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6FT6 Method 1

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You see, it’s a well known fact that being short can
disadvantage your life in many ways. You’ll get less
women, be less elite at sports such as basketball, and
EVEN suffer consequences in your work life. In short,
people don’t place the same importance on you if
you’re short.

But fear not, you’re not going to always be like this. And
if you’re already fairly tall, you're at an even better
starting point. I myself suffered from shortness all
through my teenage years, and my main reason for
creating this guide is to help you guys out. From 5”9 at
the age of 18, to 6”6 at the age of 25, my story serves
as a reminder of just how possible it is to grow taller.

But I need you to keep a promise. If you

want to see similar results to me, and the
other students who’ve grown over 5
inches after using this method, you must
dedicate yourself. This means critically
following every-single step there is in this
guide. If just one step isn’t implemented,
success may not follow. All these growth
factors are linked, and you’ll learn about
this as you come to read my guide.

And there’ll be a number of supplements and nutritional

products that you’ll definitely need to grow. It’s vital that
you opt for these particular ones, and not any other
brands. Reason being, these supplements have been
tested by my students, and have a 100% success rate with
them - if you go for any random supplements on
Amazon, don’t expect results anywhere as good as the
ones experienced from the supplements listed in our

The saying goes “you pay for our knowledge”. And our
knowledge of nutrition and supplements is trusted, so
don’t go buying any odd supplement brand - it could
seriously affect your results.

Before we get into the first method, I’ve saved you time
and made this eBook easily digestible for you guys. This
means you can start your routine as soon as possible.
#1: hormone

HGH is the main hormone from the body that results in

bone growth. There are several others like IGF-1 and
Testosterone that also control growth. We’ll be covering
methods which aren’t available anywhere else, on how to
boost your HGH levels and experience growth. It’s known
that it teens, HGH is extremely high as they go through
puberty. You can experience growth after puberty, but the
method is covered later on, and isn’t so much to do with

Now, you can get HGH from the Doctor, but injections are
unsafe and only prescribed for people with extreme
growth disabilities. It’s also extremely artificial and
expensive, so is impractical in a health and price sense.
Don’t worry though, our blueprint will teach you how to
NATURALLY have a huge HGH boost.
1.1 (This means part one of chapter These supplements are cost
one). Here we’re gonna cover the best effective, and mean you don’t have
supplements to boost Growth. to go shelling-out loads of money on
Supplements are BY-FAR the best way growing taller. There’s 2 in total that
to boost HGH, and bone growth as they help boost essential hormones and
provide us with essential vitamins and processes for growth. They’ve also
nutrients that can’t be gained naturally worked wonders for our past
through food-sources. students.

1 - VITAMIN D3 & K2
Vitamin D3 is actually not a Vitamin at ALL. It’s a steroid hormone that regulates
1,000 human genes!

The University of Geneve, Italy found that Vitamin D is highly related to bone-
growth. And later it became clear that it also enables production of HGH levels.

Add to the fact that Vitamin D3 also increases testosterone, and you have an all
in-in-one supplement.
1. VITAMIN D3 + K2
Vitamin D3 is actually not a Vitamin at ALL. It’s a steroid hormone that regulates 1,000
human genes!

The University of Geneve, Italy found that Vitamin D is highly related to bone-growth.
And later it became clear that it also enables production of HGH levels.

Add to the fact that Vitamin D3 also increases testosterone, and you have an all in-in-
one supplement.

Boost your facial
bone development
Increase testosterone
Increase HGH and
shin bone production

...Now, Vitamin K2 essentially performs a BONUS function which’ll really help you guys out
here. It’s unrelated to height, but another golden nugget.

K2 increases bone growth in the jaw, increasing your gonial angle and width of your jaw.
Basically, it aids the development of a masculine jawline.

Now, as promised I’ve linked this first VITAL supplement. You can get it here, and I
recommend getting it right now, as it’s a popular option for my students - and regularly
out of stock.

This is a blend of both, so you get to save the cost by having 2-in-1. It’s genius!


By now you may be wondering which out of
these supplements you should take?

It’s best to not go for both 2 at once.

Start with one type of supplement, which

most appeals to your needs...

Then add an extra one into the mix a few

months later to see further results!


Our most successful students use both
supplements, but in the beginning this
is not recommended.

It’s best to see which one will be best

for YOU
Aromatase is an enzyme in your body that produces estrogen. Estrogen has been proven
to make your growth plates close faster, though!

