Ferrum Phosphoricum
Ferrum Phosphoricum
Ferrum Phosphoricum
FUNCTION 1;- Ferrum phos. is the oxygen- carrier. it gives strength & toughness to
the circular walls of the blood vessel mainly arteries.
FUNCTION 2:- When there is loss of Ferrum in muscular cells & intestinal walls the
peristaltic motion of the intestinal canal is retarded leading to constipation.
FUNCTION 4:- Ferrum toughens the cellular structure in the circular walls of the blood
vessel. So lack of iron leads to breaking down of minute vessel leading to heamorrhage
from any orifices.
FUNCTION 5:- Ferrum phos. Help in the action of other salts like Kali Sulph , Nat.
mur., Kali mur. Calc. Phos. Their actions are increased when each of them is mixed with
Ferrum phos.
(Oxygen carrier)
Blood , blood vessel, fibrous tissue, muscle, joint, GIT, ovaries.
In early stages of febrile conditions, it stands mid way between sthenic activity of
Aconite & Bell. & the asthenic sluggishness & torpidity of Gels.
The typical Ferr. Phos. Subject is not full blooded
& robust, but nervous, sensitive, anaemic with the false plethora & easy flushing of
ferrum. Prostration marked. Face is more active than Gels. Pulse soft & flowing.
Susceptibility to chest troubles. Bronchitis of young children. In acute exacerbation of
tuberculosis, a fine palliative of wonderful power. Corresponds to Grauvogl’s oxygenoid
constitution; the inflammatory, febrile, emaciating, wasting consumptive.
Ferr. Phos 3x increases haemoglobin. In pale,
anaemic subjects with violent local congestion. Hemorrhage bright, from any orifices.
HEAD:- Soreness to touch, agg. Cold, noise, jar. Ill effect of sun heat. Throbbing
sensation. Vertigo. Headache better cold applications.
EYES:- Red inflamed, with burning sensation. Feeling as of sand under lids.
EARS:- Noises. Throbbing. First stage of otitis. Membrana tympani red & bulging.
NOSE: - First stage of cold in the head. Epistaxis, bright red blood.
FACE: - Flushed; cheeks sore & hot. Florid complexion. Facial neuralgia.
THROAT: - Ulcerated sore throat of singers. Sub-acute laryngitis with fauces inflamed
& red. First stage of diphtheria.
STOMACH: - Aversion to milk & meat. Desire for stimulants. Vomiting of undigested
food. Sour eructation’s.
URINARY: - Urine spurts with every cough. Incontinence. Irritation at neck of bladder.
FEMALE: - Menses every three weeks, with bearing down sensation & pain on top of
head. Vaginismus. Vagina dry & hot.
HEART: - Palpitation; pulse rapid. First stage of cardiac disease. Short, quick, soft
EXTREMITIES: - Stiff neck. Articular rheumatism. Rheumatic pain in shoulder, pain
extend to chest & wrist. Whitlow. Hands swollen & painful.
FEVER: - Chill daily at 1 pm. All catarrhal & inflammatory fever; first stage.
WORSE- at night & 4 to 6 pm; touch, jar, motion, right side.
BETTER- cold applications.
Feverish initial stages of diseases. Anaemia, Chlorosis, Leuchorrhoea, Migraine,
headaches especially in cases of anaemia, Muscular & Articular rheumatism, Acute &
subacute gastroenteritis, Pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia, otits media, initial stage of
angina, toothache caused by acute pulpitis.