Orientation 1 Discuss these questions with other students.
2 What information does the bar chart on page 11 contain?
b Make true starements about these countries.
(Nigeria Romania USA/Mesico Australia/Russia
2 Discuss these questions.
‘a What factors could explain why the populations of some countries are happier
than the populations of others?
b_ IFyour country is listed in the bar chart, do you think itis a true reflection of
the people of your country? IFit is not shown, where would you place it on the
Reading for gist 3 Read the text The pursuit of happiness and say which ofthese general topics i coves.
+ the growch in the academie study oF happiness
+ reasons for being unhappy
Read texts quikly to get a
ese EES oC bar ferace (>it cleunctomsbesteer te ocless ail sacral cance teen eS te
aout + links between wealth, consumerism and happiness
+ how people’s happiness affects the jobs they do
+ cultural attitudes towards happiness
4 Which parts ofthe text deal with the four eopics you have identified?
The pursuit of |...
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[ff ow 2 we supposed to find” Happiness Stadies. As a result, government
happiness? Through good works policy advisers aze getting interested, and
| and helping people? By finding politicians ae using the research a5 the basis
=| religion or discovering the joys of for new strategies.
sdownshifting? Whatever strategy you
choose, where you live might make a 2% What above all else has made systematic
difference. The latest global analysis of study possible is dara gathered Grom
happiness and satisfaction levels shows thar hundreds of surveys measuring. happiness
the most ‘satisfied? people tend to live in across. different culeures, profeccions,
ve Latin America, Western Europe and North religions, and socio-economic groups
‘America, whereas Eastern Europeans are the 3° Researchers can investigate the impact of
Tease satisfied money and inequality ehey could explore, for
‘example, how much difference money makes
Tr is not che frst time such incernational ro a person's happiness after they basie
league tables have been drawn up. What is material needs have been mee, and whether
1s newishow experts and poltiiansare aking 3s inequality in wealth and status is as
such data increasingly seriously. Over the important a source of dissatisfaction as we
pastdecade, the study happiness, formerly might think. is am exciting area says Rut
the preserve of philosophers therapists and Veenhoven, edicorinchief of the Jorma! of
gurus, has become a bona fide discipline. It Happines: Stdie. “We can now show which
2 even has its own journal, che Journal of 0 behaviours ae risky as far as happiness goes,
10 uri
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