So the question here is how do we lower estrogen, and override these levels with

If you wanna reduce chances of estrogen production, you can reduce body fat, intake
minimal soy products, as well as these reducing intake of these foods.

This is a VITAL factor. One of our students who was

obese came to us, and we helped him lose weight.
Once he’d lost weight and started boosting IF YOU WANNA:
testosterone with the EXACT supplement we’ve kindly Boost your overall
linked here for you, he saw some impressive height performance and
increases! masculine
Once growth plates are closed, you’re generally unable Grow body hair faster
to grow - that is, if you don’t read the 6FT6 Method. So, if Stop growth plate
you’re sure they’ve closed: we’ve got a method later on closure so you can
in this book to explain how to re-open them! grow for longer

This supplement is a combination of NATURAL herbs that have been proven to

increase testosterone. A blend if you like! You’ve got Horny Goat Weed, Zinc,
Hawthorn Berries and other 100% natural sources included in the blend.

Combine this supplement with one of the 2 HGH boosters we’ve covered so far,
and you’ll see CRAZY growth results. The HGH booster is increasing the hormone
production, and Testosterone Booster stops the Growth Plates closing! WEorking
hand in hand!


In conclusion, we’ve discussed supplements that both
boost HGH production, and bone growth. Both slightly
differ, but again, growth is all hand in hand. Ensure you
get AT LEAST one of these supplements from our kindly
recommended brands. This is your first step to growing

So you’ve got the supplement now! It’s time to move on to

the next chapter. STEP ONE is complete! In this chapter, we’ll
explore the wonderful habits that can increase our growth
potential. These include: bone remodelling, fracturing, heat
exposure, and special excercise routines + MORE...
#2: our secret
So STEP ONE is complete. You’ve ordered your supplement
of choice! It’s time to get started with the routine! When
we talk about bone fracturing we consider Wolf’s Law.

As horrible as bone fracturing sounds, these fractures are

actually micro-fractures, so invisible to the naked eye,
and it’s nothing like breaking bones. This law follows a
similar concept to muscle growth, where fibres are
damaged, then repair themselves to grow.

19th Century Julius Wolff discovered that these structures

inside the bone can be put under stress, and grow back
stronger or longer, to increase bone density and size.

So following this evidence we’ve considered and

optimised a plan that’ll be effective for you guys!
#2.2: WOLF’S
This is the first one out of our MANY exclusive methods. So
here’s how you’ll do it.

STEP 2) There’s a few

STEP 1) Ensure that you’re
parts to this
currently supplementing AT
routine. This
LEAST ONE of our
includes a sprinting
recommendations for chapter
protocol, swimming
protocol and cycling
protocol. These 3
activities, although
STEP 3) Sprinting. For optimal they sound normal:
gains you’ve gotta do 8X200m are indeed anabolic
Sprints. Try to do this once a for your growth!
week, and see how your HGH
increases. Moreover, apply
STEP 4) Swimming.
weight on your back when
Swim once in a while,
sprinting, or ankle weights.
when you do, you’ve
This will lead to micro-
gotta ensure full arm
fractures. Start with minimal
activation and leg
weights such as 1KG.
activation, also
weight yourself down
STEP 5) Ensure you cycle once a with something to
week, when you do that your apply pressure on the
gears are high, and that you’re bone. Do this for an
training uphill. This will HOUR a week + combine
force limb extension and prompt a sauna visit to
micro-fractures. boost HGH by 200%.
Here’s one of our members, Josh, talking about his
experiences with the Wolf’s Law method. You’ll learn some
extras from him, as he can tell you exactly how it went -
and provide you some GREAT motivation to start!
#2.4: MIKE’S
Mike, our senior Growth Expert has pioneered this method for
you. Here’s how you grow at LEAST +3cm with FOOD alone.

