, you have to test the efficiency of the questionnaire, close read the following
checklist that will serve as your guide.
• Each question is concise and simple.
• Do not contain highly technical terms like acronyms and jargon. (Depends
on context, the use of highly technical terms like acronyms and jargons for
a specialized field is clearly explained)
• Questions are grouped together according to the topic.
• The directions on how to answer are placed before the questions.
• The rating scale is written before the line of questions.
• Sensitive questions are at the end of the questionnaire.

Lesson 6: Conducting Surveys, Experiments and Observations

In this lesson, you will learn how to conduct surveys, experiments or observations.
Survey is a research method used for collecting data from a predefined group of
respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest. What about
experiments? And observations?
Merriam Webster dictionary defines experiment as an operation or procedure carried
out under controlled conditions in order to discover an unknown effect or law, to test or
establish a hypothesis, or to illustrate a known law. If you would recall our reading
activity, Ivan Pavlov did an experiment using canine dogs as subject because he
wanted to prove something.
Observation it consists of receiving knowledge of the outside world through our
senses, or recording information using scientific tools and instruments. Any data
recorded during an experiment can be called an observation. In other words,
experiment and observation go together.
The Scientific Process
A scientific process or scientific method requires observations of nature and formulating
and testing the hypothesis. It consists of the following steps.
1. Observe something and ask questions about a natural phenomenon (scientific
2. Make your hypothesis

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3. Make predictions about logical consequences of the hypothesis
4. Test your predictions by controlled experiment, a natural experiment, an
observational study or a field experiment.
5. Create your conclusion on the basis of data or information gathered in your
So How Does It Work?
• Make notes as you answer these questions
• Who are the subjects? What do they look like? What are they doing?
• Are the subjects interacting with each other? How?
• What is the environment like?
• Is the environment affecting behavior?
To make an observation, you must look closely and notice details.
Now develop a question about what you see going on…
• Ask how, what, when, where, and why
• Be sure that the question can be answered with an experiment
Forming a Hypothesis
• After you have asked the question, give a possible answer
• Try to explain what was observed
• This is called forming a "hypothesis"

Lesson 7: Gathering Information from Survey, Experiment, and Observation

In this lesson, you will learn how to gather information from surveys, experiments, or
Gathering of Information
Different courses require varying procedures when it comes to the gathering and
handling of data. Not all tools are effective for your paper. For example, the type of
information gathering tool acceptable for a scientific study is not the same as what
works for business pursuits. Therefore, you must analyze the needs of your topic or
study before selecting a procedure or tool to use.
Gathering of information (will also be termed information gathering on this module) is
the act or process of acquiring information. There are different ways to gather
information such as surveys, interviews, documentation review, observation, focus
groups, case studies, and experiments.
Information Gathering Tools

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1. Surveys are structured questionnaires that are typically designed to gather
quantitative and qualitative information through close-ended, open-ended, and
Likert. They can be administered through in-mail or online, in-person, or even by

Benefits of Surveys
• Helpful in collecting standardized data from a large group of people
• Can be fairly easily summarized with frequencies and means; data can be
visually displayed
• Facilitates comparisons between subgroups; if a good sample can be
generalized to a larger population
• The practical way to gather data from targeted groups in a wide variety of
ways and formats
2. Experiments is used to gather information in which a researcher change some
variables and observe their effect on other variables. The variables that you
manipulate are referred to as independent while the variables that change as a
result of manipulation are dependent variables.

Benefits of Experiments
• Explore causal relationships that an observational study cannot
• Required to different fields like in the field of sociology, psychology, and
• Presents the processes and results
• Verifies concepts, ideas, and theories

3. Observation. The data gathering procedure for qualitative research applies the
sensory organs such as the eyes to see what is going on, ears to hear the things
going on, and the ears to smell. Observers should be aware of their own
personal expectations, values, and interests in the situation they are observing.
Notes taken are as descriptive as possible and include people’s behaviors and
words, the physical environment, and the evaluator’s own behaviors and
impressions. The method helps the researcher to avoid bias in what people say.

Benefits of Observation
• Obtain primary information as they are happening, rather than relying on
second-hand information.
• Access to and familiarity with the study, project, program, activities, and
the like.
• Promote a better understanding from an abstract concept into tangible
skills through immersion.
• Utilize qualitative data, as well as quantitative data if checklists are used
for recording relevant information.

