6FT6 Method 1
6FT6 Method 1
6FT6 Method 1
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You see, it’s a well known fact that being short can
disadvantage your life in many ways. You’ll get less
women, be less elite at sports such as basketball, and
EVEN suffer consequences in your work life. In short,
people don’t place the same importance on you if
you’re short.
But fear not, you’re not going to always be like this. And
if you’re already fairly tall, you're at an even better
starting point. I myself suffered from shortness all
through my teenage years, and my main reason for
creating this guide is to help you guys out. From 5”9 at
the age of 18, to 6”6 at the age of 25, my story serves
as a reminder of just how possible it is to grow taller.
The saying goes “you pay for our knowledge”. And our
knowledge of nutrition and supplements is trusted, so
don’t go buying any odd supplement brand - it could
seriously affect your results.
Before we get into the first method, I’ve saved you time
and made this eBook easily digestible for you guys. This
means you can start your routine as soon as possible.
#1: hormone
Now, you can get HGH from the Doctor, but injections are
unsafe and only prescribed for people with extreme
growth disabilities. It’s also extremely artificial and
expensive, so is impractical in a health and price sense.
Don’t worry though, our blueprint will teach you how to
NATURALLY have a huge HGH boost.
1.1 (This means part one of chapter These supplements are cost
one). Here we’re gonna cover the best effective, and mean you don’t have
supplements to boost Growth. to go shelling-out loads of money on
Supplements are BY-FAR the best way growing taller. There’s 2 in total that
to boost HGH, and bone growth as they help boost essential hormones and
provide us with essential vitamins and processes for growth. They’ve also
nutrients that can’t be gained naturally worked wonders for our past
through food-sources. students.
1 - VITAMIN D3 & K2
Vitamin D3 is actually not a Vitamin at ALL. It’s a steroid hormone that regulates
1,000 human genes!
The University of Geneve, Italy found that Vitamin D is highly related to bone-
growth. And later it became clear that it also enables production of HGH levels.
Add to the fact that Vitamin D3 also increases testosterone, and you have an all
in-in-one supplement.
1. VITAMIN D3 + K2
Vitamin D3 is actually not a Vitamin at ALL. It’s a steroid hormone that regulates 1,000
human genes!
The University of Geneve, Italy found that Vitamin D is highly related to bone-growth.
And later it became clear that it also enables production of HGH levels.
Add to the fact that Vitamin D3 also increases testosterone, and you have an all in-in-
one supplement.
Boost your facial
bone development
Increase testosterone
Increase HGH and
shin bone production
...Now, Vitamin K2 essentially performs a BONUS function which’ll really help you guys out
here. It’s unrelated to height, but another golden nugget.
K2 increases bone growth in the jaw, increasing your gonial angle and width of your jaw.
Basically, it aids the development of a masculine jawline.
Now, as promised I’ve linked this first VITAL supplement. You can get it here, and I
recommend getting it right now, as it’s a popular option for my students - and regularly
out of stock.
This is a blend of both, so you get to save the cost by having 2-in-1. It’s genius!
So the question here is how do we lower estrogen, and override these levels with
If you wanna reduce chances of estrogen production, you can reduce body fat, intake
minimal soy products, as well as these reducing intake of these foods.
Combine this supplement with one of the 2 HGH boosters we’ve covered so far,
and you’ll see CRAZY growth results. The HGH booster is increasing the hormone
production, and Testosterone Booster stops the Growth Plates closing! WEorking
hand in hand!
STEP 2) HGH is
STEP 1) We’ve discussed the
released during the
sauna earlier! Actually going
midnight hours of 10-
into the sauna for 30 mins a
12PM, as studies have
day can increase HGH by 500%,
shown. Not only is it
so do this twice a week!
important to sleep 9-
11 hours, but it’s
also important to
STEP 3) Fasting. I don’t mean follow the Circadian
going to the extreme and Rhythm for sleep
fasting for days on end, what I patterns.
mean is even the simplest
fasting plan can DRAMATICALLY
STEP 4) Swimming.
increase HGH. Ensure to space
Swim once in a while,
out your meals at least 6 hours
when you do, you’ve
between eachother for optimal
gotta ensure full arm
HGH release!
activation and leg
activation, also
STEP 5) Further ways to mega- weight yourself down
boost HGH for growth include: with something to
Sun exposure to gain Vitamin D, apply pressure on the
eating a handful of almonds bone. Do this for an
each day to increase niacin HOUR a week + combine
intake, having an intake of a sauna visit to
Grass Fed protein sources. boost HGH by 2,000%.
#2.6: THE
How activating muscle and bones in yoga can make you grow!
But before you need to know what growth plates are and
how they work. So, these growth plates are thin layers of
cartilage sitting at the end of your bones, known as the
epiphyseal plates in science.
Guys, the type of cartilage of which your
growth plates are made is different from
the cartilage you would find for example in
your ears. Whilst your ears contain elastic
cartilage, the growth plates contain a type
known as hyaline cartilage, so you’ve gotta
remember this term, because we’ll return
to it later in the video.
Igf-1 stands for insulin like growth factor one, and the
name already gives it away!
It's been shown again and again to improve health by lowering cortisol,
which enables optimal testosterone production for you guys out there,
and increases Growth Hormone levels!!
Do it for just 10 minutes before you sleep, that's how I personally got
You'll want to write this down: start by marking a red dot on paper,
draw a pea-sized black circle around the red dot and stick this paper
on the wall.
Stare at the dot now for 5 minutes and try not to blink! The dot may
start looking hazy, and this is a good thing guys!
After those 5 or so minutes are up, you’ll close your eyes and should
now get the image of the dot in your head!
So now meditation has been discussed, it’s on
to exercise!
This is possibly the most fun part of your growing tall journey, it’s easy
to control and can be tasty!
But, the amount of food you eat is just as important as sleep! I’d aim
for 2500 to 3000 calories. You’ve gotta eat plenty of meat & eggs
since they are so nutrient dense.
I also do this, but it’s entirely optional and may seem weird to you
guys, have 2 spoonfuls of non-oxidized Olive oil each day. Olive has
healthy fats, is nutrient dense, and contains polyphenols that lower
estrogen and oxidants.
Supplements have already been covered, but I’ll go over some more
essentials here, too! It couldn’t hurt, could it?
So, that’s a wrap! We’ve discussed food, and now it’s time for the yoga
You’ve gotta decompress your spine,
it’s so important for bone growth and
WILL add an inch to anyone’s height!!
This is crazy simple to do as well! Hang
on a bar for 3 minutes in the morning,
and 3 minutes in the evening. Then do
an upward dog, cat pose and y pose
each morning too!! That’s all you’ve
gotta do to gain an extra inch! simple!
You’re welcome!
avoid these!
But now we’re gonna talk about what you’ve gotta