1) Glucosamine is an essential 4) Avoiding estrogen

vitamin that can be gained from foods and combining
Shellfish, but it’s more the Testosterone
efficient to gain it from this Booster blend is the
supplement here! It helps you BEST decision to
maintain your height throughout maximise your growth.
the day and avoid spinal This stops the
compression! process of
aromatisation, which
2) Protein: more specifically closes growth plates
amino acids, are building early! (Before 25)
blocks! You’ve gotta gain high-
quality protein from Grass Fed
sources such as Steak and Eggs,
5) Glutamine and
and this intake of protein will
Vitamin D3/K2 are
lead to increased production in
essentials for bone
height hormone IGF-1,
growth and promoting
responsible for bone growth!
HGH/IGF-1 release,
gain these most
3) Zinc and Magnesium. Aid a notably from high-
healthy sleep schedule for quality Grass-Fed
optimal HGH release during your eggs, and nuts/beans,
hours of sleep. Get this better as well as peanuts
from the ALL-IN-ONE supplement and asparagus!
here! (contains both)
#2.5: HEAT
+ hormones method
Believe it or not, heat, hormones and sleep are all related!

STEP 2) HGH is
STEP 1) We’ve discussed the
released during the
sauna earlier! Actually going
midnight hours of 10-
into the sauna for 30 mins a
12PM, as studies have
day can increase HGH by 500%,
shown. Not only is it
so do this twice a week!
important to sleep 9-
11 hours, but it’s
also important to
STEP 3) Fasting. I don’t mean follow the Circadian
going to the extreme and Rhythm for sleep
fasting for days on end, what I patterns.
mean is even the simplest
fasting plan can DRAMATICALLY
STEP 4) Swimming.
increase HGH. Ensure to space
Swim once in a while,
out your meals at least 6 hours
when you do, you’ve
between eachother for optimal
gotta ensure full arm
HGH release!
activation and leg
activation, also
STEP 5) Further ways to mega- weight yourself down
boost HGH for growth include: with something to
Sun exposure to gain Vitamin D, apply pressure on the
eating a handful of almonds bone. Do this for an
each day to increase niacin HOUR a week + combine
intake, having an intake of a sauna visit to
Grass Fed protein sources. boost HGH by 2,000%.
#2.6: THE
How activating muscle and bones in yoga can make you grow!

1) Hanging by your arms or 2) Cobra stretch.

feet. This is by far the MOST Another particularly
effective ANCIENT method to effective ANCIENT
enable spinal decompression, do stretch that enables
it once a day at night for 2 decompression, pair
mins! this with the hanging
motion, to achieve
full decompression!
This aids the spine
3) Pullups. These are
and gut-area’s
excellent at building decompression
muscles, as well as
activating similar 4) The Ancient Chi
spinal benefits as method has been used
hanging by your arms, in the past by those
looking to grow,
although the repeated
whilst it provides
motions of going down instant height gain,
aid EVEN more spinal this is not through
decompression. It’s the bone, it’s the
potential you lack
suggested that 2 inches due to modern habits!
of our body can be Next section we’ll
gained through discuss how to grow
So, several methods have been discussed! Time for you
to get to work and see what they can do for you...
Although, you’re probably gonna want to see what lies
ahead in the next chapter (SPOILER: It’s an ABSOLUTE
goldmine of advice...)

Yes, we’ve discussed how anyone can grow taller in

this chapter, by harnessing powers of nutrition,
ancient yoga, hormone optimisation and bone
fracturing. These methods are definitely NOT
mainstream, but the next chapter is even more

So, you’ve probably heard about growth plates and the

so-called fact that if they are closed you will not grow
taller anymore!

Science is progressing every day and new scientific

evidence has suggested that growing taller can occur at
any age, so this may be because of the fact that your
growth plates never close, and I will explain the full
science of this what growth plates are in the following

But before you need to know what growth plates are and
how they work. So, these growth plates are thin layers of
cartilage sitting at the end of your bones, known as the
epiphyseal plates in science.
Guys, the type of cartilage of which your
growth plates are made is different from
the cartilage you would find for example in
your ears. Whilst your ears contain elastic
cartilage, the growth plates contain a type
known as hyaline cartilage, so you’ve gotta
remember this term, because we’ll return
to it later in the video.

So this is how growth plates work. Most of

the longitudinal bone growth in Children
and Teens comes from the epiphyseal

But, how does this process actually work?

It all happens through a process called

endochondral ossification.
So, in this, the epiphyseal plates are made
out of loads of cartilage cells which are
called chondrocytes.

Keep in mind, these chondrocytes have

the ability to slowly, but surely turn into
bone cells.

And to put it more simply cartilage cells

will turn into bone. When you’re going
through a growth spurt your cartilage is
growing in size. Each time it grows, some
of the cartilage turns into bone, and this
process occurs within your growth plates
until the entire cartilage has turned into

At this stage it’s fully ossified.

