Yra-3rd Class - Building - Archi - Urban Planning-2
Yra-3rd Class - Building - Archi - Urban Planning-2
Yra-3rd Class - Building - Archi - Urban Planning-2
Chapter 3:
•Urban Planning,
•Urban Building (Expansion/ Improvement),
•Urban Management…
• City planning focuses on the land use plans, spatial growth and
policies which are at local level (affecting that particular city or town),
whereas in case of regional planning the emphasis on the policies is
• Regional Planner/ Urban Planner: they develop land use plans and programs
that help create communities, accommodate population growth, and
revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas
Lewis Mumford- The city in its complete sense, then, is a geographic plexus,
an economic organization, an institutional process, a theater of social action,
and an aesthetic symbol of collective unity.
• ………
• New Delhi
• Rajbiraj
• Islamabad
• Surkhet
• Chandigarh
• Pokhara
Latest: • Mahendranagar
• Masdar City, UAE (planning by Norman • …
Foster & Partners
• Land availability
• Lack of investment
• Environmental degradation
Two major components play role for the evolution and development of
settlements are: Geography (Space & Environment) and social sciences
(Society, Economy and Culture).
Government attempts influence the pattern of settlement system by spatial
resource allocation
• 1980s to half of 90s- Basic Need concept (IRDPs form different donors
• After 90s priority focused on poverty reduction/ HD/ to achieve MDGs
• Regional concept was never realized. Successive plans under-valued
the potential benefits of regional development
Plans, Policies and Legislative Provision … …
Chronology of Some Planning Efforts:
• Town Development Committee Act 1963
• Resource allocation
• Inclusion
• Capacity building
• Shift from 3D (distant, dispersed & disconnected) to 3C (compact,
connected & coordinated)
• Village
• Hamlet • Rural Settlements
• Scattered
• Isolated house
Housing & Urban Planning
3.1 Hierarchy of Urban Settlements
• The Cross Road/ ToD: simplest form of the community. It is the place for
rest , food and exchange of materials
• The Primary Agricultural Community : is the service areas for the rural
• The Commercial City: the business ventures, the exchange, the dealings in
commodity take place
• The Industrial City: raw and partly processed materials are turned into
finished goods
• The Transportation City: city is located at the centre of the transportation
• The Recreational City: because of climate and other amenities , attracts
people for recreational purpose
• The Educational Cities: a major educational institution or group of
institutions constitute the primary functions of the urban area
• The Health Cities:
• The Mining Community: extraction of the material forms the economic
base of the community
• The Administrative Centre: center for the governmental activities
• The Economic Centre Housing & Urban Planning
3.3 Base Map (आधार नक्श)
• A base map is the graphic
representation at a specified scale of
selected fundamental map
information; used as a framework upon
which additional data of a specialized
nature may be compiled
• Is the map having all the data, figures
and all the existing elments
• Is used for the preparation of master
plan and other plans
• Is the key tool to formulate the plan
• Gives glimpse of the site/ town
• Scale generally 1:1000 or larger as per
• Base line information - Data used for
the comparison & analysis
Housing & Urban Planning
3.3 Base Map
• Is the map having all the data, figures and all the existing ements
• Is used for the preparation of master plan and other plans
• Is the key tool to formulate the plan
• Gives glimpse of the site/ town
• Scale generally 1:1000 or larger as per requirement
• Base line information - Data used for the comparison & analysis
• Urban land use comprises two elements; the nature of land use relates to which
activities are taking place where and the level of spatial accumulation, which
indicates their intensity and concentration.
• The connotation of land use planning includes three major components: (1) land; (2)
the way land is used; and (3) the rational organization of that use in the future
Housing & Urban Planning
3.6 Building Bylaws
• Building bylaws are set of rules for control of land use
and construction of a building in a particular area of a
• These are the rules and regulations framed by town
planning authorities covering the requirement of
building, ensuring safety of the public through open
Planning and
spaces, minimum size of rooms and height and area
limitations etc.
• Building bylaws are sometime correlate and sometime 2062,
differentiate from building code, which generally deals 2064, 2072
with structural stability, safety and functional
requirement of people reside in it.