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Lesson 8: Summarizing Findings and Executing Reports
In this lesson, you will learn how to summarize findings and execute the report through
narrative and visual/graphic forms.
What is summary?
The Oxford Dictionary defines summary as a brief statement or account of the main
points of something. A summary begins with an introductory sentence that states the
text’s title, author and main point of the text as you see it. It is written in your own words.
It contains only the ideas of the original text. Do not insert any of your own opinions,
interpretations, deductions or comments into a summary.
How to Write Summary of Findings?
One of the most important components of a report is the “Results and Discussion”
section, also called the “Findings” report. This portion of your paper summarizes main
points but also provides interpretations of your observations or data.
Begin your Findings report with a brief summary of your experiment’s results. You
already went into detail on the experiment’s procedure and data you collected, so this
summary serves as a reminder to the reader. Use this space to mention the highlights
of your results. Do not attempt to interpret your results, but rather present information
objectively and informatively. This part of the Findings report should be no longer than
one or two paragraphs.
What is a narrative report?
A narrative report presents things or events that has happened in the past through a
logical progression of the relevant information. The main purpose of a narrative report is
to present a factual depiction of what has occurred.
This report adheres and focuses on the five W questions — Who? Where? When?
What? And Why? Since this report is used as evidence, those questions are addressed
and answered along with the evidence necessary to prove such answers. Each
question must be comprehensively answered and even the smallest details should be
provided. In addition, the assumptions made on the report must be based on verified
facts or evidence.
Contents of a Narrative Report
1. Introduction - The introduction of your narrative report must provide a short
description of the report topic. This is the first section of the report that needs a
thesis-like general statement to convey what the rest of the report is going to talk
about. Just like in any writing piece, the introduction should be able to briefly but
still accurately state the main point the report is trying to make.
2. Knowledge or Learning Acquired - This section of the report contains all the
relevant information to your main topic. In the given example above, you can

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write about what you have learned through the entire term in this section. You
can talk about anything that you have actually learned however it must be
presented in a nonfiction format. Since the narrative report is solely based on
facts, the information you should include must be truthful as well.
3. Observations - In this section, the things you have observed and the things you
have learned through observation is stated. This is basically the art where you
recount all of your observations during the period the topic of your report
occurred. This can be lengthy or short depending on the amount and depth of the
observations you want to expound on. Most of the time, this can be based on a
person or activity you have observed and learned from.
4. Recommendations - In the recommendations section, you focus on concluding
what has been discussed in the previous sections. This section can also be used
to express what can be done to improve certain activities or events you have
attended. Say for example, a narrative report can be done on a seminar you
have attended and this section can state how better-quality hand-out could help
the audience understand the topic more or other changes to improve your
learning experience.
Report Using Visual/Graphic Forms
According to Jennifer Lombardo, “Textual and visual graphics can aid in visually
presenting data to a business audience. You must first identify the type of data you will
be presenting and then decide whether it is details, patterns or relationships being
Below are examples of some of the commonly used visual/graphic aids and when to
use them.
 Table is useful when many specific values need to be accessible (e.g.,
comparing trial runs, displaying measured speeds or mass).
 Bar graph are typically useful in cases when the independent variable is a
category (or rank) and the dependent variable is numerical (e.g., showing
number units sold in the last 4 quarters, enrollment numbers for classes).
 Line graph are often used in situations where there is a mathematical relationship
between X and Y, such as graphing equations. In other contexts, they might be
used to visualize trends (past and/or predictive) and other dependent
 Pie chart can be useful when you are trying to group items or populations by
percent, into five or fewer categories (e.g., categorize a city’s age
demographics). Percent values should be labeled.

Lesson 9: Writing Reports

In this lesson, you will learn how to write various reports.

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The keys to writing good reports like identifying the audience and purpose;
understanding how the good organization of your report helps the reader find the
information they want. The ability to write good reports will stay with you. Good report
writing principles of writing informatively for a specific audience and purpose will help
you communicate well in whichever career you choose.
Sections of a Report
Though there had been a standard structure of a specific kind of report, expectations
can be different from one report to the next, even within the same subject. So, the truth
is there is no set formula for writing a report – every report is different. Each one
depends on what the purpose is, who you are writing for and the kind of research that
you are reporting. Furthermore, there are essential sections common across the
different kinds of reports.
Unlike essays, reports have formal structures. When writing an essay, you need to
place your information to make a strong argument. When writing a report, you need to
place your information in the appropriate section. These sections communicate
information or ideas to the reader, close read the following to learn what each section
should contain:
Does it provide a very brief overview of Abstract
the entire research and findings?
Does it provide the background to your Introduction or
research? Literature Survey
Does it describe the types of activity you Methods
used to collect evidence?
Does it present factual data? Results
Does it place evidence in the context of Discussion
the background?
Does it make recommendations for Conclusion
Writing concisely and clearly takes time. You have to work out exactly what your
audience wants to know in order to make sure you are writing relevant information. So
how can you make sure your report does what it’s meant to do, and does it well? Below
are some tips for writing better reports.
Checklist for a Well-written Report
1. Check which sections your report should have - Reports for different disciplines
will require different sections: for instance, a business report may need a
separate recommendations section but no methods section. Be clear about
which piece of information goes in which section.
2. Focus on scope and relevance - Reports tell the reader what was done and
covered; so, limit and know your scope, include only relevant material in your
background and discussion.

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3. Consider your audience - Pay special attention to who your projected reader is
and what they want from the report.
4. Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately - Keep your expression clear and
simple. If the purpose of a report is to inform, it won't be achieving that purpose if
the reader is confused by complicated phrases and jargon.
5. Spend more time on your discussion section – Present the whole piece together
by showing how your findings and methods relate to the purpose; make sure that
all the issues raised in your discussion.
6. Proofread carefully – Do your final proof reading, check for grammar, spelling,
and punctuations, so you can make revisions before submitting your final copy.

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