According to most scientists, now, your growth
plates have closed and there is no way for you
to grow taller anymore, but this is only a half

While it is true that your epiphyseal cartilage

has mostly closed down your growth plates
are still actually open and you will still be able
to grow taller!

For this you need to remember which type of

cartilage the epiphyseal plates are made of
which I told you at the beginning of this
chapter, hyaline cartilage is what the
epiphyseal plates are made out of.
Another type of cartilage, the articular
cartilage is located in your knees, ankles,
spine and other places.

This type of cartilage never fully ossifies,

because it would turn your body into
completely bone, and you wouldn't be able to

But, while the articular chondrocytes can't turn

into bone, they can turn into epiphyseal
chondrocytes and those do have the ability to
turn into bone this means that you can turn
the articular cartilage in your knees, ankles
and spine into your own growth plates and to
make things even better!
The articular cartilage never closes, or
better said your growth plates never

But how do you trigger growth plates

trigger this change where the articular
chondrocytes change into epiphyseal
chondrocytes it all comes down to a
stimuli which triggers this change and
there are two types of stimuli which are
important here mechanical stimuli and
chemical stimuli

Now, when we talk about mechanical

stimuli, we’re on about the force that
transfers over to the bone!
These stimuli can come from landing on your
feet and letting your bones absorb all the force,
they can come from the constant force and pull
of your muscles during - for example - an arm
wrestling match, or they can come from a
combination of both, which would happen when
you sprint.

What is important is that the exercises

you use to generate these
mechanical stimuli generate
tensional force, and not a
compressive Force, since tension on
the bones will stimulate them to
increase in length, whilst compressive
forces stimulate the bone to become
Now, the second thing you need
is Chemical stimuli. When I say
chemical I'm not talking about
injecting chemicals like plastic
in your body!

No! I am talking about

chemicals that occur naturally
in your body such as hormones,
growth factors and certain

So, the most important

chemicals are the hormone
HGH and the growth factor igf-1.
HGH is created by your pituitary gland and is the
precursor of igf-1, and so if you want to increase
the levels of igf-1 in your body - you’d first of all
need to obtain higher levels of HGH to increase
HGH in your body.

You can do the following things:

First, eat at least 125 grams of protein, daily amino

acids which are in protein, and are absolutely
essential to increase HGH levels. So, for example
the amino acid L-Arginine has the power to
increase HGH levels by 400 percent. Moreover,
take a testosterone boosting supplement such as
the one recommended at the start of the book.
And second of all, sleep. Third one is some good
old sprinting, and this one is very easy you will
need to do 8 lots of 200 meter sprints, where you
just go at the maximum speed you can, and so
between each Sprint you take one to three
minutes of rest , and you’ll do this two to three
times per week. As a result, you’ll experience a big
increase in growth hormone levels
Whilst these three things I just listed will already
increase igf-1, you need to do another thing too!

Igf-1 stands for insulin like growth factor one, and the
name already gives it away!

Insulin is crucial for the creation of this growth factor,

and so is HGH!

The problem is that insulin and HGH are antagonistic,

meaning that if insulin raises HGH goes down!!

This is why if you want to have the highest levels of

igf-1 you can have, you need to have high levels of
HGH before you spike your insulin.

This is why I recommend the following: just eat high

amounts of protein the entire day, and then in the
afternoon or evening you'll do some Sprints, assuring
that your HGH levels Spike!

Then after you complete the Sprints you want to spike

your insulin with a meal containing lots of carbs or
drink some milk, with two to three tablespoons of
white sugar.

So guys, this brings me to one of the final chapters! I’m

hoping you’re ready to see how I grew SO tall! Thing is, it’s
gonna be quite a long one so stick with it!

...But, the length of it is soley down to the fact that it’s

PACKED full of GOLDEN tips that’ll increase your height

So, make sure you’ve got your supplements ready, this

one’s gonna be a CRAZY, value-packed guide!
We'll begin with meditation.

It's been shown again and again to improve health by lowering cortisol,
which enables optimal testosterone production for you guys out there,
and increases Growth Hormone levels!!

Do it for just 10 minutes before you sleep, that's how I personally got

So, I know you guys will be wondering how do I meditate?

Well, the best type of meditation you can do is known as dot

meditation. It's the best for activating the pituitary gland so it releases
Growth Hormone!!