• Bylaws generally control exterior features of a building
such as area& uses, set back, GCR, height, light plane,
projections, façade requirement, parking facilities,
utilities etc.
Housing & Urban Planning
3.6 Building Bylaws
• Preplanning of building activities, orderly growth,
ensure safety/ comfort, efficiency, proper utilization
of space.
• RoW of roads, frontage line, minimum area, FAR, Planning and
GCR, height, water supply/ drainge, lightings, safety, Building
parking sapce,… projections, mezzanine floors, Bye-laws-
compound walls, requirement of basement, plinth 2062,
height, plot size, setback… 2064, 2072
• Planning and Building Bye-laws- 2062, 2064, 2072
Planning and
2064, 2072
• Institutional setup
• Time frame
• 12 steps planning process
Major Components of PP
1. Land- use Planning,
2. Land Pooling, Integrated Settlement & housing
3. Local Transportation
4. Public Infrastructure Development
5. Local Economic Development
6. Environment Conservation
7. Socio- cultural Development
8. Institutional Development
9. DRR & Resilient Development
Housing & Urban Planning
3.7 Periodic Plans for Local Authorities
Conservation & Reconstruction (Tourism Development)
• Lacking spatial
• The desired
integration would
only be possible
through the design of
the spatial planning
framework brought
through reforms in
the existing town
planning legislations.
• स्थानी सरकार स�ालन ऐन, २०७४ को गाउँपा�लका तथा नगरपा�लकाको काम, कतर्व र
अ�धकार अन्तगर दफा ११ (५) क २, सोह� ऐनको दफा २७ (५), ३२ र ४४ समेत
वस्त तथा जग्ग �वकास, आवास, भवन तथा अन् सं रचना �नमार् सम्बन्ध संघीय र �दे श
मापदण् पालना गनुर पन� व्यवस् भएको
• National Urban Policy -2064
Balanced Urban Development
Improvement of Urban Environment
Enhancement of Local Authority Housing & Urban Planning
3.8 Planning Legislations of Nepal
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Hospital 16 to 25 bed
• Government Institutions
• Investment Board
• Province- MoID/ UDBOs, Planning Commission
• Local- Local Government/ CPC
• Non-Governmental Actors
• TLO, CBOs, User Committee
• I/NGOs- JICA, GiZ, Lumanti
• Bilateral/ Multilateral Agencies- ADB, WB, DFID,…
• Professional Organizations- NUF, RUPSON, SoNA
• Consultant/ Contractors/Developers/ Investors…
• Urban Governance vs Planning/ Development (infrastructure
- Prevention of deterioration
- Preservation
- Consolidation - use of strengthening materials
- Restoration - elements of original state
- Re - production - copy- construction
- Renovation - Reassemble after dismantling
- Re- integration - monuments may under go major change
- Rehabilitation - adopting as new use
3.13 Settlement Planning for Disaster Mitigation
Major Disasters in Nepal
Settlement type/ pattern
• Earthquake
• Urban/ Rural settlement
• Land Slide
• Clustered/ dispersed
• Flood/ inundation settlement/ ribbon
• Fire • Formal/ informal (Slum/
• pandemic
• Thunderbolt
Human settlement sensitivity
• Tornado
in different eco-region
• Avalanche/ Glacier lake burst,
• Mountain
• unexpected weather
• Hill/ valley
• बस्तीम खोला पसेको नभै
खोलामा बस्त पसेको... • Terai/ inner Terai
DRR/M in
Disaster Cycle
Housing & Urban Planning
Current Status
Sub City (10,000 to 5% of total sub city area Neighborhood Park 1 @ 800 population (0.4 ha per site)
40,000 population ) (with play equipment) 1 @ 10000 population (1 ha per site)
Local Park
City: (40,000 + to 1 5% of total city area Neighborhood Park 1 @ 800 population( 0.4 ha per site)
lakhs) (with play equipment) 1 @ 10000 population(1 ha per site
Local Park Community 1 @ 20000 population (2 ha per site)
Park 1 @ each city
Parade Ground
Sub Metro City: (1 5% of total sub metro city area 1 @ 800 population (0.4 ha per site)
lakh + to 3 lakhs Neighborhood Park (with play equipment) 1 @ 10000 population (1 ha per site)
population) Local Park Community Park 1 @ 20000 population (2 ha per site)
Zoo park 1
Specialized Park
Metro City: (Above 3 5% of total metro city area 1 @ 800 population (0.4 ha)
lakhs) Neighborhood Park (with play equipment) 1 @ 10000 population (1 ha)
Local Park Community Park 1 @ 20000 population (2 ha)
District/ Regional Parks 1 @ 50000 population
3.13 Settlement Planning for Disaster Mitigation
Mainstreaming DRM
Development Planning
• Policy/ planning
• Building
• Expansion/ improvement
• management
Infrastructure Planning :
- It determines the trend of magnitude and location of
urbanization as it shapes and controls the population
Housing & Urban Planning
Planning Theories, Spatial Planning Modalities
Flow Chart Integrated Action Planning
Community consultation Assessment Physical and
and Analysis Environmental Analysis
Tentative Projects
Structure Planning
• A structure plan is a planning document used to manage growth and
change. ... Is a framework to manage urban development and growth
opportunities and provide sustainable outcomes. These include social,
community and physical infrastructure for existing and future residents.
The terms strategic plan and master plan are often used interchangeably, but as
explained, they differ substantially.
• Consensus building
• Error in land records
• Differences in the actual land and the area of land in the
land certificate
• Influence by the land broker
• Conflict of interest of staffs
• Lengthy process
• Not backup with financial & work plan
1. Land- pooling manual, 2. Land Pooling- where, why & how? 3. ADB, Article
3.19 Squatters and Slums
• Illegal, unauthorized & informal Slums
settlement • Legal but sub-standard
• Encroachment of public space
• overcrowded, poor condition
• Usually unsafe areas unhealthy environment
vulnerable to highly polluted
• Issue of squatters is still unaddressed
• Some are decade old and some are new • Gentrification of traditional city
communities in KTM core
• Inadequate infrastructure/
• An increasing trend of these settlements
has significant impacts in the local
• Lack of maintenance,
environment of the valley.
• In KTM Valley altogether 46 squatters-
2735 households - 12726 people
• Along the bank of the river
Government initiation:
• Lack of pro-poor governance
Ichangu Narayan Apartment building for • Identification of proper HH
urban poor.
Housing & Urban Planning
3.20 Private Housing Development
Private Housing Initiation
• Owner-driven system to developer- built
• Social commodity to commercial
commodity… Other than
७ कायार्ल भवन १ १
८ अन् ३ ३
City Village
Linking Factors
Road +Transportation Agriculture production
Goods / Services
system Raw materials
Technology Handicrafts
Service Delivery
Employment system Human resource
Housing & Urban Planning
1. Rastria Awas Yojana, 2071 (www.moud.gov.np)
3.22 Prospects of Apartments and Group Housing in
Apartments & Group Housing
• Urbanization increases major urban centers- Kathmandu Valley,
Pokhara & Terai Towns
• Land resources are scarce in urban areas, so they are not accessible to
the poverty section of the society. Similar problems lies in
accessibility of financial resources, as no BFI offer loans to poor
without collateral. 56 % families in Ktm valley lives in rented rooms.
Though rental housing has not systematized. Hence, alternative
supply of land and dwelling unit is necessary.
• Started after the structural change in National Economy with
adaptation of market economy after 1991
• 94 % of urban land supply from private sector…
• Developer- built housing & apartments are being new culture…
Housing & Urban Planning
3.22 Prospects of Apartments and Group Housing in
Apartments & Group Housing
• Towering the troubles with lack of timely revision of prevailing
legislative previsions, and monitoring and Evaluation
• Neglecting neighborhood, disturb during the time of construction –
transportation of construction materials, Ground water depletion
• Conflict in use of common space/ facilities
• Lapses and loopholes
• No post evaluation mechanisms
• Procedural perils