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Source of Law

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a-6Write a hote n Sour(es ot |ano

MTtrdne tion!
The terh Source of law is a frequeut
vicHm o4 Confuaion because the term ib Capalol e
Of haviy more than Qne
1hw, the que hion of Source
Source o lawis a
Qne aspect Gereral Study 04 the vli dihy
Sometimes the tcr m is Use in the
Serie of the Savereg n or the state tro m which
lAw derives its force
SomeHimes ,it is used to denote the matteY
Of which lawis Compo sed. There to ve follouoing are
two maln Sources o \a
0 Formad SourceS Materia Sourees.
) forma Sourees!
A form al law iis defineJ
by Salmonel s thut fom which la 0f tde derives
+ s for(e or vaidi ty 1he -forml Source of lao is
te will o the State
Ths i+ i5 that from which the awthoriky
04 law proceeds.

i) aateria Source!
The materiçu Sources of law
are those fTom which a mater of law is clerived.
Mnteri Sour(es
0 Histori Cal Sourees
Lega. Sources

) Histo rica Sources! Souree

Historica Sou re es oare
turueo iuto legd princtples
where rues
r e Subsegulutty
tative foyn
i n un a thoi
Where 1 4o be founel
e.9. Relaion, morali ete

ilesa Source' those whi are the

Sour(es are
Stute.by which leA rwes
instrumeuts of
Createl G Le's lati'on, Cnst0 ms ett
O Chs to ms Aeee- Precelet

Sourees o f aw
Cws to m Souree of a
Code o Conduet
that has the ezpress approal of tthe Commkwty
that obseves, it, iu pri mitiveSocieHes,
there wene nonstutions tthat ated as
Qnthority Over the. people.
This led to people Gria organising
themselves to form Cohesive aroue s in 0rder
to mad tan foirness, eanallty, amd liblrty
TheyStarted devlopiny'res witth Coordinet
-ed e torts to make decisios .
They erentna Starteal re cognising
the traditions omd rital's prar t'sed by the
Commnity roti ad torm e a
SStematisea form F Social reqwtion.
e uisit es
OResonability AntHauby Certouiw?


Couformitywith statutes. autisukky ín fracHe

)Reas0habi lity'
The egSental o4 a vli Csto mi5
theut i t must be rensonable. 1+ muAt be cd P
a couv uiet to society
ay parhy
IE aay challeyes a (usto m i+ megt
parhy chaleges
Satisy he court thet he (ustom is S unreasouable.
To be rensonable a ( w to m

In ovder to be leqully vel' luttoms

shod hawe been in eeis hence tor a long time
fven beyel hwman memory

) (erta w'
The elemft o4 Certa'uby e vincek
the eeis teuce of a & Chstom. therfore a Cus to
Canno4 be svd to be in fxistece fróm tth e
4mei mmemori al wntess its(ertajty
Co ntnuty is preved heyed doubt
ACustom do be leaoly reognice a avali
Cns tommut be Obsrved as 6{ riqlet.

v) Con fo rnity with statute'

In Order to loe va'l,
Co mformity with statwtony
hanel d don.
leged Systeus
A rwle thet aCus to m Cau be
a brogted by a (aw passed by the les1eture

Continuity in fractiee'.
) the Cus to m
Not ouy
immemorial b t
must be practised for ime th outiwerrupb'o u.
also be
be ct'sed wi
j+ show d public poliey.
not be in Oppo sitioy to
ahere to tte publie
The (usto
policy 0t the

2 L slat'on as a
lenislat'on retene to the the govemmut
Orqan of
emaeteal by the leey'slatve Sounce otlau.
st important
in juris prndue derived fnom the
Tthe Ord lesisation ls
wOrde_is aud latu, whre lesis
am atum means makina
lets discus Hhe types of leg's latio.
i) zewhive le'slation'
This is a form of Sbordia
leao'slaton where the eeeCutive iS qmanted
- Ae
0r Conferred (ertaln rue makiug powedthe
imeutios ot
0 rder to Carry ow the
i) colonial leslaton .
mamy territyies across
colouised by Srita anel suel
the alo lbe ere
territorie were Call eel Colonies.
The lesslation palsed b the legislatune
the Brsh Pariiament.

i)Tnicial legislakion also have a role iy

enactiy laws that aid in reawating tthe iternal
Iu (erta n Cases legi'slation power has adso
Courte are
beeu qiv en to (ndrciary. The SuperioY
regwat0n ot their
alloweal to o ake es for the
a true form of 1epslatió
but it i5 a Subordinate legis lation
iv)unicipa leais lation'
TMunidpad Cuthoriies ae
entryed ith th e p0 wer o4 establishiy sp ecicl
lawfoy thedishricts neer the'r outrol
These Cre Som eimes Caled loy law
Municipu authori Hes al so posses Hhe lav. makiua
they enaet bye laws.

Autono mous lenslation'

SomeHmes the state alows
private persous like Universite , tuil way Cowpanmy
ert. to make lby laws ohich are recognized ams
en forces by lauw Courts. Snch legslation is usually
Cal e awtthon o mos . e.g. A University may male
rwes for the qovernmed, ot its mem bers.

Precedet as a Source of a '

Jud'eial prec edets are a
important Sour(e of law. 1hey have emjyo
euiyO ed high
anthori at a Hmes ano in au Countries.
especialy in the Countries ike Cula


On Otcome oF Caselano
u case la. Tte
Oreced e t is clso calel
eat is pely iwy cuth a hiah
why preceal decide jtit arc
the jnolqes who
Posi'on is tha high positio n iu the
brilliat and huvimy a very perts in ther liue.
Couwtry and they ConsH4uhi ve au
A precealent ispurely
im no deree abrogatve.
thet a judiial decis ion
This mcans
Can make a law b t r e o4 la w. +
Where tthere s a Seed
he nda es to follow the same
is Hhe duty o
fmelamete funetion islimited to
vacancies of the lea a
a systeuy
Supply the

) Conc lusion i
The Comclde Sour(es of la
|urisprndemce Cau be classieied Qnthe basis
OE SeVEral aronds. Bt the most hotble
CommonClassiication d'vides it iwto
leaslaion, preceale t anal Custom.
prereleut refed to the previowe {mdica
decisiong. The leslatibn teter to tthe Stadutony
Twes enácted by the leslate
Cstoms relene to Hhe age.old prnçHKes
Co mmuwity thut hos Solictied s
pre semie becom es te

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