You'll want to write this down: start by marking a red dot on paper,
draw a pea-sized black circle around the red dot and stick this paper
on the wall.

Now, place the paper on the wall so it's around 25 to 30 centimeters

away from your face. Once this is done, line up your eyebrow with the
red dot on the wall, so your eyebrows and the dot are level.

Stare at the dot now for 5 minutes and try not to blink! The dot may
start looking hazy, and this is a good thing guys!

After those 5 or so minutes are up, you’ll close your eyes and should
now get the image of the dot in your head!
So now meditation has been discussed, it’s on
to exercise!

This was covered earlier in the guides, and

exercise can statistically increase Growth
Hormone by up to 400 percent after a few

But guys, avoid deadlifts and overhead

exercises, these will compress your spine!
Playing a sport is best, especially basketball, this
explains why athletes are so tall!

I incorporate a 30 to 60 minute walk each day, 8

lots of 200 meter sprints twice a week and some
High intensity training, all this should be in your
routine, and WILL dramatically boost Growth
Hormone and Testosterone, as well as aiding
bone fracturing processes involved in limb
Now let’s talk about sleep, which is the most
important thing for growing taller since most HGH
and growing is done then.

It's important to establish a sleep and wake cycle

so your body knows when to sleep and produce

Try to get 9 hours or so with a light nap in the

afternoon. Make sure there's zero light in your room
and that it's cool for optimal rest.

Also, put a fan on low and turn off all electronics as

the frequencies & radiation they emit can cause
cancer in later life, and will disrupt the sleep cycle.

Sleeping position is also important. Mattresses

don't support the spine properly, causing
compression and damage. I sleep on my back or in
a fetal position.
And now it’s my favorite part, the diet!

This is possibly the most fun part of your growing tall journey, it’s easy
to control and can be tasty!

So you’re gonna want to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, they

contain lots of minerals, especially potassium which is hard to get.

Also, they actually contain aromatase inhibitors meaning they reduce

estrogen, which is a great thing if you want to delay growth plate

But, the amount of food you eat is just as important as sleep! I’d aim
for 2500 to 3000 calories. You’ve gotta eat plenty of meat & eggs
since they are so nutrient dense.

I also do this, but it’s entirely optional and may seem weird to you
guys, have 2 spoonfuls of non-oxidized Olive oil each day. Olive has
healthy fats, is nutrient dense, and contains polyphenols that lower
estrogen and oxidants.

Supplements have already been covered, but I’ll go over some more
essentials here, too! It couldn’t hurt, could it?

In addition to the ones that are recommended inside our 6 Foot 6

Method, I’d recommend electrolytes, these are important for bone
growth and overall health!

So, that’s a wrap! We’ve discussed food, and now it’s time for the yoga
You’ve gotta decompress your spine,
it’s so important for bone growth and
WILL add an inch to anyone’s height!!
This is crazy simple to do as well! Hang
on a bar for 3 minutes in the morning,
and 3 minutes in the evening. Then do
an upward dog, cat pose and y pose
each morning too!! That’s all you’ve
gotta do to gain an extra inch! simple!

Now we’re gonna discuss the sauna

quickly, I’ve already mentioned that I do
this twice a week, so do that for 30
minutes two times a week!!
So, estrogen speeds up the closing of
growth plates so it's important we
reduce it. This exclusive blend will also
allow you to increase your
testosterone and other health

Get your pens ready, it consists of: 2

kiwis, 1 diced lemon, 1 cup of diced
broccoli, a chunk of ginger, 2 diced
bananas, and obviously water if
you’re looking to make this a
smoothie! If not, try and mix these in
with your meals!

You’re welcome!
avoid these!
But now we’re gonna talk about what you’ve gotta

First, sugar - it decreases Growth Hormone and

test levels. Second, masturbating, which can
increase the number of estrogen receptors in your
body, sorry boys!! Third, it’s caffeine, which raises
cortisol and adrenaline, but lowers growth
Hormone and test levels. It also makes you feel
thirstier, and depletes mineral stores in the body,
oof that’s not too good, is it?

I’ve got some final words, and these are to avoid

drinking too much milk, and try to find raw milk to
gain all the nutrient benefits! The fact is that
supermarket milk commonly contains estrogenic
hormones that mess with your body, so raw milk is
much better for you!

Xenoestrogens are in plastics and unnatural soaps

or skincare products, guys you’ve gotta try and
remain 100% natural and organic